How to use the Magniter device, and what effect does it give? Magnetic therapy device "Magniter": instructions for use, contraindications For low-frequency magnetic therapy

The device is used in medical institutions, sanatoriums, and also at home. There are 4 built-in operating modes, which allows you to more accurately dose the load on the patient when prescribing procedures, as well as change it during the treatment process.

We would like to note that recently portable magnetic therapy devices have also become in demand among people. Convenience lies in its compactness. The portable AMT 02 magnetic therapy device was one of the first devices produced in Russia, and still retains its high consumer position: high therapeutic effect and performance.

Magniter AMT 02 instructions for use:

Can be used at home if prescribed by a doctor. Safely used in the treatment of most diseases. Once you become familiar with the operation, it will be very easy for you to use it, since there are methods for carrying out treatment. You will notice the effectiveness of the procedure within a couple of days, and the therapeutic effect after the procedures remains for several months. The device is prohibited for children under three years of age. Before use, it is imperative to study Magniter AMT 02 instructions for use, read, study the methods of influence.


— Neurological diseases;

— Injuries, orthopedic diseases;

— Inflammation of the mammary gland, purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle;

— Thrombophlebitis;

— Coronary heart disease, disorder of the cardiovascular system;

- Gastroduodenitis, inflammation of the gallbladder;

— Bronchial asthma (interictal period);

- Diabetes;

- Periodontal disease, stomatitis.

There is also a certain range of contraindications: low blood pressure, hypotension, bleeding tendency, malignant and benign neoplasms, pregnancy and in the presence of pacemakers.

Magniter AMT 02 reviews from doctors: The most popular and effective method of treatment is magnetic therapy. For more than 30 years of practice, she receives only positive reviews. It treats dozens of different diseases, the most complex fractures heal 3 times faster, and ranks first among people involved in sports. Headaches go away faster and cellulite is eliminated. Very easy to use, compact, suitable for self-treatment. Despite the positive reviews, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will determine the duration of the session and tell you about contraindications so that the treatment effect is positive.

Magniter AMT 02 also receives positive reviews from consumers. Is an excellent helper at home. The kit includes detailed instructions for use, sessions and times. After purchasing Magniter AMT 02, the price of which is not so high, you will no longer need to go to clinics, you will be able to manage the procedures yourself by consulting a doctor. And in hospitals, the procedure often costs a lot of money, but the device at home will help preserve your health and your money.

Magnetic therapy device AMT 02 characteristics:

— Power supply from the network 220V (+-22V)/50Hz;

— Power consumption no more than 20VA;

— Alternating and sinusoidal magnetic field frequency 50 Hz;

— Magnetic field induction 10(+/-2.5) or 30(+/-7.5) mT;

— Working time 30 minutes, break between procedures 15 minutes;

— Device weight 800 g;

— Dimensions 24.2x9.2x4.7 cm;

— Made in Russia;

— Warranty period 12 months.

You can buy the AMT 02 magnetizer device in the medical equipment store near the Staraya Derevnya metro station at the Gulliver shopping and entertainment center.

If for some reason the illness does make itself felt, you will need to immediately seek help from a qualified specialist and, based on the diagnosis, begin effective treatment of the disease.

Magnetic therapy and its benefits

Nowadays, magnetic therapy is becoming an increasingly popular and popular method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Despite the fact that this method of treatment belongs to new technologies, the results of its use allow us to state that the use of magnetic waves to restore body structures is truly effective and safe for the patient’s health.

In addition to magnetic therapy, magnetic therapy devices are also gaining popularity. If previously they were only available for use in medical institutions, today anyone can purchase such a device.

The leader of such devices on the medical products market was the Magniter AMT 02 device. Its production began in 1984, and the improvement of the equipment continues to this day.

The magnetizer is easy to use at home, but before you begin treatment procedures, you must consult with a specialist (after all, this requires special indications) and read the instructions for use that come with the device.

The basic principle of operation of the device is the effect of a pulsating or sinusoidal field, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The effect is not immediately visible, as it is cumulative. Feelings of reduced pain and discomfort can be felt after several sessions of magnetic therapy (it is believed that this does not take more than 2-3 days).

For severe illnesses, it is important to complete the full course of treatment, which can last from 3 to 6 months. If therapy is suspended for some reason, no result will be achieved.

Both children (from 3 years old) and older people can use the Magniter.

Main characteristics of the device

The main components of the device are the following:

  • a special inductor with which magnetic waves and fields are created;
  • an indicator that allows the device to operate from the electrical network;
  • switches, thanks to which you can adjust the level of the mode and the intensity of irradiation.

Each type of switch has its own operating mode:

  • sinusoidal mode (marked with a special mark on the device);
  • pulsating mode (mark PP).

In order to operate the Magniter, the voltage in the network must correspond to 220 V, and the frequency must be 50 Hertz.

The device can be used in:

The duration of treatment is prescribed for each patient individually. All necessary recommendations can be obtained from a physiotherapist.

In order for the device to work for a long period of time during its operation, it is important to adhere to all safety measures and rules for caring for the device itself.

Diagram and structure of the device Magniter AMT 02:

  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (in particular stage 1 and 2 hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, venous diseases);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (for example, pneumonia, bronchitis and sinusitis);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis);
  • dysfunction of ligaments (acute inflammatory processes, soft tissue diseases);
  • diagnosing pathologies in the central nervous system (neuroses, neuralgia, consequences of injuries);
  • disease of the hearing organs (otitis and inflammation of various forms);
  • diseases of the visual organs (glaucoma, conjunctivitis, optic nerve atrophy);
  • abnormalities in the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, infertility and impotence);
  • skin ailments (burns of varying degrees of severity, psoriasis, frostbite of soft tissues);
  • diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, gingivitis, inflammatory process in the oral mucosa);
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • substance abuse.

The following diseases should be noted as existing contraindications regarding the use of Magniter:

  • oncological;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • arrhythmia;

angina pectoris;

  • previous heart attack;
  • pregnancy.
  • How to use the device?

    The Magniter AMT 02 device is quite easy to use at home. All you need to do before carrying out the procedure is to read the instructions for the device.

    The device can only be used in case of diseases of the joints and spine with the permission of a doctor.

    To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed on his stomach (it is important that he lies comfortably). Then all the necessary areas for irradiation are prepared (this can be various levels of the cervical spine or the shoulder girdle area).

    If the pain syndrome is pronounced, then therapy begins with the use of sinus mode. If the treatment is long-term, the procedures are carried out in pulsating mode (the switch is set on the letters PP in the PP position).

    Then, after installing the device at the selected locations, time is noted (from 15 to 20 minutes) and the device is connected to the network.

    Throughout the entire time, the patient should be relaxed and not move. At the end of the session, you do not need to get up immediately; you can lie down in a horizontal position for a few more minutes.

    The principle of operation of the Magniter for the treatment of other diseases is the same technique of application. Depending on the diagnosis made on the body, only the areas where the applicators are applied and the level of the desired regime will change.

    Expert opinion

    Reviews from doctors about the Magniter AMT 02 device can be read below.

    I use the magneter both at home and recommend it to all my patients. The device is easy to use and is absolutely safe for the patient’s health. To avoid complications and progression of diseases, I also advise using the device for preventive purposes.

    I think the main advantage of the Magniter magnetic device is that it can be used to treat small children. In addition, it can prevent the development of many diseases.

    Voice of the people

    I had pain in my spine for about 2 years. Unfortunately, drug therapy did not have a long-lasting effect. One day my daughter brought me a Magniter, and I decided to try it. After just 3 treatments I felt relief. I conduct therapy in sessions with short breaks. I'm happy with the result!

    Problems with the musculoskeletal system began relatively recently. Tried various methods. Now I have been using the AMT 02 device for 3 days, I really hope that the device will not disappoint me.

    Advantages of the device

    The AMT 02 magnet is known for its advantages, among which special attention is usually paid to the following:

    • helps prevent the development and progression of many types of diseases;
    • easy to use and does not have much weight, which makes it possible to take it with you on the road;
    • used to treat both elderly people and young children over 3 years of age;
    • it is possible to select the type of magnetic influence and the intensity of the work level.

    There are no shortcomings as such. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the presence of contraindications in a person. If there are any, then it is better to refuse treatment with magnetic waves.

    Devices of other series

    In addition to the AMT 02 Magniter, the manufacturer also produces the following models of magnetic devices:

    If you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the Magniter device will become an indispensable assistant in treatment. There is no need to worry that the influence of magnetic waves will harm your health.

    If used correctly, the effectiveness of the procedures will be noticeable within 3-4 days. The device is easy to use and accessible to everyone. Today its cost is 4,200 rubles.

    Reviews about the device AMT-02 Magniter

    within the Moscow Ring Road: 300 rub.

    Manufacturer: Gorky Communication Equipment Plant named after Popov (Russia)

    Average rating: 3.9/ 5

    Based on 10 reviews:

    Through the terminal at the courier

    Online via website

    Reviews about the device AMT-02 Magniter (10 reviews)

    I have had this device for more than two years, and I have never had a reason to be disappointed in it. The instructions describe everything in great detail, what to do and how to do it. I don’t want to list them now, just look at the annotation. I doubt that anyone will regret purchasing it, Magniter is really cool.

    I bought the device as a gift for my father-in-law. But I have been familiar with such a device for a long time, we have it, my wife used it. I didn't notice any shortcomings. Works reliably.

    I didn’t like that the device was heavy, you had to put it on a sore spot, it was unpleasant. It is written that it can be used for fractures. But for fractures that are fused with plates or a pin, it cannot be used. The physiotherapist unknowingly also recommended it, but the traumatologist, when he found out that I was starting to hurt after using the device, said that under no circumstances should I do it. Another inconvenience: when you apply the plastic part to the body, it is unpleasant, in winter it is cold, in summer it sticks to the body. Maybe it would be better if there were some kind of fabric lining.

    MAGNITER magnetotherapy device (Sold out!)

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    MAGNITER AMT-02 device for low-frequency magnetic therapy. Sales!

    Edited by Slesh (05.11.:31:58, 2 years 4 months ago)

    2 Reply from ZHISHI 08/14:53:35 (2 years 7 months ago)

    • Honored flooder 1st category
    • Inactive
    • From: Tutochki or somewhere nearby
    • Experience: 6 years 8 months
    • Messages:
    • Reputation: [ 195 | 20 ]

    Re: MAGNITER magnetic therapy device (Sold out!)

    Here's what I found on the Internet about the device:

    Review: Magniter AMT-02 device - A unique health restorer!

    Over 30 years of use.

    old design, no handle extension

    Today every person knows about the health benefits of magnets. And no wonder.

    A person is more than 70% liquid. And not just liquids, but

    real electrolyte. That's how all magnetic fields affect us

    as you please. One will have a headache, and the other will be on cloud nine.

    The impact is individual. But there are certain waves that affect the same

    for everyone. And the difficulty for scientists lay precisely in identifying the parameters of these waves.

    As a result, the Magniter AMT-02 device was produced. Easiest to make

    It's just outrageous, he brought so much happiness into the homes of millions of people.

    It was this device that was the progenitor of all magnetic therapy.

    Today, dozens of instruments and devices are produced by the world's largest

    manufacturers such as Siemens, Sanio, Phillips. But he was the first. That's what he remains.

    Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is capable of healing dozens of diverse

    diseases. Even Olympic figure skating champions constantly use

    these are exactly the devices. For example, the most complex fractures heal 2-3 times faster.

    There is no need to talk about venous diseases at all. The most useful procedure.

    The device also relieves headaches. It is also useful simply for cosmetic procedures to eliminate cellulite. Of course, later devices have a stronger impact. But they are narrowly focused. Each disease has its own device. And Magniter AMT-02 is universal.

    Easy to use. Compact. You can always take it with you on the road so as not to

    interrupt treatment. He has medals and awards like L.I. Brezhnev. For thirty years he has

    What kind of exhibitions has he not shown, what countries have he not visited.

    The price is more than affordable. A little more expensive than a quality frying pan. Build quality

    the highest. Don't look at how poor he looks. It is made by the military, but those with imagination

    a bit tight. But with reliability and durability everything is in order. Read the instructions.

    I am sure you will find your diseases there. There are no absolutely healthy people. As the saying goes: “If you get up in the morning and nothing hurts, then you are already in the next world!”

    This device will help you enjoy life to the fullest even in this sinful world.

    Be healthy, live long!

    My opinion is that the device can be used by TV technicians to demagnetize picture tubes in

    old color TVs and for demagnetization - magnetization of various objects.

    Sibmama - about family, pregnancy and children

    Has anyone tried the Magniter device for treatment?

    That’s actually the question - does anyone use it and what can you tell me?

    Are there specialists who travel for a fee?

    did the neurologist tell you how to use it? For example, how often, in what places, and when to use it? I've been wanting to buy one for a long time, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Yes, and you should probably go to a physiotherapist first, have a consultation, find out what and how.

    We have these in the PC in the physiotherapy room. Hidden text: Show I once lay with such a device on my stomach

    Have you tried magnetic therapy before?

    Do a couple of sessions at least before buying the device. There may be an individual reaction of the body. (I speak from personal experience).

    The neurologist told me where to apply it, and also referred me to a physiotherapist. As for how often, since I recommended buying it, it means using it periodically, in sessions.

    Tomorrow I'll call our PC and find out.

    Thanks for the advice, I didn’t even think about the reactions.

    For transcranial magnetic therapy on the Shamshins, the Amo-atos device is used, you can google what this thing is. It is not available in clinics.

    I know for sure that “Magniter” is used on Depovskaya, 4. When treating children with speech disorders. on the temporal and fronto-occipital zones for 5-10 minutes, depending on age.

    We bought. The whole family uses it.

    I know for sure that with fractures the pain goes away after exposure. Tested for myself.

    For a small one, they took it just for him and prescribed it for the neck and suprascapular area. To improve blood circulation in the brain. This means that it will soon reach the temples.

    Amt 02 magneter reviews

    The question is that when friends bought it, only one was produced, it seems since Soviet times.

    I don’t know if this is from the opera, but as a child I myself was treated for supposed sinusitis with UHF, a certain spotlight with a blue lamp and some kind of foolish emitting device. Perhaps, of course, these were side effects of someone’s doctoral dissertations, but they were treated.

    Since the answer may be perceived as advertising, please, if someone has dealt with this issue, send me a link to a review of such devices in a personal message or email, or recommend what is the best option to buy for household use now.

    There is no evidence that home magnetotherapy is useful for any diseases,

    There is no data on the safety of using portable home devices, in particular there is no data on the absence of their effect on internal organs,

    Many diseases go away on their own, regardless of which device you put on the sore spot (or not at all) - this does not mean that the technique had an effect,

    Medicine has the right to develop and abandon outdated or unproven methods (this also applies to the “blue lamp”)

    The abundance of devices sold “for home physiotherapy” only speaks of the unscrupulousness of traders and is not connected with modern ideas about medicine,

    RMS does not promote quackery,

    Our forum does not support consultations “in private” - the principle of the forum is openness of information.

    Perm -

    Magnetic therapy device at home

    Permalex 12/15:50

    For children and wife, 3 different doctors (all of the highest category) in paid clinics in Perm recommended the Almag device.

    Honestly, I’m generally far from all this; I’ve read opposite opinions of people on the Internet.

    It seems like there is no reason not to trust doctors of the highest category in paid clinics, but I still have some doubts.

    It's interesting to hear people's opinions. Maybe I don’t have the information and am thinking in vain? I don't want to throw money away.

    Suok 16.12.:50

    Nagisa 16.12.:48

    however, magnetic therapy itself is a proven thing - from experience

    Stimulates wound healing

    Accelerates the resorption of hematomas (bruises)

    Positive effect on osteochondrosis pain

    Now it is used in the family as a remedy for bruises - children still knock, and adults do it too.

    series 16.12.:49

    Permalex 16.12.:57

    The device was recommended to the children by a neurologist and orthopedist, and to the wife by a neurologist as well. Parents, seeing advertisements everywhere, also hinted that they were interested in this device. I don’t even know what to tell them. First, I always try to read reviews about the item I am purchasing. And here there are such opposite reviews about this device that you don’t even know who to believe. Buying is not a problem. If only for the benefit.

    About “Vitaphones”, “Magnitrons”, “Almagi”, etc.

    Dear forum users, hello! Who has personally used various medical devices produced by the Elatom plant with positive effect? An exhibition selling these devices is opening in our city tomorrow. Today, while driving to work, instead of the usual local news broadcast, I listened to an advertising and information block about these devices. They (devices) combine magnetic fields, vibration massage, and infrared radiation in various combinations. That's why the names are different. The issue price - taking into account discounts - is approximately 4000 rubles per product.

    Against arthrosis-arthritis of various etiologies, sprains, bruises and other combined injuries. They even said that it “gently” reduces hypertension

    After “Ultratons”, “Reton” (ultrasonic washing machines), “Hotters” (aerogrills), dog repellers and other Kremlin tablets, I would like to know the independent opinion of a person who has used any of the mentioned medical devices and received a positive effect (different from formulas: if a runny nose is not treated, it will go away in 7 days, and if treated, then in a week). My mother has problems with joints, I would like to think - age-related. And my birthday is coming soon. I thought I might buy one of these devices as a gift, but I’m afraid I’ll end up in a puddle - and the amounts aren’t exactly crazy.

    Magniter: instructions for use, similar devices, reviews from doctors, price

    The use of physical methods of influence on the body is actively studied and used in the complex treatment of various diseases. The beneficial effects of low frequency magnetic fields are used in pathological processes affecting the musculoskeletal, nervous and other systems. It regulates vascular tone, metabolism, stimulates the immune system, and increases the body's protective functions.

    Often, for complete recovery in various pathologies, numerous repeated courses of physiotherapy are required, so the advent of the Magniter device, which can be used both in the hospital and at home, has made the lives of many patients easier.

    What is a magneter

    A medical device that generates a low-frequency magnetic field to influence the body for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes is called a magneter. The AMT 02 device went on sale in 1984 and is used in physiotherapy departments of hospitals and at home. It has two modes of magnetic field generation: sinusoidal (alternating) and pulsed. The ability to adjust the intensity of magnetic induction allows its use in adults (30 mT) and children (10 mT).

    Magnetic therapy and its benefits

    Magnetic therapy has the following effects:

    • pain sensations decrease;
    • vascular spasm is relieved;
    • tissue regeneration improves;
    • metabolism is normalized;
    • thrombus formation decreases;
    • Pathological tension of nerve endings disappears.

    The property of a magnetic field to stimulate immunity and improve blood circulation is also used to prevent acute respiratory infections, improve skin quality in cosmetology, and to relieve withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse.

    Device design and main characteristics

    Magnetizer AMT 02 operates from an electrical network with an alternating current of 50 Hz, a voltage of 220 V. After connecting the device to the network, an electromagnetic field is created in the area of ​​​​the working surface. There are two switches on the handle. One of them changes the generation mode from sinusoidal to pulsed, the second regulates the induction value, which can be 10 or 30 mT. There is also an indicator light on the handle to monitor the power supply.

    Operating principle

    From a physics course, everyone knows that charged particles and ions in a magnetic field change their position and charge direction. Most organic (proteins) and inorganic substances in the intercellular space, cytoplasm of cells, and nerve endings exist in the form of ions (have a charge). Under the influence of a magnetic field, they change their position in space and move in a direction. This helps to disrupt the conduction of pain impulses, activate metabolic processes, and also increase the level of self-regulation of the body.

    For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use a new NON-SURGICAL treatment based on natural extracts, which..

    Sinusoidal current has a strong analgesic effect, and this mode is indicated for severe pain in the acute period. As the symptoms subside, it is recommended to use the pulse mode, which increases cell regeneration, normalizes metabolic processes and acid-base balance. The duration and areas of exposure for various pathologies are described in detail in the instructions.

    Advantages of the device

    The AMT 02 magnetizer, unlike other medical devices, generates two types of magnetic field: sinusoidal and pulsating. This allows treatment both in the acute period (sinusoidal mode) and during the recovery period (pulse mode). By changing the intensity of induction, it can be used in the treatment of children. The advantages of the device also include: compactness, ease of operation, availability and price, thanks to which treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and at home.

    Indications and existing contraindications

    Joint problems are a direct path to disability!

    Stop putting up with this joint pain! Write down a verified prescription from an experienced doctor.

    Indications for use of the Magniter model AMT 02 device are:

    • pain in muscles, joints, spine;
    • neuropathy, neuralgia;
    • hypertension, headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • trophic disorders, swelling, lymph stagnation;
    • recovery period after surgical interventions and injuries, to increase tissue regeneration;
    • chronic inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, female and male genital organs, lungs;
    • to stimulate local and general immunity of the body, for skin diseases, the risk of contracting acute respiratory infections;
    • endocrine disorders, to restore hormonal balance;
    • comprehensive treatment of alcohol intoxication and drug addiction.

    It is not recommended to use Magniter to treat children under three years of age or pregnant women. Since the magnetic field thins the blood, reduces thrombus formation, activates microcirculation and blood supply to the contact area, it is not recommended to use the device if:

    • tendency to hypotension;
    • systemic blood diseases;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • autoimmune processes;
    • decompensated heart or pulmonary failure.

    An absolute contraindication for using Magniter is the presence of an artificial pacemaker or an electronic insulin pump.

    How to use the device

    Before starting treatment with the Magniter AMT 02 device, carefully read the instructions. The manual describes indications and contraindications for use, areas of exposure and modes of operation for various pathological processes.

    After turning on the power supply, the power indicator on the handle will light up. The operating mode and the amount of induction must be adjusted using the side levers. The active surface is applied to the affected area for 10–20 minutes. During the day, you can influence only 2 zones, no more than 25 minutes in total, that is, 10–12 minutes for each. The course lasts 10–15 days.

    After use, the device is disconnected from the network, the active surface is wiped with a gauze cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide and dried. The device should be stored in a dry place and should not be given to children.

    Expert opinion

    “The treatment device Magniter AMT 02 is in great demand in our clinic. I prescribe low-frequency magnetic field treatment for therapeutic, gynecological, and neurological patients.

    This is absolutely harmless, does not cause any discomfort, therefore it is allowed even for children over 3 years old. The pulsed effect of the magnetic field activates metabolic processes, regulates vascular tone and the body begins to fight the disease itself and healing proceeds faster. Attending doctors sometimes ask themselves to prescribe a course, if the patient complains of pain, treatment proceeds slowly. Or they come in between appointments to treat a headache or relieve tension.”

    Sanaeva Marina Valerievna, physiotherapist

    “For 10 years I have been using this device for patients with joint damage. The effectiveness of treatment increases significantly if, along with taking anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors, physiotherapy is used. The magnetic field relieves pain well and promotes rapid tissue regeneration, so I recommend that my patients buy Magniter AMT 02 and use it at home.

    Moreover, it helps well with injuries, bruises, radiculitis, increases resistance and immunity, and lowers blood pressure. I have such a device at home, and my sons often come to me for “treatment” after school fights.”

    Koloskov Andrey Georgievich, arthrologist



    Nizhny Novgorod



    Technical characteristics of the device "Magniter"………….. 5

    Indications for prescribing NCBI procedures……………………. 6

    Contraindications to NCBI procedures……………8

    Treatment methods for some surgical diseases……………………………………………………….29

    Treatment methods for endocrine disorders…………..40

    Treatment methods for diseases of the oral cavity and ENT diseases………………………………………………………..42

    Treatment methods for some other diseases……44

    Methodology for carrying out magnetophoresis………………………….59

    The most common abbreviations:

    NBI - low-frequency magnetic therapy; LFMF - low frequency magnetic fields.


    In modern medicine, low-frequency magnetic therapy (LFMT) is one of the leading therapeutic methods used for restorative purposes. NCBI can rightfully be classified as a method of restorative medicine, which has the following advantages:

    Gradual accumulation of therapeutic effects with
    conducting repeated courses of treatment;

    A wide range of mechanisms of therapeutic action;

    Long period of therapeutic aftereffect.

    It should be noted that in recent years, portable magnetic therapy equipment has been the most promising for use for restorative therapeutic purposes.

    The small dimensions and weight of the products ensure convenience during procedures and ease of transportation within medical institutions.

    The low energy load on the patient created during magnetotherapy procedures makes it possible to use several devices simultaneously.

    The devices are available to the general consumer for use for preventive and restorative purposes at home due to the above advantages, as well as due to the low cost of the products.

    The first domestic portable device "Magniter" - AMT-01 still retains high consumer qualities: high therapeutic effectiveness and high performance qualities.

    The Magniter device has been in serial production since 1984.

    The treatment methods presented in these guidelines were created on the basis of a synthesis of many years of experimental and clinical work carried out at the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy.


    General biological and therapeutic patterns identified in a wide range of studies have posed the eternal physiotherapeutic question to researchers about the presence or absence of specificity in the influence of magnetic fields (MF) on biological objects and the human body.

    It is now known that the biophysical basis of the effects is the control of the movement of charged particles. The interaction of magnetic fields with free particles (electrons, ions) and bound charges found in atoms and molecules is distinguished. As a result of such interaction, there is an active change in the processes of membrane transport, lipid peroxidation, and changes in the physicochemical characteristics of the internal environment of cells

    (transition from the gel-like state of cell protoplasm to the sol-like state). MPs actively influence the physicochemical properties of water, free radical chemical reactions, macromolecules2, 1992).

    Against the background of all the above biophysical phenomena that arise in biological systems under the influence of magnetic fields, similar therapeutic effects are recorded for almost all tissues and organs. But like any other physiotherapeutic factor, NCMP has its own priority mechanisms of therapeutic action, which include anti-edema, anti-allergic, regenerative, immunomodulatory effects, as well as normalization of blood flow at the level of the microcirculation system. There is a delayed development of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

    Nervous tissue and the nervous system (NS) exhibit maximum sensitivity to LFMP. It is due to the activation of the central parts of the nervous system that a system-wide effect on the human body occurs. Activation of microcirculation and metabolic-trophic reactions when exposed to hypothalamic centers is recorded in such highly significant body systems as the endocrine, immune, and blood systems.

    The given range of mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of low-frequency magnetic therapy is confirmed by the work of many researchers.


    The "Magniter" device - AMT-02 consists of an inductor that creates a magnetic field, a power-on indicator and built-in operating mode switches.

    Magnetic induction value switch (VMI):

    Operating mode 10 mT (switch in position-1);

    Operating mode 30 mT (switch in position - II).

    Operating mode switch (PP):

    Sinusoidal mode (switch in position - ~);

    Pulsating mode (switch in position- PP).

    Power supply voltage - (220±22) V, frequency (50±0.5) Hz.

    The power consumed by the device from the alternating current network is no more than 20 VA. Electrical safety class of the device II type BF GOST R 50267.0.

    The "Magniter" device - AMT-02 is designed to provide therapeutic effects with a pulsating magnetic field (MF) and alternating MF with an induction value of 10/30 mT. The device can be used in inpatient, outpatient and home settings when prescribed treatment by a physiotherapist.

    For low-frequency magnetic therapy carried out using

    The "Magniter" device is characterized by a gradual development of therapeutic effects (within 2-3 days from the start of treatment) and a long-term nature of the therapeutic aftereffect (up to 3-6 months after the end of the course of treatment).

    Low-frequency magnetic therapy with the Magniter device can be performed in adults without age restrictions according to the methods in the attached medical recommendations and in children from 3 years of age.

    Magnetic therapy should be prescribed by a doctor.a physiotherapist who selects treatment methods andrecommends using the Magniter device at home.

    Procedures must be carried out in compliance with usual aseptic and antiseptic measures. After the procedures, the body of the device is wiped with an antiseptic solution (3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin 1:50000, etc.) and dried with a sterile gauze cloth.


    1 Nervous diseases

    Neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis on

    cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral levels. - Compression-ischemic neuropathies of various localizations. - Trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, sublingual, occipital neuralgia,

    intercostal nerves. - Polyneuropathy of various etiologies.

    Initial forms of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain. - Neuroses, neurosis-like diseases. - Vegetative-vascular dystonia. - Consequences of acute brain disorders

    blood circulation

    2 Traumatology. Orthopedics

    Burn wounds.

    Soft tissue bruises.


    Bone fractures (including during metal osteosynthesis).

    Osteomyelitis without sequestration.

    Sluggish healing wound surfaces.

    Trophic ulcers of various etiologies.



    Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.

    4 Cardiology

    Hypertension stage I - II.


    > Coronary heart disease: angina pectoris.

    ■ Raynaud's disease.

    5 Gastroenterology

    ■ Uncomplicated forms of gastric ulcer and

    > Gastritis, gastroduodenitis.

    ■ Acalculous hepatocholecystitis, hepatosis.

    Chronic pancreatitis in the stage of subsiding exacerbation.

    "Spastic colitis.

    6 Pulmonology

    At the beginning of the course of treatment, procedures should be carried out V sinusoidal mode [switch RR I'm in position - Oj, a switchVMI« position - II). From 3 - 4 days of baking, switch to pulsating mode [switch RR in position - PP, a switchVMI V polomarriage- II).

    Duration of the course days.

    Repeat courses of treatment after 3 - 6 months.

    Arthrosis, arthritis of the shoulder joint

    Act on the area of ​​the affected joint and the corresponding segment of the spinal cord along the back of the neck at the C4 - Sat level.

    The first 3-5 days the mode is sinusoidal (switch RR Vposition - Oj, a switch VMI pregnant - II), then pulsating (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI pregnant - II).

    The time of exposure to a joint or segmental area is 20 minutes.

    Course days.

    Arthrosis, arthritis of the elbow joint

    For the first 3 to 5 days, treat the area of ​​the affected joint from the medial and lateral sides to the corresponding segmental area along the back of the neck. Sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - "Xi, and the switch VMI pregnant- II), in the following days - pulsating (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI pregnant - II).

    Exposure time minutes.

    Course - 15 days.

    Arthrosis, arthritis of the wrist joint, interphalangeal joints of the hand

    Impact the area of ​​the problem joint or interphapangeal joints of the hand and the corresponding segment of the spinal cord (along the back surface of the neck at the level of C4 - D2).

    The first 5 days - sinusoidal mode (switch RR Vposition - "Xi, and the switchVMIpregnant - II), then switch to pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, AswitchVMI« imposition -II).

    Exposure time - minutes, course 15-20 procedures. To obtain a greater therapeutic effect, it is advisable to use two Magniter devices, placing the joint between the two working surfaces of the devices.

    Impact on the lateral and medial surfaces of the ankle joint, as well as on the area of ​​the patella and popliteal fossa.

    (switch RR in position - GЪ, Aswitch VMI in position- II), in the following days - in a pulsating (switch RR pregnant- PP, a switch VMI pregnant-II).

    Duration of exposure - 20 minutes.

    Course 10-15 days.

    Arthrosis of the ankle joint

    It is recommended to influence the reflexogenic zone along the posterior surface of the lumbar region at the level of D12-L5, on the lateral and medial surfaces of the ankle joint, and the plantar surface of the foot in the metatarsal area.

    In the acute period, it is recommended to start procedures in sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - GЪ, Aswitch VMI pregnant - II), in the following days - in a pulsating (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI pregnant-II).

    Duration of exposure minutes.

    Course 10-15 sessions.

    Post-traumatic bursitis of the knee joint

    Impact on the lateral and medial surfaces of the joints.

    Start the first 5-7 procedures with sinusoidal mode (switch RR in position -Гь, and the switch VMI in properlyNI - II), then pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant-PP, a switch VMI pregnant-II).

    Course 10-15 sessions. Exposure minutes.

    A gentle regime, minimal load on the joint, it is imperative to exclude hemarthrosis.

    Bone fractures (including due to metal osteosynthesis)Osteomyelitis without sequestration

    If you have a plaster splint, you must use two devices, placing the damaged limb between the working surfaces. It is necessary to act 2-3 times a day, carrying out procedures every 3-5 hours.

    Sinusoidal mode in the first week of treatment (switch RR pregnant - "Xi , a switchVMIin polowife - II). Subsequently, it is necessary to use the pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant -PP, a switchVMIVposition - II). Repeat the course of treatment after 2-3 weeks.

    The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

    The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

    Carry out two procedures per day for the first 5 days of treatment. Duration of treatment is 10-12 days.

    Boils, carbuncles, post-injection abscesses

    Treatment begins in the postoperative period (after relief of purulent inflammation).

    Apply contact to the area of ​​the postoperative wound or suture in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switchVMIin polowife - II), procedure time - 20 minutes.

    In the first 4-5 days, the procedure is carried out 2 times a day. The recommended course is 10-15 procedures.

    Thrombophlebitis and postthrombophlebitis syndromeAtherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities

    Apply paravertebral action along the spine at the D12-L5 level in sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - GЪ, Aswitch VMI pregnant - II) for 20-25 minutes and on the calf muscles for 20 minutes daily. From day 5-6 of treatment switch to pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, Aswitch VMI pregnant-II).

    The duration of treatment is 12-15 days.

    Treatment of postoperative sutures, prevention of rejectionskin flaps after plastic surgery

    As a result, the risk of postoperative complications and flap rejection after plastic surgery is reduced.

    Pulse mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI pregnant-II).

    Exposure 20-25 minutes.

    Prevention of adhesions after surgeryinterventions on the abdominal and pelvic organs

    It is advisable to begin the impact in the early postoperative period, to act paravertebrally at the level of D10-L2, as well as on the epigastric region and symmetrically on the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall. Impact mode - pulsating (switch RR pregnant-PP, a switchVMIin position- II) for 20 minutes, course - 10-15 procedures.

    For children aged 3 to 16 years, pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI in polowife - 1).

    Exposure 5-7 minutes.

    Course of 7-10 procedures.


    Hypertonic diseaseI - IIstages of neurocirculatory dystonia

    The impact is carried out using two methods.

    The first option: the effect of NCMP is carried out with the patient lying on his stomach. It is necessary to place the device along the spine at the level of segments C4-D2 and in the collar area. Start exposure in sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - Oj, a switchVMIpregnant -II). From 5 - 7 days of treatment - apply in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant-PP, a switchVMIpregnant-II).

    The duration of each procedure is minutes, the duration of the course is 9-12 days, procedures daily or every other day.

    Second option: influence the liver projection area (right hypochondrium) in a pulsating mode (switchRRpregnant - PP, O. switchVMIpregnant - ii) within minutes daily.

    The duration of the course of treatment is 9-12 days, procedures are performed daily or every other day.

    Raynaud's disease

    Treatment begins with exposure to the back of the neck at the level of the C5-D2 vertebrae for minutes, and then to the hands for 20 minutes each in pulsating mode (switchRRVposition - Oj, a switchVMIpregnant- II).

    Another area of ​​influence is the lumbar region at the level L1 - L5 for 15-20 minutes, then on the feet for 20 minutes each with switch position II in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant-PP, a switchVMIpregnant-II).

    The impact on the upper and lower extremities and the corresponding areas of the spine alternates between days.

    The total duration of treatment is 18-20 days.


    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of fading exacerbation or complete remission

    Chronic gastritis, chronic acalculous cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis,

    dyskinesia of the digestive tube and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, solaritis

    Apply paravertebrally at the level of the thoracic vertebrae D5-D12 (Fig. a), on the epigastric region (solar plexus) and the upper part of the anterior abdominal wall (Fig. b) in sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - "Xi , a switch VMI in polowife - ii) for minutes on one of the specified fields daily.

    Rotate fields by day.

    The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

    The course of treatment is 9-12 days. Rotate fields by day.


    Bronchial asthma (inter-attack period)

    Nonspecific bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis,

    bronchopneumonia. Early recovery period after

    past pneumonia

    Impact the area of ​​the thoracic spine at levels D2 - D7, for a minute daily at switch position II in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, Aswitch VMI pregnant-II).

    The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

    Course of treatment days. Rotate fields by day.

    Menopausal disorders

    Apply paravertebral influence on the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine at levels C2-C7, D1-D2, D12-L5, collar zone, lower part of the anterior abdominal wall in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant- PP, AswitchVMIpregnant - II) 10-15 minutes per field daily.

    The total time is no more than minutes per day. Within one procedure, influence no more than two fields.

    The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

    Colds. Rhinitis. Chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis

    Areas of influence:

    Projection area of ​​the maxillary sinuses on both sides (a);
    - palms and feet (b);

    Along the spine at the level of segments D2 - D7
    (interscapular region) (c).

    The effect is carried out contactally on the area of ​​​​the projection of the maxillary sinuses, on the palms (or feet) or on the interscapular area. On the face area for 5 minutes on each side, on the palms (or feet) for 10 minutes on each side, on the interscapular area - paravertebral on each side for 10-15 minutes. The selection of zones is carried out under controlthe attending physician, taking into account the specific symptoms of the disease.

    The total exposure time for one procedure is no more than 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Pulsating mode (switchRRpregnant - L P, a switchVMIpregnant -II).

    TREATMENT METHODS FOR SOME OTHER DISEASES Congenital and secondary forms of immunodeficiencies

    The impact is carried out in a pulse mode on biologically active zones (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI pregnant-II).

    Exposure minutes. A course of 10-15 procedures.

    For children, treatment should be prescribed strictly in consultation with a physiotherapist and pediatrician [switch RR pregnant - PP, a switch VMI " position- I).

    Exposure 5-7 minutes.

    Course of 7-10 procedures.

    Prevention of wrinkle formation. Acne

    Apply to the skin of the forehead, eye area and cheeks in pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, a switchVMIVposition- II) 5-10 minutes for each problem area of ​​the face. The total treatment time for the procedure is 15-20 minutes. In one procedure, treat no more than 3 zones.

    Course of treatment is 9-12 days.

    Cellulite, prevention of premature skin aging

    The effect on problem areas of the skin is carried out in a sinusoidal mode (switch RR in position - G, and I’ll switchchatterVMIpregnant -II).

    Exposure time is 15-20 minutes. In one session, exposure to two different areas is permissible. Procedures can be performed twice a day (morning and evening).

    The consumption of medicinal and nutrient substances can be reduced (without reducing their effectiveness) by%. In addition, collagen synthesis increases, the subcutaneous fat layer decreases, and skin elasticity and tone increases.

    Course of treatment days.

    Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

    Influence the lumbosacral region at the level of vertebrae D10 - L3. Start treatment in the first 3-5 days in sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - Tj, a switch VMI Vposition - II). In the future, use the pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PL, a switch VMI in polomarriage-II).

    The time of one procedure is minutes.

    Duration of treatment course.

    Menorrhagia, menstrual irregularities

    Before starting treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.gynecologist and physiotherapist.

    It is necessary to act on the lumbar region at the level of D10-L3 symmetrically on both sides, as well as on the projection area of ​​the ovaries and the area of ​​the wings of the iliac bones of the pelvis.

    It is advisable to start a course of treatment 7 - 8 days before the start of menstruation. Course of 8-10 procedures. Sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant - Oj, a switchVMIpregnant -II).

    Exposure - 15 minutes.

    Adnexitis, salpingoophoritis

    The impact is performed symmetrically on the projection of the body of the uterus and appendages, as well as on the reflexogenic zone (lumbar region at the level of D10 - L2). Start treatment in the first 3-5 days with sinusoidal mode (switch RR pregnant- "Kommersant, a switch VMI Vposition - II). Subsequently, treatment is carried out in pulse mode. (switch RR pregnant-PP, a switch VMI in positionresearch institute- II).

    The duration of the procedure is minutes.

    Course procedures.

    Prostatitis, potency disorder

    Impact on the perineal area in pulse mode (switch RR pregnant- PP, a switch VMI in polomarriage- II).

    The exposure time is 5 - 7 minutes, procedures are performed 2 - 3 times a day. Course days.


    Prevention of poor posture,prevention of stoop and scoliosis in children

    The impact is performed symmetrically along the paravertebral lines at the level of segments D1 - D12.

    Pulsating mode (switch RR pregnant - PP, Aswitch VMI pregnant - 1).

    Exposure time is 5-7 minutes on each side.

    A course of 10-15 procedures. Repeated course in a day.

    A preliminary consultation with a neurologist or orthopedist is required.

    Prevention of ARVI, bronchitis Immunodeficiency conditions

    Act on the area of ​​the palms and feet (Fig. b) and on the reflexogenic zones in the back at level D1 - D10.

    Pulse mode is used (switch PP e position-PP). From 3 to 7 years - switch VMI pregnant - 1. time -5-10m here, s7tso12pet-switch"pcs.1bVM1Lvpol.zh-eni11-\, Timeminutes; From 12 to 15 years old - switch VMI pregnant - II, Time -10 minutes).

    Exposure time is 4-5 minutes per area. During the day, exposure is possible no more than 2 times per area.


    Rehabilitation treatment after pneumonia,

    bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases

    bronchopulmonary system

    It is advisable to carry out treatment in the early and delayed recovery periods.

    The impact is carried out paravertebrally (along the spine) at the level of the thoracic spine D2-D7 (interscapular zone).

    from 3 to 7 years - switch VMI pregnant - 1, switch RR pregnant- PP, procedure duration 7-10 minutes;

    from 7 to 12 years - switch VMI pregnant - I, I'll switchchatter RR pregnant-PP, procedure duration 10-15 minutes;

    from 12 to 15 years old - switch VMI pregnant - II, I'll switchchatter RR pregnant- PP, procedure duration 10-15 minutes.

    Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and digestive tube. Chronic gastroduodenitis

    Treatment should be carried out during the period of subsiding exacerbation or complete remission.

    Apply paravertebrally (along the spine) at the level of the thoracic vertebrae D5-D12 (Fig. a), epigastric (epigastric) region and the anterior wall of the abdomen (Fig. b).

    In the first 3-5 days of treatment, use sinusoidal mode (switch RR in position - ~i), from 4 to 6 days of treatment switch to pulsating mode.

    For different age groups of children, use the following treatment methods:

    from 3 to 7 years - switchVMIpregnant- I, procedure duration 7-10 minutes;

    from 7 to 12 years - switchVMIpregnant - I, procedure duration 10-15 minutes;

    from 12 to 15 years old - switchVMIpregnant - II, procedure duration is 10-15 minutes.


    Using portable low-frequency magnetic therapy devices, it is possible to carry out magnetophoresis procedures using two variants of methods (direct and sequential magnetophoresis).

    Direct magnetophoresis.

    Direct magnetophoresis is performed directly during NBI procedures.

    First, treat the surface of the skin on which the ointment-based drug will be applied with an antiseptic solution (furatsilin solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, etc.). The drug can be further diluted in sterilized vegetable oil. Apply the drug to a sterile napkin at the rate of 1 g of the drug per 5 cm of the skin surface and apply to the problem area or joint and carry out the procedure for traumatic brain injury according to the recommended methods.

    In adult patients, the effect should be carried out in a sinusoidal mode ( switchRRin position - ~ , a switchVMIVposition- II). The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, the recommended course of treatment is procedures. For a more lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the course 1.5-2 months after the end of the last course. In order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of large joints (knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle), it is advisable to use two Magniter devices, placing the joint between the working planes of the devices.

    When carrying out magnetophoresis for different age groups, use the following modes:

    from 3 to 7 years switch VMI pregnant-1, switch RR in position ~ or L L, procedure duration 7-10 minutes;

    from 7 to 12 years switch VMI pregnant - 1, switch RR in position ~ or L L, procedure duration 10-15 minutes;

    from 12 to 15 years switch VMI pregnant- II, switch RR in position ~ or L L, procedure duration is 10-15 minutes.

    Sequential magnetophoresis.

    Conduct a session of low-frequency magnetic therapy according to the recommended methods. At the end of the procedure, treat the area of ​​skin to which the drug will be applied with an antiseptic solution (furatsilin solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, etc.). Apply a thin layer of the required ointment-based medicinal preparation, apply a sterile gauze bandage and thin cellophane on top. Recommended exposure time: minutes.

    For sequential magnetophoresis, use any medicines for cutaneous use on an ointment or gel basis, approved by the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, including homeopathic Traumeel S, Zeel P from Heel (Germany).

    The Magniter device can be used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But most of all, this device is effective in the treatment of diseases of the spine, in particular osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

    The magneter is a magnetic therapy device. The device generates a magnetic field of varying intensity (this characteristic is adjustable). The patient’s body receives a physiotherapeutic effect, which perfectly copes with the symptoms of many diseases.

    1 What is a Magniter, how does it work and how does it work?

    The Magniter device began mass production in 1984. It was invented a year earlier at the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. There are several models of the device, but the most popular and effective are models AMT 01 and 02.

    A magnetor is a device that generates a magnetic field. Simply put, this device is a portable version of a larger magnetic therapy machine. The main advantage of this device is the ability to use it at home.

    The device has magnetic field power regulators and magnetic induction amplitude regulators. In most cases, a magneter is effective only as a symptomatic or auxiliary treatment, but not as a primary treatment (since it is only a physiotherapeutic effect).

    1.1 What is it used for and what effect does it give?

    The Magniter device is used for the prevention and treatment of various degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is especially effective for diseases of the spine that occur without severe inflammatory phenomena.

    The device eliminates stagnation of lymphatic fluid, enhancing its drainage, thereby relieving swelling. It is moderately effective in combating inflammatory phenomena, but only if they are mild. But in case of severe inflammation, the Magniter cannot be used.

    It makes sense to use the device for vascular diseases, in particular for stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities or pelvic organs. The use of Magniter is indicated for various neurological pathologies, including those arising after spinal surgery (in the form of complications).

    1.2 Indications for use

    The Magniter device can be used for a huge number of diseases and pathological conditions (syndromes). But in 80-90% of cases, this device is used exclusively for the treatment of the spine and joints.

    Indications for use:

    1. Neurological syndromes, including those that arose as a complication of spinal surgery.
    2. Thrombophlebitis and thromboangiitis of the lower extremities. Varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs.
    3. Hypertension in the initial stages, coronary heart disease, vasospasm (Raynaud's syndrome).
    4. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis.
    5. Ankylosing spondylitis, various arthritis and arthrosis of joints of any part.
    6. Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis (including erosive), gastroduodenitis, solaritis.

    1.3 Contraindications

    Despite the fact that the Magniter device was conceived as an extremely safe and effective physiotherapeutic agent, it has a number of contraindications for use.

    List of contraindications:

    • the presence of malignant neoplasms in any organ;
    • pregnancy in any trimester;
    • serious condition of the patient (cachexia, general weakness, exhaustion);
    • active forms of tuberculosis, syphilis of bone tissue;
    • any acute infectious diseases;
    • state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
    • presence of a cardiac implant (pacemaker);
    • a history of seizures;
    • severe forms of coronary heart disease;
    • acute febrile illnesses, including colds, flu or acute respiratory viral infections;
    • acute mental syndromes, unmotivated patient aggression, violence and insanity.

    1.4 Overview of the Magniter device (video)

    1.5 Is it effective?

    The Magniter device cannot be considered as a remedy for all diseases included in the list of indications. Yes, this device is used for the listed diseases, but in 90% of cases only as symptomatic therapy.

    This means that the device copes well with reducing the severity of symptoms of certain diseases. It alleviates the patient’s condition; in particular cases, for example, it can improve the mobility of joints or the spine (temporarily).

    But you should not expect actual treatment, since the magnetic field does not have a very strong effect on the pathological foci of any disease. In addition, the positive effects of using Magniter are short-lived and last a couple of days. This means that the treatment procedure with this device must be constantly repeated.

    2 Magniter AMT 01: characteristics

    A once popular, but already outdated model, now produced mainly in Belarus. A distinctive feature of the device is that it can be used even if the patient has a cold (the AMT 02 version is not used for colds).

    Technical characteristics of Magniter AMT 01:

    1. Magnetic induction amplitude: 30 ± 9 mT.
    2. Frequency of sinusoidal or PP (pulsating) magnetic field: 50 Hz.
    3. AC supply voltage (operating at 50 Hertz): 220 ± 22 V.
    4. Power consumption of the device: 30 VA.
    5. Device weight: 0.6 kg.
    6. Dimensions of the device: approximately 240x90x45 millimeters.
    7. Average service life: 7 years.
    8. After 5-6 hours of operation, you must turn off the device for 40 minutes. It is recommended to turn off the device for 20 minutes after every 20 minutes of operation (for a break).

    3 Magniter AMT 02: characteristics

    A fairly effective Magniter model is considered the best among portable devices for magnetic therapy in general. Why? Because this device combines ease of use, low cost and high treatment efficiency. The device is produced in Belarus and Russia.

    Technical characteristics of Magniter AMT 02:

    • magnetic induction amplitude: 10 or 30 mT;
    • frequency of sinusoidal or PP (pulsating) magnetic field: 50 Hertz;
    • AC supply voltage (operating at a frequency of 50 Hertz): 220V;
    • power consumption of the device: 30 VA;
    • device weight: 0.8 kg;
    • device dimensions: 242x92x47 mm;
    • average service life: 7 years;
    • cannot be used for colds (flu, acute respiratory viral infections) (unlike the AMT 01 model).

    4 Instructions for use of Magniter devices

    How to use Magniter devices? It's unlikely that you'll be able to figure it out on your own without instructions. Equipment settings, the sequence of connecting certain wires - all this information should be in the instructions. Moreover, each model comes with separate documentation.

    We can only describe a few general rules for using the Magniter:

    1. When treating the back, the patient should be placed on his stomach; he should not sit during therapy.
    2. One session should last 10-20 minutes.
    3. The patient should not move while the device is operating.
    4. To treat your back, you need to set the operating mode to “pulsating”. To do this, the switch should be set to the letters “PP” in the “PP” position).

    More detailed technical instructions for use can be found in the information brochure included with the device. If it is not available, you can download the brochure from the Internet on the website of stores that sell the device.

    5866 4

    The number of diagnosed diseases associated with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system is increasing every day.

    In order to prevent the development of pathological processes, it is very important to monitor your health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    If for some reason the illness does make itself felt, you will need to immediately seek help from a qualified specialist and, based on the diagnosis, begin effective treatment of the disease.

    Magnetic therapy and its benefits

    Nowadays, it is becoming an increasingly popular and popular method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Despite the fact that this method of treatment belongs to new technologies, the results of its use allow us to state that the use of magnetic waves to restore body structures is truly effective and safe for the patient’s health.

    In addition to magnetic therapy, magnetic therapy devices are also gaining popularity. If previously they were only available for use in medical institutions, today anyone can purchase such a device.

    The leader of such devices on the medical products market was the Magniter AMT 02 device. Its production began in 1984, and the improvement of the equipment continues to this day.

    The magnetizer is easy to use at home, but before you begin treatment procedures, you must consult a specialist (after all, this requires special indications) and read the instructions for use that come with the device.

    The basic principle of operation of the device is the effect of a pulsating or sinusoidal field, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    The effect is not immediately visible, as it is cumulative. Feelings of reduced pain and discomfort can be felt after several sessions of magnetic therapy (it is believed that this does not take more than 2-3 days).

    For severe illnesses, it is important to complete the full course of treatment, which can last from 3 to 6 months. If therapy is suspended for some reason, no result will be achieved.

    Both children (from 3 years old) and older people can use the Magniter.

    Main characteristics of the device

    The main components of the device are the following:

    • a special inductor with which magnetic waves and fields are created;
    • an indicator that allows the device to operate from the electrical network;
    • switches, thanks to which you can adjust the level of the mode and the intensity of irradiation.

    Each type of switch has its own operating mode:

    • sinusoidal mode (marked with a special mark on the device);
    • pulsating mode (mark PP).

    In order to operate the Magniter, the voltage in the network must correspond to 220 V, and the frequency must be 50 Hertz.

    The device can be used in:

    • at home;
    • hospital inpatient;
    • outpatient.

    The duration of treatment is prescribed for each patient individually. All necessary recommendations can be obtained from a physiotherapist.

    In order for the device to work for a long period of time during its operation, it is important to adhere to all safety measures and rules for caring for the device itself.

    Diagram and structure of the device Magniter AMT 02:

    At the end of the session, the device must be wiped with 3% peroxide, using a regular gauze bandage or a damp cloth.

    Indications and existing contraindications

    The following diseases should be noted as existing contraindications regarding the use of Magniter:

    • oncological;
    • tuberculosis;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • arrhythmia;
      angina pectoris;
    • previous heart attack;
    • pregnancy.

    How to use the device?

    The Magniter AMT 02 device is quite easy to use at home. All you need to do before carrying out the procedure is to read the instructions for the device.

    It is very important to make sure that the patient has no contraindications!

    The device can only be used in case of diseases of the joints and spine with the permission of a doctor.

    To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed on his stomach (it is important that he lies comfortably). Then all the necessary areas for irradiation are prepared (this can be various levels of the cervical spine or the shoulder girdle area).

    If the pain syndrome is pronounced, then therapy begins with the use of sinus mode. In the event that the treatment has long period, then the procedures are carried out in pulsating mode (the switch is set on the letters PP in the PP position).

    Then, after installing the device at the selected locations, time is noted (from 15 to 20 minutes) and the device is connected to the network.

    Throughout the entire time, the patient should be relaxed and not move. At the end of the session, you do not need to get up immediately; you can lie down in a horizontal position for a few more minutes.

    The principle of operation of the Magniter for the treatment of other diseases is the same technique of application. Depending on the diagnosis made on the body, only the areas where the applicators are applied and the level of the desired regime will change.

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