Best time to go to Malta. Seasons in Malta. Autumn - a relaxing holiday

High season in Malta

All schools in Malta publish information on tuition and accommodation prices depending on the season. The high (summer) and low (autumn, winter, spring) season in Malta starts differently in different schools. During holidays and school holidays in the summer, the influx of tourists is maximum and, accordingly, the prices for school services increase by 1.5 times compared to the low season. Learning English in Malta in the summer is ideal for children and parents who want to send their child on vacation. Schools are ready to offer their services in organizing trips to special children's camps where children can actively engage in learning English and get new impressions of the beautiful island. Traditionally, in the summer, everyone who loves diving and other water sports comes to visit. The high season in Malta is characterized by hot weather and the maximum flow of tourists from all over Europe and Asia.

Low season in Malta

The decline in tourist activity begins somewhere in mid-September and ends at the end of May. The course of study in Malta during this period takes place at the lowest prices, the most attractive for those who can afford to break away from work and take a vacation in the low season. This is the time for the older audience, for those who are used to spending their time efficiently and traveling abroad at the best price. Language learning in Malta in the autumn-winter period is the most comfortable time for adults, since the flow of incoming tourists is sharply reduced, there is no sweltering heat, and the pricing policy of restaurants, cafes, hotels and museums is becoming more democratic.

Malta in winter

The air temperature does not fall below +15 in winter. The swimming season in Malta ends at the end of November. It rains in Malta in winter, but strong winds are usually rare. Going to Malta in the autumn-winter period, you should know that despite the rather high temperature, the risk of catching a cold is still quite high due to the Mediterranean climate, so be sure to bring warm socks and a scarf. There is no central heating in Malta, and electricity is expensive, so all Maltese try to save on heating during this period.

Malta in summer

Summer in Malta is characterized by high humidity and hot weather without rain. Since June, the temperature rises to +28 degrees. Summer is an active time for young people and those who love to swim, sail on yachts, go diving and other water sports. High humidity can cause additional discomfort for tourists coming in July and August. Fortunately, the heat during these months is partly offset by the characteristics of the island territories and winds that help to endure high temperatures. In summer, all schools offer a rich entertainment program with many options for spending time: yacht parties, city tours, diving clubs, surfing, horseback riding, club parties, etc.

Compact and graceful Malta has chosen the very "heart" of the Mediterranean, located on three rocky islands. This small country offers a whole kaleidoscope of opportunities for an unforgettable holiday, which largely influenced the fact that the tourist season here has a year-round cycle. In Malta, any traveler will certainly find something that meets exactly his needs. Ancient history, a rich entertainment spectrum, amazing dive sites, prestigious European language schools and the cleanest beaches - all this awaits a tourist in Malta.

High season

Travelers visit Malta especially actively in the summer, during school holidays and vacations. At the same time, the country attracts a large number of divers, exemplary couples, as well as fans of a rich excursion program. During the summer months in Malta, there are a lot of children and teenagers who are sent to the country to study in special language camps. It is also worth noting that in summer Malta is covered by a festival “wave”, which is a good “bait” for lovers of carnivals and luxurious festivities. Of course, the increased demand for tours provokes a rapid increase in prices, which increase by about 50% during the high season. However, the early booking option can help budget travelers. Most companies make it available as early as February.

low season

The low season in Malta covers the period from November to April. However, due to the mild climate of the Mediterranean, the weather in winter is quite warm, conducive to active pastime. If you want to feel the true spirit of the Maltese exotic, then you should go to the country in the low season, when there are not as many vacationers as in summer. In addition, during the winter months, education in special schools is much cheaper. At this time, mainly the age audience comes to learn English in Malta. The price of accommodation in hotels is also becoming democratic. Thus, a holiday in Malta in the low season will be the most beneficial in all respects.

beach season

The swimming season in Malta begins on St. George's Day, which is usually celebrated on the first Wednesday after Easter. In most cases, this date falls in the middle or end of April. In general, at this time, the temperature of sea water will appeal only to "extreme-seekers", since it is +17 ° С. In May, the sea is only two degrees warmer, so many holidaymakers prefer to reduce their holidays on the Maltese beaches exclusively to taking air baths. When it comes to sunbathing, sunscreen is a must-have this month.

June is the most favorable time for a beach holiday in Malta. There is no rain and sizzling heat, and the water is warmed up to +23 °C. In the rest of the summer months, Malta has the most powerful influx of tourists, and the thermometer confidently rises to +33 °C.

The Velvet season

In the second half of September, the heat in Malta gradually subsides, and the first autumn showers begin, which you should not be afraid of at all. First, the September rains are short-lived. Secondly, they are warm and pleasantly refreshing. The velvet season is ideal for a relaxing holiday on the Maltese shores. The waters of the Mediterranean Sea are warmed up to +24 ° C, which is quite suitable for both swimming and snorkeling. Public transport, delivering tourists to the beaches, in September is no longer as crowded as in previous months, so it will be possible to comfortably travel to more remote areas.

It's time for excursions

If the main purpose of traveling to Malta is to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the country, then you should go there in late spring or early autumn. During these periods, inquisitive tourists are guaranteed a lot of exciting adventures. The secrets of the Order of Malta will not allow fans of the “gray-haired” history to sleep peacefully, and those who are not indifferent to archaeological artifacts will be delighted at the sight of ancient buildings. In May and September, most arrivals in Malta also go on a cruise to the neighboring islands of Comino and Gozo.

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28 September 2015 I like:

Spring in Malta is the perfect time for a sightseeing tour: the cities of this archipelago are similar to Rome in terms of “concentration” of sights. In March, daytime temperatures are kept at +17 degrees. This month, on the 19th, is the celebration of Freedom Day, when the British troops left the republic.

In April, on St. George's Day, the beach season officially begins. The sea this month warms up only to +16, but every Maltese, according to tradition, should swim on this day. In May, the temperature rarely drops below +19 degrees, it is still cold for swimming, but there are more sunbathers on the beaches. May-April are the holidays of Catholic Easter.


With the beginning of summer, hotel rooms become more expensive by more than 30%; in some taverns, the average bill can double. This is due to the beginning of the high season, when the maximum number of tourists come to Malta. Peak months are July and August. At this time, you can catch the Jazz Festival, the open-air Isla of MTV, similar in color to Oktoberfest, the beer festival in the village of Ta Ali and the famous Delicata wine festival. The maximum water warms up in August in Gozo - up to +27 degrees.


September-October is the velvet season: during the day the warm weather is +24-28 degrees, and the sea temperature in all resorts does not fall below +23. In the middle of autumn there are more cloudy days, short rains are more frequent. From September, football matches begin at the Ta Qali stadium. In October, the day of the Madonna of Victors is celebrated. In November, Malta hosts the Mdina International Organ Music Festival and Art Biennale.


During the winter months, there are relatively few visitors to Malta, mainly tourists who came to the islands as part of combined excursion tours around Europe and the Mediterranean. The cruise season comes to a halt, although international liners sail to the port of Valletta throughout the year. In addition, the period from December to February is considered ideal for wellness trips - the three largest spa complexes in Malta are open without holidays. Despite the decline in tourist flow, many events are held in winter. Republic Day is celebrated on December 13, and Christmas celebrations begin on December 24. The main event of February is the Maltese Carnival, which has been held for over 500 years.

It attracts with a wonderful climate, rich history and incredible hospitality. Thanks to the hospitality and friendly atmosphere, thousands of tourists feel absolutely comfortable on this small island. And you can come here not only in the beach season. At different times of the year, Malta attracts with educational, ecological, event and, of course, gastronomic tourism. For every tourist there is an optimal season when it is better to go to Malta.

Types of tourist seasons in Malta

The favorable climate of the island attracts visitors to Malta at any time of the year. Therefore, the division into seasons is very arbitrary, although there is still a difference.

beach season

This, of course, is summer - it's time for vacations and vacations. It is believed that the swimming season here lasts from May to October. In reality, the water temperature in May does not exceed + 19 degrees and is not suitable for everyone for swimming, although the sun is already baking. The beaches become crowded in June. They are small and cozy in Malta, located mainly in picturesque bays. Sandy beaches - multi-colored, to choose from. The sand is white, golden, red. There are pink sand beaches. Sandy beaches are popular and therefore full of tourists. Solitude lovers choose pebble or rocky beaches, there are also many of them. The absence of many kilometers of beaches makes it possible to "specialize" separate places - for family holidays, for noisy youth, for fans of windsurfing, for divers from cliffs, etc. Many beaches are awarded the Blue Flag annually - evidence of the purity of the sea and the safety of swimming.

Peak beach season is July and August. At this time, the warmest water in the sea and almost no wind. The high season attracts a huge number of visitors to Malta, which is reflected in prices. You can improve the situation by early booking.

diving season

Although the sea water temperature on the island allows diving all year round, it is believed that in the summer in Malta there are fewer undercurrents and better visibility of the water. Therefore, during the beach season, diving and underwater photography enthusiasts also come to the island, who are attracted by the incredible richness of underwater landscapes and the diversity of Mediterranean flora and fauna. Every year, an international photo contest "The Blue Dolphin of Malta" is held for them on the island.

In addition to underwater landscapes, divers are attracted by sunken ships of different times, stunning underwater caves and a forty-meter underwater statue of Jesus Christ. This famous sculpture with arms raised can be seen under the waters of St. Paul's Bay.

Climate of Malta

The climate is Mediterranean subtropical - mild warm winters and dry hot summers. In winter, it rains, which alternate with clear sunny days. Humidity remains sufficient throughout the year. Average annual daytime temperatures on the islands are +20-22°С, nighttime temperatures are around +15°С.

Summer in Malta

The country is the southernmost of all European states. In summer, a sultry wind sometimes blows - the African neighborhood affects. There is practically no rain. And only the sea breeze softens the hot wind of the Sahara. Due to the absence of high mountains and forests, the island is completely blown by the sea wind. Already in July, the daily temperature exceeds the 30-degree mark. The architectural features of Malta - the narrow streets of the Middle Ages - save from the heat. As in all southern countries, in the summer many establishments close for siesta. After 4 p.m., the activity of the sun decreases and the activity of residents and guests of the island increases. And so - until the end of August.

Autumn in Malta

In September, the heat drops to a pleasant temperature, leaving warm sea water. Young people return to study, older tourists come to replace them. And it's still considered beach season.

You can swim perfectly in October, although the wind is already blowing more often, by the end of the month it starts to rain. A great time to visit the country: prices are falling, the beaches are empty. And the temperature for swimming and sunbathing remains suitable. It is possible, without fear of the heat, to attend excursions.

November, by European standards, can be called the first autumn month. It is rainy and foggy, although still warm. The water temperature in the sea is also kept at an average mark of + 20 ° C.

The highlight of the velvet season is the regatta in honor of the end of the Turkish siege. It ended in victory, September 8, 1565. This is an important holiday for residents and spectacular for guests.

Winter in Malta

In winter, rains are frequent - small and drizzling, humidity rises. But there are enough fine days, when the temperature drops to + 10 ° C only in the evening. No sub-zero temperatures, snow and frost. And in February, fresh greens already appear, almonds and citrus fruits bloom. During this period, prices are much lower, but there are still many tourists.

A bright event of the winter months is the carnival. With a few exceptions, believing Maltese are Catholics. Religion is quite influential here - over 350 churches operate on a small island. All mass holidays are religious in nature - in honor of one or another saint. The traditional carnival is timed to coincide with the beginning of the Catholic Great Lent. Here you can see everything - giant puppets on multi-colored platforms, performances by artists from among local enthusiasts, Maltese in bright carnival costumes. Very picturesque and fun.

Spring in Malta

March is a wonderful time. Everything blooms, the islands are covered with greenery. Swimming is still far away, but the beauty of nature and the air make spring a wonderful season. The temperature during the day reaches + 19°C.

April can be considered the beginning of summer: the temperature rises to + 22 °, sunny days prevail, the embankments are filled with tourists. But the water in the sea has not yet warmed up and is kept at + 15-16 ° С. In May, the heat begins, sea water often heats up to + 20 ° C.

The main event of the spring cultural program is the Easter procession. People dress up in costumes of biblical characters, carry or carry themed sculptural compositions on platforms.

The island has everything for recreation, treatment, sports and cultural activities. Therefore, the season when it is better to go to Malta, everyone chooses for himself - depending on interests.

Travel The World provides an answer to the question of when it is better to go to Malta for recreation, excursions and acquaintance with local customs and traditions.

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Travel The World provides an answer to the question of when it is better to go to Malta for recreation, excursions and acquaintance with local customs and traditions.

Malta is known for its architecture and very ancient history. Almost all the milestones and achievements of our civilization are imprinted in stone here. But this island is not suitable for a beach holiday, due to the fact that the beaches here are rocky and uncomfortable. The climate on the island is hot Mediterranean, but there is no excessive summer heat. Having estimated the main pros and cons, you can get a rough idea of ​​the best time to travel.


Pleasant and comfortable weather without cold rains and burning sun awaits you on this island in the second half of spring and in October-December. This is a good period to get acquainted with the romance of knightly castles and dolmens of the mysterious Ice Age people. There are not so many people on the streets of Valletta and Mdina, and the doors of all museums are open for you, picturesque coastal cliffs with mysterious grottoes of hospitalists, gloomy underground catacombs and powerful defensive bastions are at your service.

beach holiday

Due to the inconvenient coast, summer vacationers prefer to rent boats for the entire vacation and dive from them. The best time for swimming is from June to October. In June, the water is already very warm and pleasant. Diving flourishes in Malta. The underwater nature is well preserved here, and the rocky shores are pitted with grottoes, caves and tunnels. In summer, there is a very large influx of tourists on the island and the spring-autumn silence is gone. Take sun protection on your holidays, and if you are also going to go hiking inland, good sturdy shoes. There is no extreme heat in Malta, hot air is dispersed by the sea wind.


Unlike, say, Turkey, living conditions in hotels in Malta are very different. The hotels here are small and do not have any parks, alleys and large patios, except for a few very expensive 5-stars. The cost of food on the island is much higher, after all, Europe is already here.

low season

In winter, the average temperature on the island is +15 °C. The cost of living here is greatly reduced, and there are very few tourists in general. The weather does not interfere with excursions at all. This time is well suited for recovery in thalassotherapy centers, as well as for studying English, the cost of which in Malta is much lower than in Britain.

If you are not confused by the nuances of a summer holiday, come and enjoy your vacation on this mysterious piece of land. Spring and autumn are the best times to get acquainted with the history and culture of Malta.

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