Where did the Muscovite Viktor Tsoi go after the accident. How Viktor Tsoi died. Opinions about him

The departure of such an iconic figure of Russian rock as Viktor Tsoi could not help but acquire numerous myths and legends. In particular, most fans of his work refused to believe that the death of their idol was an absurd tragic accident, so they preferred to believe even in the version of the murder. This can be explained by the fact that it is easier for a person to consider someone guilty than to accept the inexorability of the case. Many fans have long been convinced that the ill-fated accident is a carefully planned crime.
This version of events was also considered by people quite close to Tsoi. For example, Dmitry Levkovsky, administrator of the Games and People's Militia groups, notes: “...maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm still sure that this was a well-prepared murder ... Too serious authority for young people became Tsoi, and if he released the Black Album, then in general, at least lead the revolution.
It is noteworthy that the version of the accident is also refuted by an independent technical expert Yuri Antipov. He claims that all available photos of the famous "Moskvich" Tsoi are fake, because in those photos that can be found on the Internet, the registration number does not match the real one. In addition, the expert notes: “Obviously something fell on this car. We see the sagging central part of the cabin, but the front part is intact. In Tsoi's car, the damage should be completely different. After analyzing all the possible circumstances of the incident, Yuri Antipov came to the conclusion that Tsoi's car was stopped long before the bus appeared, and the singer himself was incapacitated, after which they pushed the car to the turn, waited for the Ikarus to appear and sent it to meet him, staging an accident .
Nevertheless, Tsoi's friends and relatives believe that the musician had no obvious enemies and ill-wishers capable of such an act, and the Kino songs do not have the political and social overtones that were attributed to them after the death of the group leader.

On August 15, 1990, Viktor Tsoi passed away. Much has been written about his death in a car accident. But the most complete and truthful, it seems to me, were two articles written by Oleg Belikov, made on the basis of a journalist’s trip to the scene of the tragedy in November 1990. One was published in the newspaper "Live Sound", the second in the magazine "Rolling Stone".

Here are the articles

Rolling Stone "There Will Be No Keane"

The idea to go to the place of Tsoi's death did not occur to me. One of the metropolitan acquaintances, a certain Svetka, told me: “We are going to hitchhike to Tukums, to the place where Choi crashed in November. Will you go with us?” This idea stuck in my head so tightly that I collected all the available cash - about 300 rubles, bought 2 packs of Opal cigarettes and stomped to the editorial office of the local newspaper Znamya Oktyabrya. Having stated to Galina Ivanovna, the editor-in-chief, the proposal to send me on a business trip to "investigate the causes of the death of Viktor Tsoi", I actually had absolutely no idea how I would conduct this investigation. And so I asked to give me some kind of official document. Letter of Credence.
“Of course, we will give you paper, but no money!” said Galina Ivanovna. "I'll go to my own!" - I answered, and we began to think about what kind of "village to grandfather" to address it. The smartest decision seemed to be to choose the prosecutor of the Tukums district as the addressee (since there is a district, it means that there must be a prosecutor, and he will always be the head of the police). The paper said that a correspondent such and such "is sent to collect material about the last days of Viktor Tsoi's life. Please provide him with all possible assistance."

Stuffing a camera, a flash, about a dozen photographic films and canned food into my bag, I soon stood in front of Svetka and her two friends, who also decided to "see the place." Coming out of the subway, we wandered to the highway. "To Riga". I had very little faith that such and such a truck driver would put such a crowd into his cab after some kind of goblin and drive it "for so" right up to Riga. Therefore, resolutely leaving the girls fifteen meters from the traffic police post, taking out my "protective certificate" and editorial certificate, I went to the post. The policeman, having carefully scanned the papers with his eyes and saw the formidable word "prosecutor", said: "Well, we'll have to wait a bit until we catch the right car. Are these with you too?" He nodded towards the girls. “Yes, correspondents too!” I answered as nonchalantly as possible.
"Necessary car" was found from the fourth time. "That's it, take the correspondents in the direction of Riga," the traffic cop said to the driver. "These?" The driver looked at us incredulously. "Yeah, the documents are in order, I checked." "Well, let them sit down," he answered doomedly. In the cockpit, we immediately take the Elektronika-302 tape recorder from the bag and turn on Tsoi. Somewhere halfway through, the driver drops us off and goes to sleep in some truck stop he knows only. We, invigorating, weave along the highway. To top it all off, it's not quite appropriate snow. Cold. Rare cars don't stop or "go the wrong way".
Only at sunrise do we manage to fit into the brand new UAZ, which takes us all the way to Tukums. I leave the girls at the railway station and go in search of the prosecutor's office. Prosecutor Janis Salons, a man with kind eyes, is carefully studying my papers. He obviously likes them. He picks up a big thick book that looks like a barn and starts flipping through it. Accidents are recorded in this book. The record occupies one line: the brand of the car, license plate number, full name of the owner. The desired entry is found when ten sheets of written paper are flipped back. It seems that accidents happen here almost every hour.

I see the car is registered to Mariana. The case was led by investigator Erika Kazimirovna Ashman. The prosecutor picks up the phone, spins the disk. "Erika Kazimirovna? ​​Now a journalist from Moscow will approach you, please acquaint him with case number 480." I ask: "Are you working today, because the holiday is November 7?". “Well, you have a holiday there, in Moscow, but we don’t have any holiday. We are your
We do not recognize Soviet holidays.” Erika Kazimirovna first greets me “with hostility.” Apparently, the call from the prosecutor's office had no effect on her.
“I don’t have the right to show you materials from this case at all, it has not yet been closed, and, besides, your colleagues have already written in the newspapers what was not there, and then I got hit for allegedly showing them the materials No, no one came here, you are the first one, he only called on the phone from "MK", ​​I read some excerpts to him, and then he mixed everything up. They wrote that Tsoi was not drunk according to the results of an "examination of active brain cells" "But we don't have such an examination at all, we have a small town, it can only be done in Riga, and I don't know. They only did a blood test for alcohol, it wasn't there, that's all. Why didn't they take them to Riga?" So no one knew, they just said that the young guy had crashed. So I'll let you get acquainted with the materials of the case, and then you write, and it will hit me again!

I feel that now they will say "Goodbye" to me, and I eagerly begin to explain that this is why I am here, to learn everything "first hand" and not to allow any "inaccuracies". And that in journalism there are different people, as, in general, in other professions. "And you probably have them too!" The last argument works, and case No. 480 lies before me on the table. I'm scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Erika Kazimirovna: “This? This is about initiating a criminal case against Tsoi Viktor Robertovich. How for what? As the culprit of the accident. But the decision to dismiss the case due to the death of the accused. what do you think, he’s a singer for you, but for us he’s just a delinquent. No, well, they probably wouldn’t have been imprisoned, but they would have been fined for sure. And what you wanted, the damage was done to the auto enterprise - Ikarus was just out of repair, and again got up for two months "But this is money! He didn't go, he didn't carry passengers, the enterprise has losses for several thousand, probably!"

I start to write down all the most interesting things. After a few minutes, I realize that a multi-page volume can take a couple of days of my life from me. I ask permission to copy some pages. "What are you, I shouldn't have shown you the case." Then he surrenders: "Well, just don't tell anyone, otherwise the case is not closed yet." I quickly take out my camera and start shooting one page after another. "The driver of Moskvich - 2141, dark blue (license number Y6832MN) Tsoi Viktor Robertovich, on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsa highway, lost control and drove off to the side of the highway, driving 250 meters along it. Then his car hit the fence post of the bridge across Moskvich was thrown into the oncoming lane, along which the bus Ikarus-250 (license plate 0518VRN, driver Janis Karlovich Fibiks), motor transport company No. 29, Tukums, was moving from the blow. Collision time - 11 hours 28 minutes. Weather: +28. Visibility - clear.

Erika Kazimirovna explains to me how to find the landlady Birota Luge, from whom Tsoi rented a room: "Are you by car? Write down: the village of Plientsems, the Zeltini house. And there is no numbering of houses, just tell the taxi driver "Ziltini House", he will find it. Or you locals will show you, ask, everyone knows there." Saying goodbye, I photograph the hostess of the office. “Yes, why me, why not!”, - she is suddenly embarrassed.

The girls are waiting at the railway station, near which there are several free taxis. We get to know the driver. "Janis. Last name? Why do you need it? Ahhh, journalists. From Moscow?! About Tsoi material?! Melderis is my last name. I know where the accident happened. And I already took your fans there. ? Where?". The girls immediately turn on the cassette with Tsoi. The driver does not mind and even allows you to smoke in the cabin. The car rushes in the direction of the village of Plincems. In about 20 minutes we are already entering the village. Janis, leaning out of the window, asks a passer-by in Latvian about "Zelini".

He waves his hand in the direction of the car, explaining about the yellow sandstone finish. Hence the name. We are approaching. In the sun, the house really shines with gold. At the gate there is a mailbox with the inscription "Zeltini". I enter the yard. The door to the house is closed. I walk around the house. Another door. Also closed. The neighbors who became interested in me explain that Birote is at work, at a fish processing factory. I sit down, let's go. On the edge of the village is a long one-story building. In front of him is a gate with wide open doors, into which we call. I go in and go to look for the boss. Having found it, I explain that his worker, Birota Luga, is needed, for which we actually came from Moscow.

He nods sympathetically and escorts me into the workshop directly to Birote's workplace. She sorts through fresh fish. “Here, journalists have come to you from Moscow. You can go home,” says the boss. She quickly and somehow bashfully wipes her hands, takes off her apron, and we go out into the street. Birota categorically refuses to get into the car, assuring that it will come like that. We are waiting for her at the gate. The house has several rooms. We sit down in the living room. The hostess does not speak Russian well, and the taxi driver Janis, who volunteered to be an interpreter, helps us out a lot.

“I got to know Viktor through his girlfriend Natalya. She has been coming here every summer for ten years, even with her first husband. And for the last three years with Viktor. Sometimes they took Vitya’s son Sasha with them. Usually they came for three months - from June to September How did you rest? Well, the whole family went to the forest for mushrooms. They played badminton. They rode on a skateboard. He still often went fishing, Sasha often took with him. No, he didn’t bring much fish, he was not a fisherman. He said, "she catches for pleasure. And that in noisy Moscow you can't have such a good rest, every time you repeated. I loved the sea very much, there it is - behind the house, behind the pines - it's already a shore. Often went there with Natalya, swam. Ate what? Yes, nothing special, what Yes, I loved tomatoes very much!"

“Yes, I didn’t really communicate with him. Only when he asked where he could get it. He always brought good wine as a gift. the day before, he didn’t touch wine at all. And they sat around the table for something, started talking, and went to bed late. In the morning, at five o’clock, he was going fishing, he wanted to take Sasha with him, but he got tired, he took pity on him One left ... Muscovite loved his very much, he liked him very much, he bought him only three months ago. I ask him what kind of music he has been listening to lately. “I don’t even know. I don’t understand it, something was spinning on the tape recorder in his room. Sometimes he himself played something on the guitar, hummed. No, I don’t have any photos of him. Will you? Was he a famous musician?

How did it happen...

We say goodbye to Birota and go to the scene of the accident. "It's near the farm Tautopnike, there is only one house there," says Janis. "Fifteen minutes from here if by car." Let's go. Finally, the highway turns sharply to the left. Just around the corner is the bridge over the Taytopu River. Home-made posters and posters with the image of Tsoi, all sorts of ribbons and "baubles" are already hanging on the bridge. In the center, near the fence, there is a three-liter jar of flowers. There are also flowers around, right on the pavement. Thrifty Svetka takes out a bottle of wine. I open it and we take turns taking sips. I ask Janis to signal. He nods understandingly and repeatedly presses the klaxon for a long time.

Natasha and Zhenya's eyes begin to sparkle suspiciously. We finish the bottle, and I go to a lonely house. The hostess comes to my voice. This is Antonina Ivanovna Urbane. She says: “I followed this Ikarus, also on a bus. The driver agreed to give me a ride home. He was ahead of us all the time. that's all - Ikarus stands with its front wheels in the river, and the car is passenger, all mangled, in the middle of the road. The driver of Ikarus had not even managed to get out from behind the wheel yet - he was in shock. Well, I sent my grandson Kolya Zvonnikov, he comes to visit for the summer, " call the ambulance and call the police. The first ambulance arrived, then the police. The doctors took that guy out of the car, he was squeezed there. It was twenty minutes to twelve.

On the right side of the bridge, pieces of concrete knocked out by Ikarus from the protective fences are visible, hanging on the reinforcement. In the river - traces from the wheels of the bus. On the other side of the bridge there is also a column chipped from the side - the one into which the Moskvich crashed. In the middle of the road - a healthy crooked scratch three meters long - crumpled from a terrible blow, it was drawn by the cardan of the Tsoev machine. We get into a taxi. "Now where?" Janis asks. “It would be nice to find that bus. This is the automobile enterprise No. 29. Do you know where?” I say.

"I work there, but this bus is in our park, it, in my opinion, has not yet entered the line!" We are going in the middle of the corridor of ship pines. Then the lakes begin to flicker to the left. On one of them, Tsoi threw his fishing rods. In the courtyard of the car park, we drive up to the same Ikarus. There is no driver, he left for lunch, and it is not known when he will come. I take a picture of the bus and get back in the car. “It would be nice to find Tsoi’s car itself!” I say. "Why look for her, she is in the box with our boss, he took her from there!". We're going to the boss.

Konopiev Sergey Alekseevich, having learned about the purpose of the visit, broke into a sly smile: “Wow, I’m hiding from everyone, I don’t tell anyone, but you somehow found out. You were the first who found me. I put her in my box, and then they recognized Okay, let's go - I'll show you. Nobody touched the car. I only took the fishing rods there, here they are in my office, and there were a few fish in the trunk, I threw them away, they'll get spoiled anyway. Take a picture of the car? I don't know, it's you need to ask your relatives for permission!", - he says and calls in Leningrad - Maryana. She is not home. Tsoi's parents, Valentina Vasilievna and Robert Maksimovich, are clearly surprised by the call from Tukums with a request to take pictures of the car. "The car is registered to Maryana, Victor drove by proxy, Maryana and decide, but we cannot decide here."

The head of the automobile enterprise No. 29 Konopiev Sergey Alekseevich opens a garage in which there is a broken Muscovite Viktor Tsoi. The girls are coming. As auto mechanics say, "the car is beyond repair." The front of the car looks like an accordion: the bonnet folded in half, and the roof also reared up. The front seats were pressed into the back seat. Inside the salon, we notice a strand of long black hair. Receptive Zhenya, seeing them, immediately begins to sob. Nika, knowing about the ban on filming, pushes me with his elbow and says in a conspiratorial whisper: "There he turned away and is not looking - let's shoot!" I answer that I can't do that.

Sergei Alekseevich opens the trunk. Behind the car is completely intact, the impact was frontal. In the trunk there is a shabby backpack (probably for fish) and several folded posters from the MK holiday in Luzhniki. On them - the announcement of the gala concert "Soundtrack" and in the center it is written in large size - the group "Kino". The car is dark blue (and not white, as some Moscow publications wrote), and the engine is in place. We are out of boxing. Everyone is depressed

“And here, by the way, is the bus that carried the coffin to Leningrad,” says Sergey Alekseevich, and points to the yellow PAZ-672 with license plate 2115 LTR. “You can take pictures of him, just don’t write the number. Otherwise, they will meet fans in Moscow, they will still stone the windows. How for what? the bus driver Guzanov Vladimir, he brought it straight from the Tukums morgue to the very Bogoslovsky cemetery.They took away the coffin of Natasha, she was here, then Maryana arrived, and, in my opinion, Aizenshpis also arrived.
We gave the driver travel allowance for two days. After all, no one wanted to take it, everyone refused. Well, firstly, the road is long to Leningrad, and you won’t drive quickly - after all, the coffin. And Volodya "flew" before that with a booze, so they sent him as a punishment. " Saying goodbye, Kopiev gives me his business card asking me to send the material when he leaves. We drive back to the station. It starts to get dark. Passing by the accident site, Janis is already without our requests gives a long beep.
Please stop at some store, buy cigarettes and sweets. The store is full of both, but a strict saleswoman asks me for a customer's business card. I leave the store with nothing. Seeing my upset face, Janis asks what's the matter. I explain that I wanted to buy a couple of boxes of chocolates, but they don’t sell them. "Wait, there's a familiar driver unloading, give me 25 rubles." I give, and a minute later he comes back with two boxes of chocolates. Finally we arrived at the station. There are 23 rubles with kopecks on the counter. The girls whine that they have very little money left. I take out twenty-five rubles and say that "change is not necessary," but let him hum better when he passes the place of Tsoi's death. He promises

Live sound "Tsoi's death: the way it really is"


This year, Viktor Tsoi would have turned 35 years old. The date is round, but did not live up to it. August 15 will soon come, the day on which a new one will begin, already the eighth year of life without Tsoi. Many admirers of "KINO" are still sure that the death of their idol was not accidental. In those days, some media tried to instill in the public the idea that death waited a very long time for the musician and simply chose the right opportunity to attack.

Some moviegoers still believe that Tsoi is alive. The most devoted Vita fans tried to conduct their own investigations of the incident, which is why such a number of rumors, myths and legends arose around a simple accident that it was just right to publish a thick book dedicated to the death of the artist. Journalist Oleg Belikov brought unique materials on that catastrophe to the editorial office of the newspaper "Live Sound", including an interview with Vita's mother, Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi, dated February 1991 and never published before. Since there is no doubt about the reliability of the factual information, we decided to publish the most truthful version of the tragedy. And finally put an end to this story.


One of the income items of the Latvian Birta Luge, who worked at a fish processing plant, was her house, nicknamed by her neighbors in the fishing village of Pliencems (which is near Riga) “Zeltini”, if in Russian it is “Golden”

Birta met Natalya Razlogova a long time ago - even when she was in her first marriage. So when one day Razlogova arrived in Plienzems with a silent, dark-haired guy named Viktor Tsoi, Ms. Luge simply took note of the changes in the personal life of her regular client. The fact that he was a musician, and even a famous one, Birta found out only later.

Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi: “I know what a car accident is, I know that he died. I can’t help but believe Natasha’s story. I am a biologist by education, and therefore that act is an indisputable argument for me. I remember, however, that after the first time I tried to read it, I couldn’t approach him for about two months. Actually, you need to be ready to read papers describing your child’s injuries. That is, I’m ready for the physiological and anatomical details of anyone’s death, but that’s another matter when it is written about my son! However, there is no getting away from it! Life and death - they always stand side by side. I am not going to specifically be interested in the circumstances of his death, from that act I realized that he had a terrible hole in his chest, and he died instantly. But the guys from the Bogoslovsky cemetery constantly torment me with assumptions that supposedly he is not dead. It is very difficult for a mother. "

Natasha came with Victor and his son Sasha every year for the whole summer - from June to September. As a gift to the hostess, the head of the family always brought a bottle of good wine, which they drank right there for the meeting. According to Birta, Vitya always said that nowhere else could he have such a good rest as in Zeltini. And no wonder - behind the house, made of yellow sandstone, there was a small row of pine trees, and right behind them the waves of the bay were already visible. And it was unusually quiet.

Victor and Natasha greatly appreciated the peace that radiated from the fishing village. As a family, they loved going mushroom picking, playing badminton, skateboarding and, of course, fishing. It was hard to believe that Vitya was "one of those hairy ones" who all the time yelled something into the microphone on TV. Too much the guy did not correspond to popular ideas about rock music - although he brought a guitar and a tape recorder with him, he did not yell songs in a heart-rending voice. Victor often played something, but it happened only in his room and very quietly.

Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi: “We were walking from the cemetery, I see the signs “Vitya is alive” all around. And I say: “Robert, how can you believe that your Vitya is gone ?!” And recently the phone rang. Mom!" I, the only thing I could answer, "Oh, what?!" But it was not Vitka's voice, apparently mixed up. And they hung up. that live on Bogoslovsky. Vitya passed through their fate, and my grief is their grief. And they are trying to prove to me that Vitya is alive. They say: "Valentina Vasilyevna, you know, there is such a sign that animals bypass the places where buried dead. You will never see them on the grave. "I answer:" When I was there, ravens flew in, because they are not afraid of anything. First they sat on an umbrella, and then they flew even closer to the grave. "And they:" Another squirrel sat on his grave ... "And, can you imagine, these children, who are always there, next to Vitya, also begin to doubt. One boy from Bogoslovsky, Stas told me: "You know, at night there is some kind of glow on the grave, something completely unearthly rises up ... "In general, they have faith in Vitya's supernatural power"

Sasha - the son of Viktor and Maryana Tsoi (the musician's first wife) - loved to go fishing with his father. The "men" usually returned home tired, but happy, even though there were usually few fish. Apparently, they just liked the process itself: first - fishing fees, packing equipment, loading it into the car, then - driving on a night road and a long vigil by the river.

Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi: “There was a moment when I wanted to leave. I had accumulated a large number of notebooks of Vitya’s fans with dedication poems. There are a lot of poems, and they are so ... deadly! And then, at that time, it was quite easy to go to him Then I kept crying, "sitting" on pills ... I hesitated, but constantly persuaded myself that I had someone to live for: firstly, it is not clear what will happen to Sasha, since Maryana is creating a new family; secondly ", Irina Nikolaevna, Maryanina's mother is a person in need of help. In addition, I have a sister who is somewhat weak - her mother died, her father died, and I was left alone with her. In short, I decided that I have for whom to live! I must live! I even have to live! After all, Robert needs me, and his son Lena ...

Does Robert have a son?

Yes, Lenya, a very good boy. After all, Robert left us, married another, and then returned again. Now his son is already 17 years old, but until 14 the guy did not even know that he had a brother Vitya. His mother immediately gave the child her last name - Kuznetsov, and did not allow Robert to see him. The only thing Lenya knew about was that his father's surname was Choi. But at the end of the cons, she allowed Robert to call Lena, and they began to communicate - they met, went fishing, and immediately everything worked out. The boy was always drawn to us, he understood Vitka. Now Lenya takes our last name, he himself decided so. You see, he also needs to live, and we must help him."


At the beginning of the twelfth morning on August 15, the sun was already beginning to bake, +24. Vitya was returning home from night fishing. This time Sashka did not go with him, because in the evening he fell asleep without waiting for his father. A straight line of asphalt on the Sloka-Tulsa highway between two rows of ship pines flew under the wheels of Tsoi's car at a speed of 150 km / h. In the trunk were a couple of fishing rods and a catch - a few fish. An Ikarus-250 with license plate 0518 BPH was driving towards him, driven by Janis Karlovich Fibiks. He drove an empty bus from repair to his native motor depot No. 29. A lonely one-story house, nicknamed "Teitopnike" in the district, was ahead of the path, both the first and the second.

The owner of "Teitopnike", Antonina Urbane, followed the "Ikarus" on another bus. The "Ikarus" riding ahead was constantly in her field of vision and only for a minute disappeared from sight - when turning behind the house. When Urbane drove up to the house, she saw that the "Ikarus" was already standing in a roadside ditch, its front wheels having driven off the bridge into a small stream. His driver was still in the cab. And in the middle of the road stood a "Moskvich" with a crumpled hood, turned across the highway from a strong blow. The dashboard of the car drove into the front row of seats, pinning the driver to the seat. And the roof of the car, deformed, squeezed his head. The crumpled cardan shaft had drawn a deep scratch about a meter long on the highway.

In Tukums, the roads are not the same as in Russia. They are well paved, so high speed is not uncommon there. Hence the frequent accidents. For local residents, numerous incidents have become commonplace. And for the investigator of the Tukums Department of Internal Affairs, Erika Ashmane, who was in charge of case No. 480 about the accident on the 35th km of the Sloka-Tulsa highway, the disaster that happened was not something out of the ordinary. In order to fix this case, it took only one paragraph of an official paper in the OVD documentation. And over the course of a year, this police station accumulates dozens of pages with similar entries. Antonina Urbane sent her grandson to call an ambulance. The clock showed 11 hours 40 minutes. The ambulance doctor, who arrived at the scene of the accident earlier than the traffic cops, stated the death of Viktor Robertovich Tsoi. Somewhere in the archives of the Tukums Department of Internal Affairs, a petition is still kept to initiate a criminal case against citizen Tsoi V.R. as the culprit of the accident. The case was dismissed "due to the death of the accused"

Whether Choi fell asleep at the wheel or thought about it, no one will know. But it has been established for sure that the Moskvich crashed into the fence post of the bridge, and it was after this that the car was thrown into the oncoming lane under the wheels of the Ikarus. And before that, the car drove about 250 meters along the side of the road.

Did Vitya fall asleep? Did you leave thinking? Sudden cardiac arrest? Loss of consciousness?

Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi: “Once Yura Kasparyan told me: “Vitya was a great magician, he controlled thousands of people with the help of the power that he possessed. I can't understand how he did it. He must have been a very strong nature ... "And I remembered how one day Vitka came home, and I told him:" Listen, you are so ordinary, why do people go crazy for you? "He is silent in response. "You Tell me, how are you at least doing?" - "Mom, I'm very, very good." - "Vit, is it difficult to be like that?" -2 Very difficult.

The funeral

According to the Leningrad program "600 seconds", in the first days after the death of Viktor Tsoi in Leningrad, the number of suicides jumped by 30%. Mostly they were young people and girls who had not yet reached the age of 21.

The bus with the remains of Viktor Tsoi arrived from Tukums to the gates of the Bogoslovsky cemetery (in St. Petersburg) at noon. But his fans said goodbye to Vitya in the morning. First - in a rock club on Rubinstein 13, then - in Kamchatka (in the boiler room where Tsoi worked). There was no civil memorial service. It was replaced by the construction of an improvisational exhibition on the cemetery wall. Photos, drawings, badges, posters, dedication poems are everywhere. In the lattice of the building there are two bowed Russian flags. And a sea of ​​people with mourning tapes, tape recorders and guitars. Tsoi's music is everywhere. The coffin, upholstered in dark blue fabric, is lowered into the grave, a granite slab with the inscription "Tsoi Viktor Robertovich. 1962 - 1990" is installed. Nearby are two large portraits of Tsoi, a wreath with the inscription: "To the singer and citizen Viktor Tsoi. With regret. Korean society." After parting at the grave - a funeral procession along Nevsky Prospekt. Ahead are portraits of Tsoi, they are carried in their arms. Tilt flags. Columns of people are accompanied by militia. Movement is slow, like an honorary escort. The procession occupies one side of the Nevsky. Cars coming behind carefully circle the marchers. On the palace square, under the arches, people begin to chant "Victor is alive!"

On August 15, 1990, one of the most popular domestic rock musicians, a legendary man, passed away Viktor Tsoi. 26 years have passed since his death, but the number of fans of his work continues to grow, as well as the number of attempts to solve the mystery of his tragic death. The official version - an accident that occurred due to the fact that Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel - did not convince many. Friends, relatives and thousands of fans of the leader of the Kino group refuse to believe in the coincidence of what happened and express their assumptions.

In the summer of 1990, 28-year-old Viktor Tsoi was vacationing with his son in the Latvian village of Plienciems. Early in the morning of August 15, the musician went fishing to a forest lake, on the way back his Moskvich collided with an oncoming bus. The accident happened on the Sloka-Tulsa highway. Fortunately, there were no passengers in the Ikarus. The bus fell into the river, the driver was not injured. "Moskvich" was thrown back by 20 meters, the seats were knocked down, the car could not be restored. Viktor Tsoi died on the spot as a result of a head-on collision. According to the official version, he fell asleep at the wheel, which caused the accident. A blood test showed that the driver was in a sober state.

The musician's widow and his friends for a long time refused to believe that Tsoi could really fall asleep at the wheel. The manager of the Kino group, Yuri Belishkin, said: “I was amazed at Victor's composure, his punctuality, and ability to concentrate. If on tour we had to fly on a morning plane, he, the only one of all the musicians, was ready to the minute! And at home at nine or ten in the morning I could already call Vita and discuss serious matters with him. He did not experience cravings for alcohol and drugs, led a sports lifestyle, was fond of martial arts ... Such a collected and pedantic person as Tsoi could not fall asleep at the wheel, and therefore, one cannot deny the version of the murder.

But if this is so, then why have not people been found who were interested in this death yet? Maryana Tsoi, the musician's widow, said: “Apparently, the violation was still on the part of Vitya, because, judging by the tread marks on the pavement, he crashed into the oncoming lane. That is, this is an elementary car accident. I don't believe in murder. Tsoi was not a person who someone wants to remove. He did not quarrel with the Moscow show mafia, he suited them more than anyone else.

In 2007, an article “Viktor Tsoi: Unproven Murder” was published in one magazine, where it was reported that a letter had come to the editor from Riga, in which a certain Janis confessed to his involvement in the death of Tsoi. He told how 17 years ago he received an “order” to intimidate a visitor with an oriental appearance. Tsoi was told that his son was in danger, and he rushed to save him. When journalists tried to find Janis in Latvia, men of strong physique came to meet them and advised them not to meddle in this matter. Both this version and the very fact of the existence of Janis raises doubts, as well as the reliability of the story he told.

In 1990, the investigation was indeed carried out hastily, other versions, except for an accident, were not considered. This makes many still doubt the reasons for what happened. Even the version of suicide was put forward, although Tsoi's acquaintances categorically deny the very possibility of thinking about suicide. “There can be no question of any suicide or murder. There was a banal disaster. Many musicians then specially traveled to Latvia, tried to repeat the tragic route of Tsoi, but came to the conclusion that there was no reason to doubt the official version of the disaster. The fact that Viti's driving experience was small also played a role, and that morning he was carried into the oncoming lane, ”says Alexei Rybin, ex-member of the Kino group.

The death of Viktor Tsoi was so sudden and premature that many simply refused to believe in the reality of what had happened. "Tsoi is alive!" – fans wrote on the walls, and they turned out to be right in the sense that his music and prophetic lyrics do not lose their relevance today:

13:59 16.08.2010

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At great speed, a Moskvich rushes along a forest road, from where loud music is heard ... Quite suddenly, the car hits a fence, and then flies into an oncoming lane, where an intercity Ikarus is slowly moving. Hit!

According to the police report, the collision of a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car (I 6832 MN) with an Ikarus-280 regular bus (0518 VRN) (driver - Phoebeks Janis) occurred on August 15, 1990 at 11:28 at 35 th kilometer of the Sloka-Taley highway. The car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km / h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Choi lost control. The death of Comrade Tsoi came instantly, the bus driver was not injured ...

What happened seconds before the collision? What happened was restored in sufficient detail, thanks to the protocols of police experts and reports of witnesses who visited the scene: the car was speeding along a forest road (which it is considered to be according to official maps), the roadside is compacted sand, ahead is a small concrete a bridge that crosses either a stream, or a stream, or an ordinary ditch.

Suddenly, the car flies to the side of the road (witnesses and protocols note distinct traces of the tread on the sand), touches a concrete column and, pushing off the obstacle, flies into the oncoming lane. Need to slow down! But the driver continues to move, although there is a closed turn ahead ... This turn hides the intercity Ikarus, which the Moskvich will collide with in a few seconds, and the experts will not find signs of braking of the passenger car ...

“A passenger car of the Zhiguli-Sputnik type (“Moskvich-2141” is similar to this car - ed.) swept past me along the highway at great speed. Its speed was not less than 100 kilometers per hour. I affirm this with confidence, because I myself am a motorist with almost 35 years of experience. Just then, a terrible roar was heard. When I ran up, I saw a completely broken passenger car and a crumpled bus,” Arturs Neimanis, a witness to the crash, adds to the picture.

But why does the driver of the car - Viktor Tsoi - first ram a concrete column, and then, having entered the oncoming lane, does not slow down? Some believe that the leader of the Kino group (the group itself was then at the zenith of fame) allowed himself to drink alcohol: it is officially known that the famous singer was returning from morning fishing, and it is difficult for a Russian person to separate vodka and fishing ... But Tsoi's friends and court doctors categorically deny this.

Here is an excerpt from the official conclusion: “Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was absolutely sober on the eve of his death. In any case, he did not drink alcohol during the last 48 hours before his death. Analysis of the brain cells indicates that he fell asleep at the wheel, probably from overwork. And the musician's friends unanimously add: "He was quite calm about drinking, as well as any kind of stimulants, despite popular belief."

“Very often, drivers fall asleep precisely at cruising speed,” comments Alexander Maslov, traffic police inspector, on the conclusion of forensic physicians. “There is no need to shift gears and if the road is straight enough, the body relaxes ... Those who survived after such incidents note that an absolute illusion of driving is created, but the person is actually sleeping! Perhaps something similar happened to the musician ... "

But relatives of the idol of the Soviet youth doubt: is it really possible to fall asleep at such a speed? “I personally think this is unlikely, because from the lake where he fished to the dacha is a 15-minute drive,” the musician’s father, Robert Tsoi, once said. - “Maybe he lost control, lost control of speed ... I know that he composed songs everywhere, right on the go. Who knows, maybe just at that moment it dawned on him, and he forgot about this turn. But there is no exact answer. That's how ridiculous rumors are born."

A similar opinion is shared by the first and only wife of the rock idol Maryan: “Choi couldn’t fall asleep at the wheel! Perhaps Vitya on that fateful morning was not just in a dream, but in a state of some kind of euphoria, elation, his soul sang, and he relaxed for a second, got distracted ... ”The radio tape recorder could make the frontman of the Kino group distracted - by On the way, the musician listened to the cassette, on which the band's new songs had been recorded just the day before.

This cassette will be discovered by the group's guitarist Yuri Kasparyan: “We were on the road near Tukums, near Riga... The only remaining parts are the trunk lid with unbroken glass, the rear axle and a compact cassette with the recording of a new album that we wrote in Riga. It was a rough record...” Later, the draft will be processed, mixed and the Black Album disc will be released, which will instantly become a bestseller and be sold in millions of copies.

Another version of the death of Viktor Tsoi: he simply lacked skill and experience. “He had little driving experience,” says Robert Tsoi, whose statement is confirmed by producer Iosif Prigogine, who was friends with the leader of the Kino group: “He was not an avid motorist. At least, it seems that before the ill-fated Moskvich, in which he crashed, he did not have a car - I drove him in my G8. And we bought Moskvich together ... "

“At that time, there was a real boom in Moskvich, they were considered the latest fashion, and so it was difficult to buy them easily. Yuri Aizenshpis (producer of "Kino" - ed.) agreed with the plant, and we drove to the AZLK for the car. They gave 32,500 rubles,” adds Prigozhin. “It was, I think, in May 1990. So Vitka drove his car for only three months. I think he only dashed a couple of thousand kilometers on it ... "

“The Moskvich mileage counter stopped at 3,400 kilometers,” Yuri Belishkin, former producer of the Kino group, corrects a colleague, and traffic police inspector Alexander Maslov explains: “Even having an innate talent, having driven several months and rolled several thousand kilometers, it is impossible to become a good driver - Much more experience is needed. Here, perhaps, a lack of skill, features of the car and road conditions were superimposed ... "

The road situation, by the way, cannot be called favorable: a forest road, a sandy roadside, a sharp turn where the legendary musician died, neither then nor now is marked with signs, but at the turn itself there is a building that severely limits visibility ... “If Vitya had a driver or a bodyguard, he would, having felt a surge of inspiration, could hand over the steering wheel to him, and the tragedy would not have happened, ”the mother of rock idol Valentina Tsoi will say later.

But this did not happen: neither the guard nor the driver was and could not be - another time, other mores ... Therefore, it remains only to state the facts: on August 15, 1990 at 11:28 the leader of the Kino group died from his injuries at the scene of the accident . Immediately there will be rumors about a conspiracy of Chekists, about witchcraft of psychics, but the opinion of experts and eyewitnesses is unanimous: Viktor Tsoi either fell asleep or was distracted, and the speed of movement was too high for the musician to survive ...

Ivan Shcherbakov

How did Viktor Tsoi die?

Viktor Tsoi died on August 15, 1990. The death of this truly talented rock musician, author of hundreds of songs and actor was a shock to millions of fans. What versions of the death of the artist were considered by the investigation?

Let's try to understand the tragedy that happened 26 years ago.

On June 21, 1962, the son of Victor was born in the family of a physical education teacher Valentina Tsoi and an engineer of Korean origin Robert Tsoi. Who would have thought that an ordinary boy who grew up as a modest and shy child would leave such a memory of himself?

Victor had a complex because of his Korean appearance, he studied poorly at school. He preferred to study those subjects that he considered useful for himself: physical education, drawing and labor. In the future, it was this experience that provided the basis for his hobby: practicing martial arts, drawing vivid pictures and creating netsuke figurines.

The work of a rock musician began in the late 70s and early 80s of the last century, when he began to communicate with Alexei Rybin. At that time, Victor played bass guitar in the Chamber No. 6 group, and Alexei was a member of the Pilgrims, which was popular at that time.

Friends went to the apartment buildings together, where Tsoi sang his songs. Later he became a member of the Garina and Hyperboloids group, which entered the Leningrad Rock Club. The Kino group arose when the composition of the last musical group changed. Since that time, the artists began to collect entire stadiums, becoming the idols of millions of fans from Moscow to Kamchatka.

The young rock star had many women in his life, but his biggest influence was Marianne, with whom he tied the knot in 1985. Later, their son Alexander was born. But happiness did not last long, and the singer left the family when his son was one year old. It was to his child that Victor dedicated the song "Sasha".

The couple did not officially file for divorce. And Tsoi found a replacement for his wife in the person of Natalya Razlogova, the daughter of a famous film critic. Natalya did not consider herself the wife of a musician, she left this right to Marianne. On the day of Victor's funeral, both women stood at the coffin.

Viktor Tsoi was not only a talented musician, author of poetry, but also an actor. He starred in many films, the shooting of which took place in Kyiv, Yalta, Alma-Ata. But one day he had to refuse the role of Mowgli, citing the reason for the refusal by the fact that in this musical he would not be able to express himself.

The singer has changed a lot in recent years. From a shy boy who blushes when playing the guitar, he turned into a hero and idol of millions. Yes, he was envied by many, even colleagues.

What happened that day?

On August 15, Viktor Tsoi went fishing at 6 o'clock in the morning. Usually he took his son with him, but on that fateful day Sasha refused to go with his father. Viktor rented a dacha in Latvia near Tukums. The forest lake where he fished was 14 km from his house.

On that summer day, the weather was hot: the sun melted the asphalt, it was very stuffy. A quiet calm road passed through beautiful places and a small river Teitupe, in which the water calmly murmured. Nearby the forest rustled, the birds sang.

The singer was returning from fishing in a brand new car "Moskvich-2141" to the village of Plienciems with a small catch: two small fish. He listened to music on a tape recorder.

At some point, he lost control, drove into the oncoming lane, where he collided with an Ikarus-250 bus at high speed.

The blow was so strong that the musician died instantly.

The accident was reported to the Tukums regional police department by a resident of the Dreymani farm, who called at 11.30 local time. An ambulance and an inspector on duty went to the scene, that is, to the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Tulsa highway.

As it turned out, the Moskvich was moving at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour, and the bus - 70. From the strongest collision, only the rear bumper remained intact from the car. The car was carried away from the accident site by 18 meters to the bridge, the engine was found 50 meters from the accident site. The front bumper of Ikarus literally ended up in the Moskvich's cabin, thereby bringing multiple injuries to the driver of the car.

Eyewitnesses testified that the spectacle at the scene of a traffic accident was terrible. From the brand new dark blue Moskvich there was no living place left. Near the car lay a young black-haired guy.

Arriving Ambulance recorded death, which occurred as a result of a traumatic brain injury and multiple fractures. The bus driver got off lightly. Fortunately, there were no passengers in Ikarus.

During a search of a car, the following things were found: a cassette recorder, speakers, a spare tire, a set of tools, three fishing rods, fishing tackle, two fish, money and a passport in the name of Choi Viktor Robertovich.

A blood test showed that the singer was in a sober state, in the last 48 hours he did not take alcohol and drugs. Music was Victor's only drug.

The musician was buried on August 19, 1990 in Leningrad at the Bogoslovsky cemetery. Thousands of fans who came to say goodbye to the idol created a huge queue.

Causes of the accident

Was the death of Viktor Tsoi a suicide, an accident or a premeditated murder? What happened on that fateful day? We will no longer be able to find out the answer, it remains in our power only to consider the listed versions.

The singer's mother, Valentina Tsoi, said that Victor was a calm, balanced person, so he could not commit suicide. Upon returning from Riga, the singer was expected to shoot a film, record an album and tour in Japan and South Korea.

It is hard to believe that a young successful rock musician and talented actor, at the peak of his popularity, could suddenly commit suicide. In addition, even if the singer planned suicide, how could he know that a bus would suddenly jump out of the corner. This version is incredible.

The version of the accident is more suitable for the events and facts that have occurred. The investigation claims that the singer fell asleep. But how can you fall asleep as a driver of a car that is traveling at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour? Although Victor had little driving experience, even a very tired person cannot fall asleep at such a speed in broad daylight.

This opinion was shared by the widow of the musician. In addition, Tsoi knew this road very well, 100 meters before the ill-fated turn there is a sign warning a dangerous turn. How could a good driver ignore him and fall asleep?

Maybe Victor just took a break from driving to change the cassette in a nearby tape recorder? After all, no signs of braking of the car were found on the highway. But in this case, there is an inconsistency. At that time, Moskvich was considered a fairly solid brand, but when driving at high speed, a lot of noise appears in the car.

The roar not only makes it impossible to listen to music, but also makes it difficult to talk with the interlocutor. Therefore, it is unlikely that Tsoi changed the cassette along the way. Moreover, the wife claimed that the singer, despite his small driving experience, carefully drove the car, and could not be distracted from the road for such a trifle.

It's hard to believe that the rock star had enemies who wanted him dead. But the version of deliberate murder takes place.

Judging by the recreated picture of the incident, we can say that someone prevented the musician from driving in his lane.

Perhaps this mysterious man forced Victor to go into the oncoming lane. But the bus driver did not notice the extraneous cars, claiming that there were two of them on the road at the time. And how to understand the fact that the driver of Ikarus was killed two months after the tragedy? Maybe someone wanted to remove the witness?

The experienced driver of Ikarus worked on intercity transportation, he tried to avoid a collision, risking his life. The investigation into the accident went quickly, without additional examinations, and relatives, friends and colleagues did not insist on a thorough investigation. Although Marianne tried to talk to the driver, she failed.

Tsoi didn't die - he just went out for a smoke

Yes, that is right. The leader of the Kino group is still alive in his songs, films and in the hearts of his fans. His work is immortal.

Sometimes rumors pop up that supposedly Viktor Tsoi is alive, now lives in Japan, and is engaged in the automotive business. This version was voiced by a certain impostor who called one of the Russian editorial offices. The man introduced himself as a famous rock musician and explained that it was not Viktor Tsoi who died in the accident, but some man.

Hearing about the accident, the singer came up with the idea to fake his own death. And here the question arises, “Why was a rock star buried in a closed coffin?” Maybe back in 1990, in the brand new dark blue Moskvich-2141, it was not Choi who was driving?

The voice from the tube was recorded on a dictaphone, and the examination showed that the voices were identical. But since the interlocutor did not want to meet with the editor, citing the fact that the time had not yet come to tell everything, this stranger remained a mystery.

Viktor Tsoi wrote hundreds of songs, he gathered full stadiums of fans, his music was loved and still loved by millions.

About such a person, we can safely say that the life of a talented rock musician did not pass without a trace. Victor died at the zenith of glory!

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