The system unit makes a lot of noise what to do. Why is the computer system unit noisy and what to do? Eliminate hard drive noise

It is impossible to work for a long time at the computer when it is very noisy. Noise is also annoying to those around you, especially at night. Let's see what can be done about your computer if it has become terribly noisy.

Noise can be emitted by the following components:


They are coolers, installed on power supplies, processors, video cards, and simply in the case to lower the overall temperature of the system unit.

Fans start to make a lot of noise when they are out of order or running at maximum speed.

The fan runs at maximum speed when it is. Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the radiators are clogged with dust on the processor and video card. You may need to replace the thermal paste if your computer is old. Perhaps the computer can hardly cope with the load assigned to it and more powerful components are needed.

It's just not worth the settings in the BIOS, without having enough experience for this. Otherwise, the computer will work quietly, but will soon burn out. You can set the fan control in the BIOS to automatic mode. Then the speed will be adjusted according to the temperature.

Before lowering the fan speed, you must install additional fans in the chassis and reduce their speed as well. Then, with the same level of cooling, the computer will run quieter. You need at least two additional fans to install in the chassis. One works for blowing air in the front of the case, and the other for blowing out in the back of the case.

The fan speed can be reduced using special controllers. There are cheap options where each regulator is connected to one fan. So it’s more expensive - when a special panel with regulators and a screen is installed on the front of the system unit to control the speed of coolers and temperature. Fans are connected to this panel inside the system unit.

Expensive fan models are quieter and last longer. Larger fans are less noisy. You can put on the processor. Then the cooling will improve, and the fan will spin more slowly. And on processor models that are not prone to strong heat, it will be possible to completely turn off the cooler. But this is found mainly on "thin" workstations and media centers.

After lowering the speed of the fans, you need to make sure that the cooling is working efficiently enough. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the components. If the temperature does not rise, especially under load. Then they did everything right.

Fans may be noisy due to the ingress of foreign objects into it. For example, wires when they are loose and are next to rotating blades.


They can make a lot of noise while working. Especially when they start to fail. Therefore, if your hard drive starts to work louder than usual, then you should check its technical condition with special programs, such as CrystalDiskInfo, and make backup copies of important data.

Different models of hard drives may work with different volume, it is also possible on some models. But this reduces the performance of the drive. Also, the hard drive can be replaced with an SSD drive, if finances allow. But SSD drives are quieter and faster.

Case of the system unit

During operation, the computer vibrates, and cheap cases begin to rattle. Therefore, you should not buy a system unit in a cheap case. And it is better to take larger cases - then ventilation will be better inside. It is necessary to make sure that the components in the case are well fixed, otherwise they will make additional noise during operation.

Video cards

On cheap models, the fan speed is not adjustable, and it constantly runs at maximum speed. On models of video cards designed for office work, the fan may be absent. Video cards should be chosen from trusted manufacturers. Then they will work quieter and last longer.

More expensive video cards allow you to control the speed, and do it automatically. For manual intervention, the MSI Afterburner program is usually used.

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The obvious reasons for noise include fans (70%), hard drives, especially in the corporate segment, with a spindle speed of 10,000 revolutions (15%), an optical drive (10%), or loose elements of the system unit that are not really screwed to the case (3 %). The remaining 2% are exotic reasons that require action (poor element base of the power supply, resonating metal in the case, foreign objects inside the system unit). We will talk about all this in detail and exhaustively.

The main causes of noise and how to deal with them

Consider both obvious and rare reasons for the appearance of extraneous sounds, rattles and squeaks inside the case.

Cooling system coolers

So, you turned on the PC, waited for the OS to load, and then sat down to work. Annoying chatter or howls distract from business? Surely the cooling system is “trying” in the form of fans located inside the case, so let's start with them.

In modern (and not so) computers, coolers are used to cool components, namely:

  • CPU;
  • video card;
  • northbridge chipset (in rare cases);
  • power unit;
  • heatsinks on the motherboard;
  • case walls.

The reasons for the increased speed of the coolers and extraneous noise are as follows:

  • Bearing wear- indicates that the cooler has literally "outlived" its age and needs to be replaced. It will not be difficult to do this with case turntables, it is enough to choose a model with a 4 pin or molex output. In the case of a PSU, everything is more complicated, since there the fan is soldered to the board and you cannot do without the skills of working with a soldering iron. Another problem is a video card with a "proprietary" cooling system. You will either have to look for an analogue with a working CO, or ask for the help of a recovery specialist.
  • Fan impeller failure- a problem that is solved similarly to the previous one. The option “break off the second blade to stabilize the center of gravity” is not considered, since the geometry is already broken. You will only achieve that the bearings wear out even faster. Only a replacement.
  • A large amount of dust common cause of increased noise. The so-called “boots” made of dust, hair and wool clog the radiator fins and block access to air. As a result, the cooler has to increase the speed in order to suck in at least something to cool the components. In parallel, when the video card and processor overheat, there is a strong drop in performance, because the components are forced to reset their frequencies so as not to overheat. And at the same time, do not forget to replace the thermal paste after cleaning from dust, if you know how.
  • Regular hit on the impeller of a loose cable- the problem of negligence when assembling a PC. Calculate the cable that is in contact with the blades of the turntables and remove it by tying it with the rest of the cables. As a bonus, read up on cable management if your case allows it.
  • Lubricant depletion- automatically leads to increased noise due to bearing wear. To lubricate the fan, you will have to unscrew it, and then peel off the sticker on the “back” part. The problem is that some turntables are maintenance-free (under the sticker there is not a rubber insert, but a molded plastic case). These have to be replaced with new ones. If the cooler is serviceable, remove the rubber liner and pour in 1-2 drops of silicone oil (available at any radio hardware store);
  • Software failure- Problems in the BIOS, or programs like MSI Afterburner. In the BIOS, it is probably necessary to rearrange the battery (marking CR2032), since the settings are regularly lost due to lack of power for the CMOS chip. Software components are either updated or reinstalled. If you know how to fine-tune the RPMs, force them to lock at a certain speed to reach a comfortable noise threshold.
  • No PWM controller- a common problem with all cheap 3-pin powered coolers. These, in most cases, run at maximum speed, since the BIOS cannot forcefully limit the RPM. You have to think about additional software (Speed ​​​​Fun, Afterburner), reobas or step-down resistor. As a drastic measure, simply change the cooler.

Hard drives

The second most popular cause of noise in a PC is the HDD. This is the most important component of the system, necessary for data storage. However, the mechanical components of the product (spindle and readhead) can be obscenely loud at 7200 rpm and above. If there are 2 or more disks in the system, they could enter into resonance, transmitting vibrations to the walls of the case. Cheap system blocks with metal 0.5-0.6 mm, the absence of rubber spacers and sound insulation “perfectly” transmit vibrations to the floor or niche in which the PC stands. It is necessary to deal with extraneous sounds in the following ways:

  • Fasten the HDD in the sled with all 4 screws. This will reduce the oscillation of the device during operation. As a precaution, tighten all screws;
  • Use rubber or silicone spacers. For local vibration damping, this simple technique is often used. You can buy them on AliExpress and in any computer electronics store;
  • Try hanging a "sagging" disk with a cable or "improvised" means. Not the most reliable option, but will help until you buy a new case;
  • Get a more secure, thick-walled case, noise isolation and HDD sled, which are already equipped with rubber or foam seals. The step is radical, but often necessary. Look for a model with dust filters to further reduce the amount of dirt inside the system, protecting the cooler;
  • Programmatically reduce HDD speed by changing the intensity of rotation of the block with heads (Automatic Acoustic Management, AAM). To do this, use a utility like quietHDD. It is worth noting that in this case you will lose in the speed of reading / writing data, so think for yourself.

If the hard drive began to crackle more and more often during operation, you will probably have to say goodbye to it. Copy all the necessary data to a new drive in advance, and then perform a deep low-level check for bad sectors (Smart scan) using the MHDD or Victoria utilities. With a large number of slow and bad sectors, nothing will help the disk, only a well-deserved rest.

optical drive

DVD drives, or CD / BD-analogues, have long lost their relevance in new PCs and laptops, but are used in the old fashioned way by users of older systems. And this is a rather noisy PC element that can also be turned off:

  • Remove boot priority in BIOS if the drive is in the first place in the list (and only then the HDD). So you lower the volume of the system startup;
  • Completely disable the DVD drive by hardware by removing the power cable. Reception is suitable in case of uselessness of the module. Additionally, this will free up a SATA connector for connecting an HDD or SSD.

Periodic noise from the drive "out of the blue" indicates that a data disk is forgotten inside. The computer tries to count them by causing the spindle and laser carriage to rotate. If it is possible to remove the disc in the classical way (by pressing the tray eject button), do it. If the key fails, a paper clip will come in handy. It must be straightened and inserted into a tiny hole near the carriage exit button until it “clicks”. The tray will pop out slightly to catch it with your fingers.

If you use the drive regularly, but regular noise, crackling and hum are annoying, replace the model with a quieter one. They are cheap today.

P.S. A PC may have such an archaism installed as a floppy disk drive (FDD). We recommend disconnecting it from the motherboard, or even completely replacing it with a 2.5-inch form factor card reader.

Negligence in assembly

The obvious causes of noise have been sorted out, let's move on to less common ones. It's no secret that 90% of computers sold are ready-made solutions. The buyer comes to the store, points his finger at the system unit of interest, pays for the purchase and leaves. In most cases, the case cover does not even open, and therefore no one knows how the system was assembled and how well everything was screwed.

Reason #1

The reason for the unpleasant hum and rattle of the PC can be a banal savings on mounting bolts. Let's take the following fact as a basis:

  • 11 (ATX), 9 (Micro-ATX), or 4 (Mini-ITX and SLX) screws are required to secure motherboards. Less is trash;
  • SSD/HDD/DVD-ROM - 4 screws;
  • video card - 1-2 (depending on the thickness of the cooling system);
  • cooler (including processor) - 4;
  • expansion boards - an average of 1 screw.

Calculate for fun, whether the collector saved. We recommend doing this only if the warranty for the PC is no longer covered (damage to the seal on the case cover is fraught with failure to repair). We also advise you to tighten the screws yourself as a preventive measure.

Reason #2

The second point is the packaging and laying of cables inside the system unit (cable management). Self-respecting shops do it with high quality so that the wire does not sag and does not come into contact with the impeller of the cooling fans. Artisanal collectors often neglect beauty in order to save time. It is they who are the "suppliers" of rattling and buzzing boxes with mediocre components that fail in a short time or work incorrectly. Want a reliable and quiet PC? Trust trusted brands and demand cable routing even in inexpensive builds.

Reason #3

The final touch is foreign objects in the case. No one is immune from mistakes when assembling a PC. A small screw may have rolled under the motherboard. It is possible that one of the fastening clips fell off at the processor cooler. It is possible that the cable periodically knocks on the case cover at the time of intensive operation of the HDD and the cooling system (resonance). We recommend that you carefully inspect the PC for such moments, laying the cables in parallel more carefully so that they do not come into contact with the case cover. This will protect against noise and possible electric shocks in the case of cheap cases.

Software malfunctions

In addition to hardware problems (95% of cases), there are also software problems that are less obvious. To begin with, let's touch on such a moment as overclocking(increasing the frequency of components in order to achieve greater performance). The process has one significant drawback - the high heat dissipation of the system (processor, video card, RAM), which needs to be cooled with something.

Complete (boxed) fans on the CPU cannot cope with this task, but they try to somehow cool the chip due to a sharp increase in speed. As a result, we get a rumble comparable to the work of helicopter blades. There are two solutions to the problem:

  • frequency reduction;
  • purchase of a new CO.

Another software bug viruses. During the heyday of cryptocurrency mining, attackers came up with many ways to steal Bitcoin through the PC of ordinary users. It is enough to overlook an inconspicuous check mark when installing an application from the Internet, as the software for cryptocurrency mining will be installed in the system. As a result, the processor and video card are loaded at 100%, which is fraught with high heat dissipation and, accordingly, the noise level. In this case, either a comprehensive cleaning of the OS with specialized software, or a complete reinstallation of Windows, if other means have not helped, helps.

Third option - program failure like Speed ​​Fun and MSI Afterburner, which can force the fan speed up to 100%. Troubleshooting is simple - reinstall the application.

Non-obvious and indirect reasons

Periodic beep of the system speaker. The component is located on the motherboard and is responsible for the sound accompaniment of the system status, transmitting a signal to the computer owner about the successful "start" of the PC. If at startup you hear one on-duty "beep" - everything is in order. If there are three or more squeaks, and with a certain frequency, there is a problem with one of the component parts. In this case, we advise you to contact the service center, or look for error codes on the Internet, guided by the BIOS manufacturer of your motherboard.

Video card whistle. This is an extremely rare and specific problem that occurs only on powerful accelerators in maximum load mode. Its solution is complicated by several factors:

  • it is necessary to check the winding of each inductor;
  • to check it is required to remove the cooling system;
  • turning on a video card without CO is fraught with damage to the device.

We strongly do not recommend opening the accelerator cooling without proper experience. If the card is under warranty, send it in for repair. If you have been using the GPU for less than 14 days from the date of purchase, replace the module with another one. Otherwise (naturally, with knowledge of the element base and the ability to solder), try unsoldering the chokes and pouring epoxy inside. Wait for the composition to fully cure, solder everything back and run the OpenMark test. The whistle should be significantly reduced.

This problem is subjective, since not every person hears high-frequency sound.

Hum in the area of ​​the power supply. If you hear a perceptible hum, like from a transformer box, coming from a power supply unit, immediately turn off the PC. Such a sound indicates that the unit is operating at the power limit and will not last long. Surely it is designed for 350 watts of load, and you are trying to power 400 or more using demanding components. First, find out the rated power of all PC elements, and then buy a new power supply with a margin of safety of at least 30%.


I would like to say right away that all of the above problems are more or less typical for a computer, laptop, monoblock, nettop, netbook, HTPC and even game consoles. We recommend that you carefully monitor the condition of the equipment and regularly carry out maintenance:

  • cleaning the case from dust - every 6 months;
  • replacement of thermal paste on the processor and video card - once every 2 years (if you regularly play or use a PC for work - once a year);
  • preventive lubrication of coolers - once a year.
  • order a high-quality case made of steel with a thickness of at least 0.8-1 mm (lower location of the power supply, noise isolation, rubberized carriages for hard drives);
  • install coolers from well-known brands on hydrodynamic bearings;
  • read reviews about components before buying;
  • do not load the PSU at 100%, or buy a model with a power reserve;
  • install the system unit in a ventilated place so that the fans can seamlessly suck in cold air and blow hot air out of the case;
  • if possible, use an SSD drive for system files (as a bonus, the OS will drastically speed up).

On this, perhaps, everything. Work should be fun. And this can be achieved only in complete silence.

It should be remembered that this electronic-mechanical device, despite its high technology, has the ability to wear out, break, and become dirty. Such design changes in machines are usually accompanied by various sounds: rattling, buzzing, crackling. Most often, the sources of extra decibels in a computer or laptop are cooling fans, hard drives and drives, as well as the system unit case.

If a completely new computer suddenly starts making noise, then most likely it has a factory defect. In such cases, it is recommended to contact the seller and request that the problem be corrected. If it turns out that the computer is noisy after the warranty period for its main components has expired, then you will have to get rid of the extra sound of the system unit yourself. In extreme cases, in every city there are service centers that can easily help get rid of this trouble.

The main and most frequent computer is the malfunction of the processor fans, power supply, video card, case. In order to find the source, you need to remove the cover from the system unit and, in turn, for one second, manually stop the rotation of each fan.

If the culprit is found, then you should turn off the computer, disconnect it from the network and start troubleshooting. To do this, you may need a screwdriver, an oil can, and possibly thermal paste.

First of all, you should clean the fan blades from dust adhering to them. Dirt with its weight changes their center of gravity and aerodynamics, which leads to bearing wear and, as a result, rattling and noise.

Dust deposited on the CPU cooler heatsink interferes with heat dissipation and leads to overheating. As a result, the cooler fan is forced to spin faster to provide sufficient cooling. Hence the extra noise.

If there is reason to believe that bearings of rotating elements make noise, then it is worth lubricating them with special oil using an oiler.

When all the measures for cleaning and cooling the processor have been carried out, but did not give a positive result, you need to try replacing the thermal paste. Alternatively, the accelerated rotation of the cooler fan may occur due to misconfigured settings in the BIOS.

One of the computer is the work of hard drives. The sounds emitted by the hard drive can have two sources: the disk rotation mechanism and the positioning head for reading and writing information.

In the first case, it will not be possible to get rid of the noise, since the hard drive is most likely worn out. In the second case, you can adjust the speed of the heads using a special program downloaded from the manufacturer's website, or, alternatively, using the AAMTool or MHDD utilities.

Other, more rare reasons why a computer makes noise are a malfunction in a CD or DVD drive, poor-quality fastening of these devices, and the use of dirty, smeared CDs.

A lot of noise can be produced by disks rotating at maximum speed in an optical drive. To watch movies and play music, such speeds are not needed, so they can be limited using special utilities, for example, Nero.

Sometimes the culprit that the computer makes noise can be the case of the system unit itself. Vibrations and vibrations transmitted from internal components to case covers through loose or loose fasteners turn into rattling sounds. To eliminate resonance, the device should be fixed somewhere more tightly on the case, a rubber washer should be placed somewhere, and a sound-insulating, vibration-absorbing material should be glued somewhere.

Regardless of the computer model and the hardware stuffing that it has, sooner or later certain problems may arise. The noise of the system unit is one of the common problems that PC owners face. This malfunction not only irritates the user's hearing, but can also adversely affect the performance of the computer, as well as lead to the failure of the machine. Let's see why this happens, and what to do if the system unit is noisy.

Causes of noise and how to eliminate them

In order to return the PC to the previous sound level during operation, it is first necessary to determine the location and cause of the malfunction. Typically, the appearance of this problem is associated with a malfunction of the ventilation elements, cooling systems or hard drives. Sometimes the computer hums loudly from system overload, which causes the temperature inside the processor case to rise above normal.

Pay attention to the following frequently occurring factors that cause an increase in the noise level during the operation of the system unit.

Dust buildup on cpu cooler

Perhaps the very first thing to do is to check the fan that is responsible for cooling the processor.

It is here that the most dust accumulates, which over time disrupts the normal cooling process and leads to overheating of the heart of the computer. For this reason, the fan starts to spin faster and hum more strongly, the hardware heats up, and the operating system hangs and is not stable. In some cases, dust clogging the fan causes the computer to stop starting.

In addition to the accumulated dust, over time, the thermal paste between the heat sink and the microprocessor retainer, which serves to improve the transfer of thermal energy, loses its properties, which also negatively affects the cooling of the system.

Advice! If the computer is under warranty, then in no case open the system unit, even if you are sure that you can fix the problem yourself. Use the services of the service center.

To correct the operation of the main fan yourself, do the following:
1. completely turn off the power of the computer;
2. open the side panel of the system unit;
3. disconnect the fan from the motherboard;
4. disconnect the cooler together with the radiator;
5. clean using cotton swabs and a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer;
6. if the thermal paste has lost its qualities and looks like dried gray chewing gum, it must be replaced;
7. After cleaning, reassemble in reverse order.
If you have a relatively new computer, then you can clean the cooler without removing it, using cotton swabs or a brush and a vacuum cleaner.

Attention! Do not use a damp cloth to remove dust from the fan or motherboard, as this may cause a short circuit.
Thermal paste can be found in almost any computer store. It is sold in small tubes or syringes of several grams. Usually one tube is enough for 2-3 applications.

If necessary, you can disassemble, clean and lubricate the fan itself. But if you are not sure that you can handle it, just peel off the top sticker, remove the plastic cap and put a couple of drops of silicone grease on the motor shaft. If the cooler is old, this procedure will help make it less noisy.

Power supply cooler dirty

Another common problem, why there is a lot of noise and overheating of the computer, is the accumulation of dust in the power supply fan.

To eliminate it, you need:
1. turn off the power and disconnect the network cable from the processor;
2. remove the side panel of the system unit;
3. remove the power supply without disconnecting the wires;
4. remove the top cover of the unit;
5. Clean inside with a vacuum cleaner and a brush;
6. remove the fan and lubricate it (as in the previous case);
7. collect everything in reverse order.

Advice! Do not use an old Soviet vacuum cleaner that produces electrostatic pickups for cleaning, this may damage the board.

This procedure will help increase the airflow blown by the fan, as well as reduce the noise of the system unit.

Hard disk failure

Sometimes when the hard drive is working, especially if you are copying something to it, there may be a loud noise, grinding and tapping. Such sounds indicate either the poor quality of the hard drive, or the wear of the mechanism. In such a situation, the hard drive can fail at any time, which threatens to lose all the information stored on it. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, do not delay and contact the service center if the computer is under warranty, or replace the hard drive with a new one.

Video card malfunction

Dust buildup in the graphics card cooler can also cause loud and annoying noise.

The fact is that the video card is upside down and the accumulation of dust over time leads to a shift in the axis of the cooler. The blades in this case begin to touch the body of the video card, making a strong hum. Removing dust and lubricating the cooler axis does not always help in such a situation. Alternatively, you can try to cut or file off the edges of the metal case, in those places where contact occurs.

Advice! Video card components are very fragile and easy to break, so be extremely careful when disassembling.

Other solutions to the problem

Loud noise from the system unit can come not only from the above problems. Sometimes old or low-quality hardware can be the reason why the computer hums. In such a situation, in order to absorb unpleasant sounds, it is necessary to upgrade the car.

Replacing the cooling system

You can significantly reduce noise by replacing the air cooling system with a liquid one. This option is almost silent and is able to perfectly cool the PC filling. The only downside to a liquid cooling system is the high price.

Installing new coolers

Today you can find modern, almost silent coolers that also do their job well. Alternatively, you can replace all the old fans with them.

Changing the box of the system unit

On sale you can find boxes that have vibration and noise insulating properties, which are easily able to completely absorb sound waves and vibrations.
Finally, a few more tips to help reduce the noise level of your computer:
regularly clean the system unit from dust, thanks to this you will also significantly increase the life of your PC;
make sure that the system unit has rubberized legs that absorb vibration well;
do not leave the computer constantly on, if possible, put it into sleep mode or turn it off, so it will overheat less.

Do you know the situation when extraneous noise comes from the system unit? This is not only unpleasant, but it is always a warning that some part of the system unit may soon fail. It is necessary to get rid of this phenomenon as soon as possible so that the sound does not irritate the ear, and computer performance does not decrease due to increased wear of parts. Offering to deal in detail with the problem of why the computer is noisy and what needs to be done to get rid of excessive noise during its operation and return the computer to its original mode of operation.

The main causes of computer noise

Computer noise is not as noticeable during the day as it is at night. Imagine that you need to work or just relax by watching a movie or browsing the Internet. Agree to do this to the strange sounds coming from the system unit are not entirely pleasant, and sometimes even irritating. Therefore, I will now talk about the main malfunctions that lead to the appearance of strange sounds from the computer system unit in the sequence of their possible occurrences.

Hard drive problems

The cause of extraneous noise may be the features of the hard drive. Often this becomes noticeable during the copying and recording of any information. In this case, not only noise can occur, but also tapping and grinding. The occurrence of such sounds may indicate poor-quality material or wear of the mechanism, so the noise may appear either immediately after purchasing the PC, or after its long and hard use.

I want to note that the hard drive can make some sounds in the form of crackles from the first to work. This applies to inexpensive or older models. High-quality expensive models work quietly or almost silently.

It is not worth delaying the solution of such a problem (especially if the hard drive used to work quietly), because if the HDD stops working, you will irretrievably lose all documents and files that are stored on the computer. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully consider the choice of hard drive, pay attention to the advice of sellers and reviews of owners.

If you already own a noisy hard drive and there is no way to buy a new one, I suggest two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Reliable fastening (fixation) of the disk in the system unit case using special soft pads. This is to get rid of resonance and vibration.
  2. Decreased positioning speed of the reading head (Automatic Acoustic Management or AAM for short), which creates a characteristic crack. This can be done using the quietHDD program in the AAM Settings section. The program must be added to startup.

video card

It is this device that always creates the maximum amount of noise (hum) in the room where the computer is installed. The reason is not the video card itself, but the cooler (fan), which serves to cool the board. Basically, it has a fairly small size, but this is quite enough so that it can become a source of loud and unpleasant noise. Modern powerful video cards are equipped with not one fan, but two or even three, which can increase the noise many times over.

Most often, fans are made on bushings, and when dust gets into it, the bushing breaks. Because of this, the fan blades can reach the edges of the video card case. Getting rid of such a source of noise is not easy. The easiest solution is to replace the cooler.

You can solve this problem in a different way. To do this, it is initially necessary to disconnect the video card from the motherboard, disassemble it in order to get to the cooler and lubricate it, which is very problematic. Please note that this device is fragile and can be easily damaged. If you still manage to get to the axis, then initially you need to check it for integrity, and then lubricate it with silicone oil. It perfectly prevents the occurrence of noise during operation.

If the axis is still shifted and during operation the fan blades rub against the edges of the case, then the case itself can be cut or cut. True, it should be noted that it will not look quite aesthetically pleasing, but it will allow you to get rid of annoying noise at no extra cost.

CPU fan

This reason is very common and creates a huge amount of inconvenience to users. The motherboard has a processor, which is also often referred to as a "stone". So, a radiator with a cooler is additionally installed on it. This design is very bulky in appearance and at the same time it well collects the dust that accumulates between them. A large layer of dust gradually increases and complicates the movement of the fan and noise occurs. In addition, dust enters the axle, which causes a decrease in speed and a hum appears.

Solving this problem is quite simple. First of all, it is necessary to disassemble the processor cooling system and clean the fan and heatsink from dust. Then you need to disassemble the radiator itself and lubricate the axis with the same silicone oil. During assembly, make sure that the screws are well tightened to avoid vibration.

Power Supply

Experts recommend changing this device every 2-3 years, since it is it that is responsible for the safety of the entire computer. During this time interval, all internal parts of the block become dusty, since the block also contains a cooler, which serves to cool the parts. With the blown air, dust and debris get inside the device, which, just like in the case of a video card and a cooler, cause noise. However, in this case, the noise level is much higher here, since the fan speed and diameter are much larger, and not all computer equipment manufacturers care about creating a silent fan in the power supply.

You can get rid of the noise yourself by disassembling, cleaning and lubricating the fan. However, it should be borne in mind that not all block models make it easy to get to the content. You can also remove the protective grill near the fan, which will help reduce noise or completely eliminate it.

In order to get rid of noise and be sure that the power supply is working, the best solution is to purchase a new device to replace the old one.

optical drive

In one of the least common situations that are still encountered in practice, the cause of noise may not be the entire system unit of the computer, but only the optical drive, which is better known to users as "CD DVD ROM". The reason for the noise in this case is the poor quality of the device. In this case, you need to be quite careful, since noise can only occur at the moment when there is a disk in the device. If there is nothing in it, then there will be no noise.

If this device is the cause of the hum, we have to disappoint you, since it is practically beyond repair. It should be noted that they are not repaired even in warranty service centers, and in the event of a breakdown, they are simply replaced with new ones. The best solution would be to completely abandon the use of such devices in favor of flash drives, which today are already very common and used everywhere. In addition, with their help, you can carry out all the necessary operations, including even.

Any device or motherboard is cracked

Noise can occur for various reasons, and this can occur not only due to manufacturing defects, clogging or flaws in the cooler, but also for completely physical reasons. For example, the cause may be a crack on the motherboard, a crack in the video card case, or the presence of various debris in the system unit, etc. Due to the impact on the part of the air pumped by coolers, whistling, rattling or other extraneous sounds may occur, which are usually not observed during normal operation of the system unit.

In order to establish the cause, you need to check the contents for any defects that could result from an intentional or unintentional impact. For example, some PC users may hit the system unit out of anger while the computer freezes. As a result of such actions, various defects arise, including dents, chips, cracks, etc.

Fastening parts

If the computer is noisy or emits an extraneous hum, you need to check all the fasteners inside it.

In order to carry out this check, first of all, you need to open the cover of the unit. After that, tighten all screws and screws that can be reached with a screwdriver (Phillips). You need to start with the motherboard, to which a large number of components are attached. If any of the blocks is loose, the motherboard starts to vibrate during operation and at the same time touch the metal case of the system unit.

Then you should check the fastening of the video card and processor (especially the cooler). Next, you should pay attention to the mounting of the hard drive. If it does not have anti-noise fixation, which uses cut-out gaskets or plastic holders, you can be sure that extraneous noise occurs precisely for this reason due to poor mounting of the hard drive. In order to make the noise level much less, you can lay a small layer of rubber between the metal fasteners. It will soften the vibration that occurs during operation, preventing it from spreading throughout the system unit. In the same way, you need to fix the optical drive. After this work is completed, check the power supply. Don't forget to tighten the bolts and screws. If there are additional coolers in the system unit, then you need to check them too.

A very important point will be the correct laying of connecting wires and cables. All of them must be interconnected with plastic ties (clamps) and stacked so as not to touch the fans.

What needs to be done to get rid of noise from the system unit?

If the problem of extraneous noise is not in the components, and you do not want to hear the operation of the computer at all, you can take several steps that will allow you to almost completely get rid of the noise of the system unit.

Changing the cooling system

If you want to eliminate noise once and for all, you should radically change the cooling system, namely, replace it with a liquid one. When using this system, computer components are cooled not by fans, but by liquid using specialized pumps, heat sinks, sensors and other devices.

The liquid cooling system allows you to almost completely get rid of the noise, but the cost of such a system is quite high and amounts to about 500 (and in some cases more) US dollars. This is quite an expensive pleasure that not every PC user can afford.

In order to significantly reduce the noise level, sometimes it is enough to replace the case of the system unit. You can purchase a case with vibration and noise insulation, or make it yourself. Also, think about the fact that the legs on which the system unit is located are able to absorb vibration well, for example, be rubberized.

One of the most acceptable ways is to replace coolers with modern, quieter ones. It should be noted that when implementing this action, you should not waste time on trifles, otherwise there will be no noticeable effect.

Perhaps you need to install a more powerful fan that will not work at its limit, thereby creating noise or hum.

Regular PC cleaning

Regular cleaning of the computer is very important and useful for the system unit, so such an operation should be carried out periodically (once every six months). This will save you from various problems, including the occurrence of various noises in the computer system unit.

I hope I explained to you in detail why the computer is noisy and what needs to be done to get rid of extraneous sounds. Take care of your computer and it will work properly for many years!

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