The best attack helicopters in the world. Which helicopter is better? HAL Light Combat Helicopter. India

The first draft of an aircraft similar to a modern helicopter was created by Leonardo da Vinci back in 1475. But for the first time, a man managed to get off the ground in a rotorcraft only on September 29, 1907 - the brothers Louis and Jacques Breguet made the first ever vertical flight in a helicopter built according to their own drawings.

But the helicopters of the Breguet brothers, like all previous projects, were designed only for vertical lifting. On May 18, 1911, Russian engineer Boris Yuryev published in the journal Automobile and Aeronautics a diagram of a single-rotor helicopter with a tail rotor and an automatic swashplate. Until now, this mechanism is used on most helicopters and allows machines to fly on a horizontal axis.

Speed ​​is an important technical characteristic of a helicopter. To improve the speed characteristics, developers use various carrier systems with a different number of propellers and blades, and some models are equipped with special push propellers. Over the century-old history of helicopters, aircraft designers have managed to "disperse" them to almost 500 km / h. This week, the editors of the Swedish Internet portal ranked modern helicopters, naming the Top 10 fastest rotorcraft.

1st place
Helicopter Eurocopter X3. Maximum speed - 472 km / h

Experimental hybrid helicopter (rotorcraft), created by Eurocopter. The first flight took place in 2010 in France

2nd place
AH-64D Apache. Maximum speed - 365 km / h

Since the mid-1980s, the Apache has been the main attack helicopter of the US Army. First saw combat during the American invasion of Panama in 1989.

3rd place
Ka-52 "Alligator". Maximum speed - 350 km / h

The multipurpose attack helicopter is an upgraded version of the Ka-50 Black Shark. It made its first flight in 1997 and has been mass-produced since 2008. The only combat helicopter in the world in which the pilots sit side by side, and not one behind the other

4th place
NH90. Maximum speed - 324 km / h

NH90 is a multipurpose helicopter developed by Eurocopter. Made first flight in 1995

5th place
Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Maximum speed - 315 km / h

American heavy military transport helicopter of the longitudinal scheme. Operated since the early 60s

6th place
Mi-35M. Maximum speed - 310 km / h

It is an improved modification of the Mi-24 helicopter. Serially produced since 2005

7th place
AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin (before 2007 it was called EH101). Maximum speed - 309 km / h

Medium-lift helicopter used for military and civil purposes. First flew in 1987

8th place
Agusta Westland AW139. Maximum speed - 306 km / h

Anglo-Italian twin-engine multipurpose helicopter. Army modification can accommodate up to 10 soldiers in full gear. The first flight took place in 2001

9th place
Mi-28N "Night hunter". Maximum speed - 300 km / h

In this article, we will discuss the best combat helicopters in the world, compile the TOP 10 of the most combat-ready, maneuverable and high-speed vehicles that have proven their superiority on the battlefield more than once.

A combat helicopter is an air combat unit with high firepower, the main tasks of which are to destroy ground targets, provide cover for ground forces and disable enemy armored vehicles.

Let's go back to our list.

Tenth place

Opening our "Best Helicopters in the World" list is China's first attack helicopter, the Z-10, which was adopted by the Chinese military in 2009.

The armament of this helicopter is a 30-mm machine gun mount, guided anti-tank missiles of the HJ-9 brand or the recently upgraded HJ-10. In addition to this, the helicopter is equipped with a block of aviation unguided missiles and a TU-90 rocket launcher, which is designed to destroy air targets.

The cabin of the machine is represented by two steps, in the first there is a shooter, in the second - a pilot.

ninth place

Continues our TOP-10 of the best helicopters in the world Mi-24, which is equipped with a cargo compartment, where eight Air Force fighters can easily fit.

The machine has high mobility, the flight is 335 km / h, which is achieved due to the unusual design of the wings.

The machine itself is universal, various military weapons can be installed on a helicopter, it all depends on the task.

The standard set of weapons is a machine-gun mobile installation of the GUV-1 brand with an A-12.7 machine gun (number of rounds - 900 pieces), a NURS S-5 block with a set of NAR UB-32A and 4 ATGM 9M17, borrowed from the anti-tank installation "Falanga- M.

Eighth place

AH-2 Rooivalk confidently takes eighth place in the list of "The Best Helicopters in the World", translated from English the name means "red kestrel".

The maximum speed of the car is 278 km/h.

Weapons mounted on a combat vehicle:

  • F-2 gun, 700 rounds of ammunition, caliber 20 x 139 mm.
  • Mokopa ZT-6 air-to-ground missiles (8-16 pieces).
  • Air-to-air missiles: Mistral (4 pieces).
  • Unguided missiles FAr.

Seventh place

The American AH-1W, the so-called "Super Cobra", continues our top list of the best helicopters in the world.

Unlike classmates, the car has two engines, the power of which is 1285 kW. each, maximum - 282 km / h.

The gun mounted on the vehicle does not stand out in any way, a 20 mm cannon with a capacity of 750 rounds, air-to-ground and air-to-air. In addition to this, a complex of unguided missiles has been installed.

Sixth place

The T129 / A129 helicopter, jointly created by Italy and Turkey, occupied the sixth place in the list of "The best military helicopters in the world". It was the first combat vehicle completely created in Western Europe.

The maximum developed speed of the machine is 250 km / h, the installed Royal-Royce engine, the take-off power of which is 881 hp. with., developed by the Italian company "Agusta".

The machine guns that the helicopter is equipped with have a caliber of 2 x 7.62 or 12.7 mm.

Like all brothers, the machine is equipped with a complex of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.

Fifth place

The next place is occupied by the American attack aircraft AH-1Z.

The machine has good controllability and occupies one of the first places in terms of accuracy of firing. The triple-barreled 20mm cannon is great for destroying ground targets.

Cannon containers have been added to the combat arsenal in addition to conventional guided and unguided rocket launchers. It is also possible to install 4 TOW ATGMs.

Number of engines - two, brand - AH-1S (-P) (Production). The power of one is 1285 kW.

The helicopter is in service with countries such as the United States, Iran, Thailand, Turkey, China.

Fourth place

Before the leaders of the list is an attack aircraft created by German-French engineers - Eurocopter Tiger.

It is in service with countries such as Germany, Spain, France and Australia.

In comparison with classmates, the car has better camouflage, and the noise emitted in motion is reduced to a minimum.

The engines installed on the attack aircraft have a power of 1303 liters. With. each, and the maximum flight speed is 278 km / h.

The gun is a cannon with a caliber of 30 mm, there are also 4 points for hanging rocket launchers of various types. In addition, the helicopter can be equipped with 12.7 mm machine guns, each magazine holds 250 rounds.

Third place

Opening the list of leaders "The best helicopters in the world" is the Russian development of the Mi-28-N, which was nicknamed "the devastator".

This model is an in-depth revision of the Mi-28 helicopter. The maneuverability and complexity of the air figures performed in flight makes the attack aircraft difficult to reach. For example, the so-called or Immelmann coup can be performed at a speed of 100 km / h.

All the most necessary and vital components are duplicated and located in different parts of the helicopter, which helps to ensure maximum survivability of the vehicle during combat operations.

The engine of the machine VK2500 has a capacity of 2200 liters. with., maximum speed 300 km / h.

The gun that the helicopter is equipped with has a caliber of 30 mm, and the helicopter is also equipped with a complex of guided missiles and air-to-air missiles.

Second place

Before you get to know the best helicopter in the world, let's discuss the car that is in second place.

AH-64 Apache - an American attack helicopter, during the conduct proved itself only from the best side. Its combat power is one of the best among helicopters of all time, this model is universal in its class.

In combat conditions, being in various weather conditions, the vehicle performed the most difficult combat missions.

The helicopter is equipped with 16 rocket launchers of various calibers and purposes. The machine gun has a caliber of 70 mm, which makes it easy to hit many lightly armored targets.

Engines have a capacity of 1890 liters. With. each, engine brand - AH-64A+/D .

First place

Ka-50/52 is the best Russian-made helicopter in the world. Received the nickname "Black Shark" because of its extraordinary speed of movement, menacing form, and the trump card of the car is its firepower, which is incomparable to any other helicopter in the world.

This model is a single-seat attack attack helicopter, in the creation of which a lot of effort has been invested. The main task of the designers was to develop the best speed and maneuverability, the size of the helicopter is the smallest in its class, thanks to which it has the highest level of camouflage and is able to quickly change its location.

The Ka-50/52 has a top speed of 310 km/h, which is an average of 20-30 km more than the rest of the machines on our list. Engine power is 2400 hp. s., its brand is TV3-117VMA.

The maximum mass of weapons that a helicopter can carry in one battle is two tons.

The gun is a cannon with a caliber of 30 mm, the pilot has the ability to quickly switch between high-explosive fragmentation and armor-piercing types of projectiles. You can also adjust the rate of fire from 350 to 550 rounds per minute. The helicopter is equipped with six pieces on each side.

Possible suspension missiles X-25 ("air-to-air") and R-73 ("air-to-air", homing).

To date, the Ka-50/52 remains the 100% leader among combat attack helicopters.


So the list of "The Best Helicopters in the World" has ended, but we can say with confidence that our rating includes the best helicopters that have been tested by time and have been used more than once in hostilities.

The military industry does not stand still, perhaps new, more modernized helicopters are in a hurry to replace the "veterans", but all the attack aircraft that were mentioned today have already left their mark on history.

Rotary-wing machines have gained wide distribution at the present time. Combat helicopters, which first took part in military operations during the Korean War, significantly influenced the tactics of warfare. Thus, all the armies of developed countries began to use helicopters. This universal equipment is also capable of transporting cargo for various purposes, taking part in search and rescue, reconnaissance operations, and providing fire support to infantry.

The best helicopter in our understanding is a perfect aircraft capable of successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to it in various conditions to the limit of its capabilities. In the ranking of the best helicopters in the world, there are only variants of military aviation that have passed a rigorous test in hot spots.

We offer you to get acquainted with the ten best helicopters

10th place - Mi-26

  • Soviet heavy transport helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1977.
  • 310 units produced.
  • Carrying capacity - 80 paratroopers or 20 tons of cargo.

This helicopter is the largest in the world. Achieving unique capabilities required the use of original technical solutions. The car was equipped with an eight-bladed main rotor, a multi-threaded power transmission, and three video cameras to monitor the load placed on an external sling. The helicopter was used during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was used to install a shelter, specially reinforced with a thick layer of lead radio protection. After the operation, all Mi-26s were buried in the Chernobyl 30-kilometer zone.

9th place - Westland Lynx

  • English multipurpose helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1971.
  • Released 400 units.
  • It is capable of carrying 10 paratroopers and hanging weapons in the form of 4 anti-ship missiles (sea version) or 70-mm Hydra rockets, 20-mm cannons and up to 8 anti-tank missiles (land version).

The appearance of the Lynx resembles a representative of civil aviation, but despite this, it is one of the most common deck-based helicopters. Westland Lynx operated in the Falklands War and very successfully. The Links were also used in the combat zone on the Balkan Peninsula, to blockade the coast of Yugoslavia and in 1991 in Iraq, where they sunk a landing ship, 4 border boats, a T-43 minesweeper and a missile boat.
But not only military merits make the car unique, Westland Lynx in 1986 set a speed record for all mass-produced helicopters, accelerating to 400 km / h.

8th place - Boeing CH-47 Chinook

  • Military transport heavy helicopter of the longitudinal scheme.
  • First taken to the sky in 1961.
  • 1179 units produced.
  • Carrying capacity - 12 tons or up to 55 people.

An important property of the army of any country is its mobility. If you look at the transportation of military personnel, then helicopters play a significant role in this process. Especially in such a movement there was a need during the Vietnam War - the mountainous terrain and large temperature drops prevented the transfer of soldiers in another way. The Chinook helicopter came to the rescue of the soldiers, which was created according to the original longitudinal scheme using two rotors. During rescue operations in Vietnam, a record was set - 147 refugees were taken on board a helicopter. This device received the slang nickname "flying car". He was not thrown onto the battlefield, the specialization of the CH-47 was to transport cargo from ships to land bases. An interesting fact is that during the Vietnam War, the Chinkoks evacuated wrecked vehicles for a total of $ 3 billion.

Until now, the helicopter remains in service with many countries and is actively operated.

7th place - Bell AH-1 Cobra

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First taken to the sky in 1965.
  • Issued 1116 copies.
  • Equipped with the following weapons: a remote-controlled installation with 2 Minigun machine guns, 70-mm NURSs, air-to-air missiles, TOW anti-tank missiles.

Cobras are deservedly called tank hunters, which they have confirmed with successful missions to destroy enemy ground equipment in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots.

For the first time in the world, this device was originally designed as an attack helicopter. The side projections of the control cabin were protected by composite armor. The Cobra helicopter was equipped with a powerful sighting system that performed well in harsh weather conditions. The compact size of the helicopter contributes to its deployment on aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.

6th place - Mi-24

  • Transport and military aircraft.
  • First taken to the air in 1969.
  • More than 2000 units released.
  • It is completed with built-in weapons in the form of a four-barreled machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber and suspended weapons: NURSs, free-fall bombs, suspended cannon containers, anti-missile system.
  • The capacity of the troop compartment is up to 8 people.

The Americans, who managed to intercept the Mi-24, affirmatively insist that it is not a helicopter. Despite the visual similarity, if you look at the device from a technical point of view, it can be defined as a hybrid of a helicopter and an airplane. The arguments for this fact is that the Mi-24 is not able to hover in one place and take off without acceleration. Large pylons play the role of aircraft wings, creating additional takeoff power. American technicians conducted an experiment and found that up to 40% of the lifting force is created with the help of pylons placed to the sides. Also, the hybrid must be piloted according to the "aircraft" technique. During the decline in lift, it is necessary to lower the nose somewhat, as on an airplane.

In the creation of the Mi-24, the idea of ​​​​a “flying infantry fighting vehicle” was realized, so it has a powerful weapon system that is not typical for other standard helicopters. "Aircraft qualities" allowed the Mi-24 heavyweight to enter the line of the fastest military helicopters in the world (maximum speed - 320 km / h).

The helicopter participated in military conflicts in the Caucasus Mountains and the Pamirs, and became a symbol of the Afghan war.

5 -e place– Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion

  • Heavy transport helicopter.
  • Issued 115 units.
  • Carrying capacity - 13 tons in the cargo compartment, up to 14.5 tons on an external sling or up to 55 paratroopers.

This helicopter is a deep modernization of the famous CH-53 "Sea Stalyen", built to meet the needs of the US Navy. To the original design, the developers added a third engine and a seven-bladed rotor. The CH-53E helicopter was nicknamed the "hurricane maker".

Also, a dead loop was made on it. In addition to transport missions, the flying boat was used as a minesweeper (modification MH-53), operated during search and rescue operations (modification HH-53). The helicopter is equipped with an in-flight refueling system and can be in flight for a whole day. In addition to operations on the water, it was actively used in ground missions. CH-53 and CH-53E carried out fire support for foot troops in Afghanistan and Iran.

4th place - Bell UH-1

  • Multi-purpose combat helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1956.
  • Over 16,000 units produced.
  • Able to place on board up to 14 paratroopers or 1.5 tons of cargo.

This rotorcraft has become a symbol of the Vietnam War. Based on the words of the veterans, it was the Bell UH-1 that became their home. He transported soldiers from one combat position to the second, supplied the military with provisions and food, provided fire support and took out the wounded. Although the combat losses of this helicopter are rather big (about 3000 units), the combat use can be called successful. During the 11 years of the war, according to statistics, 36 million sorties were made. Thus, the losses amounted to 1 helicopter per 18,000 sorties - an impressive result, especially considering that this device has no armor at all.
Before the release of the Cobras, it was he who was entrusted with the task of delivering strike operations. To do this, the car was equipped with a pair of machine guns of 12.7 mm caliber and 48 unguided rockets on the suspension.
Bell UH-1 joined the ranks of the armies of 70 countries of the world. He is often shown in various Hollywood action films.

3rd place - Mi-8

  • Multipurpose helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1961.
  • Over 17,000 units produced.
  • Carrying capacity: 24 people or 3 tons of cargo.
  • In combat modifications, it was equipped with 2-3 machine guns and up to 1.5 tons of weapons on an external sling, which include free-fall bombs, unguided rockets of 57 mm caliber and an anti-tank complex.

Although the helicopter was created more than half a century ago, it is still in demand, gathering buyers from all regions of the world. In total, there are three dozen military and civilian modifications. It is operated as a reconnaissance helicopter, a minelayer, a tanker, an air command post and an ambulance helicopter. Civilian variants are registered with airlines, used in agricultural work and emergency response services.
The Mi-8 helicopter has a high degree of versatility and can withstand the conditions of both frosty Siberia and the sultry Sahara. It was used in all hot spots: Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Middle East. There is nothing to replace the legendary helicopter yet.

2nd - Boeing AH-64 Apache

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1975.
  • Issued 1174 units.
  • The built-in armament is represented by a 30 mm automatic cannon. Suspended armament consists of 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles, 76 NURS or Stinger missile systems for air combat.

"Apache" served as a prototype for the creation of a number of modern attack helicopters. He successfully proved himself in the famous Operation Desert Storm, successfully fighting tanks. It is in service and actively operated by the Israeli Air Force.
Most likely, the Russian Mi-28N will have to replace the Apache in the Israeli army, which has the best performance characteristics and won the tender for delivery to Israel in 2011.
In 2002, a South Korean Boeing AH-64 Apache was shot down by a North Korean Mi-35. South Korea is suing the manufacturer in this regard for updating the entire fleet of these helicopters to the Longbow version.

1st place- Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk

  • Multipurpose helicopter.
  • First taken to the air in 1974.
  • Issued 3000 units.
  • Carrying capacity - 1.5 tons of cargo on board and up to 4 tons on an external sling. The landing variant can accommodate up to 14 soldiers.
  • Armed with two machine guns and four weapon suspension points. The armament complex includes NURSs, containers with 30-mm cannons, and anti-tank Hellfires. Naval versions are equipped with AGM-119 Penguin anti-ship missiles and 324-mm torpedoes.

"Black hawk" can be safely called a helicopter of the 21st century. It was intended to replace the Iroquois, while a marine version was being developed in parallel. The result is a unique helicopter that is suitable for any kind of troops and has the best performance in the world.
In addition to the land version of the UH-60, there are 2 anti-submarine modifications SH-60F and SH-60B (with a hydroacoustic station and a magnetometer), a modification of the HH-60, released for special combat rescue operations, many ambulance versions, jammers, etc. Sometimes it is ordered for the transfer of high-ranking officials and generals. The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is actively exported to all regions of the world.

The Black Hawk is built from durable materials and equipped with the latest equipment, which makes it possible to store it outside the hangar for a long time.

Ka-52 "Alligator" is the best attack helicopter in the world. Its unconventional layout, fantastic maneuverability and powerful weapons leave even the legendary AN-64 Apache far behind the flag, not to mention other machines. Details in our review.

invisible dragon

The Changhe Z-10 attack helicopter is one of the few samples of Chinese military equipment created on its own. Well, almost. This decision was caused by the impossibility (due to US sanctions) to buy a modern combat helicopter abroad and copy it as usual. However, when the Z-10 took shape and characteristics, it turned out that foreign countries still helped the Chinese Helicopter Institute.

Lacking modern turboshaft engines, China bought 10 engines for an experimental batch of helicopters from Pratt-Whitney Canada, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp., which was severely fined by the US authorities for supplying military technology to China. On serial samples of the Z-10, according to official information, Chinese-made engines developed with the participation of Russian and Ukrainian specialists are installed.

The French company "Eurocopter" developed the main rotor, and the Italian "Agusta" - the transmission. The embargo was circumvented, because according to the documents, the nodes were created for a civilian helicopter. And when the first photos of the Chinese helicopter appeared, it became obvious that the designers of the Celestial Empire invented the Apache, whose faceted fuselage hints at the use of stealth technologies.

The helicopter is equipped with a fly-by-wire control system and a "glass cockpit" where instrument readings, air navigation and combat conditions are displayed on multifunctional displays. It also has a helmet-mounted sighting and information system. The nose of the Z-10 is equipped with an infrared camera, a laser rangefinder and a camera for night flights.

The main armament of Changhe are eight HJ-10 anti-tank guided missiles, an analogue of the American AGM-114 Hellfire ATGM. The helicopter is also equipped with a 30mm cannon in the nose turret, unguided rockets and light air-to-air missiles to protect against air attack. All in all, 30-year-old American technology, powered by low-power engines, might impress neighbors (who don't even have one), but can't really stand up to the best machines in its class.

African crocodile

The South African Super Hind, manufactured by ATE, is one of the many upgrades of the Soviet Mi-24, delivered hundreds to developing countries. The history of the Hindu specifically began with 40 Algerian helicopters transferred to South Africa for renovation. Compared to the Mi-24, its African descendant has a modified nose. The visibility from the cockpit has been improved, new electronic equipment has been installed. The centering of the machine has shifted back, in connection with which maneuverability has improved - especially when flying at ultra-low altitudes with obstacle avoidance.

The weight of the car has decreased by two tons. The crew is protected by Kevlar armor and is equipped with multifunctional displays for operational information. The Soviet 30 mm cannon in the nose of the helicopter was replaced by a 20 mm South African one with high speeds and pointing angles. In the top-end configuration, the Super Hind is equipped with a helmet-mounted sight, which allows the pilot to control both the surveillance and sighting system and weapons with a glance.

The helicopter is capable of using a wide range of Russian and South African weapons. The main strike weapons are the Ingwe ATGM - eight missiles can be placed in two launchers under the wings. During the tests, more than 400 ATGMs were fired and 90 percent of them hit their targets.

Decent car, and for the African continent just first-class. But, despite all its advantages, the Mi-24 (Crocodile in air force slang) is the car of yesterday. Especially if not Russian guys fly on it.

plastic tiger

The creation of the Italian-French-German attack helicopter Eurocopter Tiger was prevented by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany. The likelihood that the "Russians will come" dropped sharply and Germany immediately halved the plan for the purchase of Tigers. Then France switched financial flows from the eurocopter to its own, named Jaffe (Kochet). Nevertheless, in 1994 the design of the machine was finally approved and it went into production.

The fuselage and wing of the "Tiger" is made of carbon fiber, fiberglass and Kevlar fairings. Much attention is paid to survivability - the helicopter can withstand hits from 23-mm shells from the Shilka ZSU without any problems. The transmission gearbox can run for 30 minutes without lubrication, and the extra strength makes it insensitive to 12.7mm bullets. The non-retractable tricycle landing gear is capable of withstanding hard landings at vertical speeds of up to 6 meters per second.

The cabin is double, tandem: the pilot sits in front, behind him is the operator. Their seats are shock-absorbing and armored. The Tiger proved to be the first serial helicopter to feature liquid crystal displays that allow readouts in any light. The combined threat alert system is sensitive to both radar radiation and laser beams. The crew rely on helmet-mounted sights to control weapons.

As for the weapons themselves, each country participating in the project has its own. Common only 30 mm automatic cannon. On four suspension points under the wings, the Tiger can carry eight Franco-German HOT ATGMs or the same number of Hellfires and four Mistral or Stinger defensive anti-aircraft missiles. Instead of ATGMs, blocks with 22 unguided rockets, heavy machine guns and additional fuel tanks can be suspended.

Despite the high technology and the general production culture, the fate of the Eurocopter cannot be called enviable. The German Ministry of Defense declared the Tiger unusable due to numerous defects and shortcomings. 22 vehicles armed with the AGM-114 Hellfire were acquired by Australia for subsequent modernization and adaptation. Interest in buying helicopters was shown by India and Saudi Arabia, but the deals did not take place.

Apache chief

Army aviation of the USA, Great Britain, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan uses various modifications of the legendary AH-64 Apache. According to the terms of reference of the US Department of Defense formulated in 1972, the new machine was supposed to fight tanks in the face of active opposition to air defense and electronic warfare at any time of the day and in any weather, have good maneuverability, high survivability and autonomy. All helicopter and a number of US aircraft firms participated in the development of the attack helicopter, it took 12 years to fine-tune it, and the Apache was adopted in 1984.

The leading edges of the main rotor blades are made of titanium - it withstands light touches of trees and other obstacles, which is necessary for low-level flight around obstacles. Two turboshaft engines with a capacity of 1625 horsepower are separated and interchangeable. To reduce noise, the tail rotor is made X-shaped, and its blades are set at different angles: each of them suppresses part of the noise produced by the previous one. The main legs of the non-retractable landing gear are equipped with powerful shock absorbers capable of absorbing the impact energy during an emergency landing at a vertical speed of 12 meters per second.

The main armament of the AN-64 is the "Hellfire" ATGM, which operates on the "fire and forget" principle. The sighting and navigation system automatically captures targets and fires at them. The module on the nose of the helicopter, which rotates in two planes, has infrared and television cameras, as well as a laser rangefinder. Another system allows you to fly blind at any altitude. Information from its sensors is displayed on a color display and a helmet-mounted indicator.

Apaches received their baptism of fire in Iraq. It was these helicopters that fired the first Desert Storm shots, firing Hellfires on the night of January 17, 1991 at two Iraqi air defense radars in the suburbs of Baghdad. Both radars were destroyed. Further, the AN-64 carried out support for the ground operation, shooting Iraqi tanks. According to various sources, the Apaches burned from 278 to 500 combat vehicles.

During the second war in Iraq and its occupation by American troops, the weaknesses of the helicopter began to come to light. The AN-64 is protected from machine gun fire and small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, but is defenseless against MANPADS - especially when flying at low altitude over city blocks, where the helicopter does not have time to perform an anti-aircraft maneuver. In total, about fifty Apaches were lost in Iraq - some of them were burned by partisans, firing mortars at the locations of the US Air Force.

Now the Longbow modification is in service. It is distinguished from the former by a powerful radar located above the main rotor and improved electronics. In particular, the integrated fire control system allows one helicopter from the group to observe targets and direct them to ATGMs fired by other vehicles from cover.

Symmetric response

No matter how good the Apache is - and it is really good and will remain the main NATO attack helicopter for the coming decades - it is far from the Russian Ka-52 Alligator. It is simply incorrect to compare them, since these are machines of different generations - like Farman and PAK FA: they perform the same tasks, but the difference is obvious.

Thanks to the coaxial scheme with two rotors, the Ka-52 has fantastic maneuverability - it can fly backwards at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour, sideways - 100 kilometers per hour. The maximum speed of the "Alligator" is also the best in the class - 370 km/h. The machine is capable of performing aerobatics, inaccessible to conventional helicopters. What is one "Funnel" figure worth when the Ka-52 circles over the target, being constantly turned to it with its nose and pouring continuous fire. The helicopter is also capable of performing aerobatics: roll, oblique loop and other elements.

The coaxial propellers provided the Ka-52 with real all-weather ability - it can fly against a hurricane at a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, clearly maintaining the route and location using satellite navigation. The takeoff power of each of the two engines is 2500 horsepower, if one engine fails, the other gives out up to 2800. There is a surge exit mode and automatic start after the engine stops in the air.

Surveillance and flight and search and sighting systems are integrated into a single digital complex with an on-board computer, a defense complex and three radio stations. The Ka-52 is capable of detecting, tracking and firing at targets (including subtle ones) at any time of the day and in thick fog. On-board electronics has an open architecture, allowing, if necessary, to install new software without replacing the hardware.

Armed with "Alligator" ATGM "Whirlwind" with a laser guidance system and a tandem warhead. The missile penetrates 900 mm armor, ignoring active protection. The first stage of the warhead is reflected by the defense, and the second one burns through any tank from any projection, arranging a local hell inside. With a series of "Whirlwinds", the helicopter covers four targets in 30 seconds. The Americans have such characteristics so far only on paper - in a promising system ordered by DAPRA.

For reprisals against lightly armored targets, radars and anti-aircraft installations, the Ka-52 has a 30-millimeter automatic cannon. It is located near the center of mass, which increases the accuracy of fire, speed and maneuverability of the vehicle. The shells penetrate 15 mm armor at a distance of 1500 meters at a meeting angle of 60 degrees - an unattainable figure in the world. No other air gun in the world is capable of this.

The Alligator's cabin is armored, the fuel system is protected from explosion and fire. Experiments have shown that the helicopter can continue flying even with the complete destruction of the tail, while the Apache, if the tail rotor is damaged, goes out of control. If both engines fail, the Ka-52 plans to autorotate. A hard landing is compensated by shock absorbers and landing gear, an armored nose and crushable blocks under the seats. Ejection seats are designed with helicopter specifics in mind. In an emergency, strips of explosives break the cockpit windows, and the propeller blades are fired.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has ordered 240 Ka-52 helicopters, more than 50 have already entered the troops. More than a hundred "Alligators" will be adopted by the navy - to support landings and hunt ships of small and medium tonnage.

From its first appearance to the present day, the helicopter has been an integral part of the arsenal of both civilian and military services. This technique performs the transportation of goods, the rapid transportation of passengers, and also allows you to effectively destroy enemy ground targets. Today, combat helicopters occupy a strong position in almost all the armies of the world - as a reliable multifunctional weapon. In this article, we have described best combat helicopters in the world- Top 10.

1. AH-64D Apache Longbow

Specially designed for the needs of the United States Army, the AH-64D Apache Long Bow has become not only one of the best combat helicopters in the world, but also one of the most popular among them. Its combat power is amazing, and the range of capabilities is simply colossal. The AH-64D Apache Long Bow is equipped with advanced electronics and is capable of combat both day and night - with equal efficiency. In addition, this machine is able to perform tasks even in severe weather. An impressive missile ammunition (among which 16 guided missiles can be placed) and a powerful machine gun allow the helicopter to destroy ground targets and enemy manpower in an unprecedented way.

2. Ka-52 "Alligator"

The Ka-52 Alligator is considered the leader among all combat helicopters in the world. Even the legendary American AH-64D Apache Long Bow cannot boast of such maneuverability and combat strength. The first is achieved thanks to two screws located on the same axis, the second is due to advanced combat equipment and the ability to conduct combat at any time of the day and in any weather. The Ka-52 is capable of flying even in gale-force winds, and firing in thick fog or smoke. The Alligator's arsenal contains many first-class advanced technologies, some of which are unparalleled. The combination of all of the above allowed the Ka-52 Alligator helicopter to take a leading position in the world among other combat helicopters.

3.AH-1Z Viper

Another great American combat helicopter is the AH-1Z Viper. It was created on the basis of the Bell AH-1 Super Cobra: the development was carried out purposefully for the forces of the US Marines. This combat vehicle is equipped with advanced technologies and weapons, two turbocharged engines and is designed to conduct dense machine-gun and rocket fire on enemy targets and manpower. The pride of the AH-1Z Viper is its modernized sighting system, which allows for high accuracy of fire both with machine gun and rocket fire. In addition, part of the missiles of this helicopter are guided. It was accepted into service in the armed forces of the United States at the beginning of the 11th year.

4. Eurocopter Tiger

At the dawn of today's millennium, a European company (France, Germany) began developing a new powerful combat helicopter that could meet modern requirements for technology in this area. The result was more than successful - Eurocopter Tiger. This combat vehicle is in service with the manufacturing countries, as well as in Australia and Spain. Eurocopter Tiger was originally designed as a combat helicopter with high endurance and maximum stealth. The machine is equipped with a system for recognizing missiles launched into a helicopter. As weapons, there is a 30-millimeter machine gun, as well as 2 mounts for additional already loaded machine guns and 4 suspension points for missile systems (with guided and conventional missiles).

In the list of the Top 10 best combat helicopters in the world, the MI-28N, which is a modernized version of the MI-28, flaunts with dignity. Its development was carried out for a long 33 years (since 1980), after which this helicopter entered service with the army. According to the classification of NATO helicopters, the MI-28N received a second name, which translates as "devastator". This air vehicle boasts advanced weapons, excellent survivability, high speed performance and the ability to perform aerobatics. The helicopter is also capable of firing at any time of the day, in any weather, and also at incredibly low altitudes.

6. Agusta A129 Mangusta

The championship among combat helicopters, entirely developed in Western European countries, belongs to the Agusta A129 Mangusta. It was invented by an Italian company. Today, this helicopter has another similar modification, which is produced by the Turkish side. With its weapons and technologies, however, as well as power, the Agusta A129 Mangusta is inferior to the helicopters listed above in this list. However, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the best both in Europe and around the world. This machine is also equipped with various types of rockets, but it has a slightly smaller caliber guns and machine guns.

7. Bell AH-1 Super Cobra

The Bell AH-1 Super Cobra is the same helicopter that became the progenitor of the AH-1Z Viper, which is no less in demand in the world. In turn, the first one was created on the basis of the Cobra with one engine. After being developed in the early 80s of the last century, the Bell AH-1 Super Cobra (now with two powerful engines) was adopted by the United States Marine Corps, where it is listed to this day. Among the weapons of this combat helicopter are guided and conventional missiles and bombs, a 20-millimeter cannon. This combat vehicle is capable of firing at both ground and air targets (including guided missiles).

8 Denel AH-2 Rooivalk

A real achievement for the armed forces of the Republic of South Africa was the high efficiency of their Denel AH-2 Rooivalk helicopter, which was recognized as one of the best in the world. But it is in service only in South Africa, and that is just 12 helicopters that have been modified from those that were previously used in this country. They were not launched into serial production and were created in such quantities only to meet the corresponding combat needs of the state. Denel AH-2 Rooivalk, however, is capable of speeds of 309 km / h, which is the second indicator among all combat helicopters in the world (the first is the Mi-24). The armament is also not much inferior to its competitors - points of attachment for missile systems (with the possibility of equipping with guided missiles) and a 20-mm machine gun with a reserve of 700 rounds.

One of the best combat helicopters of all times and peoples is the Mi-24. It entered service with the Soviet army in the 71st year and is still used in many countries (especially in Russia) to this day. Its armament and equipment depends on the modification, each of which is designed for specific conditions. At the time of the appearance of the Mi-24, the United States designed a similar AH-24 Apache helicopter, but the Soviet one had an advantage - it could also carry 8 passengers on board. The Mi-24 can fire at ground and air targets at any time of the day and even in severe weather conditions, and also has a record speed among combat helicopters - 335 km/h.

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