Status about love on behalf of yourself. Statuses about love. Such a different love

What is love like? Touching first, new unrequited love at a distance, unhappy sad to tears and mutual sincere. A woman's love for family and children, a girl's love for a guy. Statuses about love is one of the most popular categories of statuses on our website. Love is a fundamental and central theme of world art and culture. Love, as a philosophical category, is described in the works of the ancients. And if Aristotle described the feeling of love as carnal, then in Plato it is a process of continuous movement and knowledge. In the Renaissance, thanks to Giorgiano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, the philosophy of love takes the form of a doctrine of beauty. Love is a constant pursuit of beauty.

I want to tell so much, but when there are not enough words, try to pick up good statuses about love with meaning. Emotions are running high, there is no time to wait, I want to love. What words to choose? Love is unpredictable and gives not only joy, but also sadness, find the right status for your soul mate on the site. Tell all your friends about your happiness with a cool love status, giving joy is easy. And if sometimes there are quarrels and sadness covers you with your head, choose good statuses about love and conquer your soulmate.

The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

Do not know what you can put statuses about love? See our top picks. Whatever love is, former or real, unrequited and happy mutual, you will find a suitable status. We have a variety of statuses about love. Short and long, beautiful for girls, cool for boys, funny and cool for boys, funny about a beloved man. Viewing is free. The wisest life quotes about relationships, loyalty and pain from broken love. On the site you will find interesting love phrases about your husband, smart and very biting words about his mistress, new top statuses about life for social networks: VK (VKontakte), or WhatsApp.

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✔ You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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✔ Do you think it hurts? Relax, she doesn't care for a long time and every word she says is a lie. She's lying, but only because she doesn't trust anyone herself. And you are the reason

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✔ You understand love when you lose it!

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✔ Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for.

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✔ Love is a madness that lulls the mind

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✔ I just wanted to .. but anyway, it doesn’t matter, For a long time it’s not possible to return the past days, as if a paper boat had sailed away. You know: no one hurt me more.

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✔ You can't truly love a person you never laugh with.

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✔ Now Love is not just a female name for me.

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✔ Love and life are one and the same, but still love is more expensive

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✔ Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.“ Robert Frost - “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired“

  • The most fragile thing on earth is a woman's love. One wrong step, word, look and nothing can be restored. (Erich Maria Remarque)
  • Love is a high feeling and not everyone is given the wings to rise so high. (Piotr Kwiatkovsky)
  • Fear shows us one world, and love shows us another world. We decide which world is real. And we decide what kind of world we live in. (Louise Hay)
  • Real intimacy usually starts from afar. (Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov)
  • Love is the discovery of oneself in other people and the delight of recognition. (Alexander Smith)

  • I don't need anything, no flowers, no gifts, no passionate phrases... I just want to hold your hand and feel your gentle breath on my cheek.
  • Love cannot bear those who have turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves decisive and courageous people who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.
  • Love - not the sum of cheap promises and chatter is when in your heart feelings at least to the grave.
  • You love, but I won't... you write, and I'll forget, I loved... you broke down, and now you fucking gave up!...
  • Love is cooler than a plastic surgeon - rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart

  • Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first loses...
  • He who is unfailingly faithful knows only the frivolous aspects of love; only those who cheat will know its tragedy.
  • In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long.
  • When we dream of an ideal partner, we involuntarily describe ourselves - without flaws and weaknesses, choosing the right gender. Martin Page
  • Love is a stupid thing done together. Napoleon

  • Call me whatever you like, just be sure to add "my" at the end.
  • If my boyfriend goes to another, I do not regret about him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give old toys to those who were less fortunate!
  • We love but pretend we don't care. We are indifferent, but we pretend that we love.
  • I love Just to watch you laugh.. I love to call you my sun.. I love to just look into your eyes.. and only you can say I love you!
  • I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE! But love came and said simply: "I can't read..."

  • You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you...
  • Stop loving - just like quitting smoking. Everything seems to be under control until you get drunk.
  • A soulless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and a proudly raised head. This is how I became...
  • Bitter tears quietly fell into the pillow ... I'm not your love, but just a TOY.
  • I never let anyone hurt me in my entire life... as much as I let you, in such a short amount of time...

  • All you have to do is carry me in your arms. To you on the neck I will climb myself.
  • - Will you marry me? - Is there anything else I can do for you?
  • Heart: I still love him. Memory: I still remember him. Brain: I'm still thinking about him, so I'll take it now and call! Pride: And in the face??
  • Good girls believe in pure love, bad girls believe in frequent love, smart girls believe in quality...
  • The most f*cking answer to the phrase "I love you" is "I see"

  • It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and even more difficult is indifference.
  • And it doesn't matter anymore... I don't care anymore... In this life I lost everything... And my love with a broken heart disappeared..
  • If you have a choice between two people, then choose the second. Because if you truly loved the first, then the second would not have appeared!
  • I know what love is .. but because of this love, I have lost all concept of life
  • If 10 people love you, then I am one of them, if 5 people love you, then I am among them, if 1 person loves you, then it's me, if no one loves you, then I'm not alive.

  • You need to love one person in such a way that you can walk past hundreds of others and never look back.
  • If you want to catch a person, you will have to put your heart on the “hook”.
  • You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, you can quit your job, but you can’t get away from love.
  • Love is like a butterfly: squeeze too hard - crush, let go - and it will fly away.
  • Love the one before whom you can kneel, not the one who kneels before you...

  • - The sun.. - Not the sun! - Zai .. - Especially not Zaya! - Cute. - Where did you see the sweetheart? - Beloved ... - Well, that would be right away
  • And for some reason, my mother is always against my boyfriend ... nothing .. you say that he has a vila in the Maldives, she will love him.
  • I'm tired of being strong, I'm tired of smiling when I want to scream from heartache, I'm tired of pretending that I don't love and don't suffer, I just want to snuggle up to my beloved guy and cry quietly ...
  • I know that you're not quite the one I need, but I don't care because I love you
  • I remember the day I got sick of you. And I haven't found a cure yet...

This is real joy if it lives in the soul. Therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity, and beautiful lovely women should share this happiness with everyone around. Let everyone around you know how crazy you are at the moment, and how much your head is spinning with love.

Why do we need love statuses?

The status is not voluminous, but incredibly capacious statements. Those that relate to love always reflect the state of mind of the lover, his experiences, some kind of special opinion. With the help of such expressions, you can show your personality. If you update your love status, it immediately becomes clear:

  • What do you live and breathe.
  • What exactly is happening in your life at the moment.
  • What is important to you today.

The status of love will help show a person as he is in any social network. These juicy aphorisms so accurately show the essence of the feelings and thoughts of the one who puts them on his page on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or other social networks.

Such a different love

Statuses about love can be very different:

  • Cool and unusual expressions.
  • Aphorisms of famous personalities of the past and present.
  • Humorous phrases that at the same time tell us about the truth of life.
  • serious expressions.

Moreover, all these statuses about love can have a different mood. After all, like many other feelings, love has different sides:

  • This is the joy of wonderful moments.
  • And the topic of jealousy is often touched upon in statuses.
  • Do not avoid betrayal.
  • Perhaps someone suffers from loneliness, and his heart and soul require love.
  • Flirting is another fun and intriguing theme for love statuses.
  • Parting with loved ones causes inexpressible trauma, which remains only to reflect philosophically on this topic and not lose hope for the future.
  • Finally, you always want to share with everyone your incredible happiness that your soulmate is near and there is an opportunity to touch her!

How are love statuses created and where to get them?

All these statuses about love can be invented independently. However, why “reinvent the wheel” if it has already been done for you? Here you will find a chic collection of the best love statuses for social networks. It is incredibly interesting and reckless to "dig" into other people's thoughts, humor and philosophical thinking. Here you can find a lot of short, but so bright and accurately reflecting the state and mood of a person in love with life, his soul mate, parents, children or animals.

Thanks to our collection of love statuses, you can change them at least every day or even several times a day. They can be used not only by gentle girls, but also by strong guys. We are just ready to provide you with a whole firework of various love statuses, which are constantly being supplemented!

Love can not be "Download" or "Copy", And in the heat of the moment to the trash "Delete". You can't "Block", "Format", But we can "Save" love...

Beauty does not decide who we love, but love decides who we consider beautiful.

Daughter, listen to me, old dog,
Love is not b*tch-n*tk, love is when the pasta is delicious.
(c) I. Okhlobystin

Beauty is appearance, photography is art, but character and feelings are more precious in life!

This status is for those who believe in love...

We wake up together, he cooks breakfast, I make the bed, then we sit down for breakfast, I'm without makeup, sleepy shaggy, and he's like a panda. Natural, not trying to somehow impress each other. Here it is, happiness.

I'm not interested in your Lexus ... I'm in a hurry, my beloved is waiting for me at the bus stop.

"Someday your 'I'm sorry' will make me say 'Goodbye'......"

Every love triangle has one obtuse corner.

If a man loves you, he will tolerate all your antics. With the thought: "Nothing, nothing ... you will be my wife, I will show you."

Like it or not, there is only one woman in a man's life. Everyone else is just her shadow.

Loves not the man who talks about his love, but the one who silently makes you happy.

Love and doubt will never get along with each other. D. H. Gibran

Does this happen to you? You cry, but you don’t know why exactly ... You just got tired of everything.

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist draws the sound of a falling rose petal on the floor of a non-existent castle!

This girl is dad's pride, mom's love... and your tears...

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.

Loving many - knows women, Loving one - knows Love. Ilya Selvinsky

When there is no more strength for love, there is still strength for jealousy.

I so want to see you, hug you, look into your eyes, forget all quarrels and insults and be with you forever ...

It’s bad to return home and know that they are not waiting for you there, but waiting.

You have 2 options: either I marry you, or you marry me! Choose!

I need you. You are already so dear to me.

There is no love without sacrifice.

Take care and love. Parents. The best statuses about love

- Beloved, do you believe in miracles?
- Of course I believe, I wake up with him every morning! :)

The most valuable gifts are put in an envelope... and taken out of the hospital!

As long as our parents are alive, we can feel like children (no matter how old we are)!!! God bless our PARENTS!!!

Stay where you are! Or I will fall in love with you!

The hostess abandoned the bunny, and the babayka took him. Do not leave your bunnies, to hell with such baboons!

I haven't stopped loving you. I just won't show it anymore.

The worst thing is when you removed him from the contact list and every 15 minutes you look at his status in the search.

Loving is not as easy as choosing positions on a sheet.

- Knock-knock.. -Who's there? -Love -Go away..Don't..I don't want to.. -And who will ask you? :))

Your name is so short, but it occupies the whole heart.

Give me the letter "I". She is cool. It can connect anything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me...

Never listen to advice about love. Because everyone has their own story. Unique.

It just so happened, he looked at me, and I fell in love ...

I want him to say: "Will you marry me?", I would answer: "I don't even know." And he took my hand, put on the ring and said: "And who will ask you something?".

The child should appear in the family, not the family because of the child!

Beloved is a guy who will shut up with a kiss when you say that you don’t need ... He will warm you when you are cold ... He will support you when bad things happen ... He will tear off the head of someone who touches you with a finger ... He will regret if someone offends ... He will press you to him and will not let go, even if you ask ... He will forbid, and you will obey him ...

Sometimes what you do, you want to answer so much, I love you ....

"I will change the status only when I stop loving you!" Updated 4 years ago..

Girls believe that now all the guys have gone some kind of feminine. So look not in clubs, but in gyms!

A woman is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! It's a flavor in the kitchen! This is a smile of lips, a sparkle of eyes! Mother of children...and a sweet fairy tale in a man's life!!!

Even the rudest person can be affectionate with someone...

- Can you find yourself the one with which it is easy? .. - Why? I love you.

I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

Be in love. Forgive. Lose hope. Laugh with someone. Tears to pour. Scream. Rip off your clothes. And just believe. Just live...

If a person has fallen in love, he will hide it with all his might. And from the side, oh, as you can see.

- And what is between you now? - We remember each other.

You can distinguish a serious-minded guy when he is allowed to touch the girl in any place, and he will only take her by the hands.

She sent a song (Tiesto - i love you), thought a hint ... I'll do something nice ... I searched on Google and found (Usher - i love you too), threw it off ... She began to cry.

I'm not a thief... but in this life I'll steal two things... a rose for you... and you for myself...

The best statuses about love

You fall in love somehow automatically, like swimming. George Gordon Byron

Is love at a distance impossible? The sun is also far away, but warm.

It doesn't really matter who you spend time with, you laugh. What matters is who you think about when you close your eyes.

When separation drives you crazy, when you are waiting for a meeting, counting the moments and being close, you forget about everything - this is love.

In order for the ice to melt, you need to breathe on it for a long time. Likewise, love must be pumped into every person without measure. Generous and expecting nothing in return. When you expect something in return, your hands become icy and no longer melt the ice, but try to warm yourself about it. Joseph Emets

As soon as I stop loving someone, I immediately get smarter!

Love is a strange thing. She really looks like the sun. She blinds. She burns her eyes. © Angel de Coitet

We realize too late that we love those we lose.

women claim that men are fickle, and men prove that women are flighty.

Guy: - Why are you silent? Girl: - I want and I am silent. Guy: - DO YOU WANT and SHUT UP???!!! There she is! Men's logic!

In love, there is always agreement and harmony, But cross out the letter - and hell will come out!

The main rule of love is love without rules!

I don't miss the past at all, I'm afraid of losing the present. because he is here, he is with me, he is my present.

I appreciate the one who cannot live without me! And I do not interfere with those who are happy without me.

Mutual love, but not together.

it was not part of my plans to become attached, but it happened.

In love, pride is more dangerous for women than for men. If the situation needs to be saved, a man forgets his pride more easily and quickly. © Marlene Dietrich

I want to lose my head in love, but experience holds it too tightly.

I love my parents, I appreciate my friends, I am faithful to my beloved.

be nice? Yes, I can be cute for anyone, but to be loved only for one

Share your life with your loved ones.

Write to me. I love it when you write.

Love is not “you are to blame”, but “forgive me” Not “where are you”, but “I am here” Not “how could you”, but “I understand” Not “I would like you”, but “thank you” for what you

Simple phrase. three famous words. I love you - this is the basis.

Take my hand. -Why? -Take my hand. -So, what is next? -Do not let go.

Look for love that comes not so much from the heart as from the mind - it is something worthy of the individual.

Love is a gift! And like any gift, it can neither be sold, nor given away, nor presented ... and it cannot be neglected either.

in every relationship there is a phrase "well, fuck it, it's also my fault!

I need him just FOREVER, you think.

Only the one who has ceased to love is restrained.

Beauty is created not by outfits, or by appearance, as if from paintings. Beauty is created only by looks. and through the eyes of men in love!

I want to be loved by him. Not a toy like everyone else.

I do not believe in love confessions Among computer networks. In real life, everything is more truthful, And more frank and dear!

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I come again?

With my mind I understand that he is a goat, but my heart is all a bunny, a bunny.

There is no selfless love. A loving person will never give his love away, even if there is no reciprocal feeling.

With depression at heart. with a smile on your face.

Love is joy, love is laughter, love is happiness. But not for everyone!

People in love live longer!

Love and jealousy are mortal enemies. Either love will incinerate jealousy, or jealousy will destroy love (((

In love, people lose their minds, and in marriage they notice this loss. © Konstantin Melikhan

First love is not the first and not the last. This is the love in which we most of all invested our soul when we still had this soul.

Not created man for loneliness With dense instincts in the blood. He can live without a name, without a patronymic, But - never - without affection and love ...

Believe me, there is a person who will fall in love with you not for appearance. He will love you for your laugh, for your eyes, and for the way you straighten his shirt.

Love becomes a moral sin when it is made the main occupation. It then relaxes the mind and causes the soul to degrade.

As long as you and I are doing well, I will not guess what will happen after. If you are near, everything becomes possible, and even what is impossible at all!

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity.

I'm following you to the ends of the world... But across the expanses of the Internet!)))

The Internet is great, but there is no one to talk heart to heart with!

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