Sniper elite 3 how to tag an officer. What did they do with Chechen snipers (women) in the war. Stories. How does this happen

Siege of Tobruk

And so we start by watching the introductory video, after which our character, having assembled his rifle, moves into position. Having reached the place indicated by the star, we turn on the optical sight and eliminate the enemy spotters in the amount of two pieces also marked with stars, to hold your breath if your pulse does not exceed 80 beats per minute, hold E, and to approach / move away, use the mouse wheel.

Having eliminated two spotters, we move to a new position from which we kill the enemy spotter who has settled on a hill and, like the previous ones, and everything in this game is marked with a star. Having changed the position again, we pick up the binoculars and mark by pressing the LMB an enemy truck with anti-aircraft guns, weak points will be displayed on the marked vehicles, in this case the gas tank and engine. One shot at the gas tank is enough to destroy a German truck.

Waking up after the explosion, the first thing we do is learn how to use the menu of weapons and equipment, or rather, by pressing Q, we select a first-aid kit to restore health after being wounded. Next, we head to a new position marked with a star, to climb a small wall, go to it and press the space bar. In addition, you can navigate the terrain using the map that opens with the M button. As a result, having reached the positions of German rocket launchers, we bend down to be less noticeable, as well as to get under an obstacle. Having eliminated a couple of German soldiers, for example, with a knife from the back or with a pistol with a silencer, we search the corpses while holding the Z button, and if desired, the body can be raised while holding the “space” and hidden.

Next, we pass through the positions of the enemy, eliminating the German soldiers, our main task is to destroy 4 enemy “nebelverfer” or eliminate their calculations. The positions on which the rocket launchers are located will be marked with stars. An additional task will be the elimination of eight enemies with a knife (silent kills), in addition, it is worth examining boxes, boxes and tables in tents in search of documents, letters and diaries. Having neutralized all the mortars, we set off in the direction marked with a star, to jump over a small gap on the road, press the “spacebar”. Arriving at the place, we watch another video.

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At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, we move forward and remove the enemy standing with his back to us, after which we eliminate the German officer marked with a star, in order to hide his position, you need to shoot at the moments when an icon appears at the top of the screen showing a loud sound, for example from a broken engine or a thunderstorm. After we eliminate the marked enemy, we go down to his body and search it, the soldiers patrolling around can shoot from the same sniper position or go down and kill them manually.

After examining the body of the killed German officer, a new task will appear to obtain intelligence from three more officers. One of the side tasks will be the elimination of the nearest of the three officers from the sniper position marked on the map. Having reached the indicated place and pressing the "space" to take a position, we eliminate the marked enemy, after which we also pass to the body and inspect it. Having received intelligence from the corpse, we go to the second officer, inspecting houses and tents along the way, collecting diaries, playing cards and documents in them.

The second officer will be located at the crossroads of two paths, having reached the place we will eliminate the enemy in any convenient way, after which it will be necessary to quickly deal with enemy soldiers nearby. After searching the body of the dead and taking the next intelligence, we pass to the left to the tower, which is worth climbing. Having neutralized the sentry on the tower, we will get a convenient position for firing at the third marked officer. Having shot the fascist and searched his body, we will get the next intelligence.

The new task will be the elimination of another officer who can be found to the right of our position. On the way, we will get the side task “Destroy the garage”, namely five marked cars, we do it in any convenient way for one by destroying all the soldiers guarding the cars. As a result, having reached the last officer and liquidating him in any convenient way, as well as clearing the area around the building, we climb inside and inspect the body of the deceased. The last task will be the elimination of the general who is leaving in an armored personnel carrier. As always, there are several options for execution, one of them will be shooting at the engine of an armored car, after two shots the car will explode and the task will be completed.

Halfai Gorge

First of all, at the beginning of the passage of this chapter, we explore the village in the mountains. Having crossed the bridge, we head to the indicated point, you can go both along the road and along a small gorge. Having reached the place, we get a new main task to destroy three Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns. The first position with artillery will be in front on the left, if you navigate on the map, we will go there for a start, having previously cleared the settlement that needed to be explored from enemy soldiers. In one of the buildings on the right side, you can find documents with intelligence that open a side quest to kill a German general, but first you need to find documents specifying the location of the general.

And so, having reached the first cannon, we destroy it by shooting at a projectile lying nearby (explosive objects can be detected using binoculars). One way or another, having destroyed the first weapon, we liquidate the surviving German soldiers, after which we pass in the direction of the two remaining artillery positions. Leaving the cave, we will find ourselves in a small village, having examined the territory with the help of binoculars, we will see the “Intelligence data” mark on the roof of one of the buildings (next to the antenna), having reached there and having received the documents, we learn that the German general is located on one of the two artillery locations.

Continuing to move in the indicated direction, we will stumble upon a German garage, a small area with two tanks, where we will get a secondary rear “Arrange diversion”. For a successful sabotage, you can climb to the highest building behind the garage (bell tower or chapel), take a sniper position there and shoot at the fuel tank, or rather at the crane sticking out of the tank (it will be highlighted in red with a name). After that, an explosion will occur and the side task of sabotage in the garage will be completed, although it is not necessary to climb into the sniper position, just hit the tank crane from any convenient place.

In addition, in the basement of one of the neighboring buildings, you can find a shield with wires, damaging which, complete the side task “Cut the communications”. As a result, having dealt with all the side tasks, except for killing the general, we go to the remaining artillery positions, in both cases you will have to act from a distance firing at explosive objects near the cannons, also in one of the artillery positions you will find a general who needs to be eliminated to complete the side task .

Having destroyed all three German Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns, we return to the sabotage group with which we arrived here at the beginning of this chapter. On the way back, we will stumble upon a German Panzer 3 tank, and its elimination will be our main task in the end. The tank has weak points, bars on its rear, as well as a viewing slot for the driver in the frontal armor. You can also destroy it, for example, with the help of a Panzerschreck (this is such a grenade launcher), if you have one. Another option is to throw dynamite near the tank and shoot it from a safe distance. One way or another, having destroyed the PzKpfw III, we return to the sabotage group.

Fort Rufigio

We set off to rescue the informant whom the Germans are holding in the fort. First of all, you need to get to the fortress, and along the way, complete a couple of side tasks. The first such task will be “Disable the towers with searchlights”, you can do this by visiting each of the two towers, neutralizing the sentries standing on them and turning off the searchlight or sitting on the leftmost sniper position from which both towers are visible and fire at them from your rifle. In addition, it is worth clearing the entire surrounding area from enemy soldiers (you still have to do this at the end of the task). In general, having dealt with the towers, searchlights and opponents, as well as examining the corpses and tents for trophies, playing cards, documents, and the like, we continue to move towards the fortress.

On the site at the foot of the fortress, under the main entrance, in addition to a pair of Italian soldiers, you can find a document lying on the table, having studied it, having received the second side task. This time we will need to “say hello” to the Italian colonel who will soon arrive at Fort Rufigio. Having taken a position, we are waiting for the truck with the colonel to approach the distance of shots, our goal will be to sit in the cab in the passenger seat, just as an ambush option can be arranged with explosives or try to shoot the car (a couple of shots into the engine should be enough). In general, having eliminated the colonel, we continue to rise to the fortress.

You can get inside both from the main entrance, and for example from the right side along the scaffolding at the break in the wall. Once inside the fortress, it is worth clearing the courtyard from enemy soldiers, and before releasing the prisoner, inspect all the premises. In one of the rooms we will find a senior officer, by eliminating him we will receive a new main task “Search the senior officer”. Having received the keys from the troupe, we set off to release the captive agent. Having opened the camera and releasing the prisoner, we go outside and shoot the soldiers standing in the courtyard, thus clearing the way for the prisoner to exit the fortress. Further, guided by the marker, we rise to the fortress wall and cover the departure of the agent released by us from there until he is safe.

Siwa Oasis

At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, you need to find a way to get to the old city, for this we go forward, eliminating German soldiers along the way (in order not to attract attention by firing from a sniper rifle, fire shots at the moments when an airplane flies nearby). You can get into the old city through the gate in the center, but there is another way, and maybe not one, but as an option, you can get behind the wall on the right side, through the position of the anti-aircraft gun, for one you will receive a side task to destroy three anti-aircraft guns. The locations of the anti-aircraft guns will be marked with markers, so by blowing up the first of the three we penetrate the territory of the old city (the entrance will be next to the position of the anti-aircraft gun).

The next main task will be “Search Valen's office”, and looking into the room to the right of the entrance to the city, you can get the secondary task “Investigate German warehouses”. And so, first of all, we pass through the territory of the old city, destroying anti-aircraft guns in the indicated places, as well as clearing the territory from enemy soldiers (you can do this from sniper positions, gaining additional experience. As a result, having destroyed all three anti-aircraft guns, we go to Valen's office, where we watch a short video, after which you will need to climb the scaffolding to the shooting position marked with a star.

On the first floor of the building that you need to climb on, you can find a German warehouse by completing the side task “Investigate German warehouses”. Climbing up the scaffolding we will see three German officers, our task is to observe them to mark the right one, and the one with the bandaged hand will be the right one. After the Germans meet and talk, wait until an officer with a bandaged hand takes the reconnoitered in one of the buildings, after which you can safely eliminate it. Another side task will be the elimination of an intelligence officer in such a way that the murder looks like an accident. As a result, having taken intelligence data from the body, we leave the old city, destroying the German PzKpfw IV tank along the way and shooting several enemy snipers at the exit.

Kasserine Pass

The first task in this chapter of the walkthrough will be to infiltrate Valen's headquarters, move forward bypassing wrecked trucks and tanks, eliminating targets along the way marked by a partner moving along the top. On the way, a side task “Disable two Nebelwerfers” will appear, so if you want to complete it, you will have to postpone the trip to Valen’s headquarters for a while. Nebelwerfers, also known as rocket-propelled mortars or multiple rocket launchers, will be marked with markers in the form of compass arrows, and in order to disable them, it is enough to take a position nearby and shoot at exploding containers that can be detected with binoculars.

After destroying the mortars, it is worth examining all the surroundings in front of Valen's headquarters, clearing them of German soldiers, inspecting sniper positions and searching the buildings for documents. As a result, having reached the headquarters located in a temple carved into the rock (just like in one of the films about Indiana Jones) and having destroyed all the enemies inside and having read the document on the table, we find out that the combination from the safe located at the headquarters is kept by oberst Johann. Now our task is to find and eliminate the marked target, and then take the combination to the safe from his troupe.

Having received the combination to the safe, we go to the indicated place to meet with Brower, and upon arrival we watch a short video in which Brower dies. Next, you will need to destroy the Tiger tank, for example, using dynamite, throwing it on the road in front of the building in which Brouwer was. Hiding, we wait until the "Tiger" drives up and shoot the dynamite when the tank is nearby. One way or another, having destroyed the tank, we return to the headquarters located in the temple and, having killed all the enemies there, we open the safe. After watching another short video, we set off for Brower's body, several enemy snipers will be waiting for us along the way, so we'll be careful.

Pont du Fa airfield

First of all, when going through this chapter, you need to gain access to the complex of underground bunkers, for this, having reached the indicated place, we interact with the electrical panel, and then we go to look for a map on which the indicated location of the plant for the production of the Rat tank. Side tasks in this chapter will be the elimination of the radio operator in one of the bunkers so that he does not call for reinforcements, the elimination of the radio operators on the control tower, the destruction of stacks of bombs in the amount of three pieces (for this, it is enough to shoot at the red barrels next to the bombs.

As a result, having descended into the system of underground tunnels and bunkers, we free the prisoners located there, thus completing another side task, and also pick up a map with the location of the plant. Next, we occupy a sniper position marked with a star to cover the sabotage group. Having taken a position, we shoot at the emerging German soldiers while the saboteurs drive around the airfield by car. After the allies leave, it will be necessary to destroy the arrived German equipment, namely a tank and an armored personnel carrier. The last task will be to get to the evacuation point.

Ratte plant

The first thing in this mission is to get to the bridges in the canyon, for this we go down the path, eliminating the German sentries along the way. Once in the right place, we get a new task to destroy two transformers that are located on the left and right sides of the canyon, so eliminating patrolling enemies and inspecting the premises in search of blueprints for German weapons (a side task in this chapter, the blueprints will be located on the tables in the rooms next to the transformers on both sides of the canyon, in a small room in the ammunition depot for the “Rat” and in the hangar with the tank itself). After going to the transformers marked with stars and destroying them, the easiest way to do this is to shoot at the red barrels next to the transformers, we go to the ammunition depot for the “Rat”, which we also need to destroy.

Having laid the explosives in the ammunition depot, we go to the elevator, where, after watching a short video, we go down to the bottom of the canyon. Having gone down, we set the charges for a while around the tank, after which we climb onto the “Rat” tank itself and set the charge on the tank’s turret, having previously destroyed all the German soldiers nearby. After installing the explosives on the tank, it will remain to leave the hangar, having destroyed all the enemies at the exit and taking another sniper position in the canyon, it will shoot at the crane-beam on which shells for the tank are suspended. After watching the final video walkthrough Sniper Elite 3 will be finished.

Tell friends:

Statistics knows everything, about everything and everyone. The same is true with sniping. According to accurate statistics, during the Second World War, the Allies had to spend up to 25,000 rounds of ammunition for each destroyed German, while a trained sniper needed only 1.3 bullets for this purpose.

Back in the years of the First World War, the increased effectiveness of artillery fire and the widespread use of automatic fire led to the large-scale use of various types of shelters, field fortifications, etc. by almost all armies of the warring countries to protect personnel. This necessitated the allocation of especially well-aimed shooters - snipers, who could, while observing the battlefield and fortified enemy lines, destroy individual enemy soldiers and officers, preventing their observation and movement. However, camouflage in the armies of opponents improved over time, so it was necessary to bring to the degree of art the ability and ability of the shooter to observe the battlefield and measure distances to targets. Due to the fact that it has become increasingly difficult to find camouflaged targets on the battlefield with the naked eye, well-aimed shooters needed special means of observation. With snipers, they began to conduct additional training in shooting, equip them with observation devices, camouflage suits. Small targets and their remoteness required the creation of special weapons for snipers, adapted for marksmanship. And such a weapon was created. However, not only special weapons determined the success of a sniper, but it also required the ability to shoot accurately, which, in turn, was determined by three main conditions: the ability to correctly aim and shoot; appropriate physical and psychological preparation, as well as the instinct of the shooter.

During the Great Patriotic War, the decisive superiority of Soviet snipers over the enemy was revealed. Immediately after the end of the war, the Main Directorate of Combat Training (GUBP) of the ground forces of the Red Army, relying on significant combat experience, took up a radical improvement in the training of infantry, including snipers. At one of the meetings, the experience of combat operations of snipers gained during the war years was analyzed in detail and a number of new proposals were put forward to improve their training.

The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that targets on the modern battlefield are, as a rule, camouflaged, hidden in various fortifications, and appear only for a very short time. This is especially true for targets such as officers, observers, snipers, and machine gunners, who are capable of exerting a decisive influence on the success of an attack. That is why they must be hit immediately.

The listed targets could not always be identified by ordinary shooters and machine gunners. This required a fighter of special qualification - a reconnaissance observer, equipped with an appropriate observation device and able to find the most important from the mass of targets. Since the targets appeared for a very short time, then, naturally, their defeat could not be entrusted to ordinary shooters. Consequently, the reconnaissance observer himself had to be able to hit the target instantly, at the moment of its appearance. A sniper became such a fighter, combining a reconnaissance observer and a fighter gunner.


The task of snipers was usually set by the immediate superior. But sometimes, if the situation required it, snipers received instructions from the commander of a company, battalion, and even regiment. The snipers chose firing positions at their own discretion, using the terrain and local objects.
At the front, Soviet snipers were usually assigned the following combat missions. In an offensive battle: to destroy officers, messengers, snipers, tank destroyers and enemy observers, crews of guns and anti-tank rifles, and when developing success in the depths of enemy defenses and pursuing the enemy, crews of heavy machine guns, especially flanking and dagger action, officers, snipers, gunners direct fire guns, observers and spotters of artillery fire; to fire at the embrasures of pillboxes, bunkers, armored caps, at periscopes and stereo tubes; observe the enemy and indicate (with tracer bullets) targets to other fire weapons. In a defensive battle: to destroy officers, messengers, snipers, faustpatrons, reconnaissance and observers of the enemy, crews of his machine guns, guns, anti-tank rifles, crews of damaged or set on fire tanks; fire at low-flying aircraft, viewing slots of tanks, armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers; on behalf of the commanders to observe the enemy. In addition, limited tactical tasks were set for snipers in the offensive and defense to protect the flanks and joints from counterattacks and from enemy infiltration.

Basically, these tasks met the provisions of the Infantry Combat Regulations. However, combat practice has shown that either some of the listed tasks are beyond the capabilities of snipers, or their setting is inappropriate. For example, only mass fire, and not an individual sniper shot, is effective at the viewing slots of tanks and at descending enemy aircraft; reliable cover for the flanks could be provided by the allocation of a sufficiently strong guard with anti-tank weapons, and not just snipers; target designation with tracer bullets unmasked the sniper's position and made it impossible for him to remain on it to complete a further task. According to the experience of the war, it was revealed that target designation with tracer bullets from a sniper rifle is not advisable, since the trace of these bullets is hardly noticeable and does not attract the attention of those receiving target designation.

Preference for target designation was given to a series of bullets (bursts) from an easel (light) machine gun. The use of snipers as observers was allowed only in exceptional cases, since, in the final analysis, a sniper is primarily a fighter who solves a combat mission with fire.


The main targets for snipers were: in offensive combat - the upper part of the head (15x20 cm), the head (25x20 cm), the head figure (25x30 cm), the observer (20x25cm), the stereo tube (15-18x8 cm ), periscope (20 × 8 cm), loopholes of various types (20 × 25-80 cm), figures running along the communication lines (50-60-80 × 50 cm), light machine gun in position (40x60 cm), easel machine gun in position (50×80 cm), trench tool (160×70 cm); in a defensive battle - a head (25 × 20 cm), a head figure (25 × 30 cm), an observer (20 × 25 cm), a chest figure (50 × 50 cm), a light machine gun (50 × 60 cm), an easel machine gun ( 60×80 cm), running figures (50×150 cm), crawling figures.

Targets for snipers in offensive combat, as a rule, were hidden in trenches and other engineering structures and carefully camouflaged. Moving targets appeared for short periods of time (4-6 seconds) at a speed of 2-3 m per second. The main firing distances in an offensive (when breaking through the defenses) are limited by the distance of friendly troops to the line of the fire bar or the distance between the two main trenches (i.e., they do not exceed 400 m). When fighting in depth or when attacking on the move, as well as when pursuing, the distances increased to 600 m. Most of the small targets were within 250-300 m.

In defensive combat, the targets that snipers had to hit were larger, mostly open and moving. The smoke in the target areas from explosions of shells and mines and the dust from them made it difficult to observe and fire. In positional defense during the period of lull in combat, the nature of the targets remained the same as in offensive combat. Shooting distances - up to 800 m. Therefore, the maximum shooting distance of a sniper is 800 m. However, most often a sniper fired aimed fire at a distance of up to 600 m.

In offensive combat, as well as in defense, it was also recommended to use snipers best in pairs: one fires, the other observes. To do this, they had to be located at such a distance from each other in order to be able to maintain communication with each other not only visually, but also by voice.

So, in one of the battles, the advance of our rifle subunits was strongly hampered by well-camouflaged flanking enemy machine guns, which fired alternately. The commander of the advancing guards unit ordered snipers to be sent to his right flank with the task of suppressing enemy firing points.

Snipers of the Guard Sergeant Major Budenkov and Guard Sergeant Khandogin crawled forward to the right of their unit and, having settled down 50 meters from each other, began to observe. Soon one of the enemy machine gunners opened fire. Budenkov noticed him - the Germans fired from the ruins of the building. The foreman determined the distance by eye, set the sight, corrected for the side wind and put the gunner out of action with the first shot. A few minutes later, another machine-gun crew and sniper Khandogin destroyed it.

As the unit advanced, both snipers, remaining on the flank, successively changed their firing positions, firing at officers, machine gunners and other important targets. The following data eloquently testify to the effectiveness of their fire: in several days of fighting, Budenkov and Khandogin suppressed 12 German machine guns and destroyed more than 50 Nazis.

Single snipers and sniper groups, consisting of 3-5, and sometimes all snipers of the unit, were also widely used in offensive combat. So, in one of the regiments, the actions of the reconnaissance party were supported by a large sniper group. With concentrated fire, snipers disabled enemy firing points, which prevented scouts from carrying out their combat missions.

The commander of another unit successfully used a group of snipers to repel a German flank counterattack. To meet the counterattacks, he sent machine gunners and 5 snipers from his reserve. While the submachine gunners were approaching the enemy, the snipers with accurate fire from the spot disabled several officers and non-commissioned officers. The Germans stopped in confusion. At this time, our machine gunners opened fire, having managed to get closer to the distance of the actual fire of their weapons. The enemy, having suffered losses, retreated.

The fact of the Soviet "sniper offensive" is also known. On one of the sectors of the front, several dozen snipers with continuous accurate fire forced the enemy to leave two lines of trenches. One can also give such a typical example of the actions of single snipers in battles for settlements.

Our rifle unit knocked the enemy out of the corner building, from where the square and two streets (one of which led to a bridge over the river) were visible. The unit commander ordered the commander of the machine-gun crew, Sergeant Vatagin, to take a position in the attic and close the enemy's retreat to the opposite bank with fire. Together with the machine gunners, a Belykh sniper was left in the attic.

Vatagin masterfully performed his task. In a short time, he shot several dozen Nazis. However, the position of the machine gun was discovered. From the opposite house, the Germans opened fire from a heavy machine gun. The second crew number Boychenko was seriously wounded.

A Belykh sniper shot down an enemy machine gunner with a well-aimed shot from a dormer window. The Germans dragged the machine gun to another apartment and began to install it at the door leading to the balcony. The sniper was ahead of the enemy: with several shots, he destroyed the enemy machine gunners. In the next half hour, Belykh killed several more enemy soldiers and one officer who were trying to disable our firing point. Then the Germans rolled out an anti-tank gun onto the square and fired three shots at the attic. Both of our machine gunners were wounded by shell fragments, and Boychenko for the second time. The sniper came to the rescue again. He opened fire through a hole in the roof, killed the gunner and the soldier who replaced him. The surviving German gunners hurried to take cover.

Soon several of our machine gunners came to the aid of the sniper. The enemy did not manage to break through the bridge.

As can be seen from the above examples, lone snipers, sniper pairs and groups acted in battle both independently and in cooperation with rifle subunits, reconnaissance parties, submachine gunners, and individual machine guns. Often, snipers interacted with direct fire guns, as well as with mortars. Interaction most often came down to ensuring the advancement of a rifle unit (reconnaissance party) or to ensuring the normal operation of a firing point, the survivability of which is especially important for the attacking side. In turn, rifle subunits and mortars covered the positions of snipers with fire in order to exclude the possibility of their bypass and capture by the enemy.


The successful completion of a combat mission by a sniper largely depended on their ability to select a firing position, equip it and disguise it. The experience of the war showed that most of the snipers of the Red Army did this much more skillfully than the enemy. But nevertheless, it was constantly emphasized that the place for firing should be chosen in such a way that it made it possible to clearly view the front line of the enemy’s defense; had a natural masking background (grass, weeds, bushes, etc.), which could hide the actions of a sniper from enemy observation; if there is no such masking background, then it is best to choose a firing position on the ground without landmarks with a monotonous relief that does not attract the attention of the enemy; had on the part of its troops hidden approaches or conditions for creating them.

In conditions of a stable front, when the distance to the enemy did not exceed 400 m, the sniper could equip a firing position in the first trench; if the distance to the enemy exceeded 400 m, then the firing positions should have been moved to the neutral zone. In the latter case, funnels, old trenches and trenches, as well as local objects that did not attract the attention of the enemy, could be used for firing positions. If the situation allowed, sniper firing positions could also be set up behind the first trench - in a bush, on a hill, in a thicket of trees, etc.
Before the start of the offensive, snipers had to equip firing positions only in the initial trench (at the line of attack), and later on, in the depths of the enemy’s defense, use captured trenches, ruins of buildings, attics, wrecked tanks and vehicles, breaches in the walls, placers of stones (in wooded - rocky terrain). In the forest, firing positions are best chosen in the depths of the clearing, where the sound of the shot softens. For the same purpose, in open areas, positions should have been chosen in such a way that there was a hollow ahead. To perform a combat mission in defense, it was necessary to equip 3-4 firing positions, including one main and two - three spare ones.

In addition, if the snipers had time, it was advisable to have one or two false positions. The sniper should take up firing positions before dawn, and if there are hidden approaches, at any time. Their equipment and occupation usually went like this: on the first day, the sniper studied the battlefield and marked out the position, and after dark he equipped it and camouflaged it; on the second day, he critically checked the quality of the equipment and camouflage of the firing position and occupied it at night, before dawn; on the third day he performed a combat mission.

Experience has shown that the enemy can detect the position of a sniper after 3-4 shots. Based on this, it was constantly emphasized that it is expedient for snipers to change their position after 3-4 shots.

During offensive battles, fire from distances up to 400 m was the most effective, since under offensive conditions snipers did not have enough time to prepare accurate data for firing. The distance to the target was determined using an optical sight or improvised means. Often snipers also used the visual method - by setting aside segments of the terrain of 100-200 m in depth, as well as by the degree of visibility of the target. The last method was the simplest and at the same time quite accurate.

The experience of numerous battles showed that the enemy made extensive use of his snipers both in front of the front of our advancing troops and in their rear. In both cases, the Nazis pursued one goal - to upset control, weaken the onslaught, inflict as much damage as possible on us in manpower, especially in the officer corps. Sniper pairs were usually deployed to deal with enemy snipers. When detecting the position of one enemy sniper, our snipers tried to find his partner (as a rule, they are located 50-100 m from each other) and neutralize both at the same time. During the battle in the settlements, the sniper had to have, in addition to the usual stock of cartridges, of which 30-40 percent were cartridges with armor-piercing incendiary bullets, also several hand grenades.


At the same time, it was emphasized that the existing organization and procedure for the use of snipers in the Red Army did not fully justify itself in the war. For example, a sniper pair operating in a platoon's battle formation is extremely constrained in choosing firing positions by a narrow offensive front and a small defense area. In addition, not receiving specific tasks, snipers were very often forced to perform the functions of ordinary shooters or, at best, act as messengers and observers. Therefore, along with the authorized use of snipers, consolidated teams and groups of various sizes became widespread. Such teams were created mainly during periods of calm - in defense - with formations, units and subunits.

However, experience has shown that the creation of consolidated sniper teams also did not always give the desired results. Therefore, it has been suggested that the most appropriate organization is a permanent sniper team in a rifle company. This group was supposed to include a commander (he is also an instructor) and 8 snipers. The company commander, organizing the fire system of his company, in this case could use snipers most appropriately as part of a group, personally assigning a task to it or assigning separate sniper pairs to platoons. The width of the front and the depth of the company's combat formation in the offensive and defensive are sufficient for snipers to successfully use the terrain to select firing positions. It was assumed that the combat activities of the group would be conducted under the direct supervision and constant control of its commander.

The experience of the war showed that, regardless of the organizational structure, the main firing unit is a sniper pair (sniper-fighter and sniper-observer). Of course, in some cases, snipers could act alone, for example, in conditions of stable defense, when the parties are in direct contact and there is no need for the sniper to choose a firing position in the neutral zone.

The use of snipers in pairs allowed long and continuous surveillance; find targets faster not to be afraid for the fate of one of the partners, since the sniper-observer can timely warn the sniper-fighter about the danger that threatens him or he himself will destroy the enemy who appeared suddenly; it is better to observe the results of the fire; better prepare a firing position; widely use various methods of deceiving the enemy; give each other moral support; practically teach a young, novice sniper on the experience of a partner.
To solve a specific problem, snipers can be reduced to groups of several pairs. The group use of snipers is justified in those cases when it is necessary to quickly recapture the fire initiative from the enemy in one or another sector of the forward edge or to hold a critical sector where the use of heavy infantry fire weapons is difficult or completely excluded. The actions of sniper groups are also very successful from ambushes and when repulsing enemy counterattacks aimed at a certain section of the battle formation.

In all cases, without exception, snipers within a group must operate in pairs. A group is a collective, quantitative concept.
As a result of the foregoing, it was concluded that in modern combat, along with the mass fire of automatic weapons, an accurate individual sniper shot is also necessary. At the same time, the actions of snipers can be successful only if they have high combat skills. A sniper is not only a skilled marksman and an excellent observer; he must be able to navigate in the situation and on the ground, to choose the most important from the abundance of various goals. And this must first of all be taken into account when training snipers.

In conclusion, it was proposed that a squad consisting of 8 people (plus a squad leader) should become a permanent organizational unit of snipers in a company, and a sniper pair should be a firing unit. In the process of special training of snipers, serious attention must be paid to the development of combat endurance, the development of visual, auditory and other perceptions, and the development of dexterity and courage.

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What did they do with Chechen snipers (women) in the war.
As you know, in the first and second Chechen companies, mostly mercenaries took part, but sometimes there were female mercenaries who fought exclusively by killing with sniper rifles. And when they caught the so-called snipers, they did this to them, it was a war and cruel.
For example:
"Typhoon" special forces, said that in the well in the courtyard of the headquarters, especially militant staff colonels drowned a sniper.
The Marines chopped them up with sapper shovels. Here is a video where the Marine says:

Wolves in white pantyhose. Seventeen-year-old biathlete Lolita.

I will kill you slowly because I love you. I'll shoot you in the leg first, I promise to aim for the kneecap. Then a hand. Then eggs. Don't be afraid, I'm a candidate for master of sports. I will not miss, - the voice of the sniper Masha sounded clearly on the radio, as if she was lying somewhere very close, and not hiding hundreds of meters from here.

A seventeen-year-old biathlete who arrived in Chechnya for

earnings from a small Ural town. She had to shoot at her own. However, she didn't care who she aimed at. They just paid better on the other side. That contract soldier, with whom she chatted on the radio every night out of boredom, was already used to the caustic notes in her voice. Like the whistle of bullets from her rifle. How to "cargo 200". She didn't have time to kill anyone. And she didn't earn anything. I came across a stretch that ours put in the mountains. A day later they killed him. Shot in the head, bullet - 7.62. Sniper.
"White Pantyhose" - ruthless ghosts, hitting right on target. They are hated. They are afraid. They are being hunted. Only those who kill them know their faces.
Caught alive, these women perceive shooting on the spot, a bullet in the forehead, instant death as the greatest mercy. After them there is nothing left, not even a real name. Only legends and curses.

The True Story of Lolita

A terry pink dressing gown is tightly tightened at the waist, a transparent white scarf is on her head. She either fiddles with him in her hands, then brushes away a tear with him. Dyed blond hair, golden teeth, faded gray-green eyes and white, almost matte skin, it doesn’t seem to be ugly, but it will pass and you won’t notice.
Every evening, when dozens of convicts gather in front of the TV after work in the sewing shop to watch the evening news, she hides in the farthest corner of the cell. "Well, he did the right thing, that he killed. So she, bitch, should be!" the women shout excitedly when they see the trial of Colonel Budanov on the screen. "Yes, crush them, bastards! Wet in the toilet!" - the president's favorite quote is heard from everywhere.
- In the zone, no one knows that she was a sniper in Chechnya and shot at Russian soldiers. And in her criminal case there is not a word about this, - they immediately warned me in one of the women's colonies in the Krasnodar Territory. She doesn't shy away from anyone, but she doesn't make friends with anyone either. If you write her real name, she will be killed immediately.
It was about Lena that a terribly romantic story went around Chechnya during the first war. For her extraordinary beauty, youth and ability to shoot accurately, the militants called her Lolita. In the detachment of Shamil Basayev, she appeared in 1995. She came from her native Ukraine to earn ... for her wedding and a dowry. However, she quickly forgot her fiancé, because she fell in love with a real "wolf", field commander Sulima Yamadayev. Under the roar of battle and the whistle of bullets, their happiness did not last long - the "wolf" was killed, much later Aslan Maskhadov posthumously awarded him the rank of brigadier general, and the inconsolable "wolf" began to take revenge. Moreover, it was aimed at our fighters at the "causal place", below the belt. So, at least, the legend went.
“I don’t know anything about Lolita and “white tights,” Lena rolls her eyes theatrically and immediately brings her handkerchief to them. - And I got to Chechnya long before the war, in the very beginning of the 90s. She lived with her parents and little brother in Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, studied well. Mom worked then as a warehouse manager, and my father also did not sit without work. True, often applied to the bottle. After the 8th grade, together with Marinka, my school friend, we went to Nikolaev to study as a cook. For the spring holidays, Marinka offered to go to Chechnya, to trade in clothes. We got to Prokhladny by train, from there we got to Grozny by bus. On the train, our birth certificates were taken away from us, and I wasn’t even 16 then. They locked me up for four days in some apartment, they said that we wouldn’t work the road with just clothes. We worked out ... They would take them out to the field, then into the mountains - who shoots, who else does what - they amused themselves as they wanted. My girlfriend periodically disappeared somewhere, and I was sold to a new tormentor. I can’t remember all this ... - and she cries. “My torment ended only when Musa heard about me and saved me. He didn't know anything about my past. For some reason I believed him.

From the dossier "MK".

Musa Charaev, field commander. An active participant in the hostilities of 1994-1996, together with his detachment, "lit up" in many bloody skirmishes. A friend of Basayev, who often visited his house. And if Charaev before the war was a simple rural tractor driver who earned money by selling wine brought from the Kalinin winery, then after that he was the owner of a decent "piece" of the Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipe, generously presented to him by the President of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov.
As investigators were assured by numerous witnesses, during the first Chechen campaign, Lena walked with her head held high and a sniper rifle at the ready. About that combat period of her life, about which she does not want to talk about anything, the only documentary evidence has been preserved. A red book with a photograph and her real name. Next to Basayev's signature is a modest position - a nurse. During the investigation and trial, Lena did not hide the fact that in March 1995 she joined a detachment in Argun, field commander Abdul Khadzhiev-Aslambek. Although she was listed there only as a nurse, in fact she did everything that they said: she washed, cooked, and sometimes, out of old memory, appeased the bearded freedom fighters. However, she did not stay long in Abdul's detachment.

"If only you were alive"

The end of the 95th. Bloody raid of Salman Raduev's gang on Kizlyar and Pervomaiskoye. For two weeks the whole country did not leave the television screens, watching the development of dramatic events. Capturing the helipad. Shooting people. A swift "visit" to the hospital, which almost ended with a repetition of Budyonnovsk. Solemn departure to Pervomaiskoye in a convoy of buses along with the captured hostages. And, finally, the mysterious disappearance from the village, which was practically demolished by artillery from the face of the earth and surrounded by Russian troops in a triple ring. Among several women who participated in that famous Radevsky campaign was Lena.
This fact became known only after the arrest of Salman Raduev himself. An interesting document was found in his archives, in which he asked the head of the Oktyabrsky district of Grozny to allocate a two-room apartment for Elena P. "as an active participant in the hostilities in Kizlyar and Pervomaisky." She got an apartment. Then she met Musa Charaev. "Wolf" and "she-wolf" fell in love with each other - and this was true in the legend about Lolita.
“There was a war,” Lena continues. - Musa and his guys hid in the mountains, and rarely came to Ishcherskaya (a large border junction station, where militants sometimes lay in bed after being wounded. - E.M.). I spoke Chechen very well. My mother-in-law immediately somehow accepted me and even fell in love - she became like a mother. She prayed all the time. Looking at her, I also converted to Islam. And soon a mullah married Musa and me.
Having arranged her personal life, Lena finally called her parents in Konstantinovka. Her mother, who had known nothing at all about her for several years, fainted when she heard her voice. "If only you were alive," she said, and burst into tears. After this call, she began to drink with her father. And six months later, in the summer of 1996, the whole family was poisoned by mushrooms bought at the market. Father and brother were pumped out by doctors. Lena saw her mother already in the coffin. As an active militant and the wife of a field commander, Lolita got into all operational reports. And she immediately received new documents. "To pull less," explains Lena. According to them, she came home for the funeral. After the war, a son was born in the fighting family of the Charaevs. Musa still did not part with the machine gun and his fighters, guarding the piece of the oil pipeline entrusted to him. Lena was given a solid position in customs. “I cleared goods through customs, processed papers, took money to Grozny. Nothing special,” Lena is obviously modest, because the treasury will not be trusted to just anyone. But Lena was valued not for this - she checked freight and passenger trains, looking for "FSB agents" in them. If a person seemed suspicious to her, he was removed from the train and taken away in an unknown direction. "She-wolf", - peaceful villagers were afraid of her. "Our she-wolf! The commander was lucky," the former militants approved. In March 1999, Musa was killed. He was found in his own car, not far from the "pipe", with the same machine gun in his hands and two dozen bullets in his back and neck. He never found out that Lena was pregnant again - she wanted to please him the next day.
By order No. 101 of the President of the CRI, Maskhadov, Charaev was posthumously awarded the rank of brigadier general and renamed his native village of Severnaya in the Naur region - the very one where he plowed the land for so long - into Musa-yurt. It turns out that the legend did not lie again.

Fake calculation

Baltic women, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Siberians, Urals, Leningraders, Muscovites and, of course, the Chechens themselves—there is no end to the terrible stories about ruthless mercenary snipers who have been roaming the trenches, hospitals and newspaper pages for many years now. True, it is worth noting that the militants themselves are afraid of some fantastic Ossetian women who terribly hate them, allegedly fighting on the Russian side. The most persistent myth about "white tights" is that most of them are biathletes, and from the Baltics. If we put together all the stories about blond beauties who speak Russian with a pleasant light accent and shoot at our soldiers, it turns out that not a single athlete who has ever held a weapon in her hands has long been left there - or has already been killed, or still fighting. However, in the first Chechen war, our law enforcement agencies still tried to check one chilling story about a Baltic sniper dropped by wounded paratroopers from a helicopter with a grenade into her vagina. officers. Maybe some girl fell, reaching for a cigarette, from a Russian "turntable", only the corpse was never found. As they did not find any traces of a biathlete by the name of Trankautene in the Baltic republics ... The very name "white tights" came from a white leotard, tight-fitting hips, in which biathletes perform at competitions. Before Chechnya, they flashed in almost all the "hot spots" of the former Soviet Union, from Transnistria to Nagorno-Karabakh. However, then the stories about the mercenaries caused only surprise among the military. And the snipers themselves could be counted on the fingers. Chechnya is another matter. Here is a big war and, accordingly, completely different money. In most cases, the Chechens entered into a contract with the newcomer for a month. According to the captured militants, before the crisis, snipers were paid up to 10,000 dollars. Sometimes they paid "without exception" from 500 to 800 bucks "unfastened" for a killed officer and 200 for a soldier. However, such fees were more likely to lure new mercenaries than actually pay them - either the dollars turn out to be fake, or the field commander will consider that the lady wants too much and it’s cheaper to just kill her. But all the same: in half a year in Chechnya - unless, of course, the feds caught it or sewed their own militants - one could earn for the rest of his life. "Fatima - 170 thousand rubles, Oksana - 150 thousand, Lena - 30 (for two killed scouts)" - this "pay slip" was found in the pocket of a killed sniper near the village of Bechik.

sniper war

It's only in cheap movies that the sniper works alone. In the worst case, he has one assistant - and he will provide cover and count the dead. In the best and most common in Chechnya - "an ambush hunter" (translated from English. - E.M.), a couple of submachine gunners, a machine gunner, grenade launchers and an ammunition carrier cover. By the way, the role of the last member of such a mobile group is generally difficult to overestimate - thanks to him, the militants can "peel" for two hours without a break. "It's better to undereat than not sleep" and "you need to shoot like a waltz: one-two-three - and change position, sitting still is not recommended" - the "golden rules" of every sniper who knows both on that and on that side . Before "lighting up", a good "hunter" prepares 5-8 positions in advance and only then opens fire. "Find and neutralize" an enemy sniper, signalman and senior officers - the combat mission has not changed since the middle of the 18th century, when the first mention of "skirmishers" appeared in archival documents. According to the number of wounds to the head and chest, military doctors dubbed the current war in Chechnya a sniper war. But it begins only when the troops are engaged in positional battles. - Previously, snipers were looked for among professional shooters. It was believed that marksmanship in such work is the most important thing. But lately, especially after Chechnya, we have become convinced that strong nerves and the ability to hide well are still more important, - Colonel Alexander Abin, author of the book "Tactics of using snipers in the city", immediately classified by the FSB, a teacher at the department of tactical and special training, is sure St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. - A real sniper works primarily with his head - he knows engineering, topography, and medicine. There are few such professionals, and they improve all their lives. Aleksey, a sniper from the elite St. Petersburg special forces, is one of them. "The most self-possessed and calm person, he never conflicts with anyone," they say about him in the detachment.
- To aim, I need 2-3 seconds, a maximum of 10, - says Alexey. “I only worry when I can't see the target. As soon as she is in front of my eyes, I instantly calm down and pull the trigger. A good shot comes between heartbeats, and in women, the heart rate is less frequent. They are lighter, so they shoot better. By and large, biathletes need to be taught only tactics, technique is already disappearing. Athletes are hardy, and without it, nowhere in the mountains. Yes, and they are better armed. They also have SV-94 sniper rifles of 12 mm caliber, and "screw cutters", and the same our SVDshki (Dragunov sniper rifle, the "workhorse" of Russian snipers. - E.M.), only modernized. In addition, all optics are anti-reflective. For now, we can only dream of such weapons.

A lieutenant colonel and an ensign tell how they captured a Lithuanian sniper. How she asked not to kill her. She allegedly has two children.

- They tied a grenade to the head, - says the ensign, - they pulled out the pin and let go. Only cowards flew in different directions.

Dear friends, we offer you a detailed and complete walkthrough of the game Sniper Elite 3. In the new part of this shooter, the developers have put an emphasis on freedom of choice. You will be shown a large and diverse world, where you can use any game styles and tactics.

Mission one: Siege of Tobruk

Our first war will begin in Tobruk - a city that is located in northern Africa, at one time there were fierce battles here. After watching the video, immediately the first task is to kill the snipers that are scattered around. Go outside, sit down under the wall, then destroy the targets, they will be marked with a marker. Next, we are looking for a spotter, after his death, the mortars that interfered with the city were neutralized.

Our next task is a machine gun on a car. Here you will need the "special vision" mode, by turning on this mode, aim at the gas tank or the engine compartment.

Next, you need to neutralize the roadblocks. They are located in the north, be sure to look at the map to get there without any problems. Pass quietly through the gorge, we kill two freaks, and now you can already neutralize the roadblocks. Don't forget that there are 3-4 Germans at each post.

Where you need to go in the end, the game itself will already tell you, showing a video. In the video, the plane will destroy the gorge and the passage that will appear there and will be our new goal.

Mission two: Gaberun

In this task, you will need to hunt for General Valen - a very important bump among the Germans. Carefully and accurately remove the first target, then take a comfortable position from which the location of the Germans will be visible. Your target is an officer, there are only two ways to get to him. The first is that the camp is very easily protected from above, and the second is that it is possible to go down, then to the left, and further along the path, find a place where you can work perfectly on targets. Do not forget that you need to search the corpse of an officer.

The ultimate goal is a convoy. You can neutralize it by planting mines and shooting at weak points of equipment.

Mission Three: Halfaya Gorge

Since General Valen is not dead yet, we continue to hunt for him, but this time our friends will help us. We move forward, along the way we destroy enemy points and their anti-tank guns, thus helping the advance of the allies. In the first position, be sure to shoot the barrel. Thanks to this maneuver, the first target will be destroyed by one bullet. We move on, passing all the obstacles. The next point will be visible through the hole, the goal is the same - a barrel.

We move on, holding on to the mountains. On the way we will meet a checkpoint and 4 enemy, they need to be carefully eliminated, rising even higher, it will be necessary to remove the sentry. From his corpse we take the "beauty - rocket launcher." With the help of such a baby, we destroy the last target, which is located in the gorge. At the end of this task there will be a battle with the tank, so make 4 shots at the weak points of the tank.

Mission Four: Fort Rufigio

In this mission, our colleague is captured, so we need to free him. This is a normal stealth mission. There are a lot of Freaks, so going into battle with them is just crazy. Therefore, we practice in covert penetration into the enemy base.

Our goal is the fort. All the guards that we come across along the way can be killed in hand-to-hand combat, thereby not making a fuss. You need to enter the fort on the left, we kill the first batch of Germans with a grenade. We keep the path to the tower, do not forget about the guard in the room on the right, he needs to be searched. You need to move to the tower, which is farthest from all the others. Having risen upstairs, we open the chamber, while the comrade-in-arms leaves, we provide him with cover.

Mission Five: Siwa Oasis

We go to a small town, which is cut off from the whole world. We are looking for a convenient hill in the center - this will allow us to conduct convenient observation. Next, we descend into an ingenious web of moves, along the way we kill freaks. Going upstairs, you will immediately notice three German officers, they need to be marked. When we determine the main goal, we observe the officer from binoculars. We must wait for the moment. When the officer receives a pack of documents, after that you can safely “remove” him. After looking at his corpse, we go to pick up the documents. From the corpse of the German we go to the right, we compare the tank with a pile of metal and meet with the allies.

Mission Six: Kasserine Pass

Here our goal is the military base of General Valen, we need, as always, very important documents. You can get to it through a narrow gorge, but first you need to fill up a couple of enemies. Climb up, and at the top you will see three roadblocks. At each post there will be a barrel of explosives, I think everyone understands what needs to be done with it. We move further forward to the headquarters. Clearly, documents are stored here that need to be picked up, but there is a problem, they are in a safe. You need to find an officer and find out the codes. When found, be careful on the way back, there will be new freaks. When they dug up the safe, we go to our partner, he is waiting near the mountain. The mountain is the one on which the fire was fired at the beginning of the mission. Sadly, the partner is killed. Next, we destroy the tank and the soldiers who follow him. We bury a friend.

Mission Seven: Pont Du Fa Airfield

We start our way to the barracks, after the barracks we go to the bunker, we need to open the gate. We bring down all the enemies, in this task they can no longer call for help, move forward, take the documents found and, of course, free the allies.

We move back to the beginning of the game. We pass the fences and take a firing position a little higher. We are engaged in covering the allies who came under fire from the enemy. In the final, as always, we destroy tanks, a couple of machine-gun points and then run to the hangar, where the final comes in the form of a truck exit.

Mission Eight: Ratte Plant

Our target, General Valen, has settled at this plant. We move along the gorge, killing all the Nazis on our way. Having reached the premises, we kill the opponents who were inside, we pass along the iron "bridge" to the other side of this gorge. Here we begin cleaning the hangar, go further and destroy the first electric unit.

We go down using the elevator, the new task is to lay five detonators. We start walking along the left edge and immediately put two installations. We return to the elevator, there are guards, we kill them, having risen higher, we put the 4th and 5th installation. Again, run down, to the right to the tank, up the stairs and put the last installation. On the street you need to destroy the last batch of Germans.

After killing everyone, we go to the top of the mountain, where we activate the explosives. A big bang, the plant was destroyed, congratulations on the passed game, thanks and other honors.

Sniper Elite 3 is a popular tactical shooter game developed by Rebellion Developments. The game takes place in North Africa during World War II. Here you will play as an agent of the strategic service Karl Fairbairn, whose task is to kill General Franz Valen. It is assumed that he is working on a secret weapon that cannot be developed.

Features of passing Sniper Elite 3

Before we get into the walkthrough itself, it's important to note that this shooter requires you to play inconspicuously. Running into battle at the enemy and using the power style will not work. It is extremely important to choose the right place to shoot. This is generally one of the fundamental factors for the successful elimination of the target. Keep this in mind when passing Sniper Elite 3. We recommend using the walkthrough below only if you are at a dead end and do not know what to do next. Otherwise, there will be little pleasure from the game.

Walkthrough Sniper Elite 3: Part 1

The first chapter is called "The Siege of Tobruk". Actions begin in the city of Tobruk, which is located in northern Africa and is a strategic point. Therefore, there are fights for her. This is where the events of the game begin. First, you are presented with a video clip. After the cutscene, the gameplay begins. You will see a soldier who will ask you to eliminate two snipers. You go outside, sit next to the wall and see two fascists. They will be marked with a special marker. Kill them. Then go down, the shelling will begin. To stop the shelling, you need to find and kill the spotter. He is on the mountain. Kill him, and then the Nazis will not be able to fire mortars at you. After that, a short cutscene will start.

Then you will see an enemy machine gun on the car, which is visible on the horizon. To destroy it, you need to turn on special vision, aim and shoot at the tank. So the explosion will hit all enemies at the same time.

Now we are looking for roadblocks of enemies. We open the map, on which you can approximately see the location of the enemies. We go to the north, climb the gorge and destroy two German soldiers. We leave the cave and look at the map. 4 checkpoints will appear there, each of which has 3-4 fascists. They need to be killed, but act quietly. Otherwise, you will be killed very easily. When all the fascists are eliminated, you will see a cutscene where you will see how the plane destroys the gorge. This opens the way for you. We move further along it.


The second part of the walkthrough of Sniper Elite 3 involves action in Gaberun. Tobruk has been lost and the action in the Gaberun oasis takes place after the events in Tobruk. It is through Gaberun that enemy scouts make their way.

The game starts. Go through the bushes and kill the Nazi. After that, the entire garrison will be open in front of you. There are 2 options for further development of events: you can either clear the camp completely from a height, or go along the path to the left. So you will find yourself in the very center of the gathering of the Nazis. Kill everyone and inspect the body of the main target - the officer.

Next, you have to kill the next three officers and search their corpses again. Now head towards the river, and then go along. You will see a small gathering of Nazis. You can kill them all at once if you throw a grenade. One of the victims will be an officer, examine his corpse. Now through the ruins and the road we pass to the tents. We go into the very right, wait for the officer and quietly kill him, examine the body. Then we head to the left, towards the garages. Along the way, you need to destroy cars with ammunition. In the distance you will see the temple, in which the last goal is located. Walk along the left side through the ruins and dive into the bushes. Climb through the window of the temple unnoticed, quietly kill the guards and the target itself. This will give you a note. There will be a cutscene next. A fascist convoy is moving in the distance, plant bombs on the road and detonate them when the cars approach. Then we leave the territory through the checkpoint.

Walkthrough Sniper Elite 3: part 3. Halfaya Gorge

We must continue to search for Valen. In order for the allies to move forward, we have to destroy the anti-tank installations and fascist camps. During this assignment, you need to do just that.

We go to the first point, look through the binoculars and see a red barrel next to the gun. We shoot at her. So the first target will be destroyed. Now we head through the settlement. It is advisable to keep the rocks on the left. When you reach the crossroads, go left, then right along the path and up the hill. A second target will be visible in the hole and another red barrel nearby. As you already understood, we shoot at this barrel and destroy the second gun.

Now we head to the right and stick to the left side of the mountains, climb up, then straight ahead. You will go to the outpost with 4 Germans, they need to be eliminated. We take a rocket launcher, destroy the last target on the list - it is located in a nearby gorge. After the destruction, a cutscene will be shown. Then we go to the exit and see the tank in the city. Go around it and shoot at the middle openings. After four accurate hits, the tank will be destroyed. Go to the squad. So ends part 3 of the passage of the game Sniper Elite 3.

Fort Rufigio

There are a lot of enemies in this level, so it's best to complete it silently. Ideally, it's best not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary.

So, we continue our passage of Sniper Elite 3 in Fort Rufigio, where the enemies are holding our partner hostage. The first action is to get to the fort. This is best done by following through the houses directly. Oncoming guards are best killed in close combat. Next, go into the building on the left side, a cutscene will follow. We throw a grenade at the Nazis on the right, go straight and go into the tower. We kill the guard in the right room and search his body. We have to reach the farthest tower. The best way to get to it is without noise. If you are noticed, you will have to shoot very accurately and a lot.

Did you get to the top? Great, go upstairs, open the cage and talk to the prisoner. We escort him to the place where we came from, take up a firing position there and kill opponents so that our comrade can pass.

Walkthrough of Siwa Oasis in Sniper Elite 3

You need to get to an isolated city. Go through the bushes across the clearing. You will find a height in the central area, from where it is very convenient to watch the Germans. We go down and follow through the labyrinths. There you will find many enemies, but all of them are easy to kill thanks to the abundance of corridors. We climb the stairs up, the video will be played. At this stage in the passage of Siwa Oasis in Sniper Elite 3 officers need to be marked immediately. You will see them after climbing the stairs. Don't kill them right away, watch them with binoculars. When one of them gets the documents, kill him and search the corpse. There you will find a folder, take it. Now the passage of Siva in Sniper Elite 3 again involves the destruction of the tank. After you pick up the folder with documents, go to the right and you will see a tank. Destroy it and unite with your troops. Kill all surviving opponents and leave the city. This completes the passage of the Oasis in Sniper Elite 3.

Kasserine Pass

Here is the secret base of General Franz Valen. We have to get to it and steal important documentation from the general's safe. We go to the gorge after the video, we follow through it directly to the enemy base. On the way, we destroy three points of collection of the Germans. We climb the mountain, shoot at the red barrels, which have the Nazis. Further we follow to the north and we pass to Valen's headquarters. First we look at the documents on the table, but later it turns out that all the important documents are in the safe. We go back, find the officer, kill him and search him. We get the codes, follow back to the headquarters and open the safe. All fascists must first be killed.

Now you need to meet with a partner. We go to the place where the posts were previously destroyed. We watch a video in which our friend is killed. Now we will destroy the tank. Make it easier by moving from one house to another. So you can surround him. After the destruction of the tank, we kill the Nazis, bury a friend.

Aerodrome Pont du Fa

We have the last assault. However, first you need to weaken the enemy, so in this part we will be forced to deprive the Nazis of support. We go down, turn right and follow to the barracks. We quietly pass the corridors, turn left and open the gate to the part of the base, which is located underground. We get into it through some entrance.

Here it is worth killing the soldiers quietly (it is advisable to do this quietly, but you can also shoot, because there will still be no help). We get to the center, free the allies and look at the secret documentation. We return to the place where we started. There we see on the right on the tower a scout and soldiers. We move along the lattice, climb the mountain and look for a profitable firing point. We are watching a video showing the arrival of friendly troops. Enemies will try to destroy them, our task is to kill them. This will be followed by the next video with military support. Now you need to destroy two machine gunners and two tanks. There is a rocket launcher in one of the towers. Use it to destroy tanks. After the victory, we go to the hangar and get into the truck.

Plant "Ratte"

Now we are at the main plant where the "Rat" is being created and General Valen himself is located. We move along the gorge, kill two fascists on the way. Let's go a little further. There are enemies in the room on the left - you need to kill them all, preferably quietly. We pass to the right side and kill the Nazis on two floors. Now it is desirable to clear the hangar, which is located directly in front of us. As you do this, go straight towards him, then right and straight again. We will approach the stairs, follow it down and blow up the electrical block there. Now we kill everyone in the hangar on the right and go along the iron path that lies across the abyss. Continue to the left and then straight ahead. On this road, it is advisable to beware of the Nazis.

As we reach the room with the generator, we throw a grenade inside it and run along the bridge to the left, killing the Nazis along the way. We activate the elevator and see a video with Valen. We go down the elevator and understand that we need to plant 5 bombs to completely destroy this complex. We stick to the left side, quietly plant two bombs. We return to the elevator, kill two guards, go upstairs, kill two more fascists and lay the next two explosives. We go down again, approach the tank on the right, move up the stairs without making noise and bypassing the guards. We lay the last explosive, go down and run to the exit. So we will find ourselves on the street, here we kill the Nazis, climb the mountain and detonate bombs. The last video will be shown. You completed the game.


It is not necessary to play as described in this walkthrough. Experiment and fantasize. So you enjoy the gameplay. Only use this walkthrough when you reach a dead end and can't find your way out. Have a nice game.

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