Fortune telling on hearts online: a simple and free way to tell fortunes about a guy's love

Divination 10 hearts - unique way fortune-telling for lovers, very reliably predicting the level of love on the part of a girlfriend (friend).

The man speaks into gentle eyes and pleasant words, but is it true, such statements speak of sincere and real feelings. A woman is always prone to doubts, for this reason, just divination &10 hearts& will help clarify the whole situation, reveal from your loved one his true attitude towards you.

In this divination, the level of love can be determined by the number of hearts that fall out during divination. Naturally, the more hearts in the picture, the higher the level of love and vice versa, the smaller, the less sympathy the person feels for you.

It is important to note that the most correct and reliable result will be the one that is obtained even at the first attempt at divination. Of course, if you are not satisfied with the result, you can always guess, but it is important to remember that fortune telling is a kind of game, and you should not take it very seriously.

How to guess

Take paper and paints or felt-tip pens. Cut the paper into 10 identical sheets (cards). On each card, draw hearts from 1 to 10 (on one card 1 heart, on the other two, and so on). Shuffle all heart cards.

Before fortune-telling, you mentally need to concentrate on the image of a loved one who interests you, and then select one of the 10 cards. It is not recommended to do fortune-telling on hearts too often, it is better if it is always directed to one person, and not more than once a day. Such fortune-telling also provides an opportunity to find out the attitude towards you and other fans, which is a great advantage.

Divination interpretation

If you have a card with only one heart in the process of fortune-telling, this can tell us that a man treats you with some interest, in principle, as well as to other representatives of your gender. To be able to win his love, you have to seriously work hard. Regardless of small chances, you should not be upset and give up, he definitely feels sympathy for you, although not very much.

If a card with 2 hearts fell out, it turns out that you are not indifferent to this person, but it is still far from a strong love.

3 hearts is already a strong sympathy, but so far we are not talking about real feelings of love in this case. Here the girl has serious chances to fall in love with this young man into yourself, but it is important to hurry, because at any moment some other woman can take the heart of a loved one.

4 hearts can portend that a young man is experiencing considerable sympathy and affection for you. You can take the initiative, most likely you will be able to win his heart.

If a card with 5 hearts fell out, this may indicate that the young man is constantly thinking about you, you still need to wait a bit, and he will definitely fall in love with you.

6 hearts say that a girl must act immediately in order to finally fall in love with a guy.

If 7 hearts fell out in the process of divination, in your relationship this crucial moment, the feelings experienced by a man for you are like summer, he is in love with no memory when it's hot, when it's cloudy - his feelings cool. You are obliged to support the love of your young man, and not let such wonderful feelings cool down.

8 hearts - symbolize that there is a rather strong and obvious love between partners, but a girl should in every possible way support a feeling of love in a partner.

If a card fell out in the process of divination with 9 hearts, this is a sign that the man loves you very much and will literally do everything to be with us together. A girl can be absolutely sure of her choice, such a man will never give her, and even more so, he will never offend his chosen one.

10 hearts is a wonderful sign, you are dearly loved, a young man is ready for madness for the sake of mutual love, as they say "and will get a star from the sky".

As described above, you need to treat any fortune-telling judiciously and calmly, because prediction is just an opportunity to find out virtually the attitude of the chosen partner towards you. If at the first attempt the result did not suit you, do not despair, try again. Love is such a feeling that can be experienced not just by divination, but also by the feelings of your heart. Let life and fortune-telling bring you joy and only positive results!

Simple fortune telling

Since ancient times, man has been worried about the future, people want confidence in tomorrow Because it's hard to live in the unknown.

Divination for children

There are divinations that open a look into the future, for example, how many children will be and what gender. To get an answer to such a question, you can conduct safe rites, available to all who express a desire.

Fortune telling on flowers

Fortune telling on flowers is not only an exciting pastime, but is also interesting and very in an unusual way a little look into your future and find out the answers to questions that have long worried you.

Divination for relationships

Do you want to know how your loved one really feels about you?

Divination with candles

Slavic fortune-telling with a candle has been known since ancient times and has always been especially popular with Russian girls.

Phoenician divination by hand

The ancient Phoenicians used a very unusual method of divination.

Ancient divination on spoons

Fortune telling on spoons is one of the most common methods of ancient divination using improvised means.

Halloween divination

Halloween has taken a strong position in our lives. Despite the fact that this holiday was held in our country not so long ago, most people today know about this amazing holiday. But at the same time, not everyone still knows that the night before All Saints' Day is as magical as the night before Christmas, and is ideal for those who want to tell fortunes. At Halloween midnight, all boundaries between worlds are erased, secrets are revealed, and an opportunity to know our future is revealed.

Divination on paper with a pen

Cards - ordinary and Tarot, runes, candles and many other divination devices require special surroundings and a certain skill. And it is not always possible to use their & services&.

Fortune telling on beads

Fortune-telling on chains and beads appeared in ancient times. They were borrowed from India and the countries of the Ancient East, where these divinations were magic rituals. They were used by fortune tellers and priests. Until today, many methods of divination on chains, beads and individual beads have been preserved. It is quite easy to master these methods of divination with beads, it requires only a maximum of imagination and fantasy.

divination different countries

Today for you - 5 national fortune-telling from different countries that are able to answer many questions. Of course, as you understand, this is only a small fraction of the world's mantic experience accumulated over the centuries.

Catholic Christmas: rituals and divination

Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and opens a series of holidays. Although, honestly, we, Orthodox, are not supposed to celebrate this holiday, or rather, strictly speaking, it is even forbidden - you know, the Christmas fast.

Types of winter divination

Many December days are suitable for divination, for all kinds of divination and divination for the future or for the betrothed.

New Year's divination, signs and rituals

AT New Year we strive to be as traditional as possible so that, God forbid, we do not frighten away the luck that we hope will accompany us for the whole 12 months.

Mirror: secrets and divination

Mirrors are not only a reflection, they are also a house of spirits, a path to the future, and a distorted subconscious. Mirrors are used for many divination and magical rites. Today we will talk about divination with a mirror and signs that everyone should know.

How to guess correctly

You can guess for love, for the future, for money and good luck at any time of the year, but it is generally accepted that fortune-telling from Christmas night to January 19 has special power.

Vintage New Year's divination in a new way

New Year's grandmother's fortune-telling with a mirror and candles, of course, are good and amazing, but they require a special mood and solitude.

Russian divination on coins

Before proceeding to fortune-telling on coins, we would like to give you recommendations and rules on the observance of which your health and the reliability of fortune-telling depend.

Fortune telling on gems

The future, hidden for the time being under a haze of probability, has long attracted a person like a magnet.


Rune divination involves various divination options, including the use of both one symbolic sign and several signs. The most pro.


Among the most ancient divination, dating back to antiquity, one of the places of honor is deservedly occupied by fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Drink it yourself.


Fire illuminated the history of mankind for many centuries. Fire warmed, it made it possible to cook hot food, fire was a gift from the gods Ogo.

Divination by water

Divination by water, it seems to us, is one of the most interesting of all types of divination. It allows you to know the many ups and downs of your destiny.


Fortune-telling has such a deep antiquity that already numerous species we meet him among the various monuments of Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, ancient world and.

Each of us represents love in our own way. For some, this is beautiful courtship, romantic gatherings under the moon. And for someone home comfort, reliability and stability. This unique runic spread will help you understand how you and your significant other understand love. In this way, you will check your compatibility, as well as learn to understand each other better. This rune reading will help you improve your own relationships, better understand yourself and what you are subconsciously looking for in a partner.

Make a layout

My vision of love

The first position “My vision of love” will tell you what is most important for you in a relationship. pay attention to general description runes and a separate line "Feelings". She will describe how you subconsciously see love union. Negative values indicate various psychological complexes and problems.

Vision of love from a partner

The second position "Vision of love from a partner" will give information about his perception love relationship. The rune that has fallen out will answer the question of what is most important for him in love and how he subconsciously sees it for himself.

Key to my heart

The third position "Key to my heart" will tell you how your loved one needs to behave in order to win your love. This rune describes the ideal partner for you.

Key to his heart

The fourth position "Key to his heart" will explain how he wants to see his partner. By behaving in the way this rune describes, you will get his heart forever.

Are you experiencing difficulties in your personal life? Fortune telling on hearts online will tell you the whole truth about love and relationships.

Probably every person at least once in his life experienced sympathy or love, not to mention true love. And for sure, every person dreams of her, of pure and boundless love, such that for life, about love that absorbs completely and does not let go until the end of days.

Do fortune telling on hearts online for love:

This is especially true for the beautiful half of humanity. After all, it is known that women are more expressive romanticism. Women are more open to feelings than men. They are ready to do anything to find and still meet that one and only, with whom you can spend the rest of your life. And women are more likely to various types fortune-telling, aimed at knowing the feelings of a beloved man, his thoughts, gaining his attention and, finally, capturing him completely.

Probably everyone remembers how in childhood we used to tell fortunes on a chamomile, tearing off the petals in turn and saying: love or not love? Quite a similar principle and fortune-telling on hearts. We can say that this is a more modern online version of chamomile divination. Although guessing on hearts is possible not only with the help of a computer. There are also types of this ritual with real paper hearts. It all depends on your preferences.


In order for the prediction to give a true answer, you need to properly prepare for its implementation.

What is needed in order to conduct fortune telling on hearts online for free? First you need to prepare for the ritual. Good preparation and attitude often guarantee the most accurate result.

To do this, before the ritual itself, you need to concentrate on your question, distract from everything around you and imagine your loved one. This is how you can look into his soul and see true feelings. It is very important to imagine the image of the person you will guess as clearly as possible, the accuracy of the result directly depends on this.


In the online version of fortune telling on hearts, you just need to click on one of the hearts, while thinking about your loved one, and you will see the result on the screen.

There is also the option of divination with hearts at home. In this case, you will need ten real hearts. You can make them yourself from wood, cardboard or even chocolate, or you can buy ready-made products. You will also need a vessel to store them. It can be a jar made of glass, porcelain or a wooden container. It is in this vessel that you need to put the hearts.

The process of divination itself should be carried out alone, preferably under the cover of night.

You need to mentally imagine the guy whose feelings you want to know. Then shake the vessel with hearts and throw them out of it.

Then you should interpret fortune-telling on hearts online for love. See how the hearts are arranged.

  • If the hearts lie far apart, your lover is indifferent to you;
  • When two out of ten hearts touch each other, he may sometimes think of you;
  • Three hearts lie close to each other - he remembered you several times ...
  • And so on, the more hearts lay close to each other, the warmer and more the guy you are guessing at thinks about you.


Whatever method of fortune telling on hearts you choose: the online version or with real objects, remember that the most important thing is to concentrate and think about the person you are guessing at. Then the result will be the most accurate.

Divination of 10 hearts is a unique fortune-telling method for lovers, which very reliably predicts the level of love on the part of a girlfriend (friend).

A person speaks tender and pleasant words in the eyes, but is it true, such statements speak of sincere and real feelings. A woman is always prone to doubts, for this reason, just divination &10 hearts& will help clarify the whole situation, reveal from your loved one his true attitude towards you.

In this divination, the level of love can be determined by the number of hearts that fall out during divination. Naturally, the more hearts in the picture, the higher the level of love and vice versa, the smaller, the less sympathy the person feels for you.

It is important to note that the most correct and reliable result will be the one that is obtained even at the first attempt at divination. Of course, if you are not satisfied with the result, you can always guess, but it is important to remember that fortune telling is a kind of game, and you should not take it very seriously.

How to guess

Take paper and paints or felt-tip pens. Cut the paper into 10 identical sheets (cards). On each card, draw hearts from 1 to 10 (on one card 1 heart, on the other two, and so on). Shuffle all heart cards.

Before fortune-telling, you mentally need to concentrate on the image of a loved one who interests you, and then select one of the 10 cards. It is not recommended to do fortune-telling on hearts too often, it is better if it is always directed to one person, and not more than once a day. Such fortune-telling also provides an opportunity to find out the attitude towards you and other fans, which is a great advantage.

Divination interpretation

If you have a card with only one heart in the process of fortune-telling, this can tell us that a man treats you with some interest, in principle, as well as to other representatives of your gender. To be able to win his love, you have to seriously work hard. Despite the small chances, you should not be upset and give up, he definitely feels sympathy for you, although not very much.

If a card with 2 hearts fell out, it turns out that you are not indifferent to this person, but it is still far from a strong love.

3 hearts is already a strong sympathy, but so far we are not talking about real feelings of love in this case. Here, the girl has a serious chance of making this young man fall in love with herself, but it is important to hurry up, because at any moment some other woman can take the heart of her beloved.

4 hearts can portend that a young man is experiencing considerable sympathy and affection for you. You can take the initiative, most likely you will be able to win his heart.

If a card with 5 hearts fell out, this may indicate that the young man is constantly thinking about you, you still need to wait a bit, and he will definitely fall in love with you.

6 hearts say that a girl must act immediately in order to finally fall in love with a guy.

If 7 hearts fell out in the process of fortune-telling, this is a turning point in your relationship, the feelings a man has for you are like summer, he is in love with no memory when it's hot, when it's cloudy - his feelings cool. You are obliged to support the love of your young man, and not let such wonderful feelings cool down.

8 hearts - symbolize that there is a rather strong and obvious love between partners, but a girl should in every possible way support a feeling of love in a partner.

If a card fell out in the process of divination with 9 hearts, this is a sign that the man loves you very much and will literally do everything to be with us together. A girl can be absolutely sure of her choice, such a man will never give her, and even more so, he will never offend his chosen one.

10 hearts is a wonderful sign, you are dearly loved, a young man is ready for madness for the sake of mutual love, as they say "and will get a star from the sky".

As described above, you need to treat any fortune-telling judiciously and calmly, because prediction is just an opportunity to find out virtually the attitude of the chosen partner towards you. If at the first attempt the result did not suit you, do not despair, try again. Love is such a feeling that can be experienced not just by divination, but also by the feelings of your heart. Let life and fortune-telling bring you joy and only positive results!

Simple fortune telling

Since ancient times, a person has been worried about the future, people want confidence in the future, since it is hard to live in the unknown.

Divination for children

There are divinations that open a look into the future, for example, how many children will be and what gender. To get an answer to such a question, you can conduct safe rites, available to all who express a desire.

Fortune telling on flowers

Fortune telling on flowers is not only an exciting pastime, but also an interesting and very unusual way to look a little into your future and find out the answers to questions that have long worried you.

Divination for relationships

Do you want to know how your loved one really feels about you?

Divination with candles

Slavic fortune-telling with a candle has been known since ancient times and has always been especially popular with Russian girls.

Phoenician divination by hand

The ancient Phoenicians used a very unusual method of divination.

Ancient divination on spoons

Fortune telling on spoons is one of the most common methods of ancient divination using improvised means.

Halloween divination

Halloween has taken a strong position in our lives. Despite the fact that this holiday was held in our country not so long ago, most people today know about this amazing holiday. But at the same time, not everyone still knows that the night before All Saints' Day is as magical as the night before Christmas, and is ideal for those who want to tell fortunes. At Halloween midnight, all boundaries between worlds are erased, secrets are revealed, and an opportunity to know our future is revealed.

Divination on paper with a pen

Cards - ordinary and Tarot, runes, candles and many other divination devices require special surroundings and a certain skill. And it is not always possible to use their & services&.

Fortune telling on beads

Fortune-telling on chains and beads appeared in ancient times. They were borrowed from India and the countries of the Ancient East, where these divinations were magical rituals. They were used by fortune tellers and priests. Until today, many methods of divination on chains, beads and individual beads have been preserved. It is quite easy to master these methods of divination with beads, it requires only a maximum of imagination and fantasy.

Divination from different countries

Today for you - 5 national fortune-telling from different countries that are able to answer many questions. Of course, as you understand, this is only a small fraction of the world's mantic experience accumulated over the centuries.

Catholic Christmas: rituals and divination

Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and opens a series of holidays. Although, honestly, we, Orthodox, are not supposed to celebrate this holiday, or rather, strictly speaking, it is even forbidden - you know, the Christmas fast.

Types of winter divination

Many December days are suitable for divination, for all kinds of divination and divination for the future or for the betrothed.

New Year's divination, signs and rituals

In the New Year, we strive to be as traditional as possible so that, God forbid, we do not frighten away the good luck that, we hope, will accompany us for the whole 12 months.

Mirror: secrets and divination

Mirrors are not only a reflection, they are also a house of spirits, a path to the future, and a distorted subconscious. Mirrors are used for many divination and magical rites. Today we will talk about divination with a mirror and signs that everyone should know.

How to guess correctly

You can guess for love, for the future, for money and good luck at any time of the year, but it is generally accepted that fortune-telling from Christmas night to January 19 has special power.

Old New Year's divination in a new way

New Year's grandmother's fortune-telling with a mirror and candles, of course, are good and amazing, but they require a special mood and solitude.

Russian divination on coins

Before proceeding to fortune-telling on coins, we would like to give you recommendations and rules on the observance of which your health and the reliability of fortune-telling depend.

Fortune telling on gems

The future, hidden for the time being under a haze of probability, has long attracted a person like a magnet.


Rune divination involves various divination options, including the use of both one symbolic sign and several signs. The most pro.


Among the most ancient fortune-telling, rooted in antiquity, one of the places of honor is deservedly occupied by fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Drink it yourself.


Fire illuminated the history of mankind for many centuries. Fire warmed, it made it possible to cook hot food, fire was a gift from the gods Ogo.

Divination by water

Divination by water, it seems to us, is one of the most interesting of all types of divination. It allows you to know the many ups and downs of your destiny.


Fortune-telling has such a deep antiquity that we already meet numerous types of it among various monuments of Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, the ancient world, etc.

What is in the heart of a loved one is fortune-telling, which determines the feelings and intentions of a person, helps to gently and delicately correct your behavior, on the condition that it develops, and does not destroy your personality. You can start reading the alignment by determining what is in your heart.

Have a nice session!

  • Before divination, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of fortune-telling in advance.

  • Do not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What is in your heart towards your Partner?
  • What is in his heart towards you?
  • What will help to keep the Partner with you?
  • What pushes a partner away from you?
  • Close plans of the Partner concerning you. near future
  • Remote plans of the Partner concerning you. distant future
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner
  • Outcome of the relationship: what will be the next level


  • What is in your heart towards your Partner?
  • What is in his heart towards you?
  • What will help to keep the Partner with you?
  • What pushes a partner away from you?
  • Close plans of the Partner concerning you.
    Near future.
  • Remote plans of the Partner concerning you. Distant future.
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner.
  • Outcome of the relationship: what will be the next level?

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Features of the interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to 1 personal card. Often we ignore its meaning, in a hurry to find out the feelings and plans of the Partner. We are sure that we understand ourselves, our desires and we know exactly what we feel for a person. Together with 3 and 4, the first card is the key that opens the door beyond the limiting situation.

Arcana Tarot with swords or restless wands, reversed cards in 1st position ask you to listen to yourself, express your feelings, if they are suppressed, recognize your needs. Also special attention deserves the Major Arcana in this position (usually it is signed with an English name).

Such a card encourages you to live, to trust a certain experience (the one that symbolizes), not to reject (if it is reversed), but to use the power that you receive with this experience. By looking at yourself, it is easier to understand what your partner is experiencing, how your partner copes with feelings.

How does his feelings for you in card 2 fit in with his close plans for you in position 5, does he have distant plans for you and a relationship with card 6? What is unpredictable to expect from a person in paragraph 7? Where will feelings take you with card 8? Are you satisfied with this level?

Inverted or conflict arcana in positions 5 and 6 means the absence of clear plans, the uncertainty in which the Partner is. Curly cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, less often Pages) indicate the influence of other people, that the development of the issue depends on the expression of the specific qualities of yours or the Partner.

Wands personify temperament, passions, the desire to achieve, the need for recognition, respect. Swords are associated with independence, insight, rationality. Cups need tenderness, understanding, complicity. Pentacles - reliability and stability.

Turn your interpretation of your spread into an engaging reading of the Relationship story. Where, instead of fictional characters, you and your Partner - real people with their oddities and virtues, alive, real. Please treat your Tarot reading as the art of seeing the invisible, making connections, getting to the heart of what matters.

Coming soon new project!

Red Book of Love

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