Walkthrough Stalker: Return of the Scar. The passage of the modification "return of the scar"

1. Now you need to meet and talk with the environmentalist Igor. In order to do this, the hero of the GG needs to go to the basement, located on the Cordon. After meeting with Igor, the GG will receive an important artifact called "Symbion", and will go in search of Dimon and Sidorovich, looking for a transmitter in a huge dump along the way.

2. Further in the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar" a certain character Sidorovich will hand you a knife and give you the task to bring a stuffed animal of his head. It is worth noting that this head can appear in four places. You can save and replay several times, while the places will change each time. Pay attention to the smallest details in a conversation with Sidorovich, because at the end of the dialogue he will indicate the location of the spawn.

3. When you find a head weighing 5 kg, then bring it to the customer, who in return will present you with cartridges and a gun. It is worth noting that at this stage of the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", the weapon received when inserted into the slot will be with a low charge level - 30%. Do not think that this is a system glitch and panic. Such are the orders here that the beginner (that is, GG) is constantly, and the weapons and armor are almost discharged, but as you move through the levels of the game, the wear decreases and reaches the point at which you can repair weapons. When you hand over the head to Sidorovich, then immediately go to the military checkpoint. When you get there, you will see a lot of mercenaries and other fighters there. Proceed to eliminate them by joining a group of military men. If you do not eliminate everyone, then the bandits can destroy all newcomers to the game, including Vasilina. For a successful outcome of the battle, you can get AK-74 and LR-300 with optics as a gift.

4. In the further passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar" find Dimon armed with a gun and follow him, without retreating a single step, to the Garbage. When you reach already, then the so-called giant and bloodsuckers will resist you. You need to destroy them so that Dimon can open the passage that will lead to the Garbage.

5. When you find yourself in the Garbage, you will need to look around and find a pile that is located not far from the hangar. Then you should approach it and find an antenna weighing 30 kg. You can take part in battles with opponents a little and replenish your arsenal. Then, of course, it is better to guard Raven and Culinary vigilantly, but if it happens that they are killed, then you can not replay the level, because they are not needed for further development of events.

6. At this stage in the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar" you need to talk with Igor and find out more about his task. It is to ensure the safety of the three scientists on the way to the tunnel. Only under this condition will the task be completed. It is worth noting that in order for everything to go well, it is imperative to eliminate all animals and fighters located on the ATP. The path will be long, you will exchange messages, then Lazy will be destroyed by a sniper. After short negotiations with Igor, go straight to the Swamps to make sure that the SOS signal is working.

7. Then in the passage of the game "Stalker: Return of the Scar" you will receive the next task, which is to eliminate all the Nazis living in the camp. You will receive it at the moment when you appear in the Swamp. After you clear the camp, head to the railway bridge, along the way you can destroy all the monsters frolicking on the farm. But this is not absolutely necessary, at your discretion. Then there will be a conversation with Kostyan. Then it is worth bringing it to the place to which it points. One more conversation, and then you get the task and the Black Hole art.

8. Now Kostyan must build a teleport. When passing this level in the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", before going through the teleport, you need to activate the "black hole" artifact. In order to do this, you need to find the pistol slot and insert this artifact into it. Then hold down the "2" button. You need to immediately hold down the left mouse button so that it ends up in the hands of a beginner. After the activation of the anomaly occurs, you will need to go through the teleport created by Kostya. He will take you to the CHN base. Once there, find and take away all the absolutes and another Black Hole artifact, located in a backpack hanging on a tree. After you find it, you need to activate it using the pistol slot-LMB. When you pass through the anomaly, you will find yourself at the Fisherman's Farm. Kostyan will be waiting for you there, to whom you need to give the art. After that, look around and be sure to shoot the teleport effect. Then again it will be necessary to bring it to the transition leading to Cordon. Be vigilant about this.

9. When passing the Cordon in the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", you will have a conversation with Kostya about the necessary archival documents and about the X-18. You should definitely find out how you can exchange Black Hole artifacts and whether they need to be activated on Cordon. At the end of the conversation, Kostya will send you to Agroprom along with Igor.

10. To knock out the four helicopters that appear as soon as you make the transition to Agroprom, you can use the AK 74. As you pass between the complexes, you will see a large unidentified group of mercenaries or witches. If you eliminate them, you can replenish your arsenal. Then, in the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", you will meet the commander, in the place where they once took the documents. During the conversation, mercenaries and other opponents will attack you, eliminate them and continue the conversation. This is an important conversation, as the commander will tell you about the location of the transition and the activator from it. Don't fuss, stay calm.

11. After you read the message from Lebedev, hurry to the place where the meeting with him will take place.

13. To make the transition to Cordon, you need to take a deactivator. It will be located at the place where the conversation with Lebedev was conducted.

14. After talking with Igor, in the walkthrough of the game "Stalker: Return of the Scar", go to the checkpoint for the SVD, which is inside a backpack hanging on a tree. The next task that you will receive will be to destroy the sniper. After you get out on the pipe, exchange messages. Then aim well in the northwest direction and eliminate it. After that, Igor will ask you to go to Oleg, who is in the Tango bar.

15. After you find yourself back at the Garbage, you will have a conversation with the Ensign, who will ask you to talk and negotiate with the Bandits. Then choose the second dialogue and talk to Bur. After that, the bandits will certainly leave the territory. Go to the Ensign and demand money, but he will say. What he does not have now, but will only be closer to one in the morning. I advise you not to wait for the weather from the sea and leave, as it will not return anything to you anyway.

16. When you find yourself in the Bar, you will have to talk with Voronin there, and literally next you will need to talk with Oleg. Then, in the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", be sure to keep up the conversation with Anya and start watching the video. After that, you will need to talk to Dimon, who will definitely ask you to get into the cache and bring a machine gun from it. Make sure you comply with his request.

17. Choose the shortest path and head to Cordon with the group.

18. Try to stay alive when you try to destroy the immortal bandits and monsters that you meet on your way.

19. In the further passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", you will need to wait for the moment when everyone is already assembled on the territory of the village, and then go up and talk to Oleg. After the conversation, you will have to eliminate the mercenaries and owners who will attack you. When you deal with them, run to the checkpoint to support your people. After successfully clearing the village, talk to Dimon, who, at the end of the conversation, will certainly give you a passage to Chaes-2-Pripyat. He will also tell you interesting information about a certain Loser, who is a gunsmith at Agroprom. After the whole group is assembled, helicopters will fly into the village. Then sit in one of them and fly to the Garbage, to the place where the "Niva" is located. Land and read the received message from Voronin. Then you should visit the Bar.

20. When completing this task in the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", Voronin will certainly ask you for a favor - to eliminate Borov with a crossbow. This weapon can be obtained from Shchukar. You can find him in the Wolf's Lair. But do not despair, because in order to get there, you need a transition. And Voronin will certainly give it to you.
If you want, then drop by the Agroprom and visit the Loser, who can repair and upgrade your equipment and weapons. He will also tell you about the location of Strelok's cache - somewhere in the vicinity of the railway. To be more precise, either on the tracks, or you need to look in nearby buildings. This cache contains a positioner. It is he who can handle and disable the passage leading to the Catacombs. When you find yourself in them, you will find a message there. You will find the cache on the roof of the tower, which is located near the tunnel. You can also profit a little here - pick up the Poltergeist flamethrower. But first you need to find it nearby on the railway, and grab a new set of weapons. Then, in the walkthrough of the game "Stalker: Return of the Scar", start using the positioner and find the teleporter, which is located on one of the four roofs of large tanks. Then you will be transported to an underground bunker. Once there, you need to find the passage leading to the Agro subway.
Having moved there, you can have a lot of fun, because Biblik is there with his company. If you want to get into the cache, you will find yourself in a stretch. Then you have to sleep a little and have a dream about the Witches. After you wake up, you will find a note there, which will say: "Gone to the stone."

21. When passing this stage in the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", on your way you will meet a merchant, whose name is Fairy. Strike up a casual conversation with her. After all, she can tell you where you need to go. If you want, then at night you can go to the hut and come back. After the conversation, you will also need to communicate with the Persian, who has been near the Fairy all this time. It is worth noting that he is dressed in a mercenary costume and his name is Torych. During the conversation, he will ask you to find his laptop, which his comrades, drunk, threw into the lake. Which one is unknown. After you find his unit, he will tell you information regarding the Hour of Terror. Then, in the passage of the game "Stalker: Return of the Scar", you will receive another pass to the Bar and another request from the Persian - to drive and take the disk with the software from Dimka Kalter. This man is his friend, located in the area of ​​the checkpoint of Duty. Here you will have the usual task of clearing the territory. But when you get to Kalter, you will find out that he does not have a disk. This disk, along with the rest of the garbage, was thrown over the fence by Bar, his colleagues. Now you have to work a little and find this software. Look in several places. When you do find him, you will immediately receive a message with a threat and the news that the teleport has already been activated for you. After you return to the Bar, you will find a large number of witches there that need to be eliminated. Then profit and head to Torych. He will be very happy with your find and will tell you about the location of the cache belonging to a certain Semetsky. That's it, now carefully move towards Shchukar.

22. If you have a small amount of money, then take a bottle of moonshine, which costs around 1000 rubles, and head to Shchukar's house. Sidor will be waiting for you there. In the further passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", get a little distracted and drink this bottle with him. Then meet at Shchukar, who will tell you the location of the crossbow and arrows to it. Then follow him on his heels and find yourself at the stones behind the arrows. After the grandfather leaves you in splendid isolation, Biblik will attack. Quickly deal with him and, continuing the passage of the game "Stalker: The Return of the Scar", return to the Shchukar's hut. After the next conversation with him, you will receive a message announcing the opening of the transition. Now it's time to head a little further east. That's it, there is no more need for Shchukar, and he will not meet you further.

23. Now you will be transported to E.D., where you need to take a good look around and find an abandoned farm. When you enter it, you will meet Bur, with whom you need to talk. It is worth noting that he took a neutral position.

Date added: 08/31/18 Views: 27395


About the plot:
The Return of the Scar is a story mod that appeared in 2012 and was developed for the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. The development was based on such mods as AMK 1.4.1, ABC Inferno 1.1, Cabrobro and many other famous mods currently operating and those that have already been closed as projects. Initially, the Return of the Scar Mod was conceived as an addon for Narodnaya Solyanka, which was supposed to continue its story. The main goal and idea of ​​the author was the return of the main character Stalker Clear Sky Scar to the plot of the Shadows of Chernobyl and continue the development of the story about him embodied in a completely new plot. This modification is presented as the first part, so we are waiting for the second!

Important information:

  1. Not all tasks are displayed in the PDA, so we carefully read the dialogues with the characters and the incoming SMS in red and green. They contain all the information on the tasks and tips on how to complete the task.
  2. Take screenshots of dialogues with characters. Not all information remains in the "Message History".
  3. Save before talking with the character, then there will be an opportunity to replay and remember what needs to be done in case you forgot where to go and what to do. Also, saving before talking will help if you can't find a quest item.
  4. Do not rush to shoot all the characters, some enemies must be talked to to advance the story.
  5. Many quest items spawn (appear) after talking with the character. Moreover, there can be more than one spawn place ...

Guide guide:


"The Appearance of Scar. Cordon"
The scar wakes up after a two-year coma in the basement on Cordon, you can run around the village of beginners in search of a freebie, but its mod developers left very little, so we go to talk with ecologist Igor. He will give the task to find the transmitter in the Landfill and issue the artifact "Symbion" (we do not sell it - then we will have to return it), and also send it to Dimon and Sidorovich.

"The Search for the Head of Sidorovich"

Sidorovich will give a knife and ask you to bring him a stuffed animal of his head, Sidorovich's head can spawn in 4 places:

Spawn locations for Sidorovich's head

1) To the North-East of the ATP - open the map and remember the sides of the horizon. At the rate of a lone Christmas tree stands.

2) South - West ATP - South not pass, tk. thorn, emphasis on the thorn, and to the South-West side, we search the area. Nearby is a bush and a stone, almost opposite the DN.

3) Near an abandoned factory - Factory is a word that stretches from the original. Near the tunnel with electrics, you can look under the Christmas tree, bushes. The head is not a needle.

4) South of the Military checkpoint - The area near the gate. Bush.

If you save and replay before this task, the place will change. Therefore, we carefully read the dialogue with Sidorovich, at the end of the dialogue he gives an approximate spawn location.
After finding the Head of Sidorovich, we bring it to the owner, Sidor will give a TOZ gun and ammunition.
Having inserted the gun into the slot, we will see that initially the new gun becomes killed by 30 percent. We are not afraid and do not think that this is some kind of glitch. In fashion, the state of armor and weapons depends on the rank of the GG. If the GG is a "newbie", then armor and weapons are always killed somewhere by 30%. As the rank increases, wear decreases, and the percentage to which weapons can be repaired also increases.
After they brought Sidorovich's head, we go to the military checkpoint, bandits and mercenaries spawn there. We clean them up in company with the military (if we don’t clean them up, they can kill newcomers in the village, for example, Vasilina). From corpses you can get hold of AK-74 and LR-300 with optics.

"Searching for a Transmitter"
We go to Dimon with a gun and then we accompany him to the transition to the Landfill, bloodsuckers appear near the transition to the landfill and there may be a pseudo-giant to the heap. We bring them down and wait near the gate for Dimon to open the passage to the Garbage. We go to the Landfill, Dimon brings it to a pile near the hangar, stands and waves his hand (but does not say anything), climb onto the pile and find an antenna (30kg.)

Transmitter spawn location

You can fight a little in the Landfill and get some weapons. The Raven and the Culinary are not needed in the story, but Artem the Culinary is the only merchant (in the locations Cordon, Dump, Bar, TD, Agroprom) who buys ALL parts of the monsters, and you can buy ammunition inexpensively from the Raven.
We stomp back to Cordon, hand over the antenna to Vasilina. In order for Vasilina to take the transmitter, it is necessary to have an artifact "Symbion" in a backpack or on a belt. We speak with Igor and get the following task from him:

"Escort 3 scientists"

It is easy to find them, in the PDA there is a mark of their location. On the way to them, it would be best to immediately clear the area around the ATP and the tunnel. The task will be counted only if all three came to the fire in the Village of beginners. In the village of beginners, an exchange of SMS follows, Lazybones is brought down by a sniper. We talk with Igor and get a new task.

"Check the SOS in the Swamp"

The passage to the Swamps opens behind the military checkpoint.
Important! It’s better to buy a sleeping bag from Sidor right away before going to the Swamp, otherwise he’ll fall down, and you won’t meet soon.
When you appear in the Swamp, we automatically receive the task "Clean up the Nazi camp" - we clean it, and then we report on its implementation to the Bartender. We go to the railway. bridge (there is a mark on the minimap in the PDA), we clear the farm (upper right corner of the location) from monsters (there are controllers who can zombify Kostya on the way back), the path to the mark is blocked by a barbed wire fence. If you played Solyanka or Stalker CHN, then you should know where the gap in the thorn is.

If we didn’t play, then we become facing the railway. bridge and go along the thorn to the right, somewhere opposite the village with the water tower we find a gap in the thorn.

Place of passage

We pass through it and go to the railway. bridge. There, near the carriage, there is an entrance to the cave where Kostya is sitting.

Location of Bones

We speak with Bones, accompany to the Fisherman's Farm. We speak with Kostya and get the task:

"Find a stash at the Lebedev base and collect the contents"
Next, we act according to the following algorithm:
a) Kostya makes a teleport.
b) Before passing through the teleport, we activate the "black hole". To do this, insert the artifact "Black Hole" into the slot for the pistol. Press "2" so that it is in the hands of the GG, press and hold the left mouse button.
c) The anomaly is activated, but we don’t go into it, but go through the Kostya teleporter and get to the CN base.
We do our business there (we take the absolutes and the second "Black Hole" in a backpack on a tree).
d) Activate the second "Black Hole" (pistol slot - LMB) on the base of the CHN. We pass through the anomaly - we get to the Fisherman's Farm. We speak with Kostya, we give art, we look and we shoot off the effect from the teleport. We accompany you to the transition to Cordon.
At Cordon, we talk with Kostya about the X-18 and archival documents, as well as what Kostya needs to exchange for Black Hole art.
Then we talk to Igor, he sends to Agroprom.

Nychka Lebedeva on the basis of the ChN

The tree where the backpack with the Black Hole lies

"Find the commander of the research institute at Agroprom"
When moving to Agroprom, 4 helicopters appear, helicopters can be shot down even from AK74. Between the complexes spawn a group of either mercenaries or Witches. When they are destroyed, you can arm yourself very well.
We speak with the commander in the complex (where documents were taken in pure PM), we repel the attack of hires and the Hosts, we speak with him again, he will explain where the transition and the activator from him are, do not fuss.
We receive SMS from Lebedev and go to a meeting, you don’t need to climb into the Agroprom subway, you won’t get there anyway. Lebedev is located behind the complex, which was protected from mercenaries. The easiest way to find him is simply by walking around the complex.

Location of Lebedev at Agroprom

After talking with him, it is better to run away (not necessarily) from him and shoot from far away and not in the head, throwing him on the power line support. We select the deactivator at the place of conversation with Lebedev and go to Cordon. To find the transition to Cordon, just go along the power line and run into the gate, there will be a transition to Cordon.
We talk with Igor on Cordon, he asks to bring SVD from the cache from the checkpoint, the easiest way to get to the backpack is by jumping from the roof of the barracks with the F clamped, we take SVD from the backpack on the tree and come to talk with Igor.

Backpack with SVD on Cordon

We get the following task:

"Destroy the Sniper"
We take a position on the pipe (to climb the pipe we jump onto the tent, from it to the tree, from the tree to the roof, from the roof to the pipe), SMS is exchanged. We do not touch the binoculars, we look through the sight of the SVD "Tiger".
The sniper appears in the northwest direction (the direction of the radioactive ravine near the Sidorovich bunker), we destroy the sniper and go to report to Igor. He asks to go to the Bar to Oleg "Tango" and agree on protection. I'm going to the bar.
At the outpost of Debt (Dump) we speak with Prapor, he asks to negotiate with the Bandits. We speak with Bur, select the 2nd dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, the bandits leave, then we speak with Prapor, he promises to give the money at one in the morning. You can not wait, still will not give.
We go to the Bar, first we talk with Voronin, he is standing in the "100 Roentgen" bar in the room next to the Bartender (there were repairmen in Solyanka), then with Oleg, then with Anya, we watch the video, we talk with Dimak. Dimak asks to bring a flamethrower from the hiding place, Dimak's stash under a spruce bush behind the fence of the Bar.

Dimak's backpack with a flamethrower

We find, we bring. After Dimak was given his flamethrower, together with the group, Tango advances to the exit from the Bar. Near the checkpoint of Duty, (they constantly give the task "Destroy the den of dogs") at the fence, the Tango group should fully gather. After collecting the WHOLE group, a transition to Cordon opens.
Let's go to Cordon.
On Cordon we appear outside the location (behind the barbed wire fence). Don't worry, the fence can be easily jumped over.
We clean monsters and bandits.
When EVERYONE gathers in the village, we speak with Oleg and repel the attack of the Masters and Mercenaries.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary that the stalker "Clever" stay alive. It is also better to sell him a beacon before the attack. "Umnik" will be needed to search for Semetsky's cache.

Then we run to the checkpoint to help the warriors, we clean it, we talk with Dimak, he gives the Chaes-2-Pripyat crossing. He talks about the gunsmith Dvoechnik at Agroprom. In the village, after gathering the whole group, we sit in a turntable, control the helicopter with mouse movements (where we show - the helicopter flies there), fly towards the transition to the Landfill to the Niva car, which stands outside the location next to the transition to the Landfill, hang on " Niva", we land, we receive SMS from Voronin, we stomp to the Bar.
Voronin asks to fill up Borov with a crossbow, Shchukar has it in the Wolf's Lair and gives a transition there.
You can optionally go to the Agroprom to the Dvoechnik, the Dvoechnik repairs armor and weapons. He talks about Strelka's stash, and what to look for in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe piece of iron. The cache is located somewhere on the Zh.D. ways.

There is a positioner with which you can disable the teleport to the Catacombs and a note. We find a cache on the roof of the tower near the tunnel, there is a positioner and a note.

Cache Strelka at Agroprom

Near the railway consoles, you can take the Poltergeist flamethrower and a weapon repair kit.

Location of the cache

Using the positioner, we are looking for a teleport. The roof of one of the 4 large cisterns. You can climb up by jumping from the building onto the pipes, further onto the fence and onto the cistern. Or jump onto a brick fence and then onto a cistern. Throws it into an underground bunker, there is a transition to the Agro subway.
It's fun in the subway, we meet the librarian with his retinue and friendly soldiers. When we climb into the hiding place, we get into a stretch, we watch a dream about the Witches. There is a note in the cache: "Gone to the stone." We pick up Strelka's "quick shooter" (a PSO-3 sight is placed on it), so what else will turn up at hand for sale.

"Killing Borov and infiltrating X-18"
After moving from the Bar to the Wolf's Lair, we meet a merchant, her name is Fairy, we speak with her, she will explain where to go, but at night she does not speak, but goes to sleep in a hut, in the morning she will return to her place. Also nearby is a Persian in a mercenary costume - Torych. We speak with him, he asks to find a laptop, which, drunk, his eagles threw into one of the lakes.

Laptop for Torych - Place 1

Laptop for Torych - Place 2

We find a laptop and bring Torych, he talks about the Hour of Horror, gives a transition to the Bar and asks him to take a disk with laptop software from his friend (Dima Kalter). Kalter stands at the checkpoint of Duty (where the task is always "Destroy the dog den"). Kalter has no disk. His subordinates threw the disc, along with the garbage, over the Bar's fence. We are looking for a disk. It can be in several places.

Spawn locations

Place 1

Place 2

Place 3

Place 4

When selecting a disk, we get a strange SMS about some kind of threat and activation of the teleport. There is a spawn squad of witches in the Bar. We destroy, pick up swag and go to Torych. Torych, in gratitude, tells about Semetsky's hiding place.
Let's go to Shchukar...
Sidorovich is now sitting in Shchukar's hut, you need to drink moonshine with him (1000 rubles a bottle). We speak with Pike, he says where the crossbow and arrows are, and leads to show the place where the arrows lie. We go with him to the stones for arrows, pick up arrows - grandfather leaves, then we go to the swamp for a crossbow,


When we find (the crossbow is clearly visible), we need to fill up the "miracle mudo" (librarian) that has appeared, then we go to report to Shchukar about the accomplishment of this heroic feat. We say, we get a message that the transition is open, located in the east of the location, we just go along the road past the quarry (there is an excavator there) and run into the transition.


We make our way to the northeast, there is Bullet in an invisible copy, we say, we wait until 20-00.

Livestock and grenade launchers on the towers can be cleared in advance so that they don’t bother later, well, those bandits that come close. Only close to the base is not necessary, it zombifies with radiation. At 20-00 we speak with Bullet, the place for a shot is nearby, marked with an army first-aid kit, sometimes the first-aid kit does not spawn, it is enough to walk along the fence a few meters and a message will come that it is in place. You can bring down the Borov from any weapon, if from a crossbow, you need to aim a little higher.
After the task is triggered, we make our way along the thorn to the west of the location, opposite the base of the bandos (a sewer pipe and a swamp of sewage). When Bullet gets there, he will open the passage to the Wolf's Lair, and he will wind up to the Landfill. But it's still too early for us. Although if you need to go to hand over swag, fix your equipment and stock up on ammunition, then you can go. It won't affect the plot.

Where is the Bullet in the Dark Valley.

Now you need to find a way to get into x-18 for documents for Kostya.

Climbing around the location, on the ruined farm we find an old acquaintance of Bur. We negotiated with him at the post of Debt in the Garbage.

Attention! If you killed Boer in negotiations with the bandits, then of course you will not find him in the Dark Valley. Then it will be necessary after the murder of Borov to go to Kostya on Cordon!

In the process of communication, Boer will explain how to turn off the defense of the base and promises to share some secret of Borov in return. It's very simple. Boer has a trained dog Bax, who was trained to steal the deactivator of the base's protective field. Now Bax is languishing in captivity of the evil bandits. but if you give him a command, he will get out of the dungeon and steal the deactivator. In the evening or at night, nothing may work out, because at night the doggie Bucks sleeps, so you have to wait until the morning.

In the morning or in the afternoon we approach the southern tower near the closed gates.

The place we need

The command "Bucks, take deactivation" is triggered. Bucks gets out of the cell through the window and runs towards the second gate of the base. We move to cover Bucks from unfriendly personalities, while trying not to get into the psi-field. A good position to cover on the roof of a concrete shed at a gas station or in front of a fire truck. Then another command is triggered: "Excellent, Bucks to the transition." Cats spawn, shoot them. So as not to interfere with the dog. We run after him to the transition to the Garbage, Bax stops behind a stone near the bush and releases a deactivator from his mouth, we select this device, the transition to the Garbage opens and mutants appear. We shoot the librarian and retinue, lick the wounds and hobble to the Bur.
He calls Gastello, we sit in the turntable, we fly to the northeast of the loki. We shoot the living creatures, land near the truck behind the fence (opposite the gas station), stomp to the X-18.

Where to land from a helicopter in the Dark Valley

There we speak with Boer and run to the gas station (he likes to wander around the location, so it's better to hang a beacon on him).
We go to the second floor of the gas station building, Boer talks about Borov's documents and the pantry, as well as about Ace, who settled in the area illuminated in the PDA, between the Valley and the Landfill, called the Old Landfill (there is a river there). We go to the base behind the docks (they lie in the table in Borov's office), they contain hints on the codes from the doors to X-18, we finish off the remnants of the bandits, if we search the pantry for hunting. But you can take out the base before that and pick up the docks. And then talk to Boer.
We go to X-18, there are, as always, funny mutants. Code from the first door: 1242. We go down, the code from the second door: 1380.
Where in the original there was a fiery poltergeist, now the Claw of Death, it is best to fall from a poltergeist flamethrower or from a good shotgun loaded with buckshot (in the head). For example AA-12 Camo. We are watching a video about Fang on Freedom. We take documents on the table there. This is a recipe for the Symbion art.
Docks for Kostya, along with a map, are in another room in a blue box, there are 2 trunks, a map, and documents.
The map and documents must be given to Kostya on Cordon. Through the transition we stomp to the Landfill. On the way, you can drop by the Debt checkpoint in the Garbage, find out where Prapor is and the promised money for negotiations with Bur. The sentry near the gate says that Prapor has fallen.
We give the map and documents from the table of Borov to Kostya, he, like Bur from T.D. talks about the Old Dump, but how to get there is not yet clear.

This is where the storyline with Bones and X-18 in the first part of the mod ends...

We go to the Bar, we talk with Voronin, we get money for the murder of Borov.

Voronin says that the GG asked Sidorovich to come in and gives the next task "Check the cave in the north-west of the Wolf's Lair". We go to the Wolf's lair to Sidorovich.

Sidorovich has business with GG, he asks to find and bring a certain Pharmacist to repair Sidorovich's laptop. The pharmacist is on Cordon (there is a label). We go to the Cordon, there we take out the bandits and free the Pharmacist. We sell him a beacon and send it to Sidorovich. We go to Sidorovich in the Wolf's Lair, Sidorovich does not give an award until the Pharmacist arrives. As a reward, Sidorovich tells where to find the Klondike Artifacts.

"Check the cave in the northwest of the Wolf's Lair"
We check the cave on the instructions of Voronin (it is in the upper left corner of the PDA map).

Location of the cave

There is: "Oh my God, again Kruglov", we speak with him. He gives a tip on good equipment (a wooden box in the upper cave, in which we find the copy of the CHN and AK-9), after that we accompany Kruglov to the central swamp. There we get the task to destroy the controllers in the cave under the swamp, we go into the cave, we bring down 2 controllers, we get the task to talk with Kruglov. We leave, we speak, we go with him into the cave through the slope. There he will open the passage to the Wild Territory.

We pass to the Wild territory, we exchange SMS with Kruglov. We go ahead of him and clean up the area from enemies and monsters. Lebedev hangs out not far from the trailer, you can shoot at him only on the body or legs, throw him on the crane. In front of the tunnel with frying, Kruglov seems to be tired and sits down to rest, we talk with him and move on, after the tunnel we shoot the living creatures. We are waiting for Kruglov to open the transition to Yantar.

Important! So that Kruglov does not accidentally die in the anomaly, we quickly clean up the area behind the tunnel with frying and run to the end of the road, to the place where the transition to Yantar is opened.

On Yantar, we automatically receive the task to save Sakharov. We shoot 2 hosts, we speak with Sakharov. Kruglov is already dead by this moment, his corpse lies nearby (in the inventory there is some kind of device, just in case we do not touch it). We retreat closer to the bunker (but do not enter the zone of psi-radiation) and guard Sakharov while he warms up and sets up a teleporter. After installing the teleport, Sakharov must sing the following verse: stop the locomotive, do not knock the wheels. We pass through the teleport and the GG throws it inside the bunker, there is a guard in an invisible copy, we remove it, we wait for Sakharov to appear, we speak, we teleport outside, we clean up the rest of the guards.

For every fire brigade, we clean it with our own hands, as Dimon appears and tries to help. It is also necessary that the guards blow up the doors of the bunker.

We speak with Sakharov, he asks to turn off the installation in X-16, only the entrance to the laboratory is closed by a psi-field. Sakharov gives a psi-protective helmet, we speak with Dimon and go to the plant. We shoot the guards (we run into the psi-field zone for a short time and bring down those who meet), we find a backpack on the 3rd floor (window opening) and take the deactivator, the protection is removed and the transition to X-16 opens.

Backpack with a protective psi-field deactivator

We go down to X-16, we fight with little animals and zombies. When approaching the installation, a 4-minute timer is turned on, we turn off three control panels on each tier and power the installation at the top, the timer is cut off.
We find the corpse of the Ghost, there is an armor for Sakharov and a note, we go through the tunnels to Yantar. We speak with Sakharov, if we took the task for the Ghost costume, then we report, if we didn’t take it, then we take the task and immediately turn it in).
On the Radar, a warm meeting from the Hosts, Witches and Arrows, a military landing comes to the rescue.
We go into the laboratory X-10, the entrance is behind the car, standing in the railway tunnel. There are recruited scientists and owners on guard. We clean everyone and go to the hall with a switch that turns off the Brain Burner. Downstairs, near the code door there will be Goryunov Ave., we talk to him, he opens the door, we bring down the "Tank", Goryunov dies and SMS comes from Dimon that Dimon took Sakharov to Cordon. Through the teleport we get into the closet where the "Tank" stood, pick up the disk and a note with a hint (zombies and the librarian spawn), fight off the zombers, exit after the teleport is turned off (when the SMS "Teleport disabled" arrives, feel free to go through the door and the GG throws it out of the closet to the main hall). Hint, something to do with the Titanic. Door code: 1912.

We leave the laboratory.

If you completed the task of Sidorovich for the Pharmacist, then you can look for the "Klondike of artifacts" in the forest on the Radar. We find a gap in the fence grid (at the top there is still a door with a combination lock and a sniper is sitting) and we go along the stone slope deep into the forest, there, near a fallen tree, we find the "Klondike of Artifacts".

Klondike Artifacts

We stomp to Sakharov on Kordon. We give him a disk. From it we go to the Wolf's Lair to the Tango group.

"Search for the Airborne Forces and the common fund of the Tango group"
In the Wolf's Lair we speak with the Fairy, the group will arrive from 8 to 9 in the morning. After 8 in the morning we talk with the Fairy, the Tango group appears. We speak with Dimak, then with the Airborne Forces, he sends to Oleg, from him we go to Zhora Dalnoboi, the Airborne Forces disappear with a common fund, after the exchange of SMS we speak with Dimon, again we speak with Oleg, there is an exchange of SMS with the Airborne Forces, we repel the attack of the Strela, (sometimes the main Arrow forces spawn near the house where Sidor is located), then living creatures. Again we speak with Oleg, we move forward to beat off the turntable from the Arrow, so as not to look for the location of the helicopter for a long time, we simply run after the group. We take out military stalkers and living creatures, when everyone (7 + Scar) gathers under the turntable, we load on board, we fly to the transition to Eastern Pripyat to look for the airborne forces.
We disembark with a group in Vost. Pripyat. We receive a message that a signal has been received from the PDA. We run with a group along V. Pripyat and look for the Airborne Forces. Finally we reach the thorn, wait for the whole group to gather and raise the PDA, destroy the spawned monsters, and run back to the helicopter. We wait until the whole group dives, get into the helicopter and fly to the transition to Jupiter (there is a transition mark in the PDA).

On Jupiter, as we move towards the complex, members of the group begin to disappear (fall into a trap), we go towards the treatment facilities, we shoot monsters and bandits along the way, the military helps, we stop in front of the complex, SMS is exchanged, Dimak is going to reconnaissance. Dimak also disappears.

Dryka appears, he shoots down the helicopter and helps to kill the enemy.
We go through the gate and in the building on the 2nd floor we find the Airborne Forces, he says where the missing members of the group are.

After a dialogue with the Airborne Forces, you need to find a case in it for a teleport deactivator in 5 minutes, the case spawns in the yard in several places (bushes, containers).

The Airborne Forces appear in the yard, we bring it down. The timer is reset, the teleport from the trap is removed, but an armored personnel carrier appears. We are waiting for everyone to gather around the fire.
We speak with Drika, Gastello arrives, we all load into the turntable, we fly to the Wolf's Lair, the transition in the western part of Jupiter.
The helicopter falls apart from overload and everyone falls into the swamp, we talk with Gastello and help him reach Oleg. We wait until everyone gathers around the fire and give the case to Oleg, we get half a lemon and a tip on 2 caches of the Airborne Forces, we look for caches (one in a pile of stones where the Airborne Forces stood, the second on a dry tree next to the fire) and again we talk with Oleg.

1 airborne stash

2 airborne stash

It is necessary to find Raphael in the Army warehouses, the Bar-Army warehouses transition opens.
Rafael is located on the first farm on the right (in the pure Stalker TC there was a Skull squad). We speak with Rafael, he goes to Feng to negotiate on the expense of lubricant for the machine gun and gets hit in the head. We go to talk with Feng, then again with Rafael, we go with him for dynamite.
The explosive itself explodes (probably because Rafael dries the box in a fire) and destroys the wall, 2 Svobodovets come up and treat Rafael, follow him to headquarters, talk to Lukash. Lukash gives a task for Rafael "Destroy the watermen in the tunnel", you can only help Rafael from afar. Then with Rafael, he asks for one of the three barrels (Screw flamethrower, Remington or AK-104), if we don’t have any of this with us, we go to Fene, she asks to bring another barrel from the village (AK203, aka AR-F), he lies in a water tower (by the way, he does not always spawn).

In the village we pick up the barrel, if we want to fight with bloodsuckers and other evil spirits, we return to Fene, we get AK-104 in return.

You can also get the Screw Flamethrower for help on the Barrier from Cap in repelling the attacks of the Monoliths and the Masters.

We give one of the trunks to Rafael, take a position on the bridge and shoot the Watermen from afar until they kill Rafael, again we talk with Lukash about the Miser.

IMPORTANT! The mermen sleep at night.

Lukash gives money, a new transition Army warehouses - Wolf's Lair and asks to bring medicine for the Miser. The miser is zombified and is in a house on stilts in a swamp behind the Freedom base. Before going to Skryaga, you need to take medicine from Sakharov on Cordon.
On Cordon we speak with Sakharov, we take an antidote from him and go to the Army warehouses to treat the Skryaga (Sakhar advises treating him in the late evening or at night). We inject the antidote to the Skryaga, we go to talk with Lukash, he gives the recipe and throws money. At the base we speak with the Miser, he thanks for the treatment and gives the recipe, we go to the Wolf's Lair.
We speak with Oleg, then to Voronin, he asks to protect him in the Bar and check the arena. The Airborne Forces appear in the Bar in armor and take a paratrooper, but so far it is silent.
We check the arena, fall into Arnie's trap and fight in the Arena with the masters, quickly sort it out there and to Voronin, in the Bar we bring down Arnie, we talk with the general, we get money and if there is 2 million, then we give it to our daughter for treatment, we go to take out the escaped monsters near bar.

Then we speak with the Airborne Forces, he gives the transitions Dump-Wolf's Lair and vice versa.
We go to the Wolf's Lair to Oleg, we are talking about the Airborne Forces. If the conversation takes place at night, then the Airborne Forces will be in a cave near Sidor. If during the day, he will pull himself up to the fire. Then we speak with the Airborne Forces.

"Search for the transition and a trap in the dressing room"
We go to Sidorovich for the coordinates of the transition to the Dressing Room, he asks for the transition to the Dressing Room to fill up the controllers in the eastern part of the Lair, behind the trailer in the swamp area.
We go to the swamp, bring down 2 controllers, we get a message that Scar is zombified "ATAS! Zombie scar!" We do not forget that for everyone (except for environmental scientists) the zombified Scar is an enemy, so we do not climb to anyone with hugs, but quietly, along the edge, we make our way to the Cordon. In the village of beginners, it is best to disperse the NPCs with smoke grenades. We speak with Sakharov and get an injection of medicine. Now it's time to go to Sidorovich in the Wolf's Lair, to report for the controllers.

After that, Sidorovich will ask us to overtake Niva. We go to the Kishka to the indicated mark, find the bandit sleeping at the Niva, demand the key and drive the car along the route indicated by Sidorovich. You need to park the Niva in the center of the marked white area near the tree. In case the task does not work, you need to ride in circles until it is counted. After that, Sidorovich gives us several unique things to choose from, as well as a transition to the dressing room.

Location of the car, place of arrival

All information on how to find the transition is in the dialog. But let's take a closer look:

1. We pass from Bar along the transition, opened by Tango (short way), to Kordon.

2. We appear on Cordon behind a barbed wire fence and, without jumping over the fence, go along the right side (the side where the crossings to Agroprom and Boloto are already open) to the checkpoint.

3. We stand with our backs to the gate in the fence and go to the left to look for two adjacent Christmas trees.

4. When approaching the desired trees, a message will come and a transition will open

Place of transition

At the location of the Waiting Room, we are careful at the entrance there is an armored personnel carrier, we bring down the comrades from the Strela and blow up the armored personnel carrier (hand and underbarrel grenades to help). A helicopter flies in and fires at us a little. We bring down the turntable and search the corpses. In one of the corpses at the gate we find a remote control (it looks like the Veles detector from the CHN and ZP).

A helicopter arrives, we do not shoot at it, but sit down and take off.

We fly around the location, we need to land over the stones in front of the entrance to the cave (this is next to the village, there is a ravine and there are a lot of stones in it).

Location of the Cave

At the entrance to the cave we fall into a trap. GG finds himself in a cave, in a cell with the Swamp Doctor and the Mole.
We speak with the Mole, then with the Doctor, the Doctor says that there is a knife to open the chamber and there is a weapon in the box above the level. We take the Butcher's knife from him and open the door (when picking, you need to stand close to the door), the door opens and sounds explosion. We quickly run to the box (or creep secretly) and pick up all our things and machine guns for the Mole and the Doctor, destroy the guards.

You can go like this: after talking with the Doctor and getting a knife, we save, open the door, quickly cut the guard next to the camera, search him (we need a hand grenade), if there is a grenade, then use it to destroy the rest of the guards. We run to the box, arm ourselves and go to search the corpses. If there is no grenade, then load from the save.

We pick up the PDA from one of the guards, the transition from the Dressing Room to Cordon opens.
We issue weapons to the Doctor and run after him to the transition to Cordon (we go along the path outside the village).
When approaching the transition, the Doctor disappears first, then the Mole, we pass to Cordon. (If the Mole is filled up in the cave, you can not replay, he is not needed here).

Along the way, we destroy small living creatures (you can clean them up earlier), go to the village. There we speak with the Doctor (we ALWAYS agree to bring the corpse of the Ghost), we go to the Landfill for an exoskeleton with increased tolerance (next to the passage under a fallen tree), then to the Army warehouses to look for Fang's grave and the place from where he was shot (everything is nearby in the village, there there is still an IED, but you can’t pick it up). We are at war with mutants. We receive a message from the Doctor, until we twitch, we go to the X-16 for the corpse of the Ghost (80.5kg).

Exoskeleton in the Junkyard

Fang's grave

The place where Klyk was shot from

With the corpse we come to the Cordon and speak with the Doctor (for dialogue it is necessary to have the corpse of the Ghost in the inventory), we throw off the corpse, we get the task to destroy Lebedev in the Swamps, pick up the documents and find the cache in the Swamps, move forward.

"The final"
After moving to the Swamps, we receive a message from Gastello, we sit down to him in a turntable, we fly to the church, the helicopter clings to the dome of the church and it will have to be destroyed above it (we shoot our helicopter from a machine gun or a shotgun). We leave Gastello in the church and go to look for a cache in the center of the Swamp (island, there are 2 dry trees, a backpack in the bushes).

Stash spawn location

We take a cache, there are weapons, cartridges and a note about a cache in Pripyat (in one of the grocery stores, it will be possible to get there only in the 2nd part). We're going to bring down Lebedev. When approaching the teleport, Witches can jump out. We take out the guards at the base, talk with Lebedev, find out about the leader of the Hosts and get a photo, he shoots himself. A message arrives from Gastello that he is going to the dressing room. We take documents for the Doctor in the next room on the table.
Let's go to Cordon. We speak with the Doctor, we give the documents, he will send to Voronin. And he talks about the paratrooper, the task appears to communicate with the Airborne Forces. Then we speak with Sakharov, we give him a photo of a woman. We learn that this is his wife and she runs the Hosts. SMS comes from the Airborne Forces "Do not try to dump." But we are not waiting for the Airborne Forces at Cordon, but we are going to the Wolf's Lair.
In the Wolf's Lair we talk with the Airborne Forces, find out how the absolutes got to him. A message appears about the possibility of freeplay. We read the message, transitions open.


From the Wolf's Lair through the stones we get to Zaton, there is a note with a hint: (accident and power unit) and cylinders with cartridges. We stomp to the transition to X-8. From there throws Noah Noah onto the barge, it's fun there. We select a note with coordinates on the mattress, you need to look for a teleport using a positioner. We find a teleport, go to X-8.

At the entrance we select cartridges and cylinders for the flamethrower. We shoot the monsters, the code from the door: 1986. We go in, we finish off the remains of the monsters. Below, under the large tanks, there is a transition to Jupiter (a corridor under the bars).

We collect ammunition, take a note with a hint. There are coordinates for the positioner. The scar is zombified again. It is necessary to find a document describing how you can recover and go to the V. Pripyat Underground. After finding the second clue, Scar is no longer zombified. A passage to the Underground opens and Witches and monsters spawn, fight back, through the railway. tunnel into the underground. We clean the living creatures, the doors from the shotgun open. We pass to V.Pripyat, we find ourselves on the Gastello turntable. We are looking for the roof of the building where we can land. We are looking for a document in this building where we landed (hospital), there are the coordinates of the transition to the Bar.
The passage in the basement of the department store, where the calibration tools are located in the Call of Pripyat, on the lowest level. The doors open with shotgun blasts. You can also get there through a sewer hatch near the 5th floor, which is next to the grocery store. We pass to the Bar, we speak with Voronin, he sends to the Skryaga on Freedom. He says that he knows the transition to Pripyat. We are watching a video with Voronin, this is the end of the first part.

Answers: 9

Question for connoisseurs: Stalker return of the scar. I can’t find the stuffed head of Sidorovich, please help)

Best regards, Aidar Saifullin

Best Answers

This unique quest was inherited from the AMK mod, in which it was necessary to find a night star for Sidorovich. The uniqueness of the quest is that wherever you spawn this night star, in the dialogue on the quest in the last phrase of Sidorovich, it will give out an approximate area where to look for it - on Cordon. In Scar it's a stuffed head, in NLC6 it's a container. If the beginning of the game was in a different location, then perhaps this quest would be removed. For example: South of the military checkpoint. It is enough to look at the map, remember the sides of the horizon and look in that direction, and do not forget to look into the bushes, under the trees ... (Carefully read the dialogues)

Artyom Turchenkov:

I'm looking for it myself so I can't answer! (

Video response

This video will help you understand

Expert answers

Alexander Kvasov:

Head of Sidorovich.Spawn locations:

Dancing On The Graves:

It's probably some kind of local bug. .
Here's your guide. Use it, start NI.
1. “The appearance of the Scar. Cordon"
The scar wakes up after a two-year coma in the basement on Cordon, you can run around the village of beginners in search of a freebie, but its mod developers left very little, so we go to talk with ecologist Igor. He will give the task to find the transmitter in the Landfill and give out the Symbion artifact (we do not sell it - then we will have to return it), and also send it to Dimon and Sidorovich.

2. "Search for the Head of Sidorovich"
Sidorovich will give a knife and ask you to bring him a stuffed animal of his head, Sidorovich's head can spawn in 4 places:
1) To the North-East of the ATP - open the map and remember the sides of the horizon. At the rate of a lone Christmas tree stands.
2) South - West of the ATP - South cannot be passed, because the thorn, emphasis on the thorn, and to the South-West side, we are searching the area. Nearby is a bush and a stone, almost opposite the DN.
3) Near an abandoned factory - Factory is a word that stretches from the original. Near the tunnel with electrics, you can look under the Christmas tree, bushes. The head is not a needle.
4) South of the Military checkpoint - The area near the gate. Bush.
If you save and replay before this task, the place will change. Therefore, we carefully read the dialogue with Sidorovich, at the end of the dialogue he gives an approximate spawn location.

3. After finding the Head of Sidorovich, we bring it to the owner, Sidor will give a TOZ gun and cartridges.
Having inserted the gun into the slot, we will see that initially the new gun becomes killed by 30 percent. We are not afraid and do not think that this is some kind of glitch. In fashion, the state of armor and weapons depends on the rank of the GG. If the GG is a “newbie”, then armor and weapons are always killed somewhere by 30%. As the rank increases, wear decreases, and the percentage to which weapons can be repaired also increases.

After they brought Sidorovich's head, we go to the military checkpoint, bandits and mercenaries spawn there. We clean them up in company with the military (if we don’t clean them up, they can kill newcomers in the village, for example, Vasilina). From corpses you can get hold of AK-74 and LR-300 with optics.

4. "Search for the transmitter"
We go to Dimon with a gun and then we accompany him to the transition to the Landfill, bloodsuckers appear near the transition to the landfill and there may be a pseudo-giant to the heap. We bring them down and wait near the gate for Dimon to open the passage to the Garbage.
We go to the Landfill, we reach a heap near the hangar, the antenna is there (30kg.) You can fight a little in the Landfill and tinker with weapons. Raven and Culinary are not needed in the story, but Artem Culinar is the only merchant (on the locations of Cordon, Dump, Bar, TD, Agroprom) who buys ALL parts of monsters, and ammunition can be bought inexpensively from Raven.
We stomp back to Cordon, hand over the antenna to Vasilina. In order for Vasilina to take the transmitter, it is necessary to have an artifact "Symbion" in a backpack or on a belt.
We speak with Igor and get the following task from him:


Get disinfected

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