Which ingredient in cheese is addictive? Food addiction: cheese and milk. Cheese causes kidney disease

An American scientist claims that cheese addiction is no less strong than the dependence of the human body on morphine.

Dr. Neil Barnard, president of the Physicians' Committee for New Drug Introduction, argues that cheese addiction can develop because each bite of aged treat contains a small amount of morphine produced by cows' livers.

In his book Breaking Food Temptations: The Hidden Causes of Food Addiction and Seven Steps to Overcome It Naturally, he explains why people often develop habits for certain foods, such as cheese, meat, sugar or chocolate.


He states: “There is a biochemical reason why many of us feel we cannot live without a daily dose of some food. Cheese, for example, is high in casein, a protein that breaks down during digestion to produce an opium-like substance called casomorphin, which is similar in composition to morphine.

It is thanks to these sedatives that infants are believed to develop a strong attachment to their mother during the period of breastfeeding.

Dr. Barnard believes that his research is aimed at helping obese people. The doctor has developed a three-week diet, a lifestyle program to help people get rid of "food drugs" by changing habits, energizing life, strengthening sleep.

Unbelievable, but true: there are many people in the world who ... are addicted to cheese. And there is an explanation for this. Back in 1981, a group of scientists at Wellcome Research Laboratories in North Carolina identified traces of a chemical very similar to morphine in cow's milk samples. Later it became known that this drug, related to opiates and causing rapid addiction, is contained not only in cow's milk, but also in human milk. Despite the fact that the concentration of morphine is extremely low, it is enough to cause a certain dependence in a person. It is also interesting that subsequent trials revealed other drugs in dairy products, namely a certain protein (casein), which in the process of digestion is converted into a whole set of opiates, called casomorphins. The most interesting thing is that the highest concentration of the latter can be found in cheese: for 30 g of cheese, there are approximately 5 g of casein. So, cheese addiction is not a whim of a gourmet, but an ordinary biochemistry.

Cheese may contain traces of infection

According to the International Organization for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, cows raised for the dairy industry actually produce much lower quality milk than their other counterparts. The reason is hormones and antibiotics that are pumped into animals to increase milk production. Due to such chemistry, cows develop various inflammatory processes (hyperinfections that cannot be treated with antibiotics, but, on the contrary, caused by a loss of sensitivity to antibiotics), most often associated with the genitourinary system. It is not surprising that the milk collected from such cows may contain impurities not only of drugs that were “fed” to animals, but also traces of infection that developed during the “work” of the animal. For a person, this can threaten heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many other ailments.

Cheese causes obesity, heart disease, diabetes

Cheese is a high-calorie food: up to 70% of it consists of saturated (“bad”) fats. Like other animal products, it also contains an impressive percentage of "bad" cholesterol. Thanks to this “healthy” composition, the use of cheese in large quantities can cause diabetes, various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also serve as an impetus for the development of obesity, especially in children.

Cheese contains an animal digestive enzyme

For the manufacture of many cheeses, veal rennet rennin is used in production, which is the dried and processed part of the stomach of a ruminant animal. This enzyme is essential for curing milk. By the way, our stomachs also produce this enzyme. And if you do not have a lack of this enzyme, then additional consumption of it can lead to malfunctions in the stomach (the appearance of lazy stomach syndrome). The most annoying thing about this point is that rennin can often be found in vegan cheeses, which contradicts the very essence of such products.

Cheese can cause fetal pathologies

There are a number of cheese varieties that contain bacteria that can cause listeriosis, an infectious disease with a high fatality rate. The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause various pathologies of the fetus, including stillbirth.

Cheese causes kidney disease

Despite the significant benefits of cheese, rich in various vitamins, as well as pantothenic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps fight stress, its harm in some cases can exceed all positive aspects. So, some types of cheese are rich in sodium, which can lead to impaired kidney function, as well as problems with the genitourinary system. Cheese, in particular of the type "Russian", may have a diuretic effect, which increases the symptoms of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis.

On a note…

  • The recommended intake of cheese is 200 grams per week. It is this amount that is safe for a person in every sense.
  • Eating cheese at night is a bad idea. Cheese, like other dairy products, requires special efforts and conditions for digestion. Most likely, the product will not have time to be completely processed before you go to bed, which means it can begin to ferment in the stomach, causing poor sleep and fatigue in the morning.
  • It is best to eat cheese before 12 noon, when the stomach can cope with any food. So the cheese will have time to be completely digested and give our body its beneficial properties.
  • Cheese should only be eaten fresh, otherwise the risk of poisoning is high.
  • Due to the high salt content, cheese is not recommended for use in case of kidney problems, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract.
  • Processed cheeses are more likely than others to cause allergies, as they contain large amounts of phosphate additives and various types of harmful salts.

cheese addiction

Recently, it is increasingly possible to hear that some products cause physical dependence - almost like alcohol or cigarettes. In which case is this true, and in which case is it just unconfirmed rumors? We present the products that are most often "accused" of becoming addictive.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Salamashenko, a nutritionist at the ArtMediSpa medical center in St. Petersburg, comments.

Why is it addictive?

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system. And very quickly. It is enough to take just a few sips - and most people have increased concentration. Caffeine also improves the reaction rate and invigorates. All this, according to many doctors, leads to addiction. The body gets used to coffee and without it it can no longer be in good shape. And so much so that many coffee lovers are simply not able to fully work. Such among lovers of a fragrant drink, according to a recent American study, as many as 13%. And 50% of those who are used to starting the morning with it complained of headaches in the absence of a cup of coffee.

Who is most susceptible?

Workaholics who constantly cheer themselves up with strong espresso. And people with chronically low blood pressure. The habit of drinking coffee helps them to be in good shape. Without their favorite drink, they feel doubly tired.

Nutritionist comment:

Actually, the existence of an irresistible craving for coffee -

The fact is doubtful. But it is true that the tonic effect of this drink weakens over time. To cheer up, you have to drink more coffee. Is it addiction? Perhaps yes.

It develops, by the way, most often not in hypotensive patients, but in smokers. Coffee is able to facilitate breathing, "open" the lungs. Smoking people feel this effect, most often without even suspecting that their favorite drink has such properties. And quickly get used to it. As for workaholics, that's right. These are usually stressed people. And stimulation of the nervous system with the help of caffeine for them is an additional opportunity to “put in order” a tired body.

But, of course, comparing coffee with alcohol or nicotine is not worth it. Getting rid of caffeine addiction is much easier. It is enough to clamp the will into a fist and give up the drink for a few days.

Is it harmful? Complex issue. To coffee now scientists are twofold. On the one hand, with excessive consumption, it harms the body. On the other hand, it contains many useful substances that are necessary for health. I can say that even people with minor heart problems or minor stomach disorders definitely need to get rid of coffee addiction. It is advisable to do this gradually, day by day reducing the number of cups you drink. Abrupt withdrawal can make you feel worse.

Why is it addictive?

As soon as all this "junk" food appeared in our country, people immediately noticed something was wrong. I went to a fast food establishment - and the next day I am drawn there again. Because of this, there were even rumors that manufacturers shamelessly put drugs in food. More precisely, only they, the producers, are aware of substances that cause an obsessive desire to “eat up” a huge burger again or crunch on chips.

In fact, of course, no secret harmful substances are used in the preparation of fast food. All "narcotic" components are widely known. It's sugar and fat. Thanks to them, the taste of hamburgers, potatoes, hot dogs, chips and even salads served in "fast" restaurants becomes rich and attractive.

About "dependence" on sugar has already been said above. Fat can also be addictive. It is quickly digested. Try to listen to yourself after visiting fast food establishments. You will notice that after 30-40 minutes you feel hungry or sleepy again. All this is caused by a large amount of fat and sugar and the virtual absence of fiber, vitamins and minerals in fast food.

Who is most susceptible?

Children. It has been established that if a person “closely got acquainted” with fast food at school age, he has more chances to eat burgers all his life. However, adults are also not immune from fast food mania. Especially if you are too busy at work and do not have time to have a full meal.

Nutritionist comment:

Everything is true, especially about fat and sugar. But I wouldn't say fast food addiction is a physical addiction. Rather, it is a bad habit. It's not just about the love of fatty foods. More important is the lack of a diet and too undemanding attitude to what you eat.

Interesting fact. When people have time and they start to choose their dishes more carefully, they usually realize that the hamburgers were not tasty at all. And that you can safely do without them. So do not shift the responsibility to the fast food manufacturer. Just switch to a healthier diet.

Is it harmful? Undoubtedly. The abuse of fast food is a widely recognized cause of the obesity epidemic. So the craving for hamburgers and french fries needs to be curbed with all the strength.


Why is it addictive?

Chocolate has the worst reputation. That it can allegedly cause addiction has been known for a long time. But in recent years, other sweets have also come under distribution: from meringue to cookies. Among the "suspects" were even dried fruits: they can also cause a persistent desire to eat sweets again.

There are usually two reasons for sweet addiction. First, such food stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain. It promotes the production of happy hormones endorphins. And then you want happiness again and again. Especially if someone upset someone or if he experienced stress.

The second reason is fluctuating blood sugar levels. When we eat something sweet, it rises sharply. It gives us energy, improves well-being, invigorates. But the effect does not last long - sugar also goes down sharply. And this causes hunger and is accompanied by a breakdown. The way out seems obvious. Returning efficiency and a positive attitude will help ... one more serving of cakes. This can go on indefinitely. That's addiction.

Who is most susceptible?

There is an opinion that craving for sweets is an innate phenomenon. But in fact, people who were encouraged with the help of sweets in childhood are prone to such addiction. And also - unbalanced personalities, whose mood often changes.

Nutritionist comment:

Cravings for sweets are indeed caused by fluctuating blood sugar levels. There are other reasons as well. This is a lack of certain trace elements, such as magnesium and chromium. Prolonged depression or nervous work. As well as a tendency to overeat.

Because of the cakes and chocolates, the production of joy hormones really increases. However, this effect causes not only sweet, but also any other dish that a person loves. It can be potatoes, and bacon, and cucumber. Sweet differs from them only in that it can cause not only psychological, but also physiological cravings. Fortunately, this is surmountable.

Is it harmful? Addiction to sweets is not healthy. Because of it, the figure, liver, pancreas, heart suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to get out of the vicious circle. This is helped by a gradual transition from simple sugars to complex carbohydrates - oatmeal, unrefined cereals and bran bread. They can also improve mood and energy, but don't cause blood glucose spikes. This means they don't force us to overeat.

If you can’t imagine your life without sweets, you can use a little trick. It is not necessary to eat a whole chocolate bar in one sitting. It is enough to take a small piece, put it under the tongue and slowly dissolve. Then the brain will have time to receive a signal that you are experiencing your favorite taste. And pleasure is guaranteed.

Why is it addictive?

There are a growing number of reports that cheese is addictive. Moreover, scientists tend to consider this addiction even stronger than cravings, for example, for chocolate.

Especially widely cheese "mania" is discussed in the USA. Moreover, the arguments cited by medical researchers are staggering. It turns out that people become addicted to delicious slices with holes because of casein protein. It is found in large quantities in cheese. In the process of digestion, casein turns into a substance similar in composition to ... morphine.

Of course, the action of casomorphine - this is the name of this substance in scientific language - is far from being as strong as that of a well-known drug. But still, it has a calming effect and is able to evoke positive emotions. Because of this, you want to eat cheese again and again. And his absence in the refrigerator causes anxiety and anxiety.

Who is most susceptible?

"Syndrome" of Disney's Roquefort, according to scientists, can develop in everyone: cheese is an everyday product. But gourmets who know how to appreciate expensive varieties are especially at risk. There is an opinion that elite cheese is addictive faster than any other.

Is fondue season your favorite part of autumn? Do you eat cheese at night, believing that it will not hurt? Are you the friend who brings brie to the party instead of a bottle of wine? This is not your fault. According to a study conducted by scientists from the University of Michigan, cheese products can actually be addictive.


The researchers invited about 500 people for two separate tests. In one, participants completed a food addiction questionnaire (which included questions such as "I eat until I get physically sick"). Participants then indicated which foods on the list they thought were more addictive than others. In the second study, they also filled out an addiction questionnaire and then rated each product on the list according to how difficult it was for them to give up.

Products that cause addiction

The results of the study were published in the journal PLoS ONE, and they will not surprise you. Pizza topped the list of addictive foods, followed by chocolate, chips and cookies. Cheeseburgers and cheese have also been cited as addictive.

So what makes pizza so tempting? The main reason is that it is processed and the second reason is that it contains a lot of cheese. Scientists also predict that foods high in fat are more likely to be addictive, regardless of whether you have a tendency to overeat.

When it comes to your favorite foods, the situation can sometimes be very serious. Previous research has shown that a small group of people actually show signs of abuse of an addictive substance, even if it is food.

Why is cheese addicted?

Dr. Neil Barnard, who chairs the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, explained why cheese causes such a reaction. It turns out the reason is that this product contains the protein casein, which creates casomorphins when the dairy product is digested in your body. Casomorphins attach to the brain's opiate receptors, producing a sedative effect in much the same way drugs do. In fact, as the cheese is processed to rid it of liquid, it becomes an incredibly concentrated source of casomorphins. More research is needed to determine how casomorphins affect the brain. Also, while we do love cheese, it contains nutrients that make it different from the unhealthy, addictive foods.

Although researchers believe that cheese is unhealthy and addictive, this does not necessarily mean that you will experience any discomfort if you stop eating it. In fact, scientists say that eating low-fat dairy products can reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. So, as they say, everything is good in moderation, even when it comes to cheese “addiction”.

Many products are famous for delivering. In every sense of the word.

A new study on food addiction has shown that the list of "delivering substances" has now grown, and that cheeses can be euphoric and addictive.

Cheese is addictive

"Hello, my name is Nikolai and I'm a rawaholic..."

Scientists from the University of Michigan conducted two separate studies, which involved 500 people. The first of these identified the foods that caused the greatest cravings for them. The subjects were asked to complete a 35-item questionnaire. Other questions included questions like “What foods do I eat when I feel bad, upset, etc.?”.

The second study was also a survey of the same volunteers, but this time they had to make a list of 35 foods that they eat before they overeat, not having the strength to stop.

The results were published in the journal PLoS ONE. The list of "addictive foods" is topped by pizza, followed by cheeseburgers, and in third place is just cheese of various kinds. These three leaders of the list significantly outstripped chips, biscuits and chocolate in terms of addiction.

The authors of the study believe that pizza was among the leaders in the first place because of the large amount of cheese. And although many people often joke to themselves that they are addicts of this or that product, jokes are out of place here. With regard to cheese, people behave in a similar way to the behavior of drug addicts, which was first noticed in the previous, third study.

Dr. Neil Barnard, a pioneer in the study of the effects of cheese on the brain, explains this dependence on cheese by the formation of casomorphins in our body from the casein of cheese.

"Casomorphins act on the brain's opiate receptors to produce a sedative and relaxing effect, similar to morphine or heroin," Dr. Barnard told the Vegetarian Times. “Because of all dairy products, cheese contains the highest concentration of casein, we can justifiably call it a “milk drug.”

Repeated studies are needed to confirm or disprove Neil Barnard's theory, but we should not forget that there may be other reasons for the popularity of cheese. It is indeed the most concentrated product, not only in its "milk drug" content, as Barnard claims, but also in its nutrient and fat content. And our cheese addiction can be explained simply by the effective satisfaction of hunger.

In addition, there are studies by other groups of scientists showing that cheese in small doses, when consumed daily, can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and prevent high blood pressure.

So far, only one conclusion can be drawn from all the conflicting studies - you do not need to overeat cheese. Everything is good in moderation.

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