You can eat cabbage if your pancreas hurts. Pancreatitis is not a sentence for cabbage lovers. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, broccoli

If a person has pancreatitis, then eating cabbage is strictly prohibited. Inflammation of the pancreas, or as pancreatitis is called, is a serious diagnosis that requires the patient to maintain a healthy diet.

Non-compliance with the advice of a doctor regarding nutrition, as well as its deviations, can entail: pain, vomiting, profuse diarrhea, fever, unpleasant bloating.

Since one of the most common types in supermarkets and markets of the country is garden cabbage, it contains a large amount of unwanted elements, as well as enzymes that irritate the mucous membrane. The fact is that the vegetable culture contains a lot of intoxication enzymes, and if the patient prefers food saturated with vitamins C, the patient's condition may worsen dramatically.

The high hardness of fiber in the product can provoke even more irritation of the stomach, and its juice can increase the acidity of the intestines.

Why can't cabbage be eaten with pancreatitis? remission phase

After the patient recovers from the acute phase of the disease, his list of dishes can expand well. For example, you can slowly add cabbage to various soups. With a positive reaction of the body and an improvement in well-being, later you can add non-acid pickling dishes to the diet.

The best and safest way to cook food is by stewing, as well as combining white cabbage with other vegetables. If the patient responded favorably to the introduction of a stew or boiled dish, he can be offered various casseroles, cabbage rolls, stews and meatballs.

Pickled beauty in the initial stages is better to eat in small portions and quite carefully, because it can be the cause of a new aggravation.

What is allowed?

Beijing cabbage, which is a close relative of our white cabbage, can be eaten. However, with pain and irritation, it will be necessary to boil it, but occasionally it can be fresh. At the time of exacerbation and inflammation of the mucosa, you must completely abandon the use of cabbage.

Broccoli and color

These products in the composition have a smaller amount of fiber, which is why the negative impact is not so large-scale on the body. The introduction of such types of vegetable crops into use is permissible, but it is best to cook, stew, and steam before cooking. It is worth remembering that at high temperatures, all positive elements are preserved.

Sea kale is not only allowed for those who are being treated, but its intake is fully encouraged. This is due to the fact that it has a large amount of life-giving substances. When introduced into the diet, the inflamed organ receives all the necessary life-giving components of normal functioning. The composition of nickel and cobalt improves the functioning of the entire system of the digestive tract. The lack of cobalt and nickel can cause the development of diabetes.

Summing up, we can say that if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should refuse a white plant. It is advisable to stew white cabbage and other vegetables

Broccoli and colored beauty can be eaten, but in small quantities and when exposed to heat treatment.

But seaweed with pancreatitis is not only desirable, but also useful. Many life-giving substances will have a good effect on the health of the diseased organ.

In any case, the choice remains with the patient and his culinary preferences, but compliance with the rules and norms of food intake can speed up the healing process. Remember that a combination of medicines with the correct eating habits of the treated person is already half the way to recovery.

Beijing cabbage is one of the types of the cabbage family - a vegetable with tender leaves that form a loose oblong head of cabbage. It is used to prepare a variety of dishes - both fresh and processed. Beijing cabbage is distinguished by its juiciness and pleasant taste, due to which it is included in many salads (hence its second name - lettuce). A high content of vitamins and minerals make it extremely beneficial for the body. But is Beijing cabbage possible with pancreatitis?

Diet 5P, prescribed for pancreatitis, categorizes cabbage as undesirable, dangerous foods. During periods of exacerbation, it is generally prohibited, and during remission it can be included in the menu only in a thermally processed form (stewed, boiled, baked), and only in small quantities.

However, the general description of the diet is not too detailed. In particular, when describing cabbage, the most common white cabbage is meant, and the features of the use of other varieties of this vegetable are not specified there. For example, cauliflower and broccoli in pancreatitis are very useful, and can be introduced into the diet after relief of the most acute symptoms, in the phase of incomplete remission. Let's take a closer look at Peking cabbage - is it possible to include it in the diet of patients and when, how can it harm the pancreas and what are the features of preparing and eating dishes with Peking cabbage for pancreatitis?

Possible harm to Chinese cabbage in pancreatitis

Beijing cabbage leaves contain a large amount of organic acids - ascorbic and citric, and are rich in fiber. Lettuce, especially fresh, has the ability to moderately stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretion, which is undesirable during acute periods of the disease. Therefore, a fresh vegetable from the diet of patients with acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic should be excluded - it can cause the return of painful symptoms and deterioration of well-being. In stewed and boiled form, Beijing cabbage is introduced into the diet gradually, starting from the 3rd week from the attack of pancreatitis.

The benefits of Beijing cabbage for pancreatitis

The fiber of Beijing cabbage, compared to white cabbage, is much more tender. It gently stimulates intestinal peristalsis, without having a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, without leading to flatulence and abdominal pain. Juicy lettuce leaves are very tasty, go well with a variety of products and have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. It is a source of amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin A and B vitamins. At the same time, lettuce is low in calories and contains virtually no fat.

Features of the use of Beijing cabbage for pancreatitis

In the phase of subsiding exacerbation and incomplete remission, even tender young leaves of Chinese cabbage can only be consumed boiled or stewed. It can be served as an independent side dish or in combination with other allowed vegetables, it is suitable for cooking first courses and will be a good alternative to white cabbage in cabbage soup and borscht. During the period of persistent clinical and laboratory remission, a gradual, careful introduction of fresh Beijing cabbage is allowed. Before the first use in its raw form, its leaves should be doused with boiling water, and only a tiny portion should be eaten, subsequently assessing your well-being. If the fresh vegetable is well tolerated, Beijing cabbage can be used to make salads 1-2 times a week.

But pickled Beijing cabbage, spicy and spicy dishes with it according to national Korean and Chinese recipes (kimchi, etc.) should not be present in the menu of patients with pancreatitis. Sauerkraut (only with salt, without vinegar and other additives) is allowed in small quantities only if well tolerated.

A person who has to adhere to a special diet due to the diagnosis of pancreatitis knows that any relaxation of dietary nutrition can provoke an exacerbation of the pathological condition.

Many products for inflammation of the pancreas are prohibited, so a person may have a question as to whether cabbage is allowed for pancreatitis.

What is useful cabbage

Cabbage can be safely called one of the most popular products that are in great demand among people from different countries.

It is often eaten fresh, boiled, fried, stewed, fermented and pickled. It can complement a large number of dishes, for example, salads, borscht, cabbage rolls and even pies.

The product in question contains quite a lot of vitamin C, with the help of which it is possible to strengthen the body's immune defenses and recover from certain diseases.

It is noteworthy that cabbage does not lose its beneficial properties even during processing - the product can be fermented and a source of vitamin C can be used all winter.

In addition, the vegetable contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which are required to strengthen blood vessels, bones and immunity.

Cabbage juice is often used in beauty parlors to rejuvenate the skin and smooth out various types of wrinkles.

It has a positive effect on the skin, hair, teeth and nails. It is believed that cabbage juice can prevent the risk of developing cancer.

The product in question is high in carbohydrates, so it is considered low-calorie and is prescribed as a diet food during diabetes or obesity.

And the high fiber content makes the vegetable indispensable in the fight against digestive problems and various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of cabbage for pancreatitis

Initially, it should be remembered that with the development of this pathology, cabbage often becomes a prohibited product.

The ban applies to both fresh and canned vegetables.

Acute pancreatitis and cabbage

Patients who have a phase of acute pancreatitis are forbidden by doctors to eat a product of any variety and preparation. But there are several reasons for that:

  1. It contains essential oils and acids that cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to heartburn and severe pain. These components cause excessive secretion of gastric juice. If this phenomenon continues for a long time, then there is an additional injury to the organ - a kind of self-digestion of the mucous glands by its own enzymes.
  2. The increased content of vegetable fiber, which is found in the vegetable, can lead to an increase in intestinal motility.
  3. A vegetable used for symptoms of acute inflammation of the pancreas, which comes in combination with dyspeptic symptoms, often causes severe nausea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps and the development of stool disorders - diarrhea.

These factors indicate the dangers of the product during exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Cabbage in remission

When the inflammatory process subsides a bit - 30-40 days after the exacerbation, experts approve the inclusion of cabbage in the diet.

The only caveat is that the vegetable must be properly prepared: boiled or stewed so as not to harm the organ. It is stewed cabbage with pancreatitis that is considered the most harmless.

Types of Cabbage Allowed for Pancreatitis

Currently, there are a lot of types of vegetables that differ both in appearance and in the components that make up the cabbage.

Each type of product has a different chemical composition that can be good or bad for an inflamed pancreas.

Patients with the disease in question should be attentive to their diet and consult with a qualified specialist in case of any changes.

The irrational use of cabbage will not benefit, but will only aggravate the dangerous situation.

When compiling a diet for a particular patient, you should carefully study the types of cabbage and its beneficial properties.

It is worth considering them in more detail:

  • Beijing cabbage contains various groups of vitamins: PP, C, A, which have a beneficial effect on the affected organism. Although long-term storage does not spoil the useful qualities of the product, it is recommended to use only fresh cabbage for pancreatitis. The raw product is not contraindicated in pancreatic pathologies, but in case of exacerbation of diseases, it is better to refrain from eating Chinese cabbage.
  • Brussels sprouts are much healthier than white cabbage, because they contain more proteins, vitamin B and carbohydrates. Such trace elements restore the mucous membranes of the gland and eliminate the irritations on them.
  • Cauliflower has no equal in terms of minimum calorie content and taste. Due to its rich biochemical composition, cabbage is considered healing, because it does not provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas and is the safest for pancreatitis.
  • Broccoli or asparagus is the closest "relative" of the previous type of vegetable, which contains many trace elements and vitamins. In order for cabbage not to lose its properties, it should be kept in the cold. Freezing is ideal. Boiled or stewed asparagus cabbage has the most healing effect.
  • Seaweed causes a lot of controversy, but not justified. Laminaria have long proven their value in the treatment and prevention of various kinds of pathologies. According to nutritionists, sea kale is indispensable for weight loss.

If a person has no contraindications to the use of the vegetable in question, then he can independently replenish the body with microelements, nickel and cobalt, which have a beneficial effect on chronic inflammation in the pancreas.

What kind of cabbage is better not to eat

As mentioned above, the composition of different types of vegetables has different effects on the pancreas.

It should be considered in more detail what types of cabbage should not be consumed with confirmed pancreatitis:

  1. White cabbage is not recommended for consumption in the acute stage of the disease in question. This is due to the fact that the vegetable has a lot of fiber, which the diseased organ cannot digest. If you ignore the prohibitions, you may encounter flatulence and severe bloating.
  2. Sauerkraut is quite healthy and tasty, it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, but it can provoke an aggravation of the pathology, therefore it is forbidden to use it in the acute stage of pancreatitis. When using this type of cabbage, the patient experiences the urge to vomit and problems with the stool.
  3. Boiled cabbage has many positive and negative properties. If you know how to cook it correctly, then negative consequences can be avoided.
  4. The juice of the vegetable in question is not as in demand as its fruit counterpart, but with its help you can get rid of many pathologies. It is cabbage juice that contains a lot of vitamins, but only those people who do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are allowed to use it. Therefore, is it possible to juice with pancreatitis - only a doctor should decide.

If you take into account the information indicated above, then you can independently choose the products that are suitable for you.

How to cook cabbage

When following a therapeutic diet, a lot depends on the preparation of dishes. You should immediately take into account that you will have to give up fried, spicy and sour foods.

Therefore, hodgepodges with cabbage and fried vegetables are prohibited. Can vegetables be eaten raw? It is worth talking about this in more detail.

Soups with the product in question should be eaten with caution and not at all stages of the disease.

Patients who have not experienced an exacerbation of pancreatitis for a long time may try to eat soups or borscht in small quantities and monitor the body's reaction.

For people who are interested in the question of whether or not cabbage is possible, experts recommend giving preference to young vegetables.

Therefore, you can not use old and spoiled cabbage. If a person has discomfort after eating the product, then it is better to refuse its further use.

The white type of vegetable is not suitable for use as a separate product. It should be combined with other products.

You can make a casserole, roll with carrots, zucchini and potatoes. Better yet, use some other type of vegetable.

The best option is stewed cabbage for pancreatitis, which causes minimal harm to the body.

In this case, it is also worth choosing only young vegetables and cooking them without a lot of oil, salt and spices, which adversely affect the internal organs.

In the process of stewing, it is allowed to add various vegetables to the cabbage.

Cauliflower can be consumed without any restrictions. It is recommended to add rice to it or cook a stew of carrots, zucchini and greens in a double boiler.

The most important thing is not to abuse the product in question, cook it correctly and remember that cabbage can be introduced into the diet only a few weeks after the onset of acute pancreatitis.

It is better to deny yourself a culinary delight than to suffer from severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms and dangerous complications.

Useful video

Pancreatitis, like any other disease of the digestive system, requires a strict diet. And sooner or later, every patient faces the question of how to diversify the menu without harm to their health. In addition, many foods are excluded from the diet, but the body must receive a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. The best solution would be Beijing cabbage for pancreatitis. However, it should be remembered that with such a disease it should be used in a properly prepared form so that its benefits are maximized.

Benefits and potential harm

This vegetable has amazing properties - it consists of 95% water, but it contains almost the entire set of vitamins, trace elements and minerals needed by the body. It is also useful due to the presence of lysine, an amino acid that is involved in the growth and repair of tissues. Contains fiber, which is much softer and more tender than white cabbage. It is low in calories and contains virtually no fat.

But in the treatment of pancreatitis, the main goal is not to harm the pancreas, and some acids in the Beijing cabbage can stimulate its work. For these reasons, the vegetable should be introduced into the diet with caution, taking into account the phase of the disease and your condition.

Features of use

In order for Beijing cabbage to bring maximum benefit to the body, let's try to figure out under what forms of the disease and in what form it is permissible to use it.

For acute form

Despite the fact that Beijing cabbage is easily digested and absorbed by the body, it is contraindicated in the acute course of the disease.

In order to get rid of the pain and discomfort that manifests itself in pancreatitis, the doctor will prescribe several days of fasting and advise you to drink only mineral water during the first 3-4 days. The use of other products is excluded until relief occurs. From the 4th day, vegetable soups are gradually introduced, but it is better to add Chinese cabbage from the 2nd week of the diet.

In the chronic stage

At this stage, Beijing cabbage can be consumed boiled and stewed, but not more than 100 g per day. Carefully introduce this product into the diet, starting with 20 g per day, and monitor your condition. If your body reacts normally, gradually increase the serving.

During remission

Even if pancreatitis recedes, then continue to eat Beijing cabbage after heat treatment.

Before introducing a fresh product, it is necessary to check how the body reacts to it.

This can be done as follows: pour a young leaf of Chinese cabbage with boiling water for 30 seconds. You can eat only a small portion (10-20 g). If the product is digested normally, you can not do the processing and diversify the menu with salads from fresh Beijing cabbage, but not more than 2 times a week.

With an exacerbation of the disease

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, Beijing cabbage should be abandoned in any form. The substances in this vegetable have a positive effect on a healthy pancreas, and during illness can be detrimental. After an exacerbation, you can enter this product in boiled and stewed form, starting with small portions.

Cooking methods and recipes for Chinese cabbage dishes with pancreatitis

Of all the many recipes using Beijing cabbage, only a few are suitable for a diet with pancreatitis. The use of spices, spices and sauces, including vinegar, is minimized so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa. The use of such a vegetable in salty and pickled form should be postponed until complete recovery.


In chronic pancreatitis, boiled Beijing cabbage is introduced into the diet as a side dish for steamed meat cutlets or as an independent dish. Finely chop a small amount of such a vegetable, cook until tender, drain in a colander until the liquid drains completely and lightly salt. You can also steam Chinese cabbage. When cooking cutlets, use the free space in the double boiler - evenly distribute the finely chopped cabbage so that the steam can freely pass through the holes.

Lightly salt the finished side dish.


When pancreatitis enters a stable remission phase, the possibilities for cooking Chinese cabbage expand. It can be stewed with the addition of other vegetables (carrots, onions, pumpkin, potatoes):

  1. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the bottom of the dish, put finely chopped cabbage and other vegetables as desired.
  2. Add a few tablespoons of water so that the vegetables do not burn, lightly salt.
  3. Simmer vegetables until tender.

Soup puree

In a period when it is necessary to eat only pureed food, you can cook Chinese cabbage soup with the addition of various cereals:

  1. Boil Chinese cabbage leaves and other vegetables in a low-fat broth until tender.
  2. Add a little of any pre-boiled cereal, salt and beat everything with a blender. You can also rub the mass through a sieve.
  3. During the period of remission, a small amount of low-fat sour cream is allowed to be added to the soup.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

What can you eat with pancreatitis?

Borsch with Chinese cabbage and beet tops

For dietary nutrition, an unusual recipe for borscht is suitable - from Beijing cabbage and beet tops:

  1. Make lean meat broth.
  2. Finely chop a few potato tubers, beet greens and Chinese cabbage.
  3. Add vegetables to the broth and cook until the potatoes are ready, salt.
  4. To improve the taste, you can add stewed onions and carrots.
  5. Ready soup can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream. Fresh herbs are a great addition.


  1. Stew finely chopped onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable oil until tender.
  2. Add finely chopped Chinese cabbage to the vegetables and simmer until most of the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Salt the resulting mixture and put in a refractory form.
  4. Arrange the sliced ​​tomato on top of the vegetables.
  5. Whisk a few egg whites and pour over the vegetable mixture.

Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 20-25 minutes. Serve it 5-10 minutes after cooking.

The pancreas is a small organ that plays a large role in digestion. Malfunctions in the body lead to a disease called pancreatitis. People suffering from pancreatitis clearly fulfill the main condition of therapy - diet. When limiting food intake, it is important not to overdo it and not eliminate the food necessary for proper digestion. The list of vegetables allowed for use in pancreatitis is rather big. Does it include cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli? What is the benefit (harm) in the disease of the organ of the digestive system? To get answers to questions, we will understand the individual properties of the vegetable.

Is the cabbage good to eat?

There are many varieties of cabbage. Vegetables differ from each other in appearance, chemical composition. Each of them has a different amount of vitamins, trace elements and other useful properties. It is the content of chemical elements that prevents the addition of one type to the diet, and allows the intake of another. A person suffering from pancreatitis should choose dishes with caution, be sure to consult with your doctor. Unwise use of the product will bring harm, aggravating the condition of the unhealthy organ.

When compiling a menu for a patient who cares about his health, it is better to include Beijing, sea, broccoli, and color in the diet. Sometimes, stewed cabbage is added to the food:

  • Beijing. The content of vitamins C, A, E and PP has a positive effect on the diseased organism. With long storage, the positive properties, vitamins, microelements do not disappear, but it is better to use fresh vegetables for food. The use of a raw vegetable is allowed for patients with impaired function of the production of pancreatic enzymes. Despite the positive impact, with exacerbations of the disease, it is worth refraining from eating lettuce.
  • Brussels. The useful properties of the subspecies are much higher than those of a simple white sister. According to the content of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, phylloquinone, vitamins of group B, a miniature head of cabbage surpasses the usual representative of the cabbage family. It has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the body, soothes irritation.
  • Colored. The content of nutrients, vitamins prevails in comparison with other species. In terms of dietary properties, taste, it has no equal. The biochemical composition of the plant makes it healing. Cauliflower with pancreatitis does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane, and boiled and stewed are completely safe for the patient's health. Heat treatment is not an enemy to vitamins, even after cooking, the vegetable retains useful substances.
  • Broccoli. Another name is asparagus cabbage. It is a close relative of the color. Rich in trace elements, vitamins. When the plant is stored for several days, the content of nutrients is halved. To avoid loss of vitamins, store the plant in the refrigerator, preferably frozen. A boiled or stewed vegetable has a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucosa.
  • Marine. A significant number of patients with pancreatitis cannot understand the beneficial properties of algae and exclude them from the diet. Absolutely in vain. The healing properties of kelp are known in different countries and it is necessary to eat it. The high content of iodine, potassium, magnesium, bromine make it an indispensable product in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Nutritionists say that kelp is the most useful cabbage.

Eating replenishes the daily norm of all the necessary microelements, maintains the content of nickel, cobalt, which have a positive effect on the chronic inflammatory process.

The distinctive characteristics of the chemical content of different plant species act differently on the pancreas. In case of a chronic disease, it is worth remembering that colored, broccoli are useful, and white, sour are not only harmful to the inflamed organ, but have a destructive effect on the mucous membrane. They cannot be included in the patient menu.


With pancreatitis, strict adherence to the diet becomes inevitable.

The use of this species during an exacerbation of the disease is doubtful and even harmful. The main reasons for the ban of this product:

  • High fiber content. The pancreatic enzyme produced by an unhealthy organ is not enough to digest a vegetable. This leads to bloating, increased flatulence.
  • Activation of the secret of an unhealthy organ leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

At the same time, in the chronic period of the course of the disease, without obvious symptoms, it is allowed to cook cabbage. The right approach to cooking will reduce the harmful qualities. Some cooking tips:

  • Cabbage with pancreatitis, as a full-fledged, independent dish, is strictly prohibited. But if you add it to other dishes as a secondary ingredient (stew, soup, casserole), it will do without exacerbations.
  • A young vegetable is preferable to an old one.
  • Gradual introduction to the diet, careful control. At the slightest negative reactions, the reception is stopped.
  • The amount of the product taken does not exceed 100 grams per day.


A healthy, tasty product rich in vitamins and trace elements is not suitable for people with pancreatitis. Sauerkraut is easy to provoke an exacerbation of the disease, to contribute to the destruction of the mucosa. After using the product, nausea appears, the stool is disturbed. Sauerkraut should not be included in the diet of people with diseased organs of the digestive system. Main negative factors:

  • Rough fibre. It is not allowed to be eaten even with stable remission.
  • Increased salt content. The use causes swelling of the mucosa.
  • High acidity. Causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

This product should be completely excluded from the patient's diet both during the period of stable remission and during the period of exacerbation of the disease.


A boiled vegetable is endowed with positive and negative characteristics. Little tricks in preparation will help get rid of boiled cabbage from bad properties:

  • It is worth introducing dishes from boiled vegetables into the diet gradually.
  • Include boiled cabbage in other dishes. As a dish on its own - under close supervision, tracking negative reactions.
  • Eat a boiled product no more than 70 grams per day.
  • The slightest aggravation is a signal to change foods in the diet.
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