Guinness record for the fattest man in the world. The fattest people in the world. “They ate non-stop. Popular thoughts and opinions

Each person is certainly unique in their own way. The world is inhabited by people with different looks, different hair colors, body constitution and height. External differences allow us to emphasize our individuality and highlight the inner world, to be special for our relatives and friends, or to be remembered at the first communication. Perhaps it will be difficult to forget the fattest man in the world.

When it comes to fat people, we are faced with specific images or characters in the film.

Frame from the film "Three Fat Men"

But in the vastness of our planet there are very many that have become known to the whole world.

Fat people always arouse an increased interest in their person, first of all, their appearance and lifestyle catches the eye, and only then there is an interest in what exactly served and became the cause of their condition.

List of biggest people

Let's meet the fattest man in the world. Among women, the undisputed leader with world fame has become a resident of America - Carol Ann Yager.

Carol Ann Yager

The maximum weight that she reached in her life was 727 kilograms. It is difficult for a physically healthy person to even imagine such a figure on their scales and the limitations of a full-fledged life that an overweight person faces.

Carol was born in 1960. While still very young, Yager was already strikingly different from her peers. The main reason for her obesity is a huge appetite, which the woman never sought to control. Already at the age of twenty, she gained such weight that her bones were unable to withstand, and the girl began to lead an immobile lifestyle. Due to the huge weight, she began to have health complications, but the doctors could no longer help her. With the help of special equipment and with the support of firefighters, Carol Yager had to be taken to the hospital about ten times a year.

When she was hospitalized again, the girl's weight reached 540 kilograms. The strongest edema, pressure on the internal organs - every day the girl was. In one of the clinics, American nutritionists helped her lose about 235 kilograms with the help of a special diet. The calorie content of Carol's meals did not exceed 1200 kilocalories. Having removed excess water from the body, the doctors did not achieve a healthy state, since the girl still had serious heart problems and diabetes.

Returning home, Carol could not stay in shape and again gained weight, this time becoming a record holder and gaining an incompatible weight of 727 kilograms. Being a completely young woman, at the age of 34, during another hospitalization, Carol Ann Yager died. Only relatives accompanied her on her last journey. Unfortunately, fat people who are obese become antisocial, having no friends and loved ones, forced and alone throughout their lives.

John Brown Minnock

As for men, the fattest man in the world is John Brown Minnock. Let's talk about it further. John was born in America on Bainbridge Island, Washington. This is an example of a person who, despite being hugely overweight, tried to live the most interesting life. In his youth, he worked as a taxi driver, although even then he had a rather impressive weight. His height reached 185 centimeters, and with such a weight he seemed just a giant. When he was 22 years old, John Minnock weighed 178 kilograms.

His weight increased literally every day and by the age of 37 had reached a critical and terrifying mark. The accumulated fluid, which his body could no longer cope with, posed a real threat to his life. In order to simply roll over, he needed the help of a huge number of people - 13 people.

With the help of nutritionists, John went on a strict diet - consuming only 1200 kilocalories per day, this was a real test for him and simply nullified all the doctors' aspirations. Nevertheless, despite this, nutritionists managed to achieve a result: John lost weight to 215 kilograms. However, after being discharged home, the weight again began to grow at a terrifying pace.

Despite the desire of relatives and John Minnock himself to live, the efforts of the doctors were not crowned with long-term success. At the age of 41, John died of heart failure at a weight of 362 kilograms, leaving his wife and two children alone.

If we talk about the problem of obesity among children, then the story of Jessica Leonard from Chicago was able to shake all the airwaves. The world first heard about her in 2007, her appearance on American TV channels shocked everyone who saw her. The child weighed incredibly much - 222 kilograms. This story shocked and made a splash, a lawsuit was filed against her mother for bullying a child.

From an early age, Jessica had an unrealistic passion for. The child’s diet was not particularly monitored, not attaching due importance to the harm from fast food. Her diet consisted of French fries and hamburgers, fried meat, pizza and soda. Of course, the result of such nutrition was not long in coming: already at an early age, the girl faced huge health problems.

The mother justified herself by the fact that the girl threw incredible tantrums and simply begged to eat with tears, and she simply could not refuse the crying child. At 3 years old, the baby weighed 77 kilograms, at 4 years old - 100. Naturally, with such a weight, she could not move independently, her bones and joints were deformed, and there were problems with her speech apparatus. With such a load on the body, the girl's life was accompanied by constant pain.

When the public recovered from the shock, the girl was admitted to a clinic where they prescribed a strict diet and added to her life. Due to her young age, the results were excellent, and after 1.5 years the girl weighed 82 kilograms. After several plastic surgeries to remove excess skin, doctors predict the introduction of Jessica into the normal and healthy life of a modern teenager.

Each person is free to decide for himself: whether to choose the way of life that will be harmonious for him. At the same time, I would like everyone to remember that very often the appearance reflects not only the state of a person’s health, but also the state of his inner world. Often very fat people choose for themselves a life of isolation, the inability to live fully, communicate with friends and start a family. Health is not just one of the keys to a happy life. Choosing health, a person chooses a full, active, happy and long life!

Video with photos of fat people:

There are many inexplicable things in life. Someone spends their whole life looking for a suitable weight loss program, and some, on the contrary, certainly want to gain extra pounds and, losing control over their appetite, reach record heights. Will a lot of weight benefit people and is it easy to live with?

Top 10 most surprisingly fat people

1. Manuel Uribe

The fattest Mexican. At 20, he got a "sedentary" job and began to put on weight. His weight gradually crept to the mark of 599 kg. From fullness, his health worsened, and he could not get out of bed. A diet program developed by doctors helped him lose 180 kg.

2. Francis John Lang

A native of Clinton. He weighed 540 kilograms with his height of 1 m 88 cm. He began to gain weight already in adulthood, although in his youth he was not overweight.

3. Walter Hudson

This fat man has the biggest waist. With a weight of 543 kg, his waist circumference was 3 meters. The daily requirement for water was equal to 17 liters. The daily diet included 12 eggs, 3 steaks, 4 baked potatoes, 4 cheeseburgers (double), 4 hamburgers, a loaf of bread. In addition, to satisfy his hunger, he needed to eat 2 boxes of sausages, a large pie, 2 chickens or ham.

4. Rosalia Bradford

Her weight reached 477 kg with a height of 1m 66 cm. The woman did not stop there and gained almost 70 kg more and began to weigh 544 kg. Then she sharply began to lose weight and lost weight to 134 kg. For this, Rosalia Bradford had to make a lot of efforts.

Born in 1958. From childhood, he was given a terrible diagnosis: severe obesity. When he got to New York's St. Luke's Hospital, his weight was melting before our eyes. At the very beginning, his weight was 411 kg, and after losing weight - 90 kg. Before losing weight, his waist was not bulky - 290 cm, and after following the diet - 91 cm. He entered the Guinness Book of Records as a person who managed to lose a lot of fat. But then the record holder returned to his usual way of life, and recovered by 500 kg.

6. Patrick Dewell

When Patrick's weight became equal to 488 kg, he went to the hospital and lay in complete immobility for six months. The desire to get back on his feet made him lose weight, which he does to this day.

7. Paul Mason

The fattest man in the world, who needed 20,000 kcal per day, and an ordinary person, only 2,000. According to his story, his gluttony began after breaking up with his girlfriend. He gained 445 kg. Poor health forced Paul to undergo surgery. He underwent a gastric bypass. After a successful surgical intervention, Paul began to weigh 245 kg.

8. Donna Simpson

Already in childhood, she herself decided for herself to become the fattest woman. And so it happened. She gave birth to her first daughter with a weight of 241 kg. Unable to give birth on her own, she had a caesarean section. Gradually, her weight increased and reached 445 kg. For six months, she gained more than 200 kilograms. The media attributed to her another 45 kg. The appetite was immeasurable. She swept away everything in her path. But, having reached a certain goal, she decided to lose weight.

9. Jessica Deonard

When the girl was 8 years old, the public intervened in her life. People did not like that at such a young age the girl weighed more than 200 kg. The young lady is still following various weight loss programs.

10. Terry Smith

Born in America. From birth, she was a large child and gradually gained weight. At 7 years old, her weight was 51 kg, and at 20 - already 100 kg, then slowly equated to 320 kg. It was difficult for a woman to move around and take care of herself. And then she completely fell ill, and for many years she was bedridden. A caring husband, daughter and grandchildren support Terry as much as they can. Doctors recommend her to stick to a certain diet, otherwise it can all end badly.

Many problems accompany a person from childhood. Parents need to pay attention to the weight of the child and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

From this article you can find out who is considered the fattest man in the world. This information is officially confirmed, or was recognized by the public, because people have learned relatively recently to measure body weight.

Carol Yeager

A US citizen named Carol Yeager is considered the fattest woman on Earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint. She differed from her peers in her great weight in childhood. The main reason for the girl's excess weight is a constant and unlimited appetite that haunted her.

By the age of 20, Carol's weight had increased so much that her legs were no longer able to support their own weight. The girl could not make elementary movements, and therefore she practically became bedridden. She needed constant medical care, in addition, her daughter Heather also looked after her. Carol's weight then was 544 kg, while her maximum weight was 727 kg.

Without a doubt, it became clear that the mass has acquired a life-threatening character that threatens health and even life itself. Every day the woman added kilograms, and at the same time her state of health worsened.

Trying to reduce weight

In the end, she contacted the popular nutritionist Richard Simonson and the then-famous Jerry Springer, the host of the TV show.

Under the contract, she took part in the Springer show, i.e. advertised his TV show, in return, Carol was provided with free treatment. Jerry Springer agreed to become his sponsor. However, in fact, the woman did not manage to receive tangible help from the famous dietitian - the result was zero.

John Minnock and his sad story

The title of "The Fattest Man in the World" is officially awarded to John Brower Minnock, a resident of Bainbridge, USA. Its weight reached, scary to think, about 630 kg.

This weight indicator, truly fantastic, became known to the whole world after Minnock was examined in 1978. John was examined by a council of doctors at the Seattle clinic. Minnock was a taxi driver by profession, but because of his excessive weight, the man had to give up work altogether.

Even in order to determine the “parameters” of a person of such thickness, it was necessary to solve the problem not from an easy one. To turn Minnock from side to side, resorted to the help of 13 or more men!

Manuel Uribe and his success

Another of the fattest people in the world is Manuel Uribe. In 2001, he weighed almost half a ton, and then he was no longer able to get out of bed without assistance. By 2007, he already weighed 560 kg. Manuel decided to turn to surgeons for medical help. They performed a gastric truncation on him. Manuel promised then that he would go on a diet and get rid of excess weight. And he succeeded!

The man was lucky - he lost almost 200 kg. Manuel Uribe managed to become a record holder in two categories at once:

  • As a person who has lost the most extra pounds of weight.
  • Like the fattest person.

Thanks to the weight of 560 kg, Uribe entered the famous Guinness Book of Records. Having got rid of 200 kilograms, Manuel gained the ability to move independently, without the help of strangers. The first act that he did after losing weight was to marry the woman who supported him all the time and helped Manuel over the past two years.

Of course, the fattest people in the whole world are doomed to experience a lot of all sorts of life inconveniences. It must be understood that such a colossal amount of extra pounds poses a threat not only to health, but also to human life itself.

Even surgical operations to reduce the stomach or the same liposuction are not able to help such people, because after that they again begin to uncontrollably eat food, and everything returns to its original place!

This is an ugly appearance, problems in personal life, difficulties in choosing clothes and serious illnesses. But for some people, obesity is something to be proud of. We present to your attention a list of the fattest people in the world. They became popular precisely because of their excessive fullness.

12th place. Mills Darden

Mills Darden is considered the largest man in the world. Why does he not lead the TOP, but is located only in 12th place? Because he was not too fat by the standards of the rest of the fat people on the list. Mills Darden was heavy primarily due to its size.

The growth of the giant was 2.3 meters. Maximum weight - 463 kg. At the same time, his body mass index was below 90. For comparison, the other fattest people in the world from the TOP 12 had a BMI of 143 and above. The index of some people was in the region of 200.

Compared to them, Mills Darden, who weighed four and a half hundredweight, looked like a slender, fit man. Unlike his "colleagues", he did not lose his ability to work. He had a wife and children. By the way, the wife weighed only 44 kilograms with a height of about 1.5 meters.

Mills Darden has died at the age of 58. Given that this happened in the middle of the 19th century, at that time he lived a long life, and went into another world as a very old man.

11th place. Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Brumley was born in 1968 and is still alive, although bedridden. His maximum body weight was 469 kg, but today he weighs a little less - about 400 kg.

Kenneth Brumley is best known for the funny story about how firefighters had to take apart the wall of the house to take it out with the bed. This was done to deliver the patient to a medical institution for the purpose of bariatric surgery.

Interesting Facts:

  • Kenneth Brumley cannot move - he is chained to the bed.
  • As a child, he was not too fat, and even played playing sports. Kenneth Brumley began to build mass only from the age of 20.
  • His daily diet is 30 thousand kilocalories.
  • Once Kenneth Brumley lost 76 kg in 40 days. To do this, he had to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 25 times.

10th place. Maira Lisbeth Rosales

One of the heaviest women in the world is Mayra Lizbeth Rosales. Its maximum weight was 470 kg. She is still alive, and did not even have time to grow old, since she was born in 1980. It would seem that there is still time to become the leader of the list of the fattest people in the world, but this is unlikely to happen. Maira Lizbeth Rosales is known for losing 400 kg. Today she may not be called thin, but she is no longer a bedridden ugly monster.

Interesting Facts:

  • Myra was wrongly convicted in 2008 for the murder of her two-year-old nephew, but then she was acquitted, as it turned out that the fault actually lay with her sister, the mother of the deceased child.
  • Myra is an example for many people who want to lose weight. She is present on social networks, and the number of subscribers of a woman is in the hundreds. Myra is not shy about publishing her photos on the Internet, where she weighs almost half a ton.
  • At one time, Myra was the heaviest person on the planet, not counting the people who have already died. But then there were "competitors" who were ahead of her.

9th place. Hughes Robert Earl

Robert Earl Hughes weighed 485 kg. He died young, at the age of 32. This man is known not only as one of the fattest people in the world, but also is the owner of the largest chest coverage in the history of mankind - 315 cm.

Robert Earl Hughes was originally inclined to be overweight. He weighed over 5 kg at birth. By the age of 6, body weight exceeded 90 kg. The guy celebrated his coming of age, having a weight exceeding 300 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • Unlike many other fat men from the TOP-12, Robert Earl Hughes was obese not only due to chronic, but also due to endocrine disorders.
  • Robert Earl Hughes was often ill, but could not get into the hospital because the doors were too narrow for him. He was being treated in a trailer parked near the medical facility.
  • There is a myth that this man was buried in a piano drawer. Although this tragicomic story has been liked by many Internet users, it is a fiction.

8th place. Patrick Diuel

Patrick Diuel was born in 1962 and is still alive today. The maximum body weight is 486 kg. Now he weighs much less, as he moved. Patrick's body weight does not exceed 200 kg (he was in his best shape when he weighed 170 kg, but then gained a little).

Interesting Facts:

  • Patrick Diyuel is small compared to most other participants in the list of the fattest people in the world - only 1.7 m.
  • After the operation, Patrick Diyuel dropped 260 kg in a year.
  • Before the operation, he did not leave the house for 7 years.
  • In 2005, a documentary film was made about this man.
  • Patrick Diyuel believes that the cause of excess weight is poor heredity, although the size of his portions before the operation was calculated in buckets.

7th place. Michael Hebranco

Michael Hebranco was born in 1953 and died as recently as 2013. He lived to be 60 years old, which is not bad at all, given the build of this man. He weighed over 500 kg. Body weight began to increase in childhood. By the age of 16, Michael Hebranco weighed one and a half centners.

Interesting Facts:

  • Michael Hebranco got married with a body weight of 400 kg.
  • At the time of his death, he weighed 250 kg.
  • Michael Hebranco, with the help of diets and surgeons, twice reduced his weight to 90 kg, but subsequently recovered again.

6th place. Rosalie Bradford

This woman weighed at one time 544 kg. She lived for 63 years, and during this time she managed to visit the Guinness Book of Records twice. The first time - as the fattest woman in the world. The second - as a champion in the number of kilograms dropped. She managed to lose weight up to 90 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • The height of the woman was only 168 cm.
  • Rosalie Bradford once tried to commit suicide because of her weight.
  • Unlike most other TOP-12 participants, she lost weight without surgery, with the help of training and diets.
  • After losing weight, Rosalie Bradford had 30 kg of excess skin on her body.
  • The woman died from complications that arose after the removal of excess skin by surgery.

5th place. Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson had a maximum weight of 544 kg. He went down in history as the owner of the largest waist - its circumference was more than 3 meters.

Interesting Facts:

  • Walter Hudson did not want to lose weight due to a strong addiction to food. He did not suffer from complexes about his weight.
  • One day a man got stuck in the doorway of his house. He was never able to free himself - he had to call firefighters. They pulled Walter out with a crane.
  • During one of the weighings on industrial scales, they broke. On this day, Walter Hudson's body weight could not be measured.
  • The man had normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • The man spent the last 27 years of his life in bed, because he could not physically get up from it.
  • Shortly before his death, Walter Hudson was about to get married. His death at the age of 47 prevented him from doing so.

4th place. Carol Yager

Obesity did not allow Carol Yager to live a long life - she died at the age of 34. At the time of death, she weighed 545 kilograms. The woman became famous as the record holder for the rate of weight loss without surgical assistance. The documented weight loss was 236 kg in 3 months. That is, on average, Carol Yager lost a little less than 80 kg per month. To do this, she only needed to reduce the diet to 1200 kcal per day.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is a myth that Carol Yager at one time weighed 727 kg. This fact is not confirmed, so the woman does not lead the TOP of the fattest people in the world.
  • According to Carol Yager, the cause of her eating disorder is sexual abuse in childhood by one of her relatives.
  • Obesity greatly undermined the health of women, and eventually became the cause of death. She spent a lot of time in the hospital. She died of kidney failure a week after being discharged from the hospital.
  • Each hospitalization of Carol Yager required the efforts of two dozen firefighters.

3rd place. Manuel Uribe

Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 597 kg. This is the first person on our list of the fattest people in the world who is not a US citizen. He passed away as recently as 2014.

Interesting Facts:

  • The first wife left Manuel because he got fat.
  • Manuel Uribe remarried in 2008. At that time, he weighed 330 kg and could not walk, being bedridden. His wife clearly had a predilection for fat people, because her first husband also died of obesity.
  • Manuel Uribe had to marry right on the bed, which was decorated on the occasion of the ceremony.
  • The wedding prompted the man to take measures aimed at losing weight. After 3 years, he had a body weight of 187 kg.
  • The man refused bariatric surgery, which doctors offered him to reduce weight.

2nd place. Khalid bin Moshen Shaari

Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. This is the youngest member of the TOP-12 of the fattest people in the world, so he still has time to climb to the top of the charts. The man was born in 1991. With a height of 173 cm, Khalid bin Moshen Shaari weighed 610 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • The King of Saudi Arabia personally ordered the hospitalization of Shaari. Prior to this, the patient had not left his home for more than 2 years.
  • Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is known as the owner of the highest body mass index in the history of mankind - 204 kg / m2. Nobody before him, including the leader of the hit parade of fat people, did not overcome the mark of 200 kg / m2.
  • Today, his body weight has decreased by 2 times, which was the result of treatment.

1 place. John Brower Minnock

The palm belongs to a US citizen, John Brower Minnock. He died more than 20 years ago, but so far no one can surpass this man. With not the highest growth, 185 cm, he weighed 635 kg in his "best" years.

Interesting Facts:

  • John Brower Minnock is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the largest body mass, although it was not possible to measure it with absolute accuracy.
  • He is the leader in the number of kilograms dropped among men. After John was diagnosed with heart failure, his body weight decreased by 419 kg due to a low-calorie diet.
  • This person is the champion in weight gain per unit of time. It took him only a week to gain 91 kg as soon as he stopped the diet.
  • John Brower Minnock died at 41 due to heart failure.
  • John left two children and a widow weighing about 50 kg.

Of the 12 people on the list, 10 are Americans. There are only 3 women in the TOP-12, all the rest are men. The vast majority of these fat men at some point began to lose weight, dropping hundreds of kilograms of fat. Some of them gained weight again, others had more or less acceptable body weight until the end of their days.


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This article is not about those who need to lose a couple of pounds. And not even about those who need to lose a couple of dozen of them. We will look at life from the side of those whose weight is "well over a hundred."

"You are fat!"

Fullness causes a lot of inconvenience in everyday life to its owners. These are problems with clothing, and problems with movement, excessive sweating, and movement in transport. Clothes for fat people (especially women) are more difficult to find, but are sold more expensive, public transport seats are designed mainly for slender people, and you need to buy stronger chairs.

This is not to mention the health problems that come with being overweight. Shortness of breath, problems with the cardiovascular system, high blood cholesterol, etc. - these are the consequences of excessive fullness.

But these are not the most "terrible" problems associated with high obesity. Much more often, fat people are brought to the hospital not by health problems due to excess weight, but by social complexes. Fat people are often ashamed of their fullness. They do not like their reflection in the mirror, they are embarrassed to undress on the beach or get acquainted with the opposite sex.

The constant fear of becoming the object of jokes and ridicule, or problems in their personal lives, make them starve for days, spend money on, or sit on all sorts of strict diets.

Often, such methods (due to the fact that they are done spontaneously, without consulting with specialists) do not bring the desired result. Which further exacerbates the psychological problems of obese people. In the West, fat people often become clients of psychologists and psychotherapists. In Russia and other countries of the former CIS, this practice is still not widespread, as a result, a person keeps all his problems and complexes in himself, which is even worse.

Why do people get fat?

Extreme cases of the fattest people on the planet are usually associated with endocrine system disorders in total with an indefatigable appetite and consumption of a huge amount of calories. According to statistics, the most obese people on the planet consume from 10,000 to 20,000 kcal per day, with a norm of 2000-3000 kcal. It is not strange that even after liposuction and stomach reduction surgery, most of them quickly regain their previous weight due to their indefatigable appetite. Obesity is also often found among fast food lovers and.

Fat people usually lead an inactive lifestyle and / or have a sedentary job. A little physical activity contributes to a significant predominance of calories coming from the diet over those spent during the day. Such a diet and lifestyle slows down the metabolism, making fat gain even more accelerated.

Biographies of the fattest people on the planet

(1960-1994) - has the unofficial title of "the fattest man in history." According to some reports, the peak of her mass reached 727 kg with a height of 170 cm. Her weight at death (at the age of 34) was 544 kg. However, there is no reliable data documenting its record mass.

The fattest woman in history

Carol could not walk or stand on her own, so doctors, friends, and daughter Heather took care of her. According to Carol, she suffered from an insatiable appetite since childhood after experiencing sexual abuse. Although, in the future, she claimed in an interview that this was far from the only reason that determined her taste habits and, ultimately, her fate.

Famous nutritionists tried to treat her several times, but all attempts ended in failure. Yeager very often had to go to the hospital, which required the efforts of 15-20 firefighters for one hospitalization. Ultimately, the cause of death was several reasons at once: kidney failure, high blood sugar, and heart failure. Carol was buried in a private cemetery, the ceremony was attended by 90 friends and family members.

(1941-1983) - officially holds the title of "the fattest man on the planet" (Carol Yeager's weight has not been documented). He weighed 635 kg with a height of 185 cm in 1979. It took 13 people to just turn him over in bed. Minnoch suffered greatly from severe edema, which is inherent in all extremely overweight people - with a maximum weight in his body there was at least 400 kg of water!

John Minnoch is officially the fattest man in history.

Already at the age of 22, Minnoch weighed 181 kg. While he was still able to move around, John worked as a taxi driver. One of the hospitalizations allowed him to lose weight to 216 kg in 1981 (mainly due to fluid loss). However, in the same year, he was re-admitted to the hospital after gaining 91 kg in a week. Despite the efforts of doctors who treated him with a low-calorie diet, John passed away in 1983. His age at that time was 42 years. By the way, his wife Janet weighed only 50 kg.

The fattest man in the world

Mexican Manuel Uribe Garza(born in 1965) is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the fattest man in the world" (of the living). The peak of his weight reached 560 kg. According to him, he suffered from overweight in childhood, but the problem was far from global. By the age of 18, his weight was 121 kg.

In 1987, he moved from Mexico to Dallas (USA), where he got a job as an auto parts sales manager. The work was sedentary, and life was more than comfortable. This lifestyle led the already obese Manuel to the fact that he began to rapidly gain weight. At 30, his body weight was 245 kg. Realizing the global nature of the problem, Manuel turned to the doctors. He underwent liposuction and removed excess skin. As a result, he lost weight up to 160 kg.

Manuel Garza - former holder of the title "the fattest man in the world alive"

But, as a result of complications after the operation, the lymph nodes on his legs became inflamed and he was bedridden for three whole years. During this time, he recovered to 560 kg and got into the Guinness Book of Records. Currently, he is again engaged in weight loss (with the help of doctors, diet and elementary physical exercises) and has already lost weight to 300 kg. He lost weight thanks to a low-carbohydrate diet developed by physicians. According to his doctor, Manuel was lucky that he avoided diabetes, kidney or heart failure - typical diseases that affect very fat people. The doctor also assured that in 2 years Manuel will weigh "only" 150 kg.

G. Hopkins, who lived at the end of the 18th century in Wales, weighed 445 kg (according to the medical encyclopedia of the 19th century). He made a living performing at the fair. Hopkins was shown to the public in a stall next to the prize pigs, which were so fat that they could not stand up. The huge Welshman amazed everyone with his inhuman appetite and phenomenal body weight. One day, after a hearty meal, Hopkins tried to pick up a piece of food that suddenly fell on his cart. As a result, the fat man fell on a nursing sow, killed the poor animal and flattened her piglets like a herring. Through the efforts of 15 people managed to return it back to its place. This was done with great difficulty, since his stomach was so full of food that the skin on his stomach was tighter than on the drum, and no one could grab hold of his belly. Hopkins' weight (measured on a scale for weighing loaded wagons) was 445 kg. Unfortunately, his photo has not survived.

Joselina da Silva(1959-1996) - this Brazilian woman weighed 406 kg with a height of 160 cm. Like many overweight people, she began to gain weight as a child, eating huge amounts of pies, sweets and soda. She eventually became so heavy that it took the help of a dozen firefighters to keep her body clean. When her weight became known to the press, the local Chakara obese fitness center offered to help her lose weight in exchange for using the results of the weight loss program for promotional purposes.

Joselina Da Silva is another extreme weight gainer

Silva was subjected to surgery and a strict diet. As a result of liposuction and diet, she lost weight to 159 kg. However, a few months after the end of the program, she gained 90 kg. In September 1996, she was hospitalized and died in the hospital from bilateral pneumonia.

fat celebrities

Some fat people, despite their weight, succeeded in life and became famous. Moreover, they did it in a discipline that would seem to be incompatible with being overweight - sports.

Eric Butterbean Ash is a famous boxer and MMA fighter.

Eric "Butterbean" Ash. A boxer and mixed-style fighter, with a height of 182 kg, weighs 170-200 kg (during the weigh-in, before the fight with Mariusz Pudzyanovsky, his weight could not be measured, because the scales, designed for a maximum of 200 kg, broke down). He spent 89 fights in the professional ring, of which he won 77. Despite the huge weight for a fighter, Butterbean has good manual speed and a strong knockout blow. Ash has now ended his boxing career, focusing on MMA performances.

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