21st Congress of the CPSU Party. Twenty-first Congress of the CPSU. Xxi Congress of the CPSU. the final victory of socialism in the ussr

April 15th, 2018

President of the USSR MS Gorbachev delivered a speech at the congress.

He defined the stage of the country's development as a "turning point". "... Soviet society is in the process of transition from one state to another... The command system no longer works, but the new one has not yet fully come into its own... In a word, they left one system, but have not yet entered another. In essence, the same transitional state now exists in almost all spheres of social activity. Gorbachev noted that a conservative trend had formed in the country, as well as a trend that called into question the entire path traveled by the country since 1917. Of course, publicity presupposes the possibility of expressing all views, "if they do not run counter to the principles of our state and social system, enshrined in the Constitution." Answering questions, Gorbachev said that in the future the President would be popularly elected, but that in the current situation there was no time to waste.

(Gorbachev M.S. Walking along the road of perestroika. M., 1990).

Mikhail Gorbachev's speech at the 21st Congress of the Komsomol.


From the Ph.D. thesis of Viktor Ivanovich Mironenko for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: The Komsomol in the period of perestroika of Soviet society: in search of a new model of the union and a new youth policy. (1985 - 1990)

The 21st Congress of the Komsomol, the last essentially wide and full-scale congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, is of great interest because, for the last time, it gathered a fairly representative composition of Komsomol members and Komsomol workers.

In addition, this congress was the last congress of the Komsomol, from which all preparatory and working documents have been preserved in full.

The XXI Congress of the Komsomol has three images. One is created by the media. The second is by the participants themselves. The third is opened from his papers. If the first and second have much in common, which is not surprising, since in many respects they were created by the same people under the influence of impressions from the external course of events, the third is very different from them.

Events at the congress developed under the strongest influence of the socio-political situation in the country, an open letter from the Central Committee of the CPSU "For disengagement on a principled basis." The Komsomol congress not only fell into the shadow of the discussion unfolding around the letter, but also joined in it itself.

This discussion occupied the first and a significant part of the second day of the plenary sessions of the congress, was with great difficulty.

pushed aside in the sections, but again and again surfaced in the speeches of the delegates.

It can be said that "thanks" to the extremely unfortunate timing of the publication of the letter, not to mention its content, against which the author, being a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU and foreseeing such a situation, objected in writing on the eve of the congress, the youth and intra-union problems proper, as well as other general political, economic and social issues receded into the background. There was simply not enough time to discuss them, and their detailed consideration was entrusted to the new composition of the Komsomol Central Committee.

The congress adopted 21 decrees and resolutions.

The hasty adoption of them led to the fact that a huge amount of material for discussion and analysis actually fell out of the congress's field of vision. At the same time, it is precisely these documents that are the most interesting from the point of view of assessing both the congress itself and the entire period preceding it in the life of the Komsomol.

It is of interest to compare some of the assessments that are well-established among Komsomol historians with the available documents. For example V.V. Dolgov wrote: “The concepts of the new Komsomol existed. One of them was developed, for example, by a group of Komsomol workers from Moscow State University and a number of other organizations representing the Surgut Initiative movement.

Indeed, the congress was offered a draft resolution of the 21st Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League “On the Surgut Alternative Movement”.

Acquaintance with the draft explains why the congress submitted it for consideration to the new composition of the Komsomol Central Committee. The draft does not contain anything that would not have already been discussed, adopted and included in the draft documents prepared by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League during the pre-Congress discussion. He is clearly inferior to them both in the depth of analysis and in the boldness of the proposed solutions. The congress showed that the "mountain" of the "Surgut Initiative" gave birth to a mouse - a weak and sloppy document in all respects.

Other documents of the congress were much more solid and serious. The draft resolution "Komsomol and interethnic relations", for example, raised and proposed solutions to issues that already a year later largely determined the political situation in the country.

This project was not reflected in any way in the decisions of the congress, just like another interesting document - an Appeal to the President of the USSR on the problems of youth tourism.

It is accompanied by a postscript: “This document was left (forgotten) in the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” and handed over to Comrade Zabaluev V.N. through the administrator of the GKCZ. April 27, 1990”, which in itself characterizes the situation in which the image of the congress was formed.

The congress responded to the note of Akshin Elkhan oglu Bekirzade, the first secretary of the Kirov Republican Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan with an “Appeal to the peoples, young people of the USSR”, prepared by the discussion center “Komsomol and interethnic relations”.

“In the name of supreme justice,” the appeal says, “the establishment of good neighborly relations, lasting national peace, the future of our children and grandchildren, we call on you to rise above old grievances, forget about strife, make mutual concessions, and jointly seek mutually acceptable solutions.”

As we can see, even then the Komsomol resolutely opposed the desire of the national groups of the party-state nomenclature to get out of the control of the center and gain full state power even at the cost of destroying the economy, breaking the economic, cultural-historical and simply human ties that have developed over decades and centuries.

They have not forgotten this. After the collapse of the USSR, in none of the former Soviet republics did the Komsomol retain its role and its capabilities in working with youth.

The statement “To the Delegate of the XXI Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League”, submitted at the request of the delegation of Moscow on behalf of the joint meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow City Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League and the delegation of Moscow at the XXI Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, which was joined by the delegates of the Tatar Regional Komsomol Organization, the congress “took note”.

This document is very indicative from the point of view of the direction of the evolution of the Komsomol in 1986-1990. In particular, it says: “The rapid qualitative changes in the ideals, interests and needs of young people are increasingly in conflict with the existing opportunities for their implementation. The exacerbation of youth problems goes beyond problems only

of that special social group of the population and acquires a destabilizing character for the development of the country as a whole.

The congress delegates consider the main goal of the Komsomol to be the creation of conditions for the free development of the personality of a young person, the protection and expression of the political, economic, social and spiritual interests and needs of young people. This is how we define our role in building a society of humane democratic socialism.”

Here one can clearly see the independent political orientation of the “late”, according to A.A. Korolev, Komsomol towards goals, the public understanding of which came only seven or eight years later, after the total destruction of the very foundations of social life in Russia and other new on the ruins of the USSR.

The open letter of the 21st Congress of the Komsomol, adopted at the discussion center “Financial and Economic Activities of the Komsomol” and the resolution “On the Development of the Economic Initiative of Youth”, reflected the results of the work of the Komsomol to expand opportunities for independent economic activity for young people.

The resolution noted that the mechanism created after the previous congress to support such activities "allows you to implement the initiatives of young people, the desire of young men and women to participate in independent economic activities, provides employment for young people, develops creative activity, educates a new economic thinking, a generation of modern leaders."

At a time when free enterprise and market relations were only in their infancy in the national economy as a whole, they were already a fait accompli in the Komsomol and under its protection.

By 1990, the Komsomol included more than 4,000 "economic formations", read enterprises, with a total output of products and services of over 2 billion rubles. They employed more than 200 thousand people. 90% of these enterprises started their activities without state investments and allocation of any resources for their needs. Dozens of enterprises, organizations, institutions with a turnover of hundreds of millions of rubles of financial and material resources were directly subordinate to the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Since the 20th Congress of the Komsomol, enterprises of the Komsomol have allocated more than 50 million rubles for social programs for young people.

The Congress of the Komsomol not only does not question the need for such work, but appeals to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the demand "to reconsider the attitude towards solving youth problems, to assist in the creation of an organizational, legal, financial and economic mechanism for integrating the youth economy sector into the infrastructure national economy of the country.

The congress delegates accurately identified the pain points of the reform and foresaw the possibility of ethnic conflicts.

The congress responded to the draft resolution “On the need to restore justice for the repressed peoples”, submitted by the delegations from Chechen-Ingushetia and Karachay-Cherkessia, with the already mentioned resolution “On the appeal to the peoples, young people of the USSR” and the resolution “On the appeal “On the tragic fate national symbolism.

Today we know what role the events in the North Caucasus and in particular in Chechnya played in the early years of post-Soviet Russian history. Few people in 1990 seriously thought about the events taking place in the small North Caucasian republics. Komsomol was able to foresee them, but could not warn them

Medical delegates, Moldovan delegation, Association

medical students, representatives of the Latvian, Kyrgyz, Tajik delegations introduced a draft resolution of the congress “Youth is threatened by AIDS”, which contained a detailed program for the prevention of the disease.

This resolution is generally very indicative of the fact that, along with major socio-political problems, national economic plans, the “late” Komsomol at the highest congress level turns to seemingly “private”, “non-political” issues that are relevant precisely and, often, only for this social group.

The delegations of Namangan, Fergana, Andijan, Samarkand regions of Uzbekistan submitted a draft resolution of the congress “On the army and serving in it.”

The meaning of the project was to find ways to solve the problem of "hazing" in the army and the problem of "refuseniks", which the congress delegates saw in the gradual transfer of the army to a professional basis and the introduction of an institution of alternative service.

The resolution of the Discussion Center “Worldview Problems” states the pluralism of opinions in the Komsomol and gives a strikingly accurate characterization of the essence of the ideological struggle that has unfolded in society.

“The working people are still alienated from the means of production and the products of their labor, also due to the fact that the state-bureaucratic apparatus monopoly disposes of everything in society. The economic and political interests of the direct producers and officials of the state-bureaucratic apparatus do not coincide, develop into a contradiction.

Even this far from complete list of initiative draft resolutions, appeals and resolutions of the congress, partially supported by it, but not discussed and developed, speaks of the degree of social and political maturity of the youth organization and its reform potential.

The organization is full of life and strength, forms far-reaching plans for renewal and development. Is it possible, only on the basis of some reduction in the size of the organization and a reduction in the admission of new members, which was the result of a consistent and conscious restoration of democratic norms of membership within the Komsomol, to draw a conclusion about the agony of the union?

Attempts to present the Komsomol workers of the perestroika period as entirely young careerists, and the Komsomol members as a mute and inert mass, at the first encounter with facts and documents, reveal their complete failure.

Of course it was both. The recovery of a multimillion-dollar public entity after decades of domination by bureaucratic centralism in administration and dogmatism in ideology could not happen overnight. But this did not determine the internal life of the organization.

The fact that the congress did not get down to the merits of the matter is due to both external and internal reasons. Someone prepared an Appeal, which stated a "dead end" in the work and proposed to focus on the election of governing bodies and the definition of relations with the CPSU, and to postpone all statements, appeals, draft resolutions to a later date, instructing the new Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League to deal with them.

Until now, it remains unclear how a relatively small group of delegates, headed by M. Sotnikov, V. Gaivoronsky, A. Beck and some others, could exert such a strong influence on the course of the congress. During the work of the congress, the author had to meet with them in a room at the Rossiya Hotel for negotiations on directing the work of the congress in a more constructive direction. The room was a real headquarters, equipped with the most modern and expensive equipment, the acquisition of which even the "rich" Central Committee of the Komsomol could not afford.

The author had no doubts that behind the back of the so-called "democratic opposition in the Komsomol" were powerful political forces, which, regardless of costs, were leading to the destruction of the union. By the way, after the collapse of the Komsomol, all of its "reformers" lost all interest in working with young people and got lost in the motley crowd of "Yeltsinists".

Nevertheless, the congress fulfilled its main task. The Council of Representatives of the Delegations recommended the adoption of the draft document “Programmatic Objectives of the Komsomol”. Three sections of the first Komsomol program - participation, development, peace - reproducing the three key ideas of the UN International Youth Year in 1985, summed up the path traveled by the Komsomol and clearly indicated the direction of its further development.

This document is a bunch of experience acquired by the Komsomol during the years of perestroika. Anyone who would like to get an objective idea of ​​the direction in which the idea of ​​democratizing the Komsomol proclaimed at the 20th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League has developed should begin with the "Programme Goals ...".

The amendments made by the congress to the prepared document testified to the readiness of young people to accept the renewed Komsomol as their own organization, and not an organ of influence and supervision from anyone else.

Among the amendments made by the meeting, the following should be noted: “The Youth Union stands for the adoption of a comprehensive act on the state youth policy. For the creation of a system of state authorities and administrations dealing with the problems of youth, a system of its public self-government. For a regional youth policy that takes into account the national, historical and socio-cultural specifics of the territories. Public control over its implementation in the state”.

“State support for wide access of young people to the values ​​of national and world culture. Freedom of creativity. Equitable development, development of state-public programs for the revival of national cultures”.

“In the field of ecology: protecting the environment, preserving nature for future generations. Open discussion of major economic projects. Introduction of independent expertise, changes in line with international standards. Public availability, periodic publication of data on the state of the environment”.

“In the current economic conditions, the Komsomol considers youth employment to be the most important direction of its activity. To this end, the Komsomol will insist on: a guaranteed right of a young person to the first job; organization of a wide network of advanced training courses, retraining and retraining; creation of additional jobs for young people, including at the expense of enterprises of youth organizations; organization of a part-time employment system, which implies a reduction in the working day, an increase in jobs.”

“Creation of a unified social service for young people, which includes centers for: social assistance to a young family; employment information; legal advice; socio-psychological adaptation of youth”.

Taking into account these amendments, the document acquired all the necessary characteristics of an instrument corresponding to the time and goals for the gradual reform of the organization while maintaining the entire content and direction of its activities and the parallel creation of state and public-state structures that reinforce it and insure this sphere of society from the fact that in case the failure of the transformation of the Komsomol, the youth will not be left without the means to inform society and the state about their needs. The “Declaration” was adopted by an overwhelming majority of votes of the congress delegates - 1297.


Clear evidence of the crisis in the Komsomol was the inexorable reduction in the size of the Komsomol organization at all levels. From 1989 to 1990, the Union was reduced by almost 4 million people, in 1989, 58 thousand organizations did not accept a single person into the Komsomol.

The first "swallow" of the immediate collapse of the Komsomol was the Communist Youth Union of Lithuania, which in 1989 declared its independence. In the same year, the Estonian Komsomol separated. Further more. By 1990, the issue of organizational formalization of the now Russian Komsomol was on the agenda. As a result, at the first congress of the Komsomol organizations of the RSFSR, held in February 1990, the Komsomol of the RSFSR was formed, however, it is still part of the Komsomol.

But it has already been said from the podium that it is time to reorganize the “united and indivisible” Komsomol into a federation of independent Komsomol organizations, which was done two months later, at the XXI Extraordinary Congress. The new model of the Komsomol also required a change in the previous relationship with the party, and the VLKSM finally declared its full political independence. As a result, the Komsomol was far ahead of the Communist Party and many public organizations in the "democratization" of union work. V.M. was elected the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee at this congress. Zyukin.

During the preparation of the XXI Congress of the Komsomol, the Central Committee still believed that there were alternative ideas for the development of the Komsomol: in the form of a movement of political clubs, a movement of scientific and technical creativity of youth, youth housing complexes, student construction teams, an environmental movement, etc. But after the August events of 1991, the Central Committee abruptly took a course towards the liquidation of the youth Komsomol, as an All-Union organization.

Everything was decided at the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol, convened in Moscow in September 1991. According to the recollections of the participants, this congress was unlike any of the previous ones: "there were no orders, no white bust of Ilyich on the stage, no traditional pioneer greeting." In his report, V. M. Zyukin stated: “The old system has been destroyed, and together with it, the organization that was an element of the system must leave political existence. The existence of the Komsomol even in new clothes is objectively impossible.” The fate of the Komsomol was a foregone conclusion, although the argumentation of this conclusion was very unconvincing, and many things caused bewilderment.

The only issue that was actively discussed at the congress was the further fate of Komsomol property. The Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League proposed its own version: the subjects of the federation and local organizations become the legal successor of the Komsomol, among which most of the property is distributed. On this they agreed: reorganization through separation.

The real property of the Komsomol was transferred to the balance of the Sodruzhestvo-91 enterprise for joint ownership and use by the labor collectives of enterprises, editorial offices, and organizations. The funds were distributed among 23 legal successors, based on the number of members of the youth union. The apparatus of the Central Committee was abolished. The congress adopted the Agreement on the establishment of the Coordinating Council, which was instructed to conduct negotiations on cooperation between youth organizations of independent states for 10 months with a view to the possible creation of an inter-republican youth structure. But no real action was taken to this end.

The last attempt to save the Komsomol was made by the Russian delegates to the congress. They gathered in Moscow in October 1991 at the first conference of the Komsomol of Russia, at which it was decided to create on the basis of the Komsomol of the RSFSR a new, now non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization, namely, the Russian Union of Youth. He became the legal successor of the Komsomol in Russia.

Thus ended the history of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union, an organization whose name has been associated with the youth of many generations since 1918.

Speech by M.S. Gorbachev at the congress and his answers to delegates' questions.

TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CPSU (extraordinary ) , took place
in Moscow 27 Jan.-5 Feb. 1959. 1261 delegates attended with a casting vote
and 106 non-voting delegates representing 7,622,356 members. parties
and 616,775 candidates for membership. parties.

The composition of the congress delegates (with the right of decisive
vote ) : by occupation - 355 people. employed in industry, construction
and on transport, 175 - in with. x-ve; by education -73.3% of delegates had
higher, incomplete higher and secondary education; by age - up to 35 years 12.7%,
from 36 to 40 years old 8.4%, from 41 to 50 years old 47.8%, St. 50 years 31.1%; pop Art.
seniority - 8 delegates joined the party before the Great October. socialist. revolution,
37 delegates in 1917-20, 19.9% ​​of delegates in 1921-30; 33.8% in 1931-40, 21.7%
in 1941-45 and 21.1% in 1946 and later. 222 women elected as delegates to the congress
(17.5% of all delegates with a decisive vote ) . Among the congress delegates
51 Hero of the Soviets. Union and 158 Heroes of the Socialist. Labor. The congress was attended
delegations of 72 foreign communists. and labor parties.

Order of the Day: Development Targets
nar. x-va USSR for 1959-65 (speaker N. S. Khrushchev ) .

Bringing solutions to life twentieth
Congress of the CPSU
(1956) , owl. people under the leadership of the CPSU by the time
21st Party Congress achieved new successes in the communist. construction.
At the 21st Congress, it was concluded that socialism in the USSR had won complete victory.
and the final victory that owls. the country is entering a period of extended
communist construction. society. The most important task of this period is to make
a decisive step in the creation of material and technical. bases of communism, provide
further strengthening of the economy. and defense power of the USSR and at the same time to achieve
better satisfaction of the growing material and cultural needs

The documents of the congress stated that
in conditions when the construction of socialism has gone beyond the boundaries of one country,
when the world socialist was formed. system, there is no more capitalist.
encirclement of the USSR. There are two world societies. systems - obsolete
century capitalism and growing, strengthening socialism. The 21st Congress noted that
there are no such forces in the world now that could restore capitalism in
USSR, crush the socialist. camp. The danger of the restoration of capitalism
in the Sov. Union is excluded. The Congress approved the activities of the Central Committee of the Party and the
them the most important events in the field of internal and ext. politicians.

The congress approved control
development figures. x-va USSR for 1959-65. Ch. were determined. party tasks
in the field of economy - all-round development produces. forces of the country, achievement
such an increase in production in all sectors of the economy, which would allow to make
a decisive step in the creation of material and technical. bases of communism and provision
victory of the USSR in the peaceful economic. competition with the capitalist countries; means.
raising the standard of living of the people. In the field of politics - further strengthening
owls. socialist. building, the development of owls. democracy, activity and initiative
nar. masses in the construction of the communist. society; expanding the functions of societies.
org-tions in the decision of the state. questions; increase organizational and educate.
the role of the party and the socialist. state-va; all-round strengthening of the union of workers and
peasants, friendship of the peoples of the USSR. In the field of ideologies - the strengthening of ideological education.
the work of the party, the rise of the communist. consciousness of the working people before
the entire younger generation, educating them in the spirit of the communist. relations
to work, owls. patriotism and internationalism; overcoming the vestiges of capitalism
in the minds of people, the fight against the bourgeoisie. ideology.

In the field of international relations - follow.
carrying out external policy aimed at preserving and strengthening peace
and the security of peoples on the basis of the Leninist principle of peaceful coexistence
countries with different social systems, the comprehensive strengthening of the world
socialist. system and community of fraternal peoples.

Lit.: Extraordinary XXI Congress
CPSU. Verbatim report, vol. 1 - 2, M., 1959.

G. N. Laptev.

21st Congress of the CPSU(extraordinary), was held in Moscow on January 27 - February 5, 1959. There were 1261 delegates with a decisive vote and 106 delegates with an advisory vote, representing 7,622,356 party members and 616,775 candidates for a party member. occupation - 355 people. employed in industry, construction and transport, 175 in agriculture; by education - 73.3% of the delegates had higher, incomplete higher and secondary education; by age - up to 35 years old 12.7%, from 36 to 40 years old 8.4%, from 41 to 50 years old 47.8%, over 50 years old 31.1%; by party experience - 8 delegates joined the party before the Great October Socialist Revolution, 37 delegates in 1917-20, 19.9% ​​of delegates in 1921-30; 33.8% in 1931-40, 21.7% in 1941-45 and 21.1% in 1946 and later. 222 women were elected delegates to the congress (17.5% of all delegates with a decisive vote), among the congress delegates there are 51 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 158 Heroes of Socialist Labor. Delegations from 72 foreign communist and workers' parties attended the congress. Twentieth Congress of the CPSU (1956), the Soviet people under the leadership of the CPSU by the time of the 21st Party Congress achieved new successes in communist construction. At the 21st Congress, it was concluded that socialism in the USSR had won a complete and final victory, that the Soviet country was entering a period of full-scale construction of a communist society. The most important task of this period is to take a decisive step in creating the material and technical base of communism, to ensure the further strengthening of the economic and defense might of the USSR and at the same time to achieve a more complete satisfaction of the growing material and cultural needs of the people. The documents of the congress noted that in conditions when the construction of socialism went beyond the bounds of one country, when the world socialist system was formed, there is no longer a capitalist encirclement of the USSR. There are two world social systems - capitalism that is becoming obsolete and socialism that is growing and getting stronger. The 21st Congress noted that there are no forces in the world today that could restore capitalism in the USSR and crush the socialist camp. The danger of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union is excluded. The Congress approved the activities of the Central Committee of the Party and the most important measures taken by it in the field of domestic and foreign policy. The control figures for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1959-65 were approved at the congress. The main tasks of the party in the field of economics were determined - the comprehensive development of the country's productive forces, the achievement of such an increase in production in all sectors of the economy that would make it possible to take a decisive step in creating the material and technical base of communism and ensuring the victory of the USSR in peaceful economic competition with capitalist countries; significant improvement in the living standards of the people. In the field of politics - the further strengthening of the Soviet socialist system, the development of Soviet democracy, the activity and initiative of the masses in the building of a communist society; expanding the functions of public organizations in solving state issues; enhancing the organizational and educational role of the party and the socialist state; all-round strengthening of the union of workers and peasants, friendship of the peoples of the USSR. In the field of ideology - strengthening the ideological and educational work of the party, raising the communist consciousness of the working people and, above all, the younger generation, educating them in the spirit of a communist attitude to work, Soviet patriotism and internationalism; overcoming the remnants of capitalism in the minds of people, the struggle against bourgeois ideology.

In the field of international relations - the consistent pursuit of a foreign policy aimed at preserving and strengthening the peace and security of peoples on the basis of the Leninist principle of peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems, the all-round strengthening of the world socialist system and the commonwealth of fraternal peoples.

Lit.: Extraordinary XXI Congress of the CPSU. Verbatim report, vol. 1-2, M., 1959.

The congress was attended by 1261 delegates with a decisive vote, representing 7,622,356 party members, and 106 delegates with an advisory vote from 616,775 candidate members of the party, as well as foreign guests - delegations of communist and workers' parties of 72 countries.

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    ✪ 21st Congress of the CPSU in 1959


Prehistory of the Congress

The Soviet leadership was looking for a type of development plan that would ensure the balance of various industries. The plan was not to set two or three goals achieved at any cost, but to use the limited funds available in the most efficient way to achieve many goals. Finally, he had to meet the needs of a growing domestic market. None of the Soviet plans of the past actually set such goals. The first plan for the development of the country, which was no longer based only on industrialization, was the seven-year plan. With its help, they tried, without slowing down the growth of the country, to make up, at least in part, for serious imbalances from which Soviet society suffered. To approve the new plan, an extraordinary party congress was convened.

Order of the day

The order of the day of the congress included the only question "Control figures for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1959-1965." N. S. Khrushchev made a report on this issue on January 27, 1959. He, summarizing the debate, made a final speech on February 5, 1959.

Fragments from the speeches of N. S. Khrushchev at the congress

“There are no forces in the world today that could restore capitalism in our country and crush the socialist camp. The danger of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union is excluded. This means that socialism has won not only completely, but definitively.”

“The international communist movement has condemned the views and policies of the Yugoslav revisionists... Our position on the views of the Yugoslav leaders is clear. We have stated it more than once with all frankness. But the Yugoslav leaders are twisting, false, running from the truth ... The leaders of the Union of Communists of Yugoslavia are very offended when we tell them that they are sitting on two chairs. They claim that they are sitting on their own, Yugoslavian chair. But for some reason this Yugoslav chair is very much supported by the American monopolies!”

In 1957, the Communist Party of China put forward the task of surpassing England in the volume of production of the most important branches of industry within the next 15 years. The popular movement for the implementation of the Great Leap Forward, which has been widely developed in the country, shows that the Chinese people will solve this problem in a much shorter time.

“The Communist Party of China uses many unique forms in building socialism. However, we do not and cannot have any differences of opinion... Because the class approach and class understanding of both parties are the same. The Chinese Communist Party firmly stands on the class, Marxist-Leninist positions."

“Now our country is superior to the United States both in terms of pace and in absolute annual production growth. We are walking four times faster and adding more products every year - therefore, it is now much easier to catch up with the Americans.

Decisions of the Congress

The 21st Congress concluded that socialism in the USSR had won a complete and final victory, that the Soviet country was entering a period of full-scale construction of a communist society. The most important task of this period is to take a decisive step in creating the material and technical base of communism, to ensure the further strengthening of the economic and defense might of the USSR and, at the same time, to better satisfy the growing material and cultural needs of the people.

The documents of the congress noted that in conditions when the construction of socialism had gone beyond the bounds of one country, when the world socialist system had been formed, there was no longer a capitalist encirclement of the USSR. There are two world social systems - capitalism that is becoming obsolete and socialism that is growing and getting stronger. The congress noted that there are no forces in the world today that could restore capitalism in the USSR and crush the socialist camp. The danger of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union is excluded.

The Congress approved the activities of the Central Committee of the Party and the most important measures taken by it in the field of domestic and foreign policy.

The control figures for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1959-65 were approved at the congress. In the seven-year plan, the economy was programmed on a scale incomparable with the past experience of Soviet planning. In 7 years, the USSR had to produce as much as in the previous 40 years, and take a decisive step in creating the material and technical base of communism and ensuring the victory of the USSR in peaceful economic competition with the capitalist countries. The new ambitious plan was to allow the Soviet Union to “catch up and overtake” the United States and, by 1965, take the first place in the world both in absolute volume of production and in production per capita.

One of the decisions of the congress was a plan for a radical technical reconstruction of railway transport, by replacing steam locomotives with economical locomotives - electric and diesel locomotives.

The main result of the Congress

  • Adoption of a seven-year plan for the development of the national economy for 1959-1965
  • Proclamation of the entry of the Soviet Union into the period of extensive construction of communism

The main result of the XXI Congress was the proclamation of the slogan about the transition of the USSR to communism. The construction of socialism was proclaimed completed, and from now on it was a question of starting "the creation of a communist society in the country", which is on the horizon of the 80s. will ensure the complete abundance and happiness of every Soviet citizen.

Congress features

  • In a report at the congress, Khrushchev mentioned the name of Stalin in a positive context, stating the following: "Implementing the policy of industrialization of the country and the collectivization of agriculture, our people, under the leadership of the party and its Central Committee, headed by J. V. Stalin for many years, made profound transformations ." After the "debunking of the cult" at the previous congress, this circumstance reflects Khrushchev's hesitation in assessing Stalin, his concept of "two Stalins" - on the one hand, a loyal Marxist-Leninist, and on the other, a leader who allowed unjustified repressions against members of the party "remaining loyal to the general line", as well as against "honest Soviet citizens".
  • In the vocabulary of N. Khrushchev's reports to the congress, such words as "perestroika", "democratization", "expansion of rights" are often used, a reference is made to the English magazine "Economist" as an authoritative source (which is extremely strange for a communist), as well as references to the Japanese newspaper "Sankei", the American "The Des Moines Register", "The New York Times", the French "L" Aurore, all extreme right-wing anti-communist publications.
  • N. Khrushchev paid much attention to Yugoslavia in his report: “If Yugoslavia lags behind in its development, if it does not follow, but wobbles along the socialist path, then the responsibility for this lies entirely with the revisionist, anti-Marxist line of the leadership of the Union of Communists of Yugoslavia ... (who ) belittle the role of the party ... who claim that our party is striving for "hegemonism" ... striving to subjugate other communist parties."
  • N. Khrushchev notes: "In recent years, it has become a good practice for American delegations, parliamentarians and tourists to travel to the Soviet Union and Soviet people to the United States. This should be welcomed.", "Everything that interferes with the peaceful coexistence of states with different social structure. When a tight boot squeezes and rubs a soldier's leg ... then you have to change your shoes, and another time you change your boots.", "We proceed from the fact that mutual meetings and conversations, mutual visits of statesmen and public figures contribute to the improvement of relations between states..."

In philately

  • Postage stamps of the USSR,

Libmonster ID: RU-11458

The extraordinary 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, recently concluded, discussed the prospects for the development of our country in 1959-1965. The work of the congress and the decisions it adopted aroused great interest throughout the world and will have an impact on the fate of peoples for many years to come. The seven-year program of communist construction in the USSR discussed at the congress and acquiring the force of party law, a profound analysis of the internal situation of the country and events in the international arena, the development of a number of important theoretical problems of socialist and communist construction, the determination of ways and means of further strengthening the Communist Party and the Soviet state - all these questions attracted great attention not only of the working people of the USSR, but also of the broad masses throughout the world, and above all in the people's democracies.

Gathered at the turn of a new period in the development of the Soviet Union - the period of extensive communist construction, having determined the majestic program of activity of the Party and the people at this stage, the 21st Congress of the CPSU was the harbinger of future historical achievements, raising the international significance and role of our Motherland even higher.

Preparations for the 21st Congress were marked by a powerful labor and political upsurge. In response to the decision of the September Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1958) on the forthcoming convocation of a congress, all-Union socialist emulation arose and soon gained wide scope, which was crowned with great success in all areas of the national economy. With great enthusiasm, the working people of the USSR welcomed the theses of the report of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, "Control Figures for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1959-1965", approved by the Central Committee of the Party and submitted for public discussion. In the course of the discussion of the theses, the inextricable link between the Party and the people was clearly manifested. The target figures outlined in the theses were perceived by the masses as a new manifestation of the party's concern for the welfare of the people, for the growth of the might of the Soviet state, for the building of a communist society. The Soviet people were once again convinced with their own eyes that the Communist Party consults with the people when deciding questions of the country's development, turns to their wisdom to verify the correctness of its measures, not only teaches the masses, but also learns from the masses.

How dear the opinion of the people is to the Party is also evidenced by the procedure on the basis of which the very draft of the control figures for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1959-1965 was drawn up. The development of the seven-year plan began at plants and factories, collective farms and state farms, at construction sites and enterprises, and then was continued in the planning bodies of the republics. It was carried out under the leadership of local party organizations and with the active participation of trade unions.

and Komsomol. Thus, the planned draft of control figures took into account the achievements of the practical experience of the masses, the numerous proposals of production teams and local organizations in all regions of the country. When the draft of the main indicators of the seven-year plan was developed by the planning bodies and approved by the Central Committee of the Party, the working people took an active part in its discussion, which resulted in a genuine nationwide referendum.

In its decisions, the 21st Congress of the CPSU expressed deep satisfaction with the course and results of the discussion of the theses of Comrade NS Khrushchev's report. This discussion turned into a powerful demonstration of the creative initiative and activity of the Soviet people, their solidarity around their tried and tested leader, the Communist Party. The entire Soviet people unanimously approved the target figures for the development of the national economy, took the seven-year plan as their vital, native cause, and expressed their full readiness to fulfill and exceed its tasks. During the discussion of the theses, more than 968,000 meetings took place throughout the country at factories and construction sites, on collective and state farms, in scientific and educational institutions, in parts of the army and navy, and in Soviet institutions. More than 70 million people attended these meetings. 4,672,000 comrades came forward with comments, additions, and suggestions. In the Ukraine, for example, 12 million workers, collective farmers, and the intelligentsia took part in the discussion of the theses of N. S. Khrushchev's report; over 1 million people made comments and suggestions. In cities, villages and auls of Kazakhstan, 28,856 meetings of workers took place; about 2 million people took part in them. In addition, over 650,000 letters and articles with suggestions and comments were received from the working people of the USSR to the central and local party and Soviet bodies, to the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, radio and television, and more than 300,000 of them were published.

The 21st Congress of the CPSU summed up the results of this truly mass discussion of the problems of the seven-year plan and reflected in its decisions the thoughts and aspirations of the working people of the USSR.

The best of the best sons and daughters of the Soviet people were represented at the congress. The composition of the delegates testifies to the fact that the Party has trained, ideologically trained and tempered numerous cadres capable of solving the most complex and responsible tasks.

The work of the congress and the decisions it has adopted clearly demonstrate to the whole world that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is the great helmsman of our people, its collective leader, inspirer and organizer of all its activities.

Comrade NS Khrushchev's report at the 21st Congress of the CPSU "On the Target Figures for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1959-1965" is of enormous theoretical and political significance. It is the most important document of our party and of the entire world communist and workers' movement at the present stage. This remarkable document is imbued with Leninist depth and wisdom, is an example of the inseparable unity of the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of communist construction, summarizes the gigantic life experience of the working people of our country and the peoples of the whole world. That is why Khrushchev's report acquired exceptional significance both for the Communist Party of our country and for all fraternal communist and workers' parties.

The report touches on an enormous range of problems of the internal policy of the Party and the international position of the Soviet Union. And this is quite natural and logical, because the seven-year development plan is

the native economy is a concrete embodiment of the Leninist general line of the party at the present stage. Rich in ideological and concrete historical content, this report illuminates the great victories of the Soviet people, the main tasks of the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR, the main features of the decisive stage in the economic competition between the world socialist system and the capitalist system, and also shows the enormous impact on the international situation that will ensure the successful fulfillment of the economic plans of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries.

The main provisions of the report and the decisions adopted by the Congress will form the basis for working out a new program of our Party. They reflect the most important areas of activity of the CPSU at the stage of full-scale communist construction, and define its general line in the new period of development of the USSR. The presence of this reliable ideological and political foundation will make it possible to carry out the development of the party program in the shortest possible time, which, in turn, will raise the activity of the party to a new, still higher level.

Speeches at the congress of members and candidates for membership of the Presidium, secretaries of the Central Committee of the Party are of great theoretical and political importance. By revealing various aspects of the activities of the CPSU, by elucidating a number of issues of communist construction and by the party's domestic and foreign policy, they enriched the ideological treasury of Marxism-Leninism with important conclusions and propositions. This was one of the clearest testaments to the wisdom of the party leadership, unanimity and collegiality in the work of the Central Committee, and contributed to an even greater increase in the ideological level of the work of the 21st Congress of the CPSU and the decisions it adopted.

Describing the great victories won by the Soviet people, the 21st Congress emphasized that the most important result of the heroic struggle and labor of the Soviet people is the new social system they created - socialism and the political system corresponding to it - the Soviet socialist state. In the struggle for socialism and on the basis of its victory, historical successes were achieved by our country on the front of economic and cultural development, as a result of which the Soviet Union became a mighty industrial and collective-farm power. Khrushchev's report and the decisions of the congress reveal the brilliant results of the progressive development of the Soviet state, which prepared the conditions for the transition to a new period in the struggle for communism—widespread communist construction.

As shown in Khrushchev's report and in the decisions of the 21st Congress, the Soviet people have achieved tremendous successes in recent years, and especially since the 20th Congress of our Party. The USSR now ranks first in Europe and second in the world in terms of industrial output. In 1958, the gross industrial output in the country increased 36 times compared to 1913, including the production of means of production - 83 times, the products of engineering and metalworking - 240 times, the production of consumer goods - 14 times, the output of goods cultural and household purposes - more than 45 times. Compared with 1913, labor productivity in industry has increased 10 times. The national income per capita increased 15 times. In 1950 - 1958 about 10 million inventions and rationalization proposals were introduced into the national economy of the USSR. As a result, about 24 billion rubles have been saved in the last three years alone.

Thanks to the measures taken by the Party, a steep rise in agriculture has been ensured. The December Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1958), which was, in essence, the political report of the party to the people on the implementation

in the course of these events, summed up the enormous work carried out in recent years in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. As a result of the development of vast tracts of virgin lands, over the past five years, our country has additionally procured billions of poods of grain and not only reimbursed all the expenses for the development of new lands, but also received a net income of over 18 billion rubles. In 1958, 3 billion 500 million poods of grain were harvested - 1,600 million poods more than in 1953. Compared with the previous five years, the average annual grain production increased by 39%.

Outstanding successes in the development of science and technology have been ensured on the basis of a powerful upsurge in the country's productive forces. Serial production of intercontinental ballistic missiles has been organized in the USSR. Our country has launched three artificial earth satellites, and satellites with significantly greater weight than the previous ones and with more advanced scientific equipment and technical equipment were successively launched into orbit. A great achievement of Soviet science and technology is the launch of a multi-stage rocket into outer space towards the Moon, which became the first artificial planet in the solar system. The USSR was also ahead of other countries in working out the problems of using atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

It is only in recent years that the real incomes of the workers and peasants have increased on a large scale. In order to implement the decisions of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, such major measures were taken as raising wages for low-paid categories of workers and employees, shortening the working day on pre-holiday and weekend days, transferring workers and employees in a number of branches of heavy industry to a shorter working day, establishing a six- and four-hour working day for teenagers. The provision of workers with social insurance benefits has been improved, the duration of maternity leave for women has been increased, and pensions for workers and employees have been significantly increased. The Soviet state is allocating more and more funds to meet the material and cultural needs of the working people.

The period since the 20th Congress has been one of the most important in the history of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. By implementing the decisions of the congress and subsequent plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the working people of the USSR made significant progress along the road to communism. The events of recent years have undeniably proved the paramount importance of the decisions of the 20th Party Congress both for communist construction in the USSR and for the entire international communist and working-class movement, for the consolidation of peace throughout the globe.

Day by day life convinces us that the Central Committee of the CPSU is leading the Party and the country along the correct, Marxist-Leninist course, is carrying out great organizational, ideological and theoretical work, putting into practice the general line of the Party. During the 21st Congress, the leading and organizing role of the Leninist Central Committee headed by Comrade N. S. Khrushchev in the affairs of the Party and the state was clearly revealed. In the numerous speeches of the congress delegates, in the decisions of local party conferences and congresses of communist parties in the republics, the tireless, initiative, leading and guiding activity of the Central Committee of the CPSU, deeply delving into all aspects of the life of the country, was comprehensively covered.

Describing the path traversed by the Party since the previous Congress, the 21st Congress fully and completely approved the activities of the Central Committee and the measures taken by it in the field of domestic and foreign policy. The resolution of the congress states that the most important decisions of the party on the restructuring of the management of industry and construction, on

The rapid development of the chemical industry, the reorganization of machine and tractor stations and the further development of the collective farm system, the increase in agricultural production, the strengthening of the connection between school and life, and the development of the public education system in the country are of great importance for raising the economy and culture, and improving the well-being of the working people.

The 21st Congress noted that all the activities of the Central Committee of the Party were based on the creative application of Marxist-Leninist theory in solving the problems of communist construction, were built on the basis of a deep study of the experience of the masses and constant connection with the life of the people, on the ability to find decisive links in the chain of historical development, to open up prospects , to mobilize the masses, to boldly and resolutely break everything that is obsolete, which hinders the movement forward.

The entire work of the 21st Congress was imbued with the spirit of creative Marxism-Leninism. The congress demonstrated the truly scientific approach of the CPSU to defining the tasks of its domestic and foreign policy, its constant concern for the development of Marxist-Leninist theory on the basis of generalizing the practical experience of the masses. This was reflected most clearly in Comrade NS Khrushchev's report and in the decisions adopted by the congress. These outstanding party documents are an example of the inseparable connection between revolutionary theory and life.

The 21st Congress was held in an atmosphere of exceptional unanimity, thereby demonstrating the complete unity and monolithic solidarity of the ranks of our Party under the banner of Marxism-Leninism. The congress approved the decisions of the June (1957) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the anti-party, revisionist, conspiratorial group of Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molotov, Bulganin and Shepilov, supported by the entire party and the people. Using the basest methods of factional struggle, using vile methods and double-dealing, hiding their true face and hiding behind demagogic phrases, this group tried to destroy the unity of the party, to turn it off the Leninist path.

While the Party and the people, implementing the decisions of the 20th Congress, resolutely sought to boost the national economy and, on this basis, further improve the well-being of the workers in town and country, these deserters tried to instill uncertainty in the ranks of the fighters for communism, to undermine Party discipline and the organizational strength of the CPSU. , to sow discord, to stifle a creative approach to assessing the reality and prospects for the development of the Party and the state. While the party and its Leninist Central Committee, headed by Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, were breaking outdated concepts in an innovative way, resolutely castigating routine, backwardness and conservatism, the members of the anti-party group tried to fetter the energy and initiative of the party and its leading organs. The factionalists and double-dealers zealously opposed all the most important measures of the Central Committee carried out to implement the decisions of the 20th Congress of the CPSU. Naturally, the renegades who had lost touch with life were subjected to a crushing defeat. Having exposed and ideologically crushed the anti-Party group, the Party rallied still more closely around its Central Committee and raised its political vigilance and vigilance even higher.

The implementation of the tasks of the seven-year plan was met by the Communist Party and the Soviet people in the prime of their creative powers, full of determination to overcome any difficulties on the way to the great goal, united and monolithic. Feeling revolutionary pride in what they have done and achieved, they are aware that the near future in the history of our Motherland opens up even more majestic prospects for it. Scheduled for 1959 - 1965. The program for the development of the national economy of the USSR has no equal in history in its grandiose scale. In the report of Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, in

The resolutions of the 21st Congress and the target figures approved by it determined both the main directions of the country's development during the years of the seven-year plan and specific proportions in the development of individual branches of the national economy, national republics and regions.

With exceptional depth and clarity, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev showed the main tasks of the Party and the people in the current seven years, revealed the main content of their activities in various fields. These tasks are enshrined in the resolution of the 21st Congress on the report of NS Khrushchev "On the Control Figures for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1959-1965".

As indicated in the decisions of the 21st Congress, the main tasks of the Party in the current seven years are:

in the economic sphere - the comprehensive development of the country's productive forces, the achievement of such an increase in production in all sectors of the economy on the basis of the predominant development of heavy industry, which would make it possible to take a decisive step in creating the material and technical base of communism and in ensuring the victory of the USSR in peaceful economic competition with capitalist countries . The strengthening of the country's economic potential, further technical progress in all branches of the national economy, and the continuous growth of the productivity of social labor should ensure a significant increase in the living standards of the people;

in the political sphere - the further strengthening of the socialist system, the unity and cohesion of our people, the development of Soviet democracy, the activity and initiative of the masses in building a communist society, the expansion of the functions of public organizations in solving state issues, the enhancement of the organizational and educational role of the party and the state, the all-round strengthening of the union of workers and peasants, friendship of the peoples of the USSR;

in the ideological field - strengthening the ideological and educational work of the party, raising the communist consciousness of the working people and, above all, the younger generation, educating them in the spirit of a communist attitude to work, Soviet patriotism and internationalism, overcoming the remnants of capitalism in the minds of people, fighting bourgeois ideology;

in the field of international relations - the consistent pursuit of a foreign policy aimed at preserving and strengthening the peace and security of peoples on the basis of the Leninist principle of peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems; the implementation of the policy of ending the "cold war" and easing international tension; all-round strengthening of the world socialist system and the community of fraternal peoples.

Describing questions of the further development of socialist industry and transport, N. S. Khrushchev in his report at the congress pointed out that during the years of the seven-year plan the priority development of the production of means of production would continue to be ensured. For example, more funds are expected to be invested in the construction and reconstruction of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises than they have been invested over the past 30 years. With an average growth of 1.8 times for the whole industry over seven years, the total volume of production of the chemical industry should increase almost 3 times, including the production of artificial fibers - almost 4 times, plastics and resins - more than 7 times. The chemical industry will develop at an accelerated pace and on a completely different basis than before, using the cheapest raw materials - natural gas and refinery gases - and using modern technological processes and high-performance equipment. In the field of the fuel industry, a decisive course has been taken for the predominant development of production

and oil and gas processing. Oil extraction will increase in 1965 by more than 2 times, and gas extraction and production - by about 5 times.

As N. S. Khrushchev stated in his report, the seven-year plan will be a decisive stage in the implementation of the idea of ​​the great Lenin on the continuous electrification of the country. Annual electricity generation by 1965 should increase to 500-520 billion kilowatt-hours, and the power of power plants - more than 2 times. Electricity consumption in industry will increase 2.2 times, and the electric power of industrial workers - almost 2 times. During the years of the seven-year plan, the accelerated development of all modern branches of machine building is envisaged, and above all heavy machine building, instrument making, and the production of means of automation and telemechanics. Particular attention is paid to the creation and production of the latest machines based on the use of the achievements and discoveries of science and technology - radio electronics, semiconductors, ultrasounds, radioactive isotopes, etc. During the years of the seven-year plan, a radical technical reconstruction of the main types of transport, especially railway, replacement of steam locomotives with economical locomotives - electric locomotives and diesel locomotives.

The 21st Congress emphasized that the decisive condition for the successful fulfillment of the tasks of the seven-year plan and the creation of the material and technical base of communism is the widespread introduction of new technology, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, specialization and co-operation in all branches of the national economy. In connection with the fact that the implementation of measures for the mechanization and wider automation of production is not only of economic but also of social importance, the congress instructed the Central Committee of the CPSU and the local Party bodies to take unremitting control over the implementation of all measures in this area.

As for the development of agriculture in the seven-year period, its main task, as was determined in the decision of the December Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1958), is to achieve a level that will make it possible to fully satisfy the needs of the population for food, and industry for raw materials, to provide all other needs of the state in agricultural products. To carry out this task, the gross grain harvest will have to be increased to 10-11 billion poods over the seven years; raw cotton - up to 5.7 - 6.1 million tons; sugar beet - up to 76 - 84 million tons; meat in slaughter weight - not less than 16 million tons (2 times more than in 1958); milk - up to 100 - 105 million tons (1.7 - 1.8 times more than in 1958).

The main line in agriculture for the next few years will continue to be the all-round increase in grain production as the basis of all agriculture. If earlier the increase in the gross harvest of grain crops was achieved primarily through the development of virgin and fallow lands, then the main source of growth in this type of product in the current seven-year period is an increase in the yield of grain. In the field of animal husbandry in 1959 - 1965. the main task is to increase the production of meat, milk, wool and eggs, both through a sharp increase in the number of livestock, poultry and rabbits on collective farms and state farms, and by increasing the productivity of animal husbandry.

NS Khrushchev convincingly showed in his report that our collective farms and state farms have the opportunity not only to fulfill, but also to exceed the targets set by the seven-year plan. Congresses of the Communist Parties of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other republics, regional and regional conferences, discussing the control figures and decisions of the December (1958) Plenum of the Central Committee, outlined specific measures for a sharp increase in agricultural production in the coming years. The rural workers are now assuming lofty socialist obligations in connection with the discussion of the decisions and materials of the 21st Congress.

Yes, the CPSU, unanimously approving the program for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry outlined by the Party, seeking reserves and opportunities for its early implementation.

The successful implementation of the most complex tasks facing agriculture in the seven-year period will be facilitated by the measures outlined by the 21st Congress to further strengthen the public economy of the collective farms, increase the mechanization and electrification of agricultural production, a significant increase in labor productivity and reduce the cost of production. The congress emphasized in particular that the development of all branches of agriculture should continue to be the focus of attention of the Party, Soviet and agricultural bodies, and of all the workers of the collective farms and state farms.

Much space in Khrushchev's report and in other documents of the 21st Congress was given to questions of capital construction and the distribution of productive forces. According to the control figures approved by the congress, the volume of state capital investments for 1959-1965. in comparison with the previous seven years, it will increase by 1.8 times and will be expressed in the amount of 1940-1970 billion rubles, which is almost equal to capital investments in the national economy for all the years of Soviet power. The distribution of state funds in capital construction fully reflects the main directions in the development of the national economy provided for by the seven-year plan. It ensures the further strengthening of the country's industrial might, the enhancement of its defense capability, a more rational distribution of productive forces, and the all-round and all-round development of the economy and culture of the Soviet national republics and regions.

The target figures of the seven-year plan are determined in such a way as to ensure the involvement in the economic circulation of natural resources rich in content and favorable in terms of exploitation, especially in the eastern regions of the country, the most complete use of labor forces in accordance with the accumulated experience and the availability of production funds in various parts of the country, the further approach of industry to sources of raw materials and fuel, the all-round development of specialization and cooperation, the improvement of interregional economic ties, the rational use of all modes of transport.

As the decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU point out, the main shifts in the distribution of productive forces in the present seven years will take place primarily in the direction of an accelerated rise in the economy of the country's eastern regions. For the development of these areas in 1959 - 1965. more than 40% of the total investment will be spent. The share of the eastern regions in all-Union production will increase and in 1965 will amount to: for the production of pig iron - approximately 44%, steel smelting - 48%, production of rolled products - 49%, coal mining - approximately 50%, oil - 30%, electricity generation - 46%, lumber production - over 45%. In the coming seven years, it is planned to put into operation the capacities of the country's third metallurgical base.

The Seven-Year Plan is also significant from the point of view of the further implementation of Lenin's national policy. It found a vivid embodiment of the ideas of proletarian internationalism and friendship of peoples, comradely cooperation and mutual assistance of the socialist nations. As N. S. Khrushchev pointed out in his report, the seven-year plan ensures, on the one hand, the most efficient use of the resources of the republics, and, on the other hand, the correct combination of their interests with the interests of the Soviet Union as a whole. The plan outlines the strengthening of inter-republican economic ties and the socialist division of labor between the various regions of the country. The concern of the Communist Party for the fate of the peoples of the USSR is also manifested in the fact that the seven-year

The plan provides primarily for the growth of those sectors of the economy of the republics for the development of which there are the most favorable natural and economic conditions. At the same time, the Seven-Year Plan opposes nationalist tendencies and resolutely blocks the way for parochialism and autarky, any attempt to disregard all-Union interests in favor of misunderstood national interests.

It is not the opposition of local and all-Union, national and international interests that ensures the true flourishing of the material and spiritual forces of the peoples, but their harmonious combination in the course of communist construction. This has been convincingly proved both by the previous development of the Soviet multinational state and by the development of other countries of the socialist camp. The control figures of the seven-year plan for 1959-1965 also proceed from this, marking a new stage in the strengthening of the commonwealth of the peoples of the USSR.

All the work of the 21st Congress of the CPSU and the decisions adopted by it are imbued with the Party's fervent concern for the welfare of the people. The powerful growth of the productive forces ensured by the seven-year plan opens up real opportunities for an even faster rise in the economic and cultural level of the masses. As indicated in the resolution of the congress on the report of N. S. Khrushchev, now there are all conditions for the Soviet people to begin to live even better in the near future, to more fully satisfy their material and spiritual needs. The practical measures of the congress are also aimed at this goal and have been concretely embodied in the control figures of the seven-year plan. Among them - a significant increase in the national income of the USSR and, on this basis, a serious increase in the real incomes of working people; shortening the working day and reducing the number of working days per week; increasing the production of consumer goods and improving their quality; a wide range of housing construction; improvement of public, cultural and consumer services for the population.

In seven years, the national income in the country will increase by 62-65% and will exceed the level of the pre-war 1940 by almost 6 times. People's consumption will increase basically in the same proportions - by 60 - 63%. The real incomes of workers, employees and peasants will increase by 40%. It is planned to build 650-660 million sq. m. m of living space, or 15 million apartments, which will exceed the entire urban housing stock created during the years of Soviet power.

State spending on social insurance payments, allowances, pensions, scholarships for students, on free education, medical care, vacation pay, on the maintenance of boarding schools, kindergartens, nurseries, sanatoriums, rest homes, homes for the elderly and for other payments and benefits. Thus, a new big step forward will be made along the path of raising the people's well-being.

Thanks to the measures taken by the Communist Party and the Soviet government to strengthen the connection between school and life and to further develop public education in the country, the coming years will be a major stage in the development of Soviet higher and secondary schools. In 1959 - 1965 a significant expansion of general secondary education is planned in cities and rural areas, an expansion of evening and correspondence higher and secondary specialized education. The transition from 7-year to 8-year universal and compulsory education will be carried out, the network of senior classes of 10-year schools will be reorganized into various types of urban and rural secondary labor schools, and the network of urban and rural schools providing secondary education on the job will be significantly expanded. In accordance with the tasks of developing the national economy and culture, further expansion and

improving the training of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education.

As noted in the Control Figures approved by the 21st Congress, during the years of the seven-year plan the necessary conditions will be created for the even faster development of all branches of science, the implementation of important theoretical research and major new scientific discoveries. To this end, a broad program of research work is planned, the concentration of scientific forces and means on the main problems of great theoretical and practical importance. The seven-year plan provides for large capital investments for building new scientific institutions and equipping institutes and laboratories with the latest equipment. The network of scientific institutions will be significantly expanded, in particular in the eastern regions of the country, and the number of trained scientific personnel will increase.

Under conditions of a powerful upsurge in the national economy, all branches of socialist culture will rise to a new level, and cinema, the press, radio, television, literature and art will be further developed. Workers in literature, cinema and theatre, music, and fine arts are called upon by the Communist Party and the Soviet government to raise the ideological and artistic level of their creativity, to continue to be active assistants to the Party and the state in the communist education of the working people, in the development of Soviet multinational culture, in the formation of high aesthetic tastes, in promoting the principles of communist morality.

Thus, the control figures of the seven-year plan testify to the enormous scope of the creative activity of the Soviet people in various branches of material production and in all areas of spiritual life. The marvelous symphony of the gigantic figures of the seven-year plan, behind which stands the heroic labor of millions of Soviet people of various nationalities, strengthens in the builders of communism a sense of lofty Soviet patriotism, warms the masses of the whole world with bright hope for a better future. At the same time, the gigantic program of communist construction outlined in the report of N. S. Khrushchev and approved by the 21st Congress of the CPSU infuriates the enemies of socialism, who are deeply concerned about the rapid pace of development of the national economy of our country, the enormous achievements of Soviet science and technology, which clearly surpass capitalist science and technology in a number of areas. Our seven-year plan is an open, direct, bold challenge to the entire capitalist system, and above all to the leading country of capitalism - the United States of America, a challenge to peaceful economic competition, aimed at raising the living standards of the people, developing material production, science and culture, progress in all areas of knowledge.

N. S. Khrushchev, in his report to the 21st Congress, examined in detail the international significance of the seven-year plan. He showed that the present period in the development of the USSR is a decisive stage in the economic competition between socialism and capitalism, during which the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist one will be even more clearly manifested. Revealing the essence and fundamental features of this stage, N. S. Khrushchev analyzed in detail the place of the seven-year plan in the realization of the main economic task of our country.

In the report of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and in other documents of the congress, the seven-year plan appears before all progressive mankind as a plan of creation, as the clearest evidence of the peacefulness of the Soviet Union.

state, its firm and consistent course towards the peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems, towards the steady strengthening of friendly ties with the fraternal socialist states. A significant place in the report of N. S. Khrushchev and in the decisions of the congress is devoted to the analysis of the mutual influence of communist construction in the USSR and the international communist and workers' movement.

The question of economic competition between socialism and capitalism, as is well known, was practically raised by the Communist Party from the very first years of the existence of Soviet power. And although our country was backward at that time, which was a legacy of tsarism and capitalism and a consequence of military devastation, nevertheless V. I. Lenin and the Leninists were firmly convinced of the success of socialist construction. The enemies of the working people inside the Soviet Republic and outside it predicted the inevitable failure of the plans of the socialist state, spread all sorts of lies and slander about our people, mocked the builders of the first Soviet industrial facilities, "proved" the impossibility for the workers and peasants to achieve scientific and technical progress on their own, to bring their homeland among the economically developed countries. But the Soviet people proved in practice that they were right, and not their malicious critics. Already in the years of the first five-year plans, the Soviet system showed tremendous strength and vitality. The USSR demonstrated its indisputable advantage over the capitalist countries in terms of the rate of economic development, achieved serious success in solving the main economic task - to catch up and overtake the main capitalist powers in per capita output.

Due to the high rates of development, which are explained by the advantages of the socialist system, our Motherland from year to year reduced the distance separating the level of its economy from the level of the most developed capitalist countries, and above all the United States of America. These were not projects of groundless dreamers, as the representatives of reactionary bourgeois circles regarded the activities of our party and the Soviet state in those days, but the sober and firm calculation of people confident in their success, well aware of the direction and laws of social development.

Already before the war, in 1940, the Soviet Union produced 8.5 times more industrial output than Tsarist Russia in 1913. In the United States over the same period, industrial output increased by less than 2 times. In other words, the USSR industrially developed more than 4 times faster than the United States. Even after the unprecedentedly difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when we suffered huge losses and casualties, the Soviet Union did not slow down, but increased the pace of its economic development. In 1950, for example, our industry was almost 15 times the level of 1913, and America's was 3.2 times, that is, our industry developed 4.7 times faster than in the United States.

In subsequent years, the gap in rates widened even more in favor of the Soviet Union and to the disadvantage of the United States. In 1958, at the turn of the seven-year plan, our country exceeded the level of 1913 by 36 times in terms of industrial output. In the US, over the same period, industry grew by less than 4 times. Thus, at present the rate of industrial development of the Soviet Union is 9.5 times higher than that of the United States of America. It is also very gratifying that they are more than twice as large as the pre-war ones, clearly testifying to the steady increase in the industrial might of the Soviet socialist state. As regards the seven-year plan, according to preliminary calculations, by the end of 1965 the rate of industrial development of the USSR

compared with 1913 will be 13 times higher than in the United States of America.

This must be seen as the reason for the remarkable phenomenon that industry, and on its basis the entire national economy of the USSR and other countries of the socialist camp, is rapidly and steadily advancing, gaining ever greater success in economic competition with the camp of imperialism, having real opportunities in the historical a short time to finally win this competition. The USSR has already far surpassed the developed countries of Western Europe in terms of the total volume of industrial output and has taken second place in the world. In 1958 the volume of our industrial output considerably exceeded that of France, England and West Germany put together.

The Seven-Year Plan opens a new stage in the economic competition between socialism and capitalism. The gigantic labor of the Soviet people, led by the Leninist Communist Party, has raised our country to such a height that it can not only successfully compete economically with the United States of America, but also achieve complete victory in this historic battle, leaving the leading capitalist power far behind. "Now the task consists in- said N. S. Khrushchev in a report at the XXI Congress of the CPSU, - in order to achieve the preponderance of the socialist system over the capitalist system in world production, to surpass the most developed capitalist countries in the productivity of social labor, in production per capita and to ensure the highest life expectancy in the world level".

As a result of the fulfillment of the seven-year plan, the Soviet Union will produce more industrial output per capita than is currently being produced in the most developed capitalist countries of Europe—England and West Germany—and will come out on top among the European powers in this indicator. In absolute growth of some of the most important types of products the USSR will surpass, and in others it will approach the present level of industrial production in the United States of America. By that time, the production of the most important agricultural products in general and per capita in our country will exceed the current level of the United States. After that, it will take about five years to catch up and surpass the United States of America in per capita industrial output. Thus, by 1970, and perhaps even earlier, the Soviet Union will come out on top in the world both in terms of absolute volume of production and per capita output. This will be a world-historic victory for socialism in peaceful competition with capitalism.

Other socialist countries are also developing rapidly, making their contribution to the common cause of peaceful economic competition with capitalism. While the imperialist states are systematically experiencing economic crises, the socialist countries are steadily advancing, achieving more and more successes in the development of industry, agriculture and other branches of material production. Thus, the power of the socialist camp is growing every year, while the imperialist camp is losing one position after another.

Even now, the socialist countries taken together have overtaken the world capitalist system in per capita industrial output. About a third of the world's population and over a third of world industrial production are concentrated in the socialist countries. The socialist states occupy a significant share in world agricultural output. On the

they account for almost half of world grain production and 43% of cotton production.

In the course of the fulfillment of the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR and the rapid growth of the economies of other socialist states, the balance of world production will tilt even more sharply in the direction of the world socialist system. As a result of the fulfillment of the seven-year plan in the USSR and the high rates of economic development of the people's democracies, the world socialist system, according to economists' estimates, will have more than half of the world's industrial output. This will ensure the superiority of the world system of socialism over the world system of capitalism in material production, the decisive sphere of human activity. And this, in turn, will raise the international weight and prestige of the socialist camp even higher, and will show the working people of the whole world with their own eyes what unlimited possibilities are opening up for the peoples as a result of their emancipation from the yoke of capital.

“The Seven-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR, the successes in building socialism in the USSR and in all socialist countries,” says the Control Figures approved by the 21st Congress of the CPSU, “expose the fabrications of our enemies that the socialist revolution brings with it the destruction of civilization. In fact, it is only under socialism that a rapid, truly mass movement forward in all areas of social and personal life, a rapid growth in material production, an improvement in the well-being of the working people, an unprecedented flowering of science and culture begins.Only the socialist revolution allowed the Soviet Union to turn from a backward, semi-literate country into an advanced, industrial a power that sets itself a completely realistic task - to take first place in the world in ensuring the material and cultural standard of living of its citizens in a historically short time.

The implementation of the seven-year plan will have a beneficial effect on the development of all the countries of the socialist camp, will open even broader prospects for their economic, scientific and technical cooperation, and will promote the flourishing of the material and spiritual forces of all the peoples of the world socialist system. If relations between capitalist states are based on the dominance of some and the subordination of others, if there are sharp contradictions in the camp of imperialism, then relations between socialist states are based on complete equality, fraternal cooperation and unity, which helps to strengthen the forces and the entire world socialist system as a whole and each from the countries included in it, separately. If in the camp of capitalism the strengthening of the might of one country is based on the infringement of the interests of other states and undermines their positions in the international arena, then in the world of socialism the growth of the strength and might of one country or another not only does not contradict the interests of other fraternal states, but, on the contrary, favors the rise of their general economic level and well-being. At the same time, it is very important to emphasize that the development of the national economy and culture of the socialist states does not lead to their isolation and isolation, but contributes to the establishment of even closer ties between them. Moreover, the successful development of all socialist countries is possible only under the condition of their all-round cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis.

One of the fundamental features of the seven-year plan lies precisely in the fact that it proceeds from the need for further development of fraternal cooperation between the countries of the socialist camp, provides for the provision of active and effective assistance on the basis of reciprocity to the peoples of all fraternal states and, accordingly, the receipt of assistance and support.

support on their part, strengthening within the socialist camp of the closest contacts in all areas of economic, cultural and other activities.

The powerful development of the economies of the socialist states enables them to carry out further interstate specialization and co-operation in production through comradely coordination of plans for the development of interrelated industries. This opens up a new stage in the international division of labor in the socialist countries, in which each of them can make full use of all the benefits of a fraternal alliance with other socialist states. The rational distribution of production, which combines the national interests of each socialist state with the interests of strengthening and developing the entire socialist camp, is one of the sources of accelerating the rate of growth of the productive forces in all socialist countries.

As emphasized in the resolution of the 21st Congress of the CPSU on the report of Comrade Khrushchev, "The Soviet Union considers it its most important task to continue to promote the strengthening of the unity of the socialist countries, the development of close economic and cultural ties between them, the still greater unity of the fraternal family of free peoples on the basis of the great ideas of Marxism-Leninism principles of proletarian internationalism".

The implementation of the seven-year plan will have an enormous impact on the entire international situation. As the 21st Congress noted, the implementation of the seven-year plan will be new evidence of the fulfillment by the working people of the Soviet Union of their internationalist duty to the working people of all countries, to the international communist and workers' movement, to all progressive mankind. The development and prosperity of the USSR and the world socialist system as a whole will make it easier for the working class and all working people in the capitalist countries to fight for their vital interests, for peace, democracy and socialism. The successes of the socialist camp are moral support for all fighters against imperialism. Such support is of particular importance in modern conditions, when signs of a new offensive of reaction and fascism have appeared in the capitalist countries. The powerful growth of the forces of socialism and the strengthening of the unity of the socialist states contribute to ensuring the unity of action of the working class of the capitalist countries both on an international and national scale. In the course of the class struggle, the broad masses of Social-Democratic workers and their organizations will become more and more aware of the new possibilities that open up before the international proletariat in connection with the successes of socialism.

The 21st Congress of the CPSU noted with satisfaction that the Meetings of Representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties held in Moscow in November 1957 demonstrated the complete unity of the forces of international communism. The Declaration of the Conference of Representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the Socialist Countries was approved by all the fraternal parties and became their militant program of action. The Congress further emphasized that the correctness of the conclusions of the Declaration has been fully confirmed by life. After the November conferences, the solidarity of the communist and workers' parties on the ideological basis of Marxism-Leninism became even stronger. The solidity of the fraternal parties and their complete unanimity is evidenced by the intransigence with which they met the actions of the revisionists both within individual parties and in the international arena.

Unanimous condemnation by all Marxist-Leninist parties was met with the theory and practice of the Yugoslav revisionists, who had departed from the positions of the working class, from the principles of proletarian internationalism.

lisma. Despite strenuous attempts to split the international communist and workers' movement, the desire to push the communist parties against each other, the Yugoslav revisionists suffered a complete failure in their splitting actions and found themselves virtually isolated in the international arena.

The 21st Congress of the CPSU was a great demonstration of the international unity and international proletarian solidarity of the Communist and Workers' Parties. The congress was attended by delegations from 72 foreign communist and workers' parties. The fraternal parties whose representatives were unable to come to Moscow also addressed the congress with friendly greetings. In welcoming speeches and messages, the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties expressed feelings of sincere friendship and solidarity to the CPSU and to the working masses of the Soviet Union led by it on behalf of the communists, the working class and millions of working people of their countries. These greetings conveyed moving words of great trust and sincere sympathy that the peoples of the socialist states, the supporters of peace, democracy and progress throughout the world, have for our Party and our country. The delegations of the fraternal parties of the socialist countries shared joyful reports at the congress about the remarkable successes and victories of their peoples in socialist construction. Representatives of the fraternal parties of the capitalist world spoke about the difficult, heroic struggle of their parties for the cause of the working class, against imperialist reaction. The speeches of the representatives of the communist and workers' parties, their greetings to the congress were imbued with the ideas of proletarian internationalism, deep gratitude to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; they noted the enormous significance of the experience of the CPSU for the international communist and workers' movement.

In the greetings of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the 21st Congress of the CPSU, it was said that since the Moscow conferences the solidarity of the socialist camp and the international communist movement had been considerably strengthened. This was reflected both in the field of defense and development of Marxism-Leninism, and in mutual support, in mutual study and exchange of experience.

The head of the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Chou En-lai, in his speech noted the enormous international significance of the 21st Congress of our Party. “The convening of the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” he said, “is a great event in modern political life. The peoples see in this congress not only a demonstration of the incomparable might of the Soviet Union, the most powerful bulwark of peace in the whole world, but also the majestic, beautiful prospect of everything humanity - communism. This is extremely pleasing and inspiring to the peoples of all countries who are persistently fighting for world peace and the progress of mankind." Chou En-lai spoke of the eternal and indestructible friendship between the peoples of the USSR and China, which had passed through long trials.

The authoritative position that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has won in the international workers' movement, Comrade Władysław Gomulka, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party, said at the congress, is a consequence of historical development, stems from the fact that the CPSU is the first party to achieve a victorious victory in its country. socialist revolution, turned formerly backward Russia into a powerful socialist power, built socialism, accumulated rich and valuable experience for all, embarked on the path of building communism. No one has given the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the enormous authority it enjoys, V. Gomulka went on to say. She won it herself, won it both for herself and for Marxism-Leninism, which

is the source of its victories and creative force, as well as a common foundation and a common milestone for all communist and workers' parties that stand on the basis of the unity of the international working-class movement.

The delegation of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, said Comrade Antonin Novotny, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, considers its participation in the work of the 21st Congress of the CPSU not only as an honor for itself, but also as further assistance in the work of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. “We are talking about this on the basis of our many years of experience,” he said. “Our Party has rightfully always seen in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union its model, its experienced teacher. The results achieved in our work over the past period are based on the conclusions that we made from the results of the XX Congress of the CPSU for the activities of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in the specific conditions of our country. Comrade Antonin Novotny expressed confidence that the extraordinary 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union would be no less important for the further development of the entire world history. He emphasized that the example of the USSR, its rich experience and selfless assistance, and its growing international prestige are and will continue to be the main factors in the powerful development of the world socialist system.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Comrade Todor Zhivkov, noted in his speech at the congress that the more successes the Soviet Union achieves, the more invincible and powerful the socialist camp will become. Describing the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR, T. Zhivkov emphasized that this plan is a joy, pride and inspiration for the Bulgarian communists as well. And for us, the Bulgarian communists, said T. Zhivkov, the work of the 21st Congress of the CPSU serves as a program and a call for the fullest use of the possibilities of the socialist system, for the maximum search for reserves, for accelerating our advance. "The fate of our country," he noted, "is inextricably linked with the fate of the great Soviet country, the fate of our Communist Party is with the fate of Lenin's great party."

Comrade Janos Kadar, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, in his speech at the congress emphasized that the 21st Congress of the CPSU in its work relies on the results of the policy of the 20th Congress and develops further the line it has taken. He showed that the theoretical conclusions of the 20th Congress, based on the rich experience of socialist construction in the USSR, rendered remarkable assistance in the work of the Hungarian communists as well. We are trying, J. Kadar said, taking into account our conditions, to use these conclusions in the interests of strengthening the Hungarian sector of the peace and socialist front, for the benefit of our people.

Comrade Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labor, Comrade Enver Hoxha noted that the work and decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU fill the hearts of ordinary people on all continents with joy and new hopes, multiply their strength and energy, and further strengthen the faith of the working people of all countries in the final victory of socialism and communism in everything the world. Comrade E. Hoxha drew attention to the importance of the creative development by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, which is a generalization of the rich experience of socialist construction in the USSR and other countries, the international communist and workers' movement. The reports of N. S. Khrushchev both at the 20th and at the extraordinary 21st Congress, Enver Hoxha declared, are a valuable treasure for all the communists of the world, for the international communist movement, because they creatively develop the immortal teaching of Marxism-Leninism.

The spirit of proletarian internationalism was imbued with other

some speeches by representatives of the fraternal parties. In the speeches of the congress delegates, in the welcoming speeches of the leaders of the delegations of the Marxist-Leninist parties, their complete unanimity and solidarity on all questions of the international communist and workers' movement were revealed. Confirming the correctness of the provisions of the Declaration of the Conference of Representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the Socialist Countries, all speakers at the congress emphasized the boundless loyalty of the communists of the whole world to the great ideas of Marxism-Leninism, their inflexibility in the struggle against revisionism as the main danger in modern conditions.

The work and decisions of the 21st Congress were imbued with the ardent concern of the CPSU for strengthening the international ties of the peoples of our country with the working people of the whole world, for further strengthening the monolithic unity of the socialist camp, the indestructible solidarity of the communist and workers' parties. In the resolution on the report of N. S. Khrushchev, the 21st Congress pointed out the need to "develop and expand the fraternal cooperation of the communist and workers' parties on the basis of the complete independence of each party, on the basis of proletarian internationalism, voluntary cooperation and mutual assistance. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union, nurtured by V. I. Lenin in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, regards itself as one of the constituent detachments of the international working-class and communist movement.Together with other communist parties, the CPSU is responsible for the fate of the socialist camp, for the fate of the world communist movement.It will continue to follow the great international teachings of Marx , Engels and Lenin, fight against revisionists of all stripes, for the purity of Marxism-Leninism, for new successes in the world communist and workers' movement."

Khrushchev's report and the decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU reflected the question of relations between the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties within the international communist and workers' movement. In exact accordance with the basic principles of Leninism, the congress emphasized that these relations are built on the basis of the fullest equality and independence of the parties, on the basis of proletarian internationalism. Each party develops its own policy independently, in accordance with the ideas of Marxism-Leninism and the specific conditions of the given country, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the working class. There are no "superior" and "subordinate" parties in the communist movement, there are no tendencies towards "hegemonism" or interference in each other's internal affairs. And precisely because all parties are equal in rights, they have established relations of trust and fraternal cooperation among themselves, voluntarily and consciously strive for common actions, as components of a single international communist and workers' movement.

This clearly expressed position of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, which is a reflection of the policy and practical activities of our Party in the field of relations with the fraternal parties, contributes to the further strengthening of the international communist and working-class movement on the Leninist principles of proletarian internationalism, to the still greater development of friendship and comradeship among the Marxist-Leninist parties. It strikes at the enemies of socialism, at revisionists of all stripes who, falsifying reality, claim that the CPSU and the Soviet Union are imposing their will on other parties and socialist countries. The indestructible unity of the socialist countries, communist and workers' parties is based not on diktat and subordination of one to the other, but on agreement, a clear awareness of the commonality and inseparability of fundamental questions, main tasks and goals.

Experience shows that the success of the national cause of the working class is unthinkable without the international solidarity of all its contingents.

The most important feature of the 21st Congress of the CPSU is that it is a congress of peaceful construction, that the control figures of the seven-year plan approved by it are a vivid embodiment of the Leninist peace-loving policy of the USSR. As N. S. Khrushchev pointed out in his concluding speech, the work of the congress expressed the will of the party, the will of the entire Soviet people to put into practice the plans for communist construction, to do everything to preserve peace, to ensure the peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems. The significance of the seven-year plan lies, firstly, precisely in the fact that it is imbued with the spirit of peace, that it does not pursue and cannot pursue any aggressive goals and intentions, for it is the plan of a socialist state, whose foreign policy is the policy of peace. and not war. Secondly, the fulfillment of the seven-year plan will further increase the economic potential of the USSR, which, together with the growth of the economic might of all socialist countries, will ensure a decisive superiority in the balance of forces in the international arena in favor of peace and thereby create new, even more favorable conditions for preventing war.

In the report of NS Khrushchev and in the resolution of the congress, highly valuable propositions were formulated on the possibility of eliminating wars as a means of solving international problems. First of all, the 21st Congress emphasized that life has fully confirmed the conclusion of the 20th Congress that wars are not fatally inevitable at the present stage of human development. At present, the correctness of this conclusion is even more clearly visible, for the forces of peace have again grown, while the forces of aggression and war have become weaker. The enormous increase in the might of the Soviet Union as a result of the fulfillment of the seven-year plan, the further strengthening of the might of the entire socialist camp as a whole, the growth in the number of countries included in the "zone of peace" in connection with the continuing disintegration of the colonial system of imperialism - all this, taken together, will change the situation still further. in the international arena in favor of peace, will strengthen the confidence of the peoples in the inadmissibility of war. Relying on the strength of the socialist camp, the peace-loving peoples will then be able to force the militant circles of the imperialist countries to abandon their plans to start new wars. Thus, even before the complete victory of socialism on earth, with the preservation of capitalism in part of the globe, there will be a real opportunity to exclude the world war from the life of society.

This bold theoretical conclusion, which is a further development of Marxism-Leninism, is of great practical and political significance. It awakens new energy among the fighters for peace, strengthens their confidence in the rightness of their cause, unites under the banner of peace broad sections of the peoples of the whole earth. At the same time, the Communist Party warns the working people of the USSR against carelessness and complacency in the face of aggressors, teaches them the greatest vigilance and vigilance, and instills in them the awareness of the need to steadily strengthen the defense of the Motherland.

The 21st Congress of the CPSU unanimously approved the Leninist peace-loving policy of the Soviet government, which creates insurmountable obstacles in the way of the imperialist aggressors. As pointed out in the resolution of the congress on the report of N. S. Khrushchev, the measures taken recently by the USSR aimed at the peaceful resolution of the German question, the achievement of agreements on ending tests and a complete ban on nuclear weapons, on disarmament, on ending the Cold War, are timely and correct. to convene a meeting of the heads of government of the great powers. The Congress instructed the Central

The Party Committee and the Soviet government should continue to work consistently for the implementation of these and other proposals aimed at ensuring the peace and security of peoples.

In Comrade NS Khrushchev's report and in the decisions of the 21st Congress, the special importance under present-day conditions of developing questions of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine of socialism and communism is emphasized. Having entered the period of extensive communist construction, outlining a grandiose concrete program of action, our Party at the same time theoretically summarized the richest experience of the people in the struggle for communism, pointed out to them the surest ways and means to achieve great goals, and revealed the fundamental features and characteristics of the present stage of development. Soviet socialist state. This once again revealed the role of the Communist Party as the leading and guiding force of the people, its inspirer and organizer.

Throughout the historical path of the development of the Soviet Union, our Party has always acted as the true collective leader of the people, illuminating their path with the light of revolutionary theory, revealing to them both the features of our days and the prospects for further development. The Communist Party proved to be at the height of its position and at the present crucial stage in the life of the peoples of the USSR, when the questions of the transition from socialism to communism arose before the multimillion masses, in a concretely tangible form, as a practical task of the day.

NS Khrushchev's report at the 21st Congress of the CPSU, rich in its ideological and theoretical content, is truly of epoch-making significance in this respect as well. It poses and creatively solves many fundamental questions of the construction of communist society, not on a general theoretical plane, not in the order of hypotheses and scientific forecasts, but in a concrete, tangible form, as a scientific substantiation of the main directions of the activity of the Party and the people in various sectors of communist construction.

Among the issues of Marxist-Leninist theory developed in the report of N. S. Khrushchev are the provisions on the two phases of communist society and the laws of the transition from socialism to communism, on the creation of the material and technical base of communist society, on the distribution under socialism and communism of products produced by society material and spiritual benefits, about the ways of development and convergence of collective-farm and public forms of socialist property, about the political organization of society, the state structure and management during the period of the full-scale building of communism, about the development of the world socialist system.

Comprehensive theoretical coverage in the report of NS Khrushchev and in the decisions of the congress of a number of vital problems of our time will contribute to the acceleration of communist construction. This once again manifested the great transforming power of Marxism-Leninism, its creative revolutionary spirit, and the skillful combination of theory and practice in the activities of the Communist Party. A deep theoretical and political analysis of the internal life and international situation of the USSR, the inextricable connection between the politics and practical work of the party with the life of the people, with the everyday experience of the masses are a characteristic feature of the activities of the Presidium of the Central Committee and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev in the leadership of the party and the country .

The historical outlines of the 21st Congress are the organic development of the ideas of the 20th Congress of the CPSU. All the theoretical and political propositions of the 20th Party Congress have stood the test of history and have been fully confirmed by the practice of socialist construction in the USSR and in the country.

nah people's democracy, the experience of the international communist and workers' movement. The 21st Congress continued the line of the 20th Congress both in international questions and in the field of the country's internal development, and deepened the study of the problems of the transition of Soviet society from socialism to communism. In this way, our Party has ideologically armed the people in the struggle for the implementation of plans for economic and cultural development, and is preparing them in every way for the solution of the responsible tasks of the seven-year plan.

The conclusion contained in N. S. Khrushchev’s report that there are no forces in the world now that could restore capitalism in our country, crush the socialist camp, that the danger of the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union is excluded, that socialism has won not only completely, but finally. This conclusion, based on a deep analysis of the internal situation in the USSR and in the countries of the socialist camp, the situation in the international communist and workers' movement, is a most valuable contribution to the treasury of Marxism-Leninism. It further strengthens the unshakable confidence of the peoples of the USSR and the working people of the whole world in the victory of communism, and demonstrates with their own eyes the superiority of their forces over the forces of imperialism. Confirming this theoretical and political conclusion, the 21st Congress stressed that the question of building socialism in one country and its complete and final victory was decided by the world-historical course of social development.

Comrade N. S. Khrushchev's report also gave a profound theoretical development to the question of the two phases of communist society, of the laws governing the development of socialism into communism. The comprehensive disclosure of this fundamental position is a major new contribution to the theory of scientific communism. Comrade N. S. Khrushchev showed in his report that, firstly, the transition from the socialist stage of development to the higher phase is a natural process that cannot be arbitrarily violated or circumvented, that society cannot pass to communism from capitalism without passing through the socialist stage . Secondly, for all the differences between communism and socialism, there is no wall between them that separates these two phases. Communism grows out of socialism, is its direct continuation. Even now, communist forms of labor and organization of production are developing more and more. In the socialist society built in the USSR, there are many tangible and visible features of communism, which will further develop and improve more and more.

Thirdly, the transition to communism cannot be understood as some sort of slow motion. On the contrary, this is a period of rapid development of modern industry, large-scale mechanized agriculture, the entire economy and culture, with the active and conscious participation of millions of builders of communist society. The natural process of the development of socialism into communism can be accelerated on the basis of the high development of material production, which is achieved even in the period of socialism. “We mustn’t hurry and hastily introduce something that has not yet matured,” N. S. Khrushchev emphasizes. “This would lead to distortions and compromise of our cause. But we can’t linger on what has been achieved, as this would lead to stagnation.”

Describing the conditions for the transition from socialism to communism, N. S. Khrushchev drew attention to the fact that the main practical task of our country at the present time is the creation of the material and technical base of communist society, a new powerful upsurge of productive forces, because only in this way can an abundance of material resources be ensured. and cultural benefits. NS Khrushchev further showed that as the productive forces grow, socialist relations of production will also improve. He gave a comprehensive description

in what direction and how this improvement will be carried out. N. S. Khrushchev paid much attention to the problem of distribution of the material and spiritual goods produced by society under socialism and communism.

The provisions of Khrushchev's report on the two phases of communist society are of paramount importance in the activities of the Party and the people. They bring complete clarity to this vitally important question, put an end to the hasty and erroneous conclusions contained in the works of certain philosophers, economists and historians, and put forward theoretical work on the question of the transition from socialism to communism on concrete ground.

Of the greatest theoretical and practical importance is the question elaborated in Comrade NS Khrushchev's report on the ways of developing collective-farm and state forms of socialist property. Having clearly and definitely shown the inevitability of the merger of state and cooperative-collective-farm property under communism, Comrade Khrushchev at the same time warned against forcing this matter at the present stage, stressed the importance of every possible development and strengthening, along with state property, of cooperative-collective-farm property. This deeply dialectical formulation of the question contains a great deal of theoretical and practical content. Cooperative-collective-farm property has by no means exhausted its positive possibilities. Forms of property do not change arbitrarily, but develop on the basis of economic laws and depend on the nature and state of the productive forces.

Analyzing the wealth of experience in the development of socialist agriculture, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev showed that as collective-farm production continues to progress, co-operative property will come closer to the property of the whole people by raising the level of socialization of the collective-farm economy. First, the indivisible funds of agricultural artels, which constitute the economic basis for the further development of the collective farms and the gradual convergence of collective-farm cooperative property with the property of the whole people, will grow ever larger. Secondly, social collective-farm production will more fully cover various branches of the rural economy, which will increase the possibilities for systematically expanding the role of social economy in meeting the personal needs of collective farmers. Thirdly, intercollective-farm production ties and various forms of cooperation between collective farms will inevitably expand. Fourthly, thanks to the further electrification of agriculture, the mechanization and automation of production, there will be an ever greater fusion, a kind of fusion of collective-farm means of production with state, national, and agricultural labor will gradually turn into a variety of industrial labor.

Thus, the historically inevitable merging of cooperative-collective-farm property with public property will take place not as a result of the curtailment of cooperative-collective-farm property, but by raising the level of its socialization with the help of the socialist state. This merger is not a simple organizational and economic undertaking, but a solution to the profound problem of overcoming the essential difference between town and country.

Comrade N. S. Khrushchev’s comprehensive elaboration in the report of the question of merging cooperative-collective-farm and public property into a single communist property is not only of great theoretical importance, representing a further development of the ideas of the Leninist cooperative plan, but also of no less important practical significance. This clearly reveals the prospect of further development of the collective farms, which will take place in harmonious combination with the general movement of the whole country towards communism.

If during the period of socialist construction in the USSR the theory of collectivization of agriculture developed by the Party on the basis of the Leninist cooperative plan played a major role, then during the period of full-scale communist construction, the directives of the 21st Congress of the CPSU on the merger of the two forms of socialist property are called upon to play, for they determine the path of the collective farm peasantry to communism.

In elucidating questions of the political organization of society, state structure and administration during the period of extensive communist construction, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev expressed a number of important theoretical and political propositions on the further development and strengthening of the Soviet social and state system. He convincingly showed that as our country advances towards communism, the participation of the masses in the administration of the state will increase even more, the importance and role in the economic and cultural development of public organizations will increase, to which certain functions of state bodies will gradually pass. In the course of the creation of the material base of communism, the importance of the economic, organizational and educational functions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the main thing in which is not violence, as under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, but precisely educational, transformative activity, will steadily increase.

In the report of Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, the issues of further strengthening the multinational Soviet state, expanding the rights of the union republics, harmonizing the national and international interests and tasks of the working people, inseparable unity in state building of the sovereignty of the peoples and democratic centralism were elaborated.

The report's profound coverage of the problems of the development of the socialist state is resolutely directed against bourgeois and revisionist distortions in this area, which are aimed at weakening and undermining the dictatorship of the proletariat in the socialist states, and the ideological disarmament of the peoples in the face of international imperialism. The solution of these cardinal questions is of programmatic importance, because it gives a clear and definite idea of ​​the political structure of society during the transition from socialism to communism.

Of exceptional interest to the working people of the USSR and the peoples of the whole world are the provisions of Comrade NS Khrushchev's report on the conditions for carrying out socialist and communist construction in various countries of the world. Contrary to the false assertions of the preachers of "national communism" from the camp of the reactionary bourgeoisie and revisionist elements, who "predict" the separate development of the socialist countries and their inevitable clashes among themselves, N. S. Khrushchev showed that the socialist states, using the opportunities inherent in the socialist system, will be more or less at the same time to pass to the highest phase of communist society. In contrast to the law of uneven economic and political development, which operates in the world of capitalism, the law of planned, proportional development operates in the socialist economic system. Economically lagging behind countries in the past, relying on the experience and support of other socialist states, are quickly making up for the time, raising the level of their economy and culture, as a result of which the general line of economic and cultural development of all socialist countries is leveling off.

These profoundly internationalist propositions of Comrade N. S. Khrushchev’s report deal a crushing blow to the revisionist assertions about the supposedly inevitable unevenness in the development of the socialist states, about the alleged tendencies of some of them, and above all the Soviet Union, towards “hegemonism”, towards subjugation

one country to another. With his truly scientific proposition, formulated for the first time in the history of Marxist thought, Comrade Khrushchev showed that in relations between socialist countries, as well as within socialist states; the law of planned, proportional development operates, and the world socialist camp represents a single economic system. In time, the socialist countries will more and more coordinate state plans, engage in creative communication, mutual assistance and support for their common benefit, well-being and progress.

The theoretical propositions on questions of communist construction in the USSR put forward and developed in Comrade Khrushchev's report and in the decisions of the 21st Congress are of the greatest methodological significance in the work of workers in the social sciences, in particular Soviet historians. These provisions should become guidelines for researchers in the field of the history of the party and the Soviet state. They arm them with clear and precise instructions on the nature and laws of socialist and communist construction, teach them the ability to deeply analyze the phenomena of life, and resolutely fight against routine and inertia in scientific work.

Khrushchev's report and the decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU are the clearest evidence of our party's creative approach to the development of revolutionary theory, to the generalization of the experience of communist construction. The Party draws attention to the fact that in the new period in the development of the Soviet Union, when questions of communist education are of particular importance, ideological work is being promoted to one of the most prominent places. Now that our country is in the full bloom of its creative powers, there are all conditions for a further rise in the socialist consciousness of the working people of the USSR, for the elimination of the vestiges of capitalism in the minds of the people. However, these survivals will not die out by themselves. Much systematic work is required to overcome them. This is all the more necessary because the reactionary, imperialist forces are striving to poison the minds of the Soviet people with the poison of anti-popular ideas, to spread lies and slander against the socialist system, and to distort the essence of the laws and regulations in force in our country. It would be a great mistake to underestimate the harm of bourgeois influence, to ignore the possibility of penetration into our midst, especially among young people, of harmful ideas, views and mores.

The imperialist states, and above all the imperialists of the United States of America, spend enormous sums of money on subversive work in the countries of the socialist camp, maintain a large army of "specialists" to study (or rather distort) the situation in these countries, publish countless printed "works", use for the harmful purposes of their false propaganda by radio, cinema, television and other ideological means. In order to resist imperialist diversions, the workers of the ideological front of the socialist countries must be fully armed, show maximum energy and activity in exposing the intrigues and intrigues of the enemies of peace and socialism. They are obliged to conduct a systematic offensive against bourgeois ideology, to expose its vicious attitudes, to reveal its inconsistency and anti-people character.

A responsible role in the struggle against bourgeois ideology and revisionism and in working out the problems of communist construction belongs to the social sciences. As N. S. Khrushchev pointed out in his report at the 21st Congress of the CPSU, our economists, philosophers and historians are called upon to study in depth the patterns of the transition from socialism to communism. The duty of Soviet scientists is to study the experience of economic and cultural construction, to promote the education of the working people in the communist spirit. To workers in the social sciences,

especially economists, the task is to creatively generalize and boldly solve theoretically the new questions that life puts forward. It is also very important to comprehensively analyze the situation in the world of capitalism, expose all kinds of bourgeois falsifications, and fight for the purity of Marxist-Leninist theory.

In the speeches of a number of leading figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet state at the 21st Congress of the CPSU, major shortcomings were noted in the work of workers in the social sciences, their serious lagging behind life and the tasks carried out by the Party and the people. Since the 20th Congress of the CPSU, which greatly contributed to the development of Soviet science and culture, all branches of the social sciences have begun to rise. However, what has been done is only the beginning of that great and multifaceted work that must be carried out. From the rostrum of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, Soviet economists were sharply criticized; stage of development of our society. A number of critical remarks at the congress were also made against Soviet historians, who also did not fully use in their activities the richest opportunities provided to them by the Soviet government, still did not ensure the development of a number of fundamental problems of national and world history.

In a number of our historical institutions, due attention is not paid to the study of the most important problems in the history of Soviet society and the state. Until now, empiricism and a narrow departmental approach to the study of historical phenomena and events have not become obsolete, sometimes the most relevant of them are overlooked, attention is focused on secondary issues and trifles that lead the researcher away from the main thing. Problems of historiography are not adequately developed by Soviet historians. Criticism of bourgeois historiography as a whole, and above all of falsified works on the history of Soviet society and the state, is especially poorly conducted.

At a time when the attention of the Party and the people is focused on the fulfillment of the seven-year plan, when a powerful patriotic upsurge is unfolding in the country in the struggle to implement the historic decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, it is the duty of Soviet historians to be primarily engaged in the study of the present. The Communist Party expects from us a thorough analysis of the historical path of the Soviet people, a study of their rich experience in building a socialist and communist society, and the elucidation of the lessons of the past for a more successful solution of contemporary problems.

The Party and its Central Committee are steadily fighting against the separation of ideological work from the practice of communist construction. They resolutely eradicate dogmatism, dogmatism, Talmudism, suppress any attempts to distort the phenomena of life in favor of outdated theoretical positions. They require scientists to draw conclusions and generalizations not from ready-made formulas, but from an analysis of reality. What is especially needed now is concreteness and purposefulness in ideological work, profound knowledge of the matter, adherence to principles and adherence to the Party.

The duty of Soviet historians is to help the Communist Party and the Soviet state in the implementation of the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1959-1965, to contribute to the further increase in the labor and political activity of the Soviet people, to the steady development of their patriotic and international feelings. Comprehensive study of the heroic experience of past years, coverage of the activities of the Party and the people on the front of socialist construction

serve the purposes of communist education of the working people, raising their political consciousness, strengthening the labor and political activity of the Soviet people.

The Soviet people have everything possible to successfully fulfill and overfulfill the grandiose seven-year plan. Our country has a powerful socialist industry, large-scale mechanized agriculture and other highly developed branches of the economy, which are in a state of rapid growth. The USSR has a huge number of qualified personnel capable of solving the most complex and responsible tasks in various fields of the national economy and culture. The outstanding successes in the development of Soviet science and technology, thanks to which we are ahead of the capitalist countries in a number of important problems of knowledge, make it possible to steadily improve production and raise labor productivity. The presence of vast natural resources and inexhaustible sources of energy makes it possible to speed up the development of various branches of production.

The economic laws and orders operating under socialism and the driving forces generated by it open up boundless scope for the development of the productive forces. This is facilitated by the fact that, in the course of extensive communist construction, the participants in the historical cause themselves, millions upon millions of working people, will be even more transformed. In this connection, the growing and strengthening communist attitude of people to work as the first vital necessity is of the greatest importance. One of the fundamental features of the new period in the development of the USSR lies in the fact that at this stage decisive successes will be achieved in carrying out the task of communist education of the working people.

We have a colossal reserve of creative strength and enthusiasm among the broad masses of the Soviet people, transformed by socialism, inspired by the great ideas of communist construction, imbued with ardent love for the Soviet Motherland. At the head of the working people is the Communist Party, wise with its gigantic historical experience, hardened in battles and labor, armed with the all-conquering ideas of Marxism-Leninism, infinitely devoted to the people. The countries of people's democracy are marching with us along the path of building a new life, and fraternal friendship with them greatly increases the strength and might of the Soviet Union.

The Communist Party and the masses it leads understand the complexity and responsibility of the tasks of the seven-year plan. The fulfillment of these tasks will require the mobilization of forces and reserves, a new rise in the level of organizational, ideological and educational work of the Party. As communist construction develops further, the Party will exert ever greater influence on the life and activity of Soviet socialist society, and its importance as a collective leader and educator of the people will continuously grow. The 21st Congress of the CPSU especially emphasized the correctness and vitality of one of the most important propositions of Leninism, that in the process of building a communist society, the role of the party should increase, and not weaken, as modern revisionists assert. The further strengthening of the Party, the strengthening of its ties with the people, the advancement of all its many-sided activities is the most important guarantee of success in the struggle for the victory of communism.

“The main task of the Communist Party and its Central Committee is now,” states the decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, “to ensure the unconditional fulfillment of the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the country and thereby further strengthen the might of our Motherland, raise the material and cultural standard of living even higher. people In order to successfully solve this historic task, the party

and henceforth, following the Leninist principles of leadership, must tirelessly strengthen its ties with the masses, the unity of its ranks, develop criticism and self-criticism more widely, develop the initiative and increase the responsibility for the fulfillment of state tasks by each party organization, all communists, raise the role of the Soviets, trade unions, Komsomol in implementation of plans for communist construction.

A powerful labor upsurge is unfolding in our country in the struggle to carry out the historic decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, for the implementation of the grandiose seven-year plan. All strata of Soviet society, all the peoples of the mighty Union of Soviet Socialist Republics unanimously approve of the outlines of the congress, and are rallying their ranks still more closely around the Communist Party. Clearly realizing that the success of the seven-year plan will be decided directly at enterprises and construction sites, at collective farms and state farms, at scientific institutions and other collectives, the Soviet people are taking every measure to further streamline their work, to fully identify and maximize the use of existing reserves and opportunities, to further improving organization and raising labor productivity.

In the course of this beneficent selfless activity, imbued with feelings of Soviet patriotism and proletarian internationalism, the high moral and political traits of the working people of the USSR brought up by the Communist Party are even more clearly manifested, their indomitable creative energy and labor activity rise even higher. The two great forces of our country - the people and the party - in a single formation, united and monolithic, inspired by the historic decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, entered a new period in the development of the USSR, full of energy and determination to victoriously implement the great program of comprehensive communist construction. There is no doubt that this historic program will be fulfilled and exceeded. Nothing in the world is now able to block the path of the Soviet people to communism.

Permanent link for scientific papers (for citation):

XXI CONGRESS OF THE CPSU - A HISTORICAL EVENT IN THE LIFE OF THE PARTY AND THE PEOPLE // Moscow: Russian Libmonstr (website). Date of update: 03/10/2016. URL: https://website/m/articles/view/XXI-CONGRESS-CPSU-HISTORICAL-EVENT-IN-LIFE-PARTY-AND-PEOPLE (accessed: 22.08.2019).
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