Dogwood jam: recipes. We cook delicious dogwood jam Dogwood jam benefits

Not all berries are suitable for such jam. You need to choose only whole and elastic fruits. Since dogwood is boiled in sugar syrup, soft and crushed berries will completely boil, and just bare bones will come across in dogwood jam, the syrup will be cloudy due to boiled pulp and pieces of skin.

Dogwood should be sorted out - throw out all the twigs, leaves, stalks and other debris. Select overripe fruits. If, when pressed on a soft berry, the pulp easily flows out of it, such a dogwood is not suitable for jam. But for - just right.

Fold the elastic fruits into a colander (sieve) and rinse thoroughly several times under running water.

Washed dogwood must ALWAYS be pierced in several places. I do this with a toothpick, but you can take a pin or hairpin. Pierce the skin of the berries in 2-3 places with a sharp tip. If this is not done, then the skin on the dogwood will crack upon contact with hot sugar syrup and the jam will turn out not so beautiful. Yes, this will not affect the taste, but if you really make dogwood jam, then the beauty of the berries in sugar syrup should bring no less pleasure than the taste.

Now let's make the sugar syrup. I want to note that you should not be afraid of a large amount of sugar in the composition. Cornel has a sweet and sour taste, and it is even sourer than sweeter. Therefore, sugar here only decorates the taste of berries. In addition, this method of preparation (cooking in sugar syrup in three steps) prevents the destruction of the integrity of the berries.

A few words about the dishes in which you can cook jam. Prefer an aluminum or copper basin, or a large saucepan with a double bottom.

Next, pour sugar into the pan and pour a glass of drinking water. Turn on the minimum heat and stir the contents of the pan with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Sugar must dissolve in water.

When bubbles appear on the sugar syrup, note for 5 minutes (during this time, the required amount of water has evaporated from the syrup).
Turn off the heat and cool the sweet mass to 80 degrees.
I do not advise you to lower the dogwood berries immediately into boiling syrup, even if they are pierced, they will immediately crack. If there is no cooking thermometer at home, then wait 10-12 minutes, the temperature of the syrup will decrease.

Next, dip the berries into the sugar syrup and gently shake the pan so that the sweet liquid covers all the berries.
While all. Now you can forget about the berries for at least six to eight hours, leaving them in a saucepan at room temperature.

After the allotted time, pour the syrup into a separate pan, boil and pour the dogwood berries with the boiling sweet mass. Leave the dogwood again for six to eight hours.

For the third time, bring the jam container to a boil and boil for 10 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam.

After that, transfer the jam to sterilized jars. I use sealed jars.

Turn the sealed jars upside down and leave in this position until completely cooled. Then move the jars of jam to a cool place for storage. In order not to forget the year of manufacture of such jam, indicate it on a beautiful label by gluing it to a jar of dogwood jam.

Tip: I recommend starting to cook dogwood jam at 8-9 in the morning. At 15-16 o'clock in the afternoon, boil the jam for the second time. At 22 pm bring the jam to a boil for the third time and complete the cooking process. During the night, the jars of jam cool down and it will be possible to identify them in the right place for storage.

In this dogwood jam, the syrup is not thick. Therefore, they can pour over ice cream, curd dessert, soak biscuit cakes. Well, the dogwood berries themselves are delicious to eat with a spoon with tea or coffee.

If not a single virus bypasses you, and an ordinary cold stretches for several weeks, do not rush to swallow dubious antiviral drugs in batches. It is better to use a remedy whose effectiveness has been proven by the experience of our ancestors. This is dogwood jam. What is its use, and what recipe to choose for the preparation of "medicine"?

Shaitan berry or dogwood - healing fruits of bright red color. Skillful housewives make a lot of goodies out of them - liqueurs, jams, compotes, marmalade and other mouth-watering sweets. But dogwood jam is considered the most valuable for its medicinal qualities. Its benefits extend not only to the case when a person is unlucky enough to catch the flu or a cold. It is much wider.

The fact is that the pulp of such berries contains a large number of substances that have a therapeutic effect and are involved in vital processes in the body. They contain a record high amount of vitamin C. That is why the jam effectively relieves the symptoms of SARS.

Dogwood berries are rich in organic acids (up to 3.5% citric, succinic, malic), natural sugars (17%), flavonoids (5%). Nature has provided these fruits with other "usefulness" - vitamins A, P, E, pectin and tannins, phytoncides, nitrogenous compounds, minerals - magnesium, iron, potassium, sulfur, calcium.

Of course, raw berries are considered the healthiest. But they can be stored for only twelve days, and then become hazardous to health. As a result of heat treatment, some of the valuable components will be lost, but the jam will still retain its therapeutic characteristics. True, they will be found only under the condition of regular use of such a product.

The impact of cornel jam on the body:

  • increase immune defense;
  • help to avoid infection with viral infections during the cold season;
  • relieve symptoms of flu and respiratory infection;
  • clear the bronchi of mucus;
  • stop coughing;
  • lower the temperature
  • support the heart
  • will help keep blood vessels healthy;
  • normalizes stool (in case of indigestion);
  • improve bowel function;
  • prevent the development of sclerosis;
  • stabilizes high blood pressure;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • prevent the occurrence of liver diseases;
  • help in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • eliminate headache;
  • tones, invigorates;
  • will contribute to weight loss (as it will speed up metabolic processes).

Important! The benefits of jam will be even higher if the seeds are not removed from the berries. They contain pectin, which removes toxic substances from the body. But such preservation will have to be eaten within one year. You can not store it longer than 12 months!

A spoonful of jam three times a day: what can be treated in this way?

Although doctors do not prescribe dogwood jam as a medicine, they do not deny its healing properties either. And experts in traditional medicine advise using such a delicacy as a means of prevention and to improve the condition in many diseases.

Diseases in which dogwood jam helps:

  • anemia;
  • gout;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hypertension;
  • eczema;
  • stomatitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • stomach infections;
  • sinusitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • cystitis;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • joint diseases.

Can dogwood jam harm, and to whom?

Such a product is not capable of causing side effects or leading to the development of any disease. For a healthy person, eating dogwood jam is only beneficial, and harm is possible only in one case - if the berries were collected from bushes growing in an ecologically unfavorable zone.

And yet, dogwood jam has contraindications. It is better to refuse to use it for those who have an increased acidity of gastric juice. You should not include a treat in your diet if a person suffers from constipation, because dogwood has an astringent effect even after heat treatment.

Caution in the use of such a product should be exercised by patients with diabetes. Before introducing it into their menu, it is better for them to consult with their doctor. Canned dogwood is absolutely contraindicated for individual intolerance to fresh berries.

How to make the best and healthiest jam?

Dogwood jam should contain only two ingredients - dogwood and sugar. The calorie content of this product per 100 g is 248 Kcal. The delicacy has a very pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Where can you get such a delicacy? You can buy a factory product, but for a small jar you will have to pay from 300 rubles. If it is possible to purchase fresh berries or this plant "lives" in your country house or garden plot, make the jam yourself.

The most correct recipe for making dogwood jam:

  1. Take 1 kg of berries, sort them out, discard spoiled ones, rinse, dry on a paper towel.
  2. Dip the berries for 2 hours in a soda solution. This trick will keep them whole, they will not “wrinkle” or burst during heat treatment.
  3. Wash the fruits well.
  4. Make syrup: boil 0.5 l of water in an enamel bowl, add 1.2 kg of granulated sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Carefully put the dogwood soaked in soda into a saucepan, pour over the syrup.
  6. Leave the mass for 4 hours. Then put on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat, boil for 5, maximum -10 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  7. Boil the delicacy 3 times with an interval of 8 - 10 hours.
  8. Pour the jam into clean jars, seal.
  9. Healing jam is ready!

Important! Do not stir jam with a spoon! It is enough to shake it slightly. It is not recommended to boil the delicacy for a long time, as this will reduce its "medicinal" properties, and the berries will lose their juiciness.

Dogwood is a shrub with bright oblong red berries. This plant is southern, in our Caucasus it is very common both in the wild and in summer cottages. Dogwood is valued not only for its unusual taste, but also for the healing properties that it possesses. In addition to the standard set of vitamins that all berries are rich in, dogwood contains a lot of vitamin P, so it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents fragility of capillaries, helps with venous insufficiency, swelling of the legs, inflammation of the veins. Dogwood jam is a very tasty and healthy delicacy. In the Caucasus, it is often used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for colds and flu. Here I will talk about how to cook dogwood jam so that it is not only tasty, but also retains all the benefits of an unusual berry.

For jam, you can use any dogwood - both wild and garden. In healing properties, they are equivalent. But, since dogwood is always boiled with a stone, it is useful to know that in garden varieties, as a rule, the stone is smaller, the berries are more fleshy, and therefore it is preferable to use garden dogwood in culinary terms. The jam from it is thicker and richer. When buying dogwood in the markets, be sure to try and choose a berry of dark burgundy color, sweeter taste, with fleshy and juicy pulp.

You will need:

  • dogwood 1.5 kg
  • sugar 1.5 kg
  • water 100 - 300 ml

You will also need enameled dishes - a bowl with a flat bottom and high sides with a volume of 3-3.5 liters is better.
Advice: lAlways boil any jam in a small bowl, no more than 1.5 kg of berries. In this case, the jam will warm up faster and more evenly, the berries will not boil soft and the syrup will turn out to be transparent..

From this amount of products, 4 half-liter jars of jam are obtained.

Step by step photo recipe:

Sort the berries, clean them of debris and impurities, wash them, put them in a colander so that the water is glass.

Prepare the syrup: Pour sugar into a bowl, add 100 ml of water and, stirring, bring to a boil. If the sugar does not melt well, this may be due to its quality, add more water.

Boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, stir constantly. Once the syrup thickens, it is ready.

Dip the berries in the syrup mix gently and leave to cool for 10-12 hours(I leave overnight). Do not be embarrassed that there is not enough syrup - soon the dogwood will give juice and the syrup will cover all the berries.

Morning d bring the jam to a boil. No need to boil the jam for 5 minutes, as many cookbooks advise. At the first boil syrup should form., which will cover the berries. Turn off the fire and leave the jam to cool for 10-12 hours- if you started cooking in the morning, then leave it until the evening. When cooling, it is useful to gently stir the contents of the bowl several times. Do not be alarmed if, when stirring, you find undissolved sugar at the bottom, this is normal, because the cooking process is only at the very beginning.

Cook jam in three steps: morning-evening-morning. Or evening-morning-evening, to whom it is convenient. For the second cooking, as well as for the first, just bring the jam to a boil. For the last third time, boil the jam for 5 minutes, pour into clean sterilized jars and close the lids. There is no need to wrap jam in a blanket. See how to sterilize jars and lids → Leave closed jars to cool at room temperature, then remove for storage. Any "hot jam" can be stored at room temperature.

With this bright and unusual, and for the northerners quite exotic delicacy, you can forget all your business!

Dogwood in the East is also called "Shaitan's berry". Since this shrub deceives people: it blooms at the very beginning of spring, and bears fruit later than all fruit and berry trees - in mid-October. But still, we waited for the harvest and now we can make dogwood jam with seeds.

Why not remove them? And you try! Dogwood - a dense berry, the bone tightly sticks to the pulp. You can, of course, wait for overripe, burgundy-colored fruits at the end of the season. Then the bone will be easily removed. But such berries are better to just eat raw - they are so sweet. And for jam, we take the fruits of medium maturity, so that noticeable elasticity is felt under the fingers. Preparatory work - as for other jams. We sort through the berries, remove the stalks, wash them, throw them in a colander.

Dogwood jam with pits: recipe number 1

Bring half a liter of water to a boil, add a kilogram of sugar in a stream. Stir until the latter is completely dissolved. When the syrup boils again, we fall asleep a kilogram of berries. Bring to a boil over high heat, and then lower the heat to medium. Carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon. We continue to cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then remove from the stove, cover with gauze and leave overnight.

The next day, again bring dogwood jam with stones to a boil, cook, stirring constantly, for 10-15 minutes over low heat, remove the foam, turn off the gas. This procedure must be repeated three times, allowing the syrup to cool completely. We check the readiness of the jam drop by drop. If on any flat surface it will be grouped by a high dome, then it's ready. If it spreads like a flat pancake, it needs to be boiled again. Banks are sterilized. We spread the jam in them so that the berries and syrup are evenly distributed. We roll up the lids and turn the jars upside down.

from dogwood No. 2

Pour a kilogram of berries with hot (about 80 ° C) water. Let stand for five minutes. Then drain the liquid, douse with cold water, discard the dogwood in a colander. Prepare the syrup according to the same principle as in the previous recipe, but observing different proportions. Here we take one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar for one and a half glasses of water. Pour dogwood into syrup, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat for a quarter of an hour. Then we put it on the stove again, but as soon as it starts to actively gurgle in the saucepan, turn off the gas. So we repeat 4-5 times.

Dogwood jam with pits: recipe number 3

We wash a kilogram of berries, prick each fruit with a fork so that the dense skin does not interfere with the release of juice, put it in an enameled basin. Pour the dogwood with granulated sugar. It will require 1.2 kilograms. When the sugar becomes wet and ruby, pour only 50 milliliters of water into the bowl. Yes, do not be surprised, according to this recipe, only a quarter cup of liquid is required - the berry juice will make up for the rest. Bring to a boil several times, skimming off the foam. After some time, dogwood jam, the preparation of which requires active stirring, will begin to thicken. When it reaches the consistency of jam, remove from the stove and lay out in clean and dry jars. You can not sterilize them, but seal the container with nylon lids.

Tasty, healthy and a little sour - dogwood jam. The best recipes.

Dogwood jam. The jam is very tasty - sour.

Dogwood five-minute jam

I checked it again - indeed, dogwood jam knocks down a not very high - up to 37.5 ° - temperature in children.
I decided to prepare more of this jam for the winter.

The easiest way to cook any jam is to boil and seal for five minutes. Such jam loses less vitamins, is quickly made and stored for a long time.

The jam is very tasty - sour. After cooling, it becomes thick and viscous.

1kg dogwood, 800g~1kg sugar, 0.5~1 cup water

Wash the dogwood, put in a saucepan.

Pour in sugar and pour in water. If the dogwood is overripe, then less water is needed, if it is unripe and hard, then more.

Put on a big fire.
When the jam boils, reduce the fire so that the mass only boils a little.
Cook for 5 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam.
Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Lay in a warm blanket until cool.

Dogwood jam (without cooking)

Last year I tried dogwood for the first time. And made jam out of it.
Jam is like jam - tasty, sour.

But what struck me was that when my girls got sick, this jam easily took off the temperature.
So I draw the attention of mothers, whose children often catch a cold, to this.

What can I say about this jam ... The taste is standard sweet and sour. Thick. Black-burgundy color. The aroma is weak, grassy.

But cooking it is just suicide. You can only do it if you have a penchant for masochism or have the RIGHT colander. The colander must have large holes! Through my fine mesh colander, I rubbed a kilogram of berries for two hours. And at first I wiped them normally, then, when the mesh was clogged with skin, I just picked out the bones with my hands, and I rubbed the pulp without any problems.

1kg pitted dogwood, 1.5~2kg sugar

Wash dogwood.
Line a table, tray or baking sheet with paper, sprinkle with dogwood and leave for 2~3 days.

The dogwood will darken and become soft.

Pass through a large sieve or colander. You need to wipe a little.

Do not throw away the bones, but put them in a saucepan - then you can cook compote from them.
Weigh the resulting mass and add sugar.

Leave the bowl of jam on the table and stir occasionally.

When the sugar dissolves, transfer the jam to jars, close the polyethylene lid and put it in the refrigerator.
If long-term storage is planned, then a 1 cm thick layer of sugar should be poured over the jam. It will protect the jam from mold.

Yield: when adding sugar 1:1.5 - approximately 700 ml;
at 1:2 - about 850 ml.

Liquid dogwood jam

In its raw form, this berry did not impress us - a completely tasteless pulp. And it seemed to me that it smells not just of grass, but specifically of nettles. The peel, however, is pleasant to the taste - sour. Therefore, it was decided to put this berry into jam.

The jam turned out quite attractive. The smell of the berries after cooking has changed, now it began to resemble the smell of boiled red currants. The taste is sweet-sour. Beautiful red color.

I specially made the jam liquid, so that later I can dilute it with water and make something like compote.
But it can also be made thick by evaporating the mass to the desired density.

Wiping through a colander is a rather dreary task. You need to take a colander with large holes.

500g dogwood, 1 cup water, 300~500g sugar

Wash ripe and overripe dogwood berries, put in an enamel pan, add water, bring to a boil, cook for 2~3 minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool completely.
Put the berries together with the liquid in a colander or a large sieve (substituting a bowl under the sieve).

Use a wooden pestle or wooden spoon to rub the berries through the mesh.

It is desirable that only the bones remain in the colander.

Pour the mashed mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil. If you need to get a thick jam (jam), boil the mass until thick.
Put sugar. Boil for 2~3 minutes and pour into prepared jars.
Seal tightly and put under a warm blanket to cool.
Yield: approx. 600 ml (without evaporation).

dogwood jam


1.5 kg sugar
1 kg dogwood
per 1 kg (20 servings):


Sort dogwood, rinse. Boil water in a wide saucepan. Put dogwood in portions in a sieve, dip in boiling water and blanch for 1 minute.

Dissolve sugar in 300 ml of water and bring to a boil. Put the dogwood into the boiling syrup, cook for 7 minutes, removing the foam.

Remove from heat, let cool completely. Return to heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Allow to cool again, then boil again. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars.

dogwood jam

Unfortunately, dogwood, blueberries or honeysuckle do not grow everywhere, but with a strong desire, you can get these healthy berries fresh or cook jam, jam, compote from them. In our country, dogwood grows on the Black Sea coast, in Siberia and the Far East. Those who have visited at least once in these parts do not need to be told what dogwood is, how it looks, and what it is eaten with.

And they eat and prepare syrups, jams, puddings and many more various confectionery products from dogwood. The recipe for dogwood jam is simple, and due to the high content of pectin in this berry, the juice quickly turns into jelly during cooking. The beneficial properties of the berry have not yet been fully studied, but the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in jam can be said with full confidence. Colds and flu will have no place in your home if you have stocked up for the winter with this healthy dogwood jam. Not only the berry is medicinal, but the leaves and bark of the dogwood tree are a natural astringent. Having the opportunity to prepare dogwood jam for the winter, I have never regretted it. In winter, it acts as a miracle pharmacy for us.

Ingredients for Cornel Jam Recipe:

Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
dogwood - 1 kg;
dry or semi-dry white wine - 2 cups.

Cornel jam recipe:

1. We wash the dogwood berries, remove the stems and leaves, take out the bones.

2. Then we shift the dogwood into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and wine.

3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat and cook for about 20 minutes until thickened.

4. Pour into prepared, pre-sterilized jars.

5. Cover with lids and put the jars for 5 minutes in a boiling water bath.

6. We roll up jars of jam with metal lids.

In addition to this recipe for dogwood jam, there are others: without cooking, with bones, in the form of jelly. Like any other berry, dogwood is perfectly preserved frozen, with or without sugar.

In winter, such a dogwood blank will fit as a delicious sweet and sour filling for pies, pies, puffs, for decorating cakes, decorating homemade desserts, etc.

Dogwood jam (original dogwood jam recipe)

The recipe is very simple.

For 1 kg of dogwood we need 2 kg of sugar.

The taste of this late berry is specific, but remarkably tasty. Later, dogwood is harvested except for quince. If spring and summer are warm and early, then dogwood ripens by mid-August, but there were years when we bought dogwood for jam in late August and early September.

It is better to choose large and fully ripe berries for jam. Dogwood, harvested green, tastes firm and almost without aroma.

Cooking dogwood jam is very simple. Cooking syrup. In sugar (per 2 kg) add 250 ml of boiling water. Mix well and put on fire, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. We remove the white foam. Boil over low heat until the syrup becomes clear. We pour out the dogwood. Let's boil.

We reduce the fire. After fifteen minutes, the thick bubbling first foam settles a little, becomes empty, and we remove the delicious pink foam. Boil the jam over low heat for 35-40 minutes. We stop cooking immediately after the dogwood jam began to darken. We cork immediately on the banks and roll up the lids. Such jam may not be corked, but I like to roll it up with winter lids. So it never dries up.

Preparing Syrup for Cornel Jam...

The syrup is ready.

We fall asleep in the dogwood syrup

Bring the berries in the syrup to a boil...

Dogwood jam is ready!

Putting in banks...
Closing banks...
We open with the onset of winter cold or when you want ...

dogwood jam


Dogwood 1 kg
granulated sugar 1 kg
vanilla sugar 1 pack
water 1 glass

Cooking method:

Rinse the dogwood, put in a saucepan. Cover the berries with sugar.

Pour in water. Stir and let sit for 30 minutes.

Bring to a boil over low heat. Pour in vanilla sugar.

Remove foam. Remove from stove.

Pour into prepared jars, close with lids. Store in a cool place.

The jam is ready.

Option 2


Dogwood 1 kg
Sugar 1.5 kg
Water 1/2 cup

Cooking method:

Remove pits from large berries, and boil small berries with pits. Cook dogwood jam in two steps. Immerse the prepared berries in hot water for 5 minutes, put them on a sieve, let the water drain, dip in syrup and let it boil several times. After that, remove from heat and leave for 7-8 hours, then cook until tender. Dogwood jam can be cooked without aging. In this case, the berries should be immersed in sugar syrup, brought to a boil, cooled for 10-15 minutes, then brought to a boil again and cooled again. Do this 5 times.

Option 3


Dogwood 1 kg
sugar 1.2 kg
water 0.5 l

Cooking method:

For jam, hard red, dark red fleshy fruits are used. Rinse the dogwood, separate from the stalks, pour over with hot water, set aside for 10 minutes. Make syrup from sugar and water. Immerse dogwood in syrup, boil for 5-8 minutes and set aside for 4-6 hours. Then boil again until tender over medium heat. Dogwood jam foams a lot, so you need to remove the foam all the time. Pour into hot sterile jars, roll up and wrap until completely cool


Dogwood 1 kg
Water 2 cups
Sugar 1.5 kg


Rinse the dogwood. Sort out the berries.
Prepare syrup. Chop the berries.

Boil syrup.

fall asleep dogwood

Catch the berries

Boil the syrup

put berries

Same for the 3rd time

Add more

Drop test

Pour into jars


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