Dragon and compatibility in love relationships. Compatibility of the dragon man with other signs of the eastern horoscope. Dragon Man and Dragon Woman: Compatibility in Love

The compatibility of the Dragon with the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope is difficult to assess without knowing all the features of this sign. On the one hand, both partners have the same views on life and common goals, but on the other hand, they are too similar to harmoniously complement each other.

In such a couple, both spouses need to make a lot of effort to maintain love and mutual understanding in the relationship. Because of the pride and love of freedom of each of them, the union may collapse.

Characteristics of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon are an inexhaustible source of vital energy. They are active and constantly on the move, which is facilitated by the compatibility of their characters with the desire for development and self-knowledge. They often lack basic patience, but the sign is able to go towards the goal and achieve success.

Everyone who knows this man is amazed at his luck. Despite the aura of success that surrounds the sign, at heart he is often unhappy. As a child, a child born this year tries to show everyone his superiority. He wants to be a leader and shows his strength by using physical violence. As the Dragon gets older, he learns to be more reserved, but the thirst for superiority does not go away.

Pride and selfishness often interfere with the sign. These people are not used to listening to advice or asking for help. They don't need minor roles, but second places. The dragon will always go ahead. If he does some good deed, he will definitely show it off.

Routine and tedious work is not suitable for this sign. Such people suffer greatly if they cannot realize themselves as professionals.

If a person wants to attract the attention of this sign, it is enough for him to show his indifference. The dragon is used to being admired by everyone and cannot tolerate any other attitude towards himself.

Friendship for the sign is of secondary importance. He feels good alone and can live in solitude for years.

These people have excellent health and beautiful appearance, which is not subject to age. Even in old age, representatives of the sign radiate beauty and strength.

The influence of the elements

Each of the 5 elements has an influence on the character of the sign and how its fate will develop. Depending on what year a person was born, his inner “I” will change.

The influence of the elements on the sign:

  1. The wooden sign representative (1964) is the ideal leader. He knows what and how to do in order to manage people. But he does this only in his own interests and for his own benefit. This person meets his love late and ties the knot even later.
  2. Metal (1940, 2000) - a strong-willed and purposeful personality. People born this year are prone to melancholy and are often in a bad mood. It costs them nothing to offend their opponent; even with their loved ones they can be rude and harsh.
  3. Fiery (1976) - an extraordinary personality, gifted with natural strength. In his life, the sign achieves success in everything. He is quick-tempered and sometimes aggressive. There is no point in fighting with this sign.
  4. Vodny (1952, 2012) - a frank and patient person. Behavior determined by the element of water makes the sign the complete opposite. He is open to people and is ready to do any work, even monotonous work. This sign is full of strength and enthusiasm.
  5. Zemlyanoy (1928, 1988) - a calm and balanced person. He knows exactly what he wants. and confidently moves towards the goal. This sign strives for justice and zealously defends it. He easily loses his temper and can harbor anger in his heart for a long time.

Such a varied characteristic is based on the influence of the elements. Despite this, the sign retains its original qualities and feels like the pinnacle of the universe. By year of birth you can also determine the fate of the Chinese horoscope sign.

Couple compatibility

Identical signs of the Eastern horoscope in this case do not form a very strong union; their compatibility is violated by the similarity of characters. The Dragon man and the Dragon woman carry within them the desire to lead their partner. Where their interests collide, quarrels, resentments and misunderstandings occur.

In order for both partners to learn to give in and extinguish selfishness, you need to spend a lot of effort and time. But two hearts in love can do this if their feelings are real and sincere.


Compatibility of the signs Dragon woman and Dragon man in love suggests that their relationship begins with mutual interest. The sign sees its own qualities in a person. Pride and inaccessibility greatly excite them and make their imagination work.

Dragons never enter into relationships out of self-interest, despite their love of money. A man and a woman born under this sign can make their own fortune and part with their savings without regret. It is for this reason that they are absolutely not attracted to a rich partner.

In order for the relationship between two Dragons to be strong, both partners must calm down their selfishness towards their lover. In this case, it is much easier for women: they are able to give in to please their significant other. Men rarely make such sacrifices.


Dragon man and Dragon woman marry only in adulthood.

If a girl born under this sign gets married early, she does so only to get rid of parental control. Such marriages quickly fall apart.

The sign is not used to showing their admiration for their partner and publicly talking about feelings, but this is not necessary: ​​both understand each other perfectly even without words.

The couple live beautifully and expensively. They are able to earn money, but they are unable to save. The love of luxurious life greatly undermines their budget. Everything changes with the advent of children. The sign does not accept overprotection of its children, but tries to provide them with a comfortable life and a good future.

Spouses are very demanding of each other. They do not forgive mistakes, much less betrayal. Dragon parents also have unreasonably high demands on their children. Each spouse considers himself an ideal and does not accept someone else's superiority.

The couple is against anyone’s interference in their family life: it disrupts their usual course of life and is very annoying.


Sex has a special meaning for the sign. The spouses are completely compatible in bed. At the very beginning of a relationship, intimacy is perceived by partners as a way to show their superiority. Despite this, they know how to please their significant other. The sign does not accept sex just for the sake of pleasure; he needs complete spiritual unity with his partner.

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by year

Spouses are often absorbed only in themselves and do not pay attention to the feelings of their partner. Constant rivalry deprives them of any desire to please and pamper each other.

Problems often arise in the relationship of spouses to their children. The mother tries to teach them independence and prepare them for adult life, but the father shows almost no love. This does not mean at all that he does not love his children, he simply does not know how or does not want to show his true feelings. Against this background, misunderstandings may also arise between spouses.


Relationships in marriage and love for Dragons according to the Eastern horoscope are developing well.

If both spouses realize the destructive influence of their selfishness, they will be able to form a union that is not subject to the years and troubles of life.

There is an invisible thread between lovers that tightly binds their souls. This is not visible to an outside observer, but both spouses feel it throughout their lives.

The compatibility of the Dragon woman with other eastern representatives largely depends on the personal qualities inherent in Ophiuchus. This is one of the unusual signs in the entire Chinese horoscope.

Characteristics of the Dragon Woman

A strong character and multifaceted personality is not used to counting on anyone’s help, is independent in making decisions and is able to insist on his own. And not every man likes this. That is why compatibility with the Dragon woman does not manifest itself in all signs, with whom one would like it. That is why among the representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope there are many who have never found a worthy soul mate for love and marriage.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon, especially the fiery one, is full of masculine energy, therefore she is not ready to yield to the stronger sex in anything. She will make an excellent ruler, capable of leading masses of people, defending the interests of society, fighting for equal rights.

According to the horoscope, the Dragon woman is free and independent by nature, capable of subjugating almost any man, and her characteristic charm and charm will become assistants in winning not only his will, but also his love. She is ready to make the highest demands on a potential spouse, therefore, due to her stubborn nature, someone born under this sign may miss her sometimes only chance to get married. She walks down the aisle only when and with whom she needs it, having behind her the opportunity to provide for herself and her husband and children.

Due to her strong characteristics, the born Dragon in a skirt is madly loved by some, and some quietly envy and hate her. Not everyone likes her self-confidence and increased self-esteem.

Those who are confident in their own abilities are more attracted to such people, and it is precisely such men who have a chance to stay close to them. When establishing a relationship with a Drakosha girl, it is worth remembering that as soon as her expectations about your person are dispelled, she will show you the door without regret and will not have to grieve over the breakup. She has many fans.

Who is ideal for a Dragon?

Some representatives of the eastern horoscope are compatible and can easily adapt to the demanding girl Drakosha.


One of the best options for love and a happy marriage will be a smart Rat, who is suitable in intelligence and will fulfill the most draconian fantasies, thereby adding even more confidence. For such a Rat, a woman will be ready to move mountains. Together they form a nuclear tandem, the compatibility of which is significantly high. The Rat will fall madly in love and will enjoy being next to an eternal optimist who loves to travel and take risks, distributing generous compliments to her other half, which is so necessary.


The wise monkey knows how to charm her other half, continuing to give passion and love for many years. Their union will be so energetic that it can act not only in personal relationships, but also in work ones. Two creative people are able to realize many plans, find common interests and create a strong family union. The Monkey will give Drakosha numerous declarations of her love, will admire her, and what else does a woman need to be happy. Despite the strong characteristics of the Dragon and the Monkey, in marriage there will be no competition for leadership, only support for each other.


Many will envy such a couple, because their compatibility is excellent. The innate elegance of the Snake harmoniously complements the draconian charm. Both are smart and quite ambitious, they know what they want and how it can be achieved. The Snake will become a source of wisdom and will be able to understand the Dragon like no one else, giving the woman a leading role in the family, although this is often an illusion created by the wise Snake. Mutual respect becomes the cornerstone in a marriage, which can last a long time if the Snake does not show excessive jealousy.

Who has every chance of being nearby?

Although the compatibility of these eastern zodiac signs is not ideal from the point of view of the Chinese horoscope, they have many chances to get to know the brilliant Dragon better.


They can make an original couple, full of vitality, ready to throw themselves into the fire, because they are idealists by nature, both of them want to turn the world upside down and make it better. Both signs are ready to provide all possible support in difficult times. In marriage, they are united not only by a feeling of love, but also by common beliefs and ideas. The wastefulness inherent in both of them becomes an obstacle to an ideal relationship. These signs are not very successful in administrative areas, but they are lucky in material terms, which can protect them from poverty.


A stormy love affair is possible with a rooster, which can develop into a long and lasting marriage. Only if the Rooster does not begin to acquire other fans, and Drakosha does not rush to acquire new love affairs, since both signs are quite jealous. They will always find something to talk about, and at night they will surprise you with their imagination. In the Rooster, the Dragon woman likes his impulsiveness and a certain bravado, although she is wary of his oratory. In Drakosha, the Rooster usually found his ideal image of a woman and falls madly in love, extolling his other half. Only the fears present in the Rooster, hidden deep in the soul, can cause quarrels, since the selfish Dragon woman is not always ready to deal with her husband’s problems.

Medium relationship

Several signs have average compatibility with Dragons and are suitable for a Dragon woman. They can be nearby if the partners try to follow a number of recommendations.


At first glance, these signs, which are different in nature, cannot be side by side. A woman constantly has her head in the clouds, and the Ox man is so practical that he gets bogged down in business and worries, doing everything slowly and thoroughly. The soul of the company, the charming Drakosha is ready to surround herself with numerous fans and cheerful acquaintances, and the Ox likes tranquility. Nevertheless, the bull's reliability fascinates the Dragon woman, and the Ox is inspired by the latter's charisma to perform feats.

The Dragon

Two identical eastern signs have a sense of humor and strive to be noticed among others, both are talented, and this makes them compatible in love and marriage. They will travel a lot and will not waste time on jealousy and envy. However, their marriage can end only because they will always strive to make up for lost freedom. Uncompromising in relationships, both will try to take a leading position and, if there is no agreement, they will separate as a result.


With the Horse, a multifaceted woman will be interested in wandering around museums and theaters, but she is not ready to just sit at home. Although they are ready to find something to do even at home, their house is often full of guests. However, they are quickly consumed by everyday life and everything connected with the need to solve everyday everyday issues, which neither one nor the other likes. And they are both ready to be in the spotlight, but there is room for only one.


The Pig man is ready to sacrifice himself and chooses a secondary role in the relationship, being madly in love with his chosen one. But with his too good attitude, the Pig can spoil everything and simply spoil his already selfish Dragon. If the Dragon manages to tame his egoistic temper and not consider the Pig as a servant, then the marriage can last for a long time. The tendency towards infidelity in both signs can also cause separation.

  • The second sign for whom relationships are contraindicated is the Goat. If at first romance is possible between them and many topics for conversation will be found, then over time gray everyday life will exhaust love and bring everything to naught. Family comfort will be important to the Goat, but the sociable Drakosha, who is ready to fly out of the house to help her friends, never strives for this. In addition, the capricious Goat does not know how to give compliments that are so necessary for the other half, considering this a useless exercise.
  • The third sign, who has little in common with the dragon representative, is the sensual Dog, who has never been able to find the depths of experience in the Dragon. The first strong attraction between them usually ends in a showdown. The presence of many admirers for his wife will upset the Dog, who is not ready to extol his half as much as those around him can do. Drakosha, who looks around and is rarely sentimental, cannot understand the faithful Dog, who needs tenderness and strives for peace.
  • In many ways, a person’s position in society and his behavior are determined by the element and sign under which he was born. The Chinese horoscope can tell you a lot about hidden abilities and skills, understand how to change yourself for the better, and correctly build personal relationships with your loved one. Who suits the Dragon most for family life?

    Brief characteristics of the sign

    To better understand who is suitable for the Dragon in love, you need to learn more about his character and characteristics. Nothing is impossible for this sign; he very easily takes responsibility for any actions. He is active, purposeful, his head is full of innovative ideas. Such people have well-developed leadership qualities, and those around them are drawn to them. However, the Dragon's compatibility in a love relationship largely depends on his ability to control his anger.

    Such a man is very hot-tempered. At the same time, he is passionate in love. It has a special charm and charm that attracts the fair sex, making it the subject of universal adoration. Once disappointed in his partner, the Dragon will no longer commit himself to a serious relationship and will lead a bachelor life. A woman born under this sign is highly intelligent and always interesting to talk to.

    Dragonesses are independent and always tell the truth, which often makes them bitter enemies for many other women. The Dragon's compatibility with the opposite sex is quite low, because it is difficult for her to be compliant and sweet when a hurricane is raging inside. If she learns to give in and find a compromise, she can become a wonderful wife. The dragon woman is very kind to her children and understands them perfectly.

    The influence of year of birth and elements on compatibility in relationships

    The compatibility of the Dragon is largely determined by the year of birth.

    1. Wood Dragons born in 1904, 1964 and 2024 have great creative potential. These are freedom-loving, energetic people with divergent thinking, ready to look at many problems from a variety of angles. Such qualities in their partners are very important to them. In comparison with other brothers, they are less pretentious, but they are not always able to correctly build a line of relationships with other people.
    2. The compatibility of the Fire (1916, 1976, 2036) Dragon with other signs is largely determined by the influence of the elements. These are very emotional people, the influence of the sign is greatly enhanced by the fire element, they are even more hot-tempered. They have poor control over their emotions and often think that their opinion is truly correct. When the Yellow Dragon is able to restrain its negative qualities, it can have a very strong influence on other signs. In love, this combination makes him an ambiguous partner: on the one hand, self-control allows him to keep his other half under control, and on the other, excessive emotionality leads to quarrels and misunderstandings on the part of both partners.
    3. The Earth Dragon (1928, 1988, 2048) is less hot-tempered than its brethren. This is the perfect match for any sign. In love he is faithful and fair. The influence of the Earth makes him very successful in his career, serious. Such a Dragon is especially attractive to the opposite sex.
    4. The metal representative (1880, 1940, 2000) is endowed with extraordinary tenacity and courage. He will ardently defend his every thought, in the process attracting other people to his side. Even if no one comes over to his side, he will continue his battle alone. In relationships he can be very persistent, especially when he achieves his passion.
    5. The last representative, Vodny (1892, 1952, 2012), has extraordinary sensitivity and a calmer disposition. He looks at many problems through the eyes of other people, which makes him an ideal partner in a relationship who subtly senses his soulmate. Compared to other brothers, he is able to make rational decisions without relying on his emotions. He can be fickle in business, it is difficult for him to concentrate for a long time on one task, although in general, he always does well in the things he takes on.

    What should a dragon's half be like?

    You can read the horoscope from different angles. Many astrologers disagree about the compatibility of the Dragon with other signs. Only one thing is clear: in addition to belonging to one sign or another, the other half must have certain character qualities in order to get along with the purposeful, freedom-loving Dragon. The resourceful Rat perfectly complements Drakosha. It is resourcefulness and the ability to take detours that the Little Dragon, who is accustomed to getting into trouble, lacks.

    People born under the sign of the Dragon need constant praise. For them, admiration and even some admiration for their abilities of the other half is a stimulus. The Dragon's partner must have the same irrepressible energy in order to withstand such an assertive and passionate nature. The partner must be cunning and courteous. Sometimes you will have to restrain the ardor of the Dragon, which will sometimes tear and throw, because the sign is quite aggressive in its attempts to prove what is right and attract people to its side.

    Interaction with other representatives

    We will consider the compatibility of the Dragon and other signs in more detail below.

    1. The Mouse (Rat) is ideal for the Dragon for marriage and financial affairs. Such a tandem will be strong provided that the main thing in the relationship is the Dragon. Rat skills and abilities will always be useful to a partner in situations where he cannot cope with his emotions and think rationally; she will tell him how to find a workaround, and when to leave the battlefield altogether.
    2. Compatibility between Ox and Dragon is unlikely, but possible. Both zodiac signs strive to prove their superiority. An alliance is possible with the Water sign representative, who is less aggressive and more loyal.
    3. According to the horoscope of compatibility between the Dragon and the Tiger, we can say that this union will be promising. Two strong, bright representatives will complement each other in many ways.
    4. The love compatibility of the Rabbit (Hare) and the Dragon is not so good. In the “coward”, the Dragon is attracted by his pliability and compliance, but the Hare is often frightened by his partner’s excessive pretentiousness. Both people can complement each other and make each other happy if they can remove the stumbling block from the path.
    5. The compatibility of Dragon and Dragon should be ideal, but this does not always happen. Very often, people with the same mindset and the same aspirations will irritate each other and try to suppress each other. Everything will depend on the ability of both people to give in and compromise.
    6. Compatibility with the Dragon Snake allows you to create a strong, lasting union. In this marriage, everything largely depends on the wisdom of the Snake, which should learn to surreptitiously lead a hot-tempered partner.
    7. Compatibility between Horse and Dragon is quite problematic. Each partner pulls the blanket over himself and does not want to give in. The restive nature of the Horse and the hot temper of the Dragon do not allow them to live in peace. In their relationship, the determining factor is not spiritual connection, but sex.
    8. You shouldn’t try to connect your life with a Goat (Sheep) at all. This is not a reliable partner at all. The fact is that the artiodactyl in such a union will be surrounded by care and love, but the Sheep herself cannot give her beloved happiness.
    9. Compatibility between Monkey and Dragon is very good. Representatives of these zodiac signs complement each other. Their relationship is vibrant, based on mutual assistance and trust.
    10. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Dragon promises them a strong union, provided that they can calm their pride. These signs are capable of achieving success in many ways.
    11. Compatibility between Dog and Dragon is zero. The dog does not see his partner the way others see him, and if at first falling in love does not allow him to soberly evaluate him, then he simply cannot come to terms with his desire to be first. It is difficult for Drakosha to come to terms with the fact that someone does not accept his point of view, which, in his opinion, is always correct.
    12. Compatibility of Pig and Dragon is 80-90%. The Pig is attractive to him due to his bossiness, as well as genuine admiration for his nature, which flatters the smug Dragon.

    A woman born under the symbol of the Dragon attracts people to herself due to her inner core and strong character. She always knows which direction she should go and never stops if she fails. Such women know who is right for them to live with and with whom they will feel happy. Information about the compatibility of the Dragon woman with other signs of the Chinese horoscope helps you make your choice.

    Characteristics of a Dragon woman

    Such women differ from representatives of other signs of the eastern calendar in that they will never hide their opinions about them from others. They are so confident in themselves that they speak their mind without fear of judgement. Girls of this sign have a high level of intelligence, so they can always carry on a conversation.

    In love, it is quite difficult for such women. It's all because of their hot temper. Another difficulty is that they cannot make concessions and step over themselves. If they need to keep their love, it is better to learn how to do it.

    The influence of the elements

    Representatives of the eastern horoscope are also influenced by the element to which the sign belongs:

    1. A fiery woman born in 1916 or 1976 is characterized by increased temper.
    2. A wooden woman born in 1904 or 1964 is overly freedom-loving and has a high level of energy.
    3. The metal symbol, patronizing those born in 1940 or 2000, adds perseverance and courage to the character of the wards.
    4. The patron earth sign of people born in 1928 or 1988 gives people a sense of justice and peace.
    5. A Water sign born in 1952 or 2012 is characterized by sensitivity, calmness and patience.

    Union with the Rat

    Such relationships have a right to exist, but they will be successful only if the Rat begins to admire all the virtues of the partner. Fortunately, Rat men love to compliment their chosen one.

    In bed, representatives of the signs are able to achieve harmony, each of them knows what they want from sex, it is easy for them to satisfy each other.

    Union with the Bull

    Certain difficulties may arise between these signs of the Chinese horoscope, especially if the Ox is Taurus or Sagittarius according to the zodiac sign. Such a man does not like to take risks, unlike his lady. Women born in the year of the Dragon are distinguished by their love of extreme sports and new experiences.

    The union also has some positive aspects: partners are able to open each other’s eyes to areas of life that were previously inaccessible to them.

    They have a good connection in love and friendship: the Dragon can always rely on a man and feel relaxed. A woman can provide a man with life lessons that will drive him crazy (in a good way). In sex they will be fine until they start to get bored of each other.

    The Ox is compatible with the representative of the sign, but for a short time: these signs of the eastern horoscope are too different.

    Alliance with the Tiger

    The characteristics of both signs are characterized by courage and confidence. They believe in themselves so much that this may prevent them from creating a strong marriage, because each of them will fight for leadership, which causes a certain dissatisfaction on the part of their partner.

    Everything is fine in their friendship, because a man and a woman will constantly exchange positive energy. There will also be no problems in working together, since they have the same views on finance.

    Alliance with the Rabbit

    The Dragon woman's horoscope says that it will be difficult for her to get along in the same house with the Rabbit (Hare, Cat). The hare is not able to calmly tolerate the girl’s temper and aggression. He begins to be afraid of her and runs away.

    In marriage, the Rabbit and the Dragon will be able to reach mutual understanding only if both learn to tolerate their partner’s antics and stop reproaching him for his shortcomings. In sex, disagreements can also arise due to this.

    Union with the Dragon

    Even though these signs have similarities in character, this can become a stumbling block in love, friendship or work. The whole point is that each of them will strive for leadership and will begin to show themselves only in a favorable light. Regular conflicts will encourage you to end relationships and seek happiness with other symbols of the eastern horoscope.

    Love and marriage can only be saved if Dragons learn to appreciate each other and respect the opinion of their partner. They should learn to find a compromise. They often have difficulties in sex, due to the fact that everyone tries to lead and does not listen to the fantasies of their loved one.

    Union with the Snake

    The compatibility between these Chinese horoscope signs is simply amazing. They immediately assign roles in the relationship. For example, the Dragon will achieve its goal openly, but the Snake wants to help its lady quietly, so that no one will know about her help.

    If the Snake wants to win his beloved lady, he will not stop in his aspirations. She will do everything to make the Dragon pay attention to her. The marriage of such partners lasts until the end of life.

    Union with the Horse

    Both representatives of the sign always achieve their goals, but the characteristics of their character show that these are selfish characters. It is selfishness that will prevent them from creating strong relationships. They can achieve harmony only in the implementation of adventures.

    Such a relationship will not be successful. The Dragon and the Horse can be friends or work together, but a love couple cannot work out, no matter what measures are taken.

    Union with the Goat

    The Sheep dreams that her partner can guide her on the right path in life, so with the Dragon she can become truly happy. As soon as she feels the protection of a man, she will immediately begin to show more tenderness and love.

    The Dragon always wants to receive a large number of compliments. Unfortunately, the Sheep will not be able to provide this to the girl. Often this becomes the cause of constant disagreements, after which you will have to seek happiness with other symbols of the eastern calendar.

    Union with the Monkey

    This guy and girl will always have something to talk about. They have the same outlook on life, so they can spend time together with interest. The first sparks of sympathy begin to appear on the first date, but they quickly fade away.

    If Monkey often lavishes compliments on the girl, the relationship will be able to last. In sex, they need to listen to each other so as not to provoke betrayal.

    Union with the Rooster

    These are people who try to be in everyone's sight and show beauty. The goals of their actions are different. For example, the Rooster does this in order to increase his own self-esteem, while the girl commits similar actions because she considers them the meaning of life. She doesn't know how to behave any other way.

    People born in this year are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. They always strive for freedom and are ready to fight for it. They begin an independent life in their early years, as soon as they have a goal. They are intelligent, decent and will never be hypocritical, always striving to tell the truth. They do not like to use force, but if necessary they will defend their own and others' interests. Despite the fact that they contain a whole storehouse of positive qualities, it is not always easy for everyone to get along with them.

    Compatibility with Monkey

    This union is somewhat reminiscent of a tandem of two extreme sports enthusiasts. and very restless, lively and curious - they are interested in everything in this world. But if the Dragon is not particularly fixated on something and moves forward, not particularly worrying about what may await him next, then the Monkey always has some kind of plan of his own, which no one knows about. She can hide her interest behind any of her actions, hiding everything behind a mask of indifference. In this pair, the driving force is the Dragon. He will solve serious issues and make decisions, but the Monkey will become an amazing inspiration for him, a source of creativity and intellectual support.

    They can settle down together if everyone stops bending their own stick and does not do only what they personally want. Moreover, together they can become an impenetrable wall. It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that having met, they will both rush headlong into the love pool, which can become dangerous, because they tend to live by passions, and this, as we know, does not lead to good. They tend to control their emotions and slow down in time. Each of them is independent, so the first thing they will have to learn in life together is the ability to give in, and sometimes agree with the whole other half. Otherwise, if everyone acts alone, dreams of a happy future together will remain dreams.

    Given the experience of practice, it is easier to establish relationships in a couple where the man is under the sign of the Dragon. A couple of opposite signs also has a chance of success, but there will be many problems on their way, although all of them are easily overcome.

    Compatibility with Rooster

    Their love affair can be divided into two periods, where there is an alternation of active confrontation and peaceful living, which occurs after the Dragon explodes and lets off all the steam, expressing everything he thinks to the Rooster. Even with a huge stretch, the relationship between these signs cannot be called smooth, although one can often hear the opinion that the compatibility of such a pair is very high and even almost ideal. It is difficult to imagine on what basis such a forecast could be based.

    Both of them are not averse to having a good time and showing off in society, however, the Rooster loves to live in accordance with his plans, so that everything in life is in order. While the Dragon, in comparison with the Rooster, can be called impulsive, which is not the most attractive feature in the eyes of a partner. The Rooster can make the Dragon’s life somewhat orderly, create for him all the necessary conditions that will help him feel the warmth of the hearth, which he badly needs. If the Dragon is not slowed down, then he himself is unlikely to stop for a break.

    It follows from this that the Dragon can get a lot of useful things from such an alliance, which cannot be said about him who likes to be in the spotlight, but in company with the Dragon he will have to be in the shadows. Trying to be head and shoulders above, he can simply overstrain himself, because it is difficult to reach such a level, and he is generally unable to maintain it. The Rooster will have to adjust first, so he suffers more in this pair. Frankly speaking, not every Rooster will take such a step, so such alliances cannot be found so often. But if the Rooster can not lose himself, accept the Dragon with all its pros and cons, then this couple will be able to survive the most terrible tests.

    Compatibility with Dog

    Their love does not develop in the simplest way, which can be explained by the difference in views on the world and understanding of primary needs. Yes, in order to have a pleasant fleeting romance, they don’t necessarily have to dive into the deep psychological characteristics of everyone, so at the very beginning everything can be just fabulously wonderful. Neither the Dog nor the Dragon has the habit of self-examination, and certainly will not do this with others. What is on the surface is enough for them. Needless to say, such superficial perception causes many problems, because the partner’s understanding is reduced to a minimum. The situation is also aggravated by the fact that initially there is little in common between the Dog and the Dragon.

    The dragon is not afraid of reality and problems, he simply never thinks about them until the moment they come. Sometimes he likes to have his head in the clouds, because he is a creative person and more than anything else wants to realize his potential. He is, as a rule, successful in what he undertakes. He craves a bright, rich life and wants to be in charge. The illusions that he builds in his head only pique his interest. But the Dog is more down-to-earth and dependent on the material world. It’s more about creating comfort here and now. She may agree and even give in at times, but her personality is not known for patience, so sooner or later she will express her opinion. The Dog will probably want to transfer the ability to make decisions onto the shoulders of a strong partner, but the Dragon is not one of those who wants to carry such “weights” on himself. It is not so easy for them to be together, but it cannot be said that it is impossible.

    Compatibility with Boar

    If we consider this union from the perspective of a long-term and serious relationship, then there is a lot of perspective, despite the fact that they have a big difference in views. But there is some kind of intuitive understanding in this pair, and this is much more effective than words. In theory, they do not need to make any effort at all to get what they want from the relationship, but the strength of the relationship will be unshakable only if the partners respect each other. Particular emphasis should be placed on how the Dragon behaves, which can follow the weakness of the Pig’s natural sensitivity, due to which it will attempt to seize power. But the Pig is not at all a weak and defenseless creature and will not tolerate humiliation. Here two options for the development of events will appear: either he will commit treason, or he will spray poison on his partner. We can definitely say that you definitely shouldn’t expect anything good from this.

    However, if understanding and mutual respect are achieved, then warm feelings and trust will be established between them. The Dragon will make the relationship interesting and vibrant, give its partner a sea of ​​new sensations, and the Pig will pick up the endeavors of its partner and use it as an incentive for further development. The Pig will show enough care and love for his partner, which will make him happy; next to such a person, the Dragon will be able to relax and get the most out of life.

    Problems that they may have will be resolved very quickly and will not pose any special obstacles. The only thing worth paying special attention to is the financial side, because their couple spends more than their earnings, and this is already serious.

    Compatibility with the Rat

    According to the classical interpretation, the relationship between the Dragon is going well. There can be everything they want, love, friendship and business cooperation. They are useful to each other even because they can do more together than alone. In this pair there will be no brake on the development of each, which is a significant plus. The Rat is calculating, diligent and efficient; it can competently manage its resources, both temporary and financial. She is practical and always carries out her plans. Considering the full range of her qualities, we can say that such a partner is perfect for the Dragon. The Rat will provide life and a reliable rear for its loved one, and the Dragon, knowing this, will be calm and prefer to deal with serious, large-scale matters that require maximum effort. All this may seem too ideal, but in life not everything is so wonderful and there will be plenty of complaints and various difficulties too.

    The hardest thing awaits them at the very beginning, when the bouquet and candy period comes to an end and a common life appears. The Dragon and Rat are very emotional and sometimes hot-tempered, but everything is within reason. The Rat really doesn’t like it when its plans begin to falter, so it can often worry and fuss over little things, living as if on a powder keg. The dragon is larger in scale and begins to get nervous only for serious reasons. The Dragon loves to have fun and have his head in the clouds from time to time. During these periods, the Rat will make attempts to lower him to the ground, which will irritate the Dragon. He doesn’t need a reason to rejoice, but the Rat does. If they manage to successfully go through the grinding-in period, then everything will work out for them. Moreover, it's worth it.

    Compatibility with Ox

    At a quick glance at the Dragon and the Ox, it may seem that it is difficult for them to understand, since their approach to life and understanding of everything in general are so different. The Ox is the creator of systems, he does everything according to plan and his whole life is planned out from start to finish, his inner world is balanced, he strives for prosperity, while the Dragon does not even make attempts to systematize his life. For him, variety is much more valuable. This is the main difference between the two.

    Each of them is strong and self-sufficient, each has a goal in life to which they are heading. Both can create a comfortable inner world for themselves without any problems and do everything to bring success into their lives. Usually, to create long-term relationships and families, the weak and the strong come together, but here, when both are strong, it is much more difficult to adapt. They have a value system, each with their own, which is different from that of their partner.

    But their relationship will never be boring, their relationship is like a fireworks display of emotions, and even if not always positive, a waterfall of feelings and a constant celebration. Love can pierce their souls through and through, they can dissolve in what they experience, but will not merge with their partner. Sexually, no serious problems are foreseen; there is passion and mutual understanding. What awaits them? It all depends on whether they can even agree and distribute responsibilities. In their couple, no one can be second, which means that they will have to establish equality and learn to take into account the opinion of their partner. But with mutual respect and competent coexistence, this will be practically an example of an ideal couple.

    Compatibility with Tiger

    A Tiger and Dragon cocktail risks becoming very explosive. Both are very emotional and hot-tempered, each is busy promoting their own ideas about ideals into the world. They feel their task, but cannot always formulate it, but everyone knows that they were born for some kind of super-mission. What matters is how effectively they can combine their efforts to achieve their goals. For their life together to be successful, they simply need to find something in common, some activity so that life does not seem empty.

    Passions simply rage in their love, and in sex they will throw out excess energy that has not found its application in life, so variety and a storm of emotions are guaranteed. The less creativity there is, the more sex - this is about the Dragon Tiger couple. To understand their partner’s desires, interests and preferences, they will need an impressive amount of time; for this purpose, many experiments will be organized. The main thing here is to be able to distinguish love from passion, so that there are no disappointments later. They generally run the risk of wishful thinking, so caution can do no harm.

    How quickly they manage to find a common language largely depends on the level of development of each and their desires. But they find it difficult to achieve balance. When one has a period of calm and internal harmony comes, the second will go into chaos. They need to learn to be attentive and help their other half if she needs it, and not try to prove something to each other. A lot of useful energy comes out through swearing, which could be spent creatively. Long-term relationships can develop, but only if they respect each other.

    Compatibility with Cat

    The compatibility of the Cat and the Dragon cannot be called simple, and their union itself, for the most part, can only be based on the physical plane, on the craving for pleasures of a sensual nature. A complete idyll may reign in this field. A strong sexual attraction may arise between them, which is difficult to resist, and it is not clear how it will all end. It is likely that their passion can develop into marriage, and there is nothing terrible here; on the contrary, the strengths of each of them can serve as an excellent basis.

    They enjoy meeting new people, having fun and celebrating. The Cat has a penchant for diplomacy and is endowed with a fine organization of the soul, while the Dragon is focused on the implementation of ideas and can make difficult decisions in acute situations. In terms of external surface indicators, they are very similar to each other. But we should not forget about the lack of sentimentality in the Dragon. The Cat seeks to find stability and a sense of security in its partner, while the Dragon’s impulsiveness and spontaneity in decision-making can shock the former. The cat tries with all his might to avoid conflicts, and for him even the mere idea that he could find himself in an unusual situation terrifies him. Living together with a Dragon, especially at first, can become an increased source of nerves for him, because it is impossible to control anything here.

    The dragon likes to live openly and cheerfully, he is not afraid of anything at all. It will be very good if he understands and accepts his partner’s craving for stability and calm. After all, then he will be able not only to give him a feeling of security, but also to pay him more attention. They are both smart enough to come to an understanding through negotiation and this actually happens often with excellent results. The further they go, the easier it will become for them.

    Compatibility with Dragon

    An interesting union where a couple is formed by strong, dynamic and passionate people who want to conquer more territories. Without exaggeration, we can say that the relationship will be very bright and rich in all kinds of emotions and impressions. There is no need to talk about any measured and calm life here - outbursts of passion and emotions, short-term quarrels followed by stormy reconciliation will be their constant companions. Predicting the outcome of their life together is quite problematic, due to their emotionality. Everything may be going fine and it would seem that everything is idyll for them, but the smallest spark is enough for them to explode and scatter in different corners. It is likely that this is how they will live - sometimes converge, sometimes diverge.

    But this cannot go on forever, sooner or later both will get tired of it and want stability, tranquility and, of course, family. Once growing up together reaches its peak, they will have to learn respect and a sense of tact. Having sat down at the negotiating table, it will be necessary to distribute responsibilities and areas of influence. It is important to give up spontaneity and the habit of making immediate decisions. Then the relationship will become more stable and reliable. The problem will be to decide who is the leader and who is the follower. But then, when everything settles down, they find a common goal, their effectiveness will skyrocket. When both are constructive and balanced, they will be able to achieve the most global goals.

    A man will inspire a woman to achieve feats, she will charge him with vigor and strength with which he will move forward towards a bright future. They won’t be bored together, because there are so many interesting things in the world that they both want to know. They are focused on external life and this is wonderful. The union is stunning from all sides, although it has an explosive character.

    Compatibility with Snake

    The relationship between the Snake and the Dragon promises to be very rich in emotions, tears, fun and dynamism. They definitely won’t be bored, because the integrity of the tandem will always be on the brink. The question of the ultimate outcome of a relationship is always open, because it is very difficult to predict development, but in fairness it should be said that there is positive potential and it is very high.

    On the one hand, there are many contradictions between them, but if you look at it from a different position, then each such feature can complement the other. Each of them can see in their partner what they themselves lack. And here there are two options, either study and acquire new skills, or continue to be constantly irritated. But no matter how difficult it is, breaking off a relationship for this reason is at least unreasonable, because life requires constant development, which does not happen if everything is good and smooth.

    If we talk about things that people deal with every day, then the Snake and Dragon are perfect for each other. The Snake feeds on the brightness of the Dragon, his talent to create a holiday every day, to find something new and interesting. Due to this, the Snake becomes the most cheerful, curious and active.

    To learn to negotiate, they need to find meaning in being together. Because when there is a common goal, they will be able to make maximum joint efforts and achieve what they want. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what the goal will be - it can be a joint business or raising children. They will also get maximum pleasure sexually, because these are two ardent and passionate lovers who like to realize their deepest fantasies. With the right approach, their difference can only play a positive role.

    Compatibility with Horse

    This zodiac combination looks very interesting because their compatibility cannot be predicted. But one thing is certain, such a union does not imply boredom and monotony. The bright personality of the Dragon, his eccentric character meets with the Horse, which interests him very much. He may fall in love with her at first sight and at one moment decide on a closer relationship. He is ready to act directly, because the Horse, without knowing it, awakens passion in him. But the Horse itself quickly becomes delighted with the Dragon, and almost always this impression is justified. Yes, sometimes the Dragon may be tempted to show off in society and let this happen against the background of his partner, which is not very pleasant for the latter, because the Horse also wants to appear in the best light. Competition is created, which not only does not irritate them, but even provokes them.

    Ideally, if equality reigns in their couple, then all household responsibilities will be distributed equally, and leisure time will be organized outside the home. Their life together will never be ordinary, like everyone else’s; everything will be planned out for decades in advance. However, a hectic life cannot go on forever and sooner or later, someone will get tired faster and still want stability. But this is what a positive development of relationships looks like, there is another, less rosy one - when the Dragon wants to take over and begins to reproach the Horse everywhere for being constantly busy only with its own affairs, and this will make it angry. If the relationship is worth it, then, as a virtuoso of words, she will be able to come to an agreement with her partner and then everything will be fine.

    Compatibility with Goat

    This is a very restless and intriguing union in which it will be difficult to achieve balance, at least at the very beginning for sure. These are two active signs who like to express themselves, with the only difference being that the Dragon works straightforwardly and frankly, while the Goat works reverently, sincerely and deeply. The Dragon is simple, about such people they also say “a shirt-guy,” but the Goat is very sensitive and emotional, so the Dragon’s habit of saying directly what is in his head is not always easily perceived by her.

    But here the problem is not so much in the straightforwardness of the Dragon, but in the Goat itself and its peculiarities of perceiving the world. Her illusory world does not always fit in with her partner. She plays roles, and the Dragon is real as he is. His life is a holiday, will the Goat be able to fit into his hectic life? Probably yes. But she will have to get used to accepting her partner for who he is and not trying to change him.

    The Goat can become so carried away with itself, without delving into the details of its half, that it can try to seize power over it, but in the end the Dragon will still become the main one - this is without a doubt. They will be able to interact harmoniously only after they learn to trust each other and begin to truly respect the other. This is what you need to strive for if you want a normal serious relationship.

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