Famous man without arms and legs. Nick Vuychich: biography and personal life. With age comes understanding

A great desire to live and a feeling of gratitude for everything that he has ... This is what, in fact, Nick Vuychich is, whose biography touches to the core. This man is known for his will to win, ability to overcome difficulties, as well as physical injuries that could break the life of anyone. However, he not only does not give up, but also helps people all over the world to believe in themselves, developing the potential given to him by God.

History of Nick Vuychich: childhood

Nick Vuychich was born on December 4, 1982 in Australia. He was born with a terrible pathology: the boy had no limbs. When the father, who was present at the birth, saw that a shoulder without an arm had appeared, he ran out of the ward. When the doctor came to see him, he learned with despair that the child had neither arms nor legs. For four months, the young mother could not recover and take the baby in her arms. But still, the parents did not abandon him, fell in love and began to educate him.

Nick always tried to do everything on his own, wanted to be an ordinary child and refused outside help. He had only one foot instead of his left leg, but thanks to this he learned to walk. This was his first victory, since no one believed that the boy would be able to move independently. But Nick Vuychich, whose photo can be found in this article, learned to swim, ride a skateboard while lying on his stomach, write and even use a computer. He brushes his teeth, shaves, combs and talks on his cell phone.

At the age of eight, Nick Vuychich, tired of the constant ridicule at school (he went to a regular school), wanted to commit suicide. But the thought of his parents and the fact that they love him stopped him from trying to drown himself. And he decided to live a full life. Moreover, he set a goal for himself: to inspire others by his example. And as we all see, he achieved it.

Nick Vuychich: biography of the great speaker

After graduating from school, the young man entered the university. When he turned nineteen, he was offered the duration of the speech was determined: seven minutes. But after three minutes, the hall was crying, because Nick spoke about the value of the life of every person, regardless of his physical condition. After the performance, a girl approached him, hugged him and sobbed, and then thanked him for saving him: she was going to take her own life.

In performances, Nick found his calling and since then began to travel the world, gathering audiences of millions. He visited schools and institutions of higher education, nursing homes and prisons. The number of speeches per year could reach 250. Nick became a professional speaker, traveled to almost fifty countries. In India, he collected a record number of listeners - 110 thousand people.

Motivation from Nick

Nick Vuychich, whose biography is a continuous feat, teaches us to appreciate every moment, to be grateful to God for everything that he gives, and he also helps to overcome difficulties. "Laugh when it's hard," says the speaker, referring to his only foot as a ham. Asked by children about his physical handicaps, Nick replies that it was his smoking that harmed him.

Nick likes to end his lectures with a story about falling and suddenly falling face down. But at the same time, he reminds that everything in life happens, and it is necessary to find the strength to rise, even when they are not. Failure is not the end if there is hope. He also says that faith in God is a strong support for him, so he does not get tired of preaching about him to his listeners.

Personal life of an extraordinary person

Nick Vuychich, whose biography is discussed in this article, considers himself an absolutely happy person. He has everything that is needed for this: a favorite job (he not only performs in front of the audience, he acted in films and participates in television shows) and loving parents. In his free time, he surfs, plays golf, and fishes.

But recently, he also has a second half. 2012 Nick, who lives in California, got married. His chosen one was Kanae Miahare, who strongly supports her husband. The wedding was very beautiful and touching, the bride beamed with happiness, as she believed that her fiance was a reliable support. A year later, Nick Vujicic's wife gave him a son. Kiyoshi James Vuychich - as the young parents named the baby - is surrounded by love and care. The boy was born absolutely healthy, with a weight of 3 kg 600 g and a height of 53 centimeters.

Instead of an afterword

Nick Vuychich shows the world how much each person can achieve. After all, he could not believe in his own strength, consider himself a burden for his relatives and suffer from his own injury. But he took care of himself with God's help. And he also became a support for millions of other people, taught them to find confidence and energy in themselves to realize their plans. And you don't have to be like other people. Actually being special is not so bad.

Nick Vujicic was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1982 to Serbian immigrants. However, to call this event - the birth of a son - a joy for his parents could only be called very conditionally. So, Nick was born, the long-awaited first-born, with a very serious pathology - the child was missing all the limbs. In other words, the baby had no arms or legs, and only in place of the left leg did he have a kind of foot with two fingers. The boy's father, who was present at the birth, could not believe his eyes, he left the delivery room, barely seeing one shoulder of the baby, which did not end with an arm. Later, barely alive with excitement, he went to the doctor: "... My son... Does he have no hand?" The doctor's answer was unequivocal: "The baby does not have both arms and both legs."

Then the whole maternity ward was crying - nurses, obstetricians and even battered doctors. No one dared to show the baby to the mother, who no longer found a place for herself from excitement.

And yet, be that as it may, the time has come to decide what to do with the unfortunate, but at the same time, their desired son. It is not difficult to imagine the state of the parents of a newborn - in a kind of stupor they watched their baby, and no one even undertook to imagine how he could adapt, and whether he could at all, to the world around.

Questions, questions, questions... Can such a person be happy? Does he even need a life? On the other hand, if life has already been given to him, can they even consider whether he needs it? However, while the parents looked at their child with a mixture of fear and pity, the baby also began to look at the outside world in its own way. At the same time, Nick was "healthy" - that is, with all his terrible congenital deficiencies, the rest of his body worked properly. Moreover, the baby wanted to live!

So, after several months of confusion, after a sea of ​​tears and devastation, Nick's parents resigned themselves and began to simply live. Later, his mother said that at that time they did not dare to look into the future for a long time - they simply set themselves small tasks and solved problems one by one, in small steps.

So, the life of a little Australian named Nick began to be difficult, painful and very unusual. As a kid, he did not think at all how and in what way he differs from his peers.

Depression came later, when Nick Vujicic was growing up and getting older. The first suicide attempt happened at the age of 8 years. So, it was at this age that the boy began to suffer and suffer because of his shortcomings, it was then that he realized that it was useless to ask God every night to give him legs and arms. God, unfortunately, remained deaf to his prayers. Later, he admitted that every morning he was ready to wake up with new arms and legs, but with each new morning, these hopes became more illusory. Disappointment took the place of hope. The electronic hands that his parents bought him did not help either - they turned out to be too heavy for the baby, and Nick continued to live and use only the semblance of a left leg that he got at birth.

It was not easy for Nick's parents, who had the difficult task of explaining to their son why God did not love him in particular, why he not only did not help him, but completely took away from him what was due to him by nature - ordinary hands and feet?

Best of the day

So, one day Nick asked to be taken to the bath - and there he suddenly realized that even drowning was too difficult for him. It was then that the boy imagined his possible funeral - the inconsolable parents who loved him so much, and whom he himself loved. It was at that moment, as he later admitted, that he once and for all stopped thinking about suicide.

However, life from this did not become either easier or softer. Despite the fact that Nick's parents managed to get the authorities to ensure that their son went to a normal, regular school, classmates and peers refused to play with him. Indeed, Nick could not do anything - neither kick the ball, nor catch it, nor catch up, nor run away.

But the boy held on - he tried to be "like everyone else", tried his best. So, he went to school, studied well, could write, learned not only to walk and swim, but also to ride a skateboard and use a computer.

He also spent a lot of time thinking about God. So, it was in his faith that he learned to draw strength. Nick was sure that if God created him this way, then this is exactly how God needs him. And, therefore, one should seek, and most importantly, find one's destiny. And the fact that Nick had this very purpose, and it was very important, left no doubt.

The answer came to the young man when he was already a student at Griffith University, where he studied financial planning. So, having once received an offer to speak to students, Nick simply told them what he knew himself. By the end of his short, regimented speech, many in the audience were crying. One of the girls even jumped onto the stage to hug Nick. And later, returning home, he announced to his parents that once and for all he understood what he could and wanted to do in life - Nick Vuychich wanted to talk to people - he wanted to be a speaker, a preacher.

He firmly decided not to remain within four walls and not to stand still - in front of him was a whole open world full of people with their sufferings and troubles. And Nick felt that each of these people he had something to say.

Since that time, his wanderings began, during which Vuychich traveled to more than two dozen countries, delivering 250 speeches a year. And offers to speak still exceeded Nick's ability.

Nick Vujicic's first book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life, was published in 2010. By the way, he independently typed his book on a computer, while developing a very decent speed for a person without hands.

Today Nick lives in California (California), and on February 12, 2012 he married the beautiful Kanae Miyahara. His life is full of both work and leisure - in his spare time from lectures and writing, Nick plays golf, likes to fish and surf.

When Nick falls, and he still falls often, he first rests on his forehead, then on his shoulders, and every time he rises. And in these falls, and, most importantly, ups and downs, the philosophy of Nick Vuychich lies:

"It happens in life that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. Then you think about whether you have hope ... I have neither arms nor legs! .. But after another defeat, I do not leave hope. I will try time after time. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish."

Elena 09.04.2014 08:39:45

Nick, you are my idol. A person who needs to learn to live.

Nick Vucic - this is a huge strength of mind, the will to live!
Olga 25.03.2015 05:30:37

I read the book by Nick Vuychich Life without limits. I admire this man, his will to live, sense of humor, great will to live, charitable activities! His life makes us reconsider our attitude to the world in which we live!
Nick, be happy!

Truly one of the most amazing personalities of modern society can be called the Australian Nicholas James Vuychich. Deprived of arms and legs, he leads an active lifestyle, writes books and reads sermons that help thousands of people accept their shortcomings, brings up his own and adopted children with his wife and is sincerely happy.

Some people admire Nick Vujicic, others resent his public activities exposed to the public. But it is definitely impossible to remain indifferent to his extraordinary biography. BIRTH AND ILLNESS December 4, 1982, Melbourne. The long-awaited firstborn has appeared in the family of Serbian emigrants Vuychich - nurse Dushka and pastor Boris. The anticipation of joy from the expected event was replaced by shock, stupor. The newly minted parents, and the entire hospital staff, were in disarray from what they saw - the baby was born without arms and legs, although during the pregnancy, ultrasound did not show any deviations from the norm.

Pity and fear - a mixture of just such feelings parents experienced in the first months of their son's life. A sea of ​​shed tears and endless questions tormented them day and night for several months, until one day they made a decision - to live, just live, not to look into the distant future, solve the tasks in small steps and rejoice in what their family was given by fate.


Nicholas grew up in a devout family. Every morning and evening for him was marked by a prayer to the Almighty. What a little boy in his situation could ask for is easy to guess. When a child regularly asks for something, in the depths of his soul he hopes to receive it equally or later. But from prayers, hands and feet, alas, will not grow. In place of faith gradually came oppressive disappointment, which eventually grew into a severe depression. Nick Vujicic's childhood passed under the auspices of cruelty feeling. Lying in a bathtub filled to the brim with water, he saw his parents, bending over his grave, as if in reality. In their eyes, love froze, mixed with the pain of loss. Refusal to commit suicide did not save the teenager from suffering, but instilled in him the realization that even with congenital tetra-amelia syndrome, one can live a full life. Nick began to intensively train his only limb - a tiny semblance of a foot. At first, Nick attended a specialized school for the disabled, but when the law on disabled people changed in Australia in the early 90s, he insisted on going to a regular school on a par with ordinary children. Needless to say, cruel children mocked, hated their peers so different from them. Nick found solace in weekly Sunday trips to church school. Later, Brisbane Griffin University will gladly accept an already matured guy who has gained worldly wisdom into the ranks of students. During this time, Nick underwent surgery and received a semblance of fingers on the process he had in place of his left leg. Thanks to the strength of his spirit, he learned to work with them on a computer, fish, play football, surf and skateboard, serve himself in everyday life and even move around.


Nick Vuychich received two higher educations - he is a bachelor in finance and accounting. However, this high merit did not give him a personal respite: Nick, seemingly fragile and helpless, continued to improve himself. Nick Vuychich refused dentures Read: What happens if you completely eliminate sugar from the diet? In the end, Nick Vujicic found his purpose in life. If earlier he was sure that God had deprived him of his mercy, then later the realization of the significance of his own illness elevated him above the rest. It was thanks to external inferiority that he managed to show contrasting strength and fortitude. Since 1999, he has been preaching, which today is an unprecedented work in terms of geographical breadth and strength of psychological impact. As Nick himself claims, hundreds of thousands of roads are open before him, and the world is filled with people, and each of them has its own difficulties. He, as a messenger of goodwill, has something to say to them. Lack of arms and legs is no reason not to live a full life Participation in talk shows and programs, organization of motivational gatherings brought general fame to the disabled person. At one of the first gatherings, people lined up to hug the person who had helped them so much. It later developed into a pleasant tradition. Millions are grateful to him. In a couple of years, Nick will write and perform the song "Something More", followed by a video adaptation, in the middle of which the author will make a personal confession. Butterfly Circus: A Movie with Nick Vujicic (2009). In 2010, the first and most famous book by Nick Vuychich was published - Life Without Borders: The Path to an Amazingly Happy Life. On its pages, Nick spoke frankly about his life, hardships and difficulties and the experience of overcoming them. The book became a bestseller and made hundreds of thousands of readers reconsider their attitude to life and become happy. The following works were devoted to the same topic: "Unstoppable", "Be strong", "Love without limits", "Boundlessness". Translated into several languages ​​of the world, they are not just a psychological genre, they allow you to see solutions even through the prism of deep despair. All books are written by Nick Vujicic. Nick Vujicic has a charitable foundation that has launched a campaign on a global scale. For a significant contribution to the development of mankind, he was awarded many awards - from his native Australia (“Young Australian of the Year”) to Russia (“Golden Diploma”).


It might seem that if a person can put up with such serious physical disabilities, then those around them will never accept them. But the most famous man without arms and legs lives a more than fulfilling life. He has a beautiful wife and absolutely healthy children. Nick Vuychich has a loving wife. With his first and only love, Kanae Miyahare, Vujicic dated for about four years before proposing to her. The girl from a poor Japanese-Mexican family shared Nick's Christian views on life and was delighted with his fortitude, kindness and selflessness. And wonderful children. On February 12, 2012, the couple got married, and 2013 and 2015 gave the spouses two successors of the family - Kiyoshi James and Dejan Levy. A little later, at the family council, it was decided to give a family to disadvantaged children - so three orphans found father and mother in the person of Nick and Kanae.


There is no clear definition for the Nick Vujicic phenomenon. He is the only one who made all dreams come true. This is a man who could. He deserves to be a role model. Nick Vujicic continues to write books and dedicates a lot of time to the development of the Life Without Limbs Foundation (“Life Without Limbs”). The organization helps both those who, like Nick, have a congenital tetra-amelia syndrome, and those who have lost their arms and legs due to an accident or illness.

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Nikolai Vuychich is a very famous preacher in America... He was born in Melbourne in 1982 in a family of Serbian emigrants, very religious people... He was born without arms and without legs. A son without limbs was not what nurse Duska Vujicic and pastor Boris Vujicic expected...

Many people are very worried about such things as a too big nose, protruding ears, an ugly mole, too high or short height ... There are many complexes that serve as fertile ground for all kinds of disorders and even depression. Now imagine how a young, handsome, 26-year-old boy who was born without arms and without legs can feel ...

"How often do you use your arms and legs?" - Nick asks this question, testifying about his life. In principle, he does not expect an answer - this is just a call to think ... He himself adapted to live independently in this world - he turns on the light, shaves, combs his hair, opens the water tap, uses the phone, drives the stroller ...

Particularly striking is Nick's skill and love for various sports - he swims in the pool ...

Nick is controlled with a computer keyboard, typing 43 words per minute! His favorite combination of fast typing on the keyboard is heel-toe. In addition, Nick learned to write and draw, acquired the specialty of a financier, having graduated from an appropriate educational institution. But all this did not come at once. There were years of despair and sadness when Nick wondered, "Why me?" .... and did not receive a response.

Today, at age 26, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age. Nick recently moved from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he is president of a charity. In addition, he has his own company called "Attitude Is Altitude".

"People say to me, 'How can you smile?'" says Nick. They then realize that "there must be something more than what is seen at a glance if a guy with no arms and legs lives a more fulfilling life than me." Nick tells his audience about the importance of having your own vision and dreaming big. Using his own experience around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances.

He shares his point of view on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others…He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and that it is the most powerful tool that is at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

You have probably heard of a man like Nick Vuychich, he has no arms or legs, but he is strong in spirit! Incredible human endurance and desire to live a full life helped Nick find a family and help other people!

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. When the father saw how a shoulder without an arm appeared from the womb of his wife, he could not stand it and ran out of the birth room. When the doctor came out to him, he rushed to him and asked: “Does my son have no arm?” The doctor replied that he had neither arms nor legs. The mother came to her senses for 4 months, could not hold the child in her arms and apply it to her breast.

Nick always tried to be an ordinary child, rejected any help. He has a semblance of a foot instead of a left note. Thanks to her, he learned to walk, which everyone could not believe for a long time. Nick learned how to jump in and swim, lie on his stomach on a skateboard and push off with his left foot, write with a pen and use a computer.

However, at the age of eight, Nick almost gave up. School ridicule brought him, and he decided to commit suicide. He said he wanted to sit in the water and tried to drown himself. He was stopped by the thought that his parents love him, and he loves them. Since then, his motto has been "Never give up!".

At the age of 19, when he was studying at the university, he was offered to speak to students. 7 minutes were allocated for the performance, however, after 3 minutes the whole hall was squelching. Nick talked about how every human being has value. At the end of the performance, a girl approached him and asked him to hug him. Then she burst into tears on his shoulder and said that no one had yet told her that he loved her, that he had saved her life.

Since then, he has performed 250 times a year. He was invited to schools, nursing homes, prisons. He became a professional speaker. He traveled to 44 countries, met with seven presidents, spoke from the rostrum in five parliaments, in India he gathered his largest stadium - 110 thousand people!

One of his hardest lessons is to laugh when it's hard. He calls his heel a ham when kids on the streets ask "What happened to you?" He replies in a hoarse voice, "It's all because of the cigarettes!"

Nick always ends his speech with the words: “Sometimes you can fall, like this,” and falls face down. - “In life it happens that you fall, and it seems that there is no strength to rise. Then you think: is there any hope for you? But know that failure is not the end!

Today, Nick lives in California, and on February 12, 2012, he married the beautiful Kanae Miahara. His life is full of both work and leisure - in his spare time from lectures and writing, Nick plays golf, likes to fish and surf.

And on February 14, a completely incredible event happened, Nick and his wife Kanae had a son, Kiyoshi James Vuychich, as the happy father announced on his Facebook page.

"Thank you all so much for your love and prayers! Kiyoshi James Vujicic - weight 8 lb 10 oz (3 kg 600 g), height 21 ¾ inches (53 cm). Mom Kanae is doing great," wrote Nick. Even before the birth of his son Nick wrote that his wife's pregnancy was going well and the ultrasound showed that the child was completely healthy. "Ten fingers and ten toes!", - the future father rejoiced.

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