Medicinal properties of purple sedum. Purple sedum (squeaky grass) Medicinal plant sedum

Some gardeners are guided by the principle of growing flowers and plants in the country not only to satisfy aesthetic needs, but also for medicinal purposes. There are a lot of plants with beneficial properties, but you can’t fit everything into a 6-acre garden, so it’s better to plant a few that have wide application - Purple sedum.

Description of the plant

Purple sedum (Sedum) has acquired many names among the people: “Hare cabbage”, “Squeaky”, “Telephium”, “God’s body”. It belongs to the Crassula family and is a perennial herbaceous succulent.

Different types of sedum are found almost throughout Russia (Siberia, the Caucasus, Crimea, the Far East), and are also widespread in Japan, China and Europe. You can often find it on mountain slopes, forest edges, near reservoirs, in meadows, fields, roadsides, and peat bogs.

A bouquet of cut sedum stems will stand in a vase with water for 2 weeks, the main thing is to change the water every 3-4 days and cut the paradise with a sharp knife.


You can propagate sedum in three ways:

  1. Seeds;
  2. Dividing the bush (rhizomes);
  3. By cuttings.

The most effective method of propagation, which preserves the parental properties of the flower, is division of the plant root. The most difficult method of propagation is by cuttings, which are cut in the fall and transferred for germination to a greenhouse, hotbed or room, but the result can be negative; the likelihood of roots appearing on the cutting is very low. It is better to sow seeds in open ground in the spring at the end of April, beginning of May; for better growth, sand and ash, peat, and sawdust are added to the soil.

Features of growing and planting Sedum Purple

Sedum is an unpretentious plant that grows well in any soil, but sandy loam soil with a drainage layer is preferable for it. Purple sedum is dug up by prying around the flower to the middle of the shovel. They take it out with a lump of earth and carefully separate it into parts so as not to tear the roots.

  1. The soil the day before planting must be treated with a pale pink solution of manganese;
  2. The next day, dig a hole 20-25 cm, lay down a layer of drainage, stones, expanded clay, broken brick up to 5 cm;
  3. Pour a layer of sand with ash and peat onto the drainage; if there is rotted manure, you can lay out a small layer of 2-3 cm of it;
  4. Water the laid layers and plant the plant, sprinkling and slightly pressing the soil around it.

For Purple Sedum, it is better to choose a sunny or partial shade location. It is better to plant bushes in the spring, when the air temperature has reached 15-18 degrees.

Secrets of care

To successfully grow sedum, you should take care to follow several rules:

During periods of drought and after rains, it is important to loosen the soil around the flower. Weeds should be eliminated around the flower, especially wheatgrass.

Useful properties and use in folk medicine

Different types of Sedum have long been used in folk medicine for external and internal use. The plant contains many useful substances that are effective in treating skin diseases (rashes, eczema, pimples, ulcers, dermatitis). In the form of compresses, they are used at the site of broken bones. Also used are infusions and decoctions for coughs and mouth rinses for dental diseases. The product is used as an antimicrobial and hemostatic agent.

Sedum leaves are used in cooking, salted like cabbage, and added to fresh salads.

Purple sedum becomes popular every year, because thanks to its beauty, unpretentiousness and varieties, you can make perennial flower beds, in hanging gardens and in any landscape composition with other perennial plants.

Purple sedum, or common sedum, or squeak, or sedum-hare cabbage(Sedum telephium L.= Sedum purpureum L. Schuit) is a perennial herbaceous succulent plant of the Crassulaceae family with fleshy tuber roots. The stems are simple, erect, 20-70 cm high, unbranched, succulent, densely leafy, ending in an inflorescence. Each individual has a single stem or several. The leaves are alternate, oblong, fleshy, juicy, glabrous, glaucous, unequally toothed along the edges; the lower ones are gradually narrowed into a short petiole, the upper ones are sessile, with a rounded base. Purple sedum is distributed over a large area of ​​Eurasia. It is found in many regions of Russia, from the western borders to the Far East, excluding the Arctic zone. It grows mainly in open places, on dry sandy soils: in the steppes, on steppe meadows, in light dry forests (for example, in pine forests), on the edges, clearings, among bushes, on riverbed banks along the river, near roads, on dry clayey and rocky slopes, even on rocks. It settles in forest fires, fallow fields and fallow lands, sometimes it can be found as a weed in crops.

Sedum flowers

Purple sedum flowers collected in an apical dense corymbose inflorescence. The calyx is green, with 5 sharp sepals. The corolla is purple, lilac or pink, maybe almost white, with 5 oblong-lanceolate petals 5-6 mm long. Purple sedum blooms from July to autumn. Accordingly, the fruits begin to ripen in August. Pollination is carried out by insects. In place of each flower, 5 fruits are formed (according to the number of pistils). The fruit is a red or pink five-leafed group, about 6 mm long, with a short spout. There are many seeds in each leaflet, they have a furrowed brownish surface.

Types of sedums

In the western regions of European Russia there is another type of sedum, which is also called sedum hare cabbage, - This sedum prominent, or large (Sedum spectabile (L.)). It is distinguished from purple sedum by its white or yellowish flowers and opposite leaves.
In the Caucasus it is replaced by a closely related species - sedum Caucasian.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the grass and tuberous-thickened roots of purple sedum are used. The herb is collected during flowering and then dried in well-ventilated attics. Since sedum is juicy succulent plant, retains moisture well and therefore does not dry well. To speed up drying, raw materials can be scalded with boiling water to kill living tissue and deprive them of their water-holding capacity.
The roots are harvested in the fall, shaken off the ground, washed, cut lengthwise, dried in the sun, and then dried in a warm, well-ventilated room.

Application of sedum

Sedum - honey plant

Purple sedum is a good honey plant. Beekeepers value it because the flowers secrete nectar even in dry, hot weather, when many other honey plants stop nectar secretion.

Sedum in landscaping

Purple sedum is used quite widely in landscape gardening. It’s hard to even imagine an alpine hill or rock garden without it. Plants with creeping shoots are used as ground cover - to strengthen retaining walls, for alpine slides, rockeries, ridges, borders, background curtains, and various compositions. Species with erect shoots are good for use in mixborders, single plantings and groups.

Sedum in cooking

The leaves and young shoots of sedum have a pleasant sour taste and are used to prepare salads, soups, and cabbage soup. They are prepared for future use for the winter by salting and fermenting.

Sedum officinalis

The unique medicinal properties of this plant deserve the highest praise. And, of course, in-depth study and research, especially for use in malignant neoplasms. This is one of biogenic stimulants, exceeding the biological activity of aloe preparations, but without their contraindications. Its antitumor activity is far superior to hemlock and, unlike it, it is absolutely non-toxic. Purple sedum is one of the strongest immunostimulating agents, but it acts on the body not as a whip, but gently, affectionately, sparingly. One can list a great variety of diseases in which the participation of sedum purpurea preparations is desirable.

Sedum and oncology

Cancer of any location. Purple sedum - not to be confused with other types of sedum! —1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Take a quarter glass 3-4 times a day. Preserved juice is prescribed 20 drops 3 times a day. Treatment is always carried out in combination with other antitumor and auxiliary plants.

Biosed - purple sedum extract

An extract from the aerial part of this plant - biosed - stimulates metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, increases the amount of total protein in the blood serum while simultaneously increasing the content of albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, hepatitis and other diseases. It is used for long-term treatment of non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers. Also used in ophthalmological practice and otolaryngology. According to some scientists, the underground mass of purple sedum can also be used to produce biosed. Juice and extract from the sedum herb stimulates the central nervous system, heart function, increasing its contractions, and is used for female infertility and epilepsy.
In folk medicine, an infusion of sedum herbs is used as an anti-inflammatory and tonic for general weakness, impotence, nervous disorders, kidney and bladder diseases. There is evidence that an infusion of sedum leaves in wine promotes longevity and strengthens strength, and a water infusion of the roots helps for impotence. Similar to purple sedum, sedum prominent, sedum Caucasian and hybrid sedum are used in folk medicine. Contraindications: sedum purpurea preparations slightly increase blood pressure, and exceeding the dosage can cause short-term overexcitement, and in rare cases, dizziness and headache.

Recommendations for use:

Prophylactic drink Purple sedum has a tonic, restorative, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anti-scorbutic, stimulating, regenerating effect.

Popularly, the sedum drink is used for colds, female infertility, impotence, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, and scurvy. And also for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, intestines, epilepsy, joint pain, physical exhaustion, nervous disorders, heart failure.

It has been experimentally established that the extract from sedum herbs weakens or relieves protein metabolism disorders, enhances the regeneration of blood proteins. Plants are used for aching bones and salt deposits. Russian epics told about the complete cure of the hero Ilya Muromets with this plant.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, creaking herb (purple sedum) 1 tbsp will help. dry chopped herbs pour 10 tbsp. boiling water, leave for an hour, wrapped, then strain, squeeze. Drink 1 tbsp. three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals, with a small amount of water.

He is very useful, and more than once helped me cope with one or another illness. The plant contains many biologically active substances. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Water distilled through fresh leaves is called "living water" and is successfully used in the form of lotions as a wound healing agent for cuts, bruises, bleeding, old ulcers and carbuncles. Freshly crushed grass in the form of a paste is applied to the sore spot and secured with a bandage.

An infusion of herbs is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis . Sedum improves blood composition, is useful for leukemia . Like comfrey, sedum speeds up bone healing for fractures , useful for people after serious illnesses.

I think that men should be interested in sedum, because... uh it is one of the most effective means restoring potency . Sedum will also help women: treats infertility, stops uterine bleeding, especially during menopause.

Heals liver, kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. This plant is useful for heart patients with tachycardia, heart failure, and coronary artery disease. Grass juice washes wounds and ulcers, scrofulous tumors, scab and panaritium . Ointment and herbal poultices are used for old ulcers and hemorrhoids. Sedum helps for nervous mental disorders and epilepsy.

Many healers successfully use sedum for treatment cancer of any location.

For periodontal disease you can simply chew fresh, juicy sedum leaves every day.

He is good for gastrointestinal, colds, eye diseases, fever and anemia .

Wash the aerial part or the entire plant with roots, dry, cut, and pass through a meat grinder. Pour 100 g of crushed mass into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10-15 days, strain and squeeze. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals ( drink a few sips of water). The course of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

Purple sedum is not poisonous. It can be successfully used to treat both adults and children, and even healthy people for preventive purposes.

general information

Purple sedum belongs to garden sedums. This species is well suited for growing in the garden, unlike tropical sedums, which are kept as indoor plants.

He attracts attention beautiful pink inflorescences formed in the shape of an “umbrella” or “lush cap” at the ends of the stems. The calyx is green, with 5 sharp sepals. The average height of the stems is 20-40 cm.


The plant is distributed over most of Eurasia. It is grown in Russia, Western Europe, and is also found in the northern regions of America and Asia Minor.

Flowering time

Starts to bloom late, starting in late July or August. Ends in September.

Photo of common sedum (aka purple, squeaky, telephium).

Caring for purple sedum is not difficult.

The most important- adhere to the basic recommendations that experienced gardeners and breeders advise to follow.


  • It is recommended to plant the plant in late spring, when the ground has already warmed up well enough and the frosts have stopped at night.
  • Some gardeners plant it in early autumn. In this case, you should not delay planting, but provide shelter from frost and cold wind for the winter.
  • For planting, it is better to choose the south side of the site.
  • Although the plant is intended for growing outdoors, some gardeners are trying to plant it indoors. In apartment conditions, it is recommended to plant in the spring.


  • The flower loves bright light, so it will be very comfortable for it to grow under the warm rays of the sun in an open area.
  • Do not hide it in the shade of bushes or tall fruit trees. This will negatively affect his growth and development. The plant may not begin to bloom.
  • When growing in an apartment, choose open, sunny window sills facing south or southeast.


  • Purple sedum is perfectly adapted for growing in our country. It tolerates cold winters and frosts well. But, before the first frost It’s better to take care of additional shelter for the winter.
  • Indoors he will be comfortable at a temperature of 20-30 degrees in the spring-summer season, and in winter no higher than 14-16 degrees. In the cold season, you should adhere to the temperature regime, otherwise the plant will lose its decorative appearance.


The plant needs to be watered moderately. Almost all sedums tolerate drought better than excess moisture, which can lead to root rot and damage by dangerous pests.

The soil should dry well before the next watering.

In winter, you need to switch to infrequent watering (no more than once every 1-2 weeks).

Air humidity

Additional hydration for the flower not required. Only in dry, hot weather can its stems and leaves be sprayed with water. This can be done both in an apartment and when grown in an open area.

Top dressing

In nature, sedum can grow even in soil depleted of nutrients.

The main rule- It’s better to underfeed than to overfeed!

  • If it develops well and blooms profusely, it is not necessary to fertilize the soil.
  • Before planting in open ground (or replanting), you can add sand and ash to the soil, and fertilize it a little with humus or compost a couple of times a season.
  • Excess nutrients sharply reduce the frost resistance of the plant.

  • When kept at home, you can use fertilizer for cacti and succulents. It is better to take the proportion lower than indicated on the package.

The soil

There are no special requirements for the soil. It's best that the ground it was loose and allowed oxygen and water to pass well to the roots.

  • In an apartment, you can plant a flower in a mixture of wood and leaf soil with the addition of fine river sand.
  • It is recommended to carefully dig up the garden plot, loosen the soil, remove all roots, dry leaves and grass. If the soil is clayey, you need to add sand to it. In dry weather, you can slightly loosen the top layer of soil.

Rest period

Purple sedum is a succulent.

Remember that when growing succulents it is important to pay attention proper care during the rest period, which lasts throughout the winter.

If you keep the flower indoors, the temperature should be cool (no higher than 14-16 degrees). It will be very comfortable for him to spend the winter on the windowsill next to the cold windows.

The air in the room should be dry. Water the plant rarely (no more than once every 1-2 weeks).


It is not worth removing old shoots in the fall, since during winter the plant will be better protected from frost. In spring, remove all dried shoots.

Old bushes are dug up, divided and planted back.


  • Purple sedum is easy to propagate by dividing the bush.
  • You need to add a little sand and ash to the ground before planting.

  • Seed propagation, as a rule, are used for breeding purposes. It will be difficult to preserve the original generic properties when propagating using this method.

Pests and diseases

The plant has good immunity. It is rarely affected by diseases or pests.

  • If there is an excess of moisture, it may appear root rot. The disease is insidious. At the first signs of rot, you need to dig up the bushes, clean the roots from rot, remove damaged parts, wash them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and plant them in a new place.
  • Sometimes the plant is affected aphids or spider mites. To get rid of pests, you need to remove the affected parts of the flower and treat with a soap solution. In case of significant damage, Actellik solution is used.

Medicinal and medicinal properties, recipes

Purple sedum can be used in cooking. Young leaves have a pleasant, slightly sour taste. They can be used to prepare salads with fresh vegetables and herbs, and added to light spring soups.

Widely known and medicinal properties of purple sedum. It is especially often used for the treatment and prevention of malignant tumors.

  1. For a cold You can make an infusion of fresh sedum leaves. To do this, add water to the leaves and bring to a boil. The strained, cooled infusion can be taken a tablespoon 2-3 times a day as an immunomodulatory and strengthening agent.
  2. Sedum has good wound healing effect. In the evening, you can apply a medicated bandage to the wound from sedum leaves, bandage the affected area and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage and replace the leaves with fresh ones.
  3. Leaves can be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. To do this, fresh leaves are cooled in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. Then rub them in your hand into a paste and apply them to the sore spot. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day.
  4. For burns A lotion with juice from sedum leaves will relieve inflammation and pain.
  5. For treatment and prevention oncological diseases You can take alcohol tinctures of sedum, 20 drops 3 times a day. The tincture is made with vodka or alcohol.

Possible problems

  • If there is too much water, root rot may occur.
  • If the plant is grown in the shade of shrubs or trees, the plant may not grow well and may not begin to bloom.
  • Do not forget to close the flowers before the first frost, otherwise it may die in winter.

Sedum purple- can become a real decoration in any garden plot. It looks good against the background of other plants and is suitable for creating landscape designs.

Some designers have a hard time imagining a rock garden or alpine slide without it. Sometimes it is grown as an indoor flower. It is famous not only for its decorative properties, but also for its medicinal properties.

Caring for sedum is not difficult. But, if you are going to grow sedum, be sure to read the basic recommendations for caring for it so that it can develop well and delight you with beautiful, abundant flowering for a long time until late autumn.

Living water is a reality. This is what the juice from the fleshy leaves of purple sedum was called in the old days. This magical liquid has the ability to heal the most difficult wounds and old ulcers. The leaves of this plant can also be eaten.

For this reason, it is very popular among raw foodists. Without burdening the stomach, purple sedum is able to saturate the body with energy, while simultaneously cleansing it of metabolic products.

Purple sedum belongs to the perennial herbaceous plants of the Crassulaceae family. It is succulent, that is, its tissues are able to retain and retain water. The roots of sedum are tuberous. The stem is straight and succulent. The plant usually consists of several straight stems growing from the soil. The leaves are oval, green and fleshy.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a shield and are located at the top of the plant. The color of the flowers is white, pink, crimson or lilac. The calyx is bright green. The flowering of the plant begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn. The plant is pollinated by insects. Fruits in the form of purple leaflets begin to ripen in August. A lot of seeds are formed in the leaflet. They are painted brown.

Purple sedum is common in temperate climates. Prefers to grow on unfavorable sandy, rocky or clay soils. This plant is also bred as an ornamental plant due to its long and bright flowering, as well as its extreme unpretentiousness. Its only weakness is bright open light. Sedum cannot grow in a dark and damp place.

What else is it called?

The Latin name for purple sedum is Hylotelephium telephium. People also call it hare cabbage, living grass or squeaky grass. The plant is completely non-toxic, is a powerful immunostimulant and has the ability to heal numerous human ailments.

Medicinal properties

Purple sedum contains the following unique compounds:

The plant is also rich in ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which act as antioxidants.

Purple sedum has the following medicinal properties:

  • activates metabolism;
  • stimulates body tissues to regenerate;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • promotes bone healing during fractures and injuries;
  • eliminates warts and papillomas when applied externally;
  • resolves tumors, including those of malignant origin.

For women

  • relieves infertility;
  • helps maintain pregnancy during habitual miscarriages;
  • normalizes emotional state.

For men

Since ancient times, folk healers have used purple sedum for:

  • treatment of impotence;
  • prostatitis;
  • premature ejaculation.

For children

The plant is ideal for treating children at any age. It may help with the following health problems:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • eczema and diathesis;
  • pneumonia and tonsillitis. In this case, sedum can enhance the effect of antibiotics and mitigate their toxic effects on the child’s body.

Indications for use

Purple sedum preparations are used in the following cases:

This is not a complete list of uses of the plant. In the old days, herbalists used it to heal all ailments, believing that purple sedum was able to remove any damage from the human body.

Harm and contraindications

Purple sedum in any form should not be used:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with a tendency to high blood pressure and hypertension;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant.

When taking medications from sedum purpurea, you must follow the dosage, since exceeding the dose leads to disruption of the nervous system, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Dosage forms

Currently, purple sedum can be purchased on the open market in the form of:

  • dry grass. Typically one package contains a small amount of raw materials. This is due to the difficulty in drying the plant, since it contains a lot of liquid that is difficult to evaporate.
  • Extract from the leaves and stems of the plant. It's called biosed.
  • Tinctures "Skripun - purple sedum".

Dry raw materials can be used to prepare decoctions and infusions, and can also be consumed in powder form.

Popular Recipes

At home, sedum can be used in the form of:

  • a decoction from the aerial part of a fresh or dried plant;
  • decoction of root tubers;
  • infusion from the aboveground part of a fresh or dried plant;
  • infusion from roots;
  • juice from leaves and stems;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • powder.

Decoction from the aerial part

For this purpose, you need to take 1 g of dry raw materials or 50 g of fresh ones. Then:

In this form, the medicine is taken to increase immunity, also for viral and fungal diseases. The drug in the form of a decoction can also gently stimulate cardiac activity.

For children from one to 10 years of age, the decoction can be given drop by drop, gradually increasing the dose if tolerated well.

Decoction from the root part

To prepare such a medicine, you will only need fresh or frozen sedum roots from the summer for future use. When preparing the drug for one day, you need to take 20 g of fresh tubers. After:

  • grind in any way after thoroughly removing traces of soil;
  • pour 200 ml of cold water;
  • slowly bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Cool, strain and drink throughout the day in three doses.

This decoction strengthens male power, prolonging the time of sexual intercourse. It also restores potency. It can help women during menopause to normalize their emotional state.

Preparation of infusions

Infusions are prepared similarly to decoctions. Only the raw materials are poured with boiling water in a thermos and left for at least three hours.

The medicine from sedum in this form is used to treat inflammatory diseases, as well as for the prevention and treatment of oncology. With long-term use in courses (30 days with a break of two weeks), it can relieve women from infertility.

Men, when methodically treated with an infusion of the roots of sedum purpurea, get rid of such an unpleasant ailment as hemorrhoids.

IMPORTANT! When treating infertility, the first menstruation after starting to take sedum infusion can be very heavy.

Infusions are also recommended for external use for eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases, including purulent ones. To do this, moisten cotton wool or gauze with the drug and bandage it to the affected area for two hours. Then the bandage needs to be changed.

Alcohol tincture

For this purpose you need:

The drug in this form is effective for the treatment of nervous disorders. You can use it every day in the amount of 20 drops per 30 ml of water. In spring - twice a day.

By diluting the tincture with water in a ratio of 1:4, you can get an excellent lotion for facial skin, which allows you to get rid of comedones and pimples.

Application of juice

In this form, sedum is effective for treating all inflammatory processes in the body and oncology. It is prepared like this:

  • squeeze out the juice using a juicer;
  • diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • boil for one minute;
  • cool.

For the treatment of tumors, this drug is used 10 ml three times a day for three months. A month later the course is repeated. And so on until complete recovery.

For inflammation, drink the prepared juice along with 10 g of honey, 10 ml twice a day.

Externally, the juice can be used in its pure form, without diluting, in the form of lotions and compresses.

REFERENCE! The prepared juice can be frozen for future use in the form of dosed ice cubes, which should then be thawed as needed.

For children, juice in any form can only be used externally due to the strong biological activity of the plant.

Powder dry herb sedum purpurea treats chronic rheumatism, hemorrhoids and periodontal disease. Tibetan healers use it to get rid of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The powder is recommended to be consumed in the morning and evening, in an amount of 0.5 g.

It is not recommended for children to use the medicine in powder form.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment with sedum purpurea is contraindicated.

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