Black tea in contact. Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian-Jenner family: domestic violence, money and more. Biography of Black Chyna

American model and stripper Blac Chyna hides her real name, so little is known about her life. Fame brought her novels with rapper Taiga and brother, as well as her magnificent forms.

For a time, Black acted as a stripper at the King of Diamonds nightclub in Miami. She was given the nickname "Black Porcelain" by a regular visitor, which the press sometimes refers to her to this day. Starring in the video of Kim Kardashian's then-boyfriend Kanye West, Black made new friends. With Kim, they became real friends: they spend time together and even go to the gym.

In 2012, Blac Chyna gave birth to a child in a civil marriage from Canadian rapper King Tyga. Their relationship could not be called simple, and the couple, having lived together in a mansion in Los Angeles, broke up. Now the famous musician is dating Kim's sister Kylie Jennner again, despite the protests of the Kardashian family.

At the age of 28, the celebrity became famous not only for her romance with the musician, but also for her magnificent forms: the fact is that rumors do not subside in any way - whether the diva has a real butt or could not do without the help of plastic surgeons. Black assures the press of the naturalness of her forms and shows her school photos as proof, but the questions do not stop.

Blac Chyna's personal life

In 2016, it became known about the affair of Black Chyna with Kim Kardashian's only brother Rob. He proposed to the girl, presenting a beautiful ring with a diamond weighing seven carats. The man is said to have spent $325,000 on the gift. The girl accepted the offer and did not fail to show off the gift on her Instagram page. The reaction of the Kardashian family is still unknown, but the friendship of Black and Kim allows us to hope that the news of the wedding will be pleasant for them. Now Black and Rob are expecting replenishment: the girl is pregnant and regularly appears on the covers of glossy publications, showing her tummy in the last months of pregnancy.

Angela Renee White, now known as Black China, is a well-known personality in America. Today, the number of subscribers on her Instagram is approaching 20 million. What is the secret of her popularity? And who is she?

The girl was born on May 11, 1988. She is not too outspoken when it comes to the details of her biography. It is known that she grew up in Washington state in an ordinary family.

Blac Chyna in her youth

To pay for her college education, back in Maryland, Angela began to earn money by pole dancing. While studying at Johnson and Wales University in north Miami, she continued her career as a stripper, but the work exhausted her so much that she literally fell asleep from fatigue in class. Angela made the decision to drop out of college and instead focus on dancing and modeling.

One of the regular visitors gave her the nickname Black China, which translates as "black porcelain", which stuck to her. She danced in one of the popular clubs in Miami, which helped to increase her popularity.

Radio presenter Angela Yee referred to her on one of the broadcasts as "a girl who will definitely become famous."

Rapper Drake mentioned her name in his track "Miss me". The popularity of the girl grew, and this led her to the covers of glossy magazines aimed at a male audience.

In 2010, she became one of Nicki Minaj's understudies in the video for the song "Monster". China also starred in the videos of many hip-hop artists.

In 2011, she was recognized as "Model of the Year" and was chosen as the lead actress for the video for the single "Rack City" by rapper Tyga (Taiga), which eventually led to a romance between them.

Frame from the clip “Rack City”

In 2012, she posed for many magazines. And again they started talking about her when she took part in the filming of the video for Nicki Minaj's single and was mentioned in one of her songs.

In February 2013, Blac Chyna entered the JLS Professional Make Up Artist School. In December of the same year, she opened an online boutique, 88 fin, where she sold clothes and accessories from the designer label of the same name. In the same month, Blac Chyna launched her own brand of false eyelashes called "LASHED by Blac Chyna".

A few months later, in February 2014, I bought a beauty bar in Encino, which provides beauty services and also conducts makeup courses.

Since Blac Chyna is quite secretive, we can only guess what kind of changes the girl's appearance has undergone. But on the other hand, the changes are so dramatic that we can be confident in our assumptions.

In early photographs, it can be seen that the girl’s nose is the most typical for an African-American woman - with wide nostrils and a rounded tip. After plastic surgery, the face looks more neat and doll-like, the nose has become narrower, and the tip is more pointed.

Chyna's lips have always been plump due to genetics, but still the girl decided on lip plastic surgery.

After mammoplasty, Black China's figure has become even more appetizing than before, resembling an hourglass silhouette.

The girl denies surgical intervention in the outlines of her lower half, arguing that she got large hips and round buttocks from nature. A few years ago, journalists suspected that the implants had turned over because the girl began to look strange from behind.

China went to the hospital for a short time, after which she again looked like before.

After plastic surgery and pregnancy, the girl's figure was far from the previous ideal, so the thin waist in the photo is most likely the result of pumping out excess fat.

A fairly decent part of the girl's skin is covered with tattoos, and there are piercings in her cheeks.

Personal life

In 2011, Chyna began a relationship with the famous American rapper Taiga.

Rapper Tyga and Blac Chyna

In 2014, the couple broke up as Tyga left for Kylie Jenner. For a long time, Jenner and Chyna fought in the media, but in 2016, everything changed.

After Chyna posted a photo on her Instagram with a man who had a tattoo on his arm (the photo was later deleted, the man's face was not visible), fans immediately assumed that this was Rob Kardashian - Kylie Jenner's half-brother.

For him, this was the first serious relationship since 2012, when he broke up with singer Rita Ora.

Despite the fact that Rob's family was clearly not happy with his beloved, over time they softened and accepted her.

Rob's mother, Kris Jenner, provided the most support, and the rest of the Kardashian clan admitted that for the first time in a long time, Rob looks happy, leads a healthier lifestyle, and in general, his views on the future have become much more optimistic.

Blac Chyna with Kris Jenner

Around the star couple there were many rumors, including about the engagement. Despite the desire of the lovers to keep their relationship as less public as possible, information about another quarrel between Chyna and Rob kept leaking to the media, which was refuted a few days later.

Ten months after the official start of their relationship, Rob put an engagement ring with a huge seven-carat diamond on Chyna's ring finger, thereby declaring to the whole world that he wants to marry the girl and start a family with her.

A month after the engagement, the lovers announced to the whole world about the imminent replenishment in their family.

The birth was filmed and shown on TV

Literally a month after this momentous event, an unknown hacker hacked China's Instagram and publicly announced that he intended to show everyone the true nature of the star.

The network leaked personal correspondence between Chyna and her lawyers, in which she spoke disparagingly about Rob, and also confirmed that she slept with other men while dating him.

Later, the girl confirmed that the correspondence really belonged to her, and also suggested that Rob was involved in the leak.

That same weekend, a video appeared on Rob's snapchat showing China taking her newborn daughter and leaving the house that Rob had bought for their family. He also said that China did not allow him to see his daughter, that she blocked him, and he could not get into the territory of the house where she lives.

Despite the passions that flared up around the leaked correspondence, after a while the couple reunited and celebrated the anniversary of the relationship magnificently. After that, the couple converged and diverged several more times, sources claimed that Rob and Chyna are trying to figure out how to come to a peaceful cohabitation. Raising a child together was all they both wanted at the time.

Blac Chyna with Rob and Kim Kardashian

On July 5, Rob posted on Instagram a video in which a girl kisses an unknown man, and three photos of naked Chyna, accompanied by a text that Chyna congratulated him on Independence Day in this way. In the next post, he posted a screenshot of their correspondence with a pornographic photograph from the previous day.

“I have never been so humiliated in my life,” Rob wrote.

A few days after Rob's outrageous antics, Chyna and her lawyer told ABC News that they were going to sue Rob (in California, distribution of pornography is punishable by a fine and a criminal sentence of up to six months). The girl also said that she wants to obtain a ban on Rob approaching her. Indeed, in July, the girl gets what she wants, although Rob does not appear in court.

It becomes obvious to everyone that the restoration of relations between Rob and Chyna is impossible, after all the negative statements about each other. At first, Chyna wanted to achieve full custody of their common daughter, making Rob a "Sunday dad", but later changed her mind, admitting that he made a wonderful father.

So, the main task of all the people involved in this situation is the well-being of baby Dream, and by mid-September the couple comes to an agreement, each of them gets the right to spend half the time with their daughter.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna separated almost a month after the birth of their daughter Dream in December. True, after that they converged and diverged millions of times, but today their relationship has come to an obvious end. Rob decided to publicly humiliate Blac Chyna, and at the same time tell his truth about their relationship and Chyna, thus arranging a diatribe against Blac Chyna. In half an hour, he posted twelve posts on Instagram, in which he spoke about the betrayal that, in his opinion, China committed. Now Rob's account is blocked, so videos, photos and his comments cannot be viewed. However, Rob did not lose his head and moved to Twitter, where he continued to speak out.


“Since Instagram blocked me, check out my Twitter.”

It all started with the publication of a short video that Chyna sent to Rob.

“Chyna sent me a video today after I bought her $250,000 worth of jewelry. And she sends me this video… of another man in our bed.”

On Instagram, Rob captioned the video, "Hahah China just sent me this video saying 'Happy 4th of July!' How crazy she is. Come and spend time with your daughter instead of making love first to me and then to this man. Do you need help".

Kardashian then posted a photo of rapper Rarri True accusing him of being the same guy Blac Chyna was with. And also Rob claimed that the guy could not support Chyna and pay for all her needs and whims, and Rob was not going to do it. He resented the fact that Chyna allowed herself such a thing in the bed where they conceived Dream. Next, Rob posted a screenshot of the messages that came to his phone from an unidentified number.

In messages, the subscriber offered to earn money together with Rob, and sometimes even blackmailed him.

Rob, in a comment on this post, emphasized that it was with this guy that Chyna cheated on him, and now he is writing to Rob to help pay Chyna's bills with money. However, Instagram users noticed that the video was not rapper Rarri True, but Mechie, an R&B singer. What kind of mysterious caller is and whether Rob's allegations and accusations are true is still unclear.


“My bed that my baby goes to and she gave my bathrobes to all her boyfriends in my house that I pay for,” Rob tweeted.

Later on Instagram, Rob began to accuse Blac Chyna of drug use and excessive alcohol abuse, adding that he constantly received bills for her drugs, and yesterday she asked him to buy her 100 bottles of expensive champagne. Rob promised that Chyna would not see Dream until she stopped drinking and using cocaine.

“I have never been so disappointed in a woman. The woman I paid rent for, bought a Ferrari for and bought $400,000 worth of jewelry for. Damn,” says Rob.

Rob further wrote that Chyna sends him pictures of his baby with the men that Chyna brings into the house. He says that Chyna wants a third child with a new man (Chyna has a daughter, Dream, with Rob, and an older son, King, with Taiga) and that she plans to get pregnant next June.


Rob claims that he always supported and will support Chyna in everything, because he truly loved her. But he is annoyed by the constant bills that come to him from Chyna and her questionable behavior. He also revealed on Instagram that Chyna begged him to go to Disneyland with her for Father's Day so the paparazzi could take a photo of their happy family.

Rob didn't stop there, posting naked photos of Chyna with the comment that he paid for "full body surgery, the surgeons made your nipples look like this (there's probably something wrong with them), but I still loved all of you." Rob then stated that he hoped Dream would grow up and see all this dirt.

Because he doesn't want his daughter to be raised by a woman like Blac Chyna who systematically cheats and uses drugs.

Rob constantly emphasizes what a bad mother Chyna is. He even remembered that she breastfed the girl for only a month, because she really wanted to drink alcohol. And then he said that Chyna gave birth to a girl out of spite, because his younger sister (Kylie) was dating Chyna's ex-boyfriend, rapper Taiga. That's why Rob says it's NOT love.


“We had a beautiful baby, and this is the best thing that happened in my life, and shortly after the birth of my daughter, Chyna left. After Kylie and Taiga broke up, Chyna was done with everything,” Rob admitted.

“She gave birth to a girl out of anger, and I never saw her the same again. I truly believed Chyna wanted a family and that's why I was so dedicated to her, but I learned my lesson and everyone was right," Kardashian tweeted.

In a string of these allegations, rapper TI spoke out that despite what is going on with Rob and this relationship, he shouldn't have taken it out on the Internet and posted so many accusatory posts because it denigrates Rob himself. Kardashian replied that Chyna told Rob about the threesome: Chyna, rapper TI and his ex-wife Tameka Cottle-Harris. Oh God.

In response to a hail of accusations and diatribes, Chyna responded with a short Snapchat message, which she later deleted.

A bright and extraordinary girl under the pseudonym Black Chyna became world famous only thanks to a romantic relationship with the son of the scandalous Rob Kardashian. Often, the outrageous owner of gigantic buttocks is compared with the Kardashian sisters, and the number of her followers on the social network Instagram has exceeded the 10,000,000 mark. Not every Hollywood beauty can boast such a large army of fans. What makes people so actively interested in the life of plump Rob's beloved?

Blac Chyna's Mysterious Biography

The star of the Internet and nightclubs Blac Chyna diligently hides the facts from his biography. It became known that a woman was born on May 11, 1988 in the state of Washington. At birth, the girl received the beautiful name Angela White. The girl's parents did not become famous for any outstanding merits; they lived the most ordinary, average life of an African-American family.

After her 16th birthday, Angela decided to earn her own living, because her parents could not provide for the growing needs of a teenager. Early photos of Blac Chyna show that the only way for her to earn money was to work in California nightclubs. It was there that, dancing on the pole, Angela received the pseudonym Blac Chyna. Over time, the nickname was transformed, and fans of erotic creativity began to call her "Black Porcelain".

From the very beginning, the young lady proved herself to be a talented dancer-stripper, and her catchy appearance only fueled the interest of men who wondered how she kept on a pole with such a heavy pillow instead of her buttocks. Appetizing forms, like a magnet, attracted not only lustful customers, but also well-known connoisseurs of female buttocks - hip-hop performers. At a young age, she already managed to star in several videos. Rumor has it that the reason for the interest of the male half of humanity was gluteoplasty, an operation to increase the buttocks.

Plastics Black Chyna

In fairness, we note that not only the sirloin of a woman has undergone changes, but also many other parts of the body.

  • Rhinoplasty. Even at a tender age, the African-American stripper decided to tinker with her typical appearance in order to give her face more sophisticated features. Before the operation, Blac Chyna had a large nose, typical of her nationality, with an impressive back and widely spaced nostrils.

After the procedure, the girl's nose was significantly reduced and sharpened at the tip. The nostrils narrowed, making the face look fine, bordering on puppetry. However, the thin nose is out of harmony with the rest of the African American features.

  • Lip plastic. Before plastic surgery, Blac Chyna felt great even without lip augmentation, but fashion trends for the appearance of a hip-hop girlfriend dictated the need to introduce fillers into the lip area. After repeated pricking of the product into the lips, they became smeared and bulky. Bright lipsticks are designed only to emphasize the impressive size of her mouth.

  • Breast augmentation. Blac Chyna before and after the operation has changed a lot. Before surgery, her breasts did not cause such stormy delight in men.

The girl could never be called thin, but the huge breasts of a strikingly regular shape raise certain doubts about her natural origin.

Candid outfits often cover up the feminine dignity of a former stripper. Repeatedly, she agreed to nude photo shoots.

  • Gluteoplasty. Perhaps the most discussed body part of the famous stripper is the buttocks. Rare photos can show how Blac Chyna has changed before and after plastic surgery. The girl herself claims that her sirloin is 100% natural. Blac Chyna after plastic surgery acquired a rather strange shape of the figure, because now her butt resembles a cockroach's ass.

Huge rolls literally hang down to the ground, forming ugly transition lines. Blac Chyna after the operation began to look more and more like her lover's sister. Two newly-made relatives are often seen near the gym, in which the ladies pump their impressive ass. A couple of years ago, journalists suspected Blac that the implants in her buttocks turned over.

At that time, her butt acquired an unnatural shape. The girl had to urgently go to the hospital to correct the situation. The implants were turned upside down, but the girl, in no way, does not admit to the manipulation, proving that she inherited the butt-airship from nature. Beloved Rob loves the volume of a woman, although he himself is already catching up with her in the volume of her ass. The figure of a former dancer in the spirit of current trends, because it is precisely the shaking jelly-like asses that Western fashion strives to impose.

  • Liposuction. Blac Chyna's plastic surgery led to her figure becoming strange. Particularly interesting in this Silicon Valley is the thin waist of the star. Miniature volumes went to the star not from mother nature, but with the light hand of a plastic surgeon.

Pumping out fat was necessary for the young lady, because an unhealthy lifestyle and a weighted figure contributed to weight gain. During the second pregnancy, the girl gained weight. Having gained 10 extra pounds, she turned into a burnt bun on thick legs. Recently, the Instagram star has been sweating hard over the return of former forms.

Among other things, the woman's body is covered with tattoos with floral motifs, and a piercing is pierced in her cheeks. In the near future, the girl plans to adjust her forehead and cheekbones to look even more like one of the Kardashians.

Blac Chyna's personal life

In the life of a Hollywood dancer, Mexican passions boil. The soap opera continues to this day.

  • In 2011, Blac Chyna entered into a civil marriage with a famous American rapper named Tyga. In an extraordinary family, a son, King, was born. The happiness of the lovers did not last long, because the windy rapper already in 2014 left Blac for a beauty and cutie.

  • In 2016, it became known that the former stripper was dating Rob Kardashian. By coincidence, the guy turned out to be the brother of the very rival Kylie, to whom Taiga had gone. In the same year, the couple got married, and on November 10, 2016, their daughter Dream was born. The celebrity filmed the entire process of childbirth on camera, after which she profitably sold the recordings to the paparazzi.

According to the most round-ass star, after the birth of a child, she will eat the birth placenta. This material is dried and ground into powder and taken to prolong female beauty and youth. But not everything is so simple in a star family, because it recently became known that Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian broke up. The journalists released the secret correspondence of the girl, in which Blac called her husband a fat man and a lazy person, and confirmed the fact that she only uses her husband for personal gain, as a “donor” of a famous surname. After this scandal, the woman left her husband with her children, leaving him to suffer. The abandoned husband uploads all the suffering to the social network with amazing regularity. Some journalists claim that the quarrel is organized by lovers only as a PR move.

Black Chyna is the man who became famous for who knows what. This celebrity has no special talents and achievements. It cannot be said that she built a dizzying career or became famous in other areas of activity, like the same pompous and vociferous and. And only with confident waving movements of the cellulite pelvis, the former stripper made her way into the world of show business, limited to the pylon and temporary admission to the Kardashian family.

Video: Blac Chyna & Future – Rich $ex

Model and socialite with the pseudonym Blac Chyna gained particular popularity thanks to the Kardashian family. Although she is often compared to Kim, Black's buttocks are more impressive and cause a lot of controversy about their origin.


The girl was born in May 1988. Nothing is known about her origins or the occupations of her parents. Angela White (real name of the girl) spent her childhood in the US state of Washington.

Already at the age of 16, the girl performed at the King of Diamonds nightclub, which is located in Miami. There she danced on the pylon and was quite in demand. One of the regular visitors to the nightclub gave her the nickname "Black Chyna", which means "black porcelain". This nickname has become the calling card of the future star. And today the public knows her by this name.

Of course, the extraordinary appearance and forms played a role in her future. She attracted the attention of popular rappers who invited Angela to star in their videos.

There is information in the press that Black Chyna's forms are of surgical origin. But the girl herself denies this. It is difficult to say whether it is really so, because there are no children's photos and photos of Black in his youth on the network.

The girl loves to shock the audience, so she wears revealing outfits that emphasize her curves, and also puts on bright makeup.

And although Black keeps talking about the naturalness of her buttocks to everyone and everywhere, rumors about trips to plastic surgeons appear in the press, as well as photos that confirm the unnaturalness of the forms.

Personal life

It was relationships with famous personalities that made the ordinary stripper very popular on the network. Since 2011, Black has been living in a civil marriage with the famous rapper Tyga. Their relationship lasted almost three years, and the couple had a son named King. The press claims that Taiga left his beloved for one of the big Kardashian family, Kylie Jenner. But this fact did not affect the relationship between Black Chyna and the famous family, but rather brought them closer.

In early 2016, Black began dating brother Kim and Kylie Rob. And in the spring, the couple announced their engagement and got married. The swiftness of events is quite understandable, because already in October of this year the family had a daughter, whom her parents named Dream.

However, Kim and Black became good friends. Together they walk around shopping malls, attend social events and go to the gym. Girls do not miss the opportunity to show off their forms in front of subscribers on social networks in public.

And at the beginning of 2017, information appeared on the network that Rob and Black had filed for divorce. The husband accuses Blac Chyna of treason and said that he no longer wants to associate his life with her.

Social media

Black China on Instagram - The official page shows a photo of a girl in revealing outfits, and there are also various advertising posts here. More than 13 million people have subscribed to the page.

From this page, we learned that Black has launched her own cosmetics brand on the market. Makeup products anyone can buy in the online store -, - delivery from which is available worldwide.

Page Black on Twitter - All tweets on the pages link to socialite's Instagram posts.

A lot of interesting information about Black can be found on the social network VKontakte - There are not only personal photos of the beauty, but also various links to interesting news.

Unfortunately, we could not find a personal and official page on Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

Now there are a lot of rumors around Blac Chyna and the scandalous Kardashian family. Due to the fact that the ex-husband has affected his wife's reputation with his loud accusations, she is going to sue the entire clan.

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