Steam omelet for a child of 1 year. Is it possible to give an omelette to a child and at how many months. Omelet with chicken

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Omelet has long established itself as the perfect breakfast. It is light yet nutritious. An egg dish will enrich the body with easily digestible protein and vitamins for the whole day. The food is suitable for everyone: from a baby to a woman who watches her figure. There are also a lot of options for preparing an omelet: from the classic "talker" to the Italian frittata. In our article, we will look at how to cook a steam omelet in various ways.

The dish contains a lot of useful substances and elements that are important for the body. Among them are the following:

  • calcium, which forms the muscular and skeletal systems, and also regulates metabolism;
  • iron, extremely important for the circulatory system;
  • lecithin, which protects against many serious diseases;
  • potassium, which improves the condition of soft tissues, maintains water balance and the cardiovascular system;
  • selenium, which protects the body from viruses and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;
  • lutein, useful for vision;
  • vitamins.

Omelet is perfect for those who want to strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Indicated for those suffering from muscle pain and migraine. Far from the last role the dish plays in strengthening hard tissues: teeth, nails, bones.

100 g of the product contains 9.1 g of protein, 8.7 g of fat and 1.9 g of carbohydrates with an average calorie content of ≈124 kcal.

Despite the fact that the dish is difficult to spoil, there are a few rules that will tell you how to make a steam omelet correctly and enjoy every bite of it.

Ideally, you need to take such an amount of eggs and milk that their weight is the same. Before the cooking process itself, make sure that the eggs are thoroughly washed with cold water. This is done for hygiene purposes: to prevent particles of dirt, droppings or other substances from getting into the food.

The egg-milk mass must be thoroughly mixed to achieve a homogeneous substance. This can be done with a blender, a whisk, and even a simple fork. This is how a very tender airy dish will turn out, which will not harm even a very capricious stomach.

If desired and possible, you can use quail eggs. Conventionally, one chicken egg is equal to four quail eggs, which also needs to be taken into account.

As a rule, steamed food can be easily prepared in a slow cooker or double boiler. But if you don’t have such devices in your kitchen, it doesn’t hurt to make a real steam omelet, the recipe of which is also simple. The dish will be cooked in a water bath, and its taste will not yield to analogues.

For those who do not count calories in the diet, you can supplement the meal with other ingredients: cheese, bacon, sausage or ham. But these products should not be used by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, young children, and people on a diet. For them, additives such as cottage cheese, vegetables, greens, sour cream and bran are ideal.

Classic version (milk + egg) on ​​the stove

For this dish we need:

  • 4 medium sized chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml. milk;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The dish will be cooked in a water bath on the stove. There are several ways to prepare it, but we will consider two of the easiest.

We break the pre-washed eggs into a suitable container, mix. Pour milk in small portions and continue to mix. Add salt and other seasonings to taste, beat until foamy.

For the first option, we need a colander that is suitable in size to the pan and has a flat bottom.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan. It should be enough so that when heated it does not boil away, but at the same time does not reach the bottom of the colander.
  2. Put the beaten mixture of eggs and milk in a colander and cover with a lid.
  3. We put the pan with the product on the fire and hold until cooked. As a rule, a steamed omelet takes 10-15 minutes to cook.
  4. Then the thickened product is cooled and served on the table.

The second way is even simpler.

  1. The same milk and egg mass is prepared and poured into a special container that is resistant to high temperatures. There should be enough water in the pan so that it reaches half of the bowl with the ingredients.
  2. We put the pan on a small fire under the lid and cook for up to 15 minutes.

Egg omelet in a steamer

To do this, we will need 3 large eggs, half a glass of milk, a teaspoon of butter and salt to your taste.

  1. Crack eggs into a dish or deep plate and mix with milk.
  2. Add salt and beat thoroughly.
  3. Lubricate the bowl of the double boiler with butter and pour the resulting mixture into it. As a rule, the cooking time for an omelette in a double boiler is 20 minutes.

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Dish of eggs on the water

An omelet without adding milk contains even fewer calories than a classic one, but it will not yield to it in terms of taste and benefits. And we will share the secret of how to cook a steam omelet on water quickly and easily.

For this you need to take:

  • 4 medium chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • herbs and salt to taste.
  1. Whisk eggs with water and spices.
  2. Pour the mass into the bowl of the double boiler and set for 20 minutes.
  3. Since the dish will not contain milk, you can supplement it with other healthy ingredients, such as vegetables. In this case, a mixture of chopped vegetables will be laid out on the bottom of the double boiler, and a mass of water and eggs is poured on top.
  4. As for the cooking time, it will be the same. True, after 20 minutes, you can mix the resulting product and turn on the double boiler for another 10 minutes.

By the way, in the cuisines of some peoples, meat broth is used instead of water.

Cooking from proteins

This recipe is ideal for those who are shown dietary food due to illness or overweight. It is known that the protein contains fewer calories than the yolk and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

In addition, such a dish will help normalize high cholesterol levels in the blood.

For one serving we take:

  • 3 proteins;
  • 250 ml. milk (can be replaced with water);
  • butter (1 tsp);
  • salt to your taste.
  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, add salt to them and beat until foamy.
  2. Lubricate the form of a double boiler or multicooker with oil and pour the resulting mass.
  3. Cook for about a quarter of an hour, then cool and serve.

Children's version (for a one-year-old baby)

Here, great attention should be paid to the purity of the products, because the children's body is very delicate and vulnerable. Therefore, many mothers wash eggs with soap and then rinse with cool tap water. It is especially good if instead of store-bought eggs, homemade eggs are used in the dish.

We take 4 chicken (or 16 quail) eggs, 1 glass of milk and quite a bit of salt.

  1. Beat all the ingredients in 2 stages. First, break the eggs into a container and beat them for 20 seconds with a blender or simple cutlery like a whisk, fork.
  2. Then add milk and whisk again for the same time.
  3. After that, pour the omelette into an oiled multicooker bowl and cook for a couple of 20 minutes.

Such a gentle and light meal will suit even a one-year-old baby, but only on condition that he is not allergic to the ingredients.

For an older child, a ready-made dish can be made more appetizing and visually attractive. To do this, from the products available in the refrigerator, you need to make a decoration in the form of a flower, pattern or figure.

Specialists in dietary nutrition for babies recommend using a steam omelet in the child's menu. This tender, nutritious egg dish contains complete protein, vitamins and minerals needed in the diet of little pranksters. An omelette will especially help out for the child of those mothers whose children refuse to eat children's meat dishes, as well as in cases where your child weighs a lot.

What is an omelet for a child made of?

If you are going to make a steam omelette for a child, use only the freshest eggs of the highest grade. For healthy babies who are not prone to allergic reactions and respond well to vegetable souffles (there is an egg component in these children's second courses), chicken can be used. For a more demanding child, it is better to make it as hypoallergenic as possible, dietary - from quail testicles.

The ideal option would be to take eggs from the poultry house of your own backyard farm. This is a guarantee of freshness and the absence of harmful substances, because you will definitely treat your bird only with natural feed. The same goes for milk and butter.

In all other cases, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer's reputation, category, composition, shelf life and date of manufacture of raw materials. After all, the child is not yet ready enough for the assimilation of preservatives, dyes and other chemicals unnaturally introduced by the manufacturer. It is better if you purchase raw materials from an organic food store.

Another baby recipe

In order to make this children's omelette, you will need two chicken (or six quail) eggs, a couple of tablespoons of high-quality fresh milk, no more than 2.5% fat, half a teaspoon of butter and a little table salt.

If you are using an electric steamer, follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you do not have a double boiler, use a regular saucepan and a shape smaller than the desired saucepan diameter.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, no more than 4 cm high, put on fire.
  2. Heat the water to a boil.
  3. In the interval before boiling, beat the eggs into the bowl of a mixer or blender, add milk to them and salt.
  4. Beat the resulting mixture into a thick, persistent foam. For this, eggs and milk must be chilled.
  5. Lubricate your steam cooking mold with butter and pour the fluffy egg mixture into it.
  6. Place the form with the raw treat on the bottom of the saucepan with boiling water, cover the saucepan converted into a steamer with a lid. The time required to bring the steamed dish to readiness is from five to seven minutes and depends on the thickness of the mass layer in the mold. Butter can be omitted if the mold you are using is silicone.

From the age of 8 months, the diet of the baby replenishes the healthy and tasty yolk of chicken or quail eggs. This ingredient is added to vegetable dishes, cereals and is referred to as nutrition correctors. At the same time, kids are happy to get acquainted with dishes where eggs are the main component - scrambled eggs. This airy treat is introduced into the crumbs menu after a preliminary acquaintance with all its components. In addition, before preparing an omelette for a one-year-old child, a young mother should follow a number of recommendations for cooking and choosing products, taking into account the factor of their allergenicity.

Children's omelette is a delicious, nutritious and quick breakfast option. In the classic "adult" version, this dish is cooked in a pan of milk, eggs and salt with the addition of butter. The task of a young mother is to adapt an adult dish to the physiological characteristics of the baby, making it as useful as possible and no less tasty.

  • Eggs. Egg protein is recognized as the most complete and easily digestible among animal proteins. It is necessary for a growing baby as a "building material". The yolks contain about 30% fat, as well as lecithin. It favorably affects the metabolism of fats in the body, participates in the nutrition of the cells of the nervous system, stimulates the body's resistance to infectious diseases. A number of vitamins concentrated in the yolk, important for the full growth of a small organism. Among them are vitamins D, B, PP, E, K. The mineral substances of the yolk contain a significant part of the elements of the periodic table. Protein is classified as a highly allergenic component. Use it in the nutrition of children after a year.
  • Milk. Based on their chemical composition, no other food can be compared with whole milk. This product contains over 100 valuable components. The main parts of the unique complex are proteins, fat components, milk sugar, salts, vitamin and enzyme compounds. Milk proteins are rich in essential amino acids. Milk fat consists of fatty acids, most of which are not found in animal and vegetable fats of other origin.
  • Salt and spices. The sodium contained in salt is necessary for the body of the crumbs. However, it is equally important to regulate the amount of salt in the baby's menu. Babies up to a year need only 0.2 grams of salt per day. After a year, this amount increases to 0.5 grams per day, and then 0.5 grams of the product is calculated per 10 kilograms of the child's weight. As for spices, their use in baby food does not carry special nutritional value. At the same time, there is a high probability of allergic manifestations to their components. Nutritionists recommend the use of seasonings not earlier than 9 months of age, giving preference to spices that correspond to the culinary traditions of the family and locality.
  • All kinds of supplements. When adding vegetables, cereals, meat products to a children's dish, it is important to proceed from the rule of complementary foods about the possibility of mixing products already familiar to the baby's body. This approach will minimize the possibility of allergies. For example, cauliflower, zucchini or broccoli will add variety to the dish. In addition, this variant of an omelette may appeal to small “picky” who avoid vegetable dishes in their diet. Often fermented milk products are also used instead of milk: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Such components will make the product more magnificent.

But the addition of sausages, mushrooms, seafood is not recommended. Such ingredients will make the product excessively heavy for the baby's body and increase the likelihood of negative symptoms. In addition, too early their introduction often causes gastrointestinal upset.

Precautionary measures

Babies with a tendency to allergic reactions are advised to cook dishes only on yolks, carefully monitoring the reaction to the innovation. The prevailing belief that quail egg dishes are less allergenic is erroneous. This misconception is associated with the fact that quail eggs are less common and, accordingly, a lower percentage of allergy manifestations.

Eggs of waterfowl (goose, duck), despite the fact that they are larger and contain more nitrogenous substances and fat, are not recommended for use in baby food. The product is more often infected with bacteria of the genus Salmonella than chicken, which causes acute intestinal diseases.

Recipes with flour, semolina, and other cereals will increase the calorie content of the product. The gluten contained in some cereals is classified as a highly allergenic component, which should be considered before preparing an omelette using them. Milk is not used in the diet of children with lactase deficiency or lactose allergy.

When can you give an omelet. Optimal age

Egg yolk is introduced into the children's menu from 8 months. A one-year-old baby is already ready to get acquainted with protein. Therefore, it is recommended to give dishes with a whole egg product no earlier than 12 months. By this age, it is allowed to include in the diet and whole milk of cows or goats. Is it possible to cook an omelette for babies with lactase deficiency, gluten allergy, with cow's milk protein intolerance, the pediatrician decides.

It is equally important from the point of view of age indicators to take into account the method of cooking. Children under 3 years old are not given products cooked in a pan. It is best to make a children's dish for a couple using a slow cooker or double boiler. In the absence of such a technique, you can successfully cook a healthy meal in a water bath. A microwave might also come in handy. At the same time, a small portion at a time is laid out to a ceramic mug. A little later, it is allowed to introduce the baby to a baked omelette from the oven, cooked in a sleeve (in a baking pact) or on a baking sheet.

Every mother knows how to cook an air omelet for the whole family. But the nutrition of the baby requires a special approach, the observance of precautionary measures. To prepare a milk and egg breakfast for crumbs correctly and safely, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • For children's dishes we use only fresh products. To determine the freshness of an egg, a tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a half-liter jar of water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is completely fresh, if it stays somewhere in the middle - medium freshness, and floats to the top, then it is stale and not suitable for food.
  • For a magnificent dish, chilled eggs are beaten with a whisk or fork. Professionals consider this option the best.
  • Eggs are thoroughly washed with soap before cooking.
  • How much to give an omelette to a baby depends on its age. At the same time, it is worth adhering to the rule of complementary foods about getting to know a new dish, starting with small doses. It is recommended to make egg dishes for babies no more than 3 times a week.
  • Gradually, children's omelet can be made more varied by adding greens, tomatoes, chicken, cheese, etc.
  • Using oils in the diet of a one-year-old baby, it is allowed to add no more than 6 g of a fat-containing product.
  • Based on the accepted mode of eating, an omelette is offered as a breakfast. In addition, familiarity with a new product in the morning will help a young mother track down possible negative rashes, stool disorders, and sleep disturbance during the day.


In order to prepare an omelette for a 1-year-old child, it is important for a young mother to match the optimal recipe, taking into account the age of the child, his individual characteristics, taste preferences, taking into account the permitted heat treatment.

Steam omelette

Such a tender and light egg and milk treat is considered the most acceptable and is prepared in many ways. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • salt - at the discretion of the mother;
  • butter - 6 g.
  1. We break fresh, thoroughly washed eggs into a bowl or deep saucepan.
  2. Add cold milk, salt and beat thoroughly with a fork or whisk.
  3. Lubricate the cooking container with soft butter and pour the egg-milk mass.
  4. When cooking in a double boiler: place for 15 minutes. When using a multicooker: steam cooking mode for 20 minutes. In a water bath: fill the saucepan with water by 1/3 and place the container over the resulting steam, close the lid tightly and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. The finished omelet should firm up a little - about 3 minutes.
  6. We cool the product and serve it to the baby.

Omelette in the microwave for a one-year-old baby on infant formula

An excellent option for the dish will be egg yummy cooked in mugs without milk. Instead, we use an artificial mixture that is familiar to the baby. In addition, only yolks are used in the recipe. This method is not recommended for children with gluten intolerance.

  • 50 ml - diluted baby food;
  • 1 yolk;
  • flour - ½ teaspoon;
  • butter - no more than 6 g.
  1. We melt the butter.
  2. Beat the yolk with butter, add flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the freshly prepared chilled mixture into the egg-butter-flour mass. Mix again.
  4. Pour into a container suitable for microwave ovens. Cooking 3 minutes.
  5. Let's cool down for a few minutes.
  6. We cool and treat the baby.

With vegetables in the oven

  • ¾ eggs;
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 5 g flour;
  • 30 g carrots (spinach, cauliflower, broccoli or other hypoallergenic vegetables);
  • butter - 6 g;
  • salt - at the discretion of the mother.
  1. Boil pre-peeled and washed vegetables. Depending on the age of the child, the vegetables are chopped or cut into small pieces.
  2. Beat the egg, add salt, milk, flour.
  3. Add vegetables, mix thoroughly.
  4. Lubricate the form with butter, pour the mass.
  5. We heat the oven to 180 ° C, place a baking sheet. Bake for about 10 minutes.

With green onions and chicken

This recipe is a hearty option for children after 2 years.

  • ¾ eggs;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • flour 5 g;
  • boiled chicken fillet - 30 g;
  • green onions - 10 g;
  • butter - 6 g;
  • salt.
  1. Sliced ​​green onions stew in a portion of butter.
  2. Pre-boiled fillet cut into small cubes.
  3. Beat the egg, add milk, flour, salt. Mix chicken fillet with onions.
  4. Place on the bottom of a greased baking dish.
  5. Pour in milk and egg mixture.
  6. We place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
  7. Leave for 5 minutes and serve.

Omelet is an amazing dish. Each time, by changing the ingredients, you get a new tasty treat that will appeal to the kid and adult. Kids love to experiment and are happy to help their mother in culinary endeavors. Let your child decorate the dish with greens or pieces of bright vegetables. The child will definitely remember such activities. No less delight will be a sample of an omelette cooked by mom with warmth and love.

Breast milk and infant formula contain the most optimal composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts for the growth of the baby. In the third half of life, new foods must be included in the baby's diet, and an omelet recipe for a 1-year-old child will be very useful in your cookbook.

Indeed, in addition to cereals, vegetable and fruit complementary foods, it is very important not to forget about the introduction of products containing high-grade animal proteins, for example, eggs.

At what age can children eat omelets

Almost all kids like an omelette, it is tasty, quite bright, attractive in appearance and has a consistency that does not cause difficulty in chewing and swallowing even for small crumbs. However, it is worth introducing egg products gradually in small portions to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to chicken yolk or protein.

For the first time, it is better to cook an omelette according to the classic recipe and let the crumbs try it in a small amount.

After making sure that the child is not allergic, you can add fresh vegetables, hard cheese and low-allergenic chicken or turkey meat previously included in the diet to the eggs.

If suddenly the baby has a predisposition to an allergic reaction, then it is better to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs.

As for the methods of preparing an omelette for a one-year-old baby, all types of heat treatment are preferred except for frying in a pan:

  • On a steam bath;
  • In the oven;
  • In a multicooker;
  • In the microwave.

Secrets of making a delicious children's omelet

Puzzled by the search for the correct and simple recipe for a delicious omelette for your one-year-old baby, you will probably be surprised to find more than a dozen options for preparing dietary children's food. But whatever recipe you choose, remember the main thing:

  • , before use, they need to be washed, and if the child has an allergy, then use quail eggs in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • Omelet fried in a pan is not recommended for children under three years old;
  • Choose only special baby low-fat milk; when using homemade cow's milk, it must first be boiled;
  • If the child has an allergy to milk, an omelet can be prepared without it;
  • To make the omelet especially magnificent, beat the protein and yolk separately;
  • If you decide to salt a dish for a baby, then use a meager amount of salt for this, and spices should be completely abandoned.

The classic recipe for a steam omelette for babies


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • for mold lubrication + -

How to quickly cook a children's steamed omelette step by step

Beat the egg with a whisk.

Add the measured volume of milk to the container with the egg and salt.

The resulting egg-milk mass is poured into a mold previously greased with butter.

We boil water in a saucepan, put a metal colander or a container with holes in it so that they do not touch the liquid, and set the form with the mixture on top. Steam the omelet for 20 minutes.

If you have a double boiler in your kitchen arsenal, then you can cook an omelette in it. The whole process will take no more than 15 minutes.

Recipe for a simple omelette for a one-year-old child in a slow cooker

In this indispensable kitchen helper, the omelet turns out to be unusually lush. The main thing is not to open the lid of the multicooker immediately after the signal for the end of the cooking process. In addition, manufacturers very prudently accompany the multifunctional device with a huge selection of recipes for dishes not only for adults, but also for children of different ages.


  • Chicken egg - 8 pcs.;
  • Baby milk - 300 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Butter - for greasing the mold.

How to easily bake an omelette in a slow cooker for the whole family

  1. Using a whisk or a blender, beat the eggs and add milk to them.
  2. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with melted butter.
  3. Set the "Baking" mode and cook the omelette for 15 minutes.

After a beep about the end of the cooking process, do not open the lid of the appliance immediately so that the omelette does not lose its splendor, and turn off the "Heating" function.

No less tasty and healthy is an omelet prepared according to a recipe like in kindergarten. Your family members will certainly appreciate this dish.

Recipe for a protein-free omelette for an allergic baby

If your baby does not tolerate egg white well, then prepare an omelet for him using only the yolk. So you can diversify the diet of the child and avoid the manifestation of an allergic reaction in him.


  • Chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Baby milk - 50 ml;
  • Semolina - 1 tsp

How to cook an omelet without protein for a one-year-old child in the oven

  • Beat the yolk with a whisk or a mixer.
  • Pour the milk into the yolk and stir.
  • We introduce semolina into the egg-milk mixture and mix well.
  • We wait 15 minutes for the cereal to swell a little.

Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold (you can pre-grease it with butter) and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes.

Recipe for a vegetable omelet from chicken eggs for a child after a year

Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots are healthy vegetables offered to the baby for testing in the first place. Therefore, these products can be safely added to an omelette as additional ingredients.


  • Fresh chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Skim milk - 50 ml;
  • Broccoli (cauliflower) - 1-2 inflorescences;
  • Fresh carrots - 1/2 pcs;
  • Butter - 1/2 tsp

How to make a healthy omelet for a one-year-old child with cabbage and carrots

  1. Before starting cooking, we thoroughly clean the vegetables (for carrots) and wash them. And then boil them until cooked in the usual way in water or steam.
  2. Beat the egg with milk and add salt if necessary.
  3. We put finely chopped cabbage and carrots in a greased with butter form and pour them on top with a liquid egg-milk mixture.
  4. We cook an omelet on a steam bath for 15 minutes.

You can also use the microwave oven and make an omelette in it in 3-5 minutes. It is only important that the utensils used are suitable for use in the microwave.

Providing the baby with good nutrition with the inclusion of all the substances necessary for the growth and normal development of the body is the primary task of caring parents. Eggs are one of the components of the children's menu, as they are a source of essential amino acids, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, vitamins A and D. Choose any omelette recipe for a 1-year-old child from the above and treat the baby with a healthy meal.

The diet of the child is compiled so that it contains the optimal amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Chicken eggs meet these requirements in full. Protein and yolk have a unique composition, which contains vitamins A, D, C, D, E, K, amino acids, minerals (calcium, phosphorus). The yolk supplies iron to the baby's body.

The best egg dish for kids is scrambled eggs. Despite the undoubted benefits of chicken eggs, their overabundance in the diet can cause allergies. A one-year-old baby is allowed to eat this product no more than 1-2 times a week. When preparing an omelette, use eggs that you are 100 percent sure are fresh. Take special baby milk. If you have the opportunity to buy milk from under a cow, be sure to boil it.

Omelet is very useful for a child, as eggs contain a large amount of vitamins.

Chicken or quail: which egg is better for a child?

The nutritional value of chicken and quail eggs is almost the same, but the latter are safer for a small organism. Quail are digested more easily, they are less allergenic, strengthen the immune system. Chicken eggs are hypoallergenic. If the baby gave a negative reaction to them, replace them with quail. True, they are smaller in size, so they will need 2 times more.

When compiling a menu for crumbs older than 1 year, you will have to take into account its taste (see also:). The time when the baby was content with mother's milk or formula is gone. Today in front of you is a little fussy, who has his own taste and preferences. However, many children love omelets. Let's cook the dish in the classic way, and at the same time, find out how to make it in the microwave or slow cooker.

Important details in cooking

Starting from 7-8 months, a child can cook an omelette from yolks. These are the recommendations of pediatricians. Protein is introduced closer to the year. We advise mothers:

  • if eggs are taken from under poultry, check that the chicken is healthy;
  • the store product must be washed to remove germs;
  • use proven milk: homemade or special baby milk;
  • do not add salt and spices;
  • introduce other ingredients (vegetables, meat) gradually so that the baby's body gets used to it.

When choosing eggs, many mothers are guided by their own preferences, but we must not forget that quail eggs are less allergenic

Let's move on to the cooking process. We will tell you how to make an omelette in a slow cooker and microwave. We will not limit ourselves to one classic option, we will try to cook several types of omelet, with different ingredients, sometimes unexpected for mothers. Let's get acquainted with the recipe for a dietary dish that is useful for children with gastrointestinal problems.

Multicooker omelet recipes

Wanting to feed her child with healthy and tasty food, a mother must know how to cook it correctly. The multicooker is ideal for preparing children's meals, including scrambled eggs. The dish in it is evenly fried, rises well and retains a great taste. Several interesting recipes will help diversify the menu of your treasure.

Classic recipe

The traditional recipe for an omelette, for which we need: 1 yolk, half a glass of milk and 3 grams of butter. How to cook:

  1. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, add the egg, beat well.
  2. We put the oil in the bowl of the multicooker, turn on the "Warming up" mode. We are waiting for the oil to melt.
  3. Pour in the egg beaten with milk, switch to the "Baking" mode, cook for 10 minutes.

Children are more likely to eat beautifully decorated dishes. The finished omelette can be laid out with pieces of vegetables, making a funny muzzle or a flower meadow out of them. If you are going to treat your treasure with an omelette regularly, diversify it with hard cheese. Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the top of the omelette. Choose a type of cheese that the child has already tried.

The classic omelet contains only eggs and milk. For children under one year old, it is not recommended to add salt to the dish.

Omelet with chicken

Chicken meat is included in the list of children's products. Take a chilled product from the store. Omelet Ingredients:

  • yolk - 2-3 pieces;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk - about 1/3 cup;
  • tomato - 1 medium fruit;
  • chicken fillet - 200 grams (pre-boil);
  • butter - 30 grams.


  1. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, pour in the flour, add the yolks, beat.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet and tomato into small pieces.
  3. We put the oil in the bowl of the multicooker and set it to the "Warming up" mode.
  4. When the butter is melted, pour the omelette mixture into the bowl, switch the appliance to the "Baking" mode, cook for 20 minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with herbs if the baby loves it.

An omelet can be diversified by including vegetables and chicken. But in this case, it is necessary to add only those products that the child has already tried more than once.

Omelet in the microwave

Cooking baby food in the microwave is healthier than frying it in a frying pan. You can also make an omelette in the microwave. From about 10 months of age, the baby begins to give eggs. We advise you to take quail for the first acquaintance. Pediatricians classify them as more useful and less allergenic. In addition, it is not necessary to separate the yolk from a quail egg.

First recipe

The usual recipe for the dish, but with quail eggs. For him, we need to take:

  • quail eggs - 3 pieces;
  • homemade milk - 1/4 cup;
  • butter (pre-melted) - tsp.


  1. Whisk milk and eggs.
  2. Grease a microwave oven dish with melted butter. Pour in the omelet mixture.
  3. Set the cooking time to 3 minutes. Remove, let cool, serve.

The second recipe is an omelette with vegetables

Zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes will do, but we chose others. For an omelet, take:

  • eggs - 1 chicken or 4 quail;
  • homemade milk - 1/3 cup;
  • half a small carrot;
  • cauliflower - 2-3 inflorescences;
  • butter (pre-melted) - teaspoon.


  1. Take a small saucepan, boil the cauliflower and carrots in it.
  2. Whisk milk and selected eggs.
  3. We take a bowl for the microwave, grease with oil, spread the cooked vegetables, pour the omelette mixture.
  4. We expose 3 minutes for cooking, let cool, serve. If your baby likes greens, you can sprinkle on the omelet before serving.

In order for the child to eat an omelet well, you can put a variety of vegetables or even fruits in it (see also:). Decorate the top too. Well, what kid would refuse such an interesting dish?

The third recipe - cottage cheese omelet

The cooking process is similar to a casserole. Approximately so it is, but the dish is light and tender. You will need:

  • chicken egg yolk or two quail yolks;
  • milk - a third of a glass;
  • cottage cheese - 100 grams;
  • butter (melt in advance) - tsp.


  1. We combine milk and egg, beat, salt a little.
  2. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, add it to the whipped omelet mixture.
  3. Grease a microwaveable bowl with melted butter. We pour our curd-egg-milk mixture.
  4. We put it on the oven for 3-4 minutes for cooking. Let cool a little, serve.

The most important thing is that your child likes the cooked omelette, because every day it becomes more and more difficult to please the fussy.

Diet option

Steamed food is indicated for children suffering from digestive disorders and some other diseases. It is also useful for healthy babies. In addition, a steamed omelette comes out more fluffy and tender.

What products do we need:

  • quail eggs (you can have one chicken) - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 30 grams.


  1. We will need: one wide pan with high sides and a deep bowl. The bowl should not fall into the pan. Pour in some water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Shake eggs with milk.
  3. Lubricate the walls of the bowl with oil, pour the finished mixture.
  4. We put the bowl in the pan so that it clings to its sides. Cook for a couple of 5 minutes. You can cover the bowl with a lid so that the omelet rises better. Using the multicooker, turn on the “Steam cooking” mode.

Steamed omelette is a dietary option and is recommended for children from the age of eight months.

A professional chef will tell you a lot of little tricks that help make the dish tastier, fluffier, more tender. Take note too:

  1. If you are going to make a dish with minced meat or vegetables, fry them separately. Then enter into the main composition.
  2. Take frozen vegetables, stew them in a pan. If you are cooking in a slow cooker, set the Pilaf mode.
  3. Leave the finished omelette under the lid for a little sweat, so it will turn out more delicious.
  4. We put the dish in the oven, do not open the door for 20 minutes so that the omelet does not settle. Fill the baking dish halfway, bearing in mind that the volume of the whipped mixture doubles when heated.
  5. Replacing milk with sour cream, you will get a not very magnificent omelette, but its taste will be much more tender.
  6. Serve the child the part taken from the middle. Use a few eggs for a thick and fluffy omelet. Beat half the proteins separately, then add to the rest of the mass. Add some butter to it as well. The texture of the dish will be airy.

Dear readers, in this article you will learn how to cook an omelette for a child. You will know when it's time to enter such a dish. Find out what rules to follow. Check out cooking options.

  1. The first acquaintance should take place no earlier than one year of age. It is recommended that this be a steam option. If you decide to cook an omelet using only yolks, then such a dish can be offered to a little one at the age of ten months.
  2. Before the first use of an omelette, it is necessary that the tolerance of chicken eggs, in particular protein, be established. Do not forget about a possible allergic reaction. If your little one is prone to it, then it is better to use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs. Only you will need to take a double serving compared to chicken.
  3. Fried omelet is not recommended for children under three years of age.
  4. Choose homemade eggs or buy from trusted suppliers. It is important that there are no cracks, chips on the shell, gurgling.
  5. Use baby milk for cooking. If you decide to buy homemade, be sure to boil it.
  6. If you want to add some vegetables to the omelet, first make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to them.
  7. If you decide to use salt in cooking, then take the minimum amount. Seasonings are completely unacceptable.
  8. The most tender is the central part of the omelette, offer it to your baby.
  9. It is recommended to beat the whites separately from the yolks. Such a maneuver will give your dish more splendor.
  10. Do not open an omelette immediately after cooking or leave the oven door open. Haste causes the dish to fall off.

Omelet is one of my son's favorite dishes. For him, I always make a couple. The first acquaintance happened when Nikita was one and a half years old. For cooking, I take milk, flour, an egg and a pinch of salt.

Classic variant

For cooking you need:

  • ¼ cup milk;
  • egg;
  • half a teaspoon of flour.

Omelet with cabbage

During the cooking process, you can add carrots or cauliflower, but only if the child has previously been adapted to the classic omelet.

You need the following ingredients:

  • 50 g of milk;
  • half a carrot;
  • egg;
  • cauliflower - a couple of inflorescences;
  • half a teaspoon of butter (butter).


If your little one is already two years old, then you can introduce him to such a dish.

This recipe includes:

  • 50 g fillet (chicken);
  • one hundred milliliters of milk;
  • butter for greasing the mold;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • salt.

With tomatoes

If your little one is old enough and already eats tomatoes, then you can cook this option.

For this dish you will need:

  • medium sized tomato;
  • a little milk.

Omelette on the yolk

If your little one has an allergic reaction to protein, then such a recipe will be a godsend.

You will need:

  • egg yolk;
  • a teaspoon of semolina;
  • 50 ml milk.

If you are using a silicone mold, then you do not need to lubricate it, the omelet will not stick anyway. Otherwise, brush with butter.


If you need to make an omelette for a one-year-old child, then this option will be ideal.


  • an egg is a thing;
  • 50 ml of milk (preferably low-fat);
  • oil (to lubricate the mold);
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking in a multicooker

For cooking, use:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 8 eggs;
  • a little oil (needed for lubrication);
  • salt.

An omelet for a child of 1 year old, prepared in this way, is lush, and also very tasty.

Now you know what an omelet for a child is, the recipe for this dish. Consider all the nuances in the cooking process if you want to get a tasty and tender result. If you have a very young baby, start with a steamed or slow cooker omelet.

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