What should be done with the found money from the point of view of Islam? Following the Sunnah: what to do when you hear the adhan

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim is not a prayer or a sura from the Qur'an. Bismillahi is translated as “With the name of God”, Rahman is one of the innumerable names of the Almighty Creator and is translated as Merciful, Rahim is also one of the names of Almighty Allah and is translated as Merciful. The words of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim are fully translated as follows: "In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful." With these words, a Muslim begins his good deeds.

Basmala is an independent verse of the Qur'an that separates one Qur'anic surah from another. Basmala - Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim is not included in any sura, except for "an-Naml".

Interpretation of the words of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

All scholars of Islam agree that "Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim" is the verse of the Holy Quran, which is included in the Surah an-Naml:

إِنَّهُ مِن سُلَيْمَانَ وَإِنَّهُ بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Prophet Suleiman, peace be upon him, in a letter to Bilquis (Queen of Sheba) wrote:

"This is a letter from Suleiman and I begin with the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful."
Here the words "Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim" are considered an ayat of this sura.
Scholars are also unanimous that this verse is written at the beginning of every sura, except for sura at-Tauba.
But there is disagreement among the Imams of Islam as to whether the basmalah is an verse of Surah al-Fatiha or not. According to the great Imam Abu Hanifa, this verse is not included in any surah other than An-Naml. Basmala is an independent verse of the Qur'an, which was sent down by Allah precisely in order to separate one Qur'anic surah from another.

Virtues of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim (Basmaly)

The Arabs before the advent of Islam began all important things with the pronunciation of the name of this or that idol. In order to eradicate this practice, the first words of revelation that Jibril, peace be upon him, conveyed to our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were:

اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ

"Read in the name of your Lord."

And in many it is reported that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, began all important matters with the pronunciation of the name of Allah. At first, he uttered the formula “Bismika Allahumma” (“With Your name, Allah ...”), and later began to say “Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim”. From that time on, it was the pronunciation of the basmala that became sunnah.

It is sunnah to pronounce basmalah before the start of each action permitted by Shariah: before eating, drinking, washing, entering a vehicle, before turning on the light, closing the door and other actions, even the most ordinary, household ones.

By commanding a person to start everything he does with the name of Allah, Islam directs his whole life to Allah, so that the believer with every step and every deed renews his devotion to Allah. Thus, all daily actions of a person, every movement and gesture, become acts of worship, for which a Muslim will receive a reward in eternal life. Just a few words - and what a powerful effect! Basmala is like a chemical reaction that transforms the earthly (dunya) into the sacred (din). At first glance, it seems that the unbeliever eats and drinks exactly like a Muslim, but by saying basmala before eating, the Muslim thereby admits that he does not have the power to create even that small piece of food that he puts in his mouth. It was Allah Almighty who gave it to him, like this sip of water.

The names of the Almighty "Allah", "ar-Rahman" and "ar-Rahim"

There are three names of the Lord in the Basmala:

  • Allah;
  • ar-Rahman;
  • ar-Rahim.

About the name "Allah" Imam Abu Abdullah as-Sanusi, may Allah have mercy on him, writes as follows:

"Allah is the proper name of God, whose Existence is intelligible and worthy of worship."

Imam Ibn Kathir writes: “Allah is the proper name of the Lord. There is an opinion that it is the “greatest name” (al-ism al-aʼzam), because it is this name that is described by all qualities. Allah Almighty says:

هُوَ اللَّـهُ الَّذِي لَا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْمَلِكُ الْقُدُّوسُ السَّلَامُ الْمُؤْمِنُ الْمُهَيْمِنُ الْعَزِيزُ الْجَبَّارُ الْمُتَكَبِّرُ

“He is Allah, besides whom there is none worthy of worship. He is al-Malik (Lord), al-Quddus (Perfect), as-Salam (Having no faults), al-Mu'min (Proof of rightness), al-Muhaymin (Omniscient), al-ʼAziz (Conqueror), al-Jabbar (Forcing), al-Mutakabbir (Majestic) ... "

All other names (except the name "Allah") play the role of attributes.

The other two names - "ar-Rahman" and "ar-Rahim" - although they are formed from the same root with the meaning "mercy", but differ in meaning.

We will give here three main interpretations of these names, all of which are correct:

Ar-Rahman - Gracious, Possessor of Grace, Ar-Rahim - Showing Grace.

In this meaning, the first name is associated with an attribute that describes the essence of Allah Almighty, and the second name is associated with His actions, that is, Allah has mercy on whomever He wishes. When choosing such an interpretation of these names, “basmalu” can be translated into Russian as “with the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful” or “... the Merciful, the Merciful”.

Ar-Rahman - giving blessings to everyone in this world, Ar-Rahim - showing His Grace only to believers in eternal life.

In accordance with this interpretation, "basmala" is translated into Russian as "with the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and only to those who believe in the next."

Imam al-Sanusi gives a different interpretation, which most scholars of aqid considered the most correct: "ar-Rahman" - endowing with significant benefits (such as life, iman, etc.), and "ar-Rahim" - endowing with small benefits (delicious food, beautiful clothes, etc.). And the meaning of combining these names in the Qur'an and in our speech (when we say: “Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim”) is that the Almighty should be asked both for significant things and for the most insignificant things, as indicated by Imam al-Bayjuri in Tuhfat al-Murid.

"Ar-Rahman" is the exclusive property of Allah, and this word is used only when referring to the Lord. It is unacceptable to call someone from the creations "Rahman", to give this name to children, etc., since there is no one except Allah, whose mercy would be complete and comprehensive. In addition, the names "Allah" and "ar-Rahman" do not have a dual and plural number, because these are the names of the One who is One, who has no partner equal or similar to Him.

However, the word "ar-rahim" in Arabic can be used in relation to a person: Allah Almighty describes the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with this quality:

بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ

He is gentle and merciful (rahim) to the believers.”

Sometimes "Bismillah" is translated as "in the name of Allah". Of course, this is not a completely strict translation in the sense of conveying the grammatical meaning of the Arabic expression, since the functional word "bi" in Basmala has the meaning of "combining", "search for help" or "search for grace". This means that we say “Bismillah”, combining the pronunciation of this verse with the beginning of our work, asking the Almighty for help and grace in this matter. And in this sense, the translation “with the name of Allah…” is more accurate. However, from the point of view of meaning, the translation “in the name of Allah” will still be correct, because “in the name of someone” in Russian means “for the sake of someone”, which is absolutely true - we start a business for the sake of Allah, wanting to turn the usual, everyday occupation in worship of the Almighty.

Thus, every time we say “in the name of Allah…” we mean a verb denoting the action that we will perform: “in the name of Allah the All-Merciful, I start/eat/drink/go out/sit down/read the Quran”, etc. .
Do not forget that “Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim” is a verse of the Holy Quran, and it must be shown the same respect as the Quran itself: if it is written on paper or printed in a book, it is unacceptable to touch it without small ablution (wudu). If you do not have a ghusl, then in addition to this you cannot read this verse with the intention of reading the Qur'an, however, you can say “basmala” as a prayer (dua) or as words of remembrance of Allah before starting any business permitted by Shariah.

Every devout Muslim begins all his deeds with the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim." Such an undertaking is prescribed by the Sharia and according to the Hadith, if you do not say "Bismillahi" before every important matter, then it is devoid of Barakat and the chances of such a case for success will be minimal. Why is the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" so important to Muslims? A truly faithful Muslim performs all his deeds, deeds and acts of worship in the name of the Almighty and in the name of the Almighty. And the prayer "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" in Arabic means "in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful." If a person does deeds or deeds not for the sake of the Almighty, but to achieve his worldly goals, such as fame, enrichment, personal gain, or for the sake of his reputation among people, such deeds will not have spiritual encouragement. And Allah will not accept them, no matter how good they are. But with the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” a Muslim puts divine power and strength into his deeds, and it serves as oral proof of sincere intentions for the glory of the Almighty. The good deed begun with Bismillah is written to the person and on the Day of Judgment it will play its role. The Bismillah contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the will and by the will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the mercy of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all deeds that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakah and the blessing of the Almighty. ... the clouds receded, moving to the east, the winds stopped blowing, the oceans calmed down, all beings prepared to listen, fire was sent to Shaitan from Heaven, and Allah Almighty, pronouncing an oath by His Honor, proclaimed: “He who pronounces this My name (“Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim") over anything, I will send Barakyat on this matter (thing, etc.). It is for this reason that the Prophet Rasulullah uttered this phrase and advised the community to do the same before starting any business: before locking the door for the night, turning on the light, drinking water, eating, getting in or out of transport, etc. And on the Day of Justice, Allah will remember all the smallest good deeds in His name, which a person himself may not remember.

Transcription of Basmala

The transcription of Basmala is written something like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim.

Surah al-Fatiha: transcription and video for those who want to learn

  1. Bismil-lyayahi rRahmaani rRakhim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi Rabbil-‘aalamieen.
  3. Ar-Rahmaani rRakhim.
  4. Meeliki yaumid-din.
  5. Iieeke na’budu ue ieeke nasta’iin.
  6. Ikhdina syroatal-mustakim.
  7. Syroatol-lyaziyna an'amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amine

Listen to the pronunciation in the video. Sheikh Mishari Rashid teaches correct pronunciation.


Basmala's words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is a confirmation of a Muslim's sincere intention before committing any action or deed for the pleasure of the One Who created all mankind, namely for the sake of the pleasure of Allah Almighty, He is Holy and Great! In order for good deeds or actions to be accepted by the Lord of the worlds, believers must have sincere thoughts.

Surah "Fatiha" -

"Auzu billahi minashshaitaani r-rajim.
Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim.
Alhamdi lillahi rabbil alyamin.
Arrahmaani r-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin.
Iyyakya na´budy va iyyakya nasta´in.
Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakym.
Syraatallyazina an'amta aleihim.
Gairil Magdubi Aleihim Valad-doolliin…"
Aamin! .. (Pronounced silently)

Meaning: "I resort to Allah, in order to avoid the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment! We only worship You and only ask You to help! Lead us on the path those whom You have bestowed with blessings, not those who are under wrath and not astray. So be it!"

Sura "Kyausar"

"Bismillahi r-rahmani-r-rahim.
Inna a'tayna kal kyausar
Fyassalli li rabbika van har
Inna shyaaniyakya hval abtar".

Meaning: "Verily, We have given you [Muhammad] abundance. So perform a ritual prayer and slaughter [a sacrificial animal]. Verily, the one who hates you is just a short one."

Sura "Phil"

Alyamtyara kayfya faala rabbika bi-askhaabil fiil
Alam yaj'al kaydakhyam fi tadzliil
Wa arsala alai khim tayran abyabiil
Tyarmihim bi hijaratim min sijjiil
Fajya alyaham ka asfim ma'kyal."

Meaning: "Don't you know what your Lord did with the army of the elephant? Didn't He upset their evil thoughts and send flocks of birds against them? They showered them with fragments of petrified clay and turned them into the likeness of a field [locust] corroded."

Surah "Quraish"

Li iylafi qurayshin.
Iylafihim rikhlyatash shityaaai vassayif.
Fal ya'budyya rabba hyaazal byaytillaziya
At'amaham min jui wa aamyana hyam min hauf".

Meaning: "For the sake of the unity of the Quraysh tribe, their unity during the winter transition [to Yemen] and the summer transition [to Syria], let them [i.e. Quraysh] worship the Lord of this [Meccan] Temple, Who fed them during the famine and delivered from fear [of the Ethiopians]."

Sura "Maun"

Araaytallyazi yykazziby biddiyn.
Fazyalikallzyai yady'ul yatiim.
Valyaa yahudzu alaa ta'aamil miskiyn.
Fyayailyl lil musalliin.
Allaziynaya khum an salyaatihim syaakhaan.
Allaziina hyam yyraaa yyanya va yamnauunal maun".

Meaning: “Have you thought about the one who denies the reckoning [of the Day of Judgment]? After all, this is the one who persecutes the orphan and does not call [people] to feed the poor. the same] to give alms".

Sura "Kafirun"

Kul yyaa ayyykhal kaafiruun
Laa a´bydy mya ta´bydyn
Valyaa ana abidym maa abadtym
Valyaa antym aabidyna ma abyd
Lakym diynykym waliya diin".

Meaning: "Say [Muhammad]: 'O you infidels! I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. For I will not [shall] worship what you worship, and you will not [shall] worship what I worship. Your faith is yours, mine is mine!"

Surah "Nasr"

Izya jyaaaaaa nasrullaahi wal fathu
Wa raayannaasa yadhu-lyana fi diinillahi afuyaajaa
Fassabbih bihamdi rabbikya wastagfirhu innakyaya kaana tauuyaabyaa".

Meaning: "When the help of the Lord arrives and victory comes, and when you see that people will begin to accept Faith in God in droves, then give praise to your Lord, and ask Him for forgiveness, for He is Forgiving."

Surah "Lakhab"

Taubbyat yada abiylahabi wa tabba
Maa agna ankha malyhyaya va ma kasab
Sayasla naran zata lahab
Vamraatyhu hammalyatyal khatab
Fii jiidiha hablom mim masad".

Meaning: “May Abu Lahab’s hands wither! May he perish! Neither wealth nor what he gained could save him. And soon he will enter a blazing fire. around her neck is a rope of palm fibers.

Surah "Ikhlas"

"Kul huallahu ahad.
Allah s-samad.
Lam yalid valam yulad
Walam yakullahu kufuan ahad."

Meaning: "Say:" He is the One God, the Lord eternal. He did not beget and was not begotten, and there is none equal to Him."

Surah Falyak

Kul auuzu birabbil falyak
Min sharri mea halyak
Wa min shyarri ´gaasikyn izyaa wakab
Wa min shayarri nafasaati fil ´ukad
Wa min sharri haasidin izyaa hasad".

Meaning: "Say:" I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn from the evil that He created, from the evil of the darkness of the night, when it covers [the world], from the evil of blowing knots [sorceresses], from the evil of envious envy.

Sura "Us"

Kul auuzu birabbin-nas Myalikin-nas.
Ilyakhin-nas Min sharril waswas il khan-nas
Allazii waswisufisudyrin-nas
Minal gin-nati van-naas".

Meaning: "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of people, the King of people, the God of people from the evil of the tempter [at the mention of the Creator] hiding, the hearts of rational beings seducing, both jinn and people."

Du´a ´´Subhanaka´´

Subhanakallahumma. Wa bihamdike. Wah tabarakasmyk. Wa ta'ala dzhyaddyk. Walyaa ilaha ´gayruk".

Du "a" "Attahiyyat""

"Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu assalamy aleyke ayuyhannabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa baraka" atyh. Assalamu aleyna wa "ala" ibidillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah wa ashhady anna Muhammadan "abduhu wa rasylyukh".

Salavat Sharifs

Meaning: “O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. O Allah! You are worthy of praise and glory."

Du "a, read after Salavat Sharif

Rabbana aatin fiddiniya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa kyyna "azzabannaar".

Meaning: "O our Lord! Give us well-being in this and the next world and save us from the fire of hell."

Doo "a" Kunut ""

"Allahumma inna nastayynyka. Va nastagfirukya wa nastakhdiyk. Va nysnii alaykyalkhayra kullahaya nashkuruka walaa nakfyryk. Va nakhlya" va natruky man yafdzhyryk. Allahhumma iyyakya na "buddy wa lakya nysalli wa nasjudu wa ileike us" and wa nakhfid nurjy rahmatake wa nakhsha "azabake inna" azabake bil kuffari mylhik.

Meaning: "My Allah, we ask You for help, guidance on the path of truth and forgiveness of our sins. Believing in You, repenting before You, we rely on You with hope. For every good we give praise to You and give thanks for the blessings that You bestow. Never we do not fall into unbelief (denying You). We are against those who do not recognize You and refuse them. My Allah, we pray only to You, we pray and worship only You. We try with all our might to show obedience to You. We hope only for Your mercy and we are afraid of Your punishment, for Your punishment will befall the disbelievers."

What is read after prayer

Du'a: "Allahumma antassalam wa minkas salam.
Tabarakta yazal jalali wal-ikram"
(“O Allah! You are Peace and peace comes from You.
Your grace has multiplied. O Possessor of majesty and honor.

Then the following tasbih is read:
"Subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi
Wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar
Valya haulya valya kuvata illya billahil-alliyil 'azyim".

Then the verse "Al-Kursi" is read:
"Bismillahi-r-rahmani r-rahim.
Allah la ilaha illa hwal hayul qayyum.
Laa ta'khuzuhu sinatyn Valyaa naum
Lahu maa fissamaauyaati Wa maa fil ardz.
Man zallazi yashfau ´indahu illya-a bi-iznih
Ya'lamy maa bayna aydiyhim Vamaa halfahum
Valyayhiytuuna bishyai im min ´ilmikhii illyaa bi maa shaaaaa.
Vasi´ya kursiyyhu-s-samaaVaati Val ard
Wailing uduhuu hifzuhumyaa Wa hval'aliyyylyaziim".

Meaning: "Allah is the One besides Whom, there is no deity. He is the Living, Eternally Existing, neither slumber nor sleep overcomes Him. Everything in Heaven belongs to Him, and everything on Earth, whoever intercedes before Him, without His permission? He knows what was before them and knows what will be after them, they seize from His knowledge only what He wills. His throne embraces Heaven and Earth, and His guarding them does not burden, verily. He is High, Great".

"Subhanallah" - 33 times,
"Alhamdulillah" - 33 times,
"Allahu Akbar" - 33 times.

Du'a (takbir, tahlil, tahmid):
"Allahu akbar. La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la shara lahu.
Lyakhul-mulku Wa lyakhul-hamdu yuhyi va yumit.
Wa huVa hayyun la yamutu biyadihil khairu wa huVa 'ala kulli shayin kadir."

Meaning: "Allah is above all. There is no deity but Allah, the One, who has no partner, the power belongs to Him. Praise is only to Him. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is Almighty."
Du´a (prayers, appeals)

Some du'a read during prayer

Subhanakallahumma va bihamdike
Wa tabarakasmyk wa ta'ala jyadduk
Valyaa ilaha ´gairuk".

Meaning: "Allah is above all. My Allah, I turn to You, asking for forgiveness and praising You. Your name is blessed. Your greatness is immeasurable (Your glory is unlimited) and there is no deity except You."

"Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu
Assalamu aleyke ayuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa baraka'atyh
Assalamu aleyna wa 'ala 'ibidillahi s-salihiin
Ashhady alla illaha illallah
Wa ashhady anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasylyukh".

Meaning: "Honor Allah and prayers and kind words. Peace and health to you, O Prophet! And the mercy of Allah and His grace. Peace and health to us and the good servants of Allah. I testify that there is no deity but Allah, I still testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger."
Attention! During the pronunciation of the words "la ilahe", the index finger of the right hand rises and on "illa llahu" - falls.

Salavat-sharifs (prayers of blessing)
"Allahumma sally 'ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad
Kamya sallayta 'alaa Ibrahim wa alaa a'ali Ibrahim
Innakya hamidim majid.
Allahumma beariq 'alaa Muhammadin wa alaa a'ali Muhammad
Kamyaa bearakta ´alaa Ibrahim ´alaa a´ali Ibrahim
Innakya hamidim majid".

Meaning: “O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Oh, Allah! Verily, You are worthy of praise and glory."

The position and importance of the phrase "Bismillah".

Sharia orders its adherents to begin any projects, deeds, works and tasks with the phrase: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim."

The Hadith says that any important business or project that is not started with the utterance of this phrase is imperfect and undesirable; it is devoid of barakah and blessings. When there is no Barakyat, then the chances of success in this case are the most minimal. Therefore, you need to say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" before starting a business or project.

"Bismillah" is the essence of the Holy Quran.

According to some Ulama (Islamic scholars), Sura Fatiha is the essence of the entire Qur'an. And "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is the essence of Sura Fatiha.

When "Bismillah" was sent down...

Sayyidina Jabir (ra) reports that when "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" was sent down, the clouds retreated, moving to the east, the winds stopped blowing, the oceans calmed down, all beings prepared to listen, fire was sent down on Shaitan from Heaven, and Allah Almighty, pronouncing His oath Honor, proclaimed: "Whoever pronounces this name of mine ("Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim") over anything, I will send Barakyat on this matter (thing, etc.). (Durr Mansur and Ibn Kathir).

"Bismillah" before Wahi (Revelation).

It is narrated in Durr Mansur that Sayidina Ibn Umar (r) said that indeed, every time Jibril (angel Gabriel), (as), brought Wahi (Revelation) to Rasulullah (sas), he first said: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim ".

The reason for this is as follows: Bismillah contains 3 names of Allah:

1) Allah, which is His own Name, indicating that all deeds can be started only by the will and desire of Allah;

2) Rahman (the Merciful), which is one of His attributes, properties, indicating that only Allah can keep this matter intact and existing (protecting it from destruction);

3) Rahim (Merciful) is also one of His attributes, indicating that only Allah, through His mercy and greatness, can enable a person to benefit from this business (project, thing, etc.).

This clearly confirms that any project, business started with the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" will be granted Barakat and blessings from beginning to end.

"Bismillah" before the beginning of everything.

It is for this reason that Rasulullah (the Prophet) (saws) used to say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" before starting any deed. And he (sas) also advised the Umma (community) to do the same. For example, say this phrase before locking the door at night, before turning on the light, before eating, before drinking water, before getting into a vehicle, and before exiting a vehicle.

Beauty of Islam

Islam is not limited to Masjid (mosque) or Madrasah. This is a way of life. Each and every aspect of the life of a Muslim implies Din - faith.

It is for this reason that Rasulullah (sas) showed his Umma (community) a simple small Ammal (deed), as a result of which his every earthly deed will become religious and will be rewarded. It is for this reason that the utterance of the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" before starting any deed will grant this deed Ibadat (service to the Almighty), for which the person who uttered this phrase will be rewarded. In addition, uttering the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" before starting any deed, he assumes that each of his deeds, large or small, can be performed only with the help and mercy of Allah Almighty.

Thus, every deed of a person becomes Ibadat (service to the Almighty). By doing so, he will draw closer to Allah and move away from Shaitan. And by not doing so, he will bring harm to no one else, but only to himself.

According to Sayyidina Ibn Abbas (r.a.) in Durr Mansoor, Rasulullah (saw) said that people are ignorant of the blessings of one Ayat of the Holy Quran which was sent down to no one except me and Suleiman (as). And this is: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim".

Remembering Allah with His 3000 Names

It is mentioned in Tafsir Ruhul Bayan that Allama Sayyid Hakki (r) said that Allah Almighty has 3000 names. He sent down one thousand - to the angels, one thousand - Ambiya (as) - to the prophets, three hundred are mentioned in the Torah, three hundred - in the Psalms of David, three hundred - in the New Testament, and ninety-nine - in the Holy Quran. One Name He kept for Himself; He did not reveal this name to anyone. He also collected together all His names into three names: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim". These are Allah, Rahman and Rahim. Saying the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is tantamount to remembering Allah with His three thousand names.

Teaching Children to Say Bismillah Means Forgiveness for Parents

Narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.) that as soon as the teacher says to the child: "Say:" Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim ", then both the teacher and the child, and the parents of this child are freed from the fire of Jahannam (hell).

It is reported that Sayidina Isa (Jesus) (as) passed by the grave, the inhabitant of which was in torment. A few days later he again happened to pass by the same grave. And at that time there were no more punishments and torments. The man in that grave was relieved. This surprised him greatly. He (Jesus) asked Allah: "O Lord, what caused Your Grace that You removed the punishments from this man?" Allah Almighty replied: “O Isa, when a man died, he left a child. When his mother took him to the Madrasah, and he (the child) said: “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” in the presence of a teacher, it did not become Me to continue to punish his father, in while he called me Rahman and Rahim. Therefore I forgave him."

"Bismillah" - a means of getting rid of punishment

Abdullah bin Masud (ra) reports that the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" contains 19 letters, and the angels of Jahannam (Ada) also contain 19. Whoever says "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" will be protected from 19 angels of Jahannam. (Tafsir Qurtabi and Durrul Mansour, Volume I, p.9)

"Bismillah" - a means of high position in Eternity

It is reported that Rasulullah (sas) said that any Dua (prayer, request to the Almighty), begun with the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", will not be rejected. Because of the utterance of the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", the scales of my Ummah will become heavy on the Day of Qiyamat (on the Day of Judgment). Other people will ask, "Why do the deeds of Ummah Muhammad carry such weight?" Their prophets will say: “In the sayings of Ummah Muhammad (saw) there is such a revered name of Allah that if you put it on one scale, and the sins of all creatures on the other, then the bowl from the Bismillah will be heavier.”

Other Miracles of "Bismillah"

It is reported that Rasulullah (sas) said that as long as people continue to say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", these words will be a means of protecting them from diseases; a means of giving wealth to the needy; a means of liberation from Fire; a means of protection from being swallowed by the earth; means of protection against distortion of the face; and a means of protection from stones from the sky (Gunyatut Talibin, p. 157).

Hadith Qudsi

Rasulullah (saw) said that Sayidina Jibril (Gabriel), (as) mentioned this Hadith under an oath that he heard this Hadith from Sayyidina Mikail (as), and he in turn swore that he heard it from Sayyidina Israfil (as ) under an oath that he heard this from Almighty Allah, Who said: "My Honor, Majesty and Splendor, the one who pronounces" Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim ", and Sura Fatiha (fused with this phrase) once, you will be a witness of that I will not burn his tongue and save him from the Fire and the punishment in the grave..."

Note: Reading the phrase of Bismillah and Sura Fatih together means reading it as follows: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahimil Hamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin ..."

Saying "Bismillah ..." before Wudu (ablution)

Rasulullah (sas) said: "Whoever does not say "Bismillah" before Wudu, his Wudu is incomplete" (Tirmizi).

Sayyidina Abu Hurairah (r.a.) narrated that whoever does not say "Bismillah" before Wudu, then only the sins committed by the limbs of the body will be washed away in Wudu; and whoever says "Bismillah" before wudu, the sins of the whole body will be washed away. (Mishkaat).

Saying "Bismillah" before eating

Sayyidina Umar Ibn Salmah (r.a.) reports that Rasulullah (saws) told him: "Speak Bismillah and eat with your right hand the food that is in front of you" (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi).

The one who started eating without saying "Bismillah", Rasulullah (saw) held his hand and urged him to say "Bismillah". (Zaadul Ma'aad, Uswah-i Rasul Akram).

The Ulama said that it is preferable to say "Bismillah" aloud so that it is a reminder to those who forget about it.

It is also narrated that Ibn Habbaan reports that if "Bismillah" is said before taking advantage of any bounty from Allah, and "Alhamdulillah" is said after taking advantage of it, the "user" will not be asked to account for that bounty on the Day of Judgment.

Blessings in food.

When pronouncing "Bismillah" before eating, Barakah descends on this food. In this regard, Sayyidina Aisha (ra) reports that once Rasulullah (sas) was having a meal with the Sahabs (his companions) (ra), and then a Bedouin passed by and joined them. He finished all the food in two sittings.

Rasulullah (sas) noted that if he said "Bismillah" before starting to eat, there would be enough food for everyone. And if someone forgets to say "Bismilyaya" before eating, he should say: "Bismillahi avva-lyahu wa ahiruhu." This will force Shaitan to return the food he has already eaten. (This means that Barakyat will return). (Abu Dawud).

Non-pronunciation of the words "Bismillah" is the cause of insatiability

Once a man complained to Rasulullah (saw) that he had eaten, but still felt that he had not eaten. Rasulullah (sas) said that perhaps he does not say "Bismillah" before eating. He admitted it. Rasulullah (saws) said that if a person does not say "Bismillah" before starting a meal, even after eating, hunger will be felt in the stomach.

Taking off clothes.

Sayyidina Anas (r.a.) reports from the Prophet (saws) that when a person takes off his clothes for the purpose of defecation, bathing or intimacy with his wife/husband, Shaitan always intervenes and starts playing with his/her organs. But if a person says "Bismillah" before taking off his clothes, then this serves as a barrier and protection from Shaitan and Jinn. (Tirmizi).

In Amalul Yaum Wal Laila, Dua Masnun is mentioned (Sunnah Dua, pronounced by the Prophet himself (sas): "Bismillahil lazi la Ilyaha illa Huva", meaning: "In the name of Allah, besides which no one is worth worshiping, except He."

Protection from Satan when leaving the house

According to the Hadith, whoever says the following Dua when leaving the house, Allah answers him, saying: I gave you protection and saved you from your enemy, Shaitan. "(Thus, Shaitan moves away from him). (Tirmidhi)

This Dua is the following: "Bismillahi tawakkaltu alal-Lla. Wa la haula wa la kuvwata illa billah", which means: In the name of Allah, I rely on Allah. There is no power to do good or deter evil from anyone except with the help of Allah.

"Bismillah" at the entrance to the house

Sayidina Jabir (r.a.) reports from Rasulullah (sas) that when a person says "Bismillah" at the entrance to the house and then says "Bismillah" while eating, Shaitan says to his friends: "Let's go from here. Here we will not see any food, no overnight." (Muslim, Abu Dawud).

Dua Masnoon at the entrance to the house

Allahumma inni as'-aluka khairal mawlaji wa khairal mahraji. Bismillahi walajna wa bismillah harajna wa alal-llahi rabbinah tawakkalnaa.

Meaning: O Allah, I ask You for goodness when entering and leaving (from this house). With the name of Allah we enter (into the house) and with His name we go out; and in Allah, our supporter, we rely.

Disaster protection day and night

Read the following Uazifa (task for every day) three times after the Fajr and Maghreb prayers: Bismillahil lyazii la yazurru ma'a ismihi shayun fil arzi wa la fis samaa'i wa huwas sami'ul alim.

Meaning: (I begin this day) in the name of Allah, with whose name nothing on earth or in heaven can harm. And He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

Preservation of faith, life, family and property

Read the following Uazifa (task for every day) three times after the Fajr prayer and after the Maghrib: Bismillahi ala diini wa nafsi wa ladii wa ahliya wa malii.

Meaning: In the name of Allah, I seek the protection of my faith, my life, my children, my/her spouse and my property.

Protecting a child from Shaitan immediately after birth

Imam Bukhari (ra) mentioned In Bukhari Riwaya (narration, narration) from Abdullah bin Abbas (ra): Whoever pronounces the following Dua before intercourse with his wife, the child who is born will be protected from the assassination of Shaitan. (Bukhari):

Bismillahi alahumma jannib nash-shaitana wa janni bish-shaitana maa razaktana.

Before every Dua.

Rasulullah (saw) said that any Dua that begins with the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" will not be rejected. (Gunyat).

For pain.

Sayyidina Usman bin Abil Aas (r.a.) once complained to Rasulullah (saw) about pain in his body. Rasullula (sas) said to put his hand on the place where it hurts and say "Bismillah" three times and seven times the following Dua:

Auzu billahi wa kudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa khaziru.

Meaning: I seek salvation from Allah and His might from what I feel and fear.

He did as he was told and the pain stopped.

Boarding the ship

It is reported from Sayidina Husayn ibn Ali (r) that Rasulullah (saw) said that his Umma will be protected from drowning as long as they say the following Dua while boarding the ship:

Bismillahi majrehaa wa mursakhaa inna rabbi la gafurur rahim. Wa maa kadarul laha hakka kadihi.

Meaning: "In the name of Allah, whether it be (movement) by sea or by land. Verily, my Lord is the All-Forgiving and Merciful. And they did not understand Allah as He should be understood."

Bismillah brings a person closer to Allah.

According to the Hadith, Sayyidina Usman (r.a.) asked Rasulullah (saws) about "Bismillah". He replied that this is one of the great names of Allah, and it brings a person closer to Allah as close as white and black eyes are close. (Tafsir ibn Kathir)

Simplifying a difficult task.

Sayyidina Ali (r) is reported to have said that "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is an effective Dua for making any difficult task easier; and it removes any sadness and brings joy to the heart.

For the success of any project.

To the one who reads "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 786 times every day, then reads the Dua for the success of his project, deed, Allah will undoubtedly grant success in this matter. (Korani Ilaaj).

Protection from all troubles.

The one who writes "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 311 times on the first day of the month of Muharram and wears this paper on himself will be protected from all disasters. (Korani Ilaaj).

Benefits of writing Bismillah.

A righteous person says that whoever writes "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 65 times and wears this paper on himself, Allah will give him honor and no one will offend him. (Tafsir Muzihul Qur'an).

The same person says that the one who writes "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 600 times and wears this paper on himself, he will be of great dignity to people and no one will mistreat him.

Strengthening memory

Read "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 786 times, blow on the water and let the person with bad memory drink this water at sunset time. Insha'Allah, any weakness in memory will disappear.

For love

Reading "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 786 times, then blow on the water and let the person drink - love will enter the heart of that person.

For the child to survive.

A woman whose babies die after birth must write "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 61 times and wear this paper on herself. Her children will live, inshaAllah.

Barakat and protection of the harvest.

Write "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 101 times and bury the paper in the field (garden). The harvest will be protected from all disasters and it will have Barakyat.

For every need to be fulfilled.

Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi (r.a.) writes in his Tafsir Azizi and Sheikh Sanavi (r.a.) writes in his Amal Quran that a person should recite "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 12,000 times as follows: when he recites 1000 times, he should perform 2 additional (Nafl) Rak'ah and read Dua to Allah about your needs. Then he should read "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 1000 more times and repeat the same thing again after that. And so - until he finishes reading "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 12,000 times. Insha'Allah, his needs will be fulfilled.

Before you hit the road.

Sayidina Jubair ibn Mutini (r.a.) says that one day Rasulullah (saw) asked him if he would like that whenever he goes on a trip, he would prosper more than his companions. He said: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah, may I sacrifice my father and mother for you." (For the Arabs in those days, this was the strongest oath, because the parents were the dearest that they had, and they were ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the Prophet (saws) - translator's comment).

Rasulullah (saws) said: "Read the last five Surahs of the Qur'an, beginning each Surah with a Bismillah and ending with a Bismillah.

Sayyidina Jubair (r.a.) said that before that he had always had less than his companions. But after he began to fulfill the above prescribed Amal (task, deed), he noticed that he became more prosperous than his companions. (Tafsir Mazhari).

To protect against thieves.

If you read "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 21 times before going to bed, the house will be protected from burglars.

For protection from the evil machinations of Shaitan.

If you read "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 21 times before going to bed, a person will be protected from the evil machinations of Shaitan.

To avoid sudden death.

If, before going to bed, read "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 21 times, a person will not die a sudden death.

To overcome the tyrant

To defeat a tyrant, say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 50 times in his presence.

Protection from a despotic ruler

Write "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 500 times on a piece of paper and read it 150 times and blow on that paper and wear the paper on your body (in your pocket or around your neck). Insha'Allah, the tyrant's behavior will change for the better when that person (who does the above) approaches. He will answer courteously and the person will be protected from the harm of this tyrant.

From a headache.

Write "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" 21 times on a piece of paper and tie on the head and wear like Tawiz. The headache will disappear, inshaAllah.

Miscellaneous cases related to "Bismillah".

The case of Bashr Khafi.

Bashr Khafi once saw a piece of paper with the inscription "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" lying on the ground. He picked it up. He had 2 dirhams in his pocket. He bought perfume with this money and poured it on paper. That night he saw Allah Ta'ala in a dream.

Allah said to him: "O Bashr Khafi, just as you honored my name, in the same way I will make you famous in this world and in eternity."

The case of Abu Muslim Khauliani.

Abu Muslim Khauliani had a slave who served him. For some time now, she began to feed him food mixed with poison so that he would die. After several weeks, she did not see any signs of illness. Then she told him about what she was doing and asked why the resin did not harm him.

He, in turn, asked her why she did it. She replied that he was already old and she had a strong desire to be free as soon as possible. This could only happen when he died.

He replied that no harm had been done to him, because. he always had a habit of saying "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" before eating or drinking anything.

After that, he immediately released her so that she could marry whomever she wished.

The story of Allah's forgiveness of Qazi (Islamic judge).

One Kazi died while his wife was pregnant. A child was born. When he grew up, his mother took him to the Madrasah. When he said "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" in the presence of a teacher for the first time, Allah removed the punishment from his father. Allah said to Sayyidina Jibril (Gabriel) (ra): "O Jibril, it is not proper for me to continue to punish my father when a child remembers me with the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim."

The Incredible Story of a Jewish Girl.

In Lamat, the Sufiyya rejoices that once a righteous man lectured on the virtues of the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim." A Jewish girl also attended the lecture. She was so moved by this lecture that she converted to Islam. And since then, before starting to do something, she always said "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" first. When her father, who was the king's minister, found out that she had converted to Islam, he was very upset. He feared that his dignity would fall in the eyes of the people. Then he began to threaten her in the hope that she would leave Islam. But she didn't. Then he decided that the only way out was to kill her.

He devised a plan: he gave her a signet ring, which was used to seal letters and documents in the royal court. He told her, "Keep it with you until I take it back." With the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" she took it and put it in her pocket.

That night, her father sneaked into her room, stole the ring, and threw it into the river. This will cause her to be hanged by the king.

The next day, a fisherman came to the minister and gave him a fish as a gift. The minister took this fish and gave it to his daughter to cook it. Opening the fish to clean it, she saw a ring in the stomach. She was shocked! This ring was exactly like the one her father had given her! She fumbled in her pocket but couldn't find the ring. She said "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" and put the ring in her pocket.

The girl cooked the fish and brought it to her father. He ate. Then he asked for a ring. With the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" she pulled the ring out of her pocket. The father was shocked - after all, he threw it into the river! How could she get it out of her pocket?

He told her what he had done and asked how she got the ring. She said that she took it out of a fish stomach.

Having witnessed the extraordinary Barakat "Bismillah", he also immediately converted to Islam!

History of the Roman king.

The Muzihul Qur'an mentions that the Roman king wrote to Sayyidina Umar (r.a.) that he had constant headaches and asked him to send him some medicine.

Sayidina Umar (r.a.) sent him a headdress. As long as he wore it on his head, he felt good. But when he took it off, the headache returned.

He was surprised. He took off his hat and carefully examined it. And I found the words "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" written on the inside of the cap.

History of Sayyidina Khalid (r).

One day Sayyidina Khalid (r) was surrounded by enemies. "So," they say, "You claim that Islam is the true religion. Prove it to us." Then he ordered them to bring him poison. They brought him a cup filled with poison. He said "Bismillah" and drank it. It had absolutely no effect on him. They all converted to Islam.

The story of Faqih Muhammad Zamani.

Fakih Muhammad Zamani had a strong roast. His Ustaz (teacher) Fakih Wali Muhammad came to visit him. He gave him Tawiz and, asking him not to open it, left.

As soon as he put on Taweez, his fever stopped. He became curious. Then he opened Tawiz and read: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim." Because of this, he lost confidence in Tawiz. His heat returned to him.

He went to Ustaz, apologized and asked for another Tawiz. Ustaz gave him another one. He put it on and his fever went away again. He opened Tawiz a year later and again, to his surprise, read: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim." By that time, he was already cured and his faith in him increased greatly.

Some Masail (rules) related to "Bismillah".

Masala 1: According to Imam Abu Hanifa (rah), it is better to pronounce "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" softly between the Fatiha Sura and any other Sura.

Masala 2: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", which separates two Surahs, is not part of that Surah, although it is an verse of the Holy Quran. Therefore, this phrase should be given the same honor as any Sura, an verse from the Koran.

Masala 3: "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" in the verse: Innahu min Sulaiman wa innahu bismillahi rahmani rahim is an exception - ayat of Sura Namal.

Masala 4: Since "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is an verse of the Holy Qur'an, a piece of paper on which "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is written is not allowed to be written or held in hands without wudu.

Masala 5: Since "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is an verse of the Holy Quran, it must be recited at least once aloud in the Tarawih prayer.

Masala 6: It is necessary to say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" when cutting an animal. If a person deliberately does not say this phrase, the meat will not be considered Halal (permitted for consumption) according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rah). (Maariful Quran).

Masala 7: It is also necessary to say: "Bismillahi Allahu Akbar" when cutting an animal.

Masala 8: It is Sunnah to say "Bismillah" before doing wudu (ablution). According to Hadith, any of the following formulas can be pronounced:

1) Bismillah.

2) Bismillahi wal Hamdulillahi.

3) Bismillahi r-rahmani rahim.

4) Bismimlahil azim wal hamdulillahi ala diinil islam.

5) Masala 9: When lowering the deceased into the grave, you need to read the following form of Tasmiya: "Bismillahi wa ala millati rasulillah." Meaning: In the name of Allah and according to the prescription of Rasulullah (saws).

What does the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim"

The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is only a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. The translation (meaning) of the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" is in the name of Allah the Merciful and Merciful.

What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

Every true Muslim must begin any of his deeds with the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator, and in all matters rely only on him alone.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as a salvation from Hell .

If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, spiritual encouragement is not recorded for him, he receives only what he aspired to , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not take care of his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

The phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" serves as a verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the sake of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in the heart of a person, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if you remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of mercy to all his slaves, whether they are sinners or the righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how mistaken he may be, receives colossal graces, starting with a healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy destiny, ending with the main grace - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

What is Rahim?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It means the mercy of God towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all the believers are gathered before Allah and stand before His just Judgment, He will show His quality of mercy and will forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and be rejoiced on the Day of Judgment, and each of his deeds begins with a blessed phrase - the Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim prayer, the text of which is known to any Islamic kid and is the main words of a believing Muslim. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

Complete collection and description: bismillah prayer in Russian for the spiritual life of a believer.

What does the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”

The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is only a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. The translation (meaning) of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” is in the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful.

What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

Every true Muslim must begin any of his deeds with the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator, and in all matters rely only on him alone.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”, his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as a salvation from Hell .

If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, spiritual encouragement is not recorded for him, he receives only what he aspired to , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not take care of his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

The phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” serves as a verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the sake of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in the heart of a person, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if you remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of mercy to all his slaves, whether they are sinners or the righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how mistaken he may be, receives colossal graces, starting with a healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy lot, ending with the main grace - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

What is Rahim?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It means the mercy of God towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all the believers are gathered before Allah and stand before His just Judgment, He will show His quality of mercy and will forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds, down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and be rejoiced on the Day of Judgment, and each of his deeds begins with a blessed phrase - the Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim prayer, the text of which is known to any Islamic kid and is the main words of a believing Muslim. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

Lyrics of the song Prayer Al Fatiha - Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

“Guide us to a straight path,

and those who wander in unbelief.” Aguzu ʙillaxi minas-şajtanir-raƶim

Bismillaxir raxmanir raxim!

Al-xamdu LIL-lljajaxi ro'il'aalamiin.

Each roxmaanir-roxiim. Maaliki jaumid-diin.

Ijaaka na'ʙudu ua ijaka nasta'iin.

Gojril-Magduuʙi galejxim ua lad-doolliin!

Vsemilostiv Miloserden Odin,

Dnja sudnogo Odin Vlastelin.

Lişь pred Toʙoj koleni preklonjaem

J j lişь Teʙe helpi vzыvaem:

“Direct prjamoju stezeju nas,

Who are you izʙral üçün tex, mercy Committee Tvoeju odaren,

Muslim prayer text

Alhamdi lillahi rabbil alyamin.

Iyyakya na´budy va iyyakya nasta´in.

Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakym.

Syraatallyazina an'amta aleihim.

Gairil Magdubi Aleihim Valad-Doolliin…”

Al-Hamdu li Lahi Praise be to Allah

robbie l-`alya min, Lord of the worlds

ar-rohmani r-rohim to the Gracious, the Merciful

maliki yau` middin to the Brilliant of the Day of Judgment

iyakya na'budu wa iyakya nasta'in, we worship you and ask you for help

syrotallaziyna an'amta `aleihim by those whom You have favored

geyril magdubi ʻaleihim not those who fell under Your wrath

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

Al-hamdu lil-llyahi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rohmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-din.

Iyaaka nabbudu wa iyaka nasta'in.

Sirootal-lasiina an'amta aleihim.

Goyril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

All-Merciful and Merciful!

All-Merciful and Merciful He alone,

Judgment Day alone He is the Lord.

We kneel before You only

And only to You for help we cry:

“Guide us to a straight path,

What have you chosen for those who are gifted with your mercy,

Muslim prayer text

Muslim prayer text

  1. with the name of ALLAH merciful and melaserdnog
  2. Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim. This is not a prayer, this is the beginning of all prayers. It indicates in the name of Whom you are doing this and Whom you are calling upon. It's like an appeal ... you can't say hello God, and then say I came to you for such and such problems ... This is blasphemous and vile. You are the creation of the Almighty, but a reasonable creation all the same. You have to know your place, right? And if HE is the Creator, then HE is the Destroyer. And any direct or indirect incorrect appeal of the creature to the Creator entails any consequences for the creature. Therefore, we always pray to the Creator with these words, without resorting to other appeals. This is how the Prophet Muhammad S.A.S. taught. But the Creator himself knows better.
  3. Thank you so much for the text! With deep respect for the author.
  5. “Auzu billahi minashshaitaani r-rajim.

Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim.

Alhamdy lillahi rabbil #180;alyamin.

Arrahmaani r-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin.

Iyyakya on # 180; bydy va iyyakya Nasta # 180; in.

Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakym.

Syraatallyazina an#180;amta aleihim.

Gairil Magdubi Aleihim Valad-doolliin "

Aamin! . (Pronounced to himself)

Meaning: “I resort to Allah to avoid the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, Gracious, Merciful, King on the Day of Judgment! We only worship You and we only ask You to help! Guide us on the path of those whom You have bestowed with blessings, not those who are under anger and not astray. Let it be so! "

there are several prayers in sound files, if necessary, I will throw them off

  • Hello! Write the text of the prayer ALHAM .... » advance Zur RAHMAT
  • Tatars have a lot of prayers, for example:

    #1240;l-hamdu li lyakhi Praise be to Allah

    robbie l-#1241; la min, Lord of the worlds

    ar-rohm#1241; nor r-rohim to the Gracious, Merciful

    m#1241;liki yau middin to the Brilliant of Doomsday

    iyakya nabudu wa iyakya nastain, we worship you and ask you for help

    ihdinas-syrotal-mustakiym, Lead us to the straight path

    syrotallyaziyna #1241; namta #1241; leyhim by those whom You have blessed

    #1171; eyril ma#1171; dubi #1241; leikhim not of those who fell under Your wrath

    wa lyaddooolliyin (Amin) and not (by) the erring

  • Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

    Al-hamdu lil-llyahi robil yaalamiin.

    Ar-rohmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-din.

    Iyaaka nabbudu wa iyaka nasta'in.

    Sirootal-lasiina an'amta aleihim.

    Goyril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

    All-Merciful and Merciful!

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

    All-Merciful and Merciful He alone,

    Judgment Day alone He is the Lord.

    We kneel before You only

    And only to You for help we cry:

    "Guide us to a straight path,

    What have you chosen for those who are gifted with your mercy,

    Bismillah prayer in Russian


    Every devout Muslim begins all his deeds with the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim." Such an undertaking is prescribed by the Sharia and according to the Hadith, if you do not say "Bismillahi" before every important matter, then it is devoid of Barakat and the chances of such a case for success will be minimal. Why is the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" so important to Muslims?

    A truly faithful Muslim performs all his deeds, deeds and acts of worship in the name of the Almighty and in the name of the Almighty. And the prayer "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" in Arabic means "in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful." If a person does deeds or deeds not for the sake of the Almighty, but to achieve his worldly goals, such as fame, enrichment, personal gain, or for the sake of his reputation among people, such deeds will not have spiritual encouragement. And Allah will not accept them, no matter how good they are. But with the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” a Muslim puts divine power and strength into his deeds, and it serves as oral proof of sincere intentions for the glory of the Almighty. The good deed begun with Bismillah is written to the person and on the Day of Judgment it will play its role.

    The Bismillah contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the will and by the will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the mercy of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all deeds that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakah and the blessing of the Almighty.

    ... the clouds receded, moving to the east, the winds stopped blowing, the oceans calmed down, all beings prepared to listen, fire was sent to Shaitan from Heaven, and Allah Almighty, pronouncing an oath by His Honor, proclaimed: “He who pronounces this My name (“Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim") over anything, I will send Barakyat on this matter (thing, etc.).

    It is for this reason that the Prophet Rasulullah uttered this phrase and advised the community to do the same before starting any business: before locking the door for the night, turning on the light, drinking water, eating, getting in or out of transport, etc. And on the Day of Justice, Allah will remember all the smallest good deeds in His name, which a person himself may not remember.

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  • Why is Surah At-Taubah written without Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim?

    Question: Why is Surah At-Taubah written without Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim? Answer: There are two opinions on this matter: some believe that because of the mercy for the animals that obeyed the prophet Suleiman (a.s.), this Bismillah was granted to Surah An-Naml (Ants) According to while others, the first "Ba" indicates Grace and replaces "Bismillah".

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  • What can you spend money earned in a forbidden way?

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  • Are there sins that Allah Almighty does not forgive?

    The Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah is boundless, for slaves who commit taubah, that is, sincere repentance, having repented of their sins. Whether this or that sin will be forgiven after a person repents before the Almighty, only the Almighty Creator himself decides, and no one has the right to say that he will be forgiven or not, except for Himself.

    Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim

    Prayer of Al Fatih Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim - “Behind the scenes”: Khasbulat Rakhmanov On February 19, visiting the “Behind the scenes” program - Khasbulat Rakhmanov! Do not miss!

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    Full text of the ode and free of charge:

    Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Al-hamdu lil-llyahi robil yaalamiin.

    Ar-rohmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-din.

    Iyaaka nabbudu wa iyaka nasta'in.

    Sirootal-lasiina an'amta aleihim.

    Goyril-Magduubi galeihim ua lad-doolliin

    All-Merciful and Merciful

    All-Merciful and Merciful He alone,

    Judgment Day alone He is the Lord.

    We kneel before You only

    And only to You for help we cry

    “Guide us to a straight path,

    What have you chosen for those who are gifted with your mercy,

    Save us from the path of those who anger you

    and those who wander in unbelief.”

    “Behind the scenes”: Khasbulat Rakhmanov

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    Meaning of the word

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim!

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - translated from Arabic: In the name of God the Gracious and Merciful. Whoever reads Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim every day, Allah will surely grant success. Studying the Koran, like the Bible, you understand and comprehend a lot for yourself ... And when you visit any eastern city in Asia, you immediately understand this music of prayer that penetrates your soul! I especially remember this for the first time when visiting Istanbul, when at sunrise you hear the words of the first sura, rushing from all over the city. A state of true admiration...

    Sura “Al-Fatiha” (Opening the Book)

    Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamieen.

    Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.

    Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi

    ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amine.

    The word "amin" means "Oh God, accept our prayers", as well as "So be it."

    I drank water, as if from a well,

    But in the end we drive again

    We can't heal sin...

    Bow with repentance

    I had to leave,

    Muezzin gave the words:

    And words fly like a comet:

    Like a rhyme for a poet

    Or a beautiful ray of light

    What we honor with the soul of any:

    "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim!"

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - whatever a Muslim does, he always begins with these words. "In the name, (in the name of) Allah the Merciful and Merciful"

    Mashallah is usually said when something is surprised and admired. Instead of "Wow", etc. say "Mashallah" so as not to jinx it. (“Mashallah” - “As Allah pleased”, “As Allah willed”)

    Inshallah - "If Allah wills," is said when some intention to do something is voiced.

    Subhanallah! (Fasubhanallah!) is an exclamation of astonishment. Expression of emotion or attention. It means "Allah is above from any shortcomings"

    Hasbunallah - "Allah is sufficient for us." "Allah is Enough for Us"

    Maazallah! They say that Allah will protect. "may Allah protect"

    Auzubillah - I take refuge in the protection of Allah

    Meaning of words Mashallah Inshallah Subhanallah - Leveling .

    Jun 15, 2011 . Meaning of words Mashallah Inshallah Subhanallah. Anyone who communicates with

    Muslims can often hear strangers on.

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