What does the constellation Cassiopeia mean? Orion is a constellation in the night sky. Constellation diagram and description. Open cluster M52

“The constellation Cassiopeia is the third most important and second most recognizable constellation in the northern starry sky; the remarkable asterism of the constellation Throne allows you to find Cassiopeia without any additional landmarks.”
“Astronomy is currently not a compulsory subject in school and is taught as an elective...


Rice. 1 Constellation Cassiopeia, diagram

The constellation Cassiopeia is one of the most famous constellations in the northern sky, at least it is the third in navigational significance after Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. However, in terms of space occupied in the sky (angular area), Cassiopeia ranks only 25th, and in the northern part of the celestial sphere - 16th (598 sq. degrees), after Perseus.
What made Cassiopeia so famous?
The fact is that the brightest stars of the constellation form a clearly visible and memorable compact group “close company” - the Tron asterism (M-asterism or W-asterism), in addition, Cassiopeia is part of the Perseus group of constellations, created thanks to the classical myth of Perseus and Andromeda .
Cassiopeia directly borders on 5 constellations - Andromeda, Giraffe, Perseus, Cepheus and Lizard.
Cassiopeia is a non-setting constellation throughout Russia (more precisely, the unforgettable asterism of the constellation - the Throne) is non-setting.
The best conditions for observing the constellation Cassiopeia occur from September 5 to November 8, when Cassiopeia culminates at midnight, while from September 5 to October 16 it is at its zenith.

Stars and contour diagram of the constellation Cassiopeia

Man is famous for his deeds, and the constellations are famous for their stars; this fully applies to Cassiopeia. There are as many as five navigation stars in the constellation Cassiopeia: four stars brighter than the third magnitude are Navi(γ Cas; variable from 1.6 m to 3 m, now 2.15 m), Shedar(α Cas; 2.24 m), Kaf(β Cas; 2.27), Rukba(δ Cas; 2.68) and one star with a magnitude of 3.37 m - Seguin(ε Cas: there is a “namesake” - Bootes gamma, γ Boo). The boundaries of the constellation and most of the visible stars are presented in Figure 2.

Sergey Ov

Rice. 2 Constellation Cassiopeia. Names of the brightest stars. Lilac line - asterism "Throne", symbol of Cassiopeia

Usually, after describing the brightest stars, they offer to familiarize themselves with the diagram of the constellation, but in our case, the asterism formed by the brightest stars is recognizable no worse than the Big Dipper of the Ursa, and is the second calling card of the northern starry sky. Since the historically established image of Cassiopeia is a reigning woman on a throne, this asterism should be called “The Throne,” especially since the contours created by the stars allow it to be outlined...

All, even not very bright stars, included in the Tron asterism, have their own names. All five stars of the asterism are navigational; there are no other navigational stars in the constellation.
A list of more than 160 stars of Cassiopeia, their attractions and features can be found by calling up the list:.

But let's return to asterism... Only four segments connect five stars, but how many different things can be imagined in their place! People who are not at all devoid of ambition see a throne behind this outline (asterism Throne of Cassiopeia), enthusiasts - a huge letter "M" and, accordingly, M-asterism, pessimists claim that it is "W" and defend W-asterism, and those who dream of relaxation, seeing t rocking chair (Fig. 3). It is noteworthy that the name of the asterism “Rocking Chair” took root only in the English-speaking environment, probably because they sound like “Rocker”...
Here, following the historical tradition, the name “asterism Throne of Cassiopeia” will be used.

Asterism Throne, stars of the constellation Cassiopeia Sergey Ov

M-asterism, stars of the constellation Cassiopeia Sergey Ov

W-asterism, stars of the constellation Cassiopeia Sergey Ov

Asterism Rocking Chair, stars of the constellation Cassiopeia Sergey Ov

Rice. 3. Asterism Throne in the constellation Cassiopeia. Other versions of the perception and names of the “Throne” asterism: M-asterism, W-asterism and Rocking Chair.

When creating a contour drawing of a constellation, they try to simultaneously solve two problems: the resulting image, firstly, must correspond to the name, and secondly, occupy as much of the area as possible within the boundaries of the constellation. To construct our proposed version of the outline drawing of the constellation Cassiopeia, almost all more or less bright stars are used (up to magnitude 5), from it you can clearly imagine a lady pointing at something (Fig. 3). In order to make the image more clearly visible, the contours of the dress and hat are highlighted in turquoise, the face and chest are highlighted in pink:

Sergey Ov

Rice. 4. Diagram of the constellation Cassiopeia. Star chart (outline image) of a woman sitting on a throne - to see the star designations, move the cursor to the picture with JavaScript enabled.
Let's start walking around the outline of the diagram using the stars with the left hand:
Pi Cassiopeia (π Cas) - Omicron Cassiopeia (ο Cas) - Xi Cassiopeia (ξ Cas) - Zeta Cassiopeia (ζ Cas) - Shedar (α Cas; n5, node)- Rukba (δ Cas; n6, knot)- Seguin (ε Cas) - Iota Cassiopeia (ι Cas) - HD 19275 - 50 Cassiopeia (50 Cas) - Psi Cassiopeia (ψ Cas) - Rukba (δ Cas; n6-11, knot)- Kappa Cassiopeia (κ Cas; n12, node) - Navi, Gamma Cassiopeia (γ Cas) - Achird (η Cas) - Shedar (α Cas; n5-14, node) - Kaf (β Cas; n15, node)- Tau Cassiopeia (τ Cas; n16, node) - 4 Cassiopeia (4 Cas) - AR Cassiopeia - Sigma Cassiopeia (σ Cas) - Rho Cassiopeia (ρ Cas; n20, node) - Tau Cassiopeia (τ Cas; n16- n20, knot) - Rho Cassiopeia (ρ Cas; n20 - n16, knot) - Kaf (β Cas; n15-n20, node)- - Kappa Cassiopeia (κ Cas; n12, knot) - right hand: Psi Cassiopeia (ψ Cas;) or alternatively 4 Cassiopeia (4 Cas)

The resulting drawing of a royal lady pointing is quite consistent with the mythological plot, since our Cassiopeia points directly at Andromeda, although she seems to be dressed in the fashion of the 18th century... The drawing is almost realistic, but includes 20 stars of the constellation. To reproduce it in the sky, you need to have a good visual memory, and the atmosphere must be almost perfectly transparent... Therefore, it is worth having a simpler contour in reserve.
A simplified image of Cassiopeia consists of 11 stars. In Figure 5, the first option is shown, where Cassiopeia is, as it were, presented in the image of an extremely alarmed mother, calling to save her child, which does not contradict the mythological plot.
In both versions of the schematic drawing, the Tron asterism is highlighted from time to time to orient readers (it is turned upside down).

Sergey Ov

Rice. 5. Scheme 2 for the constellation Cassiopeia. A simplified star chart - an outline image of a panicking man. The Throne asterism is illuminated from time to time. To see a simplified diagram of a woman's pointing hand - move the cursor when JavaScript is enabled.
Chart outline by stars:
head: Kaf (β Cas);
neck: Kaf (β Cas) - ;
hands: Psi Cassiopeia (ψ Cas;) or 4 Cassiopeia (4 Cas) - Kappa Cassiopeia (κ Cas) - Navi, Gamma Cassiopeia (γ Cas, node)- Shedar (α Cas; n5, node) - Xi Cassiopeia (ξ Cas) - Zeta Cassiopeia (ζ Cas);
torso: Navi, Gamma Cassiopeia (γ Cas, node) - Rukba (δ Cas; node);
legs (dress): 50 Cassiopeia (50 Cas) - Psi Cassiopeia (ψ Cas) - Rukba (δ Cas; knot)- Seguin (ε Cas) - Iota Cassiopeia (ι Cas) - HD 19275 (- 50 Cassiopeia (50 Cas))

After the contours and brightest stars of the constellation have been studied from the drawings, you can begin to search for the constellation Cassiopeia directly in the starry sky.

The constellation Cassiopeia is usually found by the asterism Tron. It is best for someone to show this Throne - it is enough to see this configuration of stars in the sky once, and it will become recognizable forever!

The constellation Cassiopeia can be found independently as follows:

1. If you live approximately at the latitude of Moscow, then literally from the very beginning of autumn, when you go outside at about midnight local time, you will find the Tron asterism right above your head, at the zenith. All you have to do is correctly determine the angular dimensions of the throne and mentally build its pattern according to the stars.
The largest angular distance in the Throne asterism, between Seguin And Kafom, is about 13°. The angular distance between the thumb and index finger of an adult’s outstretched hand is 16-18°, so the Throne against the background of an outstretched hand will look approximately as shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 6. Estimation of the angular size of the Throne asterism in the constellation Cassiopeia using an outstretched arm. This image seems to emphasize the compact arrangement of the bright stars of Cassiopeia

2. An all-season way to determine the location of Cassiopeia is to “target” the beam through already known stars. The best "shot" will be obtained if you continue the line from Aliot(ε UMa) for North Star(α UMa) this will result in an exact hit on Gamma Cassiopeia Navi, and if you look closely, you will find that the Big Dipper and the Throne of Cassiopeia asterism are located centrally symmetrically relative to the North Star.

Rice. 7. How to find the constellation Cassiopeia? - Very simple! You need to mentally draw a line through Aliot Ursa Major and North Star - it will lead to the brightest star Cassiopeia Navi. There are other options: from any of the stars of the handle of the Big Dipper, also draw lines to Polaris, all of them will lead to Cassiopeia...

In such a position as in Figure 7, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia and the Throne can be seen late in the spring in the evening.

History and mythology of the constellation Cassiopeia

The constellation Cassiopeia is a fragment of a huge mythological canvas that occupies half of the sky (Fig. 10). It is worth repeating here that for the ancient Greeks the starry sky is the world, a whole panorama of legends, a picture of the universe for initiates, in the images on which the same stars could be used for creating different images - different constellations in their understanding, many of these images have survived to this day.
But let’s return to our section of the starry sky; it embodies the image of Queen Cassiopeia at the moment when she asks Perseus to save her daughter Andromeda from a terrible monster. According to the legend of Perseus and Andromeda, at this moment next to Cassiopeia, in addition to Perseus, are: King Cepheus; Princess Andromeda chained to a rock; a little further the winged horse Pegasus and the people (in our group people depict Charioteer, Lizard and for some reason Triangle), and in the distance the terrible Cetus appears from the depths of the sea (due to translation oddities, later “miracle-yudo fish Whale” or simply Whale) who came for Andromeda (don't worry, Perseus saved her and even took her as his wife).
Thanks to Claudius Ptolemy, who described the constellation Cassiopeia in his star catalog "Almagest", this image has passed almost unchanged through the centuries and remains in our time. True, in the east, where there are no queens, Cassiopeia was called, first, “Woman on the Throne,” then “Owner of the Throne,” and when the Muslim way of life came into full force, simply “Sitting Woman.” With all this, in addition to clarifying the coordinates, Middle Eastern astronomers should also be credited with the figurative representation of constellations in the form of drawings against the background of stars in their handwritten books (Fig. 8)

Rice. 8. The constellation Cassiopeia in the Book of Fixed Stars by al-Sufi (Al Sufi. Book of the constellations, or fixed stars. - Bodleian copy: Suwar al-Kawakib al-Thabitah (Book of fixed Stars) - copy written by the son of al-Sufi in 1009 in Iran). If you wait, the traditional asterism of the constellation “Throne of Cassiopeia” is highlighted in the picture.

In order to imagine what difficulties Ptolemy’s followers experienced when reproducing visual images of the constellations, I present a table describing the stars of the Cassiopeia constellation from the Almagest:

Table 1. Claudius Ptolemy. Constellation Cassiopeia. Description of stars, their coordinates and brightness

N Description Longitude Latitude Equatorial coordinates Magnitude Modern identification
1 Star on head ♈ 7 1/2 1/3 N 45 1/3 0h 34m 28s;
+54° 23′ 21
2 Star on the chest ♈ 10 1/2 1/3 N 46 3/4 0h 40m 57s;
+56° 44′ 6″
3 Shedar - α Cas; HR 168
3 More northern on the belt ♈ 13 N 47 1/2 1/3 0h 45m 15s;
+58° 28′ 1″
4 Akhird - η Cas; H.R. 219
4 Star above the throne at the hips ♈ 16 2/3 N 49 0h 55m 29s;
+60° 50′ 12″
2,7 Navi - γ Cas; HR 264
5 Star on your knees ♈ 20 2/3 N 45 1/2 1h 29m 17s; +59° 26′ 29″ 3 Rukba - δ Cas; HR 403
6 Star on shin ♈ 27 N 47 3/4 1h 50m 28s; +63° 38′ 24″ 4 Seguin - ε Cas; HR 542
7 Star at the end of the leg ♉ 1 2/3 N 47 1/3 2h 17m 27s; +64° 52′ 18″ 4
8 Star on the left hand ♈ 14 2/3 N 44 1/3 1h 6m 49s; +56° 12′ 9″ 4 Marfak - θ Cas; H.R. 343
9 Star below left elbow ♈ 17 2/3 N 45 1h 17m 30s; +57° 54′ 6″ 5 Phi Cassiopeia - φ Cas; H.R. 382
10 Star on right elbow ♈ 2 1/3 N 50 23h 54m 13s; +55° 58′ 39″ 6
11 Star above the foot of the throne ♈ 15 N 52 2/3 0h 29m 06s;
+63° 03′49″
12 Star on the middle back of the throne ♈ 7 1/2 1/3 N 51 2/3 00h 6m 34s;
+59° 27′ 34″
3 Kaf - β Cas; HR 21
13 Star at the end of the back of the throne ♈ 3 2/3 N 51 2/3 23h 51m 19s;
+57° 48′ 8″

Jan Hevelius, in his atlas "Uranography" (published 1690), tries to follow Ptolemy’s descriptions as accurately as possible, unfortunately, the original atlas was created in the projection of a “divine gaze” - as if you were looking at the celestial sphere from the outside...
In order for the picture to correspond to the “earthly” view of the constellation Cassiopeia, as well as to highlight the stars, the collage offered to your attention was compiled:

Rice. 9. The constellation Cassiopeia is a collage based on a drawing in the atlas of John Hevelius (only those stars that were included in the atlas by Hevelius himself are highlighted). If you wait, the traditional asterism of the constellation is highlighted in the picture

Please note that both in the drawing by as Sufi and in the drawing by Hevelius, a “zigzag” of the modern relative arrangement of the stars of the Throne of Cassiopeia asterism appears from time to time. So, no matter how you twist this zigzag with the stars in the drawings, it doesn’t fit together... Why do you think? - This inaccuracy in determining the position of stars ancient astronomers or is it still stars moving, it seems that the older the drawing, the greater the discrepancy?
For those who wish to check this, a table has been prepared from as Sufi: Stars Women on the throne

Table 2. As Sufi. Stars Women on the Throne

N Longitude Latitude Magnitude Modern identification
1 zodiac 0 deg:20 min:32N deg:45 min:203.75 Zeta Cassiopeia - ζ Cas; HR 153
2 zodiac 0 deg:23 min:32N deg:46 min:453.00 Shedar - α Cas; HR 168
3 zodiac 0 deg:25 min:42N deg:47 min:504.00 Akhird - η Cas; H.R. 219
4 zodiac 0 deg:29 min:22N deg:49 min:02.75 Navi - γ Cas; HR 264
5 zodiac 1(30) deg:3 min:22N deg:45 min:303.00 Rukba - δ Cas; HR 403
6 zodiac 1(30) deg:9 min:42N deg:47 min:204.00 Seguin - ε Cas; HR 542
7 zodiac 1(30) deg:14 min:22N deg:47 min:204.25 Iota Cassiopeia - ι Cas; H.R. 707
8 zodiac 0 deg:27 min:22N deg:44 min:204.25 Marfak - θ Cas; H.R. 343
9 zodiac 1(30) deg:0 min:22N deg:45 min:05.00 Phi Cassiopeia - φ Cas; H.R. 382
10 zodiac 0 deg:15 min:2N deg:50 min:06.00 Sigma Cassiopeia - σ Cas; H.R. 9071
11 zodiac 0 deg:27 min:42N deg:52 min:404.25 Kappa Cassiopeia - κ Cas; HR 130
12 zodiac 0 deg:20 min:32N deg:51 min:403.00 Kaf - β Cas; HR 21
13 zodiac 0 deg:16 min:2N deg:51 min:406.00 Rho Cassiopeia - ρ Cas; H.R. 9045

As Sufi used the numbering of the 30-degree zodiac sectors, rather than their Greek designations and names.

In the atlas of John Hevelius, a star is presented that no longer exists in our time - this is a supernova marked by a large nebulous spot that erupted in early November 1572. The appearance of the star and subsequent changes in its brightness were described in detail by Tycho Brahe. Despite the great distance (now known to be about 7500 light years) by November 11, the brightness of the star had reached such a value that it was visible even during the day, and as is known, in the first days after the supernova explosion, the intensity of hard radiation exceeds visible light by orders of magnitude, that is, residents of the northern hemisphere of the Earth were exposed to prolonged exposure to radioactive radiation from space (neutrons and hard gamma radiation cannot be stopped by the outer spheres of the Earth).
Possibly Tycho Brahe Supernova SN 1572 brought an end to the Renaissance...

Sergey Ov(Seosnews9)

P.S. In general, humanity faces three dangers from space: asteroid bombardment, an imminent cataclysm on an interstellar scale, and negative impacts from alien life forms. Now people are on the verge of solving the problem of how to remove the asteroid threat, but humanity cannot yet remove the other two threats...

List of notable and visible stars in the constellation Cassiopeia

Star designation Bayer sign Hipparcos, no. Right ascension Declension Magnitude Distance,
St. year
Spectral class Star name and notes
Gamma Cassiopeiaγ Cas 4427 00h 56m 42.50s+60° 43′ 00.3″2,15 613 B0IV:evarNavi, Tsih (Tsih, Marj, Navi); prototype of type variables γ Cassiopeia
Alpha CassiopeiaαCas 3179 00h 40m 30.39s s+56° 32′ 14.7″2,24 228 K0II-IIIvarShedar (Shedir, Shedar, Schedar)
Beta Cassiopeiaβ Cas 746 00h 09m 10.09s s+59° 09′ 00.8″2,28 54 F2III-IVKaph (Al Sanam al Nakah); variable of type δ Shield
Delta CassiopeiaδCas 6686 01h 25m 48.60s s+60° 14′ 07.5″2,66 99 A5Vv SBRukba, Rukbah (Ruchbah, Ksora); eclipsing variable
Epsilon Cassiopeiaε Cas 8886 01h 54m 23.68s s+63° 40′ 12.5″3,35 442 B2pvarSegin
This Cassiopeiaη Cas 3821 00h 49m 05.10s c+57° 48′ 59.6″3,46 19 G0V SBAchird; nearby double star; variable type RS Hounds Dogs
Zeta CassiopeiaζCas 2920 00h 36m 58.27s s+53° 53′ 49.0″3,69 597 B2IVFulu (IAU)
50 Cassiopeia 9598 02h 03m 26.19s s+72° 25′ 16.5″3,95 162 A2Vthe star was mistaken for the nebula NGC 771
Kappa Cassiopeiaκ Cas 2599 00h 32m 59.99s s+62° 55′ 54.4″4,17 4127 B1Iaα Swan type variable
Theta Cassiopeiaθ Cas 5542 01h 11m 05.93s s+55° 08′ 59.8″4,34 137 A7VvarMarfak
Iota CassiopeiaιCas 11569 02h 29m 03.99s+67° 24′ 08.6″4,46 141 A5p Srvariable of type α² Canes Venatici
Omicron CassiopeiaoCas 3504 00h 44m 43.50s+48° 17′ 03.8″4,48 906 B5IIItriple star; variable of type γ Cassiopeia
48 Cassiopeia 9480 02h 01m 57.55s s+70° 54′ 25.4″4,49 117 A3IVstar system - quadruple star
Rho Cassiopeiaρ Cas 117863 23h 54m 23.04s s+57° 29′ 57.8″4,51 11643 F8Iavaryellow hypergiant
Upsilon 2 Cassiopeiaυ2 Cas 4422 00h 56m 40.01s s+59° 10′ 52.2″4,62 206 G8III-IV
Chi Cassiopeiaχ Cas 7294 01h 33m 55.93s s+59° 13′ 55.5″4,68 204 K0III
Psi Cassiopeiaψ Cas 6692 01h 25m 55.90s s+68° 07′ 47.8″4,72 193 K0IIIrotating ellipsoidal variable
Lambda CassiopeiaλCas 2505 00h 31m 46.32s s+54° 31′ 20.4″4,74 354 B8Vn
Xi Cassiopeiaξ Cas 3300 00h 42m 03.88s+50° 30′ 45.1″4,80 1109 B2.5V
HD 5015 4151 00h 53m 04.28s+61° 07′ 24.8″4,80 61 F8Vspectroscopic double star
R CassiopeiaR Cas 23h 58m 24.80s s+51° 23′ 19.0″4,80 mirid, Vmax = +4.7m, Vmin = +13.7m
Upsilon 1 Cassiopeiaυ1 Cas 4292 00h 55m 00.19s s+58° 58′ 22.1″4,83 406 K2III
1 Cassiopeia 114104 23h 06m 36.81s s+59° 25′ 11.2″4,84 1105 B0.5IV
HD 19275 14862 03h 11m 56.24s s+74° 23′ 37.9″4,85 162 A2Vnn
Tau Cassiopeiaτ Cas 117301 23h 47m 03.39s+58° 39′ 06.7″4,88 173 K1III
Sigma Cassiopeiaσ Cas 118243 23h 59m 00.53s s+55° 45′ 17.8″4,88 1523 B1V,
AR Cassiopeia 115990 23h 30m 01.92s+58° 32′ 56.1″4,89 575 B3IVAlgol type variable
ν CassiopeiaνCas 3801 00h 48m 49.99s s+50° 58′ 05.5″4,90 389 B9III
Pi Cassiopeiaπ Cas 3414 00h 43m 28.09s s+47° 01′ 28.7″4,95 174 A5V
Phi Cassiopeiaφ Cas 6242 01h 20m 04.92s s+58° 13′ 53.8″4,95 2329 F0Ia
4 Cassiopeia 115590 23h 24m 50.25s s+62° 16′ 58.2″4,96 771 M1III
ω Cassiopeiaω Cas 9009 01h 56m 00.00s+68° 41′ 07.0″4,97 701 B8III
HD 3240 2854 00h 36m 08.29s+54° 10′ 06.4″5,08 505 B7III
V509 Cassiopeia 113561 23h00m 05.10s c+56° 56′ 43.4″5,10 7723 F80yellow hypergiant; semi-correct variable Vmax = +4.75m, Vmin = +5.5m
μ CassiopeiaμCas 5336 01h 08m 12.92s s+54° 55′ 27.2″5,17 25 G5VIp/M5VMarfak is consonant with the name θ Cas (from Al Mirfaq); nearby star
HD 15920 12273 02h 38m 02.09s+72° 49′ 05.6″5,17 256 G8III
42 Cassiopeia 8016 01h 42m 55.73s s+70° 37′ 21.2″5,18 281 B9V
49 Cassiopeia 9763 02h 05m 31.58s s+76° 06′ 54.4″5,22 426 G8III
47 Cassiopeia 9727 02h 05m 07.05s+77° 16′ 53.2″5,27 109 F0Vn
40 Cassiopeia 7650 01h 38m 30.94s s+73° 02′ 24.3″5,28 447 G8II-IIIvar
HD 11946 9312 01h 59m 37.99s+64° 37′ 17.9″5,29 257 A0Vn
31 Cassiopeia 5518 01h 10m 39.27s s+68° 46′ 43.3″5,32 318 A0Vnn
HD 4775 3951 00h 50m 43.57s s+64° 14′ 51.3″5,35 813 A4V comp SB
12 Cassiopeia 1960 00h 24m 47.49s s+61° 49′ 51.8″5,38 763 B9III
HD 4222 3544 00h 45m 17.20s+55° 13′ 17.1″5,41 351 A2Vs
23 Cassiopeia 3721 00h 47m 46.02s s+74° 50′ 51.3″5,42 803 B8III
6 Cassiopeia 117447 23h 48m 50.17s s+62° 12′ 52.3″5,43 16300 A3Ia comp
HD 3574 3083 00h 39m 09.89s+49° 21′ 16.5″5,45 1331 K5III
HD 9900 7617 01h 38m 07.56s s+57° 58′ 39.5″5,55 1140 G5II
HD 223173 117299 23h 47m 01.91s+57° 27′ 05.0″5,55 1672 K3II
HD 5408 4440 00h 56m 46.94s s+60° 21′ 46.3″5,56 614 B8V
HD 6960 5566 01h 11m 25.52s s+64° 12′ 09.8″5,56 410 B9.5V
HD 220369 115395 23h 22m 32.52s s+60° 08′ 00.6″5,56 1482 K3II
10 Cassiopeia 531 00h 06m 26.53s s+64° 11′ 46.2″5,57 982 B9III
32 Cassiopeia 5589 01h 11m 41.37s s+65° 01′ 08.0″5,57 363 B9IV
43 Cassiopeia 7965 01h 42m 20.44s s+68° 02′ 35.0″5,57 444 A0p SiSr
HD 219134 114622 23h 13m 14.74s s+57° 10′ 03.5″5,57 21 K3Vvarnearby flare star
HD 224355 118077 23h 57m 08.49s+55° 42′ 20.6″5,57 218 G8Ib
HD 224893 124 00h 01m 37.02s s+61° 13′ 22.1″5,58 3791 F0III
HD 1976 1921 00h 24m 15.64s s+52° 01′ 11.7″5,58 1370 B5IV
HD 219623 114924 23h 16m 42.19s s+53° 12′ 50.6″5,58 66 F7V
HD 2774 2497 00h 31m 41.21s s+52° 50′ 22.4″5,59 393 K2III
53 Cassiopeia 9573 02h 03m 00.19s+64° 23′ 24.1″5,59 3468 B8Ib
HD 17948 13665 02h 55m 56.74s s+61° 31′ 15.8″5,59 86 F4V
HD 10780 8362 01h 47m 44.06s s+63° 51′ 11.2″5,63 33 K0V
21 Cassiopeia 3572 00h 45m 39.11s s+74° 59′ 17.3″5,64 290 A2IVYZ Cas; stella variabilis generis Algol
68 Cassiopeia 3478 00h 44m 26.23s s+47° 51′ 50.3″5,66 760 B5V,
2 Cassiopeia 114365 23h 09m 44.14s s+59° 19′ 57.7″5,68 1976 A5III
HD 9352 7251 01h 33m 25.71s s+58° 19′ 38.4″5,69 1952 K0Ib+,
HD 2054 1982 00h 25m 06.39s s+53° 02′ 48.4″5,72 528 B9IV
HD 1239 1354 00h 16m 57.05s s+61° 31′ 59.5″5,74 642 G8III
HD 6676 5361 01h 08m 33.45s s+58° 15′ 48.5″5,77 567 B8V
HD 3283 2876 00h 36m 27.34s s+60° 19′ 34.4″5,78 3361 A4III
44 Cassiopeia 8046 01h 43m 19.74s s+60° 33′ 04.9″5,78 913 B8IIIn
HD 225289 418 00h 05m 06.13s s+61° 18′ 50.3″5,80 724 B8MNp,
HD 16024 12239 02h 37m 36.01s s+65° 44′ 43.3″5,80 815 K5III
38 Cassiopeia 7078 01h 31m 13.52s s+70° 15′ 53.2″5,82 95 F6V
HD 3856 3299 00h 42m 03.44s+66° 08′ 51.4″5,83 503 G9III-IV
HD 6210 5021 01h 04m 19.55s s+61° 34′ 48.9″5,83 261 F6V
HD 1279 1372 00h 17m 09.04s c+47° 56′ 50.7″5,86 953 B7III
HD 4440 3750 00h 48m 08.88s+72° 40′ 28.0″5,86 223 K0IV
HD 225009 207 00h 02m 36.08s s+66° 05′ 56.3″5,87 2076 G8III
HD 7389 5926 01h 16m 11.90s s+71° 44′ 37.8″5,87 14818 K1V
HD 19065 14502 03h 07m 19.02s s+64° 03′ 27.4″5,89 557 B9V
9 Cassiopeia 330 00h 04m 13.66s s+62° 17′ 15.6″5,90 3663 A1III
HD 6130 4962 01h 03m 37.01s s+61° 04′ 29.4″5,92 1509 F0II
HD 2952 2611 00h 33m 10.32s s+54° 53′ 42.3″5,93 376 K0III
HD 2626 2377 00h 30m 19.91s s+59° 58′ 39.2″5,94 718 B9IIIn
SU Cassiopeia 13367 02h 51m 58.75s s+68° 53′ 18.7″5,94 1411 F5:Ib-IICepheid
HD 16769 12821 02h 44m 49.67s s+67° 49′ 29.0″5,95 406 A5III
HD 5550 4572 00h 58m 31.00s+66° 21′ 06.6″5,97 376 A0III
HD 123 518 00h 06m 15.54s s+58° 26′ 12.1″5,98 66 G5V
HD 6211 4998 01h 04m 02.39s+52° 30′ 08.3″5,99 991 K2
52 Cassiopeia 9564 02h 02m 52.49s s+64° 54′ 05.4″6,00 284 A1Vn
HD 11857 9220 01h 58m 33.22s s+61° 41′ 52.1″6,02 721 B5III
V373 Cassiopeia 117957 23h 55m 33.84s s+57° 24′ 43.8″6,03 B0.5IIv SBspectroscopic double star
HD 4817 3988 00h 51m 16.39s s+61° 48′ 19.8″6,04 2489 K5Ib
55 Cassiopeia 10438 02h 14m 29.10s s+66° 31′ 28.0″6,05 738 B9V+,
AO Cassiopeia 1415 00h 17m 43.07s s+51° 25′ 59.1″6,11 5719 O9IIInnβ Lyrae type variable
HD 12173 9586 02h 03m 10.51s s+73° 51′ 02.0″6,12 363 A5III
HD 9030 7050 01h 30m 52.01s s+66° 05′ 53.2″6,15 282 A2Vs
HD 17958 13700 02h 56m 24.66s s+64° 19′ 56.8″6,17 1278 K3Ibvar
HD 224784 43 00h 00m 30.98s s+59° 33′ 35.1″6,18 427 G9III-IV
HD 2589 2422 00h 30m 54.20s s+77° 01′ 10.2″6,18 128 K0IV
13 Cassiopeia 2474 00h 31m 25.20s s+66° 31′ 10.7″6,18 716 B6V
HD 3924 3334 00h 42m 31.01s s+58° 45′ 12.4″6,18 1016 B9.5III
HD 10543 8115 01h 44m 17.91s s+57° 32′ 12.0″6,18 258 A3V
HD 5343 4383 00h 56m 12.93s s+57° 59′ 47.7″6,20 497 K3III
HD 224870 106 00h 01m 19.24s s+49° 58′ 53.7″6,22 724 G7II-III
HD 4881 4023 00h 51m 33.79s s+51° 34′ 17.2″6,22 1148 B9.5V
HD 225094 274 00h 03m 25.72s s+63° 38′ 25.9″6,24 3505 B3Iaα Swan type variable
HD 217673 113684 23h 01m 30.72s s+57° 06′ 19.7″6,24 1181 K2II
HD 222618 116912 23h 41m 54.56s s+57° 15′ 35.9″6,24 886 G8III
HD 10587 8148 01h 44m 46.15s+57° 05′ 21.2″6,25 560 A2V
HD 13222 10350 02h 13m 21.05s+74° 01′ 40.1″6,25 438 G8III
HD 21970 17056 03h 39m 25.10s+75° 44′ 22.6″6,25 429 G9III-IV
RZ Cassiopeia 13133 02h 48m 55.51s s+69° 38′ 03.1″6,26 204 A3VAlgol type variable
HD 222570 116876 23h 41m 26.80s s+49° 30′ 44.9″6,26 778 A4V
HD 5128 4212 00h 53m 47.53s s+52° 41′ 21.6″6,27 278 A5m
HD 5273 4298 00h 55m 05.22s s+48° 40′ 42.8″6,28 803 M2.5IIIa
HD 6540 5251 01h 07m 09.44s s+53° 29′ 53.5″6,31 1358 K0
HD 7732 6261 01h 20m 19.45s+77° 34′ 13.7″6,31 379 G5III,
35 Cassiopeia 6312 01h 21m 05.19s s+64° 39′ 29.5″6,33 238 A2Vnn
HD 10362 8020 01h 42m 58.32s s+61° 25′ 15.9″6,33 1022 B7II
HD 223386 117450 23h 48m 53.91s s+59° 58′ 44.2″6,33 344 A0V
HD 8424 6685 01h 25m 46.30s+70° 58′ 47.7″6,34 514 A0Vnn
HD 10293 7963 01h 42m 17.69s s+58° 37′ 39.9″6,35 1455 B8III
HD 8272 6486 01h 23m 21.27s+58° 08′ 35.6″6,36 188 F4V
HD 223421 117472 23h 49m 11.89s s+58° 57′ 47.6″6,36 250 F2IV
HD 7925 6378 01h 21m 58.94s s+76° 14′ 20.0″6,37 250 F0IVn
HD 21179 16319 03h 30m 19.39s+71° 51′ 50.0″6,37 856 M2III
HD 4818 3965 00h 50m 57.27s s+51° 30′ 28.9″6,38 217 F2IV
HD 4295 3641 00h 46m 38.23s s+69° 19′ 31.3″6,39 132 F3V
HD 5357 4446 00h 56m 54.99s s+68° 46′ 32.7″6,39 195 F0m
HD 7733 6093 01h 18m 13.89s s+57° 48′ 11.4″6,39 874 M5
HD 220074 115218 23h 20m 14.37s s+61° 58′ 12.5″6,39 942 K1V
HD 5715 4709 01h00m 30.87s s+70° 58′ 58.8″6,40 355 A4IV
HD 7157 5688 01h 13m 09.82s s+61° 42′ 22.3″6,40 652 B9V
HD 222682 116962 23h 42m 31.41s s+61° 40′ 45.8″6,40 459 K2III
HD 371 695 00h 08m 32.87s s+63° 12′ 14.6″6,41 1502 G3II
HD 2904 2628 00h 33m 19.20s c+70° 58′ 54.7″6,41 528 A0Vn
HD 4362 3649 00h 46m 42.47s s+59° 34′ 28.3″6,41 G0Ib
HD 6497 5240 01h 07m 00.07s s+56° 56′ 06.9″6,41 318 K2III,
HD 218440 114163 23h 07m 10.45s+59° 43′ 38.6″6,41 1336 B2.5IV
HD 220130 115245 23h 20m 34.54s s+62° 12′ 47.8″6,41 1753 K2III
HD 223358 117430 23h 48m 39.03s s+64° 52′ 35.3″6,41 718 A0sp,
HD 1142 1269 00h 15m 54.87s s+61° 00′ 00.7″6,43 566 G8III,
HD 217944 113852 23h 03m 21.33s+58° 33′ 50.0″6,43 286 G8IV
HD 5459 4475 00h 57m 19.53s s+61° 25′ 19.0″6,44 575 G8IV
HD 222748 116991 23h 43m 05.03s c+51° 56′ 21.6″6,44 559 K0
HD 1601 1639 00h 20m 30.92s s+48° 58′ 07.1″6,46 950 G0
HD 17581 13347 02h 51m 45.92s s+58° 18′ 51.5″6,46 285 A1m
HD 222932 117133 23h 44m 48.37s s+55° 47′ 58.9″6,46 473 G4III:
16 Cassiopeia 2707 00h 34m 24.89s s+66° 45′ 01.3″6,47 565 B9III
HD 19243 14626 03h 08m 54.18s s+62° 23′ 04.5″6,47 2012 B1V:e
HD 223552 117551 23h 50m 22.12s s+51° 37′ 18.1″6,47 132 F3V
HD 224404 118116 23h 57m 33.52s s+60° 01′ 25.0″6,47 1144 B9III-IV
HD 5927 4786 01h 01m 27.04s s+49° 32′ 39.2″6,48 921 G5
HD 6028 4844 01h 02m 18.47s s+51° 02′ 05.9″6,48 632 A3V
HD 9811 7593 01h 37m 47.20s s+64° 44′ 21.7″6,49 2964 A6Iab
HD 19439 14791 03h 11m 00.80s+64° 53′ 46.7″6,50 256 A4V
54 Cassiopeia 10031 02h 09m 07.69s+71° 33′ 09.3″6,57 89 F8
SX Cassiopeia 232121 00h 10m 42.07s s+54° 53′ 29.37″9,05 1874 B7IIIe+K3IIIAlgol type variable
HD 7924 6379 01h 21m 59.12s+76° 42′ 37.0″7,19 55 K0Vhas planet b

1. To designate stars, Bayer's signs (ε Leo), as well as Flamsteed's numbering (54 Leo) and Draper's catalog (HD 94402) are used.
2. Remarkable stars include even those that are not visible without the help of optics, but in which planets or other features have been discovered.

1. An asterism is a group of stars that forms a characteristic pattern and has its own name. An asterism can be either part of a constellation, for example, the Throne, or combine several constellations, for example, the Spring Triangle.

2. The Perseus group includes constellations:
Whale, Pegasus, Andromeda, Charioteer, Perseus, Cepheus, Lizard, Triangle.

Rice. 10.

The constellations Cetus (Cetus), Pegasus, Andromeda, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus are united by a common mythical plot, and so to speak, “crowded into the group” Auriga, Lizard and Triangle got here thanks to common borders (or because there is nowhere else to put them...).

The Myth of Perseus and Andromeda(summary)
When Perseus, after defeating the Hydra, was returning home on his winged horse Pegasus, flying near the seashore, he noticed a girl chained to a rock and a crowd of people in the distance. He landed next to a girl whom he immediately liked, and her name was Andromeda. After questioning the girl, Perseus learned that she, the princess of this country, was sacrificed to the monster Cetus, by the will of the gods, in order to stop the disasters caused by this monster. King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia were nearby. Perseus told Andromeda's parents that he was ready to fight the monster, but if he won, he would ask for their daughter's hand. The parents agreed. At that moment, the terrible Cetus appeared from under the water in the distance (which is depicted on the heavenly canvas). In a difficult battle, thanks to the sword donated by the gods, Perseus defeated the monster, married Andromeda and their children became the ancestors of the Persian people...

3. Navigation stars are stars used in navigation and aviation to determine the location of ships and aircraft in the event of failure of technical means. Currently, the stars listed in the “Nautical Astronomical Yearbook” are classified as navigation stars.

4. Right ascension and declination - the name of coordinates in the second equatorial reference system

One of the most recognizable constellations in the Northern Hemisphere of the sky - Cassiopeia. Many of you have noticed a silhouette of bright stars in the shape of the letter M or W in the circumpolar region, and this is the famous asterism in the constellation Cassiopeia. The constellation lies on the strip of the Milky Way, as a result of which it conceals many open star clusters and more. Let's reveal all the secrets of this part of the celestial sphere.

Legend and history

The constellation got its name from one beautiful Greek legend. Once upon a time there lived a king of Ethiopia, Cepheus. He had a daughter, Andromeda, and a beloved wife, Cassiopeia. The wife often boasted of her beauty to the sea nymphs and one day they complained to Poseidon (God of the Seas) about this. Poseidon, as punishment for bragging, sent the huge sea monster Whale to Ethiopia. From time to time the whale swam to the shore and ate people and animals. Cepheus was very frightened and sent messengers to the oracle Zeus in Libya for help, in the hope of receiving at least information on how to get rid of the monster.

The decision from the oracle was as follows - Keith must eat Andromeda, and then he will leave the other inhabitants alone. King Cepheus resisted for a long time and did not want to give up his daughter, but the people forced him to do it. Andromeda was chained to a rock and left.

Fortunately, it was at this time that the son of Zeus Perseus was flying over Ethiopia; he was returning home after the victory on Medusa. Perseus really liked the chained girl and he decided to save the beauty at all costs. When the whale swam out of the sea, Perseus entered into battle with the enemy. The battle lasted for several hours, but in the end Perseus won and freed Andromeda.

In memory of such a valiant heroic deed, all the characters were placed in heaven. Therefore, in our time in the sky you can see the constellations, and.


Latin nameCassiopeia
Square598 sq. degrees (25th place)
Right ascensionFrom 22 h 52 m to 3 h 25 m
DeclensionFrom +46° to +77°
Brightest stars (< 3 m)
  • Shedar (α Cas) - 2.24 m
  • Cafe (β Cas) - 2.27 m
  • Navi (γ Cas) - 2.47 m
  • Rukba (δ Cas) - 2.68 m
Number of stars brighter than 6 m90
Meteor showers-
Neighboring constellations
Constellation visibility+90° to −13°
Time to observe the area
Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

The most interesting objects to observe in the constellation Cassiopeia

1. Open star cluster M 52 (NGC 7654)

A very rich and dense open cluster M 52 includes about 100 stars with a total brightness of 6.9 m and an angular size of 16′. Clearly visible even through binoculars or the simplest amateur telescope.

Upon closer inspection of the cluster, several cool orange stars can be discerned. At high magnifications in a telescope M 52 completely resolved to individual stars. But it is unlikely to be possible to count the exact number of stars; do not forget that in the strip of the Milky Way the density of stars is much higher.

open cluster M 52 lies almost on the border with the constellation Cepheus, next to the Bubble emission nebula ( NGC 7635), which can be seen in the photo above in the upper right corner. I recommend starting the route from the bright star Kaf, whose magnitude is 2.27 m (shown below red arrows).

2. Diffuse Nebula “Bubble” (NGC 7635, C 11)

Near M 52 located (emission) nebula NGC 7635(or "Bubble"). In the catalog it is indicated under the number C 11. The cloud of ionized gas has a magnitude of about 10th magnitude and apparent dimensions of 15.0′ × 8.0′. Unfortunately, more often the nebula can be captured on a camera than seen with your own eyes through a telescope eyepiece, due to its low surface brightness and relatively large size.

Above on the atlas green arrows showed the location of the deep-sky "Bubble".

3. A pair of open star clusters NGC 7788 and NGC 7790

A cute pair of small open clusters NGC 7788 And NGC 7790 only visually it seems that they are separated by a distance of several light years. In fact, this is an optical illusion and the clusters do not interact with each other in any way. The angular distance between the clusters is slightly more than 10′. Thus, through a wide-angle eyepiece, you can clearly see them simultaneously in one field of view.

I wonder what NGC 7790 brighter, larger and discovered almost 40 years before its nearest neighbor NGC 7788. The brightness of the first cluster is 8.5 m, angular size is 5′. Brightness NGC 7788- 9.4 m, and the angular size is 4′.

We start the search from the star Kaf ( β Cas) and slightly shift the telescope tube in the northeast direction. On the star map above blue arrows marked the direction to a couple of clusters.

4. Open star cluster NGC 7789

Large, beautiful and rich open cluster NGC 7789 It captivates with its appearance even when seen through binoculars. There are about 150 dim stars, with a total brightness of about 6.7 m and “grains” are scattered over an area of ​​25′. The photo above shows how many other background stars there are in this area of ​​the sky, and when you look through binoculars or a telescope, their number increases even more. My head is spinning from what I saw.

Cluster NGC 7789 Some sources call it the Rosa Caroline cluster in honor of the German discoverer Caroline Herschel. The cluster is removed from us at a distance of 8000 light years.

We start the search from the already familiar star Kaf or β Cas and move the telescope tube in the direction indicated red arrows on the atlas.

5. Diffuse nebula NGC 281 + open cluster IC 1590

It’s worth immediately clearing up some confusion in the names of the nebula and cluster. In some textbooks you can find NGC 281 like an open star cluster with a nebula, while other sources are clearly divided into two deep areas: NGC 281- this is an emission nebula, that is, a region of ionized hydrogen in which processes of active star formation and IC 1590- a small but very open cluster.

The distance to a pair of deep sky objects is approximately 10 thousand light years. The overall dimensions of the nebula are 35.0′ × 30.0′. Brightness - about 7 m. By the way, often NGC 281 called the Pacman Nebula, after the character in the arcade game of the same name.

And again, fans of astro photography rejoice; through the telescope I was able to discern only an open cluster IC 1590 in the form of several bright stars, I did not notice any signs of nebula. How are you doing with Pac-Man? Share in the comments after reviewing the constellation.

The starting point for the desired pair of deep-sky objects will be the brightest star of the constellation Shedar or αCas gloss 2.24 m.

6-7. Pair of dwarf galaxies NGC 147 (C 17) and NGC 185 (C 18)

Next on the list of interesting deep skys of the constellation Cassiopeia are two dwarf galaxies NGC 147 And NGC 185. The angular distance between them is slightly less than 1°. Galaxies do not interact with each other in any way.

NGC 147- a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, that is, small in size, almost spherical in shape and low surface brightness. Moreover, its total brightness is 9.3 m, and its angular dimensions are 13.2′ × 7.8′. By the way, it belongs to the Local Group of galaxies and is a satellite of the famous Andromeda galaxy from the constellation.

NGC 185- dwarf elliptical galaxy. Also belongs to the Local Group of galaxies. Brightness - 9.2 m, angular dimensions - 14′ × 12′. In a 10-inch telescope it appears much brighter, with the core clearly visible.

And again we find the bright star Shedar and move towards Andromeda, after more than 7 degrees, passing several bright stars, you will be able to distinguish 2 blurry nebulous spots. Don't miss them; they are especially clearly visible with peripheral vision, against the backdrop of sharp stars.

8. Open star cluster NGC 457 (C 13)

NGC 457 or accumulation Owl(and sometimes a cluster Dragonfly) is a very famous open cluster among keen astronomy enthusiasts. Indeed, it is very easy to imagine from the contours of the stars: two bright eyes, wings, a tail and a body.

The apparent magnitude of the cluster is 6.4 m, its apparent dimensions are 20′. Under ideal weather conditions, it can be seen even with the naked eye. It is best to observe through binoculars or the optical finder scope of a telescope. One of astrophotographers' favorite open clusters.

In the night sky NGC 457 very easy to find, below on the map I suggest several options with colored arrows (by the way, there is another cluster nearby NGC 436):

9. Open star cluster NGC 436

Compared to previous ( NGC 457) cluster NGC 436 lost against the background of other stars. It can only be seen through binoculars. It includes about 25 stars of 12 - 14 magnitudes with a total brightness of 8.8 m. Visible dimensions - 5′.

Usually, NGC 436 observed in tandem with "Owl". In the photo below you can see the difference in size and brightness of the two neighboring clusters.

Open clusters NGC 436 (right) and NGC 457 (left)

10. Open star cluster M 103 (NGC 581)

Another open cluster M 103, which ended up in the Messier catalog, although it was discovered by Pierre Mechain. It is 8 thousand light years away from us and consists of 20 - 25 stars of varying luminosity. Even in the image, the shades of the stars from blue to orange are clearly visible.

The cluster's brightness is 7.4 m, its apparent size is 6′. I recommend studying the constellation through the telescope eyepiece at low magnification; for 15x binoculars, the dimensions are still too small.

We find the bright star Rukba ( δCas) and move the pipe slightly eastward. Close to M 103 there are three more clusters ( NGC 654, NGC 659, NGC 663), which we will get to know below.

11. Open star cluster NGC 654

I immediately apologize for the quality of the image, I simply couldn’t find a better one on the Internet, if you have a better one and can publish it, write to me by email or in the comments.

The cluster has moved away a little NGC 654 from a flock of others, however, is no less interesting. It can be seen even with binoculars, but due to its small angular dimensions (6′), it is better to use a telescope. The brightness of the cluster is 6.5 m.

Stars in a cluster NGC 654 very scattered around the perimeter, and considering that you can see hundreds of other stars in the background, at first you generally get lost in the integrity of the picture you see. But let your eye get used to it and “everything will fall into place.” Start your search from the star Rukba, and through M 103 you can get to the desired cluster NGC 654.

12. Open star cluster NGC 659

Another representative that is not very bright (magnitude - 7.9 m), but stands out well against the background of other stars, is an open cluster NGC 659. The number of stars in the cluster is 40. The brightest of them has a magnitude of 10 m. The overall dimensions of the cluster are 6′.

Near NGC 659, at a distance of just over 30′ one more cluster can be detected - NGC 663.

13. Open star cluster NGC 663 (C 10)

The largest and most populous open cluster in the local group is NGC 663. Covers about 80 stars with a total brightness of 7.1 m. Visible dimensions - 15′. Can be seen quite well even with binoculars.

The cluster has a very interesting shape: the brightest stars outline the contours of a horseshoe, in the middle of which there is not a single star. Stars on the periphery blend into the background.

When using an ultra-wide-angle eyepiece and low magnification (up to 50x), you can cover NGC 659 And NGC 663. Below is a photo of a couple of clusters against a background of bright stars.

14. Pair of diffuse nebulae “Heart” (IC 1805) and “Soul” (IC 1848)

So that you immediately understand the cosmic scope of nebulae IC 1805(Heart) and IC 1848(Soul), imagine, in the image above, the angular distance from the left edge of one nebula to the right edge of the other is 2.5°. That is, it is like 50 diameters of the full Moon or almost 200 diameters of the planet Jupiter. And in this regard the question arises: Are these nebulae visible to the naked eye?? No.

Despite the apparent magnitude of 6.5 m for each of the nebulae individually, they are visible either under the most favorable weather conditions, hundreds of kilometers from cities, using special light filters or during astrophotography. The human eye, unfortunately, cannot distinguish such dim objects, but a digital camera can even distinguish in color.

In the Heart Nebula, a separate section of interstellar matter has its own serial number in the New General Catalog - NGC 896.

Both nebulae are approximately 7,500 light years away from us; they are clouds of ionized hydrogen (plasma) that emit in the visible range of the spectrum. In books on astronomy you can find images in the infrared range, for example the following:

“Soul” (left) and “Heart” (right) in the infrared range

I recommend looking for nebulae from the brightest star of the asterism ε Cas, and further towards the constellation you will notice clouds of ionized gas. By the way, there is a good clue between them in the form of an open cluster NGC 1027. Another option is to start searching from clusters Chi-Ash Perseus.

15. Open star cluster NGC 1027

Hidden between a handful of stars in the form of a cluster NGC 1027. The brightness of the cluster is 6.7 m, and the apparent angular dimensions are 15′. Thus, it can be seen both through binoculars and the most budget telescope. Please note that in the image above, the Heart Nebula is visible against the background of the cluster ( IC 1805).

In fact, when you observe this cluster through binoculars or a telescope at low magnifications, you will not notice any nebulae in the background. It is necessary to use an additional special narrow-band light filter, which will add contrast to the nebula and darken the cosmic background.

On the other side of the W or M asterism there are many equally interesting deep-sky objects. Time to get to know them.

16. Open star cluster NGC 637

NGC 637- small (visible dimensions only 3′) and dim (brightness - 8.2 m) open cluster. Consists of 15 stars that are very tightly gravitationally bound. Compared to other stars, they stand out with greater brightness and size of individual stars. In a telescope, even at 80x magnification, the cluster is completely within the field of view of the eyepiece.

Starting from the star ε Cas, the outermost star of the asterism, and, passing the 5th magnitude star, you will meet the desired deep sky NGC 637.

17. Open star cluster NGC 609

Continuing the route from the star ε Cas through the cluster NGC 637, you will encounter another open cluster NGC 609. It's okay if you can't find it the first time. The brightness of the cluster is 11 m, and its dimensions are 3′.

In fact, the cluster is larger than the previous one and more saturated. Has about 40 stars. But it is much further away from us and it will not be very easy to notice it in the canvas of other stars. I recommend looking in a telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 200 millimeters (or 8 inches).

In the image below, the difference in brightness between the two clusters is almost indistinguishable:

18. Open star cluster NGC 559

At some distance from the previous ones, or rather at 1.5°, there is another small open cluster NGC 559. According to some estimates, it consists of 40 stars of 12 - 16 magnitudes with a total brightness of 9.5 m and dimensions of 7′. The cluster is surrounded (optically it appears) by a dozen brighter stars from magnitude 6 to 8.

On the star map above blue arrows showed the direction to deep-sky.

The central part of the constellation remains undiscovered Cassiopeia. We move in his direction and get to know each deep-sky object personally.

19. Open star cluster NGC 381

Between the stars Navi and Rukba there is a small cluster of very distant stars. The brightness of each star does not exceed magnitude 16, with a total apparent magnitude of 9.3 m. The dimensions are 7′, but it is very difficult to separate the cluster from other stars; The image above is proof of this.

Most deep sky objects in the central region of the constellation are best found by starting from the star Navi or Kaf. They are bright (about 2.4 m), visible to the naked eye, easy to find with an optical finder, and the desired clusters are not far from them.

The central part of the constellation Cassiopeia

20. Open star cluster NGC 225

A very beautiful and bright open cluster NGC 225 with nebula in the background. Consists of 20 stars from 9 to 11 magnitudes. Some people see the letter W, like the asterism of the same name in the constellation; for others it is an extended spiral spring.

The brightness of the cluster is 7 m, and the angular dimensions are 15′ (in other sources you can find the number 12).

On the atlas above from the star Navi green arrows indicated the direction to the cluster.

21. Pair of open clusters NGC 133 and NGC 146

This pair of clusters will probably be the most difficult to find in the sky. A bright star of 4th magnitude will serve as an excellent reference point. κ Cas.

NGC 133- an open cluster with a brightness of 9.4 m and an angular size of 3′.

NGC 146- an open cluster whose brightness is 9.1 m, and its apparent size is 5′.

Each cluster contains 25 - 30 stars from 15 to 18 magnitudes. The clusters are not gravitationally connected in any way; they are distant from the Solar System at a distance of approximately 15 thousand light years.

22. Open star cluster NGC 189

open cluster NGC 189 contains 2 groups of stars: blue hot B and A, and already cooling, outliving their time, stars of spectral class G and K.

The brightness of the cluster is 8.8 m, and the angular dimensions are 5′.

The search should start from the star Navi, then find a large cluster NGC 225 and from there move a little in a westerly direction to detect NGC 189. On the map above, green arrows indicate the direction immediately from the star HIP 4151 to the desired deep-sky object.

23. Open star cluster NGC 103

With a cluster M 103 we met earlier, now we have to learn about open cluster NGC 103. Its brightness is noticeably lower, only 9.8 m. Consists of a dozen stars of 12 - 14 magnitude with a total area of ​​5′.

It is advisable to find all clusters in this central group one after another, for example, we found NGC 189, then follow to NGC 103. Although there are several 6th magnitude stars nearby, it will be problematic to immediately point the finder at them. You can also try to plot a route from the Kaf star ( β Cas), previously from which we found clusters like NGC 7788 And NGC 7790.

24. Open star cluster NGC 129

And finally, the last and largest open cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia - NGC 129. Against the background of previous clusters NGC 129 It really has impressive dimensions (12′) and high brightness (6.5 m).

The bright star at the bottom of the image is a double star with a brightness of 6m.

You can get your route from the star Navi(as shown by the blue arrows on the star map above), and from the star Kaf. Both options are optimal and simple.

Multiple star systems

25.1 Double star η Cas

η Cas or Cassiopeia - a double star, the components of which are: the main star - a yellow giant with a brightness of 3.7 m, and its companion - a red cool star with a brightness of 7.4 m. The angular distance between the stars is 12.2″. The satellite's orbital period around the main star is 526 years. They are distant from the Sun at a distance of 20 light years.

25.2 Double star σ Cas

σ Cas or Sigma Cassiopeiae is a double star that consists of a main component with a brightness of 5 m and its companion with a brightness of 7.1 m. The distance between the stars is 3″.

Search for double stars Eta and Sigma Cassiopeia

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> Cassiopeia

An object Designation Meaning of the name Object type Magnitude
1 M52 No 5.00
2 M103 No open star cluster 7.40
3 Shedar (Alpha Cassiopeiae) "Breast" Orange giant 2.24
4 Kaph (Beta Cassiopeia) "Palm" White-blue giant 2.28
5 Navi (Gamma Cassiopeia) "Ivan is the opposite" Blue subdwarf 2.47
6 Rukbach (Delta Cassiopeia) "Knee" Double star 2.68
7 Seguin (Epsilon Cassiopeia) Origin unknown White-blue giant 3.37
8 Achird (Eta Cassiopeia) Origin unknown Yellow-white dwarf 3.44
9 Zeta Cassiopeia No Blue-white subgiant 3.66
10 Kappa Cassiopeia No Blue-white supergiant 4.16
11 Theta Cassiopeia "Knee" Blue subgiant 4.34
12 Chi Cassiopeia No Yellow giant 4.68
13 Upsilon-2 Cassiopeia "Front of Clothes" Yellow giant 4.83

What does the diagram look like? constellation Cassiopeia northern hemisphere: how to find, description with photos, facts, star map, myth and legend, bright stars and objects.

Cassiopeia - constellation, which is in the northern sky. The name was given in honor of the vain and boastful queen in the myths of Ancient Greece.

The constellation Cassiopeia was first recorded in the second century by Ptolemy with other constellations of the Perseus group (except Lizard). It is easy to recognize in the sky because it is shaped like a “W”. It contains several notable objects: open clusters and , the supernova remnant of Cassiopeia A, the star-forming cloud NGC 281 and the NGC 7789 (White Rose) cluster.

Facts, position and map of the constellation Cassiopeia

With an area of ​​598 square degrees, the constellation Cassiopeia is the 25th largest constellation. Located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ1). It can be found in latitudes: from +90° to -20°. Adjacent to , and .

Lat. Name Cassiopeia
(genus Cassiopeiae)
Reduction Cas
Symbol Queen on the throne
Right ascension from 22 h 52 m to 3 h 25 m
Declension from +46° to +77°
Square 598 sq. degrees
(25th place)
Brightest stars
(value< 3 m )
  • Shedar (α Cas) - 2.24 m
  • Cafe (β Cas) - 2.27 m
  • Navi (γ Cas) - variable, 2.47 m
  • Rukba (δ Cas) - 2.68 m
Meteor showers No
Neighboring constellations
  • Giraffe
  • Cepheus
  • Lizard
  • Andromeda
  • Perseus
The constellation is visible at latitudes from +90° to -13°.
The best time for observation is September-November.

It contains three stars with planets and two Messier objects: M103 (NGC 581) and M52 (NGC 7654). The brightest star is Shedar. The Perseid meteor shower is associated with the constellation. Cassiopeia is part of the Perseus group along with, and. Consider the diagram of the constellation Cassiopeia on a star chart.

The myth of the constellation Cassiopeia

Cassiopeia was the wife of King Cepheus of Ethiopia (located next to her in the form of a constellation). She once boasted that she was superior in beauty to the Nerids (50 sea nymphs created by the Titan Nereus). They got angry and asked Poseidon to punish her. He could not refuse, since he was married to one of them (Amphitrite). He sent Cetus, a sea monster depicted in the constellation Cetus, who was supposed to destroy the kingdom.

The king asked the oracle for help and he advised him to give Poseidon his daughter Andromeda. With great difficulty they agreed and chained her to a rock. But at the last moment she was saved by Perseus, whom she later married. However, this is not the end. One of her admirers, Phineus, showed up at the wedding and accused her of treason, since only he had the right to marry her. A battle took place in which Perseus used the head of Medusa the Gorgon. But, since many people looked at her, the king and queen also turned to stone.

Poseidon sent Cassiopeia and Cepheus to heaven. But he still punished her, since for half a year the constellation remains turned upside down. Most often she is depicted sitting on a throne and combing her hair.

The main stars of the constellation Cassiopeia

Cassiopeia is distinguished by its unique "W" shape - an asterism created by five bright stars. From left to right: Epsilon, Delta, Gamma, Alpha and Beta Cassiopeia. Explore the bright stars of the Cassiopeia constellation with detailed descriptions and characteristics.

Shedar(Alpha Cassiopeiae) is an orange giant of spectral type K0IIIa at 228 light years. This is a suspicious variable star. The apparent value may vary depending on which photometric system is used. The range contains from 2.20 to 2.23 magnitudes. Located in the lower right corner of the W-asterism. The name Shedar is taken from the Arabic “şadr” - “chest”. It marks the star position - in the heart of Cassiopeia.

Kaf(Beta Cassiopeia) is a subgiant or giant of spectral type F2 III-IV. It is 54.5 light years away from us. This is a Delta Scuti type variable star. It is only brighter in this class (star B and 12th in the sky). This yellow-white star is 28 times brighter than the Sun and 4 times larger. It is currently in the process of cooling and will one day become a red giant.

Delta Scuti variables exhibit brightness variations due to radial and non-radial pulsations at the surface. These are usually giants or main sequence stars of spectral types ranging from A0 to F5.

The average apparent magnitude is 2.27. From the Arabic kaf translates as “palm” (that is, the palm of the Pleiades - a famous cluster in the constellation Taurus). Other traditional names are al-Sanam al-Naqa and al-Qaff al-Khadib.

Together with the stars Alpheraz (Andromeda) and Algenib (Pegasus), Kaf was perceived as one of the Three Guides - three bright stars creating an imaginary line from Kaf to Alferaz to the celestial equator (the point where the Sun passes at the spring and autumn equinoxes).

Navi(Gamma Cassiopeia) is an eruptive variable star that serves as the prototype of the variable stars Gamma Cassiopeia. Exhibits irregular changes in brightness from magnitude 2.20 to magnitude 3.40. It is the central W-shaped star and the brightest in the constellation (now).

It is a blue star (spectral type B0.5 IVe), located 610 light years away with 40,000 times the Sun's brightness and about 15 solar masses. Due to rapid rotation, it expands at the equator and creates a “maternity” disk of lost mass and material.

It is a known source of X-rays. The amount is 10 times higher than that of other B or Be class stars. It is a spectroscopic double star. The solar-mass satellite has a magnitude of 11 and a distance of two arcseconds. Rotates every 204 days.

The Chinese call it Qih - “whip”. She also has the nickname "Navi", which comes from astronaut Virgil Grissom. Navi is Ivan (in English Ivan is the middle name of an astronaut), written in reverse order. The astronauts used the star as a guide.

Ruckbach(Delta Cassiopeia) is an eclipsing double star with a period of 460 days. Belongs to spectral class A5. It is 99 light years distant and has an apparent magnitude between 2.68 and 2.74. It ranks fourth in brightness in the cluster. The name comes from the Arabic word for “knee”. Sometimes she is called Xora.

Seguin(Epsilon Cassiopeiae) is a bright blue-white B-class giant 440 light years away. 2500 times brighter than the Sun with an apparent magnitude of 3.34. Age – 65 million years. The star is at the end of a hydrogen fusion cycle. It is distinguished by very weak spectral absorption of helium.

Akhird(Eta Cassiopeiae) is a yellow-white G-type hydrogen dwarf star, slightly cooler than the Sun. The surface temperature is 5730 Kelvin, and the apparent magnitude is 3.45. It is the closest star in Cassiopeia to our system (only 19.4 light years away).

Akhird has a companion, an orange K-class dwarf with an apparent magnitude of 7.51, 11 arcseconds distant. Both are classified as the variable star RS Canes Venatici. They form a close binary star and have active chromospheres that create large star spots. This results in changes in luminosity - the brightness fluctuates by 0.05 magnitude.

Zeta Cassiopeia– blue-white subgiant (B2IV) 600 light years away. Apparent visual magnitude – 3.67. It is an SPB (slow pulsating B) variable star with a magnetic field. The rotation speed is 56 km/s, and the period is 5.37 days.

Rho Cassiopeia– yellow hypergiant (a rare type, since there are only 7 of them in the Milky Way). It belongs to the spectral class G2Ia0e and is located 11,650 light years away. One of the brightest stars. Despite the distance, it can be viewed without technical equipment.

550,000 times brighter than the Sun with an absolute magnitude of -7.5. The apparent visual magnitude ranges from 4.1 to 6.2. It is a semi-regular variable with huge spikes every 50 years (causing the brightness to change). In 2000-2001, the star ejected about 10,000 Earth masses in a single outburst.

Scientists believe it exploded as a supernova because it used up most of its nuclear fuel. But if this is so, then the light from the explosion has not yet reached us.

V509 Cassiopeia– G-type supergiant at 7800 light years. The yellow-white star is a semi-regular variable. Luminosity varies within 4.75-5.5.

Celestial objects of the constellation Cassiopeia

(NGC 7654) is an open cluster 5000 light years away. Its apparent magnitude is 5.0, making it visible through binoculars.

It is 35 million years old and 13 arc minutes (19 light years) in diameter.

The cluster was discovered by Charles Messier in 1774. Among the brightest stars, two yellow giants stand out with magnitudes 7.77 and 8.22.

(NGC 581) is an open cluster 10,000 light years away. Holds 172 stars. Age – 25 million years.

The cluster was discovered by French astronomer Pierre Méchain in 1781. It is noteworthy that this turned out to be the last object that Charles Messier added to his catalogue.

- supernova remnant. It is the most powerful radio source in the sky outside the solar system and was one of the first radio sources discovered in 1947.

This is a cloud of material ejected by an explosion. It is 10 light years in diameter and is expanding at a speed of 4000-6000 km/s. The temperature is 50 million degrees Fahrenheit.

The explosion occurred approximately 11,000 years from Earth. The first supernova light arrived to us only 300 years ago.

(Pacman Nebula) is a large gas cloud in which star formation has recently occurred. Contains a huge amount of ionized atomic hydrogen (H II). Illuminates young, hot, blue stars with ultraviolet light.

It is called the Pac-Man Nebula because it resembles a character from a popular video game.

9500 light years away from Earth. In 1883, it was discovered by the American astronomer E. E. Barnard.

NGC 7789(White Rose) is an open star cluster 7,600 light years away. Apparent magnitude – 6.7. In 1783, it was discovered by British astronomer Caroline Herschel.

The cluster is also called the White Rose or Carolina Rose because the star loops resemble rose petals.

NGC 185(Caldwell 18) is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy 2.08 million light years away. This is a satellite of the Andromeda Nebula. It belongs to the Seyfert type with an active galactic nucleus. Hosts young star clusters and shows evidence of star formation.

It was found by John Herschel in 1787. The first photograph appeared thanks to James Keeler in 1898-1900. He used the Crossley Telescope (36 inches/910 mm), a reflecting telescope located at Lick Observatory (California).

NGC 147(Caldwell 17) is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy 2.53 million light years from Earth. It is also a satellite of the Andromeda Nebula and is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Originally found in 1829 by John Herschel. Apparent visual magnitude – 10.5.

Constellation Kissiopeia clearly visible in the night sky in the form of five stars that form an irregular letter W or M. These five stars of the constellation Cassiopeia are often called the Throne - Queen Cassiopeia sits on it, who is usually depicted with a mirror.

Constellation Kissiopeia is not very far from the North Star and is therefore visible at any time of the year, never going beyond the horizon throughout Russia.

However, observing objects located in constellation Cassiopeia The best time to view a telescope is in the fall - at this time of year it is closest to the zenith around midnight.
More precisely, Cassiopeia is located near the zenith at the latitude of Moscow at the end of September.

Unlike some other constellations, the five main stars of Cassiopeia are clearly visible even in the overexposed city sky.

This diagram shows the main stars of the constellation Cassiopeia. There are only five main stars in Cassiopeia, they are quite bright, located in the form of a clearly visible figure and have their own names:
Shedar - Alpha Cassiopeia
Kaf - betta Cassiopeia
Navi - Gamma Cassiopeia
Rukbach - Cassiopeia delta
Seguin - epsilon of Cassiopeia

The remaining stars are much fainter and are usually not united by conventional lines, but the brightest of them are visible to the naked eye and are designated by letters of the Greek alphabet.
The light nebula in the background of the diagram is the Milky Way.
By the way, the Milky Way is usually not visible near cities, but having found the constellation Cassiopeia, you can guess where it approximately passes and try to see it.

Constellation Cassiopeia - interesting facts

It is curious that if you mentally draw straight lines from any star of the Ursa Major bucket through the North Star, then in the end they will almost exactly intersect one of the stars of the Throne asterism in the constellation Cassiopeia, that is, one of its brightest stars.

The constellation Cassiopeia is named after the wife of the Ethiopian king Cepheus. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were the parents of Andromeda, the one who was saved from the sea monster by the hero of ancient Greek myths Perseus.
By the way, Queen Cassiopeia herself was to blame for the appearance of this monster - she declared that she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs of the Nereids. The nymphs could not stand the bragging and asked Poseidon to intercede. Poseidon, being married to one of the Nereids, could not refuse and sent a sea monster to Ethiopia, which Perseus had to deal with.
It is because of this narcissism that Cassiopeia is depicted with a mirror.
In general, there would not have been female intrigue here, but without them there would have been no heroes...

If you look at a star chart, you can see constellations dedicated to all members of this star family. They are all located nearby: Andromeda is located below Cassiopeia, closer to the horizon, and the constellation Cepheus is closer to the Polar Star. To the right of Andromeda is Pegasus, a winged horse born from drops of the blood of Medusa the Gorgon, but that’s another story :)

Look at the diagram of the constellation Cassiopeia and find the star labeled K.
Not far from it (a little higher and to the right according to the diagram) in early November 1572, a bright supernova broke out. On November 11, the brightness of the star increased so much that it was visible even during the day at noon!
According to the records of astronomer Tycho Brahe, its brightness reached a value of approximately -4 m. According to the records, the brightness was about as bright as Venus at its brightest. The supernova was visible even during the day through the haze.
Then the star dimmed and gradually disappeared from the sky.
In 1952, a radio source was found in this place. In 1960, the remains of the star were discovered using an optical telescope.
Now this object is called SN 1572. NASA managed to take a picture of it.
SN 1572 is located 7,500 light-years from the Sun (2,300 parsecs).

The constellation Cassiopeia is not rich in remarkable objects, but there are still some.
These are mainly open star clusters, which is not surprising: the constellation Cassiopeia is located against the background of the Milky Way, and the lion's share of open star clusters is located there.
Near the star Ruckbach there is an open cluster of stars M103, visible with good binoculars.
M76 - planetary nebula Small dumbbell with a brightness of only 10 m - a fairly strong telescope is needed.
M52 is an open star cluster, visible with good binoculars.
At the very bottom you can see M32 - the famous nebula in the constellation Andromeda. This is of course not in the constellation Cassiopeia, but not so far...
Exactly down from the Seguin star, NGC 884 and NGC 869 are visible in the diagram - a fairly well-known pair of open clusters "chi and al Persei". Through binoculars they are visible as a pair of two bright balls of stars located close to each other - I highly recommend checking them out!

Other objects in the Cassiopeia constellation are less bright; almost all of them are open star clusters.
Nebulas are indicated in gray, but to observe them you need a good telescope and a completely black sky far from cities, without any light pollution. It is better to look at information about them on the online star map - see the menu on the left.

 or tell your friends:

Cassiopeia is an interesting constellation of northern latitudes. This modest, at first glance, combination of stars consists of 90 celestial bodies. They can be seen simply by looking at the sky, of course, if you have good vision and the absence of city light.

The Legend of Cassiopeia

The most common version of the legend is that an Ethiopian queen named Cassiopeia was extremely proud of her beauty. She was so arrogant that she began to compare herself with the younger goddesses, the daughters of Poseidon, and mock them. The sea god heard the impudent speeches and became angry. The whole country became a victim of anger, as the sea around the coast was engulfed by storms, a flood hit the fields, and the ships began to be devoured by a huge Whale.

To save his people, the ruler of the country, Kepheus, had to sacrifice his own daughter Andromeda, although she was later saved by Perseus. And the lord of the sea sent Cassiopeia herself to heaven as punishment. Every year the throne with the guilty queen turns over, causing her to experience terrible torment.

Later, the legend softened, and today the constellation Cassiopeia wanders in the sky to remind people of the beauty of the ancient queen.

What does the constellation Cassiopeia look like?

Inexperienced astronomers usually know for sure only 5, which form a characteristic figure similar to the Latin letter “W”. Thus, the constellation Cassiopeia, the diagram of which has a simple, laconic form, is quickly remembered by observers. These five stars are used in navigation and orientation; their names are of Arabic origin.

  • The orange giant star Shedar - Alpha Cassiopeia - has a brightness degree of 2.2m.
  • Kaph, a beta constellation, has a brightness of approx. 2.3m.
  • Navi - Gamma Cassiopeia, a star of variable brightness from 1m to 3m. This star has an interesting feature: its half-joking name was given in honor of NASA astronaut Virgil Ivan Grissom, i.e. his middle name is read upside down. The older and more traditional name for the star is Tsich.
  • Rukba - constellation delta, 2.7m.
  • Seguin (2.2m), epsilon Cassiopeia, blue-white giant.

The combination of these celestial bodies in the shape of the letter “M” is what the constellation Cassiopeia looks like in the usual sense.

How to find a constellation?

This constellation can be seen all year round over the Northern Hemisphere. To observe the sky, you need to choose a cloudless night; you may have to leave the city, since illumination from buildings dims the shine of even the brightest stars. You can also use binoculars.

What should you pay attention to to find the constellation Cassiopeia? The search scheme has been developed a long time ago, using it as a guide, it is quite easy to find Cassiopeia. By using the diagram several times, you can easily find as many as three northern constellations with your gaze.

First we find the Big Dipper, or “big dipper.” It would probably be difficult to find a person who could not identify this star cluster. In summer, Ursa Major moves to the northwest, in autumn - to the north, in winter - to the northeastern part of the sky, in spring - it is at the zenith. Through the outer edge of the “bucket”, consisting of two stars, you need to lay a line to the first bright point - this is the North Star, the very tip of the handle of the “small bucket”, or Ursa Minor.

Now from the penultimate luminary on the handle of the “big bucket” a straight line is drawn to the North Star. The line is drawn at such a distance until the gaze rests on Cassiopeia. With enough attention this will be quite easy to do.

Constellation Cassiopeia. Drawing by dots as an exercise for children

Drawing with dots is a useful exercise that develops artistic talent in children. Drawing constellations by dots also broadens the child’s horizons and fuels his interest in the mysteries and beauty of the Universe. The starry sky overhead enchants and provides rich food for the imagination of both children and adults.

By connecting the stars, you can see how a complete image turns out, compare yourself with ancient people, and understand how their interpretation differs from the modern one. Each constellation is accompanied by a legend that is pleasant to listen to, like a fairy tale. This is how the stars become closer and dearer. By drawing constellations and learning their names during the day, the child remembers them better when he looks at them live at night. This gives impetus to systems thinking and artistic flair. By comparing what the constellation Cassiopeia looks like in the picture and in the sky, the child understands more deeply the difference between the abstract and the living.

The constellation Cassiopeia, the diagram of which was learned in childhood, will be remembered for a lifetime.

Adult beginners in astronomy should not neglect this exercise either. For example, a dotted drawing will help you study the constellation Cassiopeia quickly and easily; a trained eye will instantly find familiar outlines.

Notable objects

In 1752, the famous scientist Tycho Brahe noticed a brightly flaring star. However, after 16 months it went out. Perhaps the scientist observed a supernova explosion.

The most famous star cluster is playfully named Salt-and-Pepper. It can be seen with binoculars between the stars Shedar and Kaf. There are two galaxies in the constellation of the ancient queen, but, unfortunately, they are only accessible to telescopes. Cassiopeia lies in the thickness and is therefore rich in interesting objects for study, there are quasars, galaxies, dark, diffuse and For the keen astronomer, Cassiopeia will reveal all its shining treasures.

Very close to Cassiopeia is the constellation of her husband and co-ruler Kepheus; this combination of luminaries can be observed over the entire Northern Hemisphere. The rest of the legend's participants are nearby: Keith, Andromeda, Perseus. What does the constellation Cassiopeia look like surrounded by family and old enemies? It must be regal and dignified.

The Legend of Cassiopeia in Art

All the ancient legends that have reached us are reflected in books, paintings and films. The legend about the arrogant queen was no exception. Over the years, her image changed from a punished criminal to a proud beauty flying across the sky. Nowadays, the queen has become a symbol of a brave and regal woman. An artistic look at what the constellation Cassiopeia looks like, the pictures are shown in a variety of variations.

The combination of the magic of the stars and human drama has always inspired talented creators. The constellation Cassiopeia and the legend about it were mentioned in the films “The Green Mile”, “Youths in the Universe” and “The Langoliers”. Musical groups were named after her, paintings were painted in her honor.

The entire sky is shrouded in legends, which makes the stars closer and dearer to humanity.

Photographing constellations

With the advent of photographic equipment, the desire to capture pictures of the starry sky only grows stronger. have a mesmerizing effect. Many ordinary amateurs are sure that such beauty can only be created using such heavy-duty equipment, but in fact, almost every astronomer can take beautiful photographs.

Of course, what the constellation Cassiopeia looks like (a photo taken with specialized equipment) cannot be compared with household cameras, but by experimenting with shutter speed and other shooting parameters, you can achieve good results. For long exposures, a special tripod is required to compensate for the movement of the planet relative to the sky.

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