Belokonev Sergey Yurievich Financial University. Belokonev Sergey Yurievich Former deputy Yakemenko will head Rosmolodezh

A family

Sergei Belokonev is married and has three children - two sons and a daughter.


Born on July 20, 1977 in the village of Svoboda, Shchigrovsky District, Kursk Region. Graduated in 2000 Kursk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of History. In 2001 he received a law degree from the Moscow State Social University.

According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, as a student, he was fond of politics and studied poorly. In 2000, Belokonev, in his own words, in the presidential elections became a confidant of one of the candidates - a representative of the democratic opposition.

"I perfectly understand how to work with liberals," he said.

In 2000-2003 Belokonev was a post-graduate student of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law Russian State University for the Humanities(RGGU). He did not defend his dissertation at the RSUH. In his own words, he "suffered from liberal repressions": in 2003, when one of the leaders of Yukos Oil Company was the rector of the university Leonid Nevzlin, Belokonev's dissertation defense was canceled the day before his speech before the commission, he claimed in an interview.

In 2004 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy Lomonosov Moscow State University. The theme of the dissertation is "Forming the Image of a Competitor in Regional Election Campaigns in Russia (2000-2002)". The central research problem of the young scientist's work was the study of "technologies based on the formation of a negative image of a competitor in an election campaign."

Since 2005, he has been teaching at the Department of Political Psychology, since 2008 - at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Moscow State University.


In 2001, he headed the St. Petersburg regional branch of the youth movement for assistance in educating youth "Walking Together". He was the leader of the movement at that time.

"Since that time, I have been participating in the political life of the country on the side of Russian President Putin", Belokonev said later.

In an interview in early 2003, Belokonev noted that he "does not like the exalted manner in which the Moscow "Going" conduct their work" and said that in his department "everything should be restrained and intelligent, in St. Petersburg." In the same year, Belokonev left his post in Walking Together.

The official biography of Belokonev indicates that since 2004 he has served as secretary of the Federal Council of the new youth public organization for the promotion of sovereign democracy (MOO SRSD).

Meanwhile, the movement was officially established only in the spring of 2005. In the press, Belokonev was called the "head of the apparatus" of Nashi, the "ideologist" of the movement, as well as his "gray cardinal".

Belokonev himself later said in an interview that his position was "in fact" the post of deputy head of the movement, which was called in the press Vasily Yakimenko, who was elected one of the five federal commissioners of Nashi in 2005.

In 2004 (according to other sources, in 2003) a national institute was established "High School of Management". According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Belokonev and Nashi commissar were among its co-founders. Maria Kislitsyna.

The online publication also claimed that Yakemenko was listed among the founders of the institute. For 2007-2010 "HSU" received from the state budget 113.5 million rubles. It was noted that the school collaborated with, organized training programs on the forums "Seliger", for which she received government contracts.

In 2007, Yakemenko became the curator of the all-Russian program of the Ours movement - Our Elections, and was a member of the Central Election Headquarters of United Russia. In the same year, Our Elections held the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum of Electoral Technologies "SELIDON", the purpose of which was to train and conduct election campaigns. The camp was held on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, in the Rostov region.

According to the official website of the politician himself, back in 2003 he created a fund "National Perspectives" and became its president. The fund was mentioned in the media in 2006, however, in a number of biographies, in particular, in the official biography of Belokonev on the Rosmolodezh website, it is noted that Belokonev “created and was president of the National Perspectives Foundation in 2007-2011.

The main goal of the fund was declared "the formation of a regional youth personnel reserve", and for these purposes, since 2008, it has been issuing grants for the implementation of "entrepreneurial, innovative, socio-political and social initiatives of Russian youth."

In 2007, Belokonev was elected a deputy State Duma V convocation on the list of "United Russia" from the Smolensk region. In addition to him, another Nashi native turned out to be in the Duma - a former press secretary of the movement. In the lower house of parliament, Belokonev took the post of first deputy chairman of the committee on youth affairs.

Work in the State Duma did not prevent Belokonev from participating in the organization of youth forums. He was listed as the "project author" of the Seliger-2008 forum, and also helped to hold similar events in the regions "at new sites in remote areas."

Regarding his work in parliament, the politician said in an interview in 2009: "... To some surprise, I discovered that the profession of a deputy is painstaking and hard work.".

In the spring of 2009, Belokonev became secretary of the regional branch of United Russia in the Smolensk region, in December of the same year he entered the list of the presidential personnel reserve Dmitry Medvedev.

However, already in September 2010, Belokonev left the post of secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party. The politician called the official reason for this decision "the difficulty of combining the work of a party secretary and a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation."

However, commenting on Belokonev's resignation, the media mentioned the intra-party conflict in the Smolensk branch of United Russia, which led to the fact that the head of the city - a member of the party - the Smolensk City Council, in which the majority of seats were occupied by United Russia party members, was approved only on the seventh attempt.

On November 7, 2011, it became known that Belokonev was appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Vasily Yakemenko. In the same month, Belokonev resigned his deputy powers ahead of schedule.

In June 2012, Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Yakemenko. At the same time, Belokonev was appointed acting head of Rosmolodezh. On June 23, the Minister of Education and Science announced that it was Belokonev who would be appointed the new head of the agency, and that it would become subordinate to Ministry of Education(previously it was subordinate to the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy).

On June 26, 2012, Belokonev, by order of the head of the government of the Russian Federation, was officially appointed head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

In his new position, Belokonev continued to participate in the Seliger youth forum. On the eve of the forum, the head of Rosmolodezh stated that holding Seliger in 2012 would cost 280 million rubles. Later, representatives of the department reported that the sponsors of "Seliger-2012" refused to allocate funds for the camp, and it was organized entirely on state funding.

In March 2014, Belokonev was replaced as head of Rosmolodezh.

In 2015, Belokonev appeared as the head of the department for interregional cooperation and interaction with federal government bodies of the Ministry of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region.


According to the anti-corruption declaration for 2011, Sergei Belokonev earned only 970.5 million rubles, the income of his wife amounted to 3.1 million rubles. The spouses own two apartments with a total area of ​​109.6 sq. m (one of them - an area of ​​54 sq. m - in free use). His wife also owns a Toyota Corolla Verso car, Belokonev himself has no cars.


Sergei Belokonev has been at the center of various scandals throughout almost his entire political career. Most often, he was accused of receiving kickbacks, embezzlement of budget funds during the Seliger youth forums, as well as various financial scandals.

"Assessing the results of his activities as head of Rosmolodezh, one gets the impression that the youth policy itself, and this is the main task for which the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (FADM) was created, interests Sergei Belokonev much less than his own interests, which upon closer examination "are embodied in nothing but corruption schemes. Confirmation of this is the numerous financial scandals, deputy requests to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber, as well as inspections by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which are carried out in Rosmolodezh quite often," Novaya Gazeta wrote at the end of last year. ".

One of the most high-profile scandals involving Sergei Belokonev erupted in the summer of 2012 - immediately after his appointment as head of Rosmolodezh. Then the communists turned to the Prosecutor General's Office with a demand to check the spending of budget funds for the Seliger-2012 forum (280 million rubles of budget funds were spent on the forum).

In the same year, Seliger was at the center of another scandal. For the forum, it was necessary to purchase tents for 47 million rubles. Somebody won the competition LLC "Legion", knocking down the price by 50%. But then, as explained in Rosmolodezh, the company decided that it could not cope with the task, and simply disappeared.

As a result, Belokonev gave the multi-million dollar contract to another company that did not participate in the tender, but, as some media reported, affiliated with him. FAS, having carried out a check on the deputy request of "Fair Russia" Hovhannes Ohanyan, found that Belokonev violated the law on public procurement, exceeding his official powers.

"Seliger-2013" was also marked financial scandal, because of which the transport company involved in the transportation of forum participants was on the verge of bankruptcy. LLC "Autobusiness" took part in the tender for the transport services of "Seliger-2013" and won six contracts for a total of 12.5 million rubles.

However, the cost of the actual work performed by the carrier at the forum was much higher, said the director of the company Julia Molchanova. "Starting from the first day of the forum, it became clear that the transport laid down according to the terms of reference is not able to meet its needs in full," Molchanova said. According to her, due to errors in the calculations made by the organizers of the forum, the carrier incurs additional expenses almost every day, resulting in huge losses.

In just one shift at Seliger, the company lost almost 1 million rubles. But Belokonev not only did not compensate the carrier for these costs, but even, without explaining the reasons, ordered to reduce the total amount of transport contracts to 10 million rubles. Entrepreneurs say they were forced to agree to this "profitable" offer by threats from the customer. As a result, the transport company received less than 2.8 million rubles from Rosmolodezh and is currently in a pre-bankrupt state.

In mid-January 2014, bloggers said that the leadership of Rosmolodezh, when issuing grants, demanded "kickbacks" in the amount of 50-80%. In addition, the department violated the procedure for placing state orders - they were often carried out in circumvention of the law. After the fulfillment of government orders, according to a number of media outlets, employees of Rosmolodezh demanded to give them from 10% to 50% of the cost of the contract, threatening otherwise not to accept the report due to non-compliance of the work performed with the terms of reference.

A similar scheme was used when issuing grants for youth initiatives - more than 50 people who won grants received a demand for "kickbacks" in the amount of 50 to 80%". At the head of the "criminal group" demanding "kickbacks" is the head of the department, Sergei Belokonev. As soon as he took the post of head of Rosmolodezh in May 2012, he upgraded the staff by 80%.The "criminal group" was formed from newly recruited young people from the regions who did not have experience in public service.

At the moment, a pre-investigation check is being carried out against the leadership of Rosmolodezh.

On February 2, 2014, he personally allocated a subsidy in the amount of 8,601,300 rubles from the Russian budget for the purchase of housing.

According to a number of media reports, in July 2014 he visited the Seliger-2014 youth forum on a Phantom car of the brand Rolls Royce.

As predicted by The Moscow Post, the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Sergei Belokonev, decided to voluntarily leave his post. This resignation takes place against the backdrop of an inspection of the activities of the agency's leadership by the FAS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Leaving "Nashi"?

After a series of revealing publications in the media (including The Moscow Post), the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Sergei Belokonev, decided to leave his post, where he had worked for less than two years. Despite the fact that the order to dismiss Belokonev has not yet been signed by the Prime Minister, the head of Rosmolodezh has already met with the current leadership of the agency and said goodbye to them.

It is curious, but Belokonev, according to rumors, said that he was leaving his post, since he allegedly could not find a common language with the team, although this is somehow vaguely believed! But, most likely, corruption scandals played the main role in Belokonev's resignation.

It should be noted that throughout his entire political career, Belokonev's career was somehow connected with the Nashi youth movement. Indeed, back in 2005, Belokonev received the position of commissar and ideologist of the Nashi movement, and from 2007 to 2011 he was a State Duma deputy and served as first deputy chairman of the committee on youth affairs.

Then, in November 2011, Belokonev received the position of deputy head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, and already in June 2012, Sergei Belokonev headed Rosmolodezh, replacing his former boss and patron Vasily Yakemenko in the leadership position.

However, in his post, Belokonev, in less than two years, became a defendant in a large number of corruption scandals, so that his trust in the White House and the Kremlin was undermined ...

Who will replace Belokonev?

At the moment, it is already known that after the departure of Belokonev, Rosmolodezh may be headed by State Duma deputy from United Russia Alena Arshinova or former press secretary of the Nashi movement Christina Potupchik.

Thus, most likely, it is Arshinov who will head Rosmolodezh. It seems that this will not only lead to a disruption in the financing of projects, one way or another connected with the Nashi movement, but will also seriously hit Belokonev’s own wallet!

After all, Belokonev, even when he was Vasily Yakimenko's deputy, appeared in another major scandal with budget money!

This incident is due to the fact that earlier the National Institute "Higher School of Management" received 113.5 million rubles from the state. The co-founders of this organization are Nashi commissar Maria Kislitsyna and head of Rosmolodezh Sergey Belokonev.

So Mr. Belokonev, in fact, at the moment combines both of these positions (co-founder of the Higher School of Economics and an official), which means that budget money from the "pocket" of Rosmolodezh is transferred directly to the "pocket" of Belokonev's structure. But is it legal?!

The Prosecutor General's Office decided to check Belokonev

This and other scandals have already prompted law enforcement agencies to start checking the activities of the new leadership of Rosmolodezh! The thing is that back in February 2014, the Prosecutor General's Office instructed the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to organize an inspection of Rosmolodezh.

“The execution of the instructions of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is controlled,” the reply of the senior prosecutor of the department for supervision over the implementation of anti-corruption legislation said.

Rumor has it that after the Prosecutor General's Office took control of the inspection of Rosmolodezh, Mr. Belokonev decided to hastily leave this department! And this check began after the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC), Kirill Kabanov, turned to law enforcement agencies with a request to verify information about possible abuses by the leadership of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

“The level of corruption in the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs is outrageous. “We received information that kickbacks in this case range from 60 to 80%. These amounts go off scale even in relation to the public procurement system,” Kabanov believes.

Here it is worth giving an example from cases of extortion of money and regional structures. For example, Aleksey Vinogradov, chairman of the Tver organization Youth Policy - XXI Century, told the press that unexpected demands were made on his work, as a result of which he received less than 2.4 million rubles.

In the common people, this is called "rip off" kickback ", when officials underpay the contractor or demand a bribe from him!

"Grant business" of young politicians

There is also a rather scandalous situation with the allocation of grants. At the same time, if you believe the latest publications in the media, it becomes clear that the officials of the agency earn even for those who, in theory, should be helped on duty. In particular, the agency writes that in 2012 alone Rosmolodezh spent 120 million rubles on grants. from the budget.

But journalists wrote that young entrepreneurs - winners of grant competitions - were required to pay kickbacks - "from 50 to 80% of the grant amount." “Since most of the winners were members of the Nashi movement and were personally acquainted with Belokonev S.Yu., he himself negotiated kickbacks with them,” writes the press.

As a result, this gives rise to continuous “kickbacks” and “cuts”! Although this often leads to non-issuance (or theft) of grants!

So, for example, the winners of the Zworykin project could lose their grants. Their names were determined at the end of December at the All-Russian Innovation Convention, for which Rosmolodezh spent about 11 million rubles. But on the basis of the information provided by Kirill Kabanov and the media, one can roughly calculate how much could have ended up in the pockets of officials, if there were still abuses. Formally, each of the five winners of the competition should receive 1 million rubles.

If each of them gave at least 50%, then the enterprising bureaucrats could probably "earn" about 2.5 million rubles.

How to cash in on children?

It is also worth remembering the scandal with the children's health center "Change" in Anapa. The complex of summer camps was transferred to Rosmolodezh by the order of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. After that, the center, which hosted tens of thousands of children from almost all regions of the country, immediately began to reformat it to suit the needs of the agency's leadership. And this is a direct violation of the order of the President of Russia on the inadmissibility of the re-profiling of children's health institutions. The new leadership of the FDC "Smena", represented by the former adviser to the head of Rosmolodezh, Yevgeny Nizhnik, decided to demolish 4 out of 8 camps, as well as football fields, sports grounds, a central stadium and a swimming pool - sports facilities of federal significance.

And all - for the sake of organizing a Center for Robotics in the camp, which, by the way, was planned to be financed by commercial structures. That is, most likely, the camps, or rather the expensive land under them, would have gone into private hands. Moreover, Belokonev himself actively promoted the idea of ​​creating a Robotics Center in the media. Why computers and robots need to be dealt with on the seashore - the head of Rosmolodezh, of course, did not explain.

By the way, in Rosmolodezh they tried to "weld" another 200 million rubles by selling vouchers to the same camp again!!!

Of course, these and other scandals published in the media have seriously undermined public confidence in Mr. Belokonev. And now he is retiring. It seems that with his voluntary resignation from the post of head of Rosmolodezh, Sergei Belokonev simply wants to avoid trouble after the inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. But will he succeed? After all, the security forces have already “overlaid” the current head of Rosmolodezh quite heavily ...

June 2012

2nd Head
Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
June 13 - March 13
Predecessor Yakemenko Vasily Grigorievich Successor Pospelov Sergey Valerievich
Federal Commissioner
Youth movement OUR
2005 year - year 2013
Birth July 20 ( 1977-07-20 ) (42 years)
Sloboda, Zolotukhinsky District, Kursk Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR Spouse married The consignment Walking together
Movement OUR
(2001 - 2013)
United Russia
(since 2007 - present)
Education Kursk State University
Moscow State Social University
Religion orthodoxy Place of work %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%5B> Sergey_Belokonev %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B><%5D<)+%7D" class="extiw" title="commons:Category:Sergey Belokonev">Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Sergei Yurievich Belokonev(born July 20, m. Svoboda, Kursk region) - Russian politician, secretary of the Federal Council of the NASHI youth movement (2005-2008), deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (June 2012 - March 2014).


Since 2005, he has been teaching at the Department of Political Psychology, since 2008 - at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Moscow State University. He is also the head of the Department of Political Science at the Financial University.


At the end of 2003, after completing his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, from 2005 to 2013 he was a teacher of disciplines in political psychology and public relations.

Since the spring of 2014, Sergei Yuryevich Belokonev has been moving into the field of investment, was appointed adviser to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, and in the fall of 2014 he moves to the largest Russian private investment company Aton-Capital (appointed as development director - GR direction).

In the summer of 2016, the candidate of political sciences Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev was offered to head the department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (the leading economic university in Russia). Since 2018, the Department of Political Science has been expanded to the Department of Political Science and Mass Communication of the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs since June 2012. Previously - Deputy Head of the Agency (2011-2012), Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), Head of the branch of the United Russia party in the Smolensk region (2009-2010). In 2004-2007 he was the secretary of the Federal Council of the youth organization "Nashi", in 2001-2003 he was the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the youth movement "Walking Together". PhD in Political Science.

Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev was born on July 20, 1977 in the village (also mentioned in the media as a city, rural settlement, shtetl) Svoboda, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region,,.

Belokonev studied at the Faculty of History of the Kursk State Pedagogical University, from which he graduated in 2000,. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, as a student, he was fond of politics and studied poorly. In 2000, Belokonev, in his own words, in the presidential election became a confidant of one of the candidates - a representative of the democratic opposition Grigory Yavlinsky ("I perfectly understand how to work with liberals," Belokonev said talking about this).

In 2001, Belokonev became a graduate of the law faculty of the Moscow State Social University. At the beginning of the same 2001, he headed the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Public Organization for Promoting the Education of Youth (OOO SVM) "Walking Together", headed by Vasily Yakemenko. "Since that time I have been participating in the political life of the country on the side of Russian President V.V. Putin," Belokonev said later. The press emphasized that Walking Together was supported by "presidential structures"; in particular, the activities of the movement were associated with the name of Vladislav Surkov, at that time - the deputy head of the administration of the head of state,. In an interview in early 2003, Belokonev noted that he "doesn't like the exalted manner in which the Moscow Walkers carry out their work" (as an example, he cited campaigns against the postmodernist writer Vladimir Sorokin) and said that in his department "everyone should be restrained and intelligent, in St. Petersburg ", . In the same year, Belokonev left his post in "Walking Together",,.

In 2000-2003, Belokonev was a graduate student at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH),. He did not defend his dissertation at the RSUH. In an interview in 2012, Belokonev said that he "suffered from liberal repressions": according to him, in 2003, when one of the leaders of Yukos Oil Company Leonid Nevzlin was the rector of the university, Belokonev canceled his dissertation defense the day before his speech before the commission,.

In 2004, Belokonev at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov defended his dissertation "Forming the image of a competitor in regional election campaigns in Russia (2000-2002)", receiving a Ph.D. in political science,,. The central research problem of the work of the young scientist was the study of "technologies based on the formation of a negative image of a competitor in an election campaign" .

Belokonev's biographies indicated that since 2004 he was the secretary of the Federal Council of the new youth public organization for the promotion of sovereign democracy (MOO SRSD) Nashi,. Meanwhile, the movement was officially established only in the spring of 2005,,, the term "sovereign democracy", according to media reports, was first used by Yakemenko in October 2005, and Surkov introduced him into Russian political use - it was he who was later mentioned in the press as the author of the term . In the press, Belokonev was called the "head of the apparatus" of Nashi, the "ideologist" of the movement, as well as his "gray eminence". Belokonev himself later said in an interview that his position was "actually" the post of deputy head of the movement, which was called in the press Vasily Yakemenko, who in 2005 was elected one of the five federal commissioners of Nashi,,,.

Belokonev, who in the leadership of Nashi was responsible for "educational, ideological, economic projects, distant regions of the Southern Federal District, the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East", noted that the movement solved "the most important task for that stage of the country's development": "the preservation of sovereignty , preventing a split in the elite and the use of "orange" technologies ... on the territory of our country ". He actively participated in the organization and holding of the Nashi youth forums on Lake Seliger. So, in his biography on the website, the politician called himself the "author of projects" of the All-Russian forums "Seliger 2005", "Seliger 2006", "Seliger 2007", as well as the director of exhibitions of innovative projects "SelInn-2006" and "SelInn-2007" ", , .

In 2004 (according to other sources, in 2003), the National Institute "Higher School of Management" was established. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Belokonev and Nashi commissar Maria Kislitsyna were among its co-founders; the online publication claimed that Yakemenko was among the founders of the institute (in 2009 he was no longer on the list of founders). Vedomosti in 2010 noted that the non-profit organization Higher School of Management was one of the main recipients of money from the state close to Nashi. So, according to the publication, this institution received 113.5 million rubles in grants and government contracts in 2007-2010. It was noted that the school collaborated with United Russia, organized training programs at the Seliger forums, for which it received government contracts,,. In his biography on the website, Belokonev said that he was vice-rector, director of innovation programs at the Higher School of Economics (the dates when he held these positions were not indicated; in 2012, he was not mentioned among the leaders of the institute).

In 2005, without leaving his job at Nashi, Belokonev, as a senior lecturer, began teaching at the Department of Political Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (in 2008, after the Faculty of Political Science was created at the university, the department where Belokonev taught, became part of the faculty and was renamed the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics , ) , , .

According to the politician's website, back in 2003 he created the National Perspectives Foundation and became its president. The fund was mentioned in the media in 2006, however, in a number of biographies, in particular, in the official biography of the politician on the website of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), it was noted that Belokonev "in 2007-2011 created and was President of the National Perspectives Foundation "" , , . In the same 2007, they wrote about the fund that it was created "with the support of the presidential administration" and financed by "entrepreneurs leading the so-called "nationally oriented business"" - "investing money in the Russian economy and doing their business on the territory of Russia" . The main goal of the fund was declared to be "the formation of a regional youth personnel reserve", and for these purposes, since 2008, it has been issuing grants for the implementation of "entrepreneurial, innovative, socio-political and social initiatives of Russian youth",. It was also mentioned that the fund allocated money for the Seliger forum.

In the same 2007, Belokonev became the curator of the all-Russian movement program Ours - Our Elections; it was also noted that he was a member of the Central election headquarters of the United Russia party,. In the same year, Belokonev was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the list of United Russia from the Smolensk region,,. In addition to him, another native of Nashi turned out to be in the State Duma of the same convocation - the former press secretary of the movement Robert Schlegel,,. In the lower house of parliament, Belokonev took the post of first deputy chairman of the committee on youth affairs,,. In the same year, he left his job at Nashi,.

Nevertheless, work in the State Duma did not prevent Belokonev from participating in the organization of youth forums. So, he was listed as the "author of the project" of the Seliger-2008 forum, and also helped to hold similar events in the regions "at new sites in remote territories",. They also wrote that Belokonev began his deputy activity with a "high-profile action" - "removal of a leather chair from his personal office, under the slogan" protest against office work and status "",. Regarding his work in parliament, the politician said in an interview in 2009: "... To some surprise, I discovered that the profession of a deputy is painstaking and hard work."

In the spring of 2009, Belokonev became the secretary of the regional branch of United Russia in the Smolensk region,,,. In December of the same year, he entered the list of the personnel reserve of President Dmitry Medvedev,. Already in September 2010, Belokonev left the post of secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia Party,. The politician called the official reason for this decision "the difficulty of combining the work of a party secretary and a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation." However, commenting on Belokonev's resignation, the media mentioned the intra-party conflict in the Smolensk branch of United Russia, which led to the fact that the head of the city - a member of the party - the Smolensk city council, in which United Russia occupied the majority of seats, approved only on the seventh attempt,.

On November 7, 2011, it became known that Belokonev was appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Vasily Yakemenko,. In the same month, Belokonev resigned ahead of schedule as a deputy. It was also reported that in 2011 Belokonev left the post of president of the National Perspectives Foundation (on the website of the foundation, the politician in 2012 was listed as "chairman of the supervisory board").

After Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered Yakemenko to resign on June 9, 2012, Belokonev was appointed acting head of Rosmolodezh. On June 23, Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov announced that it was Belokonev who would be appointed the new head of the agency, and that it would become subordinate to the Ministry of Education (previously it was subordinate to the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy). On June 26, 2012, Belokonev, by order of the head of the government of the Russian Federation, was officially appointed head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs,,.

In his new position, Belokonev continued to participate in the Seliger youth forum. On the eve of the forum, the head of Rosmolodezh stated that the holding of Seliger in 2012 would cost 280 million rubles. Later, representatives of the department reported that the sponsors of Seliger-2012 refused to allocate funds for the camp, and it was organized entirely on state funding,,.

In the biography of Belokonev on the website of Rosmolodezh, among the hobbies of the head of the department, "travel, football, innovative projects" were called. Among the "research interests" were mentioned "political management, political psychology, psychology of mass communications" .

Belokonev is married and has three children.

Used materials

About the fund. - All-Russian Foundation "National Perspectives", 24.07.2012

Olga Zhermeleva. The Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber will check Seliger's expenses. - News, 17.07.2012

Ilya Shepelin. Sergei Belokonev: "I do not consider the opposition to be enemies of the state." - RBC, 29.06.2012

A budget option. - Kasparov.Ru, 29.06.2012

Olga Rakhimdzhanova. Dark horse Belokonev. - Moscow's comsomolets, 28.06.2012. - №25974

Sergei Belokonev has been officially appointed head of Rosmolodezh. - Newspaper.Ru, 26.06.2012

Sergei Belokonev has been appointed head of Rosmolodezh. - Russian newspaper, 26.06.2012

The way from Seliger to the Kremlin is short. - Bear, 23.06.2012

Vasily Yakemenko has been relieved of his post as head of Rosmolodezh. - Newspaper.Ru, 13.06.2012

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation. About Yakemenko V.G., 06/09/2012. - No. 941-r

The State Duma prematurely terminated the powers of four deputies at once. - RIA News, 22.11.2011

Deputy Belokonev was appointed deputy head of Rosmolodezh. - RIA News, 07.11.2011

The National Perspectives Foundation will consider youth projects of the Baikal 2020 camp. - Baikal inform, 10.08.2011

Marina Lemutkina. How Seliger was cloned. - Moscow's comsomolets, 08.08.2011. - №25713

Youth forums are a real tool for the development of regions. - NIRSI, 08.07.2011

National Institute "Higher School of Management" at the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Seliger 2011". - National Institute "Higher School of Management", 01.07.2011

Sergei Belokonev at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, June 2012
2nd Head
Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
June 13 - March 13
Predecessor Yakemenko Vasily Grigorievich Successor Pospelov Sergey Valerievich
Federal Commissioner
Youth movement OUR
2005 year - year 2013
Birth July 20(1977-07-20 ) (42 years)
Sloboda, Zolotukhinsky District, Kursk Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR Spouse married The consignment Walking together
Movement OUR
(2001 - 2013)
United Russia
(since 2007 - present)
Education Kursk State University
Moscow State Social University
Religion orthodoxy Place of work
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Media files at Wikimedia Commons


Since 2005, he has been teaching at the Department of Political Psychology, since 2008 - at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Moscow State University. He is also the head of the Department of Political Science at the Financial University.


At the end of 2003, after completing his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, from 2005 to 2013 he was a teacher of disciplines in political psychology and public relations.

Being the secretary of the Federal Council of the Youth Movement NASHI and deputy of Vasily Grigoryevich Yakemenko, Sergei Yuryevich Belokonev developed and implemented the concept of the youth educational forum Seliger 2005 (and in subsequent years supervised its educational and innovative program). Created and implemented jointly with Vasily Yakemenko, the Seliger forum and the system of personnel training (Higher School of Management) have become a new stage in the development of state youth policy. On this basis, by decision, the State Committee for Youth Affairs was recreated in the Government of the Russian Federation (October 2007) and for the first time the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was created (2007 - 2011).

By 2012 - 2013 under the leadership of Sergei Yuryevich Belokonev (2008 - 2011 State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs, 2012 - 2014 Rosmolodezh), a system of youth forums was created - more than 40 district and interregional forums (SeliDon, SeliAs, SeliSakh / Ostrova, Mashuk , BaltArtek, Ladoga, Volga, Ivolga, Morning, TIM-Biryusa and others).

Under the auspices of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs (Chairman P. Tarakanov), 1st Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev created and coordinated the Association of Young Deputies of Russia (more than 150 deputies of regional parliaments and more than a thousand municipal deputies).

In 2008, within the framework of the SeliAs forum, a technology for creating, maintaining and supporting youth initiatives, the Youth Project Conveyor, was developed and implemented. In the period from 2008 to 2011, the National Perspectives Foundation, created by the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev, was able to prepare thousands of youth projects and attract funds from entrepreneurs and sponsors in about 1000 projects worth more than $ 1 million.

This successful work became the basis for the creation of the All-Russian state system of training, selection and grant support for youth projects, which started in 2012.

The new head of Rosmolodezh, Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev, following the results of the Seliger 2012 forum, received the support of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, for state funding of youth projects - 1000 projects were supported by the state for more than 120 million rubles.

Later, during the year, an all-Russian system for selecting and supporting youth projects was created - in 2013, about 6,000 youth projects received support at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

The success of the youth policy in 2012 - 2014 was the creation of a system of 10 federal projects (in 2011 there were only 4), covering all the main areas of implementation of talented youth - from innovation and entrepreneurship, to sports volunteering and personnel for construction and housing and communal services.

In parallel with this, Sergei Yuryevich Belokonev managed to successfully fulfill the order of the leadership of the United Russia party to strengthen the regional branch of the Smolensk region, which by the spring of 2009 had lost a number of elections, including the defeat of the candidate from the authorities in the elections of the mayor of Smolensk in March 2009.

Within 500 days (from 2009 to 2010) the regional branch of the United Russia party under the leadership of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev won all the elections held in the Smolensk region - including the elections to the Smolensk City Council, where 16 out of 25 nominated (appointed by the director for development - direction GR).

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