Cherries in their own juice without sterilization recipe. Cherries in their own juice for the winter without seeds with sugar Recipe for canning cherries in their own juice

Cherries in their own juice are an excellent preparation for the winter. And also an ideal option for processing a large cherry harvest. The berries are useful for preparing various baked goods, for decorating cakes and pastries, for cooking compotes and jelly. Thanks to minimal heat treatment, most of the vitamins are preserved, which means the dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy. In addition, canning cherries does not take much time, as it is prepared according to very simple recipes.

Cherries in their own juice, pitted, with sugar - recipe with step-by-step photos

Ingredients for one 0.7 liter jar:

  • Sugar - 100 gr. (or 4 tbsp.)
  • Pitted cherries – 550 gr.

Cooking method:

Select large, ripe and healthy fruits with dense pulp. Remove unripe or rotten berries.

Remove the stems from the cherries. Place in a colander and rinse well. Then set aside and let the water drain a little.

Remove seeds from fruits.

You can do this in several ways:

  • using a mechanical separator
  • hairpin
  • with a pin
  • using a pitting machine
  • using a garlic press

Place peeled cherries in sterilized and dry 0.7 liter jars. to the level of the shoulders. To make the berries fit more tightly, you can shake the jar a little or lightly compact it with your hand.

Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the cherries. If desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced or not added at all. Cherries in their own juice will then turn out a little sour.

Then take a deep and tall saucepan. Line the bottom of the container with a kitchen towel folded in half.

Carefully place the jars in the pan and pour warm water up to the hanger line.

Cover the jars with prepared sterilized lids to prevent water from getting into the cherries during boiling.

Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat slightly so that the water does not flood the lids and simmer for 15 minutes.

Then remove the jars from the pan and roll them hot using a machine or screw on the lids.

Turn the finished jars upside down and check for leaks. Then wrap it in a blanket and wait for it to cool.

Cherries prepared using this technology can be stored in their own juice for several years at room temperature in a cupboard or pantry.

Cherries in their own juice, pitted, with sugar - a simple recipe

If there are a lot of cherries, then the ideal option for processing the harvest would be to can the berries in their own juice. In winter, this preparation can be eaten instead of sweets, and the syrup can be diluted with water and drunk instead of compote. In addition, scientists have proven that cherries or their juice are an excellent remedy for the blues.


  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 300 gr.

You can take jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters, and tin or iron screw lids are suitable. They must be sterilized and dried in advance.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the cherries, wash them thoroughly and remove the pits.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan and add sugar.
  3. Place the container over low heat and gently stir the cherry mixture.
  4. Then bring to a boil, remove from heat, put into clean jars and roll up the lids.
  5. Then cool under a blanket and store in a dark and cool place.

If possible, be sure to stock up on jars of delicious cherries in their own juice for the winter. After all, this is not only a delicious dessert, but also healthy.

By canning cherries in their own juice, you will have a strategic supply for the winter for making drinks - compote and jelly. The berries are useful for various baked goods, used as filling and for decorating cakes and pastries. I offer several of the most successful recipes for preparations, with and without sugar.

The advantage of natural preparation is that more of the benefits of cherries are preserved. Thanks to a very modest heat treatment, the vitamins do not have time to die, which means we have achieved the main thing - we have received a tasty and healthy dessert. Five minutes can rest.

How to roll cherries in your own juice - preparation secrets

  • As a rule, the preparation is made in small jars for one-time use, since the opened dessert does not last long, especially if without sugar.
  • Take only the ripest berry.
  • Remove the seeds. An exception is the preparation of cherries in natural syrup for cakes. There are several recipes for preserving fruits with seeds; this is not forbidden. But you should know that the jars cannot be stored for a long time. The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, which is released into syrup over time.

Cherries in their own juice with sugar, without seeds

I believe that this is the most successful and correct way to prepare your own nectar. The dessert can be stored without complications all winter.


  • For 1 kilogram of berries 300 gr. granulated sugar.

Preparation of the workpiece:

  1. Place the jars to sterilize and boil the iron lids.
  2. Remove seeds from washed cherries.
  3. Place the fruits in a cooking container. At the lowest heat setting, start heating the contents. This is important - high heat is not needed.
  4. Immediately after the first signs of boiling appear, quickly transfer the cherry mass into jars and roll up.

Cherries with sugar without sterilization

The preparation is also made without seeds, but is somewhat different. You don’t have to bring the berries to a boil for a long time. The method is very simple, but the preparation technology will allow the preservation to stand all winter.


  • A glass of sugar per kilogram of fruit.


  1. Place the cored cherries in a saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Set aside for 12 hours. During this time, the berries will become saturated with sweetness and release a lot of juice.
  3. Prepare the jars - wash and sterilize.
  4. Turn on the gas at full power, let the mixture boil quickly and strongly.
  5. Remove, quickly pack into jars and seal.
  6. For storage, choose a pantry or refrigerator shelf.

Cherries in juice syrup with sugar

You can prepare cherries in your own juice so that you get a thick, pomegranate-colored syrup in which stunningly beautiful whole berries will float.


  • Per liter of cherry juice – 300 g. granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Divide the washed cherries into 2 unequal parts. Free the smaller part from the seeds. Place in a blender bowl and grind.
  2. Drain the juice, add sugar and place on the stove.
  3. When the pulp boils, check if the sugar has dissolved.
  4. At the same time, distribute most of the cherries into the jars without removing the pits.
  5. Pour in boiling juice.
  6. Sterilize a liter container for 25 minutes, for containers of 0.5 liters – 20 is enough.

Cherries in juice with pits, recipe with sugar

The recipe does not have exact proportions. But a large amount of sweetener and sterilization will guarantee to protect the product from rapid fermentation.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Fill the jars in layers. At the bottom there is a layer of cherries about two centimeters thick. Then 2 tablespoons of sugar. And so on to the very top.
  2. Shake the jar periodically to ensure the contents fit tightly. The top layer must be sugar.
  3. The last step is sterilization. How long to sterilize: liter 20 minutes. Half liter jars – 15.

Cherries in their own juice – preserved without sugar

This recipe allows you to preserve many berries in one jar. Another strong point of the recipe is that the fruits do not lose color, the result is aromatic, almost natural taste.

  1. Before cooking, do the preparatory work - fill the cherries with cold water and leave for exactly an hour. During this time, it will be saturated with water and become more juicy.
  2. Discard the core and place the pulp in jars.
  3. At the same time, start sterilizing the jars and lids.
  4. Sugar-free preparations in their own juice must be sterilized. Place the jars in a pan of hot water. Let the liquid boil and sterilize. For a 0.5 liter jar, 15 minutes is enough. Process a liter container for 20 minutes.
  5. After rolling, the workpieces are turned over, wrapped and waited to cool.

Cherries with pits - sugar-free recipe

I have already drawn your attention to the fact that it is advisable to harvest berries in their own juice without the core. However, if you plan to quickly use the content, it is acceptable to do so without deleting it.

  1. Fill the jars with washed berries. Place in a saucepan with hot water.
  2. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan to prevent the jars from bouncing around too much. Don't forget to cover the jars with lids.
  3. Preservation requires constant monitoring, since the cherries will soon begin to sag. Add the required amount, filling the jar to the top. If it settles again, add a new portion.
  4. Soon the settling will stop, this is a signal that no more fruit will enter. Take it out and roll it up. Cool by turning it upside down.

Happy harvesting! On a winter evening, open a jar of this delicious preparation and make any dessert with cherries that look like they were just picked from a tree. Video with a recipe for cherries in their own juice in jars for the winter.

The queen of summer is considered to be cherry. It is she, the ruby ​​beauty, that we feast on with pleasure, bending the branches, heavy from the abundance of berries. Cherry in its own juice is a kind of time machine, or, if you like, a virtual bridge connecting us in the cold winter with the sunny summer. Oh, how good these round berries will be in dumplings, pies and compotes. The aroma of cherry, spreading throughout the apartment, immediately fills it with comfort, warmth and the promise of happiness.

Cherries in their own juice are the simplest type of preparation, which will not take much time, but will give you a lot of pleasure. And besides, you can choose any option you like: with or without seeds, with or without sugar. The main ingredient is cherries, and it’s worth paying close attention to. The berries must be ripe, fresh and quite large; they will better retain their shape if you suddenly choose the seedless option, plus they have a lot of juice, which is very important for this type of preparation. After removing the pit, the pulp of small cherries takes on a not very appetizing shape, and in winter, cherries in their own juice should, you see, also please the eye. Before preservation, cherries must be carefully sorted, wormy, unripe or spoiled fruits, all twigs and leaves must be removed. The cherries selected for preparation must be washed extremely carefully so as not to bruise them, otherwise they will release their juice ahead of time.

Now about the bones. This activity requires patience and time, but if you involve other family members in this matter, the work will go faster and more fun. After all, everyone loves cherry pies in winter. There are more than enough options for removing a bone. Some people arm themselves with special devices, others use a pin the old fashioned way or simply pull out the bones with their hands. The main thing is that the pulp remains as intact as possible.

Decided to leave the cherries with pits? Even easier. Then your task is to carefully sort it out, wash it and start preparing it. Such berries will undoubtedly look more beautiful, but do not forget that they are not intended for long-term storage. After 8-10 months, the substance contained in the seeds begins to turn into hydrocyanic acid - a dangerous poison that can easily be poisoned. So it is advisable to use the preparations before this time, turning them, for example, into aromatic compotes.

To prepare cherries in their own juice, take small glass jars - 0.5 l or 1 l - this is very convenient: you open it and immediately use it for its intended purpose. Before storing the cherries, wash and sterilize the jars in your usual way. For all types of cherry preserves, use varnished tin, aluminum tin, and if screw jars, then metal screw caps. Such lids are less susceptible to oxidation.

Just a few words about storage. Cherries in their own juice feel great at room temperature, but jars must be stored in semi-darkness or darkness, as cherries can change color in the light. So arrange your treasured preparations for the time being in cozy pantries. Let them await their finest hour there.

And now, armed with our simple but important tips, choose a recipe to your taste and, as they say, in good time.

Natural cherries in their own juice with pits

cherries - quantity as desired.

Sort through the cherries, rinse them thoroughly under running water, then let the water drain, place in prepared sterilized jars to the top and fill with boiling water. Cover the filled jars with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes. During sterilization, cherries settle, so you need to periodically replenish the jars by adding the required number of berries to them. After sterilization, roll up the jars, turn them upside down and leave them like that until they cool completely.

Cherries with pits in their own juice with sugar (method No. 1)

cherries - quantity at your discretion,

Sort through the cherries and remove spoiled berries. Remove the seeds from about a third of the berries selected for preservation, grind the pulp in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Add sugar to it at the rate: per 1 liter of juice - 300 g of sugar and bring to a boil. Let the juice simmer a little until the sugar dissolves well. Place the remaining cherries in clean sterilized jars, pour hot cherry juice over the berries and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 20 minutes, 1 liter jars - 25 minutes at a temperature of 100ºC. Then roll up the jars, turn them upside down, cover with something on top and leave until completely cool.

Cherries with pits in their own juice with sugar (method No. 2)

cherries - quantity as desired,

Place the prepared cherries selected for preservation tightly into clean, sterilized jars, pouring 1-2 tablespoons every 2 cm. sugar and shake the jars periodically so that the berries are distributed evenly. Top each jar with a couple of tablespoons of sugar as well. Cover the filled jars with lids and place them in a saucepan with water. Sterilize at a temperature of 100ºC: 0.5% liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes. Then carefully remove the jars of cherries from the pan, roll up the lids, turn over, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (method No. 1)

1 kg cherries,
300 g sugar.

Sort out the cherries. Wash them thoroughly, without pressing too hard, and remove the seeds. Place the prepared pulp in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, remove from heat and, pack in clean, sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Pitted cherries in their own juice with sugar (method No. 2)

sugar - 1 cup. for every kilogram of berries.

Sort through the collected fruits, remove the seeds and in a prepared enamel bowl, sprinkle the cherry pulp with sugar at the rate of 1 cup. sugar per 1 kg of cherries. Leave the berries in this form for 12 hours so that they can soak in sugar and release the required amount of juice. Then put the pan with the cherries on the fire and let it boil. Place the berries in sterilized jars, pour in the juice released during cooking and immediately cover with boiled lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool. When they have cooled completely, store the workpiece in a dark place.

Pitted cherries in their own juice without sugar

large, ripe cherries - as many as you can eat.

Sort through the cherries, cover the selected berries with cold water and leave for 1 hour. Then remove the seeds from the berries and place the pulp in a saucepan. Next, place the seedless fruits in sterilized jars, fill them with the juice remaining in the pan and place the filled jars to sterilize as follows. Cover the bottom of a large pan with a thick cloth, place the jars on it, pour so much cold water into the pan so that it does not reach the neck by 2 cm. Set the pan with jars on gas and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. After sterilization, carefully remove the jars from the pan, seal tightly with boiled lids, wrap and leave until completely cool.

“Drunk cherry” in its own juice for pastries and cakes

1 kg cherries,
700 g sugar,
300 ml water,
200 ml vodka or cognac.

Thoroughly wash selected ripe and large cherries and shake off the water. Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Place the cherries in boiling sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes, periodically skimming off any foam that forms. Then remove the cherries from the syrup, place them in clean, sterilized jars, and add vodka or cognac to the hot syrup and mix well. Pour the resulting solution over the cherries, immediately roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them upside down and leave until they cool completely. Store this preparation in a cool, dark place.

Cherries in their own juice in a slow cooker

1 kg cherries,
1 stack Sahara.

Sort through the cherries, wash them, dry them slightly, place them in a multicooker bowl, add sugar and leave for 4 hours to release the juice. Turn on the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes to dissolve the sugar, then set the “Stew” mode to 60 minutes. If the multicooker has a “Cooking” mode, first turn it on for 30 minutes, and then switch the multicooker to the “Stewing” mode for 1 hour. Place the finished cherries into pre-sterilized jars and seal them with boiled lids.

Prepared cherries in their own juice will help you stay in a dreamy cherry mood all winter and maintain optimism, filling your tired body with tasty and healthy vitamins.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cherry is the queen of summer. We enjoy this sour berry with great pleasure.

But, unfortunately, this period does not last long, and you need to have time to prepare cherries for the winter.

Cherry in your own juice is an easy way to preserve the aroma and freshness of the berry.

Cherries in their own juice for the winter - basic principles of preparation

This preparation is made in different ways: with or without sugar, with or without seeds.

The main ingredient of the preparation is cherries. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to it. The berries should be ripe, but not overripe. It is advisable to take large cherries. It is this berry that retains its shape better and contains more juice. This is especially important when you make pitted preparations. Small cherries quickly lose their shape after pitting.

The collected berries are washed, removing unripe, spoiled or wormy ones. This must be done extremely carefully so that the cherries do not become wrinkled and expire prematurely.

Now the most crucial moment is removing the seeds. This process requires perseverance and attentiveness. This can be done using a special device or removing the seeds the old fashioned way - with a pin. The main thing is that the pulp remains as intact as possible.

Cherries with pits look much more beautiful, but it is worth remembering that after eight months the pits begin to release hydrocyanic acid, which can lead to poisoning. Therefore, such preparations must be consumed before the expiration of this period.

Cherries in their own juice are prepared for the winter in half-liter or liter glass containers. Before storing the berries, they are thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Recipe 1. Cherries in their own juice with pits


  • cherry berries.

Cooking method

1. We sort through the cherries, tear off the stems, remove leaves and spoiled berries. Place the cherries in a sieve and wash thoroughly. Then leave the cherries to drain all the water.

2. Wash liter or 0.5 liter containers thoroughly with baking soda and sterilize them. We do this over steam or in the oven.

3. Fill the jars with prepared berries and cover with lids. Cover the bottom of a wide pan with a linen towel and place the jars in the pan. Fill with hot water so that the liquid level reaches the hangers of the jars. We sterilize the workpiece over low heat: liter jars - 20 minutes, half-liter jars - a quarter of an hour.

4. Place the berries in jars, since the cherries will settle during the sterilization process. Then we roll up the jars and turn them over. Leave the workpiece in this form until it cools completely.

Recipe 2. Cherries in their own juice for the winter with seeds and sugar


    granulated sugar;

Cooking method

1. Sort the cherries, tear off the stems and rinse very carefully so that the berries do not bruise. Remove seeds from a third of the total mass of cherries using a pin and a special device.

2. Grind the cherry pulp through a meat grinder, place in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and add granulated sugar at the rate of 300 g per liter of cherry juice. Place the bowl with the juice on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil the juice, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Wash and sterilize liter or half-liter glass containers thoroughly.

4. Place the remaining cherries in prepared jars and pour boiling cherry juice over them. Place the jars in a wide saucepan, lining the bottom with a napkin. Pour in hot water and sterilize at low boil: 20 minutes for liter jars and 25 minutes for half-liter jars.

5. Seal the jars with cherries hermetically, turn them over and cover with some warm cloth. Leave the jars like this until they cool completely. Store jars in the pantry or basement.

Recipe 3. Cherries in their own juice with pits and sugar (second method)


    granulated sugar;

    cherry berries.

Cooking method

1. We sort out large ripe cherries, removing spoiled and wormy fruits. We tear off the tails and thoroughly wash the cherries under the tap.

2. Wash glass containers with soda, rinse and sterilize in the oven or over steam.

3. Place the cherries in prepared jars, shaking constantly and sprinkling with sugar. Pour two tablespoons of sugar on top. Cover with sterile lids and place the jars in a wide saucepan. Pour in hot water.

4. Place the pan with the jars on low heat and sterilize at a low boil: a quarter of an hour for 0.5 liter jars and 20 minutes for liter jars. Then carefully remove the jars of cherries, seal them tightly and turn them over. Cover with a blanket and keep under it until completely cooled.

Recipe 4. Cherries in their own juice, pitted, with sugar


    cane sugar;

    cherry berries.

Cooking method

1. Prepare the cherries. We sort through, tear off the stalks and wash thoroughly. If you suspect that the cherry is wormy, soak it for half an hour in a weak salt solution so that all pests float to the surface.

2. Wash liter jars with soda and rinse. There is no need to sterilize glass containers, but be sure to boil the lids.

3. Using a special machine, remove the pits from the cherries. Place the berries in prepared jars, compacting them tightly. When the jar is half full, add a spoonful of sugar and continue adding berries to the top. Add another spoonful of granulated sugar on top.

4. Take a wide dish, line the bottom with a napkin and place the jars in the pan, covering them with lids. Pour warm water into the pan up to the shoulders of the cans and put on fire. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour, from the moment of boiling, at a slow boil.

5. Roll up, turn over and cover the jars with a blanket. Leave to cool for a day. We store the workpiece in the basement or pantry.

Recipe 5. Cherries in their own juice, pitted, with sugar (second method)


    300 g granulated sugar;

    cherry - kilogram.

Cooking method

1. We sort out large, ripe cherries and tear off the tails. Wash the berries thoroughly, without pressing, so as not to crush them. Using a special machine or pin, carefully remove the seeds.

2. Place the seedless berries in a saucepan and cover them with granulated sugar. Leave for a while so that the cherries release their juice. Place the pan on low heat and bring to a boil.

3. Thoroughly washed jars are sterilized. We spread the hot boiling mixture into the prepared glass container and roll up the lids, having boiled them in advance. The cooled workpiece is sent to the cellar for storage.

Recipe 6. Cherries in their own juice, pitted, with sugar (third method)


    for every kilogram of cherries, a glass of granulated sugar;

Cooking method

1. We sort through freshly picked cherries, tearing off the stems and removing unripe and spoiled fruits. We remove the pits from the cherries using a special machine or a pin.

2. Place the cherry pulp in an enamel bowl, sprinkling it with granulated sugar at the rate of: glass per kilogram of cherries. Leave the berries overnight so that the berries are soaked in granulated sugar and release their juice.

3. Place the bowl with the cherries on the fire and bring to a boil over low heat.

4. Place the hot berries in sterile dry jars and fill them with the remaining juice. Immediately roll up the pre-boiled lids. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and cool completely. We store the workpiece in the pantry or cellar.

Recipe 7. Cherries in their own juice without sugar and seeds


  • cherry berries.

Cooking method

1. We sort the cherries, removing stems and damaged fruits. Place the sorted berries in a bowl and fill them with cold water. Leave for an hour. Drain the water, place the berries in a sieve, and remove the seeds from the cherries. Place the pulp in a saucepan.

2. Wash and sterilize the jars. Place the seedless berries in jars and fill them with the juice that remains in the pan.

3. Line the bottom of a wide pan with a towel. We place jars of cherries on it and pour water into the pan so that its level does not reach the throat a couple of centimeters.

4. Place the pan on low heat and sterilize: half-liter jars for a quarter of an hour and liter jars for 20 minutes. Carefully remove the jars, seal them tightly with sterile lids, wrap them up and leave until completely cooled.

Recipe 8. Cherries in their own juice in a slow cooker


    sugar – 250 g;

    kilogram of cherries.

Cooking method

1. We sort through the cherries, tearing off the stems and removing spoiled fruits. Place the cherries in a colander and rinse under running cold water. Leave for a while to allow all the liquid to drain.

2. Transfer the cherries to the multicooker bowl and cover it with sugar. Leave for four hours until the juice is released.

3. Activate the “Steam” program and cook for 20 minutes, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Then switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode and continue cooking for another hour.

4. Wash the glass container thoroughly and sterilize it in the oven or over steam. Transfer the hot cherries into prepared jars and seal them tightly with sterile lids. Send for storage in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 9. “Drunk” cherries in their own juice for the winter for desserts and cakes


    cherry – kilogram;

    300 ml – purified water;

    sugar – 700 g;

    200 ml vodka or cognac.

Cooking method

1. Wash the sorted cherries thoroughly and place them in a colander to get rid of excess moisture.

2. Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, over low heat.

3. Place the cherries in boiling sugar syrup and cook for ten minutes, skimming the foam from time to time.

4. Remove the cherries from the syrup and place them in sterile, clean jars.

5. Pour the alcoholic drink into the hot syrup and stir. Fill the cherries with syrup and immediately roll up the lids on the jars. Turn the jars over and cool the workpiece completely. We put it in the basement for storage.

    For this preparation, take only large, ripe berries.

    If you doubt that the cherry is not wormy, dip it in a weak salt solution.

    It is better to remove pits from cherries using a pin or a special device so that the pulp remains intact.

    Cherries in their own juice are used to make pies, dumplings, jelly and desserts.

Recipes for cherries in their own juice are considered the simplest types of product preparation, which does not require much time and money. Cherries in their own juice can be preserved for the winter with or without sugar. Let's look at how to prepare cherries in their own juice for the winter, and recommendations for choosing a product of the right quality. The described methods for preserving berry products can also be used when preserving cherries.

How to prepare fruits for canning?

Cherries are the main ingredient, so the fruits are chosen with great care. To do this, the hostess must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The harvested cherries must be ripe, large enough and fresh.
  2. If you use a recipe for pitted cherries in their own juice, then prepare berries with a high juice content. In this case, it is better not to take small cherries, because after removing the seeds, the round shape of such cherries is crushed, and whole samples are needed for harvesting.
  3. Before cooking cherries in their own juice, the fruits are sorted and all wormy, spoiled or unripe berries are removed. It is also necessary to remove small twigs and leaves.
  4. The harvested cherries are carefully washed with running water. You should not crush the fruits, as they may release their juice ahead of schedule.

Cherries prepared in the above manner must be cleared of kernels, unless the cherries are preserved in their own juice with pits. To remove unnecessary solid components of the fruit, you can use special devices, a pin, or simply pull out the seeds with your hands.

If berries with seeds are canned, they are carefully sorted by hand and washed. But you need to know that such canned products are not stored for a long time, because after 7-8 months the dangerous chemical compound found in the seeds (hydrocyanic acid) and other harmful substances can cause poisoning.

It is best to seal cherries in their juice for the winter in glass jars with a volume of 500 to 1000 ml. Before laying fruits, they must be sterilized by any available method. Some housewives cook cherries without sterilization, but this is quite dangerous, because dangerous microbes appear in the fruits that can cause poisoning or some kind of disease.

The jars are closed with varnished lids made of tin or aluminum. Vessels with screw caps can be used.

You can store finished products at room temperature, but when exposed to light, the fruits may change color. It is best to keep jars in a dark, cool place.

Fruit harvesting recipes

There are several recipes for cherries in their own juice with sugar.

With the first method, they buy the required amount of cherries (choose small and medium-sized fruits) and granulated sugar. The berries are pre-sorted and spoiled specimens are removed. The pits are completely removed from approximately 1/3 of the cherries, and then the fruits are crushed in a meat grinder or in any other way, and the juice is squeezed into a small saucepan.

Sugar is added to it in the ratio of 1000 ml of juice - 0.3 kg of sand. This mixture is brought to a boil. The liquid must simmer for 2-3 minutes for the sugar crystals to completely dissolve.

The remaining berries (2/3 of the total quantity) are placed in sterilized jars and then filled with the resulting cherry juice. Sterilization at a temperature of 100°C of vessels with a capacity of 500 ml lasts 20 minutes, and 1000 ml - 25 minutes.

The jars must be closed with tin lids. Then roll up, carefully turn the vessels upside down, and wait until they cool completely. Transfer to a dark, cool room.

Cherries in their own juice with sugar, but without seeds, are prepared from the following ingredients:

  1. The required number of berries that the housewife wants to prepare for the winter.
  2. Granulated sugar, purchased at the rate of 1 glass per 1000 g of cherries.

The fruits are sorted and the seeds are removed. Pour into an enamel pan (containers made from other materials cannot be used), sprinkle the berries with granulated sugar in the specified proportion.

The berries are left for approximately 12-14 hours. It soaks in sugar and then releases liquid. After this process, place the pan on medium heat and allow the liquid to boil. The fruits are laid out in pre-sterilized jars, then filled with the resulting liquid, and immediately rolled up with boiled metal lids. The vessels are turned upside down, wrapped warmly and kept in the indicated position until they cool.

You can use a multicooker to obtain the product. To do this, take the required amount of cherries and sugar at the rate of 1 glass of granulated sugar per 1000 g of berries. The fruits are sorted, washed, and slightly dried. They are placed in a slow cooker and covered with sugar. The cherries must stand for 4 hours to release the liquid. After this, turn on the device in the “Steam” mode for 1/3 of an hour, and then turn the control knob to the “Quenching” mode for 1 hour. The berries prepared in this way are transferred to previously prepared and thoroughly sterilized jars, then they are rolled up with boiled lids.

Recipes without granulated sugar

In order to make cherries with pits, canned in their own juice, you need to take the required amount of fruits, sort them, and rinse well in running water. After this, prepare the jars for sterilization. The prepared vessels are filled to the top with berries, and then filled with boiling water.

The jars are covered with lids and sterilized. Process time for small containers up to 500 ml is 15 minutes, and 1000 ml - 20 minutes. During this operation, the berries settle to the bottom, so you need to add the required amount of fruit from time to time.

At the end of sterilization, you need to close the vessels with lids and turn them upside down. The jars are left in this position until they cool completely. Transfer them to a dark place.

Cherries in their own juice without sugar are prepared from large, ripe and juicy berries. They are sorted out, filled with cold, clean water, and then left for 60 minutes. After this, you need to carefully remove the seeds from the fruit, then put the berries in sterilized jars. The cherry is poured with the released juice on top.

Filled jars must be sterilized. To do this, place a thick piece of fabric on the bottom of the largest pan. Containers with fruits are placed on it, cold water is poured in such a way that it does not reach the neck of the vessel by about 2-3 cm. The pan with the jars is placed on the stove. Sterilization time for jars: 500 ml - 15 minutes, 1000 ml - 20 minutes, from the moment of boiling.

After this, carefully take out the jars, seal them tightly with boiled lids, wrap them in warm cloth, and leave them until they cool.

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