Speech games. Comparative stories about insects. Analysis of the fable by I. Krylov “Dragonfly and ant. The story of the ant and the dragonfly What the dragonfly asked the ant for 10 letters

Sections: Primary School

Class: 2

Lesson Objectives:

  • Encourage children to read fables.
  • To teach to distinguish a fable from other literary genres, to find the main idea of ​​a fable, morality, to select proverbs and correlate them with the text, to teach students to analyze and draw conclusions.
  • Learn to work in pairs, groups


  • Introduce students to the new fable of I.A. Krylov.
  • Learn to see and feel the meaning of the fable behind the lines of the work, to express your thoughts.
  • To develop and enrich students' speech, artistic taste.

Planned results


  • the student will get acquainted with I.A. Krylov’s fable “Dragonfly and Ant”, repeat and consolidate the studied information about the fable, will learn to argue their opinion during the discussion, correlate proverbs and the meaning of the fable text, characterize the heroes of the fable based on the text, read the fable expressively by roles;


  • the student will continue to learn to formulate a learning task, accept it, save it and strive to complete it; will continue to master the UUD of a logical nature (analysis, comparison, causal relationships, generalization), will master the sign-symbolic means of presenting information (genre definition), actively use speech means when working with text; be willing to accept different points of view; in the course of work in pairs and groups, he will continue to master the initial forms of cognitive reflection (answering final questions and evaluating personal achievements);


  • development of motives for learning activities; the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; development of cooperation skills with adults and peers; understanding the value of labor; development of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness; formation of adequate self-esteem.

Formed UUD:

  • personal: correlate an act with a moral norm; evaluate the actions of heroes; analyze and characterize emotional states; motivate your actions; show kindness; apply the rules of business cooperation, evaluate their own learning activities;
  • regulatory: plan a solution to a learning problem, analyze your own work;
  • cognitive: establish cause-and-effect dependencies; discuss problematic issues;
  • communicative: to perceive the text taking into account the set educational task; characterize the characters in the story.

Lesson type: Lesson of learning new things and improving knowledge and methods of activity, integrated with the lesson “the world around us”.

Technologies: the use of technology for the development of critical thinking, problem-dialog training.

Equipment: textbook “Literary reading”, 2nd grade, part 1 (compiled by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova), soundtrack “Sounds of the forest”, portrait of Aesop, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Krylov, tablets with words, with texts of proverbs and riddles, assignments for students (for work in pairs, groups), sheets with texts of riddles, proverbs, poems for students, a self-assessment sheet, the cartoon “Dragonfly and Ant”, a guide to literary reading " My box” (Bershanskaya O.N., Degtyareva G.D., Kirov, 2010).


1. Org. moment.

  • Reading without thinking is a waste of time.


How do you understand the expression?

2. Checking d / z.

Read the words. Make an offer with them. What did they suggest to you?

On the board: wagon, Swan, Cancer, Pike.

Expressive reading of the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

What is the moral of the fable? What expression has become popular?

Reading tablets with proverbs:

  • Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.
  • You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

Read the proverbs. Choose a proverb for the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike".

What is a "fable"?

3. Preparation for the perception of a work of art.

A) verbal exercise.

Read the sentence written on the board

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

With different intonation

Name the answer.

How did you guess?

There is a sign on the board with the word AUTUMN

Guys, autumn - what is it? (Season)

B) Children reading the texts of riddles on handouts.

Read the first riddle. Consult with a neighbor on the desk in choosing a guess. Prove the correctness of the guess (explanatory dictionaries with bookmarks on the desks to find out the lexical meaning of unfamiliar words).

I work in artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce,
I drag a log along the mounds -
More carpenter it is.

On the board are pictures with insects: flies, bees, butterflies, beetles, wasps, ants, dragonflies.

Children name a guess, prove the choice of answer, choose a picture.

Children. This is an ant.

What do you know about ants? (children's answers)

There are many proverbs about ants. Read (on the board).

  • An ant is small in body, but great in deed.
  • Go to the ant, you lazy one, learn prudence from him.

Which proverb did you like best and why?

Read the second riddle.

Airplane light fast
Fragrant flies over the flower.
Wings, tail and eyes.
It's a miracle...

Work on the answer is similar to the first about the ant.

Why is a dragonfly compared to an airplane?

Children. Dragonfly wings are shaped like airplane wings. They are transparent. Passing the light of the sky, the wings appear blue.

What do you know about dragonfly? (children's answers)

C) Work on composing words from parts.

On the card board:

for Stre ko vey ra mu

What task do you propose to complete?

Make up words from cards.

The words are lined up on the board: autumn, Dragonfly, Ant.

What question would you like to ask?

Children: Why are the words Dragonfly and Ant capitalized?

They make a guess.

And can they become heroes of the fable?

D) Read the poem about the autumn of the Russian poet A. Pleshcheev “A boring picture” (the words of the poem are printed on handouts).

boring picture

Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch...
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early,
Autumn, come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth! (A. Pleshcheev)

What did you feel while reading the poem? Why?

From the Dictionary of Moods (“My Box”), children choose those that can be attributed to the poem.

Why were you in such a mood?

E) - How can the words autumn, Dragonfly, Ant be related? Make a suggestion with them.

Today we will get acquainted with the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant".

What would you like to learn in class? What will we study? (We will thoughtfully read the fable, learn to evaluate the actions of the heroes, stage) What should we remember from the last lesson?

E) - And now I suggest you return to the summer for a few minutes. Why is it good? (Children's eyes are closed)

Children: Warmth, beautiful flowers, insects.

(Music playing) Look, look! Dragonfly! What is she?

Children: Beautiful, carefree, cheerful, frisky.

What is he doing?

Flutters, flies, sits down, catches, rests.

Another insect lives there - an ant. What is he?

Hardworking, diligent, tireless, caring.

All day long he does something ... (wears, works, builds, cares)

The board is written:


  • Cheerful, carefree,
  • Flutters, flies, rests.

Open the textbooks on p.106, look at the illustrations. Which of the characters did the artist draw differently than we imagined? Why do you think?

4. Primary perception of the text.

Reading the fable “Dragonfly and Ant” by the teacher not to the end, to the words “Did you sing everything? ..” (Reception “reading with stops”)

What do you think, will the Ant release the Dragonfly? (Children speak their mind)

Reading a fable.

Guys, did the Ant let the Dragonfly go?

5. Checking the primary perception.

Name the heroes of the fable?

What has the Dragonfly been doing all summer?

What was Ant doing?

What did the Ant Dragonfly ask for?

What did the ant say?

Did you like the fable?

Did your expectations come true when reading this fable?

6. Physical education.

Phonogram "Sounds of the Forest".

Game: "What am I doing, tell me, just show it."

In the morning the dragonfly woke up
Stretched, smiled
Once - washed with dew,
Two - gracefully circled,
Three - bent down and sat down,
On four - flew,
Stopped by the river
Circled over the water.

7. Analysis of a literary work.

a) Students read the fable. What words and phrases do you not understand? (reading with notes).

Let's watch the cartoon. Maybe he will help in explaining the words.

Why does the Dragonfly have longing, and even evil?

How do you understand the expression "Winter rolls in the eyes"?

How does she roll? (approaching unexpectedly)

What does it mean "dead clean field"? (The harvest is harvested. Flowers and herbs withered, withered. Insects and animals hid, hibernated. Birds flew away. There is dead silence in the field.

Self-assessment of their activities.

b) Selective reading.

Find in the text lines about the life of the Dragonfly in the summer.

Find the line that sums up the Dragonfly's life during the summer.

The whole summer she sang.

How can you call the Dragonfly in one word?

Lazybones. (A note is added on the board)

What did we get?


How has the Dragonfly's life changed with the onset of winter? Find words that speak about her condition.

Evil sadness.

  • To whom did the Dragonfly go for help?
  • With what request did she turn to the Ant? (find in text)
  • What did the ant say to her?
  • How should the words of the Ant be understood?

c) Do you sympathize with the dragonfly?

What would you do in Ant's place? Why?

Give a description of the hero (using the dictionary from the reference book “My Box”).

Make a cinquain "Ant". Group work.

8. Secondary analysis.

– What vices of people does I.A. Krylov in his fable?

What words are the moral of this fable?

Board writing:

  • mockingly
  • with contempt;
  • with love;
  • with humor;
  • with kindness;
  • with admiration;
  • with warmth.

Teacher: The poet exhibited his fable heroes in a funny light, talking about them with a share of humor, kindness and warmth.

Role reading.

Read the Ant and Dragonfly dialogue expressively. Work in pairs.

Group work of students is creative work.

Tasks in groups, students perform by choice.

Assignment to the first group.

* Model to indicate the genre of the work (“My box”)

* Among the listed signs, mark only those that relate to the fable. Prove that the work "Dragonfly and Ant" is a fable.

  • Heroes - animals or plants,
  • The presence of invention
  • poetic form,
  • three times repeat,
  • Morality,
  • Image of experiences and feelings,
  • small volume,
  • The presence of their permanent heroes,
  • Unusual.

Task for the second group.

* Show a live picture of the fable (facial expressions, gestures) “Dragonfly and Ant”.

- What feelings did the Dragonfly experience, turning to the Ant for help?

Task for the third group.

- What awaits the heroes of the fable in the future?

Task for the fourth group.

Collect proverbs and find those that relate to the fable.

Self-assessment of activity.

9. The result of the lesson.

Which character in the fable did you like best?

Find the words that contain the main idea of ​​the work.

How do you understand them?

Which of the proverbs about ants suits the hero of the fable? (Proverbs on the board)

10. Reflection.

What new and interesting things did you discover during this lesson?

Depict with a smiley what mood you were in the lesson.

Self-assessment of activity.

11. D/z. An expressive reading of a fable. At will - by heart.


Read the poem by Athanasius Fet and compare it with the seasonal changes in the fable.

Just yesterday in the sun,
The last forest trembled with a leaf,
And the winter is lush green,
She lay on a velvet carpet.
...Today summer has suddenly disappeared;
White, lifeless circle,
Earth and sky - all dressed -
Some dull silver...

Reading and comparing Aesop's fable "Dragonfly and ants" translated by L.N. Tolstoy.

(The fable is printed on handouts)

Read Aesop's fable translated by L. N. Tolstoy "The Dragonfly and the Ants".

In autumn, the ants got wet wheat: they dried it. A hungry dragonfly asked them for food. The ants said: “Why didn’t you gather food in the summer?” She said: “There was a lack of time: she sang songs.” They laughed and said: “If you played in the summer, dance in the winter.”

This article describes the history of the creation of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant", its plot, morality and main idea.

A fable is a moralizing work that ridicules the vices of people. The characters in the fable are usually animals, things, plants, or insects. With their help, it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"? Morality, main idea and reasoning can be found in this article.

Who and when wrote the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and Ant"

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply copied from another language into Russian the fable of the French writer Jean de La Fontaine "Cicada and Ant". Lafontaine is also not the author of the fable, as he borrowed the plot from Aesop, a Greek fabulist who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made the translation into Russian. The result was a work that we know now, and on which many generations were brought up.

Fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant": text

The text is small. It is taught to elementary school children. It is easy to remember. Here is the text of the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant":

Fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant": morality, main idea

Like any other work, "Dragonfly and Ant" Krylov contains morality and the main idea.

  • Morality is in the ending, and before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly did not prepare for the winter, she sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the Ant and began to ask him to eat and keep warm.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of the summer to be ready for the winter cold. Therefore, he answered Dragonfly with a touch of sarcasm: since she has been singing all summer, let her go dancing now.
  • The basic idea the fable is that the Dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in the winter she was left with nothing - without a house and food. The ant has been working all summer, so he has a place to live and something to eat.

Under the actions of the Dragonfly, human vices are hidden in this fable. After all, there are people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

Fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant": a summary for the reader's diary

Primary school students in Russian literature need to keep a reader's diary in which they write down summaries of the works they read. It helps to remember stories and fables better. Here is a summary for the reader's diary of the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant":

The Jumping Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet, she had both a table and a house ready. But the summer ended quickly, the Dragonfly has neither food nor a home, and she decided to go to the Ant, who worked all summer. The ant asks the Dragonfly, what did she do all summer? Dragonfly has nothing to answer, as soon as: "Sang." “Oh, you sang? So go and dance, ”the Ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": characteristics of the heroes

"Dragonfly and Ant"

At school, they are asked to characterize the heroes of this fable. With the help of the characteristic, you can understand which character is positive, and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • Dragonfly characteristic- frivolous and selfish. He does not like to work, but only to sing and dance. Cheerful, mobile, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and preoccupied.
  • Characteristics of Ant- wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, because he understands that in order to have food and shelter in winter, you need to work all summer.

If these characters are characterized in two words, then the Dragonfly is windy and inconsiderate, and the Ant is reasonable and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the Ant, what did the Dragonfly Ant ask for?

The dragonfly turned to the Ant because he is hardworking, and worked all summer so that in winter he would have a place to live and what to eat. The dragonfly admitted her mistake, and politely asked the Ant for shelter and food, so that he would feed and warm her.

What is condemned, ridiculed in the Dragonfly and Ant fable, what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and Ant"

In the work "Dragonfly and Ant" frivolity and narcissism are condemned. It also ridicules such vices of people as laziness, carelessness and idleness. The fable teaches to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also working days when you need to work so that you have something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to the Dragonfly and the Ant in Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"?

The dragonfly evokes sympathy. She cannot realize what she did wrong, she is used to living one day and everything is ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basically the Dragonfly is only capable of a carefree existence. She is not a negative hero, but she is not worthy to be an example for others.

Why I liked the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore they are liked by adults and children after reading. After all, with their help, you can see the vices and learn not to make the same mistakes that the characters make. Here is a detailed reasoning why I liked the Dragonfly and Ant fable:

Although the dragonfly did not work all summer, and did not store food and shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, it is still a pity. She is not worthy to be an example for others, but is regrettable. The dragonfly asked the Ant to shelter her only until spring. But he refused, because she did not realize her mistakes, which she would repeat again and again. The diligent and hardworking Ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is clear why he refused to help the Dragonfly. He knows that it is necessary to take care of tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the moral of this fable, since the Ant could show mercy and let the Dragonfly live with him for the winter.

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers on how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter he rests, because it is cold outside, and he has shelter and food. The ant can be given this advice: to remain as serious and hardworking, and the Dragonfly - to get smart, work and think about the future.

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant": a plan for writing, what questions can be asked?

The dragonfly came to the Ant to ask for food and shelter

Schoolchildren from elementary school are asked to write an essay at home or in class on the theme of the Dragonfly and Ant fable. Here is the plan for writing

  1. Entertainment Dragonflies.
  2. Request for help from the Ant.
  3. How did he teach Dragonfly a lesson for idleness?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can put questions, and the answers to them are a finished essay. Here are the questions:

  1. What did the Dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What has changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did the Dragonfly turn to when she needed help? What did she ask?
  4. What did the ant say to her? How to understand his words: “Did you sing everything? This business. So go and dance"?
  5. Do you feel sorry for Dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. What would you do in Ant's place and why?
  7. What lines contain the main idea of ​​the fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. On the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant - what should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of ​​the work. In this fable, it lies in the fact that you do not need to act thoughtlessly, otherwise you can then be left with nothing.

What catch phrases, proverbs can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"?

Winged expressions and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is really interesting and instructive. Winged expressions that can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

This expression means spending time uselessly, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the transience of time. Summer is short and passes quickly, followed by winter.

Everywhere Dragonfly had a treat. You can sleep and eat anywhere.

This expression indicates that you don’t even want to do your favorite things if you are hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to the fact that a person forgets about important matters.

To the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" suitable proverbs:

Proverbs that fit the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

How to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and Ant": tips

Any Krylov's fable can be learned within half an hour. You need to use some tricks. Here are some tips on how to learn a fable quickly "Dragonfly and Ant":

  1. You can sing the words of the work. Three or four such repetitions to your favorite tune, and the fable will quickly be remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself a great reader and read the fable in front of a mirror.
  3. Represent the events that are described in the fable. Also imagine the sequence of development of the plot. From the first time, of course, you won’t be able to remember, but you can peep while memorizing - 30 minutes and the fable is memorized without difficulty.
  4. You can also repeat in quatrains. First learn the first 4 lines, then the second and so on. Then repeat the entire piece 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped if you imagine yourself as a Dragonfly. Still need to pronounce everything according to a pre-planned plan. Above was a plan and questions for the fable. Designate for yourself the sequence of events and then it will not be difficult to learn the work.

Dramatization of a fable, script for a theatrical performance for the autumn festival "Dragonfly and Ant": words, text

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant" small and can be told in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that with this work it will not be possible to make a theatrical production. You can come up with an original staging of the fable, for example, for the autumn holiday. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

The dragonfly goes to the anthill, wrapped in a dry leaf. Ant looks out.

This scene is 5 minutes. It will be interesting and fun. An important role is played by the scenery and costumes of the characters. The autumn festival with a staging of Krylov's fable will be memorable, since the work "Dragonfly and Ant" beloved by all - both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and Ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant" I.A. Krylov.

  1. Preparatory work

"Hello children! Today we will read a fable. Let's listen to the title - "Dragonfly and Ant". Who's to say who it is? (insects)".

Children are offered pictures of a dragonfly and an ant.

“And which of you saw a dragonfly? What does she do in summer? (flies, catches midges, rests in the grass-ant. Explanation of the meaning of this word). What would you say about a dragonfly? What is she? (cheerful, playful).

Likewise for the ant. (The ant collects supplies in the anthill, he is industrious, he is busy working all day, he works).

Who do you think is doing the right thing and who is not? Why?

  1. First reading of the fable

The teacher reads the fable expressively in its entirety aloud for emotional perception.

  1. Analysis of the content of the text in order to understand the moral of the fable.

"What did you like about what you read?"

All children's answers are accepted.

“Now let’s get to the bottom of what is being said here. Let's read the first 4 lines again."

The child reads the first 4 lines

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.

“What does this passage say? (about the end of summer and the onset of winter) What is the name of the dragonfly? (jump). What does it mean? (she is carefree). Yes, she jumps, has fun, carefree and easy.

What did the dragonfly do in the summer (sang, sang) That's right, she sang all summer.

And now the summer is over, what comes after the summer? (autumn) And after autumn? (winter) And so winter came. How does the author write about it? Find in the text. (rolls into eyes). This is a figurative expression, what does the word roll mean? (move) So is winter - approaching, rolling towards the dragonfly. How does the author describe winter? Let's read the next 4 lines."

Children are reading.

The field is dead;
There are no more bright days,
As under each leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

“What happened to the formerly green field? (dead) That's right, dead, flowers, grass faded, dead.

Find in these four lines how the dragonfly lived in the summer? (I slept and ate under each leaf). Yes, there was a lot of leaves and food for the dragonfly in summer, but summer has passed and winter has come.

The children read the lines.

Everything is gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will mind
On the stomach to sing hungry!

“This is what happened to the dragonfly. Winter came, it became difficult for the dragonfly to look for food and a home. She felt cold, she wanted to eat, but she didn’t feel like flying, spinning anymore.

Children are reading.

Evil melancholy dejected,
She crawls to the Ant:
"Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Give me the strength to gather
And until spring only days
Feed and warm!" -

“What did the dragonfly do? Who did you turn to for help? (to the ant) ​​She went to the ant and what she said to him - read it. How did she contact the ant? (godfather) Kum and godfather - this is how people used to call each other, who got along well with each other.

What did the dragonfly ask for? (to gather strength until spring days) Spring days are spring days.

Let's read what the ant said to the dragonfly.

“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

What does the Ant ask the dragonfly? (did she work in the summer)

And what does she answer him? Read."

Children are reading.

“Before that, my dear, was it?

In soft ants we have

Songs, playfulness every hour,

So that turned his head. ”-

“How did the dragonfly turn to the ant this time? (darling) Darling - a kind appeal to a friend, comrade, who was used before. What else does she say to the ant? (in soft ants we have songs, playfulness every hour). What are ants? Grass is affectionately called grass, grass - ant or simply ant. Hence the name. So in soft ants - where is this? (in grass). Read these lines again.

How did it all end? Let's read further.

The teacher emotionally reads:

“Ah, so you ...” - “I am without a soul
The whole summer she sang. ”-

"Did you sing along? this business:
So come on, dance!”

An ant let a dragonfly in? Helped her? Why do you think? (because no one likes slackers).

What does this fable teach us? In order not to freeze and not starve in the winter, in the summer you need to work, and not sit back.

  1. Types of tasks for working with a fable after reading and analyzing it


"There are 4 parts to this fable, find and name them."

“Find the first part. What did the dragonfly do? Find the second part - What happened with the advent of winter?

Likewise with the rest of the parts. Question = plan header.


1. What did the dragonfly do in summer?

2. What happened with the arrival of winter?

3. Who did the dragonfly come to?

4. What did the ant say?

(1 “The jumping dragonfly sang red summer.”

2 "Need and hunger are coming ... who in the mind will go to the stomach to sing hungry"

3 "Evil melancholy dejected, she crawls to the Ant"

4 “Did you all sing? This business. So go dance!”)

Grandfather Ivan Andreevich Krylov is imprinted in the memory of the people, first of all, by several vivid fables, long taken away for quotes. And "The Dragonfly and the Ant" is undoubtedly one of them.
But it turns out that the story of the industrious ant is present in various variations in the philosophical teachings and literature of many peoples.

Let's start with the original source - Aesop's fables.

Ant and beetle
In the summer, an ant walked around the arable land and collected wheat and barley grain by grain in order to stock up on food for the winter. The beetle saw him and sympathized that he had to work so hard even at such a time of the year when all other animals rest from hardships and indulge in idleness. Then the ant was silent; but when winter came and the manure was washed away by the rains, the beetle was left hungry, and he came to ask the ant for food. The ant said: “Oh, beetle, if you had worked then, when you reproached me with labor, you would not have to sit without food now.”
So people in prosperity do not think about the future, but when circumstances change, they suffer severe disasters.
Aesop "Fables" (Main collection, 112).

Recall what it turned into under the pen of A.I. Krylov.


Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.
The field is dead;
There are no more bright days,
As under each leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
Everything is gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings;
And who will mind
On the stomach to sing hungry!
Evil melancholy dejected,
She crawls to the Ant:
"Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Give me the strength to gather
And until spring only days
Feed and warm!" -
“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer? -
Ant tells her.
“Before that, my dear, was it?
In soft ants * we have -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So it turned my head." -
“Ah, so you ...” - “I am without a soul
The whole summer she sang. -
"Did you all sing? This business:
So come on, dance!”

* Ant - grass.

And now about the same thing, but from the point of view of Sufism.

Ant and dragonfly
A prudent and stubborn ant looked at the flower nectar, when suddenly a dragonfly rushed from a height to the flower, tasted the nectar and flew away, then flew up and again stuck to the flower.
- And how do you live without work and without any plan? the ant said. – If you have no real or relative goal, what is the meaning of your life and what will be its end?
Dragonfly replied:
I am happy and most of all I love pleasure. This is my life and my purpose. My goal is to have no goal. You can make all kinds of plans for yourself, but you can't convince me that I'm not happy. You have your plan, and I have mine.
The ant did not answer, but thought: “What is obvious to me is hidden from her. She doesn't know what the lot of ants is. I know what the destiny of dragonflies is. Her plan for her, mine for me.
And the ant crawled on his way, for he did everything in his power to warn the dragonfly. A lot of time passed, and their paths converged again. The ant climbed into the butcher's shop and, perching under a block of wood on which the butchers chopped meat, began to prudently expect his share. Suddenly a dragonfly appeared in the air. Seeing the red meat, she began to gradually descend onto the block. As soon as she sat down, the butcher's huge ax fell sharply on the meat and cut the dragonfly in two. Half of her body rolled down, right under the ant's feet. Picking up the prey, the ant dragged it to its dwelling, muttering under its breath:
- Your plan is over, but mine continues. "To you - your plan" no longer exists, and "to me - mine" begins a new cycle. Pleasure seemed important to you, but it is fleeting. You lived to eat and eventually be eaten yourself. When I warned you, you thought I was a curmudgeon and poisoning your pleasure.
It was told by one Bukhara dervish near the tomb of el-Shah Bah ad-din Naqshbandi seven centuries ago.

There is another version of this story, which for some reason I like the most - the gardener came and, having stepped on, crushed both the ant and the dragonfly.

Anna Senich
Speech games. Comparative stories about insects. Analysis of the fable by I. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

Acquaintance with the content of the fable by I. A. Krylov "The Dragonfly and the Ant".

Compare dragonfly and ant. Answer the questions.

1. What did the dragonfly do in summer, and what did the ant do?

2. Why did the dragonfly go to the ant?

3. Why didn't the dragonfly think about anything in summer?

4. What came along with winter?

5. What did the dragonfly ask the ant for?

6. Why didn't the ant understand her?

7. Did the ant do the right thing?

8. What was the dragonfly supposed to do in summer?

9. Explain the sayings: “Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter”,

"Business before pleasure".

10. Tell the fable in your own words.

11. Who do you like best and why?

12. Who would you like to be like?

The game "Call it affectionately."

Spider - spider, dragonfly - dragonfly, caterpillar - caterpillar, bee - bee.

The game "Echo" (verb conjugation).

I watch the dragonfly, you, he, she, we, you, you, they….

I look at the caterpillar, you, he, she, we, you, they ....

I catch a butterfly, you, he, she, we, you, they ... .

I'm running after a bee, you, he, she, we, you, they ....

I hear the buzzing of a bee, you, he, she, we, you, they….

Game "Find the extra word."

Dragonfly, ant, bee, owl.

Dragonfly, bumblebee, bee, grasshopper.

Wings, proboscis, antennae, butterfly.

Bee, bee, bangs, beekeeper.

Ant, ant, ant, ant (grass).

Count to five game.

One industrious ant, One emerald dragonfly,

two industrious ants, two emerald dragonflies,

three industrious ants, three emerald dragonflies,

four industrious ants, four emerald dragonflies,

five industrious ants. five emerald dragonflies.

One magnificent butterfly, one diligent spider,

two magnificent butterflies, two diligent spiders,

three magnificent butterflies, three diligent spiders,

four magnificent butterflies, four diligent spiders,

five magnificent butterflies. five diligent spiders.

Game "Collect the proposal."

Spider, patient, weave, for, flies, web.

Caterpillar, velvet, hide, leaves, in, maple.

Run out, ant, from under, blade of grass, hurried.

Flutter, butterfly, between, flowers, ranunculus, multicolored.

Among, bumblebees, buzzing, grouchy, herbs.

Because of, it seems, an anthill, a huge tree.

From under, grasshopper, fast, bush, pop up.

Around, bee, whirl, dandelion, industrious.

* Make a comparative story about an insect.

1. What is the name?

2. How does he move?

3. What does it eat?

4. What is its structure?

(Wings, legs, head, chest, abdomen)

5. Benefit or harm?

* Compare bumblebee and caterpillar.

The bumblebee flies and the caterpillar crawls.

The bumblebee collects nectar, pollinates the plants, and the caterpillar eats the leaves, harming the plants.

The bumblebee is fat, small, hairy, black and yellow.

The caterpillar is long, multi-colored.

The bumblebee has wings, but the caterpillar has no wings.

The bumblebee is beneficial, and the caterpillar is harmful.

The bumblebee buzzes, but the caterpillar is silent.


butterfly and wasp.

spider and bumblebee.

fly and ant.

grasshopper and bumblebee.

caterpillar and grasshopper.

According to the plan:

1. What is the name?

2. How does he move?

3. What does it eat?

4. What is its structure?

(wings, legs, head, chest, abdomen)

5. Benefit or harm?

6. How is it different from other insects?

*Find long and short words.

Determine how many syllables are in the words.

Build word patterns.

Fly, wasp, spider, bumblebee.

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