Iren Fedorova biography personal life. Irina Fedorova: “My father still helps me. Telephone right vs. truth

On that fateful day wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov Iren Efimovna dissuaded her husband from flying to Moscow by helicopter, but he could not resist for the first time not to justify his amateur pilot license received the day before. This flight proved tragic, and he, along with three other passengers, died after the helicopter crashed to the ground.

This day was tragic for all his relatives and friends, including his daughters and all his wives. According to his daughter from Irina's first marriage, her mother is the first wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov Lilia Fedorovna continued to love him even after their divorce. Lilia Fedorovna was a rather tough, uncompromising person, and when she accidentally found out about her husband's betrayal, without saying a word, she packed her bags and left him with her daughter, who was then twelve years old.

And the novel, because of which the first family of the future famous ophthalmologist broke up, happened to him with Elena Leonovna- the second wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov. She gave birth to Fedorov another daughter - Olga. With his third wife Iren Efimovna Svyatoslav Nikolaevich met right in his office when she came to see him to arrange her aunt for an operation. According to her, she fell in love with Fedorov at first sight. He, too, did not remain indifferent to a beautiful woman, and when Aunt Iren Efimovna ended up in the hospital, they began to see each other every day. Later, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich called his future wife, invited her to a restaurant, then he came to visit, and they no longer parted. Their romance developed at a time when the famous surgeon was still married, and, according to his second daughter Olga, if not for Irene, then their family would not have fallen apart.

The third wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov, Iren Efimovna, did not bear him children, but her two twin daughters from a previous marriage, Elina and Yulia, were brought up in their family. Svyatoslav Nikolaevich treated them like family. After the death of Fedorov, relations between the third wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov and his daughters from previous marriages develop in different ways. She does not communicate with the elder Irina at all, moreover, they became real enemies in the struggle for the inheritance of the famous microsurgeon. With her youngest daughter Olga, who sincerely supported her after the death of her husband, Iren Efimovna has a very warm relationship. Iren Fedorova lived with her husband for twenty-six years, during which she was not only his wife, but also an assistant - after completing nursing courses, Iren Efimovna assisted her husband in operations. After the death of her husband, Iren Fedorova headed the foundation named after him.
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I have known the eldest daughter of the legendary Russian doctor Svyatoslav Fedorov - ophthalmologist Irina Fedorova for a long time and even at our first meeting I thought: the widespread opinion that nature rests on the children of geniuses definitely does not apply to Irina.

Irina Svyatoslavovna is amazing! Despite her busyness and chronic fatigue (a part-time job at the MNTK named after her father and her own small clinic run by doctor Fedorova), she immediately responds to my request, apologizing that she does not have the resources, otherwise she would have helped everyone.

Just a sad letter from the Orenburg pensioner, sent to the editors of “Let them talk”, Irina was very touched. “I have cataracts in both eyes, I was practically blind in one. There is no way to raise money for the operation,” Lyubov Lisovitskaya wrote. - And my 92-year-old mother, who was operated on by Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov himself 20 years ago, still sees perfectly, even reads without glasses! Probably no one will help me, I’m terribly afraid of blindness ... ”And at the end of December, Lyubov Sergeevna finds herself on the operating table in Irina’s clinic. I know that the task for her as a surgeon is very difficult, because on Monday the patient arrived, and on Wednesday we are already waiting for her on the air. In general, two hours (!) after the first operation (the second was performed by Irina in mid-February), Lyubov Sergeevna gains 100% vision and calls today to tell how happy and grateful she is.

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Fedorova

- They say that at one time youcalled for work by Fidel Castro.How did you meet him?

- He came to his father at the institute. All employees, as in the Downton Abbey series, lined up in a line, and the commandant, having greeted everyone, reached me and asked: “Where do they make such beautiful eyes?” I answered in English that in this case the director of the institute personally tried. He understood, laughed, but continued to communicate in Spanish. Although in private he spoke the language of Shakespeare perfectly.

Irina quickly interrupts the flow of my compliments about the outstanding talent she inherited from her famous father. “Andrey, over the years of work at the institute, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich has performed THREE MILLION operations! Like Louis Pasteur, he was the first to experience the action of a laser with his own eye and achieved excellent results. A photograph of my father and mother hangs in the bedroom across from my bed. When I make difficult decisions, I always look at her and mentally ask: “What would you advise me?” But especially often I think about dad at all sorts of scientific meetings and dissertation defenses. He would never have allowed so much empty water to be poured."

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Fedorova

- I heard that your father instilled in youbov and to your hobbies - the tophowling riding, motorcycle, swimming.

- Yes, perhaps, only his main hobby - the plane - I did not manage to master. Recently I found letters that my father sent to my mother in his youth from the village of Veshenskaya, where he lived then. In one, he tells how he prepared for a trip to a student swimming competition. It was necessary to go to Moscow, and he trained for three hours a day in the cold Don, which had just been freed from ice. Moreover, at the age of 17, dad lost his foot, it was cut off by a tram, but this never stopped him on the way to the goal.

- With the last wife of his father, Irene, aboutsorry?

No, we don't have any relationship with her. This topic is closed for me.

- Daughter Alice continued Dinathe Fedorovs?

- Unlike my dad, who literally pushed through his desire to see me as an ophthalmologist, I did not insist on anything, Alice became a journalist, worked as a correspondent on TV, and now she is a press secretary in the company of her father, also a doctor. She is a creative, open, addicted person. And for our business, the utmost concentration, pedantry, accuracy and hellish patience are important.

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Fedorova


positive psychology 07.10.2018

We receive the lion's share of information about the world through vision. And when it worsens, we experience a lot of inconvenience, and even real suffering. Well, if we are lucky to meet a competent specialist, which will help correct the situation.

Today, dear readers, I would like to tell you about the fate of such an amazing professional and very charming person who radiated the energy of light. This is ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov, a legend of Russian medicine.

He became the author of a number of unique developments that are recognized worldwide as revolutionary in this branch of medicine. Together with like-minded people, he put his discoveries into practice, which helped restore and improve the eyesight of thousands of Russians. These technologies are still working successfully today.

The innovator doctor had to work in difficult, critical years for the country. His fate is the constant overcoming of difficulties, resistance to the inert environment, the desire to develop. He was always in a hurry, as if he had a presentiment that life would end early. And he managed to do an incredible amount, making a real revolution in the methods of treating eye diseases and restoring vision.

According to Wikipedia, Svyatoslav Fedorov was a true representative of the 20th century, the personification of its best features. And the problems, troubles, bad weather of this turbulent century also did not bypass him. But they did not break, but only made stronger and wiser. Let's get a little acquainted with the biography of Svyatoslav Fedorov.

Family and first life lessons

Svyatoslav Fedorov was originally from the Ukrainian city of Proskurov, now he is called Khmelnitsky. His date of birth: August 8, 1927, and that alone says a lot. His family did not escape the main tragedy of the pre-war years, his father became a victim of political repression in the 30s.

Svyatoslav's father made a brilliant military career, rose to the rank of general, although by origin he was from a simple working family. In the infamous 1938, when his son was 11 years old, Nikolai Fedorov was sentenced to 17 years on a slanderous denunciation. Relatives had to live with the stigma of the family "enemy of the people." They moved to Rostov-on-Don, where the future shone of medicine continued their studies at school. He graduated with a silver medal.

Like most of his young peers, Svyatoslav dreamed of the sky, of the profession of a pilot. When the war began, of course, his interests shifted towards military aviation. He did not just dream of heaven, but did everything to make this dream come true. In 1943, the young man entered the Yerevan Preparatory Flight School, where he studied for two years.

But… Plans to conquer the sky were shattered by quite earthly obstacles. A banal fall, an injury to the left leg ended in the amputation of the entire foot and part of the lower leg. Having received a disability, Svyatoslav Fedorov managed to overcome depressive thoughts and built an algorithm for further movement forward. For him, the stories of some of his roommates became a hard lesson. The guy spent several months in the hospital, and saw how others, feeling like cripples, simply gave up, “deflated”, gave up.

Svyatoslav decided that he would never allow himself to be pitied. He will become strong! And the young man begins grueling training, through pain, through "I can't." As a result, he became a very successful swimmer, the winner of a number of solid competitions. And then he withstood many hours of operations, and the people who worked and lived next to him, most often did not suspect about his injury.

The choice has been made!

Looking at the photo of Svyatoslav Fedorov, many note his assertive look, strong-willed chin, powerful forehead of a sage and stubborn man, who more than once in his life had, as the classic said, “butt with oak”.

But first it was necessary to decide on the choice of profession. The young man entered the Rostov Medical Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1952. Why ophthalmology? Because it is very interesting, very difficult, and therefore promising. After the university, there were residency and postgraduate studies, but in addition to theory, Svyatoslav had a chance to prove himself in medical practice.

While still a student, he performed the first brilliant operation. The patient received a serious work injury, an iron fragment flew into his eyeball. Even for an experienced doctor, such a problem is not always solvable, but the student Fedorov was not at a loss, brilliantly coped with the problem. As a result, the person managed to save his sight.

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov began his ophthalmic practice in the village of Veshenskaya. He considered himself lucky, because the writer Mikhail Sholokhov, who glorified these places, had long been Svyatoslav's idol.

After the Don start, he took up eye surgery in the Urals. He promptly defended his Ph.D. thesis, but soon got fired, and even with the murderous wording: "for charlatanism." The essence of the matter is simple: an innovative doctor took the risk of applying a technique that had already been used abroad, but was not welcomed "in our Palestinians." He replaced the patient's failed lens with an artificial one. The angry medical community did not appreciate such creativity. Although the operation was absolutely successful. "Charlatan" went to continue his research to the North, to Arkhangelsk.

It is not known whether the “troublemaker” would have managed to remain in the profession at all if the well-known publicist Agranovsky had not supported him. In the spring of 1965, he published in Izvestia a voluminous material about a talented doctor, whose bold experiments were not only not recognized, but made the cause of persecution. You can read about this in detail in the note "Discovery of Dr. Fedorov". And here I will give only one short excerpt from that newspaper article, which made a lot of noise at that time.

Where does this assertiveness, willpower, strength to achieve one's own come from? Perhaps he has not lost anything from the strengths of the old Russian intelligentsia, he has gentleness towards people, there is a desire for goodness, inner honesty, there is independence or, as Leo Tolstoy said, pride of thought. His kindness is full of strength, and he is easy with the people, and there is no feeling of insecurity in him before the people, because he himself is the people. The grandson of a peasant, the son of a horseman, an intellectual.

After such all-Union publicity, the ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov was able to do what he loved without much concern, and even his "dubious" experiments were given the green light.

Northern "link"

60s. The period of the "thaw", our Russian political "Renaissance". Fedorov moved to Arkhangelsk, where in 1961-67 he headed the Department of Eye Diseases of the Medical Institute.

He again performs operations using an artificial lens. It is impossible to buy the material, it is very expensive, moreover, in a scarce currency. The miracle doctor is helped by northern craftsmen, turning lenses in local workshops. And this is a double success: the manufacture of such medical "diamonds" requires truly jewelry precision and remarkable craftsmanship, working ingenuity.

Patients from all over the vast country come to Fedorov, he teaches his colleagues his technique, unique operations are practically put on stream. But he is cramped within the framework of the institute's laboratory. We need a scale, we need to move from handicrafts to work with modern scientific equipment, but there is none in Arkhangelsk and will not be for a long time.

Fedorov decides to escape to the capital. It was a real detective story: the local authorities did not want to let go of a popular specialist who had already received worldwide recognition. Real fame came to him after speaking in 1966 at the symposium of the International Society for Implantation in London.

The party bosses of Arkhangelsk interfered with the departure to Moscow, Svyatoslav Nikolayevich was accused of almost desertion, the search for "cheap glory". The regional committee of the party simply forbade the institute authorities to issue work books to the assertive doctor and his associates. But he knew what he wanted, and gossip, "spokes in the wheels" could not stop him. With a few closest assistants, he confused the tracks in order to outwit the pursuers.

They learned about the impending escape "where necessary", the fugitives were expected at the railway station. They quickly returned their tickets and rushed to the airport, where they bought tickets for the next flight with false names. Then it was still possible. Yes, about work books: in the capital, a prosecutor's request had to be made so that the Arkhangelsk officials still returned them to their owners ...

Science and practice

In 1967, a sharp turn took place in the biography of Svyatoslav Fedorov and his family. He becomes the head of the department at the Third Medical Institute, creates a laboratory within the framework of the university, where he experiments with an artificial lens and cornea of ​​​​the eye. A few years later, the laboratory became an independent institution, having received the status of the Research Institute, and then the STC (scientific and technical complex) of eye microsurgery.

It was a productive symbiosis of breakthrough scientific research and advanced technological innovations. The stories about many of the operations carried out at the NTK began with the words "for the first time in the country", and even "for the first time in the world." I will not go into the details of that truly titanic work here.

You can get acquainted with the details of the capital period of his activity by watching the documentary film “Svyatoslav Fedorov. See the light."

His clinic becomes truly world famous, and its head becomes a corresponding member of the Union Academy of Sciences and a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

In the 90s, I also had to deal with purely economic issues, and those around me noted with surprise and respect Svyatoslav Fedorov's entrepreneurial talent. Eye Microsurgery and a number of related related enterprises became successful business units, they also earned a lot of foreign currency, which made it possible to seriously increase the salaries of the staff. The clinic was able to acquire even its own aviation facilities.

Family matters

Photos of Svyatoslav Fedorov, rare video footage easily convey his incredible energy. Women felt this magnetism of a strong personality, many fell in love with a talented and charming doctor.

He got married three times. He lived with his first wife Lilia for 13 years. Their daughter Irina has chosen a profession since her school years: of course, this is ophthalmology! She continues the work of her father, working in his clinic.

The second marital union was also crowned with the birth of a daughter. The heiress Olga works in her father's scientific and technical complex, although she is not engaged in medical activities. She cherishes the memorial office, the exhibits of which tell about the history of Eye Microsurgery and the fate of the first head of the clinic.

In the personal life of Svyatoslav Fedorov, a third marriage also happened. In this union, he had twin daughters, although not his own: these are the children of his last wife from a previous marriage. They are now employees of the Fund for the Popularization of Surgical Techniques of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich.

With such a busy work and personal life, Fedorov found time and energy for sports and other hobbies. Remember, at the beginning of the story, I said that in his early youth he dreamed of sitting at the helm of an air liner. Despite health problems, he realized this dream! Became a pilot of his own aircraft when he was 62 years old. He also mastered the helicopter, because sometimes he had to fly to hard-to-reach regions in order to perform operations or advise the staff of local departments of the clinic.

With all this, he somehow incomprehensibly managed to remain a romantic and a little naive dreamer. Or maybe he just hoped that the maximum number of colleagues would follow his example? ..

I realized that good should be done in large doses. I am sure that by the end of this century our medicine will be a fantastic industry of humanism: small hospitals will turn into powerful medical centers for early surgical prevention.

An active life position led him into politics, Fedorov was a people's deputy of the USSR and a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He even took part in the presidential elections in 1996, although with minimal results. But he soon realized that he should not scatter, that he needed to concentrate his forces on the main business of his life. As it turned out, it was the right choice, because at the turn of the century he was given very little time.

Tragic flight and grateful memory

Premature death is always tragic. It looks especially unnatural when, in the prime of life, people “go into a tailspin”, splashing with energy, full of ambitious plans. So it happened with the death of Svyatoslav Fedorov. On June 2, 2000, he crashed while performing another ordinary helicopter flight. The car turned out to be faulty, the technical staff overlooked it. True, there were other versions of the tragedy, many said that the incident in the air did not happen by chance. But it was not possible to prove it.

The streets of several cities and hospitals are named after him, there are 6 monuments to the great doctor in the country. His followers study the works of the academician, published during his lifetime and posthumously. In the practice of ophthalmology and other medical specialties, about 180 different inventions of the master of ophthalmology are used.

He was awarded many medals and orders, received a number of prestigious international awards, had the title of Hero of Labor and many other regalia. Two years after his death, Fedorov was awarded the title of "The Greatest Ophthalmologist of the 19th and 20th Centuries." So the merits of a gifted colleague were appreciated by the international professional community.

Dear readers, there were so many bright pages in the life of Svyatoslav Fedorov that it is impossible to even list them, it is easy to touch on them in a review article. But I will be sincerely glad if this fate will interest you and give you food for thought and further discoveries.

He was so different: a revolutionary, a rebel, a pioneer and thinker, a hard worker, an organizer. The author of breakthrough technologies and a successful businessman. A strict team leader and a gentle, caring head of the family. Always winged, although he was so often tried to "cut his wings" ...

A lot has been done, it remains for all of us. He gave people light, the opportunity to see this world, to live fully. We just have to be worthy of this great gift...

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In the first publication, we refute the rumors about the "non-accidental" death of S. Fedorov and talk about what passions were in full swing in the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" after his death.

Fights without rules

First, Iren Efimovna brought along one of her two daughters from a previous marriage, Yulia. She was well known at the institute - during the lifetime of the chief, she kept several outlets here. Under her mother, the director of the museum, she limited herself to turning the famous Fedorov's office into a vulgar commercial office.

Then the widow began to show excessive concern for institute affairs, out of habit advising the director who to remove from where, whom to appoint where. “You take care of the museum and the fund,” he slowed her down, “and somehow I’ll deal with the institute myself.” This is where the war started. As long as it's cold.

As soon as Takhchidi went on vacation, her mother immediately made Yulia the deputy director of Protasovo CJSC, which belongs to the institute, which includes an equestrian center, a water station, a medical and health center (this is the name of a very good hotel), as well as agricultural units. All this is worth millions of dollars. The lawsuit to declare CJSC Protasovo bankrupt was not long in coming .... For those inexperienced in civil law, let us explain: the bankruptcy procedure would allow us to grab these pretty pieces without any special material costs. Takhchidi returned - "Protasovo" managed to defend.

This was followed by an attempt to alienate the water station, behind which, again, the silhouette of Iren Efimovna and her daughter was traced. And this attack was repulsed without much publicity. But it was not possible to hide the story of the buses from the people.

Back in the first half of the 90s, the MNTK bought two Volvo operating buses - teams of doctors traveled to Russian cities on them, where they made diagnoses and performed operations on the spot. They enjoyed incredible success: the provinces did not have such a level of microsurgery. Buses have become part of the image of the MNTK - they were most often filmed for commercials and posters.

They were issued to the company registered abroad, the closest friend of the Fedorovs, Mark Klabin, in order to avoid excessive taxation. MNTK rented them from him, as it were. After the death of Fedorov, Klabin nobly offered to return the buses to their native land and issue a deed of gift. But then a widow appeared on the horizon again - and the “gifts” were written to a different address. And some time later, a lease agreement came to the institute, in which Ms. I. E. Fedorova, director of the S. Fedorov Foundation, offered the director of the MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” named after S. Fedorov, Mr. Kh. P. Takhchidi, to rent them own operating buses for ... 60 thousand dollars a year! After that, Iren Efimovna was immediately dismissed from the post of director of the museum and declared persona non grata at the institute. MNTK proudly refused to rent buses.

Telephone right vs. truth

Neglect of legal formalities made the brainchild of Svyatoslav Fedorov vulnerable from all sides. How did he solve problems? He picked up the telephone receiver - and everything was done as if by magic, out of respect for the living legend, the authorities turned a blind eye to all sorts of formal trifles. Takhchidi does not have such numbers in his phone book - he has been in the capital for a week without a year, and it is too early to talk about world fame. He has to go the usual, legal way. And make new discoveries every day.

Well, for example: the head physician once resorts to him and says: the license expires, you need to get a new one. We started collecting papers, missed it - there is no construction project for the building, and this is a key document. Where? asks Takhchidi. No, they answer him. How did you work? And so they worked - the boss called somewhere, and permission was immediately issued ... Or: there is a luxurious hotel in Protasov (in other words, a medical and health center. - Auth.), It does not work. Why? No license. Why? There is no act of acceptance of the building. Why not? It turned out that the hotel stands on land that no one has ever taken out of farmland. No one had the right to build there! And so it is in everything.

Why Fedorov so obviously neglected the formal side of the matter - now no one will answer. Maybe it was lazy. Or maybe he was sure that under him no insoluble problems would arise, and after him - at least the grass does not grow ... It does not grow. She violently breaks through the asphalt years later.

All in!

In 2002, the Moscow People's Bank, Limited (London) applied to the Moscow City Court with a petition to recover from the state institution IRTC Eye Microsurgery a debt in the amount equivalent to $22.3 million. The London court has already made the corresponding decision, and the Moscow City Court, according to the bank, had only to confirm it in order to give legal force on the territory of Russia.

The leadership of the IRTC, which, before receiving the summons to the court, did not even suspect the decision of the London court, and, apparently, heard about the debt itself for the first time only now, rushed to sort it out.

It turned out that in 1988 a certain Intersectoral foreign trade company "Eye Microsurgery" (let no one be fooled by the loud and similar name - IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" did not participate in its creation, such firms are created by dozens for specific purposes, they are also called one-day ones) borrowed Moscow People's Bank Limited has a lot of money. Loan guarantees were signed by S. Fedorov. In 1991, the company that took the loan was liquidated. The further fate of the money she received is hidden in the fog - at least there are no financial documents in this regard at the MNTK.

It turns out that there was a loan. But what and how the money was spent and from whom to write it off now is completely incomprehensible. Why did the bank, which was quite indifferent to the fate of the loan before the death of S. Fedorov, suddenly take a keen interest in it now? We think it looks like this.

Svyatoslav Nikolayevich, in his own way, agreed with the government of the USSR on a loan. Moscow People's Bank Limited was a member of the Soviet foreign banks, that is, in essence, was a division of the State Bank of the USSR. He was given the command to issue a loan to Fedorov - and he gave it out, turning a blind eye to "minor" formal violations.

Then Fedorov dies, the institute quarrels with his widow, she complains to family friend Mark Klabin, who was in charge of all foreign affairs of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich. Klabin comes up with a way, if not to bankrupt the MNTK, then to greatly complicate the life of the new leadership. And in the future, perhaps, in general, change it to a more loyal one. Whether this was actually the case, we do not know. But it could very well be. In any case, the war started by Iren Efimovna amazingly coincides in time with the requirements of the London Bank ...

Now the transitional period from the era of Fedorov's "storm and onslaught" to the Takhchidi era of austerity and ordering is ending at the MNTK. The MNTK jokes: "We used to work for Glory, but now - for Christ's sake." It's funny, but in the history of the institute one can trace analogies with the history of the country: from the totalitarian regime of government (S. Fedorov) through the oligarchic form of government (Iren Efimovna Fedorova in the role of the oligarch) to the bureaucratically ordered regime (Takhchidi). Both in the country and in the MNTK, the attempt to tame the oligarchs did not lead to anything good - Berezovsky and Gusinsky left the fatherland, Iren Fedorova - the territory of the institute. All are in opposition to the existing regime.

Everyone hopes that he will fall on his own.

That's what strained us in this whole story: illogicality. Sympathy for the victim is the main ideology of the Russian people. This sympathy was to extend to the widow of Svyatoslav Fedorov. But it turned out the opposite.

Why is Iren Fedorova disliked at MNTK?

To be honest, we did not succeed in deriving any specific formula, but the answer to the question why, after the death of the general director, not a single person from the institute called his widow for six months, became clear to us.

For all. For the provincial imitation of Nina Griboyedova-Chavchavadze. “Why did my love survive you?” - she wrote two centuries ago on the monument to her husband. Iren Efimovna copied these words.

For the fact that at the expense of the institute she accompanied Fedorov on trips abroad.

For the public demand of victims on the altar of universal love. “I’m ready to crawl after him with an open belly and intestines dragging in the dust,” she minted toasts at banquets, and everyone felt uncomfortable - maybe because not everyone was ready to crawl after him in the same way?

For "that sperm that Svyatoslav Nikolaevich launched into the uterus of your mothers, for which you should be grateful to him all your life ..." - these are her words, constantly repeated to Fedorov's native daughters Irina and Olga, the institute public will never forget. As a former gynecologist, Iren Efimovna expressed herself specifically.

For the influence that she had on the boss, when, as a result of home analysis, what was black in the evening became white in the morning.

For the fact that she was a secret personnel department and any appointment or dismissal required her consent.

For the fact that at the end of his life Fedorov lost his sense of reality - even his closest friends were embarrassed by his presidential ambitions, but if everyone around sang "Glory" and desperately misrepresented the rating data, it was difficult not to join the general choir, behind which no falsity was heard.

For the fungus of general sycophancy, which in recent years struck the institute. Svyatoslav Fedorov was adored at the MNTK, but they understood that he was inseparable from his wife. On the contrary, they did not like her, but they were forced to pretend that they loved her, and before the holidays they lined up together with gifts.

For the fact that she finally liked this role ...

But it's terrible to talk about me like that! - Iren Efimovna was indignant when she heard this list. - I had the nickname “mother” at the institute, I basically asked for people - someone needed an apartment, someone needed a child to be sent to a kindergarten or a pioneer camp. And now, when I see that all these people who once flattered so much, asked so much, begged so much, turned 180 degrees and pour dirt, I reassure myself with the following: they cannot forgive me for the fact that I was a witness to them voluntary humiliation!

They rushed at her as the most important enemy, although this is not entirely fair. Everyone has their own main enemy, he looks at us from the mirror and coincidentally bears the same name. It’s just that in the absence of the chef, the chicks lost their bearings and out of habit took out all their grievances on the mother duck ...

Women in the life of Svyatoslav Fedorov

First wife - Lilia Fedorovna.

The daughter from her first marriage, Irina, is a practicing ophthalmologist surgeon, works at the MNTK.

The second wife is Elena Leonovna.

The daughter from the second marriage, Olga, is an ophthalmologist and director of the Fedorov Museum.

The third wife is Iren Efimovna.

Twin daughters from her previous marriage - Elina (translator) and Yulia (ophthalmologist) - help in the work of the Fund for Promotion of Advanced Medical Technologies named after S. Fedorov.

On that fateful day wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov Iren Efimovna dissuaded her husband from flying to Moscow by helicopter, but he could not resist for the first time not to justify his amateur pilot license received the day before. This flight proved tragic, and he, along with three other passengers, died after the helicopter crashed to the ground.

This day was tragic for all his relatives and friends, including his daughters and all his wives. According to his daughter from Irina's first marriage, her mother is the first wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov Lilia Fedorovna continued to love him even after their divorce. Lilia Fedorovna was a rather tough, uncompromising person, and when she accidentally found out about her husband's betrayal, without saying a word, she packed her bags and left him with her daughter, who was then twelve years old.

And the novel, because of which the first family of the future famous ophthalmologist broke up, happened to him with Elena Leonovna- the second wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov. She gave birth to Fedorov another daughter - Olga. With his third wife Iren Efimovna Svyatoslav Nikolaevich met right in his office when she came to see him to arrange her aunt for an operation. According to her, she fell in love with Fedorov at first sight. He, too, did not remain indifferent to a beautiful woman, and when Aunt Iren Efimovna ended up in the hospital, they began to see each other every day. Later, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich called his future wife, invited her to a restaurant, then he came to visit, and they no longer parted. Their romance developed at a time when the famous surgeon was still married, and, according to his second daughter Olga, if not for Irene, then their family would not have fallen apart.

The third wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov, Iren Efimovna, did not bear him children, but her two twin daughters from a previous marriage, Elina and Yulia, were brought up in their family. Svyatoslav Nikolaevich treated them like family. After the death of Fedorov, relations between the third wife of Svyatoslav Fedorov and his daughters from previous marriages develop in different ways. She does not communicate with the elder Irina at all, moreover, they became real enemies in the struggle for the inheritance of the famous microsurgeon. With her youngest daughter Olga, who sincerely supported her after the death of her husband, Iren Efimovna has a very warm relationship. Iren Fedorova lived with her husband for twenty-six years, during which she was not only his wife, but also an assistant - after completing nursing courses, Iren Efimovna assisted her husband in operations. After the death of her husband, Iren Fedorova headed the foundation named after him.
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