The karma of a person with a serious illness. Oncology: karmic causes. Self-diagnosis of a karmic disease

The thirst for justice makes us believe in the inevitability of a response to every action. This may partly explain what karma is, but the concept itself is much broader. It came from Hinduism, a system of philosophical and religious explanations of the world order, so for understanding it will be necessary to go beyond standard ideas.

What is human karma?

In the Hindu tradition, life is seen as a series of continuous incarnations through which it passes. No step is left without consequences. To better understand what karma is, consider its different types.

  1. Sanchita. Consists of completed actions.
  2. Prarabdha. Incidents that are destined to happen in the current incarnation. It is the result of past actions.
  3. Kriyamana. The possible result of current activity implies relative freedom from the past and the possibility of choice.
  4. Agama. Consists of plans for the future.

Karma in Buddhism

In the Vedic tradition, what karma is was explained by the relationship of cause and effect, which implies the influence of individual actions of a person on his future existence. Buddhism borrowed this concept and expanded it, giving meaning to any influence, not just ritual. Everything matters: actions, words and thoughts. Karma and destiny in Buddhism are not synonymous. The first word in Sanskrit means "action", that is, it is not something predetermined from above.

How do we earn karma?

The common expression "plus to karma" has a completely logical explanation, during life there is a real chance to improve one's situation or make it worse. Understanding what human karma is eliminates questions regarding inequality of origin. Buddhism explains this by the totality of actions in past incarnations. It determines everything: from the country of origin to physical parameters and talents. Actions performed in the new life lead to the next incarnation. Such a cycle is called.

The goal of a person is considered to be development to a special state - enlightenment, which frees one from a continuous series of incarnations. To achieve it, you need to accumulate positive energy. Buddhists believe that one life is not enough for this, so one must constantly make a reasonable choice in the direction of positive influences. Mindfulness is important, positive actions performed only because it is impossible to do otherwise will not bring the necessary energy.

Laws of Karma

The easiest way to understand what the law of karma is is for lovers of physics. Here, too, the rule of reverse action applies: the information sent to the world will come back. The problem is that a person does not remember his previous incarnations and does not know what he is paying for in his current life. Therefore, the pursuit of Enlightenment is the main goal. All this is described by four laws:

  • predetermined existence leads to suffering;
  • troubles have a cause;
  • when it is removed, suffering will also disappear;
  • the only way to get rid of pain is to come to awareness.

Karmic debt

Not always the sum of the actions of a past life gives a positive result, in this case they say that bad karma prevents a person from developing. It can be overcome, but only by coming to the realization of one's own responsibility in everything that happens. Not every action is predetermined, but only key points, so with the help of hard work there is an opportunity to correct the situation. If the degree of negative deeds is too high, then working off karmic debts will take more than one incarnation.

Karmic relationship

Every interaction with other beings creates a bond that runs through all incarnations. The closer the communication was, the stronger this thread. between a man and a woman are a demonstration of such an attachment. It is believed that with its sufficient strength, people in each incarnation will look for each other. The karma of loneliness can be explained by the inability to meet such a connected person in the current incarnation or by negative energy earned in a past life.

The connections formed do not always have a positive color, the threads that bind the enemy and the victim are especially strong. And until the conflict is resolved, such individuals will be attracted in every rebirth. It happens that karmic opponents are found within the same family, these may be the closest relatives. The more serious the conflict, the closer the connection between its participants.

Karmic marriage

You can determine a partner who came from a past life by the amazing ease of communication at the beginning of an acquaintance. Such attitudes pass into each incarnation so that a person can deal with the existing contradictions. A karmic connection between a woman and a woman is also possible, gender is not a constant. Former lovers may come into the next life in the bodies of the same sex due to the wrong actions of the past incarnation.

Karmic causes of illness

The appearance of some diseases is difficult to explain from the point of view of science; in this case, Christians perceive them as a test sent by the creator. Another explanation is karmic illnesses. This means that a person is not a toy in the hands of higher powers, but pays for his own deeds committed in the past and this life. The karma of the family also has an influence - the totality of family actions over several generations. The table below will help to better understand karmic diseases and their causes.




Feeling of weakness, neglect of one's own abilities.

Bad principles and beliefs.


Feelings of vulnerability, desire for protection, high anxiety.

Colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections

Unreasonable anger and annoyance.

Caries, pulpitis, other dental problems

Unwillingness to take responsibility for your life.

gastritis, ulcer

Fear of the future, stinginess, envy.

Bronchitis and other lung diseases

Tightness, dependence on the opinions of others, the desire to please everyone.

Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colon

Internal stagnation, avoidance of any events, fear of strong feelings, excessive conservatism.

Pathology of the small intestine

Lack of initiative, desire to obey the will of others.

Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseases

Resentment, excessive authority, the desire to control any little thing.

cystitis; infections and other diseases of the genitourinary system

Tightness in the intimate sphere, prejudices, observance of prohibitions on sexual relations.

Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologies

Lack of joy, fear of manifestation and love for another person.

Nephrites, nephrolithiasis, other renal pathologies

Negative attitude towards others, desire to redo everything, fear of strong emotions.

Cholelithiasis, gallstone disease, other diseases of the biliary tract

Old resentment, inability to forgive.

Chest pain

Fear of love and intimacy.

Mental and CNS disorders

Movement against the laws of the universe, unwillingness to work on their mistakes, acts of "spite".

Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologies

Cruelty and malice masquerading as good deeds. Lack of understanding of the evil being committed and resentment for retaliatory actions.

Malignant tumors

Intense anger, frustration, fear and helplessness.

How to know your karma?

In each new incarnation, a person comes without knowledge of the past life. You can get information about it when you achieve Enlightenment or with the help of other people who have already reached this stage. Diagnosis of karma cannot be carried out remotely or with the help of mathematical calculations, general laws do not apply here, a deep assessment of the situation of each individual person is required. Therefore, it is recommended not to rush to discover past incarnations, but to follow the path of self-development, in which they will gradually begin to manifest themselves.

How to improve karma?

Coming into a new life with negative baggage gives rise to the need to work it out in a new incarnation. There is only one way – bringing exclusively positive vibrations into the world. If in this life it does not work out to correct its shortcomings, then the next reincarnation will be even more difficult. Each lesson will have to be learned, running away from the lecture and bribing the examiner will not work.

Karmic buyout

Sometimes the healing of karma takes bizarre forms: people begin to bless their ill-wishers, become childishly naive, show respect for parents who were considered unworthy of this role. This happens because of the understanding that any suffering is deserved, therefore, you can get rid of it only with the help of a deep study of your own shortcomings. they can talk about unresolved problems with their parents, but they can be resolved by sacrificing pride, that is, paying off.

How to clear karma?

Not a single shaman and magician can cleanse karma, because this expression is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to eliminate the events of the past, and the future depends only on the person himself, so the desire to cleanse oneself looks absurd.

  1. It is possible to improve your current existence and lay a good foundation for the next incarnation, but this is done through prolonged self-contemplation and rethinking of your life.
  2. It is not enough to admit one's own mistakes, it is necessary to take actions that will help to avoid them in the future.

All pathologies that occur in the human body are not accidental. They indicate that a person ceases to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws, therefore, the Higher powers give him a sign in this way that he needs to change the strategy of his behavior. There is a very interesting table that indicates karmic diseases and their causes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with it.

Karmic illnesses

Alcoholism, drug addiction- a person is not able to solve his problems. He experiences a feeling of terrible fear, wants to hide from everything. Walks away from reality.

Allergic reaction- indicates that a person cannot stand someone from his environment, and also denies his personal strength. Cannot express his inner protest against anything.

Appendicitis- there is a feeling of fear of life, positive energy is blocked.

Lack of sleep- a feeling of fear, a person does not trust life, feels guilty. Also increased nervous excitability.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- a person is infantile, does not believe in himself, is inclined to doubt and blame himself.

increased appetite- the presence of strong fear, the desire to protect oneself from everything. The man does not love himself.

Excess body weight- the desire to protect yourself from something. A person feels an inner emptiness, a lack of communication, positive events in life, so he begins to "seize" problems.

Decreased appetite- a sign of dislike for oneself, unwillingness to arrange personal life, together with thinness indicates a fear of being rejected.

inflammation- indicate a feeling of inner fear, rage, inflammation of consciousness. The person suffers from anger and frustration.

hirsutism(increased hairiness in girls) - carefully hidden anger, covered with fear. A person tends to blame others for his problems, does not want to develop himself.

Eye pathologies- the eyes are a symbol of the ability to clearly see the past, present and future. You may be dissatisfied with what you observe in your life, or you may not see the true state of things.

Headaches- a person can not correctly assess their abilities and capabilities. He tends to criticize himself, feels a sense of fear, his self-esteem is unjustifiably low. The connection with your inner self is lost. You need to forgive yourself to get rid of headaches.

Throat pathologies The individual is unable to protect himself. "Swallows" anger, experiences a creative crisis. There is also a reluctance to change the situation. Sore throats are provoked by a feeling of inferiority, as well as a feeling that not everything we want is allowed to be done. Indicates internal irritation, a feeling of confusion.

Hernia- indicates a feeling of internal tension, burden. The person does not have the right creative thinking.

Diabetes- a feeling of longing for unfulfilled dreams. A person needs to be constantly monitored. The development of diabetes contributes to the feeling of inner sadness, the inability to receive and give love. There are various personal conflicts.

Respiratory tract pathologies- a person refuses to inhale life, does not use all its possibilities. He is overcome by fear, resists change. He does not want to change anything in his life.

Asthma is the most common respiratory disease. It indicates the suppression of feelings of love, crying, fear of life, excessive manifestation of negative emotions. This is a fear of being frank, trusting others, and there is still a suppression of sexual desire.

Sinusitis- a person feels sorry for himself, cannot control the situation.

Runny nose is a plea for help. A person feels like a victim, does not recognize his true worth.

Bleeding from the nose - wants to achieve recognition and be loved.

Stones in the gallbladder- a constant feeling of bitterness, the presence of heavy thoughts, a sense of pride.

Gastric pathologies - a person is afraid of the new, also feels fear, dissatisfied with himself.

Gastritis- indicates a prolonged period of uncertainty, a person feels doomed, prone to outbursts of anger.

Ulcer- the presence of fear, a person is convinced that he is flawed, cannot meet the expectations of his environment. An ulcer indicates the presence of an internal conflict, when a person strives to become independent, but at the same time zealously wants to be under someone's guardianship. Increased anxiety and anxiety.

Dental pathology- indicate indecision, a person is not able to generate ideas, does not analyze them, it is difficult for him to make important decisions. Loss of faith in one's own strengths. You need to learn to act instead of just thinking and talking, to detail your wishes as much as possible and actively engage in their implementation.

Gums are bleeding- A person is not happy with the decisions he has made.

Infectious pathologies- testify to the irritation, anger, annoyance experienced inside. The joy of life is missing. Also, the appearance of any infection means that a person is experiencing a certain internal conflict. Weak immunity is provoked by self-dislike, low self-esteem, self-deception, hopelessness, inability to distinguish one's own desires from the desires of others.

Watch the following video, in which Gadetsky talks about the connection of diseases with subtle karmic causes.

Cyst- a person cannot cope with his grievances, constantly returns because of this to the past. It develops unevenly.

Intestinal pathologies- a person is afraid to let go of the old, something that has already faded into the background. Inclined to draw premature conclusions, does not know the true nature of things.

Haemorrhoids- Previously, a person suffered greatly from increased anger. He cannot independently cleanse himself of his problems, negative experiences, “turns sour” in the negative. Experiences a feeling of carefully suppressed fear.

Constipation- lives according to outdated ideas and stereotypes, tends to get stuck in the past. The presence of constipation indicates that a person has accumulated a lot of feelings in himself, we are overcome inside with experiences that he does not want to let go in order to let new emotions and events come to life.

Colic- feeling of irritation, dissatisfaction with other people.

Flatulence- testifies to internal tightness, fear of falling into a hopeless situation. There is a feeling of constant anxiety about their future, many ideas are not implemented.

Diarrhea- a person is overcome by strong fear, is in a restless state of consciousness. Afraid, wants to escape from reality.

Skin pathologies- the skin is the personification of the inner thoughts, emotions and experiences of a person regarding his appearance. The presence of skin diseases indicates that a person feels a sense of shame towards himself, worrying too much about the opinions of others about himself. Tends to reject himself. It is also a feeling of inner unrest.

Ulcers (abscesses)- their presence indicates the presence of disturbing thoughts, as well as hidden grievances.

Fungus- a person does not develop in his beliefs. He does not want to leave the past, it is the past that has a great influence on his present.

Burns - feeling of anger, internal boiling.

Psoriasis- fear of being offended, wounded. The person refuses to take responsibility for their feelings.

Neck diseases- their presence indicates that a person sees the situation only from one side, there is no flexibility of thinking. He is stubborn, does not want to look for a way out.

Eczema- a person suffers from psychological problems, feels insecure when planning his future.

Arthritis- a feeling of dislike for oneself. Severe experience of criticism, resentment. The inability to refuse others, the desire to punish yourself, the position of the victim.

Herniated discs- a person ceases to feel support from life.

Curved spine- the inability to reconcile and calmly swim along the river of life. A person experiences a feeling of fear in trying to hold on to outdated mental images. There is no integrity of personality, no courage in convictions.

Pain in the lumbar region- many ideas in the personal sphere remained unrealized.

Radiculitis- there is hypocrisy, anxiety about their financial resources.

Rheumatoid arthritis- a person is very critical of strength. Suffering from a heavy load of problems and troubles. It cannot release the accumulated negative energy and feelings inside.

back pain - feelings of fear about finances. Fear of need, of being used. If illnesses concern the middle part of the back, it means that the person feels guilty, does not trust the people around him.

Pathology of the upper back - no moral support. A person feels unloved, tends to hold back love.

Blood pathologies- there are few joyful experiences in life, there is no mental movement. Man does not listen to his own inner needs.

Anemia- there is no joy, while a person is afraid to live, convinced of his inferiority.

Arterial pathologies- this is also an indication that there is not enough positive in life, plus it is difficult for a person to listen to his inner "I".

Now you know what are the true karmic causes of illness. In order to rid yourself of any pathologies and prevent their occurrence in the future, it is important to practice spiritual development and not be led by negative emotions.

Online calculation of a person's karmic debt

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January March April June July August September November 1950 1951 1953 1955 1956 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019



Illness is a signal that a person has ceased to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws. The subconscious through the disease reports that we overreact to the events of life, we are not doing our own thing. A person who was born with a disease or in a problematic family has the karma of past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and earn good karma.

If a person was born healthy, but fell ill, then he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, accumulated negative karma.

Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents. This is a signal to the whole family. Normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child. As the saying goes, "all diseases are from the nerves." Calm, balanced people with an optimistic mindset are less likely to get sick and live longer. A person is surrounded by an energy shell and is saturated with energy. He constantly gives energy and receives it from everything that surrounds him and what his attention is focused on.

From positive emotions and feelings, the amount of energy increases, which is facilitated by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love. The amount of energy decreases if a person experiences anger, irritation, despondency, disbelief, envy, jealousy, fear. The aura of a person depends on the amount of energy, which protects him from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is depleted, then various diseases appear, up to death.


(By knowing the causes of diseases, reviewing and eliminating them, you will get rid of diseases.)

Allergy is a denial of one's abilities.
The flu is a reaction to negative beliefs.
Cold - irritation, annoyance.
Obesity is a defense against something.
Dental problems - inability to make decisions.
Lungs - fear of being unheard, misunderstood, inner tightness.
Stomach - fear and envy of others (stinginess).

Large intestine - an excessive desire for stability, fear of change and a desire to live life without shocks (potato juice).
Pancreas (increased sugar, immunity) - excessive authority, the eternal desire to put everything under your control, resentment, discontent.
Heart - fear of manifestation of love, suppression of emotions, lack of joy. Listen to your heart.
Small intestine (noise, earache, blurred vision, contraction of the little finger of the hand) - fear of action (acts only at the behest of others).
Bladder (cystitis, infections) - a ban on the manifestation of sexual emotions.
Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis) - back pain, epilepsy, convulsions - rejection of the world around, an obsessive desire to remake it according to one's own system, fear of shocks (do not move anywhere).
Meredian of the pericardium (chest pain) - fear of sexual intimacy.
Three cavities of the body (nervous system, psyche) - stubborn unwillingness to take lessons from the Universe (tongue, ring finger, lower leg, knee joint, subclavian fossa).
Gallbladder (neck, face, vision) - the inability to forgive a loved one, to understand.
The liver is the confidence that it must retain in itself a noble feeling of anger (anger). The desire to justify one's actions and actions, "undeservedly offended" (muscles of the first toe, genitals).

Barley - anger at someone.
Blindness is the unwillingness to see something.
Conjunctivitis - avoiding conflict.
Color blindness - realize the unity of all things and its diversity.
Cataract - find the light within yourself.
Glaucoma - confess your sadness, shed unshed tears.
Myopia - clinging to little things. Find space in yourself and expand the limits of the world around you.
Squint - be honest. Don't try to push out a piece of wholeness.
Farsightedness - you see the fullness of life, do not cling to trifles.

Nose-desire to close. You need to take a break from people, problems, gather strength and resolve the conflict.

Ears - unwillingness to listen, stubbornness. Listen to the inner voice. Listen and learn.

Mouth - inability to accept new impressions and ideas.
Teeth and gums - suppression of aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others. Be honest with yourself. Transform aggression into a positive creative force. Learn to love yourself and others.
Night gnashing of teeth is helpless aggression. Be aware of your aggression.
Tartars are unresolved problems. Recognize them and decide.

Neck - fear, suppression of feelings, rejection of something. Be yourself. Don't force yourself.
Cough - the desire to get rid of something.
A heart attack is the sum of accumulated anger and annoyance.
Anemia - lack of joy, lack of strength and dynamics. Joy, strength and energy are in the Universe, accept them.
Hypertension - the inability to resolve the conflict. Learn to leave the past behind, accept and survive the problem.
Hypotomy - the desire to avoid problems and conflicts, an escape from sexual life. Accept yourself the way you are. Be sincere to yourself. Find strength in yourself.
Varicose veins - lack of flexibility and energy, the inner core. Become free inside - the blood will circulate freely.
Edema - the desire to hold something. Let go and more will come back to you.
The stomach is the reception and digestion of impressions. An ulcer is a manifestation of aggression within oneself.
Lack of appetite - fear of new experiences.
Heartburn - you swallow resentment, annoyance. Realize that everything in life has a meaning. Freely express desires and feelings.
Nausea and vomiting - unwillingness to digest. During pregnancy - unwillingness to accept a child into the body, to be a mother.
Constipation is greed.
Hemorrhoids - something oppresses. Something scares you, you can't get rid of it. Accept it and get through it.
Diabetes is the desire and inability to accept love, to fully let it in.
Bladder - the inability to leave everything in the past.
Urinary incontinence is the fear that something bad will happen.
Impotence - sexual pressure, guilt, desire to act out of spite. Sex cannot be controlled by the mind. Give a piece of yourself, your true love.
Chest - you overdo it in the desire to protect, show maternal care. Allow yourself and others to be free and independent.
Menstruation is an internal protest. Resistance to one's own femininity, sex and man.
Prostate disease - erroneous judgments, fear of old age, sexual pressure.
Climax - fear of aging, live according to natural needs. Life is growth and change.
Warts - you think that there is something terrible in you, which you consider yourself guilty of. Everything has the right to exist. You are beautiful and worthy of love.
Hump ​​- you need to learn humility. Anger and anger built up in my back.
The reduction of the tendons in the hand is the hiding of aggressiveness and hostility. Open up your spirit.
Fracture of bones - no activity of the spirit. Be flexible.
Hand problems - fear of getting down to business.
Knee problems - do not want to bow out of pride, stubbornness, selfishness, fear. Learn to empathize and forgive.
Paralysis - flight from responsibility, spiritual inflexibility.
Convulsions - a strong tension, a desire to hold something by force.
Pain in the back of the head - stubbornness.
Rheumatism - lack of love, accumulation of annoyance, bitterness, desire for revenge. Thirst for power.
Migraine - the desire to be perfect, an inferiority complex and guilt.
Amnesia is fear, the desire to forget everything, to run away from everything.
Radiculitis - fear and anxiety for money, for the future.
Stroke, paralysis, paresis - jealousy and hatred, rejection of one's life and fate.
Women's diseases are the result of denial and avoidance of men or dissatisfaction.
The tumor is an insult.
Frigidity is fear.
Smoking is a denial of life, do not love yourself.

Alcoholism is a sick soul (fear, resentment, anger, despair). Eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. Find ways to achieve states that allow you to relieve mental stress.


Illness is a subconscious clue that something is wrong from head to toe.

Conflict or indecision - you always want to do one thing, but feel that you "should" do something completely different.

Conflict, repressed resentment, the desire to achieve perfection in everything.

Why don't we want to see this? Myopia: we do not look ahead enough, we do not see prospects; farsightedness: we live in the future, ignoring the details; astigmatism: distort reality; glaucoma: we experience pressure from the side; suppress all emotions.


What is it that we don't want to hear? We do not hear the inner guiding voice.

Pain in the neck:
Who or what is sitting around your neck? Inability to flexibility, indecision.

Inability to express yourself in words; resistance to change. It's scary to start the work of your life.

Shoulder Pain:
What kind of burden are you carrying? Maybe you have burdened yourself with the cares and responsibilities of other people? What will you do: let them go or start looking for help and support?

Motherhood, parenting, femininity.

A heart:
Blockage regarding the problems of giving and receiving love, feeling the joy of life, “loss of heart”.

You feel like you are suffocating, you are too well protected. There may also be repressed tears, you feel like you "have no right to breathe", you feel unworthy, you are blocked in the "give and receive", you are indifferent to the fact that you are here.

This is where we store our feelings.

This is where the processing and sorting of feelings takes place. (Alcohol, which attacks the liver, can be used to keep us from paying attention to our feelings. However, there is a price to be paid for this.)

Something that makes you sick. Perhaps these are new ideas or experiences that you "can't digest".

Fear, a sense of "control", perfectionism.

Related to what you give (right hand) and what you receive (left hand). Hold on and let go. Reach out to others.

Suppressed resentment or resentment. Inflexibility.

You are offended, you are not supported. Suppressed resentment, self-pity. You try to be perfect and take yourself way too seriously.

Stubborn anger.

You do not allow yourself to properly nourish yourself, the refusal to "take into yourself." You are running away from someone or something.

Perhaps you are living in the past; squeezing emotions, refusing to let go of the past, suffering from a lack of trust.

Feeling out of control.

Venereal diseases:
Feelings of guilt about sexuality.

You feel like you are being "pinned down" (perhaps by your partner).

Coccyx injury:
Anxiety about survival and security, such as financial worries, fear of death, or fear that you "can't survive without a partner," a home, or your job.

Stubbornness, inflexibility, resentment / indignation, often starting from childhood.

Associated with pleasure and sexuality (2nd chakra).

Our mobility, our desire to move forward. Stay in this world; safety and survival (1 chakra); lameness is the way to the future.

Left side of the body:
Connection with the "female" aspect of the Self, and with the mother.

Right side of the body:
Connection with the "male" side of I, and with the father.


There are no accidents! Usually it comes from anger directed against oneself; the need for a break, or change of path; needs for sympathy and support.

Seeing the world as a threat; lack of trust; lack of control over their power.

Alzheimer's disease.
Escape from the world; ignoring emotions.

Resentment, bitterness; self-criticism; unyielding approach to life.

Blood diseases.
Associated with your relatives (with those whom you consider your family); emotional problems or conflicts with loved ones.

High pressure.
Suppressed anger and dissatisfaction with family members.

Low pressure.
Passive attitude towards life; lack of respect for everything that exists in the world. Fractures.
A broken bone suggests that your main "support" is at risk - perhaps it's your family, your career, finances, or self-worth; or perhaps you are trying to break free - but it seems dangerous to you. (Note that a broken bone stopped you, or delayed something you were afraid to do. Also, it matters where the fracture occurred)

Suppressed sadness and discontent; feelings of hopelessness and/or helplessness; lack of meaning or purpose in life; suppressed need for "growth"; fear, something that "eats" you from the inside. (It is necessary to know the location of the tumor to determine the causes of its occurrence).

Runny nose.
Self-pity; suppressed tears; the need for rest; confusion and uncertainty.

Suppressed anger.

Trying to achieve perfection; excessive demands on oneself or others.

Weakened immunity.
Lack of self-confidence; feeling of powerlessness; self-pity; demand for love.

Suppressed anger.

Do not let go of the past, the feeling of the need to be protected.

Premenstrual syndrome.
As a woman, you feel uncomfortable, do not believe in the natural course of life, do not own your strength.

Vascular problems.
Suppressed tears or grief; you are angry about something.

Skin problems.
Connected with your image, how you present yourself to the world. Red, inflamed skin, burns, blisters - repressed anger. Increased sweating - suppressed grief. Dry, flaky skin - you cut off your emotions, live too much only with your head. "Spots" on the skin, rash - problems of adolescence (for example, problems of becoming a person, fear of losing control over oneself, conflict over sexuality and intimacy, bragging.

Joint immobility.
You are inflexible, stuck in your own ideas.

You refuse to believe in the life process, you do not want to go with the flow of life, you ignore spirituality.

Bruised toes.
See where you're going. Stay on the ground, don't be in the clouds.


Health - inner freedom, free circulation of energy, balance between the head, heart and stomach.

Illness is evidence of inner trouble, it points the way to healing. Self-healing is a natural ability of the human body.

To help the body, you can use self-hypnosis, sound healing, mudras, reiki energy, meditation, yoga, etc. The main thing in case of illness is not to focus on it, but to find at least one healthy place and be glad that it is healthy, then the illness itself will go away.


With the growing moon on 4, 6, 7 lunar days, you can be healed with the help of sounds.

The sounds "Yu" and "YuYa" treat the kidneys and bladder.
The sound "OH" will cure hemorrhoids. "NGONG" affects the stomach, liver, brain and sinusitis, "I" will heal the eyes, runny nose, and a little bit of fun.
"SI" and "A" - from voltage. "MN" will bring wealth, "IA" - saves the heart,
"E" gives peace, peace and love,
"U" - wisdom, will make the blood boil,
"O" - brings harmony,
"OE" - gives harmony in love,
"NG" and "A" - for creativity.

The sound “OM” pronounced 3-4 times stimulates the work of the epiphysis, which affects the 7th chakra.

Chakra Opening Exercises (after relaxation):

1 chakra (root) - "y"
2 chakra (sacral) - "oh-oh-oh"
3 chakra (solar plexus) - "oh"
4th chakra (heart) - "ah"
5th chakra (throat) - “ai” (a tone higher than the previous one)
6th chakra (third eye) - "hey"
7 chakra (crown) - "and-and"


Mantra - sound vibrations that cause a state of goodness and peace in a person. They connect a person with the Cosmos through Sahasrara, free from diseases and evil. Vibration of the voice is very important for good health. It helps promote health. The reproduction of some vowels makes the tonsils and glands vibrate and forces them to cleanse the body of toxins. Mantras are based on certain combinations of vowels, which are sung in a special way to cause an oscillatory effect throughout the human body, in the nervous system, endocrine glands, and in the brain. Vibrations also have a healing effect on diseased organs. This chanting is performed easily and calmly, however, with the full energy of deep breathing. Try it and you will soon feel full of new energy.

Make a strong and piercing sound Y-Y, parting your lips as if in a smile. Do it not in the form of singing, but rather in the form of a shout from afar. The sound should be even and the same height at the beginning, middle and end. You can’t start powerfully, but end with a weak squeak; stop before you run out of breath, because before the end of the sound there should always be a small supply of air. Rest and repeat 2-4 times. At first, no more. Gradually you will notice the effect of vibrations on the head, very pleasant sensations arise. It helps clear the brain, eyes, nose, ears and gives the impression of exhalation.

There are sounds based on other vowels and consonants that affect various organs:
I-I-I - causes vibrations in the head;
O-O-O - in the middle part of the chest;
E-E-E - in the glands, brain;
SU-SU-SU - in the lower part of the lungs;
A-A-A - in the head;
U-U-U - in the pharynx, larynx;
M-M-M - in the lungs.
The cores must first strengthen the heart with a short MMMPOMM and a longer OM-MANI-PADME-HUM (in one breath).

And cancer patients can try this treatment.
The patient must pronounce the sound "He" 9 times a day. It's a cleansing sound. If the patient's blood has changed for the worse (especially after chemotherapy), in addition to "ChE" you need to pronounce the sound "SI" once a day.
Further, when pronouncing a sound, it is necessary to imagine a diseased organ, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich during treatment both hands are superimposed.

The left hand is pressed to the body, the right hand is on top of the left: after that, make sounds. Liver, gallbladder, glaucoma - palms on the liver area, the sound "GU-O" - 7 times. Kidney diseases and urological diseases - palms on the kidneys on the back, the sound "Yu" - 12 times. Bronchopulmonary diseases - palms on the chest cross-to-cross, the sound "SHENG" - from 10 to 20 times. The vibration emanating from the sounds reduces the neoplasm of dangerous cells and stops their growth. Diseases of the spleen and stomach - palms on the solar plexus, the sound "DON" - 12 times. Diseases of the heart and small intestine - palms on the heart area, the sound "CHAN" - 9 times. Diseases of different organs require different sounds. If you treat the heart - a low sound, with diseases of the stomach, kidneys, spleen - a high sound intensity.

The sounds "O" and "E" - for each person are extremely beneficial. "O" has healing,
and "E" - cleansing power. The sound "OM" increases vitality, is effective for brain tumors and high blood pressure.
The sound "AM" helps with prostatitis, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the appendages.
The sound "IM" has a protective, cleansing and harmonizing effect.
Knowing the sounds, you can choose combinations yourself.
If your head hurts and you are stressed, you can use the sound "AUM" or "PAM".
All the best combinations of sounds have a positive effect on people.


To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points (on the palm, foot) or the matching area with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color or stick colored paper with a colored surface to the skin.

Black color - with redness, when there is no swelling and pain.

Green color - with swelling, itching, weak dull transient pains.

Red color - with significant, but not constant pain, erosion.

Yellow color - with severe constant pain, ulcers, the affected area is grayish-black.
There are several ways to influence the bioactive points of the palm and feet:
1 mechanical massage (1-2 min)
2. Magnetic field (magnet)
3. The biological strength of live seeds (attach the grains of buckwheat, wheat with a plaster)
4. Warming up (with wormwood sticks)
5. Color (see above)


Healing with color.

With the help of color, you can learn to heal both yourself and your loved ones.

The easiest way is to sit or lie down in front of a colored lamp, for which you need to prepare several colored bulbs, you can also color them yourself. True, this has a drawback - this is a rather laborious process (coloring light bulbs), and not everyone will succeed.

A more acceptable way is to use a slide projector. To obtain different colors, it is enough to make your own slides of different colors. You need to purchase slide frames and insert transparent color film into them instead of photographic film. As you know, from the three primary colors (red, yellow, blue), any color can be reproduced.

To obtain natural colors, you need to combine several layers of color film and insert it into a slide frame.

Here are some combinations:

scarlet 2 red
Red-orange 2 red and 1 yellow
Orange 1 red and 1 yellow
Orange-yellow 2 yellow and 1 red
yellow-green 2 yellow and 1 blue
Green 1 yellow and 1 blue
Blue-green 3 blue and 1 yellow
Turquoise 2 blue and 1 yellow
Indigo 2 blue and 1 red
Purple 1 red and 1 blue
Blue-violet 2 blue and 1 red
Red-violet 2 red and 1 blue
Crimson 3 red and 1 blue
Magenta 1 yellow, 1 red and 1 blue

To get more options, you just need to use your imagination and experiment.

To conduct a color therapy session, you need to insert color slides into the projector in the sequence necessary for this purpose. It is recommended to start and end the session with pure white light, although there are options.
For example, ending a session with green light balances the human energy system.

Ask the patient (or himself) to take a comfortable position in front of the light source - slide projector. It is possible to receive a session while sitting, but it is still better to install the apparatus so that the light falls evenly on the entire body of a person when he lies down. In the supine position, it is much easier to relax. The total duration of the session should be at least 30 minutes and, accordingly, if you have chosen several colors for treatment, then the total duration of the session must be divided by the number of colors used, not forgetting to include an intro and an end. Perhaps you find it necessary to use a certain color longer than others - in this matter you need to trust your intuition.

Before starting the session, you need to relax, first take a few deep breaths. When using color, imagine that the projected light fills the entire body, energizes and heals.

Here is a list of common ailments and recommended colors for healing them.

Condition / Beneficial Colors

Abcesses blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism indigo and yellow
Allergy indigo and soft orange
Anemia red
Losing appetite yellow, lemon
Excessive appetite for indigo
Arthritis purple, blue-violet
Asthma blue and orange
Anxiety light blue and green
Headache blue, green
Toothache blue, blue-violet
Muscle pain pale orange
earache turquoise
Bronchitis blue, blue-green, turquoise
Blisters milky or milky blue
inflammation blue
Hemorrhoids dark blue
Flu dark blue, turquoise, purple
Chest pink, red-violet
Depression yellow, lemon
Diabetes purple
Vision indigo, azure
purple infection
Intestine yellow-orange
Intestinal colic summer, lemon
Bones purple, lemon
Skin diseases lemon, blue-violet
Bleeding blue-green
Blood pressure(high) blue, green
Blood pressure (low) red, red-orange
Leukemia purple
Fever blue
Menstrual problems light red and blue green
Bladder yellow-orange
Nerves green, blue-green
Burns blue, blue green
Tumors purple, blue-violet
Parkinson's disease indigo
Liver blue and yellow
Pneumonia red, red-orange with indigo
Buds yellow, yellow-orange
Swellings pale blue, milky blue
cold red
Cancer blue, blue-violet followed by pink
hay fever red-orange
Heart disease green and pink
AIDS red, indigo and purple followed by pink and gold
Rash lemon and turquoise
Nausea milky blue
Acne red, red-purple
eczema lemon
Epilepsy turquoise, dark blue
Ulcer green


For this purpose, you need to make color cards 8x12 cm in size, on the back of which write various characteristics of a given color.

First you need to relax and breathe in rhythmic breathing (the length of the inhalation is equal to the length of the exhalation). Go through all the colors several times and read what is written on the back. You need to start with the seven colors of the rainbow, if you succeed with these colors, you can start adding secondary colors.

Next, close your eyes, mix the cards thoroughly, after making sure that they lie with the colored side up. Pull out one of the color cards (at this time, be sure to be in a state of relaxation). Hold your palm over the card and try to determine whether it is warm or cold. This will allow you to find out whether it belongs to the warm and cold parts of the spectrum.

Try to remember all your impressions and sensations from this color card (a feeling of tingling, sensations in some part of your body, perhaps some color will appear in front of your inner eye). Pay attention to any, even random sensations.

With practice, you will be able to identify color by feel.


More detailed information about the human chakra system, their name and location can be found in other sources. Here we are talking only about the effect of color on the chakras.

Muladhara, the color red, is at the base of the spine.
This chakra is associated with the level of consciousness that controls our life sustaining energy.
With insufficient activity - a tendency to manipulate, excessive caution, underestimation of one's own strength, need for approval, excessive fatigue. To normalize, use red.
With excessive activity - physical aggressiveness, militancy, impulsiveness, obsessive sexuality, increased activity, restlessness. To normalize, use green followed by a small dose of red
When properly stimulated, the Muladhara Chakra can awaken awareness of past life talents and calm fears.

Svadhisthana, orange in color, is located in the region of the spleen.
This chakra influences sensations and emotions, desires, pleasures and sexuality. Awareness of creativity.
With an insufficiently active chakra - distrust of people, inability to show emotions, lack of communication, following the crowd, worrying about what others think. To normalize, use orange.
With excessive activity, selfishness, arrogance, lust, excessive pride, lust for power, emotional excitability To normalize, use blue, followed by a small dose of orange.
With proper stimulation, a connection with energies and entities from the astral plane opens up.

Manipura, the color yellow, is in the region of the solar plexus.
Manipura is associated with a level of consciousness that can open up extrasensory perception to us. It is the center of psychic impressions.
With an overly active chakra, pickiness and criticism, boasting of one's mental abilities, eternal plans and lack of action, stubbornness, the need for constant change and diversity. To normalize, use purple and magenta.
With insufficient activity, a feeling of deprivation of recognition, a feeling of isolation, fear of learning something new. To normalize, use yellow.
In the case of proper stimulation, it reveals awareness of the talents and abilities of other people, helps to tune in to the natural element.

Anahata, color green, is located in the region of the heart.
This chakra is associated with a level of consciousness that awakens higher compassion and our natural healing abilities.
An overly active chakra manifests itself in the form of anger, jealousy, blaming other people for everything, stinginess, excessive self-confidence. For normalization use pink or light red followed by a small dose of green.
With an insufficiently active anahata, lack of confidence, inability to show will, possessive attitude, self-doubt, feeling that you are not loved, lack of compassion. To normalize the green color.
With the right stimulation, it helps to understand the feelings and dispositions of other people, gives a deep understanding of nature, plants and animals.

Vishuddha, the color blue, is located in the throat area.
This chakra is associated with the creative functions of the mind.
With excessive activity, imperiousness, fanaticism, excessive reactions, harsh statements, excessive activity. For normalization, use orange followed by a small dose of blue.
With insufficient activity, submission to other people, resistance to change, melancholy, stubbornness, difficulties in communication. To normalize, use blue. With the right stimulation, it gives impetus to creativity, telepathy, comprehension of the true laws of natural phenomena.

Ajna, the color blue, is located in the area between the eyebrows.
This center manages the magnetism of the whole body and influences clairvoyance.
An overly active chakra is manifested in anxiety, fearfulness, excessive sensitivity, belittling the actions of other people. To normalize, use a soft orange or peach color, followed by a small dose of blue.
With insufficient activity, it manifests itself in a tendency to doubt, envy of the talents of others, forgetfulness, superstition, timidity, anxiety. To normalize, use blue.
When stimulated properly, it enhances intuitive perception, creative imagination and the ability to evoke visual images.

Sahasrara, the color purple, is located in the region of the crown.
This center has a connection with our spiritual essence. It helps to act with the higher forces of the universe and has an impact on the purification of subtle energy bodies.
With excessive activity of this center, a vivid erotic imagination, a need for popularity and necessity, a need for sympathy. For normalization, use yellow followed by a small dose of purple.
With insufficient activity, a feeling of misunderstanding, shame, self-denial, a negative image of one's self. To normalize, use violet color.
With the right stimulation, complete harmony, both spiritual and physical.

The science of chakras is very extensive and only a small special case of working with them is given here, which is very easy and effective. From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to normalize any chakra with its excessive activity, you need to use the color opposite to its color, but in order not to completely deactivate the chakra, at the end of the session you need to give a small dose of the color of this chakra. And, accordingly, to stimulate with insufficient activity, you need to use the color of this chakra.

During one session, you should not work with all the chakras at once, it is best with one or, in extreme cases, with two. For general harmony, give white at the end of the sense.

For a session:

1. Identify which chakras are out of balance
2. Determine which chakras are overactive and which are underactive.
3. Apply color therapy.

A person is born with his own set of programs, some of which are drawn from his past lives, some come from the family. Some of the programs are developed throughout life.

So karmic diseases are conditionally divided into own, generic and acquired.

In this case, it is not necessary to put an equal sign between the concepts of karma and fate. These are different concepts.

Karma - these are mistakes in the past lives of the person himself and his family, they mean that the lesson has not been learned or the universal laws have been violated. And until the life situation is passed correctly, it will be repeated in more and more complex versions.

Diseases are such complex versions. Any disease is designed to stop a person so that he thinks and chooses the right path, and does not continue to chase pleasures, money, power in a frenzy, does not pass by his loved ones and loved ones.

Now time has accelerated to such an extent that in the course of one life we ​​can say with sufficient certainty for what our offense in the form of action and thought this or that disease is given to us. In the past, there was no such fast connection. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren paid for the deeds of their grandfathers.

But people are not necessarily able to 100% work out their own or tribal karma. A person is endowed with will and can rewrite or erase negative programs. To do this, a person must have a positive outlook on the world and give more energy than he receives. What is now called conscious behavior. The person learned the lesson, so the exam can be changed.

Karmic diseases and mechanisms of their occurrence

Karmic ill health manifests itself at the physical level (congenital diseases, chronic diseases, etc.), in the psyche (mental illness, dementia) or in regularly recurring negative events (failures in some area of ​​life).

Karmic physicians (eniopsychologists) believe that karmic diseases are drawn from incorrectly lived events of the past and present, in this case the diseases are obvious and have medical names. Based on current events in life, one can most likely assume what kind of karma he brings to his future and the future of his descendants, and what kind of illness this negative will be cured.

Karmic diseases are complicated by the fact that classical medicine is not able to cure, and sometimes even have a minimal effect on the physical body. After all, the disease began at the level of the soul.

Karmic diseases can be inherited. The soul brought with it from a past life, and the parents consolidated such karma. This can be seen in events or illnesses repeated from generation to generation in the same family.

A hereditary disease may turn out to be congenital, or it may “turn on” after any disease or injury through a complication. In this case, a person or parents (if we are talking about small children) are shown that they were given time to improve and show their talent, but the lesson was never learned, and they showed only vices. It is already forbidden for the next generations to bear these vices.

Karmic diseases can be expressed in genetic abnormalities. In this case, karmic doctors talk about the character of the person himself and personal karma, without involving his ancestors and descendants. Children bring spiritual filth from past lives, and adults “earn” it in their current life. Many chronic diseases are written in the genes and passed on to future lives.

It is believed that a genetic disorder that occurred after birth can be cured during life.

To do this, a person must realize the problem and begin the path of spiritual purification. No matter how pathetic it may sound, but this is the only way. Once the soul is sick, then it needs to be treated with care and compassion, love and hope, detachment from the usual destructive emotions.

Karmic illness can be acquired during the current life. If a person is envious, angry, does evil and accumulates spiritual dirt, then karma overflows and gives the disease “here and now”.

For example, it is believed that diseases of the stomach are associated with such emotions as fear and envy. If the heart hurts, then the person is afraid to show love, crushes his emotions and does not let joy into life. Bladder problems (for example, infections or cystitis) are an internal taboo on sexual emotions. The kidneys hurt when a person does not accept the world around him, tries to remake it for himself and at the same time is afraid of change (stagnation). The pancreas (decreased immunity, jumps in sugar levels) suffers from excessive dominance, excessive total control, resentment and discontent.

When working with a patient, karmic doctors, examining each individual case, talk about diseases that arise in order to hold or purify.

As a rule, this happens to people whose karma is “not overflowing”, they are mistaken in something or do not understand. Such illnesses suddenly appear and also suddenly disappear.

Illness can keep a person from unproductive emotions or the wrong path. This can manifest itself at the level of the endocrine and lymphatic systems: in a cold (long or severe irritation), allergies (rejection or rejection of one's abilities), conjunctivitis (avoidance of conflict), etc.

How are karmic diseases treated?

Treatment without internal changes, as a rule, gives a short-term improvement. The disease can grow or weaken depending on the emotions of the person and his spiritual development during this period.

One of the effective methods of treating such diseases is to control emotions and thoughts, which are then clothed in actions, transferring them from negativity to an understanding of the fairness of what is happening.

Diseases of purification indicate that a person is undergoing changes in the soul. It happens that a person has lived in the negative for a long time, despised the moral laws and thereby “rocked” the systems of his body. Then some moment began to change for the better, then the energies begin to be replaced by cleaner ones. In this case, there is a “cleansing” in the body, which may be accompanied by pain, including incomprehensible ones.

Even if a diagnosis is made, drugs in such cases do not help. The disease passes naturally as the soul of the person himself is healed.

Now we come to a conclusion. Our aura is the accumulated positive energy, due to which we live. Negative experiences, strong fear, anger, irritation, jealousy reduce the level of vitality. Positive emotions give a second wind to our soul. And such "swings" accompany us all our lives.

You can look for the cause of illnesses on the bodily or biological level and give states for magic pills. But that might be of little help. It is more reliable, although more difficult, to remember the laws of spiritual and karmic and consciously begin to work on yourself, then the need for “lessons” will disappear.

In most of his illnesses, a person is to blame himself - they arise as a response of the world to the wrong behavior of a person, to his far from the best character. It’s just that at first a person does not know what he is doing, and then he thinks that the disease “appeared on its own”.

Karmic illnesses are the result of our thinking and actions, primarily in the previous incarnation. With our actions and thoughts, in a past life we ​​sowed the seeds of problems that will sprout throughout this life. Even colds do not happen without a reason.

Many karmic diseases are the result of injuries, wounds of the body. For example, congenital heart disease is usually associated with a violation of cardiac activity in a past life. It could be a stab wound, heart surgery or a transplant, an injury during a car accident.

Serious diseases always have a cause. For example, lung diseases, including tuberculosis and asthma, may be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle in a past incarnation: excessive smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Serious gynecological disorders, impotence, diseases of the prostate, most likely indicate that in a past life a person was a slave to such passions as gluttony and voluptuousness.

Diabetes is the result of excessive consumption of heavy foods, which include meat, fish, eggs. The poisons with which the body of a killed animal is filled settle in the tissues of our body, mainly affecting the stomach, duodenum, lower part of the large intestine, and rectum.

Congenital myopia, blindness, deafness, loss of speech also belong to karmic diseases. Why are children born short-sighted or deaf-blind, who is to blame for the fact that they, having not yet had time to do anything bad in this life, are already suffering? Look for the reason in their past incarnations.

So, congenital myopia is, as a rule, a consequence of a serious eye disease in a past life. It could be a cataract, glaucoma or a cataract. And if you stretch the chain one more life earlier, it turns out that a person was constantly subject to anger and lust. But with anger, when the eyes become bloodshot, the optic nerve suffers, and with frequent outbursts of anger, this nerve begins to weaken and vision deteriorates, clouding of the lens of the eye begins and cataracts develop.

People who are mute and deaf are more likely to have had a hearing-related head injury or brain damage in a past life. And with hearing loss, speech is also impaired.

Head injuries, concussions lead in the next birth to such a disease as epilepsy.

In general, all chronic diseases that a person acquires by the end of his life become the cause of diseases that will manifest themselves in the next life in weakened parts of the body, since the corresponding energy channels are clogged from birth.

Physical deformities are also the consequences of our unbridled desires, indefatigable passions and emotions in a previous incarnation.

Also, the more a person is exposed to stress, the more often he has nervous breakdowns, the weaker his immune system becomes. Indelible damage to health is caused by constant irritation, envy, hatred, jealousy. Negative feelings and emotions can be compared to slow-acting poison.

And here people with a pure and bright soul have good resistance to diseases, they are not afraid of epidemics. Even if such a person has vulnerabilities and is prone to this or that disease from birth, the disease can bypass him because of his strong spirit and positive attitude. And those people (unfortunately, this is a large part of the population) who smoke, drink, swear, condemn and offend others - get sick regularly, while healing even from minor diseases takes them much longer.

The fact is that our negative thoughts have a negative impact on our karma, which is reflected in the next incarnation. So, it is believed that greed is a consequence of spiritual theft in a past life. If a person in a previous incarnation was aggressive and liked to intimidate people, then in this life he will be a coward. And tediousness and earthiness speak of excessive suspicion and distrust of people in past lives.

What is the essence of karmic diseases? The fact is that physical suffering and the handicap of the body in this life give us the opportunity to atone for the sins of the past and provide us with a chance to become richer spiritually and happier in the next incarnation.

One who constantly suffers from certain chronic diseases should examine the nature of his habits and understand what kind of mental infection does not allow him to be cured.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that karmic diseases are diseases of the spirit and soul that manifest themselves in the physical body. The causes of karmic diseases are diseases that were not cured in the past, violation of Divine laws and commandments by deeds, words and thoughts, negative emotions in this and past incarnations.

For modern medicine, karmic diseases are incurable. Healing is possible only with the help of regular spiritual practices, daily inner work on oneself.

It is important to identify the cause of the karmic disease and remove it, transform it, change the way of life and thinking.

Healing from a karmic disease is possible only through mental and spiritual improvement: correcting your character, changing your attitude towards yourself and the world around you, realizing your own negative deeds and actions and eliminating their consequences.

A person can get rid of a karmic problem if, for example, he pays for his misdeed by going through suffering similar to the suffering of his victim, or sincerely repents of his deed.

Karmic consequences manifest in the form of disturbances. And when we sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness, peace comes.

However, it is necessary to distinguish sincere repentance from formal (very common today), which is expressed, for example, in a weekly or occasional purely "consumer" church visit. If a person, soullessly repenting and unconsciously placing a candle in front of the icon, then continues to commit the same offenses, then this only aggravates his karma, and therefore exacerbates the disease.

Complete deliverance from karmic problems is possible only after the absolute renunciation of sinful activities. And the way to this lies through gaining faith in God. Only an appeal to the lord of karma - God, thanks to His mercy in response to sincere repentance, leads to irrevocable deliverance from all the consequences of sinful deeds.

All people are created for happiness. Then why does almost everyone suffer? Man himself must answer this question, since God created only the rules of the game. And one of them: the law of karma - the law of cause and effect.

Some consequences of unwise actions from the point of view of the law of karma (problem and probable cause):

Abscess (abscess) - disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge.

Adenoids - friction in the family, disputes. The child feels unwanted.

Alcoholism - base goals do not satisfy the soul, as a result of which a feeling of one's own uselessness and weakness comes. Lack of understanding of their responsibilities to the family and society deprives a person of feelings of love, and he seeks satisfaction in alcohol.

Allergy - negative attitude towards someone else. Denial of free will and unwillingness to do the right thing.

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