Horoscope for November daily scorpio. Erotic horoscope of the sign Scorpio. Scorpio love horoscope

An amazing month awaits Scorpions, when the wildest dreams can come true. The stars are on your side, because Venus, the planet of "small happiness" and Jupiter, the planet of "great happiness" are simultaneously in Scorpio. This is a rare combination that gives good chances, pleasure and joy.

November 2017 provides an opportunity to resolve the issues that stand in the way of your happiness. You are able to change a lot for the better in a relationship. Venus brings good luck, enhances your charm and power of seduction, gives you an aura of sensuality and opens the gates of love. Jupiter empowers, makes you optimistic and self-confident.

For those who are looking for love, this autumn month will be one of the brightest periods of the year. Perhaps a very attractive member of the opposite sex will appear in your environment. The chances are high, and soon this person will declare that he wants to start a serious relationship with you.

Married and married Scorpios will perceive November as a severe test of their strength. Fate will send you very attractive people, and it will not be easy to overcome this temptation of passion. Nevertheless, you will remain faithful to your spouse, and this will give you the right to be proud of yourself.

However, the horoscope warns against love illusions. Neptune, the planet of fantasy, is located in your house of love, and in November 2017 he is very active. Be careful, otherwise its impact will push you on the wrong path. Do not change your ability to realistically assess circumstances and do not look at your lover through rose-colored glasses.

Career and finance horoscope for Scorpio for November 2017

The month will bring positive changes in the professional life of the representatives of your sign. In general, there is a good situation, both for work and for finances. Lady Luck may smile at you! With the support of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, you will aspire to high goals and achieve remarkable success.

If you are engaged in creative activities, you have reason to feel satisfied. Autumn is the best time to create new masterpieces, and you will prove it once again.

Scorpio entrepreneurs will succeed in business. It will be possible to conclude profitable contracts, make profitable transactions. Moreover, you are able to ingratiate yourself with people in power, which will become another advantage in your competitive struggle.

However, there is a possibility that you will not calculate your strength, or your expectations will be too high, to which the influence of Jupiter also inclines you. It does not require excessive efforts to achieve their goals, rather, it is preferable to act in moderation. Watch what is happening carefully, use favorable opportunities, but do not try to speed things up. It is important to carefully analyze the facts, in no case be short-sighted.

The financial situation of November 2017 for Scorpions is quite favorable, although it must be remembered that strict Saturn still remains in your house of money. Do not look for easy benefits and rely only on what is earned by honest labor.


The health of Scorpios will be good, because in your sign there are two beneficent planets - Venus and Jupiter. Throughout the month you are active and optimistic about life. It is unlikely that you will complain about health. However, it would be nice to slow down the pace of life a bit. Yes, you have a lot to do, but the resources of the body are not unlimited, besides, the eternal desire for success can lead you not to a long-awaited victory, but to malaise.

Stop throwing money away! Set aside a certain amount, it will be very useful to you in the future.

November 2016 is an ideal time to restore strength and expended energy. Scorpios during this period need to gather their thoughts and allocate time for a good rest. The main thing is to organize this vacation in such a way that you are not distracted by mobile phone calls, emails, messages on social networks and other factors. Take this time only for yourself. Spend it for the benefit of the soul and body. For those Scorpios who simply do not imagine their lives calm and devoid of any risk, this month will be filled with a mass of new acquaintances, meetings, and impressions. Accordingly, the opportunities with prospects will increase significantly. And homely and quiet Scorpios, who prefer security and confidence in the future, will spend this period in complete harmony with the outside world and their inner world. In any case, Scorpios need to direct all their energy in the right direction in order to extract the most benefit from all the opportunities for themselves. The emotional background of Scorpions will go off scale in the first half of the month. Mars will contribute to such emotional elevation. You need to learn how to cope with your internal state and keep the situation under strict control. Common sense and composure are the guarantee of your success.

In the first half of November 2016, Scorpios, under the influence of Saturn, will have energy in full swing. They will be overwhelmed with the desire to do as much as possible by the end of the year, and during this period they will make a lot of efforts to achieve their goals. Your diligence and dedication will be noticed by the authorities, for which you will be adequately rewarded. Financial affairs will go up, and minor troubles will be resolved by themselves. You will be pleasantly surprised how easy these or those decisions are. In the second half of the month, you will have the opportunity to relax a little and enjoy the results of the work done. All your affairs are clearly established, problems are solved, and you have nothing to worry about. However, do not ignore your colleagues and their requests for help. Remember that the main component of success in the professional field is absolute mutual understanding and mutual assistance between colleagues. Help those who need your help, your advice.

In November 2016, it is especially important for Scorpios to pay maximum attention to their soulmate. Now more than ever she needs your support. No major changes are expected in relations during this period. They will be even and harmonious. For those Scorpions who have long dreamed of a fateful meeting, such an opportunity will present itself in the second decade of the month. The influence of Venus on Scorpios will fill them with an inner attraction that will make them more interesting and attractive interlocutors. It is important during this period not to sit at home and watch TV, but to give preference to live communication. Go out for walks more often, attend various cultural events, take an active part in teamwork. Love is love, but do not forget about your parents and close relatives. Take the time to visit them. Well, if this is basically impossible, write them a letter or call.

For the outgoing 2016, the Scorpios have already practically squandered their enthusiasm and vitality. Now it is important to find new hobbies for yourself that can distract you from everyday troubles and inspire you to new achievements. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle. Review your diet. It may need to be adjusted a bit. Walk outdoors as often as possible.

Zodiac sign Scorpion November 6 cannot sit still, as he appeared on the day of the awakening of all energy. This volcano boils in it, capable of stirring up even the most sleepy inhabitants. He kindles with his actions accidentally or purposefully creates an environment around him that is suitable for work. Be that as it may, he literally spews out streams of strength and energy.

Character features

special November 6 manages to infect everyone with his cheerfulness, because it happens sincerely and unobtrusively. He has something to be proud of, because he is talented Zodiac sign who has every chance and right to succeed. Of course, there is also a risk that he will become arrogant and overestimate his abilities, or, relying on past achievements, overestimate today's prospects. And this is true, because no matter how great the past is, it does not guarantee that the chart will always go up. It has curved lines showing wins and losses. So do not forget that any power has a limit, as well as potential. If he starts cultivating objectivity, he will improve the quality of work and increase his chances.

But that's what they love him for, so it's for the eternal positive. But not everyone can withstand his straightforwardness and pressure. Moreover, he does not know compromises. Surprisingly, energy can oppress his family, especially those who consider themselves realists. And this is completely incomprehensible to him. In addition, it is difficult for him to survive blows, especially unexpected ones. Therefore, you should learn to hold on when everything falls out of your hands and gather in time for the next breakthrough. Interestingly, he will benefit if he cooperates with someone who thinks completely differently. Spiritual growth is impossible without the ability to remain calm and maintain balance even in the most extreme situation.

Well, if everything is really bad, then a good portion of jokes can pull out of the abyss of despair. This is his way of communicating, which creates an imaginary thread between him and those around him. But since this is a master of satire and irony, he should remember that there are many sensitive people who are uncomfortable when they are ridiculed. For some, the influence is physical in nature, therefore they are characterized by increased sexuality and provocation. If one undertakes to reflect reality, then one must adhere to the truth, and not play the role of a distorted mirror.

November 6 - Zodiac Sign

Scorpio man - born on November 6

The guy who appeared on November 6 is endowed with such qualities as courage, mystery, intuitiveness and courage. Such a man is necessarily distinguished by determination, independence and authority. He practically does not pay attention to an extraneous point of view, and all his misdeeds are dictated by his own desire. He is fond of extreme sports, likes to take risks and participate in adventurous activities. Fall in love with an unpredictable, mysterious and almost inaccessible partner. It is important that he wants to achieve it and fight for attention to himself.

Scorpio woman - born on November 6

Representatives of November 6 are distinguished by decisiveness, the ability to manipulate, devotion, inner strength and a small margin of patience. A woman under the sign of Scorpio attracts with her passion and charm. There are many applicants around her, fighting among themselves for the right to be with a wonderful companion. Girls quickly fall in love and are romantic in nature. They plunge headlong into love and are ready for anything for the sake of the one they let into their souls. But over time, they can become too demanding and jealous.

Birthday 6 November

Representatives of November 6 are endowed with a huge energy reserve. Their enthusiasm seems to awaken those around them to action. Often Scorpios become an example for others and imitate them. He tries to create his life in accordance with the call of the heart. There are many forces hidden inside the sign that you need to learn how to release in the safest way.

The zodiac always remains truthful and simple-hearted, due to which it inspires respect, and people themselves try to achieve its location. Interestingly, Scorpio sincerely believes in his exclusivity and an incredibly successful future, which you just need to come to. And it is highly likely that everything will be so, because they received many talents from nature that can be applied in various fields of activity. The presence of success forces to weaken control, which is why they sometimes overestimate their own capabilities. It is important to understand that fate does not always endow the sign with attention, so you need to prepare for ups and downs.

Scorpios, who appeared on November 6, tend to give people positive emotions. But sometimes others may be embarrassed by their spontaneity and directness, behind which there is no malicious intent. Not everyone is used to hearing the truth about themselves. In the family circle, they can get tired of the activity of Scorpio. You should learn to restrain your impulses or not dedicate relatives to the details of your many projects.

It is important for a Scorpio born on November 6 to get used to put up with failures and misses, to respond positively to criticism, because this will help to properly direct their energy and achieve positive results. The soul should at least periodically be filled with calmness, and the inner strength should be distributed evenly, and not released in uncontrolled clots.

In difficult situations, the zodiac uses humor to maintain inner balance and smooth out sharp corners in quarrels. Skepticism can pass for sarcasm and then the interlocutor is removed. Scorpio is endowed with a sensitive nature, so he needs to get physical pleasures all the time. Remember that the truth is not always appropriate and silence can be a salvation.

Love and Compatibility

The second halves admire the energy and openness of Scorpios. The sign stands out for its rich inner world. However, he also expects an equivalent return from a partner, and not everyone is ready to make this demand. Moreover, in intimate terms, the zodiac requires passion and frequent changes.

Ideally, the best alliance is guaranteed with Cancer or Pisces. The former are ready to give more than they receive in return, and attract Scorpios with their mystery. Pisces are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, but they are happy to give the right of leadership in the family to their partner. They are able to extinguish the irascibility of the zodiac with their softness. Not the best option would be a representative of Aries, Leo or Scorpio. All of them belong to the category of leaders, so a bloody war for power will begin in the family. No one wants to give in, so there is only an option for short-term passion.

Work and career

On November 6, the world meets tough and assertive people who hide their negative qualities with the help of innate charm and sociability. In addition, they are focused on social development, so they like to attract attention. If there is too much interest, then Scorpio gets tired and goes into solitude, where he again acquires a harmonious state. The sign has insight, honesty, generosity and a tendency to idealization. But these are far from angels and are able to lose their temper if something does not correspond to a well-thought-out scenario.

In the working plan, this is a real perpetual motion machine, which, with its vigorous activity, stimulates the entire team to increased functionality. He takes on projects with ease and joy. However, it is much better for him to work alone or combine with a huge team. It is incredibly important for a Scorpio that employees accept him without embellishment.

Health and disease

Usually Scorpio does not worry about his health, and this is not required. You should forget about stimulants and monitor the food you take in order to control weight. Connect sports if necessary. Pay special attention to various sports and martial arts. These loads will allow you to get rid of the accumulated energy.

fate and fortune

On November 6, people with contradictions appear, and for them fate enhances all the bright features. If Scorpio develops ethically, acts honestly, mercifully and benevolently, then he will be able to achieve a high place in life. If he succumbs to evil and does not fight his dark side, he will remain alone and will not know joy.

Scorpio should be wary of the lack of harmony and balance. You should always clarify the goals and periodically review the developed strategy. Find a method of containing energy that will allow you not to change yourself. Don't give in to gloominess and learn to deal with disappointments.

Famous personalities

Congratulations today to Zoya Buryak, Sally Field, Thandie Newton, Alexander Nosik (actors), Anna Ivanovich (tennis player) and Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (writer).

What will fate bring

Born November 6 loving, therefore, does not hide his affection for parents, relatives, friends. Usually, Zodiac sign the first to agree to look after someone or take care of someone who is ill. You will have to come to terms with the fact that something terrible will happen in your youth, because of which a lot of responsibility will fall on him, which must be endured. Even if he is surrounded by luxurious conditions, and he is the child of billionaires, he is forced to defend his right to choose a career and life path. In love, he is often mistaken, carried away by passion, and not noticing the true person behind it.

Personal charm, magnetism and the ability to convince people that they are right are what will help Scorpios succeed this month. You can easily achieve your personal goals and even give advice to others, but some nuances can ruin your relationships with people, bosses, colleagues and regular business partners.

November 2019 will give representatives of the sign magnetism, a special charm and self-confidence. It is in this situation that they will be able to achieve their goals without making any special efforts and labor. In this way, you can not only easily get the position that you have been dreaming of for a long time, but also open your own business, provided that your ambitions are reasonable. Otherwise, you risk losing a lot.

In November, your business life will be like riding a swing. You will either be on the wave of success, or you will fail unexpectedly. In order for luck to accompany you in your activities, try to make the most of your personal qualities. Your activity, self-confidence and diligence will make a proper impression on partners and help in solving many business issues. The main thing is not to stop at the achieved result and act according to the circumstances.

Scorpio Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for November 2019

Despite the cold weather and the reluctance to take on difficult issues, you will feel at your best. Many representatives of the sign will show leadership qualities and will be able to demonstrate the gift of persuasion to others so that you can easily reach the desired peak and get a leadership position.

For success to be on your side, do not be shy and show the ability to convince yourself that you are right, even if you doubt something. Then you can achieve a lot and conquer peaks that you never dreamed of before, but be careful.

Excessive self-confidence in relationships with colleagues can only harm you. You are unlikely to be able to maintain relations with them at the same level if you constantly teach and instruct them, even if you are right. Do not be surprised if the number of your enemies only increases - you already have many envious people who cannot get what you have, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, you should not demonstrate your own superiority to those who are weaker than you. Relations with superiors can become better if you do not apply for the position of chief.

Scorpio Man: Work and Career Horoscope for November 2019

Representatives of the sign will sharpen the gift of eloquence and persuasion, which will make it easy to build relationships with business partners, colleagues, or get a leadership position without much effort. It is possible that you can not only realize your dream, but also try to significantly improve your financial situation.

Your successes will contribute to gaining self-confidence, especially if they come after a long streak of failure and various troubles. Avoid only excessive self-confidence in relationships with colleagues and friends.

In relations with superiors, you should also not behave too freely and boldly, especially if you are successful, otherwise envy can disrupt your plans and harm further advancement.

October 24 - November 22

“The beauty of the Scorpio woman has a pronounced mystical character. Scorpio is seductively self-confident and proud "

How to recognize a Scorpio

The question is which of us is the boss here... that is the question.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the description of a scorpion is as follows: a nocturnal arachnid that paralyzes its prey with poison contained in a long, curved tail, which is used both as a means of defense and attack. His bite is often fatal.

As for Scorpions-people, they can be different: merciless and dangerous, strong and independent. It all depends on the individual and the situation.

But Scorpios have one feature by which they cannot be confused with anyone. These are their eyes. Regardless of the color, which can be light blue or black, Scorpio eyes have a hypnotic quality. Under their gaze, people feel uncomfortable and try to look away. Scorpio eyes penetrate your soul, which is why Scorpios often, even in the evening, wear tinted glasses. In the speech of Scorpio, regardless of the timbre and strength of the voice, you will also find one characteristic property - extraordinary self-confidence. Scorpio is indifferent to the opinions of others: both insults and praise roll off him like water off a duck's back. He has nothing to do with this. He knows his own worth and does not need other people's assessments.

Most people whose patron is the planet Pluto are physically very strong. Facial features are heavy and sharply defined, usually with a large, beak-like nose. The complexion is pale, the eyebrows are wide, almost fused at the bridge of the nose.

Men have abundant vegetation on their arms and legs, often of a reddish hue. Hair color is often dark, but among the Scorpios, ash blondes sometimes come across. And although they seem coldish, do not be deceived: a passionate nature is hidden under external equanimity.

Scorpios have learned to control their emotions so well that you won’t read anything on their faces; they are impassive, like the faces of marble statues. You will never see any excitement or confusion on the face of a Scorpio. Scorpios rarely smile, but their smile is sincere.

Scorpios are very truthful, despise lies and falsehood and will never stoop to flattery. If you really want to know what you are worth, ask a Scorpio about it. If he tells you that you have a good voice, you can safely go to the stage - you will probably have a career as a good pop singer. If he says that you are an outstanding singer - go to an audition at the Metropolitan Opera - you are undoubtedly a future opera star. Just as clearly and definitely, without trying to sweeten the pill, Scorpio will speak out about your shortcomings. If you have enough self-control, listen to him carefully and take note of what he said. There is not an ounce of subjectivity in his words. That is why Scorpio has an equal number of friends and enemies; you will hardly meet people who are indifferent to him. Those around him are either passionate admirers or fierce opponents, but both of them treat him with respect.

People born under the sign of Scorpio can choose one of three paths in life.

The first type, Scorpio itself, can be dangerous and poisonous not only for others, but also for oneself (in cases where there is no one nearby to try their deadly sting on, they sting themselves) . These creatures are ruthless, vindictive, and in their hatred are capable of not only enormous destruction, but also self-destruction.

There is another kind of Scorpio - strong, independent, wise and fair. It is also called "or-scrap". Among such Scorpions I will name the US President Theodore Roosevelt, the scientist Marie Curie-Sklodowska and many others.

The third type of Scorpion is called the "gray lizard". They are the weakest of the Scorpions. Where, in Scorpions proper, the excess of forces is turned to destruction or, like the "eagle", is directed to creative creation, in the "gray lizards" it closes on itself, not finding any way out. These people suffer from dissatisfaction with themselves and others, but do not seek to somehow influence the course of events, but simply hate everyone and everything and wish everyone evil.

Each of the three types of Scorpions in its pure form is quite rare, but to one degree or another, in each Scorpio, all these qualities are certainly present.

A distinctive feature of almost all Scorpios is unparalleled courage and even contempt for death itself. Scorpio can stoically withstand any test:

physical pain, poverty, ridicule of enemies and mortal danger. All blows of fate Scorpio meets with proud contempt and a deep conviction that he will still win any battle.

Scorpio never forgets the kindness and services rendered to him and generously thanks for them. But in the same way, he does not forget the insult or insult inflicted on him.

True, different types of Scorpios react differently to this. "Eagle" will challenge the enemy to fight and will not calm down until the opponent is defeated or asks for mercy. Only then will the "eagle" let him go on all four sides. Actually, Scorpio will carefully plan how to take revenge on his offender and, be sure, will strike him with such force that, if he recovers, he will forever refuse to contact Scorpio. As for the "gray lizard", she prefers to rely on revenge from above and is able to wait for many years until this happens. Such a practice is detrimental, first of all, to Scorpio himself, since the poison accumulates inside and gradually poisons the body.

Scorpio's health is entirely in his power. He can both destroy himself with sorrowful or malicious thoughts and neglect of danger, and heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of Scorpio, given to him from birth, is enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do, the disease is severe. Scorpios often have pain: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Often diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins. Because of the contempt for danger, there are many accidents; Scorpions should be wary of fires, explosions, etc. Scorpios are keenly interested in all aspects of life, both light and dark, which is why there are many saints and sinners among them.

Scorpio will never give up to anyone what he owns or is about to master. He always remains calm, does not fuss and is not nervous, knowing for sure that he should want something, and it will certainly happen. Hence his boundless confidence in himself and in his own abilities.

Interest in the problems of life and death and a deep understanding of the secrets of human existence contribute to the fact that among the Scorpios there are many excellent diagnosticians, famous criminologists, writers, composers and artists.

The birth of Scorpio is almost always accompanied by the death of one of the relatives a year before or a year after his birth; similarly, the death of a Scorpion leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. It is difficult to explain such a feature otherwise than by some secret, mystical forces. The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth some additional forces are required to ensure his birth. And vice versa, when he goes to another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new being.

The flower of November is a huge prickly thistle. But have you noticed how intoxicating and exhilarating its smell is, reminiscent of the sweet languor of the July night? The passionate nature of Scorpio is best matched by the heliotrope stone, which in its color resembles a noble dark red wine. Scorpio's metal is steel. After hardening, it turns out to be cold, smooth and shiny, able to withstand all life's trials.

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio

Richard Burton

Alexander Borodin

Charles de Gaulle

Fedor Dostoevsky

Vivien Leigh

Pablo Picasso

Maya Plisetskaya

Theodore Roosevelt

Johann Strauss

scorpio man

She met the eyes of a huge blue caterpillar. She sat with her arms crossed on her chest, and languidly smoked a hookah ... Alice and the Blue Caterpillar looked at each other for a long time. friend without saying a word.

If you do not belong to the super-passionate natures who love all kinds of emotional excesses, and a Scorpio man has appeared on your way, my advice to you is to flee before it's too late. Scorpio is something like King Kong.

Despite its cold appearance, it can burn like a red-hot stove. Do you know how long a burn hurts, especially a bad one? Just as painfully unsuccessful contact with Scorpio. For many weeks, or even months, you will not be able to recover from it.

But if you are sure that you have an equally passionate nature and, moreover, burn protection, take a chance. (Still, other women will someday thank me for linking their lives with calmer and more reliable signs, for example, Cancer or Capricorn.)

For those who did not find the strength to run away or preferred to stay in the arms of Scorpio, I offer a more detailed acquaintance so that you can know in advance what awaits you.

If it were possible to characterize this person in one word, then this word would be invincibility. Scorpio cannot be defeated, he will win any battle. Therefore, be careful and try not to provoke him, otherwise it will be worse for you.

Scorpio has an excellent balance of mind and emotions. And if he is highly intellectual, then his mind is akin to a philosophical one and is busy searching for the meaning of life.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, loving luxury and prone to excess: in food, drink, drugs, love. Especially in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for it with all his being. The instinctive beginning manifested itself even when he was riding a tricycle. It doesn't matter that he looks like Huckleberry Finn, covered in freckles, and does not at all resemble a dangerous seducer. The faster you will find yourself in his power, without even understanding how this could happen.

Scorpio does not allow defeat. Therefore, if he feels that he is not able to bewitch you with his eyes, he will use poison that will paralyze your senses. At the same time, outwardly, he will maintain absolute calmness. His favorite manner is complete indifference, until he feels that the victim is in his power and he can afford to enjoy it to his heart's content.

Each Scorpio is his own decree. He usually complies with the rules as long as they do not contradict his own ideas, goals and objectives. But it is worth something or someone to prevent Scorpio from implementing his plans, and he will send everyone to hell, not at all caring about the consequences. All vital decisions Scorpio makes independently; the opinions of friends, relatives, neighbors, and even his wife mean as little to him as the opinions of his ill-wishers. Here you may be offended, thinking that he could take into account your opinion. And now try, discarding the offense, look at the matter from the other side. Are there many men in the world who are ready to solve complex life problems on their own, without pushing and prompting? It's sad to admit it, but there aren't many of them. And if your Scorpio belongs to those who take all the responsibility for themselves, then this is great, right?

In order to respect and love Scorpio even more, it is enough to see him in action when clouds gathered over him. While other men are panicking, angry, grumbling, or simply confused, he rolls up his sleeves and rushes into battle. He does not expect that his life path will be strewn with flowers alone, and therefore, when trouble comes, he perceives it not as thunder from heaven, but as the most ordinary everyday situation that must be solved in the same way as everyone else. Needless to say, with such a wise philosophical outlook, life is much easier and more enjoyable.

Scorpio is very selective in choosing friends and acquaintances. He will not surround himself with people whom he does not love, does not respect, does not appreciate.

Scorpio is not inclined to show his feelings in public. Sometimes it may seem to you that he is rude, inattentive, and even cruel. He may even allow himself to laugh at you in front of strangers. Only later, left alone with you, he confesses his true attitude towards you.

If you are a delicate nature, it will be difficult for you with Scorpio. But if you can survive the most acute period of addiction, you yourself will surely melt into a stronger personality. Unlike other men who tell their wives (without taking their eyes off the newspaper) vulgar compliments that stick in their teeth, such as “you are charming as always, fish”, Scorpion will praise you only if you you really deserve it. His praise is worth a dozen others.

As for jealousy, this is a very, very difficult question. The wife of Scorpio, like the wife of Caesar, must

be beyond suspicion. If you are jealous, it is better to convince yourself that this is not so. You will constantly watch how women are hung around his neck. But what to do with it when he is so irresistibly charming? In such cases, one should only hope that no flattery and other temptations work on him, he has a strong natural immunity against this. Well, how did it feel easier for you after my words? Hope so.

Scorpio is an unusually harsh father. He will not allow children to be lazy and indulge, but will teach them to respect themselves and their property. While they are small, he will fiercely protect them, as he protects everything that he passionately loves. But as soon as they grow up, he will teach them to defend themselves and fight for themselves. Sometimes the children of Scorpios consider their fathers too domineering and harsh, but only growing up, they understand how much they have learned from them, and feel gratitude towards them.

As for the Scorpio husband, if you completely trust him and share all his thoughts, he will be attentive, caring, gentle and will repay you for everything with such love that many women can only dream of.

Scorpio woman

Think about anything - just don't cry!

The beauty of the Scorpio woman mows down a pronounced mystical character. Scorpio is seductive, self-confident and proud. But she has one secret desire. She would like to be a man.

By this I do not mean to say that she is not S^^^^ feminine and seductive. And seductive, and feminine more than anyone else. But she always secretly regrets that God made her a woman.

Once she understood the difference between pink and blue ribbons on babies' duvets, she silently agreed to wear pink, but that doesn't mean pink suits her better. Her colors are more like maroon and wine red, which can hardly be considered very delicate and feminine colors. But even if Scorpio, following the rules of the game learned once and for all, will portray a weak, fluffy kitten, remember that she is by no means a kitten.

The Scorpio woman treats the representatives of her gender with some contempt. She laughs at their attempts to charm her lover, save her husband or grumble over a child. She herself would never stoop to that. It is enough for her to look the man intently into the eyes when he brings the lighter to her cigarette, and he is already in her power. She hypnotized him.

Scorpio knows the price of his charm. She will never run as fast as she can to throw herself on her lover's neck. Her gait will be slow, smooth and seductive. Surprisingly, Scorpions manage to look seductive even in overalls.

Don't expect a Scorpio to look at you with dog eyes; don't expect her to go into ecstasy when you whisper any kindness in her ear. In response to your outpourings, she will take a close look at you, reading all your thoughts at once. If you don't have serious intentions, it's better to flirt with someone else. Here it can be just dangerous.

And now I will reveal to you one secret, the knowledge of which, many will shudder. The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With some sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. You have no choice but to obey her witchcraft charms or try to escape. But is it worth it?

Perhaps your pride will be flattered that Scorpio is interested in you. After all, she despises weakness and cowardice in men. She likes proud, strong, courageous, smart and handsome men. If Scorpio chose you, then you undoubtedly have all the listed advantages. Seeing you in the company of such a woman, you will be the envy of those around you, in whose eyes your shares will rise immeasurably.

The Scorpio woman is an unusually passionate person. Inside her, everything boils, while outwardly she is cold, like marble. True, for her the word "passion" means much more than the concept that men put into it. For them, passion is related only to love pleasures. A Scorpio woman has similar feelings for everything around her: she either passionately loves or hates madly.

Scorpio belongs to those natures who like to be trusted with secrets, and she will never spill them in a third-party way. She also applies to her own secrets. No one will know about them, not even her own husband. And if he tries to penetrate them, he will be given to understand that this should not be done. In the soul of Scorpio there are corners where entry is ordered to anyone, no matter who he is.

A Scorpio woman, evaluating people differently, will treat them differently. Those whom she considers strong and worthy will arouse her sympathy, and the weak will not even get a look.

Scorpio, if circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one more strongly and more tenderly than a lawful wife. And she is completely indifferent to what her neighbors and colleagues think about this and what they gossip about. Scorpio listens only to what her heart says.

Despite a highly developed individualism, Scorpio will give his lover the right to dominate the house. She will put all her strength and energy to ensure that he achieves his goals. Having united her fate with him, she can continue to work, but only if the family's financial situation is not very stable.

Scorpio will never scold and scold you in front of strangers, even when she is very unhappy with you. She will save her anger to sort things out in private. In public, she will always protect you.

Scorpio women adore a house marked by cleanliness, comfort and excellent taste.

Scorpios are unreasonably suspicious and jealous, but if your wife finds out about your real betrayal, her fury will be like an atomic explosion. I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to try for themselves what it is.

For the sake of her husband's successful career, Scorpio is capable of making sacrifices. She can leave her home and move to an unfamiliar city; may agree to be patient for a while so that the husband receives less money, if there is hope that in a new place he will advance faster in the service.

Thanks to the amazing insight, Scorpio sees through people, their secret thoughts will not hide from her. Therefore, you can safely trust her in assessing people: she always knows exactly who is worth what and who and what should be feared.

With regard to the family budget, the behavior of Scorpio is ambiguous. She is either stingy to the point of pettiness, or wasteful. But one thing you should learn: she loves luxury and comfort, and this is not cheap.

Being terribly jealous, Scorpio does not like being jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy for Scorpio. As soon as she appears in society, all the men, as if on command, turn their heads and begin to stare at her intently. But remember yourself, after all, she once bewitched you in the same way with her deep, piercing gaze and insinuating, exciting gait.

Never try to avenge something on Scorpio - she will still be the winner. It is better to show her kindness, she will repay you a hundredfold for it.

In relations with children, Scorpio is outwardly reserved and cool, but children will feel that they are under reliable protection. She will teach them to overcome difficulties and fight to achieve their goals. When the children grow up, it will help them understand human nature and correctly evaluate the actions of people. And the talents of children will not go unnoticed and will receive the most worthy development.

So, after reading this chapter, are you still not sure if you should marry her? You are a strange person. After all, all other women, although a hundred times more beautiful, are just women. And this one also knows how to conjure, which in our time can be very, very useful.

Scorpio baby

Seeing their newborn Scorpio for the first time, parents feel legitimate pride. No wonder, because the baby is much larger, stronger and stronger than the rest of the children. But that's why he's a Scorpio. Nature created him as a fighter, so that he would emerge victorious from all life battles. Before you pick up the baby from the hospital, buy a large playpen with a strong net. You can test the durability of your purchase by climbing inside the arena right in the store. Answer the surprised looks of the saleswoman with proud silence and a contemptuous look. She most likely does not know that the playpen will not be needed by the baby at all, but by you yourself, so that, hiding behind its reliable fence, you can calmly drink a cup of coffee or read the newspaper without the risk that your young offspring will get to you. But these, of course, are jokes, but seriously, the Scorpio baby should be brought up in strictness and severe discipline. You will have to instill in him a sense of pity for weaker and more defenseless creatures, patience when he loses, respect for the authority of elders and the ability to forgive insults. If you manage to cultivate all these qualities in him, you will give the world an outstanding personality with a brilliant mind and irresistible charm.

A Scorpio baby can go one of two paths - dark or light, and it depends on you which one he chooses. Too soft, pliable and indecisive mothers are doomed to failure from the very beginning. With Scorpio, you need to learn to be unusually firm and kind. Scorpio will respect only the one in whom he feels superior to himself. You must be strong and calm, because calmness is the same strength. If the baby finds both of these qualities in you, he will humble himself (at least for a while), and you will win. Only then will he allow you to become his mentor.

Know that Scorpio, even in early childhood, must have their own secrets and mysteries in which no one has the right to interfere. But not a single trifle escapes his sharp gaze; he will be aware of all the small and big family secrets.

The Scorpio child is wise beyond his years. What another child will have to inspire for years, he will comprehend on his own and instantly, with some kind of sixth sense.

To those he loves. Scorpio is unusually attentive and devoted to them to self-forgetfulness, but those who try to step on his tail risk getting such an injection from which they will not recover soon. I advise everyone to remember this feature of Scorpions.

Scorpio has such a reserve of energy that, if not directed in the right direction, it can switch to very undesirable objects. The child should be occupied physically and intellectually as much as possible. His irrepressible curiosity should be directed to science, literature, art and sports.

Do not try to choose his future specialty for Scorpio and even more so insist on your opinion. You only need to give him a choice, introducing him to many areas of science and art, and he himself will decide what suits him best.

The excess of your Scorpion's vital energy will often splash out in the form of tears, tantrums and violent disputes. Teach him to control his emotions, not by scolding, but by giving a logical explanation why this should not be done. Scorpions, unfortunately, are prone to drugs, so you should be very careful with them in order to prevent this harmful inclination in time.

Scorpio loves Halloween, horror-owl movies and science fiction.

Regardless of who he becomes in life, he will achieve great heights in his chosen specialty thanks to his strength, courage, determination and intelligence. And your task, showing a daily example of kindness, love and selflessness, to teach him these qualities.

Scorpio boss

"Keep yourself in control," said the caterpillar...

“In time, you’ll get used to it,” she retorted. caterpillar put the hookah in its mouth and blew smoke into the air.

"Speak softly, but keep a stick behind your back." This advice from President Theodore Roosevelt is a clear example of the philosophy that all Scorpios try to adhere to to one degree or another.

Scorpio was born to solve the mystery of life, so he is interested in everything that is somehow connected with it. The secrets of his subordinates are no exception.

Scorpio is enough to look into your eyes, and he will know what happened to you yesterday, and perhaps not only yesterday, but also a week ago, and not only with you, but also with your loved ones.

Hence the advice: if you have something to hide, it’s better not to work under the Scorpio. He still knows everything.

But the Scorpio boss, like no one else (he knew how to penetrate your soul), will understand your mood and be able to help in difficult times. Scorpio, unlike other bosses, will not remain indifferent to you, because he understands that a gloomy or joyful state of mind will primarily affect your work.

No one better than a Scorpio can hide their true intentions while maintaining complete calm. This tactic is excellently justified in the fight against rivals - rarely does anyone expect a dirty trick from a person who is in a serene state. And then, when the enemy, thinking that everything is in order on this flank, switches his attention to another. The scor-peony delivers a well-timed strike and hits its target.

Scorpio boss always carefully selects his team, while personal likes and dislikes are of paramount importance. If you like him, he will follow your promotion and provide all-round support and help. If you are not one of those to whom he sympathizes, he simply will not hire you. And if someone else hired you before him, he will try to get rid of you, and he will do it very skillfully. He will simply stop noticing your presence, you will turn into an empty place for him. After spending some time in the form of a ghost, you yourself can not stand it and rush to look for another job. Brilliant tactic, right?

It is not necessary for your Scorpio boss to look very impressive. Most likely you will not find anything in it that resembles Dracula or any other famous monster. But do not rush to flatter yourself. Even with a completely ordinary appearance, he will be able to completely subjugate you to his will and bewitch. And you will think that there is no one in the world kinder, smarter, more talented and better than your boss.

True, having understood all this, do not try to lavish flowery compliments on him. Not only does he not like this, but being suspicious in nature, he will begin to suspect you of a secret intention. So I advise you to be restrained, especially since this is what he himself loves to preach so much.

In clashes with subordinates, Scorpio rarely shows violent emotions, except when the matter requires a huge outburst of energy from him. But it is worth the situation to normalize, and the most unflappable and calm boss in the world will again appear before you.

Do not try to outdo or bypass your boss or somehow offend him. This practice is deeply flawed and can cost you not only your job, but also your health. But a friendly and loyal attitude towards him will allow you to work fruitfully with him for many years.

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