Two frosts read in bold type. Russian folk tale "Two Frosts. Russian folk tale Two Frosts

Two Frosts is a fairy tale that work can warm much better than the warmest fur coat... (in the retelling of M.L. Mikhailov)

Two frosts read

Two Frosts, two siblings, were walking around the open field, jumping from foot to foot, beating hand in hand. One Frost says to another:
- Brother Frost - Crimson nose! How would we have fun - freeze people?

Another answers him:

Brother Frost - Blue nose! If people are frozen, it’s not for us to walk around a clean field. The field was covered with snow, all the roads were covered with snow: no one will pass, no one will pass. Let's run better to a clean forest! Although there is less space, but there will be more fun. Everything is no, no, but someone will meet along the way.

No sooner said than done. Two Frosts, two siblings, ran into a clean forest. They run, they amuse themselves on the road: they jump from foot to foot, click on the fir trees, click on the pines. The old spruce forest is cracking, the young pine forest is creaking. They will run through loose snow - the bark is icy; A blade of grass peeps out from under the snow - they will blow it, as if with beads they will humiliate it all.

They heard a bell on one side, and a bell on the other: a gentleman rides with a bell, a peasant with a bell.

The Frosts began to judge and decide who to run after whom, who to freeze whom.

Frost - Blue nose, as he was younger, says:

I'd rather go after the guy. I’ll finish him as soon as possible: an old sheepskin coat, patched, a hat full of holes, on the legs, except for bast shoes, - nothing. He, in any way, is going to chop wood. And you, brother, how stronger than me, run after the master. You see, he is wearing a bear's coat, a fox's hat, and wolf's boots. Where am I with him! I can't cope.

Frost - Crimson Nose only laughs.

You are still young, - he says, - brother! .. Well, yes, be your way. Run after the peasant, and I will run after the master. As we get together in the evening, we will find out who had an easy job, who was hard. Farewell for now!

Farewell, brother!

They whistled, they clicked, they ran.

As soon as the sun went down, they met again in an open field. They ask each other what?

That's it, I think, you, brother, got tired of it with the master, - says the younger one, - but, you see, it didn’t turn out to be any good. Where was it to be taken!

The elder chuckles to himself.

Eh, - he says, - brother Frost - Blue nose, you are young and simple! I respected him so much that he would warm up for an hour - he would not warm up.

But what about a fur coat, a hat, and boots?

Didn't help. I climbed up to him and into a fur coat, and a hat, and boots, but how I began to shiver! He shudders, he shrinks and wraps himself; he thinks: let me not move a single joint, maybe the frost will not overcome me here. An was not there! I have it on hand. How I set to work on him - I let him out of the wagon a little alive in the city! Well, what did you do with your man?

Oh, brother Frost - Crimson nose! You joked a bad joke with me that you didn’t come to your senses in time. I thought - I'll freeze the man, but it turned out - he broke off my sides.

How so?

Yes, that's how. He rode, you yourself saw, chopping wood. Dear, I began to penetrate him, only he still does not get shy - he still swears: such, he says, this frost. It became quite insulting; I began to pinch and prick him even more. Only for a short time was this fun for me. He arrived at the place, got out of the sleigh, set to work on the axe. I think: here I break him. I climbed under his sheepskin coat, let's sting him. And he is waving an ax, only chips are flying around. Even began to break through his sweat. I see: it’s bad - I can’t sit under a sheepskin coat. At the end of the indus, steam fell from him. I'm off quickly. I think: how to be? And the man keeps working and working. What would be chilly, but he became hot. I look: he throws off his sheepskin coat. I rejoiced. “Wait, I say, here I will show you myself!” The coat is all wet. I climbed into it, froze it so that it became a splint.

Put it on now, try it! As soon as the peasant finished his work and went up to the sheepskin coat, my heart jumped: I’ll amuse myself! The man looked and began to scold me - he went through all the words that there were none worse. “Swear,” I think to myself, “swear! And you won’t survive me!” So he was not content with scolding - he chose a log that was longer and more knotty, but how he would start to beat on a sheepskin coat! He beats me on the short fur coat, but everything scolds me.

I would like to run as soon as possible, but it hurts that I'm stuck in the wool - I can't get out. And he's pounding, he's pounding! I forcefully left. I thought I wouldn't pick up the bones. Until now, the sides are aching. I repented to freeze the men.

(Ill. O. Gvozdeva)

Published: Mishkoy 26.10.2017 17:57 18.11.2018

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  • Hey, you! — Plyatskovsky M.S.

    A funny story about a parrot that teased and bullied everyone. But one day they gave him large mirror and he started teasing himself :) Hey you! read None of the animals wanted to pass by the house in which they lived ...

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Two Frosts"

Even to active child from time to time you need to take a break from bright and noisy fashion toys, gadgets and numerous cartoons. Children's books and fairy tales, which it is desirable to read to a child, and not to listen to audio recordings, can perfectly help with this.

Sitting next to mom, dad or grandmother and listening to a fairy tale, the child relaxes, feels warm and cared for. He is probably pleased that his parents pay attention to him, and this is the most important thing.

In addition, modern games and cartoons are built on the principle of fast and abrupt frame changes, which at the same time keeps the viewer's attention and allows him not to strain while watching. If a child perceives information only in this way, then by the time he needs to go to school, he will not learn to concentrate. Fairy tales will help solve this problem.

Read in a singsong voice and with expression, fairy tales will teach a child to calmly and with concentration perceive a large enough amount of information for his age, develop memory and concentration, and at the same time give a life lesson.

The tale of two brothers - Frosts is good because it has both a clearly expressed morality and humor.

The story begins with two brothers of frost - Frost the Red Nose and Frost the Blue Nose - running through the winter snowy forest. The wind is howling, the trees are cracking from the cold, but the frosts are tired of playing with nature, they were looking for a new fun.

Eventually the brothers spotted two wagons. In one of them sat a gentleman, wrapped in a warm fur coat, and in the other - a peasant in a darned sheepskin coat, who, apparently, was driving into the forest for firewood.

In the evening, the frost Red Nose amused himself, telling how easily he got under the master's thick fur coat, how he was pierced by chills, and how he was barely alive, in the city they dragged him off the wagon.

Frost Blue Nose, on the contrary, was upset. When his brother asked him what was the matter, the inexperienced frost told how he tried to overcome the peasant. At first, Blue Nose even succeeded, but when the peasant jumped off the wagon and began to chop wood, the young frost was helpless: steam poured from the peasant, the chill did not go through him. When the man, excited by his work, threw off his wet sheepskin coat, Blue Nose decided that he would get into his clothes and wait until the man tried to put them on. The sheepskin coat was icebound, but, having finished the work, the peasant was not at a loss: he began to knock ice from the sheepskin coat with a stick, and together with the ice he beat out the young frost. The blue nose escaped with difficulty and decided that it would never freeze men again.

This tale can be told to show the child the benefits of labor and to expose the idler. A positive image of a hard-working man will remain in the child's memory for a long time as an example of diligence and the fact that intensive work really warms.

Read the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts" online for free and without registration.

Two Frosts, two siblings, were walking around the open field, jumping from foot to foot, beating hand in hand.

One Frost says to another:

Brother Frost - Crimson nose! how would we have fun - to freeze people?

Another answers him:

Brother Frost - Blue nose! if people are frozen, it’s not for us to walk around a clean field. The field was covered with snow, all the roads were covered with snow; no one will pass, no one will pass. Let's run better to a clean forest! Although there is less space, but there will be more fun. All no, no, yes, someone will meet along the way.

No sooner said than done. Two Frosts, two siblings, ran into a clean forest. They run, they amuse themselves on the road: they jump from foot to foot, click on the fir trees, click on the pines. The old spruce forest is cracking, the young pine forest is creaking. They will run through loose snow - the bark is icy; A blade of grass peeps out from under the snow - they will blow it, as if they will humiliate it all with beads.

They heard a bell on one side, and a bell on the other: a gentleman rides with a bell, a peasant with a bell.

The Frosts began to judge and decide who to run after whom, who to freeze whom.

Frost - Blue nose like was younger says:

I'd rather go after the guy. I’ll finish him sooner: an old sheepskin coat, patched, a hat full of holes, on his legs, except for bast shoes, nothing. He, in no way, is going to chop wood ... And you, brother, how stronger than me, run after the master. You see, he is wearing a bear's coat, a fox's hat, and wolf's boots. Where am I with him! I can't cope.

Frost - Crimson Nose only laughs.

You are still young, - he says, - brother! .. Well, let it be your way. Run after the peasant, and I will run after the master. As we get together in the evening, we will find out who had an easy job, who was hard. Farewell for now!

Farewell, brother!

They whistled, they clicked, they ran.

As soon as the sun went down, they met again in an open field. They ask each other:

That's it, I think, you, brother, got tired of it with the master, - says the younger one, - but, you see, it didn’t turn out to be any good. Where was it to be taken!

The elder chuckles to himself.

Eh, - he says, - brother Frost - Blue nose, you are young and simple. I respected him so much that he would warm up for an hour - he would not warm up.

But what about a fur coat, a hat, and boots?

Didn't help. I climbed up to him and into a fur coat, and into a hat, and into boots, and how I began to shiver! .. He shudders, he huddles and wraps himself up; he thinks: let me not move a single joint, maybe the frost will not overcome me here. An was not there! I have it on hand. As I set to work on him, I let him out of the wagon a little alive in the city. Well, what did you do with your man?

Oh, brother Frost - Crimson nose! You joked a bad joke with me that you didn’t come to your senses in time. I thought - I'll freeze the man, but it turned out - he broke off my sides.

How so?

Yes, that's how. He rode, you yourself saw, chopping wood. On the way, I began to penetrate him: only he still does not become shy - he still swears: such, he says, this frost! It became quite insulting; I began to pinch and prick him more. Only for a short time was this fun for me. He arrived at the place, got out of the sleigh, set to work on the axe. I think: "Here I break him." I climbed under his sheepskin coat, let's sting him. And he is waving an ax, only chips are flying around. Even began to break through his sweat. I see: it’s bad - I can’t sit under a sheepskin coat. At the end of the indus, steam fell from him. I'm off quickly. I think: "How to be?" And the man keeps working and working. What would be chilly, but he became hot. I look - he takes off his short fur coat. I rejoiced. "Wait, I say, here I will show you myself." The short fur coat is all wet. I got into it - climbed everywhere, froze it so that it became a splint. Put it on now, try it! As soon as the peasant finished his work and went up to the sheepskin coat, my heart jumped: I’ll amuse myself! The man looked and began to scold me - he went through all the words that there are none worse. “Swear! - I think to myself, - swear! And you won’t survive me!” So he was not content with scolding. I chose a log that was more authentic and more knotty, and how it would start to beat on a sheepskin coat! He beats me on the sheepskin coat, but everything scolds me. I would like to run as soon as possible, but it hurts that I'm stuck in the wool - I can't get out. And he's pounding, he's pounding! I forcefully left. I thought I wouldn't pick up the bones. Until now, the sides are aching. I repented to freeze the men.

Two Frosts, two siblings, were walking around the open field, jumping from foot to foot, beating hand in hand.

One Frost says to another:
- Brother Frost - Crimson nose! how would we have fun - to freeze people?

Another answers him:
- Brother Frost - Blue nose! if people are frozen, it’s not for us to walk around a clean field. The field was covered with snow, all the roads were covered with snow; no one will pass, no one will pass. Let's run better to a clean forest! Although there is less space, but there will be more fun. All no, no, yes, someone will meet along the way.

No sooner said than done. Two Frosts, two siblings, ran into a clean forest. They run, they amuse themselves on the road: they jump from foot to foot, click on the fir trees, click on the pines. The old spruce forest is cracking, the young pine forest is creaking. They will run through loose snow - the bark is icy; A blade of grass peeps out from under the snow - they will blow it, as if they will humiliate it all with beads.
They heard a bell on one side, and a bell on the other: a gentleman rides with a bell, a peasant with a bell.

The Frosts began to judge and decide who to run after whom, who to freeze whom.

Frost - Blue nose like was younger says:
- I'd rather go after the guy. I’ll finish him sooner: an old sheepskin coat, patched, a hat full of holes, on his legs, except for bast shoes, nothing. He’s not going to chop wood in any way ... And you, brother, how stronger than me, run after the master. You see, he is wearing a bear's coat, a fox's hat, and wolf's boots. Where am I with him! I can't cope.

Frost - Crimson Nose only laughs.
- You are still young, - he says, - brother! .. Well, yes, be your own way. Run after the peasant, and I will run after the master. As we get together in the evening, we will find out who had an easy job, who was hard. Farewell for now!
- Farewell, brother!

They whistled, they clicked, they ran.

As soon as the sun went down, they met again in an open field.

They ask each other:
- What?
- That's it, I think, you, brother, got drunk with the master, - says the younger one, - but, you see, it didn’t turn out to be any good. Where was it to be taken!
The elder chuckles to himself.
- Oh, - he says, - brother Frost - Blue nose, you are young and simple. I respected him so much that he would warm up for an hour - he would not warm up.
- But what about a fur coat, a hat, and boots?
- Didn't help. I climbed up to him and into a fur coat, and into a hat, and into boots, and how I began to shiver! .. He shudders, he huddles and wraps himself up; he thinks: let me not move a single joint, maybe the frost will not overcome me here. An was not there! I have it on hand. As I set to work on him, I let him out of the wagon a little alive in the city. Well, what did you do with your man?
- Oh, brother Frost - Crimson nose! You joked a bad joke with me that you didn’t come to your senses in time. I thought - I'll freeze the man, but it turned out - he broke off my sides.
- How so?
- Yes, that's how. He rode, you yourself saw, chopping wood. On the way, I began to penetrate him: only he still does not become shy - he still swears: such, he says, this frost!

It became quite insulting; I began to pinch and prick him more. Only for a short time was this fun for me. He arrived at the place, got out of the sleigh, set to work on the axe. I think: "Here I break him." I climbed under his sheepskin coat, let's sting him. And he is waving an ax, only chips are flying around. Even began to break through his sweat. I see: it’s bad - I can’t sit under a sheepskin coat. At the end of the indus, steam fell from him. I'm off quickly.

I think: "How to be?" And the man keeps working and working. What would be chilly, but he became hot. I look - he takes off his short fur coat. I rejoiced. "Wait, I say, here I will show you myself." The short fur coat is all wet. I got into it - climbed everywhere, froze it so that it became a splint. Put it on now, try it! As soon as the peasant finished his work and went up to the sheepskin coat, my heart jumped: I’ll amuse myself! The man looked and began to scold me - he went through all the words that there were none worse. “Swear! - I think to myself, - swear! And you won’t survive me!” So he was not content with scolding. I chose a log that was more authentic and more knotty, and how it would start to beat on a sheepskin coat! He beats me on the sheepskin coat, but everything scolds me. I would like to run as soon as possible, but it hurts that I'm stuck in the wool - I can't get out. And he's pounding, he's pounding! I forcefully left. I thought I wouldn't pick up the bones. Until now, the sides are aching. I repented to freeze the men.

An instructive fairy tale story, which is especially interesting to read to children on winter holidays. The two brothers of Frost argued over who would freeze people: the Blue Nose took on a hard-working peasant, and the Red Nose - for a gentleman in warm fur coats. Who managed to realize their idea, read in a fairy tale.

Fairy tale Two frosts download:

Fairy tale Two frosts read

Two Frosts, two siblings, were walking around the open field, jumping from foot to foot, beating hand in hand. One Frost says to another:

Brother Frost - Crimson nose! How would we have fun - freeze people?

Another answers him:

Brother Frost - Blue nose! If people are frozen, it’s not for us to walk around a clean field. The field was covered with snow, all the roads were covered with snow; no one will pass, no one will pass. Let's run better to a clean forest! Although there is less space, but there will be more fun. All no, no, yes, someone will meet along the way.

No sooner said than done. Two Frosts, two siblings, ran into a clean forest. They run, they amuse themselves on the road: they jump from foot to foot, click on the fir trees, click on the pines. The old spruce forest is cracking, the young pine forest is creaking. They will run through loose snow - the bark is icy; A blade of grass peeps out from under the snow - they will blow it, as if they will humiliate it all with beads.

They heard a bell on one side, and a bell on the other: a gentleman rides with a bell, a peasant with a bell.

The Frosts began to judge and decide who to run after whom, who to freeze whom.

Frost - Blue nose like was younger says:

I'd rather go after the guy. I’ll finish him sooner: an old sheepskin coat, patched, a hat full of holes, on his legs, except for bast shoes, nothing. He’s not going to chop wood in any way ... And you, brother, how stronger than me, run after the master. You see, he is wearing a bear's coat, a fox's hat, and wolf's boots. Where am I with him! I can't cope.

Frost - Crimson Nose only laughs.

Young, he says, you are still a brother! .. Well, let it be your way. Run after the peasant, and I will run after the master. As we get together in the evening, we will find out who had an easy job, who was hard. Farewell for now!

Farewell, brother!

They whistled, they clicked, they ran.

As soon as the sun went down, they met again in an open field. They ask each other:

That's it, I think, you, brother, got tired of it with the master, - says the younger one, - but, you see, it didn’t turn out to be any good. Where was it to be taken!

The elder chuckles to himself.

Eh, - he says, - brother Frost - Blue nose, you are young and simple. I respected him so much that he would warm up for an hour - he would not warm up.

But what about a fur coat, a hat, and boots?

Didn't help. I climbed up to him and in a fur coat, and in a hat, and in boots, and how I began to shiver! He shudders, he shrinks and wraps himself up, he thinks: - let me not move a single joint, maybe the frost will not overcome me here. An was not there! I have it on hand. As I set to work on him, I let him out of the wagon a little alive in the city. Well, what did you do with your man?

Oh, brother Frost - Crimson nose! You joked a bad joke with me that you didn’t come to your senses in time. I thought - I'll freeze the man, but it turned out - he broke off my sides.

How so?

Yes, that's how. He rode, you yourself saw, chopping wood. Dear, I began to penetrate him: only he still does not become shy - he still swears: such, he says, this frost! It became quite insulting; I began to pinch and prick him even more. Only for a short time was this fun for me. He arrived at the place, got out of the sleigh, set to work on the axe. I think: "Here I break him." I climbed under his sheepskin coat, let's sting him. And he is waving an ax, only chips are flying around. Even began to break through his sweat.

I see: it’s bad - I can’t sit under a sheepskin coat. At the end of the indus, steam fell from him. I'm off quickly. I think: "How to be?" And the man keeps working and working. He should be chilly, but he became hot. I look - he takes off his short fur coat. I rejoiced. "Wait, I say, here I will show you myself." The short fur coat is all wet. I got into it - climbed everywhere, froze it so that it became a splint. Put it on now, try it! As soon as the peasant finished his work and went up to the sheepskin coat, my heart jumped: I’ll amuse myself! The man looked and began to scold me - he went through all the words that there are none worse.

“Swear! - I think to myself, - swear! And you won’t survive me!” So he was not content with scolding. I chose a log that was more authentic and more knotty, but how it would start to beat on a sheepskin coat! He beats me on the sheepskin coat, but everything scolds me. I would like to run as soon as possible, but it hurts that I'm stuck in the wool - I can't get out. And he's pounding, he's pounding! I forcefully left. I thought I wouldn't pick up the bones. Until now, the sides are aching. I repented to freeze the men.

Once upon a time there was an old Frost Blue Nose, and he had a young son - Frost Red Nose. Well, the young Frost Red Nose loved to boast!
Only, it happened, and repeats: “Father is already old, he does his job poorly. Here I am, young and strong. As soon as I get down to business, I will immediately freeze everything around.
Once Frost sees Red Nose: a fat gentleman in a fur coat is going to the city.
“Well,” thinks Frost, “I will show my strength on this gentleman. The old man, my father, cannot be frozen for anything, but I can do it at once.
All the way he ran after the master, ran right through him, from head to toe. And on the way back, he did not lag behind him, accompanied him to the house. As the master came home, he went to bed. Frost boasted the Red Nose to his father:
- Where can you, old man, freeze such a fat gentleman, and even in such a thick fur coat!
- Well done! says Frost Blue Nose. - Is it a joke - he defeated such a gentleman, and even in a fur coat! Come on, now freeze that guy over there who is chopping wood in the forest. Frost Red Nose decided that freezing a peasant was a simple matter: his fur coat was full of holes, and he himself was skinny.
- Well, is it work? Frost Red Nose laughs. - I only blow on him once, - he is ready.
Frost flew Red nose on the peasant, but as he began to make his way from one side, then from the other, then he would climb by the scruff of the neck, trying with all his might.
And the peasant, at least something, only waves his ax harder and wipes the sweat from his forehead.
“Wow,” he says, “hot!
Tired at last Frost Red Nose. “Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll outsmart you anyway!” And he climbed into the peasant's mittens, which he took off to make it more convenient to work, and threw them on the firewood.
Here the peasant chopped firewood, tied it up, pulled his hat on more deeply and took up his mittens.
He looks, and they are frozen through, like ice. What to do here? He took an ax and let's beat and knead with the butt of a mitten. So Frost's sides were crushed, that he dragged himself to the house by force.
And old Frost Blue Nose, when he saw his son, laughed and said:
“Here’s science for you, simpleton!” You have a lot of strength, but you haven’t gained your mind yet.


Russian folk tale in retelling

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