Where is Alexander Ivanovich Malyshev now? Malyshev organized crime group. Petrov family business


The last decade of the 20th century in Russia is called the “dashing 90s” for a reason. Organized criminal communities, especially openly, controlled almost all spheres of life.

The CrimeRussia website published a list of the most influential and brutal Russian organized crime groups of the 1990s.

1. Shchelkovskaya

Alexander Matusov

The Shchelkovskaya organized crime group was based in the Shchelkovo district near Moscow from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s. The organized crime group included residents of the local village of Biokombinat. The Shchelkovskys gained notoriety for a number of murders they committed. According to investigators, they account for at least 60 deaths of entrepreneurs, gangsters and their own accomplices.

The founder of the group was the criminal "authority" Alexander Matusov, known by the nickname "Basmach". Before creating his own gang, he was a member of the Izmailovsky organized criminal group. "Basmach" created a group that kept the entire village in fear - from policemen to officials. "Shchelkovsky" were known in the criminal world for their particular cruelty. The people of "Basmach" preferred not to negotiate, but simply to eliminate competitors. Soon, the organized criminal group began to work at the request of customers throughout Russia - to kill or take hostages, who were brutally tortured, demanding to pay money. As the investigators noted, most of the victims (regardless of whether they paid a ransom or not) were killed and buried in the Shchelkovsky district.

Video: The plot of "Vesti" about the trial of Matusov

The bloody crimes of the "Shchelkovites" became known to law enforcement agencies only during the investigation of the case of the friendly "Kingisepp" group. In 2009, a criminal case was opened against members of the Shchelkovskaya organized criminal group, and the escaped leader of the Basmach gang was put on the federal wanted list. However, in 2014 he was detained in Thailand and extradited to Russia. Now a jury is being selected for him to judge.

2. "Slonovskaya" organized criminal group

Vyacheslav "Elephant" Ermolov

The group originated in Ryazan in 1991; its organizers were the former driver of the Ryazan city prosecutor's deputy Nikolai Ivanovich Maksimov ("Max") and the taxi driver Vyacheslav Yermolov ("Elephant") - it was thanks to the latter that the gang got its name. The first capital was made by criminals, "protecting" local "thimble-makers".

Soon the group mastered larger-scale businesses: fraud with the sale of cars and racketeering; then the "elephants" moved on to capture entire enterprises. In a short time, virtually the entire city was under the control of the organized criminal group.

However, in 1993, the "elephants" had a conflict with another gang operating in the city - the "Ayrapetovskie" (in honor of the leader - Viktor Airapetov, "Viti Ryazansky"). During the "shooter" between the heads of the groups - Yermolov and Airapetov - there was a fight, during which the "Elephant" was severely beaten. This marked the beginning of a large-scale gang war. In response, the “elephants” shot at the club of the Ryazselmash plant, where the Airapetovskys rested. The Vitya Ryazansky himself miraculously escaped - he managed to hide behind a column. Soon Airapetov struck - "Max" was shot in the entrance of his own house. "Elephants" got to "Ryazan" only in 1995 - he was kidnapped in front of his own guards, his body was found only a month later in the forest near the highway.

"Slonovskaya" organized crime group

Already in 1996, the "Slonovskaya" organized criminal group was actually liquidated. The most influential members of the gang were convicted in 2000, receiving various terms of imprisonment (the maximum is 15 years). At the same time, the head of the group - Vyacheslav Yermolov - managed to escape. According to some reports, he now lives in Europe.

3. "Volgovskaya" organized criminal group

Dmitry Ruzlyaev

The "Volgovskaya" criminal gang was created by two natives of the city of Togliatti, employees of the Volga Hotel, Alexander Maslov and Vladimir Karapetyan. The main activity of the gang was associated with the sale of stolen parts from the local VAZ automobile plant.

Gradually, its influence and income grew: during the heyday of the gang, when the group controlled half of the shipment of the company's cars and dozens of dealer companies, the Volgovskys earned over $400 million a year.

In 1992, shortly after his release, the head of the gang, Alexander Maslov, was shot. The murder of the criminal leader took place during the war between the "Volgovskaya" and the group of Vladimir Vdovin ("Partner"). After the death of Maslov, the organized criminal group was headed by his closest associate, Dmitry Ruzlyaev, nicknamed Dima Bolshoy, in connection with which the gang began to be called "Ruzlyaevskaya". Soon the "Ruzlyaevskaya" made an alliance with local groups - "Kupeevskaya", "Mokrovskaya", "Sirotenkovskaya", "Chechen".

As it turned out during the arrest of "Dima Bolshoy" in 1997, he was in close contact with some influential security officials, which to a certain extent confirmed the rumors that the "Volgovskys" were supported by the local police to create a counterweight to the "Naparnik" organized crime group.

On April 24, 1998, Dmitry Ruzlyaev, along with a driver and two bodyguards, was shot from four machine guns in his own car. "Dima Bolshoi" was buried on the famous "Alley of Heroes" of Togliatti, along with other local "brothers".

By the beginning of the 2000s, the group was actually liquidated - most of the leaders and killers of the gang were either killed or sentenced to long terms. The last head of the Volgovskys, Viktor Pchelin, was caught in 2007 after being on the run for 10 years.

Grave of Ruzlyaev

In March 2016, it was reported that one of the previously caught active members of the gang, Vladimir Vorobey, was found dead in the hospital of correctional colony No. 9 with signs of suicide. Sparrow, who had been on the wanted list since 1997, was detained only in January 2016 in St. Petersburg, where he lived under the name of Vadim Gusev.

4. "Malyshevskaya" organized criminal group

Gennady Petrov and Alexander Malyshev

The Malyshevskaya OPG is one of the most influential gangs in St. Petersburg, operating from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. Its organizer is a former wrestler Alexander Malyshev. He began his criminal career, working as a "thimble" under the "roof" of the "Tambovskaya" organized criminal group. However, already in the late 80s, Malyshev managed to assemble a gang under his command. In 1989, the first clash between the "Tambovskaya" and "Malyshevskaya" took place with the use of firearms, after which the groups became enemies.

After a skirmish with the Tambov gang, Malyshev and another influential member of the gang, Gennady Petrov, were arrested on suspicion of banditry, but were soon released. Immediately after the release, the “brothers” hurried to hide abroad: Malyshev fled to Sweden, and Petrov to Spain.

After the case was closed, the leaders of the organized crime group returned to St. Petersburg, where they continued their activities. The influence of the Malyshevskys grew until the mid-1990s, when they were supplanted by the more powerful Tambovs. After the murder of most of the gang members by competitors, Malyshev and Petrov again fled abroad. However, the enterprising "brothers" did not give up and continued to develop their criminal network already in Europe. Malyshev received Estonian citizenship, then lived in Germany, and from there moved to Spain, where Petrov also moved.

As the Spanish police later established, the Malyshevskys began to actively create a complex system for laundering illegally acquired money invested in real estate. Subsequently, it is Petrov who will become one of the main defendants in the high-profile case of the “Russian mafia in Spain”, in which, in addition to him, a number of prominent businessmen and politicians of the Russian Federation are mentioned. In 2008, there was a mass arrest of Russian mafiosi - more than 20 gang members were detained. At the same time, the investigation took place in a very strange way - Petrov was soon released to his native Petersburg under the pretext of restoring health. For some reason, he did not dare to go back to Spain.

But Malyshev spent time in a Spanish prison until 2015, after which he also returned to St. Petersburg. According to him, he retired and decided to live a quiet life, not connected in any way with crime.

5. "Izmailovskaya" organized criminal group

Anton Malevsky, Valery Dlugach

Originated in Moscow in the mid-1980s. She grew up from the capital's youth gangs, historically opposed to the "lubers". Its leader was Oleg Ivanov, who moved to Moscow from Kazan. Later, the leadership of the group included Viktor Nestruev (“Boy”), Anton Malevsky (“Anton Izmailovsky”), Sergey Trofimov (“Trofim”) and Alexander Afanasiev (“Afonya”), thief in law Sergey Aksenov (“Aksen”) .

The gang consisted of about 200 people (according to other sources, from 300 to 500). At the same time, Izmailovskaya united several more groups under its wing - in particular, Golyanovskaya and Perovskaya. Therefore, organized crime groups are often called "Izmailovo-Golyanovskaya". It operated in the Eastern, Southeastern, Northeastern and Central administrative districts, as well as in the Lyubertsy and Balashikha districts of the Moscow region.

At the same time, the gang was at enmity with representatives of Chechen groups. Initially, the Izmailovskys, like many others like them, were engaged in robberies, robberies and "protection" of small businesses. Subsequently, not without the help of former security officials who joined the organized criminal group, private security companies were opened, under the cover of which the gang could already quite legally acquire firearms and, in general, legalize their activities. Plus, communication with law enforcement officers made it possible to receive insider information and avoid punishment for bribes.

One of the active members of the gang - Anton Malevsky in the criminal world of Moscow was considered the greatest "lawlessness", not recognizing "authorities". According to some operational data, it was he who was guilty of the murder of thief in law Valery Dlugach (Globus) and his associate Vyacheslav Banner (Bobon).

The money obtained by criminal means was “laundered” by the group with the help of casinos and high-ranking officials who helped the bandits carry out monetary transactions for a certain percentage. In addition, finances were withdrawn abroad, where they invested in real estate. Also, "Izmailovsky" created a number of enterprises for the production of jewelry from precious metals and stones. In addition, the “brothers” actively participated in commercial wars for the right to own the largest Russian metallurgical enterprises.

In the mid-90s, competitors on the one hand and law enforcement officers on the other began to smash the group. In 1994, during the persecution by the police, Alexander Afanasyev (“Afonya”) was seriously injured. The following year, during an assassination attempt, the treasurer of the gang, Liu Zhi Kai ("Misha the Chinaman") and Fyodor Karashov ("The Greek"), were killed. Literally a month later, two more members of the gang died during the “showdown”. In addition, MUR officers detained Viktor Nestruev (“The Boy”) and Sergei Korolyov (“Marikelo”). Anton Malevsky ("Anton Izmailovsky") first emigrated to Israel, and in 2001 he died in South Africa during a parachute jump. Finally, in 2012, another former gang member, Konstantin Maslov (“Maslik”), was convicted of murdering a Chechen businessman.

6. "Tambovskaya" organized criminal group

Vladimir Barsukov (Coumarin)

This organized group was considered one of the most powerful criminal groups operating in St. Petersburg in the 90s and early 2000s. The "Tambovskaya" organized criminal group is named after the homeland of its founding fathers - Vladimir Barsukov (until 1996 - Kumarin) and Valery Ledovskikh are natives of the Tambov region. Having met in St. Petersburg, they decided to organize a gang, where they "recruited" fellow countrymen and former athletes. Like many organized crime groups, the Tambovskaya started out guarding the thimbles, then switched to racketeering.

In 1990, Kumarin, Ledovskikh and many members of their gang received terms for extortion. After being released, the “Tambovskaya” returned to criminal activity again. At this time, the flourishing of the "Tambovskaya" organized criminal group begins, which is rapidly growing and establishing ties with politicians and businessmen.

In 1993, the Tambovites began to take part in bloody showdowns. According to some reports, the gang often involved people from Chechnya in solving their problems.

The members of the "Tambovskaya" organized criminal group operated in a variety of areas - from the export of timber and the import of office equipment to the gambling business and prostitution. From the mid-1990s, they began to "launder" the capital earned by criminal means, curtailing criminal activity. They created a number of private security companies and monopolized the entire fuel and energy business in St. Petersburg. By that time, Barsukov was given the nickname “night governor of St. Petersburg” - he had such a powerful influence.

Galina Starovoitova

However, in the 2000s, the group began to have problems, followed by a series of high-profile arrests. Barsukov was sentenced to 23 years in a strict regime colony for the attempted murder of businessman Sergei Vasiliev. In the future, Vladimir Barsukov has two more trials - in the case of the murder of State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova, where the organizer of the crime, deputy Mikhail Glushchenko, called him the customer, and on the organization of the murder of two associates Grigory Pozdnyakov and Yan Gurevsky in 2000.

7. Uralmash

Konstantin Tsyganov and Alexander Khabarov

An organized criminal community arose in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in 1989. Initially, the “working” territory of the group was considered the Ordzhonikidzevsky district of the city, in which the giant Uralmash plant was located. The founders are the brothers Grigory and Konstantin Tsyganov, whose inner circle included Sergey Terentyev, Alexander Khabarov, Sergey Kurdyumov (foreman of the Uralmash killers), Sergey Vorobyov, Alexander Kruk, Andrey Panpurin and Igor Mayevsky.

In the "best" years, the OPS included about 15 gangs with a total number of about 500 people. In the first half of the 90s, the "Uralmash" were known as adherents of harsh forceful methods (up to "contract" killings - which were later counted about 30).

Very soon, the "Uralmash" gang entered into a confrontation with representatives of another gang - the "center". The result was the murder in 1991 of Grigory Tsyganov (his younger brother Konstantin takes his place). In response to this, in 1992, the leader of the "center" Oleg Vagin was liquidated. He, along with three bodyguards, was shot from machine guns in the city center. In 1993 - early 1994, several more leaders and "authorities" of a rival group were killed (N. Shirokov, M. Kuchin, O. Dolgushin and others).

Further, Uralmash became the most powerful criminal group in Yekaterinburg. It was led by Alexander Khabarov. In the second half of the 90s, the group gained enormous weight and began to influence the political life of the region. For example, in 1995, Uralmash helped Eduard Rossel in the election of the governor of the region. A year later, during the presidential elections, Alexander Khabarov organized the "Movement of workers in support of Boris Yeltsin." In 1999, he officially registers the OPS "Uralmash" (stands for "socio-political union"). In November 2000, with the direct support of the OPS and Khabarov personally, the head of Krasnoufimsk was elected. In 2001, Alexander Kukovyakin became a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, and in 2002 Khabarov himself. All this helped the gang to gain control over the criminal sectors of the economy and, having created a network of commercial enterprises (from 150 to 600), gradually legalize their activities.

Alexander Khabarov

In December 2004, Alexander Khabarov was arrested on charges of coercion to make a deal or refusal to make it (Article 179 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). A year later, the leader of the "Uralmash" was found hanged in a pre-trial detention center. Since then, the "Uralmash" have greatly lost their influence, active members of the group for the most part became businessmen or fled abroad. One of the leaders, Alexander Kruk, was found dead in 2000 at the dacha of another gang member, Andrey Panpurin, in a suburb of Sofia (Bulgaria). And Alexander Kukovyakin was extradited to Russia from the UAE in 2015 and appeared in court on charges of bankruptcy misconduct and non-payment of wages.

8. "Solntsevskaya" organized criminal group

Sergei Mikhailov

The "Solntsevskaya" criminal gang arose in the late 1980s. The name of one of the largest organized crime groups operating in the CIS is associated with the municipal district of the capital Solntsevo. It was here that persons with a criminal past united Sergey Mikhailov (“Mikhas”), Khachidze Dzhemal (“thieves' curator of the gang), Alexander Fedulov (“Fedul”), Aram Atayan (“Baron”), Viktor Averin (“Avera Sr.”) , his younger brother Alexander Averin ("Sasha-Avera", aka "Avera Jr.") Gradually, members of the organized crime group occupied the entire South-West of the capital. Other, smaller criminal structures fell under their control - "Yasenevsky", "Chertanovsky", "Cheryomushkinsky".

From primitive racketeering, the "Solntsevskaya" gang moved into the sphere of economics, taking as a basis the model of American mafia clans. Basically, the "Solntsevo" were engaged in smuggling, drug transit (for this they established contacts in America), organizing prostitution, kidnapping and killing people, extortion and the sale of weapons. Among the economic machinations of the "Solntsevo" are fake deals that the group concluded with Russian Railways contractors with the help of "friendly" banks "Russian Credit", "Transport", "Western", "Most Bank", "Antalbank", "Russian Land Bank" , Taurus, European Express, Rublevsky, Interkapitalbank (all of them have now had their licenses revoked - editor's note), etc.

The money of the "Solntsevskaya" organized criminal group was invested in real estate, large enterprises, banks, hotels - about 30 establishments in total. The number of organized crime groups controlled then included the Radisson-Slavyanskaya, Cosmos, Central Tourist House hotels, shopping arcades and tents, the Solntsevsky car market and all the clothing markets of the South-Western Administrative District, including Luzhniki, Danilovsky, Kievsky, etc. .

The leader of the "Solntsevo" "Mikhas" is now actively involved in business and charity. He was among the first to use the so-called "law of oblivion" in an effort to hide his criminal past.

9. "Podolsk" organized crime group

One of the most powerful organized crime groups in Russia in the 1990s was a gang called Podolskaya. Its founder and permanent leader is an entrepreneur from Podolsk, an honorary resident of this city Sergey Lalakin, nicknamed "Luchok". Lalakin was not convicted, but it was reported that he twice became a participant in hooligan brawls. However, the cases did not reach the courts. After graduating from vocational school, Lalakin served, and after the "term" in the late 1980s, he embarked on a criminal path. According to open sources, he, along with his friends, was engaged in racketeering, playing "thimbles" and fraud with currency. But all these were “flowers”, which in the future made Lalakin a criminal ace, able to bribe an entire investigative department.

In the history of the "Podolsk" gang, there were many internal "showdowns" due to the struggle for power, but it was Luchok who survived everyone. All applicants for the role of the head of the organized criminal group eventually stepped aside. Under the leadership of Luchka, the group took control, in addition to Podolsk itself, of the Chekhov and Serpukhov districts of the Moscow region and most of the commercial organizations located on this territory, including banks, oil companies and even production firms. By the mid-1990s, the gang had become one of the most organized and wealthy criminal groups in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to some statements, "Luchok" at a certain stage surpassed "Sylvester" himself, and many major figures took into account his opinion, such as "thief in law" "Yaponchik" and Otar Kvantrishvili.

Until the mid-1990s, the "Podolsky" in bloody battles won a "place in the sun" for themselves. During the criminal showdown, several dozen leaders of the organized criminal group were killed, including Sergei Fedyaev, nicknamed "Psych", "authorities" Alexander Romanov, aka "Roman" and Nikolai Sobolev, nicknamed Sobol, head of the "Shcherbinsky" brigade (subdivision "Podolsky" groups) Valentin Rebrov, "authority" Vladimir Gubkin, Gennady Zvezdin ("Cannon"), Volgograd "authority" Mikhail Sologubov ("Sologub") and many others. It is noteworthy that some of these crimes had witnesses who pointed to Lalakin, but in none of these cases did he appear as a defendant. However, on October 10, 1995, Lalakin was detained by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of Russia, he was charged under the article "fraud". However, after some time, this matter also came to naught.

Boxer Alexander Povetkin, Sergey Lalakin and boxer Denis Lebedev

By the mid-1990s, the crime situation in Podolsk and its environs had stabilized. It was a time of reincarnation, when the “brothers” had to get out of their outdated “sports” and put on something more presentable. Then "Luchok" for the first time declared himself as a "successful entrepreneur": it became known that he entered the board of directors of a number of companies and became a shadow founder of the Soyuzkontrakt and Anis firms, controlled the Central International Tourist Complex, the Orkado firm and " Metropol. Today, according to Kartoteka, Sergei Lalakin, his son Maxim, and their partners are the owners of many different companies covering almost the entire spectrum of the market - from food and cafes to oil products, construction and exchange operations.

10. "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group

Sergey Timofeev ("Sylvester") is engaged in martial arts. 1979-1980

One of the most influential (if not the most influential) criminal group of the 1990s emerged in 1986 in the south of Moscow. It consisted of young people aged 18-25 who were fond of sports and lived in the Orekhovo-Borisovo area. The founder of the gang was the legendary Sergei Timofeev, named "Sylvester" for his love of bodybuilding and resemblance to the famous actor.

Like many others at that time, "Sylvester" began his criminal career with the "protection" of "thimble-makers" and extortion. Gradually, Timofeev united many different groups under his leadership, including such large ones as Medvedkovskaya and Kurganskaya (of which the famous killer Alexander Solonik was a member), and his commercial interests began to cover the most profitable areas. During their heyday, the Orekhovskys controlled about thirty banks in the Central Region, and also managed multimillion-dollar businesses: trading in diamonds, gold, real estate, and oil. The harsh methods of the "Orekhovskys" were not in vain - on September 13, 1994, the Sylvester Mercedes-Benz 600SEC car was blown up using a remote device.

After the death of such a strong leader, a bloody struggle unfolded for his place. As a result, in 1997, relying on the support of two other influential members of the gang - the Pylev brothers, one of the "foremen" of the organized criminal group, Sergei Butorin ("Osya"), took power. On his orders, the famous killer Alexander Solonik, who was resting at his villa in Greece, was killed. The performer was the no less legendary killer Alexander Pustovalov (“Sasha the Soldier”). He, like another well-known killer of the 90s - Alexey Sherstobitov ("Lesha the Soldier"), was a member of the "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group.

Alexey Sherstobitov

Alexander Pustovalov was born into a poor Moscow family. After serving in the Marine Corps, he tried to get a job in the police special forces, but was refused due to the lack of higher education. After a fight in a bar, he was accepted into the Orekhovskaya fighters. In the trial of “Sasha the Soldier”, his involvement in 18 murders was proved, although, according to the investigation, there were at least 35 of them. baranov, lawyer for the Kurgan organized crime group, Naumov, head of the Koptevskaya organized crime group, and Alexander Solonik. "Sasha-Soldat" was caught in 1999. The investigation into his case lasted 5 years. At the trial, the killer fully admitted his guilt and repented of his deed. The final term for him was 23 years in prison. However, over time, more and more details of Pustovalov’s activities are revealed: in the summer of 2016, the involvement of “Sasha the Soldier” in six more murders was discovered.

Aleksey Sherstobitov, a hereditary military man, detained a dangerous criminal during his studies, for which he was awarded an order. On account of his 12 proven murders and attempts. He got into the gang after meeting influential members of the "Orekhovskaya" organized crime group - Grigory Gusyatinsky ("Griney") and Sergey Ananyevsky ("Kultik"). At the hands of "Lesha-Soldier" the well-known businessman in criminal circles Otar Kvantrishvili, Grigory Gusyatinsky (who brought Sherstobitov to the gang), the owner of the "Dolls" club, Joseph Glotser, died. According to the killer himself, he even had the oligarch Boris Berezovsky at gunpoint, but at the last moment the order was canceled by phone.

For a long time, investigators did not believe in the existence of Lesha the Soldier, considering him to be some kind of collective image of a whole gang of killers. Sherstobitov was very careful: he never communicated with ordinary members of the gangs, he never left prints. Going out "on business", the killer skillfully disguised himself. As a result, the "Soldier" was caught only in 2005, when he came to the Botkin hospital to visit his father. Prior to this, a separate group of investigators "developed" Sherstobitov for several years.

According to the totality of crimes, the killer, who admitted his guilt and agreed to cooperate with the investigation, received 23 years in prison. In the Lesha-Soldat prison, he writes autobiographical books.

Dmitry Belkin and Oleg Pronin

The collapse of the Orekhovskys began with the murder of investigator Yuri Kerez, the first in Russia to initiate a case under article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of a criminal community”). Kerez was the first security official who managed to get on the trail of the "Orekhovskaya" gang. According to some information, Dmitry Belkin, the leader of the Orekhovskys, tried to “hush up” the case with a bribe of $1 million, but the investigator refused. Thus, he signed his own death warrant. The employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not forgive the murder of their colleague and threw all their forces into the fight against organized crime groups.

Sergei Butorin

Over the next 13 years, law enforcement agencies in Russia and other countries managed to practically decapitate the Orekhovskaya group. Alexander Pustovalov, Sergei Butorin, Andrei and Oleg Pylev and others were arrested. Dmitry Belkin was the last major "authority" of Orekhovsky, who remained at large and was on the international wanted list for more than 10 years. In October 2014, Belkin and Orekhovskaya killer Oleg Pronin, nicknamed Al Capone, were found guilty of murder and attempted murder. Belkin was sentenced to life imprisonment with serving in a special regime correctional colony. Oleg Pronin was sentenced to 24 years in a strict regime colony. Earlier, Oleg Pronin had already been sentenced by a court to imprisonment for a period of 17 years for participating in a gang and committing especially serious crimes in it. In addition, the "Orekhovskaya" are behind the repeated assassination attempts on the deputy of the Odintsovo municipal assembly, Sergei Zhurba.

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The most numerous, but less organized criminal community. He has mafia connections in the middle management of the city. It includes a large number of criminal elements. Dangerous in physical collision. The main goal is large commercial structures (including banks). One of the methods is to get your people to work in structures and firms of interest, to acquire a controlling stake, to train your own economic personnel in the official educational institutions of the city.

Spheres of influence: Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky and Moskovsky, part of the Central and Kalininsky regions.
hotels: "Oktyabrskaya", "Okhtinskaya", "Pribaltiyskaya",
restaurants: "Polyarny", "Universal", "Petrobir"

Markets: automobile markets in the Frunzensky district, on Marshal Kazakov Street and allegedly takes control of the Nekrasovsky market.

Trade in antiques. Gambling business. Particularly controls Nevsky Prospekt.


Malyshev Alexander Ivanovich, born in 1958.

Previously engaged in wrestling, but did not achieve much success. He has many acquaintances among athletes. After two terms of imprisonment in 1977 (premeditated murder) and in 1984 (careless murder) he was a "thimblemaker" at the Hay Market, worked under the cover of the Kumarin group and had the nickname "Baby". Contrary to rumors, he was never a thief in law. He put together his own group in the late 80s, uniting under his leadership the "Tambovites", "Kolesnikovites", "Kemerovo", "Komarovtsy", "Perm", "Kudryashov", "Kazan", "Tarasov", "Severodvinsk" , "Saranians", "Efimovites", "Voronezh", "Azerbaijanis", Krasnoyarsk", "Chechens", "Dagestanis", "Krasnoseltsy", "Vorkuta" and bandits from Ulan-Ude. Each group consisted of 50 to 250 people. The total number of the group is about 2,000 militants.

Malyshev's residence was located in the Pulkovskaya Hotel, there was an office on Berezovaya Alley (Kamenny Ostrov), where he received businessmen and, in particular, met with the chairman of the board of the Petrovsky bank, O.V. Golovin. The mediator in the negotiations was a citizen of Cyprus Getelson.

He maintained contacts with Moscow through the leader of the "winged" group Oleg Romanov (killed in autumn 1994). He created a number of bandit firms: calling prostitutes at home, cafes, saunas, buying up non-ferrous metals, etc.

He is the manager of LLP "Nelli-Druzhba" and the founder of the company "Tatti", which owns a network of commercial stores. I used Caucasians to work on knocking out debts. He transferred money to financial institutions (banks) of Cyprus, with their help he achieved influence on the largest banks in St. Petersburg. With the money of Malyshev, the Kiselev Music Center was created, the holidays "Vivat St. Petersburg!" and White Nights of Rock 'n' Roll. Organized the underground production of small-caliber revolvers. At the meeting in 1993, he secured the drug trade, leaving the "Azerbaijanis" only the sale of agricultural products.

After a showdown with the Tambovites, he fled to Sweden, from where he spread rumors about his death in a shootout. He returned after the failure of the trials of his colleagues. In October 1992, Malyshev and 18 of his closest connections were arrested during the implementation of the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the case of businessman Dadonov. On August 25, 1993, Malshev's closest associates were released on bail not to leave: Kirpichev, Berlin, Petrov. The Association of Boxers of St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation of French Boxing, the Tonus cooperative and the administration of the prison where he was kept petitioned for the release of another colleague, Rashid Rakhmatulin. Rashid was released, and the supervising prosecutor V. Osipkin, who opposed this, was soon dismissed from the prosecutor's office.

After the arrest of Malshev, Moscow thieves in law tried to get their hands on St. Petersburg crime. Andrey Berzin (Trouble) who spoke against this in March 1993 at the Moscow-Petersburg gangway was killed. In the same year, there were attempts on almost all prominent St. Petersburg bandits.

The trial of Malyshev ended in 1995, he was sentenced for illegal possession and possession of weapons to 2.5 years of general regime, but since he spent 2 years and 11 months in the SIZO, he was released.

Despite the fact that Malyshev was in prison for a long time, his authority still remained high. Through his lawyers, he continued to manage cases. Its structure by 1995 consisted of 350-400 fighters.

Berlin Andrei, born in 1953.

Businessman, mathematician, was a student - correspondence student and Komsomol activist. Started in business by making fake "signature" jeans. In 1974, he was also charged with burglary. Played out schizophrenia, spent more than 13 years in a psychiatric hospital, where he studied Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Finnish and Swedish. In the late 1980s, he entered the computer business. Arrested in 1992 in the case of businessman Dadonov. On August 25, 1993, he was released due to insufficient evidence. In early February 1994, he was kidnapped and beaten by a rival gang. Released by police. Now the president of KF "Inex-Limited".

The leadership of the Malyshev group, in addition to those mentioned, includes:
Belobzhevsky Sergey.
Kirpichev Vladislav.
Petrov Gennady.

The leaders of the criminal groups included in the "Malshevskaya" group are:
Ledovskikh Valery.
The group works on gas stations and gasoline transportation. It has its own surveillance unit.

Miskarev Sergey (Broiler 1)
The group was recruited by him in the colony-settlement, controls the Oktyabrskaya hotel, pogroms in the markets were organized by his closest assistant Lunev.

Musin Sergey (Musik).
The group consists of about 50 people. Controls the Krasnoselsky district. Musin has access to the deputy head of the 8th department. militia named Tofik.

Zharinov Stanislav (Stas Fried).
The group is engaged in receiving money from "call girls"; controls the Kirovsky district.

The group carries out outdoor surveillance and radio interception.

The group controls the Okhtinskaya hotel.

Komarov Yuri (Komar).
Former cook, boxer, who became in the zone, where he got for beating with authority. He built a new restaurant, Gloria, invested in sports complexes, allegedly, according to rumors, refuses to deal with drugs and has a very bad attitude towards making money through prostitution. The group controls Zelenogorsk, Sestroretsk, campsites, recreation centers, foreign tourism. Almost always there was also Zelenogorsk or Komarovo. He had connections with the large police leadership of the city of Lenogorsk, the son of one of them worked for him.

According to unverified information, representatives of the Transcaucasian criminal structures killed several bodyguards of "Komar" in the summer of 1995, he himself disappeared and, according to rumors, is hiding either in Germany or in Thailand.

Until recently, Komarov managed to keep the newcomers from Tambov, Kazan, and others in his possessions. But after the death of the “arbitrator” of the community, Bondarenko Svinar, control in this area also passes to the “Chechens”.

Controlling the drug business.

"Sasha Matros".
Controls trucking, has a surveillance service.

The group controls the Avtovo district.

The group controls the Krasnoye Selo area.

Leader of the Malyshevskaya OCG

Was born: in 1958 in Leningrad

Education: the average

Summary: He walked the classic path of a gangster. At first, newspapers wrote about him in connection with the crimes committed and court sentences, and now - in connection with his return to his homeland as a pensioner.


He was born in a communal apartment on the corner of Ligovka and Obvodny Canal. Parents were from Pskov peasants. In the atmosphere of the most Spanish place in Leningrad, Malyshev learned to defend his "ten kopecks."

In 1971, his father, a correct Soviet artisan, received a three-room apartment in a nine-story block building on Pionerstroya Street in the Krasnoselsky District. And there, among the district petushniks, his son is at ease. Endowed with strength by nature, he is engaged in freestyle wrestling, slowly becoming a leader.

In August 1975, he entered the Leningrad Mechanical and Instrument-Making College with a degree in metal cutting. But in the fall, he gets involved in an unequal fight with the neighbors on Mechnikov Avenue, kills, for which he receives six and a half years in prison.

In 1979 he was released to a settlement, he joined the Komsomol and left ahead of schedule. After his release, he worked as a barmaid at the Yantar pub in Pushkin, and in the spring of 1983 he became a cloakroom attendant at the Riga bar in his own Krasnoselsky district. Then it was called the prestigious word "bouncer". In a similar position, but in the bar "Tallinn", a guy from Tambov, expelled from LITMO, Vladimir Kumarin, works in those days.

Six months later, Malyshev is again condemned. He sometimes laughs at himself: "I sit all my life for a fist." The second time he clashed in a cafe on Veteranov Avenue because of a girl, after which the victim hit his head on the tile and died. This time three years in prison.

When both came out, the era of Gorbachev and the cooperative movement was already in bloom. Masters of Soviet sports imposed tribute on the emerging bourgeoisie. The word "racket" flashed. When Leningrad was renamed Petersburg in 1991, Malyshev's name was already a brand. And the world of organized crime was divided into thousands of those who swore allegiance to him and into "Tambov". Whatever was going on in the world of power entrepreneurship was associated with him, even if he was not in the know.

In 1992, 17 strong guys are arrested. And the godfather Malyshev is charged with organizing an armed gang.


In February 2010, the Spanish National Court of Justice announced the release on bail of three Russians suspected of money laundering, financial fraud, tax evasion and organizing a criminal community. The amount of the pledge is 1.4 million euros. Of these, exactly 500 thousand should be contributed by Alexander Malyshev, who is also Alejandro Lagnas Gonzalez, who is also the founder of the so-called Malyshev group, which at one time controlled almost half of St. Petersburg.

Our compatriots went to jail in a southern country on Friday, June 13, 2008, after the Spanish police, together with attached units of the National Guard, carried out a full-scale military operation. According to official figures, more than 400 people took part in it, who hunted for a group of people of Russian origin in the resorts of Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Alicante and Marbella. 15 people were taken into custody in Spain and one (by the forces of the special squad of the investigative unit of the Spanish prosecutor's office) in Berlin. The European media then wrote about the triumphant completion of the operation, which lasted several years, code-named "Troika", the main goal of which was "the Russian mafia in Europe."

I can say that in addition to the General Prosecutor's Office of Spain, the work was carried out by employees of five more departments of the police, the customs service and the Central Bank, - Jose Carrau, one of the lead investigators in the case, told Ogonyok at the time. - We have a large number of financial documents, several hundred hours of telephone conversations are recorded. A total of 25 arrest warrants have been issued. Some of the suspects are still hiding abroad, including in Russia.

The detainees were charged under seven articles of the Spanish Criminal Code at once: 515, 517 - the creation of a criminal group; 390, 392 - falsification of official and commercial documents; 305 - causing damage to the state treasury; 301, 251 - acquisition of property obtained by criminal means and misappropriation of rights to another's property. In total, such a set "pulls" for 40 years in prison.

With the light hand of prosecutor Baltazar Garson, famous after the "Pinochet case", the Spanish press began to call the detainees Hermanos de Tambov - "brothers from Tambov." The same name was later included in the official indictment. Although for any Petersburger to call the group of Alexander Malyshev "Tambov" - it's like admitting that Moscow is better than St. Petersburg. Or confuse Sredneokhtinsky Prospekt with Liteiny. Because, unlike the "come in large numbers", it was the "Malyshevsky" who were the root of the St. Petersburg group.

True, for the sake of justice, it must be admitted that with the leader of the Tambovskaya gang, Vladimir Kumarin (who is currently on trial in Moscow), Malyshev was not just familiar: in the mid-80s, the future defendant in a high-profile Spanish criminal case bore the nickname Malysh and hunted by playing thimbles at the Leningrad Hay Market, which was partially protected by Kumarin. They became irreconcilable enemies later, after a criminal showdown, in which two hundred people took part.

The question of why suddenly in 2008 the Spanish "Troika" ran into a criminal element of Russian origin remains unanswered. Let's try to analyze several versions.

Version one: greetings from home.

In his native St. Petersburg, after leaving abroad for permanent residence, Alexander Malyshev appeared only once - in the fall of 2007. The visit happened after his main enemy, the leader of the Tambovites, Vladimir Kumarin, was arrested. According to experts, this single visit by Malyshev was enough to make "serious people" worried: the redistribution of property in the Northern capital was completed a long time ago, and no one wanted a new round inevitable if Malysh returned. According to rumors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a corresponding order, and a voluminous dossier on the Malyshevskys was promptly handed over to the Spanish colleagues.

Perhaps these are just rumors, but in the indictment, signed by the investigator of the fifth department of the National Court of Justice, Balthazar Garzon, all the previous convictions and sins of both Malyshev and Petrov are scrupulously listed. Up to the exact date and time of the crimes and a description of how and where the accused met. It's hard to believe that the Spanish police have been following their "career" since 1977...

Version two: uncivilized business.

According to the official position of the Spanish investigation, the Troika operation began back in 2006 with an inspection of the activities of numerous commercial enterprises established by Alexander Malyshev and Gennady Petrov. The Spaniards believe that the defendants created several closed joint-stock companies, to whose accounts huge sums were transferred from banks located in offshore zones in Cyprus, the Virgin Islands and Panama. The money was spent on real estate transactions, so that, according to the police, when buying up plots and houses in Spain, Malyshev and Petrov simply laundered criminal capital. The investigation believes that at least two structures created by business partners were involved in illegal transactions: Inmobiliara Calvia 2001 and Inmobiliara Balear 2001. The prosecution considers all real estate transactions illegal and hopes to confiscate assets worth 30 million euros. Another 25 million transferred to the accounts of these companies from banks in Panama, the United States, Switzerland, Latvia and Russia, has been frozen by court order.

The materials of the Spanish tax authorities also appear at the heart of the accusation. There are several hundred such episodes in the indictment. On May 30, 2005, for example, Internasion, owned by Gennady Petrov, bought the Sasha yacht, paying 3.5 million euros for it. VAT on this purchase was never paid, so 530,000 euros were hidden from the Spanish authorities. In June of the same year, Malyshev and Petrov transferred seven land plots to Inmobiliara, receiving 4 million shares at a price of 1 euro each. No taxes were paid on this transaction.

True, while describing in detail the schemes for conducting financial fraud, the Spanish investigators could not answer one question: it is known from which offshore accounts the money came, and it is already clear how these funds were legalized. But where did the money come from in these offshore accounts?

Version three: big ear.

The Spanish newspaper ABC, which received access to the documents of the National Court of Justice, claims that financial fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. “Throughout the investigation, the police had access to thousands of telephone conversations of the accused - at first there were seven of them, but then there were more. From 230 records, the hair stands on end, the sources say, because these conversations testify to the enormous power of the arrested leaders, their connections in Russia and former republics of the USSR, a whole range of crimes: murders, arms trafficking, drugs, extortion, bribery, illegal transactions, cobalt and tobacco smuggling, contract attacks, threats ... All these operations were managed from Spain, where the mafia leaders moved in 1996 to conspiracies".

This version seems to be the most entertaining. Admittedly, the passage about "leading global mafia operations" is hard to take seriously after the thimbles and shootouts over the stolen leather jacket. But no one takes this seriously - after all, it is not so much about the defendants in the case, but about the business in which they were assigned a certain role. What kind of business is this, who else was involved in it, how the income from it was distributed - these are the key questions that not only the Spanish investigative machine seemed to be trying to find answers to.

The fact that the connections of the “Malyshevskys” are of interest to the investigation in the first place was first reported by the same Spanish newspaper ABC. In her opinion, "the data revealed during the investigation, which lasted two years, indicate that the thieves in law, arrested as part of the Troika operation, had the opportunity to bribe the highest echelons of Russian power, and shamelessly used this opportunity." The newspaper believes that Malyshev and Petrov carried out delicate assignments of high-ranking Russian officials, receiving lucrative contracts in return.

The newspaper did not explain the degree of delicacy of these instructions, but quite transparent hints appeared in other media - among other things, they are talking about the illegal arms trade, which allegedly involved not so much the former St. Petersburg authorities as their "contacts". The partner in these operations seemed to be the legendary "black merchant" Monzir al-Kassar (his villa in Spanish Marbella is located just a couple of kilometers from Malyshev's villa). Al-Kassar has been widely known among "arms businessmen" since the middle of 79th. He supplied "goods" to Algeria, Libya, Syria, Iran, Bosnia and Croatia, and among his clients were the Palestine Liberation Organization, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

Allegedly, it was this master of the shadow market who became an intermediary in the new business of the "Malyshevsky": they ensured the purchase of weapons and equipment at Russian military factories, and al-Kassar sent the cargo to its destination. It is said that it was thanks to the efforts of the founders of this "joint venture" that Hezbollah militants were able to use Metis-M and Kornet anti-tank missile systems in battles with the Israeli army in southern Lebanon in the summer of 2006. The name of another participant in the "concession" is also mentioned: Viktor Bout, who was arrested in Thailand last year and is still in a Thai prison at the American request, allegedly provided transportation of especially valuable cargo to Iran and Syria.

According to sources familiar with this conspiratorial version, the well-established scheme of mutually beneficial shadow business was destroyed by none other than ... fugitive FSB lieutenant colonel Alexander Litvinenko, who passed information to Spanish law enforcement agencies about Russian crime bosses who had moved to Europe. Incidentally, this information is also confirmed by the influential Spanish newspaper El Pais, which reported that the fugitive Chekist consulted law enforcement agencies in Spain 6 months before the polonium poisoning.

In particular, he conveyed to the Spanish prosecutors information that kingpin Zakhary Kalashov (better known as Shakro-young) is negotiating the supply of Russian weapons with representatives of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. And it seems that it was after this tip that the police car (which is important - not only Spanish) began to consistently grind the links of the criminal chain.

First, during a special operation of the Spanish police in Dubai on May 7, 2006, Shakro-young was arrested (now he is being held under the strictest guard in a solitary confinement cell in the city of Suera in the Spanish province of Zaragoza). In June 2007, al-Kassar was arrested. In March 2008, Viktor Bout was taken in Thailand. Warrants for the arrest of both, already in the United States, were issued by the same prosecutor - Michael Garcia. It is worth noting an amusing detail: the composition of the operational groups working on these cases almost completely coincided.

In June 2008, the turn of the "Malyshevsky" came. Incidentally, the day after Operation Troika ended, Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba said that the detainees were "leaders of international organized crime" and were accused of "illegal arms trafficking." It is characteristic that subsequently none of the Spanish officials repeated this accusation again - did the minister inadvertently let it slip?

Meanwhile, a few days after the arrest of Malysh and his entire company, al-Kassar was transported from Spain to the United States, where in February last year he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. And if this branch in the investigation of covert weapons operations can be considered completed, the rest of the plots in this story are still with an open ending: it is still not clear how Bout's fate will turn out, and it is not at all clear why Malyshev and his companions were released on bail.

The Spanish press started talking about the fact that such a noisy business was falling apart before our eyes and that Balthazar Garzon was in a hurry to announce his victory over the "Russian mafia". Garson himself, however, does not answer these accusations. In early March, he is going to come ... to Moscow. According to him, in the criminal case of "Russian authorities" there is not enough answer to the key question: what role did the high-ranking Russian officials with whom they contacted play in the dark affairs of Alexander Malyshev and his accomplices? The Spaniards have a list of "contacts", the content of the conversations is known. Garzon sincerely hopes that he will be helped in Russia...

Source: Magazine "Ogonyok" No. 5 of 02/08/2010

In 2012, the National Court of Spain put on the international wanted list a Russian businessman with Greek citizenship, Gennady Petrov, his wife and his friend Leonid Khristoforov, whom the Spanish authorities suspect of involvement in money laundering and membership in the Tambov criminal community. Now Gennady Petrov, according to media reports, may be in St. Petersburg. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is not yet ready to confirm or deny the information about the search for Gennady Petrov and Leonid Khristoforov.

In the summer of 2008, Spanish law enforcement agencies conducted a large-scale operation "Troika", during which the authoritative businessman Alexander Malyshev and people from his close circle, including businessman Gennady Petrov and Leonid Khristoforov, were detained. This operation, which was led by Judge Baltasar Garzon, was presented by the Spanish authorities as the liquidation of members of the Tambov criminal community. Natives of Russia were suspected of involvement in money laundering, forgery of documents and tax evasion. This operation began with an inspection of the activities of Gennady Petrov's enterprises, through which, according to the Spanish police, money was laundered.

In 2010, Leonid Khristoforov and Gennady Petrov were released on bail of €300,000 and €600,000 respectively. The following year, the Spanish authorities gave Gennady Petrov permission to visit Russia to meet his mother. After this visit, the businessman returned. In April of this year, Gennady Petrov and his wife, as well as Leonid Khristoforov, received permission to go to Russia for treatment. However, they did not return. According to the St. Petersburg online newspaper, Petrov and Khristoforov notified the Spanish authorities of their poor health, confirming their words with medical documents.

Three months later, the national court of Spain, according to the Spanish ACB, issued an international warrant for the search and arrest of Gennady Petrov, his wife and Leonid Khristoforov.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region told Kommersant that a number of information requests from law enforcement agencies of Spain are in the local branch of Interpol. However, the St. Petersburg police are not yet ready to say that it is Leonid Khristoforov or Gennady Petrov who are wanted. The security forces explain this by the fact that, as practice shows, persons on the international wanted list often change their personal data. Therefore, it is possible that Leonid Khristoforov or Gennady Petrov may appear in the inquiries of the Spanish authorities, but under different names.

In Russia, Gennady Petrov became widely known only after the Troika operation, when the European media began to write about the Russian mafia. Leonid Khristoforov became famous back in the early 2000s during the trial of the murder of State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova. He testified against the group of Yuri Kolchin, convicted by the city court of St. Petersburg for the technical organization of the crime. Leonid Khristoforov told how he sold one of the members of Yuri Kolchin's group the Agram submachine gun, from which Galina Starovoitova was killed.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Malyshev organized crime group- a large organized crime group operating in St. Petersburg from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s.

Grouping creation

The founder of the group was a former wrestler Alexander Malyshev. He had previously been convicted twice for premeditated murder and negligent homicide. After his release, he “worked” as a thimblemaker at the Sennoy market in Leningrad under the guise of the Tambov organized criminal group. In the late 1980s, Malyshev created his own group, uniting Tambov, Kolesnikov, Kemerovo, Komarov, Perm, Kudryashov, Kazan, Taras, Severodvinsk, Saransk, Efimov, Voronezh, Azeris, Krasnoyarsk, Chechens, Dagestanis, Krasnoseltsev, Vorkuta and bandits from Ulan-Ude. Each of these groups consisted of 50 to 250 people. The total number of the group was about 2000 people.

Initially, the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group adjoined the Tambov criminal group. But in 1989, the "Tambovskaya" and "Malyshevskaya" staged one of the first criminal showdowns in Devyatkino. Members of both groups used firearms against each other. After that, the Malyshevskaya and Tambov organized criminal groups became opponents.

Group activities in the early 1990s

After a "showdown" with the Tambov bandits, Malyshev and another active member of the organized crime group and one of its future leaders, Gennady Petrov, were arrested on suspicion of banditry. But Petrov did not get into the first wave of arrests and the first of all the accused was released from prison. Later, Petrov moved to live in Spain, but often came to St. Petersburg and Moscow. And 72 members of the Tambov organized crime group were prosecuted.

Almost immediately after his release, Malyshev fled to Sweden, from where he spread rumors about his death in a shootout. The leader of the "Malyshevsky" returned to Russia after the court acquitted or handed down very lenient sentences, and released all the arrested "Tambov" from custody.

The peak of OCG activity occurred in 1991-1992. At that time, the leader of the organized crime group was often called the "emperor of gangster Petersburg."

In October 1992, Malyshev and 18 of his closest accomplices were arrested during the implementation of the development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the case of businessman Dadonov. On August 25, 1993, Malyshev's closest associates were released on bail: Kirpichev, Berlin and Gennady Petrov. For the release of another colleague - Rashid Rakhmatulin - the Association of Boxers of St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation of French Boxing, the Tonus cooperative and the administration of the prison where he was kept petitioned. Rakhmatulin was released, and the supervising prosecutor Osipkin, who opposed this, was soon dismissed from the prosecutor's office.

After the arrest of Malyshev, Moscow thieves in law tried to put St. Petersburg crime under their control. Andrey Berzin ("Trouble"), who spoke out against this at the Moscow-St. Petersburg "gathering" in March 1993, was killed. In the same year, attempts were made on almost all prominent St. Petersburg bandits.

At the “gathering” in 1993, the Malyshev organized criminal group secured the right to trade in drugs, thereby ousting Azerbaijani bandits from this area.

The trial of Malyshev ended in 1995, he was sentenced for illegal possession and possession of weapons to 2.5 years of general regime, but since he spent 2 years and 11 months in jail, Malyshev was released. Despite the fact that Malyshev was in prison for a long time, his authority in the underworld of St. Petersburg still remained high. Through his lawyers, he continued to manage cases. Malyshev's group by 1995 consisted of 350-400 people.

Group structure

The Malyshevskaya OPG consisted of small brigades:

  • Yuri Komarov's group controlled the cities of Zelenogorsk, Sestroretsk, camping, recreation centers, foreign tourism. Komarov had connections with the Zelenogorsk police leadership. For some time, Komarov's group managed to keep Tambov, Kazan and other bandits on their territory under their control. But after the death of the "arbitrator of the bandits" Bondarenko, control in this area passed to the Chechen bandits.
  • Sergey Miskarev's group was created by him in a colony-settlement and consisted of about 50 people. Controlled the Krasnoselsky district and the Oktyabrskaya hotel.
  • Valery Ledovsky's group controlled gas stations and gasoline transportation and had its own surveillance unit.
  • Ghaplanyan's group controlled the drug business.
  • The "Sasha Matros" group controlled trucking, had a surveillance service
  • The Sharks group controlled the Avtovo area.
  • The Zhuk group controlled the Krasnoye Selo area.
  • Stanislav Zharikov's group controlled the Kirovsky district and was engaged in pimping.
  • Pankratov's group controlled the Okhtinskaya hotel.
  • Troitsky's group carried out surveillance and radio interception.

Further activities of the group

One of the methods of activity of the organized criminal group was the placement of their people to work in structures and firms of interest, the acquisition of a controlling stake, the training of their economic personnel in the official educational institutions of the city. The group controlled hotels and restaurants, antiques and gambling.

A number of firms were created by the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group - cafes, saunas, buying up non-ferrous metals and others. The ringleader of the organized criminal group served as the manager of Nelli-Druzhba LLP and was the founder of the Tatti company, which owns a network of commercial stores. Malyshev maintained ties with Moscow through the leader of the Krylatskaya group, Oleg Romanov. To knock out debts, Malyshev used Caucasian bandits.

The group's money was transferred to the financial institutions of the banks of Cyprus, with their help Malyshev achieved influence on the largest banks in St. Petersburg. With the money of Malyshev, the Kiselev Music Center was created, the holidays “Vivat St. Petersburg!” and White Nights of Rock 'n' Roll. The organized crime group also organized an underground production of small-caliber revolvers.

In the mid-1990s, the Malyshevskaya organized crime group was replaced by the Tambov group. Some of the "Malyshevsky" leaders were killed, some, including Petrov and Malyshev, fled abroad.

Arrests in Spain

In May 1997, the organized crime unit of the Commissariat of the Spanish city of Marbella asked for assistance through the Spanish Embassy in Russia. In Spain, they investigated the laundering of significant money invested in real estate, and reached out to Russian citizens, who in January 1997 created the Isparus company (Hisparus). Then the investigation drew attention, in particular, to Gennady Petrov and Sergei Kuzmin. The Spanish police officers were interested in persons who had already come under the radar of the Organized Crime Department in Russia. They appeared in operational information, where they were called members of the organized crime group. In addition, according to the Spanish indictment, their names were known to US and EU law enforcement agencies.

On June 12-13, 2008, 20 Russians were detained in Spain - Leonid Khristoforov, Alexander Malyshev-Gonzalez, Gennady Petrov, Yuri Salikov, Yulia Smolenko, Vitaly Izgilov and others - they were all accused of money laundering, arms trafficking, contract killings, extortion, supply of drugs, forgery of documents, smuggling of cobalt and tobacco. In 1998-1999, Petrov and Kuzmin were co-owners of Rossiya Bank, they each owned 2.2% of the bank's shares, and they were represented at shareholders' meetings by Andrey Shumkov, who was a member of its board of directors in 1998-2000. 14.2% of the shares of the Bank of Russia in 1998-1999 belonged to the St. Petersburg firms Ergen, Forward Limited and Fuel Investment Company (TIK), which were associated with Shumkov. Ergen was owned by Shumkov and Kuzmin, and TIK was co-owned by BHM and Financial Company Petroleum affiliated with Kuzmin and Petrov.

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An excerpt characterizing the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group

“I know what you're afraid of. Please listen to what I want to tell you and this will all end forever.
I tried to explain to her the best I could about the souls that come to me and how I try to help them all. I saw that she believed me, but for some reason she was afraid to show it to me.
“Your husband is with me, Mila, and if you want, you can talk to him,” I said carefully.
To my surprise, she was silent for a long time, and then quietly said:
“Leave me alone, Vlad, you have tormented me long enough. Leave.
I was completely shocked by how much torment was in the voice of this woman! .. And, as it turned out, it shocked not only me, the answer stunned her strange husband too, but only in a different way. I felt next to me a wild whirlwind of alien energy that literally tore everything around. Books, flowers, a tea cup - everything that lay on the table flew down with a crash. The neighbor turned pale as a sheet and hurriedly began to push me out. But such “effects” as throwing cups have not frightened me for a very long time. Therefore, I gently pushed the poor shaking woman aside and firmly said:
“If you don’t stop scaring your wife so vilely, I’m leaving, and look for someone else for the same number of years ...
But the man paid no attention to me. Apparently, all these long years, he was just waiting for someone to find someone who could help him "get" his poor wife and his ten-year-old "sacrifice" would not be in vain. And now, when it finally really happened - he completely lost control of himself ...
- Milya, Milenka, I wanted to say for so long ... come with me, dear ... let's go. I alone can't... I can't live without you for so many years... come with me.
He muttered incoherently, repeating the same words all the time. And then it just dawned on me that this man really wanted !!! He asked his living beautiful wife to leave with him in a place, which meant simply to die ... Then I could no longer stand it.
- Listen to you! Yes, you're just crazy! I mentally screamed. “I won’t say those mean words to her!” Get out where you should have been for a long time! .. This is just your place.
I was just throwing up with indignation! .. Can this really happen ?!. I did not yet know what I would do, but I knew one thing for sure - I would not give him this woman for anything in the world.
He was furious that I didn't repeat what he said to her. He yelled at me, yelled at her, cursed with words that I had never heard before ... He cried, if it is possible to call it crying ... And I realized that now he could really become dangerous, but I still didn’t understand how this can happen. Everything in the house was moving wildly, window panes were shattered. Mile stood in a stupor in horror, unable to utter a word. She was very scared, because, unlike me, she did not see anything that happened in that “other” reality that was closed to her, but only saw inanimate objects “dancing” in front of her in some kind of crazy dance. ... and slowly went crazy ...
It’s very funny in books to read about mysterious poltergeists, other realities and admire heroes who always “defeat dragons” ... In reality, there is nothing “funny” in this, except for quiet horror that you don’t know what to do with it, and that because of your helplessness, a good person may die right now...
I suddenly saw how Mila began to sink to the floor and became pale as death. I became terribly scared. I suddenly felt like who I really was then - just a little girl who, through her stupidity, got into something terrible and now does not know how to get out of it all.
“Well, no, no,” I thought, “you won’t get it! ..
And with all her might, she energetically hit this insignificant entity, putting all her indignation into this blow... A strange howl was heard... and everything disappeared. There was no more crazy movement of objects in the room, no more fear... and no more of that strange half-witted man who almost sent his innocent wife to the next world... There was dead silence in the house. Only sometimes some broken things tinkled. Mile sat on the floor with her eyes closed and showed no signs of life. But for some reason I was sure that everything would be fine with her. I walked over to her and stroked her cheek.
“Aunt Milya, it’s all over already,” I whispered softly, trying not to frighten. “He will never come again.
She opened her eyes and cast her weary gaze around her ruined room in disbelief.
- What was it, honey? she whispered.
- It was your husband, Vlad, but he will never come again.
Then it seemed to burst through her ... I had never heard such a heartbreaking cry before! .. It seemed that this poor woman wanted to cry out everything that had accumulated in her life over these long and, as I later found out, very terrible years. But, as they say, no matter what the despair or resentment, you can not cry endlessly. Something overflows in the soul, as if tears wash away all bitterness and pain, and the soul, like a flower, slowly begins to return to life. So Mila, little by little, began to come to life. Surprise appeared in his eyes, gradually replaced by timid joy.
“How do you know he won’t come, little one?” – as if wanting to get confirmation, she asked.
Nobody called me a baby for a long time, and especially at that moment it sounded a little strange, because I was exactly that “baby” who had just, one might say, accidentally saved her life ... But naturally, I was not going to be offended. Yes, and there was no strength, not only to offend, but even just ... to transfer to the sofa. Apparently, everything to the last was "spent" on that single blow, which now I could not repeat for anything.
My neighbor and I sat together for quite a long time, and she finally told me how her husband had been tormenting her all this time (for ten years!!!). True, she was not completely sure then that it was he, but now her doubts were dispelled, and she knew for sure that she was right. Dying, Vlad told her that he would not calm down until he took her with him. That's what I've been trying for so many years...
I couldn’t understand how a person could be so cruel and still dare to call such horror love?! But I was, as my neighbor said, just a little girl who still could not fully believe that sometimes a person can be terrible, even in such a sublime feeling as love ...

One of the most shocking cases in my very long “practice” of contacts with the essences of the dead happened when I once calmly walked home from school on a warm autumn evening ... Usually I always returned much later, since I went to the second shift, and the lessons at we were finished somewhere around seven o'clock in the evening, but that day there were no last two lessons and we were allowed to go home earlier than usual.
The weather was extremely pleasant, I did not want to rush anywhere, and before going home, I decided to take a little walk.
The air smelled of the bittersweet scent of the last autumn flowers. A playful light breeze rustled in the fallen leaves, quietly whispering something bashfully to the bare trees blushing in the reflections of the sunset. Peace and silence breathed soft twilight ...
I really loved this time of day, it attracted me with its mystery and fragility of something that had not happened and at the same time had not even begun ... When today had not yet gone into the past, and the night had not yet come into its own ... Something "no one's" and magical, something, as it were, hung in the "between times", something elusive... I adored this short period of time and always felt very special in it.
But on that day, something “special” happened, but certainly not something special that I would like to see or experience again ...
I calmly walked to the crossroads, thinking deeply about something, when suddenly I was sharply pulled out of my “dreams” by a wild screech of brakes and screams of frightened people.
Directly in front of me, a small white passenger car somehow managed to hit a cement pillar and with all its might hit a huge oncoming car right in the forehead ...
In a matter of moments, the essences of a little boy and a girl “jumped out” of a crumpled white car, looking around in confusion, until they finally stared stunned at their own physical bodies, mutilated by a strong blow ...

In the early 1990s, Petersburg groups were an analogue of dashing bands of robbers operating in a certain territory. These gangs were content with extortions from controlled merchants, and there was enough space under the sun for everyone.

Today, groups are more like principalities: with their own military detachments that ensure order in the possessions, a certain formed “code of laws” - a kind of “gangster truth” and a subject population paying tribute - from a simple stall holder to a banker.
Organized crime is interested not only in small and medium-sized private businesses, but also in large enterprises and even entire industries, including those that are formally controlled by the state.

The relationship of the gangster world with law enforcement agencies has also changed significantly. Businessmen are looking for patronage and protection from raids or unscrupulous partners not only from criminal gangs, but also from people from law enforcement agencies. "Cop" or committee "roofs" have become a powerful factor in the shadow life of Russian business. It is not uncommon for people with secret service certificates to come to gangster "shooters" - not at all to "suppress illegal activities", but to solve business problems between "their own" and "foreign" merchants.

At the same time, criminal gangs are willing to create their own legal security structures - this allows them to legally engage in the protection of controlled companies and openly use firearms.
An example of this approach to business can be called "Delta-22". This private security company controlled several facilities in the northern districts of the city, in particular a large market. The "guards" knocked out debts, kidnapped and killed debtors and competitors from the ranks of the "Chechens" - sometimes they created such chaos that other bandits could envy them. According to some reports, Delta-22 was a legalized part of the combat structure of the Tambovites. Another new factor in the life of organized crime in St. Petersburg was the active penetration of various groups into other regions of the North-West of Russia (Pskov, Novgorod regions and Karelia). And Moscow bandits, for example, the “Solntsevo” group, are showing close interest in St. Petersburg itself.

In 1992, the “Malyshev empire” was considered the most influential in the city on the Neva, and Alexander Malyshev enjoyed authority in criminal circles not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. At various times, about 20 large and smaller groups operated under the banner of the "empire" with varying degrees of independence. Subsequently, some of them created their own "empires", which are still active today.

Vladimir Kumarin, who has already lost his right arm

Alexander Ivanovich Malyshev was born in 1958, was engaged in wrestling as a child, graduated from a vocational school. In 1977 he was tried for premeditated murder, in 1984 - for "careless" murder. Then he worked as a doorman, a security guard in a restaurant, was a co-operator, commercial director of a music center, a member of the board of JSC. At an early stage of his criminal past, Malyshev "twisted thimbles" at the Hay Market ("foreman" during this period he had Vladimir Kumarin), had the nickname Malysh.

In the late 80s, Malyshev created one of the most powerful St. Petersburg groups, but already in 1989, Malyshev left for Sweden, fleeing from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. In 1991, he returned for some time to St. Petersburg.

Now Malyshev lives in Spain, where he has large real estate.

The influence of the “Malyshevites” during their heyday extended to the Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky, Moskovsky, part of the Central and Kalininsky regions. Serious objects in other parts of the city were also under control: hotels, car markets, restaurants, gambling establishments.
Alexander Malyshev was one of the first St. Petersburg "authorities" who began to invest in business. Agencies of intimate services, non-ferrous metal buying points, saunas, factories for the production of small-caliber revolvers were created. At one time, the “Malyshevites” crushed the drug dealers under themselves, ousting the “Azerbaijanis” from this sphere.

Malyshev was listed in some commercial structures either as a manager or as a founder. However, during his arrest in October 1992, Alexander Ivanovich declared that he was de unemployed, but lived on the money given to him by kind people. According to some experts, it was Malyshev who was the first to introduce his people into the structures of interest, buy up controlling stakes through nominees and train his own economists in the educational institutions of St. Petersburg.

The arrest of Alexander Ivanovich and two dozen of his closest associates in the fall of 1992 caused a commotion in criminal St. Petersburg. Law enforcement agencies trumpeted their victory. And the underworld was preparing for big changes...

Moscow immediately tried to take advantage of the situation, who had long been trying to subdue the underworld of the second capital. In 1993, a wave of assassination attempts on the leaders of St. Petersburg groups swept through the city. And they arranged a division, trying in the absence of the owner to grab a fatter piece from the “Malyshev empire”. However, the decline of the “Malyshevites” came later. The victory of the police was, to put it mildly, incomplete. First, in the summer of 1993, the closest accomplices of Alexander Ivanovich were released from prison on bail or bail: Berlin, Kirpichev, Petrov and Rakhmatulin.

More about Berlin. This businessman (a mathematician by education), while still a part-time student and Komsomol activist, began his ascent into the world of big business by making fake branded jeans. In 1974, he was charged with burglary. An attempt to play schizophrenia led to the fact that Berlin spent 13 years in a mental hospital, where he studied Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Swedish. In the late 80s, having gone free, he went into the computer business. In 1992, along with the rest of the noble “Malyshevites”, he was arrested. August 25, 1993 was released due to lack of evidence. In February 1994, he was kidnapped by a rival gang. The militia rescued the economic adviser of the "empire" from captivity. Without waiting for the trial, Berlin fled to Germany, where he ended up in the famous Moabit prison for a number of economic frauds on German territory.

They tried repeatedly to release Malyshev before the trial, including with the help of deputies of the State Duma, in particular Alexander Nevzorov. The noisy process ended in poof: the charge of banditry was dropped, many of the defendants were acquitted. Malyshev himself received a sentence for illegally carrying a ladies' revolver.
He was credited with a preliminary detention, and he left the courtroom to freedom.
And yet the main thing was done: the figure of Malyshev was taken out of the brackets of the active life of urban criminal gangs. During his imprisonment, a herniated intervertebral disc was discovered in him, one leg began to dry out. Shortly after his release, he went abroad to improve his health. According to some reports, today he is in Spain, where he has real estate. But no one has yet been able to fully manage their own "business", constantly being several thousand kilometers away from it. Malyshev did not succeed either.

After the departure of Malyshev, the struggle for the redistribution of spheres of influence flared up with renewed vigor.
In 1995, due to his own stupidity and dashing, a well-known Criminal authority nicknamed Maradona, whom Malyshev sent to control Pskov. In December 1995, Stas Fried died in Kresty. The official version is a drug overdose.
In the spring of 1996, Oleg Romanov was killed in Moscow (according to some sources, one of the leaders of the capital's "winged" group), who was accused in the "Malyshevsky" case.

In June 1996, Vyacheslav Kirpichev was shot dead in the bar of the Joy nightclub. In March 1997, another "devyatka" veteran, the Elephant, became a victim. According to competent sources, after Malyshev left for Spain, the Elephant could not cope with the youth, whom he himself selected for the Krasnoselsk brigade. It was with the growing influence of the young that his fears about his share, which the representatives of the younger generation would begin to “cut”, were connected.

The position of the “Malyshevites” was also seriously affected by the death of Svinar, who was considered the “arbitrator and minister of foreign affairs” of the “Malyshev empire”. The deceased acted as a link between various groups. Possessing diplomatic talents, Svinar was able to resolve conflicts peacefully, without leading to large-scale showdowns. He lived in Roshchina, where he had several houses. He died in 1995 from cirrhosis of the liver. While he was in the hospital, people came to him and there to "solve problems" - 50-60 people a day.
After the death of the Pig, Komaru had to make a lot of room. This former chef has become a serious "authority" in the zone. His group controlled many objects in the resort area of ​​St. Petersburg: cafes, restaurants, campsites, recreation centers, foreign tourism. Komar invested in sports complexes and restaurant business.

He built a dacha for himself - a mini-castle in the "new Russian" style - not so far from the dacha choirs of the St. Petersburg ex-mayor. According to rumors, Komar refused to deal with drugs and had a very bad attitude towards prostitution. For a long time, Komaru and his people managed to keep outsiders in their possessions: “Tambovites”, “Kazanians” and representatives of other criminal groups. Shortly before the death of Svinar, several assassination attempts were organized on Komar by bandits from Caucasian structures. Then several of his bodyguards died, but the "authority" survived. True, he chose to hide from Russia and is now in Thailand.

Today, according to some reports, the control of the “Malyshevites” over the resort area has changed to “Chechen”. According to others - to "Kazan".
Broiler is one of the few authoritative figures of the "Malyshev empire" who survived, despite seven assassination attempts organized against him. For some time Broiler's group was based in a sports club in Vsevolozhsk. Then his "office" consisted of 80-100 active "fighters".

At one time, Broiler actively created for himself the image of a businessman - a patron of the arts. He was even listed as the founder of the newspaper "Rhythms of the City". According to some reports, the Oktyabrskaya Hotel is under Broiler's control. From 1995 to 1997, he was in Kresty, where he was imprisoned on suspicion of extortion. During this time, most of his possessions went to the hands of friends from the "Malyshev empire." After Broiler's release, Broiler's demands for the return of "his possessions" were received without enthusiasm. An assassination attempt was organized on him, after which Broiler, wounded by automatic fire, left for treatment in Bulgaria. Now he is back in St. Petersburg.

Today it is hardly possible to say that the “Malyshevskaya” group exists. It has broken into several small but active groups that no longer have the influence that they used to. Akula, the leader of a group that was once part of the "Malyshev empire", is still alive. He patronizes a number of firms and individuals involved in the paper and forestry business in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. He also controls several security structures, including those where former employees of the KGB and other bodies work. His team, according to some reports, controls the Avtov area.

Another fragment of the “empire” is the Musik group, which has about fifty people in its active membership. This group operates in the Krasnoselsky district.
The brigade of the Zhukov brothers, the Petrov group, the people of the Shanaev brothers stood out in special "destinies". It is known about the latter that they took the place of the murdered Kitayets, one of Malyshev's former associates, who until his death held the territory of the Zvezdny market under his control. Little is known about other Malyshev "authorities": Trofim has gone into business and is trying to keep his new image clean; the Timofeev brothers, according to rumors, disappeared from the criminal firmament.

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On October 18, the National Court of Spain acquitted 17 defendants in the case of the Tambov-Malyshevskaya organized crime group, who were accused of money laundering and creating a criminal community. This decision shocked the Spanish prosecutor's office: the court"believed" the reports of the FSB of Russia, presented by the defense, and even ignored the fact that two of the accused pleaded guilty (the court's decision can be appealed).

In the meantime, the prosecutor's office and the court are investigating the details of money laundering by Tambov, The Insider studied more than a thousand telephone wiretaps found in the case file, from which it follows that "authoritative entrepreneurs" had the closest ties with Vladimir Putin's inner circle (you can hear some of these intercepted conversations in this material). Among other things, the wiretaps and the verdict showed that:

- Tambov leader Gennady Petrov was a co-founder and holder of a large stake in Rossiya Bank, where Putin proudly opened his salary account,

- the appointment of a good friend of Petrov - Alexander Bastrykin - as the head of the Investigative Committee was ensured thanks to the contacts of the leader of the Tambov-Malyshevskaya organized criminal group and was joyfully received in the criminal community. Petrov provided patronage to Bastrykin, and after the appointment, he helped to find a room,

- Petrov's people maintain close relations with German Gref, who is sometimes referred to simply as "Hera" in conversations. Gref, for his part, invites Petrov's people to the Sberbank celebrations,

- Petrov maintained close relations with Zubkov (at that time Prime Minister) and Serdyukov (at that time - Minister of Defense). It is assumed that it was through them that he promoted appointments to law enforcement agencies. He even invited Serdyukov to his birthday party. As it turned out, the Minister of Defense presented the leader of the Tambov saber as a sign of friendship.

Verdict: how the Spanish court relied on the reports of the FSB

In Spain, the case of the Tambovsko-Malyshevskaya organized criminal group, begun in 2008, was called Troika. Troika refers to Gennady Petrov, Alexander Malyshev and Sergey Kuzmin, whom prosecutors call the leaders of the criminal community (read more about this). The leaders themselves did not appear before the court: Kuzmin could not be arrested (he missed his flight because he got drunk at the airport), Petrov, after a year and a half in prison, was briefly released to Russia and did not return, like Malyshev, who allegedly suffers from a mental disorder. Together with them, Ilya Traber (for whom, as Traber's lawyer, Vladimir Putin himself worked in the 90s) and the son of Gennady Petrov were also on the wanted list. Anton. In total, charges were brought against 26 defendants in this case, of which 17 cases were considered within the framework of this trial.

Gennady Petrov

According to the panel of judges, headed by Angeles Boreiro, between the accused employees of Gennady Petrov there was "no connection other than that they were all from Russia and involved in investments". The Tambov and Malyshevskaya organized criminal groups still exist, the court believes, only Petrov has nothing to do with it, since he was acquitted in the case of creating an organized criminal group in St. Petersburg in 1995. It is curious that in the 2018 verdict it is described in detail that at the trial in St. Petersburg in 1995, the witness Belikov retracted his testimony, who during the investigation stated that two members of the gang took him directly to Petrov and Malyshev (to the office of the Petrodin joint venture on Kamenny island) and in their presence extorted 100,000 rubles. monthly. However, at a trial in Russia, Belikov suddenly stated that his captors "introduced to him other people who were given as Petrov and Malyshev," and the Spanish court "does not have evidence to the contrary."

One of the evidence of money laundering could be that the defendants lived beyond their means and did not hide it. In Mallorca, Petrov lived in a huge villa with stone lions and sea views, owned yachts, drove an open-top car, gave his wife a crocodile skin jacket for € 62,000, which is only three pieces in the world. However, there was an explanation for this. The Spanish court established several legal companies that, according to the court, explain the origin of Petrov's wealth in Spain. This, for example, "SP Petrodin", specified in the verdict. True, the court does not provide all the details of Petrodin's activities. But The Insider has previously written what kind of company it is.

JV "Petrodin" this is a company that in the 90s was engaged in the “municipal casino” in St. Petersburg, orders for which Vladimir Putin signed, and its Swedish-Japanese co-owner The Insider him, which allowed Petrov to get out of prison. The honest company Petrodin did not pay taxes, which Vladimir Putin himself admitted in the book “Conversations in the First Person” (now removed from the Kremlin website), commenting on his initiative to create municipal casinos. According to surviving photos, Gennady Petrov's "municipal casino" was small and likely served other purposes than "attracting foreign tourists," as Putin claimed to reporters at the time of its creation. One of the most common money laundering methods fraud with reporting on the number of casino tables. At the same time, according to the registration data of the company, Petrodin was generally supposed to be engaged in consulting.

Meanwhile, the panel of judges also reproached the Spanish prosecutor's office for objecting to repeated requests from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to transfer the case for investigation to Russia in accordance with the Strasbourg Convention on the Transfer of Criminal Cases of 1972, and this allegedly would have made it possible to accurately establish the origin of the funds incriminated by the defendants. At the same time, the judge could not help but remember that there had already been a similar precedent before: the case of Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov on money laundering by the structure of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, separated into a separate proceeding in Spain, is valid at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office in Russia by the Spanish judge Fernando Andreu “for a better investigation” and nothing more is known about the fate of the case. According to The Insider from several sources, Judge of the National Court Fernando Andreu, who buried the Deripaska case, met with the late Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Sahak Karapetyan in Moscow in November 2017. At the same time, Andreu did not officially conduct any cases related to Russia at that time.

At the disposal of The Insider were thousands of conversations between Gennady Petrov and colleagues, including those currently in prison, relatives and friends. The Spanish court, of them, or rather, of some heard in court, "does not understand anything," the verdict says. The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office of Spain failed to prove in court the "dealing in communications", which imputed Petrov through State Duma deputy Vladislav Reznik services for organizing appointments to Russian law enforcement agencies and ministries.

The judge believed the defendant Reznik, who stated that he “just listens to requests (for appointments) and does nothing”, and accepted the explanations of Reznik and his wife about buying Spanish villas, yachts and an airplane from Petrov or together with Petrov and his son Anton on a blind trust as it simply needed to manage its assets of over €60 million at the time of 2008.

In the first part of the investigation, we present several telephone wiretaps of Petrov, which most clearly demonstrate his connections with both the Kremlin leadership and organized crime.

Gennady Petrov and Yuri Kovalchuk co-founders of the bank where Putin keeps his salary

Gennady Petrov, in the verdict of the Spanish court, is listed as a shareholder of the Baltic Construction Company and more than a dozen other companies, but, most interestingly, co-founder and from 1992 to 2003 the owner of a 27% stake in Rossiya Bank, also known as the "Bank of Putin's Friends". It is no coincidence that Vladimir Putin, after the bank became the object of sanctions, announced that he was transferring his salary account to this bank. In July 2011, the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia permitted Bank Rossiya not to publish data on significant changes in its assets and profits, as well as changes in the composition of shareholders.

Another co-founder was another acquitted money laundering defendant Vladislav Reznik (now a State Duma deputy), who for a long time remained a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank, according to the inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the results of which were also presented to the Spanish court and ended up in an acquittal.

Determining Petrov's share in Bank Rossiya, the court referred to a report by Spanish law enforcement agencies dated 2009, which, in turn, relied on documents obtained in the course of investigative actions against members of the alleged group during searches and wiretapping. Previously, Petrov, like Sergey Kuzmin, were considered minority shareholders of Bank Rossiya with 2.2% of the shares. However, they owned shares not only directly as individuals, but also through affiliated companies.

Yuri Kovalchuk, friend of Vladimir Putin and Gennady Petrov

Petrov is not just a shareholder. According to a wiretap dated August 2, 2007, he had a very good relationship with Yura Kovalchuk (now the main shareholder of Bank Rossiya). On that day, Petrov’s son (Anton) complains to his father that “Savelyev is not fulfilling his obligations, they have a rediscount there” (obviously, this refers to the issuance and restructuring of loans by the Saint Petersburg Bank, where Alexander Savelyev is the chairman of the board). In response, Gennady Petrov declares that when he is in Moscow, he will try to renew relations with Yura Kovalchuk, with whom they used to be very good friends.

Also, Petrov had a conversation with a certain Dmitry about the appointment of his man (a certain Olga Alexandrovna) to Gazenergoprombank (since 2010 it has been absorbed by Rossiya Bank). “This is a purely Gazprom bank. They brought there all the assets of Mezhregiongaz, Gen, and all generation, both thermal and energy. Miller did it purely for this. If this bank really sits on this business of Gazprom on the generation and on the inter-region, this is not the worst option, Gen, you understand. Another thing Khodursky's level is not high... Yura was 50% there last year," explains Petrov's interlocutor.

Petrov understood the hint about Yura: “I still come and see him one way or another. We agreed to call on the 15th, on the 15th See you on the 16th... I can through Yura. In any case, it is necessary to reduce them." Dmitry: “And besides, you understand that he can take her back from Gazenergoprombank to GPB <очевидно, имеется в виду «Газпромбанк», который на момент 2007—2008 года контролировал Юрий Ковальчук – The Insider>, when she will do her reformation there... I think that she does not need to make any decisions before your arrival, your meetings.” "No need", Petrov agrees.

Dmitry continues: “Alexander Dmitrievich came to see me <Александр Жуков, на тот момент – зампред правительства – The Insider> , well, you understand who I'm talking about, but he is close, and there Dmitry Anatolyevich participated in the primary situation <имеется в виду Дмитрий Медведев, на тот момент – председатель совета директоров ОАО «Газпром» – The Insider>. He asked me "should I"? But first, roughly speaking, we need to decide for ourselves. Plus, there is also such a person Androsov. Do you know what role he is playing now?

Petrov: “No, I didn’t even hear it, to be honest.”

Dmitry: “This is the former first deputy of Gref. Gref's right hand at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. And now he is the chief of staff of the VV. He plays the role of Igor <очевидно, имеется в виду Сечин, который долго работал начальником аппарата Путина – The Insider> , only in government. Truncated, what am I talking about? .. And plus he is in a very close, trusting relationship with Herman. That is, we have two options for Herman: Slava <имеется в виду Резник - The Insider> and he".

"Yes Yes. Only through one it is necessary. Two it won't work anymore" says Petrov.

"Well, it's going to be a hodgepodge," Dmitry agrees.

"Yes Yes. And he reacts inappropriately right away, ” says Petrov and bursts into laughter.

Petrov also "resolves issues" regarding loans from Rossiya Bank. For example, on July 2, 2007, Petrov discusses a €10 million loan that Rossiya Bank issued to Ultra. Entrepreneur Mikhail Mironov, partner of Ultra, is going to see Mikhail Klishin to the general director of Rossiya Bank, and fears that the debt will be demanded from him, as from a former partner. With Petrov, Mikhail Mironov consults what he should answer about the debt. Petrov advises insisting that the director of "Ultra" get in touch with Klishin himself.

Mikhail Mironov himself communicates with Petrov quite often about the construction of facilities in St. Petersburg, permits, certain shares or bribes to the authorities (“let them say as much as they want”) and preempt problems. So, on August 3, 2007, he calls Petrov in a panic and reports that the riot police are conducting a search in his office. Petrov recommends not to worry, go to the office and call him back in Mallorca. Mironov's situation is resolved it was some kind of misunderstanding, and as a result, a certain “Peter’s chief” personally apologized to Petrov, about which Petrov himself informs his son Anton. Now Mironov needs "the head of the security service, who can really work."

“Now I’ll ask the current ones who they will advise,” says Petrov. As a result, Petrov calls back and advises Mironov to hire his friend in the security service. Yuri Britikov from UBEP, and Mironov agrees.

Petrov and German Gref. “I’ll tell you, f ***, did you ride a boat? Here's a hello and don't forget your share!

Judging by the wiretaps, one of Petrov's important contacts is German Gref, who at that time had just been appointed head of Sberbank. His defendants are called "Herman", "Gref", "Hera". So, Gref on the birthday of Sberbank, acting in the interests of Petrov, a person Nail Malyutin, at that time CEO of the Financial Leasing Company (FLC), about which Malyutin himself reports to Petrov. Today Malyutin is in jail for fraud and organizing the murder of his partner Andrei Burlakov in 2011. The investigation believes that the murder was carried out by the famous gang of Dzhako the Bloody aka Aslan Gagiev, aka Sergey Morozov and by the way, Jacko also appears in wiretaps. (For more information about the history of theft of public funds through FLC bonds under the guarantees of Sberbank and the subsequent bloody showdown, see the materials and "").

In addition, Gref was in close contact with another defendant, Petrov's right hand, State Duma deputy from the United Russia party Vladislav Reznik (more about him in the material). June 29, 2007 Reznik calls Petrov and complains that German is slow with appointments "does not say no", but at the same time he has already taken three. Petrov recommends calling Herman and asking strictly let him say yes or no.

“Gennady Vasilyevich, how are you? ... For you to be aware: yesterday I visited Fedorov, this is in the UAC (United Aircraft Corporation), we have already written draft resolutions and decrees. There Levitin supported, Ivanov Sergey Borisovich approved, and now we are preparing documents for going there ... We seem to have only one question. I think there is no need to ask for anything, no topics, except for one. It is necessary to bring Fedorov there to him, so that he understands that he can rely on him in case. When he knows that we have a relationship, that everything is laid out, he, of course, is neither to the left nor to the right, he is not a suicide. And it will be easier for us to resolve all issues.”

Petrov: "It's all clear, everyone has spoken, I'm waiting for an answer."

Malyutin: “I'm just informing you, you must know the latest news, otherwise any inconsistencies may show that you are not in the material, and this is wrong. You are the helmsman, and we only bring shells. I - wipe ... Your friend, Gref, invited me to a banquet on November 12 in honor of the 166th anniversary of Sberbank.

Petrov: "On the 20th, he will only start."

Malyutin: “Already invited, on the 12th. I'm going to say hello to him for you."

Petrov: "Pass the fiery."

Malyutin: “I’ll tell you, f***, did you ride a boat? Ride. Here's a hello and don't forget your share!


Petrov and Sechin. “Don’t ask him, he will take everything himself”

Malyutin, acting in the interests of Gennady Petrov, plans to meet with "Igor Ivanovich" and asks for instructions. Petrov, in a conversation, at first does not understand which Igor Ivanovich he is with, and as a result, Malyutin clarifies: “yes, with Sechin.” However, Petrov and Malyutin doubt whether it is worth making requests to Sechin, since "he will take everything himself." At the same time, “they can take it away in any case,” the interlocutors agree. Malyutin calls Sechin "looking" for shipbuilding.

Petrov could have known Sechin and his appetites from the days when he worked as an assistant to Putin in the St. Petersburg mayor's office. And with another assistant to Putin in the mayor's office, Viktor Ivanov (at the time of recording the wiretaps head of the Federal Drug Control Service), relations with Petrov seem to have developed better.

Earlier, Viktor Ivanov said that the main “fighter against the Malyshevs” in St. Petersburg was his deputy Nikolai Aulov. By a strange coincidence, after a "successful" fight with the Malyshevs, when all the leaders were acquitted, Aulov turns out to be one of Petrov's main contacts when he moved to Spain. Petrov paid for Aulov's phone and even for the services of his dentist. Aulov, judging by the wiretaps, talked with Petrov almost every laziness. On June 27, 2007, at the end of Vladimir Putin's second term, Aulov asks Petrov: "What kind of rumors are there about changes up there - are they expected, not expected?" Petrov replies: “There are no nuances. According to my information, there should be changes, but it all depends on one person - the most important one. To be or not to be, everything depends on him.

By the way, it seems that Petrov had outlets for Sechin. One of them Vladimir Golubev, known as "Barmaley". This is an "authoritative" businessman associated with the "Tambovskaya" who is considered close to Sechin, and he is often mentioned in the wiretaps. They write about "Barmaley" as a trader in communications, but Petrov's people, it seems, liked to show him that they themselves were not born with a bastard. So, in one of the conversations between Gennady Petrov and his son Anton, the son mentions that he saw Malyutin and Burlakov at Barmaley. They boasted to Barmaley that Burlakov was in contact with Medvedev on the issue of Aker shipyards (later Wadan Yards).

Petrov, Zubkov, Serdyukov

On July 19, 2007, Petrov celebrated his birthday in Moscow. Among those invited only the closest. Those who could not come in person called back with apologies, such as the now wanted "authority" Ilya Traber. He called twice from Spain and advised Petrov to reduce activity, rest more, and retire.

Among those invited Anatoly Serdyukov, at that time Minister of Defense, and now a partner of Sergei Chemezov, industrial Anatoly Serdyukov ("First") and Viktor Zubkov ("Son-in-law")

The invitation to the First is passed through his adviser, Aleksey Perets (in this case, Peretz it's not a nickname). Here's how this invitation looks like in a wiretap: On July 3, 2007, Anton Petrov communicates with his father. Anton Petrov: “Now Pepper came to the First, I must tell him.” “To call you?” Anton Petrov: "Yes. Well, they say, he himself asks Pepper about the 19th" (Petrov's birthday). Gennady Petrov: "Well, yes, Antosha. You definitely need him with Yulia, this is his wife. And Boltai- leg."

Relations between "Tolik" and Petrov have developed the most friendly. Serdyukov even gave the authority a saber. Here is the wiretap on August 1, 2008:

Gennady Petrov:

Tolik and Sasha visited, then we stopped by Lena.

Anton Petrov:

How is Tolik?

Gennady Petrov:

Very well. You need to come on the eighth, and on the ninth to him. I say, "I'll go myself." He says “no need, let Anton explain everything, I’ll go to Vita or someone else, and we will solve this issue now” ... To do this, you need to draw up a paper ...

Anton Petrov:

Yes, the paper is ready.

Gennady Petrov:

Here. That means everything. We must come on the eighth and meet with him on the ninth.

Anton Petrov:

Do you need to buy something?

Gennady Petrov:

What to buy? Buy a bottle of very good cognac, flowers for your daughters and wife. He gave me a sword. (Laugh).

Where did such connections come from?

According to two The Insider sources in St. Petersburg, Anatoly Serdyukov has long-standing ties with the Malyshevskys. One of the sources is Natalya Mikhailova, a former assistant to the deputy of Marina Salie in the Petrosoviet. According to her, Serdyukov appeared in the building of the Petrograd Soviet "with a gold chain and a crimson jacket," and therefore there were suspicions that he belonged to an organized criminal group. The second source worked at Pulkovo Airport in the 1990s, and at the present time - at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of St. Petersburg. According to him, “in the 90s, Serdyukov trained in the “Malyshev gym”, was part of what was politely called the “Malyshev movement”. Was there in third roles. When he was detained not for the first time for illegal possession of weapons, the police advised him not to be an eyesore and to get hired in an official structure. And he got to Zubkov in the tax service and later married his daughter, which ensured his career.

In turn, Zubkov himself was the chairman of the Priozersk city executive committee until 1991 (it is in the Priozersk district of the Leningrad region that the Ozero cooperative would later appear), then until 1993 he worked as Putin’s deputy in the Committee on Foreign Relations in the mayor’s office and after that he headed the tax inspectorate for St. Petersburg , and with a scandal: the previous leader challenged his dismissal in court.

According to the memoirs of the co-founder of "Petrodin" Kinichi Kamiyasu, the tax office in those years was used for arbitrary reprisals against entrepreneurs. It was under Zubkov that the tax authorities began to "nightmare" business, - St. Petersburg businessman Mikhail Mokrousov, who now lives in exile in Europe, says in a conversation with The Insider.

Petrov's liaison Viktor Zubkov was prime minister at the time of the Spanish investigation, and now holds the post of chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom. Serdyukov, the former Minister of Defense, after a small public flogging because of the case of Evgenia Vasilyeva and Oboronservis, also got better, today he is the industrial director of the aviation cluster of Rostec. Serdyukov is also a member of the board of the very United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), whose branch, the Financial Leasing Company, was previously bankrupted by Nail Malyutin and Dzhako Krovvy, representing Petrov's interests.
Petrov and Bastrykin: "Tell a good man, reliable, dad knows him"

On June 22, 2007, Petrov talks with Leonid Khristoforov, one of the leaders of Malyshevskaya, who served two sentences for murder (it was Khristoforov's pistol that killed Galina Starovoitova). Petrov in this conversation doubts whether to accept some money “according to Armenian” "fuck you need this." In the same conversation, he boasts: “A person was appointed. Remember I told you? So everything appointed. Very high." "Oh good" Christopher rejoices. Two authorities rejoiced at the decision to appoint Alexander Bastrykin as chairman of the Investigative Committee.

On that day, June 22, 2007, the Federation Council approved Bastrykin's candidacy for the post of chairman of the Investigative Committee. Having discussed this joyful event, "businessmen" Petrov and Khristoforov turn to their business issues. True, they are more like a discussion of non-business transactions, criminal extortions. Khristoforov: “I let out a horror, the Armenians are screaming, where to transfer 200 thousand?” Petrov: “What a bastard. Call Anton, but don’t let Anton pick it up himself, but tell someone, let them take it.”

And on the same day in the evening, Major General of Militia Nikolai Aulov (at that time the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District) called Petrov: “I heard about Sasha, right? All appointed." "Okay, fir-trees-sticks", Petrov answers. “I was at Igor’s birthday and it was spoken. Not on the phone"

From the end of the 80s of the last century, criminal brigades began to appear in all regions of the collapsing Union. They did not hide from anyone, they were not afraid of anyone, they acted brazenly and defiantly. Members of gangs stole, kidnapped and killed people, took other people's property for themselves, and all this with virtually impunity. The brigades in large cities were especially cruel, where there was something to divide and what to fight for. Since the beginning of the 80s, the largest association of criminal groups, called itself "Malyshevsky", operated in Leningrad.

History reference

The dashing 90s "gave" Russia the majority of today's oligarchs, businessmen and major politicians. At that time it was very easy to "rise" both in terms of finances and authority. The newly-minted democratic state turned out to be practically defenseless against hundreds of criminal gangs that arose in a "free" society like mushrooms after rain. These gangs were usually headed by strong, charismatic personalities who managed to organize disparate gangs and create a powerful personal army.

The activities of the groupings did not differ in variety. They tried to take control of small and large enterprises, establish their authority in the region and the city and, of course, get a lot of money. To achieve these goals, the bandits did not shy away from any methods: they kidnapped, tortured, threatened and killed people, engaged in raider seizures, theft, robbery and other illegal activities.

The police could not resist the well-armed and merciless bandits. Most government officials preferred to make deals with criminal forces rather than oppose them. The same few who challenged the bandits of the 90s, unfortunately, paid with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Those gangsters who were smarter realized in time that such a life is unlikely to last long, so they managed to organize a legal business in time or run away abroad with the money they earned.

History of the Malyshev group

The founder and leader of the group was Alexander Malyshev, a former wrestler, a man with authority in certain circles. By the mid-80s, he managed to commit two particularly serious crimes: premeditated murder and negligent murder. After serving his term, Malyshev was released. For several months he "worked" as a thimblemaker at the Hay market, worked as a porter, was a co-operator, even a member of the board of the joint-stock company.

For some time, Malyshev himself was "under the roof" of the Tambov organized crime group, his foreman was Vladimir Kumarin, a well-known crime boss in St. Petersburg. Gradually, his own team is formed around the charismatic Kid, several disparate gangs unite. Subsequently, this group will become the most influential in the city on the Neva and throughout Russia. Until 1989, the Tambovskiys and Malyshevskiys worked together, but after a ridiculous quarrel between the leaders, they became serious competitors.

Biography of G. Petrov

Gennady Petrov was born in Leningrad in 1947 during the difficult post-war years for the city. Despite his criminal record, he managed to get a job as a foreman at the Moscow railway station, but he became famous for a different reason. In 1987, fate brought him together with Alexander Malyshev, at that time already a well-known crime boss. Petrov joined his team and for several years they worked side by side. But a ridiculous quarrel over a banal leather jacket led to a shootout and the division of the group into two parts.

After the split, the biography of Gennady Petrov took a different turn. He manifests himself as a strong and extraordinary leader. Carries out a certain reform within his team, after which the activities of individual gangs were clearly distributed. Someone was engaged in drugs, someone in hotels, prostitutes and tourism, others carried out the protection of controlled enterprises.


At first, the group consisted of scattered gangs with their own little "princes" and spheres of influence in certain areas of the city. There were violent clashes, sometimes accompanied by murders, explosions, kidnappings, etc. Since the late 80s, these gangs have united under one command, a clear structure has been created:

  • The gang of "Sasha Matros" was engaged in controlling cargo transportation in Russia and abroad, had an official security service.
  • The gang of Yuri Komarov covered a large part of the business of the region, collected tribute from companies involved in tourism, camping; on this basis, clashes with other opposing groups often arose, and over time the niche went to the Chechen brigades.
  • Pankratov's gang was watching the largest hotel in the city and one of the districts.
  • Stanislav Zharinov's gang exercised "supervision" over the service sector in St. Petersburg.

One of the groups controlled the Krasnoye Selo, the other, created from the former prisoners of the colony-settlement, controlled the Oktyabrskaya hotel and the Krasnoselsky district. After separating from Tambovskaya, the leaders of the Malyshevskaya gang, including Gennady Petrov, seriously engaged in the competent distribution of the activities of controlled brigades, in everything in line with the motto "divide and rule."


In the dashing 90s, hundreds of enterprising people suddenly became rich, became owners of entire factories, holdings and even industries. And it all started the same way - with the forceful or relatively forceful seizure of property. So the Malyshevskaya brigade began with protecting markets, stalls and small cooperatives and gradually moved on to controlling the largest enterprises in the Northern capital, which formally continued to remain state-owned.

At first, the organized crime group of Gennady Petrov was engaged in raiding, kidnapping and extortion, not caring about the consequences and possible criminal prosecution. Even then, the leader of the Malyshevskys makes influential friends at the very top of power. Over time, legal agencies were created that deal with the same racket, but now the bandits had official permission to carry weapons and conduct security activities. According to some reports, the company "Delta-22" carried out the orders of the leaders of the Malyshev group, was engaged in the abduction and murder of objectionable businessmen.

Legal business

The leader of the Malyshevskaya OPG, G. Petrov, by the age of 40, withdrew from open participation in gang activities. He proved to be a good organizer and manager. He quickly got used to the role of a businessman, successfully carried out transactions, concluded contracts, and, if necessary, resorted to more drastic measures. Petrov managed to make friends with many managers of St. Petersburg, and when they left for the capital in the late 90s and early 00s, he skillfully used his friendship to promote large commercial projects.

The heyday of the group

The years of "heyday" of the Petrov group begin in 1992. Then under the influence of the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group were the largest and richest districts of the city: Krasnoselsky, Kirovsky, Moscow, Kalininsky and Central. All private and state organizations paid a monthly "tribute", in addition, the bandits themselves opened commercial enterprises.

Basically, the leaders of the Malyshev brigade created sex salons, saunas, a small arms factory for the production of small-caliber weapons was opened. Most of the income came from the drug market, here the Malyshevites managed to "move" the Azerbaijanis.

Criminal activity

Over time, the organized crime group of Gennady Petrov went into legal or semi-legal business. Petrov opened a network of gambling establishments in the city and region. Close friends in the city administration and tax services helped him quickly collect the necessary documents and bypass all possible competitors.

Subsequently, connections with high patrons helped Petrov more than once in business. According to some print media, in 1992 he opened a construction company together with Mikhail Shelomov. By the mid-90s, the personality of Gennady Petrov in St. Petersburg and even in Moscow became known in the highest circles. One of his most significant and successful commercial projects was his participation in the leadership of Rossiya Bank.

The name of Petrov is associated with many criminal authorities and businessmen in Russia. Some he knew personally, others he did business with or lived in the neighborhood. So, among his acquaintances were the Kovalchuk brothers, the owners of the Rossiya bank; Gennady Timchenko, well-known Russian entrepreneur and founder of the investment company Volga Group; Vladimir Yakunin, Vladimir Kumarin, leader of the Tambov group; Petrov also spoke with Leonid Khristoforov, who was involved in the murder of Galina Starovoitova.

Life in Spain

In 1996, Gennady Vasilyevich Petrov and Alexander Ivanovich Malyshev were arrested by the Russian authorities on suspicion of banditry and extortion. But Petrov was lucky, he was soon released and immediately, with some of his close associates, moved to permanent residence in Spain, since there were more than enough funds for a comfortable life.

All business in Russia remained under the close supervision of the head, he controlled by phone. Subsequently, it is this habit of discussing cases that will become the beginning of criminal prosecution. Sometimes he personally came to St. Petersburg and Moscow to follow the work of his attorneys.

Operation Troika

The Spanish authorities have always paid close attention to wealthy Russian citizens who came to Europe for business or life. In Spanish prisons at different times there were criminal authorities Shakro Molodoy, Tariel Oniani and Vitaly Izgilov.

The Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon became interested in the case of the Russian businessman; he was already well known in the world in connection with the case of the Chilean dictator Pinochet. Together with the investigating authorities of Spain, the judge analyzed the activities of Petrov and came to the conclusion that he and his people were involved in murders, kidnappings and large-scale tax fraud.

The charges were based on telephone conversations conducted in Spain by Gennady Petrov. The investigation had facts about the connection of the Russian businessman with many influential people in the Russian Federation. He helped transport and “launder” huge funds, including budget funds, as well as solve the problems of competitors. Among his close acquaintances, the Spanish authorities name Anatoly Serdyukov, Viktor Zubkov, Dmitry Kozak and even German Gref.


The arrest of crime boss Gennady Petrov received a huge response in the world. It was not about an ordinary criminal, but about a person associated with the government of the Russian Federation. The Spanish and Russian media immediately reacted with a series of reports about the criminal sphere. The criminal investigation lasted 7 years and was finally presented to the public on more than 400 pages.

Results of the investigation

While the investigation was underway in Spain, Petrov managed to get him released on bail of 1 million euros. Soon he asked to leave the country, allegedly to meet with his elderly mother, but once in Russia, the businessman got lost and was no longer going to return to Europe. The Spanish authorities have repeatedly sought the extradition of the criminal, to which the investigating authorities of our country have responded with a categorical refusal. Perhaps Petrov's influential connections in higher circles worked.

Today, the exact location of Gennady Petrov is unknown, it is only known that his activities continue. His two sons are involved in large projects, such as the 585 chain of jewelry stores, and also controls construction and financial companies in different regions of Russia. The Spanish authorities, in anticipation of a fugitive criminal, gave Petrov's property for charitable detail.

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