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The person is very industrious, industrious, strives for perfection, has an analytical mind. Where Surya and Buddha are, there is an analytical mind, a person with a pragmatic "concrete" mindset, but he will have problems with power, bosses, leadership, difficulties, obstacles in life in achieving some of his goals. Success will come in the second half of life, a purposeful person, brave, striving for justice. Possible "premature death of the wife" (a quote from ancient treatises), poor health, a person becomes a victim of accidents. The ancient sources on Jyotish also say that this means that most of the hopes and expectations of this person will not come true. A very good position for professions related to the service: lawyers, doctors, so that you can go to work, officials, accountants and economists. A devoted person, calm, able to provide real help in the treatment of diseases.

Chandra is in Karkata Rashi

This position of Chandra makes people very sensitive, possessing excellent intuition. Chandra in Karka is a consciousness "being" in the state of Swakshetra, showing its positive properties, being in an unclouded state. Such people, ceteris paribus, easily understand the created situations, the consciousness will work for them and find the right ways to solve the tasks. These are kind, attentive people, in whose minds, all other things being equal, Apas, love, prevails. If this is a woman, then she will show maternal feelings for everyone, if a man, then paternal or, rather, paternal. One way or another, such people will be united by sensuality and gentleness in communication, suppleness and love of love. This position of Chandra is very conducive to the study of esotericism, and a person may also have extrasensory abilities. Often these are people involved in the economy or some kind of business, and, importantly, succeeding in this. Such people quickly find a common language with clients, work well with the public, etc., because. have a natural charm. Comfortable life, successful people. Among the shortcomings, one can single out excessive enthusiasm for solving other people's problems, because. these people, because of their good attitude towards others and attempts to satisfy the needs of everyone and everyone, can sometimes take on an overwhelming burden. Such people also have periods of mood swings due to their strong emotionality. Also, this position of Chandra ensures good and intimate relationships with her mother and women in general.

Buddha is in Kanya Rashi

Buddha - a detailed mindset, thorough, a person thinks well, speaks, understands mathematics, writes everything down. A very good position for astrologers, for mathematicians, where you need to compare data, analyze - an analytical mind. A person has a developed intellect, a great love for communications, televisions, computers, etc. he has good data to be a teacher. Very good for writing, because. a person thinks a lot, analyzes, sometimes excessively. Often tries to think too much - this leads to fatigue and headaches. This situation can create problems for men in relationships with women, because. a person is a dreamer, a dreamer, has a very critical approach to everything. A very pleasant person to talk to, it's good for success in life, a positive approach to life, for a career, for great achievements in science, maybe a professor. He can take on many things at the same time, but not finish everything. Buddha in Kanye is a very critical mind, very sharp, good for survival (same Buddha in Mithun). Such a person sacrifices his personal life for the sake of science, creativity, work, etc. When the Vakri - Graha constitution changes, oddities appear in the character and intellect, there will be peculiarities in the intellect. For example, Buddha Vakri can show that a person can forget a lot.

Shukra is in Simha Rashi

Shukra in Simha shows an attractive and handsome person. If this is a man, then he is very personable, and he has a great desire for any objects of pleasure and luxury. Such a person has a very strong desire for love. These are terribly sexy people with a feminine consciousness, striving for everything "beautiful", art and some subtle pleasures. Their consciousness is very dangerous, terribly seductive, extremely addictive. The person has an irresistible effect on people: very charming, works for the public, deceitful, treacherous, very amorous, the person is not hardy enough, including sexually, but he is lucky with money. Such a person has fewer problems than other people, it is believed that he is patronized by the Brahmins. This is a money lover. Shukra in Simha is a partner of high quality, or who occupies a high position in society.

Such a person will receive income through women, so this combination is often found among pimps. Also, this position is very conducive to alcoholism.

Mangala is located in Karkata Rashi

Brazier in Karka Niccha - this makes a person very aggressive, a sadist, a beast, a maniac killer. Great difficulties in family life, and a bad relationship with my mother. Very fast mind. Mangal creates an opportunity for business and business abilities, sports, physical education, Hatha yoga, as well as the desire for independence. Brazier in Karka - a person is interested in military affairs. Mangala-Vakri ("crooked" Mangal) - more positive properties, people tend to help, especially relatives. Such people have problems with Managloid affairs, with weapons, fire, machines. Very often they do not die a natural death (accidents, catastrophes, accidents).

Guru is in Vrishabha Rashi

The Guru endows a person with Divine patronage and knowledge in the field of activity that relates to the Bhava or Rashi where the Guru is located. Therefore, wherever the Guru is, expansion and development take place everywhere.

In Vrishabha the Guru is at his natural enemy Shukra in the 2nd Bhava of Kaala Purusha which falls on Prithvi Rashi. Guru as an expanding Graha, being a guest of Shukra, expands the sphere of Shukra. Such a person can have many families, luxury goods, he has an increased desire for material comfort and savings. Other things being equal, this is a lazy person (the combination of 2 Kaphogenic Shubha Grahas shows that a person is an overly optimistic person and may not complete anything, but rely on the final result).

Vrishabha as the 2nd Bhava of the Kaala Purusha is also associated with wealth and speech. The person will be very diplomatic, he will have a highly developed desire for wealth. In general, this is a good enough configuration for a woman. The person will be very attentive, caring, paying increased attention to the improvement of anything. A soft, delicate person, but an extraordinary lover of pleasures and pleasures (because, again, the Guru's position works all the time to maximize the expansion of Shukra's sphere), an extreme hedonist. And because of this, a person is very dependent on the state of love in the mind and the quality of sexual life.

Brief descriptions of some of the provisions of the Guru in the Bhavas:

The Guru in the 7th Bhava shows a large number of partners;

Guru in 9th Bhava shows a lot of knowledge;

The Guru in the 10th Bhava shows a favorable career and a lot of Karma in general.

Shani is in Kumbh Rashi

Shani makes a person pass tests for material values ​​(makes him solve practical problems, putting a person in the framework of objective events), unlike Rahu, who tests for moral aspects (obsession of consciousness with desires, ideas, etc.). Where there is Shani, there are always more applied problems, and related Karmas, events, tensions, etc.

In general, Shani in Kumbh is a good position for Shanaishcharaya. When Shani is in his own Rashi, all his positive properties are fully revealed, namely: accuracy, composure, rigor, timeliness, discipline, etc. This is a concrete, businesslike person devoid of emotions, who systematizes everything, analyzes, “builds” everyone (he assigns a strictly defined role to everyone in each specific situation) and maintains iron discipline. This is a person who promotes order: for such a person everything happens on time and everything should lie neatly and in its place. Shani in Kumbha is a cold person, prudent, ready for anything, Shani makes a person very tough in achieving goals, very purposeful, silent, gloomy and gloomy. Shani in Kumbha is very strong in the horoscope, and people who have Shani strong have a philosophical mindset. Such a person will have his own experience and, based on it, he will build various philosophical theories.

If Shani is at home, it makes a person frigid. Other things being equal, this is a viscous, immobile person, for whom everything happens slowly and hard (Drishti, however, can change this situation). As a rule, this is a tall person. Such a person has few emotions and many calculations. In his head, everything is sorted out on shelves, graphs and tables, everything is subjected to scrupulous analysis, and it is difficult to deceive him. This is a very conservative person, he strives for a fixed situation, is attached to stability and a systematic approach.

If Shani is in Kumbha, he feels very good. Being in Labhya Rashi, meaning that success and achievements (Karma Phala) will inevitably come to this person (if he respects the principles of Shani). Welfare will be good, a poor person will definitely not be. He may not be rich, but he certainly won't be poor. Shani in Kumbh generally provides a good, steady income and stability in results (realization of Karma), but it all depends on Drishti. Other things being equal, a positive result is guaranteed - income, results and achievements will come slowly, but surely and consistently.

Shani is also Papi Graha, by definition the bearer of problems. In the case of Shani in Kumbha, the negative will be as follows: problems with people represented by Kumbha (friends, acquaintances, relatives) or these friends will be older. Also problems can be with children, Shani in Kumbha can mean that children will be late. A person will be focused on work and on his own achievements more than on everything else. A good configuration for business success that will build slowly. Success will be after 36 years, this is a feature of Shani in all areas of life - a slow result.

Kumbh is the 11th Rashi, the sign associated with opportunities in life, networking and an active lifestyle. If some Graha is in Kumbh, then the person leads an active lifestyle, a kind of "party-goer", but because The 11th Bhava is also responsible for human contacts, then Shani in Kumbh Rashi with unfavorable Drishti can create not very good and not very reliable contacts. Those. such a person may have problems with people with whom the fire comes into contact. Shani is the Karaka of ordinary people (Shudras), which means that a person's lovers will be from ordinary people.

Rahu is in Mithuna Rashi

Rahu is the unknown, the unknown. A person with such a combination will deal with the supernatural, the unknown, the mysterious mystical or foolishness. A mind that will always try to invent something. Rahu in Mithuna - a person can do something unnecessary in life, something incomprehensible, when he does not really understand what he is doing, unconsciousness of goals and intentions in life. People can find themselves in some stupid situations. They have an interest in philosophy, problems of the universe, and so on. Possible problems with the nervous system. A person either deceives or is himself a victim of deception, can be extravagant. Very often a situation of misunderstanding, hence complexes and self-isolation. The third Bhava is health, so a person can have incurable diseases, sometimes they are mental illnesses. Problems with relatives, etc.

Ketu is in Dhanu Rashi

"When there is no hope, there is no disappointment.

There is only silence and eternal rest."

Ketu is Moksha-Graha and for material life everything that Ketu carries is bad, but for spiritual life it is good. Life in the field of activity that Ketu visited in Kundali must be started from the very beginning, because. after the transformation of consciousness, Ketu lowers a person to a primitive state, the joy of dawn and completely deprives him of any illusions. Ketu is Chitragupta, the assistant of Yama (Devata, responsible for death), it is impossible to negotiate with him. Therefore, Ketu is Graha, which does not look at any traditions, it is a kind of "elastic band" that erases everything that was written "before".

Dhanu is Bhagya Rashi, it is the Rashi of perspectives and happiness. Being in it, Ketu teaches to kill (and constantly kills himself) the illusion and hope that happiness is somewhere else besides God. Dhanu is also Rashi who oversees Dharma and Bhagya, and Ketu in it completely deprives a person of Bhagya (and hopes for it).

Ketu is Moksha in its purest form, therefore it brings dissatisfaction to everyone and the search for real happiness, the desire for unknown, unconscious, transcendental, "mirror" happiness into Dhana. Ketu gives a ticket to eternity, making it so that a person is very bad with happiness. These are sheer disappointments, a person regularly rests on the fact that there is no God, which is why a person has nothing to lose. He constantly kills all illusions about what God, Dharma and Bhagya are. In addition, Ketu is the energy of Kundalini, so the way out of the situation with Ketu in Dhana is Kundalini Yoga, Tantra and work with Chakras and Pancha MahaBhutani (5 primary elements) as an opportunity to control Ketu. Ketu has no means of influence other than Tantra, because Ketu does not understand anything other than conditioned reflexes and the free movement of energy.

Lagna is in Dhanu Rashi

The symbol of Dhanu Rashi is a centaur with a bow.
Dhanu is the positive Rashi supervised by the Guru, where, other things being equal, he manifests all his positive qualities. Being the 9th Bhava of the Kala Purusha, Dhanu is the Bhagya Sthana, so, other things being equal, they are lucky people, because Bhagya Sthana gives a lot of happiness in life (in principle, quite a few people are born with Dhanu Lagna). these are people who are, as it were, the terminal of Bhagya. Dhanu is the Bhava supervised by the Guru, who is the mentor of people in the study of the law of Dharma. Therefore, people with Dhanu Lagna in Janma Kundali are people who aspire to the traditional system and order. Also, these people attach great importance to various formalities and the correct, "traditional" way of life (this does not have to apply to everything, just in situations to which such people will pay attention, they will behave in accordance with the energy of the Guru, i.e. based on some traditional method.Such people always follow established values). The Guru is also the Karaka of optimism, prosperity and good luck, which brings success to the life of such people.
But the Guru is an expanding Graha, so such people are always very crowded, they always need space (because the Guru is Akasha). These are unhappy people, they want some kind of contact with someone (especially women) and they are closely in a relationship. They often change partners, who, moreover, they will not trust. For people with Dhanu Lagna, it is always very important to normalize their sex life, and if Dhanu Lagna has found a worthy partner who will satisfy her needs, then she cannot be stopped. These are people who are open and honest, who do not recognize meanness, who love clarity in the situation and the truth.
Such people in the matter of preparing something can also be called very pedantic, because, as has been repeatedly repeated, such people like everything to correspond to the established order of things to the smallest detail. Often this can even lead to an overly fanatical approach to some formalities. But this will not necessarily apply to all spheres of human life, just other things being equal, his actions will be directed towards Purushardha. Dhanu Lagna is the Lagna of the traditional approach to business, unlike, for example, Kumbh Lagna, where a person pays attention to the systematic.
They are also very caring people who you can always turn to for advice. The person will be happy to help, because. Guru is a mentor and all those around him are children and students for him.
People with Dhanu Lagna in Janma Kundali are very purposeful and religious, believing in what is happening from the formal side, because The Guru in Vedic mythology oversaw the Yajnas. These are great optimists, idealists and enthusiasts, boldly looking into the future. Dhanu Lagna also gives people a large margin of strength, self-confidence and vigor. Guru coupled with the "fiery" Dhanu-Rashi makes such people very energetic and gives them a large supply of Prana. The energy of Guru and Bhagya as a whole will flow through these people. Dhanu is Bhagya Sthana. In life, Dhanus are sometimes slow, because. the Guru's influence slows them down, making Kapha-Dosha quite high in the human mind. This also makes them slow in making any decisions. Also, Dhanu-Rashi necessarily gives nutritional problems in a person’s life, because. high Kapha in the minds of such people does not give an outlet for Pitta, which naturally rises in such people due to the “fieryness” of this zodiac sign. As a result, Pitta tends to accumulate in the human body and then break through the "shell" of Kapha, which for the time being holds it back. Therefore, for example, in people with Dhanu Lagna, periods of some inertia can often be replaced by periods of overly active activity. Or some minor dissatisfaction with something can develop into a major scandal.

Biography of Monica Bellucci

Real name Monica Anna Maria Bellucci (Monica Bellucci)

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci was born and grew up as an only child in the family of farmer Pasquale Bellucci and artist Brunella Briganti. From childhood, the girl was taught to be independent, responsible and able to stand up for herself. When it came time to graduate, Monica decided to study law. To be able to pay for her studies, she moonlighted as a model. Thanks to her unique appearance and self-confidence, Bellucci quickly got used to the business and he fascinated her so much that, as a result, her studies were abandoned and the girl plunged headlong into the world of fashion. Since 1988, she has already conquered Milan, was known in New York and Paris, in the early 90s her employers were Elle and Dolce & Gabbana. It was on the set of one of the latest promotional videos that Monica met director Giuseppe Tornatore, who actually brought her to the big screens. Already in 1990, she played her first episodes in the cinema, after which she was noticed by none other than Francis Ford Coppola. Monica starred in his film "Dracula" along with Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves, declaring herself as a talented and highly competitive film actress. In the future, she only confirmed her status, conquering new horizons, receiving awards, positive reviews from serious critics and public enthusiasm. Using her natural beauty, Bellucci could play exclusively beauties, queens and femme fatales, but she always strived to develop, choosing characters with complex destinies and multi-layered internal logic, proving her acting professionalism over and over again.

Personal life of Monica Bellucci

In 1990, the first husband of Monica, who was then building a modeling career, was the photographer Claudio Carlos Bass, with whom she lived for four years. Some time later, she began to build a relationship with an actor named Nicola Farron and they managed to gain fame as the most beautiful couple in Italy, but this was more of a rehearsal, because on the set of the film "The Apartment" Bellucci met Vincent Cassel.

At first, their relationship did not work out, because she seemed to him not intellectual enough, and he, in turn, was too arrogant and selfish. However, after a short time, Cassel began to literally seek the location of Monica. He received her refusal three times for his marriage proposal. After Vincent was still able to achieve the location of his beloved, they did not begin to live together and legalized marriage only a few years later, nevertheless becoming a symbol of an ideal couple in European cinema. In 2004, having reached the age of forty, Bellucci gave birth to her husband's daughter, Deva, and six years later, a second daughter, named Leoni, was born. The actors starred in several joint projects, but, apparently, it was the work that became the reason why they decided to get a divorce in 2013.

Being self-sufficient and highly sought-after artists, Monica and Vincent spent a lot of time apart, which led to a break. The divorce went without scandals, both artists tried not to communicate with the press and repeatedly reported that they intended to maintain an exceptionally warm relationship. In 2017, it became known about the affair of Bellucci with the French actor Gilles Lellouche.

  • The actress is fluent not only in her native Italian, but also in English and French. For the sake of filming The Passion of the Christ, she also learned the basics of Aramaic, and then repeated her little linguistic feat while working with Emir Kusturica on the painting “Across the Milky Way”, learning to speak Serbian.

Monica Bellucci Awards

  • 1998 - Golden Globes, Italy, Best Actress ("There will be no holiday")
  • 2001 ‒ Cabourg film festival Pictures, Grand Prix of the festival for the best role (“Malena”)
  • 2003 - Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, Best Supporting Actress ("Remember Me")
  • 2003 - Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, Best Supporting Actress ("Brotherhood of the Wolf")
  • 2005 ‒ Golden Globes, Italy, European Golden Globe
  • 2007 - Golden Schmoes Awards, 2nd place (Best T&A of the Year) ("Shoot 'em")
  • 2009 - Women's World Awards di Vienna, World Actress Award
  • 2010 ‒ Premio Vittorio De Sica, For contributions to Italian cinema
  • 2011 - Taormina Film Fest, Taormina Arte Award
  • 2011 - CinEuphoria Awards, Best Actress ("Raging Blood")
  • 2012 ‒ Ischia Global Film & Music Fest, Actress of the Year
  • 2014 - Super Ciak d'oro, Best Actress
  • 2016 ‒ Dublin International Film Festival, Best Actress (Ville Marie)
  • 2016 ‒ Festival Internacional de Cine de Los Cabos, For contribution to cinema
  • 2017 ‒ Trieste film festival, Eastern Star Award for contribution to the development of cultural relations
  • 2017 ‒ 14th MonteCarlo Film Festival, For contribution to cinema
  • 2017 - International Film Forum "Golden Knight", Best Actress ("On the Milky Way")
  • 2017 ‒ Taormina Film Fest, Nastro d’Argento Europeo (Best Actress (“Through the Milky Way”))
  • 2017 ‒ Festival de San Sebastián, Premio Donostia (For contribution to cinema)
  • 2017 ‒ 19th Mumbai Film Festival, Special Film Achievement Award
  • 2017 ‒ As part of the Rome Film Fest, Virna Lizi Award (For contribution to cinema)
  • 2018 ‒ Italian Institute of Culture Los Angeles Creativity Awards (award for contribution to cinema)
  • 2018 ‒ Lumières Awards, (award for contribution to cinema)

Monica Bellucci nominations

  • 1997 - Cesar, Most Promising Actress (The Apartment)
  • 2001 ‒ European Film Awards, Best Actress (Malena)
  • 2002 - Saturn, Best Supporting Actress ("The Brotherhood of the Wolf")
  • 2003 Golden Ciak Awards, Best Supporting Actress ("Remember Me")
  • 2003 - Cinescape Genre Face of the Future Award
  • 2003 - David di Donatello Awards, Best Supporting Actress ("Remember Me")
  • 2003 - Teen Choice Awards, Choice Movie - Breakthrough (Actress) ("The Matrix Reloaded", "Tears of the Sun")
  • 2004 - MTV Movie Awards, Best Kiss (The Matrix Reloaded)
  • 2005 ‒ Golden Graals, Best Italian Actress in an International Film (The Passion of the Christ)
  • 2005 ‒ Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, Best Supporting Actress (The Passion of the Christ)
  • 2007 ‒ Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, Best Supporting Actress (“N (I am Napoleon”))
  • 2017 - CinEuphoria Awards, Best Actress ("Through the Milky Way")

Consider the horoscope of a very feminine, gorgeous Monica Bellucci. Monica Bellucci was born on September 30, 1964 in Citta di Castello, Italy. The girl was born in spite of the doctors, who diagnosed Monica's mother with infertility.

In the natal chart of the actress, all four elements are harmoniously represented. Ascendant in Capricorn - everything that is done makes sense and is aimed at achieving a practical goal. She is a bright representative of the Libra sign, one of the most calm signs of the Zodiac. In fact, Monica is not a typical Libra because the Sun is the only planet in this sign. She is more influenced by Leo and Capricorn.

She has a harmonious and whole character. At the same time, the star is a proud, proud and bright woman, as evidenced by the location of three planets in Leo - Venus, Mars and the Moon. Impulsiveness and generosity are also inherent in her. Venus in Leo square Jupiter and opposition Saturn. Venus is strong because it rules the Sun in Libra. This is a feature, namely the ability to assert one's rights in the world of fashion and art, and also portends glory.

“Luxurious forms are not in fashion? So I'm against fashion! M. Bellucci

In Monica's horoscope, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto are in Virgo, which means that nature has rewarded her with a lively mind and a good memory, she is erudite, pragmatic and sometimes even prudent. In her youth, in addition to her native language, Monica mastered French and English to perfection, and also learned the basics of Spanish. Beauty did not prevent Monica from making a brilliant career and being known as an intelligent woman in society.

In the natal chart of Bellucci, a large cluster of planets in the sign of Leo, as well as a favorable aspect of the Sun in Libra. Such interaction indicates that she is sociable, charming, sweet, knows how to properly present herself in society, and has creative abilities.

Ever since her school years, Monica has been a noticeable, bright and beautiful girl. Her classmates did not like her, which, in fact, is not surprising, because all the attention of the boys was riveted to her. She studied well, dreamed of becoming a lawyer (Neptune in the 9th house) and even entered the University of Perugia at the desired faculty. And in order not to ask her parents for her life, she moonlighted as a model.

Neptune in conjunction with the 10th house is a person of art, acting talent. It is also evidence of fame, popularity. With this arrangement of Neptune, good opportunities are created for successful creative work, and prospects for successful work in the professional field open up. Neptune gives great worldly wisdom, contributes to the increase of spiritual and material values. Neptune is a higher octave of Venus, in this position it makes the image of Bellucci's beauty perfect. In addition, she is one of the few models who successfully changed her career from a fashion model to a career in films. Monica is talented and very capable. He grasps any innovations on the fly, is not afraid to experiment.

“It is very important for me to look for and find unusual roles and see if I can fulfill them. Someone told me that inside all artists there are sleeping beauties, and every time you play a role, one of these beauties wakes up. We have everything inside of us. We just need to see it." M. Bellucci

The tense aspect from Saturn in Aquarius to Jupiter in Taurus indicates that Bellucci achieved her place under the sun solely thanks to herself, without any connections and help. The actress was born in a poor family and from childhood she understood that she would have to achieve everything in her life herself, so she never sat idly by, did not allow herself long time-outs in her career. She is always in demand.

Jupiter is at 25 degrees Taurus (degrees Jupiter) in an earth sign visiting Venus, a bright position in the chart. It gives self-confidence, on the one hand, and the benevolence of the surrounding world, on the other, contributes to the achievement of a high social level and material wealth. On the one hand, a calm disposition, peacefulness, accommodating, on the other - firmness, determination, steadfastness. Love for family and home comfort.

North Node in 5th house - South Node in 11th house. The task is to learn to live in the present and comprehend the world of creativity. The axis of the lunar nodes emphasizes the confrontation between personal (5th house) and public (11th house) life, makes you choose between love and friendship. The ascending node indicates that creativity, love and children should be the main content of life. The circumstances of fate will help in every possible way in realizing these potentials. This position of the Nodes indicates that the greatest gift that a person can receive is now given - the power to create one's own destiny.

“Beauty inspires poets, but offends mediocre people. Someone perceives beauty as an insult. Beauty provokes curiosity and rage, makes people aggressive. When a beautiful woman enters a room, most men feel desire and most women feel anger.” M. Bellucci

A very active 8th house in the chart, Monica Bellucci was never afraid to take risks and act in provocative films ("Irreversible", "Malena"), she did not hesitate to act naked in erotic scenes. Pluto in the 8th house gives a certain charisma to a person, great sex appeal and magical attraction.

“I don’t understand women who say that male desire humiliates them. I think they're just out of tune with themselves."

The combination of the Moon, Venus and Mars in Leo indicates the deep and passionate nature of the actress. She is able to build a stable relationship with a man whom she respects and sincerely loves. But, she has an ascendant in Capricorn - as a partner, Monica is quite complicated. The Capricorn Ascendant is faithful to the partner, attached to him and treats the family with great responsibility, but the partner may lack warmth and tenderness. Not surprisingly, Capricorns quite often suffer from unrequited love. But no matter what happens in the family, they rarely get divorced. If a break still occurs, then only at the initiative of the partner.

Venus opposing Saturn in Aquarius shows some tension between the need to be independent and to be loved dearly. Venus is the planet of love and tenderness, Saturn is the planet of restrictions and contraction. This aspect brings coldness and detachment into relationships, problems in love.

In the map, Venus square Neptune brings idealism into the sphere of love, the search for ideal love, usually such a woman attracts inappropriate partners who are not prone to constancy.

As Bellucci commented, the reason for her divorce from Vincent is that coldness appeared in their relationship, they both have different hobbies, different friends and different plans for life.

“An ideal marriage, no one knows how many years it can last ... Today it is perfect, but in a year, I don’t know,” Monica Bellucci said in an interview in April of this year. Also in an interview, she spoke about the main need in life - the need to love and be loved.

Interesting Facts

  • In herself, the actress, according to her confession, most of all "loves her hands" and "her own manner of going towards others."
  • In 1999, she took 6th place in the Maxim magazine's "50 Sexiest Women" rating.
  • In 2000, she took 9th place in Maxim magazine's "100 Sexiest Women" ranking.
  • In 2002 and 2004, she topped the list of the most beautiful women on the AskMen's website.
  • At the very beginning of her career, she became the face of the D & G brand, posed for the famous Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani and Richard Avedon, who once photographed Marilyn Monroe.

Day of the week of birth: Wednesday

Zodiac sign: Libra (Dragon)

Place of Birth: Citta di Castello, Italy

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, medium, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Deciphering the Square of Pythagoras (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 1

Energy, charisma - 2

Cognition, creativity - 2

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 1

Diligence, skill - 2

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 1

Memory, mind - 2

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (lines, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-assessment (column "1-2-3") - 5

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 4

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 3

Purposefulness (line "1-4-7") - 2

Family (line "2-5-8") - 4

Stability (line "3-6-9") - 6

Spiritual potential (diagonal "1-5-9") - 4

Temperament (diagonal "3-5-7") - 3


Italian film actress and fashion model Monica Bellucci was born in the family of an agricultural worker and artist. From childhood, Monica Bellucci aspired to become a lawyer, and in order to enter the University of Perugia at the Faculty of Law, she worked as a model for Liceo Classico from the age of 16. However, she soon decided to give up her childhood dream.

In addition to her native Italian, Monica is fluent in English and French, as well as some Spanish.

In 1988, Monica Bellucci moved to Milan where she signed with Elite Model Management. In 1989, she was already a famous model in Paris and New York. In 2004, Monica Bellucci topped the list of the 100 most beautiful women in the world in a list compiled by Ask Men's. Monica made a successful modeling career, and decided to star in the film. Her first works were Life with Sons, Bandits, Abuse. The episodic roles in these films did not bring the actress much success, but in 1992 everything changed dramatically - director Francis Ford Coppola invited her to star in his film. The role of the bride of Dracula in the film "Dracula" was the first serious role. Soon filming offers began to come from Europe and America. "Stubborn Fate", "Heroes", "Snowball", "Joseph" - Monica starred in these films in Italy from 1992 to 1995.

In 1996, success comes to Monica Bellucci. For the role of Lisa in the film "The Apartment" Monica receives the "Cesar" award in the nomination "Promising Actress". During the filming of this film, she meets the famous actor Vincent Cassel, who later becomes her husband. The next film was the French action movie Dobermann.

In 1997, Monica Bellucci starred in three films: "Stress", "Bad Taste", "How Do You Want Me", and in 1998 in four: "Desire", "There will be no holiday", "About those who love" , "Compromise". Filming offers are flying from all over the world, but Monica is very demanding of them, trying to choose only those roles where her talent can reveal itself and appear before the audience in all its glory.

In 2001, Monica Bellucci, along with her husband Vincent Cassel, starred in the film Brotherhood of the Wolf. The next role is in the most expensive European film of 2002, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra.

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