When is the best time to get pregnant after an ectopic. Women's fears: is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic case? Possibility of conception after removal of an ectopic pregnancy

A successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is quite possible. The risk that the situation will repeat itself is usually no more than 10-20%. This article is about how to recover as soon as possible and how to get pregnant with one tube.

Signs of pathology

It is impossible to diagnose such a pregnancy at the earliest possible time. Despite the fact that it develops incorrectly, there are no unusual signals from the body. In an ectopic pregnancy, the basal temperature may be slightly increased (as in a normal pregnancy), and the absence of menstruation and a positive test indicate that conception has occurred.

Alarming "calls" for a woman should be:

  • Periodic or constant pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Spotting discharge from the genital tract (can be of different shades: from dark brown to bright scarlet).
  • Sudden pressure drops and increased heart rate.
  • Spasms, pains - at first weak, then strong, up to loss of consciousness.

If you are pregnant and have found at least one of these symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Depending on the location of the fetal egg, several types of pathological pregnancy are distinguished:

  • Cervical (the embryo is in the cervix);
  • Ovarian (fertilized egg is attached to the ovary);
  • Abdominal (implantation of the fetal egg occurs in the abdominal cavity);
  • Tubal (the fertilized egg does not enter the uterus, but remains in one of the tubes).

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

  • Unauthorized intake of hormonal drugs;
  • Gynecological curettage (abortions, fibroids and other surgical interventions);
  • Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases;
  • Scars and adhesions in the uterus or fallopian tubes (as a result of inflammation);
  • Abnormal development of the reproductive organs;
  • Operation.

Laparoscopic operations are usually carried out in a planned manner, when the threat to the woman's life is completely absent. This method of removing the fetal egg is the least traumatic and is used in the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Several accurate punctures of the abdominal wall with laparoscopic instruments avoid the removal of the fallopian tube. Recovery is faster and the likelihood of subsequent successful pregnancies is significantly increased.

An abdominal operation is performed in emergency cases, when there is a real risk of large blood loss or death. Such a rush is possible in case of rupture of the fallopian tube and intra-abdominal bleeding. After the anesthesia begins to take effect, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal cavity and removes the ruptured tube. Of course, recovering from such a surgical intervention is somewhat more difficult.


Gynecologists usually advise giving the female body the opportunity to rest and recover after hormonal changes and surgery.

How to recover quickly and how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? After the operation, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe special drugs (in particular, anti-inflammatory drugs) and physiotherapy. It is important to complete the entire course of treatment. Also, the doctor will have to find out why the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic.

In order to find out if it is possible to get pregnant with one tube, it is necessary to examine its patency. For these purposes, various methods are used: X-ray examination, which is performed on a special contrast apparatus (hysterosalpingography, or HSG), pertubation, diagnostic laparoscopy. Unfortunately, even if the tube is healthy and completely patent, the chances of getting pregnant naturally are less than 50%. If there are adhesions (synechia), there is a high risk of a new ectopic.

In some cases, the fallopian tube, into which the fetal egg has fallen, can be saved.

If both pipes are preserved, it is also important to investigate their patency. If adhesions are found, complex treatment is necessary: ​​medicines, physiotherapy. In some cases, laparoscopic surgery is indicated.

It is very important that a woman undergoes several medical examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Quite often, it is with the help of ultrasound that significant deviations from the norm in the reproductive system of a woman can be detected;
  • Blood test for infectious agents;
  • smears;
  • Research of a hormonal background.

In addition, a woman should eat well, have a good rest and spend enough time in the fresh air.

The right mental attitude is also important. Many women try to distract themselves, to abstract from what happened, and rightly so. Buying new furniture, remodeling or a hobby can work wonders!

how to get pregnant

So is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby? Of course yes. But conception should be planned only after a thorough preliminary examination. There can be no universal recommendations: it all depends on the individual patient. When asked how long it takes to get pregnant with one left tube (or one right tube), doctors cannot answer unequivocally.

But there is a general rule: it is not recommended to become pregnant for the first six months after the operation. Then, if the pipes are passable, and the cycle has returned to normal, attempts to get pregnant are allowed.

After the menstrual cycle is restored, a woman can slowly begin to track ovulation by basal temperature. If you keep a BT schedule for several months, then you can determine the favorable time for conception from it.
After removal of a non-viable embryo, the doctor may recommend using hormonal contraceptives. This method allows the body to relax and put in order the hormonal background. In addition, the likelihood of conception in the first cycle after discontinuation of the drug increases several times.

Of course, after an ectopic pregnancy, you can get pregnant quickly, literally in a couple of months, but the doctor cannot give any guarantees that the fetal egg will attach in the uterus (and not in the tube). And the chances of getting pregnant after two ectopic pregnancy are even lower than after one such pregnancy. Therefore, this long journey (comprehensive examination, treatment, rehabilitation) is necessary for a successful pregnancy.

Get pregnant without tubes

Unfortunately, there are times when doctors are forced to remove both tubes leading to the uterus. Those who know the female anatomy well can say that the probability of getting pregnant on their own is reduced to zero. Without tubes, a fertilized egg cannot get into the uterus. However, conception is possible even in the absence of fallopian tubes. For couples who are desperate to get pregnant naturally, a method such as IVF is offered.

Thanks to modern achievements, it has become possible not only to combine the egg with the sperm outside the female body, but also to carefully select embryos for their subsequent implantation in the uterus. To increase the chances, not one, but several embryos are transplanted into the uterus at once. Unfortunately, implantation is far from always successful; in some cases, rejection occurs. But this is no reason for despair! In order for a woman to become pregnant safely, a second IVF attempt may be necessary.

Planning for pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is a process that requires a woman to focus not only on her own health, but also on the health of her spouse. The ideal option would be if the planning couple would come together for consultations and take all the necessary tests.

So, a successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is possible. Often, it requires a couple of serious efforts that will definitely pay off.

Pregnancy that progresses outside the uterus are called ectopic. Over time, the fetus increases in size, which leads to the rupture of the organs to which it is attached.

Common causes of embryo attachment out of place can be adhesive process or low. An ectopic pregnancy can be identified by the presence of characteristic signs. These include the following:

  • cessation of growth hCG levels.
  • The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The absence of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  • Bloody issues.

The insidiousness of pathology lies in the fact that it can not be determined immediately. Even in the presence of a normal pregnancy, the first weeks fertilized egg in the uterus is not visualized.

Its absence is not considered the main sign of an anomalous process. Discomfort and spotting may be completely absent.

REFERENCE! At the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, control by medical personnel is indicated.

Causes and their elimination

The cause of an ectopic pregnancy can sometimes be a banal accident. But more often than not, the problem lies in serious illness. To determine his character, a woman must carry out the following actions:

  • Partner examination.
  • Donating blood for the presence of infectious diseases.
  • Passage of hysterosalpingography (HSG).

The most common cause of an ectopic location of the embryo a are solderings in pipes. They impede the movement of the fetal egg.

That is why it does not reach the uterus, but is located in the tubes. Once the embryo is found outside the uterus, the tube is removed. But this does not deprive a woman of the opportunity to become pregnant.

If adhesions are present and the second tube may be prescribed laparoscopic surgery. It is a simplified version of abdominal surgery. Punctures are made in the abdomen, through which you can get to the necessary places with the help of tools. This allows cut adhesions.

ON A NOTE! Laparoscopy is by far the simplest and least traumatic diagnostic operation.

The adhesive process is a consequence of any disease. It is necessary to identify its cause. Otherwise, adhesions may form again. Anti-inflammatory therapy cope with chronic infectious or inflammatory diseases.

How soon can you get pregnant again?

An ectopic pregnancy always ends surgical intervention with the subsequent removal of a specific organ or part of it. Many women worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant and give birth after an unsuccessful attempt to conceive. It is believed that in the future the probability of a woman becoming a mother is reduced, but there are still chances.

After the operation, the body needs recovery. A woman during this period can identify the reasons why this phenomenon occurred. As a rule, they are detected without much difficulty. A course of treatment is prescribed.

Only after that she can start repeated attempts to conceive. Optimal the rehabilitation period is six months. The best way to protect yourself in this case is to take oral contraceptives.

Under the restoration of the body after complex surgical procedures, they mean treatment with anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs. To soften adhesions prescribed physiotherapy. A woman should be prepared to regularly take the necessary tests and carry out a variety of diagnostic procedures.

IMPORTANT! To avoid an ectopic pregnancy, you should check the fallopian tubes for patency at the stage.

During the rehabilitation period, rejection of bad habits, sports and proper nutrition are shown. Couples after failure often go on vacation in order to distract themselves from bad thoughts. During this period, a woman needs psychological support partner, because depression often occurs against this background.

Algorithm for further pregnancy planning

You should start conception when all risks are minimized. A recurrence of an abnormal pregnancy can cost a woman her life. Very important normalize the menstrual cycle and restore, with it. Without this step, attempts to get pregnant will not be successful.

To adjust the cycle, drugs or Duphaston are prescribed. In some cases, oral contraceptives are indicated. And also experts recommend taking various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

Sometimes after an ectopic pregnancy re-conception possible only through artificial insemination.

This is especially true in cases where both fallopian tubes are removed. fertilized egg will not be able to enter the uterus on its own. In the presence of such a phenomenon, a woman is given a quota for IVF.

During the gestational period, a woman may face various complications that threaten her condition or the normal bearing of the fetus.

An ectopic pregnancy deprives the mother of the child, involves surgery to remove the tube. The operation, done at the wrong time, often ends tragically. Many women, after experiencing shock, removing the tube, experience fear of a new pregnancy. This has a bad effect on conception, and sometimes causes infertility.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the situation is not hopeless. With a strong desire to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, it is permissible with one tube. The main thing is to know how to prepare.

What is the danger of repeated ectopic pregnancy

The main desire is to become a mother

According to medical statistics, the primary ectopic development of the fetus occurs in 2% of girls. Repeated cases of those who became pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy are recorded in every fifth woman, regardless of health status. The etiology of the process is not fully understood. The reasons contributing to the development of pathology are revealed.

Risk factors for recurrent ectopic pregnancy:

  • congenital anomalies of the tubes;
  • infectious diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • scars, adhesions formed in the tubes after surgery;
  • abortions, especially multiple ones;
  • undergoing infertility-related therapies (eg, ovulation induction, tubal obstruction);
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases by 1.5-2 times with the installation of the IUD (intrauterine device);
  • smoking, poor diet, stress;
  • sexual relations with different partners, which often end in sexually transmitted diseases, complications after them;
  • in women older than 35-40 years, the risk increases several times.

Despite the dangers, it is possible to get pregnant after removing the tube from a previous ectopic conception. In most cases, childbearing, childbirth after surgery ends safely.

When to Consider Your Next Pregnancy

It takes time to fully restore the body, reproductive functions, and heal the suture. After how much you can get pregnant again, if there was an ectopic pregnancy, for each woman is determined individually.

How much time is needed for rehabilitation depends on the state of health, the presence of pipes, the patient's psyche. Doctors indicate the average interval is 6 months after an ectopic pregnancy. Next, the expectant mother is sent for examination. When recovering, doctors recommend taking precautions, that is, continuing to take contraceptives even with one tube.

According to the results of studies after an ectopic pregnancy, the gynecologist either prescribes treatment or allows the planning of a new one. When taking contraceptives, conception can occur very quickly, pregnancy is possible during the first 2-3 menstrual cycles, even with one tube.

Withdrawal acts as a good ovarian stimulant. Doctors call this the term "rebound effect". If you don't get pregnant right away, it's okay. It just takes more time to prepare.

Millimeter accuracy

Timing for IVF

In vitro fertilization is the only way to give birth without tubes or ovaries when there is no ovulation or there have been cases of ectopic or miscarriage. IVF is carried out when a woman has no chance to conceive a child naturally.

It is possible to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, but it is not known whether the fallopian tubes will be passable. Much depends on the complexity of the operation.

For example, if the ovaries or tubes are removed, then IVF can be carried out no earlier than three menstrual cycles. And with laparoscopy of an ectopic pregnancy and the well-being of the patient, stimulation is often done after one cycle.

Physicians with a vocation

May have difficulty conceiving

According to statistics, ectopic pregnancy is often the cause of secondary infertility. Especially after a pipe rupture, when the probability of conception is halved.

Even with a successful operation for an ectopic pregnancy with preservation of the organ, the chances of re-conception are up to 70%. This is due to the formation of scars, adhesions of the tubes, dysfunction of peristalsis or the work of the appendages.

There are complex operations when both the removal of the tube and the ovary had to be carried out on one side, left or right. At the same time, it is difficult to get pregnant and give birth on your own, and sometimes it does not work out. However, if all medical recommendations are followed, the chances of a successful conception with one tube after an ectopic pregnancy are high.

Problematic pregnancy

Diagnostics and examinations

After an ectopic pregnancy and removal of the tube, a course of physio- and drug therapy is prescribed. Immediately before conception, the doctor directs for testing and re-examination.

According to its results, the doctor decides how the female body is restored and prepared for a new pregnancy after an ectopic when the tubes are removed or while they are preserved.

Gift from God


Ultrasound of the uterine body is a highly informative examination to detect tubal adhesions, benign neoplasms, fibroids or cysts. The procedure does not cause an irritation reaction to the contrast agent.

How hydrosonography works:

  1. Through a catheter, NaCl 0.9% or another saline solution is injected into the uterine cavity.
  2. A special sensor monitors all movements in the pelvic organs.
  3. Anesthesia is not required, but many investigators use general anesthesia to prevent tubal spasm.
  4. The procedure is carried out on the 8-11th day of the menstrual cycle.
  5. In the presence of infection or inflammation of the tubes, they are not allowed to study.


After a difficult path to a dream

MSH is an X-ray or hysterography of the tubes and uterus, designed to diagnose the formation of adhesions after an ectopic pregnancy, obstruction or agglutination of organs.

How is it carried out:

  1. Urine, blood, HIV, hepatitis and other infections are pre-tested. A fluoroscopy is required.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, an enema is made to empty the intestines and bladder.
  3. The patient is taking an antispasmodic drug.
  4. The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, it is allowed to take a glass of liquid without gas.
  5. If necessary, perform local anesthesia.
  6. The patient lies on her back, a support is placed under the feet, her knees are bent.
  7. Through a catheter, a contrast agent is injected into the cervix.
  8. Within 5 minutes, observe how the organs are filled.
  9. Take a picture, after a while repeat the image.
  10. The procedure takes about an hour, the same amount is required for rest.
  11. Pain may persist for up to two days. If after 3 days there is a fever or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Laparoscopic examination

Mentally strong people

The operation is performed when it is difficult to diagnose diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs. And also when other methods do not give a complete picture of the patient's condition.

How is laparoscopy performed?

  1. Beforehand, you bring to the doctor the results of urine and blood tests, its coagulability indicators, a fluorography image and a cardiogram.
  2. You can't drink or eat for a day.
  3. Preparation for surgery includes a night and morning enema immediately before the start.
  4. The procedure begins with anesthesia.
  5. The surgeon then makes several small incisions in the examination area through which a special instrument is inserted.
  6. Gas inflate the abdominal region.
  7. A larger incision is made to insert a video camera.
  8. The screen displays all the actions of the surgeon.
  9. Manipulations last from 15 minutes to several hours. It depends on the purpose of the laparoscopy.

Clear planning of conception

It is possible to start active actions only when all risks are minimized. To correct the body, you must first take a course of hormonal and vitamin therapy.

It is important that by the time of conception after an ectopic pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is normalized and ovulation is restored.

Acceptable types of contraception

During the rehabilitation period after an ectopic pregnancy, in addition to condoms, doctors recommend taking hormonal contraceptives.

Each drug has an individual regimen in which omissions are excluded. Oral contraception is necessary not only to prevent pregnancy during an unwanted period.

General joy

Hormone therapy reduces the risk of recurrent ectopic conception and the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs by 90%. When prescribing contraception, it is taken into account which category the patient belongs to according to the anatomical structure and physiological characteristics.

There are three phenotypes of women - estrogenic, progesterone and mixed. The former are distinguished by a long menstrual cycle of 28 days or more. In this case, progestin drugs are prescribed, for example, Rigevidon or Minisiston.

The testerone phenotype is characterized by a short cycle, the duration of menstruation is 3-4 days. Such women are recommended contraceptives with andandrogenic action. These include Jess, Yarina, Janine.

The mixed phenotype has an average menstrual cycle. The child is usually carried easily with both one and two tubes. In this case, Regulon or Novinet are usually prescribed.

It is strictly forbidden to choose contraceptives after an ectopic pregnancy on your own. These questions should be addressed by your doctor.

Planning pregnancy after an ectopic with one tube

One pipe

It is possible to conceive soon and successfully only if the actions are coordinated with the recommendations of the gynecologist.

  1. One month of abstinence from intimate life after an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. The sexual partner must undergo an examination, pass the sperm for quality control. Much depends on her during fertilization. Often the cause of ectopic pregnancy is low sperm motility.
  3. To prevent the development of an ectopic conception again, constant monitoring of progesterone and hCG is necessary.
  4. A woman must complete all prescribed courses of therapy - anti-adhesion, hormonal, etc.
  5. To prevent ectopic pregnancy and conception, it is necessary to avoid stress, live and behave calmly, not reacting to acute situations.
  6. Regularly visit a gynecologist, take tests to detect infection.
  7. You need to keep a basal chart, conduct ovulation tests, observe all the changes in your body.

Remember, if a pipe is removed, it is not a disaster. In most cases, your chances of conceiving are almost the same as those of healthy women.

Those who become pregnant after surgery even with one tube, then they themselves say, “before giving birth, you need to learn how to plan correctly.”


Check pathology

This is an ultrasound examination that monitors changes in the functioning of the ovaries. Such a procedure is the best way to identify pathology and determine the exact date of ovulation for a successful pregnancy or conception with one or two tubes.

Examination shows dysfunctions affecting fertilization.

  1. Atresia - the dominant follicle develops to a mature state, but suddenly enters a regression phase.
  2. Persistence - maturation is normal, but there is no release of the hormone. That is, the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg does not occur.
  3. Cyst - the dominant does not stop in development, it grows simultaneously with the accumulation of fluid.
  4. Luteinization - the follicle does not mature, but a corpus luteum forms in the ovary.
  5. There is no dominant, that is, it does not develop or begins to regress at the very beginning.

Without ovulation, pregnancy is impossible. Folliculometry has a huge impact on successful conception even with one tube. The study allows you to determine the exact date or take timely measures to restore the ovulatory cycle.

Tablet tests for ovulation

Inexpensive test is a good option

The moment when the finished zygote leaves the follicle, heading towards the livelihood, a woman can feel on her own. Especially if you are used to observing your feelings. However, it is not always possible to rely on them.

With clear planning, doctors recommend confirming their suspicions with a home ovulation test. The result indicates the period of the menstrual cycle when the probability of conception is highest. That is, intimacy with a partner should occur within the next 3 days after ovulation. There are different types of tests on sale, but the most accurate are digital devices.

Plotting basal temperature charts

This is the easiest and free way to determine the high concentration of hormones during the cycle, even with one tube. By identifying the exact date of ovulation, a couple can not only conceive on the right day, but even try to influence the sex of the child.

Basal temperature is the lowest value of the thermal state of the internal organs. Therefore, it is determined in the morning without getting out of bed in order to avoid an error. The thermometer is inserted into the vagina, rectum, or placed in the mouth.

Daily measurements for 3 to 4 months allow you to build a graph that will accurately indicate the days of ovulation. Conception directly at the time of the release of the egg - a boy will be born. If you have sex 2 to 3 days before ovulation, then women are more likely to give birth to girls.

Learn to schedule

Cyclic transformations in the reproductive system

The menstrual cycle is a clear program embedded in a woman's body by nature. Its functioning depends on changes occurring in the internal organs, which are called hormone-dependent (ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, vagina, etc.).

Reproductivity is the main task of cyclic transformations. A strong attraction to a sexual partner, pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in the amount of discharge are changes that can be observed by observing the onset of ovulation. Despite the subjective conclusions, the method has the right to be.

Enjoy life

How not to be afraid to get pregnant?

Psychosomatic disorders due to ectopic pregnancy can be divided into two categories.

  1. Internal experiences - emptiness, pain from loss, "I'm afraid to have sex, get pregnant, give birth, and suddenly everything will happen again."
  2. Social - a sense of inferiority as a woman, failure as a mother, spouse, member of society.

In case of severe stress, qualified psychological assistance is required, without which it is almost impossible to cope with your fears and wait for pregnancy.

What the experts say.

  1. Life is failures + victories. Guilt does not affect the past, but it spoils the present.
  2. It is important to redirect your energy from worries and fears to active actions.
  3. Listen to the recommendations of doctors.
  4. Go through rehabilitation after surgery.
  5. Take care of your health.
  6. Together with your partner competently, under the supervision of a doctor, prepare for a new pregnancy.
  7. Drop the stereotypes. Only a great desire to have children is the goal of motherhood.

There are cases of conception even after two ectopic pregnancies. Moreover, medicine often encounters miracles. For example, a patient diagnosed with infertility suddenly became pregnant, which was basically out of the question.

What to do if pregnancy does not occur

“I tried everything, but I can’t, why I can’t conceive,” so many lament after the first unsuccessful attempts.

Listen to the experts.

  1. Let go of the situation. The more a woman gets hung up on the problem of pregnancy, the higher the barrier is built on the way to solving it.
  2. Try new intercourse positions that are most conducive to conception.
  3. For a successful pregnancy, do not shower immediately after intercourse. Rest for 20 minutes, raising your legs and placing a pillow under your pelvis.
  4. Try the effect of "sexual starvation". Give up for a while from intimacy until the attraction to each other peaks. Full mobilization of the body's forces usually ends with successful conception and pregnancy.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

An ectopic pregnancy for many women becomes a serious blow. If it is detected on time, the prognosis for the future is the most favorable, since modern technologies make it possible to preserve the organs involved in the process of conceiving and bearing a child.

Most often, doctors have to deal with tubal ectopic pregnancies, since, having encountered an obstacle on its way, the egg is attached in the tubes, much less often in the cervix. With a short period of time, drug treatment is possible. In this case, the fallopian tubes practically do not suffer, and therefore there will be no particular obstacles for a new pregnancy in the future. Pipe rupture is undesirable. Most often, such a complication leads to the removal of this organ.

Source: med36.com


I had an ectopic pregnancy, the main symptoms of which did not appear immediately, how high is the likelihood of a recurrence of the pathology, but on the other hand? An ectopic pregnancy in the past requires a special approach to the procedure for conception and subsequent childbearing.

A woman is subconsciously afraid of a repetition of the events that happened to her, and therefore tries to delay the onset of a subsequent pregnancy. And when the desire to have a child overcomes fear, it turns out that nothing works out for her. And immediately there is a panicky thought that after an ectopic she cannot become pregnant. If for some time all attempts to achieve a positive result have remained fruitless, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem.

In some cases, after treatment, it will be possible to completely correct the situation. Not all ectopic pregnancies make a woman completely infertile. And even if, after an emergency treatment, one tube had to be removed, the chances of becoming a mother are fifty percent, and if you scrupulously follow all the recommendations of doctors, then these percentages can be significantly increased.

Until recently, the absence of two pipes completely deprived a woman of the hope of becoming a mother. Now a way out has been found. In this case, an already fertilized egg is planted directly into the uterus, bypassing the tubes. Only when using this method, conception will have to spend much more time and undergo a more complex examination.

After an ectopic pregnancy, the body needs to recover and rest. After an unsuccessful pregnancy, a woman needs to wait for the establishment of a stable menstrual cycle. In rare cases, this is enough for the next pregnancy.

Don't immediately repeat your own mistakes. Doctors advise to undergo a complete medical examination and accurately determine the cause of an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, doctors advise to refrain from sexual intercourse with a partner for some time. At this time, the woman's body is still too vulnerable, and any introduced infection can cause serious problems.

When preparing for a new pregnancy, all health problems and the individual characteristics of the woman's body should be taken into account. First of all, you will have to deal with the cure of all foci of inflammation in the body, especially if they are located in one of the sections of the reproductive system.

Within six months after the treatment, there can be no talk of any pregnancy. Therefore, the patient is prescribed oral contraceptives. Thus, a possible re-pregnancy is excluded, which, against the background of existing health problems, can again develop with pathology.

If the previous pregnancy proceeded with deviations due to hormonal imbalance, then taking birth control will help restore balance. Another positive property of hormonal drugs is that they normalize the functioning of the ovaries, which means that there will be no problems with conception from this side.

Next, you need to take care of the ideal condition of the only remaining fallopian tube. In order for pregnancy to occur, the egg must mature in the ovary that is connected to the fallopian tube. It is important that the egg can freely enter the uterus through the tube.

In many ways, its movement will depend on the state of the mucosa lining this section of the reproductive system. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the tube, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs will be mandatory.

Adhesions can also prevent the egg from getting into the uterus. Getting rid of them is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health and prevent adhesive disease in the only surviving pipe. If adhesions were found, they can be eliminated with the help of laparoscopy.

In the absence of acute inflammatory processes in a woman, she is sent for physiotherapy, which usually includes massage, ultrasound therapy and ultraton. During the preparation for pregnancy, the patient will have to take blood and urine tests from time to time.

If necessary, a woman can be referred to other narrow specialists for additional examination, and, if necessary, treatment. An endocrinologist, a geneticist, and in some cases a therapist can provide effective assistance.

In preparation for pregnancy, ultrasound is also prescribed. This examination is necessary to pre-assess the condition of the uterus and fallopian tube. If there are foci of endometriosis in the uterus or tubes, the birth of a child will have to be postponed until the process can be stopped.

Also, benign tumors, cysts and fibroids can become an obstacle to a new pregnancy. They can block the pipe. Doctors say that tumors can act as the cause of an ectopic pregnancy, and can grow after it is treated.

A special role in preparing for the conception of a healthy child should be given to nutrition. In such a diet, vegetables and fruits, lean meats should prevail. For some time, you will have to give up increased physical activity. Severe stress can negatively affect conception. Therefore, future parents will have to monitor their psychological state. In many ways, the time of the next pregnancy will depend on the punctuality and patience of the woman herself.

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? How long is conception possible?? How to properly prepare and prevent the recurrence of pathology?

An ectopic pregnancy is called does not develop in the uterus, and in its other departments: most often in pipes - 97%. Rarely, embryo maturation occurs in the ovaries, cervix, or abdomen. The embryo with such pathologies is not viable.

Causes affecting the occurrence of pathology:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs;
  • surgical operations of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which an adhesive process may develop, which interferes with the unimpeded passage of a fertilized egg through the tubes to the uterus;
  • infections or inflammatory diseases of the female system (endometriosis, chlamydia, salpingitis, etc.);
  • abortions and other curettage of the uterus;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • long-term use of medications for the treatment of infertility.

In the early stages, it is very difficult to determine an ectopic pathology. As a rule, it is asymptomatic. The embryo begins to grow up to a critical moment. The first sign of developing pathology is sharp shooting pain in the lower abdomen transmitted to the anus, lower back. The pain doesn't stop, it only gets worse. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting are added, pressure drops, blood-brown discharge from the vagina appears, even loss of consciousness. You can not take painkillers, as the pills will relieve the pain, and the condition will continue to worsen. Medical assistance must be called immediately.

It is impossible to say exactly at what stage of development the pipe may burst, it depends on where is the fertilized egg. Most often, the gap occurs at 6-12 weeks of an unusual pregnancy. The rupture of the pipe is accompanied by dangerous profuse bleeding. If you do not seek help in time, severe hemorrhagic shock (blood loss) occurs and death is possible.

Medical care for ectopic pregnancy is aimed at preservation of a woman's reproductive activity, in advanced cases - saving the life of the patient.

Types of medical care:

  • tubal abortion (squeezing the embryo through the tube);
  • medication (in the early stages);
  • surgery;
  • restoration of blood loss;
  • resumption of reproductive activity;

If a woman is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, then there is every chance to save the tube. In this case, laparoscopy is performed, an operation to remove the embryo from the organ. The benefits of manipulation are gentle effect on the female body and the opportunity not only to preserve, but also after high-quality rehabilitation to restore the normal functioning of the genital organs. Often the fallopian tube is removed completely, very rarely the entire uterus. Once a pipe has burst, it is no longer possible to save it. In each specific situation, the doctor decides whether the organ can be saved. The purpose of the operation is to stop the bleeding by any means. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes no more than an hour. Up to three days for recovery.

At any slightest suspicion of a pathology of pregnancy (lack of menstruation, a positive test strip, acute pain in the lower abdomen, a slight increase in temperature, suspicious red-brown discharge), the main thing is seek qualified help immediately. The earlier the pathology is diagnosed and appropriate measures are taken, the lower the risk of complications in the form of infertility. And the chances of a subsequent successful pregnancy increase.

The postoperative stage involves rehabilitation course.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy in a month? Doctors categorically do not recommend conception after surgery for six months. The risk of recurrence of the pathology or miscarriage is very high. In the first month it is necessary to stop sexual contacts. Give your weakened body time to recover. from shock and blood loss. Conduct medical and physiotherapy treatment. Carefully prepare for a future normal pregnancy.

Experts say that even with one pipe there is an opportunity to become a mother and bear a healthy baby. This will depend on the following parameters:

  • the level of damage to the reproductive system during surgery;
  • patency of the remaining tube, which is necessarily diagnosed before the intended conception;
  • the general health of the woman, existing chronic diseases;
  • the quality of preparation for conception, the delivery of all necessary tests and studies, preventive measures;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • the establishment of the menstrual cycle, the regularity of ovulation;
  • female age, from 35 years it is more difficult to get pregnant;
  • psychological attitude to a successful result.

The main thing is to avoid haste, to approach an important matter with responsibility and calmness. in good faith follow all recommendations of experts. Stay in a positive mood, relax more, be less nervous.

If within a year attempts to get pregnant in a natural way failed, diagnosed with infertility. But this is not a reason for despair, but, on the contrary, to continue by all available means to fight for the desired opportunity to give birth to a baby.

Unfortunately, if a woman is left without both tubes, there is no chance of getting pregnant in a natural way. In such cases, you can try use the IVF method, surrogate motherhood or adoption of a baby from children's institutions. The cost of IVF is quite high and the success rate of the procedure is about 35%. In each case, the couple makes an independent decision on how to deal with the problem.

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