Kupina burning plant treatment. Healing properties of the bush plant, its roots. Preparation of a medicinal plant

Responsible Nadezhda VladimirovnaKhmelkova, teacher of physics at CFML

Throw a stick into a swamp - it won't sink. Why does a person drown? First, it weighs a lot. Secondly, unlike an inanimate body, a person (or a bunny, or an elk) cannot stop breathing. That is what destroys him. Oscillatory movements (the chest rises and falls) push the living being into the quagmire the more deeply it breathes. It is very bad if a person starts to twitch and try to get out in panic fear.

The bog (bog) refers to Bingham's liquids (resins, paints, varnishes), which manifest themselves as follows: if the body that has fallen into the bog is light enough and the pressure exerted by it is small, then the liquid will behave like a solid body. And vice versa, if the body has a sufficiently large weight and resists (any movement), in this case the bog will begin to exhibit the properties of a viscous liquid and the body will sink in it.

A drowning person finds himself in an exceptionally difficult position: it is impossible not to move, and any movement one way or another leads to sinking deeper and deeper.

What can be done? Redistribute the center of gravity by changing the position to horizontal. If a stick (pole) remains in your hands, it will just be your support and salvation in the swamp. Lie with your chest on it as on the crossbar and try to stay as high as possible above the surface. Now you can slowly crawl out. To do this, you need to carefully remove the load (backpack, bag) and very slowly, without making sudden movements, begin to pull yourself up on a stick. If there is none, then put a backpack on and crawl out onto it, trying not to drown in a quagmire. It is better to get out of your boots right away, as they will not drown in thick slurry, but will get stuck where you leave them.

If you see trees, grass nearby, then cling to them and slowly pull yourself up and crawl out in the direction you came from.

But with a quick suction, you can’t do without outside help. A drowning person needs to stretch out a stick or throw a rope along which he could get out onto a hard surface. The main thing when pulling out is not to stop, otherwise the rescued person will be able to immediately plunge back into the quagmire, having received a reverse push of energy from the land. And remember: the probability of being drawn into the swamp is high in the summer and autumn periods (in winter the surface layer freezes), so you need to be extremely careful and look under your feet when you find yourself in such an area.

A swamp that sucks in is called a swamp. It can only pull in living objects. The bog is formed on the basis of lakes by overgrowing with a green carpet of moss and algae, not in all swamps.

Two reasons contribute to the emergence of a swamp: overgrowing of a reservoir or swamping of land. The swamp is characterized by excessive moisture, constant deposition of not completely decomposed organic matter - peat. Not all swamps are able to suck in objects, but only those in which a bog has formed.

A swamp swamp is formed on the site of a lake. Lilies, water lilies and reeds on the surface of the lake grow over time into a dense carpet on the surface of the reservoir. At the same time, algae grow at the bottom of the lake. As the cloud of algae and moss forms, it rises from the bottom to the surface. Due to the lack of oxygen, rotting begins, organic waste is formed, dispersing in the water and forming a bog.

The bog sucks in living objects. This is explained by its physical properties. The bog belongs to the class of Bingham liquids, physically described by the Bingham-Shvedov equation. When they hit the surface of an object with a small weight, they behave like solid bodies, so the object will not sink. When an object has a large enough weight, it sinks.

There are 2 types of immersion: under-immersion and over-immersion. The behavior of a body that has fallen into a liquid is subject to the ratio of the influence of gravity and the buoyant force of Archimedes. The body will sink into the quagmire until the strength of Archimedes equals its weight. If the buoyancy force is less than the weight, then the object will be underloaded; if it is greater, then the object will be overloaded.

Why are only living objects subject to reloading?

This is because such objects are constantly moving. What if it freezes? Will the dive stop? Alas, this will only slow down the immersion, because a living body always moves because it breathes. Inanimate objects remain motionless, so they do not completely sink.

Overloading into a quagmire is the suction of a swamp. Why does the movement of the body accelerate the immersion? Any movement is the application of a force that increases the force of pressure on the support. It is due to the weight of the object and the force of gravity. Sharp movements are the reason for the formation of areas of low pressure under the body. These areas will lead to an increase in atmospheric pressure on a living object, which will further submerge it.

Therefore, the physical definition of the word “sucking in the swamp” looks like this: the Bingham liquid (quagmire) tries to transfer the living object that has fallen into it to a level below normal immersion, in which the Archimedes force is less than the body.

The suction process is irreversible. A drowned body, even after the cessation of life, will not emerge.

  • In the photo: German soldiers in a swamp near the village of Myasnoy Bor, Novgorod Region.

I have heard many horror stories of people drowning in swamps. I have always been interested in the mechanism of How does this happen. The other day we were visiting the village with my husband's parents. His dad works as a forester, so he told me everything he knows about swamps and how they work. suction mechanism.

How a swamp is formed

Swamp, like any other natural object, arises or by itself or with human hands. Of course not, intentionally people do not create swamps, but, for example, due to poor care of natural reservoirs, due to deforestation, due to land pollution, the swamp world develops and grows.

I'll start with what not all swamps can suck foreign objects, but only those that are called "quagmire". That is, these swamps are overgrown bogs. So, How is a swamp formed?

  1. The lake begins to be covered with a dense carpet of lilies and moss.
  2. The humidity of the pond is rising due to the constant deposition of peat.
  3. Algae grows on the bottom, which eventually reach almost to the surface of the water.
  4. Due to the lack of a, over time, and the complete absence of oxygen, rotting begins in the water.
  5. As a result of decay a quagmire is formed.

Why does the swamp suck

I don’t know about you, but I (until my father-in-law told me) didn’t know that the quagmire sucks only living objects. It happens because of the physical law Bingama-Shvedova. By the way, there are two types of suction: underload and overload. Underdive happens if the weight submersible bodies smaller than pushing out swamp power. If a the weight of the submerged body is greater - going on overload.

As for drowning people and animals, then, in 95% of the case, overload occurs, since the weight of living bodies is usually quite large. By the way, the more moving body while the swamp tries to suck him in, the faster overload will occur. Unfortunately, neither man nor beast you can't get out of the swamp alone(only in exceptionally good cases), because even if you try to stop moving, breath doesn't matter can't hold up for long(and this is also a movement). Immersion in this case will be slower but completely will not stop.

A swamp is a part of the landscape with stagnant water. Many moisture-loving plants grow here, and the ecosystem performs one of the most important functions - the preservation of heat on Earth. The most dangerous place is the quagmire, which slowly sucks in and takes the lives of people. According to statistics, there are much more drowned people in the swamp than in any other bodies of water. You can drown in a swamp if you do not know the basic rules of how to behave in such situations.

Historical facts

The fact that the swamp is dangerous has been known since ancient times. The swamps have always been covered with myths and terrible legends. The Germanic tribes believed that the lights in the quagmire were lost souls who could not find shelter in that world. In Russian fairy tales, terrible water and witches lived in the swamps.

In 2015, a tank sank in a swamp near Novosibirsk. This incident happened during an exercise. The armored car got stuck in the mud. Every effort was made to pull it out, but it could not be done. As a result, heavy equipment was simply abandoned.

This is not the only case when huge machines get stuck in a quagmire. A well-known fact, when during the Second World War near Uman an entire tank platoon drowned in a swamp. In 2010, a T-34 tank was raised from the water in Cherkassy, ​​which also got stuck in a quagmire during the war.

It took a whole week to save him and a hundred lifelines that constantly broke. It turned out that the tank was thrown to the front line and almost immediately came under bombardment. When the car loaded, the crew abandoned it. Before that, people tried to pull the car out in order to hand it over for scrap. But lifting multi-ton equipment from the bottom of the swamp is not an easy task. Most often, it remains the "prey" of the swamp forever.

Rescued girl

In August 2017, there was an incident in the city park in Kirov. The girl returned home late and got lost in the dark. She got into a swamp and loaded into a quagmire. She spent an hour in the water until she was rescued. Miraculously, a man heard her and called rescuers. He thought that the girl drowned in the swamp, but, fortunately, he was mistaken. They managed to pull her out of the quagmire alive.

Rescuers found the victim when she was already bogged down to her chest. According to the stories of Irina (that was the name of the girl), she herself could not get out. The dirt was slowly consuming her. The only thing she could do was scream loudly. The girl tried not to move. That is what saved her. It is known that the more movements the victim makes, the faster the swamp sucks it in.

A very dangerous swamp veiled with grass. You can drown by stepping on it, like on an ordinary meadow. Grass growing on the surface hides what is inside. Often, what appears to be solid ground is actually a dangerous trap.

Elementary rules of conduct in the swamp

If you need to navigate wetlands, never do it alone. Take a friend or hire a guide. Going on a hike, carefully study the area. Look for information on the forums, ask the locals about the danger zones. Prepare your clothes. You need high boots, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, a mosquito net, as there are a lot of midges in such places.

Do not fasten your backpack with straps too carefully, so that in case of danger you can easily get rid of it. Put clothes and things that can get wet in plastic bags. There are cases when a person drowned in a swamp due to the fact that he could not quickly get rid of the load on his back. The heavy weight rolled him onto his back and quickly pulled him under the water.

Always carry a stick with you. With it, you can check the hardness of the soil and the depth of the reservoir. If a human-length stick is completely submerged, do not try to cross the terrain in this part.

Movement rules

It is very easy to drown in a swamp if you do not know the basic rules of movement. Remember, never trust your eyes! If you see that there is grass on the surface, or it seems to you that there is solid soil on the crest of the shore of a reservoir, then all these assumptions can be misleading. The ground near a lake, bay, or stream usually retains water, which means there may be a life-threatening reservoir under the surface layer.

Remember these rules:

  1. Try to step on growing branches, tufts of grass, or protruding roots. They will sink under the water, but will help you hold on until the next step.
  2. When taking the next step, check with a stick the place where you are going to put your foot. If the stick sinks easily, choose another area.
  3. Look around for cattails or reeds nearby. They help a person to move and not drown in a swamp.
  4. In a place where there is a current, there should be a hard sand or gravel bottom. If you see that there is a stream of water in the middle of the reservoir, try to reach it safely. In the center, look back and remember the path along the soft bottom that you have overcome. The second half of the soft bottom is usually exactly the same width as the first. That is, having successfully overcome the first part, you can, by repeating the steps, cross the pond.
  5. If trees grow in the swamp, try to move as close to them as possible. The root system holds firm soil.

If you need to cross a swamp, you can pave a path. These are branches of trees and shrubs that need to be placed on a shaky place in sufficient quantities.

Walking Technology

Is it possible to drown in a swamp while walking at a normal pace? Very easy. When we move, we shift our entire body weight first to one foot, then to the other. When we walk on hard ground, the ground holds us. But you can't do that in a swamp. When you step on one foot with all your weight, it sinks more. At the moment when you take the second step, you intend to transfer the weight of the body, but the first leg is already bogged down, and by taking the second step you have drowned yourself even more, because there is no solid ground under your feet. If you have the opportunity at this moment to leave your boots in the bog and crawl out onto land, then do it immediately.

Correct steps should be sliding. The second step must be taken already at the moment when the first leg has not yet dropped to the lowest position.

If you started to sink

First of all, calm down. Drowning in a swamp is much easier if you spin and climb. Do not lift your leg, your weight at the second point will pull you to the bottom even faster. Try to reach the branches and rake them crosswise in front of you so that you lie on your stomach on a flat surface. Try to make snake-like movements to crawl out of the quagmire. Move in the direction you came from.

Caution: Animals

Hundreds of dangerous animals live in swamps. This is a favorite habitat for leeches and snakes. To prevent leeches from sticking to your skin, try not to leave open areas. Tuck the legs into boots, pull this place with belts or laces. Don't walk barefoot.

There are clouds of insects in the swamp. Stock up on midges, cover your face with a mosquito net.

Remember: the worst enemy is panic. Be calm and resolute, your life is in your hands.

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