Mozzarella salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. Greek salad with mozzarella. How to Make Mozzarella Salad with Dried Tomatoes and Bacon

Published: 20.11.2017
Posted by: Dryad
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 6 min

Italian mozzarella cheese, due to its almost neutral taste, is often used not only in pastries (in pizzas, in calzones), but also in salads. This cheese is easy to combine with other products and is good in both hot and cold dishes. It turns out very tasty salad with mozzarella, tomatoes and cucumbers. The recipe with step by step photos will show you how to make it. Vegetable juice and dressing add a special flavor to neutral mozzarella.


- 50g mozzarella cheese,
- 3 tomatoes,
- half a cucumber
- 6 olives,
- a quarter of an onion,
- a third of a lemon
- olive oil,
- dried oregano,
- salt.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Cut the onion into rings, tomatoes and cucumber into large cubes. By the way, if you are a fan of salads from these vegetables, I recommend that you try

Put the vegetables in a bowl. Cut the mozzarella into slices and then into medium-sized cubes. Olives need to take the sweetest and largest. We cut olives.

Mix the chopped ingredients, squeeze the lemon juice. Salt and season with dried oregano.

Dress the salad with olive oil, mix and serve immediately until the tomatoes have released all their juice.

I often make this salad in the summer when I need to make something quick and nutritious.
Enjoy your meal!

Detailed recipes and step-by-step photos will help you prepare the most delicious mozzarella salad for your table!

  • Mozzarella cheese - 100 grams;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • lettuce leaves - 3 pieces;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • onions / 14 heads;
  • green onions - 5-6 feathers;
  • olives - 10 pieces;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • sesame - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Open a jar of mozzarella. It should be white in color and odorless.

We take the mozzarella out of the jar and let it dry while we cut the rest of the ingredients.

Onions are peeled, washed, wiped with a napkin. Cut into small cubes.

Dip lettuce leaves in ice water. You can also use sorrel greens. It must be washed well.

Tear the lettuce leaves into a deep salad bowl with your hands.

Add onion to salad.

Wash the cherry tomatoes, remove the tails and rinse under water. Cut cherry tomatoes into 4 pieces.

We wash the bell pepper. We remove the seeds. Cut into strings.

Add tomatoes to salad.

We also send bell peppers there. Cut the mozzarella into slices.

Leave a couple of plates for decoration, the rest - a cube.

Mix mozzarella with vegetables.

Remove the olives from the jar and dry. Cut each olive into 2 pieces.

Add olives to salad.

Salad salt. Pour the sesame into a dry frying pan.

Roast the sesame until cooked.

Sprinkle the golden sesame seeds over the salad.

Mix salad with mozzarella cheese with olive oil and soy sauce. Green onion cut into rings.

Serve salad with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with green onions on top.

Recipe 2: salad with arugula and mozzarella (step by step)

  • arugula - 1 bunch (about 70 g);
  • cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.;
  • mozzarella cheese - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - ½ tbsp. spoons.

We extract the mozzarella from the whey. We allow the liquid to drain, after which we cut the snow-white cheese into small cubes.

After removing the stalks, clean and dry cherry tomatoes are divided in half.

We wash the arugula, put it in a colander. When the greens are dry, transfer them to a salad bowl / bowl. We do not regret the greens, in this case it should make up the main volume of our dish! Add cherry halves and white cheese cubes to arugula.

In a separate bowl, prepare a simple dressing: mix balsamic vinegar with oil. Throw in a pinch of freshly ground pepper if desired.

You can do without vinegar, filling the dish with only oil or a mixture of oil and lemon juice.

Pour salad with arugula, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella light dressing. Stir gently, season with salt if necessary. Divide the mix of ingredients between bowls and serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Salad with Mozzarella and Cucumbers (with photo)

  • crab sticks - 150 gr
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • mozzarella - 125 gr
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • lettuce - 30 gr
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.
  • salt - to taste

The sequence of cutting components does not matter. Finely chop crab sticks.

We put the chopped crab sticks in a salad bowl.

Then finely chop one large tomato or two small ones.

We put the tomato to the crab sticks.

Finely chop one fresh cucumber.

Add the chopped cucumber to the salad.

Lettuce leaves are also cut. Now it is fashionable to tear it with your hands, but I stick to the old traditions and cut it anyway. You will need 4-5 lettuce leaves.

Add salad to bowl.

And finally the mozzarella. The package contained 125 grams of this cheese. Enough for a salad.

Put the mozzarella in the salad.

Mix all the ingredients and season with lemon juice, refined sunflower oil, salt and ground black pepper.

A wonderful, healthy and tasty salad is ready. We serve it with meat, fish or just eat it with fresh bread. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: Greek Salad with Mozzarella and Chicken

With mozzarella, the salad acquires a fresh, light and very pleasant taste.

  • green leaf lettuce or iceberg lettuce,
  • fresh cucumber - 1 large or 2 small,
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.,
  • bulb - 1 pc.,
  • mozzarella cheese - 125 g,
  • chicken fillet - 200 g,
  • pitted olives - 20 pcs.,
  • unrefined vegetable oil for dressing.

We wash the lettuce leaves under running water, blot the water with a towel and dry the salad by spreading the leaves on a towel or a wide plate. My cucumber and tomatoes.

Salt and fry the chicken fillet in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands quite large. You can cut it with a knife, but it’s somehow “tastier” with your hands.

Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.

We cut the tomatoes into cubes.

We take a small onion or half a large one and cut into thin half rings.

Cut the chicken fillet across the grain into strips.

Mozzarella cheese cut into cubes.

Pitted black olives cut in half.

Dress the salad with olive oil and mix. Since the salad contains “airy” lettuce leaves, it is most convenient to mix it with two tablespoons. For flavor, the salad can be sprinkled with a little lemon juice.

Recipe 5: Arugula Salad with Tomatoes and Mozzarella

  • arugula - 200 gr.;
  • mozzarella - 1 ball;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • lime - half;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Arugula, as a rule, is now sold in stores in a ready-to-eat form. But if you decide to rinse it, then do not forget to dry the greens. Since if there is excess liquid in a salad with mozzarella, it very quickly loses its shape and freshness.

We spread the leaves of arugula in a salad bowl.

Leek goes very well with arugula. Cut it into large rings.

Lay the leek around the perimeter of the mozzarella salad.

Cut the tomato into small pieces and spread on the arugula.

Cherry tomatoes can be used if desired. Carefully cut the ball of cheese into thin circles.

Do not chop the mozzarella too much. She may lose juice. We add cheese to our salad with arugula and tomatoes.

For dressing, pour olive oil into a gravy boat. Add a few drops of balsamic vinegar to it. Finally, squeeze the juice of half a lime into the sauce. We mix everything thoroughly.

Pour dressing over salad.

This salad will be a great addition to the main dishes on your table. Also, it can be used as an independent dish, because it is hearty and very tasty.

Recipe 6, simple: salad with mozzarella and onions

  • Salad 0.5 bunch.
  • Mozzarella cheese 50g.
  • Cucumber 1pc.
  • Green onion 2 pcs.
  • Orange peel 1 tsp
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp
  • Mustard 0.5 tsp
  • Salt chips.

Chop green onions. Chop the cucumber.

Wash the lettuce leaves under running water and tear into pieces with your hands.

Cut mozzarella into large pieces.

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and season the salad: olive oil, mustard, lemon juice, mix. Add salt and orange zest.

Recipe 7, step by step: mozzarella salad with arugula

  • lemon - ½ piece
  • ground black pepper - 2 pinches
  • arugula - 1 bunch
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs
  • mozzarella cheese - 100 gr
  • salt - 1 pinch

Recipe 8: Egg Salad with Mozzarella and Olives

Italian style mini mozzarella and cherry tomato salad. Very appetizing, beautiful and tasty salad with mustard dressing perfectly complementing it. With this salad, you can surprise and please not only your family, but also guests unexpectedly arriving at the house, because the salad is prepared unusually quickly.

  • Chicken egg 4 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves to taste
  • Cherry tomatoes 20 pcs.
  • Olives 20 pcs.
  • Mustard 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice ½ tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Mozzarella cheese 200 g

Hard boil preferably quail eggs, but here the difference compared to chicken is only in size - quail eggs go well in this sense with mini mozzarella and cherry tomatoes. If you are using chicken eggs, cut them into large pieces.

  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Cherry tomatoes, 8 pieces;
  • Melon;
  • Mozzarella cheese;
  • Eggs, 3 things;
  • Chicken fillet, 250 grams;
  • Olive oil;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Balsamic vinegar;
  • Greens;
  • 3 fresh cucumbers.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the melon into small pieces, remove the peel from it.
  3. Eggs are boiled and cleaned. Then cut into small pieces.
  4. Cut cherry tomatoes in half or quarters.
  5. Cucumber cut into strips. All vegetables should be neatly cut and have an aesthetic appearance.
  6. Let's chop the greens.
  7. Arrange lettuce leaves nicely on a salad bowl. We put melon, tomatoes and cucumber on them. Let's sip greens.
  8. Mix olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar. Mix, add spices, for example, basil, or Italian herbs are well suited. Be sure to add black pepper.
  9. Pour the prepared dressing over the salad.


  • Cherry tomatoes, 5 pieces;
  • Fresh cucumber, 3 pieces;
  • Mozzarella, 100 grams;
  • Green beans, 150 grams;
  • The bulb is red;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of white wine;
  • A couple of tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • Basil;
  • Chicken fillet, 300 grams;
  • Greens;
  • Olives;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Black pepper.

Step by step recipe:

  1. We put the water to boil, when it boils, salt and throw the beans. Cook beans for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices, or into two parts.
  3. We'll boil the fillet. Cut it into small pieces and fry in a pan, add spices, and if there is a tablespoon of sour cream.
  4. Wash cucumber and cut into cubes.
  5. It is better to cut the onion either into rings or half rings.
  6. Cut the olives in two.
  7. Divide the mozzarella cheese into small pieces.
  8. Chop the greens with a knife.
  9. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Add finely chopped garlic. Next, add white wine and lemon juice. Unforgettable about spices, basil, salt, black pepper.
  10. Let's pick up beautiful dishes under the salad. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom. We will beautifully lay out the prepared components on them. Dress the salad with prepared dressing.
  11. Sip the salad with chopped greens and, if available, pine nuts.
  12. You can put croutons in this salad. It is better to cook them yourself from a white loaf. Cut the banana into small cubes. Dry the crackers in the oven. Then fry in sunflower oil in a frying pan. Add your favorite spices and a little bit of garlic. Such crackers will be fragrant, crispy and tasty, and most importantly, not as harmful as purchased ones.

Salad with mozzarella, tomatoes and cucumbers is suitable for those people who monitor their weight and also adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. It is light, but very satisfying, so having prepared such a salad for lunch, you can forget about snacking until dinner. Salad is especially relevant in winter and early spring, when vitamin supplements and fresh vegetables will come in handy.

For the recipe you will need:
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
- cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
- red onion - 1 pc.,
- salad - 1 pack.,
- cheese - 50 g.,
- olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First you need to thoroughly rinse and prepare all the vegetables, cutting out all the bumps with a sharp knife. Try to give preference to local greenhouse fruits, and not overseas fruits that are brought to us for many months.

Cut the greens into medium pieces or tear with your hands. Greens. Which is torn by hand makes the salad more tender and airy.

Cucumbers cut into large, but thin plates.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, and the red onion into half rings.
Chop the cheese into small cubes.

Combine all ingredients, add salt, spices, vegetable oil and mix.
Salad can be served both in a common salad bowl and on portioned plates. Do not forget that such a green salad will be an excellent fresh and healthy side dish for meat and. According to your taste, you can supplement this salad with olives, olives, slices of fresh apples or peas. Enjoy your meal!

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