Which baby food is palm oil added to. Palm oil in infant formula: the benefits and harms of the product. Harm to infants

Mothers who cannot breastfeed are forced to use ready-made formulas. As a rule, their manufacturers try to reproduce the composition of women's milk as much as possible, but this is very difficult, for example, cow or goat milk will not work - their fat content and set of acids are completely different.

So is palm oil in baby food good and bad? Manufacturers of baby food claim that vegetable oils are the closest to breast milk - palm, coconut, sunflower, soy, or rather, a combination of them.

Each of these extracts contains only a few vitamins and fatty acids, as a result, only using all vegetable fats will ensure the maximum benefit of the mixture! Below will be considered the features of the use of palm oil in infant formula, harm and benefit.

Application features

The herbal extract is produced in large quantities from the available pulp of oil palms, and therefore has a relatively low cost, which explains its popularity among manufacturers of various food products. In addition, the substance has a pleasant taste and palpable sweetness, from which such food becomes a favorite among children.

An equally important property for manufacturers is the high resistance of palm oil to external factors: it does not spoil for a long time, and when added to the mixture, it significantly extends its shelf life.

The benefits and harms of palm oil in baby food

This vegetable fat contains vitamins A and E, coenzymes and palmitic acid - the last ingredient is the most important, because this substance is found in large quantities in breast milk, but in nature its only source is palm fruits.

Coenzyme Q10 is an important antioxidant that removes cholesterol and toxins from the body, while vitamins and fatty acids ensure the normal growth of the baby!

Despite all the apparent advantages, palm oil in infant formulas is not as useful as it seems at first glance! This circumstance is due to the fact that its melting point is very high - this prevents the normal digestion of fat in the baby's intestines.

In addition, in addition to the advertised palmitic acid, this oil contains other components that interfere with digestion processes - because of this, the crumbs can have constipation and intestinal colic. In addition, the relationship between palmitic acid and mineral balance has been proven: this substance binds calcium, prevents it from being absorbed into the intestines, excreting it with feces.

Regular intake of infant formulas with this component provokes a decrease in bone strength and a slowdown in skeletal growth.

The question of palm oil in infant formula, its good or bad, is still debatable even for experienced pediatricians! Some are sure that this product is simply indispensable for replenishing baby food with fatty acids, while others are afraid of problems with bones and intestinal diseases.

Dr. Komarovsky: palm oil in baby food

Here is a quote from a famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, about the content of palm oil in the diet of children, an opinion about the benefits and harms in the diet of a child.

Whether or not to buy food with palm oil is the choice of parents, but if possible, it is better to refrain from such products, because the health of the crumbs is laid in infancy itself!

On this topic: Benefits and harms of palm oil for health - 5 facts

In the press and on television, you can often hear about the dangers of palm oil, especially for the child's body. At the same time, palm oil continues to be added to most infant formulas as a source of fat. This causes concern for parents. They try to find palm oil free blends. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth looking for a child palm oil free blend or it doesn't make sense.

What is palm oil?

Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is obtained from the pulp of the oil palm fruit. According to the chemical structure, it is a mixture of triacylglycerols - compounds of glycerol and fatty acids: palmitic (44%), oleic (39%), linoleic (10%), stearic (4.5%), other fatty acids are found in palm oil in small quantities . Palm oil is the champion among vegetable and animal oils in terms of the content of palmitic acid, fat-soluble vitamins A and E. In the body of an adult, it is absorbed by 96%, for comparison: cow's milk fats are absorbed by 90%.

Why is palm oil added to infant formula?

In the production of infant formula, in order to bring the content of whey proteins and casein closer to their content in breast milk, whey is used. But, in the process of obtaining whey, the content of milk fats decreases, in order to make up for the lack of fats and bring their composition closer to the composition of human milk fats, vegetable oils are added to the mixture, incl. Palm.

Palm oil in infant formula is a source of saturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Saturated fatty acids are needed by the child's body as a source of energy, as well as for the construction of hormones and cell membranes. In case of a lack of these acids, the human body can synthesize them from carbohydrates, but this requires additional energy costs.

Harm of palm oil

The press discusses the harm of palm oil for people in general and specifically for infants.

Harm for everyone

The harm for everyone lies in the fact that palm oil, as well as animal fats (butter, lard, etc.), contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids, it also contains cholesterol. With regular excess consumption of such products, the risk of heart disease increases. - vascular diseases and weight gain.

At the same time, for children, including infants, cholesterol and fatty acids are needed in certain quantities, as a source of energy, and also as a material for building hormones and cell membranes.

Therefore, from this point of view, use a child eating palm oil in an amount acceptable for age will benefit him, not harm.

Harm to infants

Harm to infants is that palm oil reduces the absorption of calcium from infant formula. A number of studies have been conducted proving that calcium in the body of children who were fed mixtures with palm oil is absorbed 15-20% worse than in children who were fed mixtures without palm oil.

This is due to the unfavorable lateral position of palmitic acid in the fat molecule. In this position, it is easily cleaved off under the influence of the lipase enzyme. Free palmitic acid in the intestines of the child combines with calcium, forms insoluble complexes that are not absorbed and excreted from the body. Therefore, in mixtures containing palm oil the absorption of not only calcium but also fat is reduced. The presence of such calcium salts in the intestine adversely affects the nature of the stool and contributes to the development of constipation.

Such effects of palm oil for a child are undesirable..

Why does palm oil continue to be added to infant formula?

Palmitic acid is found in most vegetable and animal fats., in palm oil it contains approximately 39-47%, in lard - 30%, in butter 25%, in soybean 6.5%. In all these products, palmitic acid is found mainly in the unfavorable lateral or alpha position, and only in human milk is palmitic acid in the central or beta position. In this position, lipase does not act on it and calcium salts are not formed.

It is impossible to make a product absolutely identical in composition to human milk.. Babies who have been and are formula fed with palm oil develop absolutely normally. Therefore, palm oil in infant formula is approved by all nutrition institutes.

But manufacturers of infant formula are constantly working to improve their composition..

What are blend manufacturers doing to reduce the undesirable effects of palm oil?

  • For the production of infant formula, palm olein is used - the liquid fraction of palm oil, in which the content of saturated fatty acids is slightly lower (40%).
  • Palm oil is added in modern infant formulas in a much smaller amount than before research (most of the research in this direction was carried out in 1994-2000).
  • Some manufacturers add a little more fat to the mixture than is found in human milk. (Humana, Hipp, Nan, Nutrilak),
  • All infant formulas contain about 1.5 times more calcium than human milk, taking into account the fact that it is less absorbed from the mixture,
  • Vitamin D is added to all infant formulas for better absorption of calcium,
  • Prebiotics are added to most infant formulas to prevent constipation.

Palm Oil Free Blends

Exist no palm oil blends: Nanny and Similac. But these mixtures have their drawbacks. They are not whey, but casein. These mixtures are less close to human milk in terms of protein composition.. What is better for a child is up to you, dear parents.

Beta palmitate

Finally, the latest achievement in this area.

Photobank Lori

The conference “Fats in Modern Infant Formula: Myths and Reality” ended in Moscow, where scientists understood the benefits and harms of palm oil.

Why does a baby need fat?

Happy is the baby who feeds on breast milk. Mother's milk is a unique product that contains everything necessary for the harmonious growth and development of the child. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains more than a dozen fatty acids: capric, linoleic, lauric, stearic, linolenic, myristic, oleic, palmitic or hexadecanoic.

A quarter of all the fats in breast milk is palmitic acid. Fats are very important for a child's development. So, a newborn and an infant up to 3 months of life should receive 49.1% fat, 43.6% carbohydrates and 7.4% proteins. By the age of 1.5-2 years, fats normally make up about 60% of the dry weight of the brain in a child. “Fats are not only an important source of energy, but also one of the main components of cells. The ideal food for an infant is breast milk, which contains all the fats and fatty acids necessary for him in the optimal ratio,” says Natalia Shilina, Leading Researcher at the Baby Nutrition Department of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Not all fatty acids can be synthesized in a woman's body. For example, α-linolenic acid is not produced by the body. It can be replenished by using rapeseed oil, soybean and flaxseed. By the way, it was linseed oil that was the most popular vegetable oil in Russia. According to experts, in pre-revolutionary Russia, 40% of all oil was linseed.

Therefore, it is so important to monitor high-quality, balanced and healthy food. The usefulness of breast milk directly depends on the diet of a young mother. Moreover, you can take care of the quality of mother's milk not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy. It is believed, for example, that eating fatty fish at least once a week saturates milk with hexadecanoic acid.

What are breast milk substitutes?

But what about babies who, for one reason or another, the mother cannot breastfeed? After all, these children also need full development in accordance with age. For these babies, breast milk substitutes have been created, for which scientists have tried to create nutrition adapted for babies as close as possible to mother's milk. “The composition of modern infant formulas includes a combination of vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed, palm, etc.) and milk fat, which brings the fat component of formulas closer to the fatty acid composition of breast milk,” explains Natalia Shilina.

Inflated from this palm oil catastrophe on a global scale. There is nothing terrible in it. By the way, there is no palm oil in Similac, but there is coconut oil. Big difference? It is present in all mixtures. No child has yet died from it.

With the advent of new, more advanced diagnostic equipment, researchers are identifying more and more unique substances contained in breast milk. Therefore, children's artificial mixtures are constantly being finalized and improved.

Vladimir Bessonov, Head of the Laboratory of Food Chemistry at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, spoke about the advisability of using vegetable fats in artificial mixtures: complete replacement of dairy fats with vegetable fats. Contrary to popular belief, they are recognized as safe for the baby, since modern infant formulas use only edible vegetable oils or their fractions, specially selected so that they are as close as possible to the “ideal fat” for the baby. In this form, the fat component is both useful and easily digestible. In this, children's products are strikingly different from adults, since practically no one is engaged in the creation of balanced fatty products in Russia. So parents don't have to worry about the words "vegetable fats" or "palm oil" on the packaging of infant formula, because they are included in the product to help the baby develop fully.

Cow's milk or infant formula?

Some parents, who doubt the safety of infant formula, prefer to feed their babies with cow's or even goat's milk the old fashioned way. Surprisingly, scientists insist that breast milk substitutes are absorbed more efficiently than any animal milk. Only artificial mixtures contain the proportion of “ingredients” important for the development of the child as close as possible to breast milk.

Cow's milk, for example, is generally not suitable for breastfeeding. Let's compare the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats: in cow's milk, saturated fats are 45.8%, and unsaturated - 28.65%. Whereas in breast milk 33.69% saturated fats and 47.57% unsaturated.

Myths about palm oil

Palm oil is said to be unhealthy. Interestingly, however, it began to be eaten more than 5,000 years ago during the time of the pharaohs. Olive oil, which has gained popularity among modern housewives, was “born” later, as, indeed, its closest competitor, sunflower oil. By the way, in terms of the concentration of substances useful for the baby, olive occupies a rather modest place in the ranking.

They say that palm oil is not absorbed by the human body. The digestibility rate of palm oil is 95.8%. In milk fat, this figure is 90.7%.

It is said that palm oil is widely used in nutrition because of its low cost in the market. In relation to baby food, this statement is unfounded. Experts say that with a relatively inexpensive cost of raw materials, after technological processing - and for artificial mixtures not palm oil, but palmitic acid is used - and transportation costs, the product becomes on the same price line as sunflower oil. Why, in this case, not to use our native sunflower, inquisitive readers will ask? The answer is simple: because sunflower oil contains very little palmitic acid.

Palm oil is said to be banned in Europe. It is not true. The lack of mention of palm oil in the composition of artificial infant formula is entirely due to the peculiarities of the technical regulations for this product. Imported packages of breast milk substitutes are labeled "vegetable oil". However, as early as next year, tightening will come into force in European countries, requiring the manufacturer to decipher which of the vegetable oils is used. Russian experts, who carefully monitor and study the latest developments in the composition of infant formulas, are confident that palm oil will appear in the product.

Palm oil belongs to the vegetable group, produced from the fruits of the oil palm. At this point in time, it is produced in huge quantities, used in many foods, but it causes a lot of scientific controversy about its beneficial and harmful effects on the human body.

In particular, discussions continue about what palm oil does in infant formulas, how justified its presence in the diet for newborns, and whether it is safe for their health. Very serious questions that parents should better sort out right away in order to decide for themselves what products to buy for their crumbs - with or without it.

Oil palm can be found in Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia. The oil produced from its fruits is one of the leading agricultural products in the world.

It is actively used not only in the food industry, but also in the cosmetics industry (for example, products from Dove). From 1 hectare of land, this tree is able to produce 8 times more oil than an ordinary sunflower. It is understandable why its extraction and production are on such a scale.

According to WWF (World Wildlife Fund) statistics, 50% of all products in packages contain it. And everything would be fine, but this state of affairs a few years ago really scared nutritionists and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Information has spread that it is incredibly harmful to health.

But how then are they allowed to use palm oil in formulas for newborns, which must pass a lot of tests, clinical trials and receive the appropriate certificate? Really at first they were allowed to production, and then only the danger was revealed?

In fact, the benefits and harms of this product are still being questioned. Despite ongoing research, there are no exact results, scientifically substantiated and recorded. There are observations, assumptions, hypotheses, which will be discussed in detail below.

But already now, parents should clarify the truth for themselves: if mixtures with palm oil are allowed for production, it means that it does not bring a total catastrophe for the health of the newborn. Otherwise, the release of such products would have been banned long ago. Moreover, it has a certain degree of usefulness for artificial children.

We debunk myths. A few years ago, a terrible story spread on the Internet that palm oil was brought to Russia in tanks from oil products. There is no official confirmation of even a one-time such case. The product enters the country on sea tankers.


Before talking about how harmful palm oil is in infant formulas, it's worth considering why manufacturers even came up with the idea of ​​using it in baby food. But there is a sense in this - and very much even considerable. What is its benefit?

  1. This is the record holder for the content of tocopherol, vitamin E, which is a fighter against free radicals and prevents cancer.
  2. It contains 15 times more retinol (vitamin A) than carrots.
  3. The digestibility of the product is 6% higher than that of milk fat, approximately 96%.
  4. Thanks to palmitic oil, infant formulas acquire a fat content as close as possible to the consistency of breast milk. No other products can recreate it.

So, the useful properties of the product lie on the surface, the motives and desire to use it in the food industry are understandable. So where are the attacks on him? Why do parents still prefer to buy baby formula for newborns without palm oil, claiming its harmful effects on a small body?

The share of danger still exists, but no more than other products that make up baby food.

Curious fact. No country in the world has banned palm oil. And in Russia it is consumed no more. On the contrary: the import of this product to the Russian Federation occupies only the 8th position after India, Egypt, Pakistan, the USA, etc.


In search of justice as opposed to beneficial properties, we will talk about the harmful effects of this natural source of fat on a small organism. And then it will become clear why parents are more willing to buy milk formulas for newborns without palm oil.

There are assumptions made on the basis of observation and research that indicate the danger that this product poses to the health of babies. Here they are:

  • the absorption of calcium by the child's body is reduced, which is necessary for newborns at this stage for the formation of the skeleton and bone mineralization;
  • calcium binds, leaves the body in this form, which provokes hardened stools in a child;
  • some proportion of fat comes out with the stool;
  • palm oil can lead to blockage of blood vessels, increasing blood cholesterol, so mixtures based on it are contraindicated for newborns with cardiovascular problems.

At the same time, this harm to newborns is mainly caused by low-quality palm oil. In most infant formulas, only an extract of palmitic acid is used from it - and then there is no danger at all.

But some unscrupulous manufacturers (but, fortunately, there are very few of them) add another oil component to the mixture instead of it - olein, which provokes the development of all these side effects. The data of recent studies can be found in the table.

Given the identified negative properties of palm oil, manufacturers have revised the formula of the product obtained for use in infant formula. Now the molecules of palmitic acid and olein can no longer bind calcium - this side effect is completely leveled.

So, when you see the phrase “modified palm oil” on the packaging of nutrition for newborns, do not be alarmed: this is just the same modified universal formula that will not harm the baby.

After analyzing all these facts and weighing all the pros and cons, it's time to make a decision: will your newborn grow up on infant formula with palm oil?

Sad facts. Unfortunately, due to the increased production of palm oil in the tropics, huge areas of forest are cut down for plantations. This disrupts the ecosystem, some animal species of that zone are on the verge of extinction. Greenpeace beats the biggest concern about the harm of this product.

Between for and against

On the one hand - a lot of useful properties. On the other hand, even more criticism and horrifying stories. In fact, the question of whether palm oil in infant formula is harmful is still open for discussion. There are his supporters, there are opponents. Everyone is free to make a choice for themselves and their kids.

The main thing here is to be objective, look for a golden mean, listen to the opinions of experts. And be sure to consider two facts:

  1. If palm oil were so dangerous to the health of newborns, it would not be allowed to be used in infant formula.
  2. Many well-known brands in the neonatal nutrition market, which have received a huge amount of positive reviews, produce palm oil formulas.

The latter fact is confirmed by the corresponding lists of baby food brands in which this product is present or absent.

Note. The World Health Organization has never banned palm oil for food use. She only included it in the list of foods that people with cardiovascular diseases need to limit in their diet. Now, if a newborn has similar problems, do not get him a mixture with these fats, which are listed as “vegetable” on the package.

Lists of mixtures

If you are looking for a mixture without palm oil, study the labels, the manufacturer will indicate this information on the packaging

If you're afraid of risking your baby's health and the stories about this unusual product scare you, you'll need a list of palm oil free infant formulas so you can choose the right product. So you will not be tormented by conscience.

If you want to give yourself confidence and draw conclusions without regard to public opinion, the list of baby food in which this vegetable fat is present will convince you with the fame and authority of the brands that appear on it.

With palm oil

There is palm oil in the formula for newborns from the following manufacturers:

  1. Nestogen (Nestogen). Switzerland.
  2. Bellakt. Belarus.
  3. Hipp (HiPP). Germany.
  4. Agusha. Russia.
  5. Baby. Russia.
  6. Nan (Nan). Netherlands.
  7. Baby. Russia.

Agree: many brands are too recognizable. Would they risk their own credibility and include a dubious ingredient in their products (and even for children)? Hardly.

Palm oil free

Keep in mind that palm oil-free infant formulas have their drawbacks. First, the high price. Secondly, no less dubious components can also be found in their composition. For example, soy or rapeseed oils, beta palmitate.

Read up on the dangers and benefits of these ingredients in baby formula before you buy them. In any case, this list will help you navigate the current market.

  1. Similac (Similac). Spain / Ireland / Denmark (manufacturing country has changed several times). Palm oil is replaced by coconut, sunflower and soybean.
  2. Nutrilon (Nutrilon). Netherlands. It contains beta palmitate.
  3. Nanny. New Zealand. In the composition you can find coconut, sunflower, canal (rapeseed) oils. These are hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns without palm oil, as they are based on goat's milk.
  4. Kabrita. Netherlands. Using beta palmitate.
  5. Heinz. Great Britain. Again, we find beta palmitate.

This is without palm oil, judging by the reviews of young mothers and the recommendations of pediatricians. Use this list to find the perfect fit for your little one.

And at the same time be able to break social stereotypes. Think again about the fact that artificial babies are deprived of breast milk, which they so desperately need at this stage. And only vegetable fat from oil palm can bring the mixture as close as possible in consistency and composition to delicious mother's milk. To all - worldly parental wisdom.

The best food for a baby is breast milk. But it happens that a mother, for one reason or another, cannot breastfeed her baby. And here manufacturers of baby food come to the aid of mommy.

Palm oil as part of infant formula milk most of the time it's negative. It is believed that it is not very good for health. And if there is an alternative, it is better to buy a product without palm oil.

palm oil properties

Palm oil is a translucent yellowish-reddish fat with an odor similar to margarine. Due to the property to be stored for a long time, this oil is widely used in the confectionery and baking, dairy industry, cooking, fast food. And also it is indispensable in the production of instant noodles.

Why is palm oil so popular? It is much cheaper than similar oils and fats, and can be stored for a long time. Palm oil is convenient for the producer because it is unpretentious, and for the consumer because the favorite biscuits or noodles are so cheap.

But nutritionists believe that the benefits here are doubtful. You will have to pay for it with your own health. Palm oil is stored in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, is slowly absorbed and excreted, thus slowing down the digestion process. High energy value is another properties of palm oil causes obesity and even diabetes.

Why is palm oil added to the mix?

We know that palm oil add part infant milk formulas. But why?

Studies of the composition of breast milk have shown that in order to bring the mixture closer in composition to mother's milk, it is necessary to introduce a certain amount of vegetable oils into it.

Palm oil introduced in mixtures as a source of palmitic acid. This acid is also found in breast milk, which is the standard. Palm oil is not the only source of palmitic acid. It is also found in soybean, rapeseed, coconut, corn, sunflower oils. When they are included in the mixture, you can do without palm oil.

The combination of these oils can provide just the right amount of palmitic acid for the baby, allowing the immature digestive tract to absorb it easily.

Why is palm oil harmful?

Palm oil has an adverse effect on the human body. It contains only 10 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is dominated by saturated acids, which cause colic and constipation in children. Thus, a mixture containing palm oil, according to some studies, can be a factor in provoking harder stools, colic and uncomfortable digestion.

Getting in large quantities in the intestines, palmitic acid, thickens the stool and prevents the absorption of calcium, forming insoluble compounds with it.

There is compelling scientific evidence why palm oil is bad for kids.

Consistent intake of products containing palm oil, after 3-4 months, leads to a decrease in bone mineral density by about 10 percent. In subsequent periods of age, the child has a risk of developing problems with the musculoskeletal system and injuring the bone tissue. If, during the period of growing up and active growth, the child receives a large amount of palm oil, this will aggravate the situation on the part of the skeletal system.

If a mother constantly feeds a child with products with palm oil, by preschool age there will be a risk of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The likelihood of developing atherosclerosis increases, which has recently been increasingly common not only in adults, but also in children.

But while scientists are studying the harm of palm oil and drawing conclusions, then, probably, to put an end to this issue and stop using it. Moms froze in anticipation: whether or not to buy a mixture with palm oil. We found, what's wrong with palm oil in nutrition and milk formulas in particular. Do not experiment with the health of the child.

For infant formula - no palm oil!

When choosing an infant formula, you should pay attention to the composition. The label should indicate which vegetable oils are included. They must be decrypted. If not, consider another jar.

This is very important given the hidden threat of palm oil exposure.

Low cost and pleasant taste characteristics make palm oil an indispensable component of baby food for many brands. To improve the quality characteristics of the final product, manufacturers artificially make changes to the stationary position of palmitic acid in the palm olein formula.

Harm of palm oil in the diet of children

The danger of palm oil contained in infant formula and other food products for the body of babies is that due to its regular use:

Calcium is poorly absorbed, because of this, bone strength decreases, and skeletal growth slows down;

Under the influence of additional elements of palm oil, the digestive system worsens and constipation occurs.

Despite the obvious disadvantages of palm oil, manufacturers do not think about the consequences and add palm oil in different fractions to infant formula. All responsibility for the consequences of using such products lies with the parents, therefore, before buying and using mixtures for children, it is worth weighing all the possible risks.

The benefits of palm oil

Vitamins A and E, palmitic acid, contained in palm oil, ensure the active growth of babies from birth within the normal range. Coenzyme Q10 is responsible for removing toxins and cholesterol from the body. Palm oil is one of the key components of baby food due to its versatile effect on the children's body.

The recipe for high-quality nutrition for children from popular brands provides for the use of modified butter, which, in its composition and chemical formula, is closest to the milk of a nursing mother, while the absorption of calcium is at the required level.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about palm oil

The opinion of a well-known pediatrician on whether palm oil in baby food causes significant damage to the health of babies is unequivocal: any mixture is preferable to the unprocessed pure milk protein found in cow's or goat's milk, which inexperienced mothers are so fond of giving to children.

According to Komarovsky, for parents, the main criteria for assessing the benefits or harms of food should be the appetite, health status and behavior of the child.

If the baby's appetite does not change, he is active and mobile, and the food is well absorbed, then the food was chosen correctly.

The probability of any deviations from the norms always exists, and a striking example of this is the fact that even mother's milk is not always completely absorbed by the child's body, which is why it is quite rare to avoid troubles with the establishment of digestion in the first months after the birth of a child.

GMOs in baby food

Since the version of the complete safety of GMO products has not been confirmed, it is not recommended to introduce them into the child's diet. In addition, many specialized experts say that genetically modified ingredients obtained from the processing of GM organisms are fraught with various dangers.

For example, the occurrence of allergies increases significantly; resistance to antibiotics occurs; the frequency of food poisoning increases, etc.

The best source of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients for children is mother's milk. But if for some reason there is not enough breast milk, or there is no way to breastfeed the baby, then it is best for these purposes to choose adapted formulas intended for newborns (without the inclusion of palm oil).

If there is no such possibility (not available in a store or pharmacy, high price, etc.), then stop at those products where the oil comes in a modified form (beta palmitate).

Each manufacturer is under the obligation to indicate the detailed composition of the product on the packaging, to which every interested buyer has access in order to find out which of the infant formulas of different prices does not contain palm oil.

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