The Love of an Incubus read online. Trust the demon. Incubus love. Quotes from the book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" Ekaterina Sevastyanova

Trust the demon. Incubus Kiss Ekaterina Sevastyanova

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Title: Trust the Demon. Incubus Kiss

About the book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" Ekaterina Sevastyanova

Demons that support their livelihoods at the expense of the sexual and vital energies of women are called incubi. Ordinary people die after contact with these creatures. But the peaceful ones are the girls who were “lucky” to be born as donors for incubi. They are an inexhaustible source for all those who like to drink other people's blood. What happens when an energy vampire meets its victim? Death? Or maybe love?

Book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" tells the story of a demon, cruel and ancient, like the world itself. Having lived for thousands of years, he realized all the evil inherent in his kind and is trying to become “more humane.” This story will appeal to all fans of female fantasy. Author Ekaterina Sevastyanova wrote a romantic love story between an ordinary girl and a cruel creature. We invite you to read a new version about beauty and the beast. This time the monster is scary only on the inside, but on the outside... he’s still that macho!

Diyana Frost, an ordinary twenty-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family who moved to a new city to escape old problems, is kidnapped. Yes, none other than the incubus. A thousand-year-old demon takes her to another world, where she ends up as food. I wanted to eat it, but I fell in love! The danger is growing, now instead of a hungry demon there is a lover. Do you think the main character is lucky?

Mr. Rinard Marsh is the same incubus who disguised himself well as the owner of a business center. The poor thing suffers from the need to kill his victims, but there is no other way to survive. Unless you find a peaceful place for yourself. And then a new employee of the business center appears on the horizon...

Ekaterina Sevastyanova narrates the story from the perspective of the two main characters. This is a fairy tale, but it is not sickly sweet. Here two strong-willed personalities collide. She is a girl who has known all the delights of life as a girl from a dysfunctional family, and he is with his cockroaches and past mistakes for which he is trying to repent. But he will have to repent for a long time - he has lived for more than a thousand years.

On the scales are feelings and hunger. Which instinct will prevail - survival or procreation? Read the book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" is quite exciting! The author Ekaterina Sevastyanova deserves respect - her fantasy is not like others. The story is quite unusual. Captivating. You'll be done in a couple of hours! We recommend it to a wide range of readers. Even if you are not a fan of women's novels, you will like this one. From the category of books that are good to relax with.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" by Ekaterina Sevastyanova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Trust the Demon. Kiss of the Incubus" Ekaterina Sevastyanova

“I’m afraid of you,” I admitted honestly, trying not to cry again.
“It happens,” Rinard summed up and threw it onto the table with a sharp movement.
Screaming in surprise, I hit my shoulder blades painfully on the hard tabletop and immediately rested my hands on the broad man’s chest.
“I’m very afraid,” I added. - You're scary!

He looked relaxed and completely normal. No animal eyes, no veins, no snake tongue, just an ordinary man. But for some reason it seemed that now an invisible force was raging within him, as if a hungry wild beast was tearing out through his human shell. He thrashed and fought, but Rinar did not give him a way out.

A handsome man with the appearance of a god looked at me with the eyes of a killer.

This is inhumane!
- I am not human.

Don't be so naive, Diyana. If I wanted to kill you, I would choose a less sophisticated method.

I looked with disgust at his impudent face. Not a drop of remorse, not a drop of embarrassment, only the lion's share of self-confidence, seasoned with a complete lack of moral values.

Pounding my fists on my incredibly powerful back, I screamed with all my might, completely losing my voice:
- Help! Help me! For help!
Rinar meaningfully patted my butt.
– Do you know that if you shout fire or flood, the chances of salvation increase several times?
After thinking a little, she screamed even louder:
“That’s better,” Rinar mockingly praised and threw me onto the sofa in the living room.

Do you know what your problem is, Diyana? “You attach too much importance to words,” Rinard suddenly spoke very insinuatingly and also rose to his feet after me. - Replace the word “rape” with “make love” - and you will immediately get a completely different meaning, although the process is no different.

Current page: 2 (book has 14 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

I silently lowered my shirt, and when I looked up, the demon was no longer in the office.


Diana Frost.

“No, Lucas, these “unnecessary pieces of paper” that you just put through the shredder were insurance documents,” Rinard barked with such an expression that for a second it seemed to me that now he was ready to kill someone. - But you're right. Now it's just pieces of paper!

Having dropped the call, he threw the phone straight into the wall with all his strength, causing small parts to fly across the room in different directions.

- Crap! – the demon growled, jumping up from the sofa.

Approaching the wreckage of his phone, he pulled out a SIM card from a piece of plastic, and only straightening up did he notice me.

I stood on the threshold of the living room, not daring to go inside and certainly not having the desire to fall under the hot, strong and clawed hand of Rinara.

-Will you have a drink with me? – the demon suddenly suggested, opening one of the hanging cabinets and fishing out a bottle of something alcoholic, vaguely reminiscent of ordinary wine.

“I thought you only drink water,” I answered uncertainly.

“I can drink all liquids,” Rinard suggested, pouring red wine into glasses. – I just usually prefer water. It suppresses hunger most of all.

I hope the wine doesn’t cause it on the contrary...

“Thank you,” I forced a smile when the demon handed me a glass.

Rinar didn’t answer, he just walked down the corridor, motioning for me to follow him.

– Do you know how to play billiards? - he asked.

- Let's go. I will teach you.

The demon walked to the very end of the corridor and pulled a figurine in the form of a black horse standing on its hind legs, which, as it seemed to me at first, was simply screwed to the shelf. But it seemed so to me exactly until the moment when the wall next to us moved to the side, and behind it a long staircase appeared, going down.

- Oh... - my eyes widened. – But at first I decided that this was a simple hunting lodge.

Rinar smiled strangely, stepping onto the first step and turning on the lights everywhere with a snap of his fingers.

– You will be surprised to know the real size of this house.

I didn’t ask what size he was talking about, and there was no time for that, especially when we went down the steps and found ourselves in a spacious, brightly lit billiard room.

“Wow,” she whispered to herself.

A huge billiard table stood in the very center, and all the walls were decorated with some soft voluminous material in black and green tones.

I took a sip of wine, looking at Rinara.

He pulled out a cue and laid out the balls, after which he bent down and, taking aim, hit one of the balls. From his blow, all the other balls scattered to the sides, and a couple of them immediately fell into the pocket.

“Come here,” the demon called, slowly sipping wine and just as slowly watching me approach.

“I don’t know how to play at all,” I decided to clarify when he handed me a cue. – I’ve never tried it.

“If you don’t scream,” his words sounded mocking, “and let me touch you, then I’ll show you.”

I hesitated.

“Okay,” she finally answered him, taking the cue. - What's to be done?

In fact, playing billiards turned out to be not difficult; it was much more difficult to get at least one ball into the pocket. The first fifty attempts were not crowned with success at all, then I finally started hitting the balls.

“You know, Mirna,” Rinar grabbed my wrist, helping to guide the cue, “you are a very clumsy creature.”

– Is this some kind of complement? – I grinned, driving in another ball with his help.

- Statement.

- Oh, thanks.

Rinar smiled, taking the cue away from me and returning it to its rightful place.

“Don’t take it personally, Diyana, you’re all people like that,” he finished his wine in one gulp.

- Clumsy?

I gradually began to understand that he treats people a little better than his friend, but nevertheless he still does not consider us equal.

“No,” Rinard squeezed the already empty glass, causing it to burst in his hand, showering glass fragments on the floor. – As fragile as this glass. All you have to do is press and...

I involuntarily recoiled.

“And you are dying,” the demon finished, looking so closely at my face with some kind of unhealthy interest, and not with hunger, but with interest. As if I saw it for the first time.

- What? – I couldn’t stand it, taking another step back. The demon narrowed his eyes predatorily, while sniffing the air, and the veins on his face stood out even more. - Why are you looking like that?

“You reminded me of someone,” he swallowed hard. “I just now noticed how much you resemble her...

I glanced at him uncertainly.

- Who i like?

Whom may I remind you of? His girlfriend - Olivia? I really doubt this.

Rinar shook his head, continuing to look at me strangely. And this attention made me more and more uncomfortable.

“On Izaru...” the demon sighed, leaning his hands on the pool table. “I apparently forgot her voice and the way she behaved with me,” he lowered his head down, grinning evilly, “but now I remember who you look like.” Lucas was right... I found myself another Izara. Damn you, Diyana!

I froze, watching the unexpected fit of laughter that Rinar experienced. He squeezed the table until his fingers turned white and laughed out loud, throwing his head back.

An unpleasant sensation swept through my entire body. This is probably what crazy people look like.

“You know what, Diyana,” Rinar sealed me through an abnormal laugh, “get out of here!”

I was simply taken aback by his order.

- What? – I asked again purely mechanically, but immediately regretted it, as soon as the demon raised his gaze to me.

He was black. Completely black. His pupils enlarged, covering his eyes with an impenetrable, angry haze!

- Get out! - Rinar shouted. - Lock yourself in any room and go to bed! Go away from me! Now!

I didn’t see him anymore, I rushed out of my seat only when I heard something turn over behind me and it looked like... a billiard table turned over.

She ran up the stairs and flew into the first room that came to her, closing the door with a small latch. I don’t think, of course, that this will stop him. One has only to remember my apartment, and the ease with which he smashed the door into splinters, along with the closet that was pushed towards it.

Trying to catch my breath, I listened. But I didn’t hear anything. There was a ringing emptiness behind the door, only the clock in the room ticked monotonously, making it even more unnerving.

After an hour and a half of waiting, it became clear that Rinar would not come. I calmly exhaled and, without thinking, decided to actually go to bed. True, it had already been dawn outside the window for a long time, but this does not change the fact that we spent the whole night on the road, and then on our feet in this strange house. Maybe demons don’t need sleep, but people really do. Although it wouldn’t hurt for Rinara to rest too... but I’m afraid rest won’t help here. He is hungry, very hungry, and now it is only a matter of time before he decides to satisfy it. At the end of the week or tomorrow? And who is this Izara? And why did he get so angry remembering her?

I shook my head. I don't want to think about it. Don't want. In any case, I probably won't like the truth.

Climbing onto the high bed, I covered myself with a blanket and buried my nose in the down pillow, but before my eyes there was still a black, embittered gaze, ready to tear me apart just for the mere resemblance to some girl from his past.

I was awakened by some strange rustling sounds coming from the living room. This house has too thin walls. Even from here you can hear footsteps in the next room.

Opening my eyes slightly, I realized that it was already evening, if not deep night. This means I slept all day, which is actually good. And the latch is still closed, probably Rinar decided not to break it and let me rest.

Having turned over to the other side, I was already starting to fall asleep again, when I accidentally noticed this...

- What the…? – I finally opened my eyes, standing up on my elbows.

On the bedside table lay a blue rose, and under it a regular album sheet with the inscription:


I'm hungry and have trouble controlling myself.


I probably sat in a daze for more than a minute, mindlessly looking first at the thorny rose, then at the note, and then my gaze caught on the travel bag and the things that were in it. All my dresses are from the residence.

I smiled nervously, looking inside and slowly sorting through the clothes that Rinard had once given me.

Does he seriously believe that relationships can be mended during this miserable week? Judging by the rose and this note, yes, he is serious.

Having changed into my usual white linen dress, I removed the latch, which, it seemed, was not at all a hindrance for the thousand-year-old demon, and carefully looked out into the corridor.

- Miss Frost? – I jumped in surprise when a young girl in a white apron came out from around the corner and smiled warmly at me.

- Um... yes, it's me.

I paused, looking at her razor-sharp teeth.

- And you? – I frowned. - Housemaid?

“Mister Vernis’s maid,” the girl bowed low. - Call me Leah.

Leah means. I took a closer look at her. You remind me a lot of Leah of Shanni. The same teeth, sharp and long, claws, physique. Apparently, these are the kind of maids they hire here.

- Leah, where is Mr. Marsh? – I clarified, going out into the living room.

The girl giggled, wiping dust from the bookshelves, although she was no longer wiping, but smearing. A strange maid who doesn’t know how to clean... Although it’s time for me to stop being surprised by everything in this world.

- Mr. Marsh? – She blushed and threw a playful glance at me. – Is this the tall, charming brunette in a white shirt, who smelled so sweet of nutmeg and the summer sun?

My eyebrows slowly rose.

“Probably him,” I choked. – Although after your description I’m not sure anymore.

- Oh! – the girl smiled dreamily. - He is very handsome...

Yeah? Is it with the veins?

“And so polite,” Leah moved to the coffee table, picking up the remains of the broken phone. “He left, asked you not to disturb you and to prepare something to eat in case you woke up.” “She winked at me conspiratorially. – So caring, aren’t you?

I belatedly covered my mouth as my jaw dropped of its own accord in surprise.

“Yeah,” I said suspiciously. - Very caring. Especially today.

The girl sighed, throwing the trash into the trash can.

“Mr. Vernis is not like that,” she groaned, belatedly realizing that she had said something wrong. “That is, he, of course, is also polite and all that, but a little...” the girl thought about it, “or maybe rude, well, or sharp.” He only thinks about his lousy puppies.

- Puppies? - I did not understand. – Are there any animals in the house?

For some reason I didn’t notice a bowl in the kitchen, or toys in the living room, or leashes...

But Leah had her own opinion on this matter:

“Of course,” she nodded as if it were a matter of course. - There is a ground floor under the house, everything there is now so arranged that it’s just a fairy tale. All the animals are very comfortable,” the maid giggled, “all they do there is breed.” You should have seen it.

So this is the size of the house that Rinar was talking about in the morning. Ground floor. Basement?

- How to get there? – I watched her running around with interest.

No, I was wrong. Leah obviously doesn't look like Shanny. Although Shanny is talkative, she is clearly not to that extent.

– Has your handsome guy shown you yet? – the girl bit her lip and looked sideways at me expectantly. I even forgot about cleaning.

“I haven’t had time yet,” I lied, “but I was planning to.”

- Is it true? – Leah smiled even more. – Do you want to feed them? – she asked animatedly, rushing towards the huge bag lying right at the door. “I was just about to go down to them, they were probably hungry.” After all, Mr. Vernis left two days ago.

I frowned uncertainly, my subconscious was simply screaming that I shouldn’t go where Rinar didn’t invite. But I successfully brushed him off and smiled friendly at Leah.

- Of course, I would be happy to.

The girl nodded and, dragging a heavy bag along the floor behind her, trudged to the same closed door that I had only been able to pull in the morning.

– How long have you been working here? – I decided to clarify, somehow nervously looking at the huge bunch of keys she was holding in her hands, looking for the right key for half a minute.

“A week,” Leah answered simply, opening the door and going inside.

Here, as in the billiard room, there was again a long corridor and a staircase down. True, there was no light, so I had to trail behind the maid by feel, leaning on the slimy walls. And the further we descended, the more I realized that something was wrong here. That's not true at all. A stale, unpleasant smell hit my nose at the very beginning of the stairs, and having gone a little lower, I began to distinguish barely audible groaning and quiet stirrings.

Puppies? Rinar didn’t say anything about them. What kind of puppies are they anyway?

I froze as if struck in place by a lightning strike. That book about people in enclosures and about human puppies.

“Well, well,” the girl began to rummage along the walls with her hands. - There was a switch here somewhere... Ah! Here he is.

A bright flash, and the ground slowly slips away from under my feet. All I had time to do was grab Leah’s shoulder as a support for the shaken reality.

These were people!

“People...” I whispered, feeling a nauseating lump rising in my throat.

Dozens of naked people imprisoned in iron cages!

On both sides of the stairs there were cages with thick impenetrable bars, inside of which lay women, men... children on hard mats. They looked like people, or rather, it seems to me that they were people... just covered with fur... or hair... or something else. But when we appeared, no one screamed or rushed to the cage, asking for mercy or begging to be released. They just glanced lazily in our direction and went back to their business. If walking in an enclosure can be called business at all. Although it was also hard to call it walking, they were all just crawling on their knees... naked, strange, dirty.

- Miss? – Leah looked at my face in bewilderment. - You've turned pale. Are you feeling unwell? Is the smell pungent? I understand that you need to get used to it.

– Do they keep people here? – Barely moving my legs, I went down the last step. - Living people? In cages?

“Uh-uh...” the maid somehow cautiously followed me. - People? What other people? These are animals.

My vision became blurry.

I grabbed the iron bars with my fingers, watching the naked woman, who, like an animal, growled at me, squeezing a small lump of dirty, kicking, white-haired...

- It's a child! – I pressed myself against the cage, feeling that a little more and I would simply fall to the floor, unable to bear it all. - There's a child here!

Zoo. Zoo for monsters.

- Miss? – Leah touched my hand. - You should probably leave.

I didn't want to hear anything. Pushing her hand away from me, I moved forward, as if in a trance, along the cages.

“Oh my God...” I started to get a big tremor. “Oh my God...”

People shied away from me, growled, some even rushed at the cages in an attempt to attack, but the iron bars prevented them. Maybe they behave like animals, but they still remain people, only wild or feral. Maybe they were even born here.

– Do you think this is funny? – I shouted, noticing a separate enclosure for puppies. There were about a dozen children of different ages there. – Are you gone or what?

Leah froze next to me, and for the first time a shadow of understanding crossed her face.

– Have you recently been to Shan-Rin? – the maid guessed with a pained sigh. - Yours...

“I’m going to be sick...” I covered my mouth with my hand, turning away from the cage in which several individuals that crazy Lucas.

Two men and a mud-stained, bald woman pressed together like layers of sweaty, ecstatically moaning hamburger.

- Let me take you upstairs? – Leah again made an attempt to get me out of here by force.

- Who are these people? – I stopped, realizing that this dungeon was endless, the string of cells stretched and stretched, and there was no end in sight. -Are they prisoners?

“These are Mr. Vernis’s animals,” the maid waved him off. - Let's go upstairs!

They lay here... on the frozen cold concrete, completely naked, defenseless, perhaps even hungry. And the children... dirty, sick. Most likely, they have long gone crazy from their situation. They need help. Medical first.

I looked around in panic, fixing my gaze on Leah, who was confused by my behavior.

“You are all here,” tears appeared in your eyes, “abnormal!”

The maid grew gloomier every second.

– You are just perverts! – I repeated in horror, walking around the girl in an arc. - Perverts!

For a second I imagined that I could be here, in the enclosure with them. In the same enclosure with men who have long since gone feral, or even worse...

- Miss Frost, you are shaking. Let me call the owner? He will come and...

- Great idea! – I blinked away angry tears, trying not to look around. It was unbearable! - Call! Maybe he will get angry and put me in with them too!

-What are you saying? – Leah was horrified.

But I didn’t want to answer her anything anymore, I just rushed away, running up the stairs back into the house.

Entering the dining room, I climbed into the corner chair with my legs and no matter how hard I tried to hold back my tears, nothing happened. In the end, she still burst into tears, remembering again and again the faces of those who remained down there. Those who can no longer be helped. Their fate is to sit in cages for the amusement of their owner. Or maybe this Lucas is sucking the energy out of women? He breeds them and then sucks them out... Then this explains a lot.

Somewhere deep inside me a hysteria began, which I tried hard to suppress. But the misunderstanding and inability to accept this terrible world were stronger.

I want to go home. I want to go back home to my cozy room, to my bed, away from here, away from Rinara. I don’t want to know any of this, I want to forget everything! All!

The lips trembled even more.

I will never return home... My fate is predetermined just like the fate of those people. And all just because we are weaker. Not a single person in this world, or even on the entire planet, can resist Rinard or someone like him. Neither me nor anyone else.

I closed my eyes, hugged my knees and sat silently, rocking back and forth. Probably, these people and the indifference with which Leah spoke about them put an end to my resistance. Does Rinard treat people the same way as she and that psychopath Lucas? And to the civilians?

I screamed from the powerlessness tearing me apart.

I didn’t want to live anymore, especially knowing in advance that surviving among creatures that equate you with animals is almost impossible. It's like trying to break your head through a wall, knowing full well that there is another wall behind it, only stronger and with spikes. Successfully punch one, and the second will split your skull.

Leah arrived a quarter of an hour later.

With an apologetic smile, she placed a cup of fragrant tea in front of me, and she sat down opposite me, putting her hands on the table.

- How are you feeling? – finally, after a long silence, she decided to speak first. - Do you feel better?

I thoughtlessly looked at one point. Everything inside was frozen and crusty.

- Who are you? – I asked, continuing to gaze at the black and white bas-relief on the wall.

It was an expensive house. Every thing here just screamed it. Why are incubi so rich?

- M...miss? – the girl began to stutter out of fright. - You do not remember me…? I’m Leah...” she moaned in panic. – He doesn’t remember anything... What I did! Mommies... You... have some tea, maybe we can too...

- Yes, I don’t mean it that way, Lord! Who are you? Daemon? Succubus? Or who else?

“Oh, phew...” Leah exhaled heavily. - Don't scare me like that. I'm a vampire, can't you see?

And this question was asked so casually, so naturally. It's like she has it written on her forehead with a red marker.

“Vampires...” I repeated emotionlessly. The familiar world in which I lived for twenty-two years no longer existed. It is destroyed, broken and torn to pieces. -Who else exists? Werewolves? Elves?

- Well, that’s kind of true. And those and others.

My cheek twitched.

- Two varieties. But they live on the outskirts of Shan-Rin, do not go into the city, and, in general, no one sees them. Hermits, like nymphs. They are not the indigenous inhabitants of Shan-Rin, but... lower races. It is believed that they were created by demons, but this is not certain.

I rubbed my eyes. It’s starting to seem like I’m going crazy—slowly, unhurriedly. Maybe this is an extended dream? Nightmare. Exactly. Just a nightmare.

Suddenly the front door slammed, hinting that this was far from a dream, but a cruel reality. At the sharp sound, the girl next to me jumped and immediately jumped up from the bench, knocking it over to the floor.

- A... damn, damn, damn! – she twitched in fear. - What's his name? I forgot!

“Idiot,” I quietly suggested, “but he responds to “Mr. Marsh.”

- Exactly, exactly, Mr. Marsh!

She bit her lip expectantly and straightened up, as if on cue. And, by the way, just in time, because a second later the door to the dining room swung open, revealing Rinara, dressed as always in a business suit and with some kind of red weighty folder in his hands.

- Oh, Mr. Marsh! - Leah smiled rehearsally with all her one hundred and fifty sharp teeth and, pushing out one of the high chairs for him, suggested: - Please, sit down. Can I pour you... uh... water? Or whiskey? What do you want? Mr. Vernice prefers puppy blood in the evenings.

Rinar looked disdainfully at the intrusive maid and only then noticed me. He briefly examined my bare legs, the fetal position in which I was slowly rocking back and forth, and my tear-stained, still red eyes.

The darkness distorted his face beyond recognition.

Turning my gaze back to Leah, the demon rushed towards her so quickly that I saw only a blurry shadow of his figure, and then I heard a scream. Rinar grabbed the maid by the throat and lifted her off the ground like a feather, intending to strangle her.

-What did you do with her? – he growled, ready to rip her head off if he didn’t like the answer. – What did you tell her?

Leah twitched, grabbing the man's outstretched hand, which was squeezing her neck more and more, without making any effort.

- Nothing! – she squeaked. - Nothing... at all. Honestly!

I looked at them as if in a fog, as if I was not there. And the state is... similar to a dream.

- Why don’t I believe you? – the demon snapped, releasing his claws on his free hand.

I sighed, realizing that now he would kill her if he didn’t intervene.

- Rinar? – I called quietly, for some reason I didn’t want to talk and I didn’t want to cry anymore either. I didn't want anything. I completely went into a state of hopeless apathy. - Let her go, please. She didn't do anything.

The demon growled, the death grip loosened, and the girl collapsed to the floor, wheezing with relief.

- Diyana? – Rinar stepped over her, approaching me. - What's happened?

He squatted down in front of the chair, looking into my eyes. And unlike mine, they still remained glassy and cruel. Can demons feel anything other than hunger? Are there feelings behind this barrier of indifference and coldness? Or is there a ringing emptiness there?

“You happened,” I shrugged indifferently, looking at his eyes so carefully for the first time. Gray, in such dim lighting, as if they were crystal, they sparkled mesmerizingly. “But don’t worry,” I extended my hand to him, recklessly patting the man on the shoulder, “even though you are a monster, your eyes are beautiful.”

Rinar jerked away from me so quickly it was as if I had slapped him in the face.

- Myrna? – he became wary, and genuine amazement now froze in his crystal eyes. - What's the matter?

I sighed again and lowered my head to my knees.

Rinar sat next to me for more than a minute, trying to find out at least some kind of explanation, but I was silent, especially since I had no explanations. But I didn’t want to talk about the dungeon, then he would hang Leah with his own leather belt. True, Rinar himself quickly realized that he would not get anything intelligible from me.

- You! – he shouted to Leah, who was already hoping that everyone had forgotten about her, and at that time was slowly making her way to the exit. - Stand!

“Tell me,” the demon demanded, rising to his feet. – Even if this mistake of nature suffers because of some other made-up bullshit, I want to know about it!

Am I a mistake of nature?!

In surprise, I raised my head and looked at the irritated demon, who seemed to already consist entirely of pulsating veins intertwining with each other. The human skin underneath was practically invisible. Angry, angry and not understanding anything.

The maid looked at me nervously.

- Well! - Rinar shouted.

I was silent. Leah was silent. And this only infuriated Rinara more.

He shrugged his shoulders and moved towards the girl with such confidence, again releasing his huge claws, that she could not stand it and fell to her knees in front of him, her hands resting on her expensive patent leather shoes.

- Please, sir! – the maid trembled. - Sorry! I didn't know she wasn't local! Mr. Vernis's girls are all from Shan-Rin! And here you and... and she... She deceived me! She said you wanted to show her the puppies, but you left early! I would never have known! Please, it's not my fault!

- Crap! – that’s all Rinar said.

- Sir, I was mistaken, forgive me!

- Shut up! – the demon pushed her away from him, causing her to fall again, only this time on her shoulder blades. “And you, Diyana,” I shuddered when he sharply turned to me with a destructive look, as if he was going to accuse me of all the mortal sins of humanity, “don’t get involved in what you don’t understand and will never understand!” People are not given to understand demons, so don’t even come close to the lower sectors! Otherwise, I will be the first to break your legs!

I pursed my lips, silently watching as he grabbed the back of the chair, closing his eyes and trying to control himself.

- You knew? – I couldn’t stand it. – Knew what was going on here, right?

The demon shuddered with anger:

-What's going on here, peaceful?

– Torture, slavery, a separate type of perversion.

Rinar laughed in an unkind way.

“That’s not true, Diyana.” These are not people. They are similar to people, but this is a completely different race, which was created in Shan-Rin, and with their help, incubi can partially synthesize energy that slightly satisfies hunger.

And I was right about the reproduction of women for the purpose of sucking energy out of them.

- Diyana? – Noticing that I wasn’t even looking at him, Rinar came up to me and knelt down again. - Look at me.

Hot palms lay on my knees, burning my skin.

“Diyana, honey,” the demon sighed and smiled discreetly, trying to... calm me down. – I’m very sorry that you didn’t understand everything correctly.

- It's a pity? – I was surprised. “You have no pity, Rinar, you are a demon, just like your friend.”

- Really? – He frowned, squeezing my legs a little tighter in his palms. “The fact that I am a demon does not deprive me of pity or humanity.

And he said this with such seriousness that nervous laughter burst out of my chest. I couldn’t restrain myself, and noticing the expression with which Rinar was watching my fit of hysterical laughter, I laughed even harder.

“That’s it, I want to sleep,” I shook my head and, continuing to chuckle, tried to get up, but the man’s fingers roughly grabbed my ankles, bringing me back.

- Sit! – Rinar ordered, leaving bruises on the skin. “You’re killing yourself, Diyana.” Your energy is burning out.

“Yeah, it’s a pity,” I sobbed, the muscles in my legs cramped from his grip. - What a pity! Even the dog is treated more kindly!

“Baby,” the demon stood up, bringing his pale face closer to mine. I pulled back, but the back of the chair did not allow me to move away much. “Myrnas often experience apathy and indifference to life, but if you want to know, everyone I knew who lost interest in life even for a moment did not have a single chance to survive...

- Rinar? – I interrupted him without allowing him to finish.

I shrugged, looking into the animal's eyes with despair.

“Kill me,” I asked, as if hearing my own voice from the outside, “please.” Right now. I just can't do it anymore. I can not! – I howled, clasping my head in my hands. - Let me be weak. Let be! But I can't live like this anymore. I can’t be afraid every minute and wait for death! I want everything to end as soon as possible... Just kill me! Now!

I sniffled, expecting anything, up to and including the fact that he would really finally end it all, but no... Rinar stepped back from me, and, grabbing a cup of tea from the table, threw the cooled drink in my face.

“Chill, Diyana,” the demon said dryly, smashing the cup at my feet into pieces. “You don’t want to die, and we both know that.”

I shuddered, shivering either from the cold or from such an icy tone.

“And just try to provoke me again!” – he bent down, grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards him, forcing me to my feet.

I howled.

- It hurts!

But Rinar only shook me even stronger.

“Next time,” he warned, squeezing my hair in his fist and peering into my eyes with hatred, “when you decide to distinguish yourself by originality and begin to ask for your death, think about the fact that for a thousand years I have seen people like you, and a thousand I watched the same pictures for years - he shook me again, causing me to scream loudly, and tears flowed from my eyes from pain. “And believe me, I know effective methods for getting out of death torpor that you won’t like.”

He pushed me away.

“I’m not a person, Mirna,” Rinar reminded, taking his red folder. – My respect for you and desire to save your life are not unlimited. Don't you dare play with me anymore, I've grown out of such games. For a long time.

With these words, without looking at me, he left the kitchen.

Unable to bear it, at some point I glanced sideways at the demon. He pretended that he simply didn’t notice it, looking with interest at the road along which he had probably driven for the thousandth time.

If you ignore his veins... and his pale skin... and his eyes, he looked as usual. Dark trousers with a leather belt, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and a gray ribbon in her hair.

Don’t look like that,” Rinar suddenly smiled, finally turning to me. - Otherwise I’ll think that you missed me.

I shuddered in surprise, causing the man’s lips to stretch into a sort of mocking grin.

“I don’t have shoes,” I muttered hoarsely to fill the frightening pause that hung in the salon. Although my feet were really already frozen. Rinar took me from home wearing what I wore to bed. In a shirt. In one shirt. No shoes or underwear.

The demon was not imbued with sympathy and only answered dryly:

Yes. I know.

I pursed my lips, but decided to remain silent, especially since I didn’t want to say anything anyway. A frightening unknown squeezed my throat.

Another quarter of an hour later, when the darkness had finally cleared around us, we pulled onto a winding forest road adjacent to the bypass route. I expected to see anything there, absolutely everything, but fear quickly gave way to surprise as soon as the forest path ended.

Do you live here? - A nervous laugh escaped by itself as soon as Rinar turned off the car near a small wooden house.

And the house was really small, especially after the huge residence with security, a swimming pool, beautiful flowers and servants. There was nothing like that here. Only a mirror-clear lake, a rickety bridge from which people usually fish, and this same one-story house on the shore, more like a hunting refuge, but not like the lair of a thousand-year-old incubus.

According to the documents, yes, this is my house,” Rinar slowly got out of the car and, walking around it, opened the door of the passenger seat, while extending his hand to me invitingly, “but now my friend lives here.”

I put my palm in front of him, which they immediately squeezed and gently pulled towards me, so that in the next moment I found myself sandwiched between Rinara’s burning body and the cold metal of the car.

The demon sniffed, leaning his hands on the jeep, thereby driving me into an impromptu trap.

Where is your friend now? - I exhaled weakly when the snake's tongue licked my lips.

Lucas. “His name is Lucas,” an unexpectedly purring voice came from above his ear. - He is on Earth, helping me with business. Unfortunately, I myself cannot now cross the parallel back to Earth.

I felt him tense, pressing noticeably closer to me.

Why can not you? - I tried to pull away as much as possible in this position. - Because of hunger?

The demon, noticing my resistance, chuckled and reluctantly stepped back. Now, in addition to anger, there was open hunger and desire in his eyes.

The parallel allows only incubi to fully control themselves,” he reminded, continuing to sniff, even squinting his eyes with pleasure. - If she let everyone through, can you imagine what would be left of your world?

Rinar winked and, taking a travel bag from the trunk, without looking at me, headed towards the entrance to the house.

Come in,” he opened the door with a creak and let me go forward. - Feel like a guest, Diyana. Of course, you can touch things, but I don’t recommend smashing everything and breaking dishes, like in my residence - after his words, for some reason I suddenly didn’t want to go inside. - Unlike me, Lucas doesn’t like people; he values ​​his property more than your lives.

“You have a good friend,” she muttered under her breath as she crossed the threshold.

And I naively believed that this was a hunting lodge... yeah, of course.

When I appeared, a bright light came on throughout the whole house, very bright, I would even say blinding, like in an intensive care unit. In the very center of the living room there was a wide semicircular white sofa, next to it was a coffee table with a stack of books piled on it and several more deep and equally white armchairs. Apparently this Lucas has a thing about the color white.

Light skins of some animals were spread on the floor throughout the house, probably this is the only attribute associated with hunting. On the right side, bookshelves, littered with old tomes and scribbled pieces of parchment, stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and on the other side there was a narrow corridor and several doors leading to separate rooms. But this is not what attracted me most...

Ancient paintings,” said Rinard, noticing my interest in one of the wall paintings, of which there were countless numbers. - They are about two thousand years old.

I came closer.

The painting depicted women. Completely naked, slender, with clear lines of the face and perfect ovals of the chest. They all lay on the ground, looking lustfully at the man sitting on the throne, and judging by the veins, this man was an incubus.

Terrible pictures,” I stated, looking at the remaining ones.

Rinar smiled, sinking into one of the deep armchairs with a sigh.

“I knew this artist,” the demon licked his dry lips, examining me from afar. - What’s surprising is that he was not an incubus, but all his paintings are dedicated exclusively to us, although a master like him could paint whatever his heart desired. But do you know why he chose us?

I shrugged, looking at another black and white painting in a dark quilted leather frame. A perfect man with long hair and a charming smile looked at me.

Don't know. Maybe because of your appearance? - I suggested and, noticing a questioning look, carefully explained: - Well, after all, incubi are so... beautiful.

Having pulled myself together, I turned away from the demon who laughed at my words.

No, Mirna, that would be too boring,” Rinar leaned back in his chair, proprietiously placing his feet on the coffee table. - The artist who painted these pictures was a man, but his lover was an incubus.

I frowned and turned back to Rinara.

Is the artist a woman?

But... - I stopped. - A man couldn’t be peaceful...

The demon nodded, confirming my words.

Could not. Only girls are born myrna.

I frowned even more.

Then I don’t understand,” I admitted honestly.

Rinara’s face was distorted by a condescending grin, which made me feel a little uneasy and made me want to move away from him. Despite the fact that he was calmly half-sitting, half-lying in a chair, his energy and pressure that did not allow one to breathe were perfectly felt even at such a distance.

“Love doesn’t choose whether you are a man or a woman,” Rinard said after a short pause, as if he were talking about something else, and not at all about the artist. - Both people and demons can fall in love. This is inherent in all living beings, with the possible exception of succubi. It’s just that people can live together, sleep together and have children together, but at the same time not trust each other, or cheat, betray, lie. Then the relationship between an incubus and a human will be much more complicated. Such relationships imply complete trust. Unconditional and uncompromising.

I shivered when the grin disappeared from Rinara’s face as quickly as it had appeared.

You understand what I’m getting at, Diyana? - the demon asked.

I nodded.

And I wanted to move away from him more and more. The determination with which he looked at me began to frighten me. It feels like he made a difficult decision and is now going to follow it no matter what. I just wish I knew what kind of solution this is.

Are you implying that I need to trust you unconditionally? - I asked, hugging myself even more tightly by the shoulders.

“No,” Rinar snapped, but immediately corrected himself and smiled sweetly. - I'm not hinting, I'm telling you directly. If you want to live, learn to trust me. Learn to trust completely. Both body and soul.

I lowered my eyes. I’ve already heard all this, and not only from him, also from Shanny, and from Linda, even Ideli stuttered about it. Trusting the demon is the only chance not to die at the hands of Rinara. I understand this very well. But that’s not even the problem. The problem is something else. I can't trust a demon, a human, or anyone else. I just don't understand how it is. Even as a child, I was left alone when my father died, and my mother decided that a bottle of whiskey and strange men in the house were more important than her daughter. Who could I trust? Such a thing as trust has been absent from my life since birth.

Diyana? - called Rinar. - It is not difficult. Many of my friends once lived with Mirns.

Your friend too? - I looked at the demon, but now he looked away and sighed heavily.

I said many acquaintances, not absolutely all incubi.

I pressed my back against the cold wall, feeling how everything inside was curling into a tight, bitter lump again.

What are we doing here? - I asked quietly, looking at the white skins under my feet. - What are we doing in this house and in this city?

We’ll spend some time here together,” Rinard began, licking his lips again, and this gesture of his gradually began to unnerve him. You'd have to be a complete fool not to guess how hungry he was. - No servants, no people, just the two of us. We will try to improve the relationship or, if it doesn’t work out, we will end it, so as not to torment anyone.

I froze.

Shall we stop? - I didn’t understand when my gaze met his hungry eyes. - Will you let me go or...?

Or,” Rinar snapped, lazily rising to his feet. - There is no point in tormenting either me or you if nothing works out. I've already been through this, it all ended sadly and meaninglessly.

He smiled cynically, but I wanted to howl. Now I don’t even have six months, I only have this week. And then everything...

I watched as the door slammed behind him and, sobbing, I slid down the wall.

“Everything is bad,” I whispered, burying my face in my knees. - Everything is very, very bad...

Doesn't he understand that this is impossible? It is impossible to get used to an ordinary person in a week, to open your soul to him, to trust him physically and mentally. Impossible! And it is impossible to trust a demon threefold! God, how can I trust someone who looks at me like I’m a walking piece of meat? How can you even trust a creature that says that if “everything goes wrong”, it will kill me in a week?! It is not normal!

I howled, hitting the wall with my fist in anger, and then screamed in pain, convulsively blowing on the torn skin.

Well, nothing, nothing,” I rose to my feet, pressing my trembling hand to my chest. - A week is a week.

Taking a deep breath into my chest, I slowly trudged along the corridor, examining the house.

The hut, if you can call it a luxuriously furnished country house on the shore of a crystal clear lake, was actually not so small. Five rooms, not counting the bathroom, the kitchen and the locked door, the purpose of which remained a mystery to me.

Judging by the things, the simple interior and the general atmosphere, Rinara’s friend was clearly distinguished by maximalism and an innate love for old books.

In one of the rooms, which most likely served as the owner’s study in this house, a whole heap of book antiques was piled up. I'm afraid to imagine how old all this is.

Carefully squeezing between the desk and the translucent partition, I approached the high shelf, looking with interest at the book’s already dilapidated spines.

And the first thing that caught my eye was that all, absolutely all the books were in the earthly language. I even squinted in surprise, not believing it. At his residence, Rinar kept mostly books in Shan-rin, but here there was nothing in Shan-rin.

“Stunning,” I exhaled, carefully pulling out an old leather-bound tome.

But as soon as I turned the book over, just looked at its title, the smile disappeared from my face instantly, and I repeated in a stupor:


“Come here,” the demon called, slowly sipping wine and just as slowly watching me approach.

“I don’t know how to play at all,” I decided to clarify when he handed me a cue. - I’ve never tried it.

If you don’t scream,” his words sounded mocking, “and let me touch you, then I’ll show you.”

I hesitated.

“Okay,” she finally answered him, taking the cue. - What's to be done?

In fact, playing billiards turned out to be not difficult; it was much more difficult to get at least one ball into the pocket. The first fifty attempts were not crowned with success at all, then I finally started hitting the balls.

You know, Mirna,” Rinar grabbed my wrist, helping to guide the cue, “you are a very clumsy creature.”

Is this some kind of complement? - I grinned, driving in another ball with his help.


Oh, thanks.

Rinar smiled, taking the cue away from me and returning it to its rightful place.

Don’t take it personally, Diyana, all of you people are like that,” he finished his wine in one gulp.


I gradually began to understand that he treats people a little better than his friend, but nevertheless he still does not consider us equal.

No,” Rinard squeezed the already empty glass, causing it to burst in his hand, showering glass shards on the floor. - As fragile as this glass. All you have to do is press and...

I involuntarily recoiled.

And you are dying,” the demon finished, looking so closely at my face with some kind of unhealthy interest, and not with hunger, but with interest. As if I saw it for the first time.

What? - I couldn’t stand it, taking another step back. The demon narrowed his eyes predatorily, while sniffing the air, and the veins on his face stood out even more. - Why are you looking like that?

“You reminded me of someone,” he swallowed hard. - I just now noticed how much you resemble her...

I glanced at him uncertainly.

Who i like?

Can a thousand-year-old demon love me? A mere mortal, intended for him as food and a little entertainment? Will he, a cruel incubus, be able to come to terms with his hunger for the sake of the life of an unequal person? Yes, it can! Only for this he will have to go against universal condemnation and learn to control the voice of darkness, which orders all demons to kill.

Will I be able to trust a cynical incubus, already accustomed for many centuries to feeding on the energy of defenseless girls? Will I be able not to flinch every time a voice soaked in cold indifference hits more painfully than a whip? Yes I can! Only for this I will have to learn everything about the world of demons and voluntarily give my life into its clawed hands, capable of tearing anyone, including me, with animal ease.

Walled up!

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