Ustyuzhanin resurrection. "Barnaul miracle" (resurrection from the dead). Soul after death: there was no tunnel

I was an atheist, strongly, terribly blasphemed God and persecuted the Holy Church, led a sinful life and was completely dead in spirit, darkened by devilish charm. But the mercy of the Lord did not allow His creation to perish, and the Lord called me to repentance. I got cancer and was sick for three years. I did not lie down, but worked, and was treated by earthly doctors, I had the hope of being cured, but there was no benefit, and every day I got worse. For the last six months, I have been completely ill, I could not even drink water - I started vomiting violently, and I was admitted to the hospital. I was a very active communist, and a professor was called for me from Moscow, and they decided to have an operation.

In 1964, on February 19 at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, I was operated on, a malignant tumor with decomposed intestines was discovered. I died during the operation. When they cut open my stomach, I stood between two doctors and looked with horror at my illness. The entire stomach was in cancerous nodes, as well as small intestines. I looked and thought: why are there two of us: I stand and I lie? Then the doctors laid my insides on the table and said: - where the duodenum should be, there was only liquid, that is, it was completely rotten, and they pumped out one and a half liters of rot, - the doctors said: she already has nothing to live on, she has nothing healthy, everything rotted from cancer.

I kept looking and thinking: why are there two of us: I am lying and I am standing? Then the doctors put my insides in randomly and put brackets on my stomach. This operation was performed on me by a professor, a Jew, Israel Isaevich Neimark, in the presence of ten doctors. When the brackets were put on, the doctors said: it should be given to young doctors for practice. And then my body was taken to the dead room, and I followed him and kept wondering: why are there two of us? They took me to the dead room, and I lay naked, then they covered me with a sheet up to my chest. Here, in the dead room, my brother came with my boy Andryusha. My son ran up to me and kissed me on the forehead, wept bitterly, saying: Mommy, why did you die, I'm still small; How will I live without you, I don't have a dad. I hugged and kissed him, but he did not pay any attention to me. My brother was crying.

And then I found myself at home. The mother-in-law of my first husband, the legitimate one, came there; and my sister was there. I did not live with my first husband, because he believed in God. And so, in my house, the division of my things began. My sister began to choose the best things, and my mother-in-law asked me to leave something for the boy. But my sister did not give anything, she began to scold my mother-in-law in every possible way. When my sister cursed, here I saw demons, they wrote down every swear word in their charters and rejoiced. And then the sister and mother-in-law closed the house and left. The sister carried a huge bundle to her home. And I, sinful Claudia, flew up at four o'clock. And I was very surprised how I was flying over Barnaul. And then he disappeared and it became dark. The darkness continued for a long time. On the way, they showed me the places where I was and when, from my youth. On what I flew, I don’t know, in the air or on a cloud, I can’t explain. When I flew, the day was cloudy, then it became very light, so that it was even impossible to look.

They put me on a black platform; although in flight I was in a supine position; I don’t know what it lay on, like plywood, but soft and black. There, instead of a street, there was an alley, along which there were bushes, low and unfamiliar to me, twigs very thin, leaves pointed at both ends. Huge trees could be seen further, they had very beautiful “leaves of different colors. Between the trees there were low houses, but I didn’t see anyone in them. And in this valley there was very beautiful grass. I think: where am I, where I arrived, in a village or a city? You can't see any factories or factories, and you can't see people. Who lives here? I see a woman walking not so far from me, very beautiful and tall, her clothes are long, and on top of her is a brocade cape. Behind her a young man was walking, crying a lot, and asking something from Her, but She did not pay any attention to him. I think: what kind of mother is this? - he cries, and she does not pay attention to his requests. When She approached me , the young man fell at Her feet and again asked for something from Her, but I did not understand anything.

I wanted to ask: where am I? But suddenly She came up to me and said: Lord, where is she? She stood with her arms folded across her chest and her eyes raised. Then I shuddered greatly, realizing that I had died, and the soul was in heaven, and the body was on earth; and I immediately realized that I had many sins and I would have to answer for them. I began to cry bitterly. I turned my head to see the Lord, but I see no one, but I hear the voice of the Lord. He said: bring her back to earth, she did not come at the right time, the virtue of her father and his unceasing prayers propitiated Me. And then I just realized that this woman is the Queen of Heaven, and the young man who followed Her and wept, pleading with Her, is my guardian angel. The Lord continued to say: I was tired of her blasphemy and stinking life, I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father begged Me. The Lord said: she needs to be shown the place she deserves, and in an instant I found myself in hell. Terrible fiery snakes climbed on me, their tongues are long, and fire flies out of their tongues; and there were all sorts of other bastards. The stench there is unbearable, and these snakes dug into me, and crawled over me, thick as a finger, and a quarter long, and with tails, spiked needles on their tails, crawled into my ears, into my eyes, into my mouth, into my nostrils, into all the passages , the pain is unbearable. I began to scream in a voice that was not my own, but there was no mercy and help from anyone there. Immediately, a woman who had died from an abortion appeared, crying, she began to ask the Lord for forgiveness, mercy. The Lord answered her: How did you live on earth? She did not recognize me and did not call me, but she destroyed the children in her womb and advised people: "There is no need to breed poverty"; you have extra children, but I don’t have extra ones, and I give you everything, I have enough for My creation. Then the Lord said to me: I gave you a disease so that you would repent, and you blasphemed Me to the end.

Then the earth spun along with me, and I flew out of there, a stench began, and the earth leveled out, there was a rumble, and then I saw my church, which I scolded. When the door opened and the priest came out in all white, shining rays came from the clothes. He stood with bowed head. Then the Lord asked me: who is this? I answered: this is our priest. And the voice answered me: and you said that he was a parasite; no, he is not a parasite, but a hard worker, he is a true shepherd, not a hireling. So know, no matter how small he is, but he serves Me, the Lord, and if the priest does not read a prayer of permissiveness over you, then I will not forgive you either. Then I began to ask the Lord: Lord, let me go to earth, I have a boy there. The Lord said to me: I know that you have a boy. And do you feel sorry for him? I say very sorry. - You feel sorry for one, but I have no number of you, and I feel sorry for all of you three times. But what an unrighteous path you have chosen for yourself! Why do you strive to amass great wealth for yourself, why do you do all sorts of lies? Do you see how your property is now being plundered? To whom did your belongings go? Your property was stolen, the child was sent to an orphanage, and your dirty soul came here. She served the demon and made sacrifices to him: she went to the cinema, the theater. You don't go to God's church... I'm waiting for you to wake up from the sleep of sin and repent. Then the Lord said: save your own souls; pray, for a meager age remains, soon, soon I will come to judge the world, pray.

I asked the Lord: how should I pray? I don't know prayer. “Pray,” the Lord replied, “not that prayer is dear, which is read and memorized, but that prayer is dear, which you say from a pure heart, from the depths of your soul.” Say: Lord, forgive me; Lord, help me, and sincerely, with tears in your eyes - this is what prayer and petition will be pleasing and pleasing to Me, - thus said the Lord.

Then the Mother of God appeared, and I found myself on the same platform, but I did not lie, but stood. Then the Queen of Heaven says: Lord, why let her go? she has short hair. And I hear the voice of the Lord: give her a scythe in her right hand to match the color of her hair. When the Queen of Heaven went to get the scythe, I see: She came to a large gate or door, whose structure and bindings were in an oblique line, like the gates of an altar, but of indescribable beauty; from them came a light so that it was impossible to see. When the Queen of Heaven approached them, they themselves opened themselves before Her, She entered some palace or garden, and I remained in my place, and my Angel remained near me, but he did not show his face to me. I had a desire to ask the Lord to show me paradise. I say: Lord, they say there is a paradise here? The Lord did not give me an answer.

When the Queen of Heaven came, the Lord said to Her: get up and show her paradise.

The Queen of Heaven passed her hand over me and said to me: you have paradise on earth; and here for sinners, this is what a paradise is, - and I lifted it up like a veil or a curtain, and on the left side I saw: there are black burnt people, like skeletons, a myriad of them and a stinking smell emanates from them. When I remember now, I feel that unbearable stench and I'm afraid not to get there again. They all moan, their larynxes are dried up, they ask to drink, drink, at least a drop of someone gave them water. I was scared, as they said: this soul came from the earthly paradise, from her fragrant smell. A person on earth has been given the right and time so that he can acquire a heavenly paradise, and if he does not work on earth for the sake of the Lord to save his soul, then he will not escape the fate of this place.

The Queen of Heaven pointed to these evil-smelling black people and said: alms are dear to you in your earthly paradise, even this water. Give alms, as much as you can, from a pure heart, as the Lord Himself said in the Gospel: even if someone gives a cup of cold water in My name, he will receive a reward from the Lord. And you not only have a lot of water, but everything else is in abundance, and therefore you should try to give alms to those in need. And especially, that water, with which an uncountable number of people can be satisfied with one drop. You have whole rivers and seas of this grace, never exhausted.

And suddenly, in an instant, I found myself in tartare - it is even worse here than in the first place that I saw. In the beginning, there was darkness and fire, demons with charters ran up to me and showed me all my bad deeds, and said: here we are, whom you served on earth; and I read my own cases. The demons fire out of their mouths, they began to beat me on the head, and fiery sparks dug into me. I began to scream from unbearable pain, but, alas, I heard only weak moans. They asked for drink, drink; and when the fire illuminated them, I saw: they are terribly thin, their necks are stretched out, their eyes are bulging, and they say to me: here you have come to us, my friend, you will now live with us. Both you and we lived on earth and did not love anyone, neither the servants of God, nor the poor, but were only proud, they blasphemed God, listened to the apostates, and vilified Orthodox pastors, and never repented. And those who are sinners, just like us, but sincerely repented, went to the temple of God, received strangers, gave to the poor, helped everyone in need, did good deeds, they are up there.

I trembled from the horror I saw, and they continued: you will live with us and suffer forever, just like we do.

Then the Mother of God appeared and it became light, the demons all fell on their faces, and the souls all turned to Her: “Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, do not leave us here.” Some say: we have suffered so much here; others: we have suffered so much, there is not a drop of water, and the heat is unbearable; and shed bitter tears.

And the Mother of God wept a lot and said to them: they lived on earth, then they didn’t call me and didn’t ask for help, and they didn’t repent to My Son and your God, and now I can’t help you, I can’t transgress the will of My Son, and He cannot transgress the will of His Heavenly Father, and therefore I cannot help you, and there is no intercessor for you. I will have mercy only on those suffering in hell for whom the church and close relatives pray.

When I was in hell, they gave me all kinds of worms to eat: live and dead, smelly, and I screamed and said: how am I going to eat them?! And they answered me: I didn’t observe fasts when I lived on earth, did you eat meat? You did not eat meat, but worms, eat worms here too. Here, instead of milk, they gave all kinds of reptiles, reptiles, toads, all kinds.

Then we began to rise, and those who remained in hell shouted loudly: do not leave us, Mother of God.

Then darkness fell again, and I found myself on the same platform. The Queen of Heaven also folded her arms on her chest and raised her eyes to the sky, asked: what should I do with her and where to put her? The Lord said: bring her down to the ground by her hair.

And then, wheelbarrows appeared from somewhere, 12 pieces, without wheels, but moving. The Queen of Heaven tells me: stand with your right foot and go forward, put your left foot next to it. She herself walked next to me, and when they approached the last wheelbarrow, it turned out to be without a bottom, there was an abyss that had no end.

The Queen of Heaven says: lower your right leg, and then your left. I say: I'm afraid I'll fall. And She answers: we need you to fall. - So I'll kill myself! “No, you won’t be killed,” She answered, she gave me a scythe in my right hand with a thick end, and took Herself with a thin end. The braid was woven in three rows. Then She shook her scythe and I flew to the ground.

And I see how cars run along the ground and people go to work. I see that I am flying to the new market square, but I do not land, but quietly fly to the glacier where my body lies, and I instantly stopped on the ground - it was at 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon.

After that world, I did not like it on earth. I went to the hospital. I went to the morgue, went into it, I looked: my body was lying dead, my head hung a little and my arm, and the other arm and side were pressed by the dead man. And how I entered the body, I don’t know, I just felt an icy cold.

Somehow she released her pressed side, and, strongly bending her knees, bent to her elbows. At this time, a man was brought on a stretcher, dead with his legs cut off, by train. I opened my eyes and moved. They saw me bend over, and fled in fright, leaving that dead man behind. Then the orderlies and two doctors came, they ordered me to be carried to the hospital as soon as possible. And the doctors gathered there and said: she needs to warm her brain with light bulbs. It was February 23 at four o'clock in the afternoon. There were 8 stitches on my body, three on my chest, and the rest on my arms and legs, as they practiced on me.

When they warmed my head and all of me, I opened my eyes and spoke after two hours. My corpse was half-frozen, gradually moving away, as well as the brain. At first they fed me artificially, and on the twentieth day they brought me breakfast: pancakes with sour cream and coffee. I immediately stopped eating.

My sister, frightened, ran away from me and everyone in the ward turned their attention to me. Immediately the doctor came and began to ask why I did not want to eat. I answered him: today is Friday, and I will not eat fast food.

And she also said to the doctor: it’s better to sit down, I’ll tell you everything, where I was and what I saw. He sat down and everyone listened. Whoever does not observe fasts and does not honor Wednesday and Friday, then instead of milk they give all kinds of toads and reptiles. This awaits all sinners who have not repented before the priest in hell, so I will not eat fast food these days.

The doctor at my story blushed, then turned pale, and the patients listened attentively.

Then many doctors and other people gathered, and I talked to them. She said everything she saw and heard, and that nothing hurts me. After that, a lot of people came to me and I showed them my wounds and told them about everything.

Then the police began to drive people away from me, and I was transferred to the city hospital. This is where I got better. I asked the doctors to heal my wounds faster. All the doctors who saw me were wondering how I could come to life when all my intestines were half-rotten and all the insides were stricken with cancer, and all the more so since everything was abandoned after the operation at random and hastily sewn up.

They decided to perform the operation on me again, for certification.

And here I am again on the operating table. When the chief doctor, Valentina Vasilievna Alyabyeva, removed the brackets and opened her stomach, she said: why did they cut a person? She is completely healthy.

I asked not to close my eyes and not to give anesthesia, because I told them: nothing hurts me. The doctors took my insides out on the table again. I look at the ceiling and see everything that I have and what the doctors are doing to me. I asked the doctors what was wrong with me and what kind of disease I have? The doctor said: the whole inside is like a child's, clean.

Immediately, a doctor appeared, who then performed the first operation on me, and many other doctors were with him. I look at them, and they look at me and my insides, and they say: where is her illness? She had everything rotten and affected, but she became completely healthy. They stepped closer and gasped, wondered, and asked each other: where did she have the disease she had?

Doctors asked: does it hurt you, Klava? No, I say. The doctors were surprised, then they were convinced that I answered sensibly; and they began to joke: here, Klava, now you will recover and get married. And I tell them: hurry up and do my operation.

During the operation, they asked me three times: Klava, are you in pain? “No, not at all,” I replied. Other doctors present, and there were many of them, walked and ran around the operating room, as if beside themselves, clutching their heads and hands, and were as pale as dead men.

I told them: it was the Lord who showed His mercy on me so that I could live and speak to others; and to you for admonishment that over us there is the power of the Most High.

And then I said to Professor Neimark Israel Isaevich: how could you be wrong? They did an operation on me. He replied: it was impossible to make a mistake, you were all stricken with cancer. Then I asked him: what do you think now? He replied: the Almighty has reborn you.

Then I told him: if you believe this, be baptized, accept the faith of Christ and get married. He is Jewish. He blushed with embarrassment and was in terrible perplexity about what had happened.

I saw and heard everything, how my insides were put back; and when the last suture was made, the head physician Valentina Vasilievna (she operated) left the operating room, fell into a chair and sobbed. Everyone asks her in fright: what, Klava died? She answered: no, she did not die, I am amazed at where her strength came from, she did not utter a single groan: is this not a miracle again? It was clear that God helped her.

And she fearlessly told me, when I was lying in the city hospital under her supervision, that the Jewish professor who performed the first operation on me, Neimark Israel Isaevich, repeatedly persuaded Valentina Vasilievna to kill me in any way, but she categorically refused, and at first she herself she personally looked after me, fearing that someone would kill me, she herself gave food and drink. A lot of doctors were present at the second operation, including the director of the medical institute, who said that this was an unprecedented case in world practice.

When I left the hospital, I immediately invited the priest whom I scolded and mocked as a parasite, but in essence he is a true servant of the Lord's altar. I told him everything, confessed and partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The priest served a prayer service in my house and consecrated it. Before that, there was only filth in the house, booze, fights, and you can’t retell everything that I did. On the second day after repentance, I went to the district committee and handed in my party card. Since that former Claudia, an atheist and an activist, does not exist, for she died at the age of 40. By the grace of the Queen of Heaven and the Most High God, I go to church and lead a Christian life. I go to institutions and tell everything that happened to me, and the Lord helps me in everything. I accept everyone who comes, and I tell everyone about what happened.

And now I advise everyone who does not want to accept the torments that she told about - repent of all your sins and know God.




Then, in 1948, when I was on my knees before God next to the wondrous messenger, I believed him with fear and trembling. I accepted his words as true. And with full confidence I accepted another prediction of this man:

The time will come - in Barnaul the Lord will resurrect a woman, her name is Claudia, you will be with her 5 times, and then you will tell people how it was. You will first sing in the choir, and then you will begin to praise God.

All this was said in 1948 - that is, 16 years before the well-known Barnaul miracle! Before God and the name of the Lord I testify: I speak the truth! For these words I answer before God at the Last Judgment!


I had no doubt at all that this was exactly what would happen. And when I heard that in 1964 in Barnaul the Lord had resurrected a woman, Claudia Ustyuzhanina, he took time off from work and immediately went there. Then, in December 1964, I still did not have holy orders, I sang on the kliros of the church of Peter and Paul in Tomsk.

I arrived at the address that they gave me, found the house of Claudia Ustyuzhanina, but there was no one there. The gate is closed.

I'm waiting. And it's already getting dark. There is a tall, stately woman with her son - Andryusha was then small, about eight years old. I fit:

Hello, Claudia Nikitichna! I to you! She wasn't surprised at all.

Come in.

Claudia Nikitichna! I say. - I have acquaintances in Barnaul, but I just don’t know where they live. I myself am from another city. Can you stay overnight?

But Father Nikolai told me not to let anyone in, because they could take my documents. And how will I confirm that I was in the hospital, that I did not invent anything?

I crossed myself on the icons and take out my passport.

Don't be afraid, here's my passport!

At this time, Andryusha came up and hugged me, as if he had not seen me for a long time and missed me, bowed his head to my chest - as if my own son. Klavdia Nikitichna hung up her coat, turns around:

Don't, don't need a passport! I can see from Andryusha that you can be trusted. Get undressed, come on in.

I immediately asked her a question about the miracle of her resurrection:

Claudia Nikitichna, how in the next world - did it hurt you or not?

She was very surprised:

Have you already visited me?

No, I say, never!

Her tears flowed. He sits and cannot speak. Finally he asks:

Do you believe so?

Yes, I answer.

What kind of people are believers! You heard it for the first time and immediately believed it. And I would never have believed it. Even if my own mother, whom I loved and whom I believed infinitely, had been alive, I would not have believed her if the Lord had performed such a miracle with my mother. And there’s nothing to say about a stranger - I wouldn’t even want to listen ...

She herself was an unbeliever for a long time, although by nature she is a very kind person. And the fact that she did not have faith is her great misfortune. She cannot be judged for this - only the Lord knows why we have lost faith. There are many outside reasons for this, a lot has been done to spoil our Russia... And now you can't count such unbelievers! But the Lord nevertheless took pity on one of them - in order to give us all reinforcements in faith. This is not a joke, not a fairy tale, not child's play. This is serious! This is God's grace.

And to understand this, I did not need any documents and witnesses! After all, I was convinced for myself what the mercy of God is: the Lord warned me twice - remove the soldiers, now a shell will fly here. And what about the prediction about the resurrection of Claudia in Barnaul given to me in 1948? That is why, when I heard Claudia's story, I immediately simply and unconditionally believed her. I did not look for witnesses - whether this is true or not. I did not need other witnesses - I knew 16 years before that such a miracle would happen.

I was one of the first to hear Klavdia Nikitichna's story about her life, literally "in hot pursuit" - a little over six months after the miraculous resurrection and healing.


I am quoting the story of Claudia Nikitichna Ustyuzhanina the way she told it to me.

“There was a temple next to my store where I worked as a salesman. I went to see what was going on there. I stood in a corner, watching: one, the other, the fifth, the tenth - they are baptized, they kiss the icons and even bow to the earth in front of the icons. I went up to the icon, tapped on the board, looked: some kind of grandfather with a beard was drawn. And on another icon there is a woman - a mother with a baby. And I think: "Well, what, I also held little Andryusha in my arms ... So, it turns out, what is their concept, here is God for them ..."

She came to the store, with a slight smile, told about her impressions. And one of the store employees reproached me:

- Klava, shut up. You are laughing at God!

- Stop it!- answered her.

Then we went together with another saleswoman to look and make sure. And they also condemned everyone - they say, they are a little ... not the same, sort of like some kind of sick.

But the Lord, of course, took pity on Klavdia Nikitichna, did not allow her to remain in such darkness - she became seriously ill. Cancer. As has already been written about a lot, the disease was sent to save the soul. And she was operated on by Israel Isaevich Neimark, a wonderful talented surgeon, a professor who knows his business. And on the operating table, her darling left her body. Here's how she talked about it:

“It’s scary to even talk. My corpse lies on the table - cut like a pig carcass. And I see, I hear, I move where I want ... "

And it was her soul that saw everything, the soul heard everything - the soul felt everything! And the flesh is like the clothes of the soul. It's like we threw off our coats - and we ourselves went where we wanted. So Claudia thought that she would go home - where could she go? .. But it didn’t work out. She heard who said what, saw how her director arrived, how her son Andryusha came and cried, but she could not help it. When her lifeless body was taken from the operating room, she felt something unusual - something she had never even heard of before:

“My soul, like a swallow, rose up with the speed of lightning. It was like flying in a glass case. There was no wind resistance! And suddenly I see - there is no land! Only shines from afar with an asterisk ... "

Klavdia Nikitichna said that when she was lying in an unknown place to her - with her head to the west, her feet to the east - there was a brown rug under her, as if downy.

“To my left is an alley of 6 meters wide - long and straight, like a string - it has no end and edge. Fenced with a hedge of bay leaves - so thick that even a chicken will not stick its head through.

And on the east side, she saw a shiny gate about nine or ten stories high - no person in the world can create such beauty! Can't even picture. The gates are shining like the sun, multicolored, colors move, play, shining sparks fly...

“Great, warm. Where am I- Don't know. And I wanted to know - but not a single person is there. Fragrant air ... I forgot that I lived on earth, I forgot that I was dying, and I even forgot Andryusha. And suddenly, through these oval gates, a mother and daughter (that's how I perceived them then) in a brown monastic robe are walking from the air. They go fast. The daughter is crying, asking her mother for something. Mom pays no attention, goes straight to me.


Then Claudia Nikitichna thought that the “nun” had a daughter, and this was the Guardian Angel, given by God to the servant of God Claudia. He was crying for her.

“I think: I’ll ask now in which direction I am. And my mother is of such beauty that I have never seen in the people of the world. It is impossible to look at this beauty. And she looks at me so sternly - I feel that I am dissatisfied. And I think: how did this young nun become a mother? And suddenly I feel: She knows everything about me- "from" and "to". And I felt ashamed - I don’t know where to turn away or go. But nothing works- as I lay, so I lie. You don't get up, you don't turn away.

And this young woman quietly raises her head and says (and only love is felt in this voice): "Lord, where is she?"- I immediately realized that I was in Heaven, the Queen of Heaven was standing in front of me ... "

So gradually she began to realize what was happening, she remembered everything that her father had told her about. Andryusha was still small at that time - he did not remember everything that his mother told with tears. I especially believe this story almost immediately after the miraculous resurrection... Claudia heard the Lord answer the Mother of God.

“I hear a voice from somewhere above: “Bring her back to the ground, she didn’t die on time.” So I rejoiced, although I was shaking all over!.. And the Queen of Heaven went into these brilliant gates - and they opened before her with lightning speed. And through the open gate, a strong, transparent blue light became visible. And then the doors of heaven closed again ... And I lie like a dummy, I don’t understand anything what will happen to me. And then I feel like someone, and it was the Angel of the Lord, puts a thought into me- what to ask. And I ask:

- Lord, how will I live on earth- my body is all cut up?

And the Lord answers (but I hear only a voice - in this voice there is absolute love!):

- You will live better... You, ungrateful, do not honor your Creator, but only blaspheme. Do not repent of your sins, but sin more and more. Your son went to an orphanage, and your dirty soul came to Me...

I lying. And again I am silent. And again, the Angel kind of tells me what to ask. And then I say:

- Lord, my son was left an orphan. And the Lord, instead of answering, asks:

- I know. Are you sorry for your son? I could only say:

- Highly!

And she cried so much that the hollows of her eyes filled with tears.

- And I feel sorry for each person three times more.

Yes, we are all children of God, and the Lord pities us all immensely - many times I was convinced of this ... Claudia was convinced later.

And at that moment she lay, helpless, not knowing what would happen to her next. I couldn't even imagine. After all, her soul did not have a spiritual concept, spiritual education. She was just scared and ashamed.


The angel puts a third question into her mind, and Claudia asks:

Lord, we on earth say that here in Heaven is the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord did not answer this question.

“I know that he hears, but why he doesn’t answer, I don’t know. I've been turning my head- here and there, and never waited. I see the gates are open again. The Queen of Heaven came out in a brown robe, quickly walked towards me- pigtail in hand.

The Lord says to the Queen of Heaven:

- Pick her up and show her "paradise"

The Queen of Heaven made a barely noticeable movement with her fingers - and I was thrown up like a current: I instantly stood up - facing east. Then She stretched out her hand to the north side - there, as if a curtain opened with lightning speed, and my whole face turned in that direction. I see a huge field ahead - it stretches from right to left and into the distance, there is no end in sight. At first I thought: a field of burnt bumps. And when I looked- I see them all moving. I was scared: how is it - the bumps are moving? And these are people, alive, but burned, charred people, although the nose, ears, and fingers are all intact. It was their souls- black as coal! You will not recognize them - who is there: he or she. You won't distinguish. They are moving. talking- like the surf of the sea is noisy. They ask me, calling by name, to pass on to the earth: if someone fought against God, then it would be better not to be born to that person. They repentantly throw out their sins in front of me ("I am a fornicator", "I am a thief, a robber", "I am a murderer ..."). I realized that these are people who lived without faith, who died without repentance.”

Claudia was not told who exactly these people were, when and why they got there. But the Lord gave her such receptivity to the words that poured out of this human sea that she knew what everyone was asking for. But in general, there was only one request: pray, remember us, repent! And there, in Heaven, repentance is not accepted - only here, on earth. All these people will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven for blasphemy. After all, any sin is blasphemy.

Claudia felt an impossible stench from them, and she could not get away from this stench: you can’t turn your face away, you can’t move - your legs seem to be welded by electric welding ... And these people stood in the same way, unable to move, - tightly, as in a cramped bus .

Then the Words of the Lord, spoken before she saw this field of human grief, pierced her - that those who live on earth do not honor their Creator, but only sin. “We must repent and not sin, for there is a meager life left”- she continued to hear these words of the Lord with all her soul. She suddenly realized that it was for us, for all of us! After all, the Lord left on earth for the whole world one Law, not two! One for all. Therefore, we must pray for these people. They conveyed God's warning to Claudia, and she conveys it to us, who live on earth. This is the great, living sermon of God. Through this sermon, Grace touches our planet...

Klavdia Nikitichna did not understand all this at once, but she was so shocked that tears flowed from her, and she exclaimed from the depths of her soul:

God! Queen of Heaven! May I be alive on earth! I will pray, I will tell everyone what I saw and heard in Heaven.

The Queen of Heaven again made a movement with her hand - and the vision closed, the air was cleared of stench. When Claudia told me about this, I remembered her words: “If the Lord would have done this with my mother, I would never have believed it.” Indeed - how can one believe who has not experienced this himself? ..

When the Queen of Heaven waved her hand down, the city of Barnaul became visible, as if through a magnifying glass. Everything was visible in the smallest detail - even straws. Claudia saw her store and says:

There's a shop where I worked.

And the Mother of God meekly answers:

Claudia almost wept with shame, thinking: “Who am I talking to?! She knows everything!” And the Queen of Heaven shows:

Look at the temple!

And at the same moment, Claudia sees a blue dome and a cross below.

Look how they pray!

And again - the dome seemed to be gone, as if it had turned into crystal or glass. Claudia looked at everyone who was in the church - she didn’t see a single one of her acquaintances ... Only the servant priest Nikolai Voitovich, whom she knew. And when I saw how the old woman and the old man were baptized, kissing the icons, laying bows, she remembered how she twice went to the Intercession Church when she was alive and well, and condemned everyone, ridiculed, called stupid. And now, seeing these people from above, she cried out in tears:

Lord, what smart people - they believe that God exists, they worship His image!

She was shaking all over, she was crying. And the Queen of Heaven allowed her to cry to her heart's content. Then She again made a movement with her fingers - and everything disappeared ...

At this time, twelve plates floated towards them from the shining gates - transparent, like glass, resembling trailers connected by golden chains. The Queen of Heaven says to Claudia:

Stand on them, first put the right foot on the plate, and then the left.

And so on for each. And when she reached the twelfth plate in this way, she sees - and there is only one golden frame, but there is no bottom itself.

I will fall! says Claudia.

Do not be afraid, - the Queen of Heaven consoles and gives her a pigtail - as if from her own hair. Claudia grabbed the braid with her right hand, the Mother of God lifted it (the soul does not weigh at all - light, like a small wooden spoon), shook it - and Claudia flew at lightning speed, absolutely not feeling wind resistance, straight down. I saw a man lying without legs - his legs were cut off by a train, I managed to see my body. And then she didn't remember anything.


They set up duty at Claudia's bed - both doctors and sisters changed after a few hours. No one knew if she would live on, what would happen to her.

When she woke up in the ward, she felt no pain and for a long time could not understand where she was. She saw a window, a light bulb, a man in white, remembered that this was a doctor - her memory returned to her gradually. She remembered that she had lived on earth, a difficult operation, she remembered everything that happened to her in Heaven after her death ... And suddenly her fingers joined into three fingers by themselves (and before that she almost didn’t know how to be baptized, she forgot, how it's done!)... She opened her eyes - the nurse on duty was looking at her.

Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee, Lord! - Claudia suddenly exclaimed, although before that she did not know any prayers.

The nurse who was on duty next to her rushed to the door and shouted, without taking her eyes off the patient:

Hurry over here!

Another woman in a white coat came running. Claudia tells them:

Gather the people, I must tell you what I saw and heard in Heaven...

“When I came to my senses, I hurried them, not knowing how long I would live, what time the Lord had set for me, whether it was an hour, or two, or more. But I felt absolutely no pain.- like she was healthy."

But, of course, she was still very weak - she could not eat or drink for a long time. When she was discharged home, they continued to give her injections every day. Many people followed her, nursed her for Christ's sake.

She also needed spiritual support. After all, the extract given by the railway hospital of the Barnaul station on March 10, 1964, was tantamount to a sentence. Diagnosis "inflammation of the transverse colon (neoplasm with MTS)" - that is, with metastases! - meant cancer in the hardest stage. Despondency began to visit Claudia:

Tomorrow I will go to the temple, order a prayer service for the blessing of water, bring some water, sprinkle everything - it will feel better ...

The next day Claudia was left alone in great sorrow.

“I lay down on the bed. The door is locked. Suddenly I hear: someone approaches me. I was scared - because the door is closed! I see an old man with a white beard, in a cassock, standing above me, holding his hand to his chest and affectionately saying: "Don't cry, Klavdiya, you don't have any cancer." Turns and leaves. I followed him: "Grandpa, grandpa, wait, talk to me!" And he doesn't stop- but goes not to the door, but to the kitchen. I was delighted - now I'll talk to him in the kitchen. I go into the kitchen, and there is no one there ... I thought that something was wrong with me. I wanted to scream from grief, from annoyance: how did this happen to me - and I saw and heard, but there was no one ... And how I breathed air into myself- I felt an unusual aroma: it smells of incense ... Then I began to be baptized: oh, who was that?! Some kind of saint of God was ?! Who- I don't know... And I feel so good that I can't get enough of it. Went to the mountain- and there is an unusual aroma of incense. I sat down in a chair, crossed myself, prayed endlessly. I looked at the clock- and it's already 7 o'clock in the morning. I didn’t notice how time flew by ... That’s what joy it is. ”

When Klavdia Nikitichna was scheduled for a second operation in the city hospital, Valentina Vasilyevna Alyabyeva, who was supposed to do it, asked to pray for a successful outcome.

Holy Mother of God, - Claudia pleaded, - bless that the operation is painless, and bless Valentina Vasilievna to operate on me ...

This operation (performed a few months after the first - “mortal”) revealed something that still most physicians do not fit in the head: a complete cure for cancer, although more recently metastases were found in the abdominal cavity ...


Comprehending everything that had happened and was happening to her, Klavdia Nikitichna experienced another miracle: she turned from an unbeliever into a conscious believer. And it was very difficult.

At first, when Klavdia Nikitichna had just returned home from the hospital and many people began to visit her to ask how everything had been, she, full of impressions from the recently experienced blessed state, told everyone:

Tell your family about everything you heard from me, write to your friends!

But a lot of just curious people came. These unbelievers said:

It was your dream!

“Snitches” also came to check what she was saying. In her stories, she did not touch the authorities - there seems to be nothing to complain about! And people were only interested in what happened to her - what Claudia was and what she became! Then she was an unbeliever - and then suddenly she began to talk about God ... How did such a coup turn out? That's the only reason the authorities began to claim that she was crazy.

And soon the attacks of the evil one began - through unkind people.

Her neighbors who lived next to her, in the second half of the house, seemed to be engaged in witchcraft. Once I went to them, I myself was convinced that they can be called "workers of black magic." They greeted me very unkindly: they did not answer the greeting, the old man became furious with me, waved, called Claudia a bad word. I began to read the psalm "Alive in the help of the Most High" - they became ill. The old woman was already shaking, she fell right in front of my eyes - she started something like a seizure. It is understandable: the enemy does not like God to be glorified. And these people served the enemy ...

When I came to Klavdia Nikitichna for the first time, she did not want to let me go for a long time. Maybe because she saw so much distrust and mockery towards herself - and it was easier for her because I unconditionally believed. And besides, it seemed to help her a lot that I prayed in her house: there were fewer demonic attacks.

But for a long time she was tormented at home by demonic attacks. Once I came to her, I go into the house, and she screams:

Hurry! The evil one beats me! Baptize my back as soon as possible - they torment me so much!

Claudia, strongly bent over in pain, leaned against the stove, unable to stand, and I began to read "May God Arise," to baptize her. Suddenly, my hand became so heavy, as if I was lifting a weight or stirring clay! I feel: my hand becomes stiff. But I continued to pray fervently, and soon we both felt relieved.

Oh, thank God! Claudia sighed and straightened up...

Perhaps due to the actions of the demons that attacked her, Klavdia Nikitichna once fell ill so that she could not walk. Her joints hurt so much that she could not even turn on the other side - she was turned by an old woman named Christina, who took care of her. She stoked the stove, but Claudia did not eat anything - she lost her appetite.


“Once Khristinya lay down in the kitchen to rest ... And I was lying on the bed - motionless. There is no one in the house. The door is closed as usual. Suddenly I hear someone's steps. I looked: and a young nun comes up to me, such a beautiful one. Calls me by name:

- Well, Claudia, do your joints hurt?

And at that time, indeed, my joints ached so much that my hands were taken away. But at that moment I forgot about the pain, I just looked at her with all my eyes: how did she come in? I didn't know... Then this nun says:

- Well, get up, Claudia. We must walk. Need to eat. We have to tell."

About what to tell? Claudia immediately understood that they were talking about her stories about a miracle that had happened to her. After all, the doctors told her that all this was a dream, nonsense, nothing like that actually happened ... And after the words of this extraordinary woman, doubts receded, Claudia became so easy and free! After all, the Holy Wife confirmed that the story of Claudia is not a dream, but a living sermon from heaven. So, it is laudable to talk about the works of God...

“And the nun walks with her back to the door. She stood on the threshold. Then I lowered my legs to the floor - and I myself did not notice how I got to my feet, but before that I could not even move. I follow her, I wanted to wake Christina, to tell her: "Why are you sleeping, such a guest with us!" Only for a moment did she look at Christina.- and this Holy Wife is not, although the door did not open! At this moment, Christina woke up and exclaimed:

- Oh Klava! What did I see in my dream! There was some amazing saint here!

Kissing the threshold:

- Here she stepped!

And the doorknob she was holding on to is also kissing...

- Klava, how happy I am that I undertook to look after you and saw such a holy dream ...

When Christina saw that I was on my feet, she wept even harder:

- Oh, Klava, and you're standing! What a joy!.. And we cried together.”

After this incident, Klavdia Nikitichna began to talk about everything, not being afraid of slander. It turned out that she began to preach at the command of the Holy Wife, who appeared to her at home. It was like a blessing from God conveyed through an unknown saint...

Many people came to Claudia - I myself am a witness. With me, they came from the Novosibirsk region, from Tomsk too. They traveled from all over the country. My cousins ​​and son-in-law visited her. Many times I saw her and listened to the deacon Father Nikifor...

And in Tomsk, the news of the miracle of God sounded from the pulpit of the church. Father Alexander Pivovarov spoke about the Barnaul miracle at a sermon on Lazarus Saturday.

At that time, I was just serving in the Peter and Paul Church and was a living witness of how people were inspired by the words of Father Alexander.

For those who wish to see for themselves the resurrection of Claudia from Barnaul, to meet her, I can give her address...

Many people after this sermon went to Barnaul. And Father Alexander was immediately hooked:

What are you preaching? Who is resurrected?! They wanted to start a criminal case against him, threatened

even to be defrocked. After all, he was energetic, caring - he attracted young people, taught them. And then the authorities did not need this.

Many in Tomsk asked me about what Claudia told me. I told everyone about this miracle, I did not refuse anyone - neither in the temple, nor at anyone's house. Immediately, the KGB officers began spying on me. The parishioners warned me:

The women who follow you are sent from the KGB.

Let them go! I replied. - Let them follow. I tell only what I saw and heard myself, I don’t add anything, and I don’t say a word about the authorities.


The Barnaul miracle became known in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Pilgrims came from distant countries:

Where is the woman who was resurrected? The monks heard about it, but it’s impossible to tell in detail

can: Claudius Ustyuzhanin in Siberia, where foreigners had no access.

Abbot Lavrenty and Abbot Naum (now they are both archimandrites) invited her to Zagorsk - she was needed as a living witness ...

The Lavra clergy gathered. When Claudia, on her knees, told the elders everything (she named one of them - Archimandrite Seraphim, I don’t know the name of the second) - they wept before the icon of the Savior, asked the Lord to leave the whole world in peace for repentance. They felt that this sermon was alive, that the testimony of Claudia Ustyuzhanina was a message from Heaven to our earth to wake us up from sin, so that we would condemn our sinful deeds and live ready to meet the Lord...

Klavdia Nikitichna found it increasingly difficult to live in Barnaul. But she did not immediately decide to move under the canopy of St. Sergius. Without embarrassment, she openly told me about the reasons for such slowness. The fact is that on her first visit to Zagorsk she was fed with Borodino bread, which she really did not like. After all, she, working as a seller, got used to the white Siberian - lush, fragrant. And when they began to invite her to live in Zagorsk, she (she was so nasty!) did not go ... because of the bread. After some time, a woman arrived with a letter from the Lavra to help her sell her house and farm. Claudia again did not go - and again because of the bread. And for the third time, she refused to move. And then I thought:

“After that, I realized that now the enemy will drive me out! I see in a dream: two black women come, and they have horns on their heads. woke up: think- My God, what will happen to me next? Suddenly, after dinner, two women come- and straight to the table. Unfold documents: "Sign- you a written warning so that no one steps towards you! Otherwise, you are preaching some kind of God here. "I did not know these women, but I guessed that they were from the executive committee. I opened the doors and told them: "Come on, let's go! They came to tell me! The Lord resurrected me so that I could tell everyone about it. Nothing will come of your warnings!"

Claudia was sharp, but fair - she won’t go into her pocket for a word, she always cuts the truth like a knife ... These women left, but threatened to say goodbye:

We will leave, but other people will come instead of us! They will speak differently to you. Understandably?

I understood everything: the police will come! - Claudia answered them and, sensing something was wrong, she ran to Agafya, who lived across the road.

Help me get ready!

There is no time to put things in a suitcase - they somehow threw them into a bag. Suddenly I saw through the window: two policemen were walking towards the door, which means that the police had already arrived...

Oh Agafyushka! Close me in a chiffonier soon! Policemen come in

Hello! Where is the mistress?

She went to school, to Andryusha, - Agafya cheated. They left. Agafya opens the wardrobe - and Claudia is all wet with excitement.

Thank God! It's gone...

We must go out. What if there are guards at the house? I had to back out so the police wouldn't see me.

Claudia Nikitichna intercepted Andryusha on the way from school - and, leaving a neighbor to do housework, they went to Zagorsk. After some time, they bought a house in the small town of Strunino - not far from Zagorsk. There, under the shadow of St. Sergius, Claudia lived, preaching to people about everything that the Lord had done for her - she was granted fourteen years of life after an incurable disease: cancer with metastases ... And God called her son to the path of the priesthood - he finished Seminary and Theological Academy in Zagorsk.

As I was predicted in 1948, I only met Klavdiya Ustyuzhanina five times. Three times I visited her in Barnaul. I met twice in Strunino when I was already a deacon - I came with my son Peter, he was just entering the seminary ... Well, Andryusha, whom I fell in love with so much, also became a priest - now he serves in the Assumption Monastery in the city of Alexandrov. ..

As I said, I never had any doubts about the resurrection of Claudia. The Lord resurrected Klavdia Nikitichna to support our faith - this is a great sermon. Great grace visited the Orthodox to strengthen us all. We must thank the Lord for such a great gift.

But I also met with a different attitude. I remember telling about this case to one person. He was a friend of my father - a good, educated man. I used to believe in God. And in the 30s, when the churches were destroyed, he lost his faith. I told about the Barnaul miracle, and he said to me:

Well, my dear, you tell a good story. But I do not believe that there is a God and that man has a soul. Died, buried - and that's it! ..

And then he himself died. Where is his soul now? I pray for him...

Yes, according to faith is given to everyone. “I didn’t have faith, but the Lord took pity on me,”- Claudia Nikitichna Ustyuzhanina often said. Let us also pray to the Lord for mercy to us, the ones of little faith...

From another source:

Barnaul miracle

The whole Orthodox world was shocked by the amazing story that happened to Claudia Nikitichnaya Ustyuzhanina, a resident of the city of Barnaul. This story was recorded by a believing woman from the words of Claudia Ustyuzhanina herself, now deceased.

“In 1962, I got cancer. I was treated for three years, but there was no improvement, but on the contrary, I became weaker and weaker until I ended up in the hospital in a very serious condition.

I was examined by a professor from Moscow and decided to have an operation. On February 19 at 11 o'clock I was on the operating table.

I died during the operation.

I found out about this later, but when they cut my stomach, I saw myself from the outside. I stood between two doctors and looked with horror at my illness. I thought then: why are there two of me? Why do I lie and I

standing? I didn't understand my condition. Doctors took out all my insides, pumped out a lot of fluid from the intestines. And they sentenced me: “She has nothing to live on,” said the professor.

Then it was decided to give my body to young doctors for practice. I saw and heard all this, tried to draw attention to myself, but to no avail. I, that is, my body, was taken to the morgue.

I followed and wondered: why did I “split”? In the morgue, I lay naked, covered with a sheet. I saw my brother come along with my son Andryusha. My boy wept bitterly, lamented, I hugged him, consoled him, said that I was alive, but he did not pay any attention to me. My brother was also crying, I saw it very clearly.

Suddenly I found myself at home. My own sister and mother-in-law from my first marriage were there (I did not live with my first husband, because he was a believer).

In the house, the division of my things immediately began. I lived richly because I worked in a store, so I had a lot of property. And it was accumulated in an unrighteous way, by deceit. I saw that my sister took the best things. When the mother-in-law asked her to leave something for the boy, the sister began to swear and finally stated that this child was not from her (mother-in-law) son, and there was no need to worry about him.

Then I flew up. I was very surprised that I was flying over Barnaul, like on an airplane. Then the city disappeared and it became very dark. How I flew, I can not explain. The darkness continued for a long time, then it became very light, so that it hurt to look. I found myself lying on a kind of black square made of something soft. On this square, I flew further along some wide alley, along which bushes with thin twigs and very beautiful leaves grew.

I thought, where am I? Is it a city or a village? Who lives here? Then I saw a woman, amazingly beautiful, in long clothes. Next to her was a young man who was crying and asking for something, but she did not pay attention. I also thought: what kind of mother is this who does not feel sorry for the child?

When they approached me, the young man threw himself at her feet and again began to ask for something, but I did not understand anything. I wanted

ask: where am I? But the woman spoke first. Folding her arms over her chest and raising her eyes to the sky, she asked: "Lord, where is she?" And then I shuddered strongly, realizing that I had died.

I was frightened because I suddenly seemed to see my sins and realized that now I would have to answer for them.

I wanted to see God, I began to look for Him, but I didn’t see anything, but only heard a voice that said: “Bring her back to earth, she came at the wrong time.” Then I realized that this woman is the Queen of Heaven, and the young man is my Guardian Angel, who begged Her for me.

And the Lord continued to say: “I got tired of her blasphemy and her stinking life, I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father implored me with his unceasing prayer.”

Then He said, "She needs to be shown the place she deserves." And suddenly I found myself in hell. Strange snakes with long fiery tongues climbed over me. These snakes literally bit into me, I was in so much pain, so excruciatingly, but there was no help from anywhere. There was an unbearable stench, I screamed.

Then everything started spinning, and I flew again. Suddenly I saw our church, which I had scolded many times in my life. A priest came out of it, all in a white and sparkling robe, but only with his head bowed.

Then the Lord asked me: who is this? I replied that the priest. And the Lord answers me: “You said that he was a parasite. And he is not a parasite, but a true shepherd, not a mercenary. So know, no matter what the priest is, he serves Me. And if he does not read a permissive prayer over you, then I will not forgive you.

Then I began to ask Him: "Lord, let me go, I have a son, he was left all alone." "Do you feel sorry for him?" the Lord asked. I replied, "I'm sorry." “You feel sorry for one child,” the Lord said, “but I have so many of you that there is no such number. You are all striving for wealth, doing all sorts of lies.

You see how your property, which you so valued, is being plundered. Your property was stolen, the child was sent to an orphanage. And your dirty soul appeared before Me. It is necessary to save the soul first of all, for a meager age remains, I will soon come to judge you. Pray." I asked: “How should I pray, I don’t know any prayers.”

The Lord answered: “Not that prayer is dear, which is learned by heart, but the one that is pronounced from a pure heart, from the depths of the soul. Stand anywhere and say: forgive me, Lord, help me. I see you, I hear you."

Here the Mother of God appeared and I again found myself on that square, but no longer lying, but standing. Then the Mother of God went from me to the gate of indescribable beauty, from which such light emanated that human words cannot describe it. An angel was by my side.

The gates opened before the Mother of God, She entered the palace or garden. I thought it was heaven and asked the Lord to show it to me.

When the Mother of God returned, I heard a voice: “Queen of Heaven, show her her paradise.” The Mother of God waved her hand, and on the left side I saw: there are black burnt people, like skeletons, a myriad. They moaned so much, asked for water, but no one gave them a drop of water.

I was scared, I heard them say: “This soul came from the earthly paradise. In order to earn a fragrant smell in Heaven, one must serve God on earth with faith and truth for the salvation of one’s soul.”

Then the Queen of Heaven pointed to these black people and said: “You have rich alms in your earthly paradise. The Lord said: Whoever gives a cup of water in My name will receive a reward. And not only do you have a lot of water, you have everything in abundance, so give alms. One drop of water can satiate countless people here ... "

Then I ended up in tartare even worse than I was. There was darkness and fire. Demons ran up to me with charters in which my sins were written and showed me their terrible records. They had fire coming out of their mouths, I was so scared. The demons beat me, some sparks drank into me, from which I experienced severe pain.

There were people there, many people exhausted by suffering. They told me that in their earthly life they did not recognize God, did not do good deeds, and that now I would forever be there with them. They gave me worms and all sorts of reptiles to eat because I did not observe fasts in my earthly life.

My soul trembled with terror. Therefore, together with the Mother of God, I began to rise up, and below the people moaned: “Mother of God, do not leave us!”

I found myself on the platform where I saw the Mother of God for the first time.

She folded her arms over her chest, raised her eyes to the sky and asked: “What should I do with her?” And the voice of the Lord says: "Bring her to the ground."

Immediately, wheelbarrows appeared from somewhere, 12 wheelbarrows without wheels, and they all moved. I had to step from wheelbarrow to wheelbarrow, as the Queen of Heaven ordered.

When we came to the last wheelbarrow, it turned out to be without a bottom. The Mother of God said: "Go ahead."

I say I'm afraid I'll fall.

“And we need you to fall,” She says. "But I'll kill myself!" - "No, you will not be killed!"

The Mother of God gave me a braid in my hand, woven in three rows, and she herself held it by the end.

She shook her scythe, and I flew to the ground. On the ground, I saw cars driving, people walking.

I saw that I was flying over the market, but I did not land, but continued to fly to the morgue, where my body lay.

The morgue was closed, but I somehow got through the wall and saw my dead body: the head hung a little, its side pressed against another dead man.

How and when I entered the body, I do not know, but I became aware of it when I felt cold. I somehow bent my knees, cringed from the cold, turned on my side.

At this time, a new dead man was just brought in. I opened my eyes and saw the orderlies, and they ran away in horror. They called the doctors. I was again taken to the hospital and warmed up. After two hours, I spoke. There were 8 stitches on my body, as students practiced on me.

My body was half dead, but on the 20th day I was able to eat.

I was offered pancakes with sour cream, but I refused because it was Friday. I told the doctors where I had been, and that there those who do not observe the fasts are forced to eat worms.

The doctors listened to me at first with apprehension, thinking that I had lost my mind, and then with interest and attention. Many people came to listen to my story about the next world. I told everything that I saw, and most importantly, that nothing hurts me.

Things got to the point that the police began to disperse the people who came to marvel at me (the rumor spread throughout the city).

I was transferred to another hospital, where I finally recovered. But the doctors could not understand how I live with almost no intestines, because I have cancer in the last stage.

We decided to have another operation. The chief doctor, Valentina Vasilievna Alyabyeva, opened the abdominal cavity and found that all my internal organs were like those of a child.

The doctors were just in shock, they did not understand how this could happen. I had an operation under local anesthesia, I talked during the operation, and it didn’t hurt at all.

The doctors came to the unanimous opinion that, as they put it, God had reborn me. Valentina Vasilievna did not leave me, nursed, fed me so that no one would harm me, because the doctors who performed the first operation on me did not really like my healing, since it was impossible for them to prove why they sent a healthy person to the morgue, although they saw that my intestines practically rotted.

When I left the hospital, first of all I went to that church, to that priest whom I called a parasite. She asked for forgiveness, confessed, took communion, sanctified her house.

Then I went to the district committee and handed in my party card, since the former communist and atheist Claudia died. And since then I go to church regularly and try to live like a Christian.”

The ghost of Claudia Ustyuzhanina again wanders through the pages of newspapers. The resident of Barnaul, "resurrected in 1964 in the morgue", was loudly remembered by Grabovoi's fans. The one who offered the mothers of Beslan to revive their children. “You don’t believe that the dead are resurrected, but what about the Barnaul miracle?” The image of a saleswoman from the Barnaul grain trade was again raised on a shield and a number of priests. What actually happened then in Barnaul? The correspondent of "ME" decided to make an "autopsy" of a long history.

The miraculous resurrection of Claudia has been written and rewritten, and each time the details of the miracle were different. Some said that before the “resurrection” Ustyuzhanina was an active communist, and then she handed in her party card, others that she drank and walked, and then changed her mind.

The scenes in the morgue also look different.

Articles about the "miracle" were written even after the real death of Claudia. She died in 1978, but despite this, one of the newspapers published a story on her behalf 20 years after her death. Allegedly, the 79-year-old woman Klava sits and tells ... Such is the incident.

The son of Claudia Nikitichna, Archpriest Andrey Ustyuzhanin, a priest of the Holy Assumption Monastery in the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir Region, politely said on the phone that the most truthful version was written down by him from the words of his mother. The rest simply wrote incorrectly, making mistakes.

Here are fragments of history recorded from the words of Ustyuzhanina's son.

Soul went to hell

“In 1963-1964. I had to go to the hospital for an examination. I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. However, not wanting to upset me, they told me that the tumor was benign. I wanted to be told the truth without hiding anything, but they only told me that my card was in the oncology dispensary. Arriving there and wanting to know the truth, I pretended to be my sister, who is interested in the medical history of a relative. I was told that I had a malignant tumor, or the so-called cancer.

Before going to the operation, I had to, in case of death, arrange for my son and make an inventory of the property. When the inventory was made, they began to ask relatives who would take my son to them, but everyone refused him, and then they registered him in an orphanage.

On February 17, 1964, I handed over the cases in my store, and on February 19 I was already in surgery. It was conducted by the famous professor Israel Isaevich Neimark (a Jew by nationality), together with three doctors and seven student trainees. It was useless to cut anything out of the stomach, since it was all covered with cancer; 1.5 liters of pus was pumped out, death occurred right on the operating table.

I didn’t feel the process of separation of my soul from the body, only suddenly I saw my body from the side as we see, for example, some thing: a coat, a table, etc. I see people fussing around my body, trying bring me back to life. I can hear and understand what they are talking about. I feel and worry, but I cannot let them know that I am here.

Suddenly I found myself in places close and dear to me, where I had ever been offended, where I cried, and in other difficult and memorable places for me. However, I did not see anyone near me, and how much time it took for me to be able to visit these places, and in what way my movement was carried out - for me all this remained an incomprehensible mystery. Suddenly, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar area. Suddenly I saw that a tall woman was walking towards me from the east. Strict, dressed in a long robe (as I found out later - a monastic one), with a covered head. One could see a stern face, Near Her was a child who only reached Her shoulder. I tried to see his face, but I never succeeded, because he always turned to me either sideways or back. As I found out later, it was my Guardian Angel. I was glad, thinking that when they come closer, I will be able to find out from them where I am.

All the time the child asked the Woman for something, stroked Her hand, but She treated him very coldly, not heeding his requests. Then I thought: “How ruthless She is. If my son Andryusha asked me for something the way this child asks of Her, then I would even buy him what he asks with the last money.

Not reaching 1.5 or 2 meters, the Woman, raising her eyes up, asked: “Lord, where is she?” I heard a voice that answered Her: “She must be lowered back, she did not die on time.” It was like a weeping male voice.

After that, Claudia was allegedly shown hell with charred bodies and said: pray, a miserable age remains. What next:

“... I found myself in the morgue in my body. How or in what way I entered it - I do not know. At this time, a man was brought into the morgue, whose leg had been cut off. One of the orderlies noticed signs of life in me. We informed the doctors about this, and they took all the necessary measures to save me: they gave me an oxygen bag, gave me injections. I stayed dead for three days (I died on February 19, 1964, came to life on February 22). In March 1964, I underwent a second operation in order to find out about my state of health and to sew up my stitches. The repeated operation was performed by the famous doctor Alyabyeva Valentina Vasilievna. During the operation, I saw the doctors dig into my insides, and, wanting to know my condition, they asked me various questions, and I answered them. After the operation, Valentina Vasilievna, in great excitement, told me that there was not even a suspicion in my body that I had stomach cancer: everything inside was like a newborn. After that, according to the official version, the former atheist became a staunch preacher of faith in the Lord.

Death certificate

Believe me, it was so, - assured the priest Andrei. - Now the doctors say that my mother was in intensive care. But I remember, they brought me to my mother, and I remember the words "do not kiss on the mouth, kiss on the forehead." I probably would not have been allowed into the intensive care unit ... And the priest Anatoly Berestov saw with his own eyes a certificate of her death, which was issued when my mother was in the morgue.

When asked where this certificate is now, Father Andrei hesitated: “My mother used to have it, and then it disappeared somewhere.”

With Hieromonk Anatoly Berestov, Doctor of Medical Sciences and rector of the house church, Ven. Serafim Sarovsky at the Moscow Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, we phoned on Friday, November 11.

Indeed, I met this woman in the 60s at the Yaroslavl railway station, the hieromonk shared. - I forgot the details. She said that in a state of clinical death she died on the operating table. I saw a death certificate and a certificate from a psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia. But in the certificates it was never written "schizophrenia", a code was put. So, someone needed to give her this certificate so that they would not believe her? She impressed me as a normal, calm person. She said that she woke up in the morgue, and the attendant saw her pink legs. About what happened, I judge only by her story. As a doctor, I kept asking her: “How could this be?” She replied, "I don't know." She complained about poor sleep, about the oppression of the authorities.

Why did you leave Barnaul? She said that she should testify to the whole world about God.

As a priest, I believe in the miracle of the resurrection. I myself recently witnessed how a seriously ill drug addict dying of AIDS recovered. I personally saw him in a pre-agonized state. He said, get ready, there is not more than a day left. And suddenly he returns to this world, recovers.

"Klavka was a charlatan"

Priest Andrey Ustyuzhanin said that he and his mother lived at 96 Krupskaya Street, that they later left Barnaul "by the will of God."

On Saturday, November 12, dogs barked loudly from behind the fence of this wooden house. The mistress of the house, who at one time bought a house from the Ustyuzhanins, said she was sick and refused any conversations. But her neighbor, having heard that they were interested in Ustyuzhanina, could not stand it:

This is a swindler, this Klavka. Usual scammer. She told everyone that she was resurrected, people began to come to her, thinking that she was a saint. If a bent-over grandmother arrives empty-handed, she wouldn’t even let her on the threshold, but if they come with trunks of gifts, she will let her in. They put her in the bathroom, well ... they wash her, and then they drink the water themselves. Ugh. - After these words, the woman, who did not want to introduce herself, went into the house without saying goodbye.

Didn't they consider it a miracle in Barnaul?

The case took a different turn. But neighbors are neighbors. In neighborly relations, they say, sometimes the devil himself will break his leg. And what will Barnaul priests say about Claudius?

I don't know the details of this story well, - said Konstantin Metelnitsky. - I only know that she lay in the morgue for three days, and then resurrected. Priest Nikolai Voitovich knows better about this.

One of the many stories about the miraculous resurrection says that Claudia saw Nikolai Voitovich in a dream in a suit that he had, but he never put it on. She also said that Father Nikolai advised to hide medical certificates away.

There was nothing like this, - says priest Nikolai Voitovich. And she didn't show me the death certificate. She had a clinical death, I spoke after with the doctors. And she could, of course, see different pictures when she was recovering from anesthesia. When she showed up, I did not attach any importance to her stories. Then in Tomsk, during a sermon, the priest spoke about the “Barnaul miracle”, crowds of people came here from Tomsk. But in

Barnaul does not consider this a miracle.

From a telephone interview with Andrey Ustyuzhanin:

My mother, I remember, did not have a good relationship with her father, Nikolai Voitovich. And what they say that she traded water from herself is slander. Imagine, these were the 60s, when religion was treated very harshly. She was not engaged in the sale of water ...

In those days the morgue was empty

In the incredible story of the resurrection, the real names of doctors very respected in the city appear: Neimark, Alyabyeva. Unfortunately, neither Israel Isaevich nor Valentina Vasilievna are alive. One of Alyabyeva's colleagues from the 3rd city hospital said that she had not heard any story about Claudia Ustyuzhanina from her.

How tired of it all, - Alexander Neimark, the son of Israel, shared by phone

Isaevich, chief urologist of the region, doctor of medical sciences, professor. - It was a crazy woman who pursued her father. In those days, patients did not die at all. There are no entries in the registration log. She had a clinical death while giving anesthesia. The heart was launched - that's all the miracle. The father was then called. He wrote how it all happened in one letter to the editor. This letter was quoted by Natalya Vasilyeva, who at that time was the editor of the publishing house of the Medical University, in one of her articles.

The tales of priests generally shake me, - the militant atheist Vasilyeva honestly admitted. I don't trust this public. Their specialty is lying.

According to Vasilyeva, at the beginning of the “miracle” there was an unfortunate woman with a clearly not quite healthy psyche, inventing fables about herself and, probably, believing in them herself. Then the admirers, who believed in her holiness, come to her for "holy water" and tell others about her. And, finally, sensationalist journalists who completed the job.

In one of the stories, recorded from the words of Claudia Ustyuzhanina, it is even said that the Jewish professor wanted to kill her after the resurrection.

Letter from Professor Neimark

A copy of the letter of Israel Isaevich Neimark is kept by his student, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yakov Naumovich Shoikhet. This letter was written in 1998 after the publication of the "Barnaul miracle" in one of the central newspapers. Here are snippets from it:

“In February 1964, Klavdia Ustyuzhanina was admitted to the faculty clinic of the Altai Medical Institute on the basis of the railway hospital headed by me for an operation referred by oncologists with a diagnosis of cancer of the transverse colon. In the clinic, the patient was operated on under endotracheal anesthesia. During the induction of anesthesia, cardiac arrest occurred. Resuscitation measures were immediately taken, and quickly, in two minutes, it was possible to restore cardiac activity. The operation revealed a large inflammatory conglomerate emanating from the transverse colon, squeezing and impeding its patency. No cancer metastases and 1.5 liters of pus mentioned in the article were found. A fistula was placed on the caecum to remove gases, intestinal contents and create conditions for eliminating the inflammatory process. Thus, cancer was ruled out. The picture corresponded to the inflammatory process. The whole operation lasted 25 minutes.

After the operation, the patient was unconscious for two days. She was in the intensive care unit under the constant supervision of doctors and nurses. She was breathing on her own, and her heart was working normally. Then she regained consciousness and became interested in what was found at the operation and what they did to her. I personally talked to her many times and convinced her that she did not have cancer, but there was inflammation, and when it subsided, her fistula would be closed. But she did not believe me, because she often spoke on this topic and said that her boy Andrei was growing up. There is no father, and if she has cancer, then she should think about how to arrange it. I assured her that there was no cancer and nothing needed to be done, that she herself would raise and raise her son.

Consequently, Klavdia Ustyuzhanina did not die either on the operating table or after the operation, so there was no need for her to be resurrected. I don't understand how she could show her death certificate and medical history. I also doubt that she was a “convinced atheist”, she often prayed in the hospital, and God helped her - her heart activity quickly recovered, but there was no cancer. In the future, Ustyuzhanina recovered. The tumor has shrunk and dissipated. In the city hospital, Dr. V. V. Alyabyeva sewed up her fistula, and the patient recovered completely. On the eve of the operation, Valentina Vasilievna called me on the phone, and I told her that the inflammatory tumor had resolved. VV knew before the operation that the patient did not have cancer.<…>As for Ustyuzhanina, she invented a legend about how she rose from the dead. At the same time, the legend changed all the time. At first, she spread that she had died, and she, naked, in the cold, was taken to the morgue, where the corpses lay. The hospital watchman came, dropped the bucket, and she woke up. The soul flew to the market (Ustyuzhanina worked in trade), she was met by an angel and ordered to return to Claudia, and she came to life. In fact, at that time no one died in the railway hospital, there were no corpses, and there were never any guards in the hospital at all.

Ustyuzhanina promoted her holiness and organized a business, performed washing and sold used water as holy. Her public appearances were accompanied by rude antics and curses in public places of the city against me and the employees of the railway hospital with a terry anti-Semitic tinge.

Articles similar to the one you published appeared many times in different newspapers, but with different versions of fiction ... I understand that the initiator of these speeches is her son Andrei, who now serves as a priest in the Holy Dormition Convent of Alexandrov. One has to wonder how, for 20 years after the death of his mother, he exaggerates a legend invented by her in order to create popularity and fame for himself. In addition, in all these publications, the scent of anti-Semitism slips through ...

For many years of surgical activity, this is the only case in my practice when I have to prove the absurdity of such a publication. I never could imagine that you could publish this nonsense and become like a tabloid press ... By doing this, you inflicted the deepest offense and emotional trauma that you did not deserve.

The operation was not started by Neimark!

Israel Isaevich himself did not start Ustyuzhanina's operation, - said Yakov Naumovich Shoikhet. Operated by another experienced surgeon, his student. But he had not yet had time to start the operation, an induction anesthesia was given, and the patient went into cardiac arrest. Restored cardiac activity quickly, the question arose of what to do next. The patient had intestinal obstruction. Someone had to take responsibility for continuing the operation after clinical death. They called Neimark, he instructed to save. The operation was continued. They opened the abdomen, found an infiltrate that squeezed the transverse colon, brought it out, made it possible for the intestinal contents to exit through another hole. In fact, it saved the patient's life. Everything was done in such a way that later, when the intestinal obstruction passes, it will be possible to restore the patency of the intestine. So that a person walks in a natural way and does not live with the intestine out. They even foresaw it. Thanks to Neimark, the patient not only recovered, but also did not remain disabled.

And then this version of the "resurrection" was born. I don’t even dare to judge who created it first. Of course, partly it came from her. First she said one thing, then another. In the end, she said that she was autopsied in the morgue. But every physician knows that at autopsy the organs are isolated, a piece of tissue from each organ is taken for histological examination.

My attitude towards this woman will still be like a patient who has survived a difficult operation. Like a sufferer. Despite the fact that she repaid the doctors with black ingratitude. On the part of the doctors at that moment, absolutely everything was done extremely competently with a good prognosis for the future. Israel Isaevich looks here not only as an experienced competent surgeon, but also as a courageous person who took upon himself the decision to continue the operation after clinical death. Further waiting could lead to intestinal necrosis. By postponing the operation in such cases, we endanger the life of the patient. In such situations, a true surgeon appears. There was an interesting episode in the life of Israel Isaevich, when the question of an operation with a risk to the life of the patient was also being decided. And without surgery, there was no chance of recovery at all. He gathered all the surgeons: what are we going to do - and it's scary to operate, and not to operate - not to use the chance. Everyone spoke for an hour and a half. He says: "Think well and come to a conclusion, and I'll go to work." Gone. He returned an hour and a half later: “What conclusion did you come to?” - "Do a surgery". “I already did that.” This was an amazing person. It combined the Leningrad school and the features of a surgeon who went through the front. Throughout the war he was an active surgeon in a field hospital. You rarely see people of such culture, such power now.

And everything that then unfolded is dirty. And he took on the fire, despite the fact that the operation was performed by his student. And the student did everything correctly, I repeat. The real intellectual Israel Isaevich did not respond to attacks in the yellow press. He was offended by an article in a national newspaper, a newspaper he loved. Until his death, he waited for an answer from the editor, but did not wait ... (We deliberately do not name the newspaper in question. Maybe our colleagues will bring later repentance).

In the early 60s of the last century, the whole country was waiting for the last priest to be shown to her. This promise was made by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. In 1961, the Pochaev Lavra was closed, the monks were dispersed. In 1962, the same fate befell the Glinskaya Hermitage. The Church made incredible efforts to defend the Pyukhtitsky Monastery and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Persecution was raised against many representatives of the Orthodox clergy and monasticism.

In 1964, the Lord Almighty performed a miracle on the Russian Land, which the whole country learned about. In the city of Barnaul, a woman, Klavdia Nikitichna Ustyuzhanina, who died of cancer, was resurrected. Along with the miracle that happened a little earlier, in 1956, and was called by the people "Standing of Zoya", these two events were a great sign. The merciful Lord called people to the awakening of faith and to repentance.

Claudia Nikitichna, after the experience, changed her life, became a deeply religious person, and addressed a call to repentance to all people who wanted to hear her. This could not go unpunished. On the part of the authorities, all measures were taken to extinguish the source of "obscurantism" and opium for the people. Finally, together with her son Andrei, she was forced to secretly flee from Barnaul in order to avoid arrest. Having settled in Strunino, near Sergiev Posad, she was able to raise her son in the spirit of deep faith, being an example of piety. Andrei Ustyuzhanin, having graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary and the Moscow Theological Academy at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, became an Orthodox priest.

In 1999, a "revealing" article by Tatyana Vasilyeva "soap bubble" of the "Barnaul miracle" appeared in the Barnaul newspaper, which included a letter from a doctor I.I. Neimark who operated on Claudius. The purpose of the letter was to prove the falsity of the resurrection story.

In 2011 A.V. Slesarev Online Anti-Split posted this letter as evidence of "pseudo-Orthodox myth-making."

For our part, we use this episode to illustrate the disbelief of the A.V. Slesareva, and to show his efforts to nurture the tares of spiritual indifference and suspicion on Orthodox soil.

First, the story of the "Barnaul Miracle", presented by Claudia Ustyuzhanina herself.

Claudia Nikitichna Ustyuzhanina

The miracle of the resurrection of Claudia Ustyuzhanina (former in Barnaul in 1964)

(Written down from the words of Claudia Ustyuzhanina herself)

I was an atheist, strongly, terribly blasphemed God and persecuted the Holy Church, led a sinful life and was completely dead in spirit, darkened by devilish charm. But the mercy of the Lord did not allow His creation to perish, and the Lord called me to repentance. I got cancer and was sick for three years. I did not lie down, but worked, and was treated by earthly doctors, I had the hope of being cured, but there was no benefit, and every day I got worse. For the last six months, I have been completely ill, I could not even drink water - I started vomiting violently, and I was admitted to the hospital. I was a very active communist, and a professor was called for me from Moscow, and they decided to have an operation.

In 1964, on February 19 at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, I was operated on, a malignant tumor with decomposed intestines was discovered. I died during the operation. When they cut open my stomach, I stood between two doctors and looked with horror at my illness. The entire stomach was in cancerous nodes, as well as small intestines. I looked and thought: why are there two of us: I stand and I lie? Then the doctors laid my insides on the table and said: - where the duodenum should be, there was only liquid, that is, it was completely rotten, and they pumped out one and a half liters of rot, - the doctors said: she already has nothing to live on, she has nothing healthy, everything rotted from cancer.

I kept looking and thinking: why are there two of us: I am lying and I am standing? Then the doctors put my insides in randomly and put brackets on my stomach. This operation was performed on me by a professor, a Jew, Israel Isaevich Neimark, in the presence of ten doctors. When the brackets were put on, the doctors said: it should be given to young doctors for practice. And then my body was taken to the dead room, and I followed him and kept wondering: why are there two of us? They took me to the dead room, and I lay naked, then they covered me with a sheet up to my chest. Here, in the dead room, my brother came with my boy Andryusha. My son ran up to me and kissed me on the forehead, wept bitterly, saying: Mommy, why did you die, I'm still small; How will I live without you, I don't have a dad. I hugged and kissed him, but he did not pay any attention to me. My brother was crying.

And then I found myself at home. The mother-in-law of my first husband, the legitimate one, came there; and my sister was there. I did not live with my first husband, because he believed in God. And so, in my house, the division of my things began. My sister began to choose the best things, and my mother-in-law asked me to leave something for the boy. But my sister did not give anything, she began to scold my mother-in-law in every possible way. When my sister cursed, here I saw demons, they wrote down every swear word in their charters and rejoiced. And then the sister and mother-in-law closed the house and left. The sister carried a huge bundle to her home. And I, sinful Claudia, flew up at four o'clock. And I was very surprised how I was flying over Barnaul. And then he disappeared and it became dark. The darkness continued for a long time. On the way, they showed me the places where I was and when, from my youth. On what I flew, I don’t know, in the air or on a cloud, I can’t explain. When I flew, the day was cloudy, then it became very light, so that it was even impossible to look.

They put me on a black platform; although in flight I was in a supine position; I don’t know what it lay on, like plywood, but soft and black. There, instead of a street, there was an alley, along which there were bushes, low and unfamiliar to me, twigs very thin, leaves pointed at both ends. Huge trees could be seen further, they had very beautiful “leaves of different colors. Between the trees there were low houses, but I didn’t see anyone in them. And in this valley there was very beautiful grass. I think: where am I, where I arrived, in a village or a city? You can't see any factories or factories, and you can't see people. Who lives here? I see a woman walking not so far from me, very beautiful and tall, her clothes are long, and on top of her is a brocade cape. Behind her a young man was walking, crying a lot, and asking something from Her, but She did not pay any attention to him. I think: what kind of mother is this? - he cries, and she does not pay attention to his requests. When She approached me , the young man fell at Her feet and again asked for something from Her, but I did not understand anything.

I wanted to ask: where am I? But suddenly She came up to me and said: Lord, where is she? She stood with her arms folded across her chest and her eyes raised. Then I shuddered greatly, realizing that I had died, and the soul was in heaven, and the body was on earth; and I immediately realized that I had many sins and I would have to answer for them. I began to cry bitterly. I turned my head to see the Lord, but I see no one, but I hear the voice of the Lord. He said: bring her back to earth, she did not come at the right time, the virtue of her father and his unceasing prayers propitiated Me. And then I just realized that this woman is the Queen of Heaven, and the young man who followed Her and wept, pleading with Her, is my guardian angel. The Lord continued to say: I was tired of her blasphemy and stinking life, I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father begged Me. The Lord said: she needs to be shown the place she deserves, and in an instant I found myself in hell. Terrible fiery snakes climbed on me, their tongues are long, and fire flies out of their tongues; and there were all sorts of other bastards. The stench there is unbearable, and these snakes dug into me, and crawled over me, thick as a finger, and a quarter long, and with tails, spiked needles on their tails, crawled into my ears, into my eyes, into my mouth, into my nostrils, into all the passages , the pain is unbearable. I began to scream in a voice that was not my own, but there was no mercy and help from anyone there. Immediately, a woman who had died from an abortion appeared, crying, she began to ask the Lord for forgiveness, mercy. The Lord answered her: How did you live on earth? She did not recognize me and did not call me, but she destroyed the children in her womb and advised people: "There is no need to breed poverty"; you have extra children, but I don’t have extra ones, and I give you everything, I have enough for My creation. Then the Lord said to me: I gave you a disease so that you would repent, and you blasphemed Me to the end.

Then the earth spun along with me, and I flew out of there, a stench began, and the earth leveled out, there was a rumble, and then I saw my church, which I scolded. When the door opened and the priest came out in all white, shining rays came from the clothes. He stood with bowed head. Then the Lord asked me: who is this? I answered: this is our priest. And the voice answered me: and you said that he was a parasite; no, he is not a parasite, but a hard worker, he is a true shepherd, not a hireling. So know, no matter how small he is, but he serves Me, the Lord, and if the priest does not read a prayer of permissiveness over you, then I will not forgive you either. Then I began to ask the Lord: Lord, let me go to earth, I have a boy there. The Lord said to me: I know that you have a boy. And do you feel sorry for him? I say very sorry. - You feel sorry for one, but I have no number of you, and I feel sorry for all of you three times. But what an unrighteous path you have chosen for yourself! Why do you strive to amass great wealth for yourself, why do you do all sorts of lies? Do you see how your property is now being plundered? To whom did your belongings go? Your property was stolen, the child was sent to an orphanage, and your dirty soul came here. She served the demon and made sacrifices to him: she went to the cinema, the theater. You don't go to God's church... I'm waiting for you to wake up from the sleep of sin and repent. Then the Lord said: “Save your own souls; pray, for a meager age remains, soon, soon I will come to judge the world, pray.”

I asked the Lord: how should I pray? I don't know prayer. “Pray,” the Lord replied, “not that prayer is dear, which is read and memorized, but that prayer is dear, which you say from a pure heart, from the depths of your soul.” Say: Lord, forgive me; Lord, help me, and sincerely, with tears in your eyes - this is what prayer and petition will be pleasing and pleasing to Me, - thus said the Lord.

Then the Mother of God appeared, and I found myself on the same platform, but I did not lie, but stood. Then the Queen of Heaven says: Lord, why let her go? she has short hair. And I hear the voice of the Lord: give her a scythe in her right hand to match the color of her hair. When the Queen of Heaven went to get the scythe, I see: She came to a large gate or door, whose structure and bindings were in an oblique line, like the gates of an altar, but of indescribable beauty; from them came a light so that it was impossible to see. When the Queen of Heaven approached them, they themselves opened themselves before Her, She entered some palace or garden, and I remained in my place, and my Angel remained near me, but he did not show his face to me. I had a desire to ask the Lord to show me paradise. I say: Lord, they say there is a paradise here? The Lord did not give me an answer.

When the Queen of Heaven came, the Lord said to Her: get up and show her paradise.

The Queen of Heaven passed her hand over me and said to me: you have paradise on earth; and here for sinners, this is what a paradise is, - and I lifted it up like a veil or a curtain, and on the left side I saw: there are black burnt people, like skeletons, a myriad of them and a stinking smell emanates from them. When I remember now, I feel that unbearable stench and I'm afraid not to get there again. They all moan, their larynxes are dried up, they ask to drink, drink, at least a drop of someone gave them water. I was scared, as they said: this soul came from the earthly paradise, from her fragrant smell. A person on earth has been given the right and time so that he can acquire a heavenly paradise, and if he does not work on earth for the sake of the Lord to save his soul, then he will not escape the fate of this place.

The Queen of Heaven pointed to these evil-smelling black people and said: alms are dear to you in your earthly paradise, even this water. Give alms, as much as you can, from a pure heart, as the Lord Himself said in the Gospel: even if someone gives a cup of cold water in My name, he will receive a reward from the Lord. And you not only have a lot of water, but everything else is in abundance, and therefore you should try to give alms to those in need. And especially, that water, with which an uncountable number of people can be satisfied with one drop. You have whole rivers and seas of this grace, never exhausted.

And suddenly, in an instant, I found myself in tartare - it is even worse here than in the first place that I saw. In the beginning, there was darkness and fire, demons with charters ran up to me and showed me all my bad deeds, and said: here we are, whom you served on earth; and I read my own cases. The demons fire out of their mouths, they began to beat me on the head, and fiery sparks dug into me. I began to scream from unbearable pain, but, alas, I heard only weak moans. They asked for drink, drink; and when the fire illuminated them, I saw: they are terribly thin, their necks are stretched out, their eyes are bulging, and they say to me: here you have come to us, my friend, you will now live with us. Both you and we lived on earth and did not love anyone, neither the servants of God, nor the poor, but were only proud, they blasphemed God, listened to the apostates, and vilified Orthodox pastors, and never repented. And those who are sinners, just like us, but sincerely repented, went to the temple of God, received strangers, gave to the poor, helped everyone in need, did good deeds, they are up there.

I trembled from the horror I saw, and they continued: you will live with us and suffer forever, just like we do.

Then the Mother of God appeared and it became light, the demons all fell on their faces, and the souls all turned to Her: “Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, do not leave us here.” Some say: we have suffered so much here; others: we have suffered so much, there is not a drop of water, and the heat is unbearable; and shed bitter tears.

And the Mother of God wept a lot and said to them: they lived on earth, then they didn’t call me and didn’t ask for help, and they didn’t repent to My Son and your God, and now I can’t help you, I can’t transgress the will of My Son, and He cannot transgress the will of His Heavenly Father, and therefore I cannot help you, and there is no intercessor for you. I will have mercy only on those suffering in hell for whom the church and close relatives pray.

When I was in hell, they gave me all kinds of worms to eat: live and dead, smelly, and I screamed and said: how am I going to eat them?! And they answered me: I didn’t observe fasts when I lived on earth, did you eat meat? You did not eat meat, but worms, eat worms here too. Here, instead of milk, they gave all kinds of reptiles, reptiles, toads, all kinds.

Then we began to rise, and those who remained in hell shouted loudly: do not leave us, Mother of God.

Then darkness fell again, and I found myself on the same platform. The Queen of Heaven also folded her arms on her chest and raised her eyes to the sky, asked: what should I do with her and where to put her? The Lord said: bring her down to the ground by her hair.

And then, wheelbarrows appeared from somewhere, 12 pieces, without wheels, but moving. The Queen of Heaven tells me: stand with your right foot and go forward, put your left foot next to it. She herself walked next to me, and when they approached the last wheelbarrow, it turned out to be without a bottom, there was an abyss that had no end.

The Queen of Heaven says: lower your right leg, and then your left. I say: I'm afraid I'll fall. And She answers: we need you to fall. - So I'll kill myself! “No, you won’t be killed,” She answered, she gave me a scythe in my right hand with a thick end, and took Herself with a thin end. The braid was woven in three rows. Then She shook her scythe and I flew to the ground.

And I see how cars run along the ground and people go to work. I see that I am flying to the new market square, but I do not land, but quietly fly to the glacier where my body lies, and I instantly stopped on the ground - it was at 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon.

After that world, I did not like it on earth. I went to the hospital. I went to the morgue, went into it, I looked: my body was lying dead, my head hung a little and my arm, and the other arm and side were pressed by the dead man. And how I entered the body, I don’t know, I just felt an icy cold.

Somehow she released her pressed side, and, strongly bending her knees, bent to her elbows. At this time, a man was brought on a stretcher, dead with his legs cut off, by train. I opened my eyes and moved. They saw me bend over, and fled in fright, leaving that dead man behind. Then the orderlies and two doctors came, they ordered me to be carried to the hospital as soon as possible. And the doctors gathered there and said: she needs to warm her brain with light bulbs. It was February 23 at four o'clock in the afternoon. There were 8 stitches on my body, three on my chest, and the rest on my arms and legs, as they practiced on me.

When they warmed my head and all of me, I opened my eyes and spoke after two hours. My corpse was half-frozen, gradually moving away, as well as the brain. At first they fed me artificially, and on the twentieth day they brought me breakfast: pancakes with sour cream and coffee. I immediately stopped eating.

My sister, frightened, ran away from me and everyone in the ward turned their attention to me. Immediately the doctor came and began to ask why I did not want to eat. I answered him: today is Friday, and I will not eat fast food.

And she also said to the doctor: it’s better to sit down, I’ll tell you everything, where I was and what I saw. He sat down and everyone listened. Whoever does not observe fasts and does not honor Wednesday and Friday, then instead of milk they give all kinds of toads and reptiles. This awaits all sinners who have not repented before the priest in hell, so I will not eat fast food these days.

The doctor at my story blushed, then turned pale, and the patients listened attentively.

Then many doctors and other people gathered, and I talked to them. She said everything she saw and heard, and that nothing hurts me. After that, a lot of people came to me and I showed them my wounds and told them about everything.

Then the police began to drive people away from me, and I was transferred to the city hospital. This is where I got better. I asked the doctors to heal my wounds faster. All the doctors who saw me were wondering how I could come to life when all my intestines were half-rotten and all the insides were stricken with cancer, and all the more so since everything was abandoned after the operation at random and hastily sewn up.

They decided to perform the operation on me again, for certification.

And here I am again on the operating table. When the chief doctor, Valentina Vasilievna Alyabyeva, removed the brackets and opened her stomach, she said: why did they cut a person? She is completely healthy.

I asked not to close my eyes and not to give anesthesia, because I told them: nothing hurts me. The doctors took my insides out on the table again. I look at the ceiling and see everything that I have and what the doctors are doing to me. I asked the doctors what was wrong with me and what kind of disease I have? The doctor said: the whole inside is like a child's, clean.

Immediately, a doctor appeared, who then performed the first operation on me, and many other doctors were with him. I look at them, and they look at me and my insides, and they say: where is her illness? She had everything rotten and affected, but she became completely healthy. They stepped closer and gasped, wondered, and asked each other: where did she have the disease she had?

Doctors asked: does it hurt you, Klava? No, I say. The doctors were surprised, then they were convinced that I answered sensibly; and they began to joke: here, Klava, now you will recover and get married. And I tell them: hurry up and do my operation.

During the operation, they asked me three times: Klava, are you in pain? “No, not at all,” I replied. Other doctors present, and there were many of them, walked and ran around the operating room, as if beside themselves, clutching their heads and hands, and were as pale as dead men.

I told them: it was the Lord who showed His mercy on me so that I could live and speak to others; and to you for admonishment that over us there is the power of the Most High.

And then I said to Professor Neimark Israel Isaevich: how could you be wrong? They did an operation on me. He replied: it was impossible to make a mistake, you were all stricken with cancer. Then I asked him: what do you think now? He replied: the Almighty has reborn you.

Then I told him: if you believe this, be baptized, accept the faith of Christ and get married. He is Jewish. He blushed with embarrassment and was in terrible perplexity about what had happened.

I saw and heard everything, how my insides were put back; and when the last suture was made, the head physician Valentina Vasilievna (she operated) left the operating room, fell into a chair and sobbed. Everyone asks her in fright: what, Klava died? She answered: no, she did not die, I am amazed at where her strength came from, she did not utter a single groan: is this not a miracle again? It was clear that God helped her.

And she fearlessly told me, when I was lying in the city hospital under her supervision, that the Jewish professor who performed the first operation on me, Neimark Israel Isaevich, repeatedly persuaded Valentina Vasilievna to kill me in any way, but she categorically refused, and at first she herself she personally looked after me, fearing that someone would kill me, she herself gave food and drink. A lot of doctors were present at the second operation, including the director of the medical institute, who said that this was an unprecedented case in world practice.

When I left the hospital, I immediately invited the priest whom I scolded and mocked as a parasite, but in essence he is a true servant of the Lord's altar. I told him everything, confessed and partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The priest served a prayer service in my house and consecrated it. Before that, there was only filth in the house, booze, fights, and you can’t retell everything that I did. On the second day after repentance, I went to the district committee and handed in my party card. Since that former Claudia, an atheist and an activist, does not exist, for she died at the age of 40. By the grace of the Queen of Heaven and the Most High God, I go to church and lead a Christian life. I go to institutions and tell everything that happened to me, and the Lord helps me in everything. I accept everyone who comes, and I tell everyone about what happened.

And now I advise everyone who does not want to accept the torments that she told about - repent of all your sins and know God.

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The Orthodox world was shocked by the story of the resurrection of Claudia Ustyuzhanina as a Barnaul miracle, which has been discussed by the church and the press for decades. Of course, in the middle of the last century, a woman in the Soviet Union was presented as a charlatan who invented the story of her death and told fables.

Resurrection of Claudia Ustyuzhanina

Klavdia Ustyuzhanina was admitted to the hospital in Barnaul for an operation. The operation was performed by professor-oncologist Neimark, three people were assistants. At autopsy, they found:

  • the pancreas was replaced by degenerated tissue with a large amount of pus;
  • a cancerous tumor struck the gland and stomach.

There was no hope for salvation. When the woman's heart stopped, the professor ordered the body to be taken to the morgue.

The woman knew that she could die and leave one eight-year-old son. Therefore, she put things in order and bequeathed the property to relatives. The fact that she would not survive after the operation, learned in a cunning way. When the doctors avoided a direct answer, what kind of tumor, she went to the oncology center and introduced herself as a relative who was told the truth.

On the third day, relatives came to take the body for burial. When the orderlies wanted to take Ustyuzhanina, she stirred, which made them run away. A whole delegation in white coats went to the morgue.

It was unthinkable that a man should lie down for three days and come to life. Claudia Ustyuzhanina is a Barnaul miracle. In Soviet times, such facts were hidden and ordered to be strictly silent. Therefore, the further attitude of doctors to her treatment was understandable. A year later, she went into surgery to sew up the remaining wounds. The surgeon said that there were no traces of a cancerous tumor. But after this incident, Claudia began to have memory problems, her head often felt changes in air temperature, so she walked around wrapped in a downy scarf.

Her son Andrei grew up and became a priest with a higher spiritual education. Together with his mother, he walked the path of knowing the Lord and did not doubt his choice for a minute. The Barnaul miracle of the resurrection of his mother is God's grace.

May the Lord keep you!

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