In the realm of harmful fungi. In the realm of harmful fungi

"Nature is cruel to her children?"

Harmful mushrooms are divided into poisonous, poisonous-hallucinogenic and predominantly hallucinogenic:


Deadly poisonous species:

Bordered galerina, poisonous cap, coniferous russula (galerina marginata) - the pulp of the leg is brownish, the caps are yellowish, with a mealy smell.

Umbrellas (Lepiota ) - strongly and inexplicably venomous. Silverfish comb (Lepiota cristata) - pulp thin, white, blushing when broken and touched, with an unpleasant taste and a sharp rare smell.

Entoloma (pink) poisonous (Rhodophyllus sinuatus) - the pulp is white, thick, dense. When broken, does not change color. The taste is described as slurred or unpleasant; odor musty or rancid. If a significant amount of mushrooms is consumed, a fatal outcome is possible.

Morel(Gyromitra)- Raw lines contain gyromitrins - strong toxins, often fatal. By the nature of the effect on the body, gyromitrin resembles the toxin of the pale toadstool.

Orange-red cobweb (Cortinarius orellanus) - pulp yellowish or brownish, odorless, tasteless. Contains the poisonous substance orellanin, which causes pathological changes in the kidneys. Signs of poisoning appear 3-14 days after eating the fungus and can be fatal.

Beautiful cobweb (Cortinarius speciosissimus) - pulp orange-buff, tasteless, with a rare smell or without it. Its effect on the body is the same as the orange-red cobweb.

Line, blade (Helvella) - All representatives of the genus in the fruiting bodies contain the toxin gyromitrin, which causes fatal poisoning.

Mushrooms of this genus are saprophytes on the soil, they develop abundantly in spring. Gyromitrin is now found in the common line and the giant line (Gyromitra gigas), as well as in the apothecia of some gelwells.

Poisonous poisonous:

satanic mushroom ( Boletus satanas) - in its raw form, the mushroom is highly poisonous. It is claimed that even a piece of pulp weighing no more than 1 gram can cause severe digestive upset.

Tiger Row (Iricholoma pardinum), dark and sulphur-yellow (Tricholoma sulphureum) - pulp whitish, under the skin of the cap is grayish, the taste and smell of flour. After eating, after 1.5-4 hours, it causes an upset of the gastrointestinal tract and vomiting.

Sulphur-yellow false foam (Hypholoma fasciculare) - pulp light yellow or whitish, very bitter, with an unpleasant odor. When eaten, after 1-6 hours nausea, vomiting, sweating appear, the person loses consciousness.

Swine thin, dunka (Paxillus involutus) - pulp yellowish, soft, friable, without a special smell and taste.

Red mushroom (Agaricus xanthoderma) - pulp not very thick, white, turning yellow on fracture, unpleasant taste, smell of carbolic acid. The mushroom is poisonous, with an undetermined nature of the poison. If eaten, it can cause poisoning, although not life-threatening. It differs from other champignons in a specific smell.


Mushrooms , included in this group (mainly a manita , Inocybe and clitocybe), contain ibotenic acid, muscimol, muscazone and hyoscyamine, psilocin, psilocybin and muscarine as active substances. Effective dose for ibotenic acid: 70 mg for an adult (1 mg/kg), for muscimol 7.5 mg for an adult (1 mg/kg). Muscimol and ibotenic acid can cause neuronal death and destruction of brain tissue. Symptoms of fly agaric poisoning (red, panther, royal, etc.) begin to appear after 0.5-4 hours. The effect on the nervous system manifests itself in the form of psychomimetic symptoms, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. When falling asleep, there may be an intensification of dreams. Many types of fibers contain a significant amount of muscarine, 7 types also contain psilocybin. The risk of death in most species is very high.

Pale grebe (Amanita phalloides) - pulpwhite, thin, odorless and tasteless (Most of all, it is interesting how information about taste was obtained). Signs of poisoning appear after 8-12, sometimes 20-40 hours after eating.

Fly agaric royal ( Amanita regalis) - refers to a number of hallucinogens.

Fly agaric white, spring (Amanita verna), smelly fly agaric (Amanita virosa) - pulp white, with an unpleasant taste and smell. More poisonous than usual.

Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) - pulp white, yellowish under the skin, soft, odorless. Symptoms of poisoning appear after 20 minutes and up to 2 hours after eating accompanied by hallucinations (look who has not seen the old Mexican movie "mushroom man", it's just about that).

Panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina) - pulp white, with an unpleasant odor, does not turn red at the break. Its symptoms resemble acute alcohol intoxication, which then passes into deep sleep, but can end in death.

Fly agaric (Amanita citrina) - pulp white, yellowish under the skin, smell and taste unpleasant, contains, among others, psychotropic substances of the tryptamine series - bufotenin, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.

Fly agaric gray, porphyry (Amanita porphyria) - pulp white, with a sharp unpleasant odor. Weakly poisonous, but a lot of hallucinogenic, like pagankovidny.

Fiberglass patouillard (Inocybe patouillardii) - pulp first white, then reddish, with an alcoholic smell and an unpleasant taste. Muscarine poison in it is 20 times more than in the red fly agaric. It affects the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning appear 20-25 minutes after ingestion. The lethal dose of fresh mushroom is 10-80 g.

Waxy talker (Clitocybe serussata) - pulp white, dense, smell and taste pleasant. Signs of poisoning are the same as in case of poisoning with fiber Patuillard.

Fiber torn (Inocybe lacera) - pulp the caps are white, the flesh of the stem is reddish, the smell is very weak, the taste is sweetish at first, then bitter. Symptoms of poisoning, as with the use of Patuillard fiber.

Fibrous fiber (Inocybe fastigiata) - pulp white, with an unpleasant smell, tasteless. Symptoms of poisoning are the same as with the use of Patuillard fiber.

Earth fiber (Inocybe geophylla) - pulpwhite, with an unpleasant earthy smell and spicy taste. Signs of poisoning are similar to those of Patuillard fiber poisoning.


To date, psilocybin has been found in some fungi from the genera Panaeolus, Stropharia, and Anellaria. About 25 species are now classified as hallucinogenic mushrooms, of which 75% are representatives of the genus Psilocybe.

Synonyms - Nize (Mazatek), pajaritos (Spanish), Quahtlananacatl, Lol-lu "um, Nios, Nanacatl (Aztec), teyhuinti-nanacatl (Aztec. "Intoxicating mushrooms"), pajaritos (Spanish "birds") , angelitos (Spanish for "angels"), piule de churis, chamaquillos (Spanish for "little people").

Their use in certain doses causes pseudo-hallucinations and a psychopathic state, which may be accompanied by euphoria, emotional highs, or severe conditions, sometimes with a craving for suicide, depending on the mood. The lethal dose is about 14 g, which is much higher than the effective dose that causes hallucinations (1-14 mg). To get fatal poisoning from psilocybe semilanceolate, you need to eat approximately 4-5 buckets (10-12l) of raw mushrooms.

Scale mushrooms ( Strophariaceae ):

San Isidro, Cuban psilocybe ( Strophariacubensis) - the flesh is very thin, creamy or light yellow in color, the taste is absent or unpleasant, the smell is weak, grassy or moldy. Psilocybin and psilocin in a fairly large amount, about 0.2 - 0.4% of the dry weight of the mushroom.

Sharp conical bald head, Phrygian cap, freedom cap, jolly ( Psilocybesemilanceata) - the flesh is very thin, creamy or light yellow in color, the taste is absent or unpleasant, the smell is weak, grassy or moldy.

Psilocybe mexican, teonanacatl ( Psilocybe mexicana) - among the Aztecs, it was considered a particularly sacred mushroom and was used during festivities, religious ceremonies and in healing rituals.

Montana (PsilocybeMontana) - moderate hallucinogenicity.

Stropharia blue-green, verdigris troyshling ( Stropharia( Psilocybe) aeruginosa) - the pulp of the mushrooms is thin, soft in the cap, bluish, dense in the stem, yellowish, with a pungent odor. The Psilocybe Aeruginosa mushroom is considered an edible mushroom of the fourth category, although it belongs to psychotropic, and in the USA it is poisonous, it is used both fresh and after boiling for 15 minutes, in second courses, salted and pickled.

Semicircular troishling ( Strophariasemiglobata) - the content of psychoactive substances in it is much less than in the traditional "Freedom Caps".

Dung bald head ( Psilocybe( Stropharia) corpophilia), Stropharia(Psilocybe)merdaria - minor psychoactive effect.

hay dung beetle ( Psilocybefoenisecii), (Panaeolus foenisecii)- contains psilocybin and psilocin, but less than Psilocybe semilanceata, sometimes you can find some other tryptamine derivatives, especially serotonin, but not toxic.

Psilocybe azurences (Psilocybe cyanescens (azurescens)) - recognizable by a chestnut-brown, banded, wavy cap that quickly fades to yellow-brown or deep yellow, and a bluish fruiting body. The pulp is bitter in taste. Odor or absent. Harvesting this fungus from the wild is a potentially dangerous practice due to its toxic appearance in the genera Galerina, Conocybe and Inocybe. Hallucinogenicity ranges from moderate to very high.

Philosopher's Stone (Psilocybe tampanensis) - hallucinogenicity is moderate to very high. There are almost no visual hallucinations, but very interesting sensations and thoughts appear.

Stropharia Gornemann (Stropharia hornemanii) - the pulp is light, dense, pleasant to the taste. Could be dangerous.

Ink mushrooms (Coprinaceae):

Bell dung beetle (Panaeolus ( Copelandia) campanulatus)contains psilocybin and psilocin, although not to the same extent as Psilocybe. Mushrooms of the species Panaeolus campanulatus rarely contain pantherine and other poisons.

Sphinx dung beetle (Panaeolus sphinctrinus) - often identified with Panaolus campanulatus, however, it differs from the latter in a striped hat, which is always turned inside out.

Sulfur heads (Hyphaloma), 0.5 - 0.6% psilocybin and psilocin + a large amount of beosiktin and norbeosiktin. in dry substance, several times the amount usual for Psylocibe semilanceata. Strong hallucinogen.

Psatirella (Psathyrella) - the pulp is thin-meaty, fragile, moderate hallucinogenicity.

Gymnopil, ognevka ( Gymnopilus) - the pulp is whitish, yellow, or brown, bitter taste. A number of species have been found to contain a known hallucinogenic substance. In several other species, the presence of bis-noryangonin and hispidin, substances similar to the alpha-pyrones of the kava-kava plant (intoxicating pepper), were found.

Historical and medical information:

Among the Celts, their use was part of the national culture. The Scandinavians used such mushrooms to bring "berserk" warriors into a state of uncontrollable rage. In the Rigveda, about a thousand hymns are dedicated to the sacred intoxicating drink "soma", which, according to researchers (R. G. Wasson, 1968), was prepared from red fly agaric. The ancient Indians believed that soma allows you to maintain health, prolongs life, and the person who drinks the drink merges with the deity. On the Chinese stone reliefs of the Han era there are images of a mythical hare living on the moon and mixing the elixir of immortality there. The hare holds in its paws a magic mushroom zhi, which has not yet been definitely identified.

In the early Christian and medieval churches of Tunisia and Western Europe, frescoes depicting "mushroom trees" entwined with snakes were found, which indicates the presence of a cult of mushrooms in early Christian traditions. Indian and Siberian shamans traditionally could not perform rituals of communication with spirits without them. The Aztecs called these mushrooms "teonanácatl" - "the body of God", and only the elect and initiates used it.

A dose of about 1 mg causes a state of intoxication in a person already 20-30 minutes after ingestion. A dose of up to 4 mg causes a state of detachment from reality, and at higher doses (up to 12 mg), profound changes in the psyche occur, hallucinations appear. Currently, this substance is synthesized abroad and used to treat certain mental illnesses. The effect of psilocybin on patients suffering from memory loss is very interesting. Almost 50% of patients have memories, revival, timidity and restraint disappear. Patients remember what they have forgotten, and help doctors better understand the causes of the disease. However, the substance psilocybin becomes a very dangerous hallucinogenic drug if it is not used for medicinal purposes, without medical supervision.

Mushrooms containing psilocybin and/or psilocin are considered narcotic.

The fresh or dried form is eaten raw or otherwise cooked. Fresh or dried forms are added to omelettes, pancakes, stews. They can also be brewed with boiling water, sometimes the dried form of the fungus is mixed with tobacco or hemp and smoked in hand-rolled cigarettes or pipes.

The psychedelic action of mushrooms is also called a trip. During the first hour of action, some people sometimes experience a "transition", the so-called "entry", during which the trip itself has not yet unfolded in full force, but mild side effects are felt, such as discomfort in the stomach, coldness and tremors , suffocation, blurred vision, along with this, a person is covered with ecstatic delight, the pupils dilate, the body shudders in convulsions, while sexual arousal increases, requiring discharge. Apparently, this explains the uncontrollable dances of the shaman, accompanied by inarticulate cries, laughter and singing. Subjective sensations are formed by an extraordinary acuteness of feelings: perception is distorted, the surrounding world is rapidly moving and slipping away, unexpected bouts of anger arise, abuse, curses, and sometimes sobs come out of the mouth. Excitation is quickly replaced by depression and numbness. According to the stories of shamans, it is at this moment that they leave their bodies and are transported to heaven, renouncing themselves for a while.

After the psychedelic effects have gradually subsided, the consequences of taking the drug appear within 6-12 hours: "a special, incomparable state of acute perception and intuition", but, at the same time, due to a decrease in the content of serotonin in the brain tissues , drowsiness, mood deterioration, irritability are possible.
When taking psilocin and psilocycin more than once every 10 days, it settles quickly a certain habit. To cause the same effect, the next day you need 1.5 - 2 times more mushrooms. Many cases are known when regular users of hallucinogenic mushrooms became patients in a psychiatric hospital. The main danger in the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms is the consumption of a poisonous variety.

This is what I found in the ivy thickets, going 15 meters from the building of the madhouse:

In addition, I found the following information on the Internet:

Russian hallucinogenic mushrooms Psilocybe Montana grow in slightly different places where psychonauts usually look for psilocybin mushrooms. In addition, they are less known than Psilocybe Semilanceata, which does not prevent them from being one of the most highly active hallucinogenic mushrooms in our streak.

Mushroom Psilocybe Montana or Stropharia Montana

The cap of the hallucinogenic mushroom Stropharia Montana has a diameter of 6-25 mm, the height is half the width. The shape of the cap of the mushroom is from semicircular to elongated semicircle, similar to the chest, often with a distinct nipple. The cap color of Psilocybe Montana mushrooms is gray-brown when dry, and brown with a hint of ocher when damp. Montana cap surface: smooth, finely fleshy, with notches from the edge outward to a semi-radius. The spore-bearing layer of hallucinogenic mushrooms Stropharia Montana is first light brown, later dark brown.

The legs of the hallucinogenic mushrooms Stropharia Montana are 25–75 mm in height, 3 mm in diameter, mostly evenly strong, curved, and thickened at the base. Mushroom stem color: brown, slightly lighter towards the cap. Stem surface: smooth without ring.

The time of collection of hallucinogenic mushrooms Stropharia Montana is from the end of July to the beginning of December. Psilocybe Montana mushroom location: among moss, lichen and fern, on sandy soils in forests. Finding these mushrooms is easier than Psilocybe Semilanceatu - because Psibolibe Montana does not hide among the grass, and often grows in plain sight. In addition, Stropharia Montana is larger in size. It is only important to pay attention to it and correctly identify it.

The hallucinogenic activity of Psilocybe Montana mushrooms is moderate to moderate, always less than that of Psilocybe Semilanceata. To obtain a gentle hallucinogenic effect, it is more correct to focus on 30 ... 50 pieces of medium Psilocybe Montana mushrooms.


in my opinion, the most active of the mushrooms found in Ukraine, in the Poltava region, in particular, the city of Kremenchug

grows almost everywhere! The distribution of this miracle is described below. In fact, you just need to go into the pine forest during the autumn rainy season and find a cluster of moss growing on the sand. after pushing the moss with your hands ....

they are there...

Collection time: End of July - beginning of December.

Location: Among moss, lichen and ferns, on sandy soils in forests.

Dimensions: diameter 6 - 25 mm, height is half the width.

Shape: semicircular to elongated semicircle, breast-like, often with a distinct nipple.

Colour: Grey-brown when dry, ocher brown when damp.

Surface: Smooth, finely fleshy, with notches from the edge outward to a semi-radius.

Dimensions: 25 - 75 mm high, 3 mm in diameter.

Shape: mostly evenly strong, curved, thickened at the base.

Color: brown, slightly lighter towards the cap.

Surface: smooth without ring (veil/border). spore-bearing layer

Colour: light brown at first, later dark brown.

Location: far apart, connected to the stalk (adnat), the spore-bearing layer is almost triangular.

ACTIVITY: moderate to medium

Mushrooms containing psilocybin can cause unfortunate consequences for those who use them regularly. Substances that are produced in them throughout the entire period of development are very dangerous for humans. The psilocybe species is represented by 20 different genera, one of which is montana. The species of psilocybe entered history thanks to the Indians, who used them in rituals.

Detailed description

The described mushroom Psilocybemontana, or as it is also called mountain psilocybe, belongs to the Strophariaceae family. The psychoactive substances it contains make it one of the most poisonous and toxic mushrooms. Therefore, so that it does not randomly end up in your basket, it is important to imagine what it looks like:

The mushroom cap is small in diameter. It reaches only 2.5 cm. Its thin-fleshy hat has radial notches on the edges, reaching up to half of its radius. The color scale depends on humidity. So, in sunny weather without precipitation, the mushroom is yellow-brown. And after heavy rain, it turns dark brown. Only in a recently grown mushroom, a flattening of its semicircular shape is observed somewhat later. In the center of the cap of a ripe mushroom, infrequently, but a mastoid tubercle can be found.

The thin flesh of the montana is brown.

On the back of the cap, you can see the plates of the fungus. In the process of further maturation of the fungus, these plates begin to darken.

The length of the leg reaches 7 cm, and its diameter is 3 mm. The minimum length of the mushroom is about 2.5 cm. The curved leg of the mushroom is very smooth, and a small thickening can be seen at its base. The shade of its light brown color is lighter than that of the hat.

Where is the mushroom found and its fruiting

Very often psilocybe montana grows in sandy soil, hidden by dense thickets of ferns. Next to it, areas with lichens and mosses are also found. The mushroom can also be found in the mountains, which are abundantly covered with dense forests.

Psilocybe montana bears fruit twice a year. The first period of its fruiting occurs at the end of May and until the beginning of July. The second is from August to October. Sometimes you can find this mushroom in December. It all depends on the climate in which he lives. The psychotropic effect of the fungus on humans leads to a strict ban on its circulation in most countries. Long fruiting time only complicates the fight against its illegal circulation.

Effects of a hallucinogen on the human body

During the development process of the toxic fungus, it produces psilocybin. As is well known, this substance is a strong psychedelic. Penetrating into the body, psilocybin is converted into another substance - psilocin. And the effect of this substance is similar to the effect of LSD and mescaline on the central nervous system. To clearly manifest the following symptoms, it is enough to use only 10 grams of psilocybin:

  1. The normal perception of space and time is disturbed. It becomes far from reality.
  2. Poor sensation in your body.
  3. The appearance of various sound and figurative hallucinations (the appearance of someone else's "speech" in the head; a series of bright images and images quickly replacing each other).
  4. Mood instability. Rapid jumps from pleasure to panic attacks.
  5. Convulsive muscle contraction.
  6. Increase in sweating.
  7. Interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Physical exhaustion.
  9. Often dizzy.
  10. Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the history of psychotropic mushrooms, there are cases of overdose. With it, people with a sick heart often die.

The natural consequences of taking such mushrooms

Instead of the desired relaxation, the constant use of psilocybin will lead to a severe form of chronic addiction. Do not assume that such dependence does not pose any danger. If there is a constant craving for psilocybin, this already speaks of drug addiction with its severe consequences:

  • Critical decrease in intellectual and physical indicators.
  • Persistent depression.
  • Suicidal tendencies.
  • Trouble with the law.

In the end, a person who was looking for a way to break away will suffer complete degradation, the final of which, most likely, will be his death. After all, psilocybe montana belongs to the class of hallucinogenic mushrooms. They can become a source of severe addiction for anyone who dares to try them.

The “caps of liberty,” as the hallucinogenic or psilocybin mushrooms, to which psilocybe montana belongs, are called, actually enslave the one who is addicted to them. And for many, the “wonderful journeys” practiced for a long time with the help of psilocybin mushrooms turn into a trip with a very sad result. Let's try to figure out why.

Psilocybe montana (Psilocybe montana), or Psilocybe mountain, is a representative of the Strophariaceae family. The mushroom is poisonous, as it contains psychoactive substances in its composition. To avoid errors in the definition, it is useful to know what it looks like:

  • the cap of the mushroom is small, 0.6 to 2.5 cm in diameter, thinly fleshy, with radial notches from the edge to the semi-radius. Yellowish-brown in dry weather, and brown to dark brown in high humidity. In young specimens, the semicircular shape becomes prostrate during the development of the fungus, sometimes retaining a mastoid tubercle in the center;
  • the pulp of the mushroom is brown, thin;
  • the plates are widely spaced, adhering to the stem of the fungus, at first light brown, later darkening and becoming brownish brown;
  • mushroom stem 2.5 to 7 cm high and about 0.3 cm in diameter with a smooth surface, curved, with a slight thickening at the base, light brown, slightly lighter than the cap.

Distribution and fruiting

Psilocybe montana lives in forests covering mountain ranges. The fungus is most often found on sandy soils, among fern thickets, in areas covered with mosses and lichens. Fruiting of psilocybe montana takes place for the first time from late May to early July, then from August to October. In some climatic zones, this mushroom can be seen even in early December. With such a long period of fruiting, psilocybe montana is not only not an object of collection and harvesting: in many countries, the circulation of psilocybin mushrooms is prohibited by law due to its psychotropic qualities.

The action of the hallucinogen

In the process of life, montana produces the psychedelic compound psilocybin. Entering the body when using psilocybin mushrooms, it turns into psilocin, the effect of which is similar to the effects of mescaline or LSD on consciousness, sensory organs, and functional systems of the body. 10 g of psilocybin is enough to clearly manifest the following symptoms:

  • distorted sensations of time and space;
  • impaired perception of one's own body;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations (“voices”, bright, rapidly changing colors and images);
  • abrupt transitions of states from bliss to panic;
  • convulsions;
  • profuse sweating;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

Among people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, there are known cases of death from an overdose of psilocybin mushrooms.

The detrimental effect of consumption

The systematic intentional use of psilocybin contained in mushrooms, instead of the expected bright "psychedelic adventure", sooner or later leads to chronic psilocybin addiction. It is a mistake to think that addiction to psilocybin mushrooms poses no threat. In fact, the prevailing mental need for psilocybin means drug addiction with all its consequences:

  • a decrease in mental abilities and indicators of physical health;
  • depressive behavior;
  • mental illness;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • all sorts of violations of the law.

The abuse of psilocybin mushrooms is a dangerous game, in the end of which, instead of spiritual perfection, complete disintegration of the personality occurs.

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