Business game auction of pedagogical ideas. Auction of pedagogical ideas. Auction procedure

Alla Demeneva
Seminar for teachers “Auction of pedagogical ideas”

"Sound culture of speech"

Form of conduct: Business game « Auction of pedagogical ideas»

Target: Increased creativity teachers, creating conditions for personal and professional self-realization. Identification and distribution teaching experience.

Today we will spend auction of pedagogical ideas. Auction is a public sale of goods using auctions. The products you present are yours pedagogical ideas, views, will sell. I think that among us there will be buyers who want to purchase this or that lot. All presented on auction The goods are aimed at implementing the general education program.

At the beginning of our meeting you received "means of payment" in the form of squares of three colors). The team was divided into three teams.

The price of a product is determined by the process of teacher presents his idea. To buy it you need to determine how, where, why, why teachers teams can use it. How many ideas, so many tokens are up for auction. The owner is the one who paid the most tokens.

And to count, you need to choose a counting commission that is fair and independent.

(Elections of the counting commission - 2 people)

As of today auction presented 5 pedagogical ideas.

So, we present to your attention the first lot.

(idea presentation)

Causes of speech disorders - presentation


Question; How can you use this material in your work?

We develop the child's speech in the game together with the parents.


Represented by Ivanova O.V.

Organization of work on the sound culture of speech in speech corners.

Represented by S. L. Romashkin

Games for the development of speech breathing in music classes.

Represented by Musatov L.L.

Question: How and where can you use games in your work?

The use of ICT technologies in the development of sound culture of speech

The use of finger gymnastics by L. Vartova.

The use of Logofilms in work on the sound culture of speech.

Represented by Demeneva A.V.

It's over Auction of pedagogical. Today we had the opportunity to purchase the item we liked, demonstrating our reflective skills.

Solution Auction:

1. Use the provided teachers ideas for further work.

2. Conduct auction on the topic“Cooperation with parents through the creation of clubs on the sound culture of speech.”

Responsible - group teachers. Matveeva O. A.

Shcherbinina L. G., Evdokimova V. P., Podglazova N. V, Kobylnikova O. V, Lyaks E. D, Tikhonova S. I.

Deadline: February 2015

3. Teacher Ivanova O. V., Reshetnikova G. A. present their presented material at parent meetings in groups.

4. Introduce parents to electronic educational resources for the development of children.

Publications on the topic:

"Auction of pedagogical ideas." Plan of the teachers' council at the preschool educational institution AUCTION OF PEDAGOGICAL IDEAS OBJECTIVES: to intensify the activities of teachers; facilitate their acquisition of teamwork experience; raise.

An auction of interactive teaching aids was held in our kindergarten in May of this year. The purpose of the methodological event: increasing creativity.

Festival of pedagogical ideas in the education system in 2015 Topic: “Music and the coefficient of emotions in the development of creative abilities of preschool children in preschool educational institutions” Developer: Krushinskikh.

Seminar for teachers of preschool educational institutions “On measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of work on certification of teachers” One of the conditions for modernizing the content of education is the professional and cultural growth of teaching staff. Therefore certification.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing Federal State Educational Standards.

Business game “Auction of Ideas”

Goal: to expand and consolidate teachers’ ideas about various forms and methods of cooperation with parents.


  • support the interest of teachers in independently solving specific problems of interaction with the families of students;
  • develop the need of teachers for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge;
  • independent search by teachers for effective, priority forms of cooperation with parents of students.

Homework: prepare materials from your own practice on organizing joint activities with parents of students in modern forms.

Prepare a presentation of this material by answering the questions:

  • What problem are you solving?
  • Why and how did it arise?
  • How were parents motivated to work together?
  • What participation did parents take in planning how to solve this problem?
  • Why, from your point of view, is this material interesting?

The game is played in the form of an auction. The one who offers the highest “price” after presenting the material gives an explanation: why is this material valuable? Why is this material preferred?

Experts fix the “price” of each lot and determine the most “expensive”. The participant who collects the most tokens will receive an incentive prize (book, teaching aid, etc.) at the end of the game.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"Auction of Pedagogical Ideas"

Target : Increased creativity teachers, creating conditions for personal and professional self-realization. Identification and distribution teaching experience.

Game props:

auctioneer's hammer, bell.

Materials: practical material: “Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater”, “Propp’s cards”, “Card index of theatrical games”, “Tabletop puppet theater”.

Auction progress:

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are pleased to welcome

At our Auction of pedagogical ideas on the topic “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions.”

I would like to remind you that an auction is a public sale of goods using bidding. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a product is determined by the process of buyers bargaining among themselves for the right to buy the product.

Auction host– today I will be the head of the MDOU Diligul L.I.

Auctioneers– are the teachers of our kindergarten who put up educational products for auction, we will present them a little later.

Auction Commission- is …. Their responsibility is to count the currency received as a result of trading.

Auctioneers– guests and employees of the kindergarten, that is, you, dear colleagues.

You auctioneers have the right to familiarize yourself with and purchase one or another lot that interests you. It will go to the one who names the highest price. Note: The price is determined by strong arguments in favor of the fact that you need this lot.(Prove that your teaching activity has no future without this lot, and it’s yours!)

Auctioneers have the right to participate in auctions more than once.

So, pay attention!

The host rings the bell

Auction host: The auction is open (hammer sounds). Bidding for pedagogical ideas is announced.

The following lots are up for sale today:

1 lot: «

2 lot: "Propp's Maps"

3rd lot: "

4 lot: « Tabletop puppet theater"

Auction Leader: So: attention lot No. 1 - “ Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater" he is represented by auctioneer and teacher O.A. Azizyan.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 1 is up for sale

Practical material " Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater"

Starting price – “I would like to have such practical material”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission: -The owner of lot No. 1 is…

    Attention! Lot No. 2 is up for sale "Propp's Maps"

he is represented by the auctioneer and teacher T. G. Yushchenko.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 2 is up for sale

Starting price – “this is interesting”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 2 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)

    Attention! Lot No. 3 is up for sale « Card index of theatrical games." This lot is presented by auctioneer teacher II quarter. cat. Albuk T.A.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 3 is up for sale

Starting price – “I could use this”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 3 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)

    Attention! Lot No. 4 is up for sale" Tabletop puppet theater» . This lot is presented by auctioneer teacher Kupchik K.P.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 4 is up for sale

The starting price is “the right thing.”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 4 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)


Host: The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas has ended. Today you

got acquainted with the experience of our kindergarten on the topic “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”

You also had the opportunity to purchase your favorite item with a practical application. Congratulations on your successful shopping!

You are the most active participants in our auction!

The auction is closed (hammer sounds).

Solution Auction:

1. Use the provided teachers ideas for further work.

2. Teacher Albuk T.A., Yushchenko T.G., Azizyan O.A., Kupchik K.P. present your submitted material at parent-teacher group meetings.

Dear colleagues!

In September 2010, our team set off on a long sea voyage across the endless seas and oceans of the correctional and educational process.

It was the 7th month of a merciless, grueling struggle with the three-headed hydra - a general underdevelopment of speech... The team’s strength was running out, someone was still holding on with their last strength, and someone was already delirious about the dacha, about resorts, and just about the sofa. And ahead we had to go through 5 courts of Poseidon - a formidable but fair psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

In the captain's mate's cabin, the battle-tested speech therapy service gathered to decide how to mobilize a team of educators for the decisive battle.

Speech therapist G.B. Akhmerova was the first to speak to the sea wolf of speech therapy.

1. Speech on the topic “Optimal ways for a speech therapist and educators to work together”

Or maybe we didn’t use all forms of interaction when working with teachers? – said sailor 1st rank Goncharova M.G.

2. Presentation “Forms of interaction with teachers.”

The speech therapy service understood that something had to be done to maintain a fighting, working spirit for work. And then the captain’s assistant remembered that, while drifting across the endless pedagogical seas, the team of the preschool institution managed to find those treasures that are very useful and necessary in the work of every teacher working in a speech therapy group.

It was decided to organize an auction of pedagogical ideas.

Business game “Auction of pedagogical ideas.”

Having gathered you in the quiet harbor of the island called Businka kindergarten, we begin - An auction is a public sale of goods using bidding. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a product is determined by the process of buyers bargaining among themselves for the right to buy the product. Present to your attention:

The host of the auction is S.P. Pilipenko.

The auctioneers are kindergarten teachers.

Auctioneers have the right to familiarize themselves with and purchase one or another lot that interests them. It will go to the one who names the highest price. The coupons you received at the beginning of our meeting are the means of payment for our auction. Each of you has 5 coupons. So, pay attention!

(bell rings)

The auction is open (hammer knock)! Bidding for pedagogical ideas is announced. (hammer knock).

Today the most precious pearls of correctional work are up for sale:

Articulation gymnastics


Breathing exercises

Class notes

Finger gymnastics

Presenter: - And now we present to your attention pearl No. 1 “Articulatory gymnastics”. Its advantages will be demonstrated by speech therapist Medina Alevtina Anatolyevna.

(practical part - performing articulation exercises)

Presenter: - So, lot No. 1 “Articulatory gymnastics” is up for sale. Along with the lot you receive a pearl disc, inside which your teachers will find various forms of articulatory gymnastics:


Funny tales for the tongue;


Articulation profiles

Starting price – 3 coupons. (tenders are being held).

Presenter: - Our next lot is pearl No. 2 - “Consultations”.

Shmygaleva is represented by Larisa Vladimirovna.

One of the effective forms of interaction with educators is counseling. The speech therapist assists the teacher in organizing individual and group work on speech development. Gives recommendations for planning group and subgroup games and activities, taking into account the age and speech capabilities of children, in accordance with the lexical topic being studied in a given period.

By purchasing a pearl-disc, you receive a consultation as a gift, in the design of which we took an unconventional approach, making it in the form of a flower, as well as advisory material that will be useful to both educators and parents. Starting price – 3 coupons. (tenders are being held).

Presenter: - We present to your attention – lot No. 3 – the pearl “Breath”. Touch and feel the magical properties of breathing, Elena Anatolyevna Vetrova will help you.

(practical part – doing breathing exercises)

The pearl disc “Breath” is truly perfect, because it contains:

Game exercises to develop breathing

Thematic complexes of breathing exercises

Starting price – 3 coupons (bidding)

Presenter: - the next lot No. 4 is especially expensive, and in our opinion priceless, because the appearance of this pearl “Class Notes” is associated not only with mental and creative torment, but with joy and satisfaction from the result obtained. We present to your attention a fragment of an educational lesson for children of the preparatory group “Traveling in the Winter Forest” - teacher of the preparatory speech therapy group Marina Alekseevna Dyuvina (viewing a fragment of the lesson - responsible Kartashova S.S.)

Presenter: - In the pearl-disk you will find classes in the cognitive-speech cycle, the development of which used modern pedagogical methods and techniques, such as modeling, TRIZ techniques. Starting price – 3 coupons. (bargaining)

Presenter: - The last lot at our auction, but not the last in importance, is lot No. 5 - the pearl “Finger gymnastics”. A warm-up for your fingers will be conducted by speech therapist Natalya Sergeevna Tseluiko

(practical part – musical finger gymnastics)

Presenter: - So, the pearl-disc “Finger Gymnastics” is being put up for sale. Starting price – 3 coupons. By purchasing it, you will replenish your methodological collections with interesting, varied complexes of finger gymnastics (musical, multimedia, etc.).

Presenter: - The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas has ended. Today you got acquainted with our experience in the interaction of speech therapists and teachers of speech therapy groups. In our opinion, we were able to build a certain scheme of integrative interaction, establish a measure of personal responsibility for all participants in the correctional educational process, determine the organizational connections between them, and create an atmosphere of interest in the final result, namely overcoming speech disorders in children. Well, you, in turn, became participants in such an exchange of experience, you had the opportunity to purchase the item you liked with a practical application. Congratulations on your successful shopping! The lucky owners were: (list those who bought). Let's welcome them. Congratulations!

The auction is closed! (hammer knock).

Presenter: - Long journeys have pretty much depleted our reserves. And we wanted you to fill our baskets with your impressions and wishes about today's event. We have also prepared for you as a gift guides to the waves of the Internet, with detailed addresses where you can find a lot of useful information.

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs - Pilipenko S.P.

Birthday! In childhood, parents organize this fabulous holiday. Teenagers, as a rule, know exactly what they want. But having matured a little, we begin to think about how to get out of this festive situation with honor and begin to look for ideas for a birthday.

As a rule, the circle of invitees is no longer as homogeneous as in school or student life. Companions with similar interests, colleagues from work, relatives, childhood friends. Different ages, status, outlook on life. How can we make sure that everyone can show themselves and admire others?

We invite you to have a little fun! As soon as the main toasts in honor of the birthday person’s health are over, an auction of rare and very necessary things is publicly announced. Moreover, all these items are so exceptional that the auctions themselves will not be held in ruble equivalent, but only in exclusive currency, for example... in Veselik (tugrik, bulik... whatever your heart desires). Where can you find such a miracle currency? Like any money - earn it! Thus, the birthday scenario emerges by itself.

Money, money, rubbish money... francs, pounds, sterlings...

The design of the bills themselves is completely unimportant. Ordinary cut colored paper can handle this role. To earn more Veselyok (our family traditionally uses this currency), guests can demonstrate any of their abilities. Who loves anything - poetry, dances, songs, toasts...

Each performance is generously paid. You should always be prepared for the fact that people you don’t know well may feel awkward, and some may not want to immediately reveal their talents. It is worth stocking up on several competitions, in which a certain amount will be given out for winning.

Remember, no matter what birthday competitions you choose, it is better that everyone present is involved. For example, “rake gold with a shovel.” Everyone is divided into pairs. Each pair is given a bank (plastic cup) and a gold shovel (spoon).

A large plate with change (gold) is placed at the same distance from the couples (in the middle of the table). After the command “start,” one of each pair begins to shovel gold into his bank. The pair with the most coins will win.

If the holiday takes place on the street, then the competitions can be more active. You can call two daredevils and organize an obstacle course in front of them. For example, they will need to sequentially burn a match, inflate a balloon, drink a glass and, when they reach the birthday girl, kiss her and say “I love you.”

If your guests don’t like to move, you can prepare a quiz for them, and mark each correct answer with one funny sign. For example, you can earn extra money without leaving your seat by painting a picture with the difficult title “Senile Insanity” (“Hell Tension”, “Second Life”, “Brain Drain”...).

Surely you have interesting competitions in mind that your friends will like. Most importantly, don’t forget to generously gift them with holiday currency! But be attentive to the silent ones, don’t let anyone be left out of the fun.

One, two, three... Sold! Everything will go under the hammer!

When the wallets of all those invited begin to burst with banknotes, it’s time to move on to bidding. There is absolutely no requirement that everything you put up for sale has any real value. You can first only advertise what is being played out and maintain the intrigue until the final cry of “sold”.

And so, advertising is the engine of trade!

  • An irreplaceable item that allows you to spend any moment of your life with a sparkle. (Matchbox);
  • Multifunctional information storage device. (Notebook);
  • An item that no holiday is complete without. (cutting board);
  • Memory fixer. (bookmark);
  • Reusable personal protective equipment. (soap).

And also everything that you won’t mind! Remember that the general mood in this case is much more important than the thirst for profit. Be sure to make sure that each guest goes home with a souvenir.

In conclusion, we can only assure you that the host (in this case, the birthday boy) gets a lot of positive impressions both during the preparation and holding of the holiday, and remembering it, looking at the photos.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • In almost every family there is an elderly woman whom everyone treats with…
  • The good thing about the New Year holiday is that it is celebrated all over the world, and preparations for…
  • A child's birthday is a special holiday. Every little thing and detail is important here. Get started...

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