Heartburn with belching during pregnancy. The occurrence of belching during pregnancy in the early and late stages. Other causes of belching

The time of waiting for a child can be called the most beautiful and at the same time rather exciting period in life. During all this time, a woman has to endure many different ailments, cope with them and endure a healthy baby. Expectant mothers are usually especially attentive to the work of their body during pregnancy, paying attention to even small violations of its activity. And rightly so, because it is better to once again consult a doctor and prevent the development of problems than to subsequently face some serious pathological conditions. How should you react if you are worried about belching, feeling sick in the early stages of pregnancy?


Since during the period of bearing a child there are many changes in the hormonal background of a woman, this is also reflected in the activity of the digestive tract. That is why many expectant mothers are faced with belching, heartburn and a constant feeling of overeating. What is such an unpleasant phenomenon as belching?

This is a sudden and completely involuntary release from the oral cavity of gas that was in the stomach or esophagus. Belching can be sour, for example, due to the entry of gastric contents into the lower esophagus, which leads to irritation of its mucous membranes. This phenomenon is quite unpleasant, but it is a frequent companion of pregnancy.

Belching in pregnant women can occur as a result of hormonal changes in the body, as well as due to an increase in the uterus, which leads to a change in pressure inside the peritoneum and a change in the location of the stomach. Also, such a nuisance can occur during exacerbations of some chronic ailments in the expectant mother and due to the fact that the food that has entered the stomach is not completely digested, which leads to stretching of its walls.

If we talk about acid belching, then it is usually observed after consuming a significant amount of fatty foods, as well as spicy and salty foods. If such a symptom occurs, it can recur for several hours, or occur from time to time throughout the day. But sometimes belching occurs once.

In addition to errors in the diet, belching can develop when you are in a horizontal position and when turning from side to side. Also, an unpleasant phenomenon often occurs when the torso is tilted forward while putting on tights or shoes.

To prevent belching, you should eat often, but in small portions. It is worth abandoning acidic and fatty foods that stimulate fermentation and excessive gas formation. It is necessary to limit the consumption of cabbage, asparagus and beans. The diet should be saturated with dairy products, soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes and lean meat. Vegetables are best eaten baked. Try not to lie down immediately after eating, and avoid bending over. Your clothes should not squeeze the body.


As for nausea, everything is much simpler with it. It is precisely this phenomenon that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy that confirms the conception that has taken place. Nausea is one of the components of the symptoms of early toxicosis, experts say that it is caused by the processes of adaptation of the female body to a developing pregnancy. Usually, in addition to such an unpleasant symptom, women experience heartburn, salivation, increased sensitivity to odors, and vomiting.

The causes of early toxicosis are still not fully understood by specialists. Some scientists say that this phenomenon is explained by the active production of chorioic gonadotropin, as well as prolactin, by the body of the expectant mother. Others are sure that nausea and other unpleasant symptoms are a natural reaction of the body to the appearance of a foreign body in it (50% alien in DNA) - a child. However, the only confirmed point of view suggests that nausea is in any case associated with pregnancy, since it immediately stops with an abortion or miscarriage.

The timing of the onset of nausea and its severity is quite individual. There is some pattern - the earlier toxicosis develops, the longer and harder it will be. Also, if the expectant mother has certain problems with the digestive tract, the likelihood of nausea increases markedly. In these cases, it often develops in the first weeks after conception.

Usually, nausea during pregnancy worries the expectant mother in the morning, when she just got out of bed. Various rather pungent odors, as well as certain foods, can provoke it or intensify it. Sometimes an unpleasant feeling does not leave a woman throughout the day and does not allow her to eat normally and even drink water. In especially severe cases of toxicosis, doctors have to hospitalize such a patient in the department for appropriate therapy. However, as statistics show, about sixty percent of women feel nausea during the period of bearing a baby, and only ten percent of them may need medical help. In most cases, toxicosis goes away by itself by the beginning of the second semester.

When nausea and belching occur during pregnancy, you should not panic, because these phenomena are considered quite normal. However, if unpleasant symptoms have greatly spoiled your life for some time, then be sure to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman has to deal with various previously minor deviations in the "behavior" of her body. Belching during pregnancy, by and large, does not tend to cause serious discomfort, but you should not leave its manifestations too frequent without proper attention. The stable functioning of the organs of the digestive tract is of great importance in the life of every person. What can we say about pregnant women!

What is a burp

Belching is considered to be involuntary emissions of air masses from the stomach through the esophagus into the oral cavity. Such manifestations are due to excessive accumulation of gases in the digestive tract. Many people have to deal with this phenomenon quite often in their daily lives for a number of reasons:

  • swallowing air during a hasty meal;
  • intake of carbonated drinks in large quantities;
  • the use of vegetables that cause gas formation;
  • sudden involuntary movements after eating;
  • prolonged stay in a supine position;
  • eating too spicy dishes, fried and smoked;
  • the use of sour berries in raw form;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • frequent overeating;
  • eating large amounts of food on an empty stomach;
  • too long use of chewing gums;
  • hormonal changes.

In addition to the listed factors that cause belching, physiological disorders that lead to its appearance should be taken into account. For example:

  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • adhesive processes in the intestine;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • chaotic and untimely bowel movements;
  • injuries of the abdominal organs;
  • diabetes;
  • disruption of the centers of the brain.

Often the eructation does not last long. As soon as the patient has managed to get rid of excess air, the process of digestion continues, and excess gases leave the body, accompanying the feces before they exit. Unfortunately, belching is not always so harmless. Strong belching during pregnancy, which tends to not leave a woman alone for a long time, is an alarming symptom of the development of serious problems with the digestive organs and not only.

Protracted belching can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant, sometimes even quite painful sensations:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • regurgitation;
  • profuse salivation;
  • seething in the abdominal cavity;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the hypochondrium.

Regarding the cause that provoked the belching, a smell of various quality comes out of the mouth, and the patient catches the appearance of some taste features. For example:

  • with gastritis, a sour taste and rotten smell;
  • with gastroduodenitis, a bright sour taste and hydrogen sulfide smell;
  • with a stomach ulcer, a sour taste with the release of a large amount of gases;
  • with pathologies of the biliary tract, belching gives a bitter aftertaste;
  • in diseases of the intestines, a heavy putrefactive odor comes out of the oral cavity.

Belching caused by physiological factors does not pose an increased danger to the embryo, especially in the early stages of its growth. However, ignoring the diseases of the digestive system is dangerous for the life of a pregnant woman. In such cases, timely diagnosis and the appointment of appropriate treatment are necessary.

Belching in the first trimester of pregnancy

Belching during pregnancy in the early stages often indicates sudden changes in the hormonal background for the body. Most experts urge pregnant women not to panic when this symptom becomes constant throughout the entire period of bearing a child. It is much more difficult to put up with heartburn, which tends to manifest itself suddenly and sometimes torment even tangible pain syndromes. Heartburn may accompany belching. Especially this condition in a protracted form is noted in the first trimester.

The production of hormones in a new status - pregnant - in every woman begins to flow with some changes. Some hormones are produced in much greater quantities than others. Before conception, for example, the hormone progesterone was produced in minimal quantities, and with the onset of pregnancy, the body receives so much that the digestive system begins to experience its effects. A woman instantly monitors that food is now more difficult to digest, the intestines are under attack by a large accumulation of gases. Belching becomes a natural continuation of such states.

Experts often characterize belching as a sign of pregnancy. After delivery, as a rule, unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause a significant decrease in muscle tone of the whole organism. Accordingly, the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach does not close tightly. Sometimes, even after eating, fragments of the digestive masses are thrown into the esophagus with a characteristic eructation.

Some temporary disturbances in the functionality of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating the work of all body systems, are also caused by hormonal surges in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Belching in the second trimester of pregnancy

Belching during pregnancy in the second trimester occurs for a number of reasons:

  • enlargement of the uterus;
  • uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • binge eating;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • eating food high in glucose;
  • sudden movements in everyday life.

In the supine position, belching manifests itself much more often. Starting from the second trimester, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman not take horizontal postures on her back during rest. In this position, the fetus begins to put pressure on the inferior vena cava, bladder, liver, and intestinal walls. Many people feel the need to rest lying down after eating. Even a light afternoon nap is possible. Rollovers in sleep from side to side can also cause belching as a result of rapid position changes and clamping of the digestive tract.

In the second trimester, a woman still continues to be active in everyday life, cleaning the apartment, washing floors and dishes, constantly in contact with household chemicals. The body of a pregnant woman, constantly exposed to stressful situations, accumulates “fear” hormones that cause increased gas formation.

A sharp release of gases through the oral cavity is caused by the rapid contraction of the diaphragm from overcrowding with gases and fecal masses of the upper sections of the small intestine. In these cases, the air masses emanating from the oral cavity may carry the smell of eggs, sometimes turning into the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Belching "eggs" during pregnancy is a typical evidence of malnutrition. First of all, you should pay attention to the amount of food eaten. A rotten smell is given by frequently consumed meat, especially smoked and fried. In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, a woman is haunted by toxicosis. It is the strong toxicoses that drag on until the second trimester that cause belching with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide.

Do not exclude when catching the smell of hydrogen sulfide from the digestive tract and the development of serious pathologies of the digestive system. This is a high risk for both the woman herself and the embryo. Perhaps the place has an open gastric or duodenal ulcer, impaired liver function, tumor processes in the sigmoid colon. Such conditions should be diagnosed by a specialist observing a woman during pregnancy.

Belching in the third trimester of pregnancy

Belching with air during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is felt much stronger due to a significant increase in the uterus, which now exerts constant pressure on the organs of the digestive tract. If in the first and second trimesters the fetus is not yet large and exerts pressure only at moments of uncomfortable movements, overeating and congestion in the intestines, then in the third trimester the stomach of the expectant mother has already changed its position. The deformed walls of the stomach increase the accumulation of gases, do not allow food masses to be proportionally enveloped in enzymes and mixed with muscle muscles.

The appearance of a strong continuous eructation at night during pregnancy is also associated with the expansion of the uterus and pressure on the internal organs of the digestive system. If the intestines are not emptied on the eve of a night's sleep, then there is a high risk of accumulation of gases in the iliac region. Moreover, the appearance of a strong prolonged belching becomes a frequent accompaniment of time on the eve of delivery.

Common causes of belching

In most cases, in pregnant women, belching occurs along with other signs of pregnancy, which primarily relate to the functioning of the digestive system and not only. It:

  • Violation of eating patterns and general eating behavior. We are talking about eating dry food, talking over food, in which a large amount of air is swallowed into the esophagus. Persons prone to overeating are required to control their eating behavior, namely, to monitor the rate of absorption of food, chewing, eliminating incompatible foods from the diet. When it is difficult to regulate this issue on your own, a doctor who observes the pregnancy should come to the rescue.
  • The position of the body in not very comfortable positions during and after eating. Immediately after eating in a prone position, belching will be a natural act.
  • Uncomfortable movements of a pregnant woman to solve many household needs, as well as when servicing herself. For example, when changing shoes with lacing or other fixing accessories, putting on tights, trousers, socks, a woman has to bend down to the floor.
  • Eating sorbitol, a sweetener used in the food industry in the preparation of sweet pastries and sweets. Also, confectionery products contain a huge amount of food colorings and flavor enhancers. In addition to belching, such substances have the ability to cause food allergies.
  • stressful situations. In today's world, it is simply impossible to live without stress. A pregnant woman who has to be in a nervous environment is at high risk of pathological changes in her body. Moreover, the unborn child may also be in a critical condition.

Features of the diet of pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman adjusts her diet, trying to introduce the most “healthy” foods. Most importantly, do not overdo it with sour and sweet fruits, as well as some vegetables. Vegetables rich in starch cause increased gas production, which contributes to severe flatulence. For a pregnant woman, this can be a critical point in the breakdown of the digestive system. Too sour berries, eaten raw, can cause prolonged heartburn, sharply increasing the acidity of the stomach lining.

Table No. 1 lists fruits and vegetables, as well as foods and drinks that pregnant women should consume with extreme caution.

Foods that cause burping

Fruits and vegetables

Products and dishes

Black tea

natural juices

canned seafood


Canned vegetables

Fatty meat dishes

Mint tea


sweet pastries

Sparkling water


Fried vegetables

meat broth

Fortified wine

Sweet yogurt

Fatty cheeses

fruit juice

Black chocolate

Diagnosis with continuous belching

It is necessary to diagnose belching during pregnancy only in cases where the symptoms create too much discomfort. A gastroenterologist comes to the rescue, who will conduct safe studies.

One of the diagnostic procedures for constant belching during pregnancy is fibrogastroscopy (FGS). A small probe is inserted through the mouth into the patient's esophagus and down into the stomach. FGS gives an extensive clinical picture, without causing irritation of the digestive system. In this way, you can diagnose such diseases of the digestive system:

  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • erosion of the esophagus;
  • obstruction of the esophagus;
  • tumor processes of internal organs.

Another option for a “sparing” and safe diagnosis is gastroscopy. The endoscope, inserted through the esophagus into the stomach, makes it possible to take samples of the tissues of the mucous membranes for subsequent histological examination. Thanks to this method, it is possible to identify the exact cause that caused a prolonged belching.

Procedures with the introduction of a probe into the internal organs of the digestive system require preliminary preparation on the eve of the procedure. A woman's stomach should not be filled with food. It is not easy for a pregnant woman to resist even a light breakfast after a night's sleep, so the doctor prescribes the procedure for the morning. A day before the study, a woman should follow the following diet, which excludes certain foods:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • peanut;
  • chocolate;
  • milk.

Belching during pregnancy, the treatment of which is often unsuccessful due to the physiological state of the woman, sometimes creates a critical condition. A doctor observing a pregnant woman can prescribe adsorbents and a sparing diet. The main treatment for prolonged belching is to limit the consumption of certain foods and dishes.

First of all, it is advisable to get rid of the following products:

  • fresh white bread;
  • sweet pastries;
  • strong meat broths;
  • spices;
  • fried eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • pickled berries and vegetables;
  • too acidic berries and fruits;
  • alcoholic drinks.

After eating, in which some new dish has been introduced, you should carefully monitor your condition, paying close attention to any changes in the body. In principle, it is not so difficult for every woman to identify foods that cause excessive fermentation, increased gas release, heartburn, and following these signs, belching.

By introducing foods that reduce heartburn into the diet, there is a chance to get rid of belching during pregnancy. The following products will be effective here:

  • crackers;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • steamed meat dishes;
  • non-acid fat-free cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat and rice porridge;
  • almond;
  • about 1.5 liters of purified non-carbonated water (per day).

From drinks, preference should be given to weak teas, cocoa with the addition of milk, fruit jelly, kefir.

The last meal can be done 2-3 hours before going to bed. In cases where the diet does not give the desired results, a gastroenterologist will come to the rescue. Regular overeating of a pregnant woman and the inability to control her eating behavior is the root cause of constant belching.

In parallel with the necessary organization of the diet, it is also very important to establish your eating behavior. The main recommendations are listed below:


Belching is not always a mandatory symptom that accompanies pregnancy. Many women during the period of gestation, both in the early stages and later, have to avoid such an unpleasant symptom as belching. In fact, this is a very individual feature of the behavior of the digestive system.

In some women, belching appears only in the early stages, as a clear symptom of a conception that has occurred. For someone, burping occurs only in late pregnancy, as a clear sign of an increase in the uterus and pressure on the internal organs adjacent to it. There are frequent cases of belching throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Perhaps this is the most unpleasant option for a woman. In most cases of continuous belching that does not let a woman go for so long, dysfunctions of the digestive system can be suspected. This is how some chronic diseases can manifest themselves, which have passed from a state of remission into an active phase, provoked by conception.

If, after delivery, belching and the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it disappear without a trace, you can calm down and continue to live a normal life with a pleasant diet for yourself. When belching remains with a woman after childbirth, you should seek help from specialists, because this may be a sign of the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

Belching during pregnancy - the norm or a sign of illness

During pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms such as sour belching, heartburn, a feeling of fullness in the stomach and intestines can often occur; most often it occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Recall that acid belching is caused by the release of air and acidic (much less often alkaline) gastric contents into the lower esophagus, which is often accompanied by an irritating effect of free hydrochloric acid on its mucous membrane.

Most likely this is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, which lead to a decrease in muscle tone, including the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

One of the reasons for these unpleasant manifestations may be that in the second half of pregnancy, due to an increase in the uterus, the pressure in the abdominal cavity changes and the position of the stomach changes slightly. We should also not forget that belching may be associated with an exacerbation of a chronic disease that had an asymptomatic course.

Another reason for the release of gas from the stomach can be stretching of the stomach wall, if the food is not completely digested.

Usually sour belching develops after eating, especially after eating rich fatty, fried and spicy foods. It lasts from several minutes to hours, sometimes repeated many times several times a day.

The following factors can provoke belching:

  • Violation of the diet, for example, sweet dishes, sour berries, fatty, spicy foods, marinades, fried foods.
  • Horizontal position, turning from one side to the other.
  • Tilts of the torso forward (for example, to put on pantyhose or fasten shoes). All this worsens the well-being of a pregnant woman and creates a feeling of discomfort.

    How to help yourself deal with burping

    You should not eat a lot (especially at one time). Eat little, several times a day.

    It is advisable not to eat fatty and acidic foods, as well as foods that promote fermentation and gas formation (cabbage, beans, asparagus, etc.). The diet should include foods that have alkaline properties: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, omelettes (steam), boiled lean meat, butter and vegetable oils. Eat vegetables boiled. Fruits (for example, apples), try to bake.

    Avoid unfavorable positions: do not lean forward, do not lie down to rest immediately after eating, it is better to put pillows in bed so that you can rest or sleep almost sitting. Remember that the horizontal position of the body (as well as forward bending of the torso) provokes the reflux of air and hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

    Pay attention to clothing: it should not be squeezing.

    First aid for burping is tea with mint or lemon balm, which helps to significantly alleviate the condition. You can also take a decoction of heather - 15 gr. common heather pour 0.5l. water, boil for 2-3 minutes, insist and drink half a cup 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. It will help to cope with belching and centaury grass - 10 gr. herbs of centaury ordinary for 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. But the calamus rhizome is rightly considered the most effective remedy. If you take 3-4 times a day, 1/3 teaspoon of powder from calamus rhizomes, then not only belching disappears, but also its frequent companion - heartburn.

    But do not forget that it is better to consult a doctor about the use of herbal remedies so that the ways to deal with burping are justified and safe for you and the future crumbs.

Happy, happy irretrievable pregnancy time. It is believed that during these 40 weeks a woman looks especially beautiful, because the body itself produces a beauty hormone. But along with this, women often suffer from nausea, heartburn, fatigue, drowsiness, swelling or belching. Let's take a closer look at the last one.

Belching in pregnant women: causes of trouble

The release of gases or even food from the esophagus and stomach, often accompanied by a characteristic sound and smell, is called belching. Her frequent companion is debilitating heartburn. With special attention should be paid to burping food, but most often it occurs from overeating. If the belching has a bitter taste, then this means that bile has been thrown into the stomach. Putrid belching occurs due to prolonged stagnation in the stomach, not digesting food. Acidic occurs due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice or, conversely, in the absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

The main causes of belching during pregnancy include:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of a woman waiting for an addition to the family
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Increased abdominal pressure and repositioning of the stomach due to a growing uterus (later)
  • Indigestion of food in the stomach

Belching and heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy only once again confirm that conception has occurred, pregnancy is developing. The ovaries, thyroid gland, the entire endocrine system is adjusted to bear the baby, the hormonal system begins to work differently. In most cases, it is enough to adjust your diet, and the unpleasant sensations of overeating and heartburn will go away. In the early stages, expectant mothers are much more likely to be worried about drowsiness, vomiting and nausea. Time passes and they are replaced by belching with heartburn.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of belching

First, we note that belching can accompany a woman's body for her entire period. Such a reaction from the digestive system delivers a lot of inconvenience, moreover, it can serve as a dangerous signal. An eructation of almost 100% will appear in you if in your pregnant life there are:

How to get rid of a terrible burp

To cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon, act or eliminate the causes of belching, as well as heartburn.

  • Reduce the portion of each meal, but eat more often
  • Avoid carbonated drinks
  • Avoid eating foods that promote increased gas formation: peas, beans, cabbage, asparagus, etc. Eat more cottage cheese, steam omelet, soft-boiled eggs, sour cream, boiled lean meat, eat boiled vegetables, and bake apples.
  • The horizontal position of the body, as well as forward bends, contribute to the reflux of air and hydrochloric acid into the esophagus, so try to rest reclining, do not lie down immediately after eating and, if necessary, ask for help from your family
  • Do not wear tight, uncomfortable clothing

Ambulance: what to do with burping during pregnancy

If you are still overtaken by a hated burp during pregnancy, then:

  • Drink tea with lemon balm or mint
  • Prepare a decoction of heather (take 15 grams of heather per half liter of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, use 3 or 4 times a day for a tablespoon)
  • Try the following recipe: pour boiling water (200 ml) over 10 grams of centaury herb. Let it brew for 3 hours, strain and take 3 times a day for a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals
  • Take a third teaspoon of calamus rhizome powder 3-4 times a day. So you get rid of not only belching, but also its frequent companion - heartburn.

Attention: before using these products, make sure that you are not allergic to them, individual intolerance, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-treatment in such an important period is completely excluded, because now you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of your unborn child.

Rotten Egg Belching: Causes and Effects

Of particular note is the belching of pregnant women with rotten eggs. In this condition, a gas with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide is emitted into the oral cavity, it is he who has such a specific smell. It is clear that during normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, protein decay should not occur. This situation is observed when the acidity of its contents decreases markedly. Do not postpone your visit to the gastroenterologist. The specialist will definitely prescribe adequate treatment if it is required, and you will forever forget about such an unpleasant belching of rotten eggs during the most wonderful weeks of waiting.

Know that at first glance such a harmless phenomenon as belching in pregnant women, whether it be ordinary air or even rotten eggs, can indicate dangerous diseases of the digestive system. First of all, diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Gastroduodenitis
  • Giardiasis
  • Stomach cancer
  • Various pathologies of the gallbladder or intestines, etc.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet, adequate sleep, an established regime of rest, walks. Strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, never diagnose yourself without a qualified examination and carrying out the necessary tests and studies, even if you think you have all the symptoms. During the course of pregnancy, contact specialists, undergo research, and then you will not be bothered by heartburn, or constant belching of sour air or rotten eggs.

Pregnancy is a test period for the body. The ever-increasing fetus puts pressure on the internal organs, causing them to shrink. A pregnant woman has an increase in appetite, a constant desire to eat causes an eructation with an uncomfortable condition.

Belching is a spontaneous discharge into the esophagus, into the mouth and out. There are many reasons for the formation of the phenomenon in women bearing a child:

  • The growing uterus puts pressure on the organs in the peritoneum, and the stomach moves from its original position.
  • Changes in the hormonal background of the female body.
  • The process of digestion does not go to the end, the remains accumulate in the stomach and stretch it.

Arbitrary release of air is provoked by certain physiological factors:

  • When a pregnant woman lies on her back and abruptly makes a turn on her side.
  • The expectant mother does not follow the prescribed diet. The diet contains fried, spicy, fatty foods, in quantities greater than it should be.
  • Forward bends for the shoeing process.

With such a phenomenon as belching during pregnancy, it is necessary to fight, no matter in the first trimester or in the last term. Spontaneous release of air at the beginning of an interesting situation requires a visit to the doctor and his consultation.

Types of burps

Infrequently recurring, odorless and unaccompanied by unpleasant sensations emitted gases - it is permissible to ignore. If there is an uncomfortable condition, an unpleasant odor or heartburn - there is a reason to worry.

Belching rotten eggs

The food left after the digestion process and not affected by acid and enzymes accumulates in the stomach and another process begins - putrefaction. The breakdown of proteins occurs slowly, scientifically, the smell of hydrogen sulfide appears.

The main period of gestation, when a similar phenomenon is observed, is in the second trimester and during late pregnancy. Sometimes accompanied by heartburn, if unhealthy food is consumed: fast food, fatty, fried.

Diarrhea, belching, and other uncomfortable conditions can pass in a few minutes or drag on for three hours, indicating problems with the stomach.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a hydrogen sulfide smell appears because the child growing inside presses on the digestive organs. Food stagnates, rotting occurs and a "flavor" appears. It is most often observed in the supine position, when the fetus squeezes the stomach especially intensively.

Not always a growing child is to blame for the appearance of gases with rotten eggs. A disease of the gastrointestinal tract or what occurs with toxicosis becomes a source of an unpleasant phenomenon: an ulcer, inflammation of the mucous membrane, liver dysfunction, disruption of the gallbladder.

Constant belching with diarrhea or vomiting indicates the poor quality of the previously eaten product. Self-medication will not work - only seeking medical help, because the unborn baby is at risk.

Belching food

The appearance in the esophagus of food that was previously contained in the stomach indicates a slow movement of the muscles of the stomach. Food is retained inside the organ and in the esophagus. In this case, the channel that conducts food begins to stretch. Symptoms remain after childbirth. To solve the situation that has arisen, it is supposed to switch to the consumption of food in small portions at regular intervals. An increase in physical activity, walking, it is useful to breathe fresh air will also help. This will have a good effect not only on the work of the upper digestive organs, but also on the intestines, food through the gastrointestinal tract will begin to move faster.

Belching with air

Occurs with a lively conversation during a meal. A pregnant woman does not think about food, chewing goes badly and large pieces fall into the stomach. After such a dinner, the air begins its sharp upward movement, the diaphragm contracts and hiccups occur. A pregnant woman must observe the normal process of eating.

Belching with bitterness

With a bitter eructation, bile enters the esophagus, and then into the mouth. The reason is the weakening of the sensitivity of the lower part of the canal, where the sphincter is located, with reflux phenomena (gastroesophageal and duodeno-gastric). Emission of air with a bitter taste is a symptom of diseases:

The release of gases can disturb heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth. With the rare occurrence of such symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Frequent belching, with the addition of abdominal pain - it's time to pay a visit to the gastroenterologist.

sour burp

Sudden release of air after eating, accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth, has been linked to GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic disease with frequent recurrences of reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, as a result of which the lower part of the esophagus is injured. In a pregnant woman, it is felt along with heartburn and bloating is observed. Discomfort appears closer to the birth process. As a rule, after the birth of the child, the discomfort disappears.

If the expectant mother has previously suffered from dysfunction of the digestive system, GERD will also manifest itself during pregnancy in the early stages of gestation. The reasons:

  1. Food products, the properties of which include provoking the production of more gastric juice: vegetables, fruits, sour berries, coffee, chocolate, juices.
  2. Eating more food than the gastrointestinal tract can digest.
  3. Eating while lying down.
  4. Lack of physical activity.
  5. The use of alcoholic beverages.
  6. Taking medications.

The constant throwing of the contents, together with pepsin and hydrochloric acid, into the esophagus leads to injury to its lower part and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The duodenum also produces reflux of contents into the esophagus. Difficulty in the gastric sphincter. A feeling of sourness in the mouth, severe heartburn, nausea and the presence of reflux processes indicate possible diseases: peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, chronic gastritis, hernial formation in the esophagus opening near the diaphragm.

A timely appeal to a gastroenterologist will help to find out the causes of discomfort. You should undergo ultrasound, gastroscopy, and take tests.

The smell of acetone when burping is a sign of a decrease in the blood sugar level of the expectant mother. If a woman did not suffer from diabetes before pregnancy, then the appearance of a chemical aroma is associated with toxicosis and malnutrition. In the absence of toxicosis, the smell of acetone should be consulted with a gynecologist.

Belching with a fishy smell

The appearance of a fishy smell is not associated with problems with the digestive tract. This is the opening of the fallopian tubes, and the smell comes from the genitals. A consultation with a gynecologist is required here. Compliance with intimate hygiene will help to avoid the fishy smell. Perhaps the release of air with a taste indicates the beginning of inflammatory processes. The gynecologist will select medications that are safe for the unborn child.

Belching treatment

The specialist prescribes the necessary treatment for belching. The first thing doctors advise is to follow a diet. Make small portions of food, take them at a certain time, about 5-6 times. From the diet it is supposed to exclude foods that cause fermentation in the intestines: cabbage, grapes, etc. Reduce the consumption of potatoes, bread and oatmeal.

Eating dry food, washing down with carbonated drinks will not do any good. Bad habits will have to be abandoned, they are harmful to the health of the child and adversely affect the digestive organs. A glass of plain water 30 minutes before meals - drink in small sips. Thoroughly chewed food is better absorbed and creates less discomfort: heaviness, belching, heartburn. It is undesirable to eat before bed.

Medical therapy

Not always a diet is able to cope with emerging uncomfortable conditions. Then medicines come to the rescue.

  • Maalox. A drug that can help a pregnant woman get rid of. Thanks to the substances in the medicine, when it enters the stomach, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, the walls of the stomach are enveloped and the mucosa is protected.
  • Rennie. Tablets that can remove excess acidity prevent belching.
  • Phosphalugel. Produced in the form of a suspension, acting instantly. Neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which is in excess in gastric juice, relieves belching.

The expectant mother should remember that not a single, even the most harmless medicine should be taken without first consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies

In the fight against belching, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, the reception is controlled by a specialist.

Valid Recipes:

  • Plantain and cardamom. Sold dry. Medicinal herbs are put in boiling water, boiled, cooled and the drink is ready. Tablespoon before meals.
  • Cranberries in any form. A rich set of microelements will be useful not only for the mother, but also for her child.
  • Peppermint tea or with the addition of lemon balm will help with hydrogen sulfide belching. There is a restoration of the nervous system, gastric cramps disappear, the process of digestion returns to normal.
  • Chamomile tea stops spasmodic action in the esophagus, eliminates inflammation in the stomach. Performs a bactericidal effect, reduces the stagnation of food, prevents putrefactive reactions from occurring.

The happy ending of pregnancy and the life of the child are in the hands of a woman.

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