Where to go to study to work in the FSB. Higher educational institutions of the federal security service in Russia. Extract from the sheet on the delivery of standards for physical training

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another area.

Admission to a civilian university is a choice of a profession, and admission to a university of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of a profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can do it.

It is better to start preparing for admission at the beginning of the graduation class (grade 11). First of all, you should contact the department of the FSB of Russia at the place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an educational institution of the FSB, fill out a questionnaire and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents that the candidate provides, an audit is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to admission to the state. secret and receipt will be: relatives living for a long time abroad; relatives who have been prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to go to the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and verification, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (VVK), after which he is required to pass the physical standards. training (running 100 meters, running 3 km, pull-ups), which are evaluated according to the system "pass" and "fail".

Upon passing the test, in early March, you need to write an application to the selected university. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of subjects for the USE and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinated to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of them take both boys and girls (Faculty of Foreign Languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time education. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But part-time education is available only to current security officers.


On the call of the university (in the first days of June), the candidates arrive to take the entrance exams. First, they undergo a second medical examination, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. General examination for all physical. training and one of the core subjects. According to the results of exams and EGE, the total score is displayed, admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study in secondary educational programs (training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation he is awarded the title of ensign and, if desired, you can complete your studies in absentia at any University of the FSB). If you did not pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses are considered for a year in the army, after the first contract is signed, and a monetary allowance is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, there is a distribution to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose the place of service, so there is an incentive to be such. Military personnel are provided with a social package, free honey. service, good pay.

The first thought that most Russians had when they saw the graduates of the FSB Academy walking around was simple; "Bastards, why are you setting yourself up and shining."

It's good that they set themselves up, there was a reason to take a closer look at the teaching staff and at those who study there.

Against the backdrop of a scandal, it is easier to purge the ranks of academicians.

I was curious and looked at the faculties at the Academy. There are only three of them.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Academy of the FSB of Russia was established on September 1, 1990 in order to train translators in the interests of state security agencies. Training is conducted in the direction (specialty) "Translation and translation studies", qualification (degree) "specialist". The normative duration of the program development is 5 years. In 2013, the faculty was once again certified by the State Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Currently, more than forty languages ​​are taught at the faculty, which include not only common European languages, but oriental and rare languages, such as: Vietnamese, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, Serbian, Japanese, Hebrew and Dari, as well as languages ​​of the CIS countries. Ancient languages ​​are also taught.

In order to train specialists for the investigative units of the country's security agencies at the Higher School of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969, a department for training investigators of state security agencies was created with a 4-year training period. From September 1, 1979, the training of specialists began to be carried out according to a five-year training program. The faculty's relationship with the investigative units is two-way. Students of the faculty take part in the production of certain investigative actions, undergo practice and internships. Today, the investigative faculty is a structural subdivision of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, it provides training, professional retraining, and advanced training of personnel. Upon completion of training, students receive the qualification "lawyer" in the specialty "jurisprudence" with the assignment of the military rank of lieutenant.

The Counterintelligence Faculty as a structural subdivision of the Academy of the FSB of Russia was established in June 1998.

The faculty trains specialists in the specialty "Legal support of national security", with the qualification "specialist" and specialization "operational activities" with knowledge of Western and Eastern languages. The term of study is 5 years. The fundamental training of graduates of the faculty in the specified specialty and qualification corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

The counterintelligence faculty accepts male citizens of the Russian Federation with an education not lower than secondary (complete) general, who have passed a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure, professional psychological selection, the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, checking the level of physical fitness, entrance tests, competitive selection and recognized as fit for military service under a contract in the bodies of the federal security service (hereinafter referred to as the security bodies) and training at the Academy.

Under the guidance of experienced teachers of academic and faculty departments, students receive high-quality legal, military, special and language education. At the same time, the emphasis is on obtaining fundamental legal training for graduates. Continuous improvement of curricula contributes to the practical orientation of special disciplines.

The Faculty of Counterintelligence preserves and develops the experience and best traditions of training specialists in the main areas of activity of the federal security service (in accordance with the federal law "On the Federal Security Service":

counterintelligence activities,

Fight against terrorism

Fighting crime

Ensuring information security.

It seems to me that the trackers were walking. Translators would not be substituted, according to a long-standing Soviet habit, the dream of working abroad outweighs all other Wishlist.

Well, I don’t consider counterintelligence as idiots at all.

Defense of the state has always been an honorable activity. People who directly carried it out enjoyed great honor and authority in society. In addition, the constant wars that have been fought throughout human history have significantly enriched the representatives of the military class. In some countries, the military was considered the highest caste with the most rights. A great example is the Japanese samurai. However, on the territory of our fatherland, warriors and their achievements have also been glorified at all times. It should be noted that the training system for such people is of great importance. After all, the need for a professional military will never disappear. The very system of training soldiers requires a special approach, since their skill consists not only of physical strength, but also of certain psychological qualities. In this case, it is worth noting the specifics of training the elite of all armed and security forces, that is, intelligence and state security. The latter structure performs extremely important functional tasks in the modern world. Therefore, the training of its representatives should be carried out at the highest level. In the Russian Federation today there is a Federal Security Service. This department is responsible for ensuring the security of our country. Specialists for its ranks are trained at a special Academy of the FSB.


As mentioned earlier, in any state, power units play an important role. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation belongs to such formations. The number of departments today is classified. The main task is to provide the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the FSB, according to existing legislation, is a body that is authorized to carry out operational-search activities. Departments are replenished by recruiting for military and civil service. According to the regulations governing the work of the FSB, its activities are carried out in the following areas, namely:


Fight against terrorism;

Intelligence activities;

border activity;

Information Security;

The fight against crime of a particularly dangerous form.

The main department is the security of the Russian Federation.

General information about the higher educational institution

The Academy of the Russian Federation is a military institution that trains officers for the FSB. In addition, personnel for other intelligence agencies, as well as special services of friendly states, are also trained in this institution. That is, we are talking about a complex military institution with a fairly broad preparatory base.

The Academy was established in 1992 by a special decree of the President. The basis for the formation of this institution was the Higher School of the KGB named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

The history of the creation of the academy

The Academy of the FSB, whose faculties are presented in the article, begins its history from the courses of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, formed in 1921. The courses prepared the operational staff for the Cheka. It is worth noting that a significant contribution to the training was made by teachers who had a fairly large operational experience gained in the implementation of special operations "Trust" and "Syndicate". In 1934, cardinal changes took place in the structure of the power departments of the state.

The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was created. This leads to the creation of the Central School of the Main Directorate of State Security within the structure of the Soviet NKVD. During the Second World War, the educational institution graduates several thousand workers who managed to organize a fairly effective fight against the Nazis. Another reformation of the school takes place in 1952. On its basis, the Higher School of the MGB of the USSR is being formed. In 1962, this educational institution was named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

Academy structure

The FSB Academy, whose faculties are presented in the article, trains personnel in many specialties that are in demand today in law enforcement and military departments. The structure of a higher institution contains three main segments, which include training.

1) The Institute for the Training of Operational Personnel provides qualified personnel training in a number of key areas of the FSB's activities. Within the framework of this division of the academy, there is an investigative faculty and a counterintelligence faculty. In both cases, graduates of the institution receive a diploma in the specialty "Legal support of national security." At the first one, employees of the FSB investigative units are trained, and at the second, operational ones. At the same time, the counterintelligence faculty trains employees in two specific areas: operational activities with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and knowledge of modern information technologies.

2) The second subdivision of the Academy is the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics. Today, its graduates are rightfully considered the best specialists in the field of information security. At the end of the training, employees are given qualifications such as “information security specialist”.

3) The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is the youngest department of the university. It was created in 1990. The faculty trains professional translators for the FSB.

Features of admission - the first stages

There are many features of the recruitment process that the FSB Academy is famous for. Faculties and specialties of different directions are replenished with personnel on absolutely equal terms. The first stage of selection is the medical board. To enter the academy, you must be in good health. It will be checked throughout the entire period of study at the institution.

The second stage is a polygraph. Many applicants mistakenly consider such a test to be something easy. However, a polygraph checks honesty, a person’s respect for military service, his compliance with management, etc. Therefore, the test must be taken as seriously as possible.

Special exams and physical fitness assessment

If the applicant does not have any comments on his mental and physiological level, then he is allowed to internal exams. Physical fitness is checked by three tests: pull-ups, running 100 and 3000 meters.

Additional tests are exams in individual disciplines. For admission to a particular faculty, knowledge in various subjects is checked. For example, the investigative unit conducts an additional exam in social science and the Russian language, and the Institute of Cryptography - in physics and mathematics. It is quite good to use special preparatory courses before entering, which increase the level of applicants.

Learning process

The Academy of the FSB, the faculties of which are presented in the article, prepares The learning process is quite complex and specific. Students actively study law, mathematics and foreign languages. Much attention is paid to physical training, as it is one of the main subjects. Most items are classified. Some subjects are taught in such a way that even pens, let alone notes, cannot be taken out of the classrooms.

Daily life of students

The fact that studying at the FSB Academy can bring people together is not an exaggeration. Throughout the years of service, students in this institution are almost constantly in contact with each other. But this is not all the features of training. For example, it is undesirable for students to distribute statements about their studies on social networks. The prohibition also covers talking to friends about it.

It should be noted that a large proportion of all students are girls. They, equally with the representatives of the stronger sex, can declare that they, as professional cadres, were forged by the famous FSB academy. "Faculties for girls" is a common misconception. There are simply no such divisions. Girls enter, along with boys, those faculties that are provided for by the structure of a higher educational institution.

Academy leadership

For many years, the academy was headed by representatives of the highest officers. To date, the head is Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilyevich. He holds the rank of Colonel General. At one time Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilievich graduated from the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB. In addition to military activities, he also conducts research and is a doctor of jurisprudence.

So, we examined what the FSB academy is. Faculties, exams and the specifics of education were presented in the article. In conclusion, it is worth noting that work in state security agencies is not suitable for everyone. But if you have firmly decided to become employees of this department, then you need to discard any doubts and stubbornly go towards your goal.

Employees are accepted for service in the Federal Security Service both in civilian personnel and in military personnel. The FSB employs people of various specialties, from plumbers to cryptographers. The main forge of officers of the FSB of Russia -.

The Academy of the FSB of Russia is one of the most respected educational institutions in Russia. Within the walls of the academy specialists of various fields are trained. For five years of study, students are trained in classical intelligence and counterintelligence, receive a higher legal education, undergo military and physical training. Get the necessary minimum knowledge in related areas of the profession. The practice is carried out in the operating units of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the specifics of which are close to the chosen profession.

The FSB Academy teaches more than two hundred teachers. Among them are more than a hundred candidates and doctors of sciences, academicians, corresponding members of various academies. These are professional teachers and famous scientists. The best minds of the country are preparing future FSB officers. The seminars are attended by specialists from research institutes, current and retired FSB operatives.

Teachers from other leading Russian universities are invited to the classes.

Students specialize in the following areas:

  1. Information security of telecommunication systems.
  2. Information security of automated systems.
  3. Information-analytical security systems.
  4. Computer security.
  5. Cryptography.
  6. Opposition to technical intelligence.
  7. Legal support of national security.
  8. Translation and translation studies.
The Federal Security Service of Russia carries out activities in the following areas:
  1. counterintelligence activities.
  2. Activities aimed at combating terrorism.
  3. intelligence activities.
  4. border activity.
  5. Information Security.

The professions of employees of the Federal Security Service are diverse. All of them are aimed at protecting the country, increasing its power, defense capability and security. The increased motivation of employees attracts many people to the service, but the highest requirements for personal characteristics, requirements in work, leave the best of the best officers in the service of the FSB of Russia.

From the point of view of an attacker against the interests of the country, the existence of the FSB is in itself one big minus. The FSB of the Russian Federation was created to protect the security of the country, the pros and cons of the profession of an FSB officer are considered from the position of a citizen and patriot of the Russian Federation.

Benefits of serving in the FSB

  • The first and most important plus of service in the FSB is moral satisfaction from work. The actions of the FSB of Russia are aimed at protecting the country, and should make a feasible contribution to the common cause, designed to strengthen the country's position in the world, increase its power and defense capability, the dream of any Russian patriot.
  • Opportunity to get the best education in the country. As an organization guarding the security of the country, the FSB pays special attention to the training of personnel. Many FSB officers have several higher educations.
  • FSB officers have Opportunity for high career growth, an example of this is V.V. Putin - President of the Russian Federation.
  • FSB officers belong to the elite of law enforcement agencies. Their real deeds, which serve to strengthen the country, become known to the common man forever, but the veil of secrecy and the work of propaganda arouse the respect of the citizens of the country. This is a worthy reward for hard work.
  • Worthy financial reward. The country does not skimp on security and material incentives for employees are properly organized.
  • Possibility of implementing a special service officer in scientific fields. Many scientists are FSB officers. They make their discoveries in the service.
  • High responsibility b, for example, an FSB officer is a secret carrier, which increases his importance and self-esteem.

Cons of serving in the FSB

  • Federal Security Service of Russia - military organization, with all the ensuing hardships and hardships. A person does not belong to himself, he belongs to the service, and he does not have the possibility of free choice. He acts in the interests of the service and on its orders.
  • . Work in the FSB is work on the wrong side of life, with all its disgusting manifestations. Often, an FSB officer has to perform work that is unnatural for a person, which has a detrimental effect on the psyche of the employee.
  • Physical activity is also very high.. FSB officers do not work according to norms and plans, but aimed at results. Forces and means are not standardized, which requires serious physical training.
  • FSB officers are subjected to increased risk to life and health. Operating in a hostile environment, an FSB officer risks many times more than employees of other law enforcement agencies. The specifics of the FSB's actions imply increased risks.
  • High responsibility, for example, an FSB officer is a secret carrier, which significantly limits his freedom of action.


The FSB of the Russian Federation is a place of service for people with a high level of civic responsibility, physically developed, brilliantly educated. To be an FSB professional means to be among the elite who receive all possible rewards for their service. In response, the FSB officer fully devotes himself to the service, is ready for increased risks and prohibitive workloads.

Everyone knows the lines from the poem by V. Mayakovsky: “All works are good, choose to your taste!”. Indeed, each person determines his future profession for himself - someone wants to become a financier, someone wants to be a doctor, and for some, a cherished dream from childhood is to work in where they teach this profession, how to enter the FSB, and what you need to be able to do this. and know?

On the Internet, on the FSB websites, there is a lot of detailed information that tells about the work in this structure, its features. There you can find out in detail how to enter the FSB.

In every city where there is a division of the Federal Security Service, there is a personnel department. Check with specialists in which universities it is better to apply. It should be borne in mind: in order to apply to the admission committee of the university, you must have a referral from the personnel department of the FSB, without it your documents will not even be considered.

Before learning how to enter the FSB, it is important to decide on the direction in which you want to get a profession. It will be necessary to choose among the many types of employment of this structure: intelligence, border activities, the fight against terrorism, crime, counterintelligence, information security.

For example, if you dream of becoming a counterintelligence officer, you should find out how to enter the FSB Academy, it is there that they teach in this direction. The Faculty of Counterintelligence, established in 1998, trains future specialists in the legal support of national security. Upon admission to the counterintelligence faculty, one must pass a psychological selection, a medical examination, and a physical fitness test. There is also a mandatory procedure for access to information constituting

The Academy of the FSB of Russia is famous for its high-class teachers who focus on the legal training of students. This means that, even if they go into the "reserve", FSB officers will always be able to find a job.

In order to enter the Federal, it is not enough just the desire. There are a number of restrictions on which applicants are selected. You need to be in good physical shape and be in good health. Upon admission, you will need to pass the standards for running, pulling up on the crossbar and cross-country skiing.

In addition, you must be a capable citizen of the Russian Federation. The presence of a criminal record or injunctions absolutely guarantees a refusal to enter the service in the FSB. It is important to have an impeccable biography, not only for you, but also for your immediate family.

Close relatives should not work in subordination to each other; in addition, the desire of relatives to go abroad is not allowed. If they already live in another country, this can also serve as a basis for refusing admission to a university. It is strictly forbidden to indicate false data in the applicant's questionnaire, and it is also not necessary to enter false information about the income of family members.

When thinking about how to enter the FSB, it must be remembered that only those applicants who have served in the army will be admitted to the university, every man should remember this. The FSB website has a complete list of grounds for refusing admission. Having carefully studied it, you can understand whether there are chances to become a student.

The FSB universities accept the most worthy citizens: educated, physically prepared, mentally balanced, suitable for personal and business qualities. Entering the service in the FSB, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to work throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

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