Vasily Livanov biography personal life granddaughter. Vasily Livanov may lose his rights to his runaway granddaughter. She has one extenuating circumstance: she is a mother

Two years ago, Vasily Livanov's granddaughter Eva moved to her grandparents: the actor won the right to raise the girl through the court, proving that her mother (the ex-wife of his son Boris Ekaterina Livanova) could not be trusted with a child due to chronic alcoholism. And suddenly there was news: 13-year-old Eva ran away from home and returned to her mother. "KP" tried to sort out the family conflict of Sherlock Holmes.

"My husband's parents disliked me"

I met Boris, my future husband, at GITIS in 1998, Ekaterina Livanova told KP. - I was 26 years old then, he was 24. Soon Borya came to us with things (I lived with my daughter from my first marriage and my mother in Khimki). He said that he quarreled with his parents, he wants to stay with me. And since then he lived with us.

- When did you and Boris get married?

When the child was born. Boris did not have a passport - he was afraid that he would be taken into the army. I lost my passport and did not go to receive it until the age of 27. I traveled with a passport for two years.

- Vasily Borisovich helped you and your granddaughter?

He and his wife rented an apartment for me and Borya in Khimki. They came, brought diapers, baby food.

- And why did you divorce Boris?

His parents demanded our divorce in order to arrange for Borya the apartment they bought him - a two-room small apartment in the capital's Khrushchev (Livanov said that Catherine indulges her husband with a drink. - Ed.). In 2005, we divorced under pressure from his parents. But Borya missed me and my daughter, and then again moved to me in Khimki.

- Did he work anywhere?

Once Boris acted in films, played in the theater. Then he dropped everything. But he continued to write. He also draws beautifully - he illustrated his father's book of fairy tales. True, the book came out when he was already on trial.

Grandmother appointed guardian

In 2010, Boris Livanov was sentenced to nine years in a strict regime colony: on New Year's Eve, he stabbed a random acquaintance in a drunken fight. The Livanovs sued their former daughter-in-law for their granddaughter for two years. As a result, the court limited Ekaterina's parental rights and appointed Eva's grandmother as a guardian.

40-year-old Boris was released on parole in the fall of 2014.

Borya could not live with his parents under the same roof, - says Ekaterina Livanova. - Now he lives in the country, writes a book. I visit him sometimes. While we are not together, but I think we will get along with him.

- Did Eva forget her dad during his absence?

Borya constantly wrote letters. And she drew pictures for him in the zone.

- You are working?

Yes, in a restaurant. I am a manager of the hotel and restaurant business by education. I have two higher educations and fluency in English. In general, I come from a decent, high-ranking family. My grandfather worked with Ustinov, he was a deputy minister. On the line of the grandmother there are nobles Meshchersky. I am very sorry that my husband's family perceives me with hostility.

Again with mother

- Is it true that Eva ran away from her grandparents?

To me! - Ekaterina Livanova rejoices. - Now here we go with her to the hairdresser. She wants a new hairstyle and dye her hair.

Why did Eva run away?

Didn't get along with them. Grandmother forbade her to meet the boy. The last time Eva returned from a late walk, her grandfather called her names, and her grandmother insisted on visiting the gynecologist. Eve decided that she had had enough.

- But you are limited in parental rights?

I collected all the certificates that I lead a sober lifestyle. And I filed a lawsuit to remove the restrictions, I'm waiting for the results. And Eva wrote a statement to the guardianship authorities that she wants to live with me, and not with her grandparents. Eva has been hearing disabled since childhood. At the age of three, she was given an implant, and now she hears everything. And the Livanovs sent her to a school for the hearing impaired ...

- Now, when Eva is with you, Vasily Borisovich Livanov is calling you?

No. His wife Elena Artemievna writes to Eva text messages: "Everything was fine, why did you leave?" And with what joy, with living parents, should she live with her grandparents? I will fight for my daughter!

In September, Ekaterina Livanova ends the judicial restriction of parental rights. How she behaves, time will tell. Carlson, voiced by Vasily Livanov, called: "Calm, only calm." But, alas, there is no peace in the artist's family yet.


Actor's son found a new love?

On his social media page, Boris Livanov posted a photo with his new girlfriend Angelina Frolova and made a promising caption: "And again we have spring." Rumors immediately spread that Livanov Jr. had a new love. In fact, Boris and Gelya have known each other for a long time, since the days of GITIS. After graduation, they did not maintain relations for many years, but last year they wrote off on the Internet.

When we studied at GITIS, we communicated quite closely with Boris, ”Angelina admitted to KP. - The photo that he has on the page was taken by me. Boris said that this is the only good picture since he got free, and that's why he posted it.

- Do you have a romantic relationship?

No. We're just friends. We see each other from time to time. But rarely, because Borya leads a closed lifestyle. He writes a lot, works on scripts.

- You are married?

I have a civil marriage. Moreover, when Borya and I met for the first time after his release, he knew very well that I was not alone. But maybe he fantasized himself a little. This is typical of creative people.


Vasily LIVANOV: Katya needs Eve's pension

For a comment, we turned to Vasily Livanov himself:

- Vasily Borisovich, your ex-daughter-in-law Ekaterina says that you offended Eva, so your granddaughter ran away from you?

Nothing like this. Katya lies as she breathes. She is a little inadequate, even in court they paid attention to this. My granddaughter Eva lived with my son, her father. Boris recently wrote a statement to the guardianship authorities that he was letting Eva go to visit her mother. So our granddaughter did not disappear anywhere and did not run away. Despite the fact that Katya is limited in parental rights, my son did such a good deed for her and her daughter. Everything else Katya comes up with.

- So now you are waiting for your granddaughter back?

Her son must take her. Eva soon goes to the hospital for an examination - the girl has problems with her kidneys. And since Katya makes such a scandal, then maybe Eva will have to be taken away with the police.

- Ekaterina says that you sent the girl to a boarding school for the hearing impaired, and she already hears normally ...

How can you hear normally? She is disabled, operated on, she received an implant. She only hears with the device.

- Ekaterina assures that she is from a decent, even high-ranking family.

She says that Princess Meshcherskaya. Brad, which is already on the verge of pathological. What kind of family does she have? Her father has gone missing. Mother never worked anywhere, retired a long time ago. By the way, he drinks just like her. Boris allowed them to meet for the sake of his daughter. Katya calls Eve many times every day, repeating how unhappy she is. And the essence of the problem is very simple: my granddaughter, who is deaf, receives a pension. Mom needs something to drink. At one time, she received Eva's pension and drank it all away. She's a chronic alcoholic, that's the trouble.

Does she seem to have been treated?

Once she was treated, but ... You know, I'm not focused on her life - she is a stranger to me.

77-year-old actor Vasily Livanov has achieved the long-awaited opportunity to patronize 10-year-old granddaughter Eva. The daughter-in-law of the famous performer of the role of Sherlock Holmes, Ekaterina Livanova, was partially limited by the court in parental rights.

To satisfy the claim, - Judge Elena Tsyplakova announced the decision. - Partially restrict Ekaterina Livanova in parental rights.

For the duration of her mother's treatment, little Eva Livanova will move to live with her eminent grandfather. Catherine's refusal to obey the decision of the Moscow City Court, issued back in 2010, played against Catherine in the process. She never passed the mandatory examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

No one can forcibly put Ekaterina in a clinic for treatment, - Yulia Kaygorodova, lawyer for the Livanov family, explained to Life News. - However, until she undergoes treatment with a narcologist and does not provide the relevant documents, Eva will live with Vasily Borisovich and Elena Artemyevna. Catherine is allowed to see her daughter.

If the mother of 10-year-old Eva does not provide documents showing her getting rid of addiction, then the star couple will be able to petition for the complete deprivation of Catherine's parental rights. However, according to the actor's wife, the family is not interested in such a strict measure.

I believe that the court in this process made a decision in favor of all participants, - Elena Livanova commented on the decision of the court. - It is important for all of us that Ekaterina is cured. As soon as she gets rid of the addiction, Eva will be able to live normally with her again. We are not going to prevent it. In the meantime, we can take care of the granddaughter's health.

Litigation in the family of a famous actor has been going on for several years. Vasily Livanov and his wife decided to take their daughter-in-law’s granddaughter after the son of the star couple Boris was sentenced to 9 years in prison for murder in a drunken brawl.

However, Ekaterina filed a counterclaim in which she demanded to give her the Moscow apartment of the convicted Boris. The court dismissed the claims of both sides. However, the ministers of Themis nevertheless obliged Ekaterina Livanova to prove that she did not suffer from alcohol addiction at the examination at the Serbsky Scientific Center.

Ignoring the procedure prescribed by the court, Livanov's daughter-in-law brought to the meeting a certificate from the Khimki Narcological Dispensary, according to which she does not suffer from alcohol addiction. It was this document that put an end to the civil proceedings in 2011.

This time, Ekaterina Livanova failed to prove the absence of addiction to alcohol. Now Eva's grandparents are making plans to treat their granddaughter.

Even in infancy, doctors discovered that the child had hearing problems. Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena did everything to help the girl: after the operation, she began to hear better. Immediately after the complex surgical intervention, Eva's mother began to prevent the girl from meeting with her grandparents.

Eva studies in one of the capital's boarding schools, and stays there overnight. Only twice a week Catherine took her to her place: for the night from Wednesday to Thursday and for the weekend.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" has already written about what passions boil in the family of the famous actor. Three years ago, the granddaughter of Vasily Livanov "Sherlock Holmes" Eva moved to her grandparents: 82-year-old Vasily Borisovich, through the court, won the right to raise a girl, proving that her mother (ex-wife of his son Boris Ekaterina Livanova) cannot be trusted with a child due to chronic alcoholism. The girl 's father was serving time for murder at that time . However, last year Eva ran away from home after a quarrel with her grandmother. After the girl was scolded for her late return from the disco, Eva announced that she would live with her mother. Ekaterina Livanova brought to the court a written statement from her daughter about her desire to stay with her. Eva's father Boris Livanov, who had been released from prison by that time, also signed an agreement for Eva to live with her mother. For a while, the girl moved to her mother in Khimki. Livanov's daughter-in-law was determined not to give her daughter to the "enemy side." And she filed a lawsuit to restore herself in parental rights and remove the functions of a guardian from the actor. However, the court decided differently, believing the side of the Livanovs, who claimed that their former daughter-in-law was abusing alcohol.

Calls grandma mom

So far, the case has ended in defeat, but we will continue to fight, - Ekaterina Livanova told KP. - I'm going to appeal the decision of the court, we'll get to the Supreme. Eva again moved to live with her grandparents, but still comes to visit me. Now I have her, we feel good together with her, we love each other. This grandma and grandpa are trying to get between us and turn the girl against me. But they don't do it very well. Vasily Livanov's wife said that Eva calls her mother not me, her own mother, but her grandmother. And she even made a video in which Eva refers to her grandmother - “mother”. But I think that Eve just misspoke, she was caught.

In July, my daughter turned 15 years old, we celebrated her birthday together. Then Eva rested in Bulgaria in a children's camp. Now back to class. In fact, one of the reasons why I agreed for Eva to live in Moscow with her grandparents for the time being is that it is more convenient for her to get to school there. And I live in Khimki. Eva had to get up at five in the morning to get through traffic before traffic jams. I constantly come to my daughter at school, communicate with teachers. I help her do her homework, I pull her out of triples. We are on good terms with her class teacher. The teacher once told me, they say, how the girl’s mind didn’t go beyond the mind from the family situation in which she found herself ... Eva’s grandmother Elena Artemyevna is trying to annoy me by slandering me, and in the end everything is reflected in the child - her childhood was ruined. Eva is tired of listening to us all: "That's it, don't tell me anything else, I love you all."

"I pay child support for my daughter"

Recently, Borya (daughter's father) asked Eva: how did mom get a job? He knows that because of his parents I had a problem with employment, says Ekaterina. - In organizations that have a security service, they check me on computer databases, they see that I have a criminal record, and they wrap up my candidacy. I have a suspended sentence for child support. When Vasily Borisovich Livanov became Eva's guardian, he and his wife immediately sued me for alimony (since Eva lives with them, I have to pay). I have accumulated debt - 18 thousand rubles. The court awarded me corrective labor at my place of work, I am an administrator-cashier in a restaurant. Now I regularly pay alimony, 5 thousand a month.

- Why isn't Boris Livanov raising his daughter? He also got out of prison.

He took a passive position, shifting the responsibility to his dad and mom. In fact, I was offended by Borya because he did not support me in court. Borya came there, but suddenly got up and said: "Deal without me." And left. Such a demarche! And his opinion as the legal representative of the child could play in my favor. It is clear that Boris's parents set him up against me.

Does Eva know that her father was in prison?

Of course. She wrote him letters to the zone, drew postcards. Eva is a smart girl, she understands everything.

Played with Golubkina in love

- Why doesn't Eva live with her own father?

Does he need it? Here he and Golubkina had a noisy PR story. Borya wanted to stir up the project, turned to Golubkina. And she invented “love” for herself. Masha Golubkina told about herself: when they don’t write about her for a long time, they don’t remember her, she can create a newsbreak and get attention. Like a few years ago, when she came to the Moscow Film Festival in a wedding dress and fooled everyone - whether she got married or not. Borya also likes attention as an actor. Regarding friendship with Golubkina, he said: “Hurrah, we blew up the Internet.”

They held an engagement, Borya immediately announced this on his page. True, he never gave the bride a ring. I called my daughter and told her: Dad has an engagement today. She clearly explained what it was. Eva was upset, she didn’t want a stepmother at all! Then I asked Borya: when is the wedding? He answered: “I will neither marry nor have children. It's just me entertaining myself, nothing serious." Golubkina already had things transported to his apartment, but he asked her to take the little things out. He rented his Moscow apartment and went to the country, now he is there. In general, they starred, reminded of themselves, received money for the interview and fled.

Got the role of Potemkin

Now Vasily Borisovich Livanov has married his son and granddaughter in the cinema, - the former daughter-in-law tells the latest news. - I suppose, with his filing, Borya Livanov was taken to a historical film for the role of Potemkin. In the same place, his father Vasily Livanov will play a cameo role. And Eve got the small role of the girlfriend of the main character. They went to the casting, Eva was approved. So Eva will make her film debut with her dad and grandfather. She is a very photogenic girl. Well, genes, of course! I also studied to be an actress, but Livanov Sr. does not take me into their company out of principle.

Filming is scheduled for the end of autumn in St. Petersburg. They took permission from the guardianship authorities that Eva would work part-time in the cinema. She knows how to stay in front of the camera. The only thing is that he doesn’t hear very well, he is deaf. But the image fits well. Maybe he will continue his acting dynasty and become a star.

The actor kidnapped a girl from a kindergarten and sent men with machine guns to her daughter-in-law

In the acting family of Vasily LIVANOV, scandals do not subside. First, the son of the famous "Sherlock Holmes" - Boris - went to jail for murder, and now the 75-year-old actor is trying to get custody of his little granddaughter through the courts. Grandpa claims that Eva's mother, Ekaterina, loves alcohol more than her own child, and does not want to treat the deaf girl. Once Vasily Borisovich even stole his granddaughter and took her away from kindergarten by force. Today, the artist is seeking a forensic psychiatric examination for the "careless" mother. We visited Ekaterina LIVANOVA and saw for ourselves how the only heiress of the famous acting family lives.

In a small two-room apartment in Khimki Ekaterina Livanova lives with mother Irina Petrovna, eldest daughter Masha and daughter from Boris Livanov- 10-year-old Eve. The rooms are clean, tidy, and the apartment does not look like a haven for alcoholics at all. Yes, and Katya herself looks too fresh for a person who allegedly constantly consumes alcohol.

Look, there is not a single bottle in the cabinets, the refrigerator, - Ekaterina opens the doors. - My child, except for tea, juice, compote, does not see anything at all, and her grandfather constantly asks her if her mother often drinks beer. Rave! Myself Vasily Livanov I have never seen drunk in my life. Why didn't he tell me about me! I even stopped buying newspapers so as not to be upset once again. We have never been one family with him, we do not have a single photo together. Grandma and grandpa will take the child for a few days, like today, then they will bring it. Vasily Borisovich cannot even take a second with children. He just can't.

Robbed by a refugee from Uzbekistan

- And how did your conflict begin?

They immediately disliked me, they didn’t even want to get to know me. They thought that if the Livanovs are a famous family, then I should lick their feet. Will not work. And my mother-in-law always saw me as a rival and wanted to take Borya out of the family by any means. When I was engaged in Eva's operation - she did not hear well with us, the Livanovs just the day before sent Borya to some Natasha to have fun so that he would not help us. And she fed him psychotropic pills, and he simply did not understand where he was and what was happening to him at all. As a result, this girl turned out to be a refugee from Uzbekistan and robbed him. Boris, when he returned to me, began to ask his parents to exchange their luxurious hundred-meter apartment in the center of Moscow, where he had a share. But the Livanovs struck a pose. The father-in-law then bought Boris a "kopeck piece" in the First Ambulatory Drive. But even there, my parents agreed to let me in only on one condition - if Borey and I were officially divorced. And we were forced to go for it. But now Eva and I are not allowed to go there. I filed a lawsuit, I wanted to defend part of the apartment where my child is registered, Vasily Livanov filed a counter-claim for depriving me of motherhood.

- Do you still have a war for a child?

This nightmare will never end! We sued our famous grandfather for 14 months! As a result, everyone was denied: I was denied the right to an apartment, and Vasily Borisovich was denied a lawsuit to deprive me of my maternal rights. I just exhaled, hoping that now you can live in peace, but Livanov filed a cassation appeal with the Moscow City Court! Soon the proceedings and hassle will begin again.

Irina Petrovna: Vasya here declared to us with his hoarse voice: they say, I will fight to the end! To what end, to your own? Please, good health. This is what it all comes down to.

Catherine: But most importantly, they do not need a child at all. They understand that Eva will want to go home to her mother in a couple of days. They just need a piece of paper so that they don’t ask me for a daughter, but I ask them. The Livanovs want to humiliate me, press me to the nail for the fact that we are claiming their apartment. But my child is registered there, and a school for the hearing impaired is nearby. And Vasily Borisovich rested: why, they want to cut off a piece from him - he won’t give up his own! And I am ready to put all my strength, all my money into it.

I.P.: Yes, the Livanovs never had money. They even sold part of the plot on Nikolina Gora to buy an apartment for Boris. This is a dacha that remained from the famous grandfather, Boris Nikolaevich, the legend of the Moscow Art Theater, a student of Stanislavsky, who had five Stalin Prizes. In this family, everything is grandfather - and grandfather's apartment, and cottage, and grandfather's glory, and grandfather's money. So they are slowly selling his things, drawings, graphics. And Elena Artemyevna, the wife of Vasily Livanov, is a puppeteer, no education, cooks dolls in Soyuzmultfilm. True, the money for this is big, because the dolls are filmed in cartoons and sold abroad. In general, this keeps her husband. Vasya rarely shoots, he writes more and more fairy tales, short stories, horror stories and all sorts of jokes. The main thing is that in their family the main motive is economic, everything is aimed at getting money. And suddenly the Livanovs find out that Katya is taking care of a sick child, draws up all the documents for her daughter, according to which they are supposed to receive a pension, additional payments, benefits, free trips to the sea. And now it turned out that a disabled child is entitled to six acres of land. The Livanovs opened their mouths like that - my fathers! So if we arrange custody, we will receive all this ourselves. This is such a family - they are ready to cut their throats for money.

E.: And once, men with machine guns and an employee of the juvenile department broke into our house with them. Eva saw them, was frightened, could not utter a word. He stands, claps his eyes, does not understand what kind of war we have started here. It turned out that the Livanovs managed to bribe this employee from the juvenile department so that she would write a report on how badly I was raising my daughter, in what nightmarish conditions she was growing up with us. Only now grandfather made a mistake with the door: these issues are dealt with not by the ODN, but by the department of guardianship. And that woman was eventually fired for abuse of office.

Knocked out my teeth and broke all my fingers

- And did not try to somehow establish relations with them, to make peace?

IP: The Livanovs do not want to know our family. Vasily Borisovich is a celestial there, and people around him are rabble! Livanov and his wife were in our house about 10 years ago only once, when Borya, drunk, kicked me half to death. I'm lying, barely breathing, my whole face was broken, my eyes, forehead, teeth were knocked out. He broke all my fingers. I grabbed my head with my hands, and he thrashed his head with boots of the 46th size with all the dope. Katya, just as beaten as ever, seized his hand with her teeth. He threw it away and only then came to his senses. And I just quietly said: let me die in peace. And then Borya was afraid that the riot police would fly in, they would tie him up - he calls home and says: they will pick me up now, come. The Livanovs arrived quickly. He locked Katya and me in the bathroom, and at that time four-month-old Eva screamed heart-rendingly in the crib. Borya didn't even let her feed her. Probably, she then lost her hearing, from anguish.

The Livanovs arrived, cleared the rubble, called for narcological assistance, put him on a drip, and the ambulance took me to the hospital, where they underwent two craniocerebral operations. The next morning, an investigator came and took from me an act of inquiry with the wording "cruel beating." Boris could have gone to jail even then. But at 10 am our famous “Sherlock Holmes” came to me with his lawyer friend. And he asks: what do you want for this paper? Imagine the cynicism. And I, in general, did not even think of filing a lawsuit and only said: so that your son would never be in our house. The Livanovs never returned to the hospital.

I hit my head on the battery

E.: Yes, we got it from Borka. When he gets drunk, he becomes inadequate and uncontrollable. He does something, then passes out, sleeps, and when he wakes up, he does not remember anything. He is not mentally well. Vasily Borisovich coded his son for the first time when he was 18 years old. Is it possible - he's still a boy. Well, drank - oversleep!

I.P.: Boris, in addition, had a head injury. Friends once played a trick on him - they knocked out a chair from under him, and he shied away from the battery with his head. It's been weird ever since.

Borya is a completely sick person, and we didn’t find out about it right away.

E.: He has a whole bunch of diseases. First, he is a fourth-generation alcoholic. His father drank all his life. Vasily Borisovich is simply drunken - sentry! Borya told us that when he is going to the country, a full trunk fills up with bottles of whiskey and strong beer. He drinks it all for a week and a half. At one time, Vasily Borisovich Tarkovsky beaten, and both then did not remember why. Sherlock Holmes was filmed for seven years due to the fact that the main character drank heavily. And Maslennikov, director, later wrote: "My gray hair is Livanov."

I.P.: And they raised Borya in the same way: Vasily Borisovich drank with him at the dacha. Everyone told his son that he was supposedly a creative worker, but in reality he was just a slacker. There is no education, he was expelled from all the institutes from the first year, he never even lived to the second. So he didn't have a degree. Borya said bluntly: where will I go to work if I don’t know how to do anything? And he never had any money. I have already pawned all the gold jewelry, the family silverware that was left from my husband to feed her and Katya. Here, in this apartment in Khimki, they all lived together. I thought, well, at first, while they settle down, I will help. And Borya walked here so important, you see, he has a script for some kind of film! And he said: soon all the stars will be filming in this film. I told you, Irina Petrovna, I will repay all your debts. Borrowed 100 from me, then 200, the day after tomorrow 500 rubles. Then, drunk at night, he came, took me by the breasts and yelled: where is the money, bitch!

Cheated on his wife in front of his mother-in-law

- Livanov said in an interview that you tied Boris to yourself as a child.

E .: Borya really wanted a child. We failed for three years. He even went to June. She told him: everything will be fine with you, calm down. Most importantly, don't drink. And indeed, he did not drink for six months, and I became pregnant. Borka was jumping for happiness! And the Livanovs didn’t even bring me an apple to the hospital. And they didn't show up for checkout either. When the baby was 3 months old, they invited Borya and the child to their bride, but it was as if I did not exist. He arrived, showed them the baby, and Elena Artemyevna, mother-in-law, said, they say, stay with us, we will all live together. I am a surrogate mother for them: I gave birth and went out!

I.P.: The Livanovs wanted a baby in their old age. Elena Artemievna has a cancer in her uterus instead of a baby. Vasily Livanov even stated in court that Katya did not give birth to Eva at all, that it was he and Borey who gave birth to her and fed her with a tit. The judge fell out! They made Eva a little genetic examination without Katya's permission, stole her documents, they ran behind her mother's back and collected compromising evidence.

E.: And once the Livanovs even stole a child from us: they came to the kindergarten with an electric shock. We were pushed aside, Eva was grabbed under the armpit and into the car. On the way out of the car, Elena Artemievna shouts: I don’t give a damn about you! Here, they say, what I am, not subject to any laws, you can’t forbid her, she, you see, is the wife of a people’s artist. They're screwing around! Vasily Borisovich even told the representative of the prosecutor's office at the trial: are you aware of who you are talking to? He pushes around his wife and cheated on her.

- How do you know such details?

E .: Yes, Borka himself told. Once Livanov with his son and mother-in-law were resting in a sanatorium. Vasily has a separate room, Boris and his grandmother have it next door. The mother-in-law accidentally went into his room, and he was having fun with the young lady. So this girl, like a scalded girl, ran out of the room in what her mother gave birth to, and he shouted obscenities after her, supposedly he had nothing to do with it.

- Is it true that the Livanovs forbade Boris to communicate with you?

E .: They crossed me out of the list of visitors, and Borya indulges them in everything. Because parents pay for a lawyer, they carry packages to him. How can you disobey? Borya, when he sat down, sent me a note through a lawyer: “I love you, thank you for having you. It'll all be over soon, you just have to be patient." For the first year, I carried packages to him, sent letters with photographs. Everyone was waiting for news from him. But - silence ... I filed for alimony, but I have not seen them either. Eva says to me this morning: get out, mom, get married and have a baby. She wants a normal family, she is already tired of waiting.

- Is Livanov worried that you don’t have enough money, Eva doesn’t receive something?

E .: If you add up Eva's pension, my subsidy and my mother's pension, you get about 20 thousand rubles. Is it a lot?! The Livanovs live in four-room mansions with an area of ​​108 square meters! Borin's apartment is rented for $1,500, but I'm not allowed to move in there. Just recently, Eva bought a blouse for 300 rubles, forked out! But they don't give me cash. And my daughter, by the way, recently had an operation. Thank God she's listening now. He only walks with an implant in his ear, he constantly needs to be charged.

Vasily Borisovich says that you are not involved in the treatment of your daughter, and wants to send you for a forensic psychiatric examination.

E .: For two years I sought a free operation for Eva, and they only thought how to take Borya out of the family. But I won’t go for an examination, our grandfather probably bought everyone there. As for alimony, Livanov told me: you won’t get anything - 300 rubles from the state. But nothing, now we are preparing a lawsuit to deprive Boris of parental rights. Let's see who wins!

He seemed to be able to breathe freely. The son left the colony, peace and tranquility returned to the family ... But, apparently, Vasily Borisovich has not yet passed all the tests. The former daughter-in-law, limited in parental rights, took the actor's granddaughter, is not going to give her away, and even blames Livanov for everything. According to Ekaterina, 13-year-old Eva simply ran away from her famous grandfather...

What I wanted to start with, - says Vasily Borisovich. - Recently I was invited to the presidential administration. to the Public Projects Department. And we there, in particular, talked for a long time about television programs. Such as "We speak and show", "Let them speak" ... What is the purpose of these programs? To show that we have a sick society in Russia: whatever family you take, something is bound to be wrong. What is the installation of such programs? Some failed citizens are taken, pitted against normal people. And if, as they call, “media persons” get pitted, then this is just luck! Oh, you viewers think we have good people? Like your favorite celebrities? There is nothing good about them!

- So, Vasily Borisovich, and now let's move on to your story ...

The ex-wife of my eldest son ... They were married for several months, 11 years already divorced. She is an alcoholic, it is established by the court. And now he accuses us, me and my wife, of just all mortal sins.

- She has one extenuating circumstance: she is a mother.

Mother? This is hypocrisy that has no name! We saw on TV a mother kicking her six-year-old son for disobedience. And there are mothers who throw their children in the trash cans. Also mothers? .. This Katya says: The Livanovs insisted that I be deprived of parental rights. Not us - the prosecutor insisted! Three guardianships came out for it! Her parental rights were limited by the court. And left a ray of hope. So that she can recover from her drinking, so that she can work...

Yes, she has a restriction in parental rights for three years already, - the actor's wife joins the conversation Elena Artemievna. - If a person has not improved within six months, then the issue of deprivation of parental rights can be considered. That's what the law says. But since we have an attitude in our society - how do you say that she is a mother - that's why she has not been deprived of parental rights yet.

“There was NO CONFLICT!”

- And tell me, please, the restriction in parental rights - what does this mean?

E.A.: She is deprived of the right to raise a child, to communicate with him. But she still has the opportunity to fully restore her parental rights.

- Now Katya has a right to what?

E.A.: Not at all. Absolutely nothing! If the girl's father (son Livanov Boris. - Ed.) and the guardianship authorities agree that she met with the child, then yes, she can meet.

- So she says that Boris just allowed her.

V.B.: Boris is a fool! He hoped that Katya had changed. A vain hope...

E.A.: Boris allowed Eva to visit her mother for a week. And Katya wrote a receipt that the child would stay with her for a week, that she would arrange for her to visit the school, and so on. And when this week has passed, it suddenly turns out that her daughter allegedly fell ill immediately, she did not go to school. And also - that the next day Katya took Eva into custody and she wrote a statement under dictation that she wanted to stay with her mother ... But a 13-year-old girl does not decide this! When a child expresses his desire in court, with whom he wants to live, the court takes it into account only if this does not contradict the interests of the child himself.

- According to Katya, Eve got this desire after a conflict with you.

E.A.: There was no conflict! If you call the conflict issues of raising a child ...

- It is clear that there are no conflicts here. Moreover, Eva has a difficult age.

V.B.: Hardest! The so-called transitional age.

E.A.: In fact, up to this point she was a completely prosperous girl, I had absolutely no complaints about her. But Eva has a peculiarity: she is deaf, she walks with a hearing aid. It is difficult for her to communicate with ordinary, shall we say, children. She does not understand fast speech, is shy, all the time trying to somehow camouflage this device. And now she is at an age that requires maximum communication with her peers ...

- But also a delicate attitude on the part of adults.

V.B.: In general, it so happened that Eva fell into the company of girls and boys older than her. They are 15-16 years old, they are all deaf, they talk on their fingers. Started going to some disco...

E.A: It started with the birthday of a girl in her class. I said: well, after your birthday you come home at six o'clock, as usual. She always came to the minute, if she was late, she warned. And this time she's not. I write to her: "Where are you?" But it turned out that their whole company decided to go to some disco.

- And this situation stressed you out?

E.A.: It bothered me that she didn't come back on time as promised. I explained my excitement to her: “What should I think when you are not at home?” And then she told me that she would go to her mother in Khimki. And then it turned out that Katya had been processing her for a long time. She came to school, corresponded with her, wrote that “you don’t need to listen to grandpa and grandma, they will die soon.” There are literally...

V.B.: I had a conversation with Eva. He said: “Eva, if they sell alcohol to teenagers at a discotheque, then they can sell drugs. It all starts with these years of yours. Decay of personality, fall. Then theft, because there is not enough money for all these entertainments. Then prostitution and so on...” And suddenly I read a lie to Katya: “He called his granddaughter a prostitute!” It would be better if I lied that I was rummaging through the pockets of passengers in the subway!


- Eva said: "I'm going to my mother because I'm afraid." Was she afraid that you would scold her?

V.B.: Yes, we never scolded her! She went to her mother, so that later she could go to this disco again. She allows everything.

E.A.: She was afraid to tell what was happening there, at the disco. In addition, Katya also inspired her that they would soon have a complete family, dad would return. But Boris is not going to return there... In fact, that's how it was. At the end of last year, Katya was once again denied the restoration of parental rights. She realized that she could not achieve anything. It does not fulfill the tasks assigned to it. Katya is required to work for a certain period of time, at least six months. She got a job twice, but after the first salary she went into a binge, and she was immediately fired ... So, since Katya cannot present anything in court, she decided to act differently. Her goal is not to return her daughter, but her pension ...

V.B.: She drank all of Eva's pension! And we keep that money safe and sound. Evka will need to change her hearing aid in four years. Just during this time, the required amount will be collected ...

E.A.: We already had such a case. Katya was taking Eve to some village. But she did it for only one reason - in order to declare in court: they say, Eva lives with me, return the rights. And now she is going to act in the same way.

Are you talking to Eve now?

E.A.: She is completely cut off from us. It is impossible to contact her through social networks, Katya answers text messages for her, Eva does not answer the phone ...

- Perhaps you have the right to report to the police?

E.A.: We are not. There is a father - Boris. And Katya hopes that he will go there, she needs a scandal. And Borya, in his situation, does not need a scandal at all. And he said that he would never go to Khimki, under any pretext.

But he still needs to make up his mind to take a step.

E.A.: Borya said: well, let Eva be there for now. But now it's being treated like that! Both grandmother and mother. Such pressure is coming! She is constantly told that her father is about to return; just wait a little - and there will be a happy family again. Which never was! They got married when Evka was 9 months old, it was in April. And already in July, Boris came to us with a child and said: “I can’t do this anymore. She is drunk all the time, I am constantly with the child ... ”He left Eva with us. And only after that we suddenly discovered that the child did not hear anything. We rushed to the hospital and learned from the doctors the whole truth about Katya's lifestyle. It turns out that in order for the newborn to survive, she was given certain injections, which as a result led to deafness.

V.B.: When we took our granddaughter three years ago, she wouldn't let me touch the back of her head, she had such a bruise! It turned out that her mother hit her head on the bed for calling us. Eva just forgot it...


- Tell me, now Boris lives separately from you?

V.B.: Well, how about separately? He is at the cottage. She is preparing her new book of prose for publication. In the summer we are all together there, the rest of the time we come for the weekend or he comes to us - the dacha is close.

But how does he feel about this situation? They say that Boris's personal life is getting better. Does he care about his daughter's fate?

E.A.: Borya is sure that Eva will run away from her mother...

But it's been over a month already.

E.A.: Boris did not take into account one thing: when a child is pressed and pressed like this, he can be fooled. He decided that Eva was already old enough, that she had a strong character and this would not affect her.

They had little contact as father and daughter. First, Eva was with her mother, then Boris served his sentence. Does he have a paternal influence on her?

E.A.: Oh sure. Why doesn't he want to go to Khimki? Well, you see, then, on December 17, 2008, he went to Khimki. And on January 1, he was already in a pre-trial detention center (Boris Livanov was accused of murder and sentenced to nine years. Subsequently, the article was changed, and the term was reduced. - Ed.). After all, he also went after Eve ...

- And what's the way out? After all, the girl needs to be taken away, right?

V.B.: We can't take Eve. We just don't have the legal right to do so.

- So you are waiting for some kind of insight to descend on her?

E.A.: We hope that she will have some reassessment of what is happening. Then she'll just understand. Now, it feels like Eva is in a panic. He cannot assess the situation, he is afraid.

V.B.: She needs some push. Now, if Katya gets drunk again and hits her head on the bed - that's when she will return.

- Aren't you afraid to be late? What happens something irreparable?

V.B.: We fear. We are afraid! But we have no right to take it away.

Boris has a right...

V.B.: He also has such a manilovism that Katya will probably change after that. What is "this"?! Why should she change? Her garrulous lies in the press testify otherwise.

E.A.: And I'm still afraid for Evin's psyche. Here she lived in her own room. And we didn’t talk about her mother or grandmother at all. Everything was done to ensure that she lived a happy, peaceful life. And now I imagine what crazy ideas are put into her head. Who knows what kind of scrapping can happen, and I personally am very worried about Eva. But for her, this is such a punishment. That she was there...

- Punishment? For what?

E.A.: For the fact that she was deceiving, for planning all this in advance, for colluding with Katya. And Borya is sure that this situation should serve as a kind of shake-up for her. Or she will choose the path of our family: strong moral principles, a sense of duty, duties, care. Or choose that life...

But you yourself say that a 13-year-old girl has no right to make such decisions. She can do stupid things.

E.A.: Maybe...

V.B.: We have to wait to see what Boris, her father, will do in this situation.

- But you will not influence your son?

V.B.: He is 42 years old, he is an adult. I cannot educate Borya. I told him how these "guests" would end ...

E.A.: 44 years old Katya, 42 years old Boris. What's up with grandpa and grandma? She uses her last name, she shits on it all the time. Why does she use it? Let there be again Makaveeva, Khrustaleva ... She has a great choice.

- So I understand, now you want only one thing - to just leave you alone.

V.B.: You know, Eva and I always defended services in the church. She confessed, took communion. She did it with passion and joy. But if from time to time she saw her mother, she each time tore off her pectoral cross and threw it away ... So, we want it to be clear: due to some circumstances, we are now excluded from this situation. And we want our beloved granddaughter, Evka, to be happy. What more could we want?

Dmitry Melman

Photo from the archive of V. Livanov


The other day in St. Petersburg, Vasily Livanov was awarded the Russian National Acting Prize. A. Mironov "Figaro" in the nomination "Knight of Art".

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