What to do if the fps is low. So how much FPS do you need for a comfortable game? Setting up the video card driver

In this article, we have discussed how to increase fps in games. In addition, we have collected specific steps to perform the necessary system settings, as well as the use of third-party programs that allow you to increase the FPS parameter.

What is FPS

Before proceeding to a detailed examination of the effective increase in FPS in games, you need to familiarize yourself with what, in fact, it is.

And at its core, FPS or FPS (from the English Frame Per Seconds) means the number of frames that have passed in a certain time interval, namely, per second, on the monitor screen during a computer game.

This indicator directly depends on the quality and performance of the video card available on your computer, although the rest of the hardware plays a significant role.

The FPS value directly affects the smoothness of any movements during the gameplay, therefore, the higher this indicator is, the better the smoothing of the entire animation will be.

Increase FPS in games

Let's look at how to increase FPS in games, so as not only to feel as comfortable as possible in them, but also to participate in the gameplay itself with genuine pleasure.

The simplest actions in this direction will be to change the settings of the game itself.

If you are the owner of not the most powerful (gaming) computer, then it is preferable to use medium or the most minimal settings that will allow you to play with a high FPS.

Despite the fact that with the minimum game settings, the picture quality will noticeably decrease, all movements in the game itself will be smoother, and the load on the eyes will be relatively small.

In some cases, low settings even help the player - allowing him to be less distracted by various minor things (smoke, shadows, and more).

Driver update

Another action that helps to increase FPS in games is definitely updating drivers, and if you are an ardent fan of games, make sure that the installed drivers are the latest versions.

It's no secret that only they are able to create maximum stability and efficiency of any workflow.

However, you should not download drivers from completely unfamiliar sources - it is better to update and install them from the manufacturer's official website.

Due to the fact that drivers are the main component of the link between the hardware and software of a personal computer, pay special attention to them.

First of all, update the drivers of the video card and the motherboard, since the video card is directly responsible for the FPS value and the quality of the image that is transmitted to the monitor screen, and the motherboard communicates between the devices available in the computer's arsenal.

The better this connection is, the more stable all the components of your PC will behave.

However, updating the drivers of other devices in your computer's arsenal also affects its performance.

In order to always keep them in proper condition - use, albeit a rather large, but very useful program Driver Pack Solution.

The database of this program contains drivers for all existing devices, and at startup, the program itself determines which drivers your system lacks, and which ones are long overdue for updating.

By regularly updating all the drivers existing on your computer with the help of DriverPack Solution, you thereby optimize the operation of all its components, and this, no doubt, affects both the overall system performance and the increase in FPS in particular.

Never install beta drivers for core devices as they are not final products and may become unstable.

Reduced CPU load

Before starting the gameplay - check the load that the computer's central processor is subjected to.

To reduce it, you need to close all unnecessary programs and windows, if possible, disable or not use applications that consume a considerable amount of resources during the game - such as Skype.

In order to see the available load - open the Windows Task Manager window and in its lower part information about the number of processes, memory allocation and CPU usage will be displayed.

The operating system itself also consumes a considerable amount of internal resources, and if its version is higher than XP, even more so.

In order to have a sufficiently high FPS and reduce the load on the central processor, change your system settings to maximum performance.



How to increase FPS in games: Proven ways | 2019

Programs to increase FPS

You can also install third-party programs that allow you to disable unnecessary services and all sorts of background processes that occur on your computer, as well as clean up startup.

This will also increase the FPS value.

The most suitable programs for this include Starter, which allows you to manage the launch of applications that automatically start with the operating system.

The Starter program also has such a useful function as displaying running processes.

Another great app that any avid gamer will love is GameBooster.

This program allows you to quite easily and quickly configure the operating system for maximum performance in games and optimize its main parameters not only automatically, but also in manual mode.

By the way, Game Booster can record real-time audio and video of the gameplay, as well as take screenshots in the game.

In addition, the program is able to diagnose your computer for weaknesses that may affect the performance of the game.

If you surf the Internet daily using a browser, then all kinds of temporary files accumulate on your computer in large quantities and, if they are not systematically deleted, the system will begin to “slow down” mercilessly.

To destroy them, be sure to get some kind of cleaning program like CCleaner.

Setting up an NVIDIA graphics card

Also, if you own a video card NVIDIA- then in order to increase the FPS, it is necessary to properly configure it in order to achieve the highest possible performance.

For these purposes, you need to enter the video card control panel and select the section responsible for managing 3D parameters.

First of all, we look at the item for adjusting image settings, in which you need to select a section with user settings. It should focus on quality.

The slider located at the bottom should be moved to the extreme left position to the inscription "Performance".

After that, it remains only to apply the selected settings.

If something in this parameter does not suit you, go to the item responsible for managing 3D parameters. On the right side of the control panel window NVIDIA All options will open.

To increase FPS in the settings, you must set the following values:

  • the item with GPUs must have the parameter " All";
  • anisotropic filtering disabled;
  • vertical sync (one of the most important parameters) translate to position "Disabled".

After making all the necessary changes, click on the button " Apply” and exit this window.

Full installation of all necessary 3D settings can be easily found on various gaming sites.

Increasing FPS on a laptop

This part of the article will be devoted to an equally relevant issue - how to increase FPS in games on a laptop.

Before you go directly to the settings for increasing it, check whether the requirements of the game you like are suitable for your hardware.

If the laptop does not meet the requirements at all - leave this idea or switch your attention to another game, whose parameters will suit you completely.

If you need to remove only minor lags that are present in the game - raise the FPS level through the settings of your laptop.

First of all, you will need to go to the menu item responsible for power management, where you can set the maximum performance in the main power management schemes.

After that, activate the high performance feature on it.

The next step towards raising FPS is to disable all programs that reduce system performance, as well as installed antivirus programs and various clients that do not stop working even when they are in the background.

Setting up a discrete graphics card

After that, you will need to find out if your laptop contains a discrete graphics card, since it is much more efficient and productive than the built-in one.

For these purposes, you will need to enter the menu " Start”, with which you can go to the Device Manager tab.

This tab displays all the devices available on your laptop.

Here you need to open the tab with video adapters and if it contains not one, but two devices, then your laptop has both an integrated and a discrete video card and has the ability to switch from one to another.

If before starting the game you have determined that the laptop meets its system requirements, it has a correctly set power plan, and it is also possible to switch between video cards, go to the settings of the video card itself.

Often, laptops with dual graphics cards use the integrated graphics card by default, which causes a drop in FPS, so you should switch to using a discrete graphics card.

If you have a card from NVIDIA- you need to do the following:

  • Make sure you have updated drivers from NVIDIA. It is best to install the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program on the laptop, which monitors the release of a new driver for the video card you have installed and updates it automatically;
  • reboot the laptop if you install more recent drivers.

In order to open this panel, right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

In this panel, go to the 3D settings management tab and make the necessary settings.

In the global options of the above tab, specify the processor NVIDIA as preferred and click on the " Apply».

Changing program settings

After that, you should go to the program settings tab - it is located next to the global ones - and in the first paragraph, add the file with the game.

To do this, open the drop-down list and click on the button " Review”, and then find the file you need and select it. After that, click on the button " Add” and go to the next item.

The second item gives the user the opportunity to set the preferred graphics processor for the specified file (game) - select the high-performance NVIDIA processor in it and click on the button " Apply».

After exiting the graphics card settings window, restart the laptop for the changes to take effect and start the game.

In the event that the increase in FPS after setting up the video card is insignificant, make additional settings.

For this purpose, you will need to log into the control panel again. NVIDIA and select the item to adjust the image settings with preview.

In the right part of the settings window, select the user settings item and move the slider to the leftmost position - to the value " Performance". Click again " Apply' and reboot your laptop.

If even after these changes you are not satisfied with the FPS value, switch the game to windowed mode, and select the lowest graphics settings.

Raising FPS in browser games

If you prefer to play online games and don't know how to increase fps in browser games, then the following information is just for you.

First you need to decide what a browser game is. and how it differs from client online games.

So - in order to start playing a browser game, you just need to go through the standard registration procedure on its website.

At the same time, for a client online game, you need to download and install a special client program on your computer, without which you will not be able to enter the game itself.

First of all, you will need to open an Internet browser and type in the following phrase in the search bar - flash quality render.

Select an extension from the search results Flash Render for the browser you are using and go to the site to download and install it.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser, go to its online store and search for this extension there.

After installing it, a corresponding icon will appear on the top bar of your browser.

Being in a browser game - click on the Flash render icon and in the drop-down menu select the item " low” (low), which increases the FPS value and reduces the “stuttering” of any dynamic games.

In addition, it is advisable to download and install a small free program Fraps, which displays the FPS value in the game.

When setting up this program, you should specify in which corner of the screen it will display the necessary indicators, after which you will be able to constantly monitor the FPS status during the gameplay, which must be at least 30, otherwise you will no longer feel comfortable in the game.

Naturally, it is better if this indicator exceeds the figure 30 and more than once.

Game graphics settings

Another way to optimize the game can be to change the resolution - the main thing here is not to overdo it and not violate the necessary proportions, otherwise the game will cease to be fun.

Before launching a browser or client game, remove the load from the RAM and from the central processor of your computer - then the game will receive additional resources in the form of a reduction or complete disappearance of all kinds of lags.

Close all unnecessary programs except those that are simply necessary for the gameplay - somehow - a running online game client.

The next step is to set the best performance, which is responsible for the use of the central processor, visual effects, as well as RAM and virtual memory.

You also need to set a high priority for the game - for which you need to minimize the running game to tray, open the task manager window and find the game file (Game.exe) on the processes tab.

On the line with this name, right-click and in the menu that opens, select the following combination of commands - " Set Priority» - « Tall».

If all of the above did not give the desired effect, choose another game or upgrade your computer.

The solution to the question of how to increase FPS in online games is the same actions that apply to browser games.

Increasing FPS on Android Devices

This part of the review article will be devoted to how to increase FPS in Android games.

To achieve the necessary goal, one cannot do without some programs, among which the main one can be called root booster, as it can be used to speed up the operation of a mobile device by optimizing and changing the necessary settings.

Its capabilities include hibernation, which allows you to stop all running services of any installed application, thereby increasing the speed of your mobile device.

It is also possible to control the frequency of the processor - choosing the most suitable one for a particular task.

This feature allows you to achieve not only a significant increase in speed, but also its maximum stability.

In addition, Root Booster allows you to clean the system of junk - empty folders, remnants of deleted applications and image thumbnails, as well as free up the system cache.

Using various modes of this program, you can quite effectively optimize the system either for speed or for increasing battery life.

The program also allows you to get the necessary Root-rights.

GLTools program

The next mandatory program that you need to install on your mobile device is GLTools.

Having entered this program, you will need to grant Root rights and select the game you want to play from the list that appears.

After that, a window will appear with the name of the selected game and various settings that can make the necessary settings for the selected game.

First of all, check the box next to enable settings for the selected application.

If you reduce the screen resolution available in the settings, you can significantly increase the FPS.

Then you should activate the optimization of GLSL shaders.

In case you have a very weak device, you can go to the texture reduction tab and reduce them to a value of 0.5.

By experimenting with the rest of the program settings, you can achieve even greater comfort during the gameplay.

FPS (frames per second) - the number of frames per second, i.e. frame rate.

In other words, this is how often the picture in the game is updated. The higher this value, the more comfortable the game.

The number of frames per second in battle is displayed in the lower right corner. You can disable this feature in Graphic arts game settings.

There is an opinion that the value of the number of frames per second depends on the speed of the Internet or the load on the server. This opinion is erroneous, since this indicator depends mainly on the performance of the computer.

If you have low FPS, follow the instructions below.

Laptop with two graphics adapters

Many modern laptops have two video adapters on board - an integrated one and a discrete one. By default, graphics are always processed on the low-performance integrated graphics core, so by correctly switching processing to a discrete adapter, you can significantly increase FPS and even image quality.

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card:

1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel. This can be done by right-clicking on the Desktop and selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu:

2. Select Manage 3D Settings.

3. Click the Program Settings tab.

4. In step 1 "Select a program to configure", add the program that you use for the game (browser, Standalone Flash Player, client). Note: For Firefox, you need to add plugin_container.exe instead of firefox.exe. It is located in the Firefox installation folder (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\) .

5. In step 2 "Select your preferred graphics processor for this program", select "High performance NVIDIA processor" from the drop-down list.

6. Click the Apply button and close the Control Panel.

If you have an ATI/AMD graphics card:

1. Open the Catalyst Control Center. You can do this by right-clicking on the Desktop and selecting one of the items from the drop-down menu:

2. On the Power tab, select Global Switchable Graphics Options.

3. From the drop-down list under the selected power supply, select "Maximum performance":

Setting up the video card driver

For video cards NVIDIA: Right-click on the desktop → "NVIDIA Control Panel" → "3D Settings" → "Adjust Image Settings with Preview". Set the slider to "Custom Settings" with a focus on Performance. Click Apply → OK.

For video cards ATI/AMD: Right-click on the desktop → AMD Catalyst Control Center → "Standard Settings" → "Apply Custom Settings". In the window, set the slider to "Performance". Then select the "Multiple Display Detail Level" tab → slider to the left → "Performance". Click Apply → OK.

Vertical Sync

Disabling vertical sync in your graphics card settings may result in reduced input lag. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the graphics card control panel (see instructions above).
  2. Locate the 3D graphics settings menu (may also be called Graphics Options, 3D Application Options, or similar).
  3. In the list of settings, find the corresponding synchronization item: "Vertical Sync" / "Vertical Sync" / "Synchronization".
  4. Disable vertical sync.

Keep in mind that turning off vertical sync will affect the graphics settings of all your games running on that operating system. All of them will run without vertical sync.

The debate about how much is needed for a comfortable game will be endless because everyone has their own understanding of a comfortable game. To some, the slideshow seems quite comfortable for the game. Here is the case that you won’t know until you try. I do not pretend to reveal absolute truths in this article and I will not state anything as an indisputable rule. But we still have to debunk one myth today - is 60 fps comfortable?

A classic gif showing the difference between smooth framerates. But the problem, alas, is that it usually makes no sense to add 120fps to the comparison, because few people need it, because those who know what 120Hz and 100+ fps are do not need it, and those who have 60Hz monitors will not see anything . I will explain, look at what jerks you notice between 60 and 24 frames, the difference between 150 and 60 is approximately the same.

I personally had a 60Hz monitor, I also had a square monitor with a 75Hz refresh rate, and now I have a 144Hz monitor, which cost me in 2011 or 12 for only 9k rubles. Now, if nothing has changed, then a cheap gaming monitor with 144Hz can be taken for at least 16k rubles. Definitely lucky with the time of purchase, if I had delayed a year or a year and a half and would have bought for 20. If from myself, then the monitor definitely justifies itself more than completely. It bleeds from the eye very much when working with 60Hz monitors after home monitors from 144. And it is very pleasant to play games when the frame rate in them exceeds 120-150, for example, CSGO, Overwatch, DOOM on the Vulkan API. You will clearly understand how bad the smoothness of the image actually looks and how the game experience suffers from this when playing at low frame rates and refreshing the monitor. Check out this GIF, it clearly shows how high frequency is important for fast and active games. We see that the more active the movement, the more noticeable jerkiness. Therefore, I always try to set up games for FPS, sometimes sacrificing some of the beauty of the games. 60fps is extremely unsuitable for fast online games like shooters or racing or other fast games. At 60 fps you can play a single against a computer, then yes, but in network games, fps is very important and there should be a lot of it, then I will explain why.

And then the owners of 60Hz monitors will say that yes, it is comfortable and we play all games with it and we are comfortable. But the owners of better monitors, for example, 120/144 Hz, will say that 60fps is a joke for chickens. But in fact, chickens laugh at limiting FPS to the values ​​​​of your screen frequency, supposedly more than FPS, anyway, the monitor will not show. There is one saying that applies to frames per second in the same way as to money and fits best - The bigger, the better. Regardless of the monitor's refresh rate, frames per second should be as much as possible. You can play at 300fps on your 60hz monitor - play at 300fps, if you limit your framerate to 60fps for example, your graphics card won't get any better. Therefore, we dismiss at least one reason to limit FPS. We go further - the monitor all the same will not show more. Yes, he will not have time to show each rendered frame if there are a lot of them, but we will not suffer from this at all, but on the contrary, we will win. The higher the frame rate (frame rate), the smoother the picture and the more accurate your movements with the mouse or joystick and the better the responsiveness of the gameplay in general. So we get - There is no need to limit the frame rate by your monitor refresh rate. It has been experimentally verified that 60fps at 60Hz looks and plays much worse than 100fps at 60Hz. Let there be as many frames as possible. In addition, in any games there are FPS drawdowns depending on the abundance of what is happening or arrival in a new location, and it is better to draw down from 100 to 70 than from 60 to 30, agree?

In general, the myth that 60fps is a comfortable framerate for games is primarily beneficial hmm .. let's try to think to whom it can be beneficial? That's right, if you guessed it, the developers. The lower FPS they give you as comfortable, the less optimization work they will have to do. The myth about comfortable 60fps is actively supported, including by console players who play at 30fps in general, they say we have 30fps in general and we are fine with them, but 60 is generally bold, but they have a separate story there, they usually play on TVs with a low refresh rate The screen is sometimes generally 50Hz, in addition, the built-in chips in TVs help out there to smooth out sharp pictures. The same old Philips already had the HD Natural Motion function, I'm not talking about modern TVs. But back to our sheep. In fact, it is beneficial for almost everyone to support this myth, from the monitor manufacturer (who do not have to spend money on supporting high screen refresh rates) to developers so that everyone plays at 60fps and on a 60Hz monitor, then you do not have to finish many features and optimize the game so that it gives out great frame rates with the capabilities of iron. Making a port from the console in the conditions that all 144Hz monitors becomes even more difficult, because people will demand that the frame rate be not 60, but for example 100. An excellent example is the NFS Rivals port, they were so too lazy to change anything with the frame rate that the game initially works in 30fps and only, and not so much of the game's users began to resent and ask for at least 60 (although 60 is not enough for racing). By dancing with tambourines and words in the parameters of the shortcut launching the game, it was possible to make the cherished 60. Those who say that 60 fps or less is comfortable, either did not play on a normal monitor with a hundred fps, or are cunning and do not want to admit that they have a bad monitor or iron. In fact, the myth that 60fps is a comfortable framerate sits in the head of almost everyone and, alas, it is very difficult to deal with this. Because frame rates, monitor refresh rates, monitor response lag, vertical sync, pre-prepared frames, etc., etc. are such a complex area that it’s much easier to firmly drive into heads that 60 frames is comfortable and no longer needed, and you can continue to live happily ever after without anything doing. However, gaming monitors are gaining popularity, even such "INCOMPLETE THINGS" as G-Sync and Free-Sync are already appearing, and developers have no choice but to start removing their FPS locks and optimizing games for 100fps. Here 100fps is a comfortable game, even with 60Hz, not to mention 144. Therefore, in 2017, considering 60fps comfortable even with a 60Hz monitor at your disposal is not very modern. In fact, 60fps has never been comfortable, just now more and more people are buying games in which either Gsync or just 120Hz and playing games where 60fps lock for example or lower is simply disgusting. Therefore, I would divide popular frame rates into the following categories:

30fps - no good at all, slideshow, bad gaming experience

60 frames per second - tolerable minimum, average image smoothness, average gaming experience

100+ frames per second - a comfortable frame rate for modern gaming, good picture smoothness and a pleasant gaming experience.

When playing any on-line game, an important parameter is the FPS value, with its low value, the game picture starts to update less often, as a result, it becomes uncomfortable to play.

To understand the reasons, you need to correctly understand what FPS is? In general F rames P er S econd - the number of frames per second on the screen. In our case, this is the number of frames in an online game - the refresh rate of the picture on the screen, generated by the game itself, depending on the power of the computer. Games of 2 classes: with constant FPS and with variable FPS. Games with a variable FPS value on weak computers start dropping frames, the speed of the online game does not change, but at the same time you see not 20-25 frames per second, but for example 3-8 frames, which is not very pleasant.

Low FPS - the first reason

Often the problem is in the large value of the ping parameter (ping - server response time). This is typical for USB modems from various cellular operators, or when Internet access occurs through a mobile phone when it is used as a modem (essentially the same usb-modem).

Check your ping. Go to speedtest.net and click start testing. At the top above the "speedometer" on the right will be the PING parameter. Well when it is within 20-75 ms. The higher the ping value, the lower the FBS, hence the fewer frames per second - i.e. discomfort while playing.

Not enough FPS - the second reason

If everything is fine in the first case, then do not forget to look at the game's requirements for computer parameters. Perhaps it's just that the game requires too much resources from the computer, which are not enough. For example, a weak processor or a small amount of RAM, and so on.

Solving the problem of low FPS.

In the case of a large ping value (ping) - if you have a usb-modem, it’s unlikely that something can be done, such are their parameters. Connect wired internet, or fiber optic.

If a weak computer does not quite fit the requirements of the game, then change the components to more powerful ones.

If you do not have a usb-modem and access to the Internet is not carried out through a cell phone, but for example, fiber optic or wired Internet (through a home phone) and you have a high ping value, then call the organization (Internet provider) that provides you Internet access services and explain the situation to them.

Low FPS in PC games can be a real problem for a gamer. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of low FPS once and for all.

Low FPS (frames per second) can be caused by many different factors. Some of these factors are temporary and out of the player's control, while other factors mean it's time for a computer upgrade.

In order to get rid of low FPS once and for all, you need to find out what is causing it. So let's take a look at some of the most common reasons why you have low FPS in games.

Five reasons for low FPS in games

  1. Your computer is out of date. You need to buy a new, more powerful computer, or upgrade the internal hardware of your current PC.

If you decide to buy a new computer, then read our article "" to buy the right equipment.

  1. You are trying to play PC games at too high settings. Alternatively, you can scale down the graphics to get an acceptable frame rate. If you want to play at maximum settings, then you should buy a more powerful computer.
  1. The computer is dusty. If you rarely clean your computer case from dust and dirt, then this can cause low FPS in games. Excess dust causes the internal components of the computer to get very hot, which ultimately affects the frame rate in PC games.
  1. Your computer is infected with a virus or malware. Viruses and Trojans run in the background, thus consuming precious resources. Be sure to scan your system for viruses, and if they are found, get rid of them to increase FPS in games.
  1. The latest updates for your favorite game have crashed the drivers on your computer. Quite often it happens that new updates for the game throw off the compatibility between the computer and the game itself. This is a minor issue that can be fixed by reinstalling the drivers.

How to get rid of low FPS once and for all

Now that we have figured out the main causes of low FPS in games, we can start taking specific actions that will increase the frame rate.

Lower graphics settings

The most common cause of low FPS during gameplay is settings that are too high. By increasing the graphics settings in the game, you increase the load on your computer. Increasing the load, in turn, slows down the computer, which causes low FPS. The solution to this problem is quite simple: lower the settings.

All you have to do is go to the graphics/video options in the game and find the perfect balance between frame rate and visuals.

*Clue*. When changing graphics settings, be sure to turn off anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering options. By disabling these options, you will immediately notice a good increase in FPS.

Clean your computer from dust

One of the most common causes of low FPS is high temperatures inside the computer. Excessive heat may be caused by dust accumulation. Fortunately, a good cleaning of the computer from dust can significantly increase the FPS in games.

We have prepared a step-by-step guide on how to clean your computer from dust:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Disconnect the power cord.
  3. Open the side panel to access the internal hardware.
  4. Using a can of compressed air to blow off the dust. Start at the top and work all over.
  5. Repeat step 4 until you get rid of all the dust in your computer.
  6. Once you have dusted off your computer, put back the side panel, plug in the power cord, and turn on the system.

*A warning*. Make sure you keep your can of compressed air upright when blowing dust off your computer. If you hold the can upside down, then the liquid may splatter, damaging the components inside the computer.

Scan your computer for viruses and remove them

As mentioned earlier, viruses and malware can have a negative impact on frame rates. If you suspect that it is a virus that is slowing down your computer, then it is worth running an antivirus scan and removing any malicious files that are found.

There are many free antivirus programs such as Avast, Microsoft Security Essentials, Avira, AVG, etc.

Check driver compatibility with latest game update

Even if you have a powerful gaming PC, but you are still experiencing low FPS issues, the problem may be the lack of suitable drivers. This often happens when new updates for the game are released. Updates change some of the game's settings, leading to a dilemma between current drivers and new settings for your game.

In order to fix this problem, read the opinions of other users on the forum dedicated to your game. It is possible that they also had a similar problem, and they know the solution.

Buy a new computer/upgrade hardware

If your low FPS issue is still unresolved, then the cause is probably outdated hardware. In that case, you have three options:

  • buy a new, more powerful computer;
  • build your own gaming computer;
  • update some components in your computer.

Now that you've solved the low FPS issue, you can keep playing! If the problem comes up again, you know what to do and how to deal with it quickly and effectively.

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