Andrey priymak was a slave for 10 years. Mikhail Vinogradov: A young man saved from "sexual slavery" went to hell. And what is it, love

The high-profile case of the “maniac” Eduard Nikitin, who kidnapped a 9-year-old boy 10 years ago and kept him all these years in sexual slavery in his own apartment, according to psychiatrists, has many pitfalls. Is it about kidnapping and slavery, or is it much more complicated?

According to media reports, the “loss” was found by accident: patrolmen stopped two strange men on the street, one of whom turned out to be Andriy Pryimak, who had been listed as missing for many years. He told the police that at one time he ran away from home, not getting along with his mother's roommate, met a kind uncle at the store and moved in with him. According to investigators, Nikitin did not let the child out of the room, committed sexual assault against him. All this took place in a communal apartment in the capital - through the wall from the mother of the kidnapper and tenants-guest workers. The woman claims that she considered her son's relationship with Priymak an immaculate "friendship." The victim, unable to read and write, was transferred to the guardianship authorities. A criminal case has been initiated against the unemployed Nikitin. He is suspected of committing sexual assault using the helpless state of a minor.

The situation was commented on by the well-known forensic psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Mikhail Vinogradov, who for many years headed the Center for Special Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Mikhail Viktorovich, how do you explain the fact that for 10 years the victim was not particularly eager to get out of his “sexual slavery”, although he had every opportunity to escape from his kidnapper, and the maniac’s mother, who lived behind the wall, turned a blind eye to all this? There are also neighbors, an apartment building ... Nobody saw anything. Why?

Mikhail Vinogradov: Let's clarify the terminology, why did he live in "slavery"? He lived in certain conditions that were better for him than at home. He was torn off, hidden, saved from his own drunken walking mother, from that terrible family in which he lived, where he might have been beaten. In the new "family" he was fed, watered, not beaten, delivered to him, I beg your pardon, sexual pleasure.

He had nowhere and no reason to run away - the life that began with him at the age of 9 completely suited him, much more than returning to his former family. The concept of what sex is does not exist for a 9-year-old child (although modern teenagers start adulthood very early), and he did not have an understanding that a man was doing something bad with him. He felt good with this man who caressed him, whether he had sex with him is another question, but a 9-year-old child perceived all this as a blessing, an improvement in living conditions. He was no longer tyrannized by his drunken mother, he was not bullied.

And how to explain the behavior of Nikitin's mother? An adult aunt, lives behind the wall, sees that her pedophile son has dragged an outside child ... What is this?

M.V.: Nothing special!

M.V.: Firstly, the mother could be afraid of her son, his aggressive attitude towards her. Secondly, the son is not married, but then a “grandson” appeared, and this suited her! He communicated with her, it is impossible to live in the same apartment and not communicate. "Grandma" probably fed him. All three lived, apparently, not on her pension alone, but on the money from renting the third room. Having your own three-room apartment in Moscow is a blessing, this is how many Muscovites live, they rent out one room, they live in others themselves. This is the norm of today's life, for a certain level of opportunity.

Now the rescued "boy" - more precisely, already a 19-year-old uncle - was placed somewhere, but what, in your opinion, are his prospects? He led an asocial lifestyle, he doesn’t know how to do anything, will he be able to adapt?

M.V.: The concept of "salvation" is our vision from the outside. He didn't need to be "rescued". He did not see another life, after being removed from the terrible conditions of his native family, his life flowed with pleasures, incl. and sexy. He had no idea to run away, he returned himself. Therefore, today the state services have sharply worsened his situation. In a past life, he considered himself absolutely normal, and now a very difficult and difficult period awaits him, he will have to learn to read, write, realize that there is a big outside world. And psychologists are waiting for a very difficult, responsible, jewelry work, it must be included in some kind of universal communication.

But now the boy, according to his concepts, was placed behind bars, in prison, the man he loved was taken away (and the boy does not understand why), deprived of sex, removed from the life in which he felt comfortable, transferred to another, to which he absolutely not ready. The boy got used to the relationship with his roommate, enjoyed them. Now he has no sex, and his hormones are raging! So the benefactors-officials, one might say, took away all the usual joys from him.

So, in this story, the concept of "Stockholm syndrome" is inappropriate?

M.V.: Of course, this is not Stockholm Syndrome. Adults who knew a different, normal life before some event are different. But there are cases when women enjoy cohabitation with a rapist, for them he is better than a husband.


M.V.: From the rapist, they see at least violent sex, and the husband came home from work, collapsed on the sofa with a beer, turned on the TV - that's all. Or somehow he did something and fell asleep, and female nature requires attention, flowers ... Well, God bless them, with flowers, but care and affection are required. In our country, many families do without it, husbands do not even give carnations to their wives. Women miss this. And then a man appears who satisfies the woman sexually, which she did not even dream of.

Still, can Nikitin be given some kind of preliminary diagnosis? Is he a maniac, a murderer, a person with mental disabilities?

M.V.: No, he, of course, is not a murderer and not a maniac. A maniac would not be satisfied with one boy, but would run, rape and kill others. Deviations in the psyche of this person, of course, there are, but there is an important point. Modern psychiatry is revising many psychiatric positions. Our psychiatry is extremely bad, it either does not pay attention to the sick at all, or it suffices and treats forcibly. And treatment is not always necessary.

That is, Nikitin does not need to be treated? And what to do with it?

M.V.: Since the law is the law, he will go to jail. But there is no cure for it.

Like this?

M.V.: Nothing to cure him! Today, homosexuals lead some Western countries, why should they be treated?

But pedophilia is not a voluntary choice of two adults! How can you not heal?

M.V.:"Pedophile" does not fit into this case to the extent that we understand this term. He was with only one child, as far as is known.

And what is it, love?

M.V.: Love! A pedophile is looking for more and more victims. This one was not looking, he fell in love with the boy, and the boy fell in love with him, and lived.

And now the boy has been deprived of everything, he will be forced to work. Tragedy?

M.V.: Of course, a tragedy!

As a result of this tragedy, he can become a maniac himself? Go, even ride along Nikitin's path?

M.V.: Walk or ride? Let's put aside the "rolling" thing, and, of course, he will go his own way, as he has lived all these years. He will find someone who will take care of him, water him, feed him and satisfy him sexually. He will look for such a person, a grown man, with whom he can have sex. If he had money, he would go to the colony to Nikitin. But also, perhaps, he will return to the "grandmother", she is not arrested, but he needs to live somewhere. He will not specifically look for a woman, this is beyond his concepts, but, quite possibly, he will start some kind of relationship with his grandmother, romantic, so to speak. Hormones are bubbling! And the grandmother knows how he lived, console, reassure. Or maybe there is one of the guest workers renting a third room who will enter into such a relationship with him. These are “native people” for him, he needs it, he has been living in this for 10 years, and it is impossible to re-educate him. Although guest workers may be interested in a relationship with him out of selfish motives, in order to stay in this apartment forever.

That is, he will remain a 9-year-old infantile for life and will never grow up?

M.V.: Certainly. At the same time, they can teach him to read, write, give him some simple work - sweep the streets, break the ice. Alas, he will no longer become an academician, but he can find quite a decent occupation for himself at an average level.

M.V.: Quite right as an option. But grandma will pass away at some point.

And the apartment - "grandson"?

M.V.: Certainly!

It turns out an interesting choice: on the one hand, grandmother, pies, “three rubles” and other joys of life, on the other, life in a shelter and a broom. Or maybe the law enforcement officers did not need to save him? Maybe these boys should not be touched at all?

M.V.: I think that law enforcement officers in this version should not interfere in life in any case, so as not to break the psyche. If this boy had lived in such conditions for a year, the question would have been different, he could have been “re-profiled”. But ten years is too long. It's impossible to change it.

Are there many such cases in Russia, in your opinion? Is this a common occurrence?

M.V.: It is difficult to talk about how widespread it is - there are no statistics on such things. But, I must say, this is not uncommon. We know very little about our psychology and our psychiatric manifestations. Such situations have always been, from ancient times to the present day.

Interviewed by Yulia Kundukhova

In Moscow, they found a guy who had been in sexual slavery for 10 years. During this time, he forgot his family. Before the trial, the police sheltered a 19-year-old boy in the department.

9-year-old Andrei Priymak was kidnapped by the Moscow postman Eduard Nikitin. In a statement, the parents said that the boy had previously had a tendency to leave for an indefinite time, but this time everything unexpectedly dragged on.


According to the 360tv channel, the boy lived with a pedophile in a communal apartment. Neighbors said they did not see the boy he was hiding, and the quiet and uncommunicative neighbor did not arouse suspicion. One of the rooms in the apartment is rented by migrant workers, Nikitin's mother lives in the other. The woman told investigators that all these years she had watched her son live with a child, but had no idea about sexual slavery.


Sometimes the rapist let the boy go for a walk, but in all the years he never made an attempt to contact his relatives or call for help. In July, the police noticed an untidy guy with long hair. It turned out that this was the same boy who was declared missing 10 years ago. He had no home or papers.


Nineteen-year-old Andrei does not remember the names of his parents and what they look like. According to former neighbors of Andrei's family, the child ran away from home several times, his mother abused alcohol. The boy was beaten. The home of the rapist turned out to be better for the child than the parental one.

When he came to us on Wednesday, it is monstrous for us, but imagine, it turns out, this environment was better than the one in which he lived, - said psychologist Andrei Antonenko.

The police took him to their department of the Nagatinsky Zaton Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He lives in an office on the floor. Law enforcement officers provide the guy with warm food and cigarettes. So he will live until the trial of his kidnapper.

Andrei Priymak, who spent 10 years in captivity with a pedophile in Moscow, was from a dysfunctional family. Former neighbors told about this "360". The child ran away from home several times, his mother abused alcohol. The boy was beaten.

He constantly ran away from home, he was beaten in the family. The family is dysfunctional, they drank. His mother stood drunk outside the store all the time


Once again, the boy ran away in 2007, when he was nine years old. At such a young age, Andrei already had bad habits - the boy smoked and drank alcohol. Life in the family was hard, and neighbors believe that the child ran away for a reason.

When Andrei disappeared, he was put on the federal wanted list, but this did not bring results. The boy's parents returned to Ukraine, although for 10 years their son was in an apartment in a neighboring house.

Eduard Nikitin, who lured a child and committed an act of sexual violence against him, after which he held him hostage for 10 years, lived in a communal apartment. Neighbors said they had not seen the boy he was hiding and had no idea that the quiet, unsociable man might be a sex maniac.

One of the rooms in the apartment is rented by migrant workers, Nikitin's mother lives in the other. The woman told investigators that all these years she had watched her son live with a child, but had no idea about sexual slavery.

But Andrey was not always kept in captivity, the boy sometimes went for a walk, but for all the years he never made an attempt to contact his relatives or call for help.

It was during one of the walks that the police noticed the young man and his rapist. The patrol officers noticed the untidy appearance of the two men and asked them to show their documents. Andrei did not have a passport, and he gave his last name. When he was punched through the base, it turned out that the young man had been wanted for 10 years.

Psychologist Andrei Antonenko told 360 that Andrei's behavior indicates that the environment in which the boy found himself seemed better for him than his parents' house.

When he got into the environment, it is monstrous for us, but imagine, it turns out, this environment was better than the one in which he lived

Andrei Antonenko.

Nineteen-year-old Andrei does not remember the names of his parents and what they look like, the psychologist explained that the young man would have to live anew.

Andrei Antonenko.

According to the psychologist, Andrei Priymak will fight the consequences of the injury all his life, and an army of specialists will be needed to break his ideas about life. The police are looking for the young man's mother to report that her son is alive.

Muscovite Eduard Nikitin immediately confessed to the crime, the man was placed under arrest. Nikitin was convicted of indecent acts with minors in the early 2000s, several episodes appeared in his case at once. But the man got out of prison and found himself a new victim.

See the 360 ​​story for more details.

The arrest of a Muscovite who had been hiding the boy and raping him for ten years became known on July 10. For the first time, a man raped a boy in a park on the street of the 60th anniversary of October, and then the child fell into sex slavery for 10 years.

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Investigators are investigating the circumstances of the case, which will receive a huge response if the information is confirmed. It mentions kidnapping, sexual slavery, a ten-year imprisonment and a search that went on for many years.

He could not be found for a long 10 years. A fair-haired boy with gray eyes left home and did not return. Then he was nine years old. Today Andrei is 19. He was found, as investigators say, by accident. Patrolmen drew attention to two men on the street, one of whom was of a strange appearance: long uncut hair, untidy clothes. There are no documents with you.

When the police asked the name of the young man and checked the database, they were horrified. Andriy Pryimak is listed as missing in 2007. Already in the department, he told his story. He ran away from home - did not get along with his mother's roommate, met a man at the grocery store, became friends. 30-year-old Eduard Nikitin began to help and once offered to move in with him. The boy agreed.

“For a long time, the accused did not let the child out of the room, hiding him from others. According to the investigation, taking advantage of the helpless state of the boy, the man committed violent acts of a sexual nature against the latter. During the interrogation, the accused pleaded guilty and testified about the circumstances of the crimes, ”said Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

For 10 years, the boy lived on the second floor of the house, in a communal apartment. In the next room - the mother of the suspect, in the third - guest workers. According to investigators, the woman assures that she was not aware of what was happening and thought that her son was just friends with the child. The rest of the neighbors, including those in the house, are convinced that the boy was never seen at all, and Nikitin himself was unsociable.

It is noteworthy that the apartment in which the boy was kept is located in the building directly opposite the house from which he escaped. True, Priymak's mother no longer lives at this address, and the investigation is now looking for her.

The victim was transferred to the guardianship authorities. He can neither read nor write - he never went to school. And, according to investigators, he does not understand that his relationship with Nikitin was not natural, the young man simply does not know what a normal life is.

According to experts, pedophiles are often subtle psychologists. A child from a dysfunctional family like Priymak is the perfect victim. Trust is much easier to gain. And judging by the fact that, as investigators say, the young man was not going to run away, there is Stockholm syndrome, when the hostages begin to sympathize with their captors and even identify themselves with them.

When asked why the boy did not run away, the head teacher of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after M.V. THEM. Sechenov Alexander Sukhotin: “Apparently, he admitted that it was better for him to be in these conditions than to run away and knock for help. Perhaps he did not see a better life than the situation in which he found himself.

A criminal case has been opened against Eduard Nikitin, who is now unemployed and lives on his mother's pension. He is suspected of committing sexual assault using the helpless state of a minor.

It is noteworthy that he had already been tried for a similar crime. In the early 2000s, he served a year and six months for indecent acts without the use of violence against a minor.

According to human rights activists, legislation in this area needs to be tightened - at least to supervise those who are released after such serious crimes.

“According to our Constitution, if a person has been found guilty by a court and has served his sentence, exhausted his guilt before society, no one has the right to prosecute or control him,” says Elena Kovaleva (Monitoring Center for the Detection of Dangerous and Prohibited Content).

Both the alleged suspect Nikitin and the victim Priymak will have to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination. So far, this story has more questions than answers. And the main thing - how adults who lived nearby could not notice everything that was happening.

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