Calculate Kabbalah by date of birth. Kabbalistic numerology. Explanation of the numerology of the surname and name

Kabbalistic divination originated from a doctrine called Kabbalah. Kabbalah was created by one of the most united peoples in the world - the Jews, who not only created this mystical teaching, but also made a great contribution to world culture and science.

The basis of Kabbalistic divination is to believe in the sacred description of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is believed that God, when creating the world, used symbols, which he later transferred to the chosen people in the form of numbers and letters.

Kabbalistic divination will help you find the answer to any question. You can find out your future, get answers in matters of love, relationships, work, business. For those who wish to get to know a familiar person better, fortune-telling will reveal his character, habits, inclinations and tell what awaits him in the future.

Numerology of Kabbalah

Kabbalistic numerology is the practical application of the teachings of Kabbalah. Let's look at how it is used.

Suppose the questioner wants to get detailed information about a person. To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper the name and surname of the person they are guessing at. Under each letter of his first and last name, you need to put down the corresponding number from the table of the numerical alphabet. Then add up all the resulting numbers. Get a number that should characterize this person.

If there is no characteristic for the received digit, then it must be divided by the number 10, 100 or 1000. Then the newly obtained number must be divided into numbers. For example, 1569 is divided as 100+500+60+9.

Numerical alphabet:

A-1B-2AT 3G-4D-5E-6Zh-7

Interpretation of the received numbers

  • 1 - happy life
  • 2 - misfortune, failure, trouble
  • 3 - desire for religion
  • 4 - insight, domineering character
  • 5 - a bold and decisive act
  • 6 - business affairs
  • 7 - financial insolvency, attempt
  • 8 - reliability and objectivity
  • 9 - calmness and love of life
  • 10 - harmony in the soul and body
  • 11 - quarrels, grief, criminal activity
  • 12 - fear of betrayal
  • 13 - a sign of success
  • 14 - beneficence and self-denial
  • 15 - trust
  • 16 - good family relationships, love partners
  • 17 - worries and worries
  • 18 - determination
  • 19 - weak and indecisive person
  • 20 - infallibility and insensitivity, unrest
  • 21 - benevolence and friendship
  • 22 - unpredictability and secrecy
  • 23 - retribution for what they have done
  • 24 - a good taste for life
  • 25 - high authority
  • 26 - work for the benefit of others
  • 27 - steel character
  • 28 - peace and love
  • 29 - hassle and small things
  • 30 - immortality and greatness
  • 31 - gentleness and caring
  • 32 - marriage
  • 33 - good thoughts
  • 34 - mental anguish
  • 35 - good health, stability in harmony
  • 36 - talent and easy learning
  • 37 - reliability and irresponsibility
  • 38 - imperfection, bad luck
  • 39 - instability in finances
  • 40 - peace and bliss
  • 41 - bad mood and well-being
  • 42 - love of travel
  • 43 - religious beliefs
  • 44 - the presence of greatness
  • 45 - problems with the law
  • 46 - the birth of a child
  • 47 - high life expectancy
  • 48 - accusation issued by the court
  • 49 - need, scarcity
  • 50 - pardon, free and independent
  • 60 - widower
  • 70 - courage and determination
  • 73 - spontaneity and normality
  • 75 - sensitivity and sensitivity
  • 77 - repentance, regret of the deed
  • 80 - salvation, clarification
  • 87 - piety, faith
  • 90 - admiration, self-forgetfulness
  • 100 - wisdom, logical mind
  • 120 - religiosity
  • 150 - positive feedback, approval
  • 200 - spinelessness, weakness
  • 300 - ideology, worldview
  • 315 - embittered
  • 318 - good news
  • 350 - chance, perspective
  • 360 - church service
  • 365 - unsuitable road
  • 400 - observation, logic
  • 409 - love for everything
  • 500 - skill and skills
  • 600 - well-being, success
  • 666 - evil and bad deeds of enemies
  • 700 - guardianship, strength
  • 800 - disaster in the country
  • 900 - military action
  • 1000 - obedience, power
  • 1095 - silence
  • 1260 - suffering
  • 1390 - persecution

Connection between Tarot and Kabbalah

Kabbalah, like Tarot, is an alphabet or system that helps to understand the world and life in general. But there are also differences in them. For example, the Tarot system is depicted on 78 cards, each of which has its own meaning and meaning. And if you look at the Kabbalistic system, then it is drawn in the form of a diagram, which is called the Tree of Life. This tree consists of 10 circles, which are interconnected. These mugs are called Sephiroth, which means "numbers" in Hebrew. There are 22 connections between the Sephiroth and they are called Paths.

If you look closely, you can understand that Tarot and Kabbalah are one and the same, only in different versions. How else to explain the letters of the Hebrew alphabet on the Tarot cards?

Each Sephiroth is a certain state, condition or position, and a certain correspondence is assigned to each of them, with the help of which its essence and meaning are explained. The Minor Arcana of the Tarot in this case are these correspondences. The eighth Sephiroth from the Tree of Life, which has the name "Perfect Mind", corresponds to the eight of the Tarot.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot correspond to the Paths of the Tree of Life, of which there are 22 in total.

Another correspondence between Tarot and Kabbalah. Sephiroth can manifest itself in all four Kabbalistic worlds and have a certain state or combination of energies. And in the Tarot, as you know, there are also 4 worlds, the minor arcana are divided into 4 suits.

From all this it is clear that Tarot and Kabbalah are not different ways of divination, as it seems at first glance. Tarot divination came from a more ancient divination - Kabbalah, which is not so easy to understand.

Since ancient times, Kabbalah has been defined as the science of the Almighty, of man and the universe. Kabbalah of numbers and includes twenty-two secrets, which are encrypted in twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Numerology Kabbalah

It is the concept of number that is the most important in Kabbalah, the number implies divine hidden information. According to this teaching, it is believed that 22 figures in Kabbalah were given to the Jews by God himself, and they are associated with the world principles of the highest degree.

If you believe the Hebrew wisdom, then what your future will depend on the combinations of these numbers, because in our world everything is natural, and all events occur according to the will of God.

The Kabbalah system has its roots in Jewish history, then it was adapted for Latin and Greek. Its basis in any case remains unchanged - the basis is 22 numerical vibrations. Words of power, the name of God, the names of angels have the same importance in Kabbalah as, for example, mantras in the traditions of India.

In order to perform Kabbalistic divination, you will need the full name and surname of the person, as well as strict adherence to the chosen method: a table or a numerical alphabet. This type of divination will allow you to determine the habits, inclinations, aspirations and character of any person, as well as predict his fate. We offer you a decoding of divination by the numerical alphabet.

The meaning of numbers in Kabbalah

With the help of the numerical alphabet, you can find out the results of divination. If you train often, you will remember the values ​​​​very quickly.

You need to write the last name and first name of the person on the sheet, then for each letter you need to substitute the number that corresponds to it. Add the numbers of the first and last names. The resulting amount must be added again. The sum obtained as a result is a characteristic.

A-1, B-2, V-3, G-4, D-5, E-6, F-7, Z-8, I-9, K-10, L-20

M-30, N-40, O-50, P-60, U-100, F-200, Kh-300, Ts-400

The value of the received number

If you do not find in the table the number obtained by adding the first and last name, add the numbers until you see that you have found the right number.

Tables offered below “Kabbalist numerology. Numerical alphabet” and “Kabbalistic numerology. The Meaning of Numbers” are so easy to use that each of us can easily determine the character of any interested person, his habits, inclinations, aspirations, and also what awaits him in the future. To do this, you do not need to personally know the person, but only his first and last name, and it does not matter where he is and lives at the moment. As a result, using this Kabbalistic divination, the secret of a person’s name is revealed to us.

Kabbalistic numerology. Numerical alphabet

A - 1 K - 10 U - 100
B - 2 L - 20 F - 200
AT 3 M - 30 X - 300
G - 4 H - 40 C - 400
D - 5 O - 50 H - 500
E - 6 P - 60 W - 600
F - 7 R - 70 Shch - 700
Z - 8 C - 80 Yu - 800
I - 9 T - 90 I am 900

The above numerical alphabet of Kabbalistic numerology serves to use it in words to use numbers, as will be shown below. With the practice of divination, numbers are very soon remembered.

Kabbalistic numerology. Meaning of numbers

1. Ambition, greed, rudeness.
2. Destruction, disastrous consequence.
3. Religiosity, striving for the best.
4. Power, negligence, mind.
5. Courage, honesty, prosperity.
6. Work, love of freedom, success.
7. Poverty, crime, narrow-mindedness.
8. Greatness, meekness, justice.
9. Wisdom, free thinking, honor.
10. Good nature, justice, beauty of the soul.
11. Crime, illegality, absurdity.
12. Irreligion, unbelief, liberty.
13. Goodness, victory of darkness, immortality.
14. Victim, vice.
15. Insight, faith in God.
16. Well-being, love, family.
17. Misfortune, depravity, evil.
18. Willpower.
19. Spinelessness, indecision, timidity.
20. Sadness, severity, failure.
21. Love for neighbor, sympathy.
22. Wisdom, depth, genius.
23. Scourge of God, crime, punishment.
24. Good aspiration, virtue.
25. Nobility, glory.
26. Useful work, kindness, sincerity.
27. Courage, willpower.
28. Luck in love, happiness, wealth.
29. Evil intention, insignificance, selfishness.
30. Successful marriage, success, fame.
31. Virtue, justice.
32. Loyalty, purity of soul.
33. Greatness, beauty.
34. Illness of the soul, suffering, weakness.
35. Striving for the highest.
36. Outstanding ability, greatness of soul.
37. Meekness, family happiness.
38. Failure, imperfection of the soul.
39. Poverty, weakness of mind.
40. Contentment, perseverance.
41. Anguish of the soul, sadness, failure.
42. Travel, ability to work.
43. Ritualism, nearness.
44. Vigor, greatness, success.
45. Imprisonment, loss of health.
46. ​​Wealth, public recognition.
47. Longevity, well-being.
48. Judgment, sentence, punishment.
49. Insignificance, self-interest.
50. Liberation, oblivion, freedom.
60. Loneliness, loss of the best.
70. Science, greatness, lordship of the mind.
73. Talent, desire for science.
75. Ability.
77. Repentance, forgiveness.
80. Great misfortune, war.
87. Belief.
90. Delusion, blindness, failure.
100. Political activity, pursuit of benefits.
120. Patriotism, religiosity.
150. Praise, victory.
200. Cold-bloodedness, weakness of character.
300. Philosophy, depth of thought.
315. Evil, rudeness, harm.
318. Virtue, peacefulness.
350. Justice, fortress.
360. Public activity.
365. Journey, fatigue, failure.
400. Higher science, insight.
409. Theology, erudition, churchness.
500. Abundance of love, simplicity, nobility.
600. Success, victory.
666: Murder, evil, enmity
700. Dominion, pride.
800. Catastrophe, state, treason.
900. War, calamity, sacrifice.
1000. Poetry, love, independence.
1095. Modesty, meekness.
1260. Trial, oppression, torment.
1390. Danger.

Write on paper the name and surname of the person you are interested in. Substitute the corresponding number for each letter, then add the numbers of the first name and the numbers of the last name. Add the resulting sum of the digits of the name and surname again. The total amount characterizes the personality.

Let's take an example. Let's write on paper at least the name and surname of a famous fabulist: Ivan Krylov, in the order given below, and substitute the numbers corresponding to the letters:

I - 9
at 3
a - 1
n - 40
The sum of the name is 53.
K - 10
p - 70
s - 0
l - 20
o - 50
at 3
The sum of the surname is 153.
We add both sums: 53 + 153 = 206.
We look for the resulting number in the table below; but since there is no such figure, it should be divided into 200 and 6, this, according to the rules of Kabbalistic numerology, is allowed. Under the number 6 we find: work, love of freedom, success, and under the number 200 - composure, weakness of character. All these qualities, as can be seen from the biography of the famous fabulist, were inherent in him.
Now let's do something different with the number 206 and see what happens. 2 + 0 + 6 = 8. Having compared the value of the number 8 with the table, we read: greatness, justice, meekness. All these noble qualities were present in the unforgettable writer.

Let's take another example: Alexander Suvorov.

A - 1
l - 20
e - 6
k - 10
s - 80
a - 1
n - 40
e - 5
p - 70
The sum of the name is 233.
C - 80
y - 100
at 3
o- 50
p - 70
o - 50
at 3
The sum of the surname is 356.
Total: 233 + 356 = 589.
There is no full number in the table, you should do the same as we did in the first case. Dividing the sum of 589 by 500, 80, and 9, we will see, by referring to the table, the meaning of these numbers:
500 - Abundance of love, simplicity, nobility;

9 - wisdom, free thinking, honor.
Who does not know the brilliant commander!
It is easy to verify this Kabbalistic calculation. Now let's add the total amount of 589 by units 5 + 8 + 9 = 22, under this figure we read: wisdom, depth, genius. All this was in Suvorov: wisdom, depth of thought and genius.

Now let's take another name known to the whole world, and even more so to us - the great writer of the Russian land, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. We write:

L - 20
e - 6
at 3
The sum of the name is 29.
T - 90
o - 50
l - 20
s - 80
t - 90
o - 50
th - 9
The sum of the name is 389.
Now, adding 29 + 389 = 418, we will see what is obtained from the value of the digits that make up this number:
400 - higher science, insight;
10 - good nature, justice, beauty of the soul;
8 - greatness, meekness, justice.
Who will deny and dispute the qualities that we received from Kabbalah? All these qualities were in the great writer of the Russian land.
Now add up: 4 + 1 + 8 = 13 - the sum of the first and last names. Under the number 13 we read: goodness, victory over darkness, immortality. These wonderful words speak for themselves. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is literally like that.

Now let's take such a popular, so to speak, personality in the 19th century as Wilhelm Hohenzollern. This is an example from the other, worse side. Let's see what Kabbalistic divination says about this person:

AT 3
and - 9
l - 20
d - 4
e - 6
l - 20
m - 30
The sum of the name is 92.
G - 4
o - 50
d - 4
e - 6
n - 40
c - 400
o - 50
l - 20
e - 6
p - 70
n - 40
The sum of the surname is 690.
The total sum of the first and last name: 92 + 690 = 782. Now let's see what the numbers say about this bloody man.
700 - dominion, pride;
80 - great misfortune, war;

Everything that the Kabbalistic numerology by name and surname, more than true. Yes, Wilhelm, in his desire for power, brought people a great misfortune - war. He destroyed all the best: cathedrals, castles, museums, palaces. It is clear that the consequences of this man's activity are disastrous.
Now let's add: 7 + 8 + 2 = 17 - the sum of the first and last names. According to the table, the number 17 means misfortune, depravity, evil. And in this case, the testimony of Kabbalistic divination is true. Yes, Wilhelm was vicious, unhappy himself and brought great misfortune and evil to others.

Explanation to the Kabbalistic numerology of the name and surname

If the amount that comes from adding the first and last names is found in this table in its entirety, then you should read under this figure and the value corresponding to it. And if there is no such number in the table, as happened in the above examples, then you need to split the resulting amount into thousands, hundreds, tens and units. If, for example, the total sum of the digits of the name and surname is 1343, it is divided as follows: 1000 + 300 + 40 + 3.

As proof of loyalty Kabbalistic numerology another example: our brilliant poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

A - 1
l - 20
e - 6
k - 10
s - 80
a - 1
n - 40
e - 5
p -70
The sum of the name is 233.
P - 60
y - 100
w - 600
k - 10
and - 9
n - 40
The sum of the surname is 819.
The total sum from adding the numbers of the first and last names will be 233 + 819 = 1052. Now let's open the table and see what this figure means when divided:
1000 - poetry, love, independence;
50 - liberation, oblivion, freedom;
2 - destruction, disastrous consequences.
All this is amazingly accurate: poetry, love of beauty, liberation from exile, oblivion of the past, freedom of thought, destruction - a duel, a disastrous consequence - death. Who can argue against what has been said? Now let's see what the following numbers will tell us: 1 + 5 + 2 = 8 - the sum of the first and last names. The number 8 means: greatness, meekness, justice. The result is really amazing. All these are the inalienable qualities of a great poet.

Despite its name, this science is quite simple. Everyone can cope with it and learn to determine the character of a person only by his name. it's easy. You use numerological tables and simple calculations. Kabbalistic numerology is one of the sections of the teachings of Kabbalah.

For those who are fond of numbers, it will be interesting to get to know her, because she gives a complete picture of the personality of another person.

Start with yourself, and then you can find out all the secrets of your lover, colleague, boss, or even a random fellow traveler. The secret becomes clear if you can understand the language of numbers.

Kabbalah and numbers

Any process or reaction can be expressed in the language of mathematics. Simple addition, subtraction is the basis of our world. More complex calculation methods have been added in progress. Who knows what other theorems will be proven, how algebra, geometry, physics will be simplified in 100 years, 50, 10? The ancient science of Kabbalistic numerology has been known for many centuries. Wise men and scientists were engaged in it, studying and improving. This knowledge was secret, after forbidden. Now, anyone can delve into the study of the magic of numbers. With the help of numerology, you can reveal the secrets of the character of any person.

If you recognize the name and surname, you can, by simple calculations, find out everything about what yours is like:

  • colleague;
  • new chosen one;
  • friend, friend;
  • well-wisher;
  • leader, chief.

It's simple if you think well. For those who are not confident in their abilities - a calculator to help. In these calculations, accuracy is very important, without it you will get incorrect information.

Name table method

Everything is very simple. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number or number. They are not chosen randomly, each of them is a special code. Those who turn to the Kabbalah of Numbers for serious study will be able to learn more about this.

Table Alphabet - Numbers
BUT 1 To 10 At 100
B 2 L 20 F 200
AT 3 M 30 X 300
G 4 H 40 C 400
D 5 O 50 H 500
E 6 P 60 W 600
AND 7 R 70 SCH 700
W 8 FROM 80 YU 800
And 9 T 90 I 900

As you can see, not all letters are present in this alphabet. If your name contains one that is not represented in the table, then 0 is simply written instead. Only these letters and their numerical value are important. They will be used for all calculations.

It is easy to work, you need to find the correspondence between the letter and the number, and then calculate the amount. For example, the person who interests us is Nikolay Ivanov.

Naturally, you need to use the full name, not the abbreviated version. If you know the middle name, then count it. So, the sum of the first name is 133, the sum of the last name is 130.

Now that we have two values, add up from 133+130=163. Now this number needs to be found in the second table. As you can see, not all numbers in a row are represented in it. If there is no such number, then add the numbers 1+6+3=10=1. It will definitely be found. If the number is large, such as 1503, then you can break it down into three simple parts.

Our life is connected with numbers

Personality characteristics according to the table

1 Roughness, destruction 21 success, friendship, partnership 41 Sadness, depression, loss 150 Victory, triumph, capture
2 Evil, doom, fall 22 Genius, depth of feelings 42 Travel, adventure, passion 200 Reflections, philosophy
3 Pursuit of God, religion 23 misfortune, punishment 43 Stupidity, loss, closeness 300 Cold-bloodedness, oblivion, resentment
4 Power, intelligence, perfection 24 Virtue, good deeds 44 Success, joy, happiness 315 True evil, longing for darkness
5 Courage, Honor, Dignity 25 Glory, honor, respect 45 Confinement, loss, death 318 Kindness, forgiveness, understanding
6 Work, success, the path to the stars 26 Benefit for all, labor 46 Wealth, health, deceit 350 righteousness, justice
7 Stupidity, gambling, poverty 27 Respect, meaning 47 Long years of life 360 Politics, science, society
8 Just Judge, Majesty 28 Luck, love and happiness 48 Judgment, punishment, damnation 365 Wandering, knowledge, study
9 Honor, thinker, meaning 29 Insidious plans, misfortunes 49 Greed, greed, stupidity 400 Love for God, monasticism
10 Spiritual beauty, kind heart 30 Good luck in family life 50 Freedom, love, poetry 409 Mind, insight
11 Against the law, against the order, nonsense 31 Virtues of man 60 Loneliness, ruin 500 Values, accessibility
12 Immortality, dark beginning 32 Pure souls, health 70 Mind, interest, science 600 Beauty and fullness of life
13 Disbelief, lack of ideals 33 Beauty inside and out 73 Teaching, knowledge 666 Evil, murder, darkness
14 Viciousness, debauchery 34 Suffering, early old age 75 Mental abilities, depression 700 Selfishness, pride
15 Mind, insight, wisdom 35 The desire for knowledge 77 Repentance, loss, poverty 800 catastrophe, misfortune, loss
16 Family, love, roots 36 Supreme sense, justice 80 Big troubles, wars 900 Sacrifice, war, trouble
17 Viciousness, evil, bad ending 37 Happiness in the family, peace 87 distance, error 1000 Beauty, harmony, balance, poetry
18 Strong nature, sincerity 38 Corruption, wormhole 90 Loss, stupidity, trouble 1095 modesty, love
19 Indecision, simplicity, silence 39 poverty, stupidity 100 Politics, state 1260 Suffering, torment
20 rigor, will 40 perseverance, purpose 120 Motherland, patriotism, death for the motherland 1390 Danger

The resulting value can be found in the table. So, who is he, our Ivanov Nikolai? The number 163 could not be found, but there is 9 - Honor, think, meaning. Obviously, this is a very noble and pleasant person who is respected by everyone. But, it's hard to check. It is much easier to see an example that would be known to everyone.

An example of determining the character of a person by his name

The simplest thing is to consider famous personalities. Who to take? The one everyone knows and loves. Our most famous poet of all time.

Alexander Pushkin

His work, fate and tragic death are known to any schoolchild. The power of the word, love, family, indescribable poetry. If Kabbalah recognizes it, then this method can be trusted.

  • Name sum 233
  • Surname sum 819

The sum of the first and last name is 1052. There is no such number, so let's break it down into three simple 1000.50.2.

1000 - poetry, beauty, balance.

50 - freedom, love, poetry

2 - evil, death, fall.

Does this description remind you of a poet? Two of the three numbers contain the description "poetry." This man was destined to become a poet. But 2 speaks of tragedy, death.

In the same way, you can calculate the character, and sometimes the fate, of any person. The sages of antiquity did not rely on the magic of numbers for nothing. They considered them the language of the universe. Universal, understandable to anyone. Today, mystical science once again conquers the hearts of people. Many actors, famous personalities are compiling their Kabbalistic calendar using their name, exact date of birth, important information. In accordance with them, you can calculate the most successful day, as well as the day when it is better not to leave the house at all. All this is numerology.

Choosing a name for a child

For someone who is already familiar with numerology, it is obvious that you can have a dialogue with numbers. So why not create a destiny for your child? You need to choose what you think best suits his future life. You already have a piece of data - the last name. Of course, this is for those who are already married. If you know the number of the last name, then choose the first name. Moreover, the meaning of names very often corresponds to the character.

On the example of Pushkin, it can be seen that the name Alexander with the number 233 or 8 corresponds to the definition of "greatness, justice." This beautiful name is one of the most common in the world. Alexander, Alex, Alejandro is present in most languages. It is not easy for people to choose it for their child. Such a fate is not always easy. Very often forms a strong, adamant personality, striving for a fight. If this is what you want for your child, then it is perfect.

Many parents choose funny or unusual names for a reason. Their alphanumeric code corresponds to a happy fate, and avoids an unfortunate one. This program is laid from birth. You can go deeper into these arguments if you connect an adjacent science - astrology. Do not laugh at unusual names, but rather check what parents wanted to give their child for a happy life and success.

Every day more and more people pay attention to the doctrine that arose a very long time ago. It is called Kabbalah. It is necessary to consider in more detail what Kabbalistic numerology means by itself.

Numerology implies that you need to make a calculation. As a result, figures will be obtained, with the help of which it will be possible to describe not only the character of a person, but also possible events in the future. The calculation implies that each letter has its own number, which is endowed with a certain meaning.

Supporters of such Kabbalistic numerology are sincerely convinced that due to the change of one letter in a surname or name, a person’s life can seriously change. Maybe because of this, famous people wear pseudonyms.

Do not assume that fortune-telling based on ancient teachings is complex and incomprehensible. To determine the temperament and habits, you need to know only the first name and surname. Using the numerical alphabet, the interpretation of numbers, you can quite easily reveal its secrets.

Using the alphabet from numbers, you can calculate your personal code. All letters receive a specific number. When translated into Russian, such characters as "e", "e", and "e" received the same number. The same applies to such letters as "i", "y". There are also "b", "s", "b". These letters are not taken into account at all in divination. All the rest received unique values, which can be seen in the figure.

How to determine your number?

For Kabbalistic divination, you will need to take a piece of paper and write down the name and surname. After that, you will need to find the number shown in the figure for each letter and write it down. Add up the numbers corresponding to the first and last names separately from each other. Then you need to make a general calculation. Based on its results, a unique number will be obtained, the value of which can be found in the interpreter.

Consider a simple example. Let's use the well-known name and surname - Alexander Pushkin.

  • Let's take a name and find a number for each of the letters included in it.
  • All numbers after that should be added.
  • The result is 233.
  • The same actions should be done with the surname, resulting in the number 819.
  • Both numbers must be added to get 1052.

It should immediately be noted that there is no such meaning in the interpreter. Therefore, the number should be divided. Kabbalistic numerology allows this. We get two numbers: 1000 and 52. However, the second value is also not in the interpreter. We split it, getting 50 and 2.

1000 symbolizes the desire for poetry, love, independence; 50 - the desire to achieve freedom, the desire for oblivion; 2 - fatality, destructive consequences.

Meaning of numbers

The numerical value by itself implies interpretations with which you can find out the meaning of a certain human code. With the help of this, it will be possible to understand not only temperament and inclinations, but also life goals. What value this or that number receives is described below.


1. An ambitious person, a manifestation of rudeness, greed.

2. Human actions have a disastrous effect.

3. There is a desire for self-knowledge, for perfection.

4. The manifestation of authority, a sharp mind.

5. Willingness to do brave deeds.

6. The owner of the number loves to work, strives for freedom and prosperity.

7. The figure is characterized by poverty, the commission of crimes.

8. The owner of the number is characterized by greatness, the desire for justice.

9. The number gives people wisdom and a good reputation.

10. A person is characterized by good nature, justice, spiritual beauty.

11. No desire to act according to the law, nonsense.

12. Disbelief, lack of religiosity is characteristic of a person.

13. Gives its owner immortality, goodness.

14. The owner of the number is characterized by vice, sacrifice.

15. A person is endowed with insight.

16. The number is fraught with prosperity in the love sphere.

17. Leads to misfortune, viciousness, malicious intent is manifested.

18. The number indicates a strong-willed person.

19. Gives a person spinelessness, timidity.

20. Differs in the manifestation of sadness, severity.

21. Endows a person with love for others, a manifestation of sympathy.

22. Characterized by wisdom, genius.

23. The owner of the number does not like to act according to the law, often commits crimes.

24. Manifestation of virtue, humanity.

25. Achieving success, gaining popularity.

26. Manifestation of sincerity, kindness.

27. Presence of beautiful willpower.

28. Numerous victories in the love arena.

29. Manifestation of selfishness.

30. Building a strong family.

31. Striving for justice.

32. Demonstration of fidelity, desire for a family.

33. The desire to improve appearance.

34. Manifestation of suffering, mental pain.

35. Manifestation of desire for self-knowledge.

36. Having talent.

37. Manifestation of meekness, striving for family happiness.

38. The presence of mental pain, the manifestation of suffering.

39. Mental weakness, spiritual poverty.

40. Talks about perseverance.

41. The owner of the number is distinguished by the lack of well-being.

42. Rewards the owner with frequent travel, excellent work capacity.

43. The number carries in itself closeness.

44. Activity is characteristic of a person.

45. High probability of losing health.

46. ​​You can achieve wealth, high reputation.

47. There is a high probability of living for many years in prosperity and happiness.

48. A crime will be committed and a punishment will be received.

49. The number endows the owner with insignificance.

50. The figure is characterized by freedom, oblivion.

60. Expects loneliness.

70. Greatness can be achieved.

73. There is a desire for science.

75. Has talent.

77. Characterized by repentance, forgiveness.

80. Unhappiness can be achieved.

87. Striving for religiosity.

90. Failures will accompany you all your life.

These are not all values. The rest are shown in the picture below.

Absolutely everyone can resort to the ancient teachings in order to determine all the facets of their character, to figure out in which direction they should move, what fate has prepared. It is not difficult to determine your unique code and decrypt it. Author: Alexey Kharkov

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