Where goku is built. How advanced is this problem?

One of the largest construction projects in Russia in the post-Soviet period is the Tominsky GOK. What will it bring to the South Urals and the economy of the whole country? Today, heated debates and passions rage around the industrial facility between the owner company and activists.


The Tominsky deposit of porphyry copper ores is located in Russia. According to experts, it is among the top largest deposits of the Russian Federation and is one of the fifty world copper ore giants. The composition of the ore, in addition to copper, includes other valuable metals - gold and silver. There are quite a lot of non-ferrous metal deposits in the Urals and almost all of them are large-scale, the main problem is that the amount of metal per ton of ore is in most cases low. The Tominsky mine has the lowest copper content in ore in Russia.

The operational reserves of the valuable metal are approximately 365 million tons. The copper ore deposit was discovered by prospecting parties in 1985. Estimated volumes and distribution range were estimated from 1997 to 2005. Until now, exploration activities aimed at industrial development are being carried out.

The copper ore deposit consists of three types of ores - oxidized, primary sulfide and secondary enriched. The occurrence of minerals is superficial, so their development will be carried out in a quarry way.

Deposit power:

  • Oxidized ores are estimated at 40-60 meters and are represented by clay or gravel-clay mass. The composition of the ore includes lapis lazuli and malachite in the form of thin smears and inclusions.
  • Secondarily enriched ore layers are 12-15 meters.
  • Primary sulfide ore deposits are located at a depth of up to 55 meters, the composition includes pyrites and chalcopyrites.

Planned indicators

The industrial potential of the Tominsky deposit, according to experts, is about 1,293,127 tons of copper. The chemical composition of the mined ore includes barium, arsenic, copper, silicon, lithium, gold, zinc and other elements. In addition to the Tominsky deposit, the Kalinovsky site will be developed, located at a distance of 4.7 kilometers from the main quarry, which contains more than 230 tons of copper.

The operation of the Tominskoye field is planned for 18 years of intensive development, taking into account the attenuation period. The Kalinovsky site will be developed over a period of 10 years. In the future, joint processing of two objects in the period from 2025 to 2031. It is planned to extract 75% of the ore at the Tominsky open pit, the rest of the resources will come from the Kalinovsky mine.

Tominsky Combine

So, Tominsky GOK. What kind of complex is this and what parts will the enterprise consist of? The Tominsky field is one of the largest industrial facilities in the Russian Federation, which will be built after the collapse of the USSR. Construction implements "Russian Copper Company". The project provides for the use of advanced technologies at every stage of production processes. Increased attention is paid to environmental issues that have become a stumbling block in the Chelyabinsk region between the company and public organizations.

The plant consists of three main industrial facilities:

  • Two open pits for ore extraction at the Tominsky deposit and the Kalinovsky area. The depth of development is up to 540 meters, the total area is about 4 thousand hectares.
  • Production complex for the production of copper concentrate and copper, consisting of (production capacity - 14 million tons of products) with a tailings facility and a closed water supply system, a hydrometallurgical plant (productivity per year - about 1.7 million tons).
  • Infrastructure and production complex (engineering, sanitary and other facilities).

Where is Tominsky GOK

The facility is being built in close proximity to the city of Chelyabinsk. Shershnevskoye reservoir is located 10 kilometers from the GOK, which is the main source of water supply for the city and the region. Several settlements are located near the field, some of the residents will be relocated to new places of residence. The total area required for construction is up to 4,000 hectares.

To ensure full operation, infrastructure facilities will be built:

  • A branch of the road from the bypass Chelyabinsk highway.
  • A branch of the railway communication from the village of Pervomaisky (from the station "Strawberry").
  • To supply electricity, power lines will be laid and substations with a capacity of 142 MVA will be built.
  • Systems for the intake, supply and purification of water for industrial, domestic, drinking needs (treated wastewater from the Novosineglazovo village, the city of Korkino will be used, and it is also planned to collect drainage water from mines and the Korkinsky coal mine).
  • Diversion of a gas pipeline from the GRP of OAO Chelyabinskgazkom.
  • Telephony and fiber optic lines to provide communication.
  • Warehouses, premises for storage and preparation of explosives, etc.

Project Innovation

An object of federal importance and an enterprise with the latest technologies is the Tominsky GOK. What does this imply? First of all, the introduction of innovative technologies and methods will be carried out:

  • A special way to prepare the charge from different types of copper ore.
  • Use of the latest generation reagents to increase the concentration of copper and molybdenum in the finished product.
  • Installation and operation of high-performance state-of-the-art equipment for the processing of fossil ores.
  • Two lines of hydrometallurgical method of extracting copper from oxidized and loose ore, which as a result will allow processing up to 28 million tons of raw materials with a forecasted production of about 264 thousand tons of copper concentrate.

The first stage of the complex is planned to be put into operation in the fall of 2017, but, according to the latest data, the start may be delayed for a year. The second phase is scheduled for delivery in 2019. The total investment in the project is 60 billion rubles.

Prospects for the region

The mining and processing plant "Tominsky" is one of the country's large-scale investment projects and is included in the strategic plan for the development of non-ferrous metallurgy, covering the period up to 2030. For the Southern Urals, the project is of great importance, because it promises to increase the pace of infrastructure development, create jobs and build new enterprises.

After the launch of all capacities, the Tominsky GOK in Chelyabinsk will replenish the region's treasury with taxes in the amount of about 120 billion rubles for the entire period of its operation. The enterprise itself guarantees the creation of 1,200 jobs for the population of the region. In employment, preference will be given to residents of the nearby Korkinsky and Sosnovsky districts. The laid down average level of wages is estimated at 40 thousand rubles, which exceeds the average level of wages in the region.

For many industries and the economy as a whole, Tominsky GOK can become a catalyst. The construction of such a large-scale facility covers many enterprises with orders - construction organizations, pipe-rolling and machine-tool plants, companies involved in the construction of infrastructure facilities, etc. Experts estimated that one workplace of a GOK specialist will require the creation of up to seven jobs in the sector serving the enterprise.

Like all modern centers of non-ferrous metallurgy, the Tominsky plant pays great attention to environmental protection, the preservation of natural resources and care for the social sphere of adjacent residential areas. To date, investments have been made and the construction of several social facilities has begun on the territory of the Sosnovsky and Korkinsky districts. The long-term plans include the reconstruction of sanatorium and resort institutions, the provision of support to hospitals, schools, sports clubs and societies. Several million rubles have already been spent on the social sphere.

Social movement

There are already non-ferrous metallurgy centers in the Urals that have gained notoriety. One of them is the infamous Karabashmed plant, in the vicinity of which there is practically nothing left alive, and the age limit for the population is no more than 48 years. Activists who oppose the construction of the mining and processing plant have created the StopGOK movement, which plans to cancel the construction of the facility.

The main arguments against the construction of the GOK, put forward by the leaders of the movement, are as follows:

  • Pollution and even the possible withdrawal of water from it as a result of deepening the quarry.
  • Opponents argue that the tailing dump, which is a huge reservoir of liquid toxic waste from production, will inevitably pollute groundwater, which will lead to an ecological disaster for the entire region.
  • There are concerns that exhaust air emissions will cause toxic precipitation, and there will be practically nothing to breathe. As part of the struggle for clean air in Chelyabinsk, an action called "Breathe" was held, the participants of which used gas masks.

It is noteworthy that the backbone of the protest movement is made up of people who have nothing to do with ecology and do not have knowledge in this area. Some of them live outside of Russia and are agents of influence from other states. Some residents of Chelyabinsk believe that the situation around the plant is artificially heated up, and the construction itself and the fears of residents are used as a bargaining chip in political games.

Government actions

To dispel all public fears, Governor B. Dubrovsky initiated an independent examination and audit of TGOK's documentation in terms of environmental safety. The assessment was given by specialists from the Yekaterinburg Mining and Geological University, in which they indicated that, taking into account several of their recommendations, the plant and production as a whole do not pose any danger.

The received conclusion of the experts did not satisfy the activists, then it was decided to apply to the branch center of the mining industry - St. Petersburg University of Mining. Of course, many enterprises built during the first and second waves of industrialization in the Soviet Union do not stand up to scrutiny. During the construction of these industrial facilities, no one thought about ecology, the situation is different with modern plants and centers.

Petersburg scientists confirmed the conclusions of their colleagues from Yekaterinburg University. Activists still do not listen to the opinion of experts. The experts agreed and stated that the Tominsky GOK project does not pose a serious danger, that this construction will lead to an improvement in the economic situation without damaging the environment.

The fears of people who fall into the sphere of influence of the GOK can be understood, but the problem needs to be addressed. On one side of the scale is industrialization with the use of all advanced environmental protection technologies, an increase in living standards, and the possibility of development for the whole country. On the other - the health of the next generations, pristine nature. So far, no one has a common answer to the question, it remains to hope for a sound approach to resolving the issue from all parties to the conflict.

Everyone has been talking about Tominsky GOK lately, but few, at the same time, can at least clearly explain where it is located. Therefore, the main thing that we tried to understand during the public hearings held on July 21 is what exactly is Tominsky GOK. And here is the picture we have.

The Tominsky deposit of porphyry copper ores in the Chelyabinsk region is one of the largest copper deposits in Russia. It is included in the top 50 largest copper deposits in the world. In 2003, the Russian Copper Company (RMK) acquired a license for its development.

Among the most well-known to the Chelyabinsk people are enterprises that are part of the RMK, such as Karabashmed and the Kyshtym copper electrolyte plant.

In 2013, RCC implemented a project similar to the Tominsky GOK at the Mikheevsky GOK (Varnensky district). The project was implemented without any scandals, although, according to observers, this is due to the significant remoteness of the facility (about 250 km from Chelyabinsk).

With Tominsky GOK, everything is different.


The field is located in the southwest of Chelyabinsk in the Sosnovsky district. It is only 20 km from the city and 10 km from the Shershnevsky reservoir.

Only 20 km from Chelyabinsk and 10 km from the Shershnevsky reservoir

According to the "wind rose" in Chelyabinsk, south, southwest and northwest winds prevail. It is from here that the main air masses enter the city. And that is why this direction is often called the “lungs of Chelyabinsk”.

It is no coincidence that Chelyabinsk is developing most actively in this direction. Here in the west and north-west, in the vicinity of Shershny, the most ambitious construction projects of recent years are being implemented, some of which have already gone beyond the borders of Chelyabinsk into the Sosnovsky district.

Experts have repeatedly expressed the opinion that in the case of the construction of the Tominsky GOK, the price of real estate and land in the most popular and expensive areas of Chelyabinsk today will drop sharply.

What will it be

Two huge quarries(Tominsky and Kalinovsky), enrichment plant and hydrometallurgical production, tailings (waste storage).

  • Tominsky quarry - the planned depth is 540 meters.
  • Kalinovsky quarry - the planned depth is 300-350 meters.
  • Dumps up to a hundred meters high.

For comparison:

  • Korkinsky section - a depth of about 520 meters;
  • Chelyabinsk-CITY - height 111 meters (together with the spire);
  • Ostankino television tower - height 540 meters.

tailings(waste storage) - total volume 482 million cubic meters (m3).

At the same time, waste (tailings) is planned to be filled with water. It is assumed that it will come from Lake Sineglazovo and adjacent reservoirs.

The volume of the nearby lake Sineglazovo, according to Wikipedia, is 33 million m3.
The volume of the Shershnevsky reservoir is 160 million m3.
The dimensions of the tailing dump, according to environmentalists (the representatives of the RCC did not refute these data), are comparable to the site covering Sverdlovsky Prospekt, Komsomolsky Prospekt and Ul. Chicherin.

Main environmental risks

Dust from dumps of quarries and industries.

According to the RMK, the planned regular watering of the dumps will help to avoid significant environmental pollution. The additional volume of pollution (to the existing one in Chelyabinsk) is estimated by RMK at 2.3%.

Wastewater and pollution of the environment by waste stored in the tailings.

According to RMK:

  • The company will experience a shortage of water, so it is not interested in the outflow of water from the tailings (in our opinion, a so-so argument).
  • The level of the tailing dump is below the level of Shershnei, so the outflow of toxic waste into the reservoir is excluded.
  • The RCC refers to the expertise carried out by SUSU, which allegedly established that groundwater pollution is excluded.

When asked why solid waste storage is not envisaged, the RCC representative replied that this approach is not economically feasible (read: is it cheaper to store waste in a huge pool?)

Risk of a tailing dump and emergencies

  • According to the RMK, the risk is negligible, and even in this case, liquid waste will flow in the opposite direction to the Hornets.

Regular explosions in the development of quarries and their possible consequences for nearby areas, including the Korkinsky section.

  • The RMK refers to the studies of the research institutes, according to which the development of quarries will not have an impact on the Korkinsky open pit.

Dumps and their subsequent impact on the environment

  • According to representatives of the RCC, the dumps will be regularly reclaimed (in fact, planted with greenery), turning over time into "natural" hills.
What about the authorities?

But nothing. Governor Dubrovsky complained that RMK needs to learn how to negotiate with people. It seems that the administration of the region has distanced itself from the problem of the Mining and Processing Plant and is waiting for someone to talk to someone ... The position, in our opinion, is bad. Judging by the scale of the project (and the scale of possible troubles), the Tominsky GOK project should attract increased (if not primary) attention from the authorities. After all, if “something goes wrong”, the problem will not even be regional, but Russian. Leaving this at the mercy of district officials, public organizations and businesses is simply dangerous.

After writing this article, the news came:". Well, it remains only to wait for the results.

Requirements of environmentalists

If we avoid verbal skirmishes and put aside (for a while) the direct demand to stop the development of the Tominsky GOK project, then the most logical demands of the public look like this:

Transfer of public hearings to Chelyabinsk- RCC uses the location of the deposit in the Sosnovsky district for holding hearings in the village of Dolgoderevenskoye (decree of the head of the district V. Kotov). At the same time, it is obvious to the majority that the GOK will have an impact on Chelyabinsk and Korkino, so the requirement to bring the issue to the attention of a wider public looks at least logical.

During the entire event, the hall shouted out several times:
“Why are you holding hearings in Dolgoderevenskoye? Organize them in the Tractor Arena.

It is obvious, however, that the transfer of public hearings to Chelyabinsk may further weaken the position of RCC. Sosnovsky district is gradually becoming a part of the Chelyabinsk urban agglomeration. It is here that the largest projects for the construction of affordable housing are being implemented (the nearby residential complexes Beliy Khutor, Zalesye, Prostory, Geneva), and it is here that the most popular areas for low-rise construction are located (Malinovka, Zapadny, Sargazy, Sineglazovo and others).

In the meantime, the RCC is trying to limit the discussion of the GOK problem to the Sosnovsky district. No matter how much company representatives talk about the posted information (and a whole (!) point of acquaintance with the project in Chelyabinsk was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta), the situation most of all resembles a scene from the famous book by Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

However, Mr. Dent, the itinerary was put on public display at the local planning office and hung there for nine months.
- Yeah, as soon as I found out, I immediately rushed straight to the bureau. It was yesterday at noon. You didn't bother with warnings, did you? I mean: not a word to anyone, not a single soul, right?
- But the route was made public for...
- Released? I ended up having to go down to the basement to find it!
- That's right, we have an information department there.
- With a flashlight!
- Probably, there was no light.
- And steps too!
- But listen, you've found a plan!
- Yes, - said Arthur, - found. At the bottom of a locked cabinet in a boarded up closet. And on the door a sign hung: "Beware of the leopard!"

Free acquaintance with the GOK project and independent expertise.

According to representatives of the public (and none of the representatives of the RCC denied this), only 30 days were given to get acquainted with the project (more than 80 volumes). At the same time, the time and place of reading were limited (working hours on weekdays), it was forbidden to copy project materials (!).

Here RMK's position is at least weak.

Firstly, a company that claims to be ready to cooperate with the public, and allows you to get acquainted with the project materials only during working hours without the possibility of copying or photographing anything (trade secret?), looks strange.

More than 80 volumes of the Tominsky GOK project were to be studied by the public within 30 days. During working hours and without the right to copy documents

Secondly, during all the hearings there was not a single speech by representatives of the same research institutes that supposedly guarantee the safety of the GOK. RMK's interests were, in fact, exclusively defended by the deputy director of the company, Natalia Gonchar. And, although this beautiful woman spoke convincingly and, as they say, “kept the blow” - why on earth should those present believe the “employee on the salary” is unclear.

Thirdly, we “overheard” most of the data for this article at public hearings or took it from the websites of environmental organizations. On the RMK website, GOK is devoted to "one and a half" pages, and the latest news is dated last fall. All this looks frivolous against the backdrop of the scale of the project.

One of the few defenders of the RMK, the head of the Varna region (it was there that the RMK built the Mikheevsky GOK), speaking in defense of the GOK, said:

When it came to the construction of the Mikheevsky GOK, a commission was assembled in the Varna region from a biology teacher, an ecologist and a physician and sent them to similar enterprises. We looked at life expectancy, morbidity ... Do crucian carp live in lakes. And the members of the commission saw that where there are similar enterprises, life expectancy is the same, there are no diseases ...

And with crucians, apparently, everything is OK. But for some reason it seems to us that it is unlikely that with the help of such arguments the RCC will be able to convince the population of a million-strong city and several adjacent areas of the advisability of having a quarry "nearby" in which the Ostankino TV tower can be placed, and a waste storage facility the size of the Shershnevskoye reservoir.

RCC representative tried to be persuasive, but few people were convinced

If you have any comments on the data and figures given in the article, please write to us at

You can discuss the material in our group

Fill out your CV ➤

Work on a rotational basis. Current vacancies of the company JSC Tominsky GOK in Chelyabinsk, employees are required. Where to send a resume to the personnel department of Tominsky GOK. Electrical fitters, miners, locksmiths, machinists, drivers, laboratory assistants are required. Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant is already starting to recruit workers this fall. By the end of the year, it is planned to accept more than 150 people. A thousand people will be hired during 2020. How to get a job at the GOK contacts of the personnel department on the official website.

Useful information.
Tominsky GOK company: official website - tomgok.ru.
Recent vacancies of Tominsky GOK and contacts of the personnel department are available at the address, send your resume - tomgok.ru/job.
Vacancies are posted only on official websites. Through them, access to all contacts and vacancies is open. Without intermediaries from a direct employer. Below is information from open sources for review.

Tominsky GOK invites you to work. Electrical fitters, gas welders, miners needed

Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant is already starting to recruit workers this fall. By the end of the year it is planned to accept 60 people. A thousand people will be hired during 2020.

Fill out your CV ➤

According to the press service of the enterprise, at the first stage there will be a recruitment of both managers and specialists, as well as workers - electricians, gas welders, miners for mine surveying and geological work, and others. In total, by the end of the year, the enterprise will employ more than 60 people. As a result, taking into account the current staff, the number of employees of the Tominsky GOK will exceed 100 people. Next year, as the project develops, more than 400 more people will be employed at the Tominsky GOK. And finally, the plant plans to invite over 600 people to work in 2020.

Fill out your CV ➤

JSC "TOMINSK GOK" is a complex for the extraction, processing and enrichment of copper ore.

Contacts: Information Policy Department of the Russian Copper Company.

The Tominsky GOK has begun construction of the main building of the processing plant and other production and auxiliary facilities of the plant.
In total, the enterprise will have about 17 capital construction facilities. At the moment, earthworks and foundations of the first axes of the main building of the processing plant have been completed at the construction site, and preparations are underway for pouring concrete of the remaining elements of the foundation. The foundations of the administrative building with a dining room have already been poured, piles for storage facilities have been hammered.
Tominsky GOK has the necessary permits for the construction of facilities for the processing plant, as well as elements of the associated infrastructure of the plant. Currently, 200 people and about 45 pieces of equipment are involved in the work at the site of the Tominsky GOK.
All production facilities are planned to be built by the end of 2020.

Tominsky GOK starts hiring‍

At the first stage, there will be a recruitment of both managers and specialists, as well as workers - electricians, gas welders, miners and others. By the end of this year, the number of the staff of the Tominsky GOK, taking into account the current employees, will exceed 100 people. Already next year, at the next stage of work, the plant will receive more than 400 additional people. And more than 600 new employees will be recruited by the company in 2020. Tominsky GOK will give the Chelyabinsk region about 1.2 thousand new jobs in 125 specialties. Priority for employment will be given to residents of nearby territories - Sosnovsky and Korkinsky districts, as well as Chelyabinsk. “Selection of employees will be carried out both among applicants who sent their resumes to the company, and among residents of the region registered with employment centers,” explained Valery Ulanovsky, General Director of Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant JSC. “There will be a competition for vacant positions. We already see that the number of people wishing to work with us exceeds the number of jobs that are planned to be organized at the enterprise.” The personnel reserve of Tominsky GOK began to form long before the start of the project. Those wishing to get a job at a new enterprise of the Russian Copper Company in the Chelyabinsk region send a resume to RMK's e-mail, through a special form on the plant's website, and bring it to the office of the enterprise personally. To date, more than 1.3 thousand resumes have been received by the RCC personnel policy department through the official website of the Tominsky GOK alone. And this is quite understandable. The average wage at the plant will exceed 40,000 rubles. People will have interesting jobs with good working conditions, as well as a large package of benefits.

Work at GOKA

Work at the enterprises of the Russian Copper Company opens up great opportunities for its employees. We create a large number of jobs for specialists of various profiles, we are engaged in training and retraining of personnel, we take care of the families of employees.

The average salary at the enterprise will be more than 40,000 rubles. In addition, various additional benefits are provided for employees of the enterprise.

If you want to become part of one of the most technologically advanced and efficient companies in the copper industry, please send your CV to our email address.

Questions and answers:

Representatives of what specialties will Tominsky GOK need?

Tominsky GOK will give the region 1,200 new jobs for representatives of 125 specialties. In addition, up to 3,000 jobs will be created in the contractors of the future plant.

To work at the plant, in particular, drivers of dump trucks and excavators, drivers of drilling rigs, repairmen, mechanics, engineers, operators of the control panel, as well as administrative and support staff will be needed.

What will be the level of wages at the enterprises?

The average salary at the enterprise will be more than 40,000 rubles. This is significantly higher than the average salary in the Chelyabinsk region, which is about 30,000 rubles.

Is there any additional social package?

First, we compensate for the cost of travel from the place of work to the place of residence and back, and also provide accommodation for those who work on a rotational basis.

In addition, the social package includes free lunches in the canteen of the enterprise, as well as one-time material payments - for example, bonuses for Metallurgist Day, payments to parents of first-graders by September 1, etc.

We attach great importance to ensuring labor safety. At the workplace, people will be provided with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, as well as flushing and neutralizing agents.

When will you start hiring and where will job postings be posted?

We are already forming a bank of vacancies for potential employees of the plant. Resumes can be sent in free form by e-mail. To date, we have received more than 1000 resumes from residents of the region who are interested in working at our company.

Will you prioritize employment for the local population?

Of course, as a socially responsible company, we strive to contribute to the development of the regions where we operate. In addition, we are interested in minimizing turnover, because the Russian Copper Company invests heavily in training and advanced training of personnel. Therefore, the priority in employment will be given to local residents, including those from Tomino, Korkino, Kopeysk, as well as residents of Chelyabinsk itself.

Will you cooperate with local training institutions?

Yes, we are cooperating with the Korkinsky Mining and Construction College to train personnel for the plant. A cooperation agreement has been signed with the college. We are glad that the construction of the GOK will contribute to the revival of the glory of the educational institution, which has always been known as a forge of personnel for the mining industry of the Urals.

Together with the Korkinsky Mining and Construction Technical School, we also plan to develop retraining and advanced training programs for future specialists of the plant, including for those miners who now work at the Korkinsky coal mine and are worried about their future due to its imminent closure.

How to understand whether the applicant's qualifications are suitable or not for work at Tominsky GOK? What should the miners from Korkino do, for example, who have worked at the coal mine all their lives and have no experience in the copper industry?

We plan to train future employees of the enterprise, develop their professional skills and competencies.

Refresher courses for employees of the Korkinsky mine will be organized to conduct mining operations at open deposits at the expense of the enterprise.

Are there any age or other restrictions for those wishing to get a job at the plant?

The plant will accept workers at least 18 years of age who have passed a preliminary medical examination and are recognized by the medical commission as fit to perform their work duties.

How safe will work at the enterprise be?

We attach great importance to ensuring occupational safety and caring for the health of our employees.

Upon admission to work, all employees of the enterprise will undergo a mandatory medical examination (subsequently, examinations of employees will be carried out regularly), as well as briefing on labor protection, industrial and fire safety.

Mining and processing plant employees will be provided with high-quality suits for protection against industrial pollution, in winter - suits with insulating lining, as well as modern footwear (summer, winter) and effective head, hand, respiratory and hearing protection.

Additionally, protective products will be issued: creams, emulsions, gels, sprays and other cleansing pastes.

All employees of JSC "Tominsky GOK" will be provided with sanitary conditions in accordance with the requirements of the law. Modern administrative and amenity complexes will be built, where shower rooms, saunas, laundries and staff rest rooms will be equipped.

Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK)

This is one of the largest, most modern and high-tech projects in the copper industry, which will be implemented in Russia. Investments in the project will exceed 65 billion rubles. It will be located in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region at the Tominsky porphyry copper deposit. The project includes the Tominsky and Kalinovsky quarries and the processing plant. Innovative technologies that will be used at the Tominsky GOK will make it possible to enrich porphyry copper ore with a copper content below 0.4%.

It is expected that the productivity of Tominsky will be 28 million tons of porphyry copper ore per year, from which more than 500,000 tons of copper concentrate will be produced.

The Tominsky GOK is included in the Strategy for the Development of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy in Russia for 2014–2020 and for the Future until 2030, approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The project will give an impetus to the development of the industrial potential of the Chelyabinsk Region, create new jobs (about 1,200 jobs at the GOK and about 3,000 jobs in counterparty organizations) and improve the quality of life in the region thanks to tax deductions to the budget. The total amount of tax deductions during the operation of the Tominsky GOK will be about 120 billion rubles.

One of the key principles of the Russian Copper Company is to balance the interests of business and society. RMK is always attentive to the issues of environmental safety and responsibility to local communities in all areas of presence.

At Tominsky GOK, RMK will implement the Smart Copper standard. This is a high-tech, efficient and responsible production standard implemented by the company at its enterprises. It consists in combining modern technologies and a responsible attitude towards the environment to produce high-quality copper products that are competitive in the world market.

The implementation of the Tominsky GOK project will contribute to the economic and social development of the Chelyabinsk region. The plant will provide about 120 billion rubles of tax deductions to the budgets of different levels and will create 1,200 jobs at the GOK and more than 3,000 jobs in counterparty organizations. Priority in employment will be given to residents of the Sosnovsky and Korkinsky districts.

Particular attention is paid to the issues of minimizing the impact on the environment. The project documentation has passed the mandatory state environmental and urban planning expertise, which indicates full compliance of the project with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Source - Goku's official website tomgok.ru. Ask all questions in the contacts section on tomgok.ru. There is also a hotline with feedback.

What are careers?

D Chelyabinsk citizens yesterday asked me to write something about the Tominsky Mining and Processing Plant in Chelyabinsk. The topic from LiveJournal has already disappeared, there were several paid posts, but, as you can see, Chelyabinsk residents are still worried about this. They complain and no one cares.

Born in the birthplace of metallurgy - in the Urals, I traveled a lot to small towns that were once built for the sake of mining and processing enterprises, I saw a bunch of "fox tails" that fell from factory pipes. I have been in the dead Karabash, and in Kyshtym, and in closed Ozersk and Snezhinsk, the atmosphere of which suffered somewhat from the Mayak accident. It's tough there. But Chelyabinsk has always been different. Heaven.

When you drive up to the city, a terrible picture arises in front of you: a black sky, everything is covered in smoke and dirt, but this, of course, is only the outskirts. In the center everything is divine.

And now, a few years ago, ex-governor Mikhail Yurevich began to vigorously promote the project for the construction of the Tominsky GOK.

For Yurevich, if anyone does not know, Chelyabinsk residents do not have the warmest feelings, I remember that in the bearded year, when he replaced Sumin, my aunt swore that children's travel had become paid, and a number of benefits were canceled for pensioners. Considering that Yurevich and his entire large family have a not frail business in Chelyabinsk and beyond, it is not difficult to guess why the GOK was discussed. It is very profitable to mine copper, although there is not so much of it, but if you look closely at the project, "the plant will annually process 28 million tons of ore into copper concentrate." They are going to dig to a depth of 380 meters (380/30 = 12.6) - this is about 12 nine-story buildings. And now a fun fact: since 2004, not a single metro station has been made in Chelyabinsk.

Supporters of the project motivate by promising a huge number of jobs, opponents complain that the mining and processing plant will bring a lot of environmental problems.

I'm more inclined towards the second side, not even because the work is evil, but because I'm somehow really scared for Chelyabinsk (although I don't really like it).

So what about the environment?

Firstly, around Chelyabinsk there are a bunch of towns, villages and other settlements, which, mind you, were not deprived of the radiation background after the accident at Mayak. Here, in Korkino, coal is mined. Tominsky GOK will be located approximately here, according to environmentalists, the wind rose is directed directly towards Chelyabinsk.

Secondly, p eye:the extraction of any natural resources carries a number of problems: soil oxidation, stale air, and so on. Chelyabinsk residents complain that there is a reservoir 7 kilometers from the intended crater (right above the red mark on the map), as well as underground sources. The result of copper mining can be perfectly seen on the example of native Karabash.

Vodichka takes on a red color, having drunk such, you will not only become a goat, but you will immediately discard your hooves.

Now let's talk about air. It is impossible to dig a quarry with a shovel to a depth of 380 meters, a perforator will not help here either. Only explosives, only hardcore... There is nothing to say here, the eyes themselves will see everything.

Although the quarry itself (without explosions) looks pretty nice (Kovdorsky GOK in the Murmansk region)

But that's not all. After all, copper also needs to be processed ... I don’t know, maybe the plant will not be nearby, but if not ...

Copper plant in Norilsk

These are such unpleasant prospects. I have no idea who will go to work in this quarry if in Chelyabinsk at that time it will be impossible to drink or breathe ...

Recently, more and more often I see cars with such stickers on the roads of my native city.
Of course, I heard about Tominsky GOK, but then I decided to collect some information on this issue. And here's what I found out.

What is a GOC?

GOK is a mining and processing plant for the extraction and processing of solid minerals, i.e. it can be any kind. It consists of several divisions: mining, transportation, processing plant, processing ore and service division. In the case of the Tomsk GOK, all this will be in one place.


Why GOK Tominsky? It's simple, the name of this mining and processing enterprise was given by the name of the Tominskoye deposit. "Tominskoye" is the largest deposit of porphyry copper ores in Russia and the world, which contain copper and other metals. The first important discovery, gentlemen, there is copper, this is such a non-ferrous metal, about it later. Where is the Tominskoye field located and why is it called that? Yes, because it is located in close proximity to the village of Tominsky in the Chelyabinsk region, for some reason the responsible persons smoothly bypassed this issue when creating the Wikipedia article. Let's see where it is and orient ourselves on the ground, so to speak:

On the map, I marked the distance from the probable location of the Tominsky GOK to the Shershnevskoye Reservoir - the main source of water supply for the city of Chelyabinsk, a city that is already included in the priority list of cities with the highest level of air pollution in Russia!

This distance is about 8 km., eight kilometers from the mine to the reservoir and about 15 km. in a straight line to the city limits of Chelyabinsk. Why am I so worried? That's 8 km. Let's go further.

What can you compare Tominsky GOK with?

How lucky, just on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there is another GOK Karabashmed, how much ore, copper and copper concentrate it produces, I did not find, strange, right? It is located, as it is no longer difficult to understand by analogy, not far from the city of Karabash.

Excellent, right? Pay attention to the last photo from Karabash, do you think there are 8 km. to the pipes of the plant from the place captured in the photograph?

Issue price

It is alleged that, having reached its full capacity, the Tominsky GOK will be able to produce 500 thousand tons of copper concentrate per year, the cost of which, depending on the percentage of copper, can reach 70,000 - 150,000 rubles. per ton and 10 thousand tons of cathode copper, costs about 450,000 rubles. per ton, in total we get about 54,500,000,000 rubles, this is provided that copper concentrate in Tominsky will not have the highest copper content.


In the second part, we will study who will receive this crazy output in ruble terms.


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