Engineering ammunition of the Soviet Army. Artillery ammunition Designation of engineering barriers

Over the past decades, large-scale measures have been taken in the armies of developed countries to improve conventional weapons, among which an important place was given to engineering weapons. Engineer weapons include engineering ammunition that creates the best conditions for the effective use of all types of weapons and the protection of friendly troops from modern weapons, making it difficult for the enemy to inflict significant losses on him. The use of engineering munitions in recent local conflicts has shown their growing role in solving operational and tactical tasks.

Remote mining systems appeared in service with the engineering troops, which made it possible to lay mines during the battle and at a considerable distance from the front line - on enemy territory. Engineering munitions also make it possible to create conditions for the troops to quickly overcome enemy minefields. In this case, the most promising volume explosion ammunition is used.

What applies to engineering ammunition? First of all, these are mines for various purposes - anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-airborne and recently appeared anti-helicopter, as well as demining charges and a number of auxiliary charges. A modern mine is a multifunctional device. Some samples of new mines contain an element of artificial intelligence and have the ability to optimize the selection of a target from several targets and its attack.

Special mention should be made of anti-personnel mines, over the prohibition of which a campaign of states wishing to finally disarm Russia has begun. In connection with the sharp reduction in the size of the Armed Forces, the role of engineering ammunition is increasing. Considering that engineering munitions mainly play a defensive role, our political and military leadership should not disarm, but should contribute to the improvement and increase in the effectiveness of this type of weapon, which is quite reliable and has high performance-cost ratios. The general direction and purpose of the development of engineering weapons is mainly determined by the ability to effectively hit modern and future targets in the interests of the ground forces.

Consider the features and technical characteristics of engineering ammunition.

Until recently, in developed countries, a large number of anti-tank mines of different designs were produced, from the whole variety of existing designs of which three main types can be distinguished: anti-track, anti-bottom and anti-aircraft.

Until recently, anti-track mines were considered the main ones, but they are gradually losing their importance. The main disadvantage of these mines is their limited combat capability: usually only individual units of the tank chassis are disabled. Nevertheless, anti-track mines are still in fairly large quantities in the troops of various countries.

Anti-track mines are designed to take out tracked and wheeled combat and transport vehicles by destroying or damaging, mainly, their undercarriage (tracks, wheels). The installation of these mines is carried out using minelayers or manually (both in the ground and on its surface). Domestic anti-track mines have a cylindrical shape, with the exception of the TM-62D mine, which has the shape of a parallelepiped. The main characteristics of domestic anti-track mines are presented in Table 1, and foreign - in Table 2. Figure I, 2 shows the design schemes of mines TM-46 and TM-62T. Anti-track mines are equipped with mechanical pressure fuses, which are screwed into the central socket of the hull. The pressure on the fuse from the tank caterpillar is transmitted through the pressure cover. Sockets for additional fuses are provided in the side and bottom parts of the mine body. They are used when it is necessary to place mines in an unrecoverable position. Basically, the bodies and fuses of modern mines are made of plastic, so they cannot be detected using induction mine detectors. Due to the tightness of mine hulls, most of them can be used to mine water barriers.

Fig.1. Anti-track mine TM-46:

a) appearance; b) - a section of a mine; 1 - body; 2 - diaphragm; 3 - cover; 4 - MVM fuse; 5 - explosive charge; 6 - intermediate detonator; 7 - cap; 8 - handle.

Table 1 The main characteristics of anti-track mines
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions dia. x height, mm Housing material
general explosive charge
TM-46 8,5 5,7 T 300x109 steel
TM-56 107 7.0 T 316x109 steel
TM-57 8,7 5,9 T 316x108 steel
8,79 6,62 ms
. .8,8 , 7,0 TGA-16
TM-62M 9.0 7.18 T 320x90 steel
9,6 7.8 MC
9.62 7,78 TGA-16
8,72 6,68 A-50
TM-62D 11.7- 8.7- 340x340x110 wood
-13,6 -10,4
12.4 8.8 TGA-16
TM-62P 11.0 8,0 T 340 x 80 plastic
11.5 8,3 MC
11.5 8,3 TGA-16
10.6 7.4 A-50
10,0 6.8 A-80
11.0 7,8 A-XI-2
TM-62P2 8.6 7.0 T 320x90 plastic
9,1 7,0 MS
9,1 7,0 TGA-16
8.3 6,1 A-50
TM-62PZ 7,2 6,3 T 320x90 plastic
7,8 6,8 MS
7,8 6.8 TGA-16
7,8 6.8 TM
TM-62T 8,5 7,0 T 320 x 90 the cloth
9,0 7.5 TGA-16

table 2 Foreign anti-track mines
Mine Country of manufacture Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M15 USA 14,3 10,3 337 125 steel
M19 USA 1?,6 9,53 332x332 94 plastic
M56 USA 3,4 1.7 250x120 100 aluminum
AT-1 Germany 2,0 1,3 55 330 steel
L9A1 England 11.0 8,4 1200x100 80 plastic
SB-61 Italy 3,2 2,0 232 90 plastic

Table 3 Foreign anti-bottom mines
Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M70 M73 USA 2.2 0.7 127 76 steel
AT-2 Germany 2,0 0.7 100 130 steel
PRO France 6.0 2.0 280x165 105 plastic
SB-MV/T FFV028 Italy 5,0 2,6 235 100 plastic
SD Sweden 5,0 3.5 250 110 steel

Fig.2. Anti-track mineTM-62T:

1-case; 2- explosive charge; 3 - ignition glass; 4 - fuse MVP-62; 5 - fuse drummer; 6 - a checker of the ignition glass; 7 - transfer charge fuse; 8 - primer-detonator fuse.

From the point of view of equipment, domestic mines are “omnivorous”. They are equipped with TNT (T), mixtures of A-IX2, MS, TM; alloys TGA-16, TG-40; ammotols A-50, A-80, etc.

The data in Table 1 indicate that most of the presented anti-track mines have significant dimensions and a large mass of explosives.

The most interesting is the English anti-track mine L9AI, which has an elongated shape (its dimensions are 1200x100x80 mm). For the device of an anti-tank minefield, such mines require two times less than mines with a cylindrical body. Elongated mines are more convenient to store and transport. The body of the L9A1 mine is plastic. The pressure cover is located in the upper part of the body and occupies two thirds of its length. To install this mine in the ground or on its surface, a trailed mine layer is used.

In a number of countries, for remote mining systems, several samples of anti-track mines have been developed, designed to destroy the undercarriage of a tank during a contact explosion. These mines are relatively small in size and weight.

Anti-track mine M56 (USA) is a component of the helicopter mining system. The body of the mine has the shape of a half-cylinder and is equipped with four drop-down stabilizers, which reduce the speed of the fall of the mine (mining is carried out from a height of about 30 m). A pressure cover is located on the flat surface of the housing. The electromechanical fuse is located in the end part of the housing and has two stages of protection. The first is removed when the mine exits the cluster installation, the second - one or two minutes after falling to the ground. In the combat position, the mine can be turned with a pressure cover both up and down. The fuse is equipped with a self-destruct element, which causes the mine to explode after a certain time. Mina M56 is carried out in three versions. The mines of the first (main) version are equipped with a single-stroke fuse, the second - with a two-stroke fuse, triggered by repeated impact on the pressure cover. The fuse of the mine of the third option is activated by shaking the body of the mine or changing its position. The mines of the last two options are intended to prevent the enemy from manually removing them from the passages or making passes in the minefield using roller trawls.

West German mines AT-1 are equipped with 110-mm cluster munitions of the Lars MLRS. Each munition contains 8 mines, equipped with a pressure fuse, elements of non-decontamination and self-destruction.

Italy has developed several samples of anti-track mines designed for installation by helicopter systems, including the SB-81 mine, which has a plastic case and an electromechanical fuse with a pressure sensor. In addition to helicopters, this mine can be installed by a minelayer.

Anti-bottom mines, in comparison with anti-track mines, have a significantly higher destructive effect. Exploding under the bottom of the tank and punching it, they hit the crew and disable the armament and equipment of the vehicle. The explosion of such a mine under the caterpillar of the tank disables it. Anti-bottom mines are equipped with a shaped charge or a charge based on the principle of an impact core. Most anti-bottom mines have proximity fuses with magnetic sensors that detect changes in the magnetic field as the tank passes over the mine. Such a fuse is installed at the Swedish anti-bottom mine FFV028. When the tank passes over the mine, electrical voltage is applied to the electric detonator, which initiates the explosion of the overburden, and then (with some time delay) the main charge (the armor penetration of the mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm). When an overburden charge is triggered, the upper part of the fuse, the cover of the mine body and the camouflage layer of soil are dropped, thereby creating favorable conditions for the formation of an impact core. A typical layout of the anti-bottom mine SB-MV / T is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig.3. The layout of the anti-tank mine SB-MV / T: 1 - magnetic sensor; 2 - power supply; 3 - software element of the mine neutralization device; 4-seismic sensor; 5 - a device for delaying the transfer of the fuse to the combat position; 6 - the lever for transferring the fuse to the combat position; 7 - fuse inclusion element; 8 - main charge; 9 - transitional charge; 10 - detonator; 11 - primer-igniter; 12 - overburden charge.

The French anti-bottom mine HPD is equipped with a fuse with magnetic and seismic sensors. The armor penetration of a mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm. The mine explodes when both sensors are triggered simultaneously. To drop the hull cover and the camouflage layer of soil in the HPD mine, an additional (overburden) charge was used. The mining of these mines is carried out with the help of a mine layer.

Much attention is paid to the development of anti-bottom mines for remote mining systems. In the United States, for example, spreadable anti-bottom mines have been created using artillery and aircraft mining systems (M70, M73 and BLU-91 / B mines). These mines are small in size and equipped with proximity fuses with magnetic sensors and anti-removal elements. M70 and M73 mines are components of the RAAMS artillery anti-tank mining system (for 155-mm howitzers). The cluster projectiles of this system contain nine M70 or M73 mines, which have shaped charges directed in opposite directions, which does not require special orientation on the ground surface. By design, these mines are the same and differ only in the period of self-destruction.

Table 4 The effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines
Anti-track mine effectiveness The effectiveness of the anti-bottom mine
The tank is devoid of mobility; The tank is devoid of mobility and firepower;
- damaged caterpillar; - punched bottom;
- damaged roller and suspension, - the units inside the tank were significantly damaged as a result of a mine explosion and ammunition detonation,
- the crew is shell-shocked, but partially combat-ready. - the crew is completely disabled;
- firepower saved; - repair (if at all possible) in the factory.
- repair in the field is possible

The West German anti-bottom mine AT-2 is designed to build anti-tank barriers using ground, missile and aircraft mining systems. The mine has a warhead based on the principle of an impact core.

The comparative effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines is presented in Fig. 4 and in Table 4.

Anti-aircraft mines are designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles at a distance of several tens of meters. These mines are effective when used to block roads and make barriers in forests and settlements. The striking element of anti-aircraft mines is an impact core or a cumulative anti-tank grenade fired from a guide tube.

The French and British armies are armed with the MAN F1 mine (Fig. 5), which has a warhead (armor penetration of 70 mm from a distance of 40 m) on the principle of an impact core. The body of the mine can be rotated in a vertical plane relative to the support, consisting of two racks and a support ring. The fuse is activated by a 40-meter contact wire.

The American anti-aircraft mine M24 consists of an 88.9-mm grenade (from the M29 anti-tank rifle), a guide pipe, a fuse with a contact sensor made in the form of a tape, a power source and connecting wires. The guide pipe acts as a container in which the mine is stored and transported. Place the unit at a distance of about 30 m from the road or passage. When a tank caterpillar hits the contact strip, the fuse circuit closes and the anti-tank grenade is fired. An improved model of this mine, the M66, has been developed. It differs from the M24 in that. that infrared and seismic sensors are used instead of a contact sensor. The mines are transferred to the combat position after the seismic sensor is triggered. It also includes an infrared target sensor. The grenade is fired as soon as the armored target crosses the emitter-receiver line.

Anti-tank minefields (ATMP) are installed primarily in tank-hazardous directions in front of the front, on the flanks and junctions of subunits, as well as in depth to cover artillery firing positions, command and observation posts and other objects. An anti-tank minefield usually has dimensions along the front of 200 ... 300 m or more, in depth - 60 ... 120 m or more. Mines are installed in three to four rows with a distance between rows of 20 ... 40 m and between mines in a row - 4 ... 6 m for anti-tracked and 9 ... 12 m for anti-bottom mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of the minefield is 550 ... 750 anti-track or 300 ... 400 anti-bottom mines. On especially important areas, PTMG1 can be installed with an increased consumption of mines: up to 1000 or more anti-track mines or 500 or more anti-bottom mines. Such minefields are commonly referred to as high efficiency minefields.

Fig.5. The layout of the anti-aircraft mine MAN F1:

1-charge; 2 - copper lining; 3 - support ring; 4 - detonator cap; 5 - fuse; 6 - power supply; 7 - transitional charge; 8 - detonator.

Fig.4. Comparative effectiveness of the destructive action of anti-line and anti-caterpillar mines:

1 - zone of action of the anti-bottom mine;

2 - zone of action of an anti-track mine.

Table 5 Foreign anti-aircraft mines
Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter height
M24, M66 USA 10,8 0,9 89 609 steel
MAH F1 France 12,0 6,5 185 270 steel

Anti-personnel mines vary in design and are mainly of the high-explosive or fragmentation type. The main characteristics of some samples of domestic anti-personnel mines are presented in Table 6. The name MON-50 means that this mine has a fragmentation-directed action. These mines are in service with various countries. Usually, the plastic cases of such mines are made in the form of a curved prism, in which a plastic explosive charge with a large number of fragments is placed. For ease of installation on the ground, there are hinged legs at the bottom of the mine body. The most common way to set the mine in action is to use a regular trip fuse, which is triggered when the target touches the tensioned wire. When a mine explodes, a flat beam of fragments is formed. Directional fragmentation mines are designed to destroy personnel moving in deployed combat formations.

The PMN index means that this mine is an anti-personnel push action. The device of the PMN anti-personnel mine is shown in Fig.6.

Currently, bouncing fragmentation anti-personnel mines are widely used. The operation of such a mine occurs when a walking person touches a tension wire or when pressure is applied to special conductors connected by an explosive chain. As a result of this, an expelling powder charge is ignited, with the help of which a mine is thrown to the height of the chest of a walking person, where an explosion occurs and people in this zone are hit by fragments.

Anti-personnel minefields (APMP) are placed in front of the forward edge and, as a rule, in front of anti-tank minefields in order to cover them. They can be from high-explosive mines, fragmentation mines, as well as a combination of high-explosive and fragmentation mines. PPMP, depending on their purpose, is installed with a length along the front from 30 to 300 m or more, in depth - 10 ... 50 m or more. The number of rows in a minefield is usually two to four, the distance between rows is 5 m or more, between mines in a row is not less than 1 m for high-explosive mines and one or two continuous destruction radii for fragmentation mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of the minefield is accepted: high-explosive - 2000 ... 3000 pieces; fragmentation - 100 ... 300 pcs. In areas where infantry advances in large masses, PPMPs of increased efficiency can be installed - with double or triple consumption of mines.

Table 6 Main characteristics of anti-personnel mines
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
MON-50 2,0 0.7 PVV-5A 225x153 54 plastic
MOH-90 12,4 6.5 PVV-5A 343x202 153 plastic
MON-100 7,5 2.0 T 236 83 steel
7.0 1,5 A-50
MON-200 30,0 12.0 T 434 131 steel
28,7 10,7 A-50
PMN 0.58 0,21 T 100 56 plastic
LMN-2 0.95 0.4 TG-40 122 54 plastic

Fig.6. Anti-personnel mine PMN:

a) - general view; b) - cut; 1 - body; 2 - shield; 3 - cap; 4 - wire or tape; 5 - stock; 6 - spring; 7 - split ring; 8 - drummer; 9 - mainspring; 10 - thrust sleeve; 11 - safety check; 12 – metal element; 13 - explosive charge; 14 - fuse MD-9; 15 - plug; 16 - cap; 17 - gasket; 18 - metal frame; 19 - string.

Table 7 The main characteristics of anti-amphibious mines
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
PDM-1M 18,0 10,0 T 380 143 steel
PDM-2 21,0 15.0 T 380 342 steel
PDM-3Ya 34,0 15.0 T 650 steel
YRM 12,1 3.0 T 275 34V steel

Table 8 The main characteristics of special mines
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
ZhDM-6 24.2 14,0 1 250 230 steel
ADM-7 24,2 14,0 T 215 265 steel
ADM-8 24,2 14,0 T 220 252 steel
MPM 0.74 0,3 TG-50 148x72 46 plastic
SPM 2,35 0,93 MS 248x114 72 steel
BPM 7,14 2,6 T 292 110 steel
BPM 7,44 2.9 TGA-16 292 110 steel

Fig.7. Mina PDM-2 on a low stand:

1 - rod; 2 - check; 3 - fuse; 4 - housing with an explosive charge; 5 – lock nut; 6 - bopt; 7 - flange; 8 - upper beam; 9 - lower beam; 10 - steel sheet; 11 - washer; 12 - latch; 13 - handle; 14 - roller.

Fig.8. Mine body PDM-2:

1 - body; 2 - central neck; 3-glass; 4 - intermediate detonator; 5 - side neck; 6 - nipple; 7 - charge; 8 - gaskets; 9 - plugs.

Fig.9. Charge S3-3L:

a) - general view; b) - cut; 1 - body; 2 - explosive charge; 3 - intermediate detonators; 4 - ignition socket for a detonator cap; 5 - socket for a special fuse; 6 - plugs; 7 - handle; 8 - rings for binding the charge.

1 - body; 2 - cumulative lining; 3 - explosive charge; 4 - intermediate detonator; 5 - seal nest; 6 - handle; 7 - retractable legs; 8 - cork.

Fig.10. Charge S3-6M:

1 - capron shell; 2 – polyethylene sheath; 3 – plastic explosive charge; 4 - intermediate detonators; 5 - rubber couplings; 6 - metal clips; 7 - socket for a detonator cap; 8 - socket for a special fuse; 9 - plugs; 10 - union nut; 11 - rings for binding the charge.

At present, the engineering troops of developed countries have nuclear mines with a TNT equivalent from 2 to 1000 tons.

Assessing the effectiveness of nuclear mines, foreign experts believe that they can be used as a multi-purpose weapon against advancing enemy forces. It is believed that the explosion of nuclear mines located in special concrete or soil wells creates zones of destruction and contamination that are capable of dismembering the battle formations of enemy troops, directing its advance into areas advantageous for inflicting conventional and nuclear strikes on it. An important direction in the use of nuclear mines is considered to be the strengthening of mine-explosive barriers in tank-hazardous areas. The protective effect of nuclear mines is due to the creation, as a result of explosions, of craters, blockages, zones of destruction and contamination, which are a serious obstacle to the movement of troops.

The crater from a nuclear mine explosion is a formidable obstacle, since its large size, steep slopes and rapid filling with water greatly impede the movement of not only vehicles, but also tanks.

The size of the craters will depend on the TNT equivalent of nuclear mines, the depth of their laying and the methods of detonation. When a mine explodes on the surface of the earth with a power of 1.2 kt, a funnel is formed with a diameter of 27 m and a depth of 6.4 m; the same charge, detonated at a depth of 5 m, forms a funnel with a diameter of 79 m and a depth of up to 16 m, and at a depth of 20 m - with a diameter of 89 m and a depth of 27.5 m. The protective effect of a nuclear mine explosion is enhanced by radioactive fallout over a large area.

Antiamphibious mines are used to mine water lines in areas of possible landings to destroy amphibious amphibious vehicles and combat vehicles. The main characteristics of these mines are presented in Table 7, the distinguishing feature of which is their use in a submerged position.

The device of anti-amphibious mines and their main components are shown on the example of the PDM-2 mine in Fig. 7, 8.

For mining railway tracks (ZhDM-6), highways (ADM-7, ADM-8) and other specific tasks, special mines are used (Table 8). Mines MPM, SPM, BIM have the property of "sticking" (with the help of a magnet or adhesive material) and have a quasi-cumulative lining for the formation of significant holes in obstacles.

To make passages in anti-tank and anti-mine fields, elongated demining charges are used (Table 9). They are advanced manually or mechanized, or launched into a minefield with the help of jet engines. Therefore, explosive charges are placed in metal pipes or in flexible fabric or plastic sleeves (hoses). Charges UZ-1, UZ-2, UZ-Z and UZ-ZR are metal pipes in which pressed pieces of TNT are placed. The UZ-67 charge consists of a sleeve (the material is nylon-based fabric), in which TNT cartridges are strung on a flexible hose with explosives of the A-IX-1 type. Charges UZP-72 and UZP-77 are based on a flexible rope with wound layers of plastic charge from PVV-7, placed in a sleeve made of special fabric.

Table 9 Main characteristics of elongated demining charges
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
UZ-1 5,3 2,88 T 53 1200 steel
UZ-2 10,24 5,33 T 53 2000 steel
UZ-Z 43 8 kg / p. m. T 53 1950 steel
UZ-ZR 43 T 53 1950 steel
UZ-67 55.5 41,6 T+A-XI -1 80 10 500 steel
UZP-72 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel
UZL-77 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel

Note: p.m. - linear meter.

Table 10 Main characteristics of concentrated charges
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
SZ-1 1,4 1,0 T 65x116 126 steel
NW-W 3.7 3.0 T 65x171 337 steel
NW-FOR 3,/ 2,8 T 98x142 200 steel
SZ-6 7,3 5.9 T 98x142 395 steel
sz-vm 6,9 6.0 PVV-5A 82 1200 the cloth
SZ-1P 1,5 L.b PVV-5A 45 600 the cloth
SZ-4P 4,2 4,2 PVV-5A 45 2000 the cloth

Table 11 Main characteristics of shaped charges
Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Material
general explosive charge (length x x width) hull height
KZ-1 14,47 9.0 TG-40 350 570 steel
KZ-2 14,8 9,0 TG-40 350 650 steel
KZ-4 63,0 49,0 TG-50 410 440 steppe
KZ-5 12.5 8,5 TG-40 215 280 steel
KZ-6 3,0 1,8 TG-40 112 292 steel
KZ-7 6,5 4,2 TG-40 162 272 steel
KZU 18,0 12,0 TG-50 195x225 500 steel
KPC 1,0 0,4 TG-50 52x160 200 steel
0,56 0,185 TG-40 76x70 1507 steel
KZU-1 0,0 032 TG-40 85x105 160 steel

Table 12 Characteristics of TNT checkers
Table 13 Characteristics of checkers made of plastic explosives
Table 14 Characteristics of detonating cords

Fig.12. Cumulative charge KZU-2:

a) - longitudinal section; b) - cross section; 1 - foam insert; 2 - explosive charge (TG-40); 3 - body; 4 - plug; 5 - gasket; 6 - bushing; 7 - gasket; 8- glass; 9 - checker BB A-XI-1; 10 - cap; 11 - ring; 12 - latch; 13 - strap; 14 - bracket; 15 - leaf spring; 16 - magnet; 17 - cumulative lining; 18 - clamp.

Fig.13. KZU-2 charge installation diagrams (the arrow indicates the installation location of the electric detonator or fuse)

To carry out demolition work in emergency situations, for example, when it is necessary to make a homemade mine in the shortest possible time, concentrated charges are used (Table 10). Charges SZ-ZA (Fig. 9), SZ-6, SZ-6M (Fig. 10) can be used for blasting under water. It should be noted that SZ-ZA, SZ-6 and SZ-6M charges can be successfully used in underwater blasting.

Shaped charges (Table 11) are used to punch or cut through thick metal slabs during the destruction of armored and reinforced concrete defensive structures.

The design and elements of the shaped charges KZ-2, KZU-2 are shown in Fig. 11-13.

In engineering troops, for demolition work, TNT and plastic explosives are used in the form of checkers, the main characteristics of which are presented in Table. 12.13.

Detonating cords are widely used to transfer an explosive impulse during explosions in engineering troops (Table 14).

Of all the munitions in service with the Russian army, engineering munitions are remarkable in that they are dual-use munitions, i.e. can be used in blasting in the national economy to solve specific problems in the mining, metallurgical and oil industries. For this reason, funding is not required for their disposal. Engineering munitions that have reached the end of their service life should be transferred to civilian organizations conducting explosive work (for example, in the mining industry). By now, millions of tons of so-called scrubs have accumulated at metallurgical plants, which are large-sized multi-ton objects with a significant iron content. Due to the crisis state of our metallurgical industry, these scrubs can serve as a good source of raw materials. But for obvious reasons, such scrubs cannot be transported and loaded into blast furnaces; they need to be split. In this case, engineering ammunition is an indispensable tool for solving this problem. At the same time, the technology for cutting such a scrub is as follows. By detonating a shaped charge (KZ-1, KZ-2, KZ-4), a crater (significant in depth and diameter) is created in the scrub, which is filled with explosives and blasted. As a result of these activities, the scrub is destroyed into parts that can be transported and loaded into a blast furnace. This is just one of thousands of examples of the use of engineering ammunition in the national economy.

The creation of a new generation of highly effective dual-purpose engineering ammunition will, on the one hand, ensure the combat operations of the Ground Forces and, on the other hand, their use in the national economy (after the expiration of their service life) will significantly save the financial resources of our state.

Marking of engineering ammunition of the Soviet Army.

More than once or twice in recent years, our mass media, especially television, have hysterically informed the broad masses about the “criminally negligent attitude of the military towards ammunition”, about “another deadly find”, about those discovered in the forest (at a shooting range, an abandoned military camp, on exercise venue), etc. etc. shells, rockets, mines. Television shows these "terrible finds" very willingly and in detail, interviews excited inhabitants, stigmatizes "criminals in uniform", demands that the "flagrant bungling" be investigated and those responsible be severely punished. By the way, for some reason, yesterday's students are especially excited, who received a minimum of military training in military departments, but who imagine themselves to be major experts in military affairs.

And every time, my eye habitually fixes with boredom the white stripes on the shells of the mines, the distinct inscriptions "inert", the black color of the "unexploded" shells. All these finds are no more dangerous than an old harrow, or, say, an old typewriter.

In this article, the author wants to try to teach non-military people to distinguish training, completely harmless engineering ammunition from really dangerous combat mines, fuses. Maybe then someone will not have to, leaving an exciting mushroom picking or throwing a rake, grabbing their children in an armful, rush to the phone to notify the authorities about the find. Or vice versa, you don’t have to put your life in mortal danger, bringing home a small elegant gray shell with black letters (it’s a sin to hide, it happens that the shell doesn’t fly where it’s supposed to, and the valiant army lost entire rockets).

First of all, in contrast to artillery training (inert) ammunition, which, to distinguish them from combat ones, are painted not in gray, but in black, in contrast to naval ammunition, in which the warhead of training torpedoes, mines, shells, missiles is painted red -white color, engineering ammunition, both combat and training, training and simulation are painted the same way. The color of engineering ammunition can be different - green, black, dirty yellow, brown, gray, bare metal, etc.

It is possible to distinguish between combat and training (inert), training and simulation engineering ammunition by marking.

Small-sized ammunition such as fuses, blasting caps, electric detonators, on which it is impossible to place alphanumeric markings, have the following distinguishing features:
* training (inert) - white stripe;
* training and simulation - red stripe. These ammunition, when fired, either give off a flash of flame, or colored smoke, or make a sharp sound, a pop. It is impossible to suffer much from them, but it is possible to get injured.
* combat - without colored stripes. These items are deadly.

The figure shows the detonator caps No. 8 in full size. Two upper combat (aluminum above, copper below). The third from the top is training, the lowest is training and simulation. You just want to turn these beautiful shiny silver or golden tubes in your hands, sort them out, play with them, children often take them in their mouths. The result of the explosion in the hands of the detonator cap is three severed fingers and a gouged eye (standard!). Caps, igniters, electric detonators, fuses have exactly the same marking.

Recently, some small-sized training ammunition began to be marked with the letter I. For example, PFM-1 training mines are marked this way.

Anti-tank mines made of metal and wood are usually painted green (rarely dirty yellow). The mines are marked on the side of the body with black paint. The top number indicates the item number. Below is the code of the product. Usually this is the brand of mine (TM-46, TMD-B, etc.). Even lower is the triple number, written with hyphens. The first number is the number of the equipment factory, the second is the number of the batch of mines, the third is the year the mine was equipped. At the very bottom, the code of the explosive used in the mine is indicated. Usually you can find the following ciphers: A-50, A-80, G, PVV-4, MS, TGA, TG-50, TG-30, T, Tetr, TN. These or other alphanumeric combinations just indicate that this is a military mine. The training mine in place of the BB cipher has a white horizontal stripe.

Training mines TM-62M and all mines of later developments, in addition, on the side of the body still have a black inscription INERT. , or INERT., or INERT.

Training mines are equipped with a mixture of cement and rosin.
This mixture has weight-volume characteristics identical to TNT, but it is absolutely non-flammable, non-explosive.

Exactly the same markings on plastic cases. On shells of anti-tank mines made of polyethylene, where the paint does not hold well, the markings may be embossed, i.e. having no color. However, a white stripe is also applied on the polyethylene cases of training mines.

Other placement of markings on anti-tank mines is also possible (for example, on the bottom of the hull or on its upper part). However, in all cases, the body of the training mine will have at least a white stripe or the inscription "inert" or both at the same time.

On anti-personnel mines, the marking is the same, but placed in place, i.e. where it is more convenient to do so. The figure shows a training anti-personnel mine PMN. The marking is placed on the rubber cover. The inscription "inert" and a white stripe are clearly visible. At the PMN combat mine, the explosive font is placed in place of the white stripe.

Engineer ammo boxes are usually painted dark green, rarely unpainted. The side wall is marked with black paint. The top row - the code of the product and the number of products in the box, below, through hyphens, the code of the manufacturer, batch number, year of manufacture, below the code of the explosive with which the products are equipped. For boxes with training ammunition, "INERT" is written in this place and an additional white stripe is applied on the side. For boxes with imitation ammunition, the stripe is red. Below all the gross weight of the box. In addition to these mandatory markings, boxes can be marked with a cargo capacity in the form of a black triangle with a number in the center (for civilian transport organizations), warning labels (such as: "When transporting by plane, pierce with an awl here", "Afraid of dampness", "Do not turn over", "Flammable cargo", etc.). If different products are packed in one box (for example, TNT checkers of different nomenclature), then their codes and quantities are also indicated on the box.

In the picture on the left is a box with combat mines TM-46, on the right with training ones.

In all cases, inert and live ammunition are not placed together in the same box.

On anti-personnel mines (such as PMD-6M, POMZ-2M), which are manufactured or equipped with explosives and fuses in the troops (and this is allowed only in wartime), there may not be any markings at all. Also, any marking may be missing on Soviet engineering ammunition from the Second World War.

Anti-tank mine TMN-46

Anti-tank anti-track mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. The defeat of enemy vehicles is inflicted due to the destruction of their undercarriage during the explosion of a mine charge at the moment the wheel (roller) runs over the pressure cover of the mine.

The mine can be installed both on the ground and in the ground, in snow, under water manually or by means of mechanization (trailed mine spreaders PMR-1, PMR-2, trailed minelayers PMZ-3, PMZ-4, caterpillar minelayer GMZ, helicopter mining system VMP-2).

The term of combat operation of the mine is not limited. With the destruction of the metal body of the mine from corrosion, the sensitivity of the mine increases from 120-400 kg. up to 3-5 kg. The mine is not equipped with a self-liquidator.

The mine comes in two versions - TM-46 and TMN-46. The second option is distinguished by the presence of a second point at the bottom of the mine for installing a non-removable fuse (MUV series with an MD-6N fuse).

The mine can be used with fuses MVM, MVSh-46. The first samples of mines could be equipped with MV-5 fuses with an MD-5m fuse, which were inserted into the mine under a standard plug. The mine can be used as a booby trap. For this, an ENO special fuse is used, which has the appearance of a standard plug-plug. An explosion in this case occurs when you try to unscrew the plug.

On the left is a mine with an MVM fuse, on the right with an MVSh fuse

Tactical and technical characteristics of mines

Type of mine: anti-track
Case: metal.
Weight: 8.6 kg.
Mass of explosive (TNT): 5.7 kg.
Diameter: 30 cm.
Height with MVM: 10.8 cm.
Height with MVSh-46: 26 cm.
Target sensor diameter: 20cm.
Sensitivity: 120-400 kg.
Temperature range of application: -60 --+60 degrees.

The appearance of the fuse MVM with a check. The thread for screwing the fuse into the point of the mine is clearly visible. At the very bottom, the MD-6N fuse is clearly visible.

Standard installation of mines in medium soil manually.

Setting a mine for non-removability. 1-Fuse MUV. 2-Tension wire. 3-Peg.

From the author. Often, when they see this picture, people say: “Well, what a non-recovery it is. Here you can dig, crawl with your hand and neutralize the fuse!”. Well, firstly, you still need to know which and how many of the hundreds of mines are worth the non-removability. And secondly, perhaps only sappers know all the insidiousness of the MUV fuse, they know with what incomprehensible ease a check pops out of it. Joking with a fuse, having 6 kg next to it. TNT, a lousy job. The only consolation is that your comrades will no longer have to bury you, there will be nothing.

Mina is good and reliable. However, already in the mid-fifties it was recognized that 6 kg. TNT is not enough for modern tanks. Typically, the explosion of TM-46 broke 3-4 tracks of the caterpillar, slightly damaging the skating rink. Often the damage to the rink was such that it could be used further. Replacing tracks takes a trained crew from 1 to 3 hours. So, if the wrecked tank is not immediately covered by anti-tank artillery, then after a short time it will again be in service. Already in 1956, more powerful TM-56 and TM-57 mines were developed, and then the TM-62 family of mines.

Those who wish can see in all details the TM-46 (training) mine in the movie "Trembita". A bunch of these mines hangs instead of a load on the crane of the well, near which Kramarov is spinning with a mine detector.
In appearance, the TM-46 mine resembles the German TMi-42 mine, but it is thinner, the edges fade away like a plate, it has a smaller diameter, and the charge is only 3.2 kg.

Family of anti-tank mines TM-62

Since the mid-sixties, the TM-62 family of mines in the Soviet (Russian) Army has been the main standard type of anti-tank anti-track mine. Common to all mines of this family is the shape, size and thread of the socket (point) for the fuse, as a result of which all fuses of the MV-62 series and a number of other fuses, locks and detonating devices are suitable and can be used with any mine of the TM-62 family.
The differences between the mines of the family are in the hull material, hull shape and dimensions.
In addition, none of the mines of the family has nests for additional fuses used as anti-removal elements. None of the mines of the family has pressure covers and the dimensions of the target sensor are determined by the design features of a particular fuse.

The family includes the following mines:

TM-62M Main base model. The body is metal. Removable fabric carrying handle. It is mainly intended for mining using trailed or self-propelled caterpillar spreaders (layers), helicopter mining systems, and also in cases where it is likely that it will be necessary to search for and remove mines by own troops. Can also be used for manual mining. It can be installed both on the surface of the earth and in the ground, snow, water. Well detected by all types of metal detectors (mine detectors), probes, search dogs.

TM-62P Basic basic model for manual installation. Housing made of impact-resistant plastic. Not intended for mechanized installation. Non-removable fabric carrying handle. It can be installed both on the surface of the earth and in the ground, snow, water. It is not detected by any type of metal detectors, it is difficult to detect by radio-frequency type mine detectors, it is well detected by probes, search dogs.
A variant of the mine is the TM-62P2 mine. The case diameter is reduced by 2 cm (to the size of TM-62M), the handle is made of a removable harness type. Can be used for mechanized installation instead of the TM-62M mine.

TM-62P3 The body is made of durable green polyethylene. The pull-type carrying handle is removable. Designed for manual installation only. It can be installed both on the surface of the earth and in the ground, snow, water. Developed as an alternative so that the production of mines at the appropriate factories in wartime could be organized. It is not detected by any type of metal detectors, radio-frequency type mine detectors are detected with great difficulty, it is well detected by probes, search dogs.

TM-62B It was developed as a mine undetectable by mine detectors with the maximum efficiency of the mass of the mine. Has no body. Its role is played by the hardened surface layer of the explosive. It is installed only by hand, preferably in a chemically non-aggressive soil and preferably not waterlogged. Not intended for use in long-term minefields. It is not detected by any type of metal detectors, it is practically not detected by radio-frequency type mine detectors, it is well detected by probes, it is very well detected by search dogs, and the smell of one mine can prevent the dog from detecting nearby mines and excludes the dog from detecting case mines at a distance of up to 10-18 meters.

TM-62D Designed for manual installation. Designed to enable the production of mines at woodworking enterprises, carpentry workshops in wartime. Not produced in peacetime. As a material for the body, thick plywood, boards, chipboards can be used. Not intended for use in long-term minefields. It is not detected by any type of metal detectors, it is difficult to detect by radio-frequency type mine detectors, it is well detected by probes, search dogs.

TM-62T The body is made of nylon fabric impregnated with epoxy resin. It was developed as an alternative version of the TM-62P3 mine so that it would be possible to organize the production of mines at the respective factories in wartime. Outwardly, it differs from the TM-62P3 only in the texture of the surface of the case. The pull-type carrying handle is removable. Designed for manual installation only. It can be installed both on the surface of the earth and in the ground, snow, water. It is not detected by any type of metal detectors, radio-frequency type mine detectors are detected with great difficulty, it is well detected by probes, search dogs.

For the family of mines TM-62 several types of fuses have been developed that differ from each other in the body material, the presence or absence of long-range cocking mechanisms, the difference in the types of long-range cocking mechanisms, the presence or absence of mechanisms for transferring the fuse back to a safe position, the ability to bring the mine into a combat or safe position remotely or lack thereof, the possibility of detonating a mine from the control panel or the lack thereof.

Each of these fuses can be used on any mine of the family, however, the use of certain fuses is preferable for each type of mine. Basically, it depends on the material of the mine body and the material of the fuse body. For example, in a mine with a non-metallic body, it is not advisable to use a fuse that has many metal parts, because. in this case, the mine loses its main advantage - undetectable by metal detectors.
In some cases, the choice of fuse type is determined by the tactical requirements for the minefield.

PMN anti-personnel mine

High-explosive pressure anti-personnel mine. Designed to disable enemy personnel. The defeat of a person is inflicted due to the destruction of the lower part of the leg (foot) during the explosion of the mine charge at the moment the foot steps on the pressure cover of the mine. Usually, when a mine explodes, the foot of the foot with which the enemy soldier stepped on the mine is completely torn off, and, depending on the distance, the second leg from the explosion site, it can also be significantly damaged or not be damaged at all. In addition, a shock wave of a sufficiently large explosive charge deprives a person of consciousness, the high temperature of explosive gases can cause significant burns to the lower extremities. Death can occur from pain shock, blood loss due to untimely first aid.

The mine can be installed both on the ground and in the ground, in the snow, manually or laid out by means of mechanization (trailed mine spreaders PMR-1, PMR-2, trailed minelayers PMZ-4), but in all cases the transfer of the mine into combat position is carried out manually.

The term of combat operation of the mine is not limited. The mine is not equipped with a self-liquidator. It has no elements of non-removability and neutralization.

The mine has a fuse, which is part of the design of the mine. Fuse type MD-9.

Tactical and technical characteristics of mines

Type of mine: anti-personnel high-explosive
Housing: plastic.
Weight: 550 gr.
Mass of explosive (TNT): 200 gr.
Diameter: 11 cm.
Height: 5.3 cm.
Target sensor diameter: 10cm.
Sensitivity: 8 - 25 kg.
Temperature range of application: -40 --+50 degrees.

Planting a mine is safe enough. From the moment the safety pin is pulled out to the moment the fuse is cocked, depending on the ambient temperature, it takes from 3 minutes to 3 minutes. (at +40 degrees) up to 59 hours (at -40 degrees).

Mines are packed in boxes of 25 pcs. (gross weight 22 kg.) not fully equipped. Fuses MD-9 are transported separately. In a combat stop, mines can be equipped with fuses and transported in a standard capping fully equipped.

Standard shaped charge ring explosive - KPC

One such standard prefabricated charge is the KPC shaped charge ring. This charge is designed to break steel (metal) pipes, rods, cables. With the explosion of a full charge of the KPC in air or under water, a rod (pipe) with an outer diameter of up to 70 mm is reliably interrupted. or cable with a diameter up to 65mm.

The KPC charge consists of two semi-charges interconnected on one side with a hinged, easily detachable connection, on the other side with a spring latch. Metal plates are inserted between the halves of the charge. On both halves of the charge there are sockets for standard blasting caps KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP, EDPr. This makes it possible to initiate an explosion of the charge both with the help of an incendiary tube in a fire way, and with a detonating cord, or electrically. In the middle part of each semi-charge, a spring is placed in the tube. The cumulative recess is filled with a foam insert (shown in greenish-blue in the figure).
This design of the KPC charge allows it to be used both in its entirety when undermining thick cables and rods, and in half form when undermining thin rods and cables; easy and simple to fix the charge on the undermined element.

The figure above shows the fastening of the full charge of the QPC on a thick rod, below the half charge of the QPC on a thin rod. The red and blue winding lines show the wires of the electric detonator.

The figure below shows the position of the metal plates and tubular mounting springs in the charge opening (1); the position of the springs when the full charge is fixed on the rod (2), the plates are not used in this case; the position of the spring and the plate when the semi-charge is fixed on the rod (3).

Such a charge attachment system ensures strict centering of the element being detonated and the most effective action of the cumulative explosion jet. Before undermining the charge in air, the foam insert should be removed, because. its presence reduces the charge efficiency by 15%. When undermining the charge in water, the liner should not be removed, because. in this case, it provides a free volume for the formation of a cumulative jet. The decrease in the efficiency of the charge due to the presence of a foam insert during an explosion under water is completely and more than compensated by the clogging effect of the surrounding water.

Technical characteristics of the KPC charge:

Weight: 1 kg.
Mass of explosive (TG-50): 0.4 kg.
Charge Thickness: 5.2cm.
Charge length: 20cm.
Charge Width: 16cm.
Installation depth in water: up to 10m.
Charge interrupts:
- steel rod diameter: up to 70mm.
- cable with steel diameter: up to 65 mm.

Half charge interrupts:

Steel rod diameter: up to 30mm.
- cable with steel diameter: up to 30 mm.

KPC charges (8 pieces) are placed in a wooden box. Gross weight 25 kg. In the box, in addition, there is a duffel bag for carrying charges in the field. Explosive devices are not supplied with charges.
The means of blasting are selected depending on the blasting method chosen by the demolitionist. The means of blasting are carried separately in the bag of the SMP demolition miner.

Standard concentrated explosive charges of the SZ series

When carrying out demolition works, not only explosive charges are used, compiled at the place of work from the amount of explosive calculated according to formulas or nomograms, but also explosive charges of factory production. Such explosive charges, called demolition workers as "standard explosive charges" are designed to perform explosions in the destruction of the most common elements of building structures (columns, piles, racks, beams, slabs, etc.), machine elements and other objects (braces, cables , rods, rods), punching holes in walls, foundations, armored closures, armored plates, etc.
These standard charges usually have a strong metal, plastic or other case; standard nests for placing detonator caps, electric detonators, various types of fuses in them; means for quickly fixing the charge on the object undermined.
When undermining standard objects, the use of standard explosive charges is more preferable, because. sometimes complicated calculations are not required, the charge is fixed very quickly, the attachment of blasting means is carried out quickly and reliably; the destruction of the object is guaranteed.

Standard concentrated charges of the SZ series are intended for general demolition work and represent certain amounts of explosive of normal power placed in a sealed metal cap. On the outer side of the capping there are one or two sockets for explosives and carrying handles, and in some cases, rings and rubber bands for fixing the charge on the object being blown up.

1. Concentrated charge SZ-1:

It is a sealed metal box filled with explosives. On one end side it has a carrying handle, on the opposite side there is a threaded socket for the EDPr electric detonator. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-1 charge:

Weight: 1.4 kg.
Mass of explosive (TG-50): 1 kg.
Overall dimensions: 65x116x126 mm.
In a 30 kg box. 16 charges are packed.

2. Concentrated charge SZ-3:

It is a sealed metal box filled with explosives. On one end side it has a carrying handle, on the opposite side and on one of the sides there is a socket with a thread for the EDPr electric detonator. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses.
The charge is painted dark green. Has no markings.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-3 charge:

Weight: 3.7 kg.
Mass of explosives (TG-50): 3 kg.
Overall dimensions: .65x171x337 mm.
In a box weighing 33 kg. packs 6 charges.

3. Concentrated charge SZ-3a:

It is a strong metal sealed box filled with explosives. On one side it has a carrying handle. In addition, there are four metal rings and two rubber bands with carabiners 100 (150) cm long on the body, which allows you to quickly attach the charge to the object being blown up. On one of the end sides it has a threaded socket for the EDPr electric detonator. On the opposite end side, it has a socket for a special fuse in order to use the charge as a special mine. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses, special fuses.

Weight: 3.7 kg.
Mass of explosives (TG-50): 2.8 kg.
Overall dimensions: 98x142x200 mm.
In a box weighing 48 kg. 10 charges are packed.

4. Concentrated charge SZ-6:

It is a sealed metal box filled with explosives. On one side it has a carrying handle. In addition, there are four metal rings and two rubber bands with carabiners 100 (150) cm long on the body, which allows you to quickly attach the charge to the object being blown up. On one of the end sides it has a threaded socket for the EDPr electric detonator. On the opposite end side, it has a socket for a special fuse in order to use the charge as a special mine. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses, special fuses.
The charge is painted in ball (gray wild) color. Marking is standard.
The charge can be used underwater at depths up to 100m.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-3a charge:

Weight: 7.3 kg.
Mass of explosives (TG-50): 5.9 kg.
Overall dimensions: 98x142x395 mm.
In a box weighing 48 kg. packs 5 charges.

Elongated standard explosive charges of the SZ series

Works from the amount of explosive calculated according to formulas or nomograms, but also factory-made explosive charges. Such explosive charges, called demolition workers as "standard explosive charges" are designed to perform explosions in the destruction of the most common elements of building structures (columns, piles, racks, beams, slabs, etc.), machine elements and other objects (braces, cables , rods, rods), punching holes in walls, foundations, armored closures, armored plates, etc.
These standard charges usually have a strong metal, plastic or plastic case; standard nests for placing detonator caps, electric detonators, various types of fuses in them; means for quickly fixing the charge on the object undermined.
When undermining standard objects, the use of standard explosive charges is more preferable, because. sometimes complicated calculations are not required, the charge is fixed very quickly, the attachment of blasting means is carried out quickly and reliably; the destruction of the object is guaranteed.

The figure shows the options for using elongated charges of the SZ series (charges are highlighted in yellow): 1-undermining a wall with an elongated charge, 2-undermining an I-beam with a figured charge, 3-undermining a log with an annular charge.

Standard elongated charges of the SZ series are designed to perform work when undermining metal and wooden structures, building walls, blasting in soils, and represent certain amounts of plastic explosive such as plastite (PVV-4) of normal power placed in a sealed flexible plastic sheath. From the ends of the shell there are metal terminal devices having a thread on one side and a captive nut on the opposite side, nests for explosives (except for the SZ-4P charge). From standard elongated charges, elongated charges of the required length are assembled, or they can be used as figured charges.
The use of standard elongated charges creates significant ease of use in comparison with the elongated charges recruited from TNT blocks and even in comparison with figured or elongated charges made of explosives of the plastite type made on the job site. In this case, it is not required to make a charge shell from improvised materials.

For blasting, the following standard elongated charges of the SZ series are used:

1. Extended charge SZ-1P:

It is a two-layer flexible shell (internal polyethylene, external - nylon fabric) filled with explosive. Metal clips are attached to the ends of the shell, which have a thread on one side, and a union nut on the opposite side for connecting the charges to each other. At the ends of the clips there are threaded sockets for the EDPr electric detonator. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-1P charge:

Weight: 1.5 kg.
Weight of explosives (PVV-4): 1 kg.
Length: 600 mm.
Diameter: 45 mm.
In a box weighing 26 kg. packs 8 charges. The box also includes a duffel bag for carrying charges and 30 meters of nylon fastening tape.

2. Extended charge SZ-6M:

It is a two-layer flexible shell (internal polyethylene, external - nylon fabric) filled with explosive. Metal clips are attached to the ends of the shell, which have a thread on one side, and a union nut on the opposite side for connecting the charges to each other. In one clip there is a threaded socket for the EDPr electric detonator. Conventional incendiary tubes, standard incendiary tubes ZTP-50, ZTP-150, ZTP-300, detonating cord with detonator cap KD No. 8a, electric detonators EDP and EDPr, fuses MD-2 and MD-5 with special fuses. In another clip there is a socket for a special fuse, which allows the charge to be used as a mine for a special application.
Each clip has two metal rings for hooking the carabiners of rubber fastening harnesses, which allows you to easily and quickly attach the charge to the object undermined.
The charge has a spherical (wild grey) color. Marking is standard, located on one of the clips.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-6M charge:

Weight: 6.9 kg.
Weight of explosives (PVV-4): 6 kg.
Length: 1200 mm.
Diameter: 82 mm.
In a box weighing 56 kg. packs 5 charges. The box also includes 2 anchors for attaching charges.

1. Extended charge SZ-4P:

It is a two-layer flexible shell (internal polyethylene, external - nylon fabric) filled with plastic explosive (PVV-4). Capron fastening tapes are attached to the ends of the shell.
There are no ignition sockets. When using a charge, ignition nests are made in place by cutting the shell with a knife and then making the nest with a special template. Unlike the charges SZ-1P and SZ-6M, the design of which provides for the use of the charge as a whole or in combination with several others, the design of the SZ-4P charge provides for the use, including in parts. To do this, the charge can be cut into pieces and create shorter elongated charges.
The charge is dark green. There is no marking.

Technical characteristics of the SZ-4P charge:

Weight: 4.2 kg.
Weight of explosives (PVV-4): 4 kg.
Length: 2000 mm.
Diameter: 45 mm.
In a box weighing 35 kg. packs 6 charges. Two wooden templates and 20 meters of nylon fastening tape are also embedded in the box.


Demolition Guide. Start approved. eng. Troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense 27.07.67. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1969
Manual on military engineering for the Soviet Army. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1984
Engineering ammunition. Book one. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1976
B.V. Varenyshev and others. Textbook. Military engineering training. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1982
B.S.Kolibernov and others. Handbook of an officer of engineering troops. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1989
Engineering ammunition. Guide to the material part and application. Book one. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1976
E.S. Kolibernov and others. Handbook of an officer of engineering troops. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1989

Variety of aircraft projectiles and bullets

Not a single air gun or machine gun can successfully hit an enemy aircraft if at least one single cartridge is not loaded into it. Nevertheless, it is important to understand what exactly this cartridge can turn out to be and what part of the enemy aircraft it would be best to shoot it in order to guarantee destruction of the target.

Below are detailed descriptions of all the main types of aviation ammunition used in the game:

Types of aviation munitions

practical projectile

Practical projectiles

practical projectile

These are the simplest and weakest projectiles in design, made from high-explosive fragmentation shells (or others), without or with filler, but always without combat fillers (incendiary or explosives). An inert substance (not prone to explosion) can be used as a filler, which is designed to simulate a mass of explosives. The penetrating ability of practical shells is lower than that of armor-piercing shells, although the principle of impact on the target is similar - to pierce and damage the internal module. The difference lies in the fact that if the module is protected by armor, then a practical projectile can simply flatten against it (if penetration is not enough) without causing any harm to the protected module.
Practical projectiles are used because of the lower cost and ease of manufacture, as well as for shooting training.

In the game, such shells are the weakest component of the tape (most often the "standard"), which is better to be replaced with something more suitable immediately after studying the corresponding modification.

Cartridge with general purpose bullet

  • P- practical projectile

General Purpose Bullet

It is an ordinary bullet without an armor-piercing (for example, steel or tungsten carbide) core. The bullet is usually made of lead. Accordingly, such a bullet has a reduced penetration compared to armor-piercing bullets and does not have an incendiary effect.

In the game, such bullets are the weakest component of the tape (most often the "standard"), which is better to be replaced with something more suitable immediately after studying the corresponding modification.

Game designations of this type of ammunition:

  • P- General purpose bullet

Cartridge with tracer bullet

Tracer projectiles and bullets

Tracer projectiles (or bullets) leave a smoky or luminous trail behind them and serve to quickly adjust the fire. The trace is formed due to the slow combustion of a special pyrotechnic composition pressed, as a rule, in the back of the projectile or bullet. Such a composition ignites at the time of the shot, due to the heating of the powder gases in the sleeve.
The presence of a tracer changes the ballistic properties of the bullet by reducing its mass and balancing, which change during flight, which can adversely affect the accuracy of shooting.
The tracer bullet should leave a clearly visible trail behind it, while having the closest possible flight path to the combat bullet. Due to the tracer, it is often made longer, and in order to maintain the dimensions of the cartridge, it is recessed deeper into the sleeve, compared to a conventional bullet. At the same time, the elongation affects its ballistic characteristics, and then it is already necessary to change the weight and balance of the bullet. Tracer ammunition is the leader in terms of design complexity. The accuracy of shooting depends on how accurately the tracer bullet repeats the flight path of an ordinary / armor-piercing / explosive bullet. The presence of a tracer in ammunition of a larger caliber, from 12.7 mm or more, no longer affects the main properties of the projectile.
There are special options for tracer pyrotechnic compositions for night fighters in the process of burning with muted brightness. The muted glow of the night tracer makes it difficult for the enemy to detect the shooter, and also does not blind him and allows him to concentrate on firing.

An ordinary tracer bullet has a lead core and does not penetrate armor well, so there are armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary (with an additional incendiary composition) tracer bullets and steel-core projectiles. There are incendiary tracer shells (with a strong incendiary effect). In the game, tracers are an integral part of many different types of projectiles and bullets. Due to the presence of tracers in the composition of the tape, players can successfully direct fire at the target and better recognize the ballistics of a particular weapon model. It should be noted that the tracer bullet is inherently also an incendiary bullet, if it enters a flammable environment, it easily sets fire to it (although it does this worse than special incendiary bullets).

Game designations of this type of ammunition:

  • T- tracer bullet
  • Fri- practical tracer

Incendiary projectiles and bullets

incendiary projectile

Incendiary tracer cartridges

Incendiary bullets loaded with yellow phosphorus first appeared in World War I and were intended to ignite balloons and aircraft. After all, both huge Zeppelins and nimble airplanes turned out to be very vulnerable to fire. Combat experience has shown that an ordinary tracer bullet has a great incendiary effect, and even one special incendiary one was often enough to destroy an enemy aircraft. Therefore, incendiary bullets are most widely used in aviation. And it was the incendiary bullet that became the gravedigger of combat airships, since a tiny fighter destroyed a giant zeppelin in one burst, in which combustible hydrogen was the carrier gas. During the First World War, the following 5 types of incendiary bullets were most widely used: French Ph (Phosphore); French Parno; French caliber 11 mm; German S.Pr.; English S.A. Buckingham type. Incendiary bullets of the first two samples have the following device in general: inside the bullet there is a cylindrical channel filled with white phosphorus. Two metal discs with a gasket are inserted behind. In the lower part of the bullet, in its side wall near the disks themselves, there is a hole for the exit of phosphorus, filled with a special fusible compound (cork). When fired, powder gases melt this composition and phosphorus begins to flow out of the open hole in the bullet wall.

The incendiary bullets of the last two samples have a slightly different device: white phosphorus is embedded in the copper nickel-plated shell of the bullet, a lead plug is inserted at the back; on the inside, a free lead cylinder with longitudinal channels for the passage of phosphorus adjoins the lead plug. In the shell, as in the bullets of the above design, at a distance of about 1/5 of the length of the bullet from its rear cut, there is a hole for the exit of phosphorus, filled with a fusible composition. When fired, powder gases melt this composition (open a hole), and when a bullet hits an obstacle (target), the free lead cylinder tends to move forward by inertia and squeezes phosphorus through its channels into the outlet. The incendiary composition of a modern bullet consists of two components: an oxidizing agent (potassium perchlorate or barium nitrate) and a combustible substance (magnesium and aluminum alloys).

The burning of an incendiary composition can easily set fire to combustible materials (thatched roofs, dry grass) and liquids like the same gasoline in aircraft tanks.
Due to their reduced weight, incendiary projectiles and bullets have poorer ballistic and penetration performance than solid ammunition. Due to their low effectiveness against armored targets, incendiary bullets are rarely produced in their pure form, mainly used in combination with other types of cartridges, such as armor-piercing.

In the game, such ammunition is best suited for setting fire to fuel tanks and other flammable items, provided that the incendiary composition has reached the combustible substance.

Game designations of this type of ammunition:

  • W- incendiary bullet
  • ST- incendiary tracer (or bullet)
  • ST*- incendiary tracer (with self-liquidator) - a self-liquidator is a delayed-action fuse that automatically fires some time after the shot, even if the projectile does not hit an obstacle. The meaning of this technology is that the projectile, even passing by the target, still has a chance to damage it due to the force of the gap or fragments, or set it on fire by being hit by a particle of an incendiary composition flying in different directions.

    Combined action bullet (ZT) 1 - bullet shell, 2 - armor-piercing tip, 3 - bursting charge, 4 - cup, 5 - incendiary composition, 6 - tracer composition, 7 - ignition composition.

    Polish incendiary cartridges: 1 - a cartridge with an incendiary (phosphorus) bullet for infantry, 2 - a cartridge with an incendiary (phosphorus) bullet for aviation.

    12.7 mm american cartridge with incendiary bullet.

    7.92 mm German incendiary cartridges: A cartridge with an armor-piercing incendiary bullet PtK, a cartridge with a B. Patrone sighting bullet, a cartridge with an incendiary (phosphorus) bullet.

    Types of incendiary bullets: A - sighting and incendiary; B - armor-piercing incendiary; B - armor-piercing incendiary tracer. 1 - shell - steel clad with tompak; 2 - incendiary composition; 3 - steel core; 4 - lead shirt; 5 - brass circle; 6 - brass cup; 7 - steel drummer with a sting; 8 - brass fuse (split ring); 9 - capsule; 10 - iron gasket; 11 - tracer composition; 12 - ringlet; 13 - hole.

    7.7-mm English rifle cartridges: 1 - cartridge with an incendiary (phosphorus) bullet, 2 - cartridge with an armor-piercing incendiary (phosphorus) bullet.

    7.7 mm Japanese rifle cartridge with an incendiary (phosphorus) bullet.

    7.62 mm American rifle cartridge with an incendiary bullet.

    12.7 mm Italian cartridge with armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullet BZT. 1 - outer shell of the bullet, 2 - shell of the nose, 3 - armor-piercing core, 4 - nose, 5 - tracer cup, 6 - tracer ring, 7 - shirt, 8 - incendiary composition, 9 - tracer composition, 10 - celluloid gasket (circle )

explosive bullets

Explosive bullets, as the name suggests, explode on impact with the detonation of a small explosive charge located in the head. An explosive bullet is essentially a smaller version of a high-explosive projectile, carrying a much more modest explosive charge inside. Quite often, in order to increase the damaging effect, the explosive in such a pool, when detonated, additionally has an incendiary effect, or consists entirely of an incendiary composition.
The main feature that distinguishes explosive bullets from simple incendiary ones is the presence of a special detonator that is triggered when a bullet hits an obstacle and causes forced arson or detonation of the main charge.
As a rule, an explosive bullet is completely destroyed when it hits even relatively thin obstacles such as plywood, branches, and even simple canvas skin of an aircraft, and therefore is not capable of penetrating even the thinnest armor.

MDZ cartridge

In the game, such projectiles are well suited for damaging the outer skin and tail of the aircraft, destroying fuel tanks and other flammable, but not protected by armor, internal modules.

Game designations of this type of ammunition:

  • PZ- sighting and incendiary bullet - an explosive bullet that allows you to adjust the shooting, focusing on the flashes of incendiary explosions.
  • MDZ- instant incendiary bullet - an explosive bullet, similar in principle to sighting and incendiary cartridges, but containing much more explosive incendiary.

Armor-piercing shells and bullets

Armor-piercing cartridge

Armor-piercing shell

Armor-piercing projectiles are designed specifically to destroy armored targets. Such projectiles are made of stronger or hardened steel and have special armor-piercing tips that do not break when they hit the armor.
Armor-piercing bullets, on the other hand, most often hide strong armor-piercing cores inside their soft lead shell, which pierce the armor on contact, leaving all the lead on the surface of the armor. However, for their high armor-piercing qualities, such bullets often pay with a reduced mass, and hence reduced ballistic characteristics. Also, in addition to the core, armor-piercing bullets often contain a small amount of incendiary compound inside to start fires in pierced tanks and target nodes.

In the game, armor-piercing shells and bullets are highly likely to disable engines, hit the pilot, as well as all other internal aircraft modules (fuel and cooling systems, rudder thrust, spars). However, if such ammunition hits a part of the plane or fuselage behind which there will be no vital module, the damage to the pierced skin itself will turn out to be extremely insignificant - the shells will simply go right through leaving only a small hole, and it will take a lot of hits in order to destroy the power aircraft design.

Game designations of this type of ammunition:

  • B- armor-piercing projectile (or bullet).
  • B- armor-piercing chamber projectile - similar to a conventional armor-piercing projectile, but additionally has a cavity (chamber) inside with an explosive charge and a bottom fuse. After breaking through the armor, the explosive detonates, hitting the crew and internal modules of the target with fragments and explosion products. In general, this projectile has a noticeably higher armor effect and slightly reduced armor penetration (due to the lower mass and strength of the projectile).
  • BP- armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile (abbreviated as simply sub-caliber) - ammunition, the diameter of the armor-piercing part of which is detachable (on impact, or still in flight) is less than the diameter of the gun barrel. According to the principle of action, it most closely resembles armor-piercing bullets with a core. Such projectiles are used to increase the muzzle velocity and better armor penetration and are used mainly to deal with heavily armored targets. Another advantage is an increase in firing range due to a flatter trajectory. However, due to the smaller mass of the projectile, its armor-piercing effect decreases with distance much more than that of conventional caliber armor-piercing ammunition.
  • BT- armor-piercing tracer (or bullet).
  • BZ- armor-piercing incendiary projectile (or bullet).
  • BS-41- Soviet armor-piercing incendiary bullet BS-41, has increased armor penetration. The bullet consists of a lead jacket, a cermet core based on tungsten and an incendiary composition.
  • BZT- armor-piercing incendiary tracer (or bullet).

high-explosive projectile

high-explosive shells

High-explosive projectiles inflict damage on contact with the target due to the detonation of the explosive. The most common type of shells (along with fragmentation, high-explosive fragmentation, and the like) for combating unarmored air and ground targets.
The walls of high-explosive projectiles, as a rule, are very thin, and the entire internal cavity is filled with explosive, which is the main damaging factor of such a projectile. The fuzes on HE rounds are usually mounted in the nose and detonate either instantly on contact with the target, or with a short delay before the round has time to penetrate the outer skin of the aircraft, thereby causing more damage to the modules located behind it.

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Engineering ammunition

Engineering weapons containing explosives. I.b. designed to destroy manpower and equipment, destroy structures (fortifications) and perform special tasks. Depending on the field of application, directly determined by the intended purpose, the following classes of I.b. are distinguished: means of blasting; explosive charges; engineering mines.

Explosive devices, class I.b., used to initiate detonation in explosive charges. Means of blasting I.b. subdivided into means of initiation and mine fuses. The means of initiation include: igniter caps, blasting caps, electric igniters, electric detonators, piercing mechanisms, detonating and igniter cords, incendiary tubes and fuses. Mine fuses, depending on the purpose, are divided into delayed action fuses, fuses for simultaneous explosion, fuses for anti-tank, anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Delayed fuses are mechanical, electrochemical and electronic. According to the principle of operation, mechanical fuses are divided into hourly and based on a metal element. Fuzes for anti-tank, anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines, depending on the nature of the impact leading to the explosion, can be contact (pressure, tension and reverse action) or non-contact (magnetic, seismic, optical, etc.). In addition, contact fuses, depending on the device, are divided into mechanical and electromechanical.

Explosive charges, class I.b., which are a certain amount of explosive prepared for the production of an explosion. Depending on the shape, they can be concentrated, elongated, flat, figured and ring; for installation on the object of destruction - contact and non-contact; by the nature of the action - high-explosive and cumulative. They come from industry in finished form or are made in the army. Usually they have a shell, sockets for placing explosives, devices for carrying and fastening on objects.

Engineering mines, class I.b., which are structurally combined explosives with blasting devices. Them. are intended for the installation of mine-explosive barriers and, according to the method of actuation, are divided into controlled and uncontrolled (see Mine).

Engineering ammunition

Over the past decades, large-scale measures have been taken in the armies of developed countries to improve conventional weapons, among which an important place was given to engineering weapons. Engineer weapons include engineering ammunition that creates the best conditions for the effective use of all types of weapons and the protection of friendly troops from modern weapons, making it difficult for the enemy to inflict significant losses on him. The use of engineering munitions in recent local conflicts has shown their growing role in solving operational and tactical tasks.

Remote mining systems appeared in service with the engineering troops, which made it possible to lay mines during the battle and at a considerable distance from the front line - on enemy territory. Engineering munitions also make it possible to create conditions for the troops to quickly overcome enemy minefields. In this case, the most promising volume explosion ammunition is used.

What applies to engineering ammunition? First of all, these are mines for various purposes - anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-airborne and recently appeared anti-helicopter, as well as demining charges and a number of auxiliary charges. A modern mine is a multifunctional device. Some samples of new mines contain an element of artificial intelligence and have the ability to optimize the selection of a target from several targets and its attack.

Special mention should be made of anti-personnel mines, over the prohibition of which a campaign of states wishing to finally disarm Russia has begun. In connection with the sharp reduction in the size of the Armed Forces, the role of engineering ammunition is increasing. Considering that engineering munitions mainly play a defensive role, our political and military leadership should not disarm, but should contribute to the improvement and increase in the effectiveness of this type of weapon, which is quite reliable and has high performance-cost ratios. The general direction and purpose of the development of engineering weapons is mainly determined by the ability to effectively hit modern and future targets in the interests of the ground forces.

Consider the features and technical characteristics of engineering ammunition.

Until recently, in developed countries, a large number of anti-tank mines of different designs were produced, from the whole variety of existing designs of which three main types can be distinguished: anti-track, anti-bottom and anti-aircraft.

Until recently, anti-track mines were considered the main ones, but they are gradually losing their importance. The main disadvantage of these mines is their limited combat capability: usually only individual units of the tank chassis are disabled. Nevertheless, anti-track mines are still in fairly large quantities in the troops of various countries.

Anti-track mines are designed to take out tracked and wheeled combat and transport vehicles by destroying or damaging, mainly, their undercarriage (tracks, wheels). The installation of these mines is carried out using minelayers or manually (both in the ground and on its surface). Domestic anti-track mines have a cylindrical shape, with the exception of the TM-62D mine, which has the shape of a parallelepiped. The main characteristics of domestic anti-track mines are presented in Table 1, and foreign - in Table 2. Figure I, 2 shows the design schemes of mines TM-46 and TM-62T. Anti-track mines are equipped with mechanical pressure fuses, which are screwed into the central socket of the hull. The pressure on the fuse from the tank caterpillar is transmitted through the pressure cover. Sockets for additional fuses are provided in the side and bottom parts of the mine body. They are used when it is necessary to place mines in an unrecoverable position. Basically, the bodies and fuses of modern mines are made of plastic, so they cannot be detected using induction mine detectors. Due to the tightness of mine hulls, most of them can be used to mine water barriers.

Fig.1. Anti-track mine TM-46:

a) appearance; b) - a section of a mine; 1 - body; 2 - diaphragm; 3 - cover; 4 - MVM fuse; 5 - explosive charge; 6 - intermediate detonator; 7 - cap; 8 - handle.

Table 1

The main characteristics of anti-track mines

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions dia. x height, mm Housing material
general explosive charge
TM-46 8,5 5,7 T 300x109 steel
TM-56 107 7.0 T 316x109 steel
TM-57 8,7 5,9 T 316x108 steel
8,79 6,62 ms
. .8,8 , 7,0 TGA-16
TM-62M 9.0 7.18 T 320x90 steel
9,6 7.8 MC
9.62 7,78 TGA-16
8,72 6,68 A-50
TM-62D 11.7- 8.7- 340x340x110 wood
-13,6 -10,4
12.4 8.8 TGA-16
TM-62P 11.0 8,0 T 340 x 80 plastic
11.5 8,3 MC
11.5 8,3 TGA-16
10.6 7.4 A-50
10,0 6.8 A-80
11.0 7,8 A-XI-2
TM-62P2 8.6 7.0 T 320x90 plastic
9,1 7,0 MS
9,1 7,0 TGA-16
8.3 6,1 A-50
TM-62PZ 7,2 6,3 T 320x90 plastic
7,8 6,8 MS
7,8 6.8 TGA-16
7,8 6.8 TM
TM-62T 8,5 7,0 T 320 x 90 the cloth
9,0 7.5 TGA-16

table 2

Foreign anti-track mines

Mine Country of manufacture Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M15 USA 14,3 10,3 337 125 steel
M19 USA 1?,6 9,53 332x332 94 plastic
M56 USA 3,4 1.7 250x120 100 aluminum
AT-1 Germany 2,0 1,3 55 330 steel
L9A1 England 11.0 8,4 1200x100 80 plastic
SB-61 Italy 3,2 2,0 232 90 plastic

Table 3

Foreign anti-bottom mines

Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M70 M73 USA 2.2 0.7 127 76 steel
AT-2 Germany 2,0 0.7 100 130 steel
PRO France 6.0 2.0 280x165 105 plastic
SB-MV/T FFV028 Italy 5,0 2,6 235 100 plastic
SD Sweden 5,0 3.5 250 110 steel

Fig.2. Anti-track mineTM-62T:

1-case; 2- explosive charge; 3 - ignition glass; 4 - fuse MVP-62; 5 - fuse drummer; 6 - a checker of the ignition glass; 7 - transfer charge fuse; 8 - primer-detonator fuse.

From the point of view of equipment, domestic mines are “omnivorous”. They are equipped with TNT (T), mixtures of A-IX2, MS, TM; alloys TGA-16, TG-40; ammotols A-50, A-80, etc.

The data in Table 1 indicate that most of the presented anti-track mines have significant dimensions and a large mass of explosives.

The most interesting is the English anti-track mine L9AI, which has an elongated shape (its dimensions are 1200x100x80 mm). For the device of an anti-tank minefield, such mines require two times less than mines with a cylindrical body. Elongated mines are more convenient to store and transport. The body of the L9A1 mine is plastic. The pressure cover is located in the upper part of the body and occupies two thirds of its length. To install this mine in the ground or on its surface, a trailed mine layer is used.

In a number of countries, for remote mining systems, several samples of anti-track mines have been developed, designed to destroy the undercarriage of a tank during a contact explosion. These mines are relatively small in size and weight.

Anti-track mine M56 (USA) is a component of the helicopter mining system. The body of the mine has the shape of a half-cylinder and is equipped with four drop-down stabilizers, which reduce the speed of the fall of the mine (mining is carried out from a height of about 30 m). A pressure cover is located on the flat surface of the housing. The electromechanical fuse is located in the end part of the housing and has two stages of protection. The first is removed when the mine exits the cluster installation, the second - one or two minutes after falling to the ground. In the combat position, the mine can be turned with a pressure cover both up and down. The fuse is equipped with a self-destruct element, which causes the mine to explode after a certain time. Mina M56 is carried out in three versions. The mines of the first (main) version are equipped with a single-stroke fuse, the second - with a two-stroke fuse, triggered by repeated impact on the pressure cover. The fuse of the mine of the third option is activated by shaking the body of the mine or changing its position. The mines of the last two options are intended to prevent the enemy from manually removing them from the passages or making passes in the minefield using roller trawls.

West German mines AT-1 are equipped with 110-mm cluster munitions of the Lars MLRS. Each munition contains 8 mines, equipped with a pressure fuse, elements of non-decontamination and self-destruction.

Italy has developed several samples of anti-track mines designed for installation by helicopter systems, including the SB-81 mine, which has a plastic case and an electromechanical fuse with a pressure sensor. In addition to helicopters, this mine can be installed by a minelayer.

Anti-bottom mines, in comparison with anti-track mines, have a significantly higher destructive effect. Exploding under the bottom of the tank and punching it, they hit the crew and disable the armament and equipment of the vehicle. The explosion of such a mine under the caterpillar of the tank disables it. Anti-bottom mines are equipped with a shaped charge or a charge based on the principle of an impact core. Most anti-bottom mines have proximity fuses with magnetic sensors that detect changes in the magnetic field as the tank passes over the mine. Such a fuse is installed at the Swedish anti-bottom mine FFV028. When the tank passes over the mine, electrical voltage is applied to the electric detonator, which initiates the explosion of the overburden, and then (with some time delay) the main charge (the armor penetration of the mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm). When an overburden charge is triggered, the upper part of the fuse, the cover of the mine body and the camouflage layer of soil are dropped, thereby creating favorable conditions for the formation of an impact core. A typical layout of the anti-bottom mine SB-MV / T is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig.3. The layout of the anti-tank mine SB-MV / T: 1 - magnetic sensor; 2 - power supply; 3 - software element of the mine neutralization device; 4-seismic sensor; 5 - a device for delaying the transfer of the fuse to the combat position; 6 - the lever for transferring the fuse to the combat position; 7 - fuse inclusion element; 8 - main charge; 9 - transitional charge; 10 - detonator; 11 - primer-igniter; 12 - overburden charge.

The French anti-bottom mine HPD is equipped with a fuse with magnetic and seismic sensors. The armor penetration of a mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm. The mine explodes when both sensors are triggered simultaneously. To drop the hull cover and the camouflage layer of soil in the HPD mine, an additional (overburden) charge was used. The mining of these mines is carried out with the help of a mine layer.

Much attention is paid to the development of anti-bottom mines for remote mining systems. In the United States, for example, spreadable anti-bottom mines have been created using artillery and aircraft mining systems (M70, M73 and BLU-91 / B mines). These mines are small in size and equipped with proximity fuses with magnetic sensors and anti-removal elements. M70 and M73 mines are components of the RAAMS artillery anti-tank mining system (for 155-mm howitzers). The cluster projectiles of this system contain nine M70 or M73 mines, which have shaped charges directed in opposite directions, which does not require special orientation on the ground surface. By design, these mines are the same and differ only in the period of self-destruction.

Table 4

The effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines

Anti-track mine effectiveness The effectiveness of the anti-bottom mine
The tank is devoid of mobility; The tank is devoid of mobility and firepower;
- damaged caterpillar; - punched bottom;
- damaged roller and suspension, - the units inside the tank were significantly damaged as a result of a mine explosion and ammunition detonation,
- the crew is shell-shocked, but partially combat-ready. - the crew is completely disabled;
- firepower saved; - repair (if at all possible) in the factory.
- repair in the field is possible

The West German anti-bottom mine AT-2 is designed to build anti-tank barriers using ground, missile and aircraft mining systems. The mine has a warhead based on the principle of an impact core.

The comparative effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines is presented in Fig. 4 and in Table 4.

Anti-aircraft mines are designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles at a distance of several tens of meters. These mines are effective when used to block roads and make barriers in forests and settlements. The striking element of anti-aircraft mines is an impact core or a cumulative anti-tank grenade fired from a guide tube.

The French and British armies are armed with the MAN F1 mine (Fig. 5), which has a warhead (armor penetration of 70 mm from a distance of 40 m) on the principle of an impact core. The body of the mine can be rotated in a vertical plane relative to the support, consisting of two racks and a support ring. The fuse is activated by a 40-meter contact wire.

The American anti-aircraft mine M24 consists of an 88.9-mm grenade (from the M29 anti-tank rifle), a guide pipe, a fuse with a contact sensor made in the form of a tape, a power source and connecting wires. The guide pipe acts as a container in which the mine is stored and transported. Place the unit at a distance of about 30 m from the road or passage. When a tank caterpillar hits the contact strip, the fuse circuit closes and the anti-tank grenade is fired. An improved model of this mine, the M66, has been developed. It differs from the M24 in that. that infrared and seismic sensors are used instead of a contact sensor. The mines are transferred to the combat position after the seismic sensor is triggered. It also includes an infrared target sensor. The grenade is fired as soon as the armored target crosses the emitter-receiver line.

Anti-tank minefields (ATMP) are installed primarily in tank-hazardous directions in front of the front, on the flanks and junctions of subunits, as well as in depth to cover artillery firing positions, command and observation posts and other objects. An anti-tank minefield usually has dimensions along the front of 200 ... 300 m or more, in depth - 60 ... 120 m or more. Mines are installed in three to four rows with a distance between rows of 20 ... 40 m and between mines in a row - 4 ... 6 m for anti-tracked and 9 ... 12 m for anti-bottom mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of the minefield is 550 ... 750 anti-track or 300 ... 400 anti-bottom mines. On especially important areas, PTMG1 can be installed with an increased consumption of mines: up to 1000 or more anti-track mines or 500 or more anti-bottom mines. Such minefields are commonly referred to as high efficiency minefields.

Fig.5. The layout of the anti-aircraft mine MAN F1:

1-charge; 2 - copper lining; 3 - support ring; 4 - detonator cap; 5 - fuse; 6 - power supply; 7 - transitional charge; 8 - detonator.

Fig.4. Comparative effectiveness of the destructive action of anti-line and anti-caterpillar mines:

1 - zone of action of the anti-bottom mine;

2 - zone of action of an anti-track mine.

Table 5

Foreign anti-aircraft mines

Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter height
M24, M66 USA 10,8 0,9 89 609 steel
MAH F1 France 12,0 6,5 185 270 steel

Anti-personnel mines vary in design and are mainly of the high-explosive or fragmentation type. The main characteristics of some samples of domestic anti-personnel mines are presented in Table 6. The name MON-50 means that this mine has a fragmentation-directed action. These mines are in service with various countries. Usually, the plastic cases of such mines are made in the form of a curved prism, in which a plastic explosive charge with a large number of fragments is placed. For ease of installation on the ground, there are hinged legs at the bottom of the mine body. The most common way to set the mine in action is to use a regular trip fuse, which is triggered when the target touches the tensioned wire. When a mine explodes, a flat beam of fragments is formed. Directional fragmentation mines are designed to destroy personnel moving in deployed combat formations.

The PMN index means that this mine is an anti-personnel push action. The device of the PMN anti-personnel mine is shown in Fig.6.

Currently, bouncing fragmentation anti-personnel mines are widely used. The operation of such a mine occurs when a walking person touches a tension wire or when pressure is applied to special conductors connected by an explosive chain. As a result of this, an expelling powder charge is ignited, with the help of which a mine is thrown to the height of the chest of a walking person, where an explosion occurs and people in this zone are hit by fragments.

Anti-personnel minefields (APMP) are placed in front of the forward edge and, as a rule, in front of anti-tank minefields in order to cover them. They can be from high-explosive mines, fragmentation mines, as well as a combination of high-explosive and fragmentation mines. PPMP, depending on their purpose, is installed with a length along the front from 30 to 300 m or more, in depth - 10 ... 50 m or more. The number of rows in a minefield is usually two to four, the distance between rows is 5 m or more, between mines in a row is not less than 1 m for high-explosive mines and one or two continuous destruction radii for fragmentation mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of the minefield is accepted: high-explosive - 2000 ... 3000 pieces; fragmentation - 100 ... 300 pcs. In areas where infantry advances in large masses, PPMPs of increased efficiency can be installed - with double or triple consumption of mines.

Table 6

Main characteristics of anti-personnel mines

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
MON-50 2,0 0.7 PVV-5A 225x153 54 plastic
MOH-90 12,4 6.5 PVV-5A 343x202 153 plastic
MON-100 7,5 2.0 T 236 83 steel
7.0 1,5 A-50
MON-200 30,0 12.0 T 434 131 steel
28,7 10,7 A-50
PMN 0.58 0,21 T 100 56 plastic
LMN-2 0.95 0.4 TG-40 122 54 plastic

Fig.6. Anti-personnel mine PMN:

a) - general view; b) - cut; 1 - body; 2 - shield; 3 - cap; 4 - wire or tape; 5 - stock; 6 - spring; 7 - split ring; 8 - drummer; 9 - mainspring; 10 - thrust sleeve; 11 - safety check; 12 – metal element; 13 - explosive charge; 14 - fuse MD-9; 15 - plug; 16 - cap; 17 - gasket; 18 - metal frame; 19 - string.

Table 7

The main characteristics of anti-amphibious mines

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
PDM-1M 18,0 10,0 T 380 143 steel
PDM-2 21,0 15.0 T 380 342 steel
PDM-3Ya 34,0 15.0 T 650 steel
YRM 12,1 3.0 T 275 34V steel

Table 8

The main characteristics of special mines

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
ZhDM-6 24.2 14,0 1 250 230 steel
ADM-7 24,2 14,0 T 215 265 steel
ADM-8 24,2 14,0 T 220 252 steel
MPM 0.74 0,3 TG-50 148x72 46 plastic
SPM 2,35 0,93 MS 248x114 72 steel
BPM 7,14 2,6 T 292 110 steel
BPM 7,44 2.9 TGA-16 292 110 steel

Fig.7. Mina PDM-2 on a low stand:

1 - rod; 2 - check; 3 - fuse; 4 - housing with an explosive charge; 5 – lock nut; 6 - bopt; 7 - flange; 8 - upper beam; 9 - lower beam; 10 - steel sheet; 11 - washer; 12 - latch; 13 - handle; 14 - roller.

Fig.8. Mine body PDM-2:

1 - body; 2 - central neck; 3-glass; 4 - intermediate detonator; 5 - side neck; 6 - nipple; 7 - charge; 8 - gaskets; 9 - plugs.

Fig.9. Charge S3-3L:

a) - general view; b) - cut; 1 - body; 2 - explosive charge; 3 - intermediate detonators; 4 - ignition socket for a detonator cap; 5 - socket for a special fuse; 6 - plugs; 7 - handle; 8 - rings for binding the charge.

1 - body; 2 - cumulative lining; 3 - explosive charge; 4 - intermediate detonator; 5 - seal nest; 6 - handle; 7 - retractable legs; 8 - cork.

Fig.10. Charge S3-6M:

1 - capron shell; 2 – polyethylene sheath; 3 – plastic explosive charge; 4 - intermediate detonators; 5 - rubber couplings; 6 - metal clips; 7 - socket for a detonator cap; 8 - socket for a special fuse; 9 - plugs; 10 - union nut; 11 - rings for binding the charge.

At present, the engineering troops of developed countries have nuclear mines with a TNT equivalent from 2 to 1000 tons.

Assessing the effectiveness of nuclear mines, foreign experts believe that they can be used as a multi-purpose weapon against advancing enemy forces. It is believed that the explosion of nuclear mines located in special concrete or soil wells creates zones of destruction and contamination that are capable of dismembering the battle formations of enemy troops, directing its advance into areas advantageous for inflicting conventional and nuclear strikes on it. An important direction in the use of nuclear mines is considered to be the strengthening of mine-explosive barriers in tank-hazardous areas. The protective effect of nuclear mines is due to the creation, as a result of explosions, of craters, blockages, zones of destruction and contamination, which are a serious obstacle to the movement of troops.

The crater from a nuclear mine explosion is a formidable obstacle, since its large size, steep slopes and rapid filling with water greatly impede the movement of not only vehicles, but also tanks.

The size of the craters will depend on the TNT equivalent of nuclear mines, the depth of their laying and the methods of detonation. When a mine explodes on the surface of the earth with a power of 1.2 kt, a funnel is formed with a diameter of 27 m and a depth of 6.4 m; the same charge, detonated at a depth of 5 m, forms a funnel with a diameter of 79 m and a depth of up to 16 m, and at a depth of 20 m - with a diameter of 89 m and a depth of 27.5 m. The protective effect of a nuclear mine explosion is enhanced by radioactive fallout over a large area.

Antiamphibious mines are used to mine water lines in areas of possible landings to destroy amphibious amphibious vehicles and combat vehicles. The main characteristics of these mines are presented in Table 7, the distinguishing feature of which is their use in a submerged position.

The device of anti-amphibious mines and their main components are shown on the example of the PDM-2 mine in Fig. 7, 8.

For mining railway tracks (ZhDM-6), highways (ADM-7, ADM-8) and other specific tasks, special mines are used (Table 8). Mines MPM, SPM, BIM have the property of "sticking" (with the help of a magnet or adhesive material) and have a quasi-cumulative lining for the formation of significant holes in obstacles.

To make passages in anti-tank and anti-mine fields, elongated demining charges are used (Table 9). They are advanced manually or mechanized, or launched into a minefield with the help of jet engines. Therefore, explosive charges are placed in metal pipes or in flexible fabric or plastic sleeves (hoses). Charges UZ-1, UZ-2, UZ-Z and UZ-ZR are metal pipes in which pressed pieces of TNT are placed. The UZ-67 charge consists of a sleeve (the material is nylon-based fabric), in which TNT cartridges are strung on a flexible hose with explosives of the A-IX-1 type. Charges UZP-72 and UZP-77 are based on a flexible rope with wound layers of plastic charge from PVV-7, placed in a sleeve made of special fabric.

Table 9

Main characteristics of elongated demining charges

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
UZ-1 5,3 2,88 T 53 1200 steel
UZ-2 10,24 5,33 T 53 2000 steel
UZ-Z 43 8 kg / p. m. T 53 1950 steel
UZ-ZR 43 T 53 1950 steel
UZ-67 55.5 41,6 T+A-XI -1 80 10 500 steel
UZP-72 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel
UZL-77 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel

Note: p.m. - linear meter.

Table 10

Main characteristics of concentrated charges

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x x width) height
SZ-1 1,4 1,0 T 65x116 126 steel
NW-W 3.7 3.0 T 65x171 337 steel
NW-FOR 3,/ 2,8 T 98x142 200 steel
SZ-6 7,3 5.9 T 98x142 395 steel
sz-vm 6,9 6.0 PVV-5A 82 1200 the cloth
SZ-1P 1,5 L.b PVV-5A 45 600 the cloth
SZ-4P 4,2 4,2 PVV-5A 45 2000 the cloth

Table 11

Main characteristics of shaped charges

Mine Weight, kg BB type Dimensions mm Material
general explosive charge (length x x width) hull height
KZ-1 14,47 9.0 TG-40 350 570 steel
KZ-2 14,8 9,0 TG-40 350 650 steel
KZ-4 63,0 49,0 TG-50 410 440 steppe
KZ-5 12.5 8,5 TG-40 215 280 steel
KZ-6 3,0 1,8 TG-40 112 292 steel
KZ-7 6,5 4,2 TG-40 162 272 steel
KZU 18,0 12,0 TG-50 195x225 500 steel
KPC 1,0 0,4 TG-50 52x160 200 steel
0,56 0,185 TG-40 76x70 1507 steel
KZU-1 0,0 032 TG-40 85x105 160 steel

Table 12

Characteristics of TNT checkers

Table 13

Characteristics of checkers made of plastic explosives

Table 14

Characteristics of detonating cords

Fig.12. Cumulative charge KZU-2:

a) - longitudinal section; b) - cross section; 1 - foam insert; 2 - explosive charge (TG-40); 3 - body; 4 - plug; 5 - gasket; 6 - bushing; 7 - gasket; 8- glass; 9 - checker BB A-XI-1; 10 - cap; 11 - ring; 12 - latch; 13 - strap; 14 - bracket; 15 - leaf spring; 16 - magnet; 17 - cumulative lining; 18 - clamp.

Fig.13. KZU-2 charge installation diagrams (the arrow indicates the installation location of the electric detonator or fuse)

To carry out demolition work in emergency situations, for example, when it is necessary to make a homemade mine in the shortest possible time, concentrated charges are used (Table 10). Charges SZ-ZA (Fig. 9), SZ-6, SZ-6M (Fig. 10) can be used for blasting under water. It should be noted that SZ-ZA, SZ-6 and SZ-6M charges can be successfully used in underwater blasting.

Shaped charges (Table 11) are used to punch or cut through thick metal slabs during the destruction of armored and reinforced concrete defensive structures.

The design and elements of the shaped charges KZ-2, KZU-2 are shown in Fig. 11-13.

In engineering troops, for demolition work, TNT and plastic explosives are used in the form of checkers, the main characteristics of which are presented in Table. 12.13.

Detonating cords are widely used to transfer an explosive impulse during explosions in engineering troops (Table 14).

Of all the munitions in service with the Russian army, engineering munitions are remarkable in that they are dual-use munitions, i.e. can be used in blasting in the national economy to solve specific problems in the mining, metallurgical and oil industries. For this reason, funding is not required for their disposal. Engineering munitions that have reached the end of their service life should be transferred to civilian organizations conducting explosive work (for example, in the mining industry). By now, millions of tons of so-called scrubs have accumulated at metallurgical plants, which are large-sized multi-ton objects with a significant iron content. Due to the crisis state of our metallurgical industry, these scrubs can serve as a good source of raw materials. But for obvious reasons, such scrubs cannot be transported and loaded into blast furnaces; they need to be split. In this case, engineering ammunition is an indispensable tool for solving this problem. At the same time, the technology for cutting such a scrub is as follows. By detonating a shaped charge (KZ-1, KZ-2, KZ-4), a crater (significant in depth and diameter) is created in the scrub, which is filled with explosives and blasted. As a result of these activities, the scrub is destroyed into parts that can be transported and loaded into a blast furnace. This is just one of thousands of examples of the use of engineering ammunition in the national economy.

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