Age of French President Macron. Who is the wife of the President of France Macron. What is good for a Frenchman is death for an American

Well, they chose a new president in France and they chose, far from everyone cares about politics, except that it is useful for general erudition and out of curiosity to find out what is going on in the world. But here's a look at the current first lady France, and especially knowing that she is on 24 years older than her husband, very interesting. And if you also know that the romance of the president and his wife began even when Bridget, at that time bearing the name of the banker's husband Ozier, was his teacher of French language and literature in high school, where he drew attention to her Emmanuel Macron- witty, erudite, promising boy. So, young Emmanuel b Macron he took it and fell in love with his teacher, young blood boiled, his heart demanded an ideal - what schoolgirl can compete with a wise life, an intelligent, charming and sparkling teacher of literature? He was 16 , and to her 40 ! By that time, Bridget Ozier had three children, one of her daughters studied with Emmanuel in one class. At the time of this writing Emmanuel Macron turned 39 years old, and his wife B Rijit Macron 64 By the way, this popular old woman already has eight grandchildren. But the joint children of the spouses Macron no, but the president has grandchildren of his wife France considers his children, nurses them, plays, changes diapers and gives milk from a bottle. Originally a novel Emmanuel and Bridget would just be platonic, the teacher hoped that the student would grow up and cool down, but the future president France decided not to give up, he put his beloved before the fact, no matter what she does, no matter how she tries to forget him and delete him from her life - he will marry her at all costs. Husband Bridget was furious, he thought that a cute schoolboy was carrying bouquets of flowers for his daughter, his parents Emmanuel Macron were all mad with rabies, but what would you say if your sixteen-year-old son had a crush on his forty-year-old teacher. Urgently, a schoolboy in love, mom and dad sent to study in the city Paris, and rushed strings of letters and endless telephone conversations. Emmanuel wrote beautiful poems, all of them are still carefully kept in the drawer of the table Brigid, she did not prophesy to her baby Emmanuel chair of the president, she still considers politics a dirty business - it is much better to be a writer. By the way, Bridget from a wealthy family - her father is a chocolatier - the owner of a chain of pastry shops. Dad died Bridget aged 85 years, exactly in the same year when it became known about the relationship of his daughter with a schoolboy.

First husband Bridget for a very long time did not give an unfaithful wife a divorce, only being 55 -year-old woman, she was able to become madam Macron, the groom is already ripe - he was 30 years! He affectionately calls her Bibi and she Mani. But still, I personally think that all this is such a PR move. These two already know 24 years, muzzles should have all subsided, fiery feelings are replaced by deeper, more meaningful ones, one might even say that a warm affection appears.

In public, the French president Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget demonstrate love, he hugs her so that I want to say: "Turn out the lights, cover the eyes of the children!".

Appearance Bridget Macron very interesting, to their 64 over the years she wrinkled excessively, but then her silhouette is what you need! Beautiful slender limbs are especially admired, madam Macron displays them proudly. Also the president's wife. France loves to spend time in the solarium, forgetting how detrimental it affects senile skin.

And here Emmanuel Macron- the youngest president, by the way! Most French women dream of dragging him into their bed, but the heart of this politician is forever given to a woman who is older than him. 24 of the year. Myself Emmanuel Macron wondering why the public is shocked? What if it were the other way around? If Macron was a teacher for forty years, and Bridget would be his sixteen-year-old student? And then, seeing the blooming bud of her beautiful body, would he dream day and night about how to pick this delicate flower? calm down Macron, and the public would condemn such a thing, well, at least already because of the fact that the beautiful Bridget was married, and you, a talented child, broke her family.

In these photos from Bridget Macron it can be seen that powder with reflective particles is applied to the face. More than one star has already fallen on this treacherous powder. In the photographs, this decorative cosmetics is very noticeable.

On this photo Bridget Macron with one of his daughters.

Pay attention to this photo, the president and his wife are walking holding hands, like small children, probably Emmanuel Macron he is afraid that his wife will get lost in such and such a crowd of people.

They know that the paparazzi cameras are always aimed at them, so they always portray an idyll.

Take a look at the photo dated 1993 year, he is sixteen years old Emmanuel Macron whispers with her teacher, even then she looked like a granny, but you can’t command your heart.

Some French political analysts call him "a salvation for Ukraine", while others believe that he supports it in his election campaign in order to lift sanctions against Russia in this way.

In France, 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron, an independent candidate, former economy minister and former director of the Rothschild Bank, unexpectedly emerges as the leader of the race.

At the moment, Emmanuel Macron has the best chance in the fight for the presidency of France. At the same time, the former favorite of the race and a supporter of the Kremlin's policy, Francois Fillon, may not get into the second round.

Poll , held on January 30 by order of the French edition of Les Echos, showed that in the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen would receive the greatest support. Her rating increased by 3% and reached 26-27%.

Macron's rating rose by one point and now stands at 22-23%. Francois Fillon showed the greatest regression, whose rating fell by 6 points, to 19-20%. Thus, Fillon, whose wife is being investigated for the theft of about 500 thousand euros, is predicted not to get into the second round of elections. If Macron and Le Pen get into the second round, the former should win with a score of 65% of the vote. If Fillon and Le Pen get into the second round, the Republican leader will also win, but his result will be 59%.

Briefly about his campaign promises, Macron proposes to cut taxes, reduce bureaucracy, but at the same time increase the work week and reduce unemployment benefits. I decided to take a closer look and learn more about the new leader in the presidential race, Emmanuel Macron.

The French politician and former investment banker became one of the youngest ministers in 2014 and led the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs in the second Waltz government.

On August 30, 2016, he resigned and announced his intention to participate in the 2017 presidential election.

Macron worked as an inspector at the Economy Ministry from 2004 to 2008. Since 2007, he has served as Deputy Rapporteur for the Commission for the Improvement of French Growth, chaired by Jacques Attali. He was also an investment banker for Rothschild & Cie Banque. He was a member of the Socialist Party from 2006 to 2009, and from 2012 to 2014 he worked at the Elysee Palace under President Hollande.

Personal life

There are whole legends about Emmanuel Macron in France: he is handsome, smart, married, and most importantly, he has every chance of becoming the next president.

“He is young, handsome and talented,” all the French media write about Macron, calling him either an “alien” or a “wunderkind”.

It is worth noting that Macron's personal life was most actively discussed in France, since he is married to a woman who is much older than him.

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They met more than 20 years ago in a small provincial town, when Macron studied at a Christian religious school, and Trono was his teacher. He was 15 years old, she was 35, he was a lyceum student, and she was a teacher.

On the day of his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: "Whatever you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you." Local publications note that then the woman only laughed at the arrogant young man - in addition to her husband, with whom Bridget lived for quite a long time, the teacher already had three children.

However, after a few years, she unexpectedly divorced and married Emmanuel in 2007.

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While her husband was headlong into a political career, Madame Macron continued to teach at a religious school, only in Paris.

Since the couple does not have their own children, Macron babysits his wife's grandchildren and sincerely considers them his own.


It is worth noting that the reputation of François Fillon, against whose wife an investigation of embezzlement of public funds, was opened, most of all influenced this.

The politician hired his wife Penelope and two children Marie and Charles to work in Parliament as an assistant. Penelope Fillon did not fulfill her direct duties, and therefore received a total of 820,000 euros of public funds completely undeservedly.

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According to preliminary information from the French investigation, in the country's parliament, Madame Fillon did not have a work pass or work email address, and rarely appeared at the workplace, preferring to spend time in a family house in the suburbs of Paris with five children.

All the details of this case seriously reduced the credibility of the presidential candidate and his rating collapsed.

French politician Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Thornier have gained great fame outside of France due to their unusual love story and huge age difference. The wife of French President Bridget Macron has increased his popularity, perhaps this is one of the secrets of a successful presidential election for a politician.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Thornier are a very unusual couple, even if he had not now become a very famous politician in France, the wife is 25 years older than her husband without a few months.

I, like many women, have little interest in politics, but I will not miss an unusual love story, and this is really a very unusual story, I will tell you everything that I managed to find out about Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Tornier.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, born on December 21, 1977, is a French politician, he has been closely watched by newspapermen for a long time, because. Emmanuel quickly made a political career and at the age of 37 he became the Minister of Economy of France, was an investment banker in the Rothschild bank. Emmanuel Macron is called the sex symbol of France - he is young, tall, stately, charming. Created his own party "Forward!" and runs for the presidency of France in the 2017 elections. If Emmanuel Macron wins the French presidential election in 2017, and the chances of this are very high, he will become the country's youngest president of all time. Emmanuel Macron has been married to Bridget Tornier since 2007.

Brigitte Macron (Tornier) biography

Bridget Thornier was born on April 13, 1953 and was the smallest, sixth child. For five generations, her family has been involved in the chocolate business, in the north of France their family is famous. Bridget grew up and married banker André Louis Ozier, whom she divorced in early 2006. In marriage, Bridget had three children, a son Sebastian and two daughters Lawrence and Tiffany. Bridget Thornier worked at a religious school in Amiens as a teacher of French and Latin.

And now the most interesting:

Emmanuel and Bridget Macron love story

Emmanuel Macron and Bridget first met and met at the school where she was a teacher and he was a student in her class. Together with Emmanuel, the daughter of Bridget-Lawrence also studied in the class. Bridget Tornier also led a theater group and Emmanuel took part in it, wrote poetry and Bridget often set him as an example to follow. When Bridget put on a school play, relations with Emmanuel became emotionally closer, he always accompanied her home after class, they talked a lot and even then it was clear that the teenager was in love with his teacher. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, he confessed to Bridget that no matter how she avoided him, no matter how she dodged, he would still marry her. What then could a teacher, a mother of three children and a wife answer to a teenager? Even if an adult woman then soul was drawn to a kindred spirit, it seems impossible for a young romantic to overcome this abyss.

Young Emmanuel Macron was unable to hide his feelings and confessed to his parents that he was in love, at first his parents did not understand him and decided that he was in love with the teacher's daughter, and not with her. When everything turned out, the reaction of the parents can be understood, and they sent Emmanuel to finish his last year of school in Paris. But Emmanuel and Bridget continued to talk on the phone.

In 2006, Bridget divorced her husband and after almost 1.5 years, in 2007 she married 29-year-old Emmanuel Macron, the couple has been married for 10 years. Interestingly, Bridget's son Sebastian was born in 1975 and is 2 years older than her second husband, now an engineer, daughter Lawrence, the same age as Emmanuel, studied with him in the same class, now a cardiologist, and the youngest daughter Tiffany, two years younger than her mother's husband and works in the company Macron as a lawyer. Emanuel Macron managed to find a common language with all Bridget's children, the paparazzi report frequent joint picnic trips for the whole family, and French presidential contender Emmanuel Macron bottle-feeds the youngest of Bridget's seven grandchildren and considers them his own.

Emmanuel Macron does not plan to have biological children.

Now Brigitte Macron is 64 years old, she has already left her teaching job and is helping her husband in his election race. Bridget is among those people whom Emmanuel trusts, she helped write Emmanuel's election speech and, according to her husband, if he becomes President of France, Bridget will listen to her opinion.


Fate was favorable to Emmanuel Macron, he became the President of France, his wife is now the first lady of the country. Now the parents of Emmanuel Macron have become friends with their daughter-in-law and consider her the inspirer of their son to such success. The wife of French President Bridget Macron came to the inauguration in a sky blue suit and she was immediately accused of imitating Melania Trump, but despite this, the French liked the choice of clothes for the inauguration of Emmanuel Macron and his wife.

When Macron fell in love with Brigitte, he was 15, and she was 39. The woman read Latin and French at the school where Emmanuel studied. An interesting fact is that Brigitte's daughter was then the same age as Macron, moreover, she studied with him in the same class, and moreover, she was even friends with the future president! But none of this could interfere with the love of young Emmanuel!

When Macron became the leader of the country, many of the world's leading media scoffed or at least caustically played up a sore subject: after all, Emmanuel's wife is two and a half times older than him. Despite such a colossal age difference, Macron is not at all embarrassed: he loves Brigitte and has always loved her. The lovers have been officially together for 11 years.

Despite her considerable age, Brigitte always dresses stylishly and behaves impeccably in public. In addition, she has remarkable charisma and a wonderful sense of humor. Macron, without hesitation, introduced his wife into politics, saying that she was a born first lady. Moreover, he even wanted to create a special post for her so that she would officially work with him, but French civil society regarded this as corruption, so the idea had to be abandoned.

It should be noted that since childhood Macron was not like everyone else. Grandmother was engaged in the education of the future president of France. She also taught him to read, instilling a lifelong love of books. Emmanuel grew up as a very well-read guy, he almost did not communicate with his peers - it was boring with them - preferring the company of older people. At school, Macron studied perfectly, was on a short footing with teachers - but not because of his origin or wealthy parents, but because of his intellectual potential.

For a long time, the relationship (at first platonic, and later sexual) between an adult woman and a teenager could be hidden, but later they nevertheless surfaced. Then a terrible scandal began, because Brigitte was cheating on her husband, and Macron was still so young. Despite the fact that the age of consent in France is fifteen, such a relationship seemed wild and unconventional to the public.

After stormy proceedings, the minor Macron was sent by his parents from the last grade of school to Paris. While moving, Emmanuel met Bridget and vowed to marry her one day, no matter what. And so it happened!

Many people are negative about this story. We believe that it is insanely romantic and real in terms of feelings and emotions. Carrying your love through your whole life, love from a young age for one woman, fulfilling promises to marry many years later - not everyone is capable of this. Macron is a real knight of honor! We wish the couple long years together!

Macron's wife: the love story of the new President of France Macron and his wife, 24 years older!

Macron's wife. A photo. These words are now being hammered into Google search engine by millions of people around the world. Who is she? What does it look like? How, being 24 years older, could she become the wife of the future president of France - such a handsome man as Emmanuel Macron? What is special about her? And maybe it was thanks to her that he became president? What is the standard of their love story?

Indeed, their love story is very similar to the plot of the novel. It's just like in the movies. After all, while still a teenager, at the age of 15, he fell in love with his teacher and head of the theater circle - Brigitte Tronier. To this day, a video has survived in which 15-year-old Macron plays a garden scarecrow in a straw hat and, at the end of the performance, the head of the theater group kisses him on the cheek. Surprisingly, this incredible story of sincere love for your teacher was continued ...

The young guy, even then at school, confessed his feelings to the teacher. But then the teacher, who was 24 years older than Emmanuel Macron, could not accept this offer. And at the age of 17, Macron told his teacher: “But still, I will marry you.” The boy's parents, frightened by the seriousness of his hobby, sent Emmanuel to study in another city. The student and the teacher simply corresponded by letters. Recall that before meeting with Macron, Brigitte Tronier was married and had three children. But the persistent and sincere Emmanuel Macron did not give up. And in 2007, Brigitte decides to file for divorce, comes to Macron in Paris and accepts his proposal to marry.

Macron's wife: after 15 years, he carried his love and still married a teacher

In 2007, Emmanuel and Brigitte were painted by the then mayor of the French town of Le Touquet and a close friend of the Macrons. Even then, he said about this unusual couple. “They are a real couple. I have rarely seen spouses that would be so united, despite the difference in age, ”says the man.

At that time, the future president of France was already 30, and his wife, respectively, 54 years old. That. Macron carried his love and faith that he could be with his soul mate, regardless of the condemnation of others, after 15 years. And did not betray his love. This story is just amazing. There are no material and any mercantile interests in it, but only the sincerity and light of both, which attracted them to each other. She is the daughter of wealthy parents who owned a very successful confectionery factory in France. He is a famous banker. Those who were next to them and saw this loving couple spoke of the great power of their love and the extraordinary similarity, reminiscent of two halves of one whole ...

Macron's wife: "She helped me become who I am"

After the wedding, the former teacher devotes all of herself to her husband, Emmanuel Macron. And during the presidential election campaign, it was his wife who was his main adviser, author of speeches and was always next to him. “If I am elected, I beg your pardon if we are elected! “She will be with me, she will have her own role and place,” said Macron, 39, about his 63-year-old wife Bridget, speaking on March 8 in Paris. “I owe her a lot: she helped me become who I am.”

Have you seen what Brigitte looks like, now by the name of Macron at 64? There are no words. That's for sure, the next time when you are too lazy to download the press, you need to remember this amazing woman. Look at her, look at them together again. This couple has a lot to teach and a lot to motivate us all. After all, if a woman 24 years older loses her head from you, and this woman has something to inspire and inspire a person and help him even become president, this deserves respect and admiration!

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