If you put a spoon, the sign is concave side down. Why you can’t drink tea with a spoon in a mug: signs before and now. Dishes with two spoons

You, of course, have at least vaguely heard about what “feng shui” is. The literal translation of words from Chinese is “wind-water”, but the meaning of this teaching is to make the place of residence as favorable as possible, bringing good luck, “friendly”. Can the Chinese be trusted in this?

Feng Shui is not in vain considered a teaching, although there is not a drop of religiosity in it. The fact is that his postulates are not just superstitions and omens. It is a collection of knowledge accumulated by entire generations. The foundations of this knowledge are indestructible, although each individual case (each house or apartment) will have its own characteristics. Feng Shui goes well with modern ideas about energy flows. For example, if the ceiling beam lies exactly in the middle of the marital bed, then this will lead to the distance of the spouses. Not only energy, but also psychological factors play a role here. In order not to reinvent the wheel every time, the Chinese created their own doctrine of "wind and water", or rather, about how to make your home harmonious.

Everyone is capable of mastering the wisdom of Feng Shui, because we do not have many items in the house. Tables, chairs, cabinets, refrigerators, beds - how much will fit in our apartments? Another thing is the choice of a place for building a house, the orientation of its walls to the cardinal points, the layout of the rooms. Here you will need the advice of a real specialist, who will not only take into account the nearby river and the direction of the winds, but also “feel” the energy of the place and take it into account in his recommendations.

Mirrors are an essential element of any - even a bachelor's - apartment. And in the science of Feng Shui, special attention is paid to them. The mirror has a unique ability - it reflects everything that falls into its field of "vision". And this applies to both good and bad. For example, if a mirror is installed so that it reflects food on the table or a cupboard with beautiful dishes, then the wealth in such a house will double. Mystic? Not at all! A person will see plenty of food and beautiful things, will be more peaceful and confident in his well-being - which means he will work without haste, with pleasure, in a good mood. Such work will bring the desired wealth to the house.

Or one more example. In the kitchen, it is not recommended to hang a mirror so that the stove is reflected in it - they say, the hostess will be tired twice as much. And again, nothing supernatural - you get tired here when, wherever you look, everywhere is only your workplace. There is simply nowhere for the eye to rest - and with it the mind, the soul. Another recommendation is to hang a small mirror just behind the stove, but at eye level of the hostess. But only if standing behind the stove, she is with her back to the door. Everything is simple here - it is enough for a woman to cast one glance to see who entered the kitchen behind her. Such knowledge adds confidence, a sense of security, greatly reduces nervousness.

But is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the window? Let's think about the reflective properties of a mirror. It just sends back everything that hits it. Whether it is good energy (the Chinese call it “qi”) of a sunny morning, or it is a dull wall of the opposite house, these energies will not be “admitted” to your apartment, but will be sent back. It is somewhat similar to distilled water - it is completely free from all impurities, but at the same time from useful minerals. If a person drinks such water for a long time, then the supply of useful substances in the body is depleted.

The mirror in front of the door acts in the same way - like a faithful watchdog, it does not let anything into the house - neither useful nor harmful. As a result, energy simply does not enter the apartment. And your own energy, which you bring into your home, will "leak" like sand through your fingers. So, if you want to let good luck and wealth into your home, and at the same time feel full of energy, do not hang mirrors in front of a window or door.

Extremely unfortunate is the mirror in the bedroom, located so that lovers can see themselves in it. At first it seems interesting and funny. But then a taste for infidelity or sexual excesses may appear. After all, you seem to be constantly spying on someone, moreover, your consciousness registers not two, but four people. It's easy to draw conclusions.

And the last feng shui tip about mirrors: they are strictly forbidden to hang opposite each other. This is no longer a recommendation, but an iron ban. Reflecting endlessly in each other, the mirrors seem to create a parallel universe, where the soul of the one who looks into them can forever get. In any case, such mirrors increase the anxiety of people living in the house. By the way, in the old days, mirrors were not only hung with cloth, but also covered with .. shutters! Even today in antique shops you can find such masterpieces. This is how seriously and distrustfully our recent ancestors treated mirrors!

The house must have one large "common" mirror. Moreover, you need to choose it in such a way that the tallest member of the family fits in it completely, and even a little space is left at the top - “for growth”. It is better if the mirror is in a frame, and always clean! You need to wash mirrors more often, because a dirty mirror reflects everything with an “unclean” coating. What to do if the mirror is broken or cracked? First of all, don't panic! You can read about what needs to be done in the article: “ Why you can’t break a mirror”, and then misfortunes will bypass you.

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Among the decorative elements that are found in every home, the mirror is the most popular. The attribute is used not only to observe the appearance. Proper arrangement of this piece of furniture can change the proportions of the room, expand the space, increase the degree of illumination. But in the pursuit of style, few people think about the fact that an unsuccessful placement of a mirror can instantly destroy the pleasant atmosphere in the house, filling it with negative energy.

Modern designers use different objects to create coziness and comfort. Often their choice stops on mirrors. This attribute of the interior is placed on the walls, ceiling, doors for different purposes. Some people try to enlarge the space or eliminate the imperfections of the decor with the help of a mirror, while others want to let positive energy into the house. This magical item is used in divination, divination, and when removing spells.

The successful location of the mirror in the interior helps people:

  • attract money and increase your own well-being;
  • protect the home from negative external influences;
  • to know the future and communicate with the souls of the dead.

Improper placement becomes a common cause of sleep disturbance and loss of rest, the development of depression, and the deterioration of a person’s mental and physical health.

In this position, the magical object reflects positive energy coming from outside, preventing it from lingering in the surrounding space.

Feng Shui experts opinion

A reflective mirror surface does not always bring people good. If you hang a mirror in front of the window, then you can attract negative energy into the house. This opinion is shared by followers of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Through the window and door openings, the energy of the sun freely enters the dwelling, carrying heat and light. Her positive rays of Qi are scattered throughout the house, filling it with harmony. But the Feng Shui mirror in front of the window blocks the movement of positive flows. Reflected in its smooth surface, they do not linger in the surrounding space, but disappear to where they came from.

To prevent this from happening, the ancient Chinese teaching recommends placing a mirror in certain places. So, the location opposite the kitchen table can improve the financial situation.

Placing a mirror in the living room is for those who wish not only to create a friendly atmosphere in the house, but also to achieve mutual understanding between its inhabitants.

Modern interpretation of beliefs

Few people believe that the mirror in front of the window is able to let otherworldly power and negativity into the house. But by setting this attribute of the interior in this way, people give outsiders the opportunity to view their home. The reflected situation is able to attract the curious glances of those who want to profit from someone else's good. And the light of street lamps, reflected in the mirror surface, leads to sleep disturbance and the development of anxiety.

To follow modern interpretations of belief or not, everyone decides for himself. But sometimes it is worth listening to what our ancestors believed in.

What do the old signs say?

People have long been attracted by the mysterious power of the mirror surface. In folk Russian signs, this attribute of the interior personifies the line between two worlds - the visible and the invisible.

The magical power of the mirror is able to let both positive and negative energy into the surrounding space.

When the object is located opposite the window, the risk of attracting negativity into the home increases, which will disrupt harmony.

One mirror opposite the other creates a magical corridor through which evil spirits and other evil spirits can enter the house, deprive its inhabitants of protection and sleep.

To accumulate positive energy and attract other benefits, esotericists recommend following a number of rules for the location and maintenance of the mirror in the house:

  • You can not place this attribute of the interior opposite the front door and other openings, including window openings. Due to the reflective surface, positive flows coming from outside will not be able to linger in the dwelling, but will evaporate to where they came from.
  • The people believe that the magical power of the mirror surface is able to increase everything that is reflected in it. For this reason, it is impossible to achieve material well-being in the family if you hang a mirror in front of broken things, peeled wallpaper or cracks on the walls. Such an arrangement will only aggravate the situation, lead to financial difficulties.
  • Timely care of the mirror surface will also help protect the home and its inhabitants from the effects of negative energy. Avoid cracks, chips and scratches on the mirror. Remember that even the dull surface of this useful item in the interior, regardless of its location in the house, can lead to illness, scandals and conflicts.

Following popular beliefs, one should not forget that information about everything that surrounds it accumulates in the mirror. For this reason, the more positive this attribute of the interior sees, the more it scatters it into the surrounding space. Supporters of the Feng Shui teachings and ancient signs agree that a mirror located opposite the window will reflect the positive energy entering the house, and with it good luck, wealth and happiness.

Mirrors are present in the house almost everywhere, everyone is used to this in the modern world, but it happens that the mirror is located opposite the window. Practical owners try to ask in advance what folk signs say about this.

Is it possible to hang or put according to signs

Not every apartment has enough space to perfectly place all the necessary interior items in it. When it comes to installing mirrors, folk signs are immediately remembered.

Such scrupulousness is due to the fact that the reputation of a mysterious and magical object has firmly entrenched behind the sparkling surface. It was used in spiritualistic and witchcraft rituals. With its help, fortunetelling, trying to predict fate.

This item could simultaneously be both a talisman and a carrier of negative energy. Therefore, it is treated with justified caution. An incorrectly installed magical surface can have a negative effect:

  • deprive of sleep and rest, contribute to the development of mental illness, depression;
  • worsen the physical condition of the owner, provoke a complete breakdown;
  • open a portal for penetration into the real world of otherworldly entities.

Regarding the location of reflective surfaces opposite windows, folk beliefs do not give any special warnings. In the daytime, window openings are conductors of the positive energy of light and the sun.

The energy of goodness and light, being reflected, will dissipate in the surrounding space. In order for it to accumulate in mirrors, they need to be hung not directly opposite the window, but slightly shifted to the right or left.

Old Russian signs

Since the invention of the first mirrors, a whole train of superstitions has been attached to them. On the territory of Russia, mirrors became widespread during the reign of Peter the Great. Therefore, Russian folk omens associated with a charming smooth surface are at least three hundred years old.

Such a solid age of beliefs makes us listen to them. Distant ancestors left their warning in the form of the following superstitions:

  • Do not use a cracked or chipped mirror. It is undesirable to store such a thing in the house and certainly cannot be hung in front of a door or window, unwanted guests from other worlds can get into the house through a crack;
  • the magic surface must be kept in perfect condition. Signs testify that the purity and radiance of the radiant surface prevent the penetration of its negative energy inside, serve as its protection;

The modern justification will take

The development of progress, the availability of education and all-round development, has made people less susceptible to the influence of superstition. But some ancient signs can be tried to be explained from a modern point of view.

Hanging a mirror opposite the window in ancient times was not considered a good omen. Popular belief attributed to window openings the ability to let in living uninvited guests from the afterlife into the world. Now we can say that a mirror installed opposite the window will give strangers the opportunity to better see the atmosphere of the apartment, which, of course, no one will like. In addition, at night, the light of lanterns and headlights of cars can, reflected in the mirrors, interfere with sleep.

Is it allowed to place a mirror in front of a window according to feng shui

The Taoist practice of organizing space with the help of symbols as a whole does not contradict the beliefs of other peoples. This teaching considers the mirror a miraculous object that can not only decorate the interior, but also seriously affect a person’s life.

Chinese practice gives great importance to the energy of Qi, which enters any space through the front doors. Given the ability of a mirror to reflect and redistribute energy flows, it cannot be hung opposite the entrance to a house or apartment.

As for windows, in this case the magic surface should focus only a positive picture in itself. If, for some reason, the view from the window does not suit the owner of the home, then the magical surface will concentrate the negative in itself.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the mirror located opposite the window should be saturated with exclusively positive Qi energy. Otherwise, there will be an incorrect redistribution of the energy that fills the house.

It's easy to hang a mirror. It is much more important to take into account and follow all the recommendations related to this event:

  • the window reflected in the mirror must be clean so that the flow of light and solar energy does not linger;
  • the landscape outside the house should not cause negative feelings;
  • window sills cannot be forced with any rubbish.

When installing an indispensable household item, it is important that the comfort conditions are observed taking into account folk signs. The right approach to this event is guaranteed to provide a harmonious atmosphere in the house.

Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of a window according to Feng Shui? How to properly arrange the mirrors in the house, so as not to interfere with the free flow of positive energy? You will find answers to these questions in this article for us.

A decorative item or a magical attribute?

At all times, the mirror was considered a special magical item. In fact, not a single fortune-telling or ritual could do without it. With its help, you can find out your fate, predict the future, the mirror served as a talisman against evil forces and witchcraft rites.

Now the mirror is an indispensable element of the interior, without which it is simply unrealistic to imagine modern housing. But do not forget that this magical item can have a powerful effect on your destiny. And its impact can be both positive and fatal, if suddenly it was not in its own place. Therefore, before proceeding with the decor of the room, you need to find out in which places you can place mirrors according to Feng Shui.

Mirror energy

Feng Shui focuses on the energy of the mirror. It is believed that it is able to reflect and lure energy, change the characteristics of a place, and redistribute energy flows. The mirror reflects the rays of Qi energy that enter the house from different angles. Thanks to this, the situation in the house develops in a certain way, various actions take place. And not enough will come to mind that a mirror located in a certain place is a prerequisite for this.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the actual Qi energy enters the house through the front door and rushes to the source of running water. If there is a bathroom opposite the door, then all the positive energy will be “washed away” into the toilet. To avoid this, 2 small round mirrors will help, which must be placed on the bathroom door from the inside and outside.

Places suitable for the location of mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui?

In which places should a mirror be hung so as not to interfere with the free flow of Qi energy? The most suitable places to place a Feng Shui mirror are.


But what to create if your hallway is very cramped and small? A mirror will come to the rescue - it can visually increase the hallway area and add size to it. Hang a human-sized mirror in the hallway, and this room will immediately look the most spacious. Just don't place it in front of the front door.

Surprisingly, the hallway is the main distributor of actual energy in the house. After all, the incoming flows of Qi energy enter through the door into the hallway, and later they are already distributed to the rest of the premises. If you hang a mirror in the hallway, this energy will be reflected and freely distributed throughout the house.

The mirror will help to recreate the missing places in the room. So, with an L-shaped room, you should hang mirrors in its corners. Thus, you can return the missing space.

Kitchen and dining room

Another room in the house in which you can hang a mirror is the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, it is an emblem of material well-being, prosperity and prosperity. Not a bad space for a mirror in the kitchen - opposite the table at which they dine. So the mirror will increase your material state and harmonize relationships in the family.

You should not place a mirror opposite the gas stove and work surfaces, otherwise the hostess may have more trouble in the kitchen.

Also a very good place for a mirror will be the living room. This room has a very positive and spiritual energy, because the whole family gathers here in the evenings, guests are received here. A mirror hung in this place will bring satisfaction and not a bad mood to your home, give you health and prosperity.


Whether to hang a mirror in the bedroom according to Feng Shui is a moot point. According to the doctrine, the mirror in the bedroom is not required to reflect people during sleep, otherwise it will affect family relationships and the health of the inhabitants of the house. If you hang a mirror in front of the bed, conflicts and disagreements will often arise in the house, partners will not be faithful to each other, and family members will begin to have health problems.

To prevent this from happening, the mirror can be placed only in those areas of the bedroom in which the bed and the people sleeping on it will not be reflected. It is also not recommended to install a mirrored ceiling in the bedroom, because this is contrary to Feng Shui. It is best to put a dressing table in the bedroom, which can be closed at night.

In the room where the child is napping, the location of the mirrors must be treated with particular care. According to Feng Shui, the number of mirrors in the nursery should be the smallest so as not to interfere with the baby's measured sleep. Here you can hang one small mirror that will reflect the back wall.

Can a mirror be hung in front of a window?

According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to place a mirror opposite the window, otherwise the positive energy will not be able to linger in your home and will simply evaporate out the window. In order not to interfere with the proper circulation of energy, hang a mirror on the side wall near the window.

Under no circumstances hang mirrors one opposite the other. This contributes to the creation of a magical mirror corridor, where various essences from the other world can seep.

In order for the mirror to bring only benefit for you, listen to these tips:

  • The attribute must have a frame - this will help to concentrate the Qi energy.
  • The mirror does not have to reflect any negativity - cracked tiles, mess in things, peeled wallpaper. It turns out that the mirror doubles all this outrage. Following this principle, be careful not to reflect the desk in the mirror. Otherwise, you may have more work behind him.
  • A cracked mirror does not have to be in your home, because it will collect all the negative.
  • Try to avoid using mirror tiles in your room decor. According to Feng Shui, this disturbs the harmony and breaks your happiness.
  • The mirror must always be spotless. Do you remember that mirrors multiply all negativity by two? A dirty mirror, even hanging in the right place, can become a prerequisite for scandals, conflicts, troubles and diseases in your family. Therefore, try to wash off all the negativity accumulated in the mirror more often.
  • After breaking the mirror, carefully wash its fragments to wash away information about your own family. Then put them in an opaque bag and take them to the trash.

Try to follow these easy rules. In this case, the mirror will bring only satisfaction, health and prosperity to your home, and all negativity will leave your home forever.

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