A combination of cards Queen of Swords. Tarot meaning queen of swords. General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

Lady of Swords: you have taken the first step in some kind of undertaking, you should only go forward. The card indicates a very purposeful person, whose actions are controlled by the emotions of love, hatred, this is always a maximalist. If this is a woman, then "Cossack".

Reverse position of the Queen of Swords card:

An inverted card means: unjustified risk, waste of energy, ambiguity of thoughts.

Dragon Tarot deck

Arcana Description:

Queen of Swords REGNA di SPADE

An angelic woman is in the sky with her white dragon.


The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

The Queen of Swords - An energetic and independent woman whose personality can set her apart from others. Trance.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

QUEEN The Queen Dame - her right hand holds a weapon vertically upwards, and the sword hilt rests on the armrest of her royal throne; left hand - outstretched; her face expresses severity, restraint and indicates a close acquaintance with sadness.

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

Divinatory Meanings: Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, lack of anything, barrenness, mourning, deprivation, separation.

Reverse position of the Queen of Swords card:

Reverse meanings: malice, fanaticism, pretense, excessive scrupulousness, deceit.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

Morality has limited all the juice and energy of life to the narrow dungeon of its mind. They can't flow in it, so it's really turned into a "dried old prunes". Her style is very correct, cruel and harsh, and she is always ready to see any situation as white or black, like a brooch around her neck.

The direct position of the card Queen of the Clouds - Moral:

The Queen of the Clouds lurks in the minds of each of us who have been raised with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. It is important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are only products of our conditioning. And whether our judgments are about ourselves or others, they hinder the experience of inner beauty and divinity. It is only when we break out of the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our hearts that we begin to see life for what it is.

Meaning of the card:

Bodhidharma... far surpasses the moralists, the puritans, the so-called good people, the zealots of goodness. He touched the bottom of the problem. Until awareness arises in you, your whole morality is bogus, your whole culture is just a thin layer that anyone can destroy. But when your morality comes from your awareness and not from some discipline, then it is completely different. Then you will be responsible for each situation according to your awareness. And whatever you do, it will be good. Mindfulness can't do anything wrong. This is the ultimate beauty of awareness, and whatever comes from it is simply beautiful, without any effort, without any practice. So instead of cutting off leaves and branches, cut down the roots. And there is only one way to cut off the root: be alert, be aware, be conscious.


Sun in Aquarius as a symbol of independence, individuality and empirical wisdom.

Direct position:

Lady of Swords: you have taken the first step in some kind of undertaking, you should only go forward. The card indicates a very purposeful person, whose actions are controlled by emotions (love, hate), this is always a maximalist. If this is a woman, then "Cossack".

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: unjustified risk, waste of energy, ambiguity of thoughts.

Queen of Swords

Characteristics: Air Water. Scales.

Dynamic, prudent, tactful, intelligent

Events: the need to give someone advice or be an arbitrator, reconciliation of quarreling parties, diplomacy

Encounter with the Queen of Swords

Business: the rise to the better

Occupation: woman in uniform, government positions, high positions, intellectual work (science, etc.)

Health: successful operations, tenacious struggle for life

Relationships: Interest is intellectual rather than heartfelt, there is an element of competition, people are interested in talking to each other. Often mother-in-law, single mother, sometimes widow

Tip: get involved in the fight, achieve the goal

Warning: do not take impregnable positions

Outcome: "Yes" You will achieve your goal using diplomacy


Characteristics: Evil homeowner. Grumpy, ruthless, categorical. Tormenting others with their misfortunes

Events: grief over the loss of someone or something, secret affairs and intrigues, psychological blockades

Encounter with the reversed Queen of Swords.

Business: Someone calculated waste, insufficient analysis and incorrect calculations, lack of purpose or wrong goals

Occupation: Health: neuralgia, thyroid disorders

Relationships: heavy, harsh, rude, a woman obeys, but at the same time accumulates anger in herself, people cannot forgive each other

Warning: you may be the target of malicious gossip

Outcome: No, you won't reach your goal.

General meaning:

The Queen, Lady of Swords is the female manifestation of the element of air. She personifies intelligence, openness, independence, fantasy and ingenuity. This is an expression of our ability to solve problems with the help of logic, to ascend to ever higher levels of knowledge, not getting lost in the face of an influx of ideas and doubts. Unlike the previous idea of ​​the Queen of Swords as an “evil woman”, at best a widow, now we see in her a woman (or a feminine principle in a man), freeing herself from addiction thanks to the power of her mind. Only in some cases the negative side of this card is revealed to us: it is most often the “snow queen”, behind the external attractiveness of which lies a cold calculation and an almost irresistible alienation.


Here, the Queen of Swords indicates a willingness to learn and to perceive everything new with open eyes, a deliberate and accurate reaction, and an intelligent, independent and flexible behavior in business negotiations. In addition, it shows that we value our freedom too much to sacrifice it for a prestigious or high-paying job, and we will immediately leave if its conditions no longer satisfy us or we are offered something better.


At the level of consciousness, this card first of all speaks of a wealth of ideas, of creative curiosity and a willingness to learn new things, but at the same time, of the strength and clarity of mind, allowing us to realize our dependence on anyone or anything - and free ourselves. Thus, this card always indicates some important process, indicating the awakening of consciousness and the beginning of true knowledge of oneself.

Personal relationships:

In this area, the Queen of Swords also means our awareness of ourselves and the meaning of our relationship with another person. Most often, this is expressed in an attempt to look at these relationships as if “from the outside”, in order to understand them and formulate (at least for ourselves) everything that does not suit us or worries us. This is a period when we especially need equality with a partner and, perhaps, begin to act more decisively due to the acquisition of inner freedom. Either way, the card shows that we will no longer tolerate certain things; in some cases this protest takes the form of coldness, subtle or even caustic irony.

Queen of Swords combined with other Tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - infertility; abandonment of motherhood.

With the card "Magician" - start to embody your ideas.

With the card "High Priestess" - abandon your destiny; do not listen to the voice of intuition.

With the card "Empress" - the rejection of motherhood.

With the "Emperor" card - a divorce.

With the card "Hierophant" - become merciless.

With the card "Lovers" - put an end to relationships.

With the card "Chariot" - to achieve your goal; disobedience.

With the card "Strength" - aggressiveness.

With the card "The Hermit" - loneliness.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - sad changes.

With the card "Justice" - divorce; court section.

With the Hanged Man card - betrayal.

With the card "Death" - mourning; widowhood.

With the card "Moderation" - lick your wounds.

With the card "Devil" - a hypocritical and dangerous woman.

With the "Tower" card - a divorce; property division; the loss; mourning; widowhood.

With the Star card - the hope of removing the crown of celibacy.

With the card "Moon" - a disease; deception; hopeless situation.

With the card "Sun" - warm a lonely soul; meet your sun.

With the card "Court" - come to your senses after the loss.

With the card "World" - the triumph of ideals.

Lady of Swords - Sensory-logical introvert (Gaben)

"Man, take what you want, but pay the right price"

Other names of the card: sensory-logical introvert (SLI), Master, Gabin, Designer, Technologist.


Direct map:

Women are small to medium height, men are medium and taller. Both those and others tend to be overweight. Constitutionally normosthenics, and more often hypersthenics (medium height, wide chest, wide bone, legs of medium length and shorter than average, just as strong). A rather round (sometimes oval) face, an inquiring look. Little smiling, but with a small and very mobile facial expressions. Very flexible, movements are plastic and smooth.

Reversed card:

Athletic build (normostenics), medium height, leaner and more sinewy, faces rather oval and less mobile. Somewhat slow in movements, a leisurely majesty appears.

It is this card that can be safely called psychics (that is, over-sensing). The whole world is perceived in sensations, color, dynamics, smells and sounds. Acutely feels everything that goes beyond the limits of harmony, acutely experiences the imperfection of the world. And therefore he loves nature, where this imperfection is reduced to a minimum. Many consider her kind and sympathetic, and try to use it for their own purposes, but it was not there. The Lady of Swords is responsive and not kind. She really feels the discomfort of those around her as her own discomfort. And so he begins to actively eliminate it. But if others are in no hurry to help in this or simply eliminate themselves, then the problem is solved not by eradicating the uncomfortable factor, but by increasing the distance between this stressor and the Lady. She herself knows how to adapt to any conditions, although, more precisely, to adapt these conditions to herself (especially an inverted card). The Lady of Swords has one of the most powerful strategies for effective survival in any conditions.

The components of this strategy are: the ability to work well with your hands, as well as with your head, thinking through the most technologically advanced, economical options for solving the tasks. By the way, the Queen of Swords considers any problems more as tasks that need to be solved, and not as problems. This is her secret of high stress tolerance.

The Lady of Swords has an aesthetically developed taste, according to which she not only appreciates the beautiful, but also works. Therefore, she will not do anything that she considers not necessary or not right. And in general, he works only in a schedule that is convenient for himself, using convenient methods, he cannot stand hack work and generally does something only when it doesn’t work out not to do it. Indeed, laziness is the engine of progress! He demands the same from others, but if a person does not like it, he does not insist, but parted without regret.

Trying to be on time everywhere, the Lady of Swords accelerates herself to the desired speed, loading herself with additional things. This really helps her spin faster, but with too much load, our Lady risks “dropping” everything she “juggles” so deftly. True, she does not give in to panic and at the same time, she tries to buy time to restore her status. She looks to the future with interest and great curiosity, while remembering the lessons of the past. Sometimes from the outside it seems that the Lady of Swords has been wise since childhood, a kind of small and wise old man.

She is able to provide the standard of living that she considers acceptable for herself. He does not like to save, believing that money should not be saved, but earned. Our Lady believes that first it is necessary to educate needs, and only then opportunities will appear, therefore she prefers to earn money for a reason, but when something specific is needed, well, plus a little for free spending, for which she is a great master.

Subtly feeling and vulnerable, the Lady of Swords prefers to hide it under restraint and irony. To most people, she seems completely non-emotional, but a careful observer can easily notice how a change of emotions and moods is reflected in a look, a hint of a smile and a raised eyebrow. Stormy emotions, even positive ones, are alarming, as they are considered a manifestation of an unstable relationship, and quickly tire. The Lady herself, having an artistic nature, can for some time enthusiastically play in one state or another. But in real life, the subtlety of emotional reproduction slips away, and these manifestations do not always look appropriate and with due intensity.

What does the Lady of Swords need the most? In inspiration. And she is inspired by new ideas that can be implemented beautifully and for the benefit of oneself. By the way - benefit for yourself, this is an obligatory component in any endeavor. Another aspect of inspiration is the approval and recognition of the need from the outside, and the approval of the case, not by herself, although the latter is just as pleasant.

In relation to the surrounding swords, the Lady herself sets the distance for communication. He does not like familiarity and knows how to be deadly polite and ironic. She also does not like other people's touches, she allows herself to be touched only by those whom she sympathizes with.

This can be used as a test - if the Lady of Swords touches you, then today she treats you well. What will happen tomorrow is another question.

It is not so easy to piss off the patient and restrained Lady of Swords, she would rather retire or send the “source of anxiety” away from herself. But if, nevertheless, you managed to hurt her, then she will answer very harshly, skillfully directing the blow to a weak spot. And not because of sadistic pleasure, but to stop further attempts to confront. Usually she is peaceful, but you should not try to put pressure on her. The Lady of Swords is highly independent and freedom-loving, does not exert forceful pressure on others, does not tolerate pressure from the outside and can give a severe rebuff.

The same love of freedom deprives the Lady of Swords of that competitive vein, those ambitions and aspirations that allow them to consciously make a career and make their way, winning the best place under the sun. Therefore, willpower is manifested when something is required to be avoided, and not achieved.

Another striking feature of the sword-bearing Lady is stubbornness. Flexible and mobile rebuilding when new information arrives, however, it continues to go its own way, like a sailboat that changes tacks, catching the wind, and continues to follow its intended course.

The Lady of Swords is a reliable partner, she has a developed self-esteem, thanks to which communication is immediately established at a certain level. And there is a code of honor, maybe somewhat different from the generally accepted one, but with which both actions and thoughts are constantly checked.

The Lady of Swords is dressed in a clear dependence on the place, the position in which, in her opinion, she is now. Prefers clothes of classic and sporty styles, colors are dominated by pastel or dark restrained tones. Much attention is paid to hats, shoes, bags and handbags and other accessories.

Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap

Expensive, it's nice. Cheap and nasty.

Lions do not live in captivity.

List of films

1. "Young Catherine" - her father, Count Vorontsov, Peter II.

2. "Remove Periscope" - Captain Thomas Dodge

3. "Johnny Mnemonic" - female bodyguard

4. "Lolita" - Humbert

5. "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" - Queen Anne, Athos.

6. "Matrix" - Morpheus and the woman - the oracle

7. "Taxi" - racer

8. "The Fifth Element" - Korben Dallas

9. "Water World" - the main character

10. "Me and my shadow" - a teacher, a twin from a wealthy family.

11. Skeletons - Peter

12. "Formula of Love" - ​​a blacksmith, a doctor.

13. "City of Angels" - Angel (Nicolas Cage)

14 Cruel Intentions - College Principal's Daughter

15. "The sky in diamonds" - Tolstoy, stuffing himself into husbands Nina Petrovna

16. Devil's Advocate - The Devil

17. "Trip", "Rat Race" - the one who first refused to play, and then flew in a helicopter.

Don't forget to visit our cozy

Widow. Lonely. Cold, aging woman. Offended. Afraid to show feelings. Considerate boss. Strong-willed, decisive, intelligent, self-sufficient. "Man in a skirt" Infertility.
Know how to choose arguments, be independent, resourceful and witty.

Cynicism and cold calculation are your worst qualities.

Map of the day
Today you may succeed in the most fantastic trick. If you still felt constrained, dependent on someone or something, now you have a chance to make the right decision and free yourself from all this once and for all. But be careful that this desire for independence does not turn into a war against everyone and everything, which can take you very far. It is also possible that you will meet with a smart woman. Listen to her carefully, she can play an important role in your future destiny.

flipped card
A hypocritical and hostile woman. A treacherous enemy. Evil. Witch.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners"

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The queen on this card is shown in profile. She does not pay attention to the one who is looking at the map. In one hand she holds a raised sword, the other hand is extended in a welcoming gesture. This woman is elegant, she has a sharp and clear mind, she is independent and determined. She calmly handles crises. She cannot be underestimated. Despite her strength and intelligence, she sometimes feels lonely and out of touch with life. A sober, quick mind gives her a huge advantage in any struggle, but she can be intolerant and quick to punish. The queen may represent someone you know, or indicate that it is time for you to break the all-round defense and accept the help you need from people. All Queens are mature and cold-blooded, but the Queen of Swords symbolizes wisdom and maturity, gained and tempered in suffering, loss, failure and disappointment, on the path of honor and courage.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Queen of Swords
  • Are you unfriendly to people?
  • What action are you determined to take?
  • Are you intolerant at times?
  • Are you influenced by some independent person who knows exactly what he wants from life?
Key Ideas
Too high and unrealistic standards can keep people at a distance. Be kind to yourself and others. Always strive for the maximum, but understand that even you will make mistakes at times, and you also need a weekend.
Divination in half a minute
Earl never got to be with his mother. Nearby - yes, but not together, but separately. The card agrees that his mother knows how to be cold and reserved. Here he can do little - one can only hope that she will see the light one day and open her heart and arms to him. Earl is not doing anything bad or wrong, he must understand that what is happening is not his problem, but his mother's problem. This card expresses sadness for his mother and for those deep and warm relationships that could have been, but they are not.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The Queen's seclusion may indicate that she is a widow.

Her upright posture expresses her ability to endure adversity.

Strength. Independence. Courage in trials.

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of intelligence, self-confidence, determination and willpower. She is able, without complaining about fate, to endure life's hardships and trials, while showing great courage and stamina. Traditionally, the Queen of Swords is depicted sitting or standing all alone, with a very upright and proud posture. In White's Universal Tarot, her robe is covered with images of clouds, and the throne on which she sits contains moldings of butterflies, birds, and angels, all of which indicate her connection with the element of air. She solemnly raises her sword and, apparently, does not notice the thunderclouds gathering around her.

Traditionally, the Queen of Swords is associated with feelings of disappointment and sadness. She is able to endure loss and loneliness and knows what it means to be alone with her misfortunes. Perhaps her loneliness is voluntary, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bher independence and does not lose heart when she is disappointed. She learned from her misfortunes and became even more self-confident as a result. The Queen of Swords - educated, sensible, both talented and ambitious in business - is probably more suited to the career of a business woman than the role of a wife or mother, although this card can also mean the appearance of a divorced woman or a widow in our life. She is respected for her clear analytical mind, remarkable ability to fairly assess the situation and the absence of preconceived opinions. If we meet someone who embodies her qualities, then this means that they are ready to naturally manifest themselves in ourselves.
If you get the Queen of Swords, then this may mean that you yourself need such qualities as patience and courage in difficult circumstances. In another case, you may meet someone with her character traits who is able to help you. This card encourages you to learn from the inevitable ups and downs of your life. The endured trials made the Queen of Swords wise and hardy, and perhaps you need to acquire precisely these properties of hers, especially if you are going through a difficult period in your life. Perhaps the time has come for you to show more resilience and independence.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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The Queen of Swords is dazzling in beautiful clothes. She sits on her throne, holding her sword point up; she embodies the image of a resourceful and capable person. Her left hand is raised, as if in approval or generosity. Her expression is stern but humble. She represents one who has suffered a great loss and stands firm in her misfortune.
Value for divination
Perceptive. Quick-witted. With a sharp mind. Extremely receptive. Subtle nature. Can mean a widow or a woman in sorrow. Sorrow. Deprivation. Absence. Loneliness. Parting. The one who has experienced great happiness, but now is experiencing the fear of misfortune and failure.
Reversed value
Blind commitment to something. Evil intent. Intolerance. Perfidy. Vindictiveness. hypocrisy. A treacherous enemy. Irritable person.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Queen of Swords personifies a woman with power and authority, or symbolizes personal loss, an emotionally devastating situation.

Mature woman wearing crown and royal robe. She can either stand or sit on the throne. Like the King, she holds a raised sword in her right hand. Her left hand is usually raised in a judgmental gesture. The facial expression is determined and may appear either stern and inscrutable or angry.
inner meaning
Like the King, this is a woman with power and authority, as well as the intention to use them to achieve her own goals. To the questioner, she can be perceived as a malicious, domineering and malevolent woman. If this card does not represent a specific personality, then it is a symbol of widowhood, personal loss, an emotionally destructive situation. (Note that the King represents physical danger, the Queen represents emotional danger.)
Value in the layout
Upright or Positive: A malicious and malevolent woman who can do you great harm. She is cruel and ruthless. If the Questioner is a man, he is strongly advised not to establish, if possible, any personal relationship with this woman. If the prediction is made for a woman, this card indicates the betrayal of the one whom she considered a friend.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then this is an indication of bereavement and sadness, separation and deprivation, widowhood and mourning.

Reversed or Negative: A vicious and malevolent woman who wields power and causes mischief. Evil intent, fanaticism, deceit. A situation that will bring great misfortune or cause feelings of embarrassment and shame.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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The Queen of Swords traditionally represents a divorced or widowed woman, as well as an old maid. She is intelligent and reasonable, but at the same time closed and secretive - a real Snow Queen. Her absolute self-confidence can even be frightening, but nevertheless she always expresses her thoughts directly and openly, decisively cuts off the excess and penetrates the very essence of any situation. She wears shining armor as naturally as widow's mourning. She gained wisdom by learning from her mistakes and not being afraid to work through the pain, loss, and tragedy that the storm clouds symbolize in the background of the map. Her complex thinking allows her to cope with the most difficult situations. She is a ruthless professional and upholds truth and principles regardless of how others feel about it. Her sharp mind and self-discipline at the exit give incorruptibility and thoroughness in research, writing talent and business sense. You can demand that others be honest, competent, efficient, skillful, and enterprising. You may be helping someone with wise advice, but meeting your perfectionist standards can be very difficult for others. You deal with any situation with an open mind and handle disappointments with ease. You highly value personal freedom and independence of judgment. You are stern, determined and adamant. You tend to end relationships abruptly, even if you later bitterly mourn their loss. You might as well cut off and deny your own emotions. In partnership, open communication is important to you, although your inherent analyticity and excessive desire for rationalism can spoil any relationship, or even reduce it to zero. As a mother, you are demanding, critical, and uncompromising in your expectations.

Traditional meanings: widowhood, sadness, suffering, deprivation, need, absence, parting, lack, lack, poverty, failure. Empty, vacant, unfilled, unoccupied, idle, passive, dormant, free.

Reversed Queen of Swords
In the traditional interpretation, the Queen of Swords is Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth or Snow White's evil stepmother. She does not hesitate to use deceit and cunning to achieve her fanatical goals. However, even if we consider it solely as the embodiment of evil, the output will not be a tragedy of a person stained with mortal sins, but at best a melodrama. Cruelty and narrow-mindedness are often not malicious in themselves, but only the result of deep disappointment and self-deception. A difficult character and destructive behavior stem from unsatisfied ambitions, overthrown ideals, unused or rejected abilities. But in some cases, the reversed queen, on the contrary, becomes more loving and emotional, less rigid and more dependent; she can even take off her shining armor.

At one end of the spectrum of manifestations of this card, you can carefully hide your intelligence and experience under the guise of narrow-mindedness and superficiality. On the other - to turn into an ascetic, rejecting the comfort and society of other people. You control your grief and resist suffering. Loneliness and limitations, as well as intolerance, can be the result of heartache and disappointment. You project your hypercriticism onto others or torment yourself with self-criticism. This card may indicate an unwillingness to finish something or make a decision. You are afraid to be alone or rejected, and therefore cut yourself off from others. You resist over-intellectualization of what is happening, refuse to play mind games, or you have a cold, indifferent parent or boss, and you are trying not to let this unfortunate fact ruin your life.

If the other cards in the spread confirm this interpretation, the card may speak of problems and difficulties associated with death, divorce, or parting that did not go "cleanly" enough. In terms of personal relationships, this may be repressed anger and cruelty, or a lack of determination and firmness of character. As a mother, the reversed Queen of Swords can be very sad. This manifests itself either as compassion, or, conversely, as coldness and distance. She can be, on the one hand, intolerant and imprudent, and on the other, insecure and phlegmatic.

In terms of health, this reversed card signifies asthma, allergies (particularly to mold), and environmental problems.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, it is associated with establishing protection, determining the field of work and understanding what not to do. It is also knowledge of poisons and toxic substances and the ability to work with them - both for healing and for causing harm. It may include the preparation of the body for burial and the rituals of seeing off the dead, which were traditionally performed by old women.

Traditional inverted meanings: evil, harmful, destructive woman. Malevolence, vindictiveness, malevolence. Fraud, deceit, cunning, shenanigans, tricks. Fanaticism. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, insincerity. Narrowness of thought. Loneliness.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
This is a "mother", supposedly taking care of all those living on earth, but in fact pursuing only her own goals - authority and power.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
This Arcana depicts a middle-aged woman wearing a crown and a royal robe. She sits on a throne, clutching a sword in her right hand.

Her left hand is usually raised in a judgmental gesture. The facial expression is impenetrable and stern. She is the arbiter of human destinies.

The Queen of Swords has power and authority, intelligence and prudence, but uses them only to achieve her goals. She is not going to part with her position, rather, on the contrary, she seeks to strengthen it. To the questioner, she can be perceived not only as a malicious and extravagant woman, but also as a "caring for all mommy", who in fact turns out to be a completely different person. For the time being, this woman may not interfere with the Questioner, until his actions become contrary to her interests.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - H, number - 13,
Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Libra,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 20th hexagram ("Contemplation").
Card meaning
Direct position
The Queen of Swords describes a malevolent woman who is capable of harming the Questioner. If the Questioner is a woman, then this card speaks of the betrayal of a friend. If the Questioner is a man, then he cannot establish any close relationship with the Queen of Swords.

In describing the situation, the interpretation of this card is as follows: parting, mourning, widowhood, female illnesses, sadness, emotional outburst.

Reversed position
In this case, the card warns the Questioner about a meeting with an evil woman, in her desire to harm her who has come down to fanaticism.

When describing a situation, this card has the following meanings: misfortune, shame, awkwardness and shame, criminal intentions, deceit.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Queen of Swords - the main features: strength, self-control, independence, intelligence, the power of the mind over the heart, the desire to live a full life. An outstanding nature, setting reasonable goals and knowing how to live them out, sometimes despite the interests of other people. In the layout of a man, the appearance of this card indicates the presence in his character of such typically feminine traits as secrecy and cunning.

Inverted - brings a bunch of bad news. Stubbornly strives to live in the past, turns the mind into evil, feels sorry for himself, prone to deceit.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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QUEEN The Queen (Lady) - her right hand holds the weapon vertically upwards, and the sword hilt rests on the armrest of her royal throne; left hand - outstretched; her face expresses severity, restraint and indicates a close acquaintance with sadness.

Direct position:
widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence (of something), barrenness, mourning, deprivation, separation.

Reverse position:
malice, fanaticism, pretense, excessive scrupulousness, deceit.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning:
Sun in Aquarius as a symbol of independence, individuality and empirical wisdom.
The Queen of Swords is the female manifestation of the element of air. She personifies intelligence, openness, independence, fantasy and ingenuity. This is an expression of our ability to solve problems with the help of logic, to ascend to ever higher levels of knowledge, not getting lost in the face of an influx of ideas and doubts. Unlike the previous idea of ​​the Queen of Swords as an "evil woman", at best a widow, now we see in her a woman (or a feminine principle in a man), freeing herself from dependence thanks to the power of her mind. Only in a few cases is the negative side of this card revealed to us: it is most often the "snow queen", behind the external attractiveness of which lies a cold calculation and an almost irresistible alienation.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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This is a beautiful card - a wonderful balance between the nature of the Cup and the efficacy of the Sword. The card describes the ability to fully penetrate the idea and then examine it with clear eyes from all sides. Clarity of feelings and actions, inner peace, harmony between the inner and the outer, and freedom as a consequence of all these qualities. The Queen of Swords is a very independent woman who knows what she wants and acts accordingly. This is someone with whom you can discuss your feelings. If you need to end something, she will help you. This is also a business woman who successfully makes her career, professionally a calm, sane person who accomplishes what she aspires to. She is not as conspicuous as the King of Swords, but she works no less effectively. If the card (in very rare cases) describes a man, then it also indicates an excellent balance of the qualities of the Sword and Cup.

Direct position:
Astrological equivalents: Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Houses Eighth and Ninth.
Usually the card indicates an extremely purposeful person. Very often, the Queen of Swords is driven by love or hate, that is, her actions are controlled by emotions. Another aspect of this card is that it always represents a maximalist, a person for whom there are no nuances in the world. Often in life, the Queen of Swords acts as a person "with a club", which does not allow you to turn off the intended path. Occasionally, it can represent a "cavalry girl" in the layout.

Reversed position:
Astrological equivalents: Mars, Saturn, Mars in Capricorn, Houses Eighth, Tenth and Twelfth.
Most often, it shows the same purposeful personality as the direct one, but it only acts against you. Sometimes, this is a person whose love for you, for one reason or another, has turned into hatred.
Or is this a person not capable of constructive action, in addition, the most important attribute of the inverted Queen of Swords is the deprivation of something: this is a person who does not act from excess, but is driven by a lack, a lack of what is vital for him.
If a card means an action:
A. Upright
The card says that you have already taken the first step in your undertaking. Now it is important not to retreat. Remember, here you just have to go forward. There is no way back.
B. In an inverted position
The card reports that your action was started without a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goal, about a waste of energy, or it reports a situation where a person does not know where to put the force; senseless prowess, unjustified risk.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Sibyl, Lady or Lady of Swords.
A woman in royal clothes, in a crown and with a sword in her hands. In some versions of the cards, her costume is complemented by certain details of knightly armor: a shield, shoulder pads, armlets. The sky on the map is covered with cumulus clouds rising near the horizon: cool, calm, with a chance of rain.
This card symbolizes a woman who has taken a strong position in life. She is a wonderful wife and mother. She is loved and respected by colleagues at work and, possibly, in social activities: she is cramped within her four walls, she seeks and finds an application for her abilities. True, she was able to achieve this only at the cost of hard work and overcoming many obstacles. But now she has gained experience and knows how to use it.
In a direct position, it can mean clarification, clarification of a situation, as well as complete control over oneself, one's reactions and actions, which in practice usually means the success of the planned business.

An exaggerated desire to control everything, which leads just to the loss of control over the situation, and thereby to losses and even deprivation.

When it comes to the Queen of Swords Tarot card, the meaning usually lies in the emotional state of the fortuneteller or the representation of a certain person from his life, usually a woman. However, if one considers the detailed meaning of the card, many possibilities for interpretation can be found.

In the article:

Queen of Swords Tarot - card meaning

Queen of Swords Tarot upright usually means clarifying non-trivial questions or getting precise answers. What was hidden will become clear. Now you will know everything about the situation or the question that you asked the Tarot cards during fortune-telling. The Queen of Swords more often indicates women familiar to the fortuneteller than certain situations and incidents, however, this may also be the case.

The Lady of Tarot Swords also means complete control over the situation, one's own emotions and the people who are involved in what is happening. As a rule, this leads to success in what the fortuneteller intended, if we are talking about a case in which such methods are applicable.

In addition, she can say that the fortuneteller has experienced some kind of grief, and at the moment his mind is drowned out by emotions. Soon he will be able to transform grief into some kind of life experience. The Queen of Swords can give a hint - solve the problem with the help of your mind, with its help, strive for independence. She speaks of the awakening of consciousness, the desire for freedom and the desire to continue learning.

upside down this card signifies the desire for excessive control. The fortuneteller goes too far, and this leads to a loss of control, which is the exact opposite of the desired phenomenon. Such an approach can only lead to hardships and losses associated with the plan.

If it falls out inverted Lady of Swords, this may indicate that your abilities are used to the detriment of others. You are deceitful, you have all the necessary knowledge in order to hurt people. In addition, another meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot card is actions to the detriment of a fortuneteller of a certain woman who is hostile towards him.

Queen of Swords Tarot - meaning in layouts for business and work

The meaning of the Lady of Tarot Swords in the layouts for work lies in the ability to look with open eyes. Be ready to learn new skills, gain new experience. Continuous learning is one of the important success factors. Thoughtful behavior and quick reaction will be good helpers in the work of a fortuneteller. During business negotiations, communication with superiors and colleagues, he must remain flexible, but remain independent.

In addition, this card indicates the need to cherish your freedom and the ability to value yourself. These are absolutely not the things that can be exchanged for prestige or material wealth. The Queen hints that if the conditions of the corporation no longer suit the fortuneteller, new options or interesting offers have appeared - it's time to make a choice towards new opportunities.

Upside down possible consequences of deceiving a certain woman or disrespectful attitude towards her. A conflict with a high-ranking lady is also likely, who considers it necessary to seriously harm the fortuneteller. She may act overtly, or she may prefer to keep her anger secret.

Queen of Swords Tarot - Meaning in Relationships

The meaning in the relationship of the Queen of Swords Tarot lies mainly in rethinking its role in the union between a man and a woman, as well as analyzing the relationship. The fortuneteller is in a state of reflection. He is trying to understand what exactly does not suit him in these relations in question. Usually these are attempts to look at the relationship from the outside, but it can be harmful to involve third parties in this process.

There is currently a period during which both parties need and strive for equality. The fortuneteller gains inner freedom and begins to act more decisively. The card can talk about protest, which can be expressed in coldness and irony. It shows that there is no more desire to endure some things.

However, it is still not worth making hasty conclusions. Now your emotions are muffled by the mind - such is this period. However, it will end, emotions will take over, and the fortuneteller may regret what was done. inverted The Lady of Swords speaks of the selfishness of a partner who wants to force you to do as he pleases, does not respect your feelings and you at the same time.

Lady of Tarot Swords - what personalities does she represent in divination

In the deck, the Queen of Swords sits on a throne in the clouds, in her hands is a sword and the severed head of a bearded man. She is wearing only a sarong and a shiny sash. wrote that in a prosperous environment this is a smart and observant lady, who is distinguished by mercy. In the bad, its qualities are used to harm, it is dangerous, despite the superficial beauty.

The main meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot is a woman who has a strong position in life. She is a good wife and mother, but she may well be a widow, a divorced woman, and a careerist who did not have children and get married. The lady is actively busy not only with work, but also with social activities - it would be boring for her to do only housework. She enjoys honor and respect among those who know her. She went through great grief, but it strengthened her character and willpower.

This woman has considerable experience in selected industries and she skillfully uses it. It took a lot of effort to get what she has, but it was worth it. This lady is smart and independent, and can only advise using logic and striving for self-sufficiency.

The card can mean the mother of the fortuneteller, and if there are several Queens of different stripes in the layout, this indicates an important meeting of women for him. Sometimes this card falls on men with feminine character traits and relatives with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

The negative side of this card, which is usually presented to her upside down- a cold and aloof lady who acts according to strict calculation. She may have been previously deceived by a fortuneteller and feel a desire for revenge. However, this lady can have such a vile character that antipathy is enough for her to act against a fortuneteller. Sometimes it is a gossip or an envious person who operates in secret.

Your secret enemy feels outlawed and never acts overtly. She harms behind the fortuneteller's back, not too limiting herself in the methods of revenge. Perhaps this lady hardened after a heavy loss or difficult life circumstances. Sometimes the card means a woman who regularly lets others down and does not deserve the trust of others.

If a inverted The Queen of Swords falls to a man, he should not have a romantic relationship with the implied card of a woman. If the alignment is done for a woman, she should be attentive to her friends and female colleagues.

Queen of Swords and combinations in Tarot

Almost all cards can change their meanings somewhat when it comes to combinations of cards with each other. The Queen of Swords and combinations in Tarot is a separate issue. The meaning of this card can change a lot, and the layout can become more accurate and understandable if the fortuneteller knows the meaning of the combinations of this card with the rest.

So, with the Queen of Swords means a conscious rejection of motherhood or infertility. If the child already exists, he is not interested in the specified person, she is burdened by the duties of the mother. The same will be the meaning of the combination of this card with the Arcana Empress.

When the Queen of Swords is combined with the Emperor, the meaning is divorce, the end of a relationship, a serious quarrel. With the Justice card, litigation and the division of property are added to this value. With the Tower Arcana, widowhood is also possible, but this can be a divorce, in which the woman personified by the Queen of Swords will have a hard time. Divorce can also be expected when this card is combined with the King of Wands or the Four of Wands.

Authoritative and domineering representative of the fair sex. She easily achieves her goals, and no obstacles on the way can prevent her from doing this. In a private aspect, this is a successful leader, boss, curator. Such a woman passes all ongoing events through a strict filter - like / dislike, acceptable or not, profitable or unprofitable. She is not distracted by details, she always draws up a clear and thoughtful plan of action in advance.

Since the Lady rarely shows emotions, it seems to others that she is cold in communication and self-centered. In fact, in most cases, she is benevolent towards the interlocutor, she is simply not used to advertising her inner state. She is impressed by restraint and cold-blooded calm even in an exciting conversation.

Event interpretation: the need to pay attention to the intellectual component of life. At the moment, it is important to make informed decisions. Serious conflicts or difficult negotiations are not ruled out. Success can be achieved if you tirelessly control your thoughts and their embodiment.

Direct position

A lady with a well-developed intuition, a cold and prudent mind. Before starting to act, she deeply analyzes the available facts, foresees the best scenario for the development of events. Her ideas about life are formed early and are modified only with serious internal restructuring. Only an authoritative or very significant person for her can break or shake her confidence in her strength. She will not violate her principles, and she will defend her own opinion to the last. These people don't give up without a fight.

The card describes a person who is not characterized by impulsive or eccentric actions. She is devoid of the sentimentality of the suit of Cups and the altruism inherent in the Sceptres. It is extremely difficult to argue with her, since it is unrealistic to convince such assertiveness. Sometimes it's easier to agree and do things your way than to engage in polemics. The queen may listen to the leader in her eyes, but only for the reason that she is trying to find out how he reached such heights.

In marriage, girls with this character feel uncomfortable. Often they give themselves completely to their favorite work and forget about the family. They are independent, free and happy even without a formal union.

Reversed position

The purposefulness and analytical mindset of a lady in a straight position turn into an aggressive adherence to her ideals, excessive meticulousness and picky about details. It becomes impossible to talk to her, because anger takes over the mind, preventing her from thinking constructively.

Making this element of the layout stand in an inverted position is quite easy. Just disagree with your interlocutor, and she will quickly turn from a reasonable opponent into an aggressor.

Driven to the point of absurdity, the desire to control everything that happens around leads to the opposite result - the established order crumbles before our eyes. Tip: slow down, pull yourself together and return to the resource state of the Arcana in the original position.

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