What can you say about the bow. The best varieties of onions: description, reviews, photos. Loosening - fight weeds

Hello dear readers!

It's time for us to talk about growing onions, about one of the very first plants that a person began to grow, because it is believed that the onion was "cultivated" about 4 thousand years ago. It is almost impossible to imagine any cuisine in the world without this "tear" vegetable, because many dishes without it will seem insipid and tasteless. And although there are a great many types of onions, each of them finds its admirers. These are onions, and more tender and delicate leeks; perennial chives can decorate our summer cottage no worse than flowers, but, for example, slime successfully combines the taste of both onions and garlic. I have listed far from all types of onions, there are many more of them and with a variety of flavors, onions are quite capable of conquering the most demanding gourmet.

A bit of history

The bow was well known in ancient Egypt. On the paintings of the tombs, and the oldest of them dates back to about 2800 BC, images of onions were found. The Egyptians highly valued it as a very effective remedy for a general pestilence and, therefore, grew onions everywhere.

It was necessarily included in the daily diet of slaves who built the pyramids to avoid various epidemics, since their number reached 100,000 people, and on a relatively small construction site. And the Roman legionnaires believed that consuming a large amount of onions increases their energy and makes the warrior fearless The ancient Germans crowned brave warriors who distinguished themselves in battle with onion flowers. In the era of the Crusades, the bow had such a high healing and occult authority that the French knights even exchanged their prisoners with the Saracens for 8 bulbs of each of them. And the ancient doctors, not without reason it was believed that there was not a single disease in which onions, if prepared in the proper way, would not benefit the patient. In Russia, onions also made their invaluable help during the years of terrible epidemics - plague, cholera, typhus. To prevent any infection from entering the room and to purify the air, onion bundles were hung in living quarters.

Useful properties of onions

In preparation for writing an article about onions, I re-read a large amount of literature about it and was simply amazed at how many useful properties of onions. Of course, I knew before that it has medicinal properties, but in such quantity !!! Now I really regret that in my childhood I really didn’t like onions and almost didn’t eat them, as well, probably, many other children. I’ll try briefly note at least some of the invaluable properties of onions: wound healing, anti-influenza, anti-burn, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, anti-scorbutic, antiarrhythmic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antisclerotic, antithrombotic, antispasmodic and hypotensive, antihelminthic, antihemorrhoids. Onions can bring great benefits to people with disorders of the circulatory system and edema of any origin, as it is able to stimulate and regulate cardiac activity and secretory activity of such organs as: bronchi, liver, kidneys, pancreas. Onion is also valuable in that it reduces the prothrombin index (blood clotting), cholesterol and blood sugar ; normalizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Modern medicine has found numerous carbohydrates in onions - sugars, pectins, fiber, proteins, a large number of various vitamins, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, sulfur ), phytoncides. For therapeutic purposes, onions can be used in any form: raw, boiled, baked, dried onions, fresh leaves, upper shells (scales) and seeds, in the form of juice, in the form of gruel, as well as decoctions and infusions. I listed, my dear readers, only a small fraction of the useful properties that onions have to show you what a treasure we grow in our gardens. But it should also be noted that onions have their own contraindications. For example, onions are contraindicated in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary and urinary systems, since the essential oils contained in it can aggravate the course of the disease. Persons suffering from these diseases should be careful when ingesting fresh onion pulp and its whole juice, but at the same time they can successfully use baked or boiled onions.

Basic requirements for growing onions

In this section, we will consider the general conditions that must be met when growing this plant. Although the onion is not the most picky crop, it still requires attention to itself. It is important for it that the soil in the beds is loose and nutritious.

It is best to take an open, well-lit area for planting onions, as the plant reacts sharply to the intensity and duration of lighting. The length of daylight is one of the important conditions for its cultivation. The onion feels great and grows well with low humidity.

But at the same time, the soil should be moderately moist. Watering the onion is important at a time when there is a mass regrowth of the feather and the formation of bulbs, and already at the end of the growing season, excessive moisture is not welcome, as it will delay the ripening of the onion and reduce its keeping quality. In those areas where groundwater comes close to the surface, it’s better not to plant onions. He also doesn’t like weeds very much, so planting onions should be weeded regularly. Onion beds are best done in those places in our summer cottage where cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes grew in the previous season - those crops for which we usually apply large doses of organic fertilizers. In no case should you plant onions in a site that was occupied by any type of onion, because: firstly, various pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as those pests that "specialize » on this crop; secondly, the soil in these places is already depleted of those nutrients that are necessary for the growth of onion plants. It is also not advisable to plant onions after plants such as garlic, carrots.

In the same place, onions can be planted no earlier than after 3 years, and best of all after 5 years. Onions also do not like to grow on acidic soils, because plants in this case absorb nutrition much worse and are more often affected by such a formidable disease as downy mildew (peronosporosis). Having become ill, the plant weakens and can no longer fully fight pests.

Preparing a plot for planting onions

It is best to prepare the soil for planting onions in the fall. We dig the earth to a depth of 15-20 cm, having previously introduced well-rotted manure or peat-manure compost. It is not advisable to apply fresh manure, as this can cause onion diseases, weed seeds can also get into the soil with manure and get rid of them then it will not be so simply.

And the introduction of fresh manure will provoke an increased growth of the aerial part of the plant, due to which the bulbs will not be able to fully ripen. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is extremely undesirable to introduce manure and lime into the soil at the same time, since the nitrogen content in the fertilizer decreases. To avoid this, it is better to add dolomite flour, ground limestone, ground chalk, wood ash to the soil instead of lime. In the spring, we will only have to apply mineral fertilizers and it is better to apply them not all at once, but in several stages, since onions are very negative about the high concentration of mineral fertilizer salts. Therefore, we apply half of the established dose when digging the earth before planting, and distribute the second half between 2-3 top dressings during the growing season.


In the previous sections, we got acquainted with the general conditions that must be met for successful growing onions. Now it's time to consider the requirements of specific species, of which there are a large number, but among our gardeners, several types are most common, these are: onions, shallots, batun, chives, slime onions, leeks, multi-tiered onions, wild garlic. Let's start our acquaintance with the onion family from the most famous species that all summer residents grow - this is onions.

Often onions are grown from onion sets, which can be purchased at gardening stores or grown from seeds. Breeding a set is a rather laborious process, because you need to not only make a lot of effort to grow it, but also then save it correctly. Therefore, I don’t dare to growing onions from seeds, although you should try. In the next article, we will take a closer look at the agricultural technology of growing onions from seeds, but now let's talk about how to grow good onions from sets.

Preparing for landing

If we bought a set in a store, then it is necessary to dry it immediately after purchase in any warm place, scattering it in a thin layer, but not on a battery. If you have a set that you yourself grew and which was stored at a low temperature ( below 18? C), then it needs to be warmed up in order for the growth processes to set in motion. then we raise the temperature to 30-40? C, but only for 8-10 hours. Warming up is necessary not only to activate growth, but also to prevent onion shooting in the future. At the same time, it is very important to prevent overheating of the set, since in this case the germination of onion sets will decrease very noticeably. -15 minutes, and then immediately cool in cold. It is very good if, after warming up, we still process the sevok with some kind of growth stimulator (for example, Zircon, Humisol, Growth-1) or, instead, you can hold it for 5-6 hours in a solution of a complex mineral fertilizer. And in conclusion, it remains only to disinfect the bulbs of the sevka in a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water) or in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Well, now the sevok is ready for landing.

Planting sevka

The timing of planting onion sets is directly dependent on weather conditions. If the spring is early and warm, then it is possible to plant sevok at the end of April, and if it is cold, then you need to wait until the earth warms up to the depth of a finger. It makes no sense to plant onions in unheated soil (temperature below 12 ° C), as it into the arrow.

But it is also impossible to be late with planting, especially if the spring is warm and dry. This can lead to the fact that at first the green feather will develop intensively in the plant, and the root system will begin to lag behind in its development, and then due to lack of moisture and high temperature, the onion greens will stop growing, but the resulting bulbs will still develop slowly and remain small. So the well-known saying “Throw it in the dirt, you will be a prince” fully applies to onions too. Only you can still clarify - in warm mud))) We plant onion sets on the prepared beds in rows, having previously sorted it by size.

So we plant sevok with a diameter of up to 1 cm at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other; up to 1.5 cm in diameter - at a distance of 6-8 cm; up to 2 cm in diameter - at a distance of 8-10 cm. The distance between the rows is best to take about 20 cm, so that it is better to process the onions and so that the plantings are better ventilated. 3 cm. A week after planting, the first shoots may appear.

Landing Care

loosening. It is possible (even necessary) to start caring for planting onions even before germination, since at this time we must try to prevent the formation of a dense crust of the earth. Therefore, we will loosen the soil more often, which will also help us get rid of weeds.

And in the future, loosening the soil should be carried out regularly to ensure a constant supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the roots of the plant. Onions especially need to loosen the soil after watering. When our bulbs reach an average size, we begin to gradually rake the ground from them (unburden).

This is done so that they grow larger and mature faster. Watering. As mentioned above, onions need watering in the first half of the growing season.

At this time, we water the plants abundantly and regularly about 1-2 times a week (depending on the weather). In July, when the bulbs begin to ripen, excess moisture is no longer needed, so we first reduce watering, and then 2-3 weeks before harvesting onions and stop altogether. The only thing is that if the summer is very hot and dry, the plantings can be watered occasionally to avoid wilting and stunting the growth of the bulbs. Weeding. It is also necessary to prevent overgrowth of onion plantings with weeds, as they create high humidity, which contributes to the development of fungal diseases. In addition, onions growing on unweeded beds form a thick juicy neck, which makes it difficult to further dry the onion and, accordingly, its storage .

Therefore, let's pay special attention to weeding onions. top dressing. The first time we feed about 15-20 days after planting and, preferably, diluted slurry (1 kg of manure per 10 liters of water) or bird droppings (1 kg of droppings per 15 liters of water).

Fertilizer consumption is calculated at the rate of 10 liters of solution per 1 sq. m. The next time such a nutritious top dressing can be done in three weeks. If you are going to feed onions with mineral fertilizers, then first apply nitrogen. It can be ammonium nitrate - 10-15 g per 1 sq. m. And after three weeks it will be nice to add potassium fertilizers in the same amount to nitrogen fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers can be applied dry by sprinkling them on the beds before watering or before rain, or you can pre-dissolve them in water and water the beds with this solution. Treatment.

Since diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, it is possible to carry out preventive treatment of onion plantings against fungal diseases and onion flies. To do this, you need to make the following solution: 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate or copper oxychloride, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap diluted in 10 liters of water and spray onion leaves. Processing is best done when onion leaves reach a length of 12-15 cm. For preventive purposes, plants and earth can also be dusted with wood ash and tobacco dust. After 20 days, the treatment can be repeated.

onion harvesting

Onion ripening time largely depends on the weather and ranges from July to early September. The main signals of onion readiness for harvesting are: the cessation of the formation of young leaves, lodging of leaves, as well as their yellowing and drying, the bulb neck becomes soft and thinner, the bulbs acquire a characteristic color for this variety. And here it is impossible to delay harvesting, otherwise the plants may the re-growth of the roots will begin and such an onion will be stored much worse. In addition, you should try to remove the onion until the air temperature at night drops and the morning dew begins.

The bulbs, together with the tops, are carefully removed from the ground and laid out for drying and ripening in a well-ventilated room. Ideally, of course, it is better to dry it right in the garden under the sun, but at this time the weather is very changeable and there are so many fine days (7-10) in a row usually doesn't happen. So it's better not to risk it. During the drying time, all the nutrients from the remains of the leaves pass into the bulbs.

Then we cut off the dried leaves and the remains of the roots, leaving a neck 3-4 cm long and lay out the onion for additional drying, but already in a heated room. For 8-10 days, keep the onion at a temperature of 25-30? If possible, it would be good at the end of this drying for 10-12 hours to hold the onion at a temperature of up to 40 ° C. This procedure well disinfects the onion from various pathogenic infections and increases its keeping quality during storage. That, it seems, is all what I wanted to tell you about the general requirements for growing onions and about growing onions from onion sets. In the next article, we will talk about how to grow onions from seeds, how to get onion seeds and how you can grow turnips in one year. See you soon, dear readers!

Growing onion sets on a turnip photo agricultural technology

How to properly plant onion sets on a turnip What are the benefits of planting onion sets? We get a crop much earlier, the bulbs develop faster even on poor soils due to a more powerful root system, and strong plants, accordingly, do not allow weeds to grow.

Planting onion sets is more convenient for the growing process and reduces labor costs by an order of magnitude. In the article we will consider the issues of growing onions on a turnip.:

The method discussed below is the cultivation of onions on a turnip in open ground. 1-2- Soil preparation for planting onion sets 3- Planting onion sets 5- Caring for planting onion sets 6- Small tricks and subtleties of growing onions 7-How to grow a good crop of onions 8-9-Video planting onions on a turnipPreparing onion sets for planting: First you need to carefully review the seed material. Select all dried, rotten, damaged and sprouted bulbs.

Sort the seeds, in the same size it is more convenient to observe germination and development. If possible, warm up the sevok at a temperature of 40-42 degrees for 8 hours, strictly observing the regimen throughout the entire time.

Such heating reduces bolting, awakens dormant buds and reduces the incidence. Next, you need to cut off the neck of each bulb with sharp scissors (this is the place where the dried feathers were, and now there is a small tail of scales). Pruning should be done carefully, without affecting the shoulder of the bulb.

Too deep pruning will damage the seedling and therefore inhibit the development of the above-ground green part of the onion. The growth of damaged feathers will be uneven.

Although commercial onion cultivation does not involve pruning, I have found from personal experience that pruned onions germinate faster, develop into larger bulbs, and ripen earlier. If growing onion from sets is new for you, then you do not need to perform actions in which you do not have the slightest experience (cutting, scalding with boiling water, piercing).

Most of the sets can be planted without any special treatments requiring skill. Leave only a few onions with which you can experiment and learn at the same time.

Soil preparation for planting onion sets: The soil for onion sets is suitable sandy or loamy, fertile and moisture-intensive. On heavy acidic soils, onions develop much worse. It is not necessary to make fresh manure for planting onion sets.

In the prepared grooves, you can add Kemira-universal complex fertilizer, there are special ready-made mixtures for growing onions, or you can cook it yourself. This will require double superphosphate 25-30g, ammonium nitrate 20-25g, potassium sulfate 30-35g.

This dosage is calculated for 1 sq.m. We make furrows 6-8 cm deep, sprinkle fertilizers in them and sprinkle with a layer of soil 1-2 cm. distance between rows 20-25cm. this method is more economical and the nutrients will go directly to the roots of the plants. In acidic soil, fluff lime or dolomite flour is introduced in autumn.

The best predecessors of onion sets are considered to be all types of cabbage, cucumbers and zucchini. Planting onion sets: Before planting, onion sets can be soaked in 1% solution of copper sulphate for 15-20 minutes and planted immediately without washing or drying.

The distance between the bulbs is 10-15 cm, the depth of embedding is 2-3 cm. Planting dates for onion sets: Since onions are cold-resistant crops, they should be sown as early as possible.

This is approximately the middle or end of April, when the average daily temperature will be around 10 degrees. An old saying recommends planting onions as soon as the bird cherry blossoms. Of course, adjusted for the climatic features of your region.

Care for planting onion sets: Onion care consists in timely loosening, watering and top dressing. Loosening is carried out at least 4-5 times during the growing season to a depth of no more than 2 cm. watering only during the growth and development of green mass and the formation of the bulb.

About a month before harvesting, watering should be stopped to speed up the ripening of the bulb. Do your onions need additional feeding? The plant itself will tell you about it.

If the leaves develop slowly, have a pale green color, then there is not enough nitrogen. You have noticed that the tops of the old feathers have turned black and die off - the onion needs phosphorus, and with a lack of potassium, the leaves become grayish in color, corrugated structure and age early.

Little tricks and subtleties of growing onion sets on a turnip: Some subtleties will help you get a decent harvest. Next to the onion bed, place a bed of carrots.

I plant onions and carrots at the same time according to this scheme 2 rows of onions, then two rows of carrots. Firstly, the pests of these crops (onion and carrot flies) do not tolerate the proximity of these plants.

Secondly, onions ripen much earlier than carrots and, freeing up space, I improve ventilation and illumination of carrot rows. How to grow a good crop of onions:Having planted onions on a turnip, in no case do not pluck the greens This greatly reduces the yield.

The bulbs don't form well, lag behind in development, and as a result you end up with onions that are much smaller than they could be. Do not try to hasten the ripening of the bulbs by crushing or breaking the leaves.

By doing this, you will achieve not only the fastest drying of the tops, but also weaken the bulbs. Such onions are prone to various diseases and are very poorly stored. Video preparing onions for planting on a turnipVideo planting onions on a turnip

Onions are grown and consumed in more countries than any other vegetable; however, praises are rarely sung to him. It's time to appreciate this savory culture that so often brings us to tears, writes BBC correspondent Marek Pruszewicz.

Deep in the archives of Yale's Babylonian Collection lie three small clay tablets of unique significance - the first cookbooks known to us.

Covered in fine cuneiform writing, they did not reveal their secrets until 1985, about four thousand years after they were written.

It was Jean Botter, a French Assyriologist and haute cuisine chef, who unraveled these mysteries - a combination only possible in France, as some might point out. He discovered "a culinary tradition that impresses with its richness, elegance and craftsmanship", with many tastes and aromas that are familiar to us today. This is especially true for one ingredient.

"They just seemed to adore the whole onion family," Botter says.

Mesopotamians were friends not only with ordinary onions, but also with leeks, garlic and shallots.

Their devotion to the humble onion was shared by most chefs of all subsequent generations - you rarely find a cookbook that does not feature this product.

Onions are the most common food item in the world. According to the UN, it is grown in at least 175 countries around the world. This is more than double the number of countries growing wheat, which holds the world record for the largest crops.

Unlike wheat, onions are an integral part of every known cuisine in the world - probably the only truly global food.

"Genetic analysis indicates that the onion comes from Central Asia. So, it was already very common at the time when the Mesopotamians began to use it. There are also very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe," says Laura Kelly, food historian and author of Silk Road Gourmets.

“The onion blooms very beautifully, so perhaps people first noticed:“ Oh, what a beauty! ”, And then they already learned about its nutritional value. It is very, very easy to grow ... It grows beautifully, and almost does not attract pests. "

Undoubtedly, onions were being traded along the Silk Road as early as 2,000 BC, about the time the Mesopotamians were compiling their recipe book, so rich in this ingredient, Kelly says.

Mesopotamian game pie

She told us about the ingredients in the recipe: game birds, water, milk, salt, fat, cinnamon, mustard leaves, shallots, semolina, leeks, garlic, flour, pickle, roasted dill seeds, mint, wild tulip bulbs (be careful - the last ingredient can be poisonous!).

A step by step recipe can be found on Laura Kelly's website.

However, today they practically do not sell onions abroad. About 90% of its crop is consumed locally, in the country of origin. Perhaps that is why in most countries of the world onions are rarely paid attention to.

Both in cultivation and consumption, China and India occupy the first places - together they account for about 45% of the annual onion crop in the world, which is 70 million tons.

However, these countries are losing their top spots if per capita onion consumption is calculated. Then Libya becomes the world champion, where the average citizen in 2011 ate 33.6 kg of onions, according to the UN.

"We put onions in everything," my Libyan friend confirmed. Some even consider pasta or couscous with onions to be the main national dish of the Libyans.

Kelly notes that onions are consumed "on a massive scale" in many West African countries, though none of them are in the UN's top 10.

"In Senegal, there's a dish called yassa, where there's a lot more onion than meat or vegetables - it's basically onion and onion," she says. According to the UN, Senegalese consumed an average of 21.7 kg of onions per capita in 2011, which is twice the corresponding figure for the British (about 9.3 kg per person).

The French, traditionally considered "onion eaters" by the British, actually managed a modest 5.6 kg per person.

Onion relatives

From top left photo and clockwise: garlic - Allium sativum, onion - Allium cepa, leek - Allium ampeloprasum, chives - Allium schoenoprasum, shallot - Allium cepa var. aggregatum, green onions - from various varieties of Allium cepa, as well as some other onions

Sometimes onions still make it to the front pages, in particular in India. If the price of it rises rapidly, you should expect trouble.

Barely a month later, Narendra Modi took over as India's prime minister in May 2014, and his government has already imposed a ban on cheap onion exports, fearing it would drive up the domestic price. Four years ago, the then government banned the export of this product altogether and even imported onions to stop street protests.

"While there is no consistent pattern, onion price spikes do affect elections from time to time," said Pranjul Bandar, lead economist at HSBC Financial Group in India.

Perhaps the most telling example of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP in Delhi to the rise in the price of onions.

Such political weight onions is explained by the fact that this vegetable is "an integral part of the life of almost every Indian home," Bandar said.

"With few exceptions, no Indian meal is complete without onions. This means that fluctuations in its cost are felt by every ordinary person," she says.

In the UK, onion shortages are unlikely to lead to widespread riots, but growers are working hard to ensure there is enough stock for a whole year.

"We harvest onions from July to September - when the stalk falls, you can see that they are ripe," says Sam Ricks, a third-generation onion farmer and grower who grows, packs and sells onions from his farm near Colchester, Essex.

"For three weeks, the harvested onions are kept warm at 28 degrees to dry out and turn golden. Then they are gradually cooled down to about zero degrees," he explains.

"Eleven weeks after they've been harvested, onions are always trying to germinate. We're trying to prevent that," adds the farmer.

Although this method of storage is not cheap, it guarantees that about 90% of the bulbs will remain of high quality and will be sold.

Improved storage and the development of new, resistant varieties brings Ricks and his colleagues closer to their cherished goal: to be able to stretch the onion crop until the next harvest begins.

"Last year the bulbs harvested in September were still in good condition in the middle of the following July," he says.

He only imported onions for three weeks that year, from New Zealand and Spain.

As for packaging, here the work continues 363 days out of 365, with only two days off at Christmas and Easter.

Demand for onions rises noticeably around Christmas, perhaps because turkeys are rarely roasted without onions, or simply because people eat more around Christmas.

But it turns out that the peak demand for onions in Britain falls on other religious holidays - the Indian Diwali and the Muslim Feast of Breaking the Fast.

As one might expect, the global vegetable easily crosses cultural barriers.

The whole truth about onions

  • The onion subfamily belongs to the much larger class of monocots (Liliopsida), which includes lilies.
  • The record weight of the bulb - 8.49 kg - was recorded this year in the British county of Leicestershire
  • Onions are 85% water
  • Onion watery eyes, because when cut, the tear substance propanethiol S-oxide is released
  • Onion breath can be mitigated by eating onions with parsley.
  • New York City is now called the "Big Apple", but was formerly called the "Big Onion" - now this name is mainly applied to Chicago

Project work

All about bow


1A class students

MKOU "Zalininskaya secondary school".

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Davydova N.A.



    Preparatory stage.

    Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.


    Planned result.

    Main stages of work:

    Main stage. (research)

    Basic information about the bow.

  1. Where did he come to usonion

  2. Variety of onions

    Medicinal properties of onion

    About the bow.

    Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, fairy tales.

    The final stage.

    Conclusion. Summarizing.




Folder "Onion Dishes."

Folder "Medicines from onions"

I .1. Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.

In winter and spring, people often get colds. In February of this year, we had a quarantine at our school: our class did not study for more than a week due to the fact that most of the children got sick. How could this have been avoided? It was possible to do prevention, for example, eat green onions.

This winter we wanted to grow green onions in our classroom. For our work, we have chosen a goal: to try to grow green onions on our own, to learn and collect information about this plant, to collect interesting facts, proverbs, sayings and much more about onions. We took the bulbs and planted them in boxes filled with sawdust. The boxes were placed closer to daylight. The very next day, small green feathers began to appear. They have grown. So we managed to grow green onions in our class for the first time.

It became interesting to us how useful onion is, why people love it so much. To answer these questions, we searched for information on the Internet and encyclopedias, asked adults. We have compiled suchwork plan .

    Collect information about the origin of the onion, its diversity.

    Learn about the healing properties of onions.

    Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, tales about onions.

    Collect onion recipes.

Find out what diseases and how can be cured with the help of onions.

2. Relevance

The project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated garden plants, how to care for plants, and understanding the importance of vegetables in human life. Many children annually see how their parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, and use them for various purposes. But you never thought: how does onion grow, what conditions are necessary for its growth? And why is it useful? When carrying out a joint activity - planting onions, all the children showed a desire to help, plant them themselves. There was an idea to implement the project “All about onions”, and invite the children to plant an onion together with the teacher, to observe how and how quickly it grows into a feather.

3.Planned result.

1. Children will learn how to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions for its cultivation, learn about the benefits of onions.

2.Children will get acquainted with literary works about onions, with how onions are used in cooking and medicine.

4. Main stages of work:

STAGE 1 - preparatory.

Plant onions in containers. Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, tales about onions. Collect cooking and medical recipes with onions.

STAGE 2 - main (research).

Monitor the growth of onions, conduct experiments. Establish connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. In the process of research, introduce children to fiction about onions: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. Conduct classes and talks.

STAGE 3 - final.

Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of research activities of children.

To arrange an exhibition of drawings about onions, handicrafts from onions.

II .Main stage. (research)

1. Basic information about the bow.

Onion- and herbaceous plants belonging to the subfamily . The scientific Latin name was given , comes from the Latin name , and this, in turn, is probably related to the Celtic word- burning ; another version - comes fromlatin word-smell .

There are over 900 species in the genus. that grow in . Representatives of the genus grow in meadows, in the steppe, forests.

Representatives of the genus have a large oblate-spherical, covered with reddish, white or purple shells. Perennial (cultivated species sometimes biennial) bulbous or herbaceous plants with almost undeveloped bulbs, have a sharp onion (or garlic) smell and taste

Blooms in June-August.

Seeds are angular or round. Fruits in August-September.

Chemical composition.

Bulbs contain nitrogenous substances (up to 2.5%), various(10-11%)( , , , ), , , and its , , various , salts and , , and , A (3.75 mg%), (60 mg%), (50 mg%), (0, 20 mg%), (10.5-33 mg%), as well as with a pungent odor, irritating and nose. The main component of the essential oil are disulfide and other sulfides, the main part of which, en C 6 H 12 S 2 contains many .

2. Where did you come from onion

Onion - one of the most ancient vegetable plants. It has been cultivated for five millennia. Onion is known all over the world, and it came to us from Asia, where ordinary shepherds were the first to eat onions. At first it was believed that only green shoots could be eaten, but over time, vegetable bulbs also began to be eaten.Onion cultivation began in ancient China and then moved to India. At that time, trade was actively developing, so the onion migrated to Egypt, where it became simply a cult plant, as evidenced by numerous frescoes and sculptures.Archaeologists have found remains of onions inEgyptian pyramids, and on the sarcophagi and walls of buildings - various images of him. Since the time of the bow comes to Greece, where it is considered a means of getting rid of all diseases. The warriors of Ancient Greece smeared their muscles with onions before important competitions, believing that the bow would become their reliable assistant. In Rome, onions were actively used for bowel problems.

For a long time, onions have been grown and cultivated in Russia.Old Russian cuisine widely used onions for cooking and seasonings from it. Foreign travelers and diplomats who visited Russia noted that most Rusyns eat dishes so spicy that it is impossible to eat them. Onions became the staple food of commoners in Russia. Bread and kvass, and raw onions - these are the main foodstuffs of peasants, artisans, and soldiers. The people, of course, could not know in those days about the phytoncidal properties of onions, which have a beneficial effect on increasing the body's immunity, its resistance to diseases. In one old Russian herbalist, there is such a description of the healing properties of onions: “It softens the womb, but it induces thirst and destroys the stinking spirit from the mouth ... being taken internally, it works excellently with weakness of the stomach and poor digestion, convulsions of hysterical women, mucous and convulsive shortness of breath, water and stone disease. During prevailing contagious diseases, it is very useful to add onions to breakfast food, to make soups from onions with the addition of salt, pepper, a little vinegar.

3. A variety of onions.

There are also sweeter varieties, such as Spanish

and red onion is great for use in



Shallot has a mild sweet fragrance and

is a source of the same vitamins as onion



Heads of garlic have a white, almost papery texture.

husk, sometimes with a pinkish or purple tint.


Leek has a milder taste thanonion

and garlic


Green onions or lettuce are unripe onion

onion with an underdeveloped bulb, it is harvested when

the green feathers are still quite fresh.


Chives or chives - aromatic herb with

tiny bulbs, eat only

green feathers. Their purple-pink flowers too

edible and nicely garnish salads.

4. Medicinal properties of onions

Onions have long been considered a powerful remedy against diseases.In ancient Greece, according to the ancient Roman physician Pedanius Dioscorides, onions were recommended to stimulate appetite and "as a cleanser." The Romans and Greeks attributed the ability to arouse inexhaustible vitality, energy, courage to onions and used it in large quantities in the food of warriors.

The healing properties of onions were also known in the countries of the Ancient East., where they said: “Luk, every ailment passes in your arms.” Ancient Slavsit was used for many diseases, and in the years of severe epidemics, bundles of onions were hung in the huts. "A bow from seven ailments" - said a Russian proverb.

During the Middle Ages, the bow was so popular and so people believed in its healing and protective power that they used it as a talisman that could protect against the evil eye, the spell of the witch, hitting arrows, wounding with a sword, spear, halberd. The knights, clad in impenetrable metal armor, wore an onion on their chests.In the Middle Ages, people believed in the ability of the bow to protect against arrows and swords. Medieval knights wore a simple onion on their chest as a talisman.

In our time, scientists have discovered that onion volatiles - phytoncides - are detrimental to many pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria.The discovery of phytoncides belongs to the famous researcher academician B. N. Tokin. It was he who first noticed that the volatile substances of crushed onions have a detrimental effect on yeast cells. Many scientists are now working to develop a kind of onion that does not cause tears. But the fact is that this special taste and smell of onions have a beneficial effect on the human body. So an onion that does not cause tears will have a completely different taste and smell. It has been observed that people working in greenhouses where green onions are grown all year round rarely get colds and flu, even during the worst epidemics.

It is known that it is enough to chew an onion for three minutes to kill all the bacteria in the mouth. It is also recommended to eat raw onions for beriberi and for the prevention of influenza. Onion greens contain many useful substances, especially vitamin C. 100 g of green onions will satisfy the daily human need for this vitamin. Fresh onions improve digestion and promote better absorption of nutrients. Two centuries ago, onions were used in the treatment of typhus, influenza, scurvy, decreased vision, impotence and other diseases, as well as wounds, burns, hair loss.

5. about the bow.

    Onions (Allium) - a genus of biennial and perennial plants classified in the subfamily


    The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

    There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, in meadows, in forests.

    228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

    It is difficult to establish the homeland of the onion. Most researchers believe that onions

comes from Southwest Asia.

    There are very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

    The Yale Babylonian Collection contains three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe "a culinary tradition that impresses with its richness, elegance and craftsmanship", with many aromas and tastes that are familiar to us today. It turned out that in ancient Mesopotamia they simply adored the whole onion family. The Mesopotamians made extensive use of not only the common onion, but also leeks, garlic, and shallots.

    The onions and garlic have been known since 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2,500 years ago, noted that there was an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed by workers. It read: “1600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

    Archaeologists discovered the image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamen, dating back to 1352 BC. e.

    It is known that 5000 years ago, onions were grown in,.

    The bow was necessarily included in the provision of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.

    Onion came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus, first it was planted on Isabella Island, and then spread throughout the mainland.

    If we calculate the consumption of onions per capita, then Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We put onions in everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose inhabitants consume an average of about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the inhabitants, whom the British traditionally consider "onion eaters", actually cost a modest 5.6 kg per person.

    In India, no meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to every ordinary person. The political weight of the onion is explained by the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of the life of almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most telling example of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP in Delhi to the rise in the price of onions.

    The widespread onion got its name from the external similarity with.

    The leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the Bishop and educator David of Wales during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in the onion field, called on his soldiers to attach leeks to their helmets to distinguish their comrades-in-arms from enemies. Therefore, every year on March 1, the inhabitants of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.

    Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

    Onions are a great fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to eat onion soup.

    People say that onions are from seven ailments. It has been observed that people working in a greenhouse where green onions are grown, even during the most severe epidemics, do not get the flu.

    Onions serve as an anesthetic when bitten, and. To do this, immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.

    It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell of onions and tears from processing them can fight cancer cells.

    Riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.” The reason for such tearing onions lies in a special substance - lacrimator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why the onion is cleaned by wetting it or the knife with water - lachrymator dissolves in water and practically does not escape into the air. If the onion is frozen before peeling, then the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

    Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

    Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth.

    Onions can treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

    Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume it in this form. Therefore, when coughing, it is better to put a piece of onion in the ear. Thus, onion juice enters the bloodstream and relieves an unpleasant cough.

    Onion brings down the temperature. If the child has a high temperature, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, with the help of socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from this medicine subsides very quickly..

6. Proverbs and sayings about onions

III .The final stage

1. Conclusion.

Our experiment showed that green onions grow well in a bright and warm place from small bulbs. The kids enjoyed growing green onions. This is a useful and fun activity. Several children continued to grow green onions at home in order to make delicious, healthy meals with them and not get sick.

The children got acquainted with the history of the onion, its diversity, and what significance it has for people. We learned how to plant onions “on the green”, take care of them. With the help of a microscope, they examined the cells of the onion and found out why the eyes are watery from the onion. We collected proverbs, sayings, riddles about onions. We found out that there are many fairy tales about this vegetable.

Green onions help fight winter-spring ailments: colds and flu, and other diseases. If you use onions constantly, and especially in the cold season, no diseases will be terrible!

Job done

students of grade 1 A MKOU Zalininskaya secondary school:

    Agarkov Vladislav

    Agarkova Xenia

    Biryukova Angelina

    Biryukov Rodion

    Grebennikov Ivan

    Drozdov David

    Evglevsky Yan

    Karnaukhova Anastasia

    Kolenchukov Daniil

    Lebedko Arseniy

    Mishin Alexander

    Pashkova Anna

    Bad Arina

    Bad Olga

    Sadirova Jasmine

    Simonenkova Sofia

    Sogachev Dmitry

    Sogachev Ilya

    Timokhin Ivan

    Tkachuk Ekaterina

Project Manager : primary school teacher

Davydova Natalia Alexandrovna

Bulb golden

Round, cast.

She has one secret -

She will save us from troubles:

Can cure disease

Delicious and fragrant onions!

Of course, you know what an onion looks like. We call onions small golden-yellow bulbs of a rounded shape. If you cut the onion with a knife, you can see thick juicy white scales - these are onion leaves.

The golden film covering them from above does not let water through and protects the leaves from drying out. Succulent scaly leaves extend from the pyramid-shaped stem. At the bottom of this stem, small dried roots are visible. Between the scales, buds are also visible - the embryos of future bulbs.

If you sow an onion seed, then a root and a stem will grow out of it, which forms a loop on the surface of the earth, a bit reminiscent of a stretched onion in shape. Maybe that's why this vegetable began to be called onion.

After some time, green tubular onion leaves appear on the garden bed, which are called feathers. Green onion feathers resemble sharp arrows, they are very fragrant and contain many useful vitamins. They are put in salads, vinaigrettes and soups, eaten with black bread and salt.

Small golden bulbs form in the ground. By autumn they become large and juicy. They are stored all winter, and in the spring they are planted in beds to obtain seeds.

From the bulbs rises a tall dense stem, decorated with small umbrella inflorescences. Collected all together, they form a small ball. Each flower in this inflorescence resembles a tiny lily, so the onion belongs to the lily family.

Other plants also have underground bulbs: tulips, daffodils, lilies, garlic, goose onions.

In the first year of life, the onion stores nutrients in its shortened stem - the bulb, and in the second year it uses them for growth and flowering.

Where did the bow come from?

Wild onions are found in Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus, Afghanistan and China. In this country there are mountains completely overgrown with wild onions. They are called so - onion mountains.

Afghanistan and Central Asia are considered the birthplace of onions.

Approximately 6 - 7 thousand years ago, onions began to be cultivated in China, and then in India and Egypt. Archaeologists find images of bulbs on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs.

In ancient Greece, the onion was considered a sacred plant. It was presented as a gift to the gods. On the days of the festivities, everyone tried to bring the largest onion to the temple, and the one who succeeded received an honorary gift.

From ancient Greece, onions came to the Romans. In ancient Rome, this vegetable enjoyed universal love. Every Roman ate his portion of onions every year. It was believed that this vegetable gives energy and protects against diseases.

In the army of Ancient Rome, a lot of onions were put in soldier food to give the soldiers strength and courage.

And in medieval Europe, people attributed miraculous properties to onions. The knights wore it as a talisman that protected them from arrows and swords. When a person wanted to be praised or exalted, he was compared to a bow. Maybe that's why one of the varieties of onions is called "victorious onion."

Among the Slavic peoples, the bow appeared in the XII-XIII centuries. In Russia, the following sayings were composed about him: “Onions, bread and water are valiant food”; "A bow is good both in battle and in cabbage soup."

Why do you think?

Correctly! Because onions make a person stronger, healthier, stronger!

Onions are one of the staples, it is considered a universal remedy that protects and cures all diseases.

Russian peasants said: "Whoever eats onions is freed from torment"; "Onions and baths rule everything." The healing properties of onions are explained by the fact that it contains special substances - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. When a saucer with finely chopped onions is placed at the bedside of the patient, he recovers faster. Onion juice diluted with water can cure a runny nose if it is instilled into the nose.

In addition, onions contain minerals and vitamins.

The people came up with such a riddle about the bow: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” In fact, when you peel and cut onions, tears naturally flow from your eyes. This happens because the onion begins to release volatile substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes.

Usually we cry when we or our loved ones are in trouble, grief. But here we can cry just from the pain in the eyes. In a figurative sense, by "onion grief" we mean minor sorrows, troubles or sorrows that do not deserve tears. "Onion grief" is also called an unlucky person, for whom everything goes awry.

What dishes are cooked with onions?

Fresh onions are put in vinaigrettes, salads. Onions fried in a pan until golden brown are added to soups and roasts.

Listen to the poems.

caustic onion

If we cut the onion finely,

On the board with a knife: "knock-knock!",

That will pinch our eyes -

Tears will run over them.

Tears will flow like a stream

We will pay. But about what?

We cry not from pain,

Especially not out of grief.

Caused tears not an ailment,

And the usual caustic onion!

onion burner

Offended Vanechka -

They didn't give him a gingerbread.

Our Vanyushka rubs his eyes,

In vain, tears are shed.

Let's calm down Vanechka -

Let's give him a cookie.

- This is your goryushka -

Woe onion!

This pot is empty

Not worth a tear!

Listen to a fairy tale.

magic bulb

In the morning Nastya sat at the kitchen table and was going to drink sweet tea with a pie. The pie was amazingly delicious! Yesterday my grandmother baked a whole dish of them - with meat, cabbage, rice and jam.

In the evening, the parents returned home tired, hungry and instantly swallowed the delicious pies. There was only one left on the platter - with meat. It was to them that the girl was going to have breakfast. Yes, it was not there! As soon as Nastya brought the pie to her mouth and wanted to bite off a piece, the phone rang. The girl dropped the pie on the floor in surprise. I must tell you that at that time the puppy Roller was sleeping on the rug under the table. He did not ask Nastya for handouts, but he still hoped that he, too, might get something. When the puppy saw that a pie appeared right at his nose, out of nowhere, he immediately, without a moment's hesitation, swallowed it!

— Aaa! Nastya roared loudly, and tears poured from her eyes, round as peas. — I dropped the pie, and Roller ate it. What will I drink tea with now? the girl muttered, sobbing.

In the kitchen, a large wicker basket full of golden onions hung from a nail. One, the largest, Bulb heard Nastya crying and asked the girl in a low voice:

- What happened, baby? Why are you crying?

- I, I ... - Nastya was dumbfounded for a moment from surprise. - I'm crying because ... And who are you? she asked.

“I am a magic bulb. If you want to get a better look at me, go to the onion basket and you will immediately notice me,” said the Onion.

Nastya immediately stopped crying, climbed onto a stool and looked into the basket.

The girl recognized the Magic Bulb at once: she was quite round, in a golden cloak, pinned with an emerald hairpin, and with a cheerful, smiling face. The girl took the Onion in her hand and felt how warm it was.

"So why were you crying?" Onion asked again.

Nastya explained to her.

- Rubbish! said the magic Bulb importantly. Is it worth it to be upset because of such trifles? Yes, and tears in vain to pour! Your grief is not real, but onion! It's you, believe me, the old Onion-sorceress!

- Why "woe onion"? Nastya was surprised. She had never heard such an expression.

- Yes, because when the onion is cut, people's tears flow. Not from grief, sadness, grief, but simply from the smell of onions. So they say - onion grief, which means trifling, nonsense, unreal. Instead of roaring, be glad that Roller got a tasty morsel!

“Yes, I’m glad,” the girl said uncertainly.

And the magic bulb continued:

— Make yourself a cheese sandwich, have some tea and go for a walk. And put me in my place, in a basket with onions. I'll still be nice to you!

Answer the questions

Who baked delicious pies?

Who ate the last pie?

Why did Nastya cry?

What did the magic Bulb, which was in the basket, say to her?

How do you understand the expression "onion woe"?

Listen to the poem.

Onion braid

red maidens

Knit onions in braids.

The braid will come out golden,

Very thick, thick.

In the kitchen we hang onions -

He will drive away the flies.

As soon as the bird cherry is enveloped in a white cloud of petals, the cuckoo cuckoos in the forest, it is time to sow onions.

The onion is harvested in September. It is braided and stored all winter until spring. No wonder they say: "Naked, naked, but there is an onion in the soup."

Answer the questions

What does an onion look like?

Where do onions come from?

Why was onion valued in ancient times?

Why does onion have healing properties?

What nutrients are found in onions?

What dishes are cooked with onions?

What day is popularly called "onion day"?

  • The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

  • There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow naturally in the Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, in meadows, in forests.
  • 228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

  • It is difficult to establish the homeland of the onion. Most researchers believe that onions originate from Southwest Asia.
  • There are very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

  • The Yale Babylonian Collection contains three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe "a culinary tradition that impresses with its richness, elegance and craftsmanship", with many aromas and tastes that are familiar to us today. It turned out that in ancient Mesopotamia they simply adored the whole onion family. Mesopotamians widely used not only with ordinary onions, but also with leeks, garlic and shallots.

  • In ancient Egypt, onions and garlic were known as early as 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2500 years ago, noted that the pyramid of Cheops had an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed by workers. It read: “1600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

  • Archaeologists discovered the image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamen, dating back to 1352 BC. e.
  • It is known that 5000 years ago onions were grown in China, India.

  • The bow was necessarily included in the provision of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.
  • Onion came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus, first it was planted on Isabella Island, and then spread throughout the mainland.

  • If we calculate the consumption of onions per capita, then Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We put onions in everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose inhabitants consume an average of about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents of Britain eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the inhabitants of France, whom the British traditionally consider "onion eaters", actually cost a modest 5.6 kg per person.
  • In India, no meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to every ordinary person. The political weight of the onion is explained by the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of the life of almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most telling example of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP in Delhi to the rise in the price of onions.
  • The widespread onion got its name from the external similarity with.
  • The leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the Bishop and educator David of Wales during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in the onion field, called on his soldiers to attach leeks to their helmets to distinguish their comrades-in-arms from enemies. Therefore, every year on March 1, the inhabitants of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.
  • Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

  • Onions are a great fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to eat onion soup.
  • People say that onions are from seven ailments.
  • It has been observed that people working in a greenhouse where green onions are grown, even during the most severe epidemics, do not get the flu.
  • To strengthen the immune system and not get sick in the cold season, it is recommended to eat half an onion a day.

  • Onions serve as an anesthetic when bitten, and. To do this, immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.
  • It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell of onions and tears from processing them can fight cancer cells.
  • Riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.”
  • The reason for such tearing onions lies in a special substance - lacrimator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why the onion is cleaned by wetting it or the knife with water - lachrymator dissolves in water and practically does not escape into the air. If the onion is frozen before peeling, then the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

  • Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth.
  • Onions can treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

  • Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume it in this form. Therefore, when coughing, it is better to put a piece of onion in the ear. Thus, onion juice enters the bloodstream and relieves an unpleasant cough.
  • Onion brings down the temperature. If the child has a high temperature, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, with the help of socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from such a medicine subsides very quickly.

Decorative bow photo

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